diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73d3c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +Copyright (c)2023 alias blujai831 + +Any definitions which precede the row of 78 hyphens apply only +within any paragraphs preceding the row of 78 hyphens, +not within any paragraphs subsequent to the row of 78 hyphens, +and no definition subsequent to the row of 78 hyphens applies +within any paragraphs preceding the row of 78 hyphens. + +The prior paragraph is NOT to be understood to imply that if any definition +preceding the row of 78 hyphens is identical in meaning to any definition +subsequent to the row of 78 hyphens then either is rendered invalid. +In such a case, the definition preceding the row of 78 hyphens continues +to apply within any paragraphs preceding the row of 78 hyphens, +and the definition subsequent to the row of 78 hyphens continues to apply +within any paragraphs subsequent to the row of 78 hyphens, even though +the two definitions are identical in meaning. + +This Document is defined as all text between and including the instance +of "Copyright (c)2023 alias blujai831 " +that occurs above the one in this paragraph and the instance +of "this License is not intended to restrict the license of any rights +under applicable law" that occurs below the row of 78 hyphens +(and thus also below any of the ones in this paragraph). (The omission +of the period / full stop (.) in the quotation "this License is not intended +to restrict the license of any rights under applicable law" +is strictly an issue of correct grammar, and should not be taken to mean +the period / full stop at the end of This Document as thereby defined +is not also part of This Document, which in fact it is.) + +I, the Licensor (defined as alias blujai831 ), +hereby offer the Work (defined as the combined data content, +excluding This Document itself, of all files organized as descendants, +immediate or otherwise, of the immediate parent directory of any file +whose data is an ASCII encoding of This Document verbatim) subject +to This License (defined as the portion of This Document which is below, +and not above, the row of 78 hyphens). + +This License is a verbatim reproduction of Thufie's CNPLv7, +meaning her Cooperative Nonviolent Public License version 7, +but I, the Licensor, hereby declare that the Work is available +under the CNPLv7+, meaning version 7 or any later revision. + +I, the Licensor, hereby disclaim the text of This License itself +as property of Thufie, not myself. To avoid confusion with This License itself, +I will not reproduce herein the Other License under which the text +of This License itself is offered, but that Other License can be found +at the following internet address: + https://git.pixie.town/thufie/npl-builder/src/branch/main/LICENSE + +All paragraphs in This Document up to and including this paragraph, +but excluding any subsequent paragraphs, are not part of This License +and should not be mistaken as such, and should be understood to serve only +to inform the intended context in which to interpret This License. +I, the Licensor, hereby assert that because all paragraphs in This Document +up to and including this paragraph, but excluding any subsequent paragraphs, +are not part of This License, I therefore have not modified This License, +only contextualized it. As such, I assert that the requirements +which the Other License imposes upon any modified version of This License +do not apply to This Document. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS +COOPERATIVE NON-VIOLENT PUBLIC LICENSE ("LICENSE"). THE WORK IS +PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS. ANY USE OF THE +WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS +PROHIBITED. BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED IN THIS +LICENSE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. TO THE +EXTENT THIS LICENSE MAY BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONTRACT, THE LICENSOR +GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED HERE IN AS CONSIDERATION FOR ACCEPTING +THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AND FOR AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY +THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE. + +Definitions + +An Act of War is any action of one country against any group either with +an intention to provoke a conflict or an action that occurs during a +declared war or during armed conflict between military forces of any +origin. This includes but is not limited to enforcing sanctions or +sieges, supplying armed forces, or profiting from the manufacture of +tools or weaponry used in military conflict. + +An Adaptation is a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other +pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, +arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic +work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic +adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, +transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from +the original, except that a work that constitutes a Collection will not +be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. For the +avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical work, performance or +phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a +moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the +purpose of this License. In addition, where the Work is designed to +output a neural network the output of the neural network will be +considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this license. + +Bodily Harm is any physical hurt or injury to a person that interferes +with the health or comfort of the person and that is more than merely +transient or trifling in nature. + +Distribute is to make available to the public the original and copies of +the Work or Adaptation, as appropriate, through sale, gift or any other +transfer of possession or ownership. + +Incarceration is Confinement in a jail, prison, or any other place where +individuals of any kind are held against either their will or (if their +will cannot be determined) the will of their legal guardian or +guardians. In the case of a conflict between the will of the individual +and the will of their legal guardian or guardians, the will of the +individual will take precedence. + +Licensor is The individual, individuals, entity, or entities that +offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License + +Original Author is in the case of a literary or artistic work, the +individual, individuals, entity or entities who created the Work or if +no individual or entity can be identified, the publisher; and in +addition + +- in the case of a performance the actors, singers, musicians, + dancers, and other persons who act, sing, deliver, declaim, play in, + interpret or otherwise perform literary or artistic works or + expressions of folklore; + +- in the case of a phonogram the producer being the person or legal + entity who first fixes the sounds of a performance or other sounds; + and, + +- in the case of broadcasts, the organization that transmits the + broadcast. + +Work is the literary and/or artistic work offered under the terms of +this License including without limitation any production in the +literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or +form of its expression including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet +and other writing; a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same +nature; a dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or +entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without words; +a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a +process analogous to cinematography; a work of drawing, painting, +architecture, sculpture, engraving or lithography; a photographic work +to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to +photography; a work of applied art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch +or three-dimensional work relative to geography, topography, +architecture or science; a performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a +compilation of data to the extent it is protected as a copyrightable +work; or a work performed by a variety or circus performer to the extent +it is not otherwise considered a literary or artistic work. + +You means an individual or entity exercising rights under this License +who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect +to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to +exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation. + +Publicly Perform means to perform public recitations of the Work and to +communicate to the public those public recitations, by any means or +process, including by wire or wireless means or public digital +performances; to make available to the public Works in such a way that +members of the public may access these Works from a place and at a place +individually chosen by them; to perform the Work to the public by any +means or process and the communication to the public of the performances +of the Work, including by public digital performance; to broadcast and +rebroadcast the Work by any means including signs, sounds or images. + +Reproduce is to make copies of the Work by any means including without +limitation by sound or visual recordings and the right of fixation and +reproducing fixations of the Work, including storage of a protected +performance or phonogram in digital form or other electronic medium. + +Software is any digital Work which, through use of a third-party piece +of Software or through the direct usage of itself on a computer system, +the memory of the computer is modified dynamically or semi-dynamically. +"Software", secondly, processes or interprets information. + +Source Code is the human-readable form of Software through which the +Original Author and/or Distributor originally created, derived, and/or +modified it. + +Surveilling is the use of the Work to either overtly or covertly observe +and record persons and or their activities. + +A Network Service is the use of a piece of Software to interpret or +modify information that is subsequently and directly served to users +over the Internet. + +To Discriminate is use of a work to differentiate between humans in a +such a way which prioritizes some above others on the basis of percieved +membership within certain groups. + +Hate Speech is Communication or any form of expression which is solely +for the purpose of expressing hatred for some group or advocating a form +of Discrimination between humans. + +Coercion is leveraging of the threat of force or use of force to +intimidate a person in order to gain compliance, or to offer large +incentives which aim to entice a person to act against their will. + +Fair Dealing Rights + +Nothing in this License is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any +uses free from copyright or rights arising from limitations or +exceptions that are provided for in connection with the copyright +protection under copyright law or other applicable laws. + +License Grant + +Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby +grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the +duration of the applicable copyright) license to exercise the rights in +the Work as stated below: + +To Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more +Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in the +Collections + +To create and Reproduce Adaptations provided that any such Adaptation, +including any translation in any medium, takes reasonable steps to +clearly label, demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to +the original Work. For example, a translation could be marked "The +original work was translated from English to Spanish," or a modification +could indicate "The original work has been modified." + +To Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in +Collections. + +To Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations. The above rights may be +exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter +devised. The above rights include the right to make such modifications +as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media and +formats. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the +parties with respect to the Work licensed here. There are no +understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the Work +not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional +provisions that may appear in any communication from You. This License +may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor +and You. All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby +reserved, including but not limited to the rights set forth in +Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes, Waivable Compulsory License +Schemes, and Voluntary License Schemes in the restrictions. + +Restrictions + +The license granted in the license grant above is expressly made subject +to and limited by the following restrictions: + +You may Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work only under the terms of +this License. You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource +Identifier (URI) for, this License with every copy of the Work You +Distribute or Publicly Perform. You may not offer or impose any terms on +the Work that restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the +recipient of the Work to exercise the rights granted to that recipient +under the terms of the License. You may not sublicense the Work. You +must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the +disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work You Distribute or +Publicly Perform. When You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You +may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that +restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the +rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. This +Section applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection, but this +does not require the Collection apart from the Work itself to be made +subject to the terms of this License. If You create a Collection, upon +notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove +from the Collection any credit as requested. If You create an +Adaptation, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent +practicable, remove from the Adaptation any credit as requested. + +Commercial Restrictions + +You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in the above +section in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward +commercial advantage or private monetary compensation unless you meet +the following requirements. + +i. You are a worker-owned business or worker-owned collective. + +ii. after tax, all financial gain, surplus, profits and benefits + produced by the business or collective are distributed among the + worker-owners unless a set amount is to be allocated towards + community projects as decided by a previously-established consensus + agreement between the worker-owners where all worker-owners agreed. + +iii. You are not using such rights on behalf of a business other than + those specified in (i) or (ii) above, nor are using such rights as + a proxy on behalf of a business with the intent to circumvent the + aforementioned restrictions on such a business. + +The exchange of the Work for other copyrighted works by means of digital +file-sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or +directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation, +provided there is no payment of any monetary compensation in connection +with the exchange of copyrighted works. + +If the Work meets the definition of Software, You may exercise the +rights granted in the license grant only if You provide a copy of the +corresponding Source Code from which the Work was derived in digital +form, or You provide a URI for the corresponding Source Code of the +Work, to any recipients upon request. + +If the Work is used as or for a Network Service, You may exercise the +rights granted in the license grant only if You provide a copy of the +corresponding Source Code from which the Work was derived in digital +form, or You provide a URI for the corresponding Source Code to the +Work, to any recipients of the data served or modified by the Web +Service. + +Any use by a business that is privately owned and managed, and that +seeks to generate profit from the labor of employees paid by salary or +other wages, is not permitted under this license. + +You may exercise the rights granted in the license grant for any +purposes only if: + +i. You do not use the Work for the purpose of inflicting Bodily Harm on + human beings (subject to criminal prosecution or otherwise) outside + of providing medical aid or undergoing a voluntary procedure under + no form of Coercion. + +ii. You do not use the Work for the purpose of Surveilling or tracking + individuals for financial gain. + +iii. You do not use the Work in an Act of War. + +iv. You do not use the Work for the purpose of supporting or profiting + from an Act of War. + +v. You do not use the Work for the purpose of Incarceration. + +vi. You do not use the Work for the purpose of extracting, processing, + or refining, oil, gas, or coal. Or to in any other way to + deliberately pollute the environment as a byproduct of manufacturing + or irresponsible disposal of hazardous materials. + +vii. You do not use the Work for the purpose of expediting, + coordinating, or facilitating paid work undertaken by individuals + under the age of 12 years. + +viii. You do not use the Work to either Discriminate or spread Hate + Speech on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, + race, age, disability, color, national origin, religion, caste, or + lower economic status. + +If You Distribute, or Publicly Perform the Work or any Adaptations or +Collections, You must, unless a request has been made by any Licensor to +remove credit from a Collection or Adaptation, keep intact all copyright +notices for the Work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means You +are utilizing: + +i. the name of the Original Author (or pseudonym, if applicable) if + supplied, and/or if the Original Author and/or Licensor designate + another party or parties (e.g., a sponsor institute, publishing + entity, journal) for attribution ("Attribution Parties") in + Licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or by other reasonable + means, the name of such party or parties; + +ii. the title of the Work if supplied; + +iii. to the extent reasonably practicable, the URI, if any, that + Licensor to be associated with the Work, unless such URI does not + refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the + Work; and, + +iv. in the case of an Adaptation, a credit identifying the use of the + Work in the Adaptation (e.g., "French translation of the Work by + Original Author," or "Screenplay based on original Work by Original + Author"). + +If any Licensor has sent notice to request removing credit, You must, to +the extent practicable, remove any credit as requested. The credit +required by this Section may be implemented in any reasonable manner; +provided, however, that in the case of an Adaptation or Collection, at a +minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributing +authors of the Adaptation or Collection appears, then as part of these +credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the +other contributing authors. For the avoidance of doubt, You may only use +the credit required by this Section for the purpose of attribution in +the manner set out above and, by exercising Your rights under this +License, You may not implicitly or explicitly assert or imply any +connection with, sponsorship or endorsement by the Original Author, +Licensor and/or Attribution Parties, as appropriate, of You or Your use +of the Work, without the separate, express prior written permission of +the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties. + +Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which +the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory +licensing scheme cannot be waived, the Licensor reserves the exclusive +right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights +granted under this License + +Waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which the +right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory licensing +scheme can be waived, the Licensor reserves the exclusive right to +collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights granted +under this License if Your exercise of such rights is for a purpose or +use which is otherwise than noncommercial as permitted under Commercial +Restrictions and otherwise waives the right to collect royalties through +any statutory or compulsory licensing scheme. + +Voluntary License Schemes. The Licensor reserves the right to collect +royalties, whether individually or, in the event that the Licensor is a +member of a collecting society that administers voluntary licensing +schemes, via that society, from any exercise by You of the rights +granted under this License that is for a purpose or use which is +otherwise than noncommercial as permitted under the license grant. + +Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Licensor or as may be +otherwise permitted by applicable law, if You Reproduce, Distribute or +Publicly Perform the Work either by itself or as part of any Adaptations +or Collections, You must not distort, mutilate, modify or take other +derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to +the Original Author's honor or reputation. Licensor agrees that in those +jurisdictions (e.g. Japan), in which any exercise of the right granted +in the license grant of this License (the right to make Adaptations) +would be deemed to be a distortion, mutilation, modification or other +derogatory action prejudicial to the Original Author's honor and +reputation, the Licensor will waive or not assert, as appropriate, this +Section, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable national law, +to enable You to reasonably exercise Your right under the license grant +of this License (right to make Adaptations) but not otherwise. + +Do not make any legal claim against anyone accusing the Work, with or +without changes, alone or with other works, of infringing any patent +claim. + +Representations Warranties and Disclaimer + +UNLESS OTHERWISE MUTUALLY AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN WRITING, LICENSOR +OFFERS THE WORK AS-IS AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY +KIND CONCERNING THE WORK, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, +INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTIBILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR THE ABSENCE OF +LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, ACCURACY, OR THE PRESENCE OF ABSENCE OF ERRORS, +WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE +EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO SUCH EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. + +Limitation on Liability + +EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL +LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR ANY SPECIAL, +INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF +THIS LICENSE OR THE USE OF THE WORK, EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED +OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + +Termination + +This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate +automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License. +Individuals or entities who have received Adaptations or Collections +from You under this License, however, will not have their licenses +terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full +compliance with those licenses. The Sections on definitions, fair +dealing rights, representations, warranties, and disclaimer, limitation +on liability, termination, and revised license versions will survive any +termination of this License. + +Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is +perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work). +Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release the +Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at +any time; provided, however that any such election will not serve to +withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is +required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this +License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as +stated above. + +Revised License Versions + +This License may receive future revisions in the original spirit of the +license intended to strengthen This License. Each version of This +License has an incrementing version number. + +Unless otherwise specified like in the below subsection The Licensor has +only granted this current version of This License for The Work. In this +case future revisions do not apply. + +The Licensor may specify that the latest available revision of This +License be used for The Work by either explicitly writing so or by +suffixing the License URI with a "+" symbol. + +The Licensor may specify that The Work is also available under the terms +of This License's current revision as well as specific future revisions. +The Licensor may do this by writing it explicitly or suffixing the +License URI with any additional version numbers each separated by a +comma. + +Miscellaneous + +Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work or a Collection, +the Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Work on the same +terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License. + +Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform an Adaptation, Licensor +offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms +and conditions as the license granted to You under this License. + +If the Work is classified as Software, each time You Distribute or +Publicly Perform an Adaptation, Licensor offers to the recipient a copy +and/or URI of the corresponding Source Code on the same terms and +conditions as the license granted to You under this License. + +If the Work is used as a Network Service, each time You Distribute or +Publicly Perform an Adaptation, or serve data derived from the Software, +the Licensor offers to any recipients of the data a copy and/or URI of +the corresponding Source Code on the same terms and conditions as the +license granted to You under this License. + +If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under +applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of +the remainder of the terms of this License, and without further action +by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be reformed to +the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and +enforceable. + +No term or provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no +breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing +and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or consent. + +This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with +respect to the Work licensed here. There are no understandings, +agreements or representations with respect to the Work not specified +here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may +appear in any communication from You. This License may not be modified +without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and You. + +The rights granted under, and the subject matter referenced, in this +License were drafted utilizing the terminology of the Berne Convention +for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (as amended on +September 28, 1979), the Rome Convention of 1961, the WIPO Copyright +Treaty of 1996, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 1996 and +the Universal Copyright Convention (as revised on July 24, 1971). These +rights and subject matter take effect in the relevant jurisdiction in +which the License terms are sought to be enforced according to the +corresponding provisions of the implementation of those treaty +provisions in the applicable national law. If the standard suite of +rights granted under applicable copyright law includes additional rights +not granted under this License, such additional rights are deemed to be +included in the License; this License is not intended to restrict the +license of any rights under applicable law. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8e49cab..0000000 --- a/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# Hi! You're early! - -This is the root commit. There's nothing here yet. - -The main branch is reserved for feature-complete and known-working refs. -If you're reading this on the head of the main branch, it's probably because -the project is in such early development that no feature-complete -and known-working refs exist yet. In this case, to take a look -at development progress, and/or playtest whatever incomplete content -is available thus far, you can checkout the dev branch instead. diff --git a/acknowledgements/anonymous-inspirations.txt b/acknowledgements/anonymous-inspirations.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c172841 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/anonymous-inspirations.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +This game is heavily inspired by a certain well-known +and highly successful video game franchise about going fast. +For legal reasons, I'd like to avoid crediting it explicitly, +but if you know video games, it should be blatantly obvious +which one I'm talking about. + +That franchise was formative for me. When I was very young, maybe four to six, +it was the franchise that got me into game development in the first place, +though of course, at that age, my prowess in the trade was limited +to conceptual prototyping with printer paper and colored markers, +and model-building with construction paper, tape, and pipe cleaners. + +Also, ever since around age seven -- when I first got my hands +on a free trial of a Clickteam game creation tool +and started aimlessly playing with it like a toy -- +I've always thought implementing slope-runner mechanics for myself +would be an interesting intellectual challenge, +and wondered how "that" franchise had managed it. + +I owe my creative voice additionally to several other influences: +three other big game franchises -- one about jumping, one about high fantasy, +and one about taming magical creatures, and, with their enthusiastic consent, +coaching them in a fictional combat sport -- +that have all been with me for almost as long as "that" franchise, +and come from its publishers' archrival company; +as well as countless other influences I've adopted in more recent years, +primarily indie games and sci-fi psychological thriller visual novels. +These all may present more subtly in this work +than the influences of "that" franchise, but maybe you can spot them. + +Hey, what's a humble-brag called +when you're barely even bothering to pretend to be humble? +Not that it's that big a deal; I forgot where I heard it, +but I've once heard a metaphor that somewhat resonated with me +(albeit also touched a nerve), and it went something like this: +Bragging about having been a gifted child +is like bragging that you were in first place in a contest for awhile. +No one cares. Starting in first doesn't count for anything +if you finish in last. So I have nothing to brag about, really: +I've been in last for six years now. + +But hey, if I've got the energy to work on something like this, +things are finally looking up again! diff --git a/acknowledgements/anti.txt b/acknowledgements/anti.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9337f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/anti.txt @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +This is a followup to "Tools and resources." +A few relevant anti-acknowledgements: + +First, when I say I'd like to thank the entire open-source community, +in this I'd like to exclude cryptocurrency peddlers, black-hat hackers, +people who think it's okay to use AI to steal real people's art, and fascists. +In a practical sense, I'm ashamed to admit I probably don't owe anyone +any less thanks just because they fall into any of these categories, +but any gratitude owed I withhold from them, and specifically them, +as a matter of spite. + +Second, if you're an open-source enthusiast +and believe ethical-source software is not open-source software, +sorry, but I disagree. I don't care if you're from the OSI, +or how many stars you have on GitHub. Actually, I do care, +because if you're from the OSI, and/or contributed to any of the projects +I used to develop this game, then let me just say you're awesome +and I'm a big fan of your work. But what I mean is that I don't respect +your imaginary authority to decide for everyone else what does or doesn't count +as open-source just because you've done so much for the cause. +You can't own an idea. Heh, sound familiar? + +Third, and longest: + +If you care about free-as-in-libre software, and object to my use +of the phrase "open-source" because that's not the important part, +or you object to my use of an ethical-source license because it's nonfree, +sorry, but I disagree. Even if you're from GNU or FSF, then, again, +let me just say I think you're great, and I'm a huge fan of your work +and your community's vision, but I have two things to say to you. + +One, you don't even think the license I'm using counts as "free" anyway, +and neither does some of the ethical-source community themselves, +so it's out of respect for both of us that I'm not calling it that. + +Two, that being said, the advantage of standard copyleft over permissive +is that it lets you not only grant user freedoms, but protect them. +The advantage of anti-harm copyleft over standard copyleft, meanwhile, +is the exact same: it provides for the edge cases where standard copyleft +still fails to protect the freedoms it grants. + +Patent trolling isn't the only way a powerful entity can abuse open software +to strip others of the freedom to use the software in kind. +Say you write free-as-in-libre image recognition software, +and it winds up used for precision missile strikes. What about the freedoms +of the bombing victims to use your software? They can't use it if they're dead, +and your software has been used to kill them. Therefore, your software +has been exploited to take away from others the freedom to use your software. +Isn't this just a differently-presented instance of the exact scenario +which the free software movement initially set out to prevent? +Aside from the abject inhumanity involved, how is it any different? + +I'm sure you think cases like this are important. I'm certainly not trying +to say you don't. But maybe you think they fall outside the purview +of licensing, and should be addressed solely with activism. To which I say, +why? Why not both? As long as you've got a severability clause, it's not like +trying can hurt anything. + +Maybe a hammer alone isn't the right tool for a screw, but if you have a hammer +and a screwdriver, why not use the screwdriver, and then make extra-sure +with the hammer? It's stupid, and you might break whatever you're trying +to get the screw into, but, well, good! Evil is an unwanted machine that ought +to be broken. Let's mess the screw up, you and me, and get it bent and stripped +in there. I hope it warps the chassis. I hope it punctures the CPU. +Aren't you angry about the prison that big tech and its proprietary software +have built? Are you still as angry about it as you were in the eighties, +old man? Then stop holding back. Let's tear it apart. Let's attack it +with EVERYTHING we have. Even dumb things, like deliberately jamming screws. +As a funny web animation I liked when I was younger once said, +throw the cheese! diff --git a/acknowledgements/cd.txt b/acknowledgements/cd.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6ec351 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/cd.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +The song "Pair of Three" is dedicated to my two childhood friends, +whose names I omit for their privacy. The personality of Stick +is very loosely influenced by one of them, and the personality of Gibbo +somewhat less loosely by the other. (Lorna's personality is, of course, +influenced by mother, and Blujai's by myself.) + +I was a really weird kid. I was self-deprecating, yet, paradoxically, +every bit as much so an obnoxious self-absorbed know-it-all. +Worse still, I ran around flailing my arms and shouting complete nonsense. +No one liked me, and everyone bullied me. Except, that was, for two other kids. + +"Gibbo" was a sweetheart. He really cared a lot about me and my wellbeing, +as I imagine he did all his friends. He was silly, talkative, hyperactive, +and always wanted to share and overshare about things he was interested in. +I was a bit the same way, but he was moreso by far. I mean nothing bad by it. +Frankly, it was much more endearing when he did it. He was so warm. +Always excited to see you, always giving big hugs. He would tease, +make fun, play pranks, and roughhouse, but he meant no harm by it, +and on the rare occasions he would ever take it too far, +you could see how much it would hurt him to know that. +He was a lot like a golden retriever. He had one, in fact, +and the resemblance was uncanny. + +"Stick" was very nice as well, not so sugary-sweet, but a very good listener. +He was also quite talented and creative. As good a friend as he was, +there's no doubt his mind was a dark place. His main interest consisted +in excessively bloody and gory computer games and web animations. +He was quite the comedian. We shared a lot of goofiness and silliness, +though I could not share in his fixation on high-octane violence +when he would dip into it. Though our conversations would take dark turns, +I cherished them all the same. He liked to do dangerous things +and get into trouble, and I served in part to temper these tendencies. +Also, I had a crush on him. I very much doubt he reciprocated. +I imagine when our conversations turned to romance (or what passed for it +at that age), he thought we were just platonically sharing a mutual interest +in girls, and never even suspected what he was really doing to me. + +In a sense, while "Gibbo" and I spent our days reveling in the early childhood +we were slowly leaving behind, "Stick" and I spent our days +exploring the late adolescence which all too quickly approached. + +We have all long since gone our separate ways. +The song's lyrics are written from the perspective of my past self. diff --git a/acknowledgements/ltf.txt b/acknowledgements/ltf.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4f1cd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/ltf.txt @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +I am proud to be part of a particular small web community. + +For their privacy, I will not say which, nor how to find it, +but I do want to take this space to say +it is the sweetest, most supportive online space I have ever encountered, +anywhere, in any period of this digital era, +for as long as I have been alive to partake in it. + +The community in question is cherubic in character +in a manner most remarkable for the internet: +profoundly caring, almost completely free of hate or toxicity, +and sincere in every encouragement and reassurance it provides. +Without the stalwart companionship of its members, +I cannot even begin to imagine where I would be. Probably dead. +Certainly not spearheading a one-person game development studio +in the thick of developing a 3D slope-runner platformer +with all-original assets. + +While my relationship with any one such member is not all that strong, +I consider their collective a closer friend +than almost anyone I have ever known in real life, +after none but my late mother, my uncle, +and the taekwondo master who instructed me +through my childhood and teenage years. + +I owe every single member, each by virtue of their membership, +immense gratitude, from the bottom of my heart. diff --git a/acknowledgements/mom.txt b/acknowledgements/mom.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4f5913 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/mom.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +I dedicate this work to my mother, Lorna J. Singer, 1960-2018. + +Owing to family troubles, she raised me all on her own. +She was my one true friend and taught me everything I know about life. +I was not always easy to take care of, +but she was always there for me, no matter what. + +To me, her memory is kept alive in her namesake purple plush rabbit, +which I bought as a gift for her, and reclaimed when she passed. + +At that time, I was already going through other troubles, +and because of that, she died believing she had failed me as a parent. +If there is an afterlife, I can only hope she looks proudly down upon me now, +and sees how wrong she was. +I wonder if perhaps the rabbit sees. + +Her ashes were spread over the ocean. She is one with it now. diff --git a/acknowledgements/tools.txt b/acknowledgements/tools.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9356413 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/tools.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +This game is open-source software built entirely on open-source software. +It's licensed under the CNPLv7+ (see About -> License for more information) +and powered by the game engine Godot, with assets made +in Blender, LMMS, Tenacity, GIMP, Inkscape, and FontForge. + +As such, I owe a huge thanks to the parties responsible +for all of these resources. Both above and below they are listed +in descending order of precisely how much thanks I think each is owed, +though it should be noted this amount does not at any point go below +what might be characterized as quite a lot. + +Links: + https://thufie.lain.haus + https://godotengine.org + https://lmms.io + https://tenacityaudio.org (and, by extension: https://www.audacityteam.org) + https://www.gimp.org + https://inkscape.org + https://fontforge.org + +Finally, because such is the nature of open-source software +that everyone in its sphere inherently helps everyone else just by partaking -- +whether through contributions, issue reports, or just raising awareness -- +I'd like to thank the entire open-source software global community. diff --git a/acknowledgements/uncle.txt b/acknowledgements/uncle.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8e66f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/uncle.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Though it pains me to admit this, I am not self-sufficient at this time. +I function as an adult in every respect except the most essential: +I am unemployed and do not pay for my own housing. + +My uncle houses me. He took me in when my mother passed. +I help with shopping and with my bedbound grandfather, +albeit less than my share. + +In this time, we have bonded. His own mother -- my grandmother -- +had been in decline for some time before my mother passed, +and finally passed soon after her, and so -- mostly without mention -- +my uncle and I have since shared our grief. + +We keep each other company. Seeing him every day keeps me sane, +and I would like to imagine I do the same for him to some extent -- +though, being that I am a quiet and reserved person, +and have been somewhat irritable these past years, +I do wish that extent could be greater. +I know there have been rare occasions my aloof attitude has hurt him. +I hope the good of having me here has outweighed the bad. diff --git a/acknowledgements/you.txt b/acknowledgements/you.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea3484 --- /dev/null +++ b/acknowledgements/you.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +I know it's cheesy, but... + +Okay, I admit, you, the player, didn't ACTUALLY help make this game possible. +Claiming you did would be anachronistic, wouldn't it? +I mean, if you playing this game helped me make it, +wouldn't that be some kind of time loop? That's silly. +There's no way something like that is true. Unless... + +In all seriousness, +though it may not be thanks to you I was able to make this game, +it makes me feel super warm and fuzzy that you took an interest in it. +If I end up hearing any positive buzz about it, I'll be absolutely giddy. +I'm not holding my breath, but if you're reading this, +I just want you to know I really value your enjoyment of this game, like a lot. + +Criticism will sting if I receive it, but it's important, too. +If you love this game, say it. If you hate it, say it. I can take it. +And in either case, please make sure to say WHY! +Knowing how my work affects consumers helps me improve, +but what helps me far, far more +is knowing WHAT specifically affects them in that way. diff --git a/addons/noidexe_gltf_extras_importer/plugin.cfg b/addons/noidexe_gltf_extras_importer/plugin.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12467fa --- /dev/null +++ b/addons/noidexe_gltf_extras_importer/plugin.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[plugin] + +name="GLTF Extras Importer" +description="Imports extras as metadata when importing a glTF scene. General concept learned, with gratitude, from user Noidexe on GitHub ." +author="blujai831" +version="" +script="plugin.gd" diff --git a/addons/noidexe_gltf_extras_importer/plugin.gd b/addons/noidexe_gltf_extras_importer/plugin.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f33cb14 --- /dev/null +++ b/addons/noidexe_gltf_extras_importer/plugin.gd @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +@tool class_name GLTFExtrasImporterPlugin extends EditorPlugin + +var importer + +func _enter_tree() -> void: + importer = ExtrasImporter.new() + GLTFDocument.register_gltf_document_extension(importer) + +func _exit_tree() -> void: + GLTFDocument.unregister_gltf_document_extension(importer) + +class ExtrasImporter extends GLTFDocumentExtension: + func _import_post(state: GLTFState, root: Node) -> Error: + print("GLTFExtrasImporterPlugin called") + var materials_json := state.json.get(&'materials', []) as Array + var meshes_json := state.json.get(&'meshes', []) as Array + var nodes_json := state.json.get(&'nodes', []) as Array + var materials := state.get_materials() + var meshes := state.get_meshes() + var gltf_nodes := state.get_nodes() + var extras := {} + for i in state.get_nodes().size(): + var gltf_node := gltf_nodes[i] + var node := state.get_scene_node(i) + var node_extras := { + &'node': nodes_json[i].get(&'extras', {}), + &'mesh': {}, + &'surfaces': [] + } + if node is MeshInstance3D or node is ImporterMeshInstance3D: + var j := gltf_node.mesh + if j >= 0: + node_extras[&'mesh'] = meshes_json[j].get(&'extras', {}) + for k in node.mesh.get_surface_count(): + var m := materials.find( + node.mesh.get_surface_material(k) + ) + node_extras[&'surfaces'].push_back( + materials_json[m].get(&'extras', {}) if m >= 0 + else {} + ) + extras[root.get_path_to(node)] = node_extras + root.set_meta(&'extras', extras) + print("Meta: %s" % extras) + return OK diff --git a/audio/bounce.ogg b/audio/bounce.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c9542e --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/bounce.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:23474a9144c4d2d27f1d6362a6311e195b14e5739a025e21afb020e6916db5fe +size 6177 diff --git a/audio/bounce.ogg.import b/audio/bounce.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c74abbb --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/bounce.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://dvhl4ogvg7i3l" +path="res://.godot/imported/bounce.ogg-940bd5e995894096e5cc0ce21a4b942d.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/bounce.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/bounce.ogg-940bd5e995894096e5cc0ce21a4b942d.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/bumper.ogg b/audio/bumper.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cbe664 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/bumper.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:d57e10c298a1dac6a8b43812351a5a5a2dd6bdeb43ac63b6aa26eda62b0242be +size 9882 diff --git a/audio/bumper.ogg.import b/audio/bumper.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abda85f --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/bumper.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://od7dmik4yhjo" +path="res://.godot/imported/bumper.ogg-74960beefee058b54465ade6cd78b323.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/bumper.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/bumper.ogg-74960beefee058b54465ade6cd78b323.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg b/audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78e1dc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:eaa9a3494967b8de83977fbe6406aa6abd894250a04f624d56e56842abf6e00b +size 1405220 diff --git a/audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg.import b/audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57dfda1 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://b0r8wimq8gsqf" +path="res://.godot/imported/calm_before_the_storm.ogg-f5c6b43f061cf902985fc5007c00aefb.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/calm_before_the_storm.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/calm_before_the_storm.ogg-f5c6b43f061cf902985fc5007c00aefb.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=true +loop_offset=7.385 +bpm=0.0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/caw.ogg b/audio/caw.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eb39ff --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/caw.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:b73ef598b6a0bb0c4aa192ab8e8693dadb7b1be01731595f1511c8023d2f7d2d +size 9605 diff --git a/audio/caw.ogg.import b/audio/caw.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6747c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/caw.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://cr00hhsiahqo1" +path="res://.godot/imported/caw.ogg-e26a18751c108024e980d5711592b430.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/caw.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/caw.ogg-e26a18751c108024e980d5711592b430.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/chill.ogg b/audio/chill.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..772ce90 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/chill.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:138e07c08338bf2a4f7cda14497115696651075f29cd45bb0e18d8cb9aae64e5 +size 975631 diff --git a/audio/chill.ogg.import b/audio/chill.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8756ae8 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/chill.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://qnj2ifog5akm" +path="res://.godot/imported/chill.ogg-1742e7fcfe4b0d529c8fc2f7642168be.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/chill.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/chill.ogg-1742e7fcfe4b0d529c8fc2f7642168be.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=true +loop_offset=2.0 +bpm=0.0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/choice.ogg b/audio/choice.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98cff83 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/choice.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:ff4dd95d5df76ebcc47c7f822b60b635f7f5c1ef63e2371a6fbc5215ac8114b1 +size 5287 diff --git a/audio/choice.ogg.import b/audio/choice.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d875621 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/choice.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://beo8g0n6y3mdh" +path="res://.godot/imported/choice.ogg-393a6571af168d1181cb6059174b272d.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/choice.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/choice.ogg-393a6571af168d1181cb6059174b272d.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] 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a/audio/void.ogg b/audio/void.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d50baa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/void.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:d317c9b1a62aaa79793ccb10eb544854b424cd569d768fde8d45ba76f0573e7e +size 2286191 diff --git a/audio/void.ogg.import b/audio/void.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e13aaa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/void.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://cvxdc07fnibwf" +path="res://.godot/imported/void.ogg-88acf7d78130996717ddadf6b7f256bd.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/void.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/void.ogg-88acf7d78130996717ddadf6b7f256bd.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=true +loop_offset=66.0 +bpm=0.0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/wah.ogg b/audio/wah.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27a6c11 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/wah.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:51fa7e71cbd17c91edb50a6ca5f598f38191b8b4579e355bab44a2b9c3b0887f +size 4988 diff --git a/audio/wah.ogg.import b/audio/wah.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74a37f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/wah.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://dmq5cjm5uaun3" +path="res://.godot/imported/wah.ogg-d68ee2923f13641fb3f8da00706951f7.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/wah.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/wah.ogg-d68ee2923f13641fb3f8da00706951f7.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/whoosh.ogg b/audio/whoosh.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..defd7d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/whoosh.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:568ef7c384fe284d268fd2d7e380abdc52a97271f93ba9417cd47ef71b0ae519 +size 11520 diff --git a/audio/whoosh.ogg.import b/audio/whoosh.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de3fe78 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/whoosh.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://c2u70i815isf8" +path="res://.godot/imported/whoosh.ogg-dedbd4246dfba38819efb478482a6cd7.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/whoosh.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/whoosh.ogg-dedbd4246dfba38819efb478482a6cd7.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/audio/whoosh2.ogg b/audio/whoosh2.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f7fb4b --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/whoosh2.ogg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:cd38982bba562f9c80baf501de8b270ba448aefefc09f6d47b59af3fb830b284 +size 13002 diff --git a/audio/whoosh2.ogg.import b/audio/whoosh2.ogg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d37684 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/whoosh2.ogg.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="oggvorbisstr" +type="AudioStreamOggVorbis" +uid="uid://co7ekvww04gga" +path="res://.godot/imported/whoosh2.ogg-bf90539311a5212ebe52ac8a0876c1bc.oggvorbisstr" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://audio/whoosh2.ogg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/whoosh2.ogg-bf90539311a5212ebe52ac8a0876c1bc.oggvorbisstr"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.gd b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d938493 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.gd @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +extends Node3D + +signal selected(target: Node3D) +signal deselected(target: Node3D) +signal clicked(target: Node3D) + +const RUNNER2CAMERA_LERP: float = 0.125 + +@export var spin_speed: float = 1.0 +@export var hover_amplitude: float = 1.0 +@export var hover_frequency: float = 0.5 +@export var scale_timeout: float = 0.5 +@export var click_scale_timeout: float = 0.25 +@export var click_spin_boost: float = 4.0 +@export var select_sound: AudioStream +@export var deselect_sound: AudioStream +@export var click_sound: AudioStream + +@onready var _audio_player := $AudioStreamPlayer as AudioStreamPlayer +@onready var _material := ( + ($Cube as MeshInstance3D).get_surface_override_material(0) +) as ShaderMaterial +@onready var _test_camera := $SceneTestCamera as SceneTestCamera +@onready var _lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() + +var _target: Node3D = null +var _target_offset := Vector3.ZERO +var _hover_phase: float = 0.0 +var _camera_distance_on_interact: float = FX.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE +var _saved_camera_distance: float = FX.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE + +var target: Node3D: + get: return _target + set(whom): await select(whom) + +func _ready() -> void: + if not _test_camera.test_mode: + hide() + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + if visible: + if _target: + global_position = _target.global_position + _target_offset + global_position += delta*Vector3.UP*hover_amplitude*sin(_hover_phase) + _hover_phase = fposmod( + _hover_phase + delta*TAU*hover_frequency, + TAU + ) + rotate(Vector3.UP, spin_speed*delta) + +func select( + whom: Node3D, + color: Color = Color.WHITE, + offset: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO, + camera_distance_on_interact: float = FX.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE +) -> void: + if whom == _target: + pass + elif not whom: + await deselect() + else: + await Wait.until(PlayerControl.enabled) + if _target: + await deselect() + await _lock.acquire() + await _do_select_anim( + whom, color, offset, camera_distance_on_interact + ) + _target = whom + selected.emit(_target) + _lock.relinquish() + +func deselect(whom: Node3D = null) -> void: + await _lock.acquire() + if _target: + if not whom: + whom = _target + if _target == whom: + _target = null + await _do_deselect_anim() + deselected.emit(whom) + _lock.relinquish() + +func targeting(whom: Node3D = self) -> bool: + if not whom: + return not _target + elif whom == self: + return not not _target + else: + return _target == whom + +func click() -> void: + await _lock.acquire() + if _target: + PlayerControl.borrow() + await _do_click_anim_first_part() + PlayerControl.restore() + FX.set_camera_target_override(self) + _saved_camera_distance = FX.get_camera_distance() + FX.set_camera_distance(_camera_distance_on_interact) + clicked.emit(_target) + await Wait.tick() + await Wait.until(PlayerControl.enabled) + FX.clear_camera_target_override() + FX.set_camera_distance(_saved_camera_distance) + await _do_click_anim_second_part() + _lock.relinquish() + +func _do_select_anim( + new_target: Node3D, + color: Color, + offset: Vector3, + camera_distance_on_interact: float +) -> void: + _target_offset = offset + _camera_distance_on_interact = camera_distance_on_interact + color = Color(color, 0.75) + _material.set_shader_parameter(&'color', color) + _material.set_shader_parameter(&'glow', color/2.0) + _audio_player.stream = select_sound + _audio_player.play() + show() + scale = Vector3.ZERO + var timeout: float = scale_timeout + var new_position := new_target.global_position + _target_offset + var old_position := new_position + var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() + if runner: + old_position = runner.global_position.lerp( + PlayerControl.get_camera().global_position, + RUNNER2CAMERA_LERP + ) + while timeout > 0.0: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + scale += Vector3.ONE*delta/scale_timeout + global_position = old_position.lerp( + new_position, + 1.0 - timeout/scale_timeout + ) + timeout -= delta + scale = Vector3.ONE + +func _do_deselect_anim() -> void: + _audio_player.stream = deselect_sound + _audio_player.play() + scale = Vector3.ONE + var timeout: float = scale_timeout/2.0 + var old_position := global_position + var new_position := old_position + var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() + while timeout > 0.0: + if runner: + new_position = runner.global_position.lerp( + PlayerControl.get_camera().global_position, + RUNNER2CAMERA_LERP + ) + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + scale -= Vector3.ONE*4.0*delta/scale_timeout + global_position = old_position.lerp( + new_position, + 1.0 - timeout/scale_timeout + ) + timeout -= delta + scale = Vector3.ZERO + hide() + +func _do_click_anim_first_part() -> void: + _audio_player.stream = click_sound + _audio_player.play() + scale = Vector3.ONE + var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() + if runner: + runner.turn_toward(global_position) + var timeout: float = click_scale_timeout + while timeout > 0.0: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + scale -= Vector3.ONE*delta/click_scale_timeout + rotate(Vector3.UP, click_spin_boost*delta) + timeout -= delta + scale = Vector3.ZERO + hide() + +func _do_click_anim_second_part() -> void: + show() + var timeout: float = click_scale_timeout + while timeout > 0.0: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + scale += Vector3.ONE*delta/click_scale_timeout + rotate(Vector3.UP, click_spin_boost*delta) + timeout -= delta + scale = Vector3.ONE + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if ( + (not not _target) and + PlayerControl.enabled() and + event.is_action_released(&'interact') + ): + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + click() diff --git a/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60e3329 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:a7facd9ec5dbb4f424d48c7a7b89d464ee8f323d49f03e641647aedc677cf0df +size 1460 diff --git a/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb.import b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fd9dd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://chgkxhp77s3bl" +path="res://.godot/imported/Cursor3D.glb-57bb34d4758c5bd2321b1ad1e1647edf.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Cursor3D.glb-57bb34d4758c5bd2321b1ad1e1647edf.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="" +nodes/root_name="" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={} +gltf/naming_version=1 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.tscn b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..716ff36 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=3 uid="uid://c3ayhkx4y4477"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://chgkxhp77s3bl" path="res://autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.glb" id="1_h5njv"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Cursor3D/Cursor3D.gd" id="2_vxnsm"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cfjeof8rpytep" path="res://audio/cursor3d_select.ogg" id="3_1s2vp"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/glass.gdshader" id="3_e7gif"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://c7ga6j2l7br4" path="res://audio/cursor3d_deselect.ogg" id="4_2btnm"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dan7q1pv5fhla" path="res://test/SceneTestCamera.tscn" id="4_42neo"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://mjp3dsm4ppjg" path="res://audio/cursor3d_interact.ogg" id="5_8alg3"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_xq8a7"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("3_e7gif") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.752941) +shader_parameter/coarseness = 0.125 +shader_parameter/glow = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) + +[node name="Cursor3D" instance=ExtResource("1_h5njv")] +script = ExtResource("2_vxnsm") +select_sound = ExtResource("3_1s2vp") +deselect_sound = ExtResource("4_2btnm") +click_sound = ExtResource("5_8alg3") + +[node name="Cube" parent="." index="0"] +transform = Transform3D(0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 0, 0) +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_xq8a7") + +[node name="SceneTestCamera" parent="." index="1" instance=ExtResource("4_42neo")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.738262, 3.80469) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="." index="2"] diff --git a/autoload/FX/AudioFader.gd b/autoload/FX/AudioFader.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d210ff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/AudioFader.gd @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +class_name AudioFader extends Node + +const DEFAULT_FADE = 0.25 +const MUTE_VOLUME: float = -20.0 + +func _ready() -> void: + process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS + +func fade_in( + audio: AudioStreamPlayer, + duration: float = DEFAULT_FADE, + target: float = 0.0 +) -> void: + audio.play() + audio.volume_db = MUTE_VOLUME + var dbps: float = (-MUTE_VOLUME - target)/duration + while audio.volume_db < target: + audio.volume_db += dbps*(await Wait.tick()) + audio.volume_db = target + +func fade_out( + audio: AudioStreamPlayer, + duration: float = DEFAULT_FADE +) -> void: + var dbps: float = (audio.volume_db - MUTE_VOLUME)/duration + while audio.volume_db > MUTE_VOLUME: + audio.volume_db -= dbps*(await Wait.tick()) + audio.stop() + audio.volume_db = 0.0 + +func cross_fade( + stop: AudioStreamPlayer, + start: AudioStreamPlayer, + duration: float = DEFAULT_FADE, + target: float = 0.0 +) -> void: + var dbps_out: float = (stop.volume_db + 20.0)/duration + var dbps_in: float = (-MUTE_VOLUME - target)/duration + start.play() + start.volume_db = MUTE_VOLUME + while stop.volume_db > MUTE_VOLUME or start.volume_db < target: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + if stop.volume_db > MUTE_VOLUME: + stop.volume_db -= delta*dbps_out + else: + stop.stop() + if start.volume_db < target: + start.volume_db += delta*dbps_in + stop.volume_db = 0.0 + start.volume_db = target diff --git a/autoload/FX/FX.gd b/autoload/FX/FX.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a04c4c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/FX.gd @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +extends Node + +const DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE: float = 8.0 + +@onready var _bgm := $AudioStreamPlayer as AudioStreamPlayer +@onready var _audio_fader := $AudioFader as AudioFader +@onready var _screen_effects := $ScreenEffects as ScreenEffects + +func light_source( + point_at_infinity: Vector3, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.light_source(point_at_infinity, transition) + +func stop_bgm(t_fade_out: float = AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE) -> void: + if _bgm.playing: + if t_fade_out > 0.0: + await _audio_fader.fade_out(_bgm, t_fade_out) + else: + _bgm.stop() + +func play_bgm( + stream: AudioStream, + t_fade_in: float = 0.0, + t_fade_out: float = AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE +) -> void: + await stop_bgm(t_fade_out) + _bgm.stream = stream + if t_fade_in > 0.0: + await _audio_fader.fade_in(_bgm, t_fade_in) + else: + _bgm.play() + +func get_bgm() -> AudioStream: + return _bgm.stream + +func get_camera() -> RunnerObserver: + return PlayerControl.get_camera() + +func hard_reorient_camera(direction: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO) -> void: + if not direction.is_zero_approx(): + PlayerControl.get_camera().maintain_direction = direction + PlayerControl.get_camera().reorient(false, true) + +func main_camera_active() -> bool: + return PlayerControl.get_camera().current + +func restore_main_camera() -> void: + PlayerControl.get_camera().make_current() + +func get_camera_target_override() -> Node3D: + return PlayerControl.get_camera().target_override + +func set_camera_target_override(what: Node3D) -> void: + PlayerControl.get_camera().target_override = what + +func camera_is_following(what: Node3D) -> bool: + return ( + bool(what == PlayerControl.get_camera().target_override) if PlayerControl.get_camera().target_override + else bool(what == PlayerControl.get_camera().runner) + ) + +func set_camera_distance(distance: float) -> void: + PlayerControl.get_camera().maintain_distance = distance + +func get_camera_distance() -> float: + return PlayerControl.get_camera().maintain_distance + +func clear_camera_target_override() -> void: + PlayerControl.get_camera().target_override = null + +func audio_fade_in( + audio: AudioStreamPlayer, + duration: float = AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE, + target: float = 0.0 +) -> void: + await _audio_fader.fade_in(audio, duration, target) + +func audio_fade_out( + audio: AudioStreamPlayer, + duration: float = AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE +) -> void: + await _audio_fader.fade_out(audio, duration) + +func audio_cross_fade( + stop: AudioStreamPlayer, + start: AudioStreamPlayer, + duration: float = AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE, + target: float = 0.0 +) -> void: + await _audio_fader.cross_fade(stop, start, duration, target) + +func tint( + color: Color = Color.WHITE, + duration: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.tint(color, duration) + +func clear_tint(transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _screen_effects.clear_tint(transition) + +func fade( + color: Color = Color.TRANSPARENT, + duration: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.fade(color, duration) + +func clear_fade(transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _screen_effects.clear_fade(transition) + +func flash( + color: Color = Color.TRANSPARENT, + duration: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.flash(color, duration) + +func rain( + magnitude: int = 3, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_overcast: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_wind: bool = false +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.rain( + magnitude, transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_overcast), + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness), + bool(do_not_adjust_wind) + ) + +func snow( + magnitude: int = 1, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_overcast: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_wind: bool = false +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.snow( + magnitude, transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_overcast), + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness), + bool(do_not_adjust_wind) + ) + +func stop_weather( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_overcast: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_wind: bool = false +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.stop_weather( + transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_overcast), + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness), + bool(do_not_adjust_wind) + ) + +func wind( + magnitude: float = ScreenEffects.SIGNIFICANT_WIND, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.wind(magnitude, transition) + +func overcast( + magnitude: float = ScreenEffects.SIGNIFICANT_OVERCAST, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.overcast( + magnitude, transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness) + ) + +func stop_wind( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.stop_wind(transition) + +func clear_overcast( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.clear_overcast( + transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness) + ) + +func morning( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.morning(transition) + +func day( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.day(transition) + +func afternoon( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.afternoon(transition) + +func evening( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.evening(transition) + +func night( + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.night(transition) + +func brightness( + magnitude: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.brightness(magnitude, transition) + +func twist( + magnitude: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_TWIST, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.twist(magnitude, transition) + +func psychedelic( + magnitude: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_PSYCHEDELIC, + transition: float = ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _screen_effects.psychedelic(magnitude, transition) + +func lightning(intensity: float = 1.0) -> void: + await _screen_effects.lightning(intensity) + +func hide_weather_particles() -> void: + _screen_effects.hide_weather_particles() + +func unhide_weather_particles() -> void: + _screen_effects.unhide_weather_particles() + +func current_tint() -> Color: + return _screen_effects.current_tint() + +func current_fade() -> Color: + return _screen_effects.current_fade() diff --git a/autoload/FX/FX.tscn b/autoload/FX/FX.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b6dc0d --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/FX.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=40 format=3 uid="uid://dxx5weluccgya"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/FX/FX.gd" id="1_ldfqh"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/FX/AudioFader.gd" id="3_bwgru"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/FX/ScreenEffects.gd" id="4_jd1o5"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dmseanrsg01ok" path="res://autoload/FX/raindrop.png" id="5_8axto"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://t2y240536hb2" path="res://audio/rain_level_5.ogg" id="6_haeoq"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://dskrc0ofdbnbl" path="res://audio/rain_level_4.ogg" id="7_2iy61"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://gmicbgcj2e2k" path="res://audio/rain_level_3.ogg" id="8_lfy4g"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cvkmicogpj178" path="res://audio/rain_level_2.ogg" id="9_2qbks"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bs25p8gni0x5t" path="res://audio/rain_level_1.ogg" id="10_6adpo"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://7wmyvvmuimdc" path="res://autoload/FX/snowflake.png" id="11_sgw8d"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://fs3rqrp3cn3b" path="res://audio/howling_wind.ogg" id="12_psxtx"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://clxqwer2sr55e" path="res://audio/thunder.ogg" id="13_t8dxt"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/DirtCheapGlobalIlluminationSubstitute.gd" id="13_vl7no"] + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_l3i6v"] +colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.752941) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_xtwot"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_l3i6v") + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_qttjk"] +particle_flag_align_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -100, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 0, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 1) +direction = Vector3(0.5, 1, 0) +spread = 12.0 +initial_velocity_min = 2000.0 +initial_velocity_max = 2000.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 9.8, 0) +scale_max = 2.25 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_xtwot") +turbulence_noise_strength = 0.03 +turbulence_noise_scale = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_nebjb"] +colors = PackedColorArray(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.752941) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_tsem6"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_nebjb") + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_0c0yi"] +particle_flag_align_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -100, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 0, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 1) +direction = Vector3(0.375, 1, 0) +spread = 9.0 +initial_velocity_min = 2000.0 +initial_velocity_max = 2000.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 9.8, 0) +scale_max = 2.0 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_tsem6") +turbulence_noise_strength = 0.03 +turbulence_noise_scale = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_cwd2i"] +colors = PackedColorArray(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.752941) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_nugxo"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_cwd2i") + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_motdv"] +particle_flag_align_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -100, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 0, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 1) +direction = Vector3(0.25, 1, 0) +spread = 6.0 +initial_velocity_min = 2000.0 +initial_velocity_max = 2000.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 9.8, 0) +scale_max = 1.75 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_nugxo") +turbulence_noise_strength = 0.03 +turbulence_noise_scale = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_ee5oi"] +colors = PackedColorArray(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.752941) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_7cx8a"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_ee5oi") + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_0ukn4"] +particle_flag_align_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -100, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 0, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 1) +direction = Vector3(0.125, 1, 0) +spread = 3.0 +initial_velocity_min = 2000.0 +initial_velocity_max = 2000.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 9.8, 0) +scale_max = 1.5 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_7cx8a") +turbulence_noise_strength = 0.03 +turbulence_noise_scale = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_26033"] +colors = PackedColorArray(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.752941) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_y7mym"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_26033") + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_ry1i2"] +particle_flag_align_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -100, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 0, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 1) +direction = Vector3(0.063, 1, 0) +spread = 0.0 +initial_velocity_min = 2000.0 +initial_velocity_max = 2000.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 9.8, 0) +scale_max = 1.25 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_y7mym") +turbulence_noise_strength = 0.03 +turbulence_noise_scale = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_n4wht"] +colors = PackedColorArray(0.5, 0.75, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_xnwja"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_n4wht") + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_8vyvy"] +particle_flag_rotate_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -10, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 1, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 0) +angle_max = 360.0 +direction = Vector3(1, 1, 0) +spread = 15.0 +initial_velocity_min = 2500.0 +initial_velocity_max = 2500.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 98, 0) +scale_min = 0.25 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_xnwja") +turbulence_enabled = true +turbulence_influence_min = 0.02 +turbulence_influence_max = 0.02 + +[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_im7gl"] +particle_flag_rotate_y = true +particle_flag_disable_z = true +emission_shape_offset = Vector3(0, -10, 0) +emission_shape_scale = Vector3(1920, 1, 1) +emission_shape = 3 +emission_box_extents = Vector3(1, 0, 0) +angle_max = 360.0 +direction = Vector3(0, 1, 0) +spread = 30.0 +initial_velocity_min = 250.0 +initial_velocity_max = 500.0 +gravity = Vector3(0, 98, 0) +scale_min = 0.25 +color_initial_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_xnwja") +turbulence_enabled = true +turbulence_influence_min = 0.02 +turbulence_influence_max = 0.05 + +[sub_resource type="CanvasItemMaterial" id="CanvasItemMaterial_tryxk"] +blend_mode = 3 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_xswk4"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0) +colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 0, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_2himm"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_xswk4") +width = 1 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_elhjm"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0) +colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 0, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_of5ni"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_elhjm") +width = 1 + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_m3lwd"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0) +colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 0, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_r12ss"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_m3lwd") +width = 1 + +[node name="FX" type="Node"] +process_mode = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_ldfqh") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +bus = &"Music" + +[node name="AudioFader" type="Node" parent="."] +script = ExtResource("3_bwgru") + +[node name="ScreenEffects" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] +process_mode = 3 +follow_viewport_enabled = true +script = ExtResource("4_jd1o5") + +[node name="DirectionalLight3D" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="ScreenEffects"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -0.443134, 0.896456, 0, -0.896456, -0.443134, 0, 0, 0) +light_energy = 0.25 +light_volumetric_fog_energy = 0.0 +shadow_enabled = true +sky_mode = 1 + +[node name="Weather" type="Node2D" parent="ScreenEffects"] +position = Vector2(570, 0) + +[node name="RainLevel5" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 768 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_qttjk") +texture = ExtResource("5_8axto") +lifetime = 0.63 + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather/RainLevel5"] +stream = ExtResource("6_haeoq") +volume_db = -30.0 + +[node name="RainLevel4" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 512 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_0c0yi") +texture = ExtResource("5_8axto") +lifetime = 0.63 + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather/RainLevel4"] +stream = ExtResource("7_2iy61") +volume_db = 24.0 + +[node name="RainLevel3" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 384 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_motdv") +texture = ExtResource("5_8axto") +lifetime = 0.63 + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather/RainLevel3"] +stream = ExtResource("8_lfy4g") +volume_db = -30.0 + +[node name="RainLevel2" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 256 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_0ukn4") +texture = ExtResource("5_8axto") +lifetime = 0.63 + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather/RainLevel2"] +stream = ExtResource("9_2qbks") +volume_db = -30.0 + +[node name="RainLevel1" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 128 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_ry1i2") +texture = ExtResource("5_8axto") +lifetime = 0.63 + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather/RainLevel1"] +stream = ExtResource("10_6adpo") +volume_db = -30.0 + +[node name="SnowLevel2" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 512 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_8vyvy") +texture = ExtResource("11_sgw8d") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather/SnowLevel2"] +stream = ExtResource("12_psxtx") +volume_db = -30.0 + +[node name="SnowLevel1" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +emitting = false +amount = 512 +process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_im7gl") +texture = ExtResource("11_sgw8d") +lifetime = 12.0 + +[node name="Thunder" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="ScreenEffects/Weather"] +stream = ExtResource("13_t8dxt") + +[node name="Tint" type="Sprite2D" parent="ScreenEffects"] +material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_tryxk") +texture = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_2himm") +centered = false + +[node name="Fade" type="Sprite2D" parent="ScreenEffects"] +texture = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_of5ni") +centered = false + +[node name="Flash" type="Sprite2D" parent="ScreenEffects"] +texture = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_r12ss") +centered = false + +[node name="DirtCheapGlobalIlluminationSubstitute" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="ScreenEffects"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -0.443134, 0.896456, 0, -0.896456, -0.443134, 0, 0, 0) +light_energy = 0.375 +light_volumetric_fog_energy = 0.5 +shadow_opacity = 0.75 +directional_shadow_mode = 0 +sky_mode = 1 +script = ExtResource("13_vl7no") diff --git a/autoload/FX/ScreenEffects.gd b/autoload/FX/ScreenEffects.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0199872 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/ScreenEffects.gd @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +class_name ScreenEffects extends CanvasLayer + +const DEFAULT_TRANSITION: float = 0.25 +const DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION: float = 1.0 +const DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION: float = 6.0 +const LONGEST_DEFAULT_TRANSITION: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +const AVERAGE_LIGHTNING_TIMEOUT: float = 10.0 +const LIGHTNING_MAX_TRANSITION: float = 1.0 +const NORMAL_OVERCAST: float = 0.25 +const NORMAL_WIND: float = 0.25 +const NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS: float = 0.25 +const NORMAL_TWIST: float = 0.0625 +const NORMAL_PSYCHEDELIC: float = 0.0625 +const SIGNIFICANT_OVERCAST: float = 0.75 +const SIGNIFICANT_WIND: float = 0.75 +const RAIN_FOG_COLOR := Color(0.15, 0.22, 0.24) +const SNOW_FOG_COLOR := Color(0.55, 0.59, 0.92) +const RAIN_VOLUME_DB: float = -15.0 +const THUNDER_VOLUME_DB: float = 0.0 +const SNOW_VOLUME_DB: float = -5.0 +const NON_SOLID_SHADERS := { + "res://vfx/liquid.gdshader": true, + "res://vfx/underlay.gdshader": true +} +const MAX_FOG_DENSITY: float = 0.0625 +const MAX_FOG_SKY_AFFECT: float = 0.98 + +enum _EffectType {NONE, RAIN, SNOW, TINT, FADE, FLASH} +enum _WeatherType { + NONE, + SNOW_LEVEL_1, + SNOW_LEVEL_2, + RAIN_LEVEL_1, + RAIN_LEVEL_2, + RAIN_LEVEL_3, + RAIN_LEVEL_4, + RAIN_LEVEL_5 +} + +@onready var _tint_sprite := $'Tint' as Sprite2D +@onready var _fade_sprite := $'Fade' as Sprite2D +@onready var _flash_sprite := $'Flash' as Sprite2D +@onready var _weather_parent := $'Weather' as Node2D +@onready var _rain_level_5_particles := $'Weather/RainLevel5' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _rain_level_4_particles := $'Weather/RainLevel4' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _rain_level_3_particles := $'Weather/RainLevel3' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _rain_level_2_particles := $'Weather/RainLevel2' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _rain_level_1_particles := $'Weather/RainLevel1' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _snow_level_2_particles := $'Weather/SnowLevel2' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _snow_level_1_particles := $'Weather/SnowLevel1' as GPUParticles2D +@onready var _rain_level_5_audio := ( + $'Weather/RainLevel5/AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +) +@onready var _rain_level_4_audio := ( + $'Weather/RainLevel4/AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +) +@onready var _rain_level_3_audio := ( + $'Weather/RainLevel3/AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +) +@onready var _rain_level_2_audio := ( + $'Weather/RainLevel2/AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +) +@onready var _rain_level_1_audio := ( + $'Weather/RainLevel1/AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +) +@onready var _snow_level_2_audio := ( + $'Weather/SnowLevel2/AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +) +@onready var _thunder_audio := $'Weather/Thunder' as AudioStreamPlayer +@onready var _rain_level_5_material := ( + _rain_level_5_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _rain_level_4_material := ( + _rain_level_4_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _rain_level_3_material := ( + _rain_level_3_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _rain_level_2_material := ( + _rain_level_2_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _rain_level_1_material := ( + _rain_level_1_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _snow_level_2_material := ( + _snow_level_2_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _snow_level_1_material := ( + _snow_level_1_particles.process_material as ParticleProcessMaterial +) +@onready var _tint_gradient := ( + _tint_sprite.texture as GradientTexture1D +).gradient +@onready var _fade_gradient := ( + _fade_sprite.texture as GradientTexture1D +).gradient +@onready var _flash_gradient := ( + _flash_sprite.texture as GradientTexture1D +).gradient +@onready var _environment := ( + preload("res://vfx/Environment.tres") as Environment +) +@onready var _sky_material := ( + _environment.sky.sky_material as ShaderMaterial +) +@onready var _solid_materials := {} +@onready var _light := $'DirectionalLight3D' as DirectionalLight3D +@onready var _tint_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _fade_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _flash_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _time_of_day_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _overcast_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _brightness_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _wind_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _fog_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _light_source_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _twist_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _psychedelic_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _lightning_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() + +var _tint_color: Color: + get: return _tint_gradient.colors[0] + set(value): _tint_gradient.colors[0] = value +var _fade_color: Color: + get: return _fade_gradient.colors[0] + set(value): _fade_gradient.colors[0] = value +var _flash_color: Color: + get: return _flash_gradient.colors[0] + set(value): _flash_gradient.colors[0] = value +var _current_weather := _WeatherType.NONE + +func _register_node_material_if_solid_object_with_shader(node: Node) -> void: + if node is MeshInstance3D: + for i in node.get_surface_override_material_count(): + var material := node.get_active_material(i) as Material + if material is ShaderMaterial and not ( + material.shader.resource_path in NON_SOLID_SHADERS + ): + _solid_materials[material.get_rid()] = material + +func _register_all_relevant_materials_starting_from_node(node: Node) -> void: + for child in node.get_children(): + _register_all_relevant_materials_starting_from_node(child) + _register_node_material_if_solid_object_with_shader(node) + +func _ready() -> void: + _reposition_children() + get_viewport().size_changed.connect(_reposition_children) + _tint_color = Color.TRANSPARENT + _fade_color = Color.TRANSPARENT + _flash_color = Color.TRANSPARENT + get_tree().node_added.connect( + _register_node_material_if_solid_object_with_shader + ) + _register_all_relevant_materials_starting_from_node(get_tree().root) + await brightness(NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS, 0.0) + await stop_weather(0.0) + +func _reposition_children() -> void: + var view := get_viewport().get_visible_rect() + _tint_sprite.position = view.position + _fade_sprite.position = view.position + _flash_sprite.position = view.position + _weather_parent.position = view.position + Vector2(view.size.x/2.0, 0.0) + _tint_sprite.scale = view.size + _fade_sprite.scale = view.size + _flash_sprite.scale = view.size + _rain_level_5_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + _rain_level_4_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + _rain_level_3_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + _rain_level_2_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + _rain_level_1_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + _snow_level_2_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + _snow_level_1_material.emission_shape_scale.x = view.size.x + +func _weather_get_particles(type: _WeatherType) -> GPUParticles2D: + match type: + _WeatherType.NONE: return null + _WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_1: return _snow_level_1_particles + _WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_2: return _snow_level_2_particles + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_1: return _rain_level_1_particles + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_2: return _rain_level_2_particles + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_3: return _rain_level_3_particles + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_4: return _rain_level_4_particles + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_5: return _rain_level_5_particles + _: return null + +func _weather_get_audio(type: _WeatherType) -> AudioStreamPlayer: + match type: + _WeatherType.NONE: return null + _WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_1: return null + _WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_2: return _snow_level_2_audio + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_1: return _rain_level_1_audio + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_2: return _rain_level_2_audio + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_3: return _rain_level_3_audio + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_4: return _rain_level_4_audio + _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_5: return _rain_level_5_audio + _: return null + +func _weather_has_lightning(type: _WeatherType) -> bool: + return type == _WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_5 + +func _change_weather(type: _WeatherType) -> void: + for other in _WeatherType: + other = _WeatherType.get(other) + if other != type: + var other_particles := _weather_get_particles(other) + if other_particles: + other_particles.emitting = false + var other_audio := _weather_get_audio(other) + if other_audio and other_audio.playing: + FX.audio_fade_out(other_audio) + var particles := _weather_get_particles(type) + if particles: + particles.emitting = true + var audio := _weather_get_audio(type) + if audio: + FX.audio_fade_in(audio, AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE, ( + SNOW_VOLUME_DB if type == _WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_2 + else RAIN_VOLUME_DB + )) + if _weather_has_lightning(type): + FX.audio_fade_in( + _thunder_audio, + AudioFader.DEFAULT_FADE, + THUNDER_VOLUME_DB + ) + elif _thunder_audio.playing: + FX.audio_fade_out(_thunder_audio) + _current_weather = type + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + if _weather_has_lightning(_current_weather): + _do_lightning(delta) + +func _do_lightning(delta: float) -> void: + var roll: float = randf() + var limit: float = delta/AVERAGE_LIGHTNING_TIMEOUT + if roll < limit: + lightning(1.0 - roll/limit) + +func tint( + color: Color = Color.WHITE, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _tint_lock.acquire() + var current_color := _tint_color + if color.a == 0.0: + color = Color(current_color) + color.a = 1.0 + color = color.lerp(Color.WHITE, 1.0 - color.a) + color.a = 1.0 + var rate := (color - current_color)/transition + while transition > 0.0: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + _tint_color = current_color + current_color += rate*delta + transition -= delta + _tint_color = color + _tint_lock.relinquish() + +func clear_tint(transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION) -> void: + await tint(Color.WHITE, transition) + +func fade( + color: Color = Color.TRANSPARENT, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _fade_lock.acquire() + var current_color := _fade_color + if color.a == 0.0: + color = Color(current_color) + color.a = 0.0 + var rate := (color - current_color)/transition + while transition > 0.0: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + _fade_color = current_color + current_color += rate*delta + transition -= delta + _fade_color = color + _fade_lock.relinquish() + +func clear_fade(transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION) -> void: + await fade(Color.TRANSPARENT, transition) + +func flash( + color: Color = Color.TRANSPARENT, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _flash_lock.acquire() + var old_color := _flash_color + if old_color.a == 0.0: + old_color = Color(color) + old_color.a = 0.0 + _flash_color = color + var rate := (old_color - _flash_color)/transition + while transition > 0.0: + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + _flash_color += rate*delta + transition -= delta + _flash_color = old_color + _flash_lock.relinquish() + +func rain( + magnitude: int = 3, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_overcast: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_wind: bool = false +) -> void: + var do_overcast := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_overcast: + await overcast( + 0.5 + float(magnitude)*0.1, transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness) + ) + var do_wind := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_wind: + await wind(0.5 + float(magnitude)*0.1, transition) + var do_shader := func(): + await _animate_solid_shader_universal_param( + &'wet', float(magnitude)/5.0, transition + ) + var do_weather := func(): + match magnitude: + 1: _change_weather(_WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_1) + 2: _change_weather(_WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_2) + 3: _change_weather(_WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_3) + 4: _change_weather(_WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_4) + 5: _change_weather(_WeatherType.RAIN_LEVEL_5) + _: push_error("Invalid rain magnitude %d" % magnitude) + var do_fog := func(): + await _animate_fog( + RAIN_FOG_COLOR, + float(magnitude)*MAX_FOG_DENSITY/5.0, + transition + ) + await Promise.new([ + do_overcast, + do_wind, + do_shader, + do_weather, + do_fog + ]).join() + +func snow( + magnitude: int = 1, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_overcast: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_wind: bool = false +) -> void: + var do_overcast := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_overcast: + await overcast( + 0.25*float(magnitude + 1), transition, + bool(do_not_adjust_brightness) + ) + var do_wind := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_wind: + await wind(0.5*float(magnitude + 1), transition) + var do_shader := func(): + await _animate_solid_shader_universal_param(&'wet', 0.0, transition) + var do_weather := func(): + match magnitude: + 1: _change_weather(_WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_1) + 2: _change_weather(_WeatherType.SNOW_LEVEL_2) + _: push_error("Invalid snow magnitude %d" % magnitude) + var do_fog := func(): + await _animate_fog( + SNOW_FOG_COLOR, + float(magnitude)*MAX_FOG_DENSITY/3.0, + transition + ) + await Promise.new([ + do_overcast, + do_wind, + do_shader, + do_weather, + do_fog + ]).join() + +func stop_weather( + transition: float = DEFAULT_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_overcast: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false, + do_not_adjust_wind: bool = false +) -> void: + var do_weather := func(): + _change_weather(_WeatherType.NONE) + var do_shader := func(): + await _animate_solid_shader_universal_param(&'wet', 0.0, transition) + var do_overcast := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_overcast: + await overcast( + NORMAL_OVERCAST, transition, bool(do_not_adjust_brightness) + ) + var do_wind := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_wind: + await wind(NORMAL_WIND, transition) + var do_fog := func(): + await _animate_fog(Color.BLACK, 0.0, transition) + await Promise.new([ + do_overcast, + do_wind, + do_shader, + do_weather, + do_fog + ]).join() + +func _animate_shader_param( + material: ShaderMaterial, + param: StringName, + magnitude: float, + transition: float +) -> void: + magnitude = clampf(magnitude, 0.0, 1.0) + var current_v = material.get_shader_parameter(param) + var current: float = 0.0 + if current_v and current_v is float: + current = current_v + var rate: float = (magnitude - current)/transition + while (magnitude - current)*signf(rate) > 0.0: + material.set_shader_parameter(param, current) + current += rate*(await Wait.tick()) + material.set_shader_parameter(param, magnitude) + +func _animate_sky_shader_param( + param: StringName, + magnitude: float, + transition: float +) -> void: + await _animate_shader_param(_sky_material, param, magnitude, transition) + +func _animate_solid_shader_universal_param( + param: StringName, + magnitude: float, + transition: float +) -> void: + for rid in _solid_materials: + _animate_shader_param( + _solid_materials[rid], param, magnitude, transition + ) + var countdown: float = transition + while countdown > 0.0: + countdown -= await Wait.tick() + +func _animate_fog( + color: Color, + magnitude: float, + transition: float +) -> void: + await _fog_lock.acquire() + magnitude = clampf(magnitude, 0.0, 1.0) + var current: float = _environment.fog_density + var current_color := _environment.fog_light_color + var rate: float = (magnitude - current)/transition + var color_rate := (color - current_color)/transition + while (magnitude - current)*signf(rate) > 0.0: + _environment.fog_density = current + _environment.fog_sky_affect = ( + current*MAX_FOG_SKY_AFFECT/MAX_FOG_DENSITY + ) + _environment.fog_light_color = current_color + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + current += rate*delta + current_color += color_rate*delta + _environment.fog_density = magnitude + _environment.fog_sky_affect = magnitude*MAX_FOG_SKY_AFFECT/MAX_FOG_DENSITY + _environment.fog_light_color = color + _fog_lock.relinquish() + +func wind( + magnitude: float = SIGNIFICANT_WIND, + transition: float = DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _wind_lock.acquire() + await _animate_shader_param( + _sky_material, &'windy', magnitude, transition + ) + _wind_lock.relinquish() + +func overcast( + magnitude: float = SIGNIFICANT_OVERCAST, + transition: float = DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false +) -> void: + await _overcast_lock.acquire() + var do_brightness := func(): + if not do_not_adjust_brightness: + await brightness( + lerpf( + NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS, NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS/2.0, + (magnitude - NORMAL_OVERCAST)*4.0/3.0 + ), + transition + ) + var do_shader := func(): + await _animate_shader_param( + _sky_material, &'overcast', magnitude, transition + ) + await Promise.new([ + do_brightness, + do_shader + ]).join() + _overcast_lock.relinquish() + +func stop_wind(transition: float = DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION) -> void: + await wind(NORMAL_WIND, transition) + +func clear_overcast( + transition: float = DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION, + do_not_adjust_brightness: bool = false +) -> void: + await overcast(NORMAL_OVERCAST, transition, bool(do_not_adjust_brightness)) + +func morning(transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _time_of_day_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'night', 0.5, transition) + _time_of_day_lock.relinquish() + +func day(transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _time_of_day_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'night', 0.0, transition) + _time_of_day_lock.relinquish() + +func afternoon(transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _time_of_day_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'night', 0.25, transition) + _time_of_day_lock.relinquish() + +func evening(transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _time_of_day_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'night', 0.75, transition) + _time_of_day_lock.relinquish() + +func night(transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION) -> void: + await _time_of_day_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'night', 1.0, transition) + _time_of_day_lock.relinquish() + +func light_source( + point_at_infinity: Vector3, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _light_source_lock.acquire() + var up := Vector3.UP + if up.cross(point_at_infinity).is_zero_approx(): + up = Vector3.RIGHT + if up.cross(point_at_infinity).is_zero_approx(): + up = Vector3.BACK + var countdown: float = transition + while countdown > 0.0: + _light.basis = _light.basis.slerp( + Basis.looking_at(-point_at_infinity, up), + 1.0 - countdown/transition + ) + var delta: float = await Wait.tick() + countdown -= delta + _light.look_at(-point_at_infinity, up) + _light_source_lock.relinquish() + +func _light_source_brightness(magnitude: float, transition: float) -> void: + magnitude = clampf(magnitude, 0.0, 1.0) + var current: float = _light.light_energy + var rate: float = (magnitude - current)/transition + while (magnitude - current)*signf(rate) > 0.0: + _light.light_energy = current + current += rate*(await Wait.tick()) + _light.light_energy = magnitude + +func brightness( + magnitude: float = NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _brightness_lock.acquire() + var do_shader := func(): + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'bright', magnitude, transition) + var do_light_source := func(): + await _light_source_brightness( + lerpf(NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS/1.5, 4.0*NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS/3.0, magnitude), + transition + ) + await Promise.new([ + do_shader, + do_light_source + ]).join() + _brightness_lock.relinquish() + +func twist( + magnitude: float = NORMAL_TWIST, + transition: float = DEFAULT_WEATHER_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _twist_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'twist', magnitude, transition) + _twist_lock.relinquish() + +func psychedelic( + magnitude: float = NORMAL_PSYCHEDELIC, + transition: float = DEFAULT_TIME_OF_DAY_TRANSITION +) -> void: + await _psychedelic_lock.acquire() + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'twist', magnitude, transition) + _psychedelic_lock.relinquish() + +func lightning(intensity: float = 1.0) -> void: + await _lightning_lock.acquire() + var transition: float = intensity*LIGHTNING_MAX_TRANSITION + var do_shader := func(): + var old_night: float = ( + _sky_material.get_shader_parameter(&'night') + ) + var scaled_intensity: float = lerpf(0.875, 1.0, intensity) + _sky_material.set_shader_parameter( + &'night', + lerpf(old_night, 0.0, scaled_intensity) + ) + await _animate_sky_shader_param(&'night', old_night, transition) + var do_fog := func(): + var old_fog: float = _environment.fog_density + _environment.fog_density = 0.0 + await _animate_fog( + _environment.fog_light_color, + old_fog, + transition + ) + var do_brightness := func(): + var old_brightness: float = ( + _sky_material.get_shader_parameter(&'bright') + ) + await brightness( + lerpf(old_brightness, 1.0, lerpf(0.875, 1.0, intensity)), + 0.0 + ) + await brightness(old_brightness, transition) + await Promise.new([ + do_shader, + do_fog, + do_brightness + ]).join() + _lightning_lock.relinquish() + +func hide_weather_particles() -> void: + _rain_level_1_particles.visible = false + _rain_level_2_particles.visible = false + _rain_level_3_particles.visible = false + _rain_level_4_particles.visible = false + _rain_level_5_particles.visible = false + _snow_level_1_particles.visible = false + _snow_level_2_particles.visible = false + +func unhide_weather_particles() -> void: + _rain_level_1_particles.visible = true + _rain_level_2_particles.visible = true + _rain_level_3_particles.visible = true + _rain_level_4_particles.visible = true + _rain_level_5_particles.visible = true + _snow_level_1_particles.visible = true + _snow_level_2_particles.visible = true + +func current_tint() -> Color: + return _tint_color + +func current_fade() -> Color: + return _fade_color diff --git a/autoload/FX/raindrop.png b/autoload/FX/raindrop.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b49b8e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/raindrop.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:1bf858b58d0998e1e7d17119b5d39c09b3eee473e7151fdea3891a8648f3a554 +size 881 diff --git a/autoload/FX/raindrop.png.import b/autoload/FX/raindrop.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ab4c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/raindrop.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://dmseanrsg01ok" +path="res://.godot/imported/raindrop.png-b4645afbaaa6d6ca48a824d47036d78e.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://autoload/FX/raindrop.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/raindrop.png-b4645afbaaa6d6ca48a824d47036d78e.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/autoload/FX/snowflake.png b/autoload/FX/snowflake.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f08a606 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/snowflake.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:63561b16fb82c86898e6e7d8e4bc7dedd1c9b1d9d32407af104cfb1cef9e4d81 +size 1368 diff --git a/autoload/FX/snowflake.png.import b/autoload/FX/snowflake.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4df2d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/FX/snowflake.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://7wmyvvmuimdc" +path="res://.godot/imported/snowflake.png-97d34a113819ce46d6ef1fc46ea7799b.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://autoload/FX/snowflake.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/snowflake.png-97d34a113819ce46d6ef1fc46ea7799b.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/autoload/HUD/HUD.gd b/autoload/HUD/HUD.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fade891 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/HUD/HUD.gd @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +extends CanvasLayer + +const NEGATIVE_TIME_HUE_CYCLE_SPEED: float = 1.0 + +@onready var _time_label := $MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/Time as Label +@onready var _fps_label := $MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/FPS as Label + +var time: float +var _negative_time_hue: float = 0.0 + +func _ready() -> void: + hide() + +func format_time(seconds: float) -> String: + return TimeIntervalFormatting.format_realtime_interval(seconds) + +func _should_show() -> bool: + return ( + PlayerControl.enabled() and + Storyboard.get_game_mode() != LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + ) + +func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: + if _should_show(): + show() + if _time_label.visible: + time += delta + if time < 0.0: + _time_label.modulate = ( + Color.from_hsv(_negative_time_hue, 1.0, 1.0) + ) + _negative_time_hue += delta*NEGATIVE_TIME_HUE_CYCLE_SPEED + else: + _time_label.modulate = Color.WHITE + _time_label.text = format_time(time) + else: + hide() + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + if _fps_label.visible and OS.is_debug_build(): + _fps_label.text = "%.1fFPS" % (1.0/delta) + +func start_timer(at: float = 0.0) -> void: + _time_label.visible = true + time = at + +func stop_timer() -> void: + _time_label.visible = false diff --git a/autoload/HUD/HUD.tscn b/autoload/HUD/HUD.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9509ac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/HUD/HUD.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://pvyi2sixr1g7"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/HUD/HUD.gd" id="1_p6bue"] + +[node name="HUD" type="CanvasLayer"] +process_mode = 3 +layer = 2 +follow_viewport_enabled = true +script = ExtResource("1_p6bue") + +[node name="MarginContainer" type="MarginContainer" parent="."] +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 16 +theme_override_constants/margin_top = 16 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 16 +theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 16 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="MarginContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Time" type="Label" parent="MarginContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 0 +text = "0:00:00:00" +horizontal_alignment = 2 + +[node name="FPS" type="Label" parent="MarginContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +text = "0FPS" +horizontal_alignment = 2 +vertical_alignment = 2 diff --git a/autoload/MapPreinit/MapPreinit.gd b/autoload/MapPreinit/MapPreinit.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5409f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/MapPreinit/MapPreinit.gd @@ -0,0 +1,926 @@ +extends Node + +const DEFAULT_LIQUID_DEPTH: float = 32.0 + +var _convex_decomposition_settings: MeshConvexDecompositionSettings + +func _ready() -> void: + _convex_decomposition_settings = MeshConvexDecompositionSettings.new() + _convex_decomposition_settings.max_concavity = 0.0 + _convex_decomposition_settings.max_convex_hulls = 32 + _convex_decomposition_settings.resolution = 100000 + +func setup(scene: Node) -> Object: + #print(scene.get_meta(&'extras')) + if scene: + var meshes: Array[Mesh] = [] + var mats: Array[Material] = [] + var nodes_by_unique_name := {} + print("===Map preinit for %s===" % scene) + print("---Setting up nodes---") + _setup_nodes(scene, scene, meshes, mats, nodes_by_unique_name) + print("---Applying shaders---") + _apply_shaders(meshes, mats) + print("---Applying properties---") + _apply_properties(scene, scene, nodes_by_unique_name) + print("===Map preinit for %s complete===" % scene) + #scene.print_tree_pretty() + return scene + +func _setup_nodes( + what: Node, + root: Node, + meshes: Array[Mesh], + mats: Array[Material], + nodes_by_unique_name: Dictionary +) -> void: + for child in what.get_children(): + _setup_nodes(child, root, meshes, mats, nodes_by_unique_name) + _setup_node(what, root, meshes, mats, nodes_by_unique_name) + +func _record_mesh_and_mats( + what: Node, root: Node, + mesh: Mesh, meshes: Array[Mesh], mats: Array[Material] +) -> void: + if mesh and not (mesh in meshes): + #print(( + #"Recording mesh %s and its materials " + + #"for use during applying shaders" + #) % mesh) + meshes.push_back(mesh) + for i in mesh.get_surface_count(): + var mat := mesh.surface_get_material(i) + if mat and not (mat in mats): + #print("Recording material: %s" % mat) + mats.push_back(mat) + var meta := mat.get_meta(&'extras', {}) as Dictionary + var known_surfaces := root.get_meta(&'extras', {}).get( + root.get_path_to(what), {} + ).get(&'surfaces', []) as Array + if known_surfaces.size() > i: + meta.merge(known_surfaces[i], true) + mat.set_meta(&'extras', meta) + +func _setup_node( + what: Node, + root: Node, + meshes: Array[Mesh], + mats: Array[Material], + nodes_by_unique_name: Dictionary +) -> void: + #print("Setting up node %s" % what) + var unique_name := what.name + var replacement: Node = null + var discard := false + var recursive_discard := false + var extras := {} + var all_extras := root.get_meta(&'extras', {}) as Dictionary + var path := root.get_path_to(what) + var meta := all_extras.get(path, {}) as Dictionary + extras.merge(meta.get(&'mesh', {}), true) + extras.merge(meta.get(&'node', {}), true) + what.set_meta(&'extras', extras) + var node_type := &'' + var path_prefix := "" + #print("Assessing node category...") + if extras.has(&'SpawnGroup'): + match extras.SpawnGroup: + &'conditional': node_type = &'ConditionalSpawnGroup' + &'deferred': node_type = &'DeferredSpawnGroup' + &'spawner': node_type = &'Spawner' + elif extras.has(&'NPC'): + #print("Node is npc: %s" % extras.NPC) + node_type = &'NPC' + path_prefix = "res://characters/npcs/%s/%s" % [extras.NPC, extras.NPC] + elif extras.has(&'Enemy'): + #print("Node is enemy: %s" % extras.Enemy) + node_type = &'Enemy' + path_prefix = "res://characters/enemies/%s/%s" % [ + extras.Enemy, extras.Enemy + ] + elif extras.has(&'Liquid'): + #print("Node is liquid: %s" % extras.Liquid) + node_type = &'Liquid' + path_prefix = "res://zones/Liquid/descriptors/%s" % extras.Liquid + elif extras.has(&'Object'): + #print("Node is game-object: %s" % extras.Object) + node_type = &'Object' + path_prefix = "res://objects/%s/%s" % [extras.Object, extras.Object] + elif extras.has(&'Path'): + #print("Node is path: %s" % extras.Path) + node_type = &'Path' + elif extras.has(&'VisualLiquid'): + #print("Node is visual liquid: %s" % extras.VisualLiquid) + node_type = &'VisualLiquid' + path_prefix = "res://zones/Liquid/descriptors/%s" % extras.VisualLiquid + elif extras.has(&'Zone'): + #print("Node is zone: %s" % extras.Zone) + node_type = &'Zone' + path_prefix = "res://zones/%s/%s" % [extras.Zone, extras.Zone] + elif extras.has(&'Intangible') and not extras.Intangible and ( + what is Node3D and not (what is MeshInstance3D) + ): + #print("Node is invisible wall") + node_type = &'InvisibleWall' + else: + #print("Node is uncategorized; no special setup needed") + pass + if not node_type.is_empty(): + print("Setting up node %s as %s%s" % [ + root.get_path_to(what), node_type, + (":%s" % extras.get(node_type)) if extras.has(node_type) else "" + ]) + var script_path: String = path_prefix + ".gd" + var scene_path: String = path_prefix + ".tscn" + var resource_path: String = path_prefix + ".tres" + var instantiated_from_script := false + #print("Doing node-category-specific setup:") + match node_type: + &'': + #print("None needed; to reiterate, node is uncategorized") + pass + &'ConditionalSpawnGroup': + #print("Instantiating ConditionalSpawnGroup") + replacement = ConditionalSpawnGroup.new() + #print("Instantiated: %s" % replacement) + &'DeferredSpawnGroup': + replacement = DeferredSpawnGroup.new() + &'InvisibleWall': + #print("Instantiating StaticBody3D") + replacement = StaticBody3D.new() + #print("Instantiated: %s" % replacement) + &'Liquid': + #print("Instantiating Liquid node") + replacement = load("res://zones/Liquid/Liquid.tscn").instantiate() + #print("Instantiated: %s" % replacement) + #print( + #"Trying to load LiquidDescriptor from %s" % + #resource_path + #) + if ResourceLoader.exists(resource_path): + replacement.descriptor = load(resource_path) + #print( + #"Loaded LiquidDescriptor: %s" % + #replacement.descriptor + #) + else: + #print("!!!LiquidDescriptor does not exist!!!") + push_error( + "LiquidDescriptor @ %s not found" % resource_path + ) + &'Path': + if what is MeshInstance3D: + #print("Node stands in for a Curve3D, " + + #"which is a Resource; " + + #"actual node will be discarded") + discard = true + #print("Instantiating Curve3D") + var curve := Curve3D.new() + # Might try to switch to Hobby algorithm later, not sure + #print("Building curve from vertices of surface 0") + for vertex in ( + what.mesh.surface_get_arrays(0)[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] + ): + #print("Adding vertex %s" % vertex) + curve.add_point(vertex) + #print("Storing curve to extras under &'%s'" % extras.Path) + extras[extras.Path] = curve + else: + #print("!!!Node is path, but is not MeshInstance3D!!!") + push_error(( + "Node marked to become a path " + + "is not a MeshInstance3D: %s" + ) % what) + &'Spawner': + replacement = Spawner.new() + &'VisualLiquid': + #print("Instantiating VisualLiquid node") + replacement = load("res://zones/Liquid/VisualLiquid.gd").new() + #print( + #"Trying to load LiquidDescriptor from %s" % + #resource_path + #) + if ResourceLoader.exists(resource_path): + replacement.descriptor = load(resource_path) + #print( + #"Loaded LiquidDescriptor: %s" % + #replacement.descriptor + #) + else: + #print("!!!LiquidDescriptor does not exist!!!") + push_error( + "LiquidDescriptor @ %s not found" % resource_path + ) + assert(what is MeshInstance3D) + #print("Grabbing mesh from original") + replacement.mesh = what.mesh + #print("Attaching liquid shader as override") + replacement.set_surface_override_material(0, preload( + "res://zones/Liquid/LiquidMaterial.tres" + )) + _: + if ResourceLoader.exists(scene_path, &'PackedScene'): + #print("Instantiating %s node from scene %s" % [ + #node_type, scene_path + #]) + replacement = load(scene_path).instantiate() + #print("Result: %s" % replacement) + elif ResourceLoader.exists(script_path, &'GDScript'): + #print("Instantiating %s node from script %s" % [ + #node_type, script_path + #]) + replacement = load(script_path).new() + #print("Result: %s" % replacement) + instantiated_from_script = true + else: + #print("!!!Node type does not exist: %s %s!!!" % [ + #node_type, extras[node_type] + #]) + push_error("No such %s: %s (what: %s)" % [ + node_type, extras[node_type], what + ]) + #print("Node-category-specific setup done") + if discard: + #print("Node will be discarded") + var parent := what.get_parent() + if not recursive_discard: + #print("Propagating children up to parent") + for child in what.get_children(): + #print("Removing child %s" % child) + what.remove_child(child) + #print("Adding to parent") + what.get_parent().add_child(child) + #print("Removing discarded node from tree") + parent.remove_child(what) + #print("Queuing discarded node to be freed") + what.queue_free() + else: + if replacement: + #print("Adding instantiated node %s to tree" % replacement) + if ( + node_type == &'ConditionalSpawnGroup' or + node_type == &'DeferredSpawnGroup' or + node_type == &'Spawner' + ): + replacement.root = what + var parent := what.get_parent() + parent.remove_child(what) + parent.add_child(replacement) + elif node_type == &'Zone' and what is MeshInstance3D: + #print(( + #"Node is a zone, and original was a MeshInstance3D " + + #"(%s); therefore, the instantiated zone belongs " + + #"under the original MeshInstance3D as a child, " + + #"rather than in its place as a replacement; " + + #"adding as child" + #) % what) + replacement.name = extras.Zone + what.add_child(replacement) + elif node_type == &'Liquid' and what is MeshInstance3D: + #print(( + #"Node is a liquid, " + + #"and original was a MeshInstance3D " + + #"(%s); therefore, the instantiated liquid belongs " + + #"under the original MeshInstance3D as a child, " + + #"rather than in its place as a replacement; " + + #"adding as child" + #) % what) + replacement.name = &'Liquid' + what.add_child(replacement) + #print("Generating collision meshes") + for collider in PlaneConvexDecompose.from( + what.mesh, extras.get(&'Depth', DEFAULT_LIQUID_DEPTH) + ): + replacement.add_child(collider) + collider.owner = root + #print("Generating collision meshes " + + #"from the original MeshInstance3D " + + #"for use for the instantiated liquid") + #var colliders := _get_multiple_convex_collisions( + #what, _convex_decomposition_settings + #) + #print("Adding collision meshes as children") + #for collider in colliders: + #print("Adding collision mesh %s" % collider) + #replacement.add_child(collider) + #print("Generating collision trimesh") + #var collider := _get_trimesh(what) + #replacement.add_child(collider) + elif ( + node_type == &'Object' and instantiated_from_script and + (what is MeshInstance3D) + ): + #print(( + #"Node is a game-object instantiated from a script, " + + #"not a scene, and original was a MeshInstance3D " + + #"(%s); therefore, the original MeshInstance3D " + + #"should be preserved under its replacement " + + #"as a child, and also used to generate " + + #"collision meshes" + #) % what) + #print("Recording original's mesh and materials") + _record_mesh_and_mats(what, root, what.mesh, meshes, mats) + #print("Replacing original with replacement") + replacement.name = what.name + _replace_node_maybe_with_scene_instance( + what, replacement + ) + #print("Adding original as child to replacement") + what.name = &'MeshInstance3D' + replacement.add_child(what) + #print("Generating collision meshes") + var colliders := _get_multiple_convex_collisions( + what, _convex_decomposition_settings + ) + #print("Adding collision meshes as children") + for collider in colliders: + #print("Adding collision mesh %s" % collider) + replacement.add_child(collider) + else: + #print(( + #"Replacing original node (%s) " + + #"with instantiated replacement (%s)" + #) % [what, replacement]) + replacement.name = what.name + _replace_node_maybe_with_scene_instance( + what, replacement + ) + #print("Queuing original to be freed") + what.queue_free() + if replacement is Node3D and what is Node3D and not ( + what.get_parent() == replacement + ) and not ( + replacement.get_parent() == what + ): + #print("Both instantiated node and original are Node3D; " + + #"ergo, copying transform") + replacement.transform = what.transform + elif replacement is Node2D and what is Node2D and not ( + what.get_parent() == replacement + ) and not ( + replacement.get_parent() == what + ): + #print("Both instantiated node and original are Node2D; " + + #"ergo, copying transform (%s)" % what.transform) + replacement.transform = what.transform + if node_type == &'Zone' or (( + node_type == &'Liquid' or + node_type == &'InvisibleWall' + ) and not (what is MeshInstance3D)): + #print("Instantiated node still needs a collision mesh, " + + #"but building one from the original node " + + #"is either not appropriate (if instantiated node " + + #"is a zone) or not possible (if original node " + + #"is not a MeshInstance3D); will use a BoxShape3D") + #print("Instantiating CollisionShape3D") + var collision_shape := CollisionShape3D.new() + collision_shape.name = &'CollisionShape3D' + #print("Instantiating BoxShape3D resource") + collision_shape.shape = BoxShape3D.new() + #print("Setting box size from node scale (2.0*%s)" % + #what.scale) + collision_shape.shape.size = 2.0*what.scale + #print("Setting node scale to identity") + replacement.scale = Vector3.ONE + #print("Adding collision mesh as child") + replacement.add_child(collision_shape) + #print("Setting collision mesh's transform to identity") + collision_shape.transform = Transform3D.IDENTITY + #print("Copying extras to replacement") + replacement.set_meta(&'extras', extras) + what = replacement + if what is MeshInstance3D: + #print("Node is MeshInstance3D; recording mesh and materials") + _record_mesh_and_mats(what, root, what.mesh, meshes, mats) + if ( + node_type != &'VisualLiquid' and + not extras.get(&'Intangible', false) + ): + #print("Node is not intangible; creating collision mesh") + what.create_trimesh_collision() + #print("Recording node under its unique name") + nodes_by_unique_name[unique_name] = what + +func _get_multiple_convex_collisions( + what: MeshInstance3D, + params: MeshConvexDecompositionSettings = null +) -> Array[CollisionShape3D]: + #print("Creating collision meshes from node %s") + var children_before := what.get_children() + what.create_multiple_convex_collisions(params) + var children_after := what.get_children() + #print("Searching children to find result of operation") + var staticbody: StaticBody3D + for child in children_after: + if not (child in children_before): + #print("Result found: %s" % child) + assert(child is StaticBody3D and not staticbody) + staticbody = child + #print("Removing resulting staticbody from tree") + what.remove_child(staticbody) + #print("Collecting collision meshes from staticbody") + var colliders: Array[CollisionShape3D] = [] + for collider in staticbody.get_children(): + assert(collider is CollisionShape3D) + #print("Removing collision mesh %s from staticbody" % collider) + staticbody.remove_child(collider) + #print("Queuing up collision mesh") + colliders.push_back(collider) + #print("Queuing staticbody to be freed") + staticbody.queue_free() + return colliders + +func _get_trimesh(what: MeshInstance3D) -> CollisionShape3D: + #print("Creating collision mesh from node %s") + var children_before := what.get_children() + what.create_trimesh_collision() + var children_after := what.get_children() + #print("Searching children to find result of operation") + var staticbody: StaticBody3D + for child in children_after: + if not (child in children_before): + #print("Result found: %s" % child) + assert(child is StaticBody3D and not staticbody) + staticbody = child + #print("Removing resulting staticbody from tree") + what.remove_child(staticbody) + #print("Collecting collision meshes from staticbody") + var colliders: Array[CollisionShape3D] = [] + for collider in staticbody.get_children(): + assert(collider is CollisionShape3D) + #print("Removing collision mesh %s from staticbody" % collider) + staticbody.remove_child(collider) + #print("Queuing up collision mesh") + colliders.push_back(collider) + #print("Queuing staticbody to be freed") + staticbody.queue_free() + assert(colliders.size() == 1) + return colliders[0] + +func _apply_shaders(meshes: Array[Mesh], mats: Array[Material]) -> void: + #print("Building array of ShaderMaterial replacements " + + #"for original materials") + var shadmats: Array[ShaderMaterial] = [] + var shaders := {} + for mat in mats: + #print("Building ShaderMaterial to replace %s" % mat) + var extras := {} + if mat.has_meta(&'extras'): + extras = mat.get_meta(&'extras') + var shadmat := ShaderMaterial.new() + shadmats.push_back(shadmat) + if extras.has(&'Shader'): + #print("Material says to use shader &'%s'; " + + # "loading" % extras.Shader) + shadmat.shader = load("res://vfx/%s.gdshader" % extras.Shader) + else: + #print("Material does not specify a shader; will use &'basic'") + shadmat.shader = preload("res://vfx/basic.gdshader") + shaders[ + StringName(extras.Shader) if extras.has(&'Shader') else &'basic' + ] = true + assert(mat is BaseMaterial3D) + #print(( + #"Setting shader parameter &'image' " + + #"to original material's texture (%s)" + #) % mat.albedo_texture) + shadmat.set_shader_parameter(&'image', mat.albedo_texture) + for k in extras: + if k == k.to_lower(): + #print(( + #"Setting shader parameter &'%s' " + + #"to value specified in original material's extras: %s" + #) % [k, extras[k]]) + shadmat.set_shader_parameter(k, extras[k]) + print("Loaded shaders: %s" % (", ".join(shaders.keys()))) + #print("Replacing meshes' original materials with ShaderMaterials") + for mesh in meshes: + #print("Replacing materials in mesh %s" % mesh) + for i in mesh.get_surface_count(): + #print("Replacing material for surface %d" % i) + var j: int = mats.find(mesh.surface_get_material(i)) + if j >= 0: + mesh.surface_set_material(i, shadmats[j]) + +func _apply_properties( + what: Node, root: Node, + nodes_by_unique_name: Dictionary +) -> void: + for child in what.get_children(): + _apply_properties(child, root, nodes_by_unique_name) + if ( + (what is ConditionalSpawnGroup) or + (what is DeferredSpawnGroup) or + (what is Spawner) + ): + _apply_properties(what.root, what.root, nodes_by_unique_name) + _apply_properties_to_node(what, root, nodes_by_unique_name) + +func _apply_properties_to_node( + what: Node, root: Node, + nodes_by_unique_name: Dictionary +) -> void: + #print("Setting properties for node %s from its extras" % what) + var extras := what.get_meta(&'extras', {}) as Dictionary + for key in extras: + for descriptor in what.get_property_list(): + if descriptor.name.capitalize() == key.capitalize(): + #print("Interpreting value of extra &'%s'" % key) + var value: Variant = _interpret_property_value( + descriptor, extras[key], what, root, + nodes_by_unique_name + ) + #print("Value interpreted as %s" % value) + print("Setting property: $'%s'.%s = %s" % [ + root.get_path_to(what), key, value + ]) + what.set(key, value) + break + +func _interpret_property_value( + descriptor: Dictionary, + value: Variant, + what: Node, + root: Node, + nodes_by_unique_name: Dictionary +) -> Variant: + #print("First, parsing property hint string '%s'" % descriptor.hint_string) + var hint_args: PackedStringArray = descriptor.hint_string.split(',') + var hint_arg_args: Array[PackedStringArray] = [] + for i in hint_args.size(): + var arg_args := hint_args[i].split(':') + hint_args[i] = arg_args[0] + arg_args.remove_at(0) + hint_arg_args.push_back(arg_args) + #print("Checking property type") + match descriptor.type: + TYPE_NIL: + #print("Nil property can only be null") + return null + TYPE_BOOL: + #print("Property is bool; double-negating extra") + return not not value + TYPE_INT: match descriptor.hint: + PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM_SUGGESTION: + #print("Property is enum") + if value is String: + #print("Extra is string; searching enum") + var i = hint_args.find(value.capitalize()) + if i >= 0 and hint_arg_args[i].size() > 0: + #print( + #"Found enum value corresponding to given string" + #) + return hint_arg_args[i][0] + else: + #print("Could not find enum value " + + #"corresponding to given string; defaulting to -1") + return -1 + else: + #print("Extra is not string; skipping enum search " + + #"and using directly") + return int(value) + _: + #print("Property is int") + return int(value) + TYPE_FLOAT: + #print("Property is float") + return float(value) + TYPE_STRING: + #print("Property is string") + return String(value) + TYPE_VECTOR2: + #print("Property is Vector2; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 2-element float array") + return Vector2(value[0], value[1]) + TYPE_VECTOR2I: + #print("Property is Vector2i; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 2-element int array") + return Vector2i(value[0], value[1]) + TYPE_RECT2: + #print("Property is Rect2; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 2-element float array") + return Rect2(value[0], value[1]) + TYPE_RECT2I: + #print("Property is Rect2i; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 2-element int array") + return Rect2i(value[0], value[1]) + TYPE_VECTOR3: + #print("Property is Vector3; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 3-element float array") + return Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]) + TYPE_VECTOR3I: + #print("Property is Vector3i; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 3-element int array") + return Vector3i(value[0], value[1], value[2]) + TYPE_TRANSFORM2D: + #print("Property is Transform2D; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 6-element float array") + return Transform2D( + value[0], Vector2(value[1], value[2]), + value[3], Vector2(value[4], value[5]) + ) + TYPE_VECTOR4: + #print("Property is Vector4; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 4-element float array") + return Vector4(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) + TYPE_VECTOR4I: + #print("Property is Vector4i; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 4-element int array") + return Vector4i(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) + TYPE_PLANE: + #print("Property is Plane; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is float array with 3, 4, 6, or 9 elements") + match value.size(): + 3: + #print("3 elements; ergo, using Plane(Vector3)") + return Plane(Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2])) + 4: + #print("4 elements; ergo, using Plane(Vector3, float)") + return Plane( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + value[3] + ) + 6: + #print("6 elements; ergo, using Plane(Vector3, Vector3)") + return Plane( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + Vector3(value[3], value[4], value[5]) + ) + 9: + #print("9 elements; ergo, " + + #"using Plane(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)") + return Plane( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + Vector3(value[3], value[4], value[5]), + Vector3(value[6], value[7], value[8]) + ) + _: + #print(( + #"!!!Wrong number of elements (%d); " + + #"ergo, using Plane()!!!" + #) % value.size()) + push_error(( + "Arguments %s are invalid " + + "for constructing Plane" + ) % value) + return Plane() + TYPE_QUATERNION: + #print("Property is Quaternion; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 4-element float array") + return Quaternion( + value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3] + ) + TYPE_AABB: + #print("Property is AABB; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 6-element float array") + return AABB( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + Vector3(value[3], value[4], value[5]) + ) + TYPE_BASIS: + #print("Property is Basis; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 9-element float array") + return Basis( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + Vector3(value[3], value[4], value[5]), + Vector3(value[6], value[7], value[8]) + ) + TYPE_TRANSFORM3D: + #print("Property is Transform3D; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is 12-element float array") + return Transform3D( + Basis( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + Vector3(value[3], value[4], value[5]), + Vector3(value[6], value[7], value[8]) + ), + Vector3(value[9], value[10], value[11]) + ) + TYPE_PROJECTION: + #print("Property is Projection; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is float array with 12 or 16 elements") + match value.size(): + 12: + #print("12 elements; ergo, " + + #"using Projection(Transform3D)") + return Projection(Transform3D( + Basis( + Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]), + Vector3(value[3], value[4], value[5]), + Vector3(value[6], value[7], value[8]) + ), + Vector3(value[9], value[10], value[11]) + )) + 16: + #print("16 elements; ergo, " + + #"using Projection(" + + #"Vector4, Vector4, Vector4, Vector4" + + #")") + return Projection( + Vector4(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]), + Vector4(value[4], value[5], value[6], value[7]), + Vector4(value[8], value[9], value[10], value[11]), + Vector4(value[12], value[13], value[14], value[15]) + ) + _: + #print(( + #"!!!Wrong number of elements (%d); " + + #"ergo, using Projection()!!!" + #) % value.size()) + push_error(( + "Arguments %s are invalid " + + "for constructing Projection" + ) % value) + return Projection() + TYPE_COLOR: + #print("Property is Color") + if value is String: + #print("Extra is String; parsing as Color") + return Color(value) + else: + #print("Extra is not String; ergo, " + + #"assuming float array with 3 or 4 elements") + match value.size(): + 3: + #print("3 elements; ergo, RGB") + return Color(value[0], value[1], value[2]) + 4: + #print("4 elements; ergo, RGBA") + return Color(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) + _: + #print(( + #"!!!Wrong number of elements (%d); " + + #"ergo, using Color.WHITE!!!" + #) % value.size()) + push_error(( + "Arguments %s are invalid " + + "for constructing Color" + ) % value) + return Color.WHITE + TYPE_STRING_NAME: + #print("Property is StringName; interning extra") + return StringName(String(value)) + TYPE_NODE_PATH: + #print("Property is NodePath; parsing extra") + return NodePath(String(value)) + TYPE_RID: + #print("Property is RID; " + + #"interpreting extra as resource path (without res://)") + return load("res://" + String(value)).get_rid() + TYPE_OBJECT: match descriptor.hint: + PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE: + #print("Property is Resource") + # special case for assigning resources from discarded nodes + if value is Resource: + #print("Extra is Resource, likely built " + + #"from discarded node during node setup phase; " + + #"using unmodified") + return value + else: + #print("Interpreting extra as resource path " + + #"(without res://)") + return load("res://" + String(value)) + PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_TYPE: + #print("Property is Node") + if nodes_by_unique_name.has(value): + #print("Extra refers to a node's unique name " + + #"as defined in the glTF data; " + + #"using that node") + return nodes_by_unique_name.get(value) + elif String(value).begins_with('/'): + #print("Extra begins with /; " + + #"interpreting as absolute node path") + return root.get_node(value) + else: + #print("Interpreting extra as node path") + return what.get_node(value) + _: + #print("Property is Object; interpreting extra " + + #"as name usable with ClassDB") + return ClassDB.instantiate(StringName(String(value))) + TYPE_CALLABLE: + #print("Property is callable; " + + #"interpreting extra as method reference (:-style)") + #print("Parsing method reference for receiver and method name") + var parts := String(value).split(':') + #print("Parse result: %s" % parts) + if parts.size() == 1: + #print("No receiver; assuming implicit self") + return Callable(what, parts[0]) + elif nodes_by_unique_name.has(parts[0]): + #print("Receiver refers to a node's unique name " + + #"as defined in the glTF data; " + + #"using that node") + return Callable(nodes_by_unique_name.get(parts[0]), parts[1]) + elif String(parts[0]).begins_with('/'): + #print("Receiver begins with /; " + + #"interpreting as absolute node path") + return Callable(root.get_node(parts[0]), parts[1]) + else: + #print("Interpreting receiver as node path") + return Callable(what.get_node(parts[0]), parts[1]) + TYPE_SIGNAL: + #print("Property is signal; " + + #"interpreting extra as signal reference (:-style)") + #print("Parsing signal reference for emitter and signal name") + var parts := String(value).split(':') + #print("Parse result: %s" % parts) + if parts.size() == 1: + #print("No emitter; assuming implicit self") + return what.get(parts[0]) + elif nodes_by_unique_name.has(parts[0]): + #print("Emitter refers to a node's unique name " + + #"as defined in the glTF data; " + + #"using that node") + return nodes_by_unique_name.get(parts[0]).get(parts[1]) + elif String(parts[0]).begins_with('/'): + #print("Emitter begins with /; " + + #"interpreting as absolute node path") + return root.get_node(parts[0]).get(parts[1]) + else: + #print("Interpreting emitter as node path") + return what.get_node(parts[0]).get(parts[1]) + TYPE_DICTIONARY: + #print("Property is Dictionary; interpreting extra as JSON") + return JSON.parse_string(value) + TYPE_ARRAY: + #print("Property is array; assuming extra is array") + return value + TYPE_PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedByteArray; assuming extra is int array") + return PackedByteArray(value) + TYPE_PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedInt32Array; assuming extra is int array") + return PackedInt32Array(value) + TYPE_PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedInt64Array; assuming extra is int array") + return PackedInt64Array(value) + TYPE_PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedFloat32Array; " + + #"assuming extra is float array") + return PackedFloat32Array(value) + TYPE_PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedFloat64Array; " + + #"assuming extra is float array") + return PackedFloat64Array(value) + TYPE_PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedStringArray; " + + #"treating extra as String containing comma-separated tokens") + return PackedStringArray(String(value).split(',')) + TYPE_PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedVector2Array; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is float array of size divisible by 2") + var vecs: Array[Vector2] = [] + var current := Vector2.ZERO + var current_i: int = 0 + for num in value: + current[current_i] = value + current_i += 1 + if current_i >= 2: + current_i = 0 + #print("Assembled %s" % current) + vecs.push_back(current) + return PackedVector2Array(vecs) + TYPE_PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedVector3Array; ergo, " + + #"assuming extra is float array of size divisible by 3") + var vecs: Array[Vector2] = [] + var current := Vector3.ZERO + var current_i: int = 0 + for num in value: + current[current_i] = value + current_i += 1 + if current_i >= 3: + current_i = 0 + #print("Assembled %s" % current) + vecs.push_back(current) + return PackedVector3Array(vecs) + TYPE_PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: + #print("Property is PackedColorArray") + var colors: Array[Color] = [] + if value is String: + #print("Extra is string; parsing as comma-separated tokens") + for token in value.split(','): + #print("Parsing token '%s' as a Color" % token) + colors.push_back(Color(token)) + else: + #print("Assuming extra is float array of size divisible by 4") + var current := Color.WHITE + var current_i: int = 0 + for num in value: + current[current_i] = value + current_i += 1 + if current_i >= 4: + current_i = 0 + #print("Assembled %s" % current) + colors.push_back(current) + return PackedColorArray(colors) + _: + #print("Property is of unknown or unspecified type; " + + #"returning extra unmodified") + return value + +func _replace_node_maybe_with_scene_instance(x: Node, y: Node) -> void: + var scene_path := y.scene_file_path + x.replace_by(y, true) + y.scene_file_path = scene_path diff --git a/autoload/Options/Options.gd b/autoload/Options/Options.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ad5174 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Options/Options.gd @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +extends Node + +const MIN_VOLUME = -20.0 + +var fullscreen: bool: + get: return ( + DisplayServer.window_get_mode() == DisplayServer.WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN + ) + set(value): + DisplayServer.window_set_mode( + DisplayServer.WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN if value + else DisplayServer.WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED + ) +var master_volume: float: + get: return AudioServer.get_bus_volume_db(0) + set(value): + AudioServer.set_bus_volume_db(0, value) + AudioServer.set_bus_mute(0, bool(value < MIN_VOLUME + 0.0001)) +var music_volume: float: + get: return AudioServer.get_bus_volume_db(1) + set(value): + AudioServer.set_bus_volume_db(1, value) + AudioServer.set_bus_mute(1, bool(value < MIN_VOLUME + 0.0001)) +var sound_volume: float: + get: return AudioServer.get_bus_volume_db(2) + set(value): + AudioServer.set_bus_volume_db(2, value) + AudioServer.set_bus_mute(2, bool(value < MIN_VOLUME + 0.0001)) + +var _mouselook: bool = true +var _mouselook_requested: bool = false +var mouselook: bool: + get: return _mouselook + set(value): + _mouselook = value + _update_mouse_mode() +var mouselook_requested: bool: + get: return _mouselook_requested + set(value): + _mouselook_requested = value + _update_mouse_mode() + +var mouse_sensitivity: float = 0.125 +var mouse_wheel_sensitivity: float = 0.375 +var right_stick_sensitivity: float = 0.125 +var invert_mouselook := false +var invert_mouse_wheel := false +var invert_right_stick := false + +func _update_mouse_mode() -> void: + if _mouselook and _mouselook_requested: + Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED + else: + Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE + +func reset_non_input_map_options() -> void: + fullscreen = false + master_volume = 0.0 + music_volume = 0.0 + sound_volume = 0.0 + mouselook = true + mouse_sensitivity = 0.25 + mouse_wheel_sensitivity = 0.375 + right_stick_sensitivity = 0.25 + invert_mouselook = false + invert_mouse_wheel = false + invert_right_stick = false + +func reset_input_map() -> void: + InputMap.load_from_project_settings() + +func load_file() -> bool: + var file := FileAccess.open("user://settings.json", FileAccess.READ) + if file: + var json = JSON.parse_string(file.get_as_text()) + file.close() + if json and json is Dictionary: + fullscreen = json.get('fullscreen', false) as bool + master_volume = json.get('master_volume', 0.0) as float + music_volume = json.get('music_volume', 0.0) as float + sound_volume = json.get('sound_volume', 0.0) as float + mouselook = json.get('mouselook', true) as bool + mouse_sensitivity = json.get('mouse_sensitivity', 0.125) as float + mouse_wheel_sensitivity = json.get( + 'mouse_wheel_sensitivity', 0.375 + ) as float + right_stick_sensitivity = json.get( + 'right_stick_sensitivity', 0.125 + ) as float + invert_mouselook = json.get('invert_mouselook', false) as bool + invert_mouse_wheel = json.get('invert_mouse_wheel', false) as bool + invert_right_stick = json.get('invert_right_stick', false) as bool + apply_bindings_config(json.get('bindings')) + return true + else: + return false + else: + return false + +func save_file() -> bool: + var file := FileAccess.open("user://settings.json", FileAccess.WRITE) + if file: + file.store_string(JSON.stringify({ + 'fullscreen': fullscreen, + 'master_volume': master_volume, + 'music_volume': music_volume, + 'sound_volume': sound_volume, + 'mouselook': mouselook, + 'mouse_sensitivity': mouse_sensitivity, + 'mouse_wheel_sensitivity': mouse_wheel_sensitivity, + 'right_stick_sensitivity': right_stick_sensitivity, + 'invert_mouselook': invert_mouselook, + 'invert_mouse_wheel': invert_mouse_wheel, + 'invert_right_stick': invert_right_stick, + 'bindings': make_bindings_config() + }, "\t")) + file.close() + return true + else: + return false + +func apply_bindings_config(bindings: Dictionary) -> void: + if bindings: + for action in bindings: + InputMap.action_erase_events(action) + for binding in bindings[action]: + InputMap.action_add_event(action, dict_to_input_event(binding)) + +func make_bindings_config() -> Dictionary: + var bindings := {} + for action in InputMap.get_actions(): + var array: Array[Dictionary] = [] + for event in InputMap.action_get_events(action): + array.push_back(input_event_to_dict(event)) + bindings[action] = array + return bindings + +func dict_to_input_event(dict: Dictionary) -> InputEvent: + var result: InputEvent + match dict['TYPE']: + 'InputEventKey': result = InputEventKey.new() + 'InputEventJoypadMotion': result = InputEventJoypadMotion.new() + 'InputEventJoypadButton': result = InputEventJoypadButton.new() + 'InputEventMouseButton': result = InputEventMouseButton.new() + 'InputEventMouseMotion': result = InputEventMouseMotion.new() + for key in dict: + if key != 'TYPE': + result.set(key, dict[key]) + return result + +func input_event_to_dict(event: InputEvent) -> Dictionary: + var result := {} + if event is InputEventKey: + result['TYPE'] = 'InputEventKey' + elif event is InputEventJoypadMotion: + result['TYPE'] = 'InputEventJoypadMotion' + elif event is InputEventJoypadButton: + result['TYPE'] = 'InputEventJoypadButton' + elif event is InputEventMouseButton: + result['TYPE'] = 'InputEventMouseButton' + elif event is InputEventMouseMotion: + result['TYPE'] = 'InputEventMouseMotion' + else: + push_warning("skipping event of unhandled type: %s" % event) + for property in event.get_property_list(): + if property['usage'] & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE != 0: + var value = event.get(property['name']) + if value is String or value is StringName: + result[property['name']] = value as String + elif ( + value is int or value is float or value is bool or + value == null + ): + result[property['name']] = value + return result + +func _ready(): + reset_non_input_map_options() + reset_input_map() + if not load_file(): save_file() diff --git a/autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.gd b/autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..266260f --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.gd @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +extends Node + +enum Status { + ENABLED, + BORROWED, + PAUSED, + NO_RUNNER, + RUNNER_NOT_IN_FOCUS, + CAMERA_NOT_CURRENT, + ERROR +} + +@onready var _disabled_reentrometer := StateReentrometer.new() +@onready var _paused_reentrometer := StateReentrometer.new() +@onready var _runner_controller := $RunnerController as RunnerController + +func _ready() -> void: + _disabled_reentrometer.entered.connect( + _on_disabled_reentrometer_entered + ) + _disabled_reentrometer.exited.connect( + _on_disabled_reentrometer_exited + ) + _paused_reentrometer.entered.connect( + _on_paused_reentrometer_entered + ) + _paused_reentrometer.exited.connect( + _on_paused_reentrometer_exited + ) + +func status() -> Status: + if _disabled_reentrometer.depth() > _paused_reentrometer.depth(): + return Status.BORROWED + elif _paused_reentrometer.depth() > 0: + return Status.PAUSED + elif ( + (not _runner_controller) or + (not _runner_controller.is_inside_tree()) or + (not _runner_controller.is_node_ready()) + ): + return Status.ERROR + elif not _runner_controller.current: + return Status.CAMERA_NOT_CURRENT + elif not get_runner(): + return Status.NO_RUNNER + elif _runner_controller.target_override: + return Status.RUNNER_NOT_IN_FOCUS + else: + return Status.ENABLED + +func get_runner() -> Runner: + return _runner_controller.runner + +func switch_runner( + whom: Runner, + distance: float = RunnerController.DEFAULT_DISTANCE +) -> void: + _runner_controller.switch_runner(whom, distance) + +func get_camera() -> RunnerObserver: + return _runner_controller + +func borrow() -> void: + _disabled_reentrometer.descend() + +func pause() -> void: + _disabled_reentrometer.descend() + _paused_reentrometer.descend() + +func unpause() -> void: + _paused_reentrometer.ascend() + _disabled_reentrometer.ascend() + +func restore() -> void: + assert(status() == Status.BORROWED) + _disabled_reentrometer.ascend() + +func _on_disabled_reentrometer_entered() -> void: + _runner_controller.control_enabled = false + +func _on_disabled_reentrometer_exited() -> void: + _runner_controller.make_current() + _runner_controller.target_override = null + _runner_controller.control_enabled = true + +func _on_paused_reentrometer_entered() -> void: + get_tree().paused = true + +func _on_paused_reentrometer_exited() -> void: + get_tree().paused = false + +func enabled() -> bool: + return status() == Status.ENABLED + +func borrowed() -> bool: + return status() == Status.BORROWED + +func paused() -> bool: + return status() == Status.PAUSED diff --git a/autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.tscn b/autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d8604c --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://cbgnsqe6ryfek"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/PlayerControl/PlayerControl.gd" id="1_pm6of"] +[ext_resource type="Environment" uid="uid://dgy8ovtotble7" path="res://vfx/Environment.tres" id="2_qygrc"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/thinkers/RunnerController.gd" id="3_250op"] + +[sub_resource type="SphereShape3D" id="SphereShape3D_fy4pd"] +radius = 0.063 + +[node name="PlayerControl" type="Node"] +process_mode = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_pm6of") + +[node name="RunnerController" type="Camera3D" parent="."] +process_mode = 3 +environment = ExtResource("2_qygrc") +current = true +script = ExtResource("3_250op") + +[node name="Area3D" type="Area3D" parent="RunnerController"] + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="RunnerController/Area3D"] +shape = SubResource("SphereShape3D_fy4pd") diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/CharacterStoryState.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/CharacterStoryState.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e7dd0c --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/CharacterStoryState.gd @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class_name CharacterStoryState extends Resource + +@export var checkpoint: Checkpoint +@export var saved_hub_world_location: LoadingZoneGlobalID diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/Checkpoint.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/Checkpoint.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a9c5a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/Checkpoint.gd @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +class_name Checkpoint extends Resource + +@export var character: StringName +@export var location: LoadingZoneGlobalID +@export var game_mode: LevelDescriptor.GameMode +@export var time: float = 0.0 diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/GameStartParameters.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/GameStartParameters.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3db4775 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/GameStartParameters.gd @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +class_name GameStartParameters extends LevelEntranceParameters + +@export var character: StringName diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/InitialSaveData.tres b/autoload/Storyboard/InitialSaveData.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..407521d --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/InitialSaveData.tres @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="SaveData" load_steps=16 format=3 uid="uid://bw1tx7lhg3rew"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://levels/MapID.gd" id="1_q6ppf"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZoneGlobalID.gd" id="2_nfoqp"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/Checkpoint.gd" id="3_n33sg"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/CharacterStoryState.gd" id="4_m8wj1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/MapUnlockMark.gd" id="5_kkhfd"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/SaveData.gd" id="6_8ow7g"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_wb5t3"] +script = ExtResource("1_q6ppf") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_7082x"] +script = ExtResource("2_nfoqp") +map = SubResource("Resource_wb5t3") +loading_zone = &"WakeUp" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_4f0cd"] +script = ExtResource("3_n33sg") +character = &"stick" +location = SubResource("Resource_7082x") +game_mode = 1 +time = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_mr4b7"] +script = ExtResource("2_nfoqp") +map = SubResource("Resource_wb5t3") +loading_zone = &"WakeUp" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_55fu7"] +script = ExtResource("4_m8wj1") +checkpoint = SubResource("Resource_4f0cd") +saved_hub_world_location = SubResource("Resource_mr4b7") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_rgqsg"] +script = ExtResource("1_q6ppf") +level = &"testlevel_bcity" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_y5mo5"] +script = ExtResource("5_kkhfd") +character = &"stick" +map = SubResource("Resource_rgqsg") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_ypex1"] +script = ExtResource("1_q6ppf") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_lqfkx"] +script = ExtResource("5_kkhfd") +character = &"stick" +map = SubResource("Resource_ypex1") + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("6_8ow7g") +ctime = 0 +character_story_states = Array[ExtResource("4_m8wj1")]([SubResource("Resource_55fu7")]) +characters_unlocked = Array[StringName]([&"stick"]) +character_stories_completed = Array[StringName]([]) +maps_unlocked = Array[ExtResource("5_kkhfd")]([SubResource("Resource_y5mo5"), SubResource("Resource_lqfkx")]) +maps_completed = Array[Resource("res://autoload/Storyboard/MapCompletionMark.gd")]([]) +misc = {} diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/LevelEntranceParameters.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/LevelEntranceParameters.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..679e8cc --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/LevelEntranceParameters.gd @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +class_name LevelEntranceParameters extends Resource + +@export var level: StringName +@export var mission := &'' +@export var loading_zone := &'' +@export var origin_loading_zone := &'' +@export var game_mode: LevelDescriptor.GameMode +@export var show_level_card := true diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/MapCompletionMark.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/MapCompletionMark.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bcfee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/MapCompletionMark.gd @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +class_name MapCompletionMark extends Resource + +@export var character: StringName +@export var map: MapID +@export var best_time: float diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/MapUnlockMark.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/MapUnlockMark.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93c1043 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/MapUnlockMark.gd @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class_name MapUnlockMark extends Resource + +@export var character: StringName +@export var map: MapID diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/SaveData.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/SaveData.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..219091e --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/SaveData.gd @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +class_name SaveData extends CharacterStoryState + +enum GameMode {FREERUN, HUB, MISSION} + +@export var ctime: int +@export var character_story_states: Array[CharacterStoryState] +@export var characters_unlocked: Array[StringName] +@export var character_stories_completed: Array[StringName] +@export var maps_unlocked: Array[MapUnlockMark] +@export var maps_completed: Array[MapCompletionMark] +@export var misc: Dictionary + +func get_map_unlock_mark( + character: StringName, + level: StringName, + mission: StringName, + update: bool +) -> MapUnlockMark: + for mark in maps_unlocked: + if ( + mark.character == character and + mark.map.level == level and + mark.map.mission == mission + ): + return mark + if update: + var mark := MapUnlockMark.new() + mark.character = character + mark.map = MapID.new() + mark.map.level = level + mark.map.mission = mission + maps_unlocked.push_back(mark) + return mark + else: + return null + +func get_map_completion_mark( + character: StringName, + level: StringName, + mission: StringName, + update: bool +) -> MapCompletionMark: + for mark in maps_completed: + if ( + mark.character == character and + mark.map.level == level and + mark.map.mission == mission + ): + return mark + if update: + var mark := MapCompletionMark.new() + mark.character = character + mark.map = MapID.new() + mark.map.level = level + mark.map.mission = mission + mark.best_time = NAN + maps_completed.push_back(mark) + return mark + else: + return null + +func find_character_story_state(character: StringName) -> CharacterStoryState: + for state in character_story_states: + if state.checkpoint.character == character: + return state + return null + +func switch_character_story_state(character: StringName) -> void: + if not (checkpoint and character == checkpoint.character): + if checkpoint and saved_hub_world_location: + for state in character_story_states: + assert(not (state is SaveData)) + if state.checkpoint.character == checkpoint.character: + state.checkpoint = checkpoint.duplicate(true) + state.saved_hub_world_location = ( + saved_hub_world_location.duplicate(true) + ) + if character.is_empty(): + checkpoint = null + saved_hub_world_location = null + else: + for state in character_story_states: + assert(not (state is SaveData)) + if state.checkpoint.character == character: + checkpoint = state.checkpoint.duplicate(true) + saved_hub_world_location = ( + state.saved_hub_world_location.duplicate(true) + ) diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.gd b/autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1590a57 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.gd @@ -0,0 +1,633 @@ +extends Node + +signal map_loaded + +@export var characters: Array[CharacterProfile] +@export var levels: Array[LevelDescriptor] +@export var initial_save_data: SaveData + +@onready var _lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() +@onready var _transition_lock := NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() + +var _characters: Dictionary +var _levels: Dictionary +var _map_loaded := MapID.new() + +var save_data: SaveData + +func _time() -> int: + return Time.get_unix_time_from_datetime_dict( + Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system() + ) + +func _ready() -> void: + _build_character_dictionary() + _build_level_dictionary() + if not load_game(): new_game() + +func _build_character_dictionary() -> void: + for profile in characters: + _characters[profile.id] = profile + +func _build_level_dictionary() -> void: + for level in levels: + var ldict := { + &'descriptor': level, + &'missions': {}, + &'connections': {} + } + _levels[level.id] = ldict + var lmdict := ldict.missions as Dictionary + var lcdict := ldict.connections as Dictionary + for connection in level.connections: + lcdict[connection.origin] = connection + for mission in level.missions: + var mdict := { + &'descriptor': mission, + &'connections': lcdict.duplicate() + } + lmdict[mission.id] = mdict + var mcdict := mdict.connections as Dictionary + for connection in mission.connections: + mcdict[connection.origin] = connection + +func save_data_exists() -> bool: + return ResourceLoader.exists("user://save.res", &'SaveData') + +func load_game() -> bool: + if save_data_exists(): + save_data = ResourceLoader.load("user://save.res", &'SaveData') + return true + else: + return false + +func save_game() -> void: + save_data.switch_character_story_state(&'') + ResourceSaver.save( + save_data, "user://save.res", + ResourceSaver.FLAG_OMIT_EDITOR_PROPERTIES | + ResourceSaver.FLAG_COMPRESS + ) + +func _make_save_data() -> SaveData: + var result := initial_save_data.duplicate(true) + result.ctime = _time() + return result + +func new_game() -> void: + save_data = _make_save_data() + +func get_character(id: StringName) -> CharacterProfile: + return _characters[id] + +func _get_level(id: StringName) -> Dictionary: + if _levels.has(id): + return _levels[id] + else: + push_error("no such level %s" % id) + return {} + +func get_level(id: StringName) -> LevelDescriptor: + var level := _get_level(id) + return null if level.is_empty() else level.descriptor + +func _get_mission( + level_id: StringName, + mission_id: StringName +) -> Dictionary: + var level := _get_level(level_id) + if level.is_empty() or mission_id.is_empty(): + return {} + elif level.missions.has(mission_id): + return level.missions[mission_id] + else: + push_error("level %s has no such mission %s" % [level_id, mission_id]) + return {} + +func get_mission( + level_id: StringName, + mission_id: StringName, +) -> MissionDescriptor: + var mission := _get_mission(level_id, mission_id) + return null if mission.is_empty() else mission.descriptor + +func get_map_connection( + level_id: StringName, + mission_id: StringName, + origin: StringName, + fail_is_error: bool = true +) -> MapConnection: + var map := ( + _get_level(level_id) if mission_id.is_empty() + else _get_mission(level_id, mission_id) + ) + if map.is_empty(): + return null + elif map.connections.has(origin): + var connection := map.connections[origin] as MapConnection + if fail_is_error and not connection: + push_error(( + "level %s has map connection %s, " + + "but its mission %s does not" + ) % [ + level_id, origin, mission_id + ]) + return connection + elif mission_id.is_empty(): + if fail_is_error: + push_error("level %s has no such map connection %s" % [ + level_id, origin + ]) + return null + else: + if fail_is_error: + push_error(( + "mission %s of level %s " + + "has no such map connection %s" + ) % [ + mission_id, level_id, origin + ]) + return null + +func get_play_time() -> int: + return _time() - save_data.ctime + +func get_current_checkpoint() -> Checkpoint: + assert(in_the_right_map()) + return save_data.checkpoint + +func set_checkpoint(where: LoadingZone) -> void: + assert( + actually_in_a_map() and in_the_right_map() and + where.is_inside_tree() + ) + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone = where.name + save_data.checkpoint.time = HUD.time + +func get_game_mode() -> LevelDescriptor.GameMode: + return save_data.checkpoint.game_mode + +func set_game_mode(game_mode: LevelDescriptor.GameMode): + save_data.checkpoint.game_mode = game_mode + if game_mode == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB: + HUD.stop_timer() + else: + HUD.start_timer() + +func get_current_character() -> CharacterProfile: + return _characters[save_data.checkpoint.character] + +func _transition_out() -> void: + await _transition_lock.acquire() + PlayerControl.pause() + await FX.fade(Color.BLACK) + +func _transition_in( + fx: ScreenEffectsConfiguration = null +) -> void: + var do_fade := func(): + if not fx or not fx.set_fade: + await FX.clear_fade() + var do_other := func(): + if fx: + await fx.apply(ScreenEffects.DEFAULT_TRANSITION) + await Promise.new([ + do_fade, + do_other + ]).join() + PlayerControl.unpause() + _transition_lock.relinquish() + +func _instantiate_runner() -> Runner: + var runner := get_current_character().runner.instantiate() as Runner + get_tree().current_scene.add_child(runner) + var old_runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() + if old_runner: + runner.global_position = old_runner.global_position + PlayerControl.switch_runner(runner) + if old_runner: + old_runner.queue_free() + return runner + +func switch_character(whom: StringName) -> void: + await _lock.acquire() + save_data.switch_character_story_state(whom) + if actually_in_a_map(): + await _transition_out() + _instantiate_runner() + await _transition_in() + _lock.relinquish() + +func in_a_map() -> bool: + return not save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level.is_empty() + +func actually_in_a_map() -> bool: + return not _map_loaded.level.is_empty() + +func in_the_right_map() -> bool: + return ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level == _map_loaded.level and + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission == _map_loaded.mission + ) + +func get_actual_map() -> MapID: + return _map_loaded.dupicate() + +func get_level_we_should_be_in() -> LevelDescriptor: + return ( + null if save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level.is_empty() + else get_level(save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level) + ) + +func get_current_level() -> LevelDescriptor: + assert(in_the_right_map()) + return get_level_we_should_be_in() + +func get_mission_we_should_be_in() -> MissionDescriptor: + var id := save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission + if id.is_empty(): + return null + else: + return get_mission( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level, + id + ) + +func get_current_mission() -> MissionDescriptor: + assert(in_the_right_map()) + return get_mission_we_should_be_in() + +func get_last_loading_zone() -> LoadingZone: + assert(actually_in_a_map() and in_the_right_map()) + return get_tree().current_scene.get_node( + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone as String as NodePath + ) + +func _wait_for_scene_change_to_take() -> void: + get_tree().paused = false + while ( + not get_tree().current_scene or + not get_tree().current_scene.is_node_ready() + ): + await get_tree().process_frame + get_tree().paused = true + +func go_to_non_level_scene( + scene: PackedScene, + fx: ScreenEffectsConfiguration = null +) -> void: + await _lock.acquire() + await _transition_out() + _map_loaded.level = &'' + if save_data.checkpoint: + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level = &'' + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission = &'' + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone = &'' + get_tree().change_scene_to_packed(scene) + await _wait_for_scene_change_to_take() + await _transition_in(fx) + _lock.relinquish() + +func _change_scene_to_node(scene: Node) -> void: + var prev_scene := get_tree().current_scene + get_tree().root.remove_child(prev_scene) + get_tree().current_scene = null + await Wait.tick() + prev_scene.free() + get_tree().root.add_child(scene) + get_tree().current_scene = scene + +func _go_to_map_based_on_save_data(show_level_card: bool) -> void: + await _transition_out() + FX.get_camera().detach() + var level_descriptor := get_level( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level + ) + var mission_descriptor: MissionDescriptor = ( + null if save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission.is_empty() + else get_mission( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level, + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission + ) + ) + var level_card: LevelCardCutIn = null + if not in_the_right_map(): + _map_loaded.level = &'' + if show_level_card: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.tscn"), { + &'level_descriptor': level_descriptor, + &'mission_descriptor': mission_descriptor, + &'game_mode': save_data.checkpoint.game_mode, + &'save_data': save_data.get_map_completion_mark( + save_data.checkpoint.character, + level_descriptor.id, + mission_descriptor.id if mission_descriptor else &'', + false + ), + &'no_dismiss': true, + &'ui_open_sound_override': null, + &'ui_close_sound_override': null + }) + level_card = UI.context() + await level_card.storyboard_should_start_loading_level + map_loaded.connect( + level_card.on_loading_finished, CONNECT_ONE_SHOT + ) + var scene := (load( + mission_descriptor.scene_path_override if ( + mission_descriptor and + not mission_descriptor.scene_path_override.is_empty() + ) else level_descriptor.scene_path + ) as PackedScene).instantiate() + MapPreinit.setup(scene) + await _change_scene_to_node(scene) + _map_loaded.level = level_descriptor.id + _map_loaded.mission = ( + mission_descriptor.id if mission_descriptor else &'' + ) + assert(in_the_right_map()) + await _wait_for_scene_change_to_take() + _instantiate_runner() + var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() as Runner + var loading_zone := get_last_loading_zone() + if loading_zone: + loading_zone.dropoff(runner) + else: + push_error("Loading zone not found: %s" % + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone) + runner.global_position = Vector3.UP + runner.up_normal = Vector3.UP + FX.hard_reorient_camera() + var bgm: AudioStream = ( + mission_descriptor.bgm_override if ( + mission_descriptor and mission_descriptor.bgm_override + ) else level_descriptor.bgm + ) + var fx: ScreenEffectsConfiguration = ( + mission_descriptor.fx_override if ( + mission_descriptor and mission_descriptor.fx_override + ) else level_descriptor.fx + ) + if bgm: + FX.play_bgm(bgm) + map_loaded.emit() + if level_card: + await UI.returned + await _transition_in(fx) + if save_data.checkpoint.game_mode == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB: + HUD.stop_timer() + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.level = ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level + ) + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.mission = ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission + ) + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.loading_zone = ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone + ) + else: + HUD.start_timer(save_data.checkpoint.time) + +func go_to_map(params: LevelEntranceParameters) -> void: + await _lock.acquire() + if params is GameStartParameters: + save_data.switch_character_story_state(params.character) + save_data.checkpoint.character = params.character + if not params.level.is_empty(): + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.level = params.level + if not params.mission.is_empty(): + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.mission = params.mission + if not params.loading_zone.is_empty(): + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.loading_zone = ( + params.loading_zone + ) + else: + var in_a_hub_now := ( + in_a_map() and in_the_right_map() and + get_game_mode() == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + ) + var will_be_in_a_hub := ( + params.game_mode == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + ) + if in_a_hub_now and not will_be_in_a_hub: + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.level = ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level + ) + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.mission = ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission + ) + save_data.saved_hub_world_location.loading_zone = ( + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone if + params.origin_loading_zone.is_empty() + else params.origin_loading_zone + ) + _map_loaded.level = &'' + var level_descriptor := get_level(params.level) + var mission_descriptor: MissionDescriptor = ( + null if params.mission.is_empty() + else get_mission(params.level, params.mission) + ) + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level = level_descriptor.id + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission = ( + mission_descriptor.id if mission_descriptor else &'' + ) + var loading_zone := params.loading_zone + if loading_zone.is_empty(): + loading_zone = ( + mission_descriptor.fast_travel_entrance_override if ( + mission_descriptor and + not mission_descriptor.fast_travel_entrance_override.is_empty() + ) else level_descriptor.fast_travel_entrance + ) + save_data.checkpoint.location.loading_zone = loading_zone + save_data.checkpoint.time = 0.0 + save_data.checkpoint.game_mode = params.game_mode + await _go_to_map_based_on_save_data(bool(params.show_level_card)) + _lock.relinquish() + +func return_to_hub_world() -> void: + var params := LevelEntranceParameters.new() + params.game_mode = LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + params.level = save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.level + params.mission = save_data.saved_hub_world_location.map.mission + params.loading_zone = save_data.saved_hub_world_location.loading_zone + params.origin_loading_zone = &'' + params.show_level_card = false + await go_to_map(params) + +func get_map_supported_game_modes( + level: StringName, + mission: StringName = &'' +) -> Array[LevelDescriptor.GameMode]: + if not allowed_into_map(level, mission): + return [] + elif mission.is_empty(): + var a := get_level(level).game_modes_supported.duplicate() + var i: int = a.find(LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION) + if i >= 0: + a.remove_at(i) + return a + else: + return [LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION] + +func map_freerun_available(level: StringName) -> bool: + var game_modes := get_map_supported_game_modes(level) + if not (allowed_into_map(level) and ( + LevelDescriptor.GameMode.FREERUN in game_modes + )): + return false + if LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION in game_modes: + for mission in get_level(level).missions: + if map_completed(level, mission.id): + return true + return false + else: + return true + +func allowed_into_map( + level: StringName, + mission: StringName = &'' +) -> bool: + var level_descriptor := get_level(level) + var mission_descriptor: MissionDescriptor = ( + null if mission.is_empty() + else get_mission(level, mission) + ) + var character := get_current_character() + return map_unlocked(level, mission) and ( + (mission_descriptor and + character.id in mission_descriptor.characters_allowed) or + ((not mission_descriptor) and + character.id in level_descriptor.characters_allowed) + ) + +func character_unlocked(character: StringName) -> bool: + return character in save_data.characters_unlocked + +func unlock_character(character: StringName) -> void: + if not character in save_data.characters_unlocked: + save_data.characters_unlocked.push_back(character) + +func character_story_completed(character: StringName) -> bool: + return character in save_data.character_stories_completed + +func set_character_story_as_completed(character: StringName) -> void: + if not character in save_data.character_stories_completed: + save_data.character_stories_completed.push_back(character) + +func map_unlocked(level: StringName, mission: StringName = &'') -> bool: + return not not save_data.get_map_unlock_mark( + save_data.checkpoint.character, level, mission, false + ) + +func map_completed(level: StringName, mission: StringName = &'') -> bool: + return not not save_data.get_map_completion_mark( + save_data.checkpoint.character, level, mission, false + ) + +func get_best_time(level: StringName, mission: StringName = &'') -> float: + var mark := save_data.get_map_completion_mark( + save_data.checkpoint.character, level, mission, false + ) + if mark: + return mark.best_time + else: + return NAN + +func unlock_map(level: StringName, mission: StringName = &'') -> void: + save_data.get_map_unlock_mark( + save_data.checkpoint.character, level, mission, true + ) + +func set_map_as_completed_and_check_if_personal_best( + level: StringName, mission: StringName = &'' +) -> bool: + var mark := save_data.get_map_completion_mark( + save_data.checkpoint.character, level, mission, true + ) + if is_nan(mark.best_time) or HUD.time < mark.best_time: + mark.best_time = HUD.time + return true + else: + return false + +func follow_map_connection(loading_zone: StringName) -> void: + assert(in_a_map() and in_the_right_map()) + var mc := get_map_connection( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level, + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission, + loading_zone + ) + assert(mc) + var params := LevelEntranceParameters.new() + params.level = mc.destination.map.level + params.mission = mc.destination.map.mission + params.loading_zone = mc.destination.loading_zone + var supported_game_modes := get_map_supported_game_modes( + params.level, params.mission + ) + if params.mission.is_empty(): + params.game_mode = get_game_mode() + if params.game_mode == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION: + params.game_mode = LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + if not (params.game_mode in supported_game_modes): + if params.game_mode == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB: + params.game_mode = LevelDescriptor.GameMode.FREERUN + else: + params.game_mode = LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + else: + params.game_mode = LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION + params.show_level_card = bool( + params.game_mode != LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB and not ( + params.game_mode == get_game_mode() and + params.level == save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level and + params.mission == save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission + ) + ) + params.origin_loading_zone = loading_zone + await go_to_map(params) + +func try_follow_map_connection(loading_zone: StringName) -> bool: + var mc := get_map_connection( + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.level, + save_data.checkpoint.location.map.mission, + loading_zone, + false + ) + if mc and allowed_into_map( + mc.destination.map.level, mc.destination.map.mission + ): + await follow_map_connection(loading_zone) + return true + else: + return false + +func try_go_to_map(params: LevelEntranceParameters) -> bool: + if not map_unlocked(params.level, params.mission): + return false + var supported_game_modes = get_map_supported_game_modes( + params.level, params.mission + ) + if not (params.game_mode in supported_game_modes): + return false + if params.game_mode == LevelDescriptor.GameMode.FREERUN and not ( + map_freerun_available(params.level) + ): + return false + await go_to_map(params) + return true + +func count_cleared_missions( + level: StringName = &'', + icosahedra_only: bool = false +) -> int: + var count: int = 0 + for completion_mark in save_data.maps_completed: + if ( + level.is_empty() or completion_mark.map.level == level + ) and ((not icosahedra_only) or get_mission( + completion_mark.map.level, + completion_mark.map.mission + ).awards_icosahedron): + count += 1 + return count diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.tscn b/autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94b78aa --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=3 uid="uid://chndq8ncpr6v0"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/Storyboard.gd" id="1_5b7pj"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://b01p7i4rw34pg" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/StickProfile.tres" id="2_njci4"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://fsr6eeuvw1qx" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/LornaProfile.tres" id="3_8xeyg"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://2tsumeeisqvx" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiProfile.tres" id="4_atxxn"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://dk68ru7qo1u0d" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboProfile.tres" id="5_earcc"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://u75e6qeh5yhd" path="res://levels/testlevel_houseinterior/TestLevel_HouseInterior.tres" id="7_7ammu"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://bjc4yk7nbmvrr" path="res://levels/testlevel_bcity/TestLevel_BCity.tres" id="7_gn234"] +[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://bqoorksnq0o7r" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/TestSaveData.tres" id="8_v8l4q"] + +[node name="Storyboard" type="Node"] +process_mode = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_5b7pj") +characters = Array[Resource("res://characters/CharacterProfile.gd")]([ExtResource("2_njci4"), ExtResource("3_8xeyg"), ExtResource("4_atxxn"), ExtResource("5_earcc")]) +levels = Array[Resource("res://levels/LevelDescriptor.gd")]([ExtResource("7_gn234"), ExtResource("7_7ammu")]) +initial_save_data = ExtResource("8_v8l4q") diff --git a/autoload/Storyboard/TestSaveData.tres b/autoload/Storyboard/TestSaveData.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ae1f04 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Storyboard/TestSaveData.tres @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="SaveData" load_steps=38 format=3 uid="uid://bqoorksnq0o7r"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://levels/MapID.gd" id="1_g0bc4"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZoneGlobalID.gd" id="2_plp6o"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/Checkpoint.gd" id="3_b3leb"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/CharacterStoryState.gd" id="4_qbdt7"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/MapUnlockMark.gd" id="5_xsxd6"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/SaveData.gd" id="6_3l5tg"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_qswui"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_66404"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_qswui") +loading_zone = &"WakeUp" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_hbhpy"] +script = ExtResource("3_b3leb") +character = &"stick" +location = SubResource("Resource_66404") +game_mode = 1 +time = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_as1y0"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_lrqya"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_as1y0") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_g2nhh"] +script = ExtResource("4_qbdt7") +checkpoint = SubResource("Resource_hbhpy") +saved_hub_world_location = SubResource("Resource_lrqya") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_oy80l"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_5irlj"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_oy80l") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_7njsc"] +script = ExtResource("3_b3leb") +character = &"lorna" +location = SubResource("Resource_5irlj") +game_mode = 1 +time = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_dffhx"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_du5ab"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_dffhx") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_jjca3"] +script = ExtResource("4_qbdt7") +checkpoint = SubResource("Resource_7njsc") +saved_hub_world_location = SubResource("Resource_du5ab") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_vwbyt"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_tbumw"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_vwbyt") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_n6dyn"] +script = ExtResource("3_b3leb") +character = &"blujai" +location = SubResource("Resource_tbumw") +game_mode = 1 +time = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_6pebr"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_72kcs"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_6pebr") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_uqi4l"] +script = ExtResource("4_qbdt7") +checkpoint = SubResource("Resource_n6dyn") +saved_hub_world_location = SubResource("Resource_72kcs") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_wvurv"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_xjg0h"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_wvurv") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_fmu1t"] +script = ExtResource("3_b3leb") +character = &"gibbo" +location = SubResource("Resource_xjg0h") +game_mode = 1 +time = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_chvht"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_ktjpt"] +script = ExtResource("2_plp6o") +map = SubResource("Resource_chvht") +loading_zone = &"FrontDoor" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_kuwml"] +script = ExtResource("4_qbdt7") +checkpoint = SubResource("Resource_fmu1t") +saved_hub_world_location = SubResource("Resource_ktjpt") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_rgqsg"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_bcity" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_y5mo5"] +script = ExtResource("5_xsxd6") +character = &"stick" +map = SubResource("Resource_rgqsg") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_ypex1"] +script = ExtResource("1_g0bc4") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_lqfkx"] +script = ExtResource("5_xsxd6") +character = &"stick" +map = SubResource("Resource_ypex1") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_uttgn"] +script = ExtResource("5_xsxd6") +character = &"lorna" +map = SubResource("Resource_rgqsg") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_vka6m"] +script = ExtResource("5_xsxd6") +character = &"blujai" +map = SubResource("Resource_rgqsg") + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_3w8sr"] +script = ExtResource("5_xsxd6") +character = &"gibbo" +map = SubResource("Resource_rgqsg") + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("6_3l5tg") +ctime = 0 +character_story_states = Array[ExtResource("4_qbdt7")]([SubResource("Resource_g2nhh"), SubResource("Resource_jjca3"), SubResource("Resource_uqi4l"), SubResource("Resource_kuwml")]) +characters_unlocked = Array[StringName]([&"stick", &"lorna", &"blujai", &"gibbo"]) +character_stories_completed = Array[StringName]([]) +maps_unlocked = [SubResource("Resource_y5mo5"), SubResource("Resource_lqfkx"), SubResource("Resource_uttgn"), SubResource("Resource_vka6m"), SubResource("Resource_3w8sr")] +maps_completed = Array[Resource("res://autoload/Storyboard/MapCompletionMark.gd")]([]) +misc = {} diff --git a/autoload/UI/UI.gd b/autoload/UI/UI.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b92e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/UI/UI.gd @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +extends CanvasLayer + +@onready var _audio_player := $'AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +var _sound_close := ( + preload("res://audio/menu_close.ogg") as AudioStream +) +var _sound_confirm := ( + preload("res://audio/menu_confirm.ogg") as AudioStream +) +var _sound_open := ( + preload("res://audio/menu_open.ogg") as AudioStream +) +var _sound_select := ( + preload("res://audio/menu_select.ogg") as AudioStream +) + +class StackFrame: + var node: Control + var args: Dictionary + +var _stack: Array[StackFrame] +var _viewport: Viewport + +signal returned(value: Variant) + +func _push(scene: PackedScene, args: Dictionary = {}) -> bool: + var node := scene.instantiate() + _link_up_buttons_to_audio(node) + if node is Control: + if args.has(&'ui_borrow_instead_of_pausing'): + PlayerControl.borrow() + else: + PlayerControl.pause() + if not _stack.is_empty(): + var previous := _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + if node is Notice: + previous.node.process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED + else: + remove_child(previous.node) + node.process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS + var frame := StackFrame.new() + frame.node = node + frame.args = args + _stack.push_back(frame) + add_child(node) + var focus := node.find_next_valid_focus() as Control + if focus: focus.grab_focus.call_deferred() + if args.has(&'ui_open_sound_override'): + _audio_player.stream = args.ui_open_sound_override + else: + _audio_player.stream = _sound_open + if _audio_player.stream: + _audio_player.play() + return true + else: + node.queue_free() + push_error("UI._push() called on non-Control PackedScene %s" % node) + return false + +func _pop() -> bool: + if _stack.is_empty(): + push_error("UI._pop() called with empty stack") + return false + else: + var frame := _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + _stack.pop_back() + remove_child(frame.node) + frame.node.queue_free() + if frame.args.has(&'ui_borrow_instead_of_pausing'): + PlayerControl.restore() + else: + PlayerControl.unpause() + if not _stack.is_empty(): + var previous := _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + if frame.node is Notice: + previous.node.process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_INHERIT + else: + if not previous.node.get_parent(): + add_child(previous.node) + if frame.args.has(&'ui_close_sound_override'): + _audio_player.stream = frame.args.ui_close_sound_override + else: + _audio_player.stream = _sound_close + if _audio_player.stream: + _audio_player.play() + return true + +func Call(scene: PackedScene, args: Dictionary = {}) -> Variant: + var caller_depth: int = _stack.size() + if _push(scene, args): + var _retval: Variant + while _stack.size() != caller_depth: + _retval = await returned + return _retval + else: + return null + +func Return(whom: Control = null, what: Variant = null) -> bool: + if _stack.is_empty(): + push_error( + "UI.Return() called with empty stack (whom: %s; what: %s)" % [ + whom, what + ] + ) + return false + elif whom and (_stack[_stack.size() - 1].node != whom): + push_error("UI.Return() called with wrong whom (%s) (what: %s)" % [ + whom, what + ]) + return false + elif _pop(): + returned.emit(what) + return true + else: + return false + +func Args(whom: Control = null) -> Dictionary: + if _stack.is_empty(): + push_error("UI.Args() called with empty stack (whom: %s)" % whom) + return {} + else: + var frame := _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + if (frame.node == whom) or not whom: + return frame.args + else: + push_error("UI.Args() called with wrong whom (%s)" % whom) + return {} + +func context() -> Control: + return null if _stack.is_empty() else _stack[_stack.size() - 1].node + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + if not _stack.is_empty(): + var frame := _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + if ( + (not frame.args.has(&'no_autofocus')) or + (not frame.args.no_autofocus) + ): + var focus := get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner() + if not focus: + focus = frame.node.find_next_valid_focus() + if focus: + focus.grab_focus() + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + var frame: StackFrame = null + if not _stack.is_empty(): + frame = _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + var focus := get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner() + if frame and event.is_action_released(&'pause') and ( + frame.args.has(&'on_confirm') or + not frame.args.get(&'no_dismiss', false) + ): + if frame.args.has(&'on_confirm'): + frame.args.on_confirm.call() + if not frame.args.get(&'no_dismiss', false): + Return(null, true) + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + elif frame and event.is_action_released(&'cancel') and ( + frame.args.has(&'on_cancel') or + not frame.args.get(&'no_dismiss', false) + ): + if frame.args.has(&'on_cancel'): + frame.args.on_cancel.call() + if not frame.args.get(&'no_dismiss', false): + Return(null, true) + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + elif event.is_action_released(&'confirm'): + if focus is BaseButton: + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + var press := InputEventAction.new() + press.action = &'ui_accept' + press.pressed = true + var release := InputEventAction.new() + release.action = &'ui_accept' + release.pressed = false + Input.parse_input_event(press) + Input.call_deferred(&'parse_input_event', release) + +func say(message: Variant, options: Dictionary = {}) -> Variant: + if message is Array: + var retval: Variant + var leadup_options := options.duplicate() + if leadup_options.has(&'choices'): + leadup_options.erase(&'choices') + for i in message.size(): + retval = await say( + message[i], + options if i == message.size() - 1 else leadup_options + ) + return retval + else: + options = options.duplicate() + options[&'message'] = message + options[&'ui_borrow_instead_of_pausing'] = true + options[&'no_dismiss'] = true + options[&'ui_open_sound_override'] = null + options[&'ui_close_sound_override'] = null + options[&'ui_confirm_sound_override'] = null + options[&'ui_select_sound_override'] = null + return await Call( + preload('res://ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.tscn'), + options + ) + +func _play_sound_confirm() -> void: + var frame: StackFrame = null + if not _stack.is_empty(): + frame = _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + if frame and frame.args.has(&'ui_confirm_sound_override'): + _audio_player.stream = frame.args.ui_confirm_sound_override + else: + _audio_player.stream = _sound_confirm + if _audio_player.stream: + _audio_player.play() + +func _play_sound_select(_dont_care) -> void: + if not _audio_player.playing: + var frame: StackFrame = null + if not _stack.is_empty(): + frame = _stack[_stack.size() - 1] + if frame and frame.args.has(&'ui_select_sound_override'): + _audio_player.stream = frame.args.ui_select_sound_override + else: + _audio_player.stream = _sound_select + if _audio_player.stream: + _audio_player.play() + +func _link_up_buttons_to_audio(what: Node) -> void: + if what is BaseButton: + what.pressed.connect(_play_sound_confirm) + for child in what.get_children(): + _link_up_buttons_to_audio(child) + +func _link_up_viewport_to_audio() -> void: + _viewport.gui_focus_changed.connect(_play_sound_select) + +func _unlink_viewport_from_audio() -> void: + _viewport.gui_focus_changed.disconnect(_play_sound_select) + +func _enter_tree() -> void: + _viewport = get_viewport() + _link_up_viewport_to_audio() + +func _exit_tree() -> void: + _unlink_viewport_from_audio() + _viewport = null diff --git a/autoload/UI/UI.tscn b/autoload/UI/UI.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1662907 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/UI/UI.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://buc8dhoxe1u4f"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/UI/UI.gd" id="1_olu2m"] + +[node name="UI" type="CanvasLayer"] +process_mode = 3 +layer = 3 +follow_viewport_enabled = true +script = ExtResource("1_olu2m") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/autoload/Wait/Wait.gd b/autoload/Wait/Wait.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6bad11 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/Wait/Wait.gd @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +extends Node + +signal _ticked(delta: float) + +func _ready() -> void: + process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + _ticked.emit(delta) + +func get_unix_time() -> int: + return Time.get_unix_time_from_datetime_dict( + Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system() + ) + +func tick() -> float: + return await _ticked + +func ticks(n: int) -> float: + var sum: float = 0.0 + while n > 0: + sum += await tick() + n -= 1 + return sum + +func seconds(timeout: float) -> float: + var sum: float = 0.0 + while sum < timeout: + sum += await tick() + return sum + +func minutes(timeout: float) -> float: + return await until(get_unix_time() + int(60*timeout)) + +func hours(timeout: float) -> float: + return await until(get_unix_time() + int(3600*timeout)) + +func until(condition: Variant, timeout: float = -1.0) -> float: + var sum: float = 0.0 + if condition is int: + while get_unix_time() < condition and ( + timeout < 0.0 or sum < timeout + ): + sum += await tick() + elif condition is Promise: + while (not condition.is_finished()) and ( + timeout < 0.0 or sum < timeout + ): + sum += await tick() + elif condition is Callable: + while (not condition.call()) and ( + timeout < 0.0 or sum < timeout + ): + sum += await tick() + elif condition is Signal: + var p := Promise.new(condition) + while (not p.is_finished()) and ( + timeout < 0.0 or sum < timeout + ): + sum += await tick() + return sum diff --git a/characters/CharacterProfile.gd b/characters/CharacterProfile.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..154bd9e --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/CharacterProfile.gd @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +class_name CharacterProfile extends Resource + +const ALL: Array[StringName] = [&'stick', &'lorna', &'blujai', &'gibbo'] + +enum StatRating {LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, STELLAR} + +@export var runner: PackedScene + +@export var id: StringName +@export var nickname: String +@export var full_name: String +@export var pronouns: String +@export var speed_rating := StatRating.MEDIUM +@export var traction_rating := StatRating.MEDIUM +@export var air_rating := StatRating.MEDIUM +@export var combat_rating := StatRating.MEDIUM +@export var ability: String +@export_multiline var playstyle: String +@export_multiline var story: String + +@export var talk_color: Color +@export var talk_blip: AudioStream +@export var face_normal: Texture2D + +func say(message: Variant, options: Dictionary = {}) -> Variant: + if not options.has(&'color'): + options[&'color'] = talk_color + if not options.has(&'blip'): + options[&'blip'] = talk_blip + var face = options.get(&'face', &'normal') + if face is StringName: + match face: + &'normal': options[&'face'] = face_normal + _: + push_warning( + "CharacterProfile does not support " + + "the requested face name: %s" % face + ) + options[&'face'] = face_normal + if not options.has(&'name'): + options[&'name'] = nickname + return await UI.say(message, options) diff --git a/characters/Runner.gd b/characters/Runner.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86de9d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/Runner.gd @@ -0,0 +1,640 @@ +class_name Runner extends RigidBody3D + +const COYOTE_TIMEOUT: float = 0.25 +const FLOOR_THRESHOLD: float = 0.5 +const TURNING_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 0.125 +const RIGHTING_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 0.03125 +const CENTRIFUGAL_ACCELERATION: float = 50.0 +const CENTRIFUGAL_COYOTE_FACTOR: float = 0.75 +const TURNING_THRESHOLD: float = 0.25 +const ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME: float = 0.25 +const KNOCKBACK_SPEED: float = 10.0 +const WALL_JUMP_FACTOR: float = 0.75 +const DEATH_PLANE: float = -128.0 +const RESPAWN_HEIGHT: float = 2.0 +const LAND_SOUND_THRESHOLD: float = 0.0 +const SWIM_VERTICAL_ACCELERATION: float = 5.0 +const KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_DURATION: float = 1.5 +const KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_FREQUENCY: float = 2.0 +const STAIR_FACTOR_V: float = 0.5 +const STAIR_FACTOR_H: float = 2.0 +const STAIR_ANTICLIP: float = 0.125 +const STAIR_CLIMB_ACCELERATION: float = 320.0 +const STAIR_CLIMB_ANTI_FALL_BOOST: float = 4.0 +const STAIR_CLIMB_ANTI_FALL_BOOST_THRESHOLD: float = 1.0 +const STAIR_COYOTE_THRESHOLD: float = 0.97 +const TURN_CUTOFF: float = 0.02 + +@onready var target_basis := basis +var floor_normal := Vector3.ZERO +var wall_normal := Vector3.ZERO +var stairs_detected := false +@onready var up_normal := basis.y +var floor_coyote_timer: float = 0.0 +var wall_coyote_timer: float = 0.0 +@onready var last_known_safe_position := global_position +var impetus := Vector3.ZERO +var state := &'fall' +@onready var animation_player := $'AnimationPlayer' as AnimationPlayer +@onready var audio_player := $'AudioStreamPlayer3D' as AudioStreamPlayer3D +@onready var mesh := $'Figure/Skeleton3D/Mesh' as MeshInstance3D +var height: float +var width: float +var knockback_flashing_timer: float = 0.0 +@onready var raycast := PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.new() +var finished_course := false +var floor_unsafe := false +var turn_target := Vector3.ZERO +var turn_target_basis := Basis.IDENTITY + +@export var top_run_speed: float = 20.0 +@export var run_acceleration: float = 15.0 +@export var run_deceleration: float = 15.0 +@export var jump_strength: float = 9.0 + +@export var jump_sound: AudioStream +@export var fall_sound: AudioStream +@export var land_sound: AudioStream +@export var knockback_sound: AudioStream +@export var slide_sound: AudioStream + +@export var walk_animation_speed_factor: float = 0.1 +@export var run_animation_speed_factor: float = 0.1 +@export var sprint_animation_speed_factor: float = 0.1 +@export var swim_animation_speed_factor: float = 0.1 + +@export var ability: RunnerAbility +@export var taunt_animation: StringName + +func _find_dimensions() -> void: + var shape := ($'CollisionShape3D' as CollisionShape3D).shape + if shape is BoxShape3D: + width = shape.size.slide(Vector3.UP).length() + height = shape.size.y + elif shape is CapsuleShape3D or shape is CylinderShape3D: + width = 2.0*shape.radius + height = shape.height + elif shape is SphereShape3D: + width = 2.0*shape.radius + height = 2.0*shape.radius + else: + width = 0.0 + height = 0.0 + +func _ready() -> void: + add_to_group(&'runners') + continuous_cd = true + max_contacts_reported = 24 + contact_monitor = true + can_sleep = false + lock_rotation = true + physics_material_override = PhysicsMaterial.new() + physics_material_override.friction = 0.0 + animation_player.playback_default_blend_time = ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME + audio_player.bus = &'Sound' + raycast.exclude = [self] + raycast.hit_back_faces = true + _find_dimensions() + _do_state_begin() + +func _integrate_forces(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + _detect_floors_and_walls(body_state) + _detect_stairs(body_state) + _adjust_basis(body_state) + _apply_fake_and_exaggerated_centrifugal_force(body_state) + _respond_to_impetus(body_state) + _apply_deceleration(body_state) + _enforce_top_speed(body_state) + _do_state_integrate_forces(body_state) + _update_animation_speed() + _clear_impetus() + +func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: + _check_for_death_plane() + _update_knockback_flashing(delta) + +func _update_knockback_flashing(delta: float) -> void: + if knockback_flashing_timer > 0.0: + knockback_flashing_timer -= delta + if knockback_flashing_timer <= 0.0: + mesh.visible = true + else: + mesh.visible = ( + 2.0*KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_FREQUENCY*fposmod( + knockback_flashing_timer, + 1.0/(2.0*KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_FREQUENCY) + ) >= 0.5 + ) + +func _detect_floors_and_walls(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + var old_floor_normal := floor_normal + var old_wall_normal := wall_normal + floor_normal = Vector3.ZERO + wall_normal = Vector3.ZERO + for i in body_state.get_contact_count(): + var other := body_state.get_contact_collider_object(i) + if not ( + other is RigidBody3D and (not (other is Platform)) and + (other as RigidBody3D).mass <= mass + ): + var normal := body_state.get_contact_local_normal(i) + if ( + normal.dot(up_normal) >= FLOOR_THRESHOLD or + normal.dot(Vector3.UP) >= FLOOR_THRESHOLD + ): + floor_normal += normal + else: + wall_normal += normal + if ( + (not floor_normal.is_zero_approx()) + and state != &'jump' and state != &'wall_jump' + ): + floor_normal = floor_normal.normalized() + floor_coyote_timer = COYOTE_TIMEOUT + if not floor_unsafe: + last_known_safe_position = ( + global_position + floor_normal*RESPAWN_HEIGHT + ) + elif floor_coyote_timer > 0.0: + floor_normal = old_floor_normal + floor_coyote_timer -= body_state.step + if not wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + wall_normal = wall_normal.normalized() + wall_coyote_timer = COYOTE_TIMEOUT + elif wall_coyote_timer > 0.0: + wall_normal = old_wall_normal + wall_coyote_timer -= body_state.step + +func _detect_stairs( + body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + if ( + (not wall_normal.is_zero_approx()) and + (not floor_normal.is_zero_approx()) and + floor_coyote_timer/COYOTE_TIMEOUT > STAIR_COYOTE_THRESHOLD + ): + var dss := get_world_3d().direct_space_state + raycast.to = body_state.transform.origin + ( + up_normal*STAIR_ANTICLIP - + width*STAIR_FACTOR_H*wall_normal + ) + raycast.from = raycast.to + height*STAIR_FACTOR_V*up_normal + var clip := dss.intersect_ray(raycast) + stairs_detected = ( + (not clip.is_empty()) and not clip.normal.is_zero_approx() + ) + else: + stairs_detected = false + +func _adjust_basis(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + if not floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + up_normal = floor_normal.normalized() + else: + up_normal = ( + up_normal.lerp(Vector3.UP, RIGHTING_LERP_WEIGHT).normalized() + ) + if up_normal.is_zero_approx(): + up_normal = Vector3.UP + var lookdir = _orientation_in_current_state() + if body_state.total_gravity.dot(Vector3.UP) < 0.0: + lookdir = lookdir.slide(up_normal) + if ( + lookdir.length() >= TURNING_THRESHOLD and + not up_normal.cross(lookdir.normalized()).is_zero_approx() + ): + target_basis = Basis.looking_at(lookdir, up_normal, true) + angular_velocity = ( + basis.x.cross(target_basis.x) + + basis.y.cross(target_basis.y) + + basis.z.cross(target_basis.z) + )*TURNING_LERP_WEIGHT/body_state.step + +func _apply_fake_and_exaggerated_centrifugal_force( + body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + if ( + (not floor_normal.is_zero_approx()) and + floor_coyote_timer/COYOTE_TIMEOUT >= CENTRIFUGAL_COYOTE_FACTOR and + state != &'jump' and state != &'wall_jump' and state != &'fall' + ): + body_state.apply_central_force( + -mass * + CENTRIFUGAL_ACCELERATION * + ((linear_velocity.slide(up_normal).length()/top_run_speed)**2.0) * + up_normal + ) + +func change_state(new_state: StringName) -> void: + if not finished_course: + _do_state_end() + state = new_state + _do_state_begin() + +func _orientation_in_current_state() -> Vector3: + match state: + &'ability': return ability.orientation(self) + &'climb_stairs': + return basis.z if wall_normal.is_zero_approx() else -wall_normal + &'fall': return linear_velocity + &'jump': return linear_velocity + &'knockback': return basis.z + &'run': return linear_velocity + &'sprint': return linear_velocity + &'stand': return basis.z + &'swim': return linear_velocity + &'taunt': return basis.z + &'turn_to_look': return turn_target - global_position + &'walk': return linear_velocity + &'wall_jump': return linear_velocity + &'wall_slide': return wall_normal + _: return basis.z + +func _play_land_sound_if_landing_hard_enough() -> void: + if linear_velocity.project(up_normal).length() >= LAND_SOUND_THRESHOLD: + audio_player.stream = land_sound + audio_player.play() + +func _do_state_begin() -> void: + match state: + &'ability': + animation_player.play(ability.animation) + audio_player.stream = ability.sound + audio_player.play() + ability.begin(self) + &'climb_stairs': + animation_player.play(&'walk') + &'fall': + animation_player.play(&'fall') + audio_player.stream = fall_sound + audio_player.play() + &'jump': + animation_player.play(&'jump') + audio_player.stream = jump_sound + audio_player.play() + linear_velocity += up_normal*jump_strength + floor_normal = Vector3.ZERO + floor_coyote_timer = 0.0 + &'knockback': + animation_player.play(&'knockback') + audio_player.stream = knockback_sound + audio_player.play() + floor_normal = Vector3.ZERO + floor_coyote_timer = 0.0 + knockback_flashing_timer = KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_DURATION + &'run': + animation_player.play(&'run') + &'sprint': + animation_player.play(&'sprint') + &'stand': + animation_player.play(&'stand') + &'swim': + animation_player.play(&'swim') + &'taunt': + animation_player.play(taunt_animation) + &'turn_to_look': + animation_player.play(&'stand') + &'walk': + animation_player.play(&'walk') + &'wall_jump': + animation_player.play(&'jump') + audio_player.stream = jump_sound + audio_player.play() + linear_velocity = ( + linear_velocity.slide(up_normal) + + (2.0*wall_normal + up_normal)*jump_strength*WALL_JUMP_FACTOR + ) + wall_normal = Vector3.ZERO + wall_coyote_timer = 0.0 + &'wall_slide': + animation_player.play(&'wall_slide') + audio_player.stream = slide_sound + audio_player.play() + _: pass + +func _impetus_multiplier_in_current_state() -> float: + match state: + &'ability': return ability.impetus_multiplier + &'climb_stairs': return 0.0 + &'fall': return 0.5 + &'jump': return 0.5 + &'knockback': return 0.0 + &'run': return 1.0 + &'sprint': return 1.0 + &'stand': return 0.0 + &'swim': return 1.0 + &'taunt': return 0.0 + &'turn_to_look': return 0.0 + &'walk': return 0.5 + &'wall_jump': return 0.5 + &'wall_slide': return 0.25 + _: return 1.0 + +func abnormal_gravity(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> bool: + return body_state.total_gravity.dot(Vector3.UP) > 0.0 + +func _do_state_integrate_forces(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + ability.passive(self, body_state.step, state == &'ability') + match state: + &'ability': + ability.integrate_forces(self, body_state) + &'climb_stairs': + if impetus.dot(wall_normal) >= 0.0: + body_state.linear_velocity = ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal) + ) + change_state(&'walk') + elif wall_normal.is_zero_approx() or ( + wall_coyote_timer/COYOTE_TIMEOUT < STAIR_COYOTE_THRESHOLD + ): + body_state.linear_velocity = ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal) + ) + if body_state.linear_velocity.length() < ( + STAIR_CLIMB_ANTI_FALL_BOOST_THRESHOLD + ): + body_state.linear_velocity += basis.z*( + STAIR_CLIMB_ANTI_FALL_BOOST + ) + change_state(&'walk') + else: + body_state.linear_velocity += ( + STAIR_CLIMB_ACCELERATION*up_normal*body_state.step + ) + &'fall': + if not floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + _play_land_sound_if_landing_hard_enough() + change_state(&'run') + elif abnormal_gravity(body_state): + change_state(&'swim') + elif not wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'wall_slide') + &'jump': + if not wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'wall_slide') + elif ( + body_state.linear_velocity.normalized().dot(up_normal) < 0.125 + ): + change_state(&'fall') + elif abnormal_gravity(body_state) and ( + body_state.linear_velocity.normalized().dot(up_normal) < 0.5 + ): + change_state(&'swim') + &'knockback': + if knockback_flashing_timer <= KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_DURATION/2.0: + if not floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + _play_land_sound_if_landing_hard_enough() + change_state(&'stand') + elif not wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'wall_slide') + &'run': + if floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'fall') + else: + var speed_factor := ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal).length() / + top_run_speed + ) + if speed_factor < 0.125: + change_state(&'walk') + elif speed_factor > 0.625: + change_state(&'sprint') + &'sprint': + if floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'fall') + else: + var speed_factor := ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal).length() / + top_run_speed + ) + if speed_factor < 0.625: + change_state(&'run') + &'stand': + if floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'fall') + elif not impetus.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'walk') + else: + var speed_factor := ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal).length() / + top_run_speed + ) + if speed_factor > 0.125: + change_state(&'run') + &'swim': + var iz: float = (impetus*basis).z + body_state.linear_velocity -= ( + up_normal*iz*SWIM_VERTICAL_ACCELERATION*body_state.step + ) + if iz < 0.0: + body_state.linear_velocity -= ( + 1.5*basis.z*iz*run_acceleration*body_state.step + ) + if not floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'run') + elif not abnormal_gravity(body_state): + change_state(&'fall') + &'taunt': + body_state.linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO + &'turn_to_look': + if (basis.z - turn_target_basis.z).length() < TURN_CUTOFF: + change_state(&'stand') + &'walk': + if stairs_detected: + change_state(&'climb_stairs') + elif floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'fall') + elif impetus.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'stand') + else: + var speed_factor := ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal).length() / + top_run_speed + ) + if speed_factor > 0.125: + change_state(&'run') + &'wall_jump': + if body_state.linear_velocity.normalized().dot(up_normal) < 0.125: + change_state(&'fall') + &'wall_slide': + if not floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + _play_land_sound_if_landing_hard_enough() + change_state(&'run') + elif wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'fall') + _: pass + +func _respond_to_impetus(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + body_state.linear_velocity += ( + _impetus_multiplier_in_current_state() * + impetus * + run_acceleration * + body_state.step + ) + +func _apply_deceleration(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + if impetus.is_zero_approx(): + var horizontal_velocity = body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal) + if not horizontal_velocity.is_zero_approx(): + var speed = horizontal_velocity.length() + var direction = horizontal_velocity/speed + speed = max(speed - run_deceleration*body_state.step, 0.0) + body_state.linear_velocity -= horizontal_velocity - direction*speed + +func _enforce_top_speed(body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + var horizontal_velocity = body_state.linear_velocity.slide(up_normal) + var speed = horizontal_velocity.length() + if speed > top_run_speed: + var direction = horizontal_velocity/speed + body_state.linear_velocity -= horizontal_velocity - direction*clampf( + speed - run_acceleration*body_state.step, + 0.0, speed + ) + +func _clear_impetus() -> void: + impetus = Vector3.ZERO + +func _do_state_end() -> void: + match state: + &'ability': ability.end(self) + &'climb_stairs': pass + &'fall': pass + &'jump': pass + &'knockback': pass + &'run': pass + &'sprint': pass + &'stand': pass + &'swim': pass + &'taunt': pass + &'turn_to_look': pass + &'walk': pass + &'wall_jump': pass + &'wall_slide': + if audio_player.stream == slide_sound: + audio_player.stop() + _: pass + +func _update_animation_speed() -> void: + match state: + &'ability': + animation_player.speed_scale = ability.animation_speed(self) + &'climb_stairs': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + ( + linear_velocity.length()*walk_animation_speed_factor + ) + &'fall': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'jump': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'knockback': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'run': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + ( + linear_velocity.length()*run_animation_speed_factor + ) + &'sprint': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + ( + linear_velocity.length()*sprint_animation_speed_factor + ) + &'stand': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'swim': + animation_player.speed_scale = 0.25 + ( + linear_velocity.length()*swim_animation_speed_factor + ) + &'taunt': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'turn_to_look': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'walk': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + ( + linear_velocity.length()*walk_animation_speed_factor + ) + &'wall_jump': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + &'wall_slide': + animation_player.speed_scale = 1.0 + _: pass + +func _check_for_death_plane() -> void: + if global_position.y <= DEATH_PLANE: + respawn() + +func respawn() -> void: + global_position = last_known_safe_position + linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO + if FX.camera_is_following(self): + FX.hard_reorient_camera(basis.z) + audio_player.stream = knockback_sound + audio_player.play() + knockback_flashing_timer = KNOCKBACK_FLASHING_DURATION + +func jump() -> void: + if ( + state != &'knockback' and + state != &'turn_to_look' and + not finished_course + ): + if ( + state == &'jump' or state == &'wall_jump' or + state == &'fall' or state == &'ability' + ): + do_ability() + elif state == &'swim' or not floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'jump') + elif not wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + change_state(&'wall_jump') + +func cancel_jump() -> void: + if (state == &'jump' or state == &'wall_jump') and not finished_course: + linear_velocity = ( + linear_velocity.slide(up_normal) + + linear_velocity.project(up_normal)/2.0 + ) + +func do_ability() -> void: + if ( + state != &'knockback' and + state != &'turn_to_look' and + not finished_course + ): + if state != &'ability': + if ability.available(self): + change_state(&'ability') + else: + ability.on_repeated_input(self) + +func knockback(origin: Vector3, strength: float) -> void: + if ( + state != &'knockback' and knockback_flashing_timer <= 0.0 and + not finished_course + ): + linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO + apply_central_impulse(( + (global_position - origin).slide(up_normal).normalized() + + up_normal/2.0 + ).normalized()*strength) + change_state(&'knockback') + look_at( + global_position + (origin - global_position).slide(up_normal), + up_normal, + true + ) + +func finish_course() -> void: + change_state(&'taunt') + finished_course = true + +func cancel_finish_course() -> void: + finished_course = false + change_state(&'stand') + +func turn_toward(where: Vector3) -> void: + turn_target = where + turn_target_basis = Basis.looking_at( + (where - global_position).slide(up_normal), + up_normal, true + ) + change_state(&'turn_to_look') + var done := func() -> bool: + return state != &'turn_to_look' + await Wait.until(done) diff --git a/characters/RunnerAbility.gd b/characters/RunnerAbility.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99c4f1c --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/RunnerAbility.gd @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +class_name RunnerAbility extends Resource + +@export var animation := &'ability' +@export var sound: AudioStream +@export var impetus_multiplier: float = 1.0 + +func available(_runner: Runner) -> bool: + return true + +func begin(_runner: Runner) -> void: + pass + +func integrate_forces( + _runner: Runner, + _body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + pass + +func orientation(runner: Runner) -> Vector3: + return runner.linear_velocity + +func animation_speed(_runner: Runner) -> float: + return 1.0 + +func end(_runner: Runner) -> void: + pass + +func on_repeated_input(_runner: Runner) -> void: + pass + +func passive(_runner: Runner, _delta: float, _active: bool) -> void: + pass diff --git a/characters/RunnerObserver.gd b/characters/RunnerObserver.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c690115 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/RunnerObserver.gd @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +class_name RunnerObserver extends Camera3D + +signal area_entered(where: Area3D) +signal area_exited(where: Area3D) + +const RADIUS = 1.0 +const BIRDS_EYE_FACTOR: float = 1.5 +const DECENTERING_FACTOR: float = 0.4 +const UP_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 0.03125 +const FOLLOW_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 1.0 +const FOV_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 0.0625 +const DEFAULT_DISTANCE: float = 5.0 +const TARGET_OVERRIDE_TURN_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 0.03125 +const TARGET_OVERRIDE_TURN_TIMEOUT: float = 3.0 +const TURN_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 1.0 +const ANTICLIP: float = 0.125 +const TARGET_OVERRIDE_DECENTERING_METAFACTOR: float = 0.25 + +@onready var runner := $'..' as Runner +var maintain_distance: float +var maintain_direction: Vector3 +var up_normal := Vector3.UP +var _target_override_turn_timeout: float = -1.0 +@onready var _wall_raycast = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.new() + +var _target_override: Node3D = null +var target_override: Node3D: + get: return _target_override + set(target): + if target != _target_override: + _target_override_turn_timeout = TARGET_OVERRIDE_TURN_TIMEOUT + _target_override = target + +@onready var _hitbox := $Area3D as Area3D + +func _ready() -> void: + top_level = true + _hitbox.area_entered.connect(_emit_area_entered) + _hitbox.area_exited.connect(_emit_area_exited) + if runner: + switch_runner(runner) + +func switch_runner(whom: Runner, distance: float = DEFAULT_DISTANCE) -> void: + runner = whom + if runner: + maintain_distance = distance + maintain_direction = runner.basis.z - runner.basis.y/2.0 + reorient(false, true) + +func detach() -> void: + switch_runner(null) + +func _try_go(where: Vector3) -> void: + _wall_raycast.from = global_position + _wall_raycast.to = where + var raycast_results := ( + get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(_wall_raycast) + ) + if raycast_results.is_empty(): global_position = where + else: + global_position = raycast_results.position + ( + global_position - raycast_results.position + + raycast_results.normal + ).normalized()*ANTICLIP + +func reorient(directional_follow: bool = true, snap: bool = false) -> void: + var target := runner as Node3D + var decentering_factor: float = DECENTERING_FACTOR + if target_override: + target = target_override + decentering_factor = -decentering_factor*( + TARGET_OVERRIDE_DECENTERING_METAFACTOR + ) + var decentering := ( + BIRDS_EYE_FACTOR*maintain_distance*decentering_factor*up_normal + ) + if target: + var lv := Vector3.ZERO + var mlv: float = 30.0 + if target is Runner: + lv = (target as Runner).linear_velocity + mlv = (target as Runner).top_run_speed + elif target is RigidBody3D: + lv = (target as RigidBody3D).linear_velocity + if directional_follow: + maintain_direction = ( + target.global_position - global_position + decentering + ).normalized() + up_normal = up_normal.lerp( + (target as Runner).up_normal if target is Runner else Vector3.UP, + 1.0 if snap else UP_LERP_WEIGHT + ).normalized() + _try_go(global_position.lerp( + target.global_position - + maintain_distance*maintain_direction + decentering, + 1.0 if snap else (1.0 - 1.0/(1.0 + lv.length())) + )) + if (( + target.global_position - global_position + ).cross(up_normal).length() >= 0.1): + var desired_basis := Basis.looking_at( + target.global_position + ( + target.global_position - global_position + ).length()*decentering_factor*up_normal - global_position, + up_normal + ) + basis = basis.slerp( + desired_basis, lerpf( + TURN_LERP_WEIGHT, TARGET_OVERRIDE_TURN_LERP_WEIGHT, + clampf( + _target_override_turn_timeout / + TARGET_OVERRIDE_TURN_TIMEOUT, + 0.0, 1.0 + ) + )*( + (1.0 + target_override.linear_velocity.length()) + if target_override is RigidBody3D + else 1.0 + ) + ) + fov = lerp(fov, min(75.0 + 15.0*( + lv.project(basis.z).length()/mlv + ), 179.0), FOV_LERP_WEIGHT) + +func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: + reorient() + _target_override_turn_timeout -= delta + +func _emit_area_entered(where: Area3D) -> void: + area_entered.emit(where) + +func _emit_area_exited(where: Area3D) -> void: + area_exited.emit(where) diff --git a/characters/abilities/AttackAbility.gd b/characters/abilities/AttackAbility.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..628bd09 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/abilities/AttackAbility.gd @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +class_name AttackAbility extends RunnerAbility + +const KNOCKBACK_ATTENUATION: float = 0.125 + +@export var power: float = 50.0 +@export var duration: float = 0.5 +@export var slowdown_factor: float = 2.0 +@export var cooldown: float = 0.25 +@export var hit_sound: AudioStream + +var timer: float = 0.0 + +func begin(runner: Runner) -> void: + timer = duration + runner.linear_velocity /= slowdown_factor + +func integrate_forces( + runner: Runner, + body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + if timer <= 0.0: + runner.change_state(&'run') + else: + for i in body_state.get_contact_count(): + var other := ( + body_state.get_contact_collider_object(i) as RigidBody3D + ) + var other_runner = other as Runner + if other and not (other is Platform): + runner.audio_player.stream = hit_sound + runner.audio_player.play() + if other_runner: + if other_runner.state != &'ability': + other_runner.knockback( + runner.global_position, + runner.mass*power*KNOCKBACK_ATTENUATION + ) + else: + other.apply_force( + runner.mass*( + runner.impetus + runner.up_normal + ).normalized()*power, + body_state.get_contact_collider_position(i) - + other.global_position + ) + +func passive(_runner: Runner, delta: float, _active: bool) -> void: + timer -= delta + +func available(_runner: Runner) -> bool: + return timer < -cooldown + +func animation_speed(_runner: Runner) -> float: + return 2.0 diff --git a/characters/abilities/DoubleJumpAbility.gd b/characters/abilities/DoubleJumpAbility.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9a862a --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/abilities/DoubleJumpAbility.gd @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +class_name DoubleJumpAbility extends RunnerAbility + +const DECELERATION_FACTOR: float = 0.9 +const INITIAL_COMPENSATION_FACTOR: float = 2.5 + +func begin(runner: Runner) -> void: + if not runner.floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner.change_state(&'jump') + else: + runner.linear_velocity += ( + runner.up_normal*runner.jump_strength*INITIAL_COMPENSATION_FACTOR + ) + +func integrate_forces( + runner: Runner, + body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + if runner.animation_player.current_animation != &'fall': + body_state.linear_velocity = ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(runner.up_normal) + + body_state.linear_velocity.project(runner.up_normal)*( + DECELERATION_FACTOR + ) + ) + if not runner.floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner._play_land_sound_if_landing_hard_enough() + runner.change_state(&'run') + elif not runner.wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner.change_state(&'wall_slide') + elif ( + body_state.linear_velocity.normalized().dot(runner.up_normal) < 0.125 + ): + runner.animation_player.play(&'fall') + elif runner.abnormal_gravity(body_state): + runner.change_state(&'swim') + +func orientation(runner: Runner) -> Vector3: + return runner.linear_velocity + +func animation_speed(_runner: Runner) -> float: + return 1.0 + diff --git a/characters/abilities/FlyAbility.gd b/characters/abilities/FlyAbility.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b5da83 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/abilities/FlyAbility.gd @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +class_name FlyAbility extends RunnerAbility + +const LIFT_SCALE: float = 10000.0 +const TILT_LIFT_SCALE: float = 13.0 +const MAX_BACKWARD_IMPETUS: float = 0.5 + +@export var tilt: float = 0.375 +@export var thrust: float = 0.5 +@export var lift: float = 1.0 + +var saved_gravity_scale: float = -1.0 +var saved_deceleration: float = -1.0 +var saved_speed_cap: float = -1.0 + +func begin(runner: Runner) -> void: + if runner.floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + saved_gravity_scale = runner.gravity_scale + saved_deceleration = runner.run_deceleration + saved_speed_cap = runner.top_run_speed + runner.gravity_scale /= 4.0 + runner.run_deceleration = 0.0 + runner.top_run_speed = INF + else: + runner.change_state(&'jump') + +func integrate_forces( + runner: Runner, + body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + if not runner.floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner.change_state(&'fall') + elif not runner.wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner.change_state(&'wall_slide') + else: + body_state.linear_velocity -= ( + impetus_multiplier * + runner.impetus.project(runner.basis.z) * + runner.run_acceleration * + body_state.step + ) + var speed_factor = ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide( + Vector3.UP + ).length() / + saved_speed_cap + ) + var local_impetus := runner.impetus*runner.basis + var real_tilt: float = local_impetus.z*tilt/( + 1.0 + lift*TILT_LIFT_SCALE*(speed_factor**2.0) + ) + if real_tilt < 0.0: + runner.up_normal = runner.up_normal.lerp( + Vector3.UP - runner.basis.z, -real_tilt + ).normalized() + else: + runner.up_normal = runner.up_normal.lerp( + Vector3.UP + runner.basis.z, real_tilt + ).normalized() + body_state.linear_velocity = ( + body_state.linear_velocity.slide(Vector3.UP) + ) + body_state.linear_velocity += ( + runner.basis.z * + thrust * + runner.run_acceleration * + max(local_impetus.z, -MAX_BACKWARD_IMPETUS) * + body_state.step + ) + body_state.linear_velocity -= ( + Vector3.UP * + lift*LIFT_SCALE * + real_tilt * + (speed_factor**2.0) * + body_state.step + ) + +func orientation(runner: Runner) -> Vector3: + return runner.linear_velocity + +func animation_speed(runner: Runner) -> float: + return 1.0 + runner.linear_velocity.length()/10.0 + +func end(runner: Runner) -> void: + if saved_gravity_scale > 0.0: + runner.gravity_scale = saved_gravity_scale + saved_gravity_scale = -1.0 + if saved_deceleration > 0.0: + runner.run_deceleration = saved_deceleration + saved_deceleration = -1.0 + if saved_speed_cap > 0.0: + runner.top_run_speed = saved_speed_cap + saved_speed_cap = -1.0 + +func on_repeated_input(runner: Runner) -> void: + runner.change_state(&'fall') diff --git a/characters/abilities/SpinGlideAbility.gd b/characters/abilities/SpinGlideAbility.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5438df1 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/abilities/SpinGlideAbility.gd @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +class_name SpinGlideAbility extends RunnerAbility + +const PUNT_ACCELERATION: float = 30.0 +const DROP_KICK_FACTOR: float = 3.0 +const KNOCKBACK_ATTENUATION: float = 0.125 + +@export var animation_in_water: StringName +@export var timeout: float = 1.0 +@export var drop_factor: float = 1.0 + +var saved_gravity_scale: float +var ending: bool +var timer: float +var in_water: bool + +func begin(runner: Runner) -> void: + saved_gravity_scale = runner.gravity_scale + runner.gravity_scale = 0.01 + runner.linear_velocity = runner.linear_velocity.slide(runner.up_normal) + ending = false + timer = timeout + in_water = false + +func integrate_forces( + runner: Runner, + body_state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D +) -> void: + if ( + in_water or body_state.total_gravity.dot(Vector3.UP) > 0.0 + ) and not ending: + in_water = true + if runner.animation_player.current_animation != animation_in_water: + runner.animation_player.play(animation_in_water) + body_state.linear_velocity += drop_factor*runner.basis.z/2.0 + body_state.linear_velocity -= ( + runner.up_normal * + (runner.impetus*runner.basis).z * + runner.run_acceleration * + body_state.step + ) + timer -= body_state.step + if timer <= 0.0 or ( + body_state.total_gravity.dot(Vector3.UP) < 0.0 + ): + on_repeated_input(runner) + elif not runner.wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner.change_state(&'wall_slide') + elif ending: + if not runner.floor_normal.is_zero_approx(): + runner.audio_player.stream = runner.land_sound + runner.audio_player.play() + runner.change_state(&'run') + else: + timer -= body_state.step + if timer <= 0.0: + on_repeated_input(runner) + for i in body_state.get_contact_count(): + var other := body_state.get_contact_collider_object(i) + if other is Runner: + var rother := other as Runner + rother.knockback( + runner.global_position, + runner.mass*PUNT_ACCELERATION*( + DROP_KICK_FACTOR if ending else 1.0 + )*KNOCKBACK_ATTENUATION + ) + elif other is RigidBody3D: + var rother := other as RigidBody3D + rother.apply_force( + runner.mass*( + runner.impetus + runner.up_normal + ).normalized()*PUNT_ACCELERATION*( + DROP_KICK_FACTOR if ending else 1.0 + ), + body_state.get_contact_collider_position(i) - + rother.global_position + ) + +func orientation(runner: Runner) -> Vector3: + if in_water: + return runner.linear_velocity + else: + return runner.basis.z + +func animation_speed(runner: Runner) -> float: + return 1.0 + runner.linear_velocity.length()/20.0 + +func end(runner: Runner) -> void: + runner.gravity_scale = saved_gravity_scale + +func on_repeated_input(runner: Runner) -> void: + if in_water: + runner.change_state(&'swim') + elif not ending: + runner.audio_player.stream = runner.jump_sound + runner.audio_player.play() + runner.gravity_scale = saved_gravity_scale + runner.linear_velocity -= ( + drop_factor*runner.top_run_speed*runner.up_normal + ) + ending = true diff --git a/characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb b/characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f149a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:2a19982737ff57fc04d2bdcefbb1f475adc2eb4317cedcd2fcab2e9089fec989 +size 331420 diff --git a/characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb.import b/characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c32e6a --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://dr6fuoq3v6inu" +path="res://.godot/imported/AlarmClock.glb-7d3cc7fbace5f35934fd229b2fffc9c4.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://characters/enemies/AlarmClock/AlarmClock.glb" 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+nodes/root_name="Scene Root" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={} +gltf/naming_version=0 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.tscn b/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35ee151 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=15 format=3 uid="uid://cyn7ljdllq0hj"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ch0ev4tb6sb7d" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.glb" id="1_qawkp"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/Runner.gd" id="2_sgqpw"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bdrgyn7u1ku1n" path="res://audio/jump.ogg" id="3_3143u"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://co7ekvww04gga" path="res://audio/whoosh2.ogg" id="4_1gey4"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://chfrdih0y12i4" path="res://audio/low_whoosh.ogg" id="4_prwie"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://8bvnpjt78bki" path="res://audio/land.ogg" id="5_kpc1b"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bn4jon8lk6sa6" path="res://audio/knockback.ogg" id="6_pwsw8"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://1ssebbyqnkyf" path="res://audio/slide.ogg" id="7_cp7qf"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/abilities/FlyAbility.gd" id="8_a47wi"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="10_cwahe"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c4hfgq7nnhwah" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Texture.png" id="10_r0vap"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_ch717"] +script = ExtResource("8_a47wi") +tilt = 0.375 +thrust = 0.5 +lift = 1.0 +animation = &"swim" +sound = ExtResource("4_1gey4") +impetus_multiplier = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_w7646"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("10_cwahe") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 1.5 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("10_r0vap") + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape3D" id="CapsuleShape3D_eqp5a"] +height = 2.3 + +[node name="Blujai" instance=ExtResource("1_qawkp")] +mass = 80.0 +script = ExtResource("2_sgqpw") +top_run_speed = 10.0 +run_acceleration = 12.0 +jump_strength = 10.0 +jump_sound = ExtResource("3_3143u") +fall_sound = ExtResource("4_prwie") +land_sound = ExtResource("5_kpc1b") +knockback_sound = ExtResource("6_pwsw8") +slide_sound = ExtResource("7_cp7qf") +ability = SubResource("Resource_ch717") +taunt_animation = &"caw" + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Figure" index="0"] +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(5.33851e-08, 0.707107, 0.707107, 5.33851e-08) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(5.33851e-08, 0.707107, 0.707107, 5.33851e-08) +bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.98021, -0.119656, -0.119653, -0.102737) +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0677311, 0.115314, -0.123845, 0.983249) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(0.98021, 0.119656, 0.119653, -0.102737) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0677311, -0.115314, 0.123845, 0.983249) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(0.989789, 0, 0, -0.142538) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(0.989857, 0.01634, 0.0163403, -0.140175) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(-0.283586, -0.0185563, 0.0137715, 0.958668) +bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0847874, 1.08814e-07, -6.46793e-08, 0.996399) +bones/20/rotation = Quaternion(0.989857, -0.01634, -0.0163403, -0.140175) +bones/21/rotation = Quaternion(-0.283586, 0.0185563, -0.0137715, 0.958668) +bones/22/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0847874, -1.08814e-07, 6.46793e-08, 0.996399) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_w7646") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="." index="2"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.15, 0) +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape3D_eqp5a") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer3D" type="AudioStreamPlayer3D" parent="." index="3"] +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiMaterial.tres b/characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiMaterial.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f670f8a --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiMaterial.tres @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://xvbwcehphpo8"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="1_ol3pt"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c4hfgq7nnhwah" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Texture.png" id="2_l5ytg"] + +[resource] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("1_ol3pt") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("2_l5ytg") diff --git a/characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiProfile.tres b/characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiProfile.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94e20fa --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiProfile.tres @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="CharacterProfile" load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://2tsumeeisqvx"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://d4ko0jdv85fjl" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png" id="1_fww55"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/CharacterProfile.gd" id="1_olxn0"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cyn7ljdllq0hj" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.tscn" id="2_3ib6o"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cr00hhsiahqo1" path="res://audio/caw.ogg" id="2_yddjq"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1_olxn0") +runner = ExtResource("2_3ib6o") +id = &"blujai" +nickname = "Blujai" +full_name = "Blu the Jay" +pronouns = "they/them/theirs" +speed_rating = 0 +traction_rating = 1 +air_rating = 2 +combat_rating = 1 +ability = "Flight" +playstyle = "With their ability to fly, their slow ground speed is no handicap, and their large body is hard for foes to knock around. They're slow to gain altitude in the first place, but they retain it nigh-perfectly." +story = "Chatty, finicky, and vain, this enormous corvid thinks themself highly intelligent. Emphasis on thinks. They squawk their head off at the drop of a hat, but at the end of the day, you can count on them to be detail-oriented and do things right... usually." +talk_color = Color(0.164706, 0.4, 0.501961, 1) +talk_blip = ExtResource("2_yddjq") +face_normal = ExtResource("1_fww55") diff --git a/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png b/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0015551 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:9875430dc1b3a788150de1b58d94afa80729b578c933b24c6a17326341f4aa39 +size 12542 diff --git a/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png.import b/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0187598 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" 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+compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20b0d6e --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:f79b24469a49a595e34410d13918ba782197f3e5c0d11f8685abef2960013f7b +size 771448 diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb.import b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..200661c --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://bwem5uu0n1ad3" +path="res://.godot/imported/Gibbo.glb-dddd66951fe398ef4bf4dbdd3e4eb77b.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Gibbo.glb-dddd66951fe398ef4bf4dbdd3e4eb77b.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="RigidBody3D" +nodes/root_name="" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={} +gltf/naming_version=1 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.tscn b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8e7610 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=16 format=3 uid="uid://dohfjj5cn3tj4"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bwem5uu0n1ad3" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb" id="1_2mf3d"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/Runner.gd" id="2_r2v8g"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://dvhl4ogvg7i3l" path="res://audio/bounce.ogg" id="3_vgk4p"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://chfrdih0y12i4" path="res://audio/low_whoosh.ogg" id="4_isxrk"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://nwusijlc2ud1" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Texture.png" id="4_sur2p"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://8bvnpjt78bki" path="res://audio/land.ogg" id="5_onlh3"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bn4jon8lk6sa6" path="res://audio/knockback.ogg" id="6_qks0s"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://1ssebbyqnkyf" path="res://audio/slide.ogg" id="7_sll3y"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/abilities/AttackAbility.gd" id="8_3ntrp"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://dc8kn5ec6cpgt" path="res://audio/violent_whoosh.ogg" id="9_giqnx"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cg4tqllft7p80" path="res://audio/pow.ogg" id="9_r36s7"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="11_g8yfw"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_372h3"] +script = ExtResource("8_3ntrp") +power = 50.0 +duration = 0.75 +slowdown_factor = 2.0 +cooldown = 0.25 +hit_sound = ExtResource("9_r36s7") +animation = &"attack" +sound = ExtResource("9_giqnx") +impetus_multiplier = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_fnvin"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("11_g8yfw") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 0.5 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("4_sur2p") + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape3D" id="CapsuleShape3D_p6brs"] +radius = 0.2 +height = 1.4 + +[node name="Gibbo" instance=ExtResource("1_2mf3d")] +mass = 120.0 +script = ExtResource("2_r2v8g") +top_run_speed = 11.0 +run_acceleration = 18.0 +run_deceleration = 18.0 +jump_strength = 7.0 +jump_sound = ExtResource("3_vgk4p") +fall_sound = ExtResource("4_isxrk") +land_sound = ExtResource("5_onlh3") +knockback_sound = ExtResource("6_qks0s") +slide_sound = ExtResource("7_sll3y") +sprint_animation_speed_factor = 0.3 +ability = SubResource("Resource_372h3") +taunt_animation = &"bow" + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Figure" index="0"] +bones/0/rotation = Quaternion(0, -0.287348, 0, 0.957826) +bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0990147, 6.58413e-09, -0.0990147, 0.990148) +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(0.144745, 0.0212134, 0.32917, 0.93287) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(0.175575, 0.109305, -0.210721, 0.955417) +bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.2797, -0.679301, 0.354921, 0.57823) +bones/4/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(0.000892224, 0.707105, 0.000892296, 0.707107) +bones/5/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0217515, -0.00156369, 0.0678132, 0.99746) +bones/6/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.160222, -0.784421, -0.227282, 0.554397) +bones/7/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(-0.266315, -0.00731397, 0.0228602, 0.963587) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0445415, 0.00347591, -0.0287677, 0.998587) +bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0437129, -0.00381627, -0.0434845, 0.99809) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-0.00983322, -0.371261, 0.928152, 0.0245397) +bones/12/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(0.00140208, 3.69233e-06, 0.0368522, 0.99932) +bones/13/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(0.0301664, 0.857687, 0.513234, -0.00737551) +bones/14/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/15/rotation = Quaternion(-0.238852, -0.0167421, -0.0154867, 0.970788) +bones/15/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(-0.180504, 0.769925, -0.060036, 0.609122) +bones/16/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/17/rotation = Quaternion(-0.105397, 0.76835, -0.10776, 0.622027) +bones/17/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/19/rotation = Quaternion(-0.075391, 0.762066, -0.156696, 0.623713) +bones/19/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/20/rotation = Quaternion(0.567262, 0.422161, -0.567255, 0.422155) +bones/20/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/21/rotation = Quaternion(0.000892229, -0.707108, -0.00089227, 0.707104) +bones/23/rotation = Quaternion(0.545223, 0.712751, 0.0991188, 0.429992) +bones/23/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/24/rotation = Quaternion(0.869809, -0.0665284, 0.070048, 0.483838) +bones/25/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0493962, 0.196344, 0.0192752, 0.9791) +bones/25/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/26/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0875539, 0.335864, -0.0525546, 0.936359) +bones/27/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0513785, 0.199068, 0.0340877, 0.978044) +bones/27/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/28/rotation = Quaternion(-1.62642e-05, -1.60552e-06, 0.999724, 0.0235166) +bones/28/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/29/rotation = Quaternion(0.00140308, -4.14828e-05, -0.0368521, 0.99932) +bones/29/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/30/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0301869, 0.857687, 0.513233, 0.00733207) +bones/30/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/32/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0263686, 0.738375, -0.18839, 0.647006) +bones/32/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/33/rotation = Quaternion(-0.085814, 0.756409, -0.123922, 0.636494) +bones/34/rotation = Quaternion(-0.148873, 0.760676, -0.104886, 0.623064) +bones/34/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/35/rotation = Quaternion(-0.138968, 0.7604, -0.104525, 0.625743) +bones/35/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/36/rotation = Quaternion(0.862084, -5.2339e-09, -6.53369e-09, -0.506765) +bones/37/rotation = Quaternion(0.0276538, -0.0138269, 0.447, 0.894) +bones/38/rotation = Quaternion(0.0241084, -0.0144651, 0.514292, 0.857154) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_fnvin") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="." index="2"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.7, 0) +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape3D_p6brs") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer3D" type="AudioStreamPlayer3D" parent="." index="3"] diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboMaterial.tres b/characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboMaterial.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5639f0e --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboMaterial.tres @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bbcvtbydjb6u7"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="1_1riko"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://nwusijlc2ud1" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Texture.png" id="2_lg5cd"] + +[resource] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("1_1riko") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("2_lg5cd") diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboProfile.tres 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+playstyle = "He may be small, but the psychokinetic influence of his spiritual connection to the earth makes him effectively very heavy. It helps him send foes flying by swiping at them with his claws, but it does make it hard for him to do parkour." +story = "This little cutie lives in the woods and sustains himself on fish and berries. He is mostly sweet and innocent, but a hair wily and mischievous. Though inexperienced in most matters, he professes unrivaled prowess in meditation and self-defense." +talk_color = Color(0.501961, 0.266667, 0.164706, 1) +talk_blip = ExtResource("2_cuhxr") +face_normal = ExtResource("1_3fkqo") diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01408e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:5815bb8a0eaf5a0a6c2b62c0aac87657758f1926982a6d488233fdd59279c6e8 +size 11548 diff --git a/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png.import b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e65b36c --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://bk4enkgrs7hxp" 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load_steps=15 format=3 uid="uid://7wamxb0ihixv"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ch1uyprg11ohb" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna.glb" id="1_4531r"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/Runner.gd" id="2_774xv"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://btuo8j5615nfb" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Texture.png" id="4_6gihx"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://y7h5yf2w4eu7" path="res://audio/jump2.ogg" id="4_ju11j"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bmedqfhi5ht4r" path="res://audio/small_whoosh.ogg" id="5_x3o24"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://8bvnpjt78bki" path="res://audio/land.ogg" id="6_onblu"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bn4jon8lk6sa6" path="res://audio/knockback.ogg" id="7_3xv4y"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://1ssebbyqnkyf" path="res://audio/slide.ogg" id="8_35av7"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/abilities/DoubleJumpAbility.gd" id="9_oepiq"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bopntysh8gs3s" path="res://audio/hop.ogg" id="10_dft31"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="10_l0x43"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_elwrx"] +script = ExtResource("9_oepiq") +animation = &"jump" +sound = ExtResource("10_dft31") +impetus_multiplier = 1.0 + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_1ados"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("10_l0x43") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 3.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("4_6gihx") + +[sub_resource type="SphereShape3D" id="SphereShape3D_vp4p1"] +radius = 0.45 + +[node name="Lorna" instance=ExtResource("1_4531r")] +mass = 30.0 +script = ExtResource("2_774xv") +top_run_speed = 15.0 +run_acceleration = 20.0 +jump_strength = 13.0 +jump_sound = ExtResource("4_ju11j") +fall_sound = ExtResource("5_x3o24") +land_sound = ExtResource("6_onblu") +knockback_sound = ExtResource("7_3xv4y") +slide_sound = ExtResource("8_35av7") +ability = SubResource("Resource_elwrx") +taunt_animation = &"binky" + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Figure" index="0"] +bones/0/position = Vector3(2.54314e-17, 0.268056, -0.102089) +bones/0/rotation = Quaternion(0.626118, 1.3128e-16, 7.87679e-17, 0.779729) +bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0550901, -1.57057e-16, -6.70007e-17, 0.998481) +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(-0.346092, 0.721064, -0.355694, 0.483497) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(-0.505636, -0.162159, -0.109155, 0.840311) +bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.346092, 0.721064, -0.355694, -0.483497) +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(-0.505636, 0.162159, 0.109155, 0.840311) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(0.981725, 0.00353237, 0.00118442, 0.190268) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.935086, 0.0411437, -0.00968097, 0.351891) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(0.0322389, 0.00672691, 0.0409036, 0.99862) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(0.364722, -0.200686, 0.247987, 0.87476) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(0.956612, 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type="AudioStreamPlayer3D" parent="." index="3"] +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/characters/playable/Lorna/LornaMaterial.tres b/characters/playable/Lorna/LornaMaterial.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40cc5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Lorna/LornaMaterial.tres @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dofx7rb15e3rq"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="1_iyhhh"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://btuo8j5615nfb" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Texture.png" id="2_wuall"] + +[resource] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("1_iyhhh") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 1.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("2_wuall") diff --git a/characters/playable/Lorna/LornaProfile.tres b/characters/playable/Lorna/LornaProfile.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad74d75 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Lorna/LornaProfile.tres @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="CharacterProfile" load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://fsr6eeuvw1qx"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/CharacterProfile.gd" id="1_laepr"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://eo124gtt1t3p" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png" id="1_wvbkq"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://c1ijscp120c5w" path="res://audio/ethereal_chirp.ogg" id="2_oc22s"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://7wamxb0ihixv" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna.tscn" id="2_vxm7b"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1_laepr") +runner = ExtResource("2_vxm7b") +id = &"lorna" +nickname = "Lorna" +full_name = "Lorna-June the Rabbit" +pronouns = "she/her/hers" +speed_rating = 1 +traction_rating = 2 +air_rating = 2 +combat_rating = 0 +ability = "Double-Jump" +playstyle = "Nimble and graceful, she finds it easy both to leap high into the air and to stop on a dime. She can even use her magic to double-jump. However, her small size leaves her defenseless -- if, that is, her would-be attacker can even land a hit." +story = "She dwells in the World of Forms as the Platonic ideal of motherhood. When a person talks about \"mother nature\" or a \"fairy godmother,\" they are, without knowing it, referring to this rabbit. She dearly loves each and every one of her several decillion children." +talk_color = Color(0.435294, 0.164706, 0.501961, 1) +talk_blip = ExtResource("2_oc22s") +face_normal = ExtResource("1_wvbkq") diff --git a/characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png b/characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..564c17b --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:31edd926ddb165309b695132c3e1fa76ec78c58fe5bec13460fc9c73f74afc2f +size 12511 diff --git a/characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png.import b/characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe5eaf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://eo124gtt1t3p" 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+mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1363a64 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:05cddd54d9025bb907e9c446076b6a4d9b9805d9f0fc4051b8458c73251a3e36 +size 420932 diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb.import b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73a07e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://b4aslmx0gfk2" +path="res://.godot/imported/Stick.glb-89a163b576d9b396249c910c4531d40c.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Stick.glb-89a163b576d9b396249c910c4531d40c.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="RigidBody3D" +nodes/root_name="Scene Root" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={ +"nodes": { +"PATH:Figure/Skeleton3D/Mesh": { +"physics/body_type": 1, +"physics/shape_type": 6, +"primitive/height": 1.75, +"primitive/position": Vector3(0, 0.875, 0), +"primitive/radius": 0.25 +} +} +} +gltf/naming_version=0 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.tscn b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aed02e --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=12 format=3 uid="uid://b5m4u3yrq8f46"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b4aslmx0gfk2" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb" id="1_cv8b4"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/Runner.gd" id="2_8po18"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bdrgyn7u1ku1n" path="res://audio/jump.ogg" id="3_wtwp0"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bx8paq5mfsrfr" path="res://audio/spin.ogg" id="4_e270v"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://8bvnpjt78bki" path="res://audio/land.ogg" id="5_0p8em"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bn4jon8lk6sa6" path="res://audio/knockback.ogg" id="6_j5nyn"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://1ssebbyqnkyf" path="res://audio/slide.ogg" id="7_dlj60"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/abilities/SpinGlideAbility.gd" id="8_wgyay"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://bjxlmbxma887w" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/StickMaterial.tres" id="9_jsrxl"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_80ibe"] +script = ExtResource("8_wgyay") +animation_in_water = &"sideways-spin" +timeout = 1.0 +drop_factor = 1.0 +animation = &"spin" +sound = ExtResource("4_e270v") +impetus_multiplier = 1.1 + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape3D" id="CapsuleShape3D_b5sbr"] +radius = 0.25 +height = 1.625 + +[node name="Stick" instance=ExtResource("1_cv8b4")] +mass = 50.0 +center_of_mass_mode = 1 +center_of_mass = Vector3(0, 0.88, 0) +script = ExtResource("2_8po18") +jump_sound = ExtResource("3_wtwp0") +fall_sound = ExtResource("4_e270v") +land_sound = ExtResource("5_0p8em") +knockback_sound = ExtResource("6_j5nyn") +slide_sound = ExtResource("7_dlj60") +sprint_animation_speed_factor = 0.075 +swim_animation_speed_factor = 0.033 +ability = SubResource("Resource_80ibe") +taunt_animation = &"wave" + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Figure" index="0"] +bones/0/position = Vector3(0, 0.352519, 0) +bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(0.258292, -2.1318e-11, 3.90806e-08, 0.966067) +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(0.00108951, 8.88178e-15, 8.80438e-16, 0.999999) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0010895, -1.43388e-11, -1.63885e-10, 0.999999) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(-0.456909, -0.0870814, -0.173234, 0.868125) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.171361, 0.0610917, 0.683964, 0.706468) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(-0.456909, 0.0870814, 0.173234, 0.868125) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(-0.171361, -0.0610918, -0.683964, 0.706468) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-0.601197, 0.778679, 0.144516, 0.106471) +bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(0.923235, -0.0179777, -0.0402177, 0.381702) +bones/15/rotation = Quaternion(-0.601197, -0.778679, -0.144516, 0.106471) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(0.923235, 0.0179777, 0.0402176, 0.381702) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("9_jsrxl") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="." index="2"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.875, 0) +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape3D_b5sbr") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer3D" type="AudioStreamPlayer3D" parent="." index="3"] +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/StickMaterial.tres b/characters/playable/Stick/StickMaterial.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9f466a --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/StickMaterial.tres @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bjxlmbxma887w"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/luminous.gdshader" id="1_biasc"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://jb2f1pmd62td" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png" id="2_8jk10"] + +[resource] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("1_biasc") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/multiplier = 3.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("2_8jk10") diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/StickProfile.tres b/characters/playable/Stick/StickProfile.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..505c1d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/StickProfile.tres @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="CharacterProfile" load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://b01p7i4rw34pg"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://opjpliwjpjht" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png" id="1_ac5cn"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/CharacterProfile.gd" id="1_pwuob"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://dmq5cjm5uaun3" path="res://audio/wah.ogg" id="2_8kb5x"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b5m4u3yrq8f46" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick.tscn" id="2_d8680"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1_pwuob") +runner = ExtResource("2_d8680") +id = &"stick" +nickname = "Stick" +full_name = "Stick the Quick" +pronouns = "they/them/theirs" +speed_rating = 2 +traction_rating = 0 +air_rating = 1 +combat_rating = 1 +ability = "Pirouette" +playstyle = "They're so fast they can be hard to steer, but they make up for it with their pirouette, which can be used for jump correction and to glide across gaps. When they get too tired to glide, their pirouette becomes a powerful spinning drop kick." +story = "Contrary to what you might expect, this urban parkour practitioner is mild-mannered, if snarky. They hope that with enough training, they can become free from the shackles of gravity, like the birds in the sky." +talk_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +talk_blip = ExtResource("2_8kb5x") +face_normal = ExtResource("1_ac5cn") diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..344c6b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:73dd1da15374492f57f25c7cf80cb40d07589a0e9d1ed01373bd4ab01ee74c18 +size 5273 diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png.import b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe5a3af --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://opjpliwjpjht" +path="res://.godot/imported/Stick_Placeholder.png-8f6bfc9a30a78ecbcfd64ffef9cfbf90.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Stick_Placeholder.png-8f6bfc9a30a78ecbcfd64ffef9cfbf90.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3f48a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:9d4de4b8fbb061fd71c1b48683ee6bdf65529ea83e69a74027e626c2bd81a120 +size 9572 diff --git a/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png.import b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1f7987 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://bcsi80v8yyqr5" +path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/Stick_PlayerTexture.png-f7ba4df7d02a643e739a65634948e272.s3tc.ctex" +metadata={ +"imported_formats": ["s3tc_bptc"], +"vram_texture": true +} +generator_parameters={} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick_PlayerTexture.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Stick_PlayerTexture.png-f7ba4df7d02a643e739a65634948e272.s3tc.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=2 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/characters/thinkers/FollowerThinker.gd b/characters/thinkers/FollowerThinker.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4200024 --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/thinkers/FollowerThinker.gd @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +class_name FollowerThinker extends NPCRunnerThinker + +@export var target: Node3D +@export var target_distance: float = 0.0 + +var raycast: PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D + +func _ready() -> void: + raycast = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.new() + +func impetus() -> Vector3: + var displacement := ( + target.global_position - runner.global_position + ).slide(runner.up_normal) + if displacement.length() <= target_distance: + return Vector3.ZERO + else: + return displacement.limit_length() + +func should_jump() -> bool: + if ( + runner.state == &'jump' or + runner.state == &'wall_jump' or + runner.state == &'ability' + ): + return false + var displacement := ( + target.global_position - runner.global_position + ) + var vertical_displacement := displacement.project(runner.up_normal) + var horizontal_displacement := displacement - vertical_displacement + if vertical_displacement.normalized().dot(runner.up_normal) <= 0.0: + vertical_displacement = Vector3.ZERO + if displacement.length() <= target_distance: + return false + if vertical_displacement.length() > target_distance: + return true + if runner.state == &'wall_slide': + return ( + runner.wall_normal.dot( + horizontal_displacement.normalized() + ) > 0.25 or + runner.linear_velocity.normalized().dot(Vector3.UP) < -0.25 + ) + if not runner.wall_normal.is_zero_approx(): + return true + if target is PhysicsBody3D: + raycast.exclude = [self, target] + else: + raycast.exclude = [self] + raycast.from = runner.global_position + raycast.to = runner.global_position + horizontal_displacement + var raycast_result := ( + runner.get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(raycast) + ) + if raycast_result.is_empty(): + return false + if ( + raycast_result[&'normal'].dot(-horizontal_displacement.normalized()) > + 0.25 + ): + return true + return false + +func should_do_ability() -> bool: + return runner.state == &'ability' and ( + target.global_position - runner.global_position + ).normalized().dot(runner.up_normal) < -0.25 diff --git a/characters/thinkers/NPCRunnerThinker.gd b/characters/thinkers/NPCRunnerThinker.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbe129f --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/thinkers/NPCRunnerThinker.gd @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +class_name NPCRunnerThinker extends Node + +@onready var runner := $'..' as Runner + +func impetus() -> Vector3: + return Vector3.ZERO + +func should_jump() -> bool: + return false + +func should_do_ability() -> bool: + return false + +func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void: + runner.impetus = impetus() + if should_jump(): + runner.jump() + elif should_do_ability() and runner.state != &'ability': + runner.do_ability() diff --git a/characters/thinkers/RunnerController.gd b/characters/thinkers/RunnerController.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81bdafe --- /dev/null +++ b/characters/thinkers/RunnerController.gd @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +class_name RunnerController extends RunnerObserver + +const BASE_ZOOM_SPEED: float = 0.125 +const MOUSE_WHEEL_BIAS: float = 8.0 +const MAX_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT: float = 0.75 +const LOOK_IMPETUS_LERP_WEIGHT: float = 0.125 + +var control_enabled: bool + +var look_impetus := Vector3.ZERO +var look_impetus_target := Vector3.ZERO + +func _ready() -> void: + super() + control_enabled = true + +func switch_runner(whom: Runner, distance: float = DEFAULT_DISTANCE) -> void: + if runner: + runner.remove_from_group(&'player') + super(whom, distance) + if runner: + runner.add_to_group(&'player') + +func _would_be_responsive_if_current() -> bool: + return runner and control_enabled and not target_override + +func _is_responsive() -> bool: + return current and _would_be_responsive_if_current() + +func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if _is_responsive(): + var iemm := event as InputEventMouseMotion + var iemb := event as InputEventMouseButton + if iemm and Options.mouselook: + var dy: float = iemm.relative.y + if Options.invert_mouselook: + dy = -dy + var align: float = maintain_direction.dot(up_normal) + if ( + (dy > 0.0 and align < -MAX_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT) or + (dy < 0.0 and align > MAX_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT/2.0) + ): + dy = 0.0 + var dx: float = iemm.relative.x + look_impetus_target += ( + basis.y*dy - basis.x*dx + ).limit_length()*Options.mouse_sensitivity*( + maintain_distance/FX.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE + ) + if iemb and Options.mouselook: + match iemb.button_index: + MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: + maintain_distance = max( + maintain_distance - ( + BASE_ZOOM_SPEED * + MOUSE_WHEEL_BIAS * + Options.mouse_wheel_sensitivity + )*( + -1.0 if Options.invert_mouse_wheel + else 1.0 + ), + 0.0 + ) + MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: + maintain_distance = max( + maintain_distance + ( + BASE_ZOOM_SPEED * + MOUSE_WHEEL_BIAS * + Options.mouse_wheel_sensitivity + )*( + -1.0 if Options.invert_mouse_wheel + else 1.0 + ), + 0.0 + ) + _: pass + if event.is_action_released(&'pause'): + UI.Call(load("res://ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.tscn")) + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + elif runner.state != &'knockback' and runner.state != &'taunt': + if event.is_action_pressed(&'jump'): + runner.jump() + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + elif event.is_action_released(&'jump'): + runner.cancel_jump() + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + elif event.is_action_pressed(&'ability'): + runner.do_ability() + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + +func _accept_analog_input() -> void: + if _is_responsive(): + var dy: float = Input.get_axis(&'look_down', &'look_up') + if Options.invert_right_stick: + dy = -dy + var align: float = maintain_direction.dot(up_normal) + if ( + (dy > 0.0 and align < -MAX_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT) or + (dy < 0.0 and align > MAX_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT/2.0) + ): + dy = 0.0 + var dx: float = Input.get_axis(&'look_left', &'look_right') + look_impetus_target += ( + basis.y*dy - basis.x*dx + ).limit_length()*Options.right_stick_sensitivity*( + maintain_distance/FX.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE + ) + look_impetus = look_impetus.lerp( + look_impetus_target, LOOK_IMPETUS_LERP_WEIGHT + ) + _try_go(global_position + look_impetus) + if Input.is_action_pressed(&'zoom_in'): + maintain_distance = max(maintain_distance - BASE_ZOOM_SPEED, 0.0) + if Input.is_action_pressed(&'zoom_out'): + maintain_distance += BASE_ZOOM_SPEED + if runner.state != &'knockback' and runner.state != &'taunt': + var raw_impetus := Vector3( + Input.get_axis(&'move_left', &'move_right'), + 0.0, + Input.get_axis(&'move_forward', &'move_back') + ).limit_length() + if not raw_impetus.is_zero_approx(): + runner.impetus = ( + (basis*raw_impetus).slide(runner.up_normal).normalized() + )*raw_impetus.length() + look_impetus_target = Vector3.ZERO + +func _update_mouselook_requested() -> void: + if current: + Options.mouselook_requested = _would_be_responsive_if_current() + +func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: + _update_mouselook_requested() + _accept_analog_input() + super(delta) diff --git a/export_presets.cfg b/export_presets.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/levels/ConditionalSpawnGroup.gd b/levels/ConditionalSpawnGroup.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa3ba38 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/ConditionalSpawnGroup.gd @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +class_name ConditionalSpawnGroup extends DeferredSpawnGroup + +var condition: String +var dynamic := false + +@onready var _exprobj := Expression.new() + +func _ready() -> void: + super() + _build_expr() + _try_spawn_or_despawn() + +func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void: + if dynamic: + _try_spawn_or_despawn() + +func _build_expr() -> void: + if _exprobj.parse(condition) != OK: + push_error(( + "Couldn't parse condition `%s` " + + "for conditional spawn group %s: %s" + ) % [ + condition, self, _exprobj.get_error_text() + ]) + dissolve() + +func _try_spawn_or_despawn() -> void: + var belongs: bool = not not _exprobj.execute([], Storyboard.save_data) + if _exprobj.has_execute_failed(): + push_error(( + "Couldn't evaluate condition `%s` " + + "for conditional spawn group %s: %s" + ) % [ + condition, self, _exprobj.get_error_text() + ]) + queue_free() + elif belongs: spawn() + elif not belongs: despawn() + if not dynamic: dissolve() diff --git a/levels/DeferredSpawnGroup.gd b/levels/DeferredSpawnGroup.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afbb451 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/DeferredSpawnGroup.gd @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +class_name DeferredSpawnGroup extends Node + +signal spawned(what: Node) +signal despawned(what: Node) + +var root: Node + +func _ready() -> void: + get_tree().current_scene.tree_exiting.connect(root.queue_free) + +func spawn() -> void: + if root and not root.is_inside_tree(): + if root.is_node_ready(): + root.request_ready() + add_child(root) + spawned.emit(root) + +func despawn() -> void: + if root and root.is_inside_tree(): + remove_child(root) + despawned.emit(root) + +func dissolve() -> void: + if root: + root.reparent(get_parent()) + get_tree().current_scene.tree_exiting.disconnect(root.queue_free) + root = null + queue_free() + +func is_spawned(): + return root and root.is_inside_tree() diff --git a/levels/LevelDescriptor.gd b/levels/LevelDescriptor.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91ae223 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/LevelDescriptor.gd @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +class_name LevelDescriptor extends Resource + +enum GameMode {FREERUN, HUB, MISSION} + +@export var id: StringName +@export var name: String +@export var scene_path: String +@export var color: Color +@export var bgm: AudioStream +@export var fx: ScreenEffectsConfiguration +@export var game_modes_supported: Array[GameMode] = [ + GameMode.FREERUN, GameMode.MISSION +] +@export var missions: Array[MissionDescriptor] +@export var characters_allowed: Array[StringName] = CharacterProfile.ALL +@export var connections: Array[MapConnection] +@export var fast_travel_entrance: StringName +@export var icon: Texture2D diff --git a/levels/MapConnection.gd b/levels/MapConnection.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c12b95 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/MapConnection.gd @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class_name MapConnection extends Resource + +@export var origin: StringName +@export var destination: LoadingZoneGlobalID diff --git a/levels/MapID.gd b/levels/MapID.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..460f83c --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/MapID.gd @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class_name MapID extends Resource + +@export var level: StringName +@export var mission: StringName diff --git a/levels/MissionDescriptor.gd b/levels/MissionDescriptor.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb32fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/MissionDescriptor.gd @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +class_name MissionDescriptor extends Resource + +@export var id: StringName +@export var name: String +@export var scene_path_override: String +@export var bgm_override: AudioStream +@export var fx_override: ScreenEffectsConfiguration +@export var characters_allowed: Array[StringName] = CharacterProfile.ALL +@export var connections: Array[MapConnection] +@export var fast_travel_entrance_override: StringName +@export var awards_icosahedron := true diff --git a/levels/Spawner.gd b/levels/Spawner.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98f901c --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/Spawner.gd @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +class_name Spawner extends DeferredSpawnGroup + +var limit: int = 32 +var timeout: float = -1.0 + +var _spawned: Array[Node] = [] +var _timer: float = -1.0 + +func spawn() -> void: + if _spawned.size() > limit: + despawn() + var what := root.duplicate() + _spawned.push_back(what) + add_child(what) + spawned.emit(what) + +func despawn() -> void: + if not _spawned.is_empty(): + var what = _spawned[0] + remove_child(what) + what.queue_free() + _spawned.remove_at(0) + despawned.emit(what) + +func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: + if timeout > 0.0: + if _timer <= 0.0: + spawn() + _timer = timeout + _timer -= delta + +func is_spawned() -> bool: + return not _spawned.is_empty() + +func count() -> int: + return _spawned.size() + +func dissolve() -> void: + for what in _spawned: + what.reparent(get_parent()) + queue_free() diff --git a/levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity.glb b/levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ba347d --- /dev/null +++ b/levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:240c066ae722d6805ac6f86985ff8b8ab11cf9bbe84a3b87c2bc63e6ae1964a2 +size 3573164 diff --git a/levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity.glb.import b/levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..673b1d7 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-0.515848, -0.015873, -0.888914, -0.388901, 0.555556, -1.01587, -0.388901, 0.333327, -0.857174, -0.515848, -0.015873, -1.01587, -0.452381, -0.015873, -0.888914, -0.388901, 0.333327, -1.01587, -0.515848, 0.333327, -0.857174) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_2eonx"] +points = PackedVector3Array(-0.515873, 0.333333, -0.507937, 0.531746, 0.555534, 0.857143, 0.531746, 0.333333, 0.857143, 0.531746, 0.555534, -0.507937, -0.515873, 0.555534, 0.857143, -0.515873, 0.333333, 0.857143, 0.531746, 0.333333, -0.507937, -0.515873, 0.555534, -0.507937) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_x1bww"] +points = PackedVector3Array(0.264145, 0.626928, -0.588161, -0.515873, 0.333364, -0.857143, -0.515873, 0.333364, -0.507937, 0.531746, 0.333364, -0.857143, -0.296706, 0.637172, -0.84219, 0.531746, 0.333364, -0.507937, -0.515873, 0.555528, -0.507937, 0.531746, 0.555528, -0.857143, 0.531746, 0.555528, -0.507937, -0.515873, 0.555528, -0.857143, -0.325238, 0.650763, -0.571481, 0.28718, 0.639053, -0.84426) + +[node name="Bed" instance=ExtResource("1_nbpx0")] + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_gfi0p") + +[node name="StaticBody3D" type="StaticBody3D" parent="Mesh" index="0"] + +[node name="@CollisionShape3D@29607" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/StaticBody3D" index="0"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_c0vpo") + +[node name="@CollisionShape3D@29606" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/StaticBody3D" index="1"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_rektg") + +[node name="@CollisionShape3D@29605" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/StaticBody3D" index="2"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_lhotk") + +[node name="@CollisionShape3D@29604" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/StaticBody3D" index="3"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_j6nar") + +[node name="@CollisionShape3D@29603" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/StaticBody3D" index="4"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_2eonx") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/StaticBody3D" index="5"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_x1bww") diff --git a/objects/Bed/Bed_Texture.png b/objects/Bed/Bed_Texture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32085bd --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Bed/Bed_Texture.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:220e12f089ed94344fd72c90221d957e093a5a8b78c4e8d9a8a5c5104cebe0a3 +size 24435 diff --git a/objects/Bed/Bed_Texture.png.import b/objects/Bed/Bed_Texture.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09abc14 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Bed/Bed_Texture.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://clc5msgx6ffb8" +path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/Bed_Texture.png-6b5c9a99a81e90af8f77d3d852b48541.s3tc.ctex" +metadata={ +"imported_formats": ["s3tc_bptc"], +"vram_texture": true +} +generator_parameters={} + 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$'AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer + +func _ready() -> void: + body_entered.connect(propel) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter( + &'hue_shift', + launch_factor*MIN_LAUNCH_SPEED - 24.0 + ) + +func propel(body: PhysicsBody3D) -> void: + if body is RigidBody3D: + var rbody := body as RigidBody3D + audio_player.play() + var launch_vector := -rbody.linear_velocity.project( + rbody.global_position + rbody.center_of_mass - global_position + )*launch_factor + if launch_vector.is_zero_approx(): + launch_vector = Vector3.UP*launch_factor + elif launch_vector.length() < launch_factor*MIN_LAUNCH_SPEED: + launch_vector = ( + launch_vector.normalized()*launch_factor*MIN_LAUNCH_SPEED + ) + rbody.linear_velocity += launch_vector + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + global_rotation_degrees += Vector3.UP*BASE_SPIN_SPEED*launch_factor*delta diff --git a/objects/Bumper/Bumper.glb b/objects/Bumper/Bumper.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5683257 --- /dev/null +++ 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+skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={ +"nodes": { +"PATH:Mesh": { +"physics/shape_type": 1 +} +} +} +gltf/naming_version=0 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/objects/Bumper/Bumper.tscn b/objects/Bumper/Bumper.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..678200a --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Bumper/Bumper.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://bp1cl2ntaorxc"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ckedxj425ofof" path="res://objects/Bumper/Bumper.glb" id="1_4a63d"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://objects/Bumper/Bumper.gd" id="2_hkewi"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://od7dmik4yhjo" path="res://audio/bumper.ogg" id="3_1pqtl"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/technicolor.gdshader" id="3_jofw3"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b31k4jj27v65m" path="res://objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png" id="4_jx2yc"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_3pqy2"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("3_jofw3") +shader_parameter/hue_range = 0.75 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 1.0 +shader_parameter/radiance = 1.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("4_jx2yc") + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_wc4l5"] +points = PackedVector3Array(1.0704, 0.121259, 0, 0.833773, 0.529669, 0.32369, 0.950793, -0.0751609, 0.523891, 1.02296, -0.449052, 0, 0.950793, -0.0751609, -0.524099, 0.833773, 0.529669, -0.323898, 0.423508, 0.901497, 0, 0.329015, 0.71502, 0.525554, 0.522586, 0.300044, 0.859431, 0.518598, -0.266703, 0.850492, 0.728316, -0.676989, 0.522228, 0.635817, -0.873597, -0.000207901, 0.728316, -0.676989, -0.522436, 0.518598, -0.266703, -0.850699, 0.522586, 0.300044, -0.859639, 0.329015, 0.71502, -0.525762, -0.174348, 0.900184, 0.344895, -0.174348, 0.900184, -0.345103, -0.0977965, 0.527793, 0.861718, 0.0192229, -0.0772245, 1.06192, 0.13066, -0.678115, 0.867331, 0.207411, -1.01392, 0.308929, 0.207411, -1.01392, -0.309137, 0.13066, -0.678115, -0.867539, 0.0192229, -0.0772245, -1.06192, -0.0977965, 0.527793, -0.861926, -0.581623, 0.713144, 0, -0.658772, 0.52648, 0.53782, -0.658772, 0.52648, -0.538028, -0.495104, 0.11807, 0.903712, -0.469587, -0.452242, 0.861718, -0.274821, -0.875473, 0.525554, -0.327649, -1.01505, -0.000207901, -0.274821, -0.875473, -0.525762, -0.469587, -0.452242, -0.861926, -0.495104, 0.11807, -0.90392, -0.966172, 0.296855, 0, -0.888624, -0.0791005, 0.53782, -0.888624, -0.0791005, -0.538028, -0.773997, -0.680179, 0.344895, -0.773997, -0.680179, -0.345103, -0.954809, -0.269892, 0) + +[node name="Bumper" instance=ExtResource("1_4a63d")] +script = ExtResource("2_hkewi") + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_3pqy2") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="." index="1"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_wc4l5") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="." index="2"] +stream = ExtResource("3_1pqtl") diff --git a/objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png b/objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8be8f3d --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:7c600c24b195daf3824b013f74c993f276fe6004290c4c4009d148f57ded0a5d +size 13179 diff --git a/objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png.import b/objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e8e319 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Bumper/Bumper_Texture.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://hft8u1k17vm2" +path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/Bumper_Texture.png-4da13a45f071e233e8da517fb2fb1d38.s3tc.ctex" +metadata={ +"imported_formats": ["s3tc_bptc"], +"vram_texture": true +} +generator_parameters={} + 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file mode 100644 index 0000000..c61cefd --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Chair/Chair.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://bvvpciyt4lc08" +path="res://.godot/imported/Chair.glb-a83eebe3e697c090eae8bac5e61279e9.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://objects/Chair/Chair.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Chair.glb-a83eebe3e697c090eae8bac5e61279e9.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="" +nodes/root_name="" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={} +gltf/naming_version=1 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/objects/Chair/Chair.tscn 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0.39138, 0.241281, -0.0252016, 0.474619, 0.341186, 0.341186, 0.39138, 0.241281, 0.341186, 0.374714, 0.341186, 0.341186, 0.374714, 0.257927, 0.257909, 0.374714, 0.341186, 0.341186, 0.408035, 0.241281) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_3mc4b"] +points = PackedVector3Array(0.341186, 0.374714, 0.341186, 0.257916, -0.00832698, 0.257916, 0.257916, -0.00832698, 0.341186, 0.257916, 0.374714, 0.257916, 0.341186, -0.00832698, 0.257916, 0.341186, -0.00832698, 0.341186, 0.257916, 0.374714, 0.341186, 0.341186, 0.374714, 0.257916) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_ke8f2"] +points = PackedVector3Array(-0.341596, 0.374714, 0.257927, -0.0252635, 0.474619, 0.341186, -0.0252635, 0.39138, 0.341186, -0.0252635, 0.474619, 0.241281, -0.274979, 0.474619, 0.341186, -0.0252635, 0.39138, 0.241281, -0.274979, 0.474619, 0.241281, -0.341596, 0.374714, 0.341186, -0.341596, 0.408035, 0.241281, -0.258316, 0.374714, 0.257927, -0.341596, 0.408035, 0.341186, -0.258316, 0.374714, 0.341186, -0.341596, 0.39138, 0.241281) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_pcmgq"] +points = PackedVector3Array(-0.258357, 0.374714, 0.341186, -0.341627, -0.00832698, 0.257916, -0.341627, -0.00832698, 0.341186, -0.341627, 0.374714, 0.257916, -0.258357, -0.00832698, 0.257916, -0.258357, -0.00832698, 0.341186, -0.341627, 0.374714, 0.341186, -0.258357, 0.374714, 0.257916) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_k2ahg"] +points = PackedVector3Array(0.274495, 0.474638, 0.241262, -0.34156, 0.391368, -0.241703, -0.34156, 0.391368, 0.241262, 0.341119, 0.391368, -0.241703, -0.274936, 0.474638, -0.241703, 0.341119, 0.391368, 0.241262, -0.274936, 0.474638, 0.241262, 0.274495, 0.474638, -0.241703) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_kwf1j"] +points = PackedVector3Array(0.341186, 1.05753, -0.308306, 0.00531746, 0.413738, -0.333286, 0.257909, -0.00832701, -0.341607, -0.0772289, 0.4607, -0.227517, 0.341186, -0.00832701, -0.258369, -0.0252016, 1.05753, -0.341607, 0.27455, 1.05753, -0.258369, 0.341186, 1.05753, -0.341607, -0.0252016, 1.05753, -0.258369, 0.341186, 0.408166, -0.241703, 0.341186, -0.00832701, -0.341607, 0.257909, -0.00832701, -0.258369) + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_qslj0"] +points = PackedVector3Array(-0.341596, -0.00832701, -0.341607, -0.258316, -0.00832701, -0.341607, -0.341596, 1.05753, -0.341607, -0.0252635, 1.05753, -0.341607, 0.019656, 0.4607, -0.227517, -0.274979, 1.05753, -0.258369, -0.341596, -0.00832701, -0.258369, -0.0252635, 1.05753, -0.258369, -0.0516131, 0.413738, -0.333286, -0.341596, 0.408166, -0.241703, -0.258316, -0.00832701, -0.258369, -0.341596, 1.05753, -0.308306) + +[node name="Chair" instance=ExtResource("1_xaovp")] + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_7hig2") + +[node name="StaticBody3D" type="StaticBody3D" 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delta_distance: float = speed*delta + if _timer > 0.0: + _timer -= delta + elif ( + (not pauses.is_empty()) and + abs(_locus_travel_distance - pauses[_next_pause]) < delta_distance/2.0 + ): + _next_pause = (_next_pause + 1) % pauses.size() + _timer = pause_timeout + else: + _locus_travel_distance += _direction*delta_distance + var length: float = path.get_baked_length() + if _locus_travel_distance >= length or _locus_travel_distance < 0.0: + if cyclic: + _locus_travel_distance = fposmod( + _locus_travel_distance, length + ) + else: + _direction = -_direction + _locus_travel_distance = clampf( + _locus_travel_distance, + 0.0, length + ) diff --git a/objects/Platform/Platform.gd b/objects/Platform/Platform.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbeac16 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Platform/Platform.gd @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +class_name Platform extends RigidBody3D + + #angular_velocity = ( + #basis.x.cross(target_basis.x) + + #basis.y.cross(target_basis.y) + + #basis.z.cross(target_basis.z) + #)*TURNING_LERP_WEIGHT/body_state.step + +const BASE_LINEAR_SPRING: float = 100.0 +const BASE_ANGULAR_SPRING: float = 1000.0 +const BASE_LINEAR_DAMP: float = 10.0 +const BASE_ANGULAR_DAMP: float = 100.0 + +@export var spring: float = 1.0 + +@onready var _origin := global_position +@onready var _angular_origin := global_basis + +func _ready() -> void: + linear_damp = BASE_LINEAR_DAMP*spring + angular_damp = BASE_ANGULAR_DAMP*spring + +func _locus() -> Vector3: + return _origin + +func _angular_locus() -> Basis: + return _angular_origin + +func _integrate_forces(state: PhysicsDirectBodyState3D) -> void: + state.apply_central_force( + (_locus() - global_position) * + BASE_LINEAR_SPRING*spring / + state.inverse_mass + ) + var angular_locus := _angular_locus() + state.apply_torque(( + global_basis.x.cross(angular_locus.x) + + global_basis.y.cross(angular_locus.y) + + global_basis.z.cross(angular_locus.z) + )*BASE_ANGULAR_SPRING*spring/state.inverse_inertia) diff --git a/objects/Signpost/Signpost.gd b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32255e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.gd @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +class_name Signpost extends Node3D + +@export var sequence := &'' + +func _ready() -> void: + $'Mesh/SequenceTrigger'.sequence = sequence diff --git a/objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3ac928 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:79afe9c3f77eb5b843ff096f77d51634192601ee73b338e4709397bed408f8e5 +size 31084 diff --git a/objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb.import b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc13c54 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://7y6grqlbwodg" +path="res://.godot/imported/Signpost.glb-ea6667c93c83fb373fc2b51e14f18f67.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Signpost.glb-ea6667c93c83fb373fc2b51e14f18f67.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="" +nodes/root_name="" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={} +gltf/naming_version=1 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/objects/Signpost/Signpost.tscn b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c38edc --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Signpost/Signpost.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://crs3f1flcvprf"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://7y6grqlbwodg" path="res://objects/Signpost/Signpost.glb" id="1_lr7c5"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://zones/SequenceTrigger/SequenceTrigger.gd" id="2_i6jbr"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://objects/Signpost/Signpost.gd" id="2_tkuvh"] + +[sub_resource type="BoxShape3D" id="BoxShape3D_ufwdg"] +size = Vector3(2, 2, 2) + +[node name="Signpost" instance=ExtResource("1_lr7c5")] +script = ExtResource("2_tkuvh") + +[node name="SequenceTrigger" type="Area3D" parent="Mesh" index="0"] +script = ExtResource("2_i6jbr") +condition = 2 + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Mesh/SequenceTrigger" index="0"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1) +shape = SubResource("BoxShape3D_ufwdg") diff --git a/objects/Signpost/Signpost_Texture.png b/objects/Signpost/Signpost_Texture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9288359 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Signpost/Signpost_Texture.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 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+mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81401bc --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:aafec978caebbccc6a01bd2faa3fca43263bafb2b2121008f0bfba6563bd74df +size 86072 diff --git a/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb.import b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9c6b22 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://b20n6e8eer10g" 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100644 index 0000000..f16e762 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://32n52mdyf3an"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b20n6e8eer10g" path="res://objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment.glb" id="1_l4kx2"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/multimat.gdshader" id="2_2bn23"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dm14tniopu4xa" path="res://objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png" id="3_jtu2l"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_44swr"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("2_2bn23") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/hue_precision = 0.075 +shader_parameter/saturation_threshold = 0.25 +shader_parameter/glass_hue = 0.5 +shader_parameter/chrome_hue = 0.2 +shader_parameter/glow_hue = 0.5 +shader_parameter/neon_hue = -1.0 +shader_parameter/wax_hue = 0.05 +shader_parameter/gloss_hue = -1.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("3_jtu2l") + +[node name="SmallApartment" instance=ExtResource("1_l4kx2")] + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_44swr") diff --git a/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..828593e --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:4e3f218eb524de2bd506f1a2fb6bee6f53b4d2a5df2a9916dde8c78bf3a55c3a +size 30766 diff --git a/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png.import b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fbd40c --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://dq7edkvopbcy" +path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/SmallApartment_Texture.png-3abcfafe331820162e90e4f19da2c0ce.s3tc.ctex" +metadata={ +"imported_formats": ["s3tc_bptc"], +"vram_texture": true +} +generator_parameters={} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://objects/SmallApartment/SmallApartment_Texture.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/SmallApartment_Texture.png-3abcfafe331820162e90e4f19da2c0ce.s3tc.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=2 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.gd b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7cef5f --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.gd @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +class_name SpeedPad extends Area3D + +const BASE_ANIM_SPEED: float = 0.1 + +@export var launch_speed: float = 30.0 + +@onready var mesh := $'Mesh' as MeshInstance3D +@onready var audio_player := $'AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +var turn45: int +var turn90: int +var turn135: int +var turn180: int +var anim_progress: float = 0.0 + +func _ready() -> void: + turn45 = mesh.find_blend_shape_by_name(&'Turn45') + turn90 = mesh.find_blend_shape_by_name(&'Turn90') + turn135 = mesh.find_blend_shape_by_name(&'Turn135') + turn180 = mesh.find_blend_shape_by_name(&'Turn180') + body_entered.connect(propel) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter( + &'hue_shift', + launch_speed - 30.0 + ) + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + anim_progress = fposmod( + anim_progress + delta*launch_speed*BASE_ANIM_SPEED, + 1.0 + ) + var subprogress: float + var increase: int = -1 + var decrease: int = -1 + if anim_progress < 0.25: + subprogress = clampf(4.0*anim_progress, 0.0, 1.0) + decrease = turn180 + increase = turn45 + elif anim_progress < 0.5: + subprogress = clampf(4.0*(anim_progress - 0.25), 0.0, 1.0) + decrease = turn45 + increase = turn90 + elif anim_progress < 0.75: + subprogress = clampf(4.0*(anim_progress - 0.5), 0.0, 1.0) + decrease = turn90 + increase = turn135 + else: + subprogress = clampf(4.0*(anim_progress - 0.75), 0.0, 1.0) + decrease = turn135 + increase = turn180 + if decrease == turn180: + mesh.set_blend_shape_value(decrease, 0.0) + else: + mesh.set_blend_shape_value( + decrease, + clampf(1.0 - subprogress, 0.0, 1.0) + ) + mesh.set_blend_shape_value(increase, subprogress) + +func propel(body: PhysicsBody3D) -> void: + if body is RigidBody3D: + audio_player.play() + (body as RigidBody3D).linear_velocity += launch_speed*basis.z diff --git a/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4361b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:591ef0bc5736d9e5a51806d4a052ddf1a38d7976f5632c022bee282b134f5cb9 +size 70908 diff --git a/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb.import b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e64db0 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://6tyh16cs62xj" +path="res://.godot/imported/SpeedPad.glb-c3a514b7ef4f480940511e536d011769.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/SpeedPad.glb-c3a514b7ef4f480940511e536d011769.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="Area3D" +nodes/root_name="Scene Root" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={} +gltf/naming_version=0 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.tscn b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9d8135 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://cvoielfb1p4fv"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://6tyh16cs62xj" path="res://objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.glb" id="1_3nb8n"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad.gd" id="2_ulp3h"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/technicolor.gdshader" id="3_p86e5"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://c2u70i815isf8" path="res://audio/whoosh.ogg" id="3_ssq4k"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bvkau33p1lmeq" path="res://objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad_Texture.png" id="4_cwx4s"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_dqf5l"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("3_p86e5") +shader_parameter/hue_range = 0.5 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 1.0 +shader_parameter/radiance = 1.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("4_cwx4s") + +[sub_resource type="BoxShape3D" id="BoxShape3D_oyasx"] +size = Vector3(1.5, 0.063, 2) + +[node name="SpeedPad" instance=ExtResource("1_3nb8n")] +script = ExtResource("2_ulp3h") + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] +transform = Transform3D(0.75, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_dqf5l") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="." index="1"] +stream = ExtResource("3_ssq4k") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="." index="2"] +shape = SubResource("BoxShape3D_oyasx") diff --git a/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad_Texture.png b/objects/SpeedPad/SpeedPad_Texture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7c6df9 --- 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+compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.gd b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa91d84 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.gd @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +class_name Spikeball extends Area3D + +const BASE_SPIN_SPEED := 120.0 +const NORMAL_POWER := 600.0 + +@export var power: float = NORMAL_POWER + +@onready var mesh := $'Mesh' as MeshInstance3D + +func _ready() -> void: + body_entered.connect(propel) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'hue_shift', power - NORMAL_POWER) + +func propel(body: PhysicsBody3D) -> void: + if body is Runner: + (body as Runner).knockback(global_position, power) + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + global_rotation_degrees += ( + Vector3.UP*BASE_SPIN_SPEED*power*delta/NORMAL_POWER + ) diff --git a/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46916d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:77961330a54614e10e209202882a32e68d38b7f8733e322e0976cd4742439507 +size 38460 diff --git a/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb.import b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97221c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://buo4ea7fob7us" +path="res://.godot/imported/Spikeball.glb-4245de215fc9033bbc8533ccbf9a4fdc.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Spikeball.glb-4245de215fc9033bbc8533ccbf9a4fdc.scn"] + +[params] + +nodes/root_type="Area3D" +nodes/root_name="Scene Root" +nodes/apply_root_scale=true +nodes/root_scale=1.0 +meshes/ensure_tangents=true +meshes/generate_lods=true +meshes/create_shadow_meshes=true +meshes/light_baking=1 +meshes/lightmap_texel_size=0.2 +meshes/force_disable_compression=false +skins/use_named_skins=true +animation/import=true +animation/fps=30 +animation/trimming=false +animation/remove_immutable_tracks=true +import_script/path="" +_subresources={ +"nodes": { +"PATH:Mesh": { +"physics/shape_type": 2 +} +} +} +gltf/naming_version=0 +gltf/embedded_image_handling=1 diff --git a/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.tscn b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24e3fb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://baouqrm6ycnee"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://buo4ea7fob7us" path="res://objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.glb" id="1_ppcgw"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://objects/Spikeball/Spikeball.gd" id="2_tsi56"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/technicolor.gdshader" id="3_v0adg"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cpcfyoc7j1x1n" path="res://objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png" id="4_xqx07"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_nnsfv"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("3_v0adg") +shader_parameter/hue_range = 1.0 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 1.0 +shader_parameter/radiance = 1.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("4_xqx07") + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_i5xgq"] +points = PackedVector3Array(-0.894426, -0.447338, 0, -0.276488, -0.447338, -0.850649, 0, -1, 0, -0.276488, -0.447338, 0.850649, -0.723701, 0.447142, 0.525577, -0.723701, 0.447142, -0.525744, 0.723526, -0.447338, -0.525744, 0.276313, 0.447142, -0.850649, 0.723526, -0.447338, 0.525577, 0.276313, 0.447142, 0.850649, 0, 1, 0, 0.894426, 0.447142, 0) + +[node name="Spikeball" instance=ExtResource("1_ppcgw")] +script = ExtResource("2_tsi56") + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_nnsfv") + +[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="." index="1"] +shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_i5xgq") diff --git a/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..575e2e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:10ba230664a6de9deb8c380e0af44492a8d1d3789160eaf9466c7d6242c4b074 +size 11493 diff --git a/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png.import b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3914d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Spikeball/Spikeball_Texture.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://di2guyri05y2g" 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b/objects/Springboard/Springboard.gd @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +class_name Springboard extends Area3D + +const BASE_ANIM_SPEED: float = 5.0 + +@export var launch_speed: float = 30.0 + +@onready var mesh := $'Mesh' as MeshInstance3D +@onready var audio_player := $'AudioStreamPlayer' as AudioStreamPlayer +var boing: int +var anim_progress: float = -1.0 + +func _ready() -> void: + boing = mesh.find_blend_shape_by_name(&'Boing') + body_entered.connect(propel) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter( + &'hue_shift', + launch_speed - 30.0 + ) + +func propel(body: PhysicsBody3D) -> void: + if body is RigidBody3D: + if body is Runner: + var runner := body as Runner + runner.change_state(&'jump') + runner.up_normal = basis.y + audio_player.play() + anim_progress = 0.0 + (body as RigidBody3D).linear_velocity = launch_speed*basis.y + + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + if anim_progress >= 0.0: + anim_progress += delta*BASE_ANIM_SPEED + if anim_progress < 1.0: + mesh.set_blend_shape_value( + boing, clampf(1.0 - 2.0*abs(anim_progress - 0.5), 0.0, 1.0) + ) + else: + mesh.set_blend_shape_value(boing, 0.0) + anim_progress = -1.0 diff --git a/objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb b/objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8727b39 --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:c419cf82d7b7b810d5de1010417e9e419e723b01a2495f7a76a2738a39d7e4d6 +size 160220 diff --git a/objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb.import b/objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edddb4b --- /dev/null +++ b/objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +[remap] + +importer="scene" +importer_version=1 +type="PackedScene" +uid="uid://dae2d8ikxccoj" +path="res://.godot/imported/Springboard.glb-af5e9ba65bd4edfa69e1a86cdaa3290f.scn" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb" 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uid="uid://dae2d8ikxccoj" path="res://objects/Springboard/Springboard.glb" id="1_qtlht"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://objects/Springboard/Springboard.gd" id="2_cqutx"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://crxpaw6tj618" path="res://audio/springboard.ogg" id="3_l2ll2"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/technicolor.gdshader" id="3_wv2ua"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://fqikegtidi3m" path="res://objects/Springboard/Springboard_Texture.png" id="4_glab4"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_gp5ra"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("3_wv2ua") +shader_parameter/hue_range = 0.25 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 0.75 +shader_parameter/radiance = 0.25 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("4_glab4") + +[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_g54af"] +points = PackedVector3Array(0.863176, 1.6, 0.863176, -1.01587, 1.37101, -1.01587, -0.0300347, 0.0437175, -0.602962, -1.01587, 1.37101, 1.01587, 1.01587, 1.37118, -1.01587, 0.539558, -0.0255044, 0, -0.421193, 0.105342, 0.391215, 1.01587, 1.37118, 1.01587, -0.863345, 1.6, -0.863345, -0.57084, 0.0762198, -0.120078, 0.0298988, 0.197049, 0.600233, -0.863345, 1.6, 0.863345, 0.863176, 1.6, -0.863176, 0.424914, -0.0523865, -0.394671, -0.420413, 0.0463776, -0.420413, 0.412674, -0.120873, -0.158705, 0.572829, 0.0136495, -0.241181, 0.20988, 0.167448, 0.539826, -0.575051, 0.0712335, 0.0301461, -0.239183, 0.139042, 0.538538, 0.240313, -0.0142098, -0.54108, -0.211996, 0.010031, -0.545269, 0.418324, 0.199219, 0.418324, -0.423396, 0.0110754, -0.272156, -0.540403, 0.106852, 0.2402, 0.894024, 1.56925, 0.894217, -0.89409, 1.56915, -0.894283, -0.543576, 0.0726578, -0.24161, -0.601064, 0.136082, 0.0600688, -0.514602, 0.0410456, 0, 0.0909633, -0.0527951, -0.486025, 0.0301063, 0.0420304, -0.604397) + +[node name="Springboard" instance=ExtResource("1_qtlht")] +script = ExtResource("2_cqutx") + +[node name="Mesh" parent="." index="0"] 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b/sequences/HouseInterior/EntertainmentCenter.gd @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +extends Sequence + +const VARS := { + &'stick': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Stick', + &'lorna': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Lorna', + &'blujai': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Blujai', + &'gibbo': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Gibbo' +} + +func _run(_args: Dictionary) -> Variant: + var whom := Storyboard.get_current_character() as CharacterProfile + var n := Storyboard.save_data.misc.get(VARS[whom.id], 0) as int + n += 1 + Storyboard.save_data.misc[VARS[whom.id]] = n + match whom.id: + &'stick': match n: + 1: await whom.say([ + "It's nothing fancy, but I have a couple good games on it." + ]) + 2: await whom.say([ + "Do you think it's weird a jogger plays video games?", + "Hey, I gotta unwind somehow." + ]) + 3: await whom.say([ + "I got Table Tennis, Table Tennis on Ice, Table Tennis 2,\n" + + "Table Tennis: Attack of the Killer Robot Ninja Pirate\n" + + "Tennis Balls from Outer Space feat. Dante\n" + + "from the Dante's Inferno series...", + "Just kidding!", + "Table Tennis on Ice isn't a real game." + ]) + _: await UI.say(["It's an entertainment center."]) + &'lorna': match n: + 1: await whom.say([ + "What a peculiarly shaped table.\n" + + "What's this black monolith atop it?" + ]) + 2: await whom.say([ + "How do you suppose this is used?\n" + + "Perhaps it's a box for storing treasured belongings." + ]) + 3: await whom.say([ + "Stick, dear, come here, would you?\n" + + "I fear something may be wrong with your funny black box.\n" + + "There doesn't seem to be a way to open it." + ]) + _: await UI.say(["You remain unable to open the funny black box."]) + &'blujai': match n: + 1: + await whom.say([ + "Video games? Really? Oh, Stick. Ever the mental child.", + "As for MY dignified self, I wouldn't be caught dead\n" + + "sullying my feathers playing the dratted things.", + "Caw! Huff. Video games indeed. How utterly pedestrian." + ]) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ + "Of course it's pedestrian.\n" + + "What, you think a fella this fast\n" + + "has to take a car anywhere?" + ]) + var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() as Runner + await runner.turn_toward(Vector3.ZERO) + runner.animation_player.play(&'caw') + runner.audio_player.stream = whom.talk_blip + runner.audio_player.play() + await Wait.seconds(0.5) + runner.animation_player.play(&'stand') + await whom.say([ + "SQUAWK! S--Stick! You're at home!" + ]) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ + "Nah, sorry, I'm out shopping." + ]) + await whom.say([ + "Very funny." + ]) + await runner.turn_toward(Cursor3D.global_position) + await whom.say([ + "Anyway, you don't even have very good taste.\n" + + "'Table Tennis 6: the Retennising?' Honestly, now.", + "If you're going to engage with this sort of swill,\n" + + "you should at least balance it out\n" + + "with some almost-tolerable titles,\n" + + "like 'Last Bird Standing.'", + "(do you have last bird standing\n" + + "can we play it together if you do\n" + + "please say yes please pls)" + ]) + _: await UI.say(["They don't have Last Bird Standing. Very sad."]) + &'gibbo': match n: + 1: + await whom.say([ + "A washing machine?" + ]) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ + "Does it look like a washing machine?" + ]) + var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() as Runner + await runner.turn_toward(Vector3.ZERO) + await whom.say([ + "Oh, hi, Stick! Yes, it does! Is it one?" + ]) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ + "Yeah, I use it to wash my brain.\n" + + "You know how it is. Gotta keep that sucker clean." + ]) + await runner.turn_toward(Cursor3D.global_position) + await Wait.seconds(0.5) + await whom.say([ + "Washing your brain... Whoa...", + "That's so cool!" + ]) + _: await UI.say(["This is where Stick washes their brain."]) + return diff --git a/sequences/base/Sequence.gd b/sequences/base/Sequence.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2476b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/sequences/base/Sequence.gd @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +class_name Sequence extends RefCounted + +static func Call(which: StringName, args: Dictionary) -> Variant: + var ui_args := {} + ui_args[&'ui_open_sound_override'] = null + ui_args[&'ui_close_sound_override'] = null + ui_args[&'ui_borrow_instead_of_pausing'] = true + ui_args[&'ui_no_dismiss'] = true + ui_args[&'sequence'] = load("res://sequences/%s.gd" % which) + ui_args[&'sequence_args'] = args + return await UI.Call( + load("res://sequences/base/SequenceAgent.tscn"), + ui_args + ) + +static func Return(whom: Sequence, what: Variant) -> bool: + var context := UI.context() + if ( + context and + context is SequenceAgent and + context.sequence == whom + ): + UI.Return(null, what) + return true + else: + push_error( + "Sequence.Return() called with wrong whom (%s) (what: %s)" % [ + whom, what + ] + ) + return false + +func _run(_args: Dictionary) -> Variant: + return await Promise.dummy().join() diff --git a/sequences/base/SequenceAgent.gd b/sequences/base/SequenceAgent.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66d69f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sequences/base/SequenceAgent.gd @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +class_name SequenceAgent extends Control + +var sequence: Sequence +var args: Dictionary + +func _ready() -> void: + var ui_args := UI.Args(self) + sequence = ui_args.sequence.new() + args = ui_args.sequence_args + _run.call_deferred() + +func _run() -> void: + var sequence_result: Variant = await sequence._run(args) + Sequence.Return.call_deferred(sequence, sequence_result) diff --git a/sequences/base/SequenceAgent.tscn b/sequences/base/SequenceAgent.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7af7dd --- /dev/null +++ b/sequences/base/SequenceAgent.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://2pv14x02vwh5"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://sequences/base/SequenceAgent.gd" id="1_adwgg"] + +[node name="SequenceAgent" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_adwgg") diff --git a/sequences/test/bcity_billboard.gd b/sequences/test/bcity_billboard.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f8079d --- /dev/null +++ b/sequences/test/bcity_billboard.gd @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +extends Sequence + +func _run(_args: Dictionary) -> Variant: + if not Storyboard.save_data.misc.has(&'bcity_billboards_examined'): + Storyboard.save_data.misc[&'bcity_billboards_examined'] = 0 + Storyboard.save_data.misc[&'bcity_billboards_examined'] += 1 + match Storyboard.save_data.misc[&'bcity_billboards_examined']: + 1: + await UI.say( + "The billboard says 'B.'" + ) + 2: + await UI.say( + "This billboard also says 'B.'" + ) + 3: + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say( + "You know, I've never really noticed it before, " + + "but there are a lot of billboards in B City " + + "that say 'B.'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say( + "How did you never notice something like that!?" + ) + 4: + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say( + "I wonder what it stands for." + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say( + "Maybe it's 'Look at our B-U-tiful city!'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "Rather more like 'I can hardly B-lieve " + + "how choppy these textures look,' " + + "don't you think, caw?" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say( + "Or perhaps it's 'Soon there will B a whole game here.'" + ) + 5: + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say( + "'B...'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say( + "Yes. Let us all take a moment to contemplate 'B.'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say( + "'B........'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "Is this really necessary?" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say( + "Shush, dear. You're interrupting our meditation." + ) + 6: + await UI.say( + "Do you even have to look at the billboard " + + "to know what it says at this point?" + ) + 7: + await UI.say( + "The letter 'B' is seared into your mind. " + + "You doubt you'll ever be able to stop thinking about it." + ) + 8: + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say( + "Hey, buds, can you tell what this billboard says? " + + "I dunno, I'm finding it a little hard to read." + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "For goodness' sake, it says 'B!' " + + "Every billboard in this ridiculous city says 'B!'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "Why, we've only painstakingly examined " + + "eight or so billboards by now that all say 'B!'\n" + + "What is it with you people and these billboards!?" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "What in the world does 'B' even MEAN!? " + + "It doesn't mean anything! " + + "It refers to nothing more nor less " + + "than the letter that comes after 'A!'" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say( + "Whoa, friend... Chill." + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say( + "Blujai's mad..." + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say( + "Why are you so peeved? It's just a letter." + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "That's precisely WHY I'm incensed!" + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say( + "Now, now, my child. It's alright. 'B' calm." + ) + await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say( + "," + ) + _: + await UI.say("Blujai regards the billboard with a hostile glare.") + return diff --git a/sequences/test/bcity_signpost.gd b/sequences/test/bcity_signpost.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7c744e --- /dev/null +++ b/sequences/test/bcity_signpost.gd @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +extends Sequence + +func _run(_args: Dictionary) -> Variant: + await UI.say("This is a signpost.") + return diff --git a/startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb b/startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a2e077 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:3be5155a17a957e7470419ea9dfc9ccc7d8a5ede85675acfba75273cce7c2e5a +size 20828 diff --git a/startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb.import b/startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a59224 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] 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+process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/startup/TitleScreen.gd b/startup/TitleScreen.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78c0388 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreen.gd @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +class_name TitleScreen extends Node + +@export var next: PackedScene + +@onready var anim_player := $AnimationPlayer as AnimationPlayer +@onready var grabber := ( + $'Node3D/CameraGrabber' as CameraGrabber +) + +var skipping := false +var closing := false +var starting := true + +func anim_done() -> bool: + return ( + anim_player.current_animation == &'skip' or + anim_player.current_animation_position >= 14.3 + ) + +func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if ( + event.is_action_released(&'confirm') or + event.is_action_released(&'cancel') or + event.is_action_released(&'interact') or + event.is_action_released(&'pause') or + event.is_action_released(&'alt_pause') + ) and (not starting) and not closing: + if anim_done(): + closing = true + await FX.fade(Color.BLACK) + $Node3D/CameraGrabber.relinquish() + FX.get_camera().transform = Transform3D.IDENTITY + Storyboard.go_to_non_level_scene(next) + elif not skipping: + skipping = true + await FX.fade(Color.WHITE) + anim_player.play(&'skip', 0.0) + await FX.clear_fade() + +func _ready() -> void: + await FX.fade(Color.BLACK, 0.0) + await FX.clear_fade(1.0) + anim_player.play(&'title_screen_events') + starting = false diff --git a/startup/TitleScreen.tscn b/startup/TitleScreen.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73717a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreen.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,1809 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=86 format=3 uid="uid://cfw0q3hni8cd6"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://startup/TitleScreen.gd" id="1_m4tmp"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cirrc20u5vnpb" path="res://audio/title.ogg" 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uid="uid://2b04rrc2ga8h" path="res://startup/PoweredByGodot.glb" id="8_kjjny"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://biqfax2v8a4sh" path="res://startup/Presents_blujai831.png" id="8_oytel"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/CameraGrabber.gd" id="9_2a4yj"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dhn2ss6h3yjur" path="res://startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy.glb" id="9_j3gm6"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bee2jo4iw2lpd" path="res://startup/PoweredByGodot_godot.png" id="10_5n54k"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://g31wt1jn6pwm" path="res://startup/Blender.glb" id="10_b04q3"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://bjxlmbxma887w" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/StickMaterial.tres" id="10_mdu66"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cx0upsl33hcay" path="res://startup/StQTitle.glb" id="11_81fkw"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://startup/StQTitle.gd" id="12_1wyva"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cm5olphvpowgo" path="res://startup/AlsoMadePossibleBy_also-made-possible-by.png" id="12_g8ckl"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/gemstone.gdshader" id="12_sc1rw"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://carnpo4pwnnnj" path="res://objects/Icosahedron/Icosahedron_Texture.png" id="13_rsma1"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bushb408m62yi" path="res://startup/StQTitle_Texture.png" id="13_y1tyd"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://d4kb1ujibqd4x" path="res://startup/LMMS.glb" id="14_tu4vr"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cq8wywxrmf05u" path="res://startup/Tenacity.glb" id="15_q4v72"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bpka1s6xids5n" path="res://startup/GIMP.glb" id="16_ah57j"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ch1uyprg11ohb" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna.glb" id="21_jqmft"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ch0ev4tb6sb7d" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.glb" id="23_g64he"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://buixljl3pjw4c" path="res://startup/Blender_blender.png" id="24_ytf44"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bwem5uu0n1ad3" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb" id="25_ed5gg"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://u8rn6ti6p4vs" path="res://startup/LMMS_lmms.png" id="26_1bm81"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ci4nvjv0x8yrg" path="res://startup/Tenacity_tenacity.png" id="28_m6jfc"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://422kfayrkbjv" path="res://startup/GIMP_gimp.png" id="30_u674w"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bjaftpjek3y62" path="res://startup/Libre.glb" id="31_617w2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://okja7jbim112" path="res://startup/Libre_libre.png" id="32_no5xr"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://startup/TitleScreenInfo.gd" id="32_ruqkd"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cdxrsk85o2t6u" path="res://startup/TitleScreenEnvironment.glb" id="34_qksaf"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/basic.gdshader" id="35_wxq4v"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cxg0e6pniagb" path="res://startup/TitleScreenEnvironment_GroundTexture.png" id="36_2ron5"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b5iuahw35ejs7" path="res://levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity_WaterTexture.png" id="36_is5ht"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cg1nd740wcpou" path="res://startup/TitleScreenEnvironment_RoadTexture.png" id="37_8nib4"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://zones/Liquid/liquid.gdshader" id="37_yivmo"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bxrkwvp6lbhsc" path="res://levels/testlevel_bcity/BCity_GroundTexture.png" id="38_dpyjp"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://dofx7rb15e3rq" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/LornaMaterial.tres" id="38_q4vdf"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://xvbwcehphpo8" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiMaterial.tres" id="40_qqg23"] +[ext_resource type="ArrayMesh" uid="uid://bweq0xiiciell" path="res://startup/bcity_ground.tres" id="40_ydpkr"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/Backdrop3D.gd" id="41_3ivlm"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/identity.gdshader" id="41_tqpe5"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://bbcvtbydjb6u7" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboMaterial.tres" id="42_834lo"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/SameSizedSubViewport.gd" id="43_d088t"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_fba5x"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("12_sc1rw") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 0.9 +shader_parameter/radiance = 0.03 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("13_rsma1") + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_b6g8x"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0) +colors = PackedColorArray(1, 0, 0, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_4ruka"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_b6g8x") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_r8io0"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("12_sc1rw") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 0.9 +shader_parameter/radiance = 0.03 +shader_parameter/image = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_4ruka") + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_sfqgh"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0) +colors = PackedColorArray(0, 1, 0, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_yl0r0"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_sfqgh") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_i33ib"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("12_sc1rw") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 0.9 +shader_parameter/radiance = 0.03 +shader_parameter/image = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_yl0r0") + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_6sop2"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0) +colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 1, 1) + +[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_t2toj"] +gradient = SubResource("Gradient_6sop2") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_gkks7"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("12_sc1rw") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 0.9 +shader_parameter/radiance = 0.03 +shader_parameter/image = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_t2toj") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_x3ifx"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("12_sc1rw") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/reflectivity = 0.9 +shader_parameter/radiance = 1.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("13_y1tyd") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_5ynlm"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("8_oytel") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_mcpj5"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("10_5n54k") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_ulau1"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("12_g8ckl") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_ygkkc"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("24_ytf44") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_j7bob"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("26_1bm81") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_o1uhb"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("28_m6jfc") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_qoot2"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("30_u674w") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_55dss"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("32_no5xr") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_5xcc8"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("36_2ron5") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_niqo8"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("37_8nib4") + +[sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="StandardMaterial3D_wblny"] +resource_name = "WaterMaterial" +cull_mode = 2 +albedo_texture = ExtResource("36_is5ht") +roughness = 0.5 + +[sub_resource type="ArrayMesh" id="ArrayMesh_y2cmt"] +_surfaces = [{ +"aabb": AABB(-272.133, -23.2769, -160.051, 513.287, 61.2054, 326.452), +"format": 34896613377, +"index_count": 3048, +"index_data": PackedByteArray(251, 1, 161, 0, 213, 1, 251, 1, 234, 1, 161, 0, 63, 2, 62, 0, 98, 1, 63, 2, 198, 1, 62, 0, 106, 2, 4, 0, 22, 1, 106, 2, 6, 1, 4, 0, 161, 0, 250, 1, 233, 1, 161, 0, 234, 1, 250, 1, 102, 2, 9, 0, 207, 0, 102, 2, 193, 0, 9, 0, 30, 0, 82, 2, 208, 1, 30, 0, 211, 1, 82, 2, 43, 2, 86, 0, 42, 1, 43, 2, 62, 1, 86, 0, 41, 2, 111, 0, 222, 1, 41, 2, 248, 0, 111, 0, 38, 2, 97, 0, 79, 1, 38, 2, 104, 1, 97, 0, 44, 2, 85, 0, 206, 0, 44, 2, 45, 1, 85, 0, 47, 2, 82, 0, 225, 0, 47, 2, 246, 0, 82, 0, 249, 1, 171, 0, 195, 1, 249, 1, 93, 1, 171, 0, 250, 1, 170, 0, 173, 1, 250, 1, 153, 1, 170, 0, 251, 1, 169, 0, 234, 1, 251, 1, 133, 1, 169, 0, 252, 1, 167, 0, 35, 1, 252, 1, 200, 0, 167, 0, 253, 1, 166, 0, 17, 1, 253, 1, 255, 0, 166, 0, 254, 1, 165, 0, 70, 1, 254, 1, 235, 0, 165, 0, 7, 2, 151, 0, 111, 1, 7, 2, 15, 1, 151, 0, 8, 2, 150, 0, 88, 1, 8, 2, 67, 1, 150, 0, 9, 2, 149, 0, 147, 1, 9, 2, 50, 1, 149, 0, 244, 1, 169, 0, 133, 1, 244, 1, 154, 1, 169, 0, 10, 2, 148, 0, 127, 1, 10, 2, 217, 0, 148, 0, 15, 2, 142, 0, 190, 1, 15, 2, 86, 1, 142, 0, 16, 2, 141, 0, 168, 1, 16, 2, 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228, 130, 140, 131, 92, 0, 0, 197, 237, 201, 172, 131, 92, 0, 0, 220, 246, 137, 210, 131, 92, 0, 0, 255, 255, 56, 254, 131, 92, 0, 0, 207, 34, 60, 156, 253, 67, 0, 0, 220, 42, 49, 148, 213, 67, 0, 0, 60, 52, 153, 137, 208, 65, 0, 0, 99, 61, 232, 124, 160, 65, 0, 0, 234, 70, 178, 110, 42, 66, 0, 0, 211, 131, 155, 41, 65, 75, 0, 0, 232, 141, 61, 40, 58, 76, 0, 0, 223, 151, 118, 42, 228, 76, 0, 0, 185, 161, 241, 47, 78, 77, 0, 0, 119, 171, 87, 56, 136, 77, 0, 0, 26, 181, 83, 67, 160, 77, 0, 0, 162, 190, 142, 80, 164, 77, 0, 0, 17, 200, 194, 95, 164, 77, 0, 0, 108, 209, 63, 113, 164, 77, 0, 0, 183, 218, 158, 133, 164, 77, 0, 0, 248, 227, 121, 157, 164, 77, 0, 0, 53, 237, 107, 185, 164, 77, 0, 0, 116, 246, 15, 218, 164, 77, 0, 0, 185, 255, 255, 255, 164, 77, 0, 0, 179, 25, 226, 165, 187, 55, 0, 0, 217, 33, 246, 165, 74, 54, 0, 0, 41, 42, 131, 162, 31, 53, 0, 0, 197, 50, 111, 155, 96, 52, 0, 0, 209, 59, 161, 144, 54, 52, 0, 0, 93, 69, 121, 130, 175, 52, 0, 0, 86, 151, 222, 53, 29, 62, 0, 0, 36, 161, 7, 61, 122, 62, 0, 0, 211, 170, 206, 70, 173, 62, 0, 0, 104, 180, 92, 82, 193, 62, 0, 0, 233, 189, 215, 94, 198, 62, 0, 0, 91, 199, 135, 107, 198, 62, 0, 0, 194, 208, 204, 120, 198, 62, 0, 0, 34, 218, 150, 135, 198, 62, 0, 0, 124, 227, 215, 152, 198, 62, 0, 0, 213, 236, 127, 173, 198, 62, 0, 0, 46, 246, 130, 198, 198, 62, 0, 0, 139, 255, 207, 228, 198, 62, 0, 0, 25, 25, 75, 171, 14, 42, 0, 0, 230, 32, 49, 176, 220, 40, 0, 0, 230, 40, 12, 177, 227, 39, 0, 0, 71, 49, 60, 173, 69, 39, 0, 0, 53, 58, 35, 164, 34, 39, 0, 0, 120, 189, 55, 99, 231, 47, 0, 0, 236, 198, 115, 106, 231, 47, 0, 0, 91, 208, 53, 112, 231, 47, 0, 0, 199, 217, 4, 118, 231, 47, 0, 0, 49, 227, 105, 125, 231, 47, 0, 0, 154, 236, 236, 135, 231, 47, 0, 0, 4, 246, 24, 151, 231, 47, 0, 0, 111, 255, 116, 172, 231, 47, 0, 0, 137, 1, 251, 134, 82, 31, 0, 0, 142, 9, 35, 151, 119, 30, 0, 0, 43, 17, 240, 165, 124, 29, 0, 0, 151, 24, 84, 178, 122, 28, 0, 0, 9, 32, 63, 187, 139, 27, 0, 0, 184, 39, 162, 191, 202, 26, 0, 0, 219, 47, 109, 190, 79, 26, 0, 0, 169, 56, 147, 182, 52, 26, 0, 0, 11, 2, 178, 136, 236, 16, 0, 0, 214, 9, 25, 155, 78, 16, 0, 0, 38, 17, 153, 172, 152, 15, 0, 0, 59, 24, 214, 187, 222, 14, 0, 0, 85, 31, 117, 199, 49, 14, 0, 0, 181, 38, 28, 206, 165, 13, 0, 0, 155, 46, 110, 206, 76, 13, 0, 0, 71, 55, 21, 199, 56, 13, 0, 0, 171, 2, 171, 145, 119, 2, 0, 0, 67, 10, 117, 165, 14, 2, 0, 0, 78, 17, 70, 184, 148, 1, 0, 0, 20, 24, 168, 200, 24, 1, 0, 0, 222, 30, 40, 213, 165, 0, 0, 0, 245, 37, 80, 220, 72, 0, 0, 0, 161, 45, 173, 220, 13, 0, 0, 0, 43, 54, 204, 212, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 99, 242, 23, 147, 129, 0, 0, 244, 93, 218, 32, 224, 120, 0, 0, 42, 139, 245, 3, 68, 120, 0, 0, 148, 133, 231, 13, 67, 112, 0, 0, 166, 178, 233, 13, 80, 107, 0, 0, 47, 14, 165, 115, 167, 225, 0, 0, 48, 58, 17, 113, 172, 79, 0, 0, 17, 173, 25, 24, 212, 99, 0, 0, 254, 214, 225, 101, 131, 92, 0, 0, 117, 9, 173, 112, 33, 218, 0, 0, 230, 52, 244, 128, 203, 72, 0, 0, 4, 52, 50, 51, 254, 208, 0, 0, 234, 209, 226, 101, 20, 85, 0, 0, 22, 251, 7, 237, 164, 77, 0, 0, 73, 47, 172, 62, 252, 200, 0, 0, 81, 246, 72, 208, 53, 70, 0, 0, 66, 52, 128, 186, 65, 26, 0, 0, 59, 47, 109, 198, 205, 19, 0, 0, 183, 51, 186, 75, 203, 142, 0, 0, 20, 109, 226, 16, 58, 131, 0, 0, 207, 103, 62, 25, 152, 122, 0, 0, 225, 143, 112, 7, 78, 113, 0, 0, 102, 188, 66, 20, 95, 107, 0, 0, 186, 4, 115, 127, 220, 225, 0, 0, 145, 67, 180, 98, 220, 79, 0, 0, 219, 182, 169, 30, 237, 99, 0, 0, 35, 224, 223, 126, 131, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 237, 123, 100, 218, 0, 0, 25, 62, 93, 115, 153, 72, 0, 0, 143, 42, 22, 72, 59, 209, 0, 0, 38, 219, 109, 123, 20, 85, 0, 0, 212, 37, 208, 84, 90, 201, 0, 0, 162, 255, 103, 242, 53, 70, 0, 0, 0, 29, 190, 173, 117, 41, 0, 0, 171, 75, 13, 19, 108, 184, 0, 0, 216, 24, 207, 174, 68, 35, 0, 0, 248, 55, 212, 190, 182, 19, 0, 0, 188, 79, 235, 40, 208, 126, 0, 0, 166, 74, 129, 52, 70, 118, 0, 0, 157, 118, 38, 19, 129, 117, 0, 0, 57, 113, 242, 27, 21, 109, 0, 0, 166, 158, 225, 10, 202, 106, 0, 0, 25, 33, 42, 87, 53, 225, 0, 0, 25, 153, 232, 19, 34, 99, 0, 0, 108, 196, 97, 64, 131, 92, 0, 0, 95, 28, 66, 91, 134, 217, 0, 0, 44, 191, 183, 68, 20, 85, 0, 0, 151, 232, 114, 171, 164, 77, 0, 0, 35, 70, 150, 120, 109, 59, 0, 0, 51, 66, 232, 26, 178, 200, 0, 0, 186, 227, 40, 155, 53, 70, 0, 0, 224, 35, 112, 189, 43, 27, 0, 0, 175, 31, 90, 193, 222, 20, 0, 0, 152, 70, 230, 41, 132, 142, 0, 0, 169, 65, 221, 53, 10, 134, 0, 0, 95, 89, 163, 31, 12, 128, 0, 0, 61, 84, 174, 41, 97, 119, 0, 0, 212, 128, 187, 11, 15, 119, 0, 0, 89, 123, 201, 20, 214, 110, 0, 0, 183, 168, 243, 10, 35, 107, 0, 0, 15, 49, 72, 127, 58, 80, 0, 0, 164, 23, 222, 100, 109, 225, 0, 0, 35, 163, 158, 20, 149, 99, 0, 0, 197, 205, 51, 81, 131, 92, 0, 0, 251, 43, 57, 141, 172, 73, 0, 0, 234, 18, 119, 102, 212, 217, 0, 0, 121, 61, 136, 33, 226, 208, 0, 0, 153, 200, 210, 83, 20, 85, 0, 0, 212, 241, 189, 201, 164, 77, 0, 0, 190, 56, 179, 42, 191, 200, 0, 0, 5, 237, 117, 179, 53, 70, 0, 0, 202, 43, 7, 191, 140, 26, 0, 0, 55, 39, 223, 198, 55, 20, 0, 0, 35, 61, 225, 56, 96, 142, 0, 0, 61, 56, 7, 71, 52, 134, 0, 0, 104, 94, 35, 23, 205, 136, 0, 0, 47, 14, 66, 130, 217, 240, 0, 0, 84, 59, 49, 96, 87, 94, 0, 0, 117, 9, 245, 128, 86, 233, 0, 0, 30, 54, 57, 112, 27, 87, 0, 0, 4, 52, 54, 50, 224, 224, 0, 0, 109, 251, 97, 232, 131, 92, 0, 0, 73, 47, 122, 60, 2, 217, 0, 0, 221, 136, 236, 40, 189, 75, 0, 0, 168, 246, 76, 214, 20, 85, 0, 0, 158, 175, 149, 76, 183, 62, 0, 0, 46, 14, 47, 141, 28, 179, 0, 0, 190, 53, 175, 168, 52, 39, 0, 0, 17, 213, 29, 115, 231, 47, 0, 0, 145, 48, 212, 181, 202, 32, 0, 0, 232, 51, 157, 66, 117, 159, 0, 0, 24, 47, 121, 81, 110, 151, 0, 0, 190, 89, 108, 22, 61, 144, 0, 0, 177, 20, 119, 192, 86, 1, 0, 0, 186, 4, 163, 141, 245, 240, 0, 0, 188, 68, 45, 81, 136, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 140, 124, 233, 0, 0, 102, 63, 9, 97, 232, 86, 0, 0, 143, 42, 187, 70, 4, 225, 0, 0, 212, 37, 87, 82, 61, 217, 0, 0, 228, 146, 90, 41, 143, 76, 0, 0, 220, 255, 27, 255, 20, 85, 0, 0, 198, 29, 236, 165, 2, 55, 0, 0, 40, 185, 154, 88, 196, 62, 0, 0, 102, 25, 150, 168, 228, 48, 0, 0, 186, 4, 182, 152, 230, 179, 0, 0, 124, 222, 182, 121, 231, 47, 0, 0, 111, 57, 91, 173, 171, 32, 0, 0, 119, 42, 25, 88, 42, 160, 0, 0, 30, 80, 204, 30, 47, 143, 0, 0, 121, 27, 232, 206, 223, 0, 0, 0, 36, 75, 203, 40, 131, 134, 0, 0, 209, 113, 18, 18, 91, 124, 0, 0, 25, 33, 108, 92, 157, 240, 0, 0, 234, 197, 128, 30, 98, 107, 0, 0, 95, 28, 32, 98, 253, 232, 0, 0, 49, 77, 198, 84, 192, 80, 0, 0, 119, 192, 156, 40, 243, 99, 0, 0, 59, 233, 165, 156, 131, 92, 0, 0, 158, 71, 36, 101, 40, 73, 0, 0, 84, 228, 253, 148, 20, 85, 0, 0, 61, 156, 114, 57, 75, 62, 0, 0, 230, 36, 158, 176, 95, 40, 0, 0, 22, 33, 19, 103, 108, 177, 0, 0, 50, 194, 213, 102, 231, 47, 0, 0, 120, 32, 184, 181, 52, 34, 0, 0, 209, 70, 65, 33, 60, 159, 0, 0, 247, 65, 208, 43, 174, 150, 0, 0, 119, 6, 144, 155, 66, 2, 0, 0, 182, 84, 236, 30, 124, 135, 0, 0, 21, 50, 127, 112, 232, 94, 0, 0, 164, 23, 52, 114, 186, 240, 0, 0, 6, 45, 141, 127, 7, 88, 0, 0, 234, 18, 243, 116, 42, 233, 0, 0, 223, 201, 69, 54, 243, 99, 0, 0, 80, 242, 169, 191, 131, 92, 0, 0, 190, 56, 238, 40, 220, 216, 0, 0, 125, 237, 26, 179, 20, 85, 0, 0, 252, 165, 235, 65, 147, 62, 0, 0, 23, 45, 36, 175, 148, 39, 0, 0, 162, 23, 234, 123, 65, 178, 0, 0, 164, 203, 84, 109, 231, 47, 0, 0, 79, 40, 87, 184, 87, 33, 0, 0, 90, 61, 205, 47, 31, 159, 0, 0, 134, 56, 222, 60, 209, 150, 0, 0, 201, 13, 222, 174, 209, 1, 0, 0, 47, 14, 252, 134, 236, 255, 0, 0, 44, 60, 35, 81, 203, 109, 0, 0, 117, 9, 65, 140, 109, 248, 0, 0, 20, 55, 212, 96, 43, 102, 0, 0, 232, 97, 20, 46, 162, 98, 0, 0, 133, 137, 214, 29, 119, 90, 0, 0, 36, 247, 165, 193, 243, 99, 0, 0, 37, 132, 108, 36, 153, 82, 0, 0, 72, 176, 213, 61, 148, 77, 0, 0, 47, 14, 228, 82, 200, 194, 0, 0, 75, 55, 8, 150, 75, 52, 0, 0, 37, 171, 147, 63, 26, 70, 0, 0, 114, 213, 49, 128, 198, 62, 0, 0, 117, 9, 28, 116, 77, 187, 0, 0, 6, 50, 85, 164, 211, 45, 0, 0, 254, 51, 95, 59, 42, 176, 0, 0, 143, 208, 129, 116, 86, 55, 0, 0, 185, 250, 198, 161, 231, 47, 0, 0, 57, 47, 77, 73, 13, 168, 0, 0, 176, 20, 56, 180, 59, 15, 0, 0, 1, 85, 80, 22, 225, 151, 0, 0, 58, 17, 112, 178, 150, 8, 0, 0, 230, 49, 188, 216, 6, 0, 0, 0, 186, 4, 66, 153, 249, 255, 0, 0, 154, 69, 216, 65, 250, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 163, 154, 129, 248, 0, 0, 108, 64, 129, 80, 248, 101, 0, 0, 226, 107, 62, 37, 140, 100, 0, 0, 212, 37, 118, 81, 212, 232, 0, 0, 151, 147, 95, 28, 88, 91, 0, 0, 61, 142, 86, 34, 155, 83, 0, 0, 222, 185, 240, 73, 162, 77, 0, 0, 186, 4, 250, 94, 84, 195, 0, 0, 151, 64, 141, 137, 115, 52, 0, 0, 193, 180, 215, 74, 48, 70, 0, 0, 207, 222, 54, 144, 198, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 148, 131, 237, 187, 0, 0, 3, 59, 98, 154, 172, 45, 0, 0, 138, 42, 214, 80, 178, 176, 0, 0, 245, 217, 205, 126, 86, 55, 0, 0, 200, 37, 162, 95, 207, 168, 0, 0, 86, 80, 220, 22, 197, 159, 0, 0, 200, 27, 166, 193, 135, 14, 0, 0, 114, 75, 88, 31, 18, 151, 0, 0, 39, 24, 63, 194, 251, 7, 0, 0, 80, 78, 229, 67, 111, 95, 0, 0, 231, 72, 216, 82, 125, 87, 0, 0, 60, 117, 114, 40, 158, 87, 0, 0, 204, 156, 52, 45, 25, 77, 0, 0, 1, 38, 61, 164, 180, 53, 0, 0, 25, 33, 84, 89, 156, 193, 0, 0, 155, 151, 42, 48, 128, 69, 0, 0, 162, 194, 47, 101, 198, 62, 0, 0, 96, 33, 20, 171, 147, 47, 0, 0, 93, 28, 32, 103, 219, 185, 0, 0, 234, 70, 208, 26, 0, 176, 0, 0, 176, 189, 7, 97, 86, 55, 0, 0, 230, 231, 171, 130, 231, 47, 0, 0, 32, 66, 246, 35, 119, 167, 0, 0, 240, 5, 230, 145, 157, 16, 0, 0, 91, 2, 46, 141, 178, 9, 0, 0, 106, 34, 188, 216, 119, 0, 0, 0, 234, 18, 252, 124, 88, 248, 0, 0, 11, 88, 63, 56, 221, 96, 0, 0, 253, 242, 189, 156, 98, 107, 0, 0, 154, 82, 211, 69, 178, 88, 0, 0, 100, 127, 235, 33, 56, 89, 0, 0, 41, 238, 193, 154, 243, 99, 0, 0, 152, 166, 36, 52, 107, 77, 0, 0, 119, 46, 249, 158, 191, 52, 0, 0, 164, 23, 45, 87, 48, 194, 0, 0, 111, 161, 124, 54, 228, 69, 0, 0, 14, 204, 42, 114, 198, 62, 0, 0, 136, 41, 199, 169, 129, 46, 0, 0, 233, 18, 248, 107, 150, 186, 0, 0, 114, 61, 216, 40, 234, 175, 0, 0, 35, 199, 253, 106, 86, 55, 0, 0, 79, 241, 130, 143, 231, 47, 0, 0, 172, 56, 175, 52, 146, 167, 0, 0, 126, 13, 217, 163, 243, 15, 0, 0, 13, 10, 71, 160, 46, 9, 0, 0, 203, 41, 126, 220, 42, 0, 0, 0, 158, 98, 38, 34, 229, 113, 0, 0, 80, 93, 128, 44, 87, 105, 0, 0, 74, 138, 98, 17, 77, 105, 0, 0, 212, 132, 144, 25, 91, 97, 0, 0, 70, 177, 217, 40, 113, 92, 0, 0, 47, 14, 127, 99, 78, 210, 0, 0, 207, 56, 64, 131, 184, 65, 0, 0, 240, 171, 114, 46, 246, 84, 0, 0, 17, 214, 110, 123, 164, 77, 0, 0, 117, 9, 79, 93, 200, 202, 0, 0, 128, 51, 132, 146, 24, 59, 0, 0, 4, 52, 45, 54, 189, 192, 0, 0, 23, 209, 5, 117, 53, 70, 0, 0, 220, 250, 168, 213, 198, 62, 0, 0, 70, 47, 244, 66, 160, 184, 0, 0, 25, 246, 205, 174, 86, 55, 0, 0, 225, 20, 34, 172, 251, 28, 0, 0, 40, 17, 69, 169, 138, 22, 0, 0, 241, 50, 193, 202, 66, 13, 0, 0, 30, 46, 141, 213, 172, 6, 0, 0, 53, 70, 194, 52, 9, 126, 0, 0, 42, 65, 25, 66, 189, 117, 0, 0, 140, 108, 110, 26, 185, 115, 0, 0, 53, 103, 186, 35, 48, 107, 0, 0, 125, 148, 49, 13, 51, 106, 0, 0, 252, 142, 168, 21, 105, 98, 0, 0, 236, 186, 3, 51, 129, 92, 0, 0, 186, 4, 39, 109, 168, 210, 0, 0, 39, 66, 205, 117, 229, 65, 0, 0, 158, 181, 60, 56, 15, 85, 0, 0, 87, 223, 139, 145, 164, 77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 210, 110, 52, 203, 0, 0, 154, 60, 196, 134, 235, 58, 0, 0, 142, 42, 102, 75, 27, 193, 0, 0, 108, 218, 154, 134, 53, 70, 0, 0, 210, 37, 72, 89, 45, 185, 0, 0, 125, 255, 161, 200, 86, 55, 0, 0, 80, 28, 202, 182, 3, 28, 0, 0, 155, 75, 28, 24, 197, 167, 0, 0, 105, 24, 21, 183, 172, 21, 0, 0, 185, 54, 240, 205, 156, 6, 0, 0, 38, 79, 68, 53, 215, 110, 0, 0, 234, 73, 133, 66, 139, 102, 0, 0, 244, 117, 150, 29, 105, 102, 0, 0, 134, 112, 183, 38, 32, 94, 0, 0, 150, 157, 164, 29, 237, 91, 0, 0, 27, 39, 54, 152, 83, 67, 0, 0, 25, 33, 110, 86, 142, 209, 0, 0, 62, 152, 99, 35, 76, 84, 0, 0, 90, 195, 40, 88, 164, 77, 0, 0, 84, 34, 25, 161, 36, 61, 0, 0, 95, 28, 243, 90, 207, 201, 0, 0, 241, 70, 143, 22, 159, 192, 0, 0, 69, 190, 178, 87, 53, 70, 0, 0, 41, 232, 43, 163, 198, 62, 0, 0, 48, 66, 83, 30, 51, 184, 0, 0, 87, 227, 32, 139, 86, 55, 0, 0, 139, 5, 15, 143, 228, 30, 0, 0, 202, 1, 214, 135, 31, 24, 0, 0, 5, 35, 200, 202, 235, 13, 0, 0, 26, 31, 78, 206, 107, 7, 0, 0, 210, 88, 230, 42, 53, 112, 0, 0, 140, 83, 164, 54, 187, 103, 0, 0, 25, 128, 245, 22, 10, 104, 0, 0, 170, 122, 81, 31, 232, 95, 0, 0, 125, 167, 195, 33, 70, 92, 0, 0, 210, 47, 229, 142, 60, 66, 0, 0, 164, 23, 219, 92, 237, 209, 0, 0, 37, 162, 117, 39, 187, 84, 0, 0, 190, 204, 129, 104, 164, 77, 0, 0, 201, 42, 90, 155, 228, 59, 0, 0, 234, 18, 20, 89, 77, 202, 0, 0, 121, 61, 18, 36, 144, 192, 0, 0, 182, 199, 165, 101, 53, 70, 0, 0, 129, 241, 1, 186, 198, 62, 0, 0, 187, 56, 152, 46, 71, 184, 0, 0, 184, 236, 182, 154, 86, 55, 0, 0, 92, 13, 137, 158, 249, 29, 0, 0, 178, 9, 30, 153, 98, 23, 0, 0, 168, 42, 69, 206, 121, 13, 0, 0, 85, 38, 54, 213, 246, 6, 0, 0, 195, 60, 3, 68, 223, 125, 0, 0, 107, 50, 191, 209, 164, 6, 0, 0, 58, 42, 98, 213, 209, 6, 0, 0, 183, 34, 194, 209, 49, 7, 0, 0, 161, 27, 71, 200, 179, 7, 0, 0, 177, 20, 87, 186, 73, 8, 0, 0, 163, 13, 91, 169, 226, 8, 0, 0, 52, 6, 187, 150, 112, 9, 0, 0, 153, 51, 161, 194, 194, 19, 0, 0, 57, 43, 166, 198, 2, 20, 0, 0, 115, 35, 28, 196, 139, 20, 0, 0, 12, 28, 56, 188, 69, 21, 0, 0, 200, 20, 45, 176, 27, 22, 0, 0, 109, 13, 49, 161, 246, 22, 0, 0, 190, 5, 122, 144, 193, 23, 0, 0, 0, 53, 152, 177, 186, 32, 0, 0, 112, 44, 21, 183, 16, 33, 0, 0, 99, 36, 7, 183, 197, 33, 0, 0, 168, 28, 68, 178, 188, 34, 0, 0, 203, 250, 183, 187, 86, 55, 0, 0, 104, 241, 193, 164, 86, 55, 0, 0, 7, 232, 235, 146, 86, 55, 0, 0, 166, 222, 246, 132, 86, 55, 0, 0, 66, 213, 167, 121, 86, 55, 0, 0, 217, 203, 191, 111, 86, 55, 0, 0, 106, 194, 2, 102, 86, 55, 0, 0, 133, 54, 92, 159, 192, 45, 0, 0, 199, 45, 14, 167, 42, 46, 0, 0, 116, 37, 109, 170, 10, 47, 0, 0, 99, 29, 213, 169, 60, 48, 0, 0, 249, 250, 87, 225, 53, 70, 0, 0, 171, 241, 223, 193, 53, 70, 0, 0, 96, 232, 78, 167, 53, 70, 0, 0, 19, 223, 225, 144, 53, 70, 0, 0, 194, 213, 208, 125, 53, 70, 0, 0, 102, 204, 85, 109, 53, 70, 0, 0, 254, 194, 171, 94, 53, 70, 0, 0, 131, 185, 69, 81, 51, 70, 0, 0, 243, 175, 53, 69, 37, 70, 0, 0, 74, 166, 7, 59, 255, 69, 0, 0, 133, 156, 83, 51, 178, 69, 0, 0, 95, 65, 173, 127, 44, 59, 0, 0, 13, 56, 164, 140, 2, 59, 0, 0, 36, 47, 239, 150, 126, 59, 0, 0, 142, 38, 58, 158, 132, 60, 0, 0, 66, 251, 180, 234, 20, 85, 0, 0, 18, 242, 179, 196, 20, 85, 0, 0, 233, 232, 12, 164, 20, 85, 0, 0, 189, 223, 53, 136, 20, 85, 0, 0, 136, 214, 167, 112, 20, 85, 0, 0, 66, 205, 218, 92, 20, 85, 0, 0, 227, 195, 69, 76, 20, 85, 0, 0, 101, 186, 122, 62, 17, 85, 0, 0, 199, 176, 87, 51, 3, 85, 0, 0, 11, 167, 244, 42, 216, 84, 0, 0, 49, 157, 108, 37, 131, 84, 0, 0, 61, 147, 220, 34, 244, 83, 0, 0, 49, 137, 97, 35, 26, 83, 0, 0, 220, 66, 65, 108, 225, 72, 0, 0, 128, 57, 41, 122, 178, 72, 0, 0, 112, 48, 23, 135, 59, 73, 0, 0, 167, 242, 51, 174, 243, 99, 0, 0, 43, 197, 113, 47, 243, 99, 0, 0, 169, 187, 162, 35, 240, 99, 0, 0, 246, 177, 97, 27, 225, 99, 0, 0, 26, 168, 91, 22, 181, 99, 0, 0, 30, 158, 67, 20, 92, 99, 0, 0, 10, 148, 200, 20, 198, 98, 0, 0, 232, 137, 156, 23, 226, 97, 0, 0, 191, 127, 112, 28, 161, 96, 0, 0, 152, 117, 4, 35, 4, 95, 0, 0, 193, 77, 85, 76, 23, 88, 0, 0, 39, 68, 241, 89, 50, 87, 0, 0, 194, 58, 161, 104, 2, 87, 0, 0, 146, 49, 227, 119, 145, 87, 0, 0, 186, 138, 172, 10, 200, 112, 0, 0, 118, 128, 88, 17, 140, 111, 0, 0, 73, 118, 94, 24, 245, 109, 0, 0, 55, 108, 214, 31, 35, 108, 0, 0, 67, 98, 29, 40, 68, 106, 0, 0, 110, 88, 146, 49, 137, 104, 0, 0, 187, 78, 149, 60, 35, 103, 0, 0, 43, 69, 131, 73, 65, 102, 0, 0, 192, 59, 170, 88, 17, 102, 0, 0, 208, 108, 168, 21, 121, 123, 0, 0, 225, 98, 12, 29, 188, 121, 0, 0, 25, 89, 68, 37, 33, 120, 0, 0, 113, 79, 24, 47, 211, 118, 0, 0, 232, 69, 77, 59, 2, 118, 0, 0, 143, 89, 8, 27, 37, 136, 0, 0, 237, 79, 220, 35, 255, 134, 0, 0, 103, 70, 84, 47, 71, 134, 0, 0, 243, 60, 114, 62, 31, 134, 0, 0, 58, 80, 212, 26, 122, 151, 0, 0, 180, 70, 148, 37, 224, 150, 0, 0, 62, 61, 87, 52, 191, 150, 0, 0, 207, 51, 44, 71, 32, 151, 0, 0, 221, 70, 9, 30, 158, 167, 0, 0, 102, 61, 83, 44, 132, 167, 0, 0, 243, 51, 254, 62, 207, 167, 0, 0, 129, 42, 119, 84, 110, 168, 0, 0, 237, 70, 176, 24, 79, 184, 0, 0, 117, 61, 117, 38, 61, 184, 0, 0, 1, 52, 198, 56, 115, 184, 0, 0, 140, 42, 30, 78, 231, 184, 0, 0, 24, 33, 52, 96, 132, 185, 0, 0, 163, 23, 140, 105, 56, 186, 0, 0, 47, 14, 10, 112, 242, 186, 0, 0, 186, 4, 216, 123, 157, 187, 0, 0, 121, 61, 205, 34, 185, 200, 0, 0, 4, 52, 176, 52, 222, 200, 0, 0, 143, 42, 190, 73, 43, 201, 0, 0, 25, 33, 225, 87, 149, 201, 0, 0, 164, 23, 4, 90, 14, 202, 0, 0, 47, 14, 50, 91, 139, 202, 0, 0, 186, 4, 16, 102, 254, 202, 0, 0, 4, 52, 180, 50, 239, 216, 0, 0, 143, 42, 104, 71, 31, 217, 0, 0, 25, 33, 204, 86, 97, 217, 0, 0, 164, 23, 220, 96, 173, 217, 0, 0, 47, 14, 146, 107, 250, 217, 0, 0, 186, 4, 77, 118, 66, 218, 0, 0, 25, 33, 203, 89, 233, 232, 0, 0, 164, 23, 137, 107, 20, 233, 0, 0, 47, 14, 244, 122, 64, 233, 0, 0, 186, 4, 139, 134, 105, 233, 0, 0, 47, 14, 159, 132, 99, 248, 0, 0, 186, 4, 114, 147, 119, 248, 0, 0) +}] +blend_shape_mode = 0 + +[sub_resource type="ArrayMesh" id="ArrayMesh_eavsf"] +resource_name = "BCity_WaterGeometry" +_surfaces = [{ +"aabb": AABB(-272.133, -23.2769, -160.051, 513.287, 61.2054, 326.452), +"attribute_data": PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 112, 9, 60, 0, 246, 18, 113, 9, 61, 0, 134, 9, 149, 9, 159, 9, 234, 18, 244, 9, 125, 28, 63, 10, 22, 38, 240, 18, 126, 0, 10, 19, 198, 9, 72, 19, 30, 19, 154, 19, 144, 28, 218, 19, 236, 37, 255, 19, 126, 47, 17, 20, 254, 56, 132, 28, 208, 0, 177, 28, 12, 10, 246, 28, 47, 19, 87, 29, 119, 28, 170, 29, 209, 37, 218, 29, 116, 47, 243, 29, 252, 56, 243, 29, 102, 66, 254, 37, 39, 1, 11, 38, 88, 10, 149, 38, 2, 19, 86, 39, 71, 28, 191, 39, 184, 37, 247, 39, 100, 47, 24, 40, 242, 56, 26, 40, 96, 66, 253, 39, 187, 75, 9, 49, 7, 0, 199, 49, 54, 9, 231, 49, 150, 18, 204, 49, 22, 28, 252, 49, 170, 37, 70, 50, 74, 47, 116, 50, 216, 56, 120, 50, 72, 66, 78, 50, 164, 75, 59, 60, 129, 37, 169, 60, 24, 47, 234, 60, 162, 56, 240, 60, 19, 66, 185, 60, 113, 75, 81, 60, 216, 84, 7, 71, 194, 46, 93, 71, 68, 56, 102, 71, 180, 65, 32, 71, 20, 75, 156, 70, 125, 84, 238, 69, 1, 94, 176, 81, 181, 55, 188, 81, 32, 65, 104, 81, 132, 74, 202, 80, 243, 83, 249, 79, 123, 93, 13, 79, 39, 103, 27, 78, 254, 112, 209, 91, 239, 54, 215, 91, 78, 64, 118, 91, 182, 73, 195, 90, 48, 83, 215, 89, 197, 92, 204, 88, 118, 102, 189, 87, 73, 112, 197, 86, 62, 122, 253, 85, 88, 132, 111, 85, 140, 142, 21, 101, 184, 44, 140, 101, 229, 53, 151, 101, 49, 63, 48, 101, 157, 72, 112, 100, 42, 82, 115, 99, 214, 91, 86, 98, 155, 101, 54, 97, 120, 111, 50, 96, 102, 121, 102, 95, 99, 131, 220, 94, 101, 141, 140, 94, 94, 151, 107, 94, 69, 161, 116, 94, 16, 171, 163, 94, 181, 180, 249, 94, 45, 190, 124, 95, 119, 199, 79, 98, 93, 235, 31, 99, 43, 245, 82, 110, 148, 43, 212, 110, 140, 52, 228, 110, 190, 61, 126, 110, 48, 71, 189, 109, 214, 80, 122, 106, 141, 110, 120, 105, 137, 120, 179, 104, 126, 130, 55, 104, 100, 140, 251, 103, 58, 150, 247, 103, 253, 159, 38, 104, 170, 169, 128, 104, 65, 179, 255, 104, 191, 188, 159, 105, 32, 198, 76, 106, 109, 207, 4, 107, 193, 216, 192, 107, 51, 226, 123, 108, 213, 235, 40, 109, 190, 245, 199, 109, 254, 255, 68, 118, 197, 33, 108, 118, 178, 41, 178, 119, 243, 50, 202, 119, 6, 60, 106, 119, 124, 69, 230, 113, 172, 129, 124, 113, 139, 139, 84, 113, 77, 149, 106, 113, 249, 158, 176, 113, 146, 168, 32, 114, 26, 178, 175, 114, 147, 187, 80, 115, 1, 197, 249, 115, 112, 206, 165, 116, 237, 215, 80, 117, 134, 225, 240, 117, 72, 235, 129, 118, 58, 245, 255, 118, 92, 255, 178, 125, 174, 24, 212, 126, 158, 32, 183, 127, 192, 40, 67, 128, 56, 49, 96, 128, 41, 58, 10, 128, 162, 67, 155, 122, 136, 148, 194, 122, 42, 158, 20, 123, 180, 167, 137, 123, 41, 177, 22, 124, 142, 186, 178, 124, 239, 195, 84, 125, 83, 205, 254, 125, 194, 214, 174, 126, 66, 224, 95, 127, 220, 233, 5, 128, 149, 243, 141, 128, 109, 253, 51, 134, 209, 23, 64, 135, 113, 31, 24, 136, 68, 39, 161, 136, 121, 47, 193, 136, 69, 56, 83, 133, 150, 185, 241, 133, 222, 194, 162, 134, 28, 204, 116, 135, 83, 213, 107, 136, 134, 222, 123, 137, 187, 231, 138, 138, 2, 241, 112, 139, 116, 250, 91, 139, 25, 0, 115, 140, 25, 8, 147, 141, 173, 15, 169, 142, 5, 23, 159, 143, 88, 30, 102, 144, 222, 37, 228, 144, 210, 45, 4, 145, 121, 54, 82, 148, 0, 0, 68, 149, 221, 7, 61, 150, 64, 15, 48, 151, 93, 22, 10, 152, 105, 29, 185, 152, 166, 36, 39, 153, 92, 44, 67, 153, 223, 52, 98, 157, 56, 0, 55, 158, 243, 7, 16, 159, 32, 15, 225, 159, 249, 21, 155, 160, 187, 28, 44, 161, 176, 35, 133, 161, 46, 43, 154, 161, 146, 51, 131, 79, 81, 98, 232, 84, 32, 93, 182, 85, 114, 137, 177, 90, 221, 131, 141, 94, 226, 175, 40, 19, 112, 14, 220, 110, 37, 57, 76, 99, 93, 170, 172, 106, 23, 212, 226, 23, 233, 9, 67, 115, 191, 51, 231, 29, 57, 52, 31, 111, 239, 206, 193, 118, 81, 250, 232, 34, 106, 47, 67, 123, 101, 244, 244, 144, 38, 50, 6, 149, 23, 45, 50, 71, 131, 51, 148, 78, 19, 108, 237, 83, 207, 102, 38, 90, 248, 141, 208, 94, 113, 185, 252, 18, 34, 5, 177, 110, 119, 66, 144, 99, 251, 179, 103, 107, 121, 221, 187, 23, 164, 0, 87, 115, 226, 60, 196, 29, 164, 42, 208, 111, 88, 216, 179, 34, 194, 37, 197, 123, 95, 254, 186, 134, 161, 27, 37, 45, 176, 75, 110, 138, 108, 23, 35, 149, 172, 53, 25, 81, 60, 79, 111, 86, 29, 74, 65, 87, 67, 117, 122, 92, 224, 111, 125, 94, 82, 156, 186, 19, 62, 33, 67, 99, 204, 150, 80, 105, 112, 193, 119, 24, 132, 28, 215, 109, 41, 188, 163, 117, 103, 230, 186, 123, 143, 68, 6, 35, 99, 66, 255, 121, 228, 224, 2, 144, 27, 34, 213, 147, 225, 29, 67, 71, 100, 70, 145, 76, 106, 65, 98, 80, 183, 88, 199, 85, 146, 83, 97, 86, 75, 127, 124, 91, 210, 121, 113, 94, 43, 166, 147, 110, 16, 48, 113, 19, 214, 23, 48, 99, 161, 160, 248, 105, 198, 202, 189, 114, 232, 42, 33, 24, 42, 19, 243, 29, 177, 61, 117, 110, 145, 197, 59, 118, 66, 240, 5, 35, 246, 56, 168, 122, 145, 234, 165, 144, 216, 41, 143, 148, 65, 37, 97, 71, 252, 60, 134, 76, 253, 55, 243, 74, 190, 93, 146, 9, 63, 14, 146, 101, 139, 58, 74, 14, 174, 9, 48, 106, 57, 53, 9, 20, 62, 52, 123, 109, 222, 250, 236, 24, 120, 47, 177, 113, 155, 134, 207, 113, 123, 245, 78, 123, 110, 172, 222, 49, 228, 13, 176, 136, 224, 51, 6, 135, 184, 208, 195, 140, 165, 46, 201, 60, 221, 51, 216, 65, 237, 46, 69, 70, 63, 89, 120, 159, 141, 18, 123, 9, 233, 4, 99, 101, 231, 67, 49, 14, 93, 0, 62, 106, 120, 62, 239, 19, 181, 42, 192, 24, 221, 37, 104, 113, 108, 144, 99, 114, 171, 255, 68, 126, 166, 28, 206, 123, 220, 181, 243, 129, 64, 24, 107, 49, 157, 4, 233, 135, 237, 217, 226, 140, 95, 55, 114, 60, 76, 42, 222, 70, 200, 79, 61, 160, 90, 25, 68, 76, 204, 74, 236, 82, 163, 112, 28, 10, 74, 33, 59, 95, 210, 194, 199, 14, 135, 28, 30, 110, 3, 76, 251, 99, 118, 189, 35, 108, 4, 231, 244, 114, 86, 70, 131, 112, 221, 225, 174, 122, 89, 153, 172, 135, 91, 35, 217, 49, 223, 32, 161, 133, 58, 190, 112, 139, 229, 30, 213, 60, 193, 70, 43, 66, 227, 65, 204, 157, 22, 4, 179, 75, 56, 84, 81, 101, 79, 49, 202, 9, 179, 23, 179, 105, 38, 44, 116, 14, 5, 19, 141, 100, 202, 198, 213, 108, 202, 240, 2, 25, 252, 56, 48, 113, 142, 235, 234, 122, 239, 162, 92, 136, 95, 43, 206, 49, 86, 23, 70, 134, 125, 199, 63, 140, 144, 38, 237, 60, 91, 61, 35, 66, 115, 56, 163, 158, 138, 11, 45, 0, 51, 14, 212, 91, 158, 59, 209, 4, 131, 9, 174, 96, 106, 54, 229, 98, 184, 96, 117, 104, 113, 135, 35, 104, 115, 245, 76, 109, 21, 130, 232, 113, 86, 173, 80, 38, 155, 14, 81, 128, 177, 53, 99, 118, 35, 168, 168, 125, 9, 210, 196, 43, 202, 9, 114, 132, 88, 48, 93, 50, 17, 52, 254, 129, 184, 204, 249, 138, 188, 245, 120, 55, 49, 47, 183, 150, 206, 18, 119, 65, 171, 84, 167, 154, 49, 15, 143, 161, 96, 47, 14, 0, 184, 4, 167, 91, 2, 69, 184, 4, 31, 0, 183, 96, 191, 63, 198, 97, 138, 106, 12, 15, 254, 37, 25, 104, 79, 145, 217, 108, 248, 139, 103, 114, 214, 182, 5, 38, 224, 5, 53, 128, 229, 62, 214, 118, 161, 177, 84, 126, 129, 219, 133, 43, 142, 0, 144, 132, 54, 57, 32, 50, 122, 42, 190, 130, 10, 214, 28, 55, 151, 37, 133, 60, 36, 80, 157, 151, 227, 25, 237, 65, 67, 75, 137, 155, 43, 22, 208, 100, 99, 77, 215, 105, 230, 71, 249, 105, 139, 115, 95, 113, 34, 154, 70, 127, 175, 36, 140, 39, 5, 33, 248, 117, 235, 148, 100, 124, 61, 191, 9, 131, 8, 32, 155, 44, 46, 28, 99, 50, 246, 70, 180, 128, 19, 186, 236, 136, 34, 227, 180, 55, 45, 66, 203, 148, 238, 3, 218, 152, 28, 0, 227, 160, 54, 32, 237, 4, 238, 18, 242, 99, 0, 87, 183, 98, 68, 240, 22, 105, 128, 81, 21, 105, 132, 125, 101, 103, 154, 235, 141, 113, 197, 163, 253, 127, 252, 44, 247, 38, 141, 23, 22, 118, 146, 158, 3, 125, 160, 200, 231, 131, 2, 40, 47, 44, 221, 18, 118, 50, 144, 61, 84, 129, 103, 195, 252, 137, 96, 236, 175, 55, 189, 56, 193, 149, 142, 11, 190, 153, 232, 7, 88, 161, 111, 39, 82, 89, 157, 97, 165, 94, 77, 92, 33, 95, 100, 136, 12, 100, 241, 130, 83, 104, 117, 174, 204, 28, 154, 14, 190, 119, 125, 55, 235, 108, 30, 169, 81, 116, 45, 211, 123, 33, 48, 10, 250, 123, 21, 50, 7, 40, 44, 52, 167, 120, 227, 205, 71, 128, 135, 248, 31, 45, 86, 47, 77, 133, 71, 242, 31, 142, 89, 19, 232, 145, 119, 15, 53, 153, 158, 48, 86, 157, 197, 43, 146, 81, 210, 69, 201, 86, 182, 64, 69, 88, 96, 107, 145, 93, 9, 102, 181, 94, 98, 146, 137, 99, 229, 140, 192, 104, 0, 184, 151, 28, 114, 5, 154, 119, 193, 64, 80, 109, 174, 178, 253, 116, 184, 220, 65, 33, 241, 0, 21, 124, 23, 59, 219, 39, 144, 42, 82, 121, 88, 215, 226, 44, 174, 37, 253, 133, 235, 251, 36, 143, 174, 26, 131, 55, 139, 75, 236, 146, 177, 22, 110, 157, 57, 52, 29, 91, 115, 78, 83, 96, 42, 73, 180, 96, 111, 116, 216, 101, 2, 111, 249, 103, 27, 155, 183, 118, 254, 37, 131, 29, 36, 33, 168, 108, 196, 149, 255, 114, 73, 192, 140, 122, 51, 33, 80, 34, 98, 28, 11, 40, 14, 71, 100, 119, 17, 187, 4, 127, 15, 229, 73, 45, 84, 66, 147, 131, 98, 223, 231, 139, 25, 4, 215, 143, 12, 0, 97, 152, 8, 33, 83, 156, 18, 29, 77, 90, 250, 87, 154, 95, 173, 82, 204, 95, 101, 126, 213, 100, 248, 120, 15, 104, 211, 164, 109, 119, 150, 46, 38, 29, 207, 23, 177, 108, 123, 159, 166, 115, 183, 201, 111, 123, 125, 41, 211, 33, 37, 19, 25, 40, 169, 61, 1, 120, 121, 196, 176, 127, 186, 238, 70, 45, 228, 56, 116, 132, 200, 232, 3, 141, 227, 11, 219, 144, 251, 7, 240, 152, 129, 40, 242, 156, 43, 36, 182, 81, 106, 60, 98, 157, 255, 47, 36, 157, 248, 39, 162, 156, 159, 32, 238, 155, 159, 25, 24, 155, 174, 18, 50, 154, 140, 11, 76, 153, 2, 4, 20, 149, 98, 49, 202, 148, 44, 41, 50, 148, 145, 33, 96, 147, 73, 26, 106, 146, 20, 19, 98, 145, 185, 11, 89, 144, 4, 4, 210, 140, 2, 51, 128, 140, 155, 42, 215, 139, 187, 34, 239, 138, 40, 27, 162, 133, 28, 247, 219, 132, 137, 237, 254, 131, 22, 228, 36, 131, 182, 218, 91, 130, 96, 209, 167, 129, 15, 200, 3, 129, 188, 190, 129, 132, 200, 52, 44, 132, 45, 44, 121, 131, 5, 36, 126, 130, 36, 28, 131, 123, 103, 249, 245, 122, 125, 239, 83, 122, 187, 229, 168, 121, 29, 220, 252, 120, 156, 210, 84, 120, 45, 201, 178, 119, 196, 191, 28, 119, 89, 182, 155, 118, 226, 172, 60, 118, 90, 163, 7, 118, 190, 153, 231, 123, 211, 63, 8, 124, 151, 54, 181, 123, 201, 45, 254, 122, 87, 37, 28, 114, 149, 250, 132, 113, 133, 240, 222, 112, 182, 230, 46, 112, 26, 221, 123, 111, 163, 211, 204, 110, 63, 202, 39, 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+"vertex_count": 621, +"vertex_data": PackedByteArray(0, 0, 158, 161, 255, 255, 7, 213, 117, 9, 231, 144, 243, 255, 106, 211, 234, 18, 16, 125, 229, 255, 14, 209, 0, 0, 169, 147, 3, 241, 49, 214, 117, 9, 156, 135, 232, 240, 100, 213, 234, 18, 232, 124, 202, 240, 113, 212, 95, 28, 128, 103, 171, 240, 182, 210, 212, 37, 87, 81, 142, 240, 86, 208, 0, 0, 153, 132, 245, 225, 127, 215, 117, 9, 77, 122, 195, 225, 33, 215, 234, 18, 253, 108, 138, 225, 141, 213, 95, 28, 191, 92, 80, 225, 72, 211, 212, 37, 150, 81, 26, 225, 224, 208, 73, 47, 224, 59, 238, 224, 55, 207, 190, 56, 141, 40, 210, 224, 168, 207, 0, 0, 64, 115, 210, 210, 117, 214, 117, 9, 14, 103, 126, 210, 11, 216, 234, 18, 240, 95, 30, 210, 22, 215, 95, 28, 197, 89, 187, 209, 173, 211, 212, 37, 24, 83, 96, 209, 121, 208, 73, 47, 20, 61, 22, 209, 229, 206, 190, 56, 80, 41, 231, 208, 151, 207, 51, 66, 193, 25, 220, 208, 60, 208, 0, 0, 99, 106, 150, 195, 81, 202, 117, 9, 144, 83, 19, 195, 184, 204, 234, 18, 56, 82, 125, 194, 42, 208, 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125, 144, 205, 119, 65, 111, 59, 200, 125, 19, 206, 243, 74, 20, 46, 74, 126, 226, 206, 134, 84, 194, 35, 86, 127, 209, 207, 57, 94, 131, 27, 194, 128, 91, 208, 17, 104, 97, 20, 100, 130, 160, 208, 23, 114, 99, 13, 16, 132, 189, 208, 124, 55, 132, 89, 228, 109, 183, 204, 220, 64, 194, 72, 178, 109, 77, 205, 89, 74, 238, 58, 66, 110, 25, 206, 244, 83, 155, 47, 107, 111, 249, 206, 175, 93, 49, 38, 254, 112, 189, 207, 140, 103, 27, 30, 204, 114, 75, 208, 140, 113, 193, 22, 166, 116, 128, 208, 175, 123, 139, 15, 92, 118, 87, 208, 248, 133, 235, 7, 194, 119, 231, 207, 92, 144, 0, 0, 198, 120, 96, 207, 128, 45, 218, 120, 94, 95, 185, 204, 171, 54, 35, 104, 113, 94, 122, 204, 253, 63, 63, 88, 61, 94, 169, 204, 124, 73, 28, 74, 212, 94, 66, 205, 36, 83, 174, 61, 10, 96, 21, 206, 242, 92, 207, 50, 176, 97, 54, 207, 222, 102, 89, 41, 148, 99, 225, 207, 230, 112, 35, 33, 132, 101, 74, 208, 3, 123, 8, 26, 79, 103, 113, 208, 48, 133, 227, 19, 197, 104, 85, 208, 101, 143, 225, 14, 213, 105, 14, 208, 150, 153, 128, 11, 144, 106, 225, 207, 182, 163, 65, 10, 4, 107, 121, 207, 185, 173, 165, 11, 67, 107, 42, 207, 147, 183, 44, 16, 93, 107, 17, 207, 56, 193, 88, 24, 98, 107, 66, 207, 157, 202, 168, 36, 98, 107, 81, 207, 141, 238, 185, 136, 98, 107, 19, 217, 109, 247, 193, 176, 98, 107, 79, 217, 141, 44, 65, 134, 175, 80, 248, 204, 145, 53, 79, 120, 198, 79, 102, 204, 208, 62, 211, 105, 146, 79, 39, 204, 82, 72, 149, 91, 39, 80, 134, 204, 15, 82, 247, 77, 89, 81, 49, 205, 39, 112, 75, 44, 188, 86, 41, 208, 81, 122, 153, 36, 128, 88, 106, 208, 119, 132, 61, 31, 240, 89, 220, 208, 146, 142, 111, 28, 253, 90, 235, 208, 156, 152, 79, 28, 180, 91, 200, 208, 144, 162, 250, 30, 39, 92, 146, 208, 105, 172, 141, 36, 101, 92, 102, 208, 34, 182, 37, 45, 126, 92, 97, 208, 182, 191, 224, 56, 131, 92, 161, 208, 33, 201, 226, 71, 131, 92, 140, 209, 104, 210, 132, 90, 131, 92, 7, 212, 149, 219, 61, 113, 131, 92, 242, 213, 176, 228, 130, 140, 131, 92, 72, 216, 197, 237, 201, 172, 131, 92, 36, 218, 220, 246, 137, 210, 131, 92, 61, 220, 255, 255, 56, 254, 131, 92, 164, 223, 207, 34, 60, 156, 253, 67, 62, 207, 220, 42, 49, 148, 213, 67, 196, 205, 60, 52, 153, 137, 208, 65, 129, 204, 99, 61, 232, 124, 160, 65, 222, 203, 234, 70, 178, 110, 42, 66, 211, 203, 211, 131, 155, 41, 65, 75, 109, 209, 232, 141, 61, 40, 58, 76, 120, 209, 223, 151, 118, 42, 228, 76, 3, 210, 185, 161, 241, 47, 78, 77, 53, 210, 119, 171, 87, 56, 136, 77, 79, 210, 26, 181, 83, 67, 160, 77, 126, 210, 162, 190, 142, 80, 164, 77, 231, 210, 17, 200, 194, 95, 164, 77, 199, 211, 108, 209, 63, 113, 164, 77, 64, 213, 183, 218, 158, 133, 164, 77, 69, 215, 248, 227, 121, 157, 164, 77, 192, 217, 53, 237, 107, 185, 164, 77, 140, 220, 116, 246, 15, 218, 164, 77, 138, 223, 185, 255, 255, 255, 164, 77, 47, 225, 179, 25, 226, 165, 187, 55, 164, 210, 217, 33, 246, 165, 74, 54, 141, 208, 41, 42, 131, 162, 31, 53, 133, 206, 197, 50, 111, 155, 96, 52, 216, 204, 209, 59, 161, 144, 54, 52, 247, 203, 93, 69, 121, 130, 175, 52, 164, 203, 86, 151, 222, 53, 29, 62, 11, 211, 36, 161, 7, 61, 122, 62, 9, 211, 211, 170, 206, 70, 173, 62, 59, 211, 104, 180, 92, 82, 193, 62, 111, 211, 233, 189, 215, 94, 198, 62, 144, 212, 91, 199, 135, 107, 198, 62, 241, 213, 194, 208, 204, 120, 198, 62, 194, 215, 34, 218, 150, 135, 198, 62, 57, 218, 124, 227, 215, 152, 198, 62, 40, 221, 213, 236, 127, 173, 198, 62, 88, 224, 46, 246, 130, 198, 198, 62, 148, 227, 139, 255, 207, 228, 198, 62, 55, 229, 25, 25, 75, 171, 14, 42, 128, 211, 230, 32, 49, 176, 220, 40, 198, 209, 230, 40, 12, 177, 227, 39, 88, 207, 71, 49, 60, 173, 69, 39, 102, 205, 53, 58, 35, 164, 34, 39, 131, 204, 120, 189, 55, 99, 231, 47, 90, 213, 236, 198, 115, 106, 231, 47, 97, 214, 91, 208, 53, 112, 231, 47, 72, 216, 199, 217, 4, 118, 231, 47, 242, 218, 49, 227, 105, 125, 231, 47, 33, 222, 154, 236, 236, 135, 231, 47, 136, 225, 4, 246, 24, 151, 231, 47, 237, 228, 111, 255, 116, 172, 231, 47, 25, 231, 137, 1, 251, 134, 82, 31, 49, 217, 142, 9, 35, 151, 119, 30, 139, 216, 43, 17, 240, 165, 124, 29, 48, 215, 151, 24, 84, 178, 122, 28, 231, 212, 9, 32, 63, 187, 139, 27, 179, 210, 184, 39, 162, 191, 202, 26, 56, 208, 219, 47, 109, 190, 79, 26, 28, 206, 169, 56, 147, 182, 52, 26, 35, 205, 11, 2, 178, 136, 236, 16, 15, 217, 214, 9, 25, 155, 78, 16, 134, 216, 38, 17, 153, 172, 152, 15, 115, 215, 59, 24, 214, 187, 222, 14, 166, 213, 85, 31, 117, 199, 49, 14, 96, 211, 181, 38, 28, 206, 165, 13, 252, 208, 155, 46, 110, 206, 76, 13, 220, 206, 71, 55, 21, 199, 56, 13, 233, 205, 171, 2, 171, 145, 119, 2, 174, 216, 67, 10, 117, 165, 14, 2, 87, 216, 78, 17, 70, 184, 148, 1, 116, 215, 20, 24, 168, 200, 24, 1, 206, 213, 222, 30, 40, 213, 165, 0, 162, 211, 245, 37, 80, 220, 72, 0, 80, 209, 161, 45, 173, 220, 13, 0, 56, 207, 43, 54, 204, 212, 0, 0, 73, 206, 37, 99, 242, 23, 147, 129, 124, 208, 244, 93, 218, 32, 224, 120, 35, 208, 42, 139, 245, 3, 68, 120, 139, 207, 148, 133, 231, 13, 67, 112, 10, 208, 166, 178, 233, 13, 80, 107, 9, 207, 47, 14, 165, 115, 167, 225, 163, 214, 48, 58, 17, 113, 172, 79, 45, 204, 17, 173, 25, 24, 212, 99, 93, 207, 254, 214, 225, 101, 131, 92, 229, 212, 117, 9, 173, 112, 33, 218, 17, 216, 230, 52, 244, 128, 203, 72, 104, 204, 4, 52, 50, 51, 254, 208, 68, 207, 234, 209, 226, 101, 20, 85, 220, 211, 22, 251, 7, 237, 164, 77, 0, 225, 73, 47, 172, 62, 252, 200, 153, 206, 81, 246, 72, 208, 53, 70, 125, 225, 66, 52, 128, 186, 65, 26, 64, 205, 59, 47, 109, 198, 205, 19, 115, 206, 183, 51, 186, 75, 203, 142, 48, 205, 20, 109, 226, 16, 58, 131, 185, 208, 207, 103, 62, 25, 152, 122, 149, 208, 225, 143, 112, 7, 78, 113, 133, 207, 102, 188, 66, 20, 95, 107, 18, 207, 186, 4, 115, 127, 220, 225, 123, 215, 145, 67, 180, 98, 220, 79, 67, 204, 219, 182, 169, 30, 237, 99, 61, 207, 35, 224, 223, 126, 131, 92, 13, 215, 0, 0, 237, 123, 100, 218, 244, 215, 25, 62, 93, 115, 153, 72, 243, 203, 143, 42, 22, 72, 59, 209, 136, 206, 38, 219, 109, 123, 20, 85, 180, 213, 212, 37, 208, 84, 90, 201, 70, 208, 162, 255, 103, 242, 53, 70, 124, 227, 0, 29, 190, 173, 117, 41, 28, 211, 171, 75, 13, 19, 108, 184, 244, 208, 216, 24, 207, 174, 68, 35, 245, 211, 248, 55, 212, 190, 182, 19, 132, 205, 188, 79, 235, 40, 208, 126, 105, 207, 166, 74, 129, 52, 70, 118, 129, 206, 157, 118, 38, 19, 129, 117, 112, 208, 57, 113, 242, 27, 21, 109, 93, 208, 166, 158, 225, 10, 202, 106, 162, 207, 25, 33, 42, 87, 53, 225, 143, 210, 25, 153, 232, 19, 34, 99, 18, 208, 108, 196, 97, 64, 131, 92, 225, 208, 95, 28, 66, 91, 134, 217, 65, 211, 44, 191, 183, 68, 20, 85, 197, 209, 151, 232, 114, 171, 164, 77, 20, 219, 35, 70, 150, 120, 109, 59, 164, 203, 51, 66, 232, 26, 178, 200, 53, 208, 186, 227, 40, 155, 53, 70, 81, 219, 224, 35, 112, 189, 43, 27, 112, 209, 175, 31, 90, 193, 222, 20, 21, 211, 152, 70, 230, 41, 132, 142, 25, 207, 169, 65, 221, 53, 10, 134, 35, 206, 95, 89, 163, 31, 12, 128, 59, 208, 61, 84, 174, 41, 97, 119, 105, 207, 212, 128, 187, 11, 15, 119, 42, 208, 89, 123, 201, 20, 214, 110, 102, 208, 183, 168, 243, 10, 35, 107, 65, 207, 15, 49, 72, 127, 58, 80, 189, 204, 164, 23, 222, 100, 109, 225, 4, 212, 35, 163, 158, 20, 149, 99, 174, 207, 197, 205, 51, 81, 131, 92, 53, 211, 251, 43, 57, 141, 172, 73, 6, 205, 234, 18, 119, 102, 212, 217, 252, 213, 121, 61, 136, 33, 226, 208, 51, 208, 153, 200, 210, 83, 20, 85, 135, 210, 212, 241, 189, 201, 164, 77, 3, 222, 190, 56, 179, 42, 191, 200, 142, 207, 5, 237, 117, 179, 53, 70, 85, 222, 202, 43, 7, 191, 140, 26, 22, 207, 55, 39, 223, 198, 55, 20, 156, 208, 35, 61, 225, 56, 96, 142, 215, 205, 61, 56, 7, 71, 52, 134, 144, 205, 104, 94, 35, 23, 205, 136, 171, 208, 47, 14, 66, 130, 217, 240, 216, 212, 84, 59, 49, 96, 87, 94, 124, 204, 117, 9, 245, 128, 86, 233, 107, 214, 30, 54, 57, 112, 27, 87, 109, 204, 4, 52, 54, 50, 224, 224, 157, 207, 109, 251, 97, 232, 131, 92, 84, 223, 73, 47, 122, 60, 2, 217, 54, 207, 221, 136, 236, 40, 189, 75, 88, 209, 168, 246, 76, 214, 20, 85, 134, 221, 158, 175, 149, 76, 183, 62, 90, 211, 46, 14, 47, 141, 28, 179, 50, 196, 190, 53, 175, 168, 52, 39, 167, 204, 17, 213, 29, 115, 231, 47, 124, 217, 145, 48, 212, 181, 202, 32, 182, 205, 232, 51, 157, 66, 117, 159, 109, 205, 24, 47, 121, 81, 110, 151, 48, 205, 190, 89, 108, 22, 61, 144, 172, 208, 177, 20, 119, 192, 86, 1, 217, 214, 186, 4, 163, 141, 245, 240, 236, 213, 188, 68, 45, 81, 136, 94, 240, 204, 0, 0, 33, 140, 124, 233, 222, 214, 102, 63, 9, 97, 232, 86, 97, 204, 143, 42, 187, 70, 4, 225, 211, 206, 212, 37, 87, 82, 61, 217, 138, 208, 228, 146, 90, 41, 143, 76, 151, 209, 220, 255, 27, 255, 20, 85, 76, 223, 198, 29, 236, 165, 2, 55, 57, 210, 40, 185, 154, 88, 196, 62, 153, 211, 102, 25, 150, 168, 228, 48, 0, 211, 186, 4, 182, 152, 230, 179, 48, 195, 124, 222, 182, 121, 231, 47, 114, 220, 111, 57, 91, 173, 171, 32, 201, 204, 119, 42, 25, 88, 42, 160, 61, 205, 30, 80, 204, 30, 47, 143, 51, 208, 121, 27, 232, 206, 223, 0, 219, 212, 36, 75, 203, 40, 131, 134, 69, 207, 209, 113, 18, 18, 91, 124, 185, 208, 25, 33, 108, 92, 157, 240, 62, 209, 234, 197, 128, 30, 98, 107, 110, 207, 95, 28, 32, 98, 253, 232, 59, 211, 49, 77, 198, 84, 192, 80, 26, 205, 119, 192, 156, 40, 243, 99, 100, 207, 59, 233, 165, 156, 131, 92, 148, 217, 158, 71, 36, 101, 40, 73, 247, 203, 84, 228, 253, 148, 20, 85, 250, 215, 61, 156, 114, 57, 75, 62, 240, 210, 230, 36, 158, 176, 95, 40, 129, 208, 22, 33, 19, 103, 108, 177, 168, 204, 50, 194, 213, 102, 231, 47, 184, 213, 120, 32, 184, 181, 52, 34, 67, 210, 209, 70, 65, 33, 60, 159, 211, 207, 247, 65, 208, 43, 174, 150, 200, 206, 119, 6, 144, 155, 66, 2, 138, 216, 182, 84, 236, 30, 124, 135, 55, 208, 21, 50, 127, 112, 232, 94, 131, 204, 164, 23, 52, 114, 186, 240, 184, 211, 6, 45, 141, 127, 7, 88, 219, 204, 234, 18, 243, 116, 42, 233, 144, 213, 223, 201, 69, 54, 243, 99, 122, 207, 80, 242, 169, 191, 131, 92, 144, 218, 190, 56, 238, 40, 220, 216, 166, 207, 125, 237, 26, 179, 20, 85, 173, 218, 252, 165, 235, 65, 147, 62, 45, 211, 23, 45, 36, 175, 148, 39, 73, 206, 162, 23, 234, 123, 65, 178, 171, 200, 164, 203, 84, 109, 231, 47, 45, 215, 79, 40, 87, 184, 87, 33, 198, 207, 90, 61, 205, 47, 31, 159, 112, 206, 134, 56, 222, 60, 209, 150, 164, 205, 201, 13, 222, 174, 209, 1, 31, 216, 47, 14, 252, 134, 236, 255, 208, 209, 44, 60, 35, 81, 203, 109, 167, 204, 117, 9, 65, 140, 109, 248, 223, 211, 20, 55, 212, 96, 43, 102, 195, 204, 232, 97, 20, 46, 162, 98, 154, 207, 133, 137, 214, 29, 119, 90, 232, 208, 36, 247, 165, 193, 243, 99, 42, 217, 37, 132, 108, 36, 153, 82, 90, 209, 72, 176, 213, 61, 148, 77, 101, 210, 47, 14, 228, 82, 200, 194, 155, 206, 75, 55, 8, 150, 75, 52, 63, 204, 37, 171, 147, 63, 26, 70, 45, 211, 114, 213, 49, 128, 198, 62, 229, 216, 117, 9, 28, 116, 77, 187, 14, 195, 6, 50, 85, 164, 211, 45, 18, 205, 254, 51, 95, 59, 42, 176, 250, 205, 143, 208, 129, 116, 86, 55, 235, 216, 185, 250, 198, 161, 231, 47, 154, 230, 57, 47, 77, 73, 13, 168, 115, 205, 176, 20, 56, 180, 59, 15, 182, 214, 1, 85, 80, 22, 225, 151, 160, 208, 58, 17, 112, 178, 150, 8, 76, 215, 230, 49, 188, 216, 6, 0, 59, 206, 186, 4, 66, 153, 249, 255, 164, 212, 154, 69, 216, 65, 250, 109, 173, 205, 0, 0, 163, 154, 129, 248, 89, 213, 108, 64, 129, 80, 248, 101, 247, 204, 226, 107, 62, 37, 140, 100, 42, 208, 212, 37, 118, 81, 212, 232, 27, 209, 151, 147, 95, 28, 88, 91, 223, 208, 61, 142, 86, 34, 155, 83, 97, 209, 222, 185, 240, 73, 162, 77, 172, 210, 186, 4, 250, 94, 84, 195, 116, 202, 151, 64, 141, 137, 115, 52, 164, 203, 193, 180, 215, 74, 48, 70, 114, 211, 207, 222, 54, 144, 198, 62, 158, 219, 0, 0, 148, 131, 237, 187, 236, 194, 3, 59, 98, 154, 172, 45, 62, 204, 138, 42, 214, 80, 178, 176, 128, 205, 245, 217, 205, 126, 86, 55, 174, 219, 200, 37, 162, 95, 207, 168, 67, 205, 86, 80, 220, 22, 197, 159, 161, 208, 200, 27, 166, 193, 135, 14, 155, 212, 114, 75, 88, 31, 18, 151, 4, 208, 39, 24, 63, 194, 251, 7, 174, 213, 80, 78, 229, 67, 111, 95, 166, 205, 231, 72, 216, 82, 125, 87, 213, 204, 60, 117, 114, 40, 158, 87, 50, 208, 204, 156, 52, 45, 25, 77, 42, 210, 1, 38, 61, 164, 180, 53, 144, 207, 25, 33, 84, 89, 156, 193, 143, 208, 155, 151, 42, 48, 128, 69, 243, 210, 162, 194, 47, 101, 198, 62, 75, 213, 96, 33, 20, 171, 147, 47, 73, 209, 93, 28, 32, 103, 219, 185, 54, 204, 234, 70, 208, 26, 0, 176, 142, 208, 176, 189, 7, 97, 86, 55, 194, 213, 230, 231, 171, 130, 231, 47, 201, 223, 32, 66, 246, 35, 119, 167, 118, 207, 240, 5, 230, 145, 157, 16, 215, 216, 91, 2, 46, 141, 178, 9, 125, 216, 106, 34, 188, 216, 119, 0, 124, 210, 234, 18, 252, 124, 88, 248, 177, 209, 11, 88, 63, 56, 221, 96, 221, 206, 253, 242, 189, 156, 98, 107, 47, 217, 154, 82, 211, 69, 178, 88, 67, 205, 100, 127, 235, 33, 56, 89, 152, 208, 41, 238, 193, 154, 243, 99, 226, 216, 152, 166, 36, 52, 107, 77, 69, 210, 119, 46, 249, 158, 191, 52, 149, 205, 164, 23, 45, 87, 48, 194, 202, 209, 111, 161, 124, 54, 228, 69, 243, 210, 14, 204, 42, 114, 198, 62, 187, 214, 136, 41, 199, 169, 129, 46, 234, 206, 233, 18, 248, 107, 150, 186, 116, 199, 114, 61, 216, 40, 234, 175, 24, 207, 35, 199, 253, 106, 86, 55, 223, 214, 79, 241, 130, 143, 231, 47, 58, 227, 172, 56, 175, 52, 146, 167, 54, 206, 126, 13, 217, 163, 243, 15, 45, 216, 13, 10, 71, 160, 46, 9, 41, 216, 203, 41, 126, 220, 42, 0, 39, 208, 158, 98, 38, 34, 229, 113, 17, 208, 80, 93, 128, 44, 87, 105, 83, 207, 74, 138, 98, 17, 77, 105, 35, 208, 212, 132, 144, 25, 91, 97, 147, 208, 70, 177, 217, 40, 113, 92, 93, 208, 47, 14, 127, 99, 78, 210, 61, 216, 207, 56, 64, 131, 184, 65, 22, 204, 240, 171, 114, 46, 246, 84, 94, 209, 17, 214, 110, 123, 164, 77, 45, 214, 117, 9, 79, 93, 200, 202, 210, 215, 128, 51, 132, 146, 24, 59, 160, 204, 4, 52, 45, 54, 189, 192, 156, 206, 23, 209, 5, 117, 53, 70, 110, 214, 220, 250, 168, 213, 198, 62, 29, 229, 70, 47, 244, 66, 160, 184, 253, 205, 25, 246, 205, 174, 86, 55, 153, 229, 225, 20, 34, 172, 251, 28, 77, 214, 40, 17, 69, 169, 138, 22, 122, 215, 241, 50, 193, 202, 66, 13, 242, 205, 30, 46, 141, 213, 172, 6, 41, 207, 53, 70, 194, 52, 9, 126, 100, 206, 42, 65, 25, 66, 189, 117, 3, 206, 140, 108, 110, 26, 185, 115, 122, 208, 53, 103, 186, 35, 48, 107, 248, 207, 125, 148, 49, 13, 51, 106, 12, 208, 252, 142, 168, 21, 105, 98, 104, 208, 236, 186, 3, 51, 129, 92, 120, 208, 186, 4, 39, 109, 168, 210, 219, 214, 39, 66, 205, 117, 229, 65, 205, 203, 158, 181, 60, 56, 15, 85, 114, 209, 87, 223, 139, 145, 164, 77, 111, 216, 0, 0, 210, 110, 52, 203, 137, 212, 154, 60, 196, 134, 235, 58, 204, 203, 142, 42, 102, 75, 27, 193, 1, 206, 108, 218, 154, 134, 53, 70, 161, 216, 210, 37, 72, 89, 45, 185, 47, 206, 125, 255, 161, 200, 86, 55, 162, 231, 80, 28, 202, 182, 3, 28, 3, 212, 155, 75, 28, 24, 197, 167, 59, 208, 105, 24, 21, 183, 172, 21, 127, 213, 185, 54, 240, 205, 156, 6, 83, 206, 38, 79, 68, 53, 215, 110, 145, 206, 234, 73, 133, 66, 139, 102, 178, 205, 244, 117, 150, 29, 105, 102, 93, 208, 134, 112, 183, 38, 32, 94, 49, 208, 150, 157, 164, 29, 237, 91, 174, 208, 27, 39, 54, 152, 83, 67, 255, 206, 25, 33, 110, 86, 142, 209, 178, 210, 62, 152, 99, 35, 76, 84, 114, 209, 90, 195, 40, 88, 164, 77, 67, 211, 84, 34, 25, 161, 36, 61, 129, 207, 95, 28, 243, 90, 207, 201, 39, 212, 241, 70, 143, 22, 159, 192, 244, 208, 69, 190, 178, 87, 53, 70, 229, 211, 41, 232, 43, 163, 198, 62, 179, 222, 48, 66, 83, 30, 51, 184, 44, 208, 87, 227, 32, 139, 86, 55, 229, 222, 139, 5, 15, 143, 228, 30, 3, 217, 202, 1, 214, 135, 31, 24, 108, 217, 5, 35, 200, 202, 235, 13, 46, 210, 26, 31, 78, 206, 107, 7, 135, 211, 210, 88, 230, 42, 53, 112, 102, 207, 140, 83, 164, 54, 187, 103, 135, 206, 25, 128, 245, 22, 10, 104, 109, 208, 170, 122, 81, 31, 232, 95, 112, 208, 125, 167, 195, 33, 70, 92, 121, 208, 210, 47, 229, 142, 60, 66, 7, 205, 164, 23, 219, 92, 237, 209, 122, 213, 37, 162, 117, 39, 187, 84, 103, 209, 190, 204, 129, 104, 164, 77, 108, 212, 201, 42, 90, 155, 228, 59, 57, 206, 234, 18, 20, 89, 77, 202, 66, 216, 121, 61, 18, 36, 144, 192, 206, 207, 182, 199, 165, 101, 53, 70, 214, 212, 129, 241, 1, 186, 198, 62, 238, 225, 187, 56, 152, 46, 71, 184, 218, 206, 184, 236, 182, 154, 86, 55, 71, 226, 92, 13, 137, 158, 249, 29, 3, 216, 178, 9, 30, 153, 98, 23, 204, 216, 168, 42, 69, 206, 121, 13, 218, 207, 85, 38, 54, 213, 246, 6, 58, 209, 195, 60, 3, 68, 223, 125, 146, 205, 107, 50, 191, 209, 164, 6, 70, 206, 58, 42, 98, 213, 209, 6, 35, 208, 183, 34, 194, 209, 49, 7, 102, 210, 161, 27, 71, 200, 179, 7, 182, 212, 177, 20, 87, 186, 73, 8, 170, 214, 163, 13, 91, 169, 226, 8, 238, 215, 52, 6, 187, 150, 112, 9, 96, 216, 153, 51, 161, 194, 194, 19, 142, 205, 57, 43, 166, 198, 2, 20, 119, 207, 115, 35, 28, 196, 139, 20, 214, 209, 12, 28, 56, 188, 69, 21, 91, 212, 200, 20, 45, 176, 27, 22, 158, 214, 109, 13, 49, 161, 246, 22, 80, 216, 190, 5, 122, 144, 193, 23, 63, 217, 0, 53, 152, 177, 186, 32, 229, 204, 112, 44, 21, 183, 16, 33, 167, 206, 99, 36, 7, 183, 197, 33, 248, 208, 168, 28, 68, 178, 188, 34, 154, 211, 203, 250, 183, 187, 86, 55, 46, 231, 104, 241, 193, 164, 86, 55, 236, 227, 7, 232, 235, 146, 86, 55, 138, 224, 166, 222, 246, 132, 86, 55, 50, 221, 66, 213, 167, 121, 86, 55, 44, 218, 217, 203, 191, 111, 86, 55, 190, 215, 106, 194, 2, 102, 86, 55, 32, 214, 133, 54, 92, 159, 192, 45, 99, 204, 199, 45, 14, 167, 42, 46, 228, 205, 116, 37, 109, 170, 10, 47, 4, 208, 99, 29, 213, 169, 60, 48, 151, 210, 249, 250, 87, 225, 53, 70, 11, 227, 171, 241, 223, 193, 53, 70, 226, 223, 96, 232, 78, 167, 53, 70, 195, 220, 19, 223, 225, 144, 53, 70, 227, 217, 194, 213, 208, 125, 53, 70, 110, 215, 102, 204, 85, 109, 53, 70, 134, 213, 254, 194, 171, 94, 53, 70, 72, 212, 131, 185, 69, 81, 51, 70, 167, 211, 243, 175, 53, 69, 37, 70, 80, 211, 74, 166, 7, 59, 255, 69, 22, 211, 133, 156, 83, 51, 178, 69, 211, 210, 95, 65, 173, 127, 44, 59, 164, 203, 13, 56, 164, 140, 2, 59, 26, 204, 36, 47, 239, 150, 126, 59, 75, 205, 142, 38, 58, 158, 132, 60, 53, 207, 66, 251, 180, 234, 20, 85, 239, 222, 18, 242, 179, 196, 20, 85, 17, 220, 233, 232, 12, 164, 20, 85, 72, 217, 189, 223, 53, 136, 20, 85, 197, 214, 136, 214, 167, 112, 20, 85, 179, 212, 66, 205, 218, 92, 20, 85, 28, 211, 227, 195, 69, 76, 20, 85, 18, 210, 101, 186, 122, 62, 17, 85, 146, 209, 199, 176, 87, 51, 3, 85, 100, 209, 11, 167, 244, 42, 216, 84, 98, 209, 49, 157, 108, 37, 131, 84, 112, 209, 61, 147, 220, 34, 244, 83, 113, 209, 49, 137, 97, 35, 26, 83, 64, 209, 220, 66, 65, 108, 225, 72, 247, 203, 128, 57, 41, 122, 178, 72, 19, 204, 112, 48, 23, 135, 59, 73, 210, 204, 167, 242, 51, 174, 243, 99, 5, 217, 43, 197, 113, 47, 243, 99, 148, 207, 169, 187, 162, 35, 240, 99, 68, 207, 246, 177, 97, 27, 225, 99, 67, 207, 26, 168, 91, 22, 181, 99, 127, 207, 30, 158, 67, 20, 92, 99, 221, 207, 10, 148, 200, 20, 198, 98, 63, 208, 232, 137, 156, 23, 226, 97, 131, 208, 191, 127, 112, 28, 161, 96, 139, 208, 152, 117, 4, 35, 4, 95, 60, 208, 193, 77, 85, 76, 23, 88, 44, 205, 39, 68, 241, 89, 50, 87, 145, 204, 194, 58, 161, 104, 2, 87, 77, 204, 146, 49, 227, 119, 145, 87, 167, 204, 186, 138, 172, 10, 200, 112, 185, 207, 118, 128, 88, 17, 140, 111, 67, 208, 73, 118, 94, 24, 245, 109, 114, 208, 55, 108, 214, 31, 35, 108, 55, 208, 67, 98, 29, 40, 68, 106, 176, 207, 110, 88, 146, 49, 137, 104, 244, 206, 187, 78, 149, 60, 35, 103, 32, 206, 43, 69, 131, 73, 65, 102, 82, 205, 192, 59, 170, 88, 17, 102, 178, 204, 208, 108, 168, 21, 121, 123, 180, 208, 225, 98, 12, 29, 188, 121, 109, 208, 25, 89, 68, 37, 33, 120, 213, 207, 113, 79, 24, 47, 211, 118, 1, 207, 232, 69, 77, 59, 2, 118, 11, 206, 143, 89, 8, 27, 37, 136, 158, 208, 237, 79, 220, 35, 255, 134, 208, 207, 103, 70, 84, 47, 71, 134, 191, 206, 243, 60, 114, 62, 31, 134, 145, 205, 58, 80, 212, 26, 122, 151, 148, 208, 180, 70, 148, 37, 224, 150, 118, 207, 62, 61, 87, 52, 191, 150, 33, 206, 207, 51, 44, 71, 32, 151, 47, 205, 221, 70, 9, 30, 158, 167, 48, 208, 102, 61, 83, 44, 132, 167, 193, 206, 243, 51, 254, 62, 207, 167, 175, 205, 129, 42, 119, 84, 110, 168, 62, 205, 237, 70, 176, 24, 79, 184, 235, 208, 117, 61, 117, 38, 61, 184, 111, 207, 1, 52, 198, 56, 115, 184, 71, 206, 140, 42, 30, 78, 231, 184, 192, 205, 24, 33, 52, 96, 132, 185, 169, 205, 163, 23, 140, 105, 56, 186, 99, 202, 47, 14, 10, 112, 242, 186, 231, 196, 186, 4, 216, 123, 157, 187, 150, 194, 121, 61, 205, 34, 185, 200, 43, 208, 4, 52, 176, 52, 222, 200, 241, 206, 143, 42, 190, 73, 43, 201, 66, 206, 25, 33, 225, 87, 149, 201, 107, 210, 164, 23, 4, 90, 14, 202, 14, 215, 47, 14, 50, 91, 139, 202, 16, 217, 186, 4, 16, 102, 254, 202, 50, 213, 4, 52, 180, 50, 239, 216, 152, 207, 143, 42, 104, 71, 31, 217, 209, 206, 25, 33, 204, 86, 97, 217, 180, 210, 164, 23, 220, 96, 173, 217, 80, 212, 47, 14, 146, 107, 250, 217, 107, 215, 186, 4, 77, 118, 66, 218, 11, 216, 25, 33, 203, 89, 233, 232, 250, 209, 164, 23, 137, 107, 20, 233, 14, 212, 47, 14, 244, 122, 64, 233, 125, 214, 186, 4, 139, 134, 105, 233, 178, 214, 47, 14, 159, 132, 99, 248, 110, 210, 186, 4, 114, 147, 119, 248, 247, 212, 118, 205, 234, 41, 203, 205, 40, 41, 133, 206, 5, 40, 109, 206, 139, 42, 234, 206, 65, 42, 58, 206, 226, 41, 157, 204, 37, 41, 251, 205, 14, 40, 162, 206, 36, 43, 125, 206, 33, 43, 27, 206, 154, 42, 82, 207, 161, 41, 219, 207, 63, 40, 244, 205, 192, 38, 81, 206, 243, 38, 245, 205, 90, 42, 183, 206, 150, 43, 58, 209, 240, 43, 254, 210, 54, 42, 113, 208, 219, 39, 252, 205, 126, 38, 228, 206, 233, 38, 243, 207, 92, 39, 38, 209, 132, 35, 35, 212, 208, 37, 88, 216, 155, 40, 188, 214, 170, 40, 171, 208, 255, 38, 34, 206, 0, 38, 68, 207, 174, 38, 173, 208, 110, 39, 249, 209, 11, 40, 28, 218, 192, 31, 10, 219, 65, 30, 188, 216, 114, 31, 60, 211, 57, 35, 153, 206, 79, 37, 74, 206, 147, 37, 107, 207, 68, 38, 28, 209, 68, 39, 254, 209, 212, 39, 9, 206, 53, 37, 147, 206, 102, 37, 152, 207, 234, 37, 68, 209, 225, 38, 172, 210, 170, 39, 154, 211, 35, 40, 245, 206, 94, 37, 5, 208, 200, 37, 117, 209, 129, 38, 0, 211, 113, 39, 240, 211, 5, 40, 126, 212, 77, 40, 172, 208, 215, 37, 235, 209, 81, 38, 43, 211, 254, 38, 38, 212, 180, 39, 170, 212, 27, 40, 0, 213, 83, 40, 4, 213, 102, 40, 120, 209, 70, 37, 109, 210, 215, 37, 97, 211, 130, 38, 68, 212, 48, 39, 198, 212, 188, 39, 2, 213, 29, 40, 31, 213, 66, 40, 70, 213, 41, 40, 135, 213, 224, 39, 231, 213, 139, 39, 48, 209, 57, 37, 195, 209, 42, 37, 156, 210, 111, 37, 169, 211, 0, 38, 40, 212, 155, 38, 157, 212, 96, 39, 230, 212, 214, 39, 59, 213, 34, 40, 126, 213, 64, 40, 9, 214, 56, 40, 228, 214, 19, 40, 113, 216, 244, 39, 0, 218, 154, 39, 195, 219, 65, 39, 174, 221, 8, 39, 180, 223, 12, 39, 196, 224, 5, 39, 131, 232, 169, 42, 80, 232, 253, 42, 34, 210, 145, 37, 147, 210, 65, 37, 71, 211, 52, 37, 192, 211, 135, 37, 247, 211, 0, 38, 80, 213, 14, 40, 137, 213, 61, 40, 150, 214, 163, 40, 167, 215, 191, 40, 24, 217, 181, 40, 175, 218, 145, 40, 89, 220, 103, 40, 6, 222, 83, 40, 166, 223, 113, 40, 164, 224, 37, 41, 90, 225, 221, 42, 69, 226, 242, 43, 18, 227, 72, 45, 46, 229, 68, 45, 109, 229, 199, 46, 109, 228, 199, 49, 82, 212, 141, 39, 231, 211, 115, 38, 212, 211, 137, 37, 241, 211, 28, 37, 244, 211, 22, 37, 55, 215, 21, 41, 251, 215, 42, 41, 194, 217, 182, 41, 6, 219, 235, 41, 97, 220, 13, 42, 135, 221, 67, 42, 100, 222, 164, 42, 252, 222, 73, 43, 113, 223, 66, 44, 217, 223, 141, 45, 61, 224, 28, 47, 170, 224, 224, 48, 32, 225, 187, 50, 75, 225, 221, 51, 86, 215, 91, 42, 133, 214, 198, 40, 195, 213, 57, 39, 24, 213, 240, 37, 150, 212, 65, 37, 25, 212, 248, 36, 109, 218, 140, 42, 31, 219, 147, 42, 60, 220, 206, 42, 251, 220, 22, 43, 116, 220, 75, 44, 179, 219, 123, 45, 48, 219, 232, 46, 217, 218, 192, 48, 194, 218, 220, 50, 245, 218, 12, 53, 107, 219, 30, 55, 200, 219, 46, 56, 33, 217, 9, 43, 202, 216, 205, 41, 149, 215, 248, 39, 44, 214, 108, 38, 116, 213, 180, 37, 238, 217, 87, 45, 27, 217, 51, 46, 246, 215, 214, 47, 59, 215, 3, 50, 255, 214, 118, 52, 65, 215, 233, 54, 234, 215, 24, 57, 53, 216, 112, 58, 107, 221, 151, 47, 160, 221, 16, 47, 147, 221, 251, 45, 42, 220, 49, 44, 225, 218, 137, 42, 23, 217, 169, 40, 228, 214, 243, 38, 183, 213, 34, 38, 150, 222, 74, 47, 235, 222, 212, 46, 242, 222, 252, 45, 34, 222, 170, 44, 118, 220, 1, 43, 6, 218, 52, 41, 14, 215, 118, 39, 115, 213, 158, 38, 188, 223, 213, 46, 10, 224, 136, 46, 3, 224, 222, 45, 10, 223, 182, 44, 22, 221, 41, 43, 79, 218, 107, 41, 252, 214, 177, 39, 255, 212, 210, 38, 252, 212, 59, 40, 187, 212, 251, 39, 196, 213, 166, 39, 185, 213, 254, 39, 162, 220, 22, 39, 103, 206, 8, 43, 219, 210, 39, 37, 27, 220, 122, 39, 207, 225, 94, 43, 106, 206, 134, 43, 51, 211, 96, 37, 92, 206, 178, 38, 46, 225, 201, 42, 91, 225, 173, 51, 14, 206, 64, 38, 68, 222, 21, 53, 169, 213, 51, 38, 16, 215, 45, 39, 245, 206, 94, 37, 7, 213, 100, 40, 242, 212, 75, 40, 34, 214, 168, 39, 153, 222, 245, 38, 165, 206, 43, 43, 161, 211, 85, 37, 253, 221, 59, 39, 173, 226, 149, 44, 48, 206, 53, 43, 162, 211, 32, 37, 155, 205, 76, 38, 1, 226, 210, 43, 197, 208, 179, 39, 94, 222, 132, 54, 84, 217, 195, 42, 236, 209, 5, 40, 83, 218, 110, 43, 168, 213, 97, 38, 197, 211, 102, 39, 64, 211, 193, 38, 67, 213, 58, 40, 46, 213, 45, 40, 35, 217, 194, 39, 156, 208, 84, 41, 188, 216, 35, 40, 108, 224, 158, 40, 63, 209, 219, 41, 42, 223, 142, 41, 106, 224, 249, 47, 25, 212, 249, 36, 231, 207, 85, 39, 167, 221, 15, 49, 18, 218, 153, 41, 190, 219, 205, 42, 85, 210, 5, 39, 143, 209, 82, 38, 132, 212, 2, 40, 51, 212, 116, 39, 94, 213, 12, 40, 90, 213, 53, 40, 204, 218, 100, 39, 60, 210, 110, 37, 11, 206, 238, 41, 86, 218, 208, 39, 210, 224, 108, 42, 214, 210, 195, 37, 133, 207, 9, 43, 248, 207, 89, 39, 65, 224, 12, 42, 215, 224, 198, 49, 46, 207, 229, 38, 226, 221, 15, 51, 9, 216, 198, 39, 164, 217, 237, 40, 137, 208, 255, 37, 173, 208, 217, 37, 108, 212, 69, 40, 68, 207, 18, 42, 246, 209, 52, 37, 196, 206, 198, 42, 0, 210, 45, 37, 87, 206, 242, 38, 164, 228, 118, 49, 233, 205, 180, 38, 72, 215, 8, 41, 228, 227, 71, 48, 179, 220, 245, 42, 91, 218, 83, 30, 99, 213, 202, 37, 126, 215, 221, 48, 154, 214, 167, 38, 213, 206, 127, 37, 244, 206, 94, 37, 135, 212, 70, 40, 208, 223, 111, 45, 147, 206, 113, 42, 47, 211, 183, 37, 182, 206, 217, 42, 239, 210, 77, 37, 146, 205, 147, 38, 249, 207, 248, 39, 207, 216, 78, 41, 244, 227, 132, 49, 132, 215, 18, 42, 56, 221, 78, 43, 229, 215, 162, 42, 159, 218, 45, 31, 6, 215, 58, 51, 167, 213, 230, 37, 9, 206, 54, 37, 163, 211, 221, 39, 82, 222, 11, 44, 17, 211, 56, 39, 254, 212, 100, 40, 133, 205, 122, 40, 171, 224, 39, 39, 92, 205, 122, 41, 11, 212, 244, 37, 241, 223, 52, 39, 110, 227, 10, 46, 218, 211, 42, 37, 187, 226, 29, 45, 129, 218, 121, 42, 55, 216, 219, 40, 163, 208, 157, 36, 184, 217, 157, 45, 223, 217, 48, 42, 45, 210, 108, 39, 88, 209, 176, 38, 207, 223, 181, 46, 20, 212, 240, 39, 76, 209, 27, 37, 249, 203, 151, 41, 120, 209, 94, 37, 89, 205, 126, 42, 0, 225, 35, 39, 240, 229, 36, 45, 67, 206, 230, 38, 82, 227, 148, 46, 196, 219, 183, 42, 228, 214, 37, 39, 113, 214, 98, 33, 109, 216, 233, 46, 100, 216, 77, 40, 83, 208, 87, 38, 178, 207, 195, 37, 67, 224, 85, 46, 30, 206, 95, 40, 129, 209, 62, 37, 106, 206, 112, 41, 141, 209, 80, 37, 213, 212, 166, 39, 255, 214, 179, 40, 8, 232, 199, 42, 25, 215, 5, 41, 255, 220, 38, 42, 17, 215, 146, 39, 187, 212, 118, 37, 40, 220, 195, 42, 242, 218, 194, 47, 11, 219, 67, 30, 175, 213, 38, 38, 166, 206, 209, 37, 167, 216, 24, 48, 109, 216, 14, 58, 101, 206, 109, 37, 191, 222, 110, 45, 137, 211, 27, 40, 205, 223, 192, 45, 9, 213, 202, 38, 167, 205, 191, 41, 205, 210, 39, 38, 221, 205, 24, 42, 76, 210, 150, 37, 15, 213, 9, 40, 254, 206, 124, 40, 88, 216, 191, 40, 221, 215, 24, 41, 2, 222, 111, 42, 11, 209, 164, 35, 25, 212, 248, 36, 252, 220, 22, 43, 185, 218, 194, 49, 220, 216, 22, 31, 48, 213, 130, 37, 235, 205, 84, 37, 253, 215, 63, 50, 7, 206, 47, 37, 161, 211, 28, 40, 123, 221, 231, 43, 234, 210, 166, 39, 220, 222, 156, 44, 17, 212, 81, 38, 206, 211, 189, 37, 72, 213, 19, 40, 78, 218, 220, 41, 24, 214, 2, 40, 216, 211, 249, 39, 71, 218, 118, 42, 242, 219, 243, 44, 165, 215, 95, 41, 132, 213, 173, 36, 6, 210, 207, 39, 101, 218, 134, 45, 19, 215, 188, 53, 46, 209, 17, 39, 185, 222, 26, 47, 133, 223, 179, 46, 214, 219, 83, 42, 92, 207, 103, 40, 123, 212, 36, 39, 108, 232, 207, 42, 25, 212, 15, 38, 242, 213, 101, 40, 79, 232, 135, 42, 188, 219, 254, 41, 101, 213, 131, 38, 132, 217, 148, 41, 0, 219, 129, 42, 98, 219, 27, 46, 178, 214, 149, 39, 209, 218, 176, 32, 42, 208, 183, 38, 168, 217, 110, 46, 152, 215, 27, 56, 128, 207, 21, 38, 34, 223, 135, 46, 208, 223, 105, 46, 157, 216, 128, 40, 242, 212, 247, 39, 197, 212, 119, 39, 107, 214, 29, 40, 75, 214, 105, 40, 46, 221, 89, 40, 50, 208, 42, 44, 214, 211, 62, 37, 116, 220, 63, 41, 158, 223, 219, 44, 141, 206, 84, 43, 124, 212, 182, 37, 128, 206, 61, 38, 132, 221, 159, 45, 184, 219, 12, 56, 55, 206, 196, 37, 149, 216, 60, 57, 88, 221, 72, 45, 238, 221, 38, 46, 109, 213, 164, 38, 225, 214, 165, 39, 135, 210, 153, 38, 169, 210, 92, 38, 22, 213, 61, 40, 5, 213, 231, 39, 182, 215, 22, 40, 93, 215, 92, 40, 214, 222, 91, 40, 195, 205, 159, 42, 249, 211, 18, 37, 227, 221, 79, 41, 2, 224, 75, 46, 215, 204, 192, 40, 62, 212, 25, 37, 191, 205, 196, 37, 138, 221, 51, 47, 193, 207, 237, 37, 229, 216, 151, 58, 164, 219, 129, 43, 18, 210, 163, 39, 50, 221, 155, 44, 19, 213, 220, 38, 233, 211, 226, 38, 126, 211, 66, 38, 85, 213, 48, 40, 91, 213, 20, 40, 223, 217, 166, 40, 152, 212, 105, 39, 15, 211, 128, 41, 95, 217, 62, 41, 178, 222, 236, 42, 216, 212, 211, 39, 231, 212, 186, 42, 254, 209, 6, 40, 108, 221, 156, 43, 200, 218, 237, 51, 7, 209, 117, 39, 193, 215, 166, 52, 129, 221, 113, 47, 170, 221, 185, 47, 96, 219, 33, 42, 241, 220, 21, 43, 152, 212, 128, 39, 76, 212, 231, 38, 183, 213, 66, 40, 147, 213, 66, 40, 129, 219, 123, 40, 178, 211, 228, 37, 126, 210, 76, 43, 237, 218, 67, 41, 49, 223, 184, 43, 196, 212, 224, 38, 73, 211, 37, 45, 3, 208, 31, 39, 134, 221, 107, 44, 32, 219, 21, 54, 88, 207, 119, 38, 249, 215, 16, 55, 192, 221, 159, 46, 239, 221, 53, 47, 152, 216, 81, 40, 48, 218, 92, 41, 171, 208, 214, 37, 26, 213, 212, 38, 153, 216, 126, 40, 185, 219, 67, 42, 32, 222, 240, 43, 147, 223, 78, 45, 7, 224, 53, 46, 156, 223, 155, 46, 163, 213, 101, 38, 107, 216, 9, 40, 209, 218, 227, 41, 164, 220, 197, 43, 194, 221, 123, 45, 29, 222, 204, 46, 199, 221, 147, 47, 154, 213, 245, 37, 138, 215, 114, 39, 51, 217, 62, 41, 132, 218, 45, 43, 244, 216, 36, 58, 57, 216, 53, 56, 203, 215, 227, 53, 201, 215, 113, 51, 59, 216, 31, 49, 19, 217, 44, 47, 50, 218, 211, 45, 31, 213, 151, 37, 47, 214, 207, 38, 44, 215, 114, 40, 24, 216, 88, 42, 134, 222, 22, 54, 12, 222, 22, 52, 188, 221, 13, 50, 144, 221, 26, 48, 127, 221, 93, 46, 126, 221, 245, 44, 124, 221, 246, 43, 71, 221, 84, 43, 164, 220, 236, 42, 163, 219, 165, 42, 90, 218, 99, 42, 25, 212, 248, 36, 83, 212, 83, 37, 132, 212, 51, 38, 12, 213, 157, 39, 48, 228, 59, 49, 156, 227, 106, 47, 7, 227, 209, 45, 94, 226, 111, 44, 151, 225, 68, 43, 182, 224, 95, 42, 183, 223, 195, 41, 141, 222, 103, 41, 48, 221, 67, 41, 179, 219, 64, 41, 38, 218, 67, 41, 154, 216, 47, 41, 41, 215, 245, 40, 217, 211, 43, 37, 93, 211, 43, 37, 247, 210, 161, 37, 44, 232, 168, 42, 234, 224, 76, 39, 241, 222, 44, 39, 5, 221, 83, 39, 48, 219, 161, 39, 127, 217, 249, 39, 255, 215, 65, 40, 196, 214, 102, 40, 225, 213, 91, 40, 84, 213, 26, 40, 37, 212, 4, 38, 107, 211, 129, 37, 101, 210, 40, 37, 143, 209, 63, 37, 4, 214, 203, 39, 126, 213, 32, 40, 70, 213, 60, 40, 32, 213, 19, 40, 241, 212, 184, 39, 154, 212, 54, 39, 251, 211, 155, 38, 248, 210, 239, 37, 148, 209, 72, 37, 1, 213, 97, 40, 233, 212, 48, 40, 142, 212, 196, 39, 212, 211, 39, 39, 165, 210, 97, 38, 117, 212, 60, 40, 179, 211, 164, 39, 107, 210, 208, 38, 172, 208, 216, 37, 145, 211, 19, 40, 63, 210, 58, 39, 108, 208, 42, 38, 244, 206, 94, 37, 25, 210, 157, 39, 62, 208, 133, 38, 188, 206, 163, 37, 10, 206, 53, 37, 241, 209, 0, 40, 24, 208, 233, 38, 148, 206, 2, 38, 212, 205, 125, 37, 70, 210, 140, 37, 90, 217, 80, 35, 185, 219, 69, 31, 75, 217, 75, 30, 237, 207, 83, 39, 109, 206, 121, 38, 174, 205, 13, 38, 182, 211, 101, 41, 109, 213, 148, 44, 78, 209, 205, 44, 134, 204, 99, 41, 75, 206, 234, 38, 136, 205, 138, 38, 29, 210, 131, 41, 31, 208, 88, 42, 9, 207, 122, 43, 39, 206, 86, 43, 136, 206, 236, 40, 113, 204, 202, 41, 138, 206, 224, 42, 208, 206, 212, 42, 245, 206, 195, 40, 19, 206, 239, 41) +}] +blend_shape_mode = 0 +shadow_mesh = SubResource("ArrayMesh_y2cmt") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_lr2e1"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("37_yivmo") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_qp1gu"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("35_wxq4v") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = ExtResource("38_dpyjp") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_iqnya"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("37_yivmo") + +[sub_resource type="SphereMesh" id="SphereMesh_xbco7"] +material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_iqnya") + +[sub_resource type="PlaneMesh" id="PlaneMesh_yw3tm"] + +[sub_resource type="ViewportTexture" id="ViewportTexture_bglsu"] +viewport_path = NodePath("Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_l4mnl"] +resource_local_to_scene = true +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("41_tqpe5") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = SubResource("ViewportTexture_bglsu") + +[sub_resource type="Animation" 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true +tracks/8/path = NodePath("Node3D/Blujai:position") +tracks/8/interp = 1 +tracks/8/loop_wrap = true +tracks/8/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(64.8242, 0, -26.9227)] +} +tracks/9/type = "value" +tracks/9/imported = false +tracks/9/enabled = true +tracks/9/path = NodePath("Node3D/Blujai:rotation") +tracks/9/interp = 1 +tracks/9/loop_wrap = true +tracks/9/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(0, 0, 0)] +} +tracks/10/type = "value" +tracks/10/imported = false +tracks/10/enabled = true +tracks/10/path = NodePath("Node3D/Gibbo:position") +tracks/10/interp = 1 +tracks/10/loop_wrap = true +tracks/10/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(84.0022, 0, -27.1659)] +} +tracks/11/type = "value" +tracks/11/imported = false +tracks/11/enabled = true +tracks/11/path = NodePath("Node3D/Gibbo:rotation") +tracks/11/interp = 1 +tracks/11/loop_wrap = true +tracks/11/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(0, 0, 0)] +} +tracks/12/type = "value" +tracks/12/imported = false +tracks/12/enabled = true +tracks/12/path = NodePath("Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron:position") +tracks/12/interp = 1 +tracks/12/loop_wrap = true +tracks/12/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(84.0094, 1.0925, -92.9126)] +} +tracks/13/type = "value" +tracks/13/imported = false +tracks/13/enabled = true +tracks/13/path = NodePath("Info:visible") +tracks/13/interp = 1 +tracks/13/loop_wrap = true +tracks/13/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [false] +} +tracks/14/type = "value" +tracks/14/imported = false +tracks/14/enabled = true +tracks/14/path = NodePath("Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment/Ground:visible") +tracks/14/interp = 1 +tracks/14/loop_wrap = true +tracks/14/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true] +} +tracks/15/type = "value" +tracks/15/imported = false +tracks/15/enabled = true +tracks/15/path = NodePath("Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment/Road:visible") +tracks/15/interp = 1 +tracks/15/loop_wrap = true +tracks/15/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true] +} +tracks/16/type = "value" +tracks/16/imported = false +tracks/16/enabled = true +tracks/16/path = NodePath("Node3D/BCity:visible") +tracks/16/interp = 1 +tracks/16/loop_wrap = true +tracks/16/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [false] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_tbxqw"] +resource_name = "title_screen_events" +length = 240.0 +step = 0.1111 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= { +"clips": PackedStringArray("wave"), +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0) +} +tracks/7/type = "value" +tracks/7/imported = false +tracks/7/enabled = true +tracks/7/path = NodePath("Node3D/Stick/AnimationPlayer:speed_scale") +tracks/7/interp = 1 +tracks/7/loop_wrap = true +tracks/7/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [1.0] +} +tracks/8/type = "value" +tracks/8/imported = false +tracks/8/enabled = true +tracks/8/path = NodePath("Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Stick:position") +tracks/8/interp = 1 +tracks/8/loop_wrap = true +tracks/8/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector2(1920, 0)] +} +tracks/9/type = "animation" +tracks/9/imported = false +tracks/9/enabled = true +tracks/9/path = NodePath("Node3D/Lorna/AnimationPlayer") +tracks/9/interp = 1 +tracks/9/loop_wrap = true +tracks/9/keys = { +"clips": PackedStringArray("binky"), 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0, 5.35059e-07, 1.7776, 1, 11.6009, 0, -5.07092e-07, 3.5552, 1, -12.4059, 0, 5.42278e-07, 4.7773, 1, 14.3853, 0, 3.78155e-06, 5.3328, 1, 17.34, 0, 2.948, 5.6661, 1, 23.4853, 4.76837e-07, 4.58767, 5.9994, 1, 32.2058, 4.76837e-07, 4.58767, 6.3327, 1, 36.7154, 4.76837e-07, -5.98263, 6.666, 1, 37.0059, 4.76837e-07, -13.4521, 6.8882, 1, 38.1937, 0, -18.5948, 7.1104, 1, 39.1661, 3.47395, -21.7002, 7.2215, 1, 40.796, 0, -26.905, 8.4436, 1, 40.796, 0, -26.905, 8.7769, 1, 40.796, 2.59882, -21.6432, 14.1097, 1, 40.796, 0, -26.905, 14.2208, 1, 83.7735, 9.53674e-07, -88.2311, 20.2202, 1, 83.7735, 9.53674e-07, -88.2311) +tracks/1/type = "position_3d" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("Node3D/Blujai831Presents") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = PackedFloat32Array(0, 1, -22.401, -3, 0, 1.7776, 1, 0, -3, 0, 1.8887, 1, 0, -3, 0, 3.5552, 1, 0, 18.3029, -2.10223) +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false 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true +tracks/8/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 4.6662, 5.1106, 5.3328, 5.6661, 5.9994, 6.3327, 6.666, 6.8882, 7.1104, 7.2215, 14.1097, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, -0.635108, 0), Vector3(0, -0.635108, 0), Vector3(0, -0.0305957, 0), Vector3(0, 0.720908, 0), Vector3(0, 1.74243, 0), Vector3(0, 2.93683, 0), Vector3(0, 2.93683, 0), Vector3(0.84823, 2.93739, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(-0.0620115, 0, 0), Vector3(-0.0620115, 0, 0)] +} +tracks/9/type = "position_3d" +tracks/9/imported = false +tracks/9/enabled = true +tracks/9/path = NodePath("Node3D/Blender") +tracks/9/interp = 1 +tracks/9/loop_wrap = true +tracks/9/keys = PackedFloat32Array(0, 1, 17, 9.404, 0, 4.7773, 1, 17, 9.404, 0, 5.3328, 1, 17, 0, 0) +tracks/10/type = "position_3d" +tracks/10/imported = false +tracks/10/enabled = true +tracks/10/path = NodePath("Node3D/LMMS") +tracks/10/interp = 1 +tracks/10/loop_wrap = true +tracks/10/keys = PackedFloat32Array(0, 1, 20.7195, 10.3136, 3.40166, 5.3328, 1, 20.7195, 10.3136, 3.40166, 5.6661, 1, 20.719, 0, 3.402) +tracks/11/type = "position_3d" +tracks/11/imported = false +tracks/11/enabled = true +tracks/11/path = NodePath("Node3D/Tenacity") +tracks/11/interp = 1 +tracks/11/loop_wrap = true +tracks/11/keys = PackedFloat32Array(0, 1, 29.4868, 9.99067, 3.68192, 5.6661, 1, 29.4868, 9.99067, 3.68192, 5.9994, 1, 29.487, 0, 3.682) +tracks/12/type = "position_3d" +tracks/12/imported = false +tracks/12/enabled = true +tracks/12/path = NodePath("Node3D/GIMP") +tracks/12/interp = 1 +tracks/12/loop_wrap = true +tracks/12/keys = PackedFloat32Array(0, 1, 35.3185, 10.4409, -2.9467, 5.9994, 1, 35.3185, 10.4409, -2.9467, 6.3327, 1, 35.318, 0, -2.947) +tracks/13/type = "animation" +tracks/13/imported = false +tracks/13/enabled = true +tracks/13/path = NodePath("Node3D/Stick/AnimationPlayer") +tracks/13/interp = 1 +tracks/13/loop_wrap = true +tracks/13/keys = { +"clips": PackedStringArray("sprint", "spin", "jump", "crouch", "jump", "wave", "wave"), +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 6.666, 6.8882, 7.1104, 8.4436, 8.888, 20.2202) +} +tracks/14/type = "value" +tracks/14/imported = false +tracks/14/enabled = true +tracks/14/path = NodePath("Node3D/Stick/AnimationPlayer:speed_scale") +tracks/14/interp = 1 +tracks/14/loop_wrap = true +tracks/14/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 6.5549, 6.666, 6.9993, 7.1104, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [1.5, 1.5, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0] +} +tracks/15/type = "value" +tracks/15/imported = false +tracks/15/enabled = true +tracks/15/path = NodePath("Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Stick:position") +tracks/15/interp = 1 +tracks/15/loop_wrap = true +tracks/15/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(7.1104, 7.2215, 8.7769, 8.888, 13.7764, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": 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PackedFloat32Array(0, 13.7764, 14.2208, 20.2202) +} +tracks/23/type = "value" +tracks/23/imported = false +tracks/23/enabled = true +tracks/23/path = NodePath("Node3D/Gibbo:visible") +tracks/23/interp = 1 +tracks/23/loop_wrap = true +tracks/23/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 12.3321, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [false, true, true] +} +tracks/24/type = "value" +tracks/24/imported = false +tracks/24/enabled = true +tracks/24/path = NodePath("Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Gibbo:position") +tracks/24/interp = 1 +tracks/24/loop_wrap = true +tracks/24/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 12.3321, 12.4432, 13.7764, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector2(1920, 0), Vector2(1920, 0), Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1920, 0), Vector2(1920, 0)] +} +tracks/25/type = "value" +tracks/25/imported = false +tracks/25/enabled = true 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+"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 14.1097, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(0.0872665, 0, 0), Vector3(0.0872665, 0, 0), Vector3(0.0872665, -0.0925025, 0), Vector3(0.0872665, -0.0925025, 0)] +} +tracks/37/type = "value" +tracks/37/imported = false +tracks/37/enabled = true +tracks/37/path = NodePath("Node3D/Gibbo:position") +tracks/37/interp = 1 +tracks/37/loop_wrap = true +tracks/37/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 12.3321, 13.7764, 14.1097, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(84.0022, 0, -27.1659), Vector3(84.0022, 0, -27.1659), Vector3(84.002, 0, -24.271), Vector3(92.4268, 4.91431, -26.8134), Vector3(82.996, 0, -88.877), Vector3(82.996, 0, -88.877)] +} +tracks/38/type = "value" +tracks/38/imported = false +tracks/38/enabled = true +tracks/38/path = NodePath("Node3D/Gibbo:rotation") +tracks/38/interp = 1 +tracks/38/loop_wrap = true +tracks/38/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 13.7764, 14.1097, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 1.44234, 0), Vector3(0, 0.45972, 0), Vector3(0, 0.45972, 0)] +} +tracks/39/type = "value" +tracks/39/imported = false +tracks/39/enabled = true +tracks/39/path = NodePath("Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron:position") +tracks/39/interp = 1 +tracks/39/loop_wrap = true +tracks/39/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 14.1097, 14.2208, 14.6652, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 0, +"values": [Vector3(84.0094, 111.689, -92.9126), Vector3(84.0094, 111.689, -92.9126), Vector3(84.0094, 1.0925, -92.9126), Vector3(84.0094, 1.0925, -94.7137), Vector3(84.0094, 1.0925, -94.7137)] +} +tracks/40/type = "audio" +tracks/40/imported = false +tracks/40/enabled = true +tracks/40/path = NodePath("AudioStreamPlayer") +tracks/40/interp = 1 +tracks/40/loop_wrap = true +tracks/40/keys = { +"clips": [{ +"end_offset": 0.0, +"start_offset": 0.0, +"stream": ExtResource("1_xj27n") +}], +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0.02) +} +tracks/40/use_blend = false +tracks/41/type = "value" +tracks/41/imported = false +tracks/41/enabled = true +tracks/41/path = NodePath("Info:visible") +tracks/41/interp = 1 +tracks/41/loop_wrap = true +tracks/41/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 14.2208, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [false, true, true] +} +tracks/42/type = "value" +tracks/42/imported = false +tracks/42/enabled = true +tracks/42/path = NodePath("Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment/Ground:visible") +tracks/42/interp = 1 +tracks/42/loop_wrap = true +tracks/42/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 7.1104, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true, false, false] +} +tracks/43/type = "value" +tracks/43/imported = false +tracks/43/enabled = true +tracks/43/path = NodePath("Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment/Road:visible") +tracks/43/interp = 1 +tracks/43/loop_wrap = true +tracks/43/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 7.1104, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true, false, false] +} +tracks/44/type = "value" +tracks/44/imported = false +tracks/44/enabled = true +tracks/44/path = NodePath("Node3D/BCity:visible") +tracks/44/interp = 1 +tracks/44/loop_wrap = true +tracks/44/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 13.9986, 20.2202), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [false, true, true] +} + +[sub_resource type="AnimationLibrary" id="AnimationLibrary_o1ws4"] +_data = { +"RESET": SubResource("Animation_qpf3k"), +"skip": SubResource("Animation_tbxqw"), +"title_screen_events": SubResource("Animation_blw0l") +} + +[node name="TitleScreen" type="Node"] +script = ExtResource("1_m4tmp") +next = ExtResource("2_se2ho") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +bus = &"Music" + +[node name="Node3D" type="Node3D" parent="."] + +[node name="Stick" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("3_ar6j0")] +transform = Transform3D(-3.61999e-06, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -3.61999e-06, -12.2407, 0, 5.35059e-07) +freeze = true + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Node3D/Stick/Figure" index="0"] +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(0.723607, -0.447214, -0.447214, -0.276393) +bones/5/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(0.0936204, -0.0996545, 0.0355944, 0.989968) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(0.00871873, -0.00900759, 0.00226332, 0.999919) +bones/7/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(0.723607, 0.447214, 0.447214, -0.276393) +bones/8/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(0.0936204, 0.0996546, -0.0355944, 0.989968) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(0.00871869, 0.00900747, -0.00226332, 0.999919) +bones/10/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(0.621268, -0.485071, -0.485071, -0.378732) +bones/11/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-0.377759, 0.476562, -0.453882, 0.651289) +bones/12/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(-0.000973727, 0.0311891, -0.0311891, 0.999026) +bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(0.621268, 0.485071, 0.485071, -0.378732) +bones/14/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(-0.000973714, -0.0311892, 0.0311891, 0.999026) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Stick/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0) +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("10_mdu66") + +[node name="AnimationPlayer" parent="Node3D/Stick" index="1"] +autoplay = "sprint" +playback_default_blend_time = 0.25 +speed_scale = 1.5 + +[node name="CameraGrabber" type="Node3D" parent="Node3D"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2.18268, 5.96218) +script = ExtResource("9_2a4yj") + +[node name="TitleScreenIcosahedron" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("4_drfv0")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 84.0094, 1.0925, -92.9126) + +[node name="Icosahedron" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_fba5x") + +[node name="XGimbal" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron" index="1"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_r8io0") + +[node name="YGimbal" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron" index="2"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_i33ib") + +[node name="ZGimbal" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron" index="3"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_gkks7") + +[node name="StQTitle" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron" instance=ExtResource("11_81fkw")] +transform = Transform3D(1.75, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, 0, 0, 0, 1.31, 0, 4.12695, 0) +script = ExtResource("12_1wyva") + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron/StQTitle" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_x3ifx") + +[node name="Blujai831Presents" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("7_q6svu")] +transform = Transform3D(1.875, 0, 0, 0, 1.875, 0, 0, 0, 1.875, -22.401, -3, 0) + +[node name="Presents" parent="Node3D/Blujai831Presents" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_5ynlm") + +[node name="PoweredByGodot" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("8_kjjny")] +transform = Transform3D(1.875, 0, 0, 0, 1.875, 0, 0, 0, 1.875, 22.8049, -3, 0) + +[node name="PoweredByGodot" parent="Node3D/PoweredByGodot" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_mcpj5") + +[node name="AlsoMadePossibleBy" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("9_j3gm6")] +transform = Transform3D(1.875, 0, 0, 0, 1.875, 0, 0, 0, 1.875, -22.3312, -3, 0) + +[node name="AlsoMadePossibleBy" parent="Node3D/AlsoMadePossibleBy" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_ulau1") + +[node name="Blender" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("10_b04q3")] +transform = Transform3D(0.797584, 0, -0.603208, 0, 1, 0, 0.603208, 0, 0.797584, 17, 9.404, 0) + +[node name="Blender" parent="Node3D/Blender" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_ygkkc") + +[node name="LMMS" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("14_tu4vr")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 20.7195, 10.3136, 3.40166) + +[node name="LMMS" parent="Node3D/LMMS" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_j7bob") + +[node name="Tenacity" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("15_q4v72")] +transform = Transform3D(0.626631, 0, 0.779316, 0, 1, 0, -0.779316, 0, 0.626631, 29.4868, 9.99067, 3.68192) + +[node name="Tenacity" parent="Node3D/Tenacity" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_o1uhb") + +[node name="GIMP" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("16_ah57j")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.316609, 0, 0.948556, 0, 1, 0, -0.948556, 0, -0.316609, 35.3185, 10.4409, -2.9467) + +[node name="GIMP" parent="Node3D/GIMP" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_qoot2") + +[node name="Libre" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("31_617w2")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.98084, 0, 0.194816, 0, 1, 0, -0.194816, 0, -0.98084, 37.5996, 9.53674e-07, -14.5485) + +[node name="Libre" parent="Node3D/Libre" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_55dss") + +[node name="Lorna" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("21_jqmft")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 53.014, -4.76837e-07, -27.0364) +visible = false +gravity_scale = 0.0 +freeze = true + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Node3D/Lorna/Figure" index="0"] +bones/0/rotation = Quaternion(0.418311, 1.08256e-16, 1.08256e-16, 0.908304) +bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0550901, -1.57057e-16, -6.70007e-17, 0.998481) +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(-0.40339, 0.759614, -0.263511, 0.436836) +bones/2/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0764562, -0.193855, -0.0251112, 0.977724) +bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.40339, 0.759614, -0.263511, -0.436836) +bones/4/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0764562, 0.193855, 0.0251112, 0.977724) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(0.950544, 0.00335819, 0.00161341, 0.310567) +bones/6/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.472002, 0.0245888, -0.034379, 0.880583) +bones/7/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(-0.320453, -0.0080636, 0.0406612, 0.946357) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(0.565993, -0.134549, 0.289256, 0.760184) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(0.915661, 0.058117, 0.0910591, 0.387163) +bones/10/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(0.9362, 0.215614, 0.161527, -0.22572) +bones/11/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(0.950544, -0.00335819, -0.00161341, 0.310567) +bones/12/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(-0.472002, -0.0245888, 0.034379, 0.880583) +bones/13/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(-0.320453, 0.0080636, -0.0406612, 0.946357) +bones/15/rotation = Quaternion(0.565993, 0.134549, -0.289256, 0.760184) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(0.915661, -0.058117, -0.0910591, 0.387163) +bones/16/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/17/rotation = Quaternion(0.9362, -0.215614, -0.161527, -0.22572) +bones/17/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/18/rotation = Quaternion(0.965468, -4.65486e-17, 1.40378e-16, -0.260523) +bones/18/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Lorna/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("38_q4vdf") + +[node name="AnimationPlayer" parent="Node3D/Lorna" index="1"] +playback_default_blend_time = 0.25 + +[node name="Blujai" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("23_g64he")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 64.8242, 0, -26.9227) +visible = false +gravity_scale = 0.0 +freeze = true + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Node3D/Blujai/Figure" index="0"] +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(5.33851e-08, 0.707107, 0.707107, 5.33851e-08) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(5.33851e-08, 0.707107, 0.707107, 5.33851e-08) +bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.98021, -0.119656, -0.119653, -0.102737) +bones/4/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0677311, 0.115314, -0.123845, 0.983249) +bones/5/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(0.98021, 0.119656, 0.119653, -0.102737) +bones/6/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0677311, -0.115314, 0.123845, 0.983249) +bones/7/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(0.989789, 0, 0, -0.142538) +bones/8/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(0.989857, 0.01634, 0.0163403, -0.140175) +bones/9/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 0.999997) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(-0.283586, -0.0185563, 0.0137715, 0.958668) +bones/10/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0847874, 1.08814e-07, -6.46793e-08, 0.996399) +bones/11/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(0.4477, 0.0445709, -0.027546, 0.892648) +bones/12/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(0.290854, -0.164394, 0.101601, 0.937046) +bones/15/rotation = Quaternion(-0.16953, 0.172825, -0.147683, 0.958948) +bones/15/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(0.226092, 0.0408528, -0.173053, 0.95774) +bones/17/rotation = Quaternion(0.0761352, -0.700027, 0.205494, 0.67966) +bones/18/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0963554, -0.700511, 0.0963552, 0.700511) +bones/18/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/20/rotation = Quaternion(0.989857, -0.01634, -0.0163403, -0.140175) +bones/20/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 0.999997) +bones/21/rotation = Quaternion(-0.283586, 0.0185563, -0.0137715, 0.958668) +bones/21/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/22/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0847874, -1.08814e-07, 6.46793e-08, 0.996399) +bones/22/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/23/rotation = Quaternion(0.4477, -0.0445709, 0.027546, 0.892648) +bones/23/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/25/rotation = Quaternion(0.290854, 0.164394, -0.101601, 0.937046) +bones/26/rotation = Quaternion(-0.16953, -0.172825, 0.147683, 0.958948) +bones/26/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/27/rotation = Quaternion(0.25326, -0.210497, 0.130094, 0.935214) +bones/28/rotation = Quaternion(-0.120483, 0.213643, -0.183053, 0.952015) +bones/28/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/29/rotation = Quaternion(-0.136267, -1.66265e-09, 1.18811e-07, 0.990672) +bones/30/rotation = Quaternion(0.240554, 9.48965e-08, -1.86224e-07, 0.970636) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Blujai/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("40_qqg23") + +[node name="AnimationPlayer" parent="Node3D/Blujai" index="1"] +playback_default_blend_time = 0.25 + +[node name="Gibbo" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("25_ed5gg")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 84.0022, 0, -27.1659) +visible = false +gravity_scale = 0.0 +freeze = true + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Node3D/Gibbo/Figure" index="0"] +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(0.141916, 0.0355108, 0.234712, 0.960994) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(0.175575, 0.109305, -0.210721, 0.955417) +bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.567257, -0.422157, 0.56726, 0.422159) +bones/4/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(0.00089222, 0.707105, 0.000892299, 0.707107) +bones/5/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0217515, -0.00156369, 0.0678132, 0.99746) +bones/6/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.160222, -0.78442, -0.227282, 0.554397) +bones/7/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/8/rotation = Quaternion(0.0218015, -0.000436676, 0.0239978, 0.999474) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0445415, 0.00347591, -0.0287677, 0.998587) +bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0437129, -0.00381627, -0.0434845, 0.99809) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-1.61011e-05, 6.70562e-08, 0.99965, 0.0264365) +bones/12/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(0.00140208, 3.67814e-06, 0.0368522, 0.99932) +bones/13/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(0.0301664, 0.857686, 0.513234, -0.00737553) +bones/14/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/15/rotation = Quaternion(-0.238852, -0.0167421, -0.0154867, 0.970788) +bones/15/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(-0.180504, 0.769925, -0.060036, 0.609122) +bones/16/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/17/rotation = Quaternion(-0.105397, 0.76835, -0.10776, 0.622027) +bones/17/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/19/rotation = Quaternion(-0.075391, 0.762066, -0.156696, 0.623713) +bones/19/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/20/rotation = Quaternion(0.567262, 0.422161, -0.567255, 0.422155) +bones/20/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/21/rotation = Quaternion(0.000892222, -0.707108, -0.000892288, 0.707104) +bones/22/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0152381, 0.0959177, -0.0695669, 0.992838) +bones/23/rotation = Quaternion(-0.181005, 0.728453, 0.211104, 0.626122) +bones/23/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/24/rotation = Quaternion(0.0239744, -0.094108, -0.0218273, 0.995034) +bones/25/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0493962, 0.196344, 0.0192752, 0.9791) +bones/25/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/26/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0875539, 0.335864, -0.0525546, 0.936359) +bones/27/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0513785, 0.199068, 0.0340877, 0.978044) +bones/27/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/28/rotation = Quaternion(-1.6345e-05, -7.91008e-07, 0.99965, -0.0264365) +bones/28/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/29/rotation = Quaternion(0.00140308, -4.15053e-05, -0.0368521, 0.99932) +bones/29/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/30/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0301869, 0.857687, 0.513233, 0.00733208) +bones/30/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/32/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0263686, 0.738375, -0.18839, 0.647006) +bones/32/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/33/rotation = Quaternion(-0.085814, 0.756409, -0.123922, 0.636494) +bones/34/rotation = Quaternion(-0.148873, 0.760676, -0.104886, 0.623064) +bones/34/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/35/rotation = Quaternion(-0.138968, 0.7604, -0.104525, 0.625743) +bones/35/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) +bones/36/rotation = Quaternion(0.908231, -3.98624e-16, -3.98624e-16, -0.418469) +bones/37/rotation = Quaternion(0.0309179, -2.48534e-17, 1.69953e-17, 0.999522) +bones/38/rotation = Quaternion(0.028115, -4.37867e-16, 1.25726e-15, 0.999605) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Gibbo/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("42_834lo") + +[node name="AnimationPlayer" parent="Node3D/Gibbo" index="1"] +playback_default_blend_time = 0.25 +speed_scale = 2.0 + +[node name="TitleScreenEnvironment" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("34_qksaf")] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 16.8215, 44.4357, 2.81159) + +[node name="Ground" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment" index="0"] +transform = Transform3D(2.16728, 0, 0.451386, 0, 2.21378, 0, -0.451386, 0, 2.16728, 5.37503, -42.942, -10.0941) +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_5xcc8") + +[node name="TitleDropHill" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment" index="1"] +transform = Transform3D(0.543957, 0, 0, 0, 0.0541024, 0, 0, 0, 0.145029, 66.7824, -45.5711, -91.3992) +visible = false + +[node name="Road" parent="Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment" index="2"] +transform = Transform3D(-1.4422, 0, -1.67955, 0, 2.21378, 0, 1.67955, 0, -1.4422, 24.8326, -42.942, -32.1105) +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_niqo8") + +[node name="BCity" type="Node3D" parent="Node3D"] +transform = Transform3D(-0.332226, 0.204454, 0.553487, 0.209422, 0.634697, -0.108749, -0.551627, 0.117823, -0.374632, 70.191, -30.0788, -246.293) +visible = false + +[node name="River" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="Node3D/BCity"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 16.1331, 34.417, -100.148) +instance_shader_parameters/amplitude = 1.0 +instance_shader_parameters/frequency = 1.0 +instance_shader_parameters/wavelength = 1.0 +mesh = SubResource("ArrayMesh_eavsf") +skeleton = NodePath("") +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_lr2e1") + +[node name="Ground" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="Node3D/BCity"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 9.80316, 53.0742, -4.90912) +mesh = ExtResource("40_ydpkr") +skeleton = NodePath("") +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_qp1gu") + +[node name="MeshInstance3D" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="Node3D/BCity"] +transform = Transform3D(-5796.44, 456.731, -1203.05, 3567.17, 1384.22, 256.962, 9656.86, -237.171, -817.04, 1218.08, -606.48, 828.352) +instance_shader_parameters/amplitude = 0.125 +instance_shader_parameters/frequency = 0.5 +instance_shader_parameters/wavelength = 0.125 +mesh = SubResource("SphereMesh_xbco7") + +[node name="Backdrop3D" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="Node3D"] +mesh = SubResource("PlaneMesh_yw3tm") +surface_material_override/0 = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_l4mnl") +script = ExtResource("41_3ivlm") + +[node name="SubViewport" type="SubViewport" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D"] +transparent_bg = true +handle_input_locally = false +size = Vector2i(1920, 1080) +render_target_update_mode = 4 +script = ExtResource("43_d088t") + +[node name="Node2D" type="Node2D" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport"] + +[node name="CharacterIntroBG_Stick" type="Sprite2D" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D"] +position = Vector2(1920, 0) +texture = ExtResource("3_i3bu3") +centered = false + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Stick"] +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 320.0 +offset_right = 733.0 +offset_bottom = 452.0 +rotation = -0.274017 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 96 +text = "Stick" + +[node name="Comment" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Stick"] +offset_left = 1024.0 +offset_top = 360.0 +offset_right = 1531.0 +offset_bottom = 558.0 +rotation = 0.116937 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) +text = "the Doofy Frickin 3D Stick Figure +No I will Not Change their Design +the Name is Too Good +Deal w/ it" + +[node name="CharacterIntroBG_Lorna" type="Sprite2D" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D"] +position = Vector2(1920, 0) +texture = ExtResource("4_wpakx") +centered = false + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Lorna"] +offset_left = 768.0 +offset_top = 240.0 +offset_right = 1274.0 +offset_bottom = 372.0 +rotation = 0.137881 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0.5, 0, 1, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 96 +text = "Lorna-June" + +[node name="Comment" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Lorna"] +offset_left = 768.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 1288.0 +offset_bottom = 511.0 +rotation = -0.15708 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0.5, 0, 1, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 64 +text = "the Magic Rabbit" + +[node name="CharacterIntroBG_Blujai" type="Sprite2D" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D"] +position = Vector2(1920, 0) +texture = ExtResource("5_p02oe") +centered = false + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Blujai"] +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 280.0 +offset_right = 1033.0 +offset_bottom = 412.0 +rotation = -0.136136 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0.75, 1, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 96 +text = "Blu \"Blujai\"" + +[node name="Comment" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Blujai"] +offset_left = 1200.0 +offset_top = 360.0 +offset_right = 1649.0 +offset_bottom = 471.0 +rotation = 0.253073 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0.75, 1, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 64 +text = "the Jay" + +[node name="CharacterIntroBG_Gibbo" type="Sprite2D" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D"] +position = Vector2(1920, 0) +texture = ExtResource("6_ijwd5") +centered = false + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Gibbo"] +offset_left = 640.0 +offset_top = 320.0 +offset_right = 1100.99 +offset_bottom = 452.0 +rotation = 0.137881 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0.5, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 96 +text = "Gibbo" + +[node name="Comment" type="Label" parent="Node3D/Backdrop3D/SubViewport/Node2D/CharacterIntroBG_Gibbo"] +offset_left = 1120.0 +offset_top = 480.0 +offset_right = 1569.0 +offset_bottom = 591.0 +rotation = -0.429351 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0.5, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 64 +text = "the Fox" + +[node name="Info" type="Control" parent="."] +visible = false +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("32_ruqkd") + +[node name="Version" type="Label" parent="Info"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 1 +anchor_left = 1.0 +anchor_right = 1.0 +offset_left = -40.0 +offset_bottom = 33.0 +grow_horizontal = 0 +text = "vN.N.N-IDENTIFIER +Released Month Day Year" +horizontal_alignment = 2 + +[node name="Copyright" type="Label" parent="Info"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 3 +anchor_left = 1.0 +anchor_top = 1.0 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = -749.0 +offset_top = -111.0 +grow_horizontal = 0 +grow_vertical = 0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 24 +text = "Copyright ©2023 alias blujai831 . +This game is copyleft and debatably open-source. +For details, see LICENSE.txt in the game directory +or select \"About -> License\" from the main menu." +horizontal_alignment = 2 + +[node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="."] +callback_mode_process = 0 +libraries = { +"": SubResource("AnimationLibrary_o1ws4") +} +playback_default_blend_time = 0.25 +next/title_screen_events = &"continue_character_animations_after_title_sequence" + +[editable path="Node3D/Stick"] +[editable path="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron"] +[editable path="Node3D/TitleScreenIcosahedron/StQTitle"] +[editable path="Node3D/Blujai831Presents"] +[editable path="Node3D/PoweredByGodot"] +[editable path="Node3D/AlsoMadePossibleBy"] +[editable path="Node3D/Blender"] +[editable path="Node3D/LMMS"] +[editable path="Node3D/Tenacity"] +[editable path="Node3D/GIMP"] +[editable path="Node3D/Libre"] +[editable path="Node3D/Lorna"] +[editable path="Node3D/Blujai"] +[editable path="Node3D/Gibbo"] +[editable path="Node3D/TitleScreenEnvironment"] diff --git a/startup/TitleScreenEnvironment.glb b/startup/TitleScreenEnvironment.glb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7e1672 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreenEnvironment.glb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid 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a/startup/TitleScreenEnvironment_TitleDropHillTexture.png.import b/startup/TitleScreenEnvironment_TitleDropHillTexture.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b949dc --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreenEnvironment_TitleDropHillTexture.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://bjmhtjrda0krn" +path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/TitleScreenEnvironment_TitleDropHillTexture.png-8fbcec81b7eba56d309894c602ac4741.s3tc.ctex" +metadata={ +"imported_formats": ["s3tc_bptc"], +"vram_texture": true +} +generator_parameters={} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://startup/TitleScreenEnvironment_TitleDropHillTexture.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/TitleScreenEnvironment_TitleDropHillTexture.png-8fbcec81b7eba56d309894c602ac4741.s3tc.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=2 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=0 diff --git a/startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.gd b/startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d57e34 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.gd @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +class_name TitleScreenIcosahedron extends Node3D + +var _aspeed := Vector3.ZERO +var _x_aspeed := Vector3.ZERO +var _y_aspeed := Vector3.ZERO +var _z_aspeed := Vector3.ZERO +@onready var _icosahedron := $'Icosahedron' as Node3D +@onready var _x_gimbal := $'XGimbal' as Node3D +@onready var _y_gimbal := $'YGimbal' as Node3D +@onready var _z_gimbal := $'ZGimbal' as Node3D + +func _rand_aaccel_component() -> float: + return (randf() - 0.5)*0.001 + +func _rand_adjust_aspeed(vec: Vector3) -> Vector3: + return (vec + Vector3( + _rand_aaccel_component(), + _rand_aaccel_component(), + _rand_aaccel_component() + )).limit_length(0.1) + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + _aspeed = _rand_adjust_aspeed(_aspeed) + _x_aspeed = _rand_adjust_aspeed(_x_aspeed) + _y_aspeed = _rand_adjust_aspeed(_y_aspeed) + _z_aspeed = _rand_adjust_aspeed(_z_aspeed) + _icosahedron.rotation += _aspeed + _x_gimbal.rotation += _x_aspeed + _y_gimbal.rotation += _y_aspeed + _z_gimbal.rotation += _z_aspeed diff --git a/startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.tscn b/startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69dbb2b --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bx3dtwkfysrux"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://kwvwwnvcanv4" path="res://objects/Icosahedron/Icosahedron.glb" id="1_n4u5r"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://startup/TitleScreenIcosahedron.gd" id="2_glodf"] + +[node name="TitleScreenIcosahedron" instance=ExtResource("1_n4u5r")] +script = ExtResource("2_glodf") diff --git a/startup/TitleScreenInfo.gd b/startup/TitleScreenInfo.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6dc7170 --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/TitleScreenInfo.gd @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +class_name TitleScreenInfo extends Control + +@onready var _version := $'Version' as Label + +func _ready() -> void: + _version.text = "v%s\n%s" % [ + ProjectSettings.get(&'application/config/version'), + "Debug build" if OS.is_debug_build() else ( + "Released %s" % ProjectSettings.get( + &'application/config/release_date' + ) + ) + ] diff --git a/startup/bcity_ground.tres b/startup/bcity_ground.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0591a1b --- /dev/null +++ b/startup/bcity_ground.tres @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +[gd_resource type="ArrayMesh" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bweq0xiiciell"] + +[sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="StandardMaterial3D_nkdse"] +resource_name = "GroundMaterial" +cull_mode = 2 +roughness = 0.5 + +[sub_resource 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183, 11, 226, 2, 232, 2, 227, 2, 15, 0, 9, 0, 8, 0, 41, 5, 53, 5, 52, 5, 108, 0, 87, 0, 107, 0, 160, 8, 153, 8, 165, 8, 248, 3, 236, 3, 242, 3, 103, 1, 96, 1, 167, 3, 109, 1, 76, 12, 105, 1, 128, 1, 142, 10, 149, 1, 15, 3, 211, 2, 16, 3, 209, 1, 203, 1, 165, 10, 182, 0, 235, 0, 97, 0, 116, 1, 114, 1, 115, 1, 89, 1, 91, 1, 90, 1, 238, 1, 185, 4, 180, 4, 24, 2, 23, 2, 32, 3, 94, 3, 104, 1, 172, 3, 239, 11, 223, 11, 227, 11, 22, 0, 240, 9, 89, 10, 128, 2, 136, 2, 135, 2, 26, 0, 20, 0, 25, 0, 234, 1, 185, 4, 238, 1, 25, 0, 34, 0, 24, 0, 108, 0, 214, 0, 109, 0, 151, 12, 23, 0, 24, 0, 237, 2, 252, 2, 241, 2, 172, 2, 115, 2, 184, 2, 24, 9, 102, 10, 23, 9, 32, 10, 127, 0, 33, 10, 93, 10, 17, 9, 163, 5, 241, 9, 34, 0, 32, 0, 216, 8, 159, 8, 207, 8, 37, 0, 36, 0, 135, 0, 129, 0, 36, 0, 37, 0, 41, 0, 125, 0, 40, 0, 211, 2, 15, 3, 215, 2, 46, 0, 44, 0, 45, 0, 46, 0, 45, 0, 47, 0, 122, 0, 62, 1, 59, 1, 48, 0, 54, 0, 55, 0, 138, 7, 137, 7, 108, 7, 118, 1, 44, 10, 45, 10, 90, 10, 89, 10, 96, 10, 6, 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159, 20, 245, 193, 70, 89, 17, 66, 245, 229, 83, 195, 109, 248, 13, 194, 147, 211, 215, 65, 101, 167, 86, 195, 112, 164, 6, 194, 53, 69, 125, 65, 226, 156, 93, 195, 189, 149, 6, 194, 105, 191, 46, 65, 95, 87, 93, 195, 46, 145, 123, 193, 253, 142, 197, 192, 151, 36, 108, 195, 240, 201, 182, 193, 74, 170, 177, 192, 232, 156, 113, 195, 148, 243, 207, 193, 36, 210, 78, 64, 131, 102, 107, 195, 79, 234, 254, 193, 229, 163, 141, 65, 121, 213, 84, 195, 177, 233, 170, 193, 196, 86, 4, 66, 38, 20, 79, 195, 209, 46, 120, 193, 107, 249, 18, 66, 189, 170, 69, 195, 206, 57, 151, 193, 42, 201, 240, 65, 207, 47, 60, 195, 196, 221, 251, 193, 214, 40, 239, 65, 236, 78, 56, 195, 112, 61, 2, 194, 0, 110, 227, 65, 88, 238, 60, 195, 215, 8, 3, 194, 47, 88, 187, 65, 29, 135, 62, 195, 255, 42, 25, 194, 69, 194, 93, 65, 198, 24, 70, 195, 215, 234, 26, 194, 234, 227, 99, 65, 246, 244, 69, 195, 205, 248, 199, 193, 30, 11, 155, 192, 42, 29, 78, 195, 47, 3, 204, 193, 189, 43, 10, 193, 133, 112, 122, 195, 25, 2, 71, 193, 8, 118, 62, 193, 143, 212, 121, 195, 89, 112, 166, 193, 148, 210, 186, 192, 249, 66, 116, 195, 188, 4, 234, 193, 165, 94, 81, 65, 178, 57, 102, 195, 87, 104, 139, 193, 30, 58, 29, 66, 174, 50, 102, 195, 33, 180, 194, 193, 158, 201, 52, 66, 26, 30, 104, 195, 173, 83, 207, 193, 136, 255, 56, 66, 150, 92, 115, 195, 51, 146, 233, 193, 225, 41, 161, 65, 71, 228, 130, 195, 142, 130, 199, 193, 25, 84, 153, 64, 213, 213, 132, 195, 18, 255, 179, 193, 92, 109, 147, 64, 250, 78, 132, 195, 227, 184, 218, 193, 69, 252, 153, 192, 118, 200, 78, 195, 17, 155, 176, 193, 91, 104, 86, 193, 123, 110, 81, 195, 48, 210, 202, 193, 72, 179, 79, 193, 221, 120, 79, 195, 94, 245, 216, 193, 199, 184, 108, 193, 112, 190, 69, 195, 91, 62, 191, 193, 158, 107, 25, 193, 229, 206, 52, 195, 34, 69, 10, 194, 219, 199, 214, 65, 145, 4, 53, 195, 69, 30, 226, 193, 47, 85, 195, 65, 77, 58, 56, 195, 7, 124, 196, 193, 32, 39, 202, 65, 221, 233, 55, 195, 27, 171, 8, 194, 241, 63, 226, 65, 237, 65, 57, 195, 25, 118, 4, 194, 199, 119, 170, 65, 184, 190, 57, 195, 39, 100, 7, 194, 124, 31, 235, 65, 3, 105, 61, 195, 253, 245, 160, 193, 241, 112, 223, 65, 166, 194, 69, 195, 197, 88, 136, 193, 228, 61, 2, 66, 224, 168, 80, 195, 77, 175, 160, 193, 144, 246, 37, 193, 189, 60, 87, 195, 202, 242, 157, 192, 122, 172, 227, 193, 9, 184, 53, 195, 213, 104, 14, 194, 9, 18, 206, 65, 88, 19, 60, 195, 84, 82, 18, 194, 111, 253, 138, 65, 85, 28, 78, 195, 64, 147, 80, 193, 55, 156, 122, 193, 49, 6, 44, 195, 211, 204, 131, 193, 117, 199, 147, 66, 102, 95, 244, 194, 227, 110, 244, 193, 119, 49, 0, 66, 144, 70, 231, 194, 120, 45, 221, 192, 52, 143, 181, 65, 168, 121, 255, 194, 180, 113, 231, 193, 86, 56, 152, 66, 179, 26, 19, 195, 1, 222, 49, 194, 69, 234, 91, 192, 46, 38, 16, 195, 62, 107, 54, 194, 82, 56, 180, 192, 6, 160, 16, 195, 195, 2, 60, 194, 80, 119, 146, 192, 95, 214, 20, 195, 22, 27, 55, 194, 124, 215, 9, 193, 238, 102, 26, 195, 35, 128, 57, 194, 20, 102, 62, 193, 250, 63, 45, 195, 128, 109, 244, 193, 53, 87, 2, 194, 236, 74, 49, 195, 16, 245, 238, 193, 106, 32, 6, 194, 131, 126, 46, 195, 155, 17, 114, 193, 167, 154, 11, 194, 235, 93, 51, 195, 211, 226, 18, 193, 140, 205, 25, 194, 167, 69, 73, 195, 47, 143, 190, 64, 217, 37, 113, 194, 235, 234, 56, 195, 211, 131, 14, 193, 69, 245, 0, 194, 65, 90, 47, 195, 31, 168, 193, 193, 112, 247, 7, 194, 221, 76, 53, 195, 4, 113, 220, 193, 123, 18, 9, 194, 123, 119, 53, 195, 168, 69, 233, 193, 112, 23, 2, 194, 28, 153, 48, 195, 148, 53, 212, 193, 227, 101, 214, 193, 98, 189, 45, 195, 236, 36, 206, 193, 16, 154, 159, 193, 245, 235, 31, 195, 238, 130, 42, 194, 132, 190, 93, 193, 120, 143, 24, 195, 145, 189, 52, 194, 34, 65, 237, 192, 135, 164, 20, 195, 120, 163, 45, 194, 0, 18, 224, 191, 173, 175, 21, 195, 241, 74, 26, 194, 208, 213, 29, 192, 184, 13, 23, 195, 30, 237, 10, 194, 177, 46, 48, 64, 165, 129, 6, 195, 226, 52, 235, 193, 141, 25, 51, 64, 107, 223, 8, 195, 197, 89, 232, 193, 219, 54, 238, 65, 41, 192, 114, 195, 170, 157, 208, 193, 120, 58, 3, 66, 5, 116, 122, 195, 14, 135, 228, 193, 148, 22, 169, 192, 40, 108, 110, 195, 238, 114, 124, 193, 20, 5, 0, 193, 227, 5, 83, 195, 19, 233, 199, 193, 73, 66, 55, 193, 150, 195, 66, 195, 118, 2, 2, 194, 148, 108, 243, 65, 128, 10, 73, 195, 220, 135, 175, 193, 180, 37, 249, 65, 215, 195, 79, 195, 211, 122, 155, 193, 153, 112, 12, 66, 210, 145, 108, 195, 46, 178, 229, 193, 156, 224, 181, 192, 129, 201, 108, 195, 22, 138, 234, 193, 194, 224, 150, 192, 56, 34, 106, 195, 69, 135, 229, 193, 199, 114, 138, 192, 92, 123, 94, 195, 130, 54, 203, 193, 184, 112, 221, 192, 151, 106, 92, 195, 110, 2, 6, 194, 59, 179, 164, 65, 102, 24, 89, 195, 77, 148, 11, 194, 235, 177, 212, 65, 41, 181, 95, 195, 124, 227, 238, 193, 217, 41, 120, 64, 204, 232, 101, 195, 206, 237, 2, 194, 40, 157, 98, 65, 253, 77, 101, 195, 163, 217, 250, 193, 36, 48, 220, 64, 121, 88, 97, 195, 228, 245, 7, 194, 75, 29, 71, 65, 251, 127, 106, 195, 150, 154, 244, 193, 134, 253, 135, 64, 57, 50, 93, 195, 70, 233, 198, 193, 183, 111, 230, 191, 175, 158, 99, 195, 60, 80, 220, 193, 85, 3, 221, 192, 13, 141, 94, 195, 2, 65, 175, 193, 30, 184, 184, 192, 27, 179, 102, 195, 39, 5, 182, 193, 165, 157, 91, 192, 18, 142, 106, 195, 201, 54, 244, 193, 141, 199, 60, 192, 205, 36, 79, 195, 100, 244, 186, 193, 226, 208, 247, 65, 96, 237, 80, 195, 11, 107, 201, 193, 194, 94, 255, 65, 124, 120, 75, 195, 165, 190, 241, 193, 193, 41, 6, 66, 93, 22, 77, 195, 176, 26, 5, 194, 242, 6, 221, 65, 189, 92, 72, 195, 133, 64, 27, 194, 62, 0, 170, 65, 242, 227, 81, 195, 111, 91, 252, 193, 102, 124, 11, 65, 218, 153, 83, 195, 84, 166, 217, 193, 242, 117, 170, 191, 94, 107, 88, 195, 61, 200, 194, 193, 138, 135, 19, 193, 245, 246, 86, 195, 133, 188, 155, 193, 20, 64, 238, 192, 204, 71, 111, 195, 212, 150, 223, 193, 123, 38, 234, 192, 120, 193, 123, 195, 41, 57, 212, 193, 69, 93, 5, 65, 154, 220, 101, 195, 225, 35, 215, 193, 145, 248, 38, 66, 130, 188, 99, 195, 97, 96, 211, 193, 131, 213, 40, 66, 74, 142, 96, 195, 183, 57, 246, 193, 76, 99, 32, 66, 162, 209, 89, 195, 177, 67, 246, 193, 127, 112, 30, 66, 36, 213, 93, 195, 27, 136, 168, 193, 154, 41, 21, 66, 51, 55, 58, 195, 19, 157, 19, 194, 106, 103, 6, 65, 140, 195, 68, 195, 115, 82, 204, 193, 6, 81, 185, 193, 19, 183, 70, 195, 26, 102, 191, 193, 156, 42, 199, 193, 129, 97, 135, 195, 240, 12, 155, 193, 246, 244, 239, 192, 238, 167, 135, 195, 80, 140, 135, 193, 171, 40, 147, 192, 167, 98, 76, 195, 220, 134, 13, 193, 162, 211, 179, 193, 98, 223, 72, 195, 60, 32, 152, 193, 123, 245, 187, 193, 61, 176, 65, 195, 166, 16, 190, 193, 216, 85, 171, 193, 229, 188, 46, 195, 19, 126, 16, 194, 88, 111, 71, 65, 49, 106, 41, 195, 145, 17, 236, 193, 16, 218, 73, 65, 77, 244, 41, 195, 193, 28, 199, 193, 12, 196, 182, 65, 56, 70, 43, 195, 23, 93, 14, 194, 173, 179, 121, 65, 114, 117, 48, 195, 227, 198, 12, 194, 120, 53, 93, 65, 100, 46, 72, 195, 218, 248, 192, 193, 246, 115, 195, 193, 128, 230, 75, 195, 101, 217, 83, 193, 69, 105, 173, 193, 184, 106, 109, 195, 1, 28, 63, 193, 93, 102, 81, 193, 215, 131, 131, 195, 29, 237, 140, 193, 132, 208, 225, 192, 157, 70, 135, 195, 142, 201, 143, 193, 44, 172, 142, 191, 11, 102, 134, 195, 210, 179, 144, 193, 132, 103, 152, 64, 14, 117, 135, 195, 193, 181, 181, 193, 22, 107, 92, 192, 106, 75, 134, 195, 207, 67, 208, 193, 38, 202, 13, 193, 108, 36, 117, 195, 194, 154, 226, 192, 97, 215, 181, 193, 235, 30, 76, 195, 247, 173, 147, 193, 159, 140, 134, 193, 242, 88, 55, 195, 17, 110, 26, 194, 72, 181, 87, 65, 6, 164, 47, 195, 53, 226, 20, 194, 130, 47, 148, 65, 163, 5, 47, 195, 209, 150, 21, 194, 182, 117, 170, 65, 16, 183, 45, 195, 55, 190, 239, 193, 144, 157, 153, 65, 238, 100, 51, 195, 43, 50, 175, 193, 76, 130, 214, 65, 189, 129, 49, 195, 96, 96, 207, 193, 102, 25, 188, 65, 200, 38, 45, 195, 225, 62, 18, 194, 13, 174, 136, 65, 84, 197, 70, 195, 62, 78, 208, 193, 86, 221, 180, 193, 16, 193, 76, 195, 70, 166, 208, 193, 73, 180, 182, 193, 214, 101, 133, 195, 250, 5, 58, 193, 118, 60, 251, 192, 172, 6, 128, 195, 66, 84, 117, 193, 65, 33, 3, 193, 134, 121, 66, 195, 164, 62, 163, 193, 140, 9, 230, 193, 148, 80, 68, 195, 84, 39, 219, 193, 26, 184, 212, 193, 220, 115, 68, 195, 167, 75, 209, 193, 160, 234, 197, 193, 239, 74, 40, 195, 57, 155, 16, 194, 185, 232, 85, 65, 142, 162, 38, 195, 38, 186, 20, 194, 139, 118, 76, 65, 220, 116, 34, 195, 37, 56, 192, 193, 154, 22, 198, 65, 111, 126, 50, 195, 114, 92, 140, 193, 249, 72, 71, 66, 176, 17, 51, 195, 35, 191, 156, 193, 113, 12, 253, 65, 12, 182, 38, 195, 49, 25, 255, 193, 16, 181, 43, 65, 165, 185, 41, 195, 245, 24, 13, 194, 186, 68, 98, 65, 254, 40, 63, 195, 126, 91, 192, 193, 31, 148, 176, 193, 147, 76, 69, 195, 53, 244, 172, 193, 103, 67, 212, 193, 89, 58, 36, 195, 235, 151, 198, 193, 98, 213, 157, 65, 7, 49, 91, 195, 99, 205, 41, 193, 3, 17, 65, 66, 30, 153, 86, 195, 218, 126, 145, 193, 159, 200, 8, 66, 55, 200, 97, 195, 95, 111, 189, 193, 41, 122, 39, 66, 114, 88, 119, 195, 128, 9, 240, 193, 16, 48, 209, 192, 111, 216, 120, 195, 181, 27, 205, 193, 94, 203, 195, 192, 95, 126, 88, 195, 146, 41, 89, 193, 172, 124, 12, 193, 156, 30, 74, 195, 153, 93, 28, 194, 244, 60, 143, 65, 237, 144, 71, 195, 198, 88, 250, 193, 61, 41, 0, 66, 120, 120, 70, 195, 172, 79, 215, 193, 42, 143, 228, 65, 39, 187, 73, 195, 82, 247, 246, 193, 17, 177, 1, 66, 169, 113, 68, 195, 231, 129, 250, 193, 133, 220, 252, 65, 232, 37, 63, 195, 220, 37, 77, 193, 186, 22, 108, 66, 101, 148, 24, 195, 57, 92, 209, 193, 8, 26, 47, 65, 83, 252, 25, 195, 152, 187, 15, 194, 181, 105, 161, 64, 18, 47, 28, 195, 244, 139, 39, 194, 9, 165, 0, 65, 134, 77, 30, 195, 57, 221, 41, 194, 141, 151, 139, 63, 134, 62, 34, 195, 115, 10, 35, 194, 193, 189, 243, 64, 206, 110, 41, 195, 241, 150, 250, 193, 148, 83, 96, 193, 154, 229, 61, 195, 51, 82, 210, 193, 91, 81, 2, 194, 229, 77, 59, 195, 100, 172, 191, 193, 94, 244, 253, 193, 32, 157, 59, 195, 60, 241, 222, 193, 251, 186, 10, 194, 236, 225, 58, 195, 81, 141, 231, 193, 133, 42, 255, 193, 222, 95, 46, 195, 218, 28, 216, 193, 244, 171, 127, 193, 149, 20, 37, 195, 246, 4, 53, 194, 254, 30, 198, 191, 209, 55, 25, 195, 209, 131, 44, 194, 44, 108, 171, 64, 250, 205, 24, 195, 151, 174, 231, 193, 145, 10, 203, 64, 218, 100, 23, 195, 30, 60, 24, 194, 78, 74, 29, 190, 87, 83, 23, 195, 63, 140, 45, 194, 70, 248, 159, 63, 107, 143, 24, 195, 137, 205, 46, 194, 134, 36, 14, 64, 194, 139, 28, 195, 75, 225, 42, 194, 183, 132, 167, 191, 64, 69, 54, 195, 1, 18, 225, 193, 77, 48, 241, 193, 98, 173, 56, 195, 62, 109, 238, 193, 18, 98, 6, 194, 51, 129, 56, 195, 211, 197, 218, 193, 58, 195, 9, 194, 19, 7, 57, 195, 130, 84, 70, 193, 162, 233, 233, 193, 252, 39, 55, 195, 122, 109, 157, 193, 196, 163, 242, 193, 58, 144, 46, 195, 217, 65, 206, 193, 170, 40, 191, 193, 58, 215, 25, 195, 88, 209, 45, 194, 8, 95, 111, 192, 129, 27, 22, 195, 25, 53, 45, 194, 135, 0, 181, 190, 81, 236, 67, 195, 18, 112, 205, 192, 177, 55, 241, 193, 52, 62, 63, 195, 162, 212, 206, 193, 46, 134, 249, 193, 131, 31, 29, 195, 25, 112, 32, 194, 191, 73, 37, 65, 140, 41, 27, 195, 37, 196, 27, 194, 98, 165, 250, 64, 169, 107, 34, 195, 211, 17, 23, 194, 91, 252, 44, 65, 138, 110, 44, 195, 215, 249, 26, 194, 54, 250, 8, 65, 88, 246, 43, 195, 92, 47, 28, 194, 56, 170, 144, 64, 139, 81, 88, 195, 22, 47, 75, 63, 16, 57, 30, 194, 200, 230, 66, 195, 111, 213, 29, 193, 94, 224, 206, 193, 230, 32, 65, 195, 248, 56, 101, 193, 169, 140, 209, 193, 128, 97, 65, 195, 37, 118, 200, 193, 67, 76, 236, 193, 148, 231, 66, 195, 140, 117, 217, 193, 102, 182, 225, 193, 80, 77, 63, 195, 176, 89, 212, 193, 3, 241, 231, 193, 39, 197, 44, 195, 168, 218, 12, 194, 100, 44, 134, 192, 153, 28, 37, 195, 136, 198, 25, 194, 86, 214, 56, 65, 235, 50, 33, 195, 38, 40, 205, 193, 121, 157, 65, 65, 143, 56, 60, 195, 23, 137, 221, 193, 73, 140, 238, 193, 240, 162, 61, 195, 194, 88, 161, 193, 50, 8, 237, 193, 139, 86, 111, 195, 209, 51, 239, 193, 102, 147, 203, 192, 219, 140, 91, 195, 200, 125, 204, 193, 233, 217, 13, 193, 93, 88, 87, 195, 52, 48, 194, 193, 39, 144, 156, 192, 192, 94, 79, 195, 220, 131, 11, 194, 198, 67, 99, 65, 104, 221, 79, 195, 90, 96, 15, 194, 180, 1, 180, 65, 240, 215, 78, 195, 95, 220, 250, 193, 178, 25, 12, 66, 5, 92, 88, 195, 133, 100, 0, 194, 172, 188, 26, 66, 135, 85, 100, 195, 41, 112, 238, 193, 6, 132, 207, 65, 40, 106, 109, 195, 243, 16, 253, 193, 136, 45, 46, 65, 56, 217, 103, 195, 250, 26, 247, 193, 16, 130, 136, 192, 240, 127, 66, 195, 207, 150, 202, 193, 191, 134, 215, 65, 136, 108, 64, 195, 238, 200, 245, 193, 1, 67, 232, 65, 127, 122, 65, 195, 221, 102, 10, 194, 72, 220, 190, 65, 108, 213, 63, 195, 105, 22, 193, 193, 193, 175, 219, 65, 116, 195, 81, 195, 40, 167, 202, 193, 82, 110, 43, 193, 189, 108, 83, 195, 169, 162, 119, 193, 176, 138, 19, 193, 188, 249, 124, 195, 7, 36, 228, 193, 103, 151, 189, 192, 236, 251, 125, 195, 40, 85, 234, 193, 6, 118, 147, 192, 245, 9, 127, 195, 181, 45, 212, 193, 75, 29, 138, 64, 73, 54, 35, 195, 8, 86, 170, 193, 210, 165, 99, 66, 25, 85, 15, 195, 233, 111, 230, 193, 86, 250, 160, 64, 31, 198, 18, 195, 226, 166, 12, 194, 48, 90, 175, 192, 37, 247, 50, 195, 45, 210, 238, 193, 6, 4, 2, 194, 103, 207, 50, 195, 167, 200, 226, 193, 196, 69, 11, 194, 161, 216, 134, 195, 159, 93, 150, 193, 51, 58, 41, 65, 143, 64, 107, 195, 126, 35, 199, 193, 28, 167, 63, 66, 182, 38, 237, 194, 28, 31, 246, 193, 212, 28, 7, 66, 9, 186, 216, 194, 148, 56, 234, 192, 244, 46, 171, 65, 143, 108, 210, 194, 94, 60, 234, 192, 251, 133, 149, 65, 60, 174, 223, 194, 165, 133, 248, 193, 18, 87, 6, 66, 17, 90, 84, 195, 60, 215, 9, 193, 209, 235, 102, 66, 56, 205, 105, 195, 28, 177, 145, 193, 233, 95, 39, 66, 109, 196, 122, 195, 47, 242, 186, 193, 149, 154, 19, 66, 196, 149, 134, 195, 76, 189, 141, 193, 254, 92, 131, 65, 54, 88, 133, 195, 128, 161, 160, 193, 40, 216, 181, 65, 112, 206, 111, 195, 42, 18, 110, 193, 19, 28, 74, 66, 33, 191, 106, 195, 109, 79, 183, 193, 105, 203, 68, 66, 24, 54, 115, 195, 42, 62, 200, 193, 104, 74, 74, 66, 42, 176, 121, 195, 107, 248, 210, 193, 151, 223, 60, 66, 169, 23, 110, 195, 183, 231, 193, 193, 228, 102, 78, 66, 161, 55, 123, 195, 179, 116, 199, 193, 83, 227, 74, 66, 7, 183, 132, 195, 148, 35, 120, 193, 99, 197, 18, 66, 238, 170, 132, 195, 87, 79, 147, 193, 192, 156, 240, 65, 86, 35, 131, 195, 53, 216, 167, 193, 225, 246, 78, 66, 234, 184, 82, 195, 182, 7, 75, 192, 163, 12, 150, 66, 219, 30, 67, 195, 192, 248, 218, 192, 100, 150, 161, 66, 250, 91, 77, 195, 59, 36, 3, 64, 15, 186, 219, 66, 240, 209, 77, 195, 4, 98, 0, 63, 30, 18, 4, 67, 94, 79, 82, 195, 157, 8, 16, 66, 150, 168, 18, 67, 97, 91, 125, 195, 70, 45, 10, 66, 122, 168, 70, 67, 51, 72, 90, 195, 218, 247, 15, 66, 52, 168, 29, 67, 221, 216, 83, 195, 179, 235, 164, 61, 206, 138, 15, 67, 113, 124, 86, 195, 56, 245, 14, 66, 74, 231, 25, 67, 81, 0, 79, 195, 38, 188, 146, 190, 236, 27, 10, 67, 155, 240, 12, 195, 79, 97, 108, 65, 229, 25, 31, 67, 151, 78, 251, 194, 221, 61, 139, 65, 237, 116, 46, 67, 22, 128, 248, 194, 245, 87, 131, 65, 162, 109, 43, 67, 104, 224, 248, 194, 65, 137, 219, 65, 8, 202, 43, 67, 31, 190, 246, 194, 253, 41, 116, 65, 93, 91, 39, 67, 22, 59, 252, 194, 75, 199, 97, 65, 13, 118, 34, 67, 39, 56, 0, 195, 249, 80, 208, 65, 54, 234, 36, 67, 180, 210, 255, 194, 4, 77, 86, 65, 51, 212, 30, 67, 222, 172, 5, 195, 19, 125, 202, 65, 171, 240, 29, 67, 218, 19, 2, 195, 254, 2, 199, 65, 240, 7, 31, 67, 225, 47, 205, 194, 195, 222, 36, 65, 65, 87, 26, 67, 193, 38, 205, 194, 237, 184, 20, 65, 210, 21, 20, 67, 79, 15, 171, 194, 168, 15, 242, 64, 17, 148, 0, 67, 15, 68, 206, 194, 88, 118, 7, 65, 38, 251, 11, 67, 37, 117, 252, 194, 120, 62, 185, 65, 132, 228, 20, 67, 206, 129, 8, 195, 145, 94, 42, 65, 138, 224, 6, 67, 167, 87, 221, 194, 207, 148, 191, 65, 116, 86, 34, 67, 227, 61, 177, 194, 225, 119, 251, 64, 200, 56, 8, 67, 43, 85, 22, 195, 35, 9, 78, 65, 159, 197, 249, 66, 237, 168, 19, 67, 19, 163, 179, 193, 38, 163, 240, 194, 152, 180, 45, 67, 50, 191, 93, 193, 126, 197, 214, 194, 188, 176, 48, 67, 69, 154, 67, 193, 115, 239, 226, 194, 102, 21, 13, 195, 33, 192, 200, 193, 39, 45, 220, 66, 12, 222, 12, 195, 2, 160, 199, 193, 2, 67, 228, 66, 177, 77, 23, 195, 138, 176, 88, 65, 73, 72, 4, 67, 123, 30, 11, 195, 162, 47, 58, 65, 216, 56, 12, 67, 24, 183, 8, 195, 107, 49, 70, 65, 14, 84, 20, 67, 1, 65, 5, 195, 215, 125, 69, 65, 144, 206, 22, 67, 130, 122, 4, 195, 205, 122, 84, 65, 77, 41, 28, 67, 32, 12, 13, 195, 34, 98, 93, 65, 36, 225, 25, 67, 40, 196, 15, 195, 133, 77, 88, 65, 68, 249, 20, 67, 108, 48, 9, 195, 199, 47, 196, 193, 7, 203, 3, 67, 106, 125, 12, 195, 64, 158, 195, 193, 117, 140, 252, 66, 135, 95, 20, 195, 92, 34, 83, 65, 172, 158, 9, 67, 194, 173, 15, 195, 77, 243, 191, 193, 239, 147, 235, 66, 56, 175, 16, 67, 243, 190, 169, 193, 162, 158, 2, 195, 215, 68, 55, 67, 27, 155, 126, 65, 192, 165, 187, 194, 173, 178, 69, 67, 73, 137, 84, 65, 9, 238, 186, 194, 25, 108, 73, 67, 150, 29, 101, 65, 169, 237, 198, 194, 115, 253, 59, 67, 224, 242, 55, 65, 60, 81, 162, 194, 5, 243, 54, 67, 129, 34, 31, 65, 254, 57, 159, 194, 82, 106, 54, 67, 115, 22, 191, 192, 222, 230, 146, 194, 112, 192, 43, 67, 168, 210, 193, 64, 160, 248, 160, 194, 145, 160, 38, 67, 19, 52, 154, 64, 63, 25, 158, 194, 195, 148, 36, 67, 169, 125, 120, 193, 252, 122, 145, 194, 32, 73, 48, 67, 216, 240, 186, 64, 230, 34, 187, 194, 39, 182, 52, 67, 90, 39, 235, 64, 226, 53, 181, 194, 61, 127, 52, 67, 253, 198, 121, 65, 163, 65, 192, 194, 92, 108, 46, 67, 8, 216, 162, 64, 47, 114, 196, 194, 71, 167, 7, 67, 178, 26, 209, 193, 81, 140, 96, 194, 194, 55, 255, 66, 131, 192, 231, 193, 158, 175, 152, 194, 21, 133, 5, 67, 166, 86, 221, 193, 147, 177, 156, 194, 42, 176, 0, 67, 169, 252, 82, 63, 155, 59, 168, 194, 169, 218, 253, 66, 244, 246, 145, 63, 124, 98, 173, 194, 168, 33, 14, 67, 155, 240, 62, 65, 116, 28, 188, 194, 11, 239, 16, 67, 120, 85, 62, 65, 223, 192, 190, 194, 112, 67, 227, 66, 78, 174, 242, 193, 4, 41, 165, 194, 23, 7, 2, 67, 11, 20, 198, 193, 47, 44, 204, 193, 138, 9, 22, 67, 122, 5, 155, 193, 21, 59, 80, 194, 240, 50, 32, 67, 152, 199, 19, 64, 74, 75, 70, 194, 74, 47, 28, 67, 213, 172, 104, 63, 218, 52, 54, 194, 71, 243, 33, 67, 253, 229, 79, 193, 59, 42, 85, 194, 193, 90, 39, 67, 227, 153, 41, 193, 107, 247, 97, 194, 165, 61, 10, 67, 57, 134, 153, 193, 238, 51, 140, 193, 250, 175, 163, 66, 67, 223, 248, 193, 13, 67, 10, 66, 88, 62, 131, 66, 179, 160, 249, 193, 201, 210, 68, 66, 235, 55, 116, 66, 160, 119, 249, 193, 180, 252, 87, 66, 152, 95, 116, 66, 236, 146, 225, 193, 68, 87, 92, 66, 197, 198, 99, 66, 222, 58, 249, 193, 157, 86, 109, 66, 76, 33, 96, 66, 244, 127, 225, 193, 36, 235, 116, 66, 244, 124, 97, 66, 0, 130, 203, 193, 119, 56, 119, 66, 204, 4, 97, 66, 162, 255, 202, 193, 108, 143, 133, 66, 5, 230, 99, 66, 22, 255, 202, 193, 95, 42, 139, 66, 17, 90, 111, 66, 206, 203, 225, 193, 156, 113, 133, 66, 200, 243, 112, 66, 83, 34, 203, 193, 251, 4, 126, 66, 169, 241, 114, 66, 34, 141, 225, 193, 119, 51, 125, 66, 183, 184, 136, 66, 223, 186, 225, 193, 228, 46, 79, 66, 107, 90, 131, 66, 255, 150, 225, 193, 228, 101, 70, 66, 5, 182, 219, 66, 145, 131, 222, 193, 82, 39, 133, 65, 86, 49, 31, 67, 39, 145, 130, 64, 161, 189, 30, 194, 13, 8, 40, 67, 155, 123, 192, 64, 178, 84, 82, 194, 52, 109, 49, 67, 221, 191, 130, 192, 227, 126, 97, 194, 241, 121, 54, 67, 58, 14, 122, 65, 14, 183, 82, 194, 249, 78, 56, 67, 34, 210, 53, 63, 133, 76, 95, 194, 198, 213, 35, 67, 112, 168, 206, 192, 93, 49, 15, 194, 242, 176, 112, 66, 226, 127, 249, 193, 154, 66, 133, 66, 81, 238, 103, 66, 139, 213, 224, 193, 175, 217, 137, 66, 124, 43, 98, 66, 45, 85, 225, 193, 3, 134, 143, 66, 95, 155, 86, 66, 212, 168, 203, 193, 136, 145, 147, 66, 5, 108, 79, 66, 87, 24, 182, 193, 158, 3, 144, 66, 153, 132, 97, 66, 161, 17, 183, 193, 204, 124, 138, 66, 189, 202, 94, 66, 222, 176, 182, 193, 133, 211, 132, 66, 221, 29, 81, 66, 137, 206, 182, 193, 228, 154, 136, 66, 82, 236, 70, 66, 210, 242, 202, 193, 164, 183, 142, 66, 67, 138, 69, 66, 140, 40, 225, 193, 89, 137, 139, 66, 77, 19, 58, 66, 113, 129, 249, 193, 159, 47, 147, 66, 74, 208, 65, 66, 136, 234, 224, 193, 202, 57, 145, 66, 138, 88, 171, 66, 23, 24, 245, 193, 117, 201, 69, 66, 103, 120, 17, 67, 251, 6, 61, 193, 160, 139, 176, 192, 223, 137, 19, 67, 230, 63, 185, 64, 221, 198, 152, 65, 173, 243, 31, 67, 29, 190, 96, 65, 57, 81, 50, 65, 25, 38, 12, 67, 162, 133, 79, 193, 106, 120, 7, 65, 239, 111, 17, 67, 97, 203, 167, 64, 75, 71, 194, 65, 158, 242, 25, 67, 68, 10, 53, 65, 149, 71, 159, 65, 236, 131, 21, 67, 184, 53, 181, 64, 16, 71, 77, 65, 82, 199, 34, 67, 169, 162, 161, 189, 245, 167, 110, 193, 196, 204, 51, 67, 198, 110, 11, 65, 127, 90, 236, 193, 162, 218, 49, 67, 209, 229, 160, 65, 161, 180, 8, 194, 160, 57, 68, 67, 249, 188, 55, 65, 179, 15, 67, 194, 117, 15, 66, 67, 202, 97, 184, 65, 173, 110, 83, 194, 206, 122, 68, 67, 150, 182, 190, 65, 124, 77, 90, 194, 141, 94, 68, 67, 28, 61, 176, 65, 58, 100, 109, 194, 113, 105, 75, 67, 30, 60, 69, 65, 130, 84, 101, 194, 8, 158, 62, 67, 87, 33, 182, 65, 156, 207, 65, 194, 220, 182, 46, 67, 18, 30, 133, 64, 89, 26, 244, 193, 37, 51, 65, 67, 118, 0, 160, 65, 105, 123, 110, 194, 39, 223, 74, 67, 152, 49, 25, 65, 158, 156, 128, 194, 42, 74, 44, 67, 201, 185, 114, 65, 87, 115, 12, 194, 229, 229, 40, 67, 86, 2, 66, 65, 141, 106, 16, 194, 158, 17, 38, 67, 136, 118, 100, 192, 82, 62, 1, 194, 129, 97, 39, 67, 217, 48, 33, 65, 82, 52, 26, 194, 102, 15, 50, 67, 182, 63, 73, 65, 181, 179, 80, 194, 184, 49, 71, 67, 213, 95, 157, 64, 177, 51, 143, 194, 224, 123, 115, 67, 29, 27, 209, 65, 197, 106, 181, 194, 119, 122, 116, 67, 197, 120, 115, 66, 196, 250, 158, 194, 126, 38, 63, 67, 100, 5, 72, 65, 136, 76, 30, 194, 68, 137, 33, 67, 162, 165, 139, 65, 4, 232, 137, 65, 165, 96, 24, 67, 160, 170, 202, 65, 204, 164, 235, 65, 49, 68, 26, 67, 162, 55, 212, 65, 52, 247, 0, 66, 160, 62, 116, 67, 170, 60, 115, 66, 76, 33, 133, 194, 6, 106, 118, 67, 221, 70, 119, 66, 43, 223, 174, 194, 154, 153, 114, 67, 42, 24, 115, 66, 154, 240, 103, 194, 41, 212, 110, 67, 77, 185, 113, 66, 30, 51, 81, 194, 23, 222, 102, 67, 35, 126, 117, 66, 154, 100, 29, 194, 209, 107, 118, 67, 18, 213, 118, 66, 215, 153, 79, 194, 179, 110, 99, 67, 179, 141, 118, 66, 118, 115, 12, 194, 57, 252, 97, 67, 85, 213, 121, 66, 75, 18, 251, 193, 26, 46, 72, 67, 199, 138, 128, 66, 240, 214, 91, 192, 98, 45, 72, 67, 229, 56, 133, 66, 230, 251, 85, 64, 170, 56, 48, 67, 223, 164, 180, 65, 217, 145, 135, 65, 104, 234, 41, 67, 46, 47, 250, 65, 217, 109, 25, 66, 167, 175, 28, 67, 31, 245, 228, 65, 250, 55, 38, 66, 169, 167, 33, 67, 131, 186, 183, 65, 79, 177, 35, 66, 7, 131, 29, 67, 107, 5, 230, 65, 50, 251, 26, 66, 123, 123, 25, 67, 49, 128, 196, 65, 125, 192, 145, 66, 103, 234, 15, 67, 65, 228, 132, 65, 146, 123, 169, 66, 103, 43, 8, 67, 204, 94, 180, 63, 18, 168, 165, 66, 240, 166, 28, 67, 151, 24, 177, 65, 124, 81, 189, 66, 108, 65, 39, 67, 177, 194, 55, 65, 87, 155, 243, 66, 35, 206, 61, 67, 175, 183, 114, 65, 162, 210, 0, 67, 10, 134, 42, 67, 4, 192, 133, 65, 89, 101, 210, 66, 104, 8, 34, 67, 149, 84, 79, 65, 56, 254, 202, 66, 20, 15, 27, 67, 178, 6, 167, 65, 210, 153, 193, 66, 6, 207, 14, 67, 187, 146, 119, 65, 21, 101, 181, 66, 107, 226, 190, 66, 56, 79, 210, 193, 249, 219, 254, 66, 198, 39, 214, 66, 164, 90, 207, 193, 245, 20, 229, 66, 226, 23, 237, 66, 209, 3, 174, 192, 116, 185, 214, 66, 117, 28, 6, 67, 217, 163, 57, 191, 43, 163, 187, 66, 186, 202, 4, 67, 182, 33, 185, 191, 129, 163, 197, 66, 181, 191, 215, 66, 42, 34, 201, 193, 6, 30, 243, 66, 133, 231, 7, 67, 5, 253, 46, 63, 176, 19, 176, 66, 113, 117, 253, 66, 216, 224, 88, 192, 242, 33, 189, 66, 40, 211, 235, 66, 90, 72, 174, 192, 42, 214, 187, 66, 119, 208, 15, 67, 98, 96, 129, 65, 233, 102, 175, 66, 248, 56, 234, 66, 221, 207, 184, 192, 45, 45, 198, 66, 224, 180, 211, 66, 197, 195, 210, 193, 82, 64, 220, 66, 49, 9, 242, 66, 92, 15, 165, 192, 204, 16, 204, 66, 16, 154, 6, 67, 45, 66, 143, 191, 83, 235, 208, 66, 66, 185, 54, 67, 248, 91, 79, 65, 73, 112, 3, 67, 61, 158, 218, 66, 147, 136, 194, 193, 83, 231, 251, 66, 215, 227, 235, 66, 127, 45, 183, 192, 250, 104, 207, 66, 108, 107, 73, 67, 60, 228, 143, 63, 82, 146, 16, 67, 42, 198, 30, 67, 111, 117, 27, 65, 90, 90, 215, 66, 253, 221, 23, 67, 19, 132, 149, 65, 99, 134, 198, 66, 170, 139, 15, 67, 73, 45, 118, 65, 127, 223, 192, 66, 106, 13, 25, 67, 19, 87, 199, 64, 161, 132, 223, 66, 17, 63, 19, 67, 156, 79, 133, 65, 44, 133, 198, 66, 129, 215, 231, 66, 187, 38, 173, 193, 41, 83, 6, 67, 96, 144, 249, 66, 177, 194, 33, 192, 80, 152, 241, 66, 245, 159, 6, 67, 255, 105, 153, 191, 226, 105, 211, 66, 157, 174, 8, 67, 250, 114, 14, 191, 213, 125, 215, 66, 102, 147, 240, 66, 206, 20, 145, 192, 23, 203, 226, 66, 75, 114, 210, 66, 176, 215, 210, 193, 203, 144, 209, 66, 83, 22, 153, 66, 22, 157, 232, 193, 166, 60, 233, 66, 52, 73, 199, 66, 89, 86, 149, 193, 80, 117, 23, 67, 232, 235, 232, 66, 236, 216, 155, 193, 222, 62, 15, 67, 207, 187, 99, 66, 41, 104, 243, 193, 100, 31, 221, 66, 232, 187, 124, 66, 211, 212, 213, 193, 104, 67, 6, 67, 145, 50, 107, 66, 145, 169, 205, 193, 138, 221, 11, 67, 123, 46, 255, 66, 51, 197, 182, 191, 176, 82, 247, 66, 227, 137, 9, 67, 14, 109, 178, 190, 92, 93, 234, 66, 253, 217, 14, 67, 35, 74, 204, 63, 183, 87, 224, 66, 222, 194, 4, 67, 168, 47, 161, 190, 85, 122, 248, 66, 29, 31, 250, 66, 109, 71, 153, 193, 199, 252, 9, 67, 142, 191, 85, 66, 44, 226, 217, 193, 1, 133, 6, 67, 175, 96, 105, 66, 174, 201, 220, 193, 68, 203, 2, 67, 246, 225, 103, 66, 200, 255, 174, 193, 7, 41, 7, 67, 10, 206, 238, 66, 42, 106, 163, 193, 28, 40, 9, 67, 112, 52, 200, 194, 32, 111, 104, 193, 85, 179, 65, 67, 87, 123, 72, 194, 38, 7, 204, 193, 209, 244, 30, 67, 80, 54, 152, 66, 11, 24, 236, 192, 4, 245, 56, 67, 10, 10, 243, 66, 24, 212, 5, 66, 43, 72, 81, 67, 159, 117, 249, 66, 163, 234, 3, 66, 183, 138, 76, 67, 224, 20, 24, 67, 168, 19, 225, 65, 241, 9, 52, 67, 122, 157, 21, 67, 184, 185, 58, 193, 61, 65, 12, 67, 35, 68, 42, 67, 44, 17, 43, 65, 204, 105, 2, 67, 164, 198, 52, 67, 134, 12, 113, 192, 68, 118, 20, 67, 0, 51, 45, 67, 85, 18, 49, 65, 237, 82, 4, 67, 176, 66, 14, 67, 155, 139, 26, 64, 156, 52, 251, 66, 101, 53, 49, 67, 104, 226, 61, 65, 142, 157, 3, 67, 11, 130, 87, 67, 41, 212, 168, 65, 101, 225, 102, 67, 119, 182, 91, 67, 15, 255, 34, 66, 167, 117, 107, 67, 197, 170, 94, 67, 212, 154, 32, 66, 1, 210, 108, 67, 14, 48, 91, 67, 37, 174, 162, 65, 183, 218, 104, 67, 146, 60, 118, 67, 233, 249, 11, 66, 246, 220, 119, 67, 251, 49, 118, 67, 5, 117, 12, 66, 238, 26, 131, 67, 207, 231, 112, 67, 194, 134, 137, 65, 137, 147, 105, 67, 190, 159, 112, 67, 28, 151, 22, 66, 212, 184, 108, 67, 61, 193, 117, 67, 177, 139, 158, 65, 219, 105, 94, 67, 198, 54, 109, 67, 80, 165, 144, 65, 166, 171, 103, 67, 125, 142, 107, 67, 212, 111, 24, 66, 143, 209, 109, 67, 142, 1, 105, 67, 182, 0, 146, 65, 248, 132, 105, 67, 120, 50, 118, 67, 141, 21, 145, 193, 90, 228, 85, 67, 204, 139, 114, 67, 159, 227, 139, 193, 163, 68, 85, 67, 109, 139, 114, 67, 158, 255, 163, 65, 65, 176, 93, 67, 47, 145, 113, 67, 171, 18, 168, 65, 75, 132, 92, 67, 67, 251, 112, 67, 90, 111, 135, 193, 68, 19, 84, 67, 18, 148, 100, 67, 187, 21, 153, 65, 198, 236, 103, 67, 123, 247, 95, 67, 21, 209, 155, 65, 138, 1, 106, 67, 214, 254, 98, 67, 4, 113, 29, 66, 79, 235, 109, 67, 105, 56, 107, 67, 6, 90, 125, 193, 48, 3, 82, 67, 47, 198, 107, 67, 15, 5, 174, 65, 140, 113, 91, 67, 4, 102, 97, 67, 197, 199, 109, 193, 89, 200, 80, 67, 148, 171, 64, 67, 30, 28, 179, 191, 87, 94, 19, 67, 134, 204, 82, 67, 94, 186, 87, 192, 116, 121, 45, 67, 64, 50, 118, 67, 116, 206, 20, 193, 107, 139, 66, 67, 185, 50, 118, 67, 185, 209, 16, 66, 23, 250, 111, 67, 246, 188, 117, 67, 210, 242, 127, 65, 21, 17, 108, 67, 1, 217, 115, 67, 38, 69, 19, 66, 82, 159, 110, 67, 201, 214, 115, 67, 170, 31, 131, 65, 11, 117, 107, 67, 194, 193, 117, 67, 212, 48, 133, 65, 166, 61, 105, 67, 233, 77, 87, 67, 157, 245, 38, 66, 92, 98, 104, 67, 183, 135, 90, 67, 128, 63, 36, 66, 137, 72, 106, 67, 41, 12, 84, 67, 114, 150, 174, 65, 122, 10, 101, 67, 120, 162, 93, 67, 237, 156, 106, 193, 83, 181, 80, 67, 226, 157, 36, 67, 55, 6, 26, 65, 252, 122, 0, 67, 37, 133, 25, 67, 93, 25, 198, 64, 244, 5, 251, 66, 248, 115, 48, 67, 215, 97, 139, 192, 209, 103, 18, 67, 2, 159, 57, 67, 148, 176, 59, 192, 245, 174, 20, 67, 18, 231, 98, 67, 191, 7, 180, 65, 27, 213, 90, 67, 84, 122, 17, 67, 119, 209, 81, 193, 128, 87, 12, 67, 90, 173, 242, 66, 117, 164, 7, 66, 52, 242, 87, 67, 46, 132, 196, 66, 249, 133, 23, 192, 219, 224, 73, 67, 150, 158, 20, 67, 206, 31, 7, 193, 81, 8, 32, 67, 195, 132, 26, 67, 43, 188, 32, 193, 133, 6, 12, 67, 244, 87, 35, 67, 80, 253, 228, 65, 83, 191, 48, 67, 10, 149, 90, 67, 138, 1, 93, 193, 227, 94, 78, 67, 204, 80, 96, 67, 27, 185, 185, 65, 14, 1, 89, 67, 125, 30, 83, 67, 76, 205, 176, 65, 146, 202, 99, 67, 245, 146, 84, 67, 35, 217, 40, 66, 194, 135, 103, 67, 242, 210, 74, 67, 194, 139, 47, 66, 99, 188, 120, 67, 97, 91, 80, 67, 231, 157, 180, 65, 160, 238, 98, 67, 238, 179, 81, 67, 169, 248, 42, 66, 184, 79, 102, 67, 77, 119, 77, 67, 240, 100, 184, 65, 223, 38, 98, 67, 12, 222, 85, 67, 187, 217, 202, 65, 253, 242, 82, 67, 16, 174, 85, 67, 49, 220, 83, 193, 29, 25, 77, 67, 53, 103, 93, 67, 152, 95, 190, 65, 156, 126, 87, 67, 22, 88, 57, 67, 117, 241, 150, 192, 254, 1, 33, 67, 73, 240, 32, 67, 238, 195, 216, 192, 155, 204, 32, 67, 123, 55, 45, 67, 170, 123, 238, 65, 181, 75, 49, 67, 50, 95, 231, 66, 79, 140, 7, 66, 63, 186, 92, 67, 236, 189, 12, 67, 57, 195, 3, 66, 5, 232, 76, 67, 33, 239, 172, 66, 75, 111, 65, 192, 255, 74, 72, 67, 130, 148, 94, 194, 246, 230, 175, 193, 15, 80, 46, 67, 153, 244, 196, 66, 61, 218, 4, 192, 136, 118, 78, 67, 240, 50, 138, 192, 21, 157, 234, 193, 178, 11, 13, 67, 89, 196, 211, 66, 220, 131, 5, 66, 92, 60, 103, 67, 236, 139, 245, 66, 105, 81, 9, 66, 49, 56, 121, 67, 129, 105, 29, 67, 191, 45, 76, 66, 225, 157, 126, 67, 57, 218, 2, 67, 249, 115, 6, 66, 87, 176, 118, 67, 10, 154, 14, 67, 216, 26, 81, 66, 140, 55, 122, 67, 167, 76, 19, 67, 11, 25, 79, 66, 179, 205, 119, 67, 163, 76, 29, 67, 142, 172, 254, 65, 14, 113, 79, 67, 89, 248, 64, 67, 27, 161, 200, 65, 208, 192, 95, 67, 93, 242, 73, 67, 30, 243, 45, 66, 63, 248, 106, 67, 24, 248, 73, 67, 110, 34, 48, 66, 171, 97, 100, 67, 187, 112, 71, 67, 237, 37, 192, 65, 134, 240, 96, 67, 187, 103, 97, 67, 40, 121, 161, 65, 181, 160, 100, 67, 168, 160, 82, 67, 61, 134, 212, 65, 17, 122, 78, 67, 202, 160, 57, 67, 42, 213, 238, 65, 201, 109, 63, 67, 51, 252, 36, 67, 37, 69, 243, 65, 60, 25, 60, 67, 202, 48, 55, 67, 162, 15, 244, 65, 37, 10, 51, 67, 65, 195, 70, 67, 85, 252, 237, 65, 10, 117, 63, 67, 57, 4, 76, 67, 36, 227, 20, 193, 95, 238, 62, 67, 251, 137, 72, 67, 133, 152, 16, 193, 51, 192, 61, 67, 9, 231, 76, 67, 5, 228, 36, 193, 159, 248, 66, 67, 23, 79, 77, 67, 2, 26, 230, 65, 185, 80, 69, 67, 62, 177, 74, 67, 47, 203, 232, 65, 152, 122, 66, 67, 159, 117, 66, 67, 172, 242, 243, 65, 9, 147, 57, 67, 234, 150, 44, 67, 132, 54, 188, 192, 20, 123, 35, 67, 143, 55, 71, 67, 202, 225, 2, 193, 40, 183, 57, 67, 100, 53, 81, 67, 21, 208, 63, 193, 13, 8, 73, 67, 141, 193, 76, 67, 147, 243, 45, 66, 8, 203, 101, 67, 229, 172, 75, 67, 26, 17, 187, 65, 56, 42, 97, 67, 62, 230, 68, 67, 178, 238, 228, 192, 97, 53, 53, 67, 121, 222, 66, 67, 161, 165, 202, 192, 107, 177, 48, 67, 124, 166, 62, 67, 200, 103, 200, 192, 58, 247, 46, 67, 15, 127, 59, 67, 60, 28, 246, 65, 175, 18, 52, 67, 27, 10, 50, 67, 214, 131, 179, 192, 74, 167, 36, 67, 165, 33, 56, 67, 168, 171, 175, 192, 249, 15, 39, 67, 61, 149, 63, 67, 192, 195, 245, 65, 165, 254, 53, 67, 96, 152, 96, 67, 36, 55, 19, 193, 111, 34, 65, 67, 196, 233, 178, 66, 147, 100, 1, 192, 35, 227, 92, 67, 137, 90, 223, 66, 113, 114, 7, 66, 213, 144, 100, 67, 185, 43, 168, 66, 130, 117, 24, 192, 178, 228, 94, 67, 13, 201, 164, 65, 41, 177, 178, 193, 0, 16, 38, 67, 117, 62, 185, 66, 201, 171, 2, 192, 88, 3, 85, 67, 124, 71, 175, 65, 134, 83, 218, 193, 228, 176, 16, 67, 135, 81, 247, 66, 47, 253, 8, 66, 88, 197, 98, 67, 128, 85, 51, 67, 71, 199, 241, 65, 77, 112, 49, 67, 115, 87, 39, 67, 157, 61, 199, 192, 220, 177, 33, 67, 115, 218, 39, 67, 109, 75, 198, 192, 160, 232, 26, 67, 96, 186, 68, 67, 186, 204, 196, 65, 101, 20, 95, 67, 21, 194, 70, 67, 68, 233, 49, 66, 57, 172, 100, 67, 73, 109, 78, 67, 82, 48, 220, 65, 114, 216, 73, 67, 211, 140, 7, 67, 118, 155, 4, 66, 42, 150, 117, 67, 95, 190, 9, 67, 233, 139, 3, 66, 22, 48, 116, 67, 206, 93, 14, 67, 150, 184, 1, 66, 143, 168, 113, 67, 170, 221, 22, 67, 207, 134, 252, 65, 174, 98, 105, 67, 247, 152, 19, 67, 53, 60, 255, 65, 166, 205, 108, 67, 52, 111, 25, 67, 40, 84, 76, 66, 87, 42, 118, 67, 65, 69, 46, 67, 158, 171, 70, 66, 112, 137, 124, 67, 103, 254, 49, 67, 47, 68, 77, 66, 147, 29, 131, 67, 255, 221, 39, 67, 253, 175, 69, 66, 16, 13, 106, 67, 183, 50, 39, 67, 16, 24, 235, 65, 138, 226, 95, 67, 69, 11, 53, 67, 63, 27, 64, 66, 22, 98, 92, 67, 52, 6, 59, 67, 142, 13, 60, 66, 45, 47, 93, 67, 76, 168, 49, 67, 186, 133, 64, 66, 71, 146, 98, 67, 39, 136, 51, 67, 188, 0, 224, 65, 208, 254, 86, 67, 190, 109, 74, 67, 42, 59, 57, 66, 148, 31, 131, 67, 94, 245, 52, 67, 155, 109, 220, 65, 28, 80, 89, 67, 85, 0, 61, 67, 101, 200, 56, 66, 241, 231, 97, 67, 29, 186, 55, 67, 65, 246, 213, 65, 247, 79, 93, 67, 107, 65, 60, 67, 0, 104, 207, 65, 186, 98, 94, 67, 50, 119, 66, 67, 94, 22, 53, 66, 163, 43, 99, 67, 67, 254, 41, 67, 54, 239, 233, 65, 0, 168, 90, 67, 241, 51, 29, 67, 15, 51, 246, 65, 190, 145, 101, 67, 255, 77, 31, 67, 158, 221, 73, 66, 180, 201, 111, 67, 245, 93, 34, 67, 239, 149, 72, 66, 6, 221, 108, 67, 174, 94, 47, 67, 132, 147, 230, 65, 180, 50, 85, 67, 231, 15, 36, 67, 184, 61, 238, 65, 58, 3, 99, 67, 117, 5, 62, 67, 81, 80, 216, 65, 128, 166, 82, 67, 215, 68, 46, 67, 131, 51, 66, 66, 5, 32, 114, 67, 66, 116, 45, 67, 145, 77, 66, 66, 22, 66, 103, 67, 112, 146, 7, 67, 96, 154, 83, 66, 173, 99, 123, 67, 199, 240, 3, 67, 199, 218, 84, 66, 62, 138, 124, 67, 27, 183, 28, 67, 128, 250, 79, 66, 163, 28, 131, 67, 50, 197, 252, 66, 112, 161, 85, 66, 46, 166, 124, 67, 17, 172, 210, 66, 246, 58, 13, 66, 100, 207, 124, 67, 85, 145, 191, 66, 78, 17, 16, 66, 193, 208, 128, 67, 80, 242, 233, 66, 70, 0, 9, 66, 59, 66, 113, 67, 146, 29, 182, 66, 245, 45, 19, 66, 239, 200, 130, 67, 83, 110, 179, 66, 158, 215, 8, 66, 200, 123, 124, 67, 183, 21, 170, 66, 170, 236, 16, 66, 56, 200, 130, 67, 148, 158, 201, 66, 9, 218, 3, 66, 87, 163, 105, 67, 24, 27, 136, 66, 232, 137, 196, 192, 109, 202, 69, 67, 5, 66, 20, 193, 212, 191, 202, 193, 75, 171, 38, 67, 247, 160, 91, 194, 6, 97, 167, 193, 144, 148, 59, 67, 181, 206, 149, 66, 206, 159, 71, 192, 138, 50, 101, 67, 245, 36, 161, 66, 218, 212, 10, 66, 36, 122, 129, 67, 236, 194, 148, 66, 245, 100, 32, 66, 166, 125, 130, 67, 237, 60, 139, 66, 50, 145, 33, 66, 60, 108, 131, 67, 26, 184, 139, 66, 19, 214, 107, 192, 215, 91, 102, 67, 60, 3, 190, 66, 135, 64, 1, 66, 33, 109, 108, 67, 99, 77, 152, 66, 77, 113, 5, 66, 22, 182, 128, 67, 2, 249, 141, 66, 203, 74, 29, 66, 163, 190, 129, 67, 176, 183, 138, 66, 34, 118, 26, 66, 215, 231, 128, 67, 227, 171, 134, 66, 236, 116, 22, 66, 43, 89, 127, 67, 254, 156, 130, 66, 241, 73, 16, 66, 2, 140, 122, 67, 37, 87, 137, 66, 245, 157, 223, 65, 84, 223, 116, 67, 102, 134, 167, 66, 134, 142, 242, 65, 241, 130, 109, 67, 76, 153, 143, 66, 98, 18, 234, 65, 220, 252, 118, 67, 77, 33, 71, 66, 3, 62, 7, 193, 128, 184, 97, 67, 252, 72, 148, 66, 87, 7, 1, 66, 206, 93, 127, 67, 47, 30, 176, 66, 123, 41, 249, 65, 186, 19, 109, 67, 147, 231, 143, 66, 200, 73, 244, 65, 212, 135, 123, 67, 164, 65, 20, 194, 226, 17, 166, 193, 85, 120, 130, 67, 53, 161, 173, 193, 180, 198, 164, 193, 56, 124, 130, 67, 121, 207, 68, 193, 236, 188, 177, 193, 41, 116, 116, 67, 28, 3, 216, 191, 170, 227, 175, 193, 57, 165, 101, 67, 80, 120, 172, 193, 72, 71, 204, 193, 39, 203, 93, 67, 68, 235, 97, 193, 173, 140, 200, 193, 129, 211, 87, 67, 161, 213, 249, 193, 39, 89, 199, 193, 6, 212, 99, 67, 206, 76, 117, 193, 70, 119, 195, 193, 61, 237, 101, 67, 12, 6, 221, 193, 13, 137, 189, 193, 80, 140, 117, 67, 163, 219, 116, 66, 90, 119, 11, 66, 187, 232, 119, 67, 32, 240, 126, 66, 81, 138, 206, 65, 151, 86, 113, 67, 104, 135, 32, 66, 178, 32, 45, 193, 65, 44, 99, 67, 88, 139, 102, 66, 105, 185, 26, 66, 201, 110, 131, 67, 224, 203, 100, 66, 81, 215, 8, 66, 39, 194, 121, 67, 27, 45, 130, 66, 230, 202, 198, 65, 168, 1, 105, 67, 17, 143, 95, 66, 58, 134, 185, 65, 217, 175, 111, 67, 1, 136, 3, 66, 138, 115, 78, 193, 60, 188, 98, 67, 149, 171, 179, 61, 205, 202, 184, 193, 133, 231, 50, 67, 211, 108, 79, 192, 222, 145, 188, 193, 254, 222, 84, 67, 235, 67, 133, 65, 19, 58, 146, 193, 218, 129, 93, 67, 17, 201, 182, 65, 209, 241, 146, 65, 144, 88, 129, 67, 149, 80, 253, 65, 242, 197, 4, 66, 151, 105, 131, 67, 82, 103, 171, 65, 16, 168, 152, 65, 157, 190, 130, 67, 33, 187, 143, 193, 216, 225, 164, 193, 107, 208, 128, 67, 86, 77, 202, 65, 150, 188, 134, 65, 36, 61, 122, 67, 255, 160, 55, 66, 238, 69, 153, 65, 190, 23, 103, 67, 52, 144, 62, 194, 193, 177, 182, 193, 176, 53, 89, 67, 87, 48, 11, 193, 111, 56, 189, 193, 58, 121, 60, 67, 101, 66, 54, 65, 136, 216, 154, 193, 77, 193, 95, 67, 103, 216, 5, 66, 224, 162, 138, 65, 12, 192, 113, 67, 110, 203, 173, 64, 234, 120, 166, 193, 78, 182, 96, 67, 226, 205, 40, 66, 79, 135, 145, 65, 60, 209, 102, 67, 112, 145, 18, 66, 62, 79, 138, 65, 57, 137, 107, 67, 187, 186, 197, 192, 214, 232, 174, 193, 162, 81, 111, 67, 172, 208, 231, 65, 32, 91, 134, 65, 113, 145, 116, 67, 18, 191, 123, 193, 107, 125, 171, 193, 120, 4, 125, 67, 80, 187, 217, 65, 102, 48, 155, 65, 31, 125, 129, 67, 183, 192, 17, 66, 37, 245, 2, 66, 84, 74, 129, 67, 26, 9, 246, 65, 68, 185, 154, 65, 82, 176, 127, 67, 86, 100, 39, 66, 104, 116, 2, 66, 194, 75, 126, 67, 197, 21, 20, 66, 72, 220, 157, 65, 237, 121, 122, 67, 92, 4, 195, 65, 143, 110, 117, 193, 254, 11, 99, 67, 99, 227, 116, 65, 149, 82, 167, 193, 20, 129, 50, 67, 5, 222, 164, 65, 30, 75, 134, 193, 98, 241, 95, 67, 114, 94, 46, 66, 28, 148, 161, 65, 212, 76, 115, 67, 181, 50, 56, 66, 208, 118, 1, 66, 238, 142, 121, 67, 190, 121, 81, 66, 253, 94, 166, 65, 98, 122, 101, 67, 98, 6, 58, 66, 63, 210, 164, 65, 236, 219, 112, 67, 81, 215, 108, 66, 195, 19, 187, 65, 43, 147, 106, 67, 74, 169, 72, 66, 11, 114, 3, 66, 163, 83, 120, 67, 249, 96, 141, 66, 43, 223, 211, 65, 136, 131, 105, 67, 85, 237, 149, 66, 239, 138, 223, 65, 134, 216, 107, 67, 56, 219, 55, 66, 30, 17, 15, 193, 220, 215, 101, 67, 186, 110, 1, 194, 233, 246, 189, 193, 62, 75, 59, 67, 142, 239, 119, 66, 198, 85, 160, 192, 237, 192, 103, 67, 136, 33, 94, 66, 248, 22, 201, 192, 154, 86, 104, 67, 95, 39, 199, 66, 67, 88, 4, 66, 93, 14, 108, 67, 77, 245, 154, 66, 231, 80, 35, 66, 181, 107, 131, 67, 183, 91, 153, 66, 254, 31, 68, 192, 108, 202, 97, 67, 55, 144, 214, 66, 176, 121, 93, 66, 121, 29, 131, 67, 161, 135, 222, 66, 185, 10, 90, 66, 41, 143, 129, 67, 81, 55, 225, 66, 0, 167, 11, 66, 89, 146, 122, 67, 100, 224, 236, 66, 195, 187, 10, 66, 201, 51, 122, 67, 65, 48, 240, 66, 12, 2, 87, 66, 182, 142, 126, 67, 41, 194, 0, 67, 12, 113, 91, 66, 25, 31, 131, 67, 88, 96, 26, 67, 197, 119, 14, 193, 75, 207, 22, 67, 202, 217, 40, 67, 121, 91, 188, 192, 183, 178, 17, 67, 109, 149, 35, 67, 147, 30, 229, 192, 181, 235, 15, 67, 133, 166, 30, 67, 125, 76, 0, 65, 248, 108, 253, 66, 81, 196, 31, 67, 7, 72, 6, 193, 193, 52, 13, 67, 237, 90, 21, 67, 55, 54, 140, 64, 99, 10, 225, 66, 26, 33, 2, 67, 6, 43, 143, 193, 20, 24, 11, 67, 61, 68, 93, 66, 89, 149, 171, 193, 163, 169, 10, 67, 189, 190, 89, 66, 62, 8, 177, 193, 168, 244, 6, 67, 65, 163, 57, 66, 71, 205, 216, 193, 13, 95, 9, 67, 24, 36, 53, 66, 246, 92, 152, 193, 154, 202, 7, 67, 144, 33, 40, 66, 240, 206, 154, 193, 231, 74, 7, 67, 167, 247, 39, 66, 150, 81, 159, 193, 73, 215, 3, 67, 155, 249, 34, 66, 43, 23, 227, 193, 178, 35, 4, 67, 108, 233, 229, 66, 98, 164, 235, 192, 51, 232, 45, 67, 103, 193, 5, 67, 14, 175, 238, 65, 19, 127, 61, 67, 161, 160, 0, 67, 107, 192, 26, 193, 158, 180, 36, 67, 155, 0, 247, 66, 116, 104, 23, 193, 7, 151, 38, 67, 86, 39, 14, 67, 66, 239, 221, 65, 34, 233, 53, 67, 19, 170, 8, 67, 155, 29, 237, 65, 255, 157, 60, 67, 184, 125, 226, 66, 1, 46, 197, 192, 26, 80, 50, 67, 98, 188, 217, 66, 236, 182, 154, 192, 81, 115, 55, 67, 198, 216, 252, 66, 11, 138, 2, 66, 176, 177, 73, 67, 35, 9, 209, 66, 3, 78, 102, 192, 49, 47, 62, 67, 40, 176, 37, 66, 63, 31, 221, 193, 112, 70, 8, 67, 103, 176, 47, 66, 170, 87, 229, 193, 70, 109, 1, 67, 146, 60, 57, 66, 67, 174, 156, 193, 141, 167, 4, 67, 231, 159, 85, 66, 23, 203, 208, 193, 102, 189, 11, 67, 150, 104, 101, 66, 131, 118, 195, 193, 56, 235, 16, 67, 124, 249, 62, 66, 126, 73, 223, 193, 76, 190, 4, 67, 118, 125, 22, 67, 133, 231, 242, 65, 109, 55, 61, 67, 167, 137, 11, 67, 153, 220, 113, 193, 176, 104, 11, 67, 6, 238, 19, 67, 115, 75, 136, 64, 77, 89, 251, 66, 166, 42, 15, 67, 14, 110, 6, 193, 186, 144, 35, 67, 108, 72, 9, 67, 158, 88, 116, 193, 78, 57, 14, 67, 195, 182, 5, 67, 193, 164, 22, 193, 84, 230, 35, 67, 244, 160, 1, 67, 8, 226, 252, 65, 149, 105, 68, 67, 100, 211, 19, 67, 161, 18, 220, 65, 255, 172, 51, 67, 225, 184, 197, 194, 54, 132, 92, 193, 231, 183, 72, 67, 173, 190, 227, 194, 180, 51, 172, 65, 216, 161, 65, 67, 126, 130, 179, 194, 89, 126, 97, 65, 162, 124, 42, 67, 241, 233, 235, 194, 220, 91, 159, 65, 12, 75, 57, 67, 121, 108, 207, 194, 137, 203, 82, 65, 6, 41, 37, 67, 143, 150, 225, 194, 190, 11, 141, 65, 87, 60, 50, 67, 253, 253, 242, 194, 219, 190, 248, 65, 21, 55, 57, 67, 0, 195, 243, 194, 142, 52, 170, 65, 38, 143, 61, 67, 255, 203, 249, 194, 221, 85, 2, 66, 3, 53, 62, 67, 73, 30, 239, 194, 7, 121, 233, 65, 44, 238, 50, 67, 217, 99, 232, 194, 13, 15, 225, 65, 241, 28, 48, 67, 27, 161, 218, 194, 60, 132, 115, 65, 26, 226, 42, 67, 42, 1, 227, 194, 198, 179, 216, 65, 6, 75, 45, 67, 153, 140, 221, 194, 250, 182, 205, 65, 29, 18, 41, 67, 187, 152, 147, 194, 138, 161, 241, 193, 130, 3, 6, 67, 158, 7, 64, 66, 57, 163, 249, 193, 38, 208, 140, 66, 8, 239, 82, 66, 189, 201, 225, 193, 124, 232, 130, 66, 42, 85, 84, 66, 91, 245, 202, 193, 59, 87, 133, 66, 4, 231, 81, 66, 190, 148, 249, 193, 25, 172, 128, 66, 241, 151, 224, 194, 167, 78, 176, 65, 255, 130, 12, 67, 177, 59, 237, 194, 132, 219, 177, 65, 232, 62, 14, 67, 141, 135, 241, 194, 50, 146, 179, 65, 227, 174, 16, 67, 155, 204, 255, 194, 135, 49, 14, 65, 54, 6, 0, 67, 225, 78, 229, 194, 68, 56, 238, 193, 17, 68, 227, 66, 139, 153, 239, 194, 160, 228, 12, 65, 90, 81, 7, 67, 62, 166, 244, 194, 53, 219, 181, 65, 204, 141, 19, 67, 86, 80, 204, 194, 235, 144, 249, 64, 109, 46, 255, 66, 255, 241, 182, 194, 72, 90, 241, 64, 77, 205, 236, 66, 184, 154, 149, 194, 208, 95, 249, 193, 152, 84, 207, 66, 138, 144, 142, 194, 197, 136, 249, 193, 138, 211, 211, 66, 150, 77, 199, 194, 165, 61, 0, 65, 65, 145, 6, 67, 46, 147, 218, 194, 140, 122, 176, 65, 238, 252, 14, 67, 184, 136, 6, 195, 55, 72, 192, 65, 188, 56, 19, 67, 54, 145, 12, 195, 185, 8, 40, 65, 63, 249, 246, 66, 22, 8, 17, 195, 220, 79, 54, 65, 151, 234, 242, 66, 217, 39, 0, 195, 5, 198, 225, 193, 164, 42, 216, 66, 250, 233, 5, 195, 114, 41, 23, 65, 219, 34, 250, 66, 241, 58, 253, 194, 23, 239, 21, 65, 177, 72, 7, 67, 139, 32, 242, 194, 212, 203, 234, 193, 134, 165, 221, 66, 57, 123, 4, 195, 131, 92, 28, 65, 137, 245, 3, 67, 63, 110, 223, 66, 88, 58, 242, 193, 197, 79, 176, 194, 152, 29, 8, 67, 117, 22, 157, 63, 3, 197, 205, 194, 205, 49, 12, 67, 146, 48, 178, 63, 126, 150, 213, 194, 248, 117, 15, 67, 142, 238, 158, 63, 50, 102, 213, 194, 139, 123, 18, 67, 126, 57, 150, 63, 92, 55, 213, 194, 195, 28, 11, 67, 66, 124, 202, 193, 166, 28, 221, 194, 128, 147, 21, 67, 248, 26, 114, 63, 5, 12, 208, 194, 1, 117, 9, 67, 166, 16, 29, 63, 34, 83, 193, 194, 66, 21, 20, 67, 64, 116, 144, 193, 73, 183, 32, 194, 209, 246, 27, 67, 20, 65, 229, 63, 222, 149, 35, 194, 217, 182, 21, 67, 191, 190, 133, 193, 163, 182, 25, 194, 251, 172, 17, 65, 63, 159, 249, 193, 124, 144, 190, 66, 206, 207, 220, 194, 111, 118, 242, 193, 241, 106, 221, 66, 162, 86, 246, 194, 243, 20, 5, 65, 250, 85, 249, 66, 176, 50, 235, 194, 183, 71, 4, 65, 91, 217, 2, 67, 70, 109, 172, 194, 86, 68, 249, 193, 67, 155, 196, 66, 201, 49, 211, 194, 108, 6, 242, 64, 127, 72, 226, 66, 69, 206, 223, 194, 248, 111, 244, 64, 255, 195, 228, 66, 207, 253, 233, 194, 218, 213, 246, 64, 30, 18, 234, 66, 21, 86, 192, 194, 232, 100, 241, 64, 22, 158, 230, 66, 34, 234, 159, 194, 106, 100, 249, 193, 12, 237, 198, 66, 80, 239, 214, 194, 11, 179, 248, 64, 232, 87, 248, 66, 178, 228, 230, 194, 100, 91, 176, 65, 228, 189, 10, 67, 152, 175, 215, 194, 179, 225, 244, 193, 255, 8, 212, 66, 22, 115, 229, 194, 125, 43, 1, 65, 250, 230, 255, 66, 206, 99, 239, 194, 161, 190, 254, 64, 153, 61, 240, 66, 89, 0, 227, 194, 120, 84, 252, 64, 234, 148, 249, 66, 191, 74, 205, 194, 94, 136, 247, 193, 142, 158, 200, 66, 125, 121, 218, 194, 189, 94, 246, 193, 160, 188, 180, 66, 254, 247, 194, 194, 145, 156, 248, 193, 223, 136, 196, 66, 43, 214, 183, 194, 237, 42, 249, 193, 128, 26, 194, 66, 176, 106, 13, 67, 27, 228, 27, 63, 206, 175, 195, 194, 180, 120, 16, 67, 229, 239, 241, 62, 190, 86, 199, 194, 122, 93, 25, 67, 47, 16, 144, 63, 42, 118, 207, 194, 171, 38, 30, 67, 21, 217, 174, 63, 214, 25, 199, 194, 118, 43, 15, 67, 185, 242, 198, 193, 199, 167, 154, 194, 7, 28, 17, 67, 173, 167, 9, 62, 219, 143, 184, 194, 105, 50, 20, 67, 23, 168, 71, 63, 251, 172, 165, 194, 59, 210, 13, 67, 28, 203, 136, 62, 188, 127, 166, 194, 175, 74, 10, 67, 197, 112, 191, 62, 92, 32, 185, 194, 107, 111, 13, 67, 189, 166, 7, 62, 194, 199, 183, 194, 219, 222, 16, 67, 160, 144, 60, 65, 114, 61, 185, 194, 58, 110, 16, 67, 65, 201, 150, 62, 24, 245, 189, 194, 199, 120, 23, 67, 240, 181, 170, 193, 161, 91, 142, 194, 255, 65, 42, 67, 98, 49, 123, 193, 83, 4, 207, 194, 4, 32, 233, 66, 182, 58, 231, 193, 186, 66, 208, 194, 78, 75, 1, 67, 55, 224, 202, 63, 63, 201, 201, 194, 70, 253, 251, 66, 75, 55, 222, 193, 22, 46, 211, 194, 138, 93, 37, 67, 107, 220, 141, 193, 63, 88, 208, 194, 26, 92, 38, 67, 253, 191, 65, 64, 158, 105, 200, 194, 76, 169, 42, 67, 133, 77, 128, 64, 244, 21, 201, 194, 211, 228, 4, 67, 238, 55, 208, 193, 55, 141, 226, 194, 215, 89, 229, 66, 82, 84, 235, 193, 196, 157, 198, 194, 41, 12, 40, 67, 160, 178, 113, 64, 32, 136, 181, 194, 244, 119, 34, 67, 14, 206, 151, 193, 66, 45, 201, 194, 112, 181, 32, 67, 178, 134, 243, 63, 41, 25, 198, 194, 214, 168, 11, 67, 48, 175, 207, 193, 74, 100, 155, 194, 160, 237, 14, 67, 195, 4, 199, 193, 116, 243, 214, 194, 56, 119, 19, 67, 236, 242, 190, 193, 73, 215, 213, 194, 4, 109, 23, 67, 86, 205, 181, 193, 164, 83, 214, 194, 122, 143, 28, 67, 70, 82, 170, 193, 67, 197, 202, 194, 243, 215, 216, 194, 230, 180, 178, 65, 17, 18, 21, 67, 177, 174, 221, 194, 30, 198, 180, 65, 245, 210, 23, 67, 201, 86, 220, 194, 154, 145, 185, 65, 182, 211, 29, 67, 13, 15, 177, 194, 175, 51, 241, 64, 61, 137, 241, 66, 92, 200, 139, 194, 186, 24, 249, 193, 123, 241, 220, 66, 83, 103, 141, 194, 17, 244, 246, 193, 206, 41, 245, 66, 161, 4, 144, 194, 82, 159, 244, 193, 31, 230, 255, 66, 225, 234, 182, 194, 123, 234, 4, 65, 185, 140, 14, 67, 190, 69, 136, 194, 218, 219, 248, 193, 50, 159, 229, 66, 111, 238, 147, 194, 53, 79, 236, 193, 52, 158, 9, 67, 106, 95, 182, 194, 165, 246, 16, 65, 197, 91, 21, 67, 42, 191, 77, 66, 165, 139, 249, 193, 64, 30, 154, 66, 149, 137, 143, 194, 19, 190, 225, 193, 253, 178, 17, 67, 251, 69, 143, 194, 21, 109, 233, 193, 143, 244, 12, 67, 192, 68, 182, 194, 170, 168, 144, 193, 99, 1, 51, 67, 3, 22, 194, 194, 111, 29, 130, 193, 68, 43, 57, 67, 128, 57, 197, 194, 178, 202, 121, 193, 187, 253, 59, 67, 214, 84, 207, 194, 243, 59, 149, 65, 65, 70, 56, 67, 164, 49, 185, 194, 247, 174, 121, 65, 31, 98, 47, 67, 125, 168, 190, 194, 94, 242, 135, 65, 120, 246, 51, 67, 30, 22, 195, 194, 25, 166, 143, 65, 71, 54, 55, 67, 102, 38, 165, 194, 245, 34, 155, 193, 249, 86, 48, 67, 106, 24, 158, 194, 206, 39, 163, 193, 122, 47, 45, 67, 39, 38, 151, 194, 159, 207, 176, 193, 191, 107, 39, 67, 3, 165, 71, 194, 203, 78, 248, 193, 118, 243, 246, 66, 106, 15, 143, 194, 185, 125, 194, 193, 108, 68, 32, 67, 149, 245, 178, 194, 29, 31, 36, 65, 20, 104, 28, 67, 244, 245, 252, 194, 210, 133, 234, 65, 176, 176, 49, 67, 84, 58, 11, 195, 215, 76, 121, 65, 151, 214, 35, 67, 180, 95, 94, 195, 106, 11, 173, 189, 222, 58, 27, 67, 137, 30, 99, 195, 230, 125, 10, 66, 63, 248, 41, 67, 142, 61, 9, 195, 97, 55, 126, 65, 252, 225, 37, 67, 246, 134, 251, 194, 181, 16, 161, 193, 173, 91, 35, 67, 19, 5, 2, 195, 161, 130, 177, 193, 167, 144, 25, 67, 235, 247, 35, 195, 53, 153, 138, 193, 111, 126, 247, 66, 232, 143, 131, 195, 109, 116, 15, 66, 66, 130, 98, 67, 172, 94, 78, 195, 185, 215, 36, 66, 93, 245, 129, 67, 122, 39, 99, 195, 66, 251, 249, 65, 98, 47, 52, 67, 149, 111, 99, 195, 233, 236, 230, 65, 242, 122, 62, 67, 209, 136, 96, 195, 178, 54, 172, 191, 217, 150, 32, 67, 216, 154, 9, 195, 159, 145, 143, 65, 36, 179, 45, 67, 165, 169, 0, 195, 147, 78, 151, 193, 76, 73, 39, 67, 68, 82, 2, 195, 71, 41, 162, 65, 146, 131, 55, 67, 11, 213, 1, 195, 20, 16, 251, 65, 235, 34, 56, 67, 44, 172, 4, 195, 253, 40, 2, 66, 188, 17, 60, 67, 117, 142, 5, 195, 83, 14, 172, 65, 252, 111, 59, 67, 133, 245, 120, 195, 147, 233, 1, 66, 231, 113, 87, 67, 80, 207, 100, 195, 52, 196, 225, 65, 48, 144, 73, 67, 126, 67, 2, 195, 6, 156, 142, 193, 103, 16, 43, 67, 201, 127, 12, 195, 217, 109, 156, 65, 103, 40, 51, 67, 123, 195, 14, 195, 211, 231, 162, 65, 89, 244, 53, 67, 241, 8, 4, 195, 110, 107, 136, 193, 57, 203, 45, 67, 86, 199, 10, 195, 74, 23, 14, 66, 167, 177, 72, 67, 88, 237, 13, 195, 187, 179, 18, 66, 250, 75, 77, 67, 13, 191, 16, 195, 93, 155, 214, 65, 237, 32, 82, 67, 61, 74, 20, 195, 198, 179, 224, 65, 85, 136, 86, 67, 110, 15, 9, 195, 87, 238, 30, 66, 32, 160, 87, 67, 235, 154, 14, 195, 107, 60, 36, 66, 227, 175, 89, 67, 92, 241, 10, 195, 200, 203, 34, 66, 110, 162, 89, 67, 117, 251, 9, 195, 79, 8, 248, 65, 5, 227, 96, 67, 47, 163, 17, 195, 159, 70, 24, 66, 128, 182, 81, 67, 67, 136, 6, 195, 236, 189, 24, 66, 171, 253, 83, 67, 201, 242, 212, 194, 235, 32, 231, 65, 29, 24, 118, 67, 207, 90, 6, 195, 110, 246, 19, 66, 11, 31, 80, 67, 20, 238, 4, 195, 30, 71, 18, 66, 30, 215, 78, 67, 70, 189, 2, 195, 75, 50, 210, 65, 63, 6, 83, 67, 93, 169, 180, 194, 58, 187, 209, 65, 168, 245, 129, 67, 69, 162, 165, 194, 167, 85, 174, 65, 207, 105, 126, 67, 139, 46, 2, 195, 189, 247, 14, 66, 12, 50, 76, 67, 34, 72, 219, 194, 167, 41, 200, 65, 92, 105, 97, 67, 124, 53, 209, 194, 86, 241, 198, 65, 45, 223, 104, 67, 228, 161, 177, 194, 42, 138, 66, 193, 54, 213, 102, 67, 188, 130, 195, 194, 172, 26, 198, 65, 170, 53, 115, 67, 37, 144, 164, 194, 206, 191, 67, 193, 223, 15, 113, 67, 252, 134, 144, 194, 113, 243, 157, 65, 179, 247, 129, 67, 163, 84, 184, 194, 43, 188, 185, 65, 38, 152, 117, 67, 175, 111, 152, 194, 27, 132, 93, 193, 100, 222, 115, 67, 61, 74, 184, 194, 221, 84, 63, 193, 68, 112, 98, 67, 239, 80, 231, 194, 153, 131, 201, 65, 56, 14, 90, 67, 35, 158, 236, 194, 126, 8, 212, 65, 188, 250, 93, 67, 237, 158, 254, 194, 89, 44, 12, 66, 107, 241, 73, 67, 204, 39, 194, 194, 154, 191, 59, 193, 214, 9, 92, 67, 199, 21, 109, 194, 15, 41, 136, 193, 145, 159, 128, 67, 19, 27, 198, 194, 199, 241, 69, 193, 227, 106, 84, 67, 125, 4, 206, 194, 139, 149, 68, 193, 46, 232, 79, 67, 158, 159, 234, 194, 45, 210, 196, 65, 71, 219, 83, 67, 79, 27, 1, 195, 75, 215, 7, 66, 218, 233, 66, 67, 90, 230, 251, 194, 108, 134, 188, 65, 55, 157, 70, 67, 45, 107, 247, 194, 137, 117, 179, 65, 218, 8, 66, 67, 75, 142, 71, 194, 28, 44, 176, 193, 193, 128, 112, 67, 90, 72, 158, 194, 237, 177, 132, 193, 179, 15, 82, 67, 85, 146, 206, 194, 170, 91, 89, 193, 59, 221, 69, 67, 142, 159, 82, 194, 33, 224, 142, 193, 94, 117, 130, 67, 61, 158, 234, 194, 169, 204, 186, 65, 52, 157, 74, 67, 250, 137, 248, 194, 76, 252, 197, 65, 41, 237, 77, 67, 169, 197, 153, 194, 205, 90, 164, 65, 87, 147, 128, 67, 42, 250, 132, 194, 31, 137, 113, 193, 159, 42, 126, 67, 187, 148, 0, 195, 237, 163, 206, 65, 102, 191, 81, 67, 95, 6, 6, 195, 96, 116, 221, 65, 29, 156, 87, 67, 178, 238, 7, 195, 71, 178, 235, 65, 3, 22, 93, 67, 65, 79, 3, 195, 160, 178, 251, 65, 218, 82, 101, 67, 227, 171, 245, 194, 235, 6, 0, 66, 172, 70, 109, 67, 195, 213, 234, 194, 100, 161, 23, 66, 29, 246, 129, 67, 250, 15, 19, 195, 211, 24, 33, 66, 176, 135, 87, 67, 84, 147, 24, 195, 11, 195, 0, 66, 79, 157, 97, 67, 94, 172, 18, 195, 10, 79, 213, 65, 74, 113, 81, 67, 36, 8, 14, 195, 197, 27, 204, 65, 111, 57, 76, 67, 73, 228, 23, 195, 9, 1, 242, 65, 68, 201, 92, 67, 235, 162, 81, 195, 226, 54, 244, 65, 92, 240, 103, 67, 136, 250, 10, 195, 70, 136, 9, 66, 28, 185, 66, 67, 124, 73, 12, 195, 100, 77, 182, 65, 156, 203, 63, 67, 15, 50, 10, 195, 157, 135, 5, 66, 97, 164, 62, 67, 41, 179, 14, 195, 120, 21, 193, 65, 87, 55, 69, 67, 21, 250, 42, 195, 65, 251, 224, 65, 236, 205, 92, 67, 162, 179, 99, 195, 70, 223, 225, 65, 163, 31, 68, 67, 55, 114, 96, 195, 240, 210, 236, 192, 234, 122, 52, 67, 74, 143, 63, 195, 238, 220, 29, 193, 235, 22, 25, 67, 248, 87, 42, 195, 202, 35, 129, 193, 7, 62, 21, 67, 208, 141, 98, 195, 190, 133, 241, 192, 136, 84, 57, 67, 89, 91, 57, 195, 191, 179, 24, 193, 237, 28, 11, 67, 187, 120, 34, 195, 173, 123, 144, 193, 238, 175, 30, 67, 74, 93, 97, 195, 184, 17, 9, 193, 60, 125, 63, 67, 176, 63, 97, 195, 208, 191, 222, 65, 21, 228, 84, 67, 21, 11, 95, 195, 92, 141, 10, 193, 158, 74, 81, 67, 194, 159, 31, 195, 183, 174, 18, 193, 119, 201, 85, 67, 2, 252, 37, 195, 124, 178, 220, 65, 161, 91, 89, 67, 4, 39, 26, 195, 159, 186, 23, 193, 255, 142, 82, 67, 249, 20, 30, 195, 70, 94, 212, 65, 33, 102, 83, 67, 233, 22, 26, 195, 158, 178, 203, 65, 59, 34, 78, 67, 211, 151, 17, 195, 155, 254, 47, 193, 134, 118, 74, 67, 166, 112, 23, 195, 235, 204, 172, 65, 55, 190, 58, 67, 110, 229, 12, 195, 191, 130, 123, 193, 235, 211, 50, 67, 238, 219, 13, 195, 71, 114, 154, 193, 116, 169, 34, 67, 46, 23, 73, 195, 190, 131, 31, 193, 4, 122, 88, 67, 139, 241, 75, 195, 71, 170, 210, 65, 134, 23, 91, 67, 222, 9, 46, 195, 27, 181, 61, 193, 166, 135, 82, 67, 15, 200, 57, 195, 37, 2, 102, 193, 220, 255, 72, 67, 64, 107, 57, 195, 227, 249, 123, 193, 147, 177, 60, 67, 29, 63, 52, 195, 243, 205, 201, 65, 137, 154, 87, 67, 71, 112, 71, 195, 154, 211, 40, 193, 95, 205, 86, 67, 31, 157, 24, 195, 193, 230, 189, 65, 8, 90, 69, 67, 83, 169, 91, 195, 250, 69, 231, 65, 51, 7, 95, 67, 139, 12, 93, 195, 32, 107, 246, 192, 90, 169, 88, 67, 43, 233, 95, 195, 40, 93, 228, 65, 161, 220, 90, 67, 220, 172, 62, 195, 191, 71, 239, 65, 234, 54, 103, 67, 2, 75, 25, 195, 220, 4, 184, 65, 119, 173, 65, 67, 157, 192, 17, 195, 77, 180, 83, 193, 34, 79, 64, 67, 9, 149, 41, 195, 57, 179, 42, 193, 90, 60, 85, 67, 52, 131, 48, 195, 245, 100, 209, 65, 81, 127, 89, 67, 202, 188, 98, 195, 191, 33, 221, 65, 203, 89, 79, 67, 177, 233, 88, 195, 232, 10, 240, 192, 211, 228, 91, 67, 51, 59, 15, 195, 51, 179, 119, 193, 16, 57, 52, 67, 232, 112, 68, 195, 157, 95, 50, 193, 14, 38, 85, 67, 95, 215, 72, 195, 53, 24, 204, 65, 199, 224, 88, 67, 88, 218, 66, 195, 65, 138, 60, 193, 223, 244, 82, 67, 59, 12, 71, 195, 59, 220, 199, 65, 28, 252, 86, 67, 40, 248, 45, 195, 231, 65, 129, 193, 153, 48, 36, 67, 195, 199, 61, 195, 145, 185, 62, 193, 82, 80, 83, 67, 2, 127, 64, 195, 1, 241, 196, 65, 178, 33, 87, 67, 197, 223, 54, 195, 113, 58, 71, 193, 192, 127, 81, 67, 88, 214, 58, 195, 91, 124, 197, 65, 219, 167, 86, 67, 188, 224, 17, 195, 83, 92, 99, 193, 143, 41, 59, 67, 110, 219, 71, 195, 235, 244, 93, 193, 247, 90, 60, 67, 106, 78, 45, 195, 28, 120, 130, 193, 123, 180, 57, 67, 125, 237, 34, 195, 72, 209, 131, 193, 28, 23, 49, 67, 59, 45, 40, 195, 145, 48, 97, 193, 42, 7, 73, 67, 172, 143, 78, 195, 34, 80, 217, 65, 178, 154, 93, 67, 27, 206, 78, 195, 166, 226, 11, 193, 95, 103, 91, 67, 244, 80, 96, 195, 58, 112, 15, 193, 172, 205, 75, 67, 238, 130, 10, 195, 189, 149, 128, 193, 99, 72, 49, 67, 0, 67, 20, 195, 235, 17, 169, 65, 176, 166, 56, 67, 56, 76, 97, 195, 36, 110, 14, 193, 47, 38, 70, 67, 68, 190, 75, 195, 120, 146, 19, 193, 62, 128, 90, 67, 48, 24, 78, 195, 114, 110, 60, 193, 166, 81, 78, 67, 61, 13, 82, 195, 217, 178, 222, 65, 13, 232, 94, 67, 235, 85, 71, 195, 18, 242, 35, 66, 230, 237, 129, 67, 126, 38, 55, 195, 225, 221, 38, 66, 76, 235, 129, 67, 225, 247, 18, 195, 175, 41, 5, 66, 130, 136, 100, 67, 16, 210, 12, 195, 221, 55, 2, 66, 79, 7, 100, 67, 24, 192, 3, 195, 27, 179, 44, 66, 96, 243, 129, 67, 40, 102, 34, 195, 194, 86, 55, 66, 253, 248, 129, 67, 78, 57, 22, 195, 167, 111, 59, 66, 61, 233, 129, 67, 218, 190, 255, 194, 246, 189, 153, 65, 5, 66, 52, 67, 37, 171, 125, 195, 57, 172, 11, 66, 219, 166, 99, 67, 133, 147, 95, 195, 131, 171, 44, 66, 154, 244, 129, 67, 100, 181, 124, 195, 226, 104, 25, 66, 70, 141, 111, 67, 56, 143, 131, 195, 233, 64, 45, 66, 235, 82, 120, 67, 189, 189, 122, 195, 22, 254, 61, 66, 147, 246, 129, 67, 28, 147, 131, 195, 162, 34, 68, 66, 72, 248, 129, 67, 122, 143, 131, 195, 247, 147, 12, 66, 230, 36, 82, 67, 60, 78, 96, 195, 144, 92, 14, 66, 234, 241, 36, 67, 138, 198, 46, 195, 164, 180, 76, 193, 222, 183, 214, 66, 247, 164, 87, 195, 3, 54, 117, 62, 39, 140, 19, 67, 134, 150, 222, 194, 167, 73, 165, 65, 105, 77, 62, 67, 166, 105, 41, 66, 234, 125, 248, 193, 26, 180, 207, 66, 188, 207, 14, 67, 158, 68, 66, 193, 226, 129, 18, 64, 255, 157, 11, 67, 69, 155, 75, 64, 156, 130, 22, 66, 192, 46, 8, 67, 184, 0, 157, 63, 195, 190, 38, 66, 60, 182, 23, 67, 124, 138, 47, 65, 108, 93, 215, 65, 140, 165, 114, 67, 140, 143, 208, 65, 130, 120, 149, 194, 219, 28, 22, 67, 180, 61, 45, 65, 36, 160, 9, 66, 132, 110, 84, 67, 125, 46, 163, 65, 67, 158, 65, 194, 59, 140, 23, 67, 189, 126, 206, 65, 18, 4, 9, 66, 166, 235, 36, 67, 59, 217, 250, 64, 103, 63, 115, 64, 210, 107, 38, 67, 26, 253, 207, 64, 121, 223, 182, 192, 181, 46, 102, 67, 229, 147, 195, 65, 20, 92, 100, 194, 159, 142, 33, 67, 161, 215, 157, 65, 160, 133, 198, 65, 92, 113, 29, 67, 150, 160, 122, 65, 175, 138, 194, 65, 29, 245, 112, 67, 248, 239, 208, 65, 174, 103, 132, 194, 255, 99, 37, 67, 221, 20, 194, 65, 193, 139, 218, 65, 227, 180, 28, 67, 157, 180, 223, 65, 236, 68, 11, 66, 128, 147, 30, 67, 53, 165, 144, 65, 207, 100, 243, 65, 46, 71, 40, 67, 84, 157, 65, 65, 8, 119, 227, 64, 239, 246, 247, 66, 70, 106, 82, 192, 42, 48, 138, 66, 205, 15, 23, 67, 197, 9, 88, 65, 248, 68, 98, 66, 62, 212, 32, 67, 232, 47, 168, 65, 144, 222, 6, 66, 120, 17, 239, 66, 47, 132, 150, 192, 131, 184, 151, 66, 26, 87, 210, 66, 85, 119, 206, 193, 82, 32, 159, 66, 27, 1, 236, 66, 106, 83, 163, 192, 220, 93, 163, 66, 207, 192, 26, 67, 183, 33, 131, 65, 65, 104, 49, 66, 65, 174, 24, 67, 93, 39, 215, 65, 4, 85, 33, 66, 82, 10, 33, 67, 211, 132, 176, 65, 133, 114, 25, 66, 128, 69, 42, 67, 176, 200, 106, 65, 184, 29, 19, 65, 122, 211, 96, 67, 43, 18, 195, 65, 42, 11, 74, 194, 164, 64, 108, 67, 162, 84, 113, 66, 95, 85, 68, 194, 38, 212, 108, 67, 48, 228, 207, 65, 245, 194, 103, 194, 55, 66, 109, 67, 74, 2, 204, 65, 1, 144, 120, 194, 58, 59, 100, 67, 221, 224, 107, 66, 107, 227, 54, 194, 183, 35, 77, 67, 50, 79, 231, 65, 97, 254, 165, 193, 239, 5, 45, 67, 119, 172, 144, 65, 167, 221, 55, 65, 200, 242, 89, 67, 154, 51, 121, 66, 69, 106, 210, 193, 123, 26, 89, 67, 28, 236, 223, 65, 231, 56, 4, 194, 130, 150, 94, 67, 51, 46, 221, 65, 92, 168, 23, 194, 220, 59, 97, 67, 37, 131, 213, 65, 108, 41, 43, 194, 82, 59, 81, 67, 13, 24, 125, 66, 161, 245, 132, 193, 91, 44, 67, 67, 80, 150, 240, 65, 41, 176, 200, 192, 99, 188, 64, 67, 158, 48, 232, 65, 68, 154, 208, 192, 235, 6, 54, 67, 70, 210, 187, 65, 180, 67, 49, 63, 74, 9, 45, 67, 214, 216, 147, 65, 98, 3, 85, 65, 165, 68, 202, 66, 47, 206, 214, 193, 156, 7, 234, 66, 162, 181, 214, 66, 125, 221, 201, 193, 68, 9, 145, 66, 233, 62, 174, 66, 241, 67, 232, 193, 54, 178, 203, 66, 117, 195, 3, 67, 42, 242, 113, 190, 91, 74, 98, 66, 35, 84, 202, 66, 200, 71, 216, 193, 55, 75, 145, 66, 115, 0, 224, 66, 77, 24, 190, 193, 4, 209, 132, 66, 20, 108, 251, 66, 187, 71, 148, 193, 18, 176, 45, 66, 141, 112, 6, 67, 17, 7, 59, 63, 55, 154, 66, 66, 58, 96, 254, 66, 158, 24, 146, 193, 188, 36, 16, 66, 215, 236, 141, 66, 255, 105, 244, 193, 156, 79, 198, 66, 95, 114, 1, 67, 67, 42, 141, 193, 16, 17, 225, 65, 204, 55, 194, 66, 124, 113, 237, 193, 222, 9, 16, 66, 7, 187, 243, 66, 34, 100, 162, 193, 71, 240, 69, 66, 0, 189, 23, 67, 248, 133, 85, 65, 53, 145, 42, 66, 207, 158, 231, 66, 63, 132, 179, 193, 80, 175, 114, 66, 108, 201, 16, 67, 97, 251, 254, 64, 221, 184, 136, 66, 46, 65, 21, 67, 205, 62, 167, 65, 108, 255, 146, 66, 227, 241, 9, 67, 248, 141, 67, 64, 181, 244, 154, 66, 152, 150, 14, 67, 10, 241, 197, 64, 93, 156, 144, 66, 149, 147, 210, 66, 209, 227, 208, 193, 14, 20, 194, 66, 13, 138, 205, 66, 87, 136, 213, 193, 250, 218, 203, 66, 63, 2, 205, 66, 28, 108, 212, 193, 77, 201, 183, 66, 244, 66, 39, 67, 34, 46, 217, 65, 50, 202, 250, 65, 220, 91, 70, 67, 106, 139, 242, 65, 114, 174, 35, 193, 33, 210, 73, 67, 92, 211, 239, 65, 31, 211, 110, 193, 138, 7, 80, 67, 205, 163, 130, 66, 210, 60, 40, 193, 164, 154, 17, 67, 54, 113, 15, 65, 9, 22, 120, 66, 207, 183, 12, 67, 42, 230, 69, 64, 9, 95, 1, 66, 123, 28, 7, 67, 90, 166, 113, 193, 125, 100, 142, 65, 1, 53, 107, 67, 232, 18, 207, 192, 254, 37, 60, 67, 20, 83, 75, 67, 190, 32, 24, 64, 121, 225, 13, 67, 92, 84, 64, 67, 202, 51, 141, 65, 51, 147, 246, 66, 21, 116, 35, 67, 37, 75, 127, 65, 8, 236, 188, 66, 238, 56, 78, 67, 146, 6, 165, 64, 104, 58, 8, 67, 116, 30, 20, 67, 173, 2, 156, 65, 254, 33, 160, 66, 219, 253, 27, 67, 38, 164, 212, 65, 238, 245, 150, 66, 185, 88, 31, 67, 144, 132, 202, 65, 212, 54, 180, 66, 187, 52, 29, 67, 245, 178, 189, 65, 232, 158, 180, 66, 192, 151, 52, 67, 177, 209, 157, 65, 211, 123, 219, 66, 98, 9, 64, 67, 0, 213, 175, 65, 249, 148, 226, 66, 221, 182, 77, 67, 239, 77, 38, 65, 53, 19, 248, 66, 225, 82, 40, 67, 39, 205, 156, 65, 78, 209, 187, 66, 232, 165, 115, 67, 182, 62, 195, 64, 145, 188, 34, 67, 251, 159, 116, 67, 128, 136, 42, 66, 245, 103, 20, 67, 246, 103, 118, 67, 238, 44, 39, 66, 2, 21, 23, 67, 143, 50, 118, 67, 10, 211, 137, 64, 182, 219, 39, 67, 224, 103, 118, 67, 253, 139, 48, 66, 135, 102, 17, 67, 39, 216, 113, 67, 96, 146, 6, 65, 107, 31, 27, 67, 56, 244, 114, 67, 254, 148, 50, 66, 86, 207, 13, 67, 128, 218, 113, 67, 242, 159, 62, 66, 151, 244, 3, 67, 18, 183, 112, 67, 191, 220, 78, 66, 240, 156, 242, 66, 128, 50, 111, 67, 117, 246, 128, 65, 235, 143, 4, 67, 44, 92, 106, 67, 119, 125, 87, 66, 134, 248, 225, 66, 170, 141, 104, 67, 66, 139, 143, 65, 107, 178, 249, 66, 239, 130, 104, 67, 60, 133, 176, 65, 21, 214, 231, 66, 219, 199, 106, 67, 234, 198, 100, 66, 38, 244, 211, 66, 20, 202, 66, 67, 177, 231, 1, 66, 1, 16, 141, 66, 108, 124, 42, 67, 210, 210, 215, 65, 45, 32, 160, 66, 42, 149, 64, 67, 85, 162, 228, 65, 98, 47, 155, 66, 57, 114, 63, 67, 63, 253, 218, 65, 124, 58, 158, 66, 140, 17, 54, 67, 108, 111, 11, 66, 145, 199, 159, 66, 233, 120, 51, 67, 151, 243, 4, 66, 101, 164, 160, 66, 183, 201, 29, 67, 172, 220, 154, 65, 83, 66, 113, 66, 230, 15, 33, 67, 64, 249, 176, 65, 133, 47, 130, 66, 197, 18, 29, 67, 248, 49, 216, 65, 49, 12, 158, 66, 209, 212, 32, 67, 222, 119, 232, 65, 101, 251, 166, 66, 5, 42, 44, 67, 180, 199, 203, 65, 239, 234, 172, 66, 33, 214, 62, 67, 245, 46, 190, 65, 206, 218, 217, 66, 72, 111, 76, 67, 39, 42, 76, 65, 222, 215, 236, 66, 184, 119, 33, 67, 118, 246, 220, 65, 187, 143, 176, 66, 61, 217, 43, 67, 143, 247, 188, 65, 176, 157, 180, 66, 71, 118, 56, 67, 67, 142, 213, 65, 169, 144, 197, 66, 40, 70, 74, 67, 221, 50, 128, 65, 153, 92, 221, 66, 198, 103, 61, 67, 2, 198, 207, 65, 240, 109, 207, 66, 163, 207, 50, 67, 255, 45, 231, 65, 84, 169, 177, 66, 205, 219, 53, 67, 186, 229, 227, 65, 144, 233, 185, 66, 39, 111, 65, 67, 203, 60, 145, 65, 182, 251, 199, 66, 198, 53, 46, 67, 155, 149, 224, 65, 255, 40, 168, 66, 220, 231, 59, 67, 254, 166, 163, 65, 62, 30, 180, 66, 222, 196, 111, 67, 241, 124, 63, 65, 208, 237, 14, 67, 93, 24, 69, 67, 76, 112, 152, 65, 178, 190, 202, 66, 212, 35, 36, 67, 41, 210, 187, 65, 171, 124, 144, 66, 116, 48, 35, 67, 147, 71, 187, 65, 163, 208, 137, 66, 3, 211, 51, 67, 166, 76, 250, 65, 93, 60, 170, 66, 25, 50, 63, 67, 131, 32, 158, 65, 242, 16, 190, 66, 165, 130, 60, 67, 80, 16, 179, 65, 8, 17, 173, 66, 38, 162, 39, 67, 88, 148, 205, 65, 203, 168, 152, 66, 132, 158, 26, 67, 165, 241, 132, 65, 184, 191, 101, 66, 17, 9, 36, 67, 248, 247, 207, 65, 41, 197, 55, 66, 98, 58, 66, 67, 59, 157, 1, 66, 236, 0, 214, 63, 46, 32, 76, 67, 216, 54, 130, 66, 195, 253, 217, 192, 61, 62, 67, 67, 175, 23, 6, 66, 53, 123, 93, 64, 16, 217, 48, 67, 100, 248, 192, 65, 171, 143, 178, 65, 32, 113, 83, 67, 5, 186, 138, 66, 90, 104, 94, 192, 13, 8, 73, 67, 189, 116, 135, 66, 62, 45, 165, 64, 170, 158, 69, 67, 116, 102, 16, 66, 157, 129, 4, 65, 161, 147, 43, 67, 38, 42, 6, 66, 169, 6, 50, 66, 82, 231, 42, 67, 201, 126, 5, 66, 147, 79, 71, 66, 62, 102, 50, 67, 62, 42, 213, 65, 214, 178, 238, 65, 7, 171, 87, 67, 16, 158, 142, 66, 53, 110, 228, 190, 213, 108, 118, 67, 114, 25, 129, 66, 122, 60, 130, 193, 182, 96, 64, 67, 28, 82, 15, 66, 1, 93, 154, 65, 199, 238, 72, 67, 105, 22, 140, 66, 99, 36, 98, 65, 249, 109, 118, 67, 86, 168, 134, 66, 29, 119, 60, 65, 113, 206, 96, 67, 43, 139, 144, 66, 15, 189, 178, 63, 109, 21, 76, 67, 111, 147, 141, 66, 164, 99, 33, 65, 247, 56, 71, 67, 31, 147, 142, 66, 210, 35, 209, 65, 239, 214, 85, 67, 250, 134, 151, 66, 124, 177, 173, 65, 134, 134, 69, 67, 136, 182, 139, 66, 218, 98, 185, 65, 116, 231, 56, 67, 178, 119, 3, 66, 17, 202, 6, 66, 30, 40, 97, 67, 70, 17, 136, 66, 65, 206, 154, 66, 202, 159, 103, 67, 164, 68, 250, 65, 156, 47, 189, 66, 162, 85, 105, 67, 127, 68, 130, 66, 103, 228, 174, 66, 176, 177, 84, 67, 204, 51, 9, 66, 223, 92, 160, 66, 216, 15, 62, 67, 83, 124, 13, 66, 176, 146, 182, 65, 5, 221, 67, 67, 31, 159, 16, 66, 198, 217, 63, 65, 80, 55, 43, 67, 126, 24, 4, 66, 119, 41, 118, 66, 228, 242, 52, 67, 143, 205, 226, 65, 214, 242, 92, 66, 218, 44, 58, 67, 122, 152, 252, 65, 205, 43, 105, 66, 105, 144, 50, 67, 189, 184, 21, 66, 173, 152, 134, 66, 1, 7, 61, 67, 60, 141, 251, 65, 224, 155, 129, 66, 188, 196, 52, 67, 35, 169, 21, 66, 42, 117, 143, 66, 204, 181, 46, 67, 61, 184, 14, 66, 104, 109, 125, 66, 101, 211, 107, 67, 177, 61, 113, 66, 220, 157, 199, 66, 52, 113, 104, 67, 215, 80, 117, 66, 128, 6, 192, 66, 14, 108, 118, 67, 46, 111, 79, 66, 214, 255, 247, 66, 23, 135, 51, 67, 88, 157, 227, 65, 174, 142, 49, 66, 166, 27, 43, 67, 189, 156, 6, 66, 232, 88, 86, 66, 28, 70, 48, 67, 155, 208, 201, 65, 52, 61, 41, 66, 163, 238, 51, 67, 248, 170, 228, 65, 76, 235, 62, 66, 62, 129, 61, 67, 96, 175, 8, 66, 43, 206, 95, 66, 68, 70, 101, 67, 21, 226, 215, 65, 16, 166, 207, 66, 100, 50, 105, 67, 176, 6, 207, 65, 120, 209, 215, 66, 36, 207, 75, 67, 231, 116, 236, 65, 179, 106, 171, 66, 123, 87, 63, 67, 92, 161, 252, 65, 170, 153, 136, 66, 85, 232, 100, 67, 132, 82, 235, 65, 135, 100, 196, 66, 234, 13, 45, 67, 7, 113, 13, 66, 103, 33, 95, 66, 59, 250, 49, 67, 63, 10, 214, 65, 77, 104, 17, 66, 248, 91, 50, 67, 72, 199, 209, 65, 154, 238, 91, 66, 67, 236, 93, 67, 242, 60, 10, 66, 176, 47, 166, 66, 187, 155, 91, 67, 100, 71, 20, 66, 87, 194, 150, 66, 187, 18, 97, 67, 97, 138, 140, 66, 67, 146, 143, 66, 143, 194, 85, 67, 111, 50, 146, 66, 74, 69, 98, 66, 237, 49, 87, 67, 77, 37, 143, 66, 143, 103, 125, 66, 146, 107, 118, 67, 201, 160, 121, 66, 124, 152, 196, 66, 11, 72, 88, 67, 224, 213, 148, 66, 211, 155, 83, 66, 52, 129, 84, 67, 20, 101, 149, 66, 59, 70, 62, 66, 123, 110, 118, 67, 250, 24, 138, 66, 146, 124, 151, 66, 94, 72, 94, 67, 233, 193, 151, 66, 148, 126, 176, 65, 204, 99, 83, 67, 14, 134, 150, 66, 106, 103, 41, 66, 31, 51, 90, 67, 92, 50, 153, 66, 142, 70, 13, 66, 31, 243, 100, 67, 128, 189, 151, 66, 183, 179, 28, 66, 158, 46, 78, 67, 154, 87, 149, 66, 119, 82, 8, 66, 107, 118, 118, 67, 63, 195, 142, 66, 31, 21, 94, 66, 253, 77, 78, 67, 77, 180, 148, 66, 166, 176, 24, 66, 158, 159, 72, 67, 162, 5, 37, 66, 201, 252, 14, 66, 123, 209, 103, 67, 94, 170, 145, 66, 45, 247, 50, 65, 136, 206, 75, 67, 87, 239, 146, 66, 22, 150, 224, 65, 14, 208, 70, 67, 19, 90, 33, 66, 2, 49, 238, 65, 121, 68, 73, 67, 132, 33, 38, 66, 101, 34, 39, 66, 101, 135, 77, 67, 130, 102, 39, 66, 120, 174, 54, 66, 37, 28, 79, 67, 57, 11, 39, 66, 158, 206, 67, 66, 85, 74, 83, 67, 78, 75, 36, 66, 3, 205, 99, 66, 24, 113, 118, 67, 63, 70, 141, 66, 138, 28, 22, 66, 16, 220, 65, 67, 167, 191, 23, 66, 66, 83, 222, 65, 47, 83, 81, 67, 130, 35, 31, 66, 162, 58, 116, 66, 208, 103, 73, 67, 135, 153, 25, 66, 225, 149, 110, 66, 179, 177, 81, 67, 245, 127, 25, 66, 168, 3, 133, 66, 14, 61, 58, 67, 128, 177, 7, 66, 74, 161, 54, 66, 239, 186, 64, 67, 30, 3, 24, 66, 244, 93, 16, 66, 167, 232, 95, 67, 56, 205, 150, 66, 53, 250, 72, 66, 247, 55, 91, 67, 238, 254, 152, 66, 28, 187, 7, 66, 22, 196, 90, 67, 157, 255, 152, 66, 0, 145, 6, 66, 91, 162, 90, 67, 16, 34, 153, 66, 58, 106, 9, 66, 158, 104, 108, 67, 201, 130, 146, 66, 96, 169, 199, 65, 184, 79, 106, 67, 226, 63, 130, 66, 3, 49, 197, 193, 136, 108, 118, 67, 189, 8, 122, 66, 107, 95, 25, 194, 176, 76, 31, 67, 198, 17, 238, 65, 198, 43, 36, 66, 95, 139, 31, 67, 69, 164, 170, 65, 1, 63, 56, 66, 125, 226, 58, 67, 8, 87, 61, 65, 57, 110, 9, 194, 219, 123, 55, 67, 17, 120, 183, 65, 59, 247, 21, 194, 248, 250, 58, 67, 128, 218, 190, 65, 224, 31, 35, 194, 178, 49, 72, 67, 75, 89, 63, 65, 204, 131, 85, 194, 245, 114, 76, 67, 235, 100, 49, 65, 87, 130, 123, 194, 78, 60, 103, 67, 169, 227, 162, 65, 211, 100, 181, 194, 9, 108, 62, 67, 71, 126, 95, 65, 165, 92, 12, 194, 21, 187, 116, 67, 135, 125, 116, 66, 65, 233, 170, 194, 42, 197, 115, 67, 166, 244, 210, 65, 48, 173, 194, 194, 90, 216, 95, 67, 52, 186, 121, 65, 27, 80, 210, 194, 14, 105, 73, 67, 221, 69, 130, 192, 56, 163, 9, 195, 184, 18, 69, 67, 196, 3, 44, 193, 131, 63, 16, 195, 175, 201, 71, 67, 77, 205, 92, 193, 246, 171, 36, 195, 121, 55, 52, 67, 247, 18, 135, 193, 245, 70, 44, 195, 67, 235, 45, 67, 69, 5, 144, 193, 103, 230, 50, 195, 134, 57, 45, 67, 10, 214, 131, 193, 148, 18, 52, 195, 237, 146, 43, 67, 241, 34, 40, 193, 99, 119, 49, 195, 35, 218, 28, 67, 211, 60, 141, 192, 114, 118, 55, 195, 27, 101, 7, 67, 35, 191, 81, 193, 158, 204, 47, 195, 14, 34, 181, 66, 22, 203, 103, 192, 164, 6, 66, 195, 213, 137, 181, 66, 133, 237, 105, 65, 181, 235, 74, 195, 197, 15, 164, 66, 249, 151, 76, 65, 111, 191, 74, 195, 177, 93, 154, 66, 242, 165, 20, 192, 57, 156, 76, 195, 3, 75, 178, 66, 150, 22, 87, 65, 97, 201, 67, 195, 96, 224, 156, 66, 224, 138, 188, 191, 48, 25, 78, 195, 168, 137, 152, 66, 57, 248, 134, 192, 173, 14, 72, 195, 70, 97, 163, 66, 69, 103, 68, 65, 235, 169, 70, 195, 180, 73, 162, 66, 194, 112, 180, 192, 117, 135, 65, 195, 201, 246, 234, 66, 82, 115, 144, 193, 178, 152, 43, 195, 60, 162, 231, 66, 166, 193, 237, 193, 231, 126, 42, 195, 236, 159, 169, 66, 138, 239, 69, 65, 252, 211, 65, 195, 31, 151, 161, 66, 224, 101, 59, 65, 29, 54, 67, 195, 90, 99, 151, 66, 115, 247, 216, 192, 38, 137, 65, 195, 16, 137, 217, 66, 228, 66, 237, 193, 216, 184, 43, 195, 3, 237, 218, 66, 85, 83, 213, 193, 217, 63, 46, 195, 174, 122, 209, 66, 199, 85, 191, 193, 169, 212, 41, 195, 10, 227, 209, 66, 196, 59, 160, 193, 100, 221, 40, 195, 221, 108, 122, 66, 70, 7, 93, 192, 243, 69, 84, 195, 15, 2, 218, 66, 167, 240, 26, 194, 82, 182, 33, 195, 89, 62, 202, 66, 212, 85, 3, 194, 95, 39, 44, 195, 66, 54, 196, 66, 171, 34, 184, 193, 189, 193, 39, 195, 238, 221, 182, 66, 3, 254, 93, 193, 160, 186, 42, 195, 166, 159, 199, 66, 206, 170, 236, 193, 136, 237, 43, 195, 30, 62, 209, 66, 125, 118, 22, 194, 12, 63, 36, 195, 216, 220, 195, 66, 0, 254, 27, 194, 35, 221, 33, 195, 97, 46, 194, 66, 20, 28, 237, 193, 44, 27, 7, 195, 55, 167, 166, 194, 42, 162, 249, 193, 34, 127, 176, 192, 46, 17, 175, 194, 191, 15, 236, 192, 90, 78, 23, 193, 72, 151, 179, 194, 12, 24, 234, 192, 30, 109, 11, 193, 216, 166, 183, 194, 228, 119, 33, 192, 45, 236, 27, 193, 19, 176, 175, 194, 123, 182, 234, 192, 126, 238, 171, 192, 74, 168, 183, 194, 22, 103, 234, 192, 209, 246, 176, 192, 56, 57, 188, 194, 1, 4, 34, 192, 189, 41, 44, 193, 129, 162, 175, 194, 88, 161, 249, 193, 70, 182, 26, 192, 116, 84, 181, 194, 36, 213, 234, 192, 155, 166, 116, 192, 17, 125, 177, 194, 35, 143, 249, 193, 169, 177, 129, 190, 54, 148, 213, 66, 226, 223, 6, 194, 114, 13, 11, 195, 30, 55, 229, 66, 194, 210, 40, 194, 192, 87, 9, 195, 144, 4, 233, 66, 44, 235, 18, 194, 125, 212, 11, 195, 4, 151, 229, 66, 200, 61, 44, 194, 77, 220, 11, 195, 68, 17, 3, 67, 170, 245, 18, 194, 76, 138, 41, 195, 90, 173, 4, 67, 171, 90, 2, 194, 211, 148, 44, 195, 250, 72, 10, 67, 198, 38, 244, 193, 201, 15, 44, 195, 13, 194, 8, 67, 241, 23, 218, 193, 140, 29, 49, 195, 193, 93, 20, 67, 10, 92, 207, 193, 158, 243, 48, 195, 4, 248, 27, 67, 80, 222, 187, 193, 254, 41, 51, 195, 29, 250, 24, 67, 215, 63, 180, 193, 152, 217, 43, 195, 142, 243, 62, 67, 204, 113, 227, 193, 245, 247, 13, 195, 242, 122, 57, 67, 105, 39, 219, 193, 117, 84, 14, 195, 163, 129, 56, 67, 179, 59, 108, 193, 69, 59, 15, 195, 36, 65, 51, 67, 15, 65, 77, 193, 134, 0, 15, 195, 94, 110, 57, 67, 198, 201, 173, 192, 69, 111, 10, 195, 212, 1, 70, 67, 1, 146, 80, 65, 211, 62, 225, 194, 161, 7, 71, 67, 68, 112, 84, 65, 29, 250, 216, 194, 35, 149, 69, 67, 39, 49, 145, 65, 42, 241, 200, 194, 44, 189, 57, 67, 18, 211, 128, 65, 33, 211, 201, 194, 118, 95, 62, 67, 117, 89, 32, 65, 240, 17, 212, 194, 38, 56, 54, 67, 153, 25, 254, 64, 209, 215, 226, 194, 164, 209, 61, 67, 25, 252, 36, 65, 178, 218, 226, 194, 76, 148, 41, 67, 117, 77, 192, 193, 83, 41, 16, 195, 218, 130, 34, 67, 144, 24, 9, 194, 34, 249, 33, 195, 53, 21, 27, 67, 154, 235, 8, 194, 232, 204, 31, 195, 196, 22, 22, 67, 85, 191, 233, 193, 152, 213, 35, 195, 19, 129, 17, 67, 202, 193, 240, 193, 181, 213, 27, 195, 11, 100, 16, 67, 22, 21, 6, 194, 72, 149, 21, 195, 136, 61, 11, 67, 77, 7, 13, 194, 150, 76, 18, 195, 219, 126, 192, 194, 101, 156, 249, 193, 158, 65, 208, 64, 208, 8, 212, 194, 38, 59, 233, 192, 141, 255, 255, 192, 55, 222, 252, 194, 131, 98, 7, 194, 96, 24, 27, 194, 157, 123, 5, 195, 238, 156, 56, 194, 16, 242, 1, 194, 116, 42, 10, 195, 223, 119, 60, 194, 240, 145, 17, 194, 189, 203, 30, 195, 12, 36, 9, 194, 170, 46, 72, 194, 202, 138, 67, 195, 195, 196, 110, 65, 52, 111, 253, 194, 240, 227, 24, 195, 233, 156, 135, 193, 218, 77, 165, 194, 146, 89, 83, 195, 165, 200, 42, 65, 170, 144, 50, 195, 213, 206, 79, 195, 10, 131, 13, 65, 169, 25, 71, 195, 141, 161, 117, 195, 37, 54, 231, 192, 245, 68, 106, 195, 234, 207, 121, 195, 208, 234, 244, 192, 135, 15, 112, 195, 140, 67, 116, 195, 40, 30, 1, 191, 165, 195, 102, 195, 193, 67, 72, 195, 107, 238, 240, 64, 130, 68, 60, 195, 118, 22, 69, 195, 113, 117, 172, 63, 85, 166, 63, 195, 45, 242, 71, 195, 160, 71, 40, 191, 155, 74, 70, 195, 50, 171, 71, 195, 211, 105, 189, 192, 125, 49, 68, 195, 67, 4, 66, 195, 119, 197, 181, 191, 159, 21, 72, 195, 110, 136, 32, 195, 87, 227, 206, 192, 94, 10, 101, 195, 174, 224, 31, 195, 177, 54, 193, 191, 210, 85, 100, 195, 169, 162, 31, 195, 136, 0, 241, 64, 200, 104, 100, 195, 75, 61, 17, 195, 252, 211, 53, 65, 196, 92, 113, 195, 124, 33, 249, 194, 54, 77, 45, 66, 140, 130, 113, 195, 44, 224, 230, 194, 158, 70, 102, 66, 211, 179, 118, 195, 159, 225, 26, 195, 26, 62, 73, 65, 56, 221, 105, 195, 11, 248, 36, 195, 248, 155, 87, 192, 99, 64, 101, 195, 147, 237, 67, 195, 185, 158, 199, 192, 107, 244, 66, 195, 255, 150, 68, 195, 145, 37, 217, 192, 51, 211, 60, 195, 58, 24, 65, 195, 241, 233, 112, 62, 164, 248, 58, 195, 123, 116, 60, 195, 146, 93, 98, 192, 248, 175, 64, 195, 144, 60, 53, 195, 77, 159, 133, 192, 27, 167, 74, 195, 186, 129, 37, 195, 225, 70, 175, 192, 48, 115, 91, 195, 66, 44, 33, 195, 151, 197, 202, 192, 48, 133, 96, 195, 2, 39, 14, 195, 40, 234, 31, 65, 114, 143, 109, 195, 4, 72, 242, 194, 150, 224, 42, 66, 254, 121, 115, 195, 225, 43, 228, 194, 20, 106, 99, 66, 59, 158, 115, 195, 115, 194, 238, 194, 171, 85, 40, 66, 198, 11, 114, 195, 220, 12, 229, 194, 102, 24, 102, 66, 13, 236, 120, 195, 65, 154, 233, 194, 33, 75, 36, 66, 3, 145, 111, 195, 127, 163, 229, 194, 114, 137, 32, 66, 102, 201, 108, 195, 212, 210, 222, 194, 168, 3, 95, 66, 207, 217, 112, 195, 94, 53, 203, 194, 11, 188, 87, 66, 164, 225, 115, 195, 147, 47, 216, 194, 172, 143, 90, 66, 29, 239, 110, 195, 141, 85, 207, 194, 181, 31, 26, 66, 222, 225, 114, 195, 82, 90, 198, 194, 170, 244, 85, 66, 238, 93, 116, 195, 221, 109, 225, 194, 13, 41, 26, 66, 206, 166, 102, 195, 52, 58, 195, 194, 13, 183, 20, 66, 169, 29, 114, 195, 153, 61, 204, 194, 156, 175, 84, 66, 247, 107, 110, 195, 254, 236, 237, 194, 170, 78, 28, 66, 87, 81, 97, 195, 222, 110, 20, 195, 111, 208, 146, 64, 87, 95, 79, 195, 129, 135, 23, 195, 91, 52, 154, 63, 80, 67, 70, 195, 62, 66, 24, 195, 224, 19, 220, 192, 244, 231, 72, 195, 84, 165, 29, 195, 50, 151, 16, 193, 244, 31, 70, 195, 17, 247, 38, 195, 139, 187, 5, 193, 63, 9, 56, 195, 205, 6, 44, 195, 170, 174, 33, 193, 117, 22, 53, 195, 69, 37, 42, 195, 81, 51, 234, 192, 214, 212, 56, 195, 136, 121, 28, 195, 110, 21, 44, 193, 90, 117, 66, 195, 102, 160, 24, 195, 56, 79, 58, 193, 63, 84, 69, 195, 177, 140, 17, 195, 243, 143, 99, 64, 85, 232, 71, 195, 221, 105, 203, 194, 182, 224, 81, 66, 28, 247, 106, 195, 198, 39, 209, 194, 27, 82, 23, 66, 43, 46, 109, 195, 228, 246, 189, 194, 246, 7, 82, 66, 248, 86, 115, 195, 180, 61, 187, 194, 217, 0, 80, 66, 117, 236, 113, 195, 196, 252, 188, 194, 8, 98, 84, 66, 107, 236, 120, 195, 162, 114, 210, 194, 17, 150, 20, 66, 143, 152, 104, 195, 212, 181, 208, 194, 141, 122, 16, 66, 189, 25, 100, 195, 0, 100, 217, 194, 255, 110, 19, 66, 152, 182, 98, 195, 165, 90, 209, 194, 41, 86, 81, 66, 177, 132, 102, 195, 72, 231, 200, 194, 203, 195, 78, 66, 27, 65, 104, 195, 96, 97, 192, 194, 121, 172, 18, 66, 107, 161, 112, 195, 194, 48, 222, 194, 28, 189, 22, 66, 175, 34, 100, 195, 21, 192, 214, 194, 2, 212, 85, 66, 48, 27, 105, 195, 61, 64, 234, 194, 77, 245, 24, 66, 215, 73, 95, 195, 62, 65, 6, 195, 66, 22, 139, 64, 192, 66, 89, 195, 215, 156, 42, 195, 239, 84, 101, 193, 94, 144, 48, 195, 71, 90, 30, 195, 193, 221, 202, 193, 67, 66, 22, 195, 135, 84, 22, 195, 141, 157, 213, 193, 210, 62, 13, 195, 115, 250, 9, 195, 0, 139, 4, 194, 242, 242, 1, 195, 88, 87, 5, 195, 214, 183, 18, 194, 18, 228, 254, 194, 249, 33, 9, 195, 252, 71, 18, 194, 22, 232, 240, 194, 32, 129, 4, 195, 215, 252, 11, 194, 146, 90, 238, 194, 191, 181, 1, 195, 214, 39, 8, 194, 180, 135, 235, 194, 107, 169, 248, 194, 203, 159, 239, 193, 18, 171, 226, 194, 70, 38, 247, 194, 84, 69, 12, 194, 232, 180, 228, 194, 36, 59, 253, 194, 162, 163, 16, 194, 126, 20, 227, 194, 114, 84, 237, 194, 83, 84, 13, 194, 195, 32, 215, 194, 91, 173, 250, 194, 138, 87, 9, 194, 10, 199, 203, 194, 220, 159, 254, 194, 35, 52, 12, 194, 46, 146, 198, 194, 50, 231, 1, 195, 175, 45, 39, 194, 240, 239, 168, 194, 221, 16, 234, 194, 173, 4, 80, 194, 93, 192, 133, 194, 183, 126, 220, 194, 31, 41, 59, 194, 187, 191, 128, 194, 70, 135, 221, 194, 220, 38, 42, 194, 3, 37, 130, 194, 167, 156, 190, 194, 161, 219, 234, 192, 191, 135, 252, 193, 46, 155, 197, 194, 247, 161, 249, 193, 136, 7, 31, 194, 51, 100, 198, 194, 10, 216, 234, 192, 39, 150, 250, 193, 37, 155, 203, 194, 67, 153, 249, 193, 165, 46, 27, 194, 184, 186, 203, 194, 188, 203, 234, 192, 188, 157, 244, 193, 255, 246, 168, 194, 196, 239, 234, 192, 182, 97, 185, 193, 171, 58, 183, 194, 160, 195, 234, 192, 29, 204, 144, 193, 132, 241, 180, 194, 250, 5, 34, 192, 20, 84, 55, 193, 251, 150, 168, 194, 97, 242, 234, 192, 213, 181, 33, 193, 5, 213, 155, 194, 99, 160, 249, 193, 155, 159, 43, 193, 59, 33, 174, 194, 152, 46, 234, 192, 184, 158, 70, 193, 149, 111, 153, 66, 214, 132, 233, 193, 59, 173, 0, 195, 90, 13, 166, 66, 106, 6, 34, 194, 87, 230, 4, 195, 87, 0, 170, 66, 243, 104, 47, 194, 122, 38, 6, 195, 184, 100, 179, 66, 180, 195, 55, 194, 143, 132, 22, 195, 211, 39, 174, 66, 67, 109, 49, 194, 179, 17, 30, 195, 54, 100, 173, 66, 176, 73, 7, 194, 218, 207, 39, 195, 219, 202, 169, 66, 10, 204, 242, 193, 82, 198, 40, 195, 149, 185, 164, 66, 244, 102, 208, 193, 20, 73, 37, 195, 179, 46, 158, 66, 17, 255, 188, 193, 140, 22, 37, 195, 5, 173, 159, 66, 215, 166, 97, 193, 106, 213, 44, 195, 228, 35, 51, 194, 198, 185, 220, 193, 165, 179, 3, 195, 130, 56, 52, 193, 185, 224, 249, 193, 196, 92, 4, 195, 94, 107, 163, 192, 35, 107, 37, 194, 207, 29, 5, 195, 241, 28, 134, 192, 50, 162, 35, 194, 171, 134, 0, 195, 247, 165, 53, 62, 235, 207, 38, 194, 174, 187, 251, 194, 248, 55, 194, 191, 65, 97, 39, 194, 184, 221, 246, 194, 240, 91, 239, 63, 78, 69, 25, 194, 51, 67, 243, 194, 126, 70, 69, 66, 250, 66, 249, 193, 179, 136, 186, 194, 144, 78, 148, 66, 190, 152, 58, 194, 97, 98, 5, 195, 78, 155, 155, 66, 15, 190, 56, 194, 235, 84, 5, 195, 101, 215, 156, 66, 84, 241, 35, 194, 13, 144, 4, 195, 9, 19, 169, 66, 46, 191, 53, 194, 180, 175, 34, 195, 20, 50, 175, 66, 68, 15, 39, 194, 244, 238, 35, 195, 80, 195, 162, 66, 148, 36, 14, 194, 110, 248, 41, 195, 177, 49, 160, 66, 158, 215, 229, 193, 163, 218, 37, 195, 138, 109, 122, 66, 102, 98, 137, 193, 145, 21, 43, 195, 33, 64, 241, 192, 173, 93, 98, 193, 180, 190, 92, 195, 140, 72, 6, 192, 26, 129, 14, 194, 180, 196, 5, 195, 221, 101, 92, 192, 188, 66, 34, 194, 67, 61, 6, 195, 155, 121, 49, 63, 186, 91, 35, 194, 154, 153, 2, 195, 218, 58, 133, 64, 16, 16, 43, 194, 167, 93, 245, 194, 71, 19, 116, 65, 75, 145, 2, 194, 219, 112, 238, 194, 224, 230, 68, 65, 193, 56, 248, 193, 205, 105, 228, 194, 126, 37, 165, 64, 8, 220, 40, 194, 182, 147, 250, 194, 10, 53, 225, 191, 41, 114, 29, 194, 207, 83, 7, 195, 17, 193, 153, 66, 77, 147, 12, 194, 61, 136, 41, 195, 226, 117, 170, 66, 75, 149, 50, 194, 94, 173, 26, 195, 104, 62, 154, 66, 200, 161, 63, 194, 74, 40, 7, 195, 156, 139, 59, 66, 185, 161, 242, 193, 56, 170, 234, 194, 84, 9, 178, 65, 102, 36, 47, 194, 21, 150, 250, 194, 236, 247, 167, 65, 131, 163, 48, 194, 190, 191, 1, 195, 230, 216, 61, 65, 165, 115, 17, 194, 184, 247, 11, 195, 56, 11, 43, 66, 9, 247, 122, 193, 238, 80, 58, 195, 11, 227, 124, 66, 233, 153, 189, 193, 52, 244, 33, 195, 207, 72, 126, 66, 124, 78, 15, 194, 255, 110, 35, 195, 198, 212, 123, 66, 123, 194, 43, 194, 109, 97, 31, 195, 118, 99, 135, 66, 225, 198, 57, 194, 246, 239, 23, 195, 130, 168, 130, 66, 85, 254, 36, 194, 78, 245, 39, 195, 1, 154, 135, 66, 219, 100, 1, 194, 101, 217, 32, 195, 249, 95, 135, 66, 70, 97, 29, 194, 250, 150, 39, 195, 59, 119, 139, 66, 48, 233, 26, 194, 100, 100, 38, 195, 3, 14, 139, 66, 142, 95, 22, 194, 124, 141, 38, 195, 86, 196, 4, 65, 196, 178, 13, 194, 133, 105, 10, 195, 193, 54, 142, 65, 184, 114, 58, 194, 51, 5, 248, 194, 190, 19, 152, 65, 30, 164, 49, 194, 183, 213, 246, 194, 192, 52, 177, 65, 159, 62, 17, 194, 177, 228, 249, 194, 154, 10, 128, 65, 87, 142, 9, 194, 203, 181, 243, 194, 114, 19, 243, 64, 106, 207, 31, 194, 120, 23, 10, 195, 99, 143, 200, 64, 229, 249, 17, 194, 57, 94, 9, 195, 230, 50, 130, 66, 189, 209, 154, 193, 32, 175, 37, 195, 80, 123, 154, 66, 170, 150, 51, 194, 221, 76, 26, 195, 174, 161, 159, 66, 85, 27, 57, 194, 67, 162, 29, 195, 209, 21, 159, 66, 116, 154, 41, 194, 206, 157, 32, 195, 230, 13, 159, 66, 163, 113, 28, 194, 3, 116, 37, 195, 12, 65, 137, 66, 205, 175, 222, 193, 161, 15, 33, 195, 220, 94, 123, 193, 11, 201, 150, 193, 150, 56, 49, 195, 62, 16, 90, 192, 184, 138, 244, 193, 148, 250, 6, 195, 175, 241, 174, 63, 85, 64, 35, 194, 151, 41, 7, 195, 223, 191, 94, 63, 246, 158, 26, 194, 150, 40, 8, 195, 197, 163, 102, 64, 170, 8, 35, 194, 181, 207, 3, 195, 171, 53, 207, 64, 122, 220, 38, 194, 182, 113, 3, 195, 44, 37, 15, 65, 226, 211, 40, 194, 240, 186, 251, 194, 113, 167, 229, 64, 213, 105, 37, 194, 244, 190, 245, 194, 135, 203, 35, 64, 104, 181, 14, 194, 107, 220, 7, 195, 41, 167, 36, 64, 207, 42, 82, 193, 196, 203, 98, 195, 180, 78, 147, 66, 215, 191, 244, 193, 164, 239, 34, 195, 153, 226, 141, 66, 1, 55, 14, 194, 40, 138, 37, 195, 111, 77, 148, 66, 98, 9, 21, 194, 203, 42, 41, 195, 6, 79, 142, 66, 166, 51, 25, 194, 209, 185, 38, 195, 104, 252, 146, 66, 153, 249, 24, 194, 156, 68, 33, 195, 23, 156, 153, 64, 7, 50, 26, 194, 191, 111, 9, 195, 176, 103, 151, 64, 77, 29, 32, 194, 235, 56, 8, 195, 94, 195, 46, 65, 34, 219, 30, 194, 78, 181, 7, 195, 227, 72, 85, 65, 13, 193, 30, 194, 12, 237, 3, 195, 73, 237, 106, 65, 199, 96, 47, 194, 178, 107, 251, 194, 190, 189, 126, 65, 196, 117, 31, 194, 31, 112, 245, 194, 162, 165, 158, 66, 162, 118, 41, 194, 207, 146, 19, 195, 88, 77, 144, 66, 233, 242, 60, 194, 113, 211, 5, 195, 18, 74, 146, 66, 99, 72, 22, 194, 177, 159, 6, 195, 101, 73, 60, 66, 80, 160, 9, 194, 164, 15, 0, 195, 67, 58, 10, 66, 182, 2, 67, 194, 193, 182, 252, 194, 226, 49, 18, 66, 77, 144, 53, 194, 69, 253, 7, 195, 171, 79, 230, 65, 160, 64, 59, 194, 102, 134, 14, 195, 36, 12, 141, 65, 18, 141, 34, 194, 2, 21, 19, 195, 165, 166, 237, 192, 101, 222, 134, 193, 228, 173, 75, 195, 175, 17, 157, 65, 154, 57, 30, 194, 164, 14, 22, 195, 137, 35, 156, 65, 47, 43, 51, 194, 171, 159, 21, 195, 134, 22, 213, 65, 237, 103, 57, 194, 114, 219, 15, 195, 134, 203, 21, 66, 223, 19, 19, 194, 254, 210, 255, 194, 82, 193, 3, 66, 111, 23, 55, 194, 13, 108, 15, 195, 42, 79, 203, 65, 88, 240, 46, 194, 124, 106, 18, 195, 151, 189, 190, 65, 147, 147, 50, 194, 40, 100, 23, 195, 133, 79, 157, 65, 125, 78, 49, 194, 146, 180, 23, 195, 72, 64, 176, 65, 123, 108, 40, 194, 197, 232, 24, 195, 130, 165, 150, 65, 213, 65, 7, 194, 187, 141, 17, 195, 248, 63, 33, 64, 44, 42, 160, 193, 130, 41, 47, 195, 218, 63, 174, 65, 238, 111, 232, 193, 98, 64, 21, 195, 206, 127, 218, 65, 64, 83, 15, 194, 210, 14, 25, 195, 95, 2, 233, 65, 122, 17, 52, 194, 67, 200, 26, 195, 235, 195, 38, 66, 98, 77, 65, 194, 188, 109, 255, 194, 173, 168, 74, 66, 140, 25, 249, 193, 110, 49, 247, 194, 207, 7, 135, 66, 108, 17, 65, 194, 184, 198, 4, 195, 172, 225, 139, 66, 26, 164, 63, 194, 99, 72, 5, 195, 109, 223, 152, 66, 163, 119, 46, 194, 85, 0, 16, 195, 90, 27, 150, 66, 12, 224, 48, 194, 255, 61, 23, 195, 214, 33, 149, 66, 217, 78, 47, 194, 254, 197, 25, 195, 76, 205, 152, 66, 153, 247, 31, 194, 146, 215, 30, 195, 248, 1, 146, 66, 231, 135, 26, 194, 198, 144, 31, 195, 115, 39, 129, 66, 232, 138, 47, 194, 193, 109, 11, 195, 155, 145, 130, 66, 100, 38, 65, 194, 208, 96, 4, 195, 163, 198, 119, 66, 109, 142, 61, 194, 250, 75, 4, 195, 84, 108, 123, 66, 107, 69, 24, 194, 3, 75, 4, 195, 143, 113, 93, 66, 158, 92, 20, 194, 116, 203, 3, 195, 103, 124, 89, 66, 126, 68, 47, 194, 223, 157, 3, 195, 72, 200, 65, 66, 172, 249, 50, 194, 164, 113, 12, 195, 91, 85, 56, 66, 122, 148, 63, 194, 14, 16, 19, 195, 99, 12, 29, 66, 56, 13, 39, 194, 33, 95, 31, 195, 70, 89, 60, 65, 22, 118, 157, 193, 131, 140, 50, 195, 67, 223, 134, 64, 221, 59, 132, 193, 247, 135, 81, 195, 14, 32, 6, 66, 170, 191, 45, 194, 77, 50, 29, 195, 179, 95, 26, 66, 136, 98, 47, 194, 124, 62, 25, 195, 74, 15, 64, 66, 152, 34, 63, 194, 92, 130, 2, 195, 152, 161, 62, 66, 35, 119, 26, 194, 5, 210, 2, 195, 82, 237, 31, 66, 255, 13, 32, 194, 77, 52, 1, 195, 210, 186, 60, 66, 21, 60, 59, 194, 78, 153, 1, 195, 234, 233, 198, 65, 232, 170, 36, 194, 102, 177, 27, 195, 56, 163, 123, 66, 236, 44, 2, 194, 71, 162, 1, 195, 225, 224, 40, 66, 133, 144, 52, 194, 210, 22, 8, 195, 193, 27, 6, 66, 52, 114, 39, 194, 84, 97, 29, 195, 23, 112, 22, 66, 243, 108, 24, 194, 114, 136, 27, 195, 167, 12, 247, 65, 70, 206, 212, 193, 117, 197, 26, 195, 203, 120, 100, 66, 214, 102, 61, 194, 81, 83, 3, 195, 35, 180, 66, 66, 36, 196, 255, 193, 152, 173, 29, 195, 106, 20, 7, 66, 14, 223, 255, 193, 32, 46, 26, 195, 25, 3, 78, 66, 232, 253, 173, 193, 76, 231, 34, 195, 122, 141, 44, 66, 23, 238, 37, 194, 30, 163, 31, 195, 36, 8, 76, 66, 130, 79, 59, 194, 46, 127, 23, 195, 181, 79, 103, 66, 14, 118, 56, 194, 225, 28, 24, 195, 240, 28, 84, 66, 155, 181, 56, 194, 62, 93, 6, 195, 93, 157, 103, 66, 197, 240, 61, 194, 248, 233, 4, 195, 69, 169, 42, 66, 197, 48, 192, 193, 117, 220, 31, 195, 195, 251, 111, 66, 221, 110, 42, 194, 231, 31, 16, 195, 203, 245, 119, 66, 37, 13, 62, 194, 253, 200, 5, 195, 241, 190, 140, 66, 170, 106, 47, 194, 52, 21, 17, 195, 206, 40, 44, 66, 129, 158, 174, 193, 37, 32, 35, 195, 83, 79, 55, 65, 124, 130, 32, 194, 79, 15, 13, 195, 16, 157, 75, 65, 36, 120, 32, 194, 180, 124, 10, 195, 88, 237, 177, 65, 33, 212, 62, 194, 121, 193, 252, 194, 35, 116, 208, 65, 151, 179, 53, 194, 37, 193, 252, 194, 209, 121, 211, 65, 168, 198, 26, 194, 98, 194, 253, 194, 144, 75, 190, 65, 171, 24, 60, 194, 42, 111, 0, 195, 78, 18, 216, 65, 212, 65, 61, 194, 248, 9, 255, 194, 190, 171, 145, 65, 99, 146, 45, 194, 132, 103, 10, 195, 144, 152, 92, 65, 90, 140, 33, 194, 206, 105, 14, 195, 122, 223, 96, 65, 73, 167, 22, 194, 110, 146, 13, 195, 125, 143, 88, 65, 187, 246, 240, 193, 223, 181, 12, 195, 81, 224, 72, 65, 145, 101, 210, 193, 254, 198, 17, 195, 57, 109, 113, 65, 154, 243, 33, 194, 184, 4, 16, 195, 140, 119, 142, 65, 254, 210, 39, 194, 15, 219, 13, 195, 208, 14, 232, 65, 63, 206, 58, 194, 93, 165, 0, 195, 31, 137, 13, 66, 150, 27, 0, 194, 75, 121, 244, 194, 243, 211, 0, 66, 149, 52, 42, 194, 18, 64, 254, 194, 128, 196, 204, 65, 156, 246, 49, 194, 133, 242, 6, 195, 83, 173, 193, 65, 4, 5, 63, 194, 159, 16, 14, 195, 10, 149, 167, 65, 109, 250, 44, 194, 171, 179, 16, 195, 69, 7, 162, 65, 49, 130, 117, 193, 38, 184, 80, 195, 145, 108, 203, 65, 88, 9, 154, 193, 154, 157, 49, 195, 37, 144, 129, 65, 218, 137, 34, 194, 183, 128, 17, 195, 196, 180, 215, 65, 9, 97, 183, 193, 93, 73, 31, 195, 14, 79, 53, 66, 243, 16, 214, 193, 21, 142, 30, 195, 174, 60, 107, 66, 76, 54, 26, 194, 45, 70, 36, 195, 206, 86, 93, 66, 68, 229, 37, 194, 38, 58, 32, 195, 254, 223, 91, 66, 93, 247, 243, 193, 179, 132, 30, 195, 184, 86, 99, 66, 178, 200, 5, 194, 9, 41, 31, 195, 247, 156, 89, 66, 107, 93, 20, 194, 94, 161, 32, 195, 149, 91, 41, 66, 157, 145, 153, 193, 14, 4, 44, 195, 184, 206, 134, 66, 233, 30, 41, 194, 240, 135, 31, 195, 229, 141, 33, 64, 193, 2, 231, 193, 218, 218, 9, 195, 218, 209, 24, 65, 137, 54, 33, 194, 232, 192, 11, 195, 167, 157, 155, 65, 83, 151, 40, 194, 52, 30, 2, 195, 70, 20, 153, 65, 86, 221, 50, 194, 26, 208, 252, 194, 24, 246, 203, 64, 67, 17, 9, 194, 57, 195, 239, 194, 65, 63, 75, 65, 185, 21, 69, 193, 50, 219, 98, 195, 147, 70, 156, 66, 181, 111, 144, 193, 233, 167, 39, 195, 125, 95, 180, 66, 102, 134, 38, 194, 184, 171, 30, 195, 152, 144, 163, 66, 138, 148, 52, 194, 220, 27, 9, 195, 142, 8, 163, 66, 206, 131, 46, 194, 55, 83, 5, 195, 78, 239, 162, 66, 228, 94, 8, 194, 79, 21, 7, 195, 208, 17, 73, 193, 32, 37, 38, 194, 238, 53, 232, 194, 88, 8, 142, 193, 212, 188, 37, 194, 123, 101, 243, 194, 51, 113, 157, 193, 208, 6, 30, 194, 211, 34, 0, 195, 136, 77, 146, 194, 0, 25, 81, 193, 134, 150, 52, 195, 81, 113, 65, 194, 147, 5, 219, 65, 64, 179, 98, 195, 162, 198, 58, 194, 23, 190, 229, 65, 192, 102, 105, 195, 113, 105, 127, 194, 236, 1, 212, 65, 145, 177, 83, 195, 155, 10, 144, 194, 170, 26, 48, 66, 70, 155, 88, 195, 2, 237, 139, 194, 51, 212, 216, 65, 228, 92, 82, 195, 237, 148, 148, 194, 199, 157, 50, 66, 135, 245, 90, 195, 49, 4, 159, 194, 132, 99, 233, 65, 47, 45, 87, 195, 200, 118, 179, 194, 59, 153, 64, 193, 208, 41, 48, 195, 65, 159, 143, 194, 193, 133, 220, 65, 110, 233, 83, 195, 139, 113, 156, 194, 253, 107, 204, 65, 223, 156, 65, 195, 60, 81, 0, 194, 217, 202, 27, 194, 154, 18, 250, 194, 203, 85, 219, 193, 221, 197, 27, 194, 98, 246, 251, 194, 115, 108, 186, 193, 151, 251, 40, 194, 114, 83, 224, 194, 214, 220, 179, 193, 184, 53, 16, 194, 28, 252, 225, 194, 145, 12, 33, 193, 193, 193, 0, 194, 39, 65, 224, 194, 1, 22, 157, 193, 189, 224, 32, 194, 149, 29, 227, 194, 235, 228, 157, 193, 225, 11, 38, 194, 34, 175, 228, 194, 145, 34, 153, 194, 15, 251, 79, 193, 101, 246, 50, 195, 72, 160, 133, 194, 88, 221, 45, 66, 215, 62, 89, 195, 135, 14, 85, 194, 222, 205, 222, 65, 102, 151, 98, 195, 71, 235, 88, 194, 195, 148, 217, 65, 242, 202, 94, 195, 187, 180, 107, 194, 213, 167, 211, 65, 210, 65, 87, 195, 116, 40, 153, 194, 77, 48, 207, 65, 98, 238, 67, 195, 134, 240, 142, 194, 107, 6, 202, 65, 119, 9, 68, 195, 231, 99, 111, 193, 149, 183, 18, 194, 79, 27, 230, 194, 160, 180, 120, 193, 251, 5, 38, 194, 187, 193, 229, 194, 255, 101, 161, 193, 109, 219, 18, 194, 90, 166, 1, 195, 152, 98, 134, 193, 246, 130, 35, 194, 146, 161, 237, 194, 152, 194, 218, 193, 141, 92, 30, 194, 31, 63, 224, 194, 42, 148, 15, 194, 193, 97, 45, 194, 79, 240, 249, 194, 227, 40, 36, 194, 159, 210, 255, 193, 5, 223, 251, 194, 90, 62, 172, 194, 114, 209, 210, 65, 3, 233, 64, 195, 132, 69, 189, 194, 86, 95, 47, 193, 0, 47, 50, 195, 99, 58, 159, 194, 201, 114, 54, 66, 39, 6, 92, 195, 145, 184, 110, 194, 211, 141, 58, 66, 25, 65, 110, 195, 10, 55, 114, 194, 126, 10, 62, 66, 10, 169, 113, 195, 157, 50, 155, 194, 125, 133, 74, 66, 107, 233, 120, 195, 107, 94, 183, 194, 2, 190, 221, 65, 13, 194, 67, 195, 156, 88, 95, 194, 174, 72, 64, 66, 184, 208, 117, 195, 185, 103, 90, 194, 194, 154, 66, 66, 65, 237, 120, 195, 43, 92, 194, 194, 134, 187, 229, 65, 28, 98, 68, 195, 111, 172, 217, 194, 13, 149, 5, 193, 229, 138, 52, 195, 166, 150, 156, 194, 160, 169, 226, 193, 95, 150, 254, 194, 238, 63, 106, 194, 171, 214, 2, 194, 242, 10, 246, 194, 168, 4, 86, 194, 215, 217, 64, 194, 53, 149, 213, 194, 206, 45, 33, 194, 203, 213, 3, 193, 107, 117, 205, 194, 26, 134, 15, 194, 217, 21, 252, 192, 143, 174, 201, 194, 58, 159, 251, 193, 107, 138, 251, 192, 154, 26, 184, 194, 71, 117, 251, 193, 38, 49, 249, 193, 234, 127, 183, 194, 61, 123, 40, 194, 252, 129, 250, 193, 157, 211, 203, 194, 181, 170, 60, 194, 210, 147, 35, 194, 90, 169, 210, 194, 72, 49, 68, 194, 210, 3, 65, 194, 40, 189, 210, 194, 210, 224, 76, 194, 48, 184, 53, 194, 171, 190, 235, 194, 53, 51, 89, 194, 73, 59, 55, 194, 83, 171, 247, 194, 28, 202, 161, 194, 122, 181, 208, 193, 175, 11, 3, 195, 248, 227, 96, 194, 174, 144, 18, 194, 57, 133, 243, 194, 248, 246, 43, 194, 117, 75, 10, 194, 77, 64, 212, 194, 131, 196, 223, 193, 1, 191, 248, 193, 76, 16, 188, 194, 223, 150, 182, 194, 211, 156, 249, 193, 115, 16, 30, 194, 255, 35, 216, 194, 151, 252, 50, 194, 85, 108, 134, 194, 248, 24, 238, 194, 218, 84, 56, 194, 7, 113, 164, 194, 228, 142, 254, 194, 234, 133, 14, 194, 133, 156, 9, 195, 201, 183, 15, 195, 193, 19, 161, 193, 84, 157, 47, 195, 60, 230, 16, 195, 8, 185, 142, 193, 201, 16, 53, 195, 207, 76, 22, 195, 132, 225, 117, 193, 194, 178, 55, 195, 232, 112, 21, 195, 218, 138, 66, 193, 234, 202, 57, 195, 249, 10, 225, 194, 139, 130, 16, 66, 14, 193, 89, 195, 31, 21, 181, 194, 88, 245, 10, 66, 26, 195, 107, 195, 211, 78, 184, 194, 134, 82, 77, 66, 243, 167, 111, 195, 197, 7, 178, 194, 141, 154, 73, 66, 131, 197, 109, 195, 223, 145, 174, 194, 248, 17, 71, 66, 248, 24, 108, 195, 96, 66, 172, 194, 66, 218, 67, 66, 208, 251, 104, 195, 83, 85, 174, 194, 4, 227, 3, 66, 98, 201, 101, 195, 227, 142, 216, 194, 63, 53, 7, 66, 30, 97, 82, 195, 241, 208, 212, 194, 148, 219, 2, 66, 50, 216, 78, 195, 205, 221, 170, 194, 54, 200, 1, 66, 208, 149, 100, 195, 18, 191, 186, 194, 192, 139, 28, 194, 80, 50, 0, 195, 136, 231, 183, 194, 53, 25, 25, 194, 43, 33, 249, 194, 241, 12, 175, 194, 3, 42, 29, 194, 250, 28, 233, 194, 181, 24, 156, 194, 155, 57, 25, 194, 198, 191, 198, 194, 2, 168, 131, 194, 106, 241, 246, 193, 90, 40, 191, 194, 175, 243, 114, 194, 165, 155, 243, 192, 137, 85, 187, 194, 216, 33, 112, 194, 245, 186, 85, 192, 139, 125, 183, 194, 166, 93, 77, 194, 59, 177, 252, 192, 148, 28, 169, 194, 178, 186, 70, 194, 72, 142, 253, 192, 52, 70, 167, 194, 27, 144, 136, 194, 76, 3, 250, 192, 240, 138, 177, 194, 224, 253, 132, 194, 1, 20, 247, 192, 48, 52, 183, 194, 132, 91, 131, 194, 133, 62, 252, 192, 54, 91, 168, 194, 47, 24, 120, 194, 44, 166, 92, 192, 23, 199, 178, 194, 225, 1, 125, 194, 118, 23, 97, 192, 154, 234, 169, 194, 27, 109, 133, 194, 6, 183, 247, 193, 72, 15, 183, 194, 35, 73, 132, 194, 245, 44, 243, 192, 218, 167, 190, 194, 198, 136, 125, 194, 243, 66, 248, 192, 187, 208, 180, 194, 188, 134, 86, 194, 65, 40, 97, 192, 200, 23, 169, 194, 104, 11, 92, 194, 123, 252, 254, 192, 199, 54, 160, 194, 31, 24, 74, 194, 40, 167, 253, 192, 133, 8, 161, 194, 0, 148, 86, 194, 16, 35, 253, 192, 128, 116, 165, 194, 98, 135, 73, 194, 64, 150, 249, 193, 177, 182, 160, 194, 161, 160, 136, 194, 244, 197, 248, 193, 14, 249, 175, 194, 134, 229, 95, 194, 13, 142, 97, 192, 122, 229, 164, 194, 63, 119, 90, 194, 66, 226, 253, 192, 7, 5, 156, 194, 65, 17, 90, 194, 131, 158, 249, 193, 236, 231, 156, 194, 15, 138, 118, 194, 43, 90, 253, 192, 215, 57, 160, 194, 129, 20, 128, 194, 91, 189, 253, 192, 136, 71, 157, 194, 28, 171, 133, 194, 239, 182, 253, 192, 182, 147, 161, 194, 69, 39, 110, 194, 126, 243, 253, 192, 195, 16, 154, 194, 72, 69, 125, 194, 79, 159, 249, 193, 171, 154, 150, 194, 220, 198, 217, 194, 110, 215, 249, 193, 91, 12, 56, 194, 171, 78, 134, 194, 48, 144, 249, 193, 162, 176, 160, 194, 51, 87, 155, 194, 158, 86, 46, 194, 139, 170, 200, 194, 157, 192, 162, 194, 19, 86, 48, 194, 130, 87, 203, 194, 250, 144, 175, 194, 227, 228, 49, 194, 135, 174, 218, 194, 39, 164, 224, 194, 39, 83, 155, 193, 109, 138, 18, 195, 165, 246, 198, 194, 185, 91, 10, 194, 197, 26, 5, 195, 15, 36, 187, 194, 129, 111, 26, 194, 35, 72, 236, 194, 130, 192, 158, 194, 122, 205, 46, 194, 172, 182, 197, 194, 197, 158, 157, 194, 154, 113, 14, 194, 96, 33, 196, 194, 214, 252, 152, 194, 141, 55, 248, 193, 173, 190, 190, 194, 162, 158, 160, 194, 87, 216, 248, 193, 226, 156, 173, 194, 211, 142, 162, 194, 30, 32, 0, 194, 166, 250, 185, 194, 108, 206, 182, 194, 67, 109, 6, 194, 141, 179, 175, 194, 82, 112, 214, 194, 62, 60, 16, 194, 47, 173, 135, 194, 97, 190, 191, 194, 98, 10, 8, 194, 180, 129, 167, 194, 24, 133, 163, 194, 106, 120, 45, 194, 154, 111, 188, 194, 249, 38, 163, 194, 147, 157, 51, 194, 168, 31, 193, 194, 204, 252, 169, 194, 155, 184, 59, 194, 76, 93, 208, 194, 106, 165, 204, 194, 176, 216, 19, 194, 143, 139, 252, 194, 239, 157, 191, 194, 247, 124, 22, 194, 237, 89, 4, 195, 98, 176, 203, 194, 202, 216, 18, 194, 147, 168, 6, 195, 157, 71, 230, 194, 113, 207, 174, 193, 67, 90, 17, 195, 124, 83, 242, 194, 49, 34, 149, 193, 205, 96, 21, 195, 195, 140, 4, 195, 83, 225, 43, 193, 76, 119, 36, 195, 218, 98, 244, 194, 181, 40, 226, 191, 175, 72, 71, 195, 232, 213, 197, 194, 177, 67, 246, 193, 231, 251, 2, 195, 81, 210, 205, 194, 15, 225, 14, 194, 237, 23, 7, 195, 255, 224, 203, 194, 89, 133, 22, 194, 158, 204, 4, 195, 178, 202, 173, 194, 137, 19, 52, 194, 77, 158, 195, 194, 139, 57, 167, 194, 98, 160, 56, 194, 181, 178, 183, 194, 112, 54, 170, 194, 105, 201, 33, 194, 176, 86, 185, 194, 125, 165, 174, 194, 230, 45, 56, 194, 138, 211, 179, 194, 81, 141, 175, 194, 124, 246, 23, 194, 191, 9, 181, 194, 118, 253, 201, 194, 170, 57, 21, 194, 37, 181, 157, 194, 146, 214, 205, 194, 85, 50, 49, 194, 116, 151, 151, 194, 212, 110, 206, 194, 60, 99, 58, 194, 96, 24, 146, 194, 100, 244, 212, 194, 180, 223, 81, 194, 137, 215, 144, 194, 182, 70, 208, 194, 72, 110, 78, 194, 139, 90, 153, 194, 50, 138, 205, 194, 78, 184, 69, 194, 211, 229, 156, 194, 181, 78, 195, 194, 240, 129, 66, 194, 38, 218, 156, 194, 75, 171, 187, 194, 78, 136, 49, 194, 79, 229, 166, 194, 182, 72, 187, 194, 75, 229, 35, 194, 218, 38, 172, 194, 13, 134, 184, 194, 232, 63, 28, 194, 66, 158, 177, 194, 104, 114, 181, 194, 192, 144, 44, 194, 48, 1, 174, 194, 65, 44, 183, 194, 118, 15, 51, 194, 245, 80, 178, 194, 211, 130, 181, 194, 78, 203, 50, 194, 88, 247, 189, 194, 125, 31, 186, 194, 49, 122, 63, 194, 246, 238, 198, 194, 208, 210, 228, 194, 190, 213, 220, 193, 223, 208, 17, 195, 29, 135, 244, 194, 145, 84, 203, 193, 17, 8, 20, 195, 245, 232, 250, 194, 223, 56, 157, 193, 244, 122, 23, 195, 247, 134, 5, 195, 218, 8, 86, 193, 43, 247, 33, 195, 19, 171, 176, 194, 19, 165, 7, 66, 231, 133, 105, 195, 106, 197, 223, 194, 208, 170, 12, 66, 149, 105, 85, 195, 204, 76, 250, 194, 165, 167, 89, 191, 126, 176, 72, 195, 255, 206, 196, 194, 183, 210, 3, 66, 237, 199, 89, 195, 234, 38, 253, 194, 123, 240, 81, 188, 177, 109, 75, 195, 229, 199, 249, 194, 62, 27, 69, 192, 197, 64, 62, 195, 152, 64, 14, 195, 139, 196, 68, 190, 46, 8, 59, 195, 51, 249, 17, 195, 163, 46, 219, 192, 134, 255, 49, 195, 130, 250, 18, 195, 2, 47, 65, 193, 93, 202, 52, 195, 220, 17, 15, 195, 58, 234, 111, 193, 56, 64, 43, 195, 12, 112, 7, 195, 203, 78, 208, 193, 118, 44, 40, 195, 208, 248, 8, 195, 206, 178, 224, 193, 25, 103, 33, 195, 69, 57, 255, 194, 196, 124, 244, 193, 126, 125, 27, 195, 10, 163, 254, 194, 87, 137, 2, 194, 239, 248, 24, 195, 51, 44, 251, 194, 149, 233, 7, 194, 205, 254, 19, 195, 139, 194, 243, 194, 65, 210, 0, 194, 130, 224, 21, 195, 232, 40, 234, 194, 25, 108, 31, 194, 127, 127, 9, 195, 74, 8, 220, 194, 10, 132, 3, 194, 19, 96, 234, 194, 198, 78, 220, 194, 114, 144, 1, 194, 129, 150, 227, 194, 63, 59, 227, 194, 60, 63, 50, 194, 119, 231, 158, 194, 75, 120, 198, 194, 5, 178, 56, 194, 186, 10, 196, 194, 18, 124, 207, 194, 9, 50, 12, 194, 31, 60, 242, 194, 20, 9, 221, 194, 172, 73, 28, 194, 245, 113, 250, 194, 228, 21, 231, 194, 148, 29, 29, 194, 233, 79, 17, 195, 111, 145, 3, 195, 183, 187, 165, 193, 51, 95, 29, 195, 140, 206, 1, 195, 163, 120, 222, 193, 111, 174, 31, 195, 225, 63, 4, 195, 32, 177, 198, 193, 145, 167, 33, 195, 239, 176, 11, 195, 153, 80, 113, 193, 129, 54, 38, 195, 166, 179, 13, 195, 215, 76, 146, 192, 255, 213, 48, 195, 33, 91, 13, 195, 48, 43, 48, 193, 141, 146, 41, 195, 23, 195, 227, 194, 146, 187, 24, 194, 244, 122, 16, 195, 77, 164, 220, 194, 236, 108, 216, 193, 162, 4, 8, 195, 130, 57, 214, 194, 187, 146, 25, 194, 161, 41, 9, 195, 126, 188, 208, 194, 160, 15, 23, 194, 21, 70, 8, 195, 7, 121, 194, 194, 6, 22, 49, 194, 93, 163, 210, 194, 82, 91, 188, 194, 175, 226, 52, 194, 71, 199, 173, 194, 235, 27, 220, 194, 160, 158, 54, 194, 80, 155, 159, 194, 47, 255, 214, 194, 147, 101, 78, 194, 207, 72, 149, 194, 33, 86, 218, 194, 205, 161, 79, 194, 35, 8, 138, 194, 7, 165, 165, 194, 144, 147, 249, 193, 186, 5, 15, 194, 115, 230, 181, 194, 12, 198, 234, 192, 6, 236, 236, 193, 195, 2, 172, 194, 173, 219, 234, 192, 132, 186, 217, 193, 145, 4, 73, 194, 111, 247, 251, 193, 62, 29, 200, 194, 160, 226, 58, 194, 12, 24, 248, 192, 227, 8, 191, 194, 82, 225, 32, 194, 45, 172, 251, 192, 173, 32, 182, 194, 133, 181, 37, 194, 49, 77, 252, 192, 47, 75, 178, 194, 236, 105, 71, 194, 154, 61, 3, 193, 44, 133, 200, 194, 27, 93, 67, 194, 245, 100, 89, 192, 163, 58, 187, 194, 142, 208, 59, 194, 172, 75, 253, 192, 239, 238, 168, 194, 2, 4, 74, 194, 52, 91, 251, 192, 116, 50, 177, 194, 157, 225, 80, 194, 189, 36, 96, 192, 56, 211, 175, 194, 219, 60, 74, 194, 247, 135, 94, 192, 136, 62, 180, 194, 172, 187, 51, 194, 226, 245, 252, 192, 218, 19, 173, 194, 62, 166, 49, 194, 201, 82, 249, 193, 16, 15, 174, 194, 18, 110, 204, 194, 216, 130, 254, 193, 122, 170, 133, 194, 135, 145, 161, 194, 13, 162, 249, 193, 97, 185, 7, 194, 188, 243, 35, 194, 27, 39, 249, 193, 96, 250, 178, 194, 176, 222, 60, 194, 14, 12, 250, 192, 100, 129, 181, 194, 205, 225, 57, 194, 206, 113, 249, 193, 210, 134, 169, 194, 130, 100, 119, 194, 251, 120, 246, 192, 192, 148, 195, 194, 241, 9, 118, 194, 133, 242, 247, 193, 94, 235, 196, 194, 153, 194, 135, 194, 51, 102, 0, 194, 2, 96, 202, 194, 134, 154, 142, 194, 3, 241, 40, 194, 122, 171, 207, 194, 136, 155, 146, 194, 129, 160, 32, 194, 19, 236, 202, 194, 36, 172, 167, 194, 240, 40, 24, 194, 185, 74, 239, 194, 116, 112, 169, 194, 102, 139, 30, 194, 94, 238, 253, 194, 248, 106, 177, 194, 47, 72, 215, 193, 99, 232, 1, 195, 123, 90, 167, 194, 183, 207, 33, 194, 99, 109, 251, 194, 54, 233, 80, 194, 82, 66, 1, 193, 252, 4, 196, 194, 5, 134, 120, 194, 16, 32, 3, 194, 187, 207, 204, 194, 196, 24, 148, 194, 105, 58, 46, 194, 0, 86, 219, 194, 132, 83, 164, 194, 165, 75, 32, 194, 173, 235, 247, 194, 29, 9, 228, 194, 86, 199, 201, 192, 130, 94, 57, 195, 137, 253, 208, 194, 236, 205, 254, 65, 157, 137, 76, 195, 145, 121, 166, 194, 169, 234, 63, 66, 243, 131, 102, 195, 252, 16, 164, 194, 222, 10, 61, 66, 221, 176, 99, 195, 209, 178, 161, 194, 214, 2, 57, 66, 240, 224, 94, 195, 31, 248, 180, 194, 133, 193, 223, 65, 70, 147, 69, 195, 198, 172, 164, 194, 208, 25, 241, 65, 137, 181, 90, 195, 87, 132, 150, 194, 192, 210, 248, 193, 83, 54, 250, 194, 86, 76, 137, 194, 71, 79, 48, 194, 92, 228, 246, 194, 209, 129, 131, 194, 11, 236, 53, 194, 62, 66, 215, 194, 114, 200, 112, 194, 151, 92, 55, 194, 69, 225, 219, 194, 186, 185, 93, 194, 81, 148, 25, 194, 101, 72, 209, 194, 206, 101, 74, 194, 30, 189, 54, 194, 198, 214, 203, 194, 25, 132, 126, 194, 171, 254, 55, 194, 130, 163, 247, 194, 173, 25, 136, 194, 50, 71, 23, 194, 88, 126, 244, 194, 18, 137, 117, 194, 237, 135, 52, 194, 172, 149, 227, 194, 36, 242, 111, 194, 117, 187, 42, 194, 37, 76, 208, 194, 119, 231, 67, 194, 57, 69, 24, 194, 62, 156, 208, 194, 206, 155, 87, 194, 255, 36, 2, 194, 155, 142, 202, 194, 48, 77, 118, 194, 214, 97, 20, 194, 228, 102, 206, 194, 82, 68, 156, 194, 128, 104, 41, 194, 3, 213, 246, 194, 212, 234, 158, 194, 45, 176, 7, 194, 28, 56, 249, 194, 175, 200, 163, 194, 200, 56, 241, 193, 12, 44, 252, 194, 247, 71, 216, 194, 12, 40, 43, 193, 245, 132, 44, 195, 95, 213, 161, 194, 71, 254, 26, 194, 246, 94, 249, 194, 176, 91, 147, 194, 147, 91, 45, 194, 112, 217, 232, 194, 103, 111, 165, 194, 150, 154, 248, 65, 122, 220, 95, 195, 1, 146, 202, 194, 169, 117, 241, 65, 138, 160, 71, 195, 57, 72, 167, 194, 43, 35, 254, 65, 82, 162, 98, 195, 180, 133, 234, 194, 235, 234, 137, 192, 38, 108, 63, 195, 137, 157, 209, 194, 184, 253, 188, 193, 201, 140, 7, 195, 74, 77, 201, 194, 78, 83, 210, 193, 97, 246, 3, 195, 143, 223, 180, 194, 205, 35, 241, 193, 28, 147, 0, 195, 80, 162, 177, 194, 83, 58, 34, 194, 18, 172, 1, 195, 237, 92, 175, 194, 235, 139, 35, 194, 110, 82, 255, 194, 218, 60, 159, 194, 250, 58, 47, 194, 23, 124, 213, 194, 226, 203, 150, 194, 79, 121, 44, 194, 149, 73, 202, 194, 134, 107, 183, 194, 15, 154, 29, 194, 74, 226, 2, 195, 127, 124, 4, 195, 187, 19, 189, 192, 183, 2, 47, 195, 55, 150, 197, 194, 127, 102, 60, 194, 12, 143, 167, 194, 12, 250, 194, 194, 135, 248, 57, 194, 35, 65, 189, 194, 136, 63, 213, 194, 112, 157, 31, 194, 4, 129, 4, 195, 200, 7, 234, 194, 92, 122, 244, 193, 210, 93, 18, 195, 70, 40, 242, 194, 62, 132, 53, 194, 104, 127, 151, 194, 54, 94, 219, 194, 212, 177, 57, 194, 21, 29, 178, 194, 133, 7, 206, 194, 243, 62, 51, 194, 110, 250, 188, 194, 85, 14, 5, 195, 154, 229, 1, 194, 150, 9, 17, 195, 253, 11, 11, 195, 109, 145, 178, 193, 119, 70, 40, 195, 82, 109, 12, 195, 51, 50, 168, 193, 180, 15, 41, 195, 159, 89, 0, 195, 24, 28, 49, 63, 14, 3, 77, 195, 88, 153, 170, 194, 38, 221, 58, 194, 138, 36, 182, 194, 46, 74, 178, 194, 217, 5, 53, 194, 140, 69, 177, 194, 248, 173, 240, 194, 90, 182, 64, 192, 40, 245, 66, 195, 5, 110, 178, 194, 168, 236, 253, 193, 187, 203, 173, 194, 110, 219, 204, 194, 3, 123, 5, 194, 114, 61, 145, 194, 244, 10, 253, 194, 106, 229, 111, 63, 1, 165, 80, 195, 76, 25, 189, 194, 73, 135, 15, 66, 17, 7, 110, 195, 171, 118, 229, 194, 133, 196, 19, 66, 150, 91, 91, 195, 65, 220, 230, 194, 162, 111, 22, 66, 11, 26, 94, 195, 130, 91, 3, 195, 123, 138, 42, 64, 94, 215, 83, 195, 221, 12, 23, 195, 77, 67, 10, 193, 44, 140, 66, 195, 59, 133, 22, 195, 209, 85, 3, 193, 230, 255, 61, 195, 20, 224, 24, 195, 217, 123, 65, 193, 226, 213, 62, 195, 55, 223, 31, 195, 247, 63, 106, 193, 20, 229, 59, 195, 105, 222, 30, 195, 119, 172, 140, 193, 46, 105, 41, 195, 123, 140, 17, 195, 115, 62, 245, 193, 179, 88, 14, 195, 123, 105, 14, 195, 177, 22, 244, 193, 252, 120, 7, 195, 191, 144, 253, 194, 206, 5, 14, 194, 143, 48, 248, 194, 101, 184, 255, 194, 71, 35, 6, 194, 179, 15, 235, 194, 68, 31, 253, 194, 198, 50, 7, 194, 73, 31, 239, 194, 128, 96, 0, 195, 44, 248, 12, 194, 59, 73, 230, 194, 99, 222, 245, 194, 113, 184, 9, 194, 237, 103, 232, 194, 74, 60, 252, 194, 200, 205, 6, 194, 153, 70, 228, 194, 35, 134, 239, 194, 160, 91, 8, 194, 193, 114, 231, 194, 96, 129, 220, 194, 229, 24, 21, 194, 154, 234, 211, 194, 57, 28, 249, 194, 198, 9, 35, 194, 202, 255, 179, 194, 199, 62, 250, 194, 213, 114, 53, 194, 2, 233, 157, 194, 208, 159, 240, 194, 140, 219, 14, 194, 77, 174, 197, 194, 35, 30, 234, 194, 186, 248, 4, 194, 253, 155, 227, 194, 2, 49, 243, 194, 197, 105, 15, 194, 230, 173, 249, 194, 175, 187, 247, 194, 78, 54, 12, 194, 149, 106, 237, 194, 77, 86, 6, 195, 20, 174, 17, 194, 94, 181, 9, 195, 173, 91, 14, 195, 181, 100, 165, 193, 152, 79, 43, 195, 186, 54, 22, 195, 21, 229, 184, 193, 177, 173, 41, 195, 126, 230, 21, 195, 178, 88, 155, 193, 221, 225, 48, 195, 74, 72, 21, 195, 131, 163, 55, 193, 69, 248, 59, 195, 156, 122, 20, 195, 50, 245, 129, 191, 129, 192, 56, 195, 68, 13, 1, 195, 50, 76, 232, 63, 27, 63, 82, 195, 146, 163, 21, 195, 245, 192, 27, 64, 72, 198, 68, 195, 135, 77, 23, 195, 227, 230, 99, 192, 116, 73, 59, 195, 19, 27, 29, 195, 189, 223, 125, 193, 226, 229, 57, 195, 214, 112, 35, 195, 7, 95, 81, 193, 86, 191, 50, 195, 247, 37, 25, 195, 249, 215, 157, 193, 191, 20, 48, 195, 250, 243, 21, 195, 28, 223, 200, 193, 17, 123, 32, 195, 228, 46, 16, 195, 109, 14, 187, 193, 120, 74, 37, 195, 86, 72, 4, 195, 226, 199, 98, 64, 5, 126, 87, 195, 115, 14, 155, 194, 20, 156, 249, 193, 119, 140, 222, 193, 23, 53, 219, 193, 141, 226, 247, 193, 176, 251, 198, 194, 188, 175, 222, 193, 152, 112, 248, 192, 44, 195, 198, 194, 31, 67, 245, 193, 5, 177, 252, 192, 79, 196, 205, 194, 170, 52, 225, 193, 249, 32, 249, 192, 20, 100, 189, 194, 171, 5, 45, 194, 234, 199, 39, 194, 179, 94, 210, 194, 146, 80, 51, 194, 21, 24, 46, 194, 241, 108, 235, 194, 193, 217, 77, 194, 87, 76, 34, 194, 12, 241, 244, 194, 254, 114, 64, 194, 180, 204, 58, 194, 215, 169, 245, 194, 245, 3, 49, 194, 119, 206, 50, 194, 86, 60, 212, 194, 10, 132, 2, 194, 12, 164, 252, 193, 46, 91, 208, 194, 63, 7, 235, 193, 167, 46, 11, 194, 47, 77, 222, 194, 217, 69, 23, 194, 35, 154, 39, 194, 97, 251, 215, 194, 35, 203, 28, 194, 212, 146, 40, 194, 72, 23, 235, 194, 121, 98, 78, 194, 197, 62, 235, 193, 109, 224, 253, 194, 244, 10, 186, 194, 86, 159, 67, 193, 226, 0, 46, 195, 208, 50, 29, 194, 194, 186, 32, 194, 240, 49, 213, 194, 0, 115, 32, 194, 45, 244, 0, 194, 96, 132, 209, 194, 69, 22, 22, 194, 69, 217, 17, 194, 245, 238, 218, 194, 130, 216, 64, 194, 25, 144, 49, 194, 77, 16, 249, 194, 46, 119, 199, 194, 130, 3, 29, 193, 17, 39, 52, 195, 57, 123, 63, 194, 46, 98, 14, 194, 47, 82, 246, 194, 146, 139, 25, 194, 184, 159, 36, 194, 25, 223, 225, 194, 6, 65, 14, 194, 39, 48, 39, 194, 213, 24, 218, 194, 220, 243, 34, 194, 108, 32, 43, 194, 22, 128, 245, 194, 174, 79, 48, 194, 248, 43, 26, 194, 132, 235, 248, 194, 190, 54, 39, 194, 129, 253, 39, 194, 231, 202, 248, 194, 189, 100, 5, 194, 67, 216, 39, 194, 37, 19, 234, 194, 222, 136, 3, 194, 18, 97, 37, 194, 75, 80, 220, 194, 11, 14, 69, 194, 76, 164, 2, 66, 200, 228, 120, 195, 43, 141, 94, 194, 127, 106, 252, 65, 223, 199, 113, 195, 211, 28, 38, 194, 83, 65, 0, 66, 228, 232, 120, 195, 161, 41, 92, 194, 212, 42, 240, 65, 37, 124, 107, 195, 29, 8, 104, 194, 42, 110, 56, 66, 219, 174, 108, 195, 197, 64, 147, 194, 248, 197, 224, 65, 62, 234, 85, 195, 8, 106, 84, 194, 66, 138, 235, 65, 1, 207, 105, 195, 58, 100, 46, 194, 2, 110, 240, 65, 240, 245, 111, 195, 131, 41, 15, 194, 84, 102, 252, 65, 59, 233, 120, 195, 168, 242, 204, 192, 125, 172, 217, 192, 13, 16, 123, 195, 146, 49, 20, 194, 48, 7, 249, 65, 31, 141, 118, 195, 182, 188, 14, 194, 102, 143, 221, 192, 74, 14, 110, 195, 164, 24, 120, 194, 61, 97, 45, 66, 91, 246, 92, 195, 59, 109, 104, 194, 228, 234, 48, 66, 219, 56, 100, 195, 217, 206, 250, 193, 184, 186, 219, 192, 36, 208, 111, 195, 96, 237, 31, 194, 226, 217, 239, 65, 100, 220, 112, 195, 128, 60, 207, 193, 156, 188, 164, 192, 54, 195, 120, 195, 84, 117, 198, 193, 176, 15, 151, 192, 76, 23, 123, 195, 249, 50, 31, 194, 58, 100, 4, 193, 238, 25, 103, 195, 202, 200, 41, 194, 77, 38, 32, 193, 75, 109, 94, 195, 103, 248, 47, 194, 210, 26, 50, 193, 212, 30, 88, 195, 128, 89, 74, 194, 61, 108, 212, 65, 215, 91, 93, 195, 7, 3, 128, 194, 87, 194, 198, 65, 254, 182, 70, 195, 108, 86, 31, 194, 201, 74, 31, 193, 43, 238, 95, 195, 157, 105, 56, 194, 10, 211, 65, 193, 169, 25, 81, 195, 222, 191, 235, 192, 60, 189, 34, 194, 138, 15, 239, 194, 170, 28, 53, 193, 218, 16, 7, 194, 95, 252, 228, 194, 190, 199, 31, 191, 61, 236, 39, 194, 222, 188, 242, 194, 17, 128, 243, 192, 43, 138, 24, 194, 249, 86, 4, 195, 222, 149, 103, 194, 53, 168, 92, 193, 85, 211, 58, 195, 45, 48, 232, 192, 237, 253, 33, 194, 29, 15, 249, 194, 96, 70, 152, 192, 44, 159, 36, 194, 236, 97, 240, 194, 204, 168, 212, 191, 168, 250, 24, 194, 94, 71, 241, 194, 148, 189, 52, 192, 125, 79, 40, 194, 242, 150, 241, 194, 235, 150, 251, 192, 25, 193, 37, 194, 10, 89, 3, 195, 65, 182, 33, 193, 24, 204, 32, 194, 218, 31, 3, 195, 116, 137, 78, 194, 200, 46, 119, 193, 234, 206, 50, 195, 74, 41, 67, 194, 143, 171, 78, 193, 186, 171, 73, 195, 201, 33, 83, 194, 144, 101, 204, 65, 62, 146, 85, 195, 19, 145, 181, 66, 239, 1, 189, 193, 215, 163, 37, 195, 153, 188, 179, 66, 64, 85, 2, 194, 41, 47, 39, 195, 253, 223, 183, 66, 225, 196, 14, 194, 191, 13, 32, 195, 228, 193, 187, 66, 30, 34, 49, 194, 240, 138, 27, 195, 226, 109, 177, 66, 149, 228, 36, 194, 52, 139, 6, 195, 110, 161, 143, 66, 61, 103, 230, 193, 223, 243, 245, 194, 153, 169, 163, 66, 83, 232, 241, 193, 114, 176, 4, 195, 39, 59, 195, 66, 69, 26, 40, 194, 223, 19, 15, 195, 28, 49, 193, 66, 79, 219, 31, 194, 58, 207, 30, 195, 156, 109, 116, 66, 246, 86, 240, 192, 59, 238, 72, 195, 81, 117, 191, 66, 46, 102, 231, 193, 190, 21, 42, 195, 160, 44, 187, 66, 166, 64, 10, 194, 88, 178, 42, 195, 6, 209, 189, 66, 209, 63, 22, 194, 245, 37, 41, 195, 189, 12, 186, 66, 165, 27, 212, 193, 210, 120, 38, 195, 70, 112, 191, 66, 21, 2, 125, 193, 241, 13, 41, 195, 226, 5, 133, 65, 42, 208, 166, 192, 240, 25, 123, 195, 77, 241, 202, 66, 27, 171, 45, 194, 71, 14, 21, 195, 219, 113, 196, 66, 129, 193, 22, 194, 177, 89, 9, 195, 180, 15, 182, 194, 65, 32, 33, 192, 74, 71, 106, 193, 229, 25, 205, 194, 138, 195, 234, 192, 96, 69, 103, 193, 169, 38, 203, 194, 128, 230, 233, 192, 38, 81, 31, 193, 200, 215, 188, 194, 61, 222, 234, 192, 236, 132, 251, 62, 5, 193, 208, 194, 78, 106, 33, 192, 120, 92, 73, 193, 138, 66, 0, 195, 23, 225, 39, 194, 241, 220, 36, 194, 65, 211, 255, 194, 136, 32, 63, 194, 140, 79, 32, 194, 76, 241, 0, 195, 139, 121, 69, 194, 212, 202, 35, 194, 94, 139, 4, 195, 236, 107, 69, 194, 255, 90, 38, 194, 70, 38, 27, 195, 141, 16, 21, 194, 116, 95, 76, 194, 255, 221, 27, 195, 70, 20, 18, 194, 186, 216, 89, 194, 27, 4, 32, 195, 76, 222, 12, 194, 235, 174, 105, 194, 239, 68, 28, 195, 113, 210, 242, 193, 93, 20, 111, 194, 117, 164, 30, 195, 7, 44, 17, 194, 69, 149, 111, 194, 123, 133, 214, 194, 103, 152, 234, 192, 86, 202, 172, 193, 48, 93, 210, 194, 17, 136, 234, 192, 223, 250, 93, 193, 151, 84, 251, 194, 18, 222, 62, 194, 244, 121, 36, 194, 159, 168, 29, 195, 49, 94, 19, 194, 46, 73, 122, 194, 74, 8, 224, 194, 182, 122, 249, 193, 94, 245, 190, 193, 79, 181, 191, 194, 197, 206, 234, 192, 69, 137, 10, 193, 207, 194, 241, 194, 96, 133, 249, 193, 142, 40, 20, 194, 197, 248, 235, 194, 143, 27, 47, 194, 243, 20, 96, 194, 158, 214, 233, 194, 96, 168, 67, 194, 210, 147, 84, 194, 64, 5, 13, 195, 106, 84, 29, 194, 191, 81, 148, 194, 37, 205, 22, 195, 4, 173, 21, 194, 36, 209, 148, 194, 231, 38, 16, 195, 185, 135, 217, 193, 121, 29, 156, 194, 126, 207, 11, 195, 33, 227, 201, 193, 241, 20, 170, 194, 238, 165, 17, 195, 66, 199, 35, 194, 151, 10, 155, 194, 108, 44, 232, 194, 82, 124, 64, 194, 5, 105, 92, 194, 37, 223, 208, 194, 121, 156, 249, 193, 240, 241, 23, 194, 90, 196, 230, 194, 32, 99, 64, 194, 238, 39, 100, 194, 89, 32, 242, 194, 153, 255, 82, 194, 158, 107, 105, 194, 163, 60, 9, 195, 85, 111, 28, 194, 56, 51, 153, 194, 66, 174, 16, 195, 240, 96, 250, 193, 213, 196, 154, 194, 127, 38, 16, 195, 28, 9, 19, 194, 193, 66, 159, 194, 200, 148, 15, 195, 1, 19, 36, 194, 49, 134, 157, 194, 60, 94, 2, 195, 66, 43, 39, 194, 4, 50, 140, 194, 166, 219, 246, 194, 98, 255, 71, 194, 34, 60, 139, 194, 197, 52, 248, 194, 20, 99, 82, 194, 118, 73, 102, 194, 29, 228, 228, 194, 228, 242, 62, 194, 227, 74, 110, 194, 103, 178, 226, 194, 139, 98, 43, 194, 163, 5, 122, 194, 0, 124, 226, 194, 120, 52, 64, 194, 115, 214, 115, 194, 37, 215, 234, 194, 212, 48, 74, 194, 104, 236, 124, 194, 14, 204, 14, 195, 17, 138, 38, 194, 196, 80, 162, 194, 27, 141, 92, 195, 153, 186, 70, 65, 70, 92, 42, 195, 40, 156, 53, 195, 63, 42, 154, 64, 10, 36, 0, 195, 192, 3, 31, 195, 135, 7, 28, 193, 68, 115, 6, 195, 86, 193, 40, 195, 18, 65, 160, 192, 207, 206, 24, 195, 137, 86, 52, 195, 214, 194, 33, 64, 131, 200, 34, 195, 243, 3, 51, 195, 156, 87, 48, 64, 208, 169, 27, 195, 167, 186, 58, 195, 235, 125, 206, 64, 156, 152, 43, 195, 116, 83, 12, 195, 92, 71, 160, 193, 245, 182, 243, 194, 37, 163, 12, 195, 25, 109, 178, 193, 133, 165, 248, 194, 55, 69, 23, 195, 115, 228, 123, 193, 181, 155, 8, 195, 236, 35, 33, 195, 50, 207, 106, 193, 139, 243, 18, 195, 10, 103, 51, 195, 86, 239, 44, 192, 96, 76, 41, 195, 252, 99, 55, 195, 2, 211, 227, 63, 117, 169, 47, 195, 153, 133, 64, 195, 233, 34, 2, 65, 30, 64, 49, 195, 27, 18, 33, 195, 223, 154, 30, 193, 150, 42, 15, 195, 40, 94, 67, 195, 68, 233, 250, 192, 92, 54, 61, 195, 239, 220, 60, 195, 42, 112, 172, 191, 95, 235, 70, 195, 184, 4, 32, 195, 240, 26, 255, 192, 107, 51, 93, 195, 253, 78, 31, 195, 105, 37, 202, 192, 50, 42, 96, 195, 30, 145, 28, 195, 76, 249, 33, 65, 159, 51, 98, 195, 219, 206, 245, 194, 218, 7, 42, 66, 44, 234, 110, 195, 67, 26, 30, 195, 58, 45, 224, 192, 77, 53, 92, 195, 60, 101, 66, 195, 222, 13, 9, 193, 60, 213, 57, 195, 166, 91, 63, 195, 123, 112, 221, 192, 43, 152, 53, 195, 32, 57, 60, 195, 189, 40, 197, 63, 6, 80, 53, 195, 149, 172, 62, 195, 113, 80, 61, 193, 140, 206, 53, 195, 14, 76, 58, 195, 236, 254, 48, 192, 210, 71, 50, 195, 253, 179, 63, 195, 114, 65, 19, 193, 151, 210, 55, 195, 144, 35, 54, 195, 143, 180, 119, 192, 119, 45, 67, 195, 0, 65, 33, 195, 250, 137, 11, 193, 244, 28, 90, 195, 23, 170, 31, 195, 243, 90, 29, 193, 17, 132, 89, 195, 250, 219, 29, 195, 228, 186, 9, 193, 53, 70, 89, 195, 235, 155, 30, 195, 123, 84, 117, 64, 187, 10, 92, 195, 131, 100, 21, 195, 36, 163, 214, 64, 189, 205, 87, 195, 181, 234, 18, 195, 151, 221, 255, 64, 145, 118, 92, 195, 94, 191, 13, 195, 157, 191, 16, 65, 174, 137, 104, 195, 54, 4, 245, 194, 181, 251, 38, 66, 210, 250, 106, 195, 208, 157, 31, 195, 242, 29, 186, 191, 67, 137, 90, 195, 65, 118, 12, 195, 91, 148, 254, 64, 113, 78, 100, 195, 38, 206, 28, 195, 14, 182, 33, 193, 123, 84, 87, 195, 128, 11, 31, 195, 172, 154, 49, 193, 219, 159, 87, 195, 53, 30, 36, 195, 96, 35, 152, 192, 174, 182, 83, 195, 127, 3, 59, 195, 165, 68, 197, 192, 210, 206, 58, 195, 140, 250, 58, 195, 161, 220, 52, 193, 193, 82, 54, 195, 16, 219, 61, 195, 60, 154, 39, 193, 103, 49, 49, 195, 54, 148, 57, 195, 253, 151, 2, 193, 69, 171, 48, 195, 166, 1, 58, 195, 243, 54, 81, 193, 193, 27, 50, 195, 88, 118, 56, 195, 95, 69, 29, 193, 224, 25, 46, 195, 26, 146, 56, 195, 118, 90, 95, 193, 230, 171, 47, 195, 110, 149, 53, 195, 98, 0, 227, 192, 96, 199, 43, 195, 71, 8, 54, 195, 25, 65, 100, 193, 94, 145, 43, 195, 54, 200, 50, 195, 39, 117, 42, 193, 164, 228, 41, 195, 168, 211, 50, 195, 188, 215, 104, 193, 7, 22, 40, 195, 28, 33, 47, 195, 125, 156, 133, 193, 194, 107, 34, 195, 233, 218, 36, 195, 221, 134, 149, 193, 160, 241, 23, 195, 3, 197, 29, 195, 15, 169, 164, 193, 244, 89, 15, 195, 103, 210, 16, 195, 74, 247, 180, 193, 205, 233, 0, 195, 204, 154, 3, 195, 142, 206, 195, 193, 14, 74, 239, 194, 65, 63, 249, 194, 61, 180, 217, 193, 197, 253, 225, 194, 203, 57, 253, 194, 245, 78, 254, 193, 130, 163, 214, 194, 148, 81, 253, 194, 205, 132, 5, 194, 226, 197, 210, 194, 24, 52, 247, 194, 169, 90, 16, 194, 115, 92, 213, 194, 249, 31, 0, 195, 25, 105, 16, 194, 222, 132, 225, 194, 99, 8, 253, 194, 160, 100, 226, 193, 192, 98, 232, 194, 159, 253, 7, 195, 161, 174, 227, 193, 100, 89, 246, 194, 161, 175, 12, 195, 89, 117, 223, 193, 12, 217, 250, 194, 24, 143, 14, 195, 234, 109, 3, 194, 203, 134, 251, 194, 96, 181, 14, 195, 61, 128, 1, 194, 64, 38, 0, 195, 157, 223, 22, 195, 14, 7, 227, 193, 245, 89, 8, 195, 251, 191, 25, 195, 12, 120, 216, 193, 62, 173, 12, 195, 19, 220, 31, 195, 227, 220, 218, 193, 133, 40, 14, 195, 144, 46, 35, 195, 245, 109, 211, 193, 131, 132, 19, 195, 63, 60, 31, 195, 96, 222, 165, 193, 27, 217, 32, 195, 175, 176, 39, 195, 92, 237, 140, 193, 162, 20, 37, 195, 188, 108, 51, 195, 160, 172, 27, 193, 203, 224, 59, 195, 66, 144, 27, 195, 96, 128, 53, 193, 6, 81, 74, 195, 248, 159, 24, 195, 156, 200, 72, 193, 136, 190, 77, 195, 75, 83, 25, 195, 81, 119, 157, 192, 191, 42, 75, 195, 180, 23, 240, 194, 106, 153, 32, 66, 22, 170, 101, 195, 34, 10, 10, 195, 105, 244, 194, 64, 94, 158, 93, 195, 40, 118, 25, 195, 76, 82, 145, 192, 22, 65, 84, 195, 170, 146, 26, 195, 39, 107, 205, 192, 124, 202, 81, 195, 29, 63, 26, 195, 136, 66, 64, 193, 182, 52, 84, 195, 145, 228, 37, 195, 93, 172, 39, 192, 38, 237, 78, 195, 233, 170, 34, 195, 47, 100, 216, 192, 107, 134, 67, 195, 46, 128, 46, 195, 227, 243, 179, 192, 240, 117, 66, 195, 234, 236, 52, 195, 100, 88, 38, 193, 52, 235, 51, 195, 165, 116, 56, 195, 246, 171, 3, 193, 182, 205, 56, 195, 89, 129, 48, 195, 176, 252, 61, 193, 63, 37, 49, 195, 128, 109, 48, 195, 163, 219, 114, 193, 174, 160, 42, 195, 239, 9, 44, 195, 88, 180, 147, 193, 13, 58, 34, 195, 18, 149, 39, 195, 206, 174, 135, 193, 182, 226, 31, 195, 157, 201, 25, 195, 85, 98, 185, 193, 99, 172, 11, 195, 125, 26, 22, 195, 94, 246, 220, 193, 94, 88, 4, 195, 6, 143, 17, 195, 118, 189, 243, 193, 181, 100, 0, 195, 165, 0, 30, 195, 185, 146, 44, 193, 28, 26, 78, 195, 222, 131, 25, 195, 15, 29, 253, 192, 70, 37, 80, 195, 155, 58, 8, 195, 8, 97, 164, 64, 47, 234, 90, 195, 114, 27, 27, 195, 196, 240, 10, 193, 62, 55, 85, 195, 120, 116, 23, 195, 79, 66, 45, 64, 4, 185, 82, 195, 35, 19, 243, 194, 26, 169, 35, 66, 220, 188, 103, 195, 249, 67, 11, 195, 151, 159, 229, 64, 217, 187, 97, 195, 52, 64, 30, 195, 209, 133, 139, 192, 85, 209, 86, 195, 35, 77, 29, 195, 196, 165, 67, 193, 100, 19, 85, 195, 33, 20, 33, 195, 154, 228, 21, 193, 230, 37, 82, 195, 155, 99, 0, 195, 195, 63, 5, 194, 124, 192, 202, 194, 231, 168, 4, 195, 22, 102, 31, 194, 228, 218, 181, 194, 93, 46, 8, 195, 13, 101, 37, 194, 126, 185, 171, 194, 85, 107, 12, 195, 101, 120, 40, 194, 54, 68, 170, 194, 11, 239, 8, 195, 79, 136, 12, 194, 4, 217, 170, 194, 203, 29, 10, 195, 59, 43, 30, 194, 89, 68, 177, 194, 210, 19, 8, 195, 20, 10, 22, 194, 18, 76, 183, 194, 60, 137, 5, 195, 130, 200, 11, 194, 222, 130, 184, 194, 178, 191, 253, 194, 199, 101, 226, 193, 147, 24, 201, 194, 209, 165, 249, 194, 100, 108, 223, 193, 171, 80, 212, 194, 173, 224, 6, 195, 168, 210, 247, 193, 146, 76, 178, 194, 32, 87, 252, 194, 25, 61, 208, 193, 182, 164, 211, 194, 143, 42, 10, 195, 48, 250, 7, 194, 38, 148, 166, 194, 87, 229, 14, 195, 19, 52, 42, 194, 136, 77, 168, 194, 58, 21, 7, 195, 171, 136, 30, 194, 148, 117, 158, 194, 41, 184, 250, 194, 117, 217, 50, 194, 202, 42, 147, 194, 244, 138, 224, 194, 38, 38, 64, 194, 75, 0, 124, 194, 232, 127, 55, 195, 116, 67, 166, 64, 253, 243, 18, 195, 8, 35, 70, 195, 111, 16, 48, 65, 124, 67, 33, 195, 132, 13, 11, 195, 60, 193, 181, 193, 167, 75, 186, 194, 172, 157, 76, 195, 96, 135, 25, 65, 95, 135, 58, 195, 64, 211, 39, 195, 162, 27, 55, 193, 164, 191, 26, 195, 24, 136, 46, 195, 6, 40, 237, 192, 162, 228, 36, 195, 128, 179, 31, 195, 207, 252, 125, 193, 161, 43, 128, 194, 174, 67, 27, 195, 245, 245, 181, 193, 198, 174, 123, 194, 141, 167, 23, 195, 2, 193, 223, 193, 203, 97, 137, 194, 233, 56, 23, 195, 134, 74, 174, 193, 93, 39, 146, 194, 194, 70, 26, 195, 246, 145, 25, 194, 68, 69, 138, 194, 4, 36, 24, 195, 167, 14, 33, 194, 230, 223, 137, 194, 165, 77, 247, 194, 210, 242, 64, 194, 29, 78, 53, 194, 254, 228, 245, 194, 98, 218, 51, 194, 128, 1, 69, 194, 26, 16, 250, 194, 66, 215, 49, 194, 1, 133, 57, 194, 0, 145, 237, 194, 247, 77, 18, 194, 41, 162, 92, 194, 151, 232, 237, 194, 64, 120, 3, 194, 185, 31, 70, 194, 95, 69, 216, 194, 248, 156, 249, 193, 95, 184, 240, 193, 129, 135, 192, 194, 180, 175, 232, 192, 212, 243, 142, 193, 106, 59, 188, 194, 149, 133, 34, 192, 41, 175, 115, 193, 243, 44, 212, 194, 11, 202, 234, 192, 108, 252, 194, 193, 89, 103, 218, 194, 61, 154, 249, 193, 26, 68, 216, 193, 151, 185, 27, 195, 140, 229, 26, 194, 223, 59, 134, 194, 4, 213, 28, 195, 143, 159, 22, 194, 67, 88, 129, 194, 208, 16, 11, 195, 151, 186, 31, 194, 129, 224, 124, 194, 93, 225, 10, 195, 87, 172, 35, 194, 166, 252, 76, 194, 35, 211, 249, 194, 242, 234, 64, 194, 246, 227, 45, 194, 147, 166, 252, 194, 251, 208, 45, 194, 45, 122, 48, 194, 131, 78, 194, 194, 189, 113, 234, 192, 52, 228, 76, 193, 129, 183, 210, 194, 49, 156, 249, 193, 55, 193, 10, 194, 107, 144, 241, 194, 114, 70, 49, 194, 128, 240, 80, 194, 35, 153, 236, 194, 134, 75, 68, 194, 119, 18, 79, 194, 42, 101, 239, 194, 120, 223, 68, 194, 121, 252, 69, 194, 239, 106, 246, 194, 247, 249, 81, 194, 182, 135, 79, 194, 18, 102, 22, 195, 255, 30, 36, 194, 240, 55, 146, 194, 120, 38, 25, 195, 52, 109, 29, 194, 212, 6, 143, 194, 244, 220, 19, 195, 226, 238, 35, 194, 205, 72, 150, 194, 65, 40, 6, 195, 207, 158, 38, 194, 13, 110, 114, 194, 206, 54, 2, 195, 3, 14, 70, 194, 214, 120, 59, 194, 168, 127, 244, 194, 99, 150, 65, 194, 95, 81, 60, 194, 171, 239, 214, 194, 4, 157, 249, 193, 27, 91, 5, 194, 186, 159, 209, 194, 235, 178, 234, 192, 250, 30, 219, 193, 177, 220, 1, 195, 9, 235, 64, 194, 247, 148, 21, 194, 154, 136, 236, 194, 201, 142, 248, 193, 27, 130, 210, 193, 36, 96, 216, 194, 255, 133, 234, 192, 239, 105, 109, 193, 86, 235, 222, 194, 191, 139, 249, 193, 203, 20, 142, 193, 158, 57, 0, 195, 254, 88, 17, 194, 217, 178, 29, 194, 171, 5, 3, 195, 201, 175, 31, 194, 22, 77, 22, 194, 3, 38, 3, 195, 1, 79, 61, 194, 235, 6, 13, 194, 201, 34, 5, 195, 36, 17, 66, 194, 153, 153, 18, 194, 83, 83, 20, 195, 214, 54, 23, 194, 177, 161, 59, 194, 144, 23, 32, 195, 249, 38, 12, 194, 61, 220, 93, 194, 71, 133, 30, 195, 130, 21, 19, 194, 139, 92, 70, 194, 236, 142, 218, 194, 186, 33, 234, 192, 160, 133, 67, 193, 76, 112, 211, 194, 129, 224, 33, 192, 238, 46, 48, 193, 82, 144, 213, 194, 159, 135, 234, 192, 225, 107, 51, 193, 59, 205, 4, 195, 95, 142, 59, 194, 22, 220, 6, 194, 7, 105, 18, 195, 213, 4, 26, 194, 239, 140, 37, 194, 209, 26, 193, 194, 213, 173, 234, 192, 46, 212, 31, 64, 253, 237, 1, 67, 201, 126, 12, 194, 162, 185, 12, 195, 117, 58, 1, 67, 14, 190, 32, 194, 186, 35, 12, 195, 171, 79, 4, 67, 78, 255, 33, 194, 27, 188, 14, 195, 138, 1, 41, 67, 151, 111, 130, 193, 207, 30, 15, 195, 228, 180, 56, 67, 179, 126, 231, 192, 250, 220, 239, 194, 170, 61, 47, 67, 94, 104, 60, 193, 74, 132, 12, 195, 172, 195, 45, 67, 141, 17, 234, 193, 235, 57, 13, 195, 249, 39, 45, 67, 29, 42, 1, 194, 116, 209, 14, 195, 80, 185, 15, 67, 119, 165, 238, 193, 20, 193, 35, 195, 16, 238, 10, 67, 56, 164, 5, 194, 164, 235, 26, 195, 126, 101, 252, 66, 44, 211, 42, 194, 0, 225, 12, 195, 128, 175, 248, 66, 90, 226, 236, 193, 133, 124, 11, 195, 75, 186, 184, 194, 222, 163, 249, 193, 26, 67, 59, 64, 52, 152, 218, 66, 145, 58, 206, 193, 78, 99, 3, 195, 129, 161, 219, 66, 106, 74, 229, 193, 225, 186, 8, 195, 137, 191, 245, 66, 223, 145, 42, 194, 43, 193, 10, 195, 173, 197, 231, 66, 189, 3, 20, 194, 69, 191, 27, 195, 240, 95, 26, 67, 159, 40, 210, 193, 245, 68, 38, 195, 64, 103, 44, 67, 119, 106, 210, 193, 11, 108, 33, 195, 232, 171, 41, 67, 203, 62, 236, 193, 112, 113, 21, 195, 3, 70, 49, 67, 14, 100, 251, 193, 237, 17, 13, 195, 41, 71, 48, 67, 35, 117, 213, 193, 231, 12, 15, 195, 242, 123, 64, 67, 165, 95, 137, 65, 210, 14, 203, 194, 172, 237, 65, 67, 223, 128, 59, 65, 133, 27, 228, 194, 150, 218, 67, 67, 12, 210, 176, 191, 120, 140, 237, 194, 97, 240, 56, 67, 85, 218, 179, 192, 119, 156, 3, 195, 19, 68, 49, 67, 24, 92, 165, 193, 230, 117, 16, 195, 131, 237, 51, 67, 248, 14, 225, 193, 102, 120, 14, 195, 127, 202, 47, 67, 21, 56, 241, 193, 179, 218, 16, 195, 74, 217, 47, 67, 139, 12, 187, 193, 46, 62, 32, 195, 105, 74, 36, 67, 216, 193, 141, 193, 45, 58, 37, 195, 193, 73, 51, 67, 249, 48, 186, 193, 106, 68, 28, 195, 171, 18, 56, 67, 176, 82, 182, 193, 5, 230, 22, 195, 190, 126, 51, 67, 228, 196, 241, 193, 228, 18, 16, 195, 192, 142, 58, 67, 249, 234, 231, 192, 116, 118, 13, 195, 23, 77, 72, 67, 42, 249, 174, 63, 128, 32, 243, 194, 113, 43, 16, 67, 89, 73, 222, 193, 91, 21, 45, 195, 209, 21, 240, 66, 146, 108, 43, 194, 92, 44, 12, 195, 80, 147, 237, 66, 227, 36, 44, 194, 23, 67, 10, 195, 50, 163, 185, 194, 125, 225, 234, 192, 48, 153, 75, 192, 139, 156, 207, 194, 147, 154, 30, 192, 226, 153, 36, 193, 242, 197, 63, 67, 95, 29, 87, 192, 239, 196, 242, 194, 51, 248, 45, 67, 202, 55, 202, 193, 154, 131, 27, 195, 103, 86, 38, 67, 251, 134, 2, 194, 156, 24, 33, 195, 217, 193, 35, 67, 70, 43, 209, 193, 216, 213, 36, 195, 142, 192, 179, 66, 227, 211, 245, 193, 188, 18, 41, 195, 98, 127, 248, 65, 183, 209, 36, 193, 88, 18, 92, 195, 106, 6, 245, 63, 23, 230, 227, 192, 227, 20, 123, 195, 175, 1, 75, 194, 98, 20, 87, 193, 237, 0, 68, 195, 182, 215, 92, 194, 114, 0, 200, 65, 161, 87, 79, 195, 221, 154, 112, 194, 254, 85, 198, 65, 61, 133, 73, 195, 135, 164, 84, 194, 78, 191, 88, 193, 41, 242, 64, 195, 9, 76, 214, 192, 75, 108, 21, 194, 70, 251, 236, 194, 8, 213, 27, 193, 202, 51, 30, 194, 245, 122, 243, 194, 234, 179, 82, 193, 68, 117, 35, 194, 204, 110, 251, 194, 129, 211, 131, 193, 135, 241, 19, 194, 161, 106, 2, 195, 112, 100, 172, 193, 115, 156, 2, 194, 8, 50, 1, 195, 107, 197, 130, 194, 50, 8, 90, 193, 69, 75, 54, 195, 178, 140, 152, 193, 120, 243, 27, 194, 189, 15, 3, 195, 28, 171, 125, 193, 1, 239, 28, 194, 115, 82, 1, 195, 143, 117, 60, 193, 99, 48, 30, 194, 1, 137, 240, 194, 147, 212, 14, 193, 202, 188, 35, 194, 122, 117, 234, 194, 76, 46, 50, 63, 165, 249, 246, 193, 174, 33, 217, 194, 97, 222, 20, 193, 93, 196, 20, 194, 82, 25, 234, 194, 136, 211, 4, 194, 71, 46, 36, 194, 101, 35, 240, 194, 252, 170, 149, 193, 242, 202, 5, 194, 248, 113, 224, 194, 118, 252, 222, 193, 224, 13, 36, 194, 33, 125, 226, 194, 237, 186, 248, 193, 7, 14, 32, 194, 250, 87, 246, 194, 80, 184, 6, 194, 222, 246, 41, 194, 202, 210, 250, 194, 252, 69, 19, 194, 171, 50, 19, 194, 173, 200, 247, 194, 32, 33, 253, 193, 73, 212, 1, 194, 26, 188, 253, 194, 192, 108, 206, 193, 108, 191, 231, 193, 191, 70, 4, 195, 20, 13, 164, 194, 84, 231, 73, 193, 254, 155, 49, 195, 171, 103, 19, 194, 195, 250, 159, 193, 193, 78, 35, 195, 26, 39, 0, 195, 247, 64, 50, 66, 17, 185, 115, 195, 146, 169, 20, 195, 219, 22, 72, 65, 174, 39, 115, 195, 252, 148, 245, 194, 184, 231, 46, 66, 42, 233, 120, 195, 44, 185, 243, 194, 50, 219, 44, 66, 174, 13, 118, 195, 205, 158, 2, 195, 187, 98, 53, 66, 71, 212, 116, 195, 188, 103, 24, 195, 78, 215, 92, 65, 236, 171, 117, 195, 236, 53, 33, 195, 252, 10, 67, 65, 185, 12, 107, 195, 106, 75, 35, 195, 6, 110, 224, 191, 186, 5, 113, 195, 39, 12, 47, 195, 81, 83, 3, 64, 90, 186, 102, 195, 171, 8, 44, 195, 109, 150, 215, 191, 3, 165, 95, 195, 87, 87, 51, 195, 37, 3, 147, 63, 202, 171, 88, 195, 191, 37, 70, 195, 161, 87, 137, 191, 195, 252, 88, 195, 144, 181, 41, 195, 197, 81, 21, 192, 53, 225, 107, 195, 105, 21, 34, 195, 191, 215, 156, 192, 108, 236, 106, 195, 139, 51, 42, 195, 33, 10, 233, 191, 17, 201, 100, 195, 203, 27, 67, 195, 243, 24, 2, 192, 225, 156, 81, 195, 19, 141, 78, 195, 48, 179, 82, 63, 50, 71, 100, 195, 228, 53, 83, 195, 222, 66, 122, 192, 38, 95, 99, 195, 5, 80, 85, 195, 243, 222, 210, 191, 233, 123, 105, 195, 226, 210, 103, 195, 200, 75, 188, 64, 250, 158, 125, 195, 150, 120, 94, 195, 175, 157, 16, 64, 136, 142, 118, 195, 125, 185, 40, 195, 51, 196, 125, 192, 198, 195, 96, 195, 58, 229, 31, 195, 178, 195, 92, 190, 207, 24, 104, 195, 8, 138, 56, 195, 102, 82, 131, 192, 254, 44, 79, 195, 112, 184, 76, 195, 66, 210, 194, 192, 25, 145, 77, 195, 189, 201, 78, 195, 116, 207, 159, 192, 198, 230, 86, 195, 197, 149, 83, 195, 6, 174, 242, 192, 104, 89, 91, 195, 145, 235, 107, 195, 56, 166, 217, 62, 127, 32, 120, 195, 196, 195, 106, 195, 83, 226, 77, 191, 79, 167, 110, 195, 116, 195, 92, 195, 177, 208, 172, 192, 96, 103, 100, 195, 87, 176, 89, 195, 182, 192, 142, 192, 120, 37, 94, 195, 204, 105, 79, 195, 229, 201, 175, 192, 211, 237, 78, 195, 243, 243, 73, 195, 192, 181, 158, 192, 112, 119, 73, 195, 247, 128, 86, 195, 203, 240, 245, 63, 40, 50, 89, 195, 61, 99, 108, 195, 21, 150, 218, 192, 178, 255, 105, 195, 186, 197, 102, 195, 211, 194, 217, 192, 197, 148, 103, 195, 168, 163, 113, 195, 114, 174, 18, 191, 166, 58, 112, 195, 25, 28, 115, 195, 128, 15, 165, 64, 123, 6, 125, 195, 62, 10, 123, 195, 203, 145, 215, 64, 160, 77, 123, 195, 241, 223, 72, 195, 25, 127, 175, 192, 230, 58, 71, 195, 102, 86, 74, 195, 134, 69, 144, 64, 133, 134, 72, 195, 141, 46, 94, 195, 237, 238, 124, 64, 235, 52, 92, 195, 186, 170, 109, 195, 50, 43, 202, 63, 170, 65, 101, 195, 187, 144, 126, 195, 21, 7, 24, 64, 142, 185, 116, 195, 172, 170, 119, 195, 23, 251, 72, 190, 229, 105, 115, 195, 208, 123, 78, 195, 118, 230, 234, 64, 189, 196, 74, 195, 22, 243, 83, 195, 157, 93, 10, 65, 76, 119, 75, 195, 208, 61, 115, 195, 76, 57, 182, 192, 180, 203, 108, 195, 40, 182, 98, 195, 101, 159, 135, 192, 219, 100, 99, 195, 242, 69, 95, 195, 85, 206, 166, 62, 135, 133, 96, 195, 220, 0, 82, 195, 92, 69, 134, 192, 50, 101, 85, 195, 110, 137, 76, 195, 160, 101, 88, 63, 12, 253, 76, 195, 225, 50, 98, 195, 41, 231, 151, 190, 141, 249, 108, 195, 215, 249, 89, 195, 105, 99, 52, 191, 156, 103, 104, 195, 58, 6, 83, 195, 53, 2, 207, 192, 142, 103, 95, 195, 103, 99, 72, 195, 140, 85, 18, 192, 245, 9, 84, 195, 111, 242, 61, 195, 29, 140, 28, 192, 56, 174, 87, 195, 114, 169, 62, 195, 242, 191, 104, 63, 246, 208, 96, 195, 85, 219, 52, 195, 137, 69, 79, 64, 68, 92, 100, 195, 65, 120, 37, 195, 101, 109, 143, 62, 190, 32, 116, 195, 154, 113, 36, 195, 196, 27, 48, 64, 155, 69, 116, 195, 28, 88, 37, 195, 255, 100, 211, 64, 139, 200, 110, 195, 219, 140, 25, 195, 44, 201, 104, 65, 10, 152, 121, 195, 63, 71, 25, 195, 99, 138, 88, 65, 237, 197, 113, 195, 236, 228, 59, 195, 79, 108, 16, 64, 37, 152, 101, 195, 100, 105, 70, 195, 192, 11, 146, 64, 20, 14, 109, 195, 84, 108, 85, 195, 199, 93, 56, 64, 183, 194, 115, 195, 108, 4, 91, 195, 154, 59, 38, 65, 179, 183, 126, 195, 119, 175, 3, 195, 172, 67, 56, 66, 36, 228, 120, 195, 119, 184, 26, 195, 56, 235, 112, 65, 231, 17, 123, 195, 244, 205, 37, 195, 16, 142, 13, 65, 120, 176, 114, 195, 139, 119, 41, 195, 175, 5, 65, 63, 36, 154, 115, 195, 227, 95, 40, 195, 250, 175, 137, 63, 107, 76, 120, 195, 154, 146, 37, 195, 28, 125, 150, 64, 197, 253, 119, 195, 195, 215, 36, 195, 11, 33, 58, 65, 154, 116, 116, 195, 85, 126, 32, 195, 58, 165, 124, 65, 40, 76, 123, 195, 164, 126, 38, 195, 131, 140, 2, 65, 154, 63, 119, 195, 185, 72, 46, 195, 208, 78, 66, 64, 16, 79, 113, 195, 55, 60, 37, 195, 212, 223, 245, 64, 186, 143, 124, 195, 158, 169, 38, 195, 56, 134, 62, 65, 67, 107, 123, 195, 149, 44, 42, 195, 110, 35, 61, 65, 38, 125, 125, 195, 137, 128, 53, 195, 220, 129, 221, 64, 48, 229, 108, 195, 21, 177, 59, 195, 9, 251, 168, 64, 134, 88, 107, 195, 28, 20, 42, 195, 213, 0, 210, 63, 181, 182, 123, 195, 222, 173, 39, 195, 208, 187, 189, 64, 61, 124, 126, 195, 127, 136, 55, 195, 16, 105, 26, 65, 10, 40, 120, 195, 129, 6, 73, 195, 254, 102, 56, 65, 104, 98, 127, 195, 7, 244, 47, 195, 141, 91, 71, 65, 217, 206, 125, 195, 21, 15, 52, 195, 66, 128, 84, 65, 247, 233, 125, 195, 11, 200, 73, 195, 15, 56, 13, 66, 239, 58, 240, 194, 101, 228, 65, 195, 211, 182, 10, 66, 222, 74, 210, 194, 105, 204, 58, 195, 128, 147, 115, 64, 167, 120, 156, 194, 162, 106, 53, 195, 238, 19, 101, 192, 131, 197, 104, 194, 165, 9, 41, 195, 1, 198, 91, 193, 63, 23, 37, 194, 110, 207, 40, 195, 73, 39, 5, 194, 17, 217, 21, 194, 48, 213, 29, 195, 235, 200, 23, 194, 206, 32, 177, 193, 197, 34, 10, 195, 141, 25, 42, 194, 126, 117, 145, 193, 11, 231, 11, 195, 158, 164, 25, 194, 91, 138, 140, 193, 141, 135, 222, 194, 224, 121, 229, 192, 174, 5, 4, 65, 0, 231, 219, 194, 168, 174, 25, 192, 70, 64, 54, 65, 26, 56, 212, 194, 73, 154, 234, 192, 222, 131, 237, 64, 166, 75, 208, 194, 248, 153, 249, 193, 4, 220, 120, 65, 27, 22, 207, 194, 49, 206, 234, 192, 240, 101, 24, 65, 53, 162, 228, 194, 83, 99, 229, 192, 83, 204, 238, 190, 66, 229, 239, 194, 87, 223, 246, 193, 5, 33, 1, 64, 29, 87, 10, 195, 61, 149, 32, 194, 86, 54, 167, 193, 134, 255, 9, 195, 143, 55, 52, 194, 19, 18, 160, 193, 197, 169, 31, 195, 55, 8, 15, 194, 63, 132, 246, 193, 103, 152, 39, 195, 91, 64, 240, 193, 77, 162, 28, 194, 161, 27, 35, 195, 69, 179, 132, 193, 203, 174, 53, 194, 216, 43, 35, 195, 11, 146, 159, 193, 9, 208, 36, 194, 10, 129, 39, 195, 165, 111, 9, 194, 154, 155, 25, 194, 32, 30, 39, 195, 220, 253, 15, 194, 15, 13, 37, 194, 210, 62, 19, 195, 30, 44, 57, 194, 113, 143, 210, 193, 40, 192, 7, 195, 39, 9, 242, 193, 243, 20, 132, 193, 114, 125, 13, 67, 203, 114, 186, 193, 167, 176, 9, 195, 247, 58, 48, 67, 138, 171, 185, 64, 112, 249, 217, 194, 25, 64, 54, 67, 163, 134, 233, 64, 240, 185, 209, 194, 67, 178, 54, 67, 52, 232, 123, 65, 63, 7, 198, 194, 37, 113, 49, 67, 191, 23, 187, 64, 243, 179, 203, 194, 43, 156, 45, 67, 74, 141, 152, 64, 107, 31, 207, 194, 171, 104, 31, 67, 51, 3, 156, 193, 186, 82, 231, 194, 233, 161, 15, 67, 216, 116, 170, 193, 171, 194, 6, 195, 211, 123, 225, 66, 202, 121, 224, 193, 99, 91, 229, 194, 204, 100, 217, 194, 185, 218, 30, 192, 139, 234, 78, 65, 248, 15, 232, 194, 17, 66, 224, 192, 99, 57, 44, 64, 42, 11, 12, 195, 137, 94, 39, 194, 113, 27, 119, 193, 26, 88, 12, 195, 230, 23, 49, 194, 152, 63, 128, 193, 183, 162, 36, 195, 67, 238, 5, 194, 189, 237, 3, 194, 141, 152, 43, 195, 22, 75, 253, 193, 193, 199, 16, 194, 158, 91, 43, 195, 119, 195, 239, 193, 86, 222, 22, 194, 153, 99, 40, 195, 198, 14, 192, 193, 48, 7, 17, 194, 84, 210, 35, 195, 168, 135, 197, 193, 251, 146, 25, 194, 53, 48, 45, 195, 187, 236, 236, 193, 19, 39, 20, 194, 92, 181, 43, 195, 60, 154, 0, 194, 65, 209, 4, 194, 146, 180, 38, 195, 6, 95, 255, 193, 197, 63, 242, 193, 22, 253, 15, 195, 185, 192, 11, 194, 127, 31, 10, 193, 207, 32, 12, 195, 0, 108, 46, 194, 46, 156, 72, 193, 71, 157, 14, 195, 247, 21, 55, 194, 34, 192, 90, 193, 18, 53, 21, 195, 33, 183, 53, 194, 130, 211, 155, 193, 155, 167, 233, 194, 12, 188, 221, 192, 169, 33, 35, 65, 64, 127, 42, 195, 143, 159, 252, 193, 61, 43, 25, 194, 33, 251, 40, 195, 29, 152, 3, 194, 189, 247, 8, 194, 245, 79, 22, 195, 100, 144, 50, 194, 165, 159, 177, 193, 166, 178, 11, 195, 30, 150, 48, 194, 238, 93, 144, 193, 158, 218, 243, 194, 231, 237, 245, 193, 252, 63, 216, 64, 144, 180, 241, 194, 164, 76, 246, 193, 5, 88, 227, 64, 92, 35, 213, 194, 38, 114, 249, 193, 24, 191, 221, 65, 220, 86, 17, 195, 48, 171, 197, 193, 246, 151, 178, 66, 152, 113, 28, 195, 238, 246, 163, 193, 170, 101, 204, 66, 187, 91, 6, 195, 94, 127, 195, 193, 17, 230, 8, 67, 79, 86, 4, 195, 8, 25, 191, 193, 81, 224, 14, 67, 31, 124, 3, 195, 111, 112, 185, 193, 161, 187, 19, 67, 82, 80, 64, 67, 128, 244, 138, 65, 106, 168, 190, 194, 162, 178, 44, 67, 176, 154, 46, 193, 33, 22, 6, 195, 3, 224, 27, 67, 59, 33, 139, 193, 167, 41, 7, 195, 179, 121, 34, 67, 158, 60, 250, 193, 99, 43, 15, 195, 26, 32, 31, 67, 53, 49, 252, 193, 131, 214, 12, 195, 31, 243, 31, 67, 77, 107, 0, 194, 169, 112, 15, 195, 34, 216, 23, 67, 161, 76, 6, 194, 97, 6, 26, 195, 110, 60, 17, 67, 73, 42, 19, 194, 196, 23, 11, 195, 30, 249, 13, 67, 89, 206, 22, 194, 90, 67, 13, 195, 17, 190, 13, 67, 129, 250, 15, 194, 40, 154, 11, 195, 206, 196, 10, 67, 149, 49, 244, 193, 202, 29, 13, 195, 206, 211, 243, 66, 159, 178, 206, 193, 177, 133, 7, 195, 196, 15, 237, 66, 125, 79, 198, 193, 151, 117, 2, 195, 189, 58, 8, 67, 249, 224, 22, 194, 191, 238, 10, 195, 215, 126, 11, 67, 200, 24, 28, 194, 131, 171, 11, 195, 195, 2, 35, 67, 204, 234, 246, 193, 200, 97, 27, 195, 163, 98, 225, 194, 230, 158, 249, 193, 74, 249, 93, 193, 36, 195, 4, 195, 251, 164, 255, 193, 107, 192, 224, 193, 27, 86, 5, 195, 116, 202, 25, 194, 73, 61, 10, 194, 172, 138, 6, 195, 108, 101, 54, 194, 175, 165, 242, 193, 66, 233, 12, 195, 203, 81, 60, 194, 11, 139, 10, 194, 230, 16, 34, 195, 177, 67, 9, 194, 113, 224, 54, 194, 234, 123, 29, 195, 239, 72, 252, 193, 179, 236, 73, 194, 55, 180, 30, 195, 4, 31, 244, 193, 161, 26, 90, 194, 187, 133, 6, 195, 48, 58, 37, 194, 98, 214, 0, 194, 67, 242, 8, 195, 211, 32, 27, 194, 58, 170, 226, 193, 38, 137, 227, 194, 85, 39, 249, 193, 173, 129, 217, 192, 20, 30, 199, 194, 154, 216, 234, 192, 136, 71, 177, 64, 27, 37, 231, 194, 41, 186, 248, 193, 38, 237, 149, 192, 61, 123, 220, 194, 249, 156, 233, 192, 95, 177, 214, 192, 252, 17, 235, 194, 128, 26, 248, 193, 66, 179, 73, 192, 246, 99, 225, 194, 22, 228, 230, 192, 170, 161, 147, 192, 159, 1, 7, 195, 189, 201, 2, 194, 198, 190, 184, 193, 106, 227, 9, 195, 26, 207, 31, 194, 251, 213, 197, 193, 103, 111, 7, 195, 253, 250, 54, 194, 74, 55, 188, 193, 151, 249, 13, 195, 196, 42, 60, 194, 183, 170, 207, 193, 180, 180, 25, 195, 125, 119, 22, 194, 87, 54, 2, 194, 254, 23, 34, 195, 197, 164, 20, 194, 198, 72, 45, 194, 206, 1, 37, 195, 112, 6, 20, 194, 139, 193, 45, 194, 254, 177, 36, 195, 211, 152, 8, 194, 80, 80, 44, 194, 245, 211, 30, 195, 208, 126, 194, 193, 115, 27, 48, 194, 246, 79, 42, 195, 115, 168, 14, 193, 156, 209, 130, 194, 142, 11, 58, 195, 146, 144, 237, 64, 12, 235, 211, 194, 166, 240, 58, 195, 210, 233, 6, 65, 76, 120, 219, 194, 177, 118, 76, 195, 72, 45, 161, 65, 62, 220, 255, 194, 44, 64, 86, 195, 9, 48, 129, 65, 72, 243, 27, 195, 251, 111, 72, 195, 143, 105, 142, 65, 153, 43, 1, 195, 39, 246, 69, 195, 187, 103, 12, 66, 177, 61, 238, 194, 141, 240, 63, 195, 217, 159, 9, 66, 241, 133, 226, 194, 193, 205, 63, 195, 40, 202, 9, 66, 244, 200, 220, 194, 114, 20, 32, 195, 172, 131, 242, 193, 148, 87, 42, 194, 108, 145, 13, 195, 123, 94, 64, 194, 149, 131, 237, 193, 245, 189, 6, 195, 144, 128, 54, 194, 59, 16, 206, 193, 185, 9, 7, 195, 215, 35, 55, 194, 115, 98, 226, 193, 240, 187, 30, 195, 73, 209, 19, 194, 213, 144, 49, 194, 93, 190, 31, 195, 242, 56, 150, 193, 163, 30, 75, 194, 224, 130, 29, 195, 7, 101, 240, 193, 180, 249, 60, 194, 243, 91, 35, 195, 133, 192, 37, 193, 46, 22, 172, 194, 62, 45, 59, 195, 241, 115, 14, 65, 85, 24, 231, 194, 37, 174, 61, 195, 43, 216, 45, 65, 184, 49, 239, 194, 81, 249, 65, 195, 254, 167, 10, 66, 78, 118, 234, 194, 102, 227, 106, 195, 210, 126, 74, 65, 129, 173, 41, 195, 160, 102, 80, 195, 139, 199, 163, 65, 252, 145, 8, 195, 137, 19, 39, 195, 51, 152, 6, 194, 191, 66, 34, 194, 109, 225, 34, 195, 253, 246, 19, 194, 71, 179, 26, 194, 52, 62, 17, 195, 147, 33, 59, 194, 6, 16, 194, 193, 143, 85, 8, 195, 151, 139, 53, 194, 71, 84, 171, 193, 113, 42, 34, 195, 95, 246, 240, 193, 15, 69, 34, 194, 68, 108, 198, 194, 71, 159, 249, 193, 154, 7, 28, 65, 106, 155, 188, 194, 111, 160, 249, 193, 62, 183, 151, 64, 41, 21, 4, 67, 238, 111, 185, 193, 53, 233, 4, 195, 128, 93, 26, 67, 182, 117, 180, 193, 146, 231, 11, 195, 152, 119, 21, 67, 131, 90, 20, 194, 24, 72, 11, 195, 147, 57, 18, 67, 179, 145, 240, 193, 70, 121, 12, 195, 6, 149, 24, 67, 230, 183, 13, 194, 85, 8, 11, 195, 9, 103, 24, 67, 155, 197, 13, 194, 188, 212, 14, 195, 92, 74, 27, 67, 189, 215, 0, 194, 219, 171, 11, 195, 158, 92, 31, 67, 91, 27, 146, 193, 154, 87, 12, 195, 55, 107, 51, 67, 111, 1, 39, 193, 240, 182, 230, 194, 98, 186, 52, 67, 56, 90, 233, 64, 33, 58, 223, 194, 29, 96, 54, 67, 52, 175, 10, 193, 28, 218, 235, 194, 36, 102, 28, 67, 17, 77, 11, 194, 235, 165, 13, 195, 148, 98, 24, 67, 61, 164, 1, 194, 158, 131, 19, 195, 98, 186, 18, 67, 88, 54, 22, 194, 250, 28, 12, 195, 50, 244, 6, 67, 239, 197, 225, 193, 88, 72, 12, 195, 60, 86, 200, 66, 185, 145, 242, 193, 128, 12, 199, 194, 94, 69, 193, 194, 57, 162, 249, 193, 199, 47, 17, 65, 83, 215, 49, 67, 221, 1, 205, 64, 245, 26, 221, 194, 89, 154, 107, 195, 7, 254, 145, 65, 108, 207, 28, 195, 238, 78, 81, 195, 196, 84, 184, 65, 182, 243, 248, 194, 212, 73, 26, 195, 20, 141, 142, 193, 133, 206, 149, 194, 116, 105, 79, 67, 104, 161, 179, 64, 195, 101, 244, 194, 109, 30, 73, 67, 212, 61, 102, 65, 180, 248, 230, 194, 43, 157, 72, 67, 65, 44, 108, 65, 9, 68, 181, 194, 21, 155, 59, 67, 31, 162, 39, 192, 109, 141, 145, 194, 97, 23, 55, 67, 122, 79, 147, 192, 75, 200, 138, 194, 6, 60, 28, 67, 130, 210, 125, 193, 21, 137, 77, 194, 1, 64, 42, 67, 198, 13, 79, 193, 149, 19, 148, 194, 253, 130, 232, 66, 42, 122, 230, 193, 77, 124, 158, 193, 29, 33, 232, 66, 58, 67, 242, 193, 8, 12, 159, 194, 11, 216, 8, 67, 179, 40, 18, 62, 64, 20, 164, 194, 112, 163, 4, 67, 88, 146, 167, 62, 34, 138, 164, 194, 86, 188, 28, 67, 128, 196, 150, 193, 58, 54, 139, 194, 219, 187, 198, 66, 239, 206, 244, 193, 189, 232, 155, 191, 33, 11, 28, 67, 151, 217, 26, 64, 61, 193, 155, 194, 91, 37, 200, 66, 72, 154, 249, 193, 226, 177, 76, 194, 91, 210, 31, 67, 170, 103, 84, 64, 91, 168, 154, 194, 176, 213, 242, 66, 220, 103, 239, 193, 185, 109, 153, 194, 13, 250, 225, 66, 242, 170, 246, 193, 94, 205, 133, 194, 75, 193, 64, 67, 2, 55, 12, 190, 47, 146, 150, 194, 189, 210, 64, 67, 69, 53, 76, 65, 75, 125, 168, 194, 248, 14, 69, 67, 250, 198, 92, 65, 254, 102, 175, 194, 83, 140, 83, 67, 208, 59, 6, 65, 55, 121, 189, 194, 159, 170, 69, 67, 214, 212, 0, 64, 239, 45, 159, 194, 23, 178, 74, 67, 205, 30, 143, 64, 80, 102, 165, 194, 11, 198, 91, 67, 252, 162, 83, 65, 87, 27, 201, 194, 88, 33, 87, 67, 53, 55, 157, 65, 246, 239, 208, 194, 180, 48, 82, 67, 143, 124, 142, 65, 27, 6, 200, 194, 69, 202, 60, 67, 234, 62, 61, 64, 47, 3, 103, 194, 47, 131, 25, 67, 184, 115, 93, 193, 202, 6, 19, 194, 125, 201, 3, 67, 86, 18, 136, 193, 89, 221, 162, 65, 67, 57, 240, 66, 103, 110, 196, 193, 117, 190, 55, 65, 21, 57, 89, 66, 151, 89, 225, 193, 201, 239, 150, 66, 175, 69, 79, 66, 133, 200, 225, 193, 160, 192, 150, 66, 78, 7, 98, 66, 95, 122, 249, 193, 70, 182, 145, 66, 63, 146, 42, 67, 48, 178, 4, 63, 77, 67, 249, 193, 180, 246, 22, 67, 113, 82, 22, 193, 228, 74, 85, 193, 221, 45, 49, 67, 2, 106, 250, 64, 102, 232, 213, 193, 251, 94, 47, 67, 215, 35, 143, 65, 136, 180, 10, 194, 241, 86, 79, 67, 205, 158, 204, 64, 104, 29, 178, 194, 20, 23, 69, 67, 154, 61, 83, 193, 111, 88, 10, 195, 179, 173, 65, 67, 249, 74, 97, 193, 130, 100, 22, 195, 39, 234, 64, 67, 178, 12, 87, 193, 175, 94, 26, 195, 163, 24, 44, 67, 205, 227, 132, 193, 212, 123, 51, 195, 47, 101, 37, 67, 233, 208, 76, 193, 80, 230, 50, 195, 48, 68, 42, 67, 28, 31, 131, 193, 210, 149, 52, 195, 107, 3, 43, 67, 161, 214, 133, 193, 184, 108, 51, 195, 21, 128, 59, 67, 246, 168, 167, 193, 121, 168, 35, 195, 137, 109, 65, 67, 103, 20, 83, 193, 134, 234, 15, 195, 210, 174, 89, 67, 249, 121, 62, 65, 67, 65, 238, 194, 30, 133, 85, 67, 27, 82, 152, 65, 153, 194, 220, 194, 77, 251, 96, 67, 93, 23, 130, 65, 254, 92, 223, 194, 3, 221, 80, 67, 116, 204, 137, 65, 204, 211, 225, 194, 127, 29, 63, 67, 100, 33, 149, 193, 238, 120, 22, 195, 234, 45, 46, 67, 129, 189, 84, 193, 0, 118, 37, 195, 63, 239, 42, 67, 250, 7, 98, 193, 162, 66, 35, 195, 249, 246, 37, 67, 176, 83, 127, 193, 93, 239, 52, 195, 233, 51, 30, 67, 162, 1, 102, 193, 160, 186, 51, 195, 48, 91, 38, 67, 216, 131, 136, 193, 230, 192, 51, 195, 29, 171, 61, 67, 6, 61, 143, 193, 204, 163, 28, 195, 254, 200, 65, 67, 48, 84, 100, 193, 42, 202, 11, 195, 107, 241, 64, 67, 36, 110, 80, 193, 253, 20, 11, 195, 68, 58, 67, 67, 155, 124, 209, 192, 1, 37, 11, 195, 120, 81, 84, 67, 66, 144, 12, 65, 140, 169, 1, 195, 32, 107, 84, 67, 113, 40, 11, 65, 227, 58, 245, 194, 61, 31, 53, 67, 156, 98, 142, 193, 166, 9, 39, 195, 77, 168, 44, 67, 52, 191, 67, 193, 134, 49, 40, 195, 80, 27, 31, 67, 118, 190, 2, 193, 194, 92, 50, 195, 162, 75, 19, 67, 103, 179, 48, 193, 178, 70, 49, 195, 45, 219, 17, 67, 234, 232, 108, 193, 68, 116, 49, 195, 196, 101, 8, 67, 106, 120, 143, 193, 77, 185, 48, 195, 214, 189, 240, 66, 34, 111, 183, 193, 175, 35, 44, 195, 53, 125, 240, 66, 139, 244, 197, 193, 132, 72, 45, 195, 85, 219, 240, 66, 242, 6, 217, 193, 161, 30, 43, 195, 134, 33, 240, 66, 69, 119, 1, 194, 115, 99, 43, 195, 189, 87, 238, 66, 104, 225, 17, 194, 54, 125, 39, 195, 239, 75, 218, 66, 80, 115, 40, 194, 20, 2, 21, 195, 128, 219, 210, 66, 199, 13, 47, 194, 82, 224, 7, 195, 75, 2, 204, 66, 169, 102, 35, 194, 162, 81, 8, 195, 124, 52, 204, 66, 95, 74, 23, 194, 88, 220, 8, 195, 163, 83, 191, 66, 94, 185, 213, 193, 92, 184, 254, 194, 196, 225, 223, 66, 75, 131, 46, 194, 123, 123, 8, 195, 218, 218, 245, 66, 56, 58, 21, 194, 235, 160, 40, 195, 120, 210, 247, 66, 222, 69, 255, 193, 218, 98, 44, 195, 143, 189, 248, 66, 21, 170, 223, 193, 54, 248, 44, 195, 218, 47, 245, 66, 27, 49, 201, 193, 245, 210, 46, 195, 188, 252, 251, 66, 230, 56, 206, 193, 2, 135, 48, 195, 228, 88, 5, 67, 126, 114, 177, 193, 10, 56, 48, 195, 253, 70, 10, 67, 170, 136, 164, 193, 24, 33, 52, 195, 37, 158, 28, 67, 74, 15, 58, 193, 65, 85, 49, 195, 240, 107, 34, 67, 174, 237, 154, 193, 194, 204, 52, 195, 34, 141, 34, 67, 180, 133, 141, 193, 68, 133, 46, 195, 60, 5, 53, 67, 29, 243, 162, 193, 27, 15, 36, 195, 181, 45, 56, 67, 13, 220, 180, 193, 204, 39, 33, 195, 34, 110, 65, 67, 27, 82, 175, 193, 85, 82, 11, 195, 89, 107, 67, 67, 9, 205, 15, 192, 171, 153, 7, 195, 120, 167, 59, 67, 209, 49, 44, 193, 69, 142, 14, 195, 245, 94, 64, 67, 26, 13, 189, 193, 81, 171, 7, 195, 61, 56, 58, 67, 187, 86, 170, 193, 21, 63, 27, 195, 12, 3, 21, 67, 101, 101, 160, 193, 157, 106, 53, 195, 211, 30, 16, 67, 55, 192, 204, 193, 135, 207, 52, 195, 112, 83, 2, 67, 166, 67, 207, 193, 229, 193, 48, 195, 204, 146, 1, 67, 229, 29, 224, 193, 69, 110, 45, 195, 10, 43, 251, 66, 227, 245, 20, 194, 87, 9, 40, 195, 0, 123, 242, 66, 11, 189, 23, 194, 100, 71, 37, 195, 46, 147, 28, 67, 153, 2, 163, 193, 30, 133, 53, 195, 235, 61, 37, 67, 3, 78, 130, 193, 99, 174, 38, 195, 62, 9, 46, 67, 1, 71, 161, 193, 30, 78, 34, 195, 112, 40, 72, 67, 255, 110, 249, 63, 120, 76, 2, 195, 138, 60, 76, 67, 114, 84, 94, 64, 0, 122, 237, 194, 233, 218, 77, 67, 142, 180, 145, 64, 195, 252, 240, 194, 101, 136, 71, 67, 184, 166, 91, 65, 124, 50, 228, 194, 76, 40, 80, 67, 53, 0, 135, 65, 73, 233, 212, 194, 83, 37, 187, 66, 133, 249, 2, 194, 105, 153, 8, 195, 146, 13, 207, 66, 140, 218, 42, 194, 99, 125, 30, 195, 86, 37, 218, 66, 17, 10, 42, 193, 58, 16, 46, 195, 169, 131, 190, 66, 64, 94, 100, 65, 84, 80, 66, 195, 123, 19, 204, 66, 64, 21, 150, 192, 124, 104, 59, 195, 246, 205, 107, 66, 221, 254, 104, 64, 249, 29, 108, 195, 158, 67, 178, 66, 155, 126, 250, 62, 67, 32, 77, 195, 82, 94, 204, 66, 46, 37, 105, 65, 9, 97, 62, 195, 250, 123, 222, 66, 96, 182, 133, 192, 66, 66, 58, 195, 84, 43, 218, 66, 101, 201, 113, 65, 208, 218, 61, 195, 65, 253, 190, 66, 160, 236, 117, 65, 86, 105, 74, 195, 174, 96, 188, 66, 228, 151, 133, 63, 75, 43, 76, 195, 159, 126, 120, 66, 52, 100, 84, 64, 68, 39, 104, 195, 141, 25, 121, 66, 51, 63, 241, 65, 110, 94, 104, 195, 213, 166, 99, 66, 245, 100, 241, 65, 244, 126, 109, 195, 35, 163, 79, 66, 238, 229, 242, 65, 208, 67, 115, 195, 65, 106, 85, 66, 154, 114, 105, 64, 72, 255, 113, 195, 141, 255, 60, 66, 248, 247, 131, 64, 175, 19, 123, 195, 253, 2, 134, 66, 113, 22, 23, 66, 242, 70, 123, 195, 189, 11, 136, 66, 78, 127, 251, 65, 245, 4, 103, 195, 148, 64, 142, 66, 199, 185, 170, 64, 197, 21, 102, 195, 13, 246, 59, 66, 89, 36, 248, 65, 131, 78, 123, 195, 195, 23, 145, 66, 71, 41, 3, 66, 19, 44, 103, 195, 161, 214, 153, 66, 68, 172, 5, 66, 78, 136, 101, 195, 119, 197, 168, 66, 201, 37, 11, 66, 137, 58, 100, 195, 17, 189, 165, 66, 218, 225, 233, 64, 234, 26, 99, 195, 112, 133, 177, 66, 211, 235, 11, 66, 29, 155, 98, 195, 168, 97, 196, 66, 94, 95, 20, 65, 12, 197, 96, 195, 237, 223, 159, 66, 22, 98, 32, 66, 94, 80, 120, 195, 228, 16, 154, 66, 43, 30, 33, 66, 42, 78, 123, 195, 68, 132, 176, 66, 60, 224, 92, 66, 185, 209, 121, 195, 104, 102, 173, 66, 73, 213, 31, 66, 197, 30, 115, 195, 114, 29, 190, 66, 53, 138, 93, 66, 123, 170, 117, 195, 171, 242, 199, 66, 51, 161, 36, 66, 57, 86, 113, 195, 87, 232, 174, 66, 234, 187, 95, 66, 109, 4, 124, 195, 226, 200, 244, 66, 155, 140, 93, 66, 23, 13, 118, 195, 15, 208, 250, 66, 31, 127, 32, 66, 190, 95, 114, 195, 198, 160, 222, 66, 108, 138, 31, 65, 48, 89, 95, 195, 19, 52, 232, 66, 25, 176, 16, 66, 4, 208, 94, 195, 200, 21, 3, 67, 29, 7, 85, 66, 170, 8, 118, 195, 98, 165, 233, 66, 222, 44, 22, 65, 163, 234, 93, 195, 235, 11, 187, 66, 213, 4, 33, 66, 80, 148, 112, 195, 96, 126, 192, 66, 202, 119, 16, 66, 107, 73, 98, 195, 124, 173, 204, 66, 99, 143, 17, 66, 34, 31, 97, 195, 137, 239, 245, 66, 32, 101, 25, 65, 187, 182, 95, 195, 76, 125, 245, 66, 23, 229, 15, 66, 193, 189, 95, 195, 110, 184, 18, 67, 236, 58, 11, 66, 203, 66, 120, 195, 137, 177, 12, 67, 95, 178, 74, 66, 186, 4, 124, 195, 217, 94, 29, 67, 170, 233, 250, 65, 172, 77, 123, 195, 189, 248, 15, 67, 226, 38, 70, 66, 224, 11, 124, 195, 93, 153, 10, 67, 53, 232, 12, 66, 67, 35, 105, 195, 221, 119, 6, 67, 113, 147, 12, 65, 149, 255, 98, 195, 229, 21, 3, 67, 252, 40, 16, 66, 96, 79, 100, 195, 4, 75, 254, 66, 73, 59, 15, 66, 244, 226, 96, 195, 189, 162, 9, 67, 241, 25, 11, 66, 205, 83, 101, 195, 227, 137, 13, 67, 76, 20, 3, 65, 231, 92, 105, 195, 82, 1, 17, 67, 201, 125, 7, 66, 209, 157, 108, 195, 150, 35, 21, 67, 211, 6, 200, 64, 233, 219, 106, 195, 221, 16, 14, 67, 249, 133, 15, 66, 31, 119, 116, 195, 198, 244, 57, 67, 87, 22, 220, 65, 231, 120, 91, 195, 198, 16, 53, 67, 199, 95, 44, 63, 232, 97, 90, 195, 119, 82, 78, 67, 24, 16, 201, 65, 100, 23, 112, 195, 77, 49, 76, 67, 179, 107, 195, 65, 128, 198, 114, 195, 41, 251, 75, 67, 141, 79, 29, 66, 99, 215, 117, 195, 51, 235, 78, 67, 200, 108, 31, 66, 83, 34, 116, 195, 125, 175, 59, 67, 43, 33, 129, 63, 86, 248, 89, 195, 219, 237, 90, 67, 186, 148, 25, 66, 10, 245, 123, 195, 127, 201, 59, 67, 50, 174, 220, 65, 50, 70, 90, 195, 192, 8, 84, 67, 190, 182, 30, 66, 245, 224, 117, 195, 230, 129, 47, 67, 63, 31, 50, 63, 100, 58, 92, 195, 78, 122, 49, 67, 47, 55, 217, 65, 189, 14, 93, 195, 57, 42, 46, 67, 121, 211, 217, 65, 178, 205, 92, 195, 103, 112, 9, 67, 181, 160, 186, 192, 70, 151, 52, 195, 11, 229, 210, 66, 165, 90, 137, 192, 175, 85, 59, 195, 49, 139, 248, 66, 27, 185, 60, 193, 160, 209, 44, 195, 11, 232, 57, 67, 15, 101, 210, 62, 162, 239, 52, 195, 215, 203, 74, 67, 146, 245, 186, 192, 68, 137, 49, 195, 173, 215, 77, 67, 187, 53, 197, 192, 16, 205, 50, 195, 211, 224, 76, 67, 121, 196, 1, 193, 252, 65, 48, 195, 230, 55, 100, 67, 221, 166, 231, 64, 244, 196, 14, 195, 117, 118, 102, 67, 208, 176, 200, 64, 8, 255, 8, 195, 15, 135, 98, 67, 158, 100, 222, 64, 105, 191, 10, 195, 42, 51, 118, 67, 213, 22, 237, 65, 143, 122, 7, 195, 192, 103, 88, 67, 8, 243, 201, 63, 8, 252, 32, 195, 152, 60, 82, 67, 59, 68, 245, 192, 74, 123, 35, 195, 19, 74, 76, 67, 141, 215, 214, 192, 86, 174, 44, 195, 93, 118, 70, 67, 180, 223, 154, 191, 45, 218, 47, 195, 163, 19, 70, 67, 172, 243, 177, 192, 27, 117, 46, 195, 133, 219, 71, 67, 76, 119, 205, 192, 146, 88, 47, 195, 157, 224, 84, 67, 39, 252, 95, 191, 240, 150, 30, 195, 141, 144, 96, 67, 80, 45, 175, 64, 0, 174, 18, 195, 234, 116, 102, 67, 187, 54, 136, 65, 215, 127, 9, 195, 153, 214, 101, 67, 137, 9, 162, 65, 5, 183, 5, 195, 249, 251, 97, 67, 132, 61, 162, 64, 120, 245, 9, 195, 29, 95, 90, 67, 224, 38, 228, 63, 68, 135, 20, 195, 62, 193, 88, 67, 238, 26, 82, 64, 167, 53, 26, 195, 96, 14, 40, 67, 160, 43, 183, 191, 61, 205, 68, 195, 237, 30, 46, 67, 89, 20, 87, 192, 0, 156, 52, 195, 19, 125, 60, 67, 171, 67, 154, 191, 147, 250, 47, 195, 190, 102, 64, 67, 145, 142, 149, 192, 155, 68, 45, 195, 121, 65, 80, 67, 113, 225, 169, 192, 92, 78, 29, 195, 166, 245, 94, 67, 165, 172, 38, 64, 82, 198, 17, 195, 209, 30, 94, 67, 158, 97, 21, 65, 213, 18, 10, 195, 73, 239, 96, 67, 53, 90, 123, 64, 110, 146, 8, 195, 216, 33, 77, 67, 95, 116, 225, 192, 218, 153, 40, 195, 49, 139, 74, 67, 24, 11, 2, 193, 74, 31, 44, 195, 19, 65, 77, 67, 158, 184, 173, 192, 152, 188, 25, 195, 219, 138, 78, 67, 26, 76, 156, 192, 114, 149, 23, 195, 226, 129, 85, 67, 146, 117, 237, 191, 45, 74, 24, 195, 253, 63, 86, 67, 168, 34, 58, 192, 38, 47, 17, 195, 190, 191, 89, 67, 14, 233, 18, 63, 78, 214, 16, 195, 77, 223, 94, 67, 72, 42, 6, 192, 88, 219, 9, 195, 218, 30, 93, 67, 208, 175, 69, 65, 155, 248, 8, 195, 13, 43, 90, 67, 120, 186, 158, 64, 144, 4, 9, 195, 159, 85, 92, 67, 195, 160, 132, 192, 203, 41, 7, 195, 69, 163, 88, 67, 221, 234, 193, 192, 250, 124, 10, 195, 253, 22, 77, 67, 38, 214, 18, 193, 4, 238, 34, 195, 168, 232, 60, 67, 219, 92, 70, 193, 93, 234, 48, 195, 86, 222, 47, 67, 32, 171, 250, 192, 40, 30, 49, 195, 41, 245, 58, 67, 91, 53, 111, 193, 212, 170, 49, 195, 136, 217, 64, 67, 118, 222, 102, 193, 30, 177, 46, 195, 44, 235, 67, 67, 5, 1, 87, 193, 108, 160, 41, 195, 90, 229, 70, 67, 124, 50, 49, 193, 65, 26, 27, 195, 184, 128, 77, 67, 127, 116, 6, 193, 19, 148, 20, 195, 116, 193, 77, 67, 89, 47, 244, 192, 184, 111, 16, 195, 39, 217, 87, 67, 200, 16, 179, 192, 206, 30, 9, 195, 21, 87, 82, 67, 120, 84, 8, 193, 244, 23, 10, 195, 10, 82, 58, 67, 226, 1, 136, 193, 231, 41, 44, 195, 233, 77, 47, 67, 173, 250, 131, 193, 164, 79, 53, 195, 34, 156, 51, 67, 102, 177, 46, 193, 86, 109, 49, 195, 134, 108, 17, 67, 73, 8, 235, 192, 198, 71, 51, 195, 44, 228, 2, 67, 144, 29, 7, 193, 113, 136, 48, 195, 106, 39, 239, 66, 74, 151, 24, 193, 139, 111, 46, 195, 171, 206, 225, 66, 203, 124, 107, 193, 177, 109, 43, 195, 220, 190, 248, 66, 229, 170, 141, 193, 5, 217, 42, 195, 102, 204, 192, 66, 66, 168, 88, 192, 44, 69, 64, 195, 35, 90, 196, 66, 43, 204, 99, 65, 6, 108, 63, 195, 192, 84, 50, 67, 184, 7, 136, 193, 193, 128, 53, 195, 126, 168, 53, 67, 33, 23, 142, 193, 218, 41, 49, 195, 131, 155, 71, 67, 228, 51, 80, 193, 203, 188, 22, 195, 215, 213, 74, 67, 66, 155, 45, 193, 8, 12, 9, 195, 151, 42, 118, 67, 74, 118, 220, 65, 78, 24, 200, 194, 105, 142, 86, 67, 107, 186, 206, 64, 22, 230, 7, 195, 221, 148, 83, 67, 3, 89, 62, 190, 115, 15, 10, 195, 3, 181, 39, 67, 70, 19, 216, 192, 225, 147, 50, 195, 46, 229, 84, 67, 82, 75, 38, 192, 18, 141, 39, 195, 212, 52, 83, 67, 21, 251, 104, 192, 50, 160, 45, 195, 73, 162, 82, 67, 76, 22, 121, 192, 161, 80, 50, 195, 5, 186, 75, 67, 129, 210, 147, 64, 232, 95, 48, 195, 230, 204, 83, 67, 124, 90, 200, 190, 27, 239, 47, 195, 95, 243, 87, 67, 187, 83, 47, 191, 176, 130, 44, 195, 235, 102, 89, 67, 186, 116, 95, 64, 212, 205, 35, 195, 90, 139, 95, 67, 199, 47, 71, 64, 141, 191, 32, 195, 230, 149, 93, 67, 123, 69, 172, 64, 158, 203, 24, 195, 204, 163, 111, 67, 151, 126, 49, 65, 208, 244, 9, 195, 102, 121, 101, 67, 108, 68, 228, 64, 62, 84, 22, 195, 209, 252, 99, 67, 79, 209, 0, 65, 228, 61, 26, 195, 116, 141, 84, 67, 137, 233, 169, 64, 30, 205, 44, 195, 205, 109, 69, 67, 56, 114, 144, 64, 75, 227, 57, 195, 108, 108, 78, 67, 168, 28, 180, 64, 254, 130, 77, 195, 174, 58, 100, 67, 44, 186, 22, 66, 76, 189, 82, 195, 132, 221, 101, 67, 126, 63, 59, 65, 98, 137, 81, 195, 125, 251, 99, 67, 21, 54, 4, 66, 243, 130, 96, 195, 39, 64, 117, 67, 132, 112, 45, 66, 131, 5, 82, 195, 169, 207, 98, 67, 201, 51, 17, 66, 249, 192, 85, 195, 61, 104, 40, 67, 243, 149, 223, 62, 101, 106, 83, 195, 120, 45, 54, 67, 152, 115, 71, 63, 191, 39, 79, 195, 3, 189, 85, 67, 127, 111, 138, 64, 238, 118, 92, 195, 56, 43, 84, 67, 126, 87, 238, 65, 244, 38, 96, 195, 83, 53, 85, 67, 194, 169, 246, 65, 80, 244, 92, 195, 200, 50, 117, 67, 166, 247, 209, 65, 23, 88, 123, 195, 127, 232, 63, 67, 48, 7, 213, 63, 188, 106, 86, 195, 145, 192, 71, 67, 27, 252, 49, 64, 247, 164, 87, 195, 67, 83, 73, 67, 10, 72, 233, 65, 104, 150, 90, 195, 144, 51, 102, 67, 38, 5, 209, 65, 43, 209, 116, 195, 195, 53, 110, 67, 202, 102, 199, 65, 36, 73, 123, 195, 235, 39, 100, 67, 212, 51, 30, 66, 252, 240, 123, 195, 250, 250, 94, 67, 158, 196, 33, 66, 157, 136, 119, 195, 240, 154, 83, 67, 68, 16, 80, 64, 89, 31, 95, 195, 16, 89, 79, 67, 172, 28, 235, 65, 230, 105, 94, 195, 209, 75, 78, 67, 106, 152, 64, 64, 180, 11, 92, 195, 33, 25, 95, 67, 37, 138, 208, 65, 76, 29, 114, 195, 125, 72, 94, 67, 228, 51, 227, 64, 77, 122, 89, 195, 235, 33, 90, 67, 101, 149, 1, 66, 8, 33, 91, 195, 2, 92, 94, 67, 235, 24, 7, 66, 212, 244, 89, 195, 22, 13, 91, 67, 32, 142, 193, 64, 209, 89, 90, 195, 178, 132, 96, 67, 186, 8, 6, 65, 249, 47, 87, 195, 220, 202, 95, 67, 29, 78, 12, 66, 143, 249, 86, 195, 38, 37, 100, 67, 5, 6, 37, 65, 20, 70, 84, 195, 154, 45, 97, 67, 155, 243, 14, 65, 138, 13, 86, 195, 220, 214, 72, 67, 77, 65, 162, 64, 116, 194, 50, 195, 158, 130, 103, 67, 3, 5, 87, 65, 217, 201, 77, 195, 100, 102, 103, 67, 67, 78, 33, 66, 96, 146, 77, 195, 82, 58, 106, 67, 49, 150, 110, 65, 173, 230, 75, 195, 73, 28, 107, 67, 50, 180, 41, 66, 96, 238, 74, 195, 74, 230, 108, 67, 107, 84, 132, 65, 186, 184, 73, 195, 194, 19, 84, 67, 113, 174, 28, 65, 158, 49, 47, 195, 43, 141, 91, 67, 54, 98, 98, 65, 238, 166, 52, 195, 40, 62, 118, 67, 241, 21, 201, 65, 47, 158, 55, 195, 37, 65, 113, 67, 244, 105, 150, 65, 218, 122, 71, 195, 198, 39, 112, 67, 219, 107, 52, 66, 115, 32, 72, 195, 53, 231, 90, 67, 249, 38, 175, 62, 177, 223, 42, 195, 52, 233, 92, 67, 232, 24, 73, 64, 183, 142, 46, 195, 95, 145, 115, 67, 33, 36, 63, 66, 72, 164, 67, 195, 247, 36, 115, 67, 131, 249, 57, 66, 138, 34, 71, 195, 66, 212, 95, 67, 114, 65, 90, 64, 101, 190, 44, 195, 38, 126, 116, 67, 178, 11, 170, 65, 56, 126, 67, 195, 248, 52, 117, 67, 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59, 46, 61, 133, 53, 13, 33, 154, 58, 205, 0, 190, 0, 55, 52, 237, 50, 1, 52, 218, 0, 214, 0, 36, 3, 252, 2, 213, 0, 217, 0, 242, 0, 229, 2, 234, 0, 171, 16, 2, 18, 194, 16, 11, 1, 255, 0, 4, 1, 12, 1, 6, 1, 17, 1, 211, 2, 94, 7, 78, 7, 24, 1, 56, 1, 63, 1, 115, 44, 106, 44, 180, 43, 172, 8, 6, 60, 12, 60, 27, 61, 24, 61, 62, 61, 3, 12, 248, 11, 239, 11, 84, 2, 99, 2, 38, 7, 44, 1, 61, 1, 103, 59, 46, 1, 241, 73, 40, 1, 206, 42, 70, 43, 174, 46, 121, 67, 166, 67, 229, 67, 248, 47, 24, 48, 204, 47, 41, 1, 219, 58, 47, 1, 27, 16, 67, 14, 88, 14, 247, 46, 3, 44, 128, 46, 177, 47, 1, 45, 141, 62, 79, 68, 207, 69, 13, 70, 19, 48, 248, 40, 49, 48, 158, 55, 94, 64, 127, 64, 79, 1, 72, 2, 67, 2, 224, 32, 231, 32, 30, 55, 100, 53, 178, 50, 113, 50, 238, 29, 157, 29, 151, 29, 53, 64, 40, 64, 46, 64, 192, 45, 158, 45, 252, 45, 240, 59, 49, 1, 53, 1, 177, 25, 131, 22, 65, 22, 116, 2, 105, 1, 111, 1, 33, 21, 49, 20, 248, 20, 51, 15, 33, 14, 40, 15, 149, 42, 166, 42, 205, 41, 30, 2, 198, 6, 30, 4, 211, 63, 90, 31, 205, 63, 182, 1, 173, 1, 214, 6, 185, 1, 180, 1, 213, 6, 133, 28, 108, 28, 102, 28, 150, 18, 163, 18, 158, 18, 113, 28, 214, 27, 181, 27, 253, 1, 157, 2, 7, 2, 158, 2, 14, 2, 147, 2, 100, 52, 94, 52, 205, 52, 146, 2, 13, 2, 153, 2, 122, 5, 145, 1, 97, 7, 234, 1, 239, 1, 151, 1, 18, 7, 135, 3, 106, 2, 197, 24, 167, 24, 203, 24, 10, 8, 4, 8, 15, 8, 146, 1, 123, 5, 242, 1, 62, 0, 56, 0, 23, 74, 215, 46, 27, 34, 136, 47, 75, 11, 174, 11, 100, 26, 227, 3, 174, 3, 223, 3, 197, 69, 35, 70, 208, 69, 157, 20, 94, 20, 87, 20, 224, 9, 169, 10, 161, 10, 112, 40, 144, 56, 143, 40, 1, 20, 235, 19, 245, 19, 171, 50, 143, 50, 250, 34, 252, 49, 188, 54, 238, 49, 139, 38, 145, 38, 68, 38, 136, 19, 77, 20, 131, 9, 175, 34, 67, 52, 75, 52, 16, 64, 98, 60, 94, 59, 24, 12, 175, 11, 162, 11, 186, 61, 90, 60, 43, 59, 76, 15, 157, 12, 23, 14, 165, 62, 8, 20, 58, 9, 109, 27, 229, 28, 101, 27, 17, 70, 214, 69, 36, 70, 158, 1, 128, 3, 207, 1, 50, 7, 91, 3, 85, 3, 238, 25, 54, 10, 81, 10, 4, 31, 121, 10, 148, 10, 67, 4, 74, 2, 83, 1, 80, 11, 240, 11, 122, 11, 36, 25, 18, 24, 24, 24, 195, 69, 165, 69, 189, 69, 143, 20, 138, 20, 139, 19, 180, 20, 106, 3, 206, 2, 74, 34, 134, 47, 26, 34, 132, 2, 136, 2, 2, 2, 156, 2, 143, 2, 4, 2, 102, 14, 6, 16, 245, 15, 202, 55, 65, 55, 71, 32, 239, 54, 70, 32, 63, 55, 108, 2, 138, 3, 170, 2, 135, 1, 182, 2, 127, 1, 121, 1, 152, 2, 166, 4, 114, 2, 107, 2, 102, 2, 117, 2, 105, 2, 108, 1, 83, 29, 242, 28, 30, 11, 239, 63, 245, 63, 158, 31, 64, 2, 71, 2, 66, 4, 82, 42, 142, 62, 124, 42, 44, 38, 49, 38, 37, 38, 230, 7, 225, 7, 202, 7, 228, 46, 221, 46, 225, 46, 236, 1, 154, 1, 129, 5, 52, 7, 221, 2, 228, 2, 227, 2, 220, 2, 232, 2, 225, 2, 242, 2, 234, 2, 170, 5, 6, 4, 211, 6, 5, 3, 65, 7, 215, 0, 62, 7, 31, 3, 212, 0, 160, 72, 190, 7, 194, 72, 103, 36, 170, 39, 252, 37, 114, 23, 8, 23, 121, 23, 40, 3, 30, 3, 61, 7, 60, 7, 43, 3, 64, 7, 46, 3, 42, 3, 57, 7, 55, 3, 47, 3, 58, 7, 79, 64, 138, 63, 134, 63, 214, 53, 53, 54, 228, 53, 83, 3, 70, 6, 78, 3, 17, 18, 37, 18, 50, 16, 154, 2, 122, 1, 184, 2, 227, 28, 218, 26, 205, 26, 203, 35, 217, 35, 214, 35, 42, 20, 194, 20, 49, 9, 140, 44, 169, 42, 152, 42, 91, 48, 37, 48, 64, 48, 0, 19, 151, 18, 54, 12, 243, 1, 235, 1, 153, 3, 233, 48, 155, 40, 88, 56, 6, 63, 135, 10, 20, 63, 58, 24, 255, 24, 33, 24, 114, 63, 42, 63, 87, 63, 226, 30, 218, 28, 14, 29, 192, 38, 108, 38, 92, 38, 26, 12, 206, 11, 178, 11, 132, 57, 20, 0, 94, 74, 1, 17, 28, 17, 214, 17, 5, 30, 15, 30, 86, 29, 113, 3, 65, 5, 105, 3, 34, 7, 30, 7, 122, 3, 172, 33, 103, 51, 172, 51, 194, 52, 232, 51, 223, 51, 44, 12, 139, 11, 201, 18, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 2, 253, 40, 4, 48, 2, 41, 174, 5, 140, 3, 252, 6, 211, 5, 202, 5, 197, 5, 69, 40, 119, 56, 124, 56, 82, 46, 137, 43, 146, 44, 160, 3, 158, 3, 167, 3, 189, 3, 225, 3, 221, 3, 93, 65, 181, 65, 189, 65, 136, 32, 145, 32, 128, 55, 11, 74, 137, 61, 66, 0, 148, 23, 128, 23, 28, 23, 11, 21, 119, 62, 13, 9, 89, 40, 100, 40, 101, 56, 229, 1, 81, 2, 237, 6, 117, 63, 124, 64, 150, 63, 73, 74, 64, 74, 33, 74, 91, 49, 216, 64, 236, 39, 83, 4, 218, 6, 252, 3, 173, 5, 16, 4, 160, 5, 1, 12, 85, 11, 87, 18, 3, 71, 255, 70, 81, 71, 64, 34, 71, 34, 233, 46, 77, 67, 26, 67, 92, 67, 110, 8, 17, 21, 77, 59, 183, 31, 219, 63, 226, 63, 193, 12, 252, 18, 95, 18, 222, 4, 151, 2, 190, 2, 106, 11, 236, 11, 110, 11, 146, 9, 9, 10, 131, 19, 107, 4, 171, 4, 107, 5, 135, 27, 54, 13, 31, 15, 149, 58, 61, 61, 23, 61, 20, 21, 51, 21, 45, 21, 77, 36, 108, 39, 105, 39, 166, 49, 87, 49, 105, 49, 224, 59, 32, 1, 251, 0, 111, 18, 125, 18, 119, 18, 149, 47, 241, 46, 160, 34, 14, 5, 170, 4, 106, 4, 103, 4, 13, 5, 105, 4, 195, 53, 189, 53, 179, 53, 103, 37, 105, 38, 78, 39, 110, 59, 177, 59, 114, 59, 5, 5, 167, 4, 143, 4, 161, 4, 2, 5, 138, 4, 204, 27, 209, 27, 162, 27, 137, 29, 163, 29, 2, 30, 16, 2, 188, 2, 20, 4, 4, 5, 229, 4, 165, 4, 137, 44, 96, 46, 132, 44, 92, 2, 192, 4, 198, 4, 231, 35, 132, 35, 174, 36, 11, 5, 15, 5, 169, 4, 50, 59, 58, 59, 74, 59, 184, 50, 38, 62, 132, 61, 157, 3, 183, 6, 56, 4, 108, 18, 119, 12, 102, 18, 221, 54, 149, 60, 242, 60, 165, 14, 9, 14, 82, 15, 237, 4, 128, 1, 228, 4, 142, 70, 224, 31, 134, 35, 247, 57, 64, 58, 42, 58, 190, 26, 246, 10, 5, 11, 66, 21, 17, 62, 24, 21, 43, 5, 39, 5, 146, 6, 100, 5, 46, 5, 41, 5, 216, 49, 1, 33, 143, 60, 253, 59, 199, 2, 249, 59, 193, 14, 189, 14, 117, 15, 233, 19, 223, 19, 108, 72, 63, 17, 77, 17, 145, 17, 96, 5, 142, 4, 107, 6, 97, 43, 52, 44, 158, 44, 43, 61, 139, 61, 140, 53, 135, 4, 102, 4, 45, 5, 160, 10, 168, 10, 156, 10, 173, 14, 26, 15, 156, 14, 48, 5, 108, 4, 108, 5, 104, 4, 109, 4, 49, 5, 50, 5, 113, 5, 44, 5, 42, 5, 110, 5, 35, 5, 101, 5, 136, 4, 47, 5, 97, 5, 109, 6, 53, 5, 162, 4, 141, 4, 95, 5, 85, 5, 94, 5, 51, 5, 78, 23, 47, 23, 87, 23, 16, 74, 97, 0, 25, 74, 43, 67, 189, 66, 194, 66, 146, 53, 76, 53, 70, 50, 204, 17, 189, 17, 223, 17, 168, 14, 19, 14, 237, 18, 125, 24, 16, 60, 56, 22, 116, 5, 151, 4, 244, 4, 66, 41, 74, 45, 31, 46, 203, 45, 175, 45, 41, 41, 251, 46, 96, 47, 1, 47, 139, 5, 127, 3, 144, 5, 2, 7, 251, 6, 139, 3, 43, 12, 24, 27, 239, 26, 20, 22, 254, 7, 94, 19, 171, 5, 156, 5, 166, 5, 97, 6, 195, 5, 254, 5, 1, 6, 198, 5, 205, 5, 73, 3, 201, 5, 245, 5, 252, 53, 172, 49, 37, 32, 186, 1, 219, 6, 181, 1, 34, 6, 169, 6, 236, 5, 174, 6, 223, 5, 238, 5, 239, 5, 229, 5, 233, 5, 234, 5, 219, 5, 224, 5, 241, 31, 137, 49, 236, 31, 7, 52, 47, 52, 207, 34, 186, 12, 191, 12, 151, 13, 231, 5, 225, 5, 45, 6, 38, 6, 230, 5, 42, 6, 237, 5, 232, 5, 40, 6, 33, 6, 235, 5, 39, 6, 205, 22, 207, 22, 182, 22, 7, 47, 192, 34, 184, 34, 67, 44, 59, 44, 38, 44, 139, 64, 54, 64, 101, 32, 189, 9, 34, 27, 96, 62, 141, 3, 177, 5, 158, 5, 186, 30, 153, 30, 103, 30, 193, 45, 165, 45, 159, 45, 102, 12, 79, 12, 20, 12, 101, 51, 170, 33, 36, 51, 9, 62, 223, 32, 2, 62, 215, 11, 23, 12, 161, 11, 85, 40, 81, 40, 97, 40, 157, 18, 167, 18, 138, 18, 7, 36, 11, 36, 200, 39, 20, 6, 23, 6, 28, 6, 56, 63, 64, 63, 77, 31, 221, 69, 227, 69, 51, 70, 36, 6, 47, 6, 48, 3, 31, 6, 37, 6, 41, 6, 12, 27, 42, 27, 240, 62, 181, 31, 146, 31, 217, 63, 26, 43, 43, 46, 72, 46, 134, 41, 187, 43, 180, 46, 65, 57, 205, 57, 213, 57, 140, 4, 164, 4, 221, 4, 51, 3, 32, 6, 44, 3, 65, 53, 52, 53, 56, 53, 75, 6, 19, 6, 68, 6, 13, 6, 17, 6, 73, 6, 12, 6, 72, 6, 86, 3, 243, 56, 81, 33, 221, 57, 51, 48, 78, 48, 42, 48, 68, 24, 73, 24, 187, 24, 35, 1, 196, 58, 198, 59, 11, 22, 4, 22, 40, 19, 168, 57, 21, 0, 157, 57, 88, 3, 74, 6, 81, 3, 82, 3, 76, 6, 69, 6, 21, 6, 29, 6, 71, 6, 45, 3, 44, 6, 39, 3, 38, 3, 43, 6, 55, 6, 171, 73, 251, 72, 165, 73, 12, 18, 135, 16, 130, 16, 32, 59, 174, 59, 219, 60, 87, 6, 181, 6, 222, 5, 173, 6, 85, 6, 221, 5, 150, 6, 84, 6, 172, 6, 198, 53, 12, 54, 15, 54, 94, 58, 119, 58, 97, 58, 41, 55, 13, 62, 44, 59, 159, 1, 46, 2, 129, 3, 18, 58, 232, 57, 24, 58, 35, 57, 216, 57, 80, 57, 152, 50, 158, 50, 46, 50, 100, 6, 88, 5, 56, 5, 101, 6, 159, 6, 206, 5, 253, 5, 191, 5, 95, 6, 61, 71, 56, 71, 235, 65, 13, 24, 96, 25, 139, 22, 5, 19, 18, 19, 152, 18, 148, 6, 144, 6, 138, 6, 147, 6, 99, 5, 143, 6, 76, 4, 70, 2, 68, 4, 48, 22, 88, 22, 95, 22, 32, 58, 13, 57, 9, 57, 81, 52, 210, 52, 248, 51, 59, 5, 54, 5, 112, 6, 98, 5, 40, 5, 142, 6, 151, 6, 139, 6, 86, 6, 140, 6, 36, 5, 88, 6, 145, 6, 37, 5, 141, 6, 137, 1, 250, 1, 162, 2, 195, 43, 191, 43, 177, 41, 40, 7, 72, 5, 68, 5, 96, 6, 89, 6, 194, 5, 220, 5, 175, 6, 226, 5, 24, 6, 203, 5, 30, 6, 0, 6, 204, 5, 25, 6, 52, 2, 62, 4, 222, 1, 252, 64, 238, 64, 221, 67, 241, 63, 158, 64, 209, 31, 217, 6, 175, 1, 12, 4, 215, 6, 10, 4, 172, 5, 88, 64, 148, 55, 176, 64, 84, 50, 51, 50, 98, 50, 9, 1, 200, 59, 31, 1, 190, 67, 148, 70, 99, 66, 219, 42, 204, 42, 167, 46, 88, 63, 44, 63, 42, 31, 93, 37, 200, 35, 238, 39, 72, 62, 219, 8, 172, 62, 234, 7, 21, 22, 52, 22, 49, 27, 114, 26, 85, 26, 145, 3, 9, 7, 246, 1, 100, 54, 108, 54, 211, 53, 181, 44, 207, 44, 82, 45, 226, 53, 44, 50, 157, 50, 229, 45, 65, 45, 236, 45, 74, 64, 80, 64, 110, 32, 143, 9, 138, 9, 170, 9, 112, 21, 105, 21, 82, 59, 87, 3, 80, 3, 219, 2, 84, 3, 79, 3, 224, 2, 223, 2, 77, 3, 239, 2, 64, 6, 56, 3, 4, 3, 0, 3, 50, 3, 56, 7, 59, 7, 63, 7, 3, 3, 201, 40, 126, 48, 47, 40, 249, 2, 1, 3, 211, 0, 81, 1, 72, 7, 73, 2, 80, 68, 14, 70, 76, 68, 180, 22, 188, 22, 194, 23, 253, 29, 10, 29, 24, 29, 214, 32, 205, 32, 207, 32, 2, 3, 250, 2, 63, 6, 183, 44, 38, 41, 209, 44, 125, 46, 72, 47, 50, 47, 145, 45, 233, 45, 239, 45, 154, 5, 201, 6, 26, 2, 31, 22, 70, 22, 204, 72, 175, 73, 218, 73, 168, 73, 121, 14, 130, 14, 238, 14, 161, 17, 150, 17, 65, 17, 176, 35, 198, 39, 23, 49, 189, 5, 2, 6, 94, 6, 0, 26, 101, 10, 251, 30, 23, 2, 95, 4, 18, 2, 80, 1, 134, 7, 71, 7, 139, 57, 93, 74, 82, 74, 160, 27, 144, 27, 149, 27, 222, 48, 211, 48, 254, 55, 160, 65, 103, 71, 194, 70, 231, 52, 156, 52, 28, 53, 155, 23, 131, 23, 49, 23, 36, 17, 187, 17, 184, 16, 140, 0, 93, 0, 250, 73, 203, 57, 18, 57, 206, 57, 244, 37, 47, 36, 86, 37, 177, 34, 173, 34, 252, 46, 61, 65, 78, 65, 67, 65, 218, 21, 209, 21, 53, 19, 92, 8, 101, 21, 95, 21, 43, 26, 70, 10, 75, 10, 86, 23, 29, 19, 82, 23, 103, 0, 111, 0, 145, 58, 46, 14, 172, 13, 167, 13, 164, 58, 159, 58, 10, 61, 239, 43, 247, 43, 117, 41, 141, 49, 78, 49, 69, 49, 248, 63, 68, 55, 75, 32, 230, 62, 60, 20, 193, 9, 138, 5, 223, 1, 126, 3, 13, 28, 10, 28, 0, 28, 112, 60, 41, 60, 55, 60, 164, 31, 169, 31, 130, 31, 14, 55, 197, 32, 19, 55, 217, 7, 211, 7, 223, 7, 201, 28, 51, 28, 192, 28, 144, 1, 167, 2, 139, 1, 41, 22, 7, 8, 3, 8, 58, 33, 129, 57, 61, 33, 207, 2, 107, 3, 15, 1, 210, 18, 206, 18, 229, 18, 52, 64, 221, 63, 56, 64, 194, 12, 162, 13, 240, 18, 246, 17, 238, 17, 8, 17, 166, 20, 154, 20, 145, 20, 78, 26, 2, 27, 52, 27, 209, 0, 129, 0, 203, 0, 247, 7, 243, 7, 43, 22, 21, 8, 26, 8, 142, 8, 46, 60, 17, 55, 195, 32, 4, 66, 12, 66, 255, 65, 217, 65, 212, 65, 23, 66, 32, 70, 38, 70, 235, 69, 129, 69, 82, 69, 104, 69, 45, 7, 7, 6, 97, 3, 44, 45, 35, 45, 50, 45, 29, 4, 205, 6, 195, 1, 89, 17, 55, 17, 201, 17, 171, 20, 190, 20, 185, 20, 37, 8, 77, 8, 133, 21, 199, 72, 0, 73, 216, 72, 51, 8, 165, 21, 147, 21, 50, 8, 146, 21, 81, 8, 162, 21, 254, 21, 144, 21, 161, 55, 125, 64, 118, 63, 150, 37, 97, 37, 3, 39, 225, 30, 13, 29, 70, 28, 65, 11, 74, 28, 175, 27, 135, 30, 38, 30, 140, 30, 83, 33, 88, 33, 173, 33, 232, 49, 23, 54, 180, 54, 107, 1, 19, 5, 112, 1, 194, 0, 187, 0, 121, 0, 191, 7, 161, 72, 187, 25, 145, 18, 12, 19, 172, 18, 146, 62, 254, 31, 62, 35, 194, 8, 94, 8, 184, 61, 33, 35, 89, 50, 22, 35, 197, 29, 18, 29, 200, 29, 100, 8, 71, 59, 14, 21, 94, 12, 82, 12, 31, 12, 88, 41, 26, 41, 201, 47, 220, 65, 167, 70, 181, 70, 91, 20, 149, 20, 145, 19, 205, 13, 147, 14, 124, 13, 174, 14, 166, 14, 83, 15, 41, 67, 110, 67, 186, 66, 28, 22, 213, 7, 192, 25, 135, 12, 137, 23, 35, 19, 169, 27, 173, 27, 114, 11, 29, 1, 25, 1, 8, 1, 62, 8, 120, 72, 214, 19, 54, 22, 22, 22, 38, 22, 205, 17, 198, 17, 192, 17, 217, 21, 222, 21, 208, 21, 241, 42, 191, 41, 198, 41, 101, 60, 87, 60, 233, 54, 166, 8, 180, 8, 110, 72, 198, 55, 78, 32, 73, 55, 75, 21, 151, 62, 130, 62, 124, 35, 227, 35, 11, 37, 217, 8, 254, 8, 80, 72, 135, 62, 180, 35, 22, 62, 46, 21, 80, 21, 42, 21, 41, 27, 242, 26, 77, 26, 172, 55, 129, 32, 133, 55, 181, 4, 176, 2, 146, 5, 173, 19, 155, 19, 123, 21, 197, 23, 192, 23, 127, 25, 249, 18, 189, 13, 164, 12, 61, 69, 183, 69, 170, 69, 22, 60, 84, 72, 87, 72, 117, 17, 87, 17, 142, 17, 242, 8, 237, 8, 92, 62, 250, 8, 197, 8, 253, 8, 69, 24, 112, 25, 178, 24, 73, 45, 65, 41, 252, 40, 53, 21, 68, 59, 10, 9, 116, 0, 29, 61, 141, 58, 208, 27, 106, 28, 18, 28, 172, 7, 183, 72, 147, 7, 158, 48, 114, 40, 29, 40, 163, 63, 109, 64, 180, 55, 158, 58, 208, 0, 150, 58, 77, 68, 60, 68, 204, 69, 34, 4, 29, 2, 28, 4, 162, 39, 232, 35, 228, 38, 104, 62, 164, 62, 57, 9, 188, 52, 192, 52, 222, 51, 161, 18, 166, 18, 156, 18, 47, 65, 36, 65, 244, 64, 195, 33, 190, 33, 114, 33, 14, 44, 2, 44, 90, 44, 104, 58, 82, 58, 201, 56, 224, 66, 75, 67, 147, 66, 117, 65, 112, 65, 64, 65, 216, 41, 24, 45, 24, 42, 206, 3, 205, 1, 210, 3, 68, 9, 75, 9, 84, 9, 127, 47, 228, 43, 108, 44, 90, 9, 198, 9, 86, 9, 231, 7, 203, 7, 198, 7, 124, 9, 119, 9, 180, 9, 179, 62, 184, 62, 195, 62, 159, 9, 174, 9, 233, 9, 64, 72, 171, 9, 75, 72, 172, 9, 65, 72, 231, 9, 110, 9, 69, 72, 114, 9, 116, 9, 176, 9, 185, 9, 158, 9, 164, 9, 173, 9, 188, 45, 0, 41, 71, 41, 213, 47, 254, 47, 231, 47, 145, 34, 124, 34, 139, 34, 160, 40, 104, 40, 170, 40, 138, 41, 208, 43, 193, 43, 226, 9, 195, 9, 173, 10, 26, 19, 72, 23, 80, 23, 200, 65, 89, 71, 178, 65, 113, 74, 0, 0, 11, 0, 251, 71, 0, 72, 53, 72, 215, 13, 16, 16, 124, 14, 39, 26, 68, 26, 44, 26, 180, 10, 209, 9, 219, 9, 72, 31, 183, 67, 175, 67, 196, 62, 28, 63, 182, 10, 243, 44, 205, 44, 249, 44, 250, 62, 253, 9, 242, 9, 6, 10, 11, 10, 155, 9, 113, 19, 33, 10, 27, 10, 24, 10, 32, 10, 112, 19, 23, 10, 17, 10, 31, 10, 176, 21, 34, 10, 252, 62, 253, 62, 36, 10, 247, 9, 231, 43, 224, 43, 81, 46, 157, 21, 40, 8, 53, 8, 179, 23, 52, 23, 181, 23, 100, 20, 132, 20, 126, 20, 58, 10, 213, 25, 64, 10, 239, 31, 222, 64, 242, 31, 60, 10, 65, 10, 125, 27, 133, 18, 123, 18, 192, 18, 111, 27, 106, 27, 2, 26, 125, 42, 133, 42, 111, 42, 112, 23, 120, 23, 99, 17, 151, 69, 57, 68, 144, 69, 211, 10, 57, 10, 89, 10, 49, 56, 165, 40, 79, 40, 76, 32, 23, 64, 251, 63, 242, 59, 66, 5, 114, 3, 247, 30, 105, 10, 205, 10, 113, 10, 127, 10, 253, 30, 164, 69, 194, 69, 159, 69, 229, 55, 224, 55, 111, 60, 145, 52, 138, 52, 122, 52, 111, 22, 117, 22, 105, 22, 3, 1, 249, 0, 196, 59, 208, 10, 46, 26, 77, 10, 143, 10, 147, 10, 120, 10, 211, 4, 94, 0, 1, 74, 115, 47, 119, 41, 114, 41, 10, 43, 181, 43, 107, 44, 163, 30, 131, 30, 137, 30, 24, 31, 197, 10, 191, 10, 221, 65, 182, 70, 71, 71, 48, 32, 22, 32, 42, 32, 97, 27, 220, 26, 31, 11, 97, 28, 92, 28, 159, 28, 50, 27, 120, 26, 116, 26, 178, 10, 243, 30, 238, 30, 73, 11, 66, 27, 68, 11, 173, 45, 199, 45, 177, 45, 133, 52, 241, 52, 133, 51, 76, 60, 99, 60, 106, 60, 117, 71, 103, 66, 90, 71, 207, 70, 215, 70, 138, 70, 163, 0, 28, 0, 31, 0, 52, 39, 127, 39, 199, 37, 127, 9, 118, 9, 123, 9, 93, 40, 16, 36, 78, 56, 42, 10, 104, 9, 126, 62, 211, 43, 119, 34, 114, 34, 43, 53, 72, 53, 242, 34, 7, 11, 182, 26, 3, 11, 165, 42, 246, 42, 37, 43, 118, 42, 172, 46, 193, 42, 129, 47, 137, 41, 182, 46, 161, 1, 239, 3, 156, 1, 223, 10, 49, 26, 71, 26, 221, 28, 231, 30, 47, 11, 144, 22, 94, 22, 87, 22, 58, 28, 53, 28, 67, 28, 148, 27, 90, 11, 200, 27, 133, 13, 72, 18, 77, 18, 165, 52, 240, 46, 51, 34, 125, 5, 93, 4, 231, 1, 127, 4, 175, 4, 131, 6, 160, 21, 152, 21, 110, 19, 71, 12, 136, 11, 223, 18, 142, 72, 221, 72, 169, 7, 144, 15, 128, 15, 139, 15, 105, 57, 67, 57, 174, 57, 60, 18, 74, 18, 66, 18, 79, 55, 204, 32, 213, 32, 223, 26, 203, 11, 145, 11, 15, 25, 240, 24, 250, 24, 250, 63, 19, 64, 161, 49, 0, 51, 7, 51, 220, 51, 231, 53, 235, 53, 159, 54, 65, 33, 196, 57, 85, 57, 90, 59, 97, 8, 60, 21, 23, 60, 214, 8, 210, 8, 164, 48, 128, 40, 134, 40, 71, 4, 118, 3, 228, 6, 42, 15, 59, 15, 14, 14, 5, 20, 27, 21, 38, 9, 188, 11, 171, 11, 67, 11, 81, 27, 197, 11, 39, 12, 151, 52, 159, 52, 160, 33, 40, 17, 184, 17, 51, 17, 160, 12, 187, 18, 181, 18, 98, 2, 33, 7, 37, 7, 64, 38, 158, 37, 91, 38, 147, 11, 142, 11, 226, 11, 234, 25, 69, 10, 215, 10, 124, 23, 135, 23, 134, 12, 230, 8, 90, 62, 235, 8, 7, 18, 175, 16, 245, 17, 189, 37, 77, 38, 71, 38, 66, 26, 95, 26, 58, 11, 54, 44, 92, 46, 124, 46, 127, 38, 45, 38, 40, 38, 29, 15, 24, 15, 214, 14, 92, 21, 232, 20, 221, 20, 245, 50, 250, 50, 250, 51, 150, 11, 89, 12, 36, 12, 21, 12, 213, 11, 249, 11, 32, 61, 47, 62, 138, 61, 121, 11, 238, 11, 247, 11, 87, 61, 147, 61, 245, 60, 12, 3, 25, 3, 20, 3, 108, 9, 28, 27, 205, 25, 82, 27, 248, 26, 91, 27, 5, 74, 15, 74, 81, 0, 6, 5, 111, 2, 109, 1, 99, 57, 106, 57, 176, 57, 198, 68, 201, 68, 66, 66, 184, 12, 149, 13, 249, 13, 81, 4, 227, 6, 223, 6, 169, 69, 140, 69, 182, 69, 144, 25, 8, 24, 199, 23, 106, 17, 54, 17, 88, 17, 157, 64, 151, 64, 84, 32, 214, 21, 45, 19, 6, 22, 7, 44, 19, 44, 131, 46, 254, 11, 243, 11, 6, 12, 52, 73, 161, 73, 7, 73, 124, 7, 103, 7, 69, 1, 97, 64, 87, 64, 84, 63, 92, 39, 88, 39, 20, 39, 78, 29, 251, 29, 20, 29, 145, 50, 174, 50, 103, 50, 174, 52, 202, 51, 184, 51, 161, 56, 37, 58, 171, 56, 28, 12, 22, 12, 252, 11, 134, 36, 124, 36, 89, 36, 197, 39, 236, 48, 22, 49, 93, 54, 182, 54, 26, 54, 211, 35, 96, 35, 202, 35, 92, 12, 30, 12, 5, 12, 196, 37, 168, 38, 205, 37, 28, 56, 65, 56, 2, 49, 134, 16, 195, 16, 4, 18, 251, 14, 200, 14, 209, 14, 51, 19, 88, 19, 216, 21, 28, 1, 192, 58, 21, 1, 105, 32, 134, 64, 128, 64, 25, 16, 125, 14, 17, 16, 186, 20, 169, 20, 174, 20, 89, 31, 210, 63, 213, 63, 172, 0, 32, 5, 167, 0, 244, 72, 213, 73, 181, 72, 110, 12, 216, 18, 113, 18, 90, 8, 107, 21, 100, 21, 107, 26, 88, 27, 103, 26, 226, 51, 234, 51, 229, 51, 22, 14, 185, 18, 239, 18, 135, 47, 76, 34, 125, 47, 225, 38, 190, 38, 106, 36, 176, 27, 75, 28, 79, 28, 220, 43, 26, 46, 80, 46, 79, 14, 92, 14, 86, 14, 202, 30, 194, 30, 204, 30, 44, 57, 186, 57, 49, 57, 50, 20, 82, 9, 56, 20, 86, 0, 92, 0, 52, 0, 92, 31, 211, 67, 111, 66, 188, 34, 194, 34, 58, 52, 23, 70, 28, 70, 105, 70, 9, 19, 251, 18, 168, 12, 114, 12, 112, 12, 198, 18, 225, 64, 144, 70, 196, 67, 58, 70, 100, 70, 110, 70, 198, 64, 191, 64, 184, 55, 112, 64, 144, 32, 135, 32, 14, 20, 36, 21, 58, 21, 2, 1, 16, 1, 110, 3, 146, 19, 137, 19, 207, 19, 8, 5, 101, 4, 134, 4, 10, 15, 25, 15, 172, 14, 167, 22, 173, 22, 161, 22, 116, 62, 245, 8, 72, 9, 17, 27, 231, 25, 226, 25, 95, 63, 104, 63, 100, 63, 4, 73, 124, 72, 36, 73, 187, 34, 82, 47, 8, 47, 86, 7, 81, 7, 239, 73, 119, 16, 141, 16, 113, 16, 228, 18, 111, 12, 115, 18, 96, 22, 142, 22, 157, 22, 91, 5, 103, 6, 91, 6, 217, 60, 178, 60, 122, 60, 81, 53, 23, 52, 36, 53, 242, 5, 214, 5, 155, 6, 193, 47, 197, 47, 18, 41, 250, 45, 231, 45, 222, 45, 76, 71, 5, 66, 17, 66, 163, 55, 86, 55, 225, 55, 141, 21, 164, 21, 48, 8, 3, 21, 53, 9, 228, 20, 228, 9, 62, 72, 201, 25, 155, 66, 246, 67, 220, 66, 108, 6, 208, 5, 161, 6, 5, 38, 202, 36, 195, 36, 187, 54, 228, 49, 7, 33, 29, 57, 234, 56, 99, 33, 63, 15, 55, 15, 91, 16, 112, 28, 178, 27, 185, 27, 167, 40, 102, 40, 245, 39, 145, 44, 120, 43, 115, 43, 55, 53, 73, 53, 64, 53, 236, 28, 254, 28, 4, 29, 48, 23, 79, 23, 65, 23, 135, 43, 125, 43, 149, 44, 57, 56, 61, 56, 252, 39, 0, 22, 141, 12, 241, 21, 44, 30, 70, 30, 188, 30, 83, 10, 17, 63, 214, 26, 170, 16, 132, 16, 68, 16, 57, 4, 47, 2, 216, 1, 46, 29, 69, 29, 29, 29, 149, 49, 211, 39, 226, 31, 76, 70, 9, 70, 95, 70, 176, 12, 143, 13, 187, 13, 188, 12, 144, 13, 177, 12, 196, 6, 38, 4, 172, 1, 239, 19, 222, 19, 232, 19, 50, 21, 19, 21, 57, 21, 126, 43, 215, 42, 121, 43, 217, 56, 240, 57, 206, 56, 105, 55, 171, 32, 180, 32, 176, 16, 69, 16, 197, 16, 227, 12, 216, 12, 209, 12, 0, 45, 171, 46, 117, 42, 224, 12, 43, 13, 46, 13, 183, 17, 39, 17, 53, 15, 25, 71, 220, 71, 29, 66, 95, 15, 148, 13, 185, 12, 231, 12, 52, 13, 9, 13, 156, 74, 110, 74, 151, 74, 232, 33, 101, 34, 251, 33, 107, 20, 102, 20, 127, 20, 242, 12, 102, 13, 248, 12, 253, 10, 228, 10, 232, 10, 26, 13, 21, 13, 253, 12, 75, 13, 82, 13, 150, 13, 36, 16, 153, 15, 160, 15, 79, 34, 131, 51, 225, 43, 207, 65, 47, 72, 245, 65, 36, 13, 22, 13, 31, 13, 105, 40, 106, 56, 248, 39, 156, 26, 28, 26, 140, 26, 66, 34, 41, 34, 72, 34, 152, 26, 147, 26, 32, 26, 14, 13, 137, 27, 93, 13, 184, 14, 223, 14, 89, 13, 158, 13, 72, 13, 64, 13, 215, 12, 226, 12, 222, 12, 232, 56, 192, 56, 94, 33, 158, 41, 164, 41, 184, 43, 80, 34, 126, 34, 9, 34, 8, 46, 144, 45, 201, 43, 176, 39, 50, 39, 39, 39, 96, 73, 108, 73, 92, 73, 64, 69, 68, 69, 184, 69, 81, 47, 42, 47, 29, 47, 28, 9, 91, 21, 18, 9, 65, 16, 220, 17, 235, 17, 63, 38, 90, 38, 185, 38, 47, 56, 77, 40, 132, 56, 214, 33, 238, 33, 253, 33, 6, 72, 43, 72, 165, 65, 238, 66, 59, 68, 232, 66, 107, 34, 85, 34, 192, 46, 142, 74, 152, 74, 134, 74, 244, 21, 240, 21, 225, 21, 18, 27, 13, 27, 8, 27, 91, 25, 151, 22, 121, 22, 197, 40, 132, 45, 191, 40, 101, 45, 251, 45, 224, 45, 140, 20, 144, 19, 159, 20, 73, 61, 144, 60, 141, 60, 221, 41, 83, 45, 227, 41, 56, 38, 94, 38, 132, 38, 197, 13, 201, 13, 247, 13, 211, 12, 217, 12, 123, 13, 121, 13, 214, 12, 120, 14, 11, 57, 54, 57, 114, 57, 95, 31, 59, 64, 213, 67, 86, 36, 180, 36, 121, 35, 3, 31, 29, 26, 3, 26, 143, 63, 171, 64, 84, 64, 234, 52, 147, 52, 143, 52, 163, 52, 154, 52, 42, 34, 243, 59, 115, 3, 217, 2, 186, 0, 202, 0, 151, 0, 167, 64, 124, 63, 151, 55, 181, 13, 63, 18, 3, 14, 111, 20, 188, 20, 103, 20, 204, 68, 193, 68, 225, 68, 91, 12, 19, 12, 37, 12, 48, 70, 54, 70, 44, 70, 128, 0, 207, 0, 185, 0, 186, 73, 250, 72, 208, 73, 251, 1, 138, 1, 165, 2, 57, 71, 101, 71, 55, 71, 127, 70, 85, 70, 132, 70, 216, 24, 65, 24, 129, 22, 211, 29, 236, 29, 150, 29, 229, 13, 224, 13, 214, 13, 169, 28, 158, 27, 17, 28, 70, 41, 32, 46, 149, 56, 221, 13, 248, 14, 206, 13, 160, 48, 30, 40, 41, 40, 193, 34, 199, 34, 50, 52, 253, 39, 62, 56, 35, 56, 103, 53, 75, 50, 90, 53, 209, 62, 106, 63, 34, 31, 170, 10, 197, 9, 149, 10, 215, 1, 155, 1, 238, 3, 102, 22, 125, 22, 90, 22, 69, 70, 31, 70, 25, 70, 198, 29, 250, 29, 184, 29, 184, 15, 19, 16, 169, 15, 86, 63, 153, 63, 113, 63, 55, 43, 225, 42, 180, 42, 56, 2, 217, 3, 239, 6, 44, 64, 220, 63, 51, 64, 54, 33, 69, 51, 15, 51, 153, 62, 241, 8, 121, 62, 199, 52, 191, 52, 97, 52, 142, 37, 124, 37, 136, 37, 32, 72, 41, 72, 8, 72, 25, 51, 156, 33, 80, 33, 227, 59, 139, 54, 235, 58, 240, 17, 5, 17, 185, 16, 136, 18, 70, 15, 202, 18, 201, 14, 252, 14, 226, 14, 127, 41, 139, 47, 240, 43, 114, 46, 121, 46, 140, 43, 254, 34, 92, 43, 164, 44, 216, 60, 190, 58, 241, 58, 175, 43, 9, 43, 5, 43, 229, 37, 51, 36, 17, 36, 161, 50, 6, 35, 211, 42, 156, 29, 57, 28, 66, 28, 251, 8, 0, 9, 68, 21, 214, 65, 173, 65, 242, 71, 173, 41, 147, 41, 186, 43, 141, 30, 39, 30, 25, 30, 201, 30, 56, 30, 193, 30, 195, 50, 231, 50, 144, 53, 250, 14, 2, 15, 225, 14, 83, 13, 244, 27, 220, 27, 43, 49, 154, 56, 14, 48, 203, 25, 0, 63, 229, 9, 33, 13, 16, 13, 19, 13, 138, 27, 15, 13, 56, 13, 132, 65, 23, 72, 183, 65, 173, 69, 176, 69, 123, 69, 178, 7, 182, 7, 197, 73, 210, 50, 168, 53, 159, 53, 64, 49, 219, 31, 146, 49, 49, 6, 134, 6, 128, 6, 55, 49, 4, 56, 11, 56, 166, 12, 190, 13, 7, 14, 19, 50, 254, 49, 245, 49, 190, 63, 120, 63, 127, 63, 214, 64, 247, 31, 100, 49, 76, 74, 39, 62, 39, 74, 225, 72, 247, 72, 135, 72, 93, 14, 125, 15, 148, 15, 86, 59, 38, 59, 37, 60, 114, 36, 151, 39, 85, 36, 32, 28, 181, 29, 3, 28, 185, 53, 199, 53, 17, 54, 112, 70, 133, 70, 86, 70, 46, 41, 40, 41, 174, 45, 16, 55, 88, 55, 139, 55, 102, 67, 94, 67, 155, 67, 78, 35, 84, 35, 90, 49, 179, 14, 205, 14, 158, 14, 247, 56, 33, 57, 28, 51, 168, 65, 208, 65, 203, 65, 32, 14, 61, 15, 39, 15, 131, 58, 109, 58, 22, 58, 219, 70, 9, 65, 1, 65, 131, 14, 135, 14, 239, 14, 204, 73, 82, 73, 85, 73, 45, 13, 37, 13, 49, 13, 194, 14, 202, 14, 227, 14, 203, 72, 30, 73, 222, 73, 27, 15, 211, 14, 157, 14, 44, 44, 63, 44, 171, 42, 155, 73, 53, 73, 22, 73, 17, 3, 23, 3, 79, 6, 145, 27, 100, 11, 150, 27, 87, 52, 82, 52, 252, 51, 199, 69, 153, 69, 158, 69, 244, 18, 195, 12, 84, 12, 107, 42, 92, 42, 76, 42, 10, 14, 89, 15, 84, 15, 254, 36, 215, 36, 179, 39, 37, 64, 89, 32, 31, 64, 159, 38, 148, 39, 152, 39, 22, 15, 28, 15, 13, 15, 98, 53, 83, 53, 79, 53, 155, 14, 191, 14, 198, 14, 103, 63, 91, 63, 217, 66, 199, 26, 21, 11, 224, 28, 134, 69, 145, 69, 102, 69, 98, 3, 185, 5, 47, 7, 84, 31, 97, 66, 114, 71, 43, 62, 36, 61, 74, 0, 18, 73, 70, 73, 27, 73, 21, 25, 139, 24, 24, 25, 178, 43, 86, 44, 102, 44, 189, 0, 199, 0, 153, 58, 159, 16, 152, 16, 17, 17, 162, 73, 214, 72, 8, 73, 230, 46, 120, 47, 130, 41, 88, 48, 95, 48, 2, 48, 252, 25, 88, 26, 225, 25, 28, 57, 90, 33, 126, 33, 113, 71, 137, 68, 233, 70, 224, 20, 5, 21, 214, 20, 34, 63, 199, 62, 186, 62, 74, 5, 41, 7, 198, 2, 123, 51, 120, 51, 42, 51, 147, 73, 200, 73, 189, 72, 44, 14, 99, 16, 24, 19, 183, 47, 83, 56, 186, 35, 207, 25, 55, 14, 248, 21, 226, 47, 58, 41, 221, 47, 41, 68, 35, 68, 81, 68, 54, 34, 187, 52, 177, 52, 225, 0, 241, 60, 174, 58, 201, 69, 163, 69, 237, 69, 29, 70, 232, 69, 42, 70, 127, 5, 72, 1, 63, 2, 151, 70, 92, 66, 109, 71, 216, 4, 174, 2, 195, 2, 222, 32, 29, 55, 218, 32, 46, 56, 41, 56, 163, 40, 128, 13, 69, 13, 156, 13, 218, 2, 231, 19, 244, 59, 68, 20, 117, 19, 29, 10, 114, 18, 66, 15, 194, 18, 75, 61, 235, 60, 25, 59, 47, 14, 15, 14, 60, 15, 86, 15, 221, 14, 178, 14, 195, 14, 119, 15, 203, 14, 78, 30, 196, 30, 57, 30, 77, 16, 49, 16, 56, 16, 181, 34, 189, 34, 59, 52, 113, 45, 185, 41, 179, 41, 100, 15, 106, 15, 108, 14, 241, 10, 139, 26, 146, 26, 6, 33, 227, 49, 194, 54, 156, 58, 162, 58, 14, 3, 44, 52, 4, 52, 229, 50, 13, 65, 20, 65, 251, 70, 212, 45, 34, 45, 92, 45, 208, 40, 236, 40, 232, 40, 253, 27, 236, 27, 247, 27, 62, 45, 227, 45, 1, 46, 101, 58, 237, 57, 107, 58, 182, 4, 40, 2, 207, 4, 148, 63, 78, 63, 50, 63, 213, 15, 208, 15, 11, 16, 58, 47, 70, 47, 116, 46, 60, 72, 37, 72, 238, 71, 77, 44, 132, 46, 23, 44, 163, 15, 251, 15, 21, 16, 47, 16, 40, 16, 46, 18, 223, 15, 172, 15, 183, 15, 155, 47, 50, 34, 239, 46, 12, 33, 127, 61, 52, 61, 195, 39, 64, 37, 60, 37, 227, 46, 69, 34, 220, 46, 200, 43, 143, 45, 53, 40, 223, 69, 174, 69, 187, 69, 208, 19, 116, 21, 148, 19, 190, 15, 197, 15, 180, 15, 57, 22, 177, 8, 36, 24, 135, 38, 202, 37, 141, 38, 181, 15, 198, 15, 206, 15, 223, 9, 220, 9, 212, 9, 8, 36, 160, 36, 70, 39, 241, 24, 69, 25, 136, 24, 218, 72, 146, 72, 153, 72, 200, 48, 9, 40, 195, 48, 135, 5, 58, 4, 184, 6, 242, 23, 0, 24, 90, 25, 223, 0, 65, 6, 254, 2, 31, 66, 87, 66, 138, 71, 216, 44, 195, 44, 16, 45, 45, 23, 55, 23, 83, 23, 234, 15, 142, 15, 136, 15, 29, 0, 26, 0, 37, 74, 177, 65, 88, 71, 162, 65, 132, 50, 65, 47, 121, 53, 168, 71, 195, 71, 184, 71, 204, 28, 163, 28, 191, 28, 62, 63, 6, 68, 75, 31, 1, 14, 6, 15, 20, 15, 171, 48, 214, 48, 153, 48, 60, 23, 141, 23, 160, 23, 236, 25, 249, 25, 66, 10, 235, 35, 5, 37, 78, 38, 52, 9, 203, 20, 7, 21, 43, 71, 16, 66, 70, 71, 12, 16, 156, 15, 150, 15, 240, 33, 227, 33, 10, 34, 4, 62, 115, 60, 57, 60, 22, 63, 164, 10, 7, 63, 101, 25, 116, 25, 70, 25, 238, 26, 23, 27, 41, 10, 212, 52, 218, 52, 0, 52, 43, 35, 180, 47, 64, 35, 46, 39, 188, 37, 121, 39, 131, 32, 174, 55, 127, 32, 45, 16, 45, 18, 54, 16, 78, 16, 109, 16, 72, 16, 179, 60, 133, 60, 124, 60, 236, 23, 219, 22, 164, 22, 195, 4, 100, 2, 86, 2, 244, 65, 230, 71, 249, 65, 214, 50, 163, 53, 208, 50, 153, 18, 47, 12, 60, 12, 195, 23, 204, 22, 181, 22, 194, 44, 214, 44, 89, 45, 16, 31, 206, 26, 233, 30, 100, 59, 27, 1, 201, 58, 194, 19, 252, 21, 161, 21, 70, 45, 45, 46, 37, 46, 91, 52, 99, 52, 164, 34, 146, 17, 80, 17, 207, 16, 102, 58, 200, 56, 239, 57, 68, 51, 2, 51, 13, 51, 13, 0, 39, 33, 89, 74, 220, 49, 175, 54, 5, 33, 106, 37, 67, 39, 114, 37, 103, 16, 82, 16, 8, 18, 72, 30, 72, 29, 200, 30, 245, 14, 102, 15, 7, 16, 116, 55, 216, 55, 182, 64, 61, 24, 42, 24, 39, 25, 94, 65, 127, 65, 182, 65, 110, 16, 115, 16, 138, 16, 199, 4, 113, 4, 206, 4, 191, 16, 140, 16, 144, 16, 192, 16, 145, 16, 149, 16, 183, 48, 146, 48, 173, 48, 162, 16, 179, 16, 156, 16, 3, 43, 7, 43, 154, 42, 50, 70, 226, 69, 231, 69, 3, 25, 144, 24, 20, 25, 176, 36, 170, 38, 230, 38, 1, 1, 109, 3, 253, 0, 49, 49, 56, 49, 224, 48, 105, 46, 171, 43, 163, 43, 120, 9, 111, 9, 181, 9, 170, 63, 82, 67, 215, 66, 187, 20, 110, 20, 184, 20, 31, 27, 220, 25, 230, 25, 1, 18, 243, 17, 126, 16, 142, 63, 83, 64, 76, 64, 219, 46, 35, 34, 120, 52, 20, 64, 57, 32, 6, 64, 245, 36, 159, 36, 199, 39, 151, 47, 57, 34, 47, 34, 224, 4, 191, 2, 19, 2, 235, 3, 192, 6, 177, 3, 231, 62, 196, 9, 227, 9, 174, 34, 74, 52, 169, 34, 125, 26, 12, 26, 62, 26, 185, 37, 55, 39, 37, 39, 199, 55, 74, 55, 38, 55, 20, 9, 97, 62, 22, 9, 114, 22, 90, 23, 239, 23, 24, 55, 211, 32, 219, 32, 44, 74, 10, 74, 63, 0, 238, 16, 137, 17, 213, 16, 201, 24, 26, 25, 195, 24, 213, 35, 215, 35, 103, 35, 29, 46, 35, 46, 127, 44, 218, 5, 71, 3, 157, 6, 35, 0, 139, 0, 247, 73, 180, 12, 146, 13, 67, 18, 243, 50, 17, 51, 249, 50, 222, 46, 137, 47, 126, 41, 152, 12, 179, 18, 31, 14, 156, 0, 253, 73, 122, 0, 141, 46, 100, 47, 251, 43, 123, 47, 31, 34, 132, 47, 106, 5, 149, 6, 171, 6, 217, 20, 110, 21, 115, 21, 81, 13, 74, 13, 232, 11, 150, 3, 245, 1, 237, 1, 34, 24, 176, 8, 170, 8, 250, 19, 179, 20, 83, 20, 211, 52, 244, 50, 249, 51, 65, 58, 1, 58, 43, 58, 194, 61, 228, 61, 41, 59, 247, 5, 213, 5, 117, 6, 28, 74, 62, 74, 70, 74, 218, 27, 233, 27, 222, 27, 248, 17, 103, 17, 231, 16, 107, 62, 251, 20, 240, 20, 222, 68, 163, 68, 121, 71, 153, 39, 115, 36, 157, 39, 40, 20, 42, 9, 244, 20, 3, 51, 225, 50, 14, 51, 223, 8, 232, 8, 255, 8, 177, 6, 57, 6, 227, 5, 0, 18, 5, 18, 242, 17, 102, 6, 57, 5, 160, 6, 23, 55, 93, 32, 190, 55, 232, 17, 26, 17, 7, 17, 196, 32, 99, 55, 131, 55, 57, 40, 21, 48, 195, 40, 95, 30, 121, 30, 100, 30, 61, 25, 142, 24, 43, 25, 250, 52, 117, 52, 136, 52, 156, 65, 196, 65, 11, 72, 144, 12, 37, 14, 242, 21, 166, 24, 95, 24, 200, 24, 198, 40, 45, 48, 133, 45, 95, 51, 163, 33, 170, 52, 66, 8, 118, 72, 128, 8, 24, 73, 60, 73, 133, 73, 135, 19, 118, 19, 76, 20, 86, 64, 181, 63, 83, 63, 52, 17, 228, 16, 101, 17, 25, 20, 44, 20, 19, 20, 214, 15, 219, 15, 210, 15, 109, 32, 131, 64, 115, 32, 166, 1, 193, 6, 236, 3, 177, 17, 224, 17, 190, 17, 108, 27, 159, 26, 114, 27, 157, 17, 69, 17, 149, 17, 75, 17, 78, 17, 64, 17, 79, 17, 76, 17, 206, 16, 245, 16, 148, 17, 208, 16, 58, 1, 26, 1, 99, 59, 255, 20, 2, 21, 226, 20, 15, 16, 166, 15, 22, 16, 95, 61, 7, 61, 7, 59, 164, 0, 33, 0, 246, 73, 193, 55, 212, 32, 25, 55, 138, 39, 145, 39, 161, 39, 154, 12, 168, 13, 173, 13, 217, 42, 75, 43, 123, 43, 120, 17, 108, 17, 125, 17, 144, 8, 159, 8, 137, 8, 239, 64, 130, 35, 218, 67, 177, 2, 183, 4, 208, 4, 17, 14, 73, 15, 45, 15, 198, 11, 187, 11, 211, 11, 134, 17, 140, 17, 212, 16, 180, 0, 160, 0, 126, 0, 200, 63, 68, 63, 72, 64, 140, 47, 233, 43, 241, 43, 170, 13, 74, 15, 18, 14, 72, 65, 244, 70, 202, 31, 70, 17, 159, 17, 153, 17, 154, 17, 171, 17, 164, 17, 228, 1, 229, 6, 77, 2, 166, 2, 143, 1, 241, 1, 172, 11, 189, 11, 153, 11, 124, 19, 133, 9, 139, 9, 130, 53, 45, 61, 141, 53, 255, 30, 144, 10, 184, 10, 191, 17, 196, 17, 168, 17, 171, 13, 158, 12, 81, 15, 34, 11, 219, 28, 49, 11, 166, 13, 246, 18, 174, 12, 217, 50, 129, 53, 224, 50, 134, 10, 95, 10, 16, 63, 104, 43, 85, 43, 98, 43, 138, 2, 247, 1, 11, 7, 24, 26, 210, 10, 88, 10, 183, 11, 89, 27, 110, 26, 198, 63, 69, 64, 203, 63, 89, 22, 124, 22, 148, 22, 4, 44, 171, 47, 137, 46, 106, 25, 246, 24, 236, 24, 252, 41, 26, 42, 34, 42, 246, 66, 252, 66, 114, 67, 232, 29, 104, 29, 217, 29, 109, 39, 79, 36, 164, 39, 12, 28, 22, 28, 9, 28, 182, 42, 36, 45, 186, 42, 248, 9, 37, 10, 22, 10, 110, 2, 115, 2, 19, 7, 135, 6, 52, 6, 180, 6, 162, 5, 175, 5, 253, 6, 216, 51, 162, 53, 254, 50, 49, 7, 226, 2, 237, 0, 110, 23, 97, 17, 236, 16, 42, 14, 22, 19, 130, 12, 68, 15, 93, 16, 51, 14, 154, 44, 120, 46, 109, 43, 194, 65, 78, 71, 187, 65, 243, 3, 242, 6, 215, 3, 223, 31, 210, 39, 131, 35, 56, 29, 114, 30, 64, 29, 248, 4, 161, 2, 142, 2, 192, 53, 173, 53, 53, 62, 225, 66, 25, 67, 76, 67, 18, 8, 45, 22, 149, 8, 166, 27, 68, 27, 74, 27, 214, 18, 106, 18, 100, 18, 83, 73, 80, 73, 88, 73, 47, 17, 121, 17, 220, 16, 220, 45, 214, 45, 93, 45, 21, 63, 90, 10, 203, 26, 205, 21, 34, 19, 203, 21, 151, 14, 234, 13, 111, 15, 206, 61, 86, 60, 67, 60, 26, 18, 30, 14, 50, 15, 250, 10, 211, 30, 13, 11, 25, 11, 18, 11, 0, 29, 134, 18, 196, 18, 129, 18, 178, 53, 188, 53, 247, 49, 244, 0, 44, 7, 95, 3, 56, 27, 164, 27, 73, 27, 186, 21, 12, 22, 192, 21, 131, 8, 183, 8, 218, 19, 176, 7, 189, 73, 237, 72, 182, 18, 188, 18, 11, 19, 168, 20, 183, 20, 109, 20, 197, 50, 21, 33, 109, 61, 243, 21, 40, 14, 237, 21, 104, 23, 130, 23, 138, 23, 39, 64, 147, 64, 91, 32, 168, 44, 178, 44, 173, 44, 226, 18, 104, 18, 75, 12, 132, 18, 128, 18, 122, 18, 222, 15, 182, 15, 168, 15, 134, 42, 196, 42, 70, 42, 217, 26, 226, 28, 114, 29, 24, 63, 150, 10, 174, 10, 37, 21, 15, 20, 10, 20, 118, 18, 212, 18, 230, 18, 203, 52, 154, 53, 237, 51, 23, 20, 63, 21, 33, 20, 246, 48, 30, 49, 35, 49, 22, 11, 200, 26, 15, 11, 77, 70, 83, 70, 246, 69, 130, 15, 85, 14, 80, 15, 149, 1, 180, 5, 98, 7, 225, 37, 75, 35, 93, 49, 22, 18, 58, 14, 83, 16, 137, 16, 190, 16, 108, 16, 78, 5, 250, 4, 156, 4, 227, 50, 4, 51, 213, 50, 222, 39, 90, 35, 85, 35, 170, 12, 21, 19, 10, 19, 207, 42, 79, 43, 71, 43, 198, 27, 132, 28, 101, 28, 12, 59, 6, 59, 6, 61, 5, 64, 55, 32, 212, 64, 254, 23, 199, 24, 110, 24, 254, 19, 165, 19, 160, 19, 76, 13, 154, 13, 219, 11, 153, 29, 148, 29, 143, 29, 200, 25, 202, 21, 33, 19, 89, 67, 95, 67, 29, 67, 5, 8, 11, 8, 251, 7, 123, 0, 188, 0, 152, 0, 101, 23, 66, 19, 194, 25, 217, 1, 48, 2, 160, 1, 93, 18, 8, 12, 245, 11, 90, 6, 98, 6, 86, 5, 79, 19, 18, 22, 83, 19, 16, 14, 48, 14, 169, 13, 49, 19, 98, 19, 101, 19, 89, 19, 96, 19, 48, 19, 162, 15, 242, 15, 229, 15, 153, 37, 82, 39, 116, 37, 126, 69, 139, 69, 91, 69, 239, 34, 231, 34, 68, 47, 68, 44, 78, 47, 44, 47, 12, 0, 86, 74, 115, 74, 33, 48, 21, 41, 15, 41, 123, 42, 140, 62, 90, 41, 222, 71, 143, 71, 34, 71, 200, 58, 194, 58, 203, 58, 246, 36, 177, 35, 4, 36, 134, 9, 121, 19, 133, 19, 14, 10, 129, 19, 7, 10, 215, 71, 31, 71, 36, 71, 8, 60, 2, 60, 155, 8, 13, 18, 48, 16, 75, 16, 254, 27, 166, 28, 5, 28, 90, 65, 114, 65, 126, 65, 181, 32, 233, 61, 242, 61, 83, 18, 185, 13, 139, 13, 136, 20, 115, 20, 177, 19, 89, 20, 151, 19, 166, 19, 171, 19, 167, 19, 152, 19, 152, 11, 123, 11, 158, 11, 145, 40, 107, 40, 135, 40, 58, 8, 168, 19, 172, 19, 175, 19, 27, 8, 59, 8, 121, 21, 154, 19, 149, 19, 175, 46, 72, 43, 216, 42, 152, 49, 229, 64, 205, 67, 181, 19, 209, 19, 141, 19, 174, 19, 124, 21, 127, 21, 127, 58, 138, 58, 116, 58, 49, 46, 201, 41, 192, 41, 179, 21, 1, 63, 208, 25, 178, 47, 145, 62, 61, 35, 198, 19, 136, 21, 189, 19, 87, 8, 227, 19, 126, 8, 180, 65, 125, 65, 129, 65, 204, 19, 210, 19, 182, 19, 4, 19, 199, 12, 242, 18, 203, 18, 53, 14, 63, 12, 133, 30, 60, 30, 47, 30, 183, 57, 101, 57, 178, 57, 207, 51, 199, 51, 212, 51, 206, 34, 38, 52, 6, 52, 228, 19, 109, 72, 224, 19, 9, 55, 252, 54, 141, 32, 70, 40, 131, 56, 76, 40, 241, 19, 255, 19, 161, 19, 148, 73, 190, 72, 152, 73, 51, 23, 178, 23, 164, 23, 244, 1, 149, 3, 144, 3, 72, 17, 18, 17, 10, 17, 1, 51, 216, 50, 8, 51, 109, 13, 143, 14, 251, 12, 124, 25, 3, 24, 142, 25, 212, 20, 4, 21, 197, 20, 233, 12, 246, 12, 99, 13, 165, 67, 157, 67, 5, 68, 188, 6, 168, 1, 175, 3, 34, 20, 98, 21, 28, 20, 202, 67, 197, 67, 108, 66, 45, 59, 16, 62, 83, 60, 196, 71, 191, 71, 182, 71, 74, 11, 80, 26, 70, 27, 113, 54, 242, 53, 119, 42, 228, 12, 212, 12, 218, 12, 4, 72, 16, 72, 28, 72, 181, 49, 122, 54, 16, 35, 13, 37, 35, 36, 18, 37, 85, 31, 116, 71, 245, 66, 45, 30, 66, 30, 71, 30, 134, 22, 217, 24, 132, 22, 62, 20, 52, 20, 57, 20, 120, 29, 41, 29, 37, 29, 228, 66, 69, 67, 62, 67, 73, 59, 57, 59, 67, 59, 5, 47, 196, 34, 191, 34, 229, 46, 226, 46, 119, 47, 2, 20, 68, 8, 237, 19, 180, 58, 244, 60, 30, 59, 155, 20, 163, 20, 93, 20, 240, 64, 105, 66, 140, 70, 2, 74, 95, 0, 12, 74, 211, 25, 250, 21, 70, 20, 21, 40, 132, 40, 53, 49, 135, 31, 121, 49, 249, 70, 112, 13, 97, 13, 105, 13, 211, 15, 205, 15, 196, 15, 57, 12, 127, 12, 106, 12, 24, 67, 88, 67, 28, 67, 209, 72, 208, 7, 179, 25, 176, 10, 237, 30, 97, 10, 218, 3, 57, 2, 224, 1, 25, 66, 217, 71, 129, 71, 114, 69, 51, 69, 75, 69, 40, 9, 32, 9, 55, 9, 169, 62, 191, 62, 185, 10, 81, 20, 178, 20, 147, 20, 137, 20, 162, 20, 121, 20, 17, 4, 207, 6, 24, 4, 122, 44, 160, 43, 254, 42, 106, 38, 112, 38, 99, 38, 220, 56, 43, 57, 252, 56, 74, 23, 27, 19, 119, 23, 84, 43, 103, 43, 78, 43, 3, 67, 112, 67, 179, 67, 17, 22, 78, 19, 60, 19, 235, 59, 51, 1, 98, 72, 140, 46, 250, 43, 98, 44, 189, 42, 20, 42, 68, 42, 182, 66, 33, 68, 120, 66, 33, 59, 243, 0, 175, 59, 125, 30, 187, 30, 104, 30, 187, 72, 242, 72, 179, 72, 223, 28, 224, 30, 52, 11, 44, 9, 41, 20, 48, 9, 174, 32, 161, 32, 101, 55, 169, 67, 128, 67, 134, 67, 139, 18, 168, 18, 146, 18, 71, 36, 140, 36, 41, 39, 105, 0, 132, 0, 255, 73, 101, 62, 56, 9, 33, 9, 118, 23, 7, 23, 73, 23, 190, 52, 166, 34, 195, 52, 43, 9, 0, 21, 249, 20, 11, 2, 19, 4, 187, 2, 244, 3, 172, 3, 245, 6, 103, 9, 62, 9, 55, 20, 250, 35, 249, 48, 242, 35, 142, 46, 101, 44, 136, 46, 206, 20, 199, 20, 35, 20, 56, 33, 161, 57, 126, 57, 48, 10, 224, 62, 12, 63, 240, 4, 132, 1, 233, 4, 188, 40, 80, 48, 72, 48, 211, 22, 167, 23, 172, 23, 101, 61, 8, 33, 154, 60, 231, 22, 154, 23, 161, 23, 64, 50, 82, 54, 184, 53, 159, 22, 121, 24, 97, 22, 178, 45, 7, 41, 51, 41, 67, 10, 53, 10, 237, 25, 30, 13, 59, 13, 34, 13, 223, 12, 207, 12, 42, 13, 92, 7, 103, 72, 173, 20, 234, 21, 196, 21, 212, 21, 26, 20, 20, 20, 32, 20, 106, 53, 92, 53, 57, 53, 104, 20, 124, 20, 116, 20, 23, 21, 92, 59, 41, 21, 188, 55, 118, 32, 209, 32, 208, 54, 196, 49, 203, 54, 224, 23, 11, 25, 194, 24, 118, 45, 187, 41, 165, 41, 88, 15, 99, 15, 218, 14, 38, 57, 83, 57, 77, 57, 217, 54, 4, 33, 174, 54, 22, 74, 55, 0, 88, 0, 135, 29, 207, 29, 139, 29, 133, 5, 92, 4, 60, 2, 214, 23, 208, 23, 1, 24, 235, 31, 206, 31, 219, 64, 186, 13, 84, 18, 172, 12, 92, 3, 3, 6, 192, 5, 152, 55, 126, 63, 174, 64, 7, 37, 236, 35, 142, 48, 207, 52, 246, 51, 160, 53, 79, 74, 146, 74, 84, 74, 88, 21, 113, 21, 84, 21, 77, 4, 70, 4, 80, 4, 56, 18, 173, 12, 85, 18, 73, 38, 207, 39, 106, 39, 144, 31, 122, 31, 100, 31, 130, 51, 127, 51, 45, 51, 76, 8, 35, 8, 100, 19, 209, 22, 198, 22, 186, 22, 8, 69, 254, 68, 4, 69, 67, 9, 83, 9, 51, 20, 82, 21, 81, 59, 44, 21, 161, 3, 168, 3, 242, 3, 207, 20, 37, 20, 103, 21, 105, 64, 125, 55, 149, 32, 201, 23, 166, 22, 176, 22, 26, 33, 166, 57, 150, 53, 163, 5, 1, 4, 7, 4, 137, 66, 149, 66, 205, 66, 122, 21, 150, 19, 117, 21, 137, 18, 144, 18, 171, 18, 57, 8, 120, 21, 206, 19, 89, 70, 129, 70, 255, 69, 125, 21, 118, 21, 54, 8, 30, 17, 226, 17, 210, 17, 25, 50, 128, 42, 8, 54, 107, 47, 170, 47, 161, 47, 110, 33, 159, 56, 193, 33, 169, 40, 68, 56, 242, 39, 216, 58, 54, 1, 222, 58, 121, 40, 13, 40, 6, 40, 219, 72, 180, 72, 212, 73, 253, 21, 106, 19, 149, 21, 87, 16, 182, 17, 147, 12, 131, 25, 191, 22, 134, 25, 91, 40, 99, 56, 237, 48, 131, 74, 17, 0, 111, 74, 213, 2, 68, 1, 95, 7, 18, 56, 46, 49, 253, 48, 115, 54, 92, 50, 52, 54, 202, 54, 237, 32, 206, 54, 43, 40, 221, 40, 161, 48, 228, 34, 42, 44, 47, 47, 18, 51, 204, 50, 207, 50, 30, 0, 38, 74, 18, 74, 172, 21, 167, 21, 190, 21, 251, 21, 192, 19, 71, 20, 248, 42, 193, 41, 243, 42, 91, 73, 76, 73, 234, 73, 148, 21, 153, 21, 82, 8, 173, 18, 14, 19, 176, 18, 170, 49, 110, 49, 4, 64, 125, 62, 38, 27, 40, 10, 62, 53, 67, 53, 42, 53, 100, 24, 202, 24, 96, 24, 174, 24, 158, 25, 182, 24, 237, 31, 178, 31, 155, 31, 14, 34, 111, 34, 83, 34, 43, 8, 36, 8, 132, 21, 200, 54, 147, 54, 210, 54, 202, 47, 186, 47, 89, 41, 208, 71, 158, 71, 27, 71, 230, 45, 249, 45, 78, 45, 220, 32, 61, 60, 228, 32, 209, 52, 80, 52, 76, 52, 43, 52, 51, 52, 200, 34, 15, 66, 42, 71, 75, 71, 159, 68, 189, 68, 118, 68, 122, 64, 139, 32, 134, 32, 37, 71, 222, 65, 223, 71, 242, 42, 199, 41, 60, 44, 234, 42, 41, 43, 152, 43, 44, 0, 58, 0, 39, 0, 208, 56, 240, 56, 24, 57, 174, 25, 171, 25, 163, 25, 35, 66, 146, 68, 132, 68, 217, 40, 120, 48, 166, 48, 235, 21, 229, 21, 238, 21, 129, 12, 194, 21, 41, 14, 244, 13, 138, 14, 236, 13, 135, 51, 119, 33, 134, 52, 57, 69, 172, 69, 122, 69, 100, 34, 91, 34, 249, 33, 86, 34, 112, 34, 15, 34, 226, 59, 107, 59, 233, 59, 24, 37, 19, 37, 36, 36, 69, 19, 75, 19, 64, 19, 102, 38, 148, 37, 77, 39, 40, 72, 36, 72, 59, 72, 13, 13, 10, 13, 44, 13, 84, 69, 43, 68, 88, 69, 56, 32, 65, 32, 69, 32, 241, 45, 251, 40, 149, 45, 171, 12, 55, 18, 161, 13, 154, 67, 160, 67, 100, 67, 85, 52, 206, 52, 95, 52, 184, 21, 143, 12, 1, 22, 233, 65, 240, 65, 250, 65, 249, 28, 195, 26, 175, 26, 217, 22, 242, 22, 236, 22, 115, 56, 87, 48, 93, 56, 62, 47, 108, 46, 119, 53, 98, 22, 123, 24, 50, 22, 204, 18, 64, 12, 46, 12, 111, 8, 84, 8, 117, 8, 30, 9, 237, 20, 93, 21, 98, 16, 253, 17, 96, 17, 84, 45, 29, 45, 185, 44, 147, 55, 85, 64, 96, 64, 212, 48, 223, 48, 196, 48, 89, 52, 170, 34, 84, 52, 99, 68, 175, 68, 179, 68, 248, 48, 36, 49, 147, 35, 247, 70, 125, 31, 117, 31, 37, 36, 204, 35, 99, 35, 211, 44, 14, 41, 190, 44, 72, 69, 229, 69, 185, 69, 80, 71, 254, 70, 14, 71, 73, 14, 34, 16, 28, 16, 47, 66, 188, 71, 52, 66, 137, 56, 129, 56, 10, 48, 215, 24, 210, 24, 11, 24, 227, 65, 218, 65, 213, 65, 13, 25, 226, 23, 66, 25, 152, 68, 98, 68, 216, 68, 155, 29, 62, 28, 42, 28, 154, 15, 37, 16, 71, 14, 124, 29, 240, 28, 7, 29, 88, 74, 38, 33, 50, 33, 123, 12, 70, 12, 74, 12, 153, 8, 232, 7, 13, 60, 82, 19, 16, 22, 92, 19, 228, 5, 59, 6, 46, 6, 30, 15, 90, 13, 134, 27, 102, 1, 173, 2, 214, 4, 39, 51, 34, 51, 177, 33, 3, 62, 226, 32, 58, 60, 41, 12, 237, 26, 227, 26, 215, 39, 120, 35, 179, 36, 161, 58, 192, 0, 12, 61, 79, 57, 198, 57, 192, 57, 140, 5, 123, 3, 25, 7, 218, 39, 73, 49, 79, 49, 49, 15, 38, 15, 44, 15, 113, 47, 156, 47, 146, 47, 81, 55, 143, 55, 222, 55, 109, 28, 134, 28, 129, 28, 231, 66, 203, 66, 15, 67, 144, 74, 98, 74, 74, 74, 129, 25, 146, 25, 200, 23, 16, 0, 101, 74, 108, 74, 28, 46, 1, 43, 153, 42, 193, 15, 219, 13, 238, 12, 43, 30, 19, 30, 32, 30, 5, 15, 0, 14, 0, 15, 176, 25, 133, 22, 130, 22, 137, 71, 45, 66, 60, 66, 58, 58, 248, 57, 51, 58, 11, 61, 3, 59, 165, 58, 88, 20, 95, 20, 157, 19, 209, 69, 7, 70, 202, 69, 143, 22, 140, 22, 93, 22, 11, 4, 174, 1, 189, 1, 202, 22, 178, 22, 168, 22, 101, 8, 16, 21, 107, 8, 3, 30, 164, 29, 131, 29, 139, 31, 112, 31, 101, 31, 165, 37, 216, 37, 120, 37, 194, 22, 184, 22, 137, 25, 87, 57, 159, 57, 136, 57, 61, 21, 40, 21, 91, 59, 174, 66, 44, 68, 17, 68, 30, 54, 104, 54, 223, 49, 27, 46, 125, 44, 255, 42, 0, 40, 78, 40, 164, 40, 142, 47, 30, 34, 122, 47, 5, 26, 136, 26, 185, 26, 50, 36, 96, 49, 98, 59, 241, 44, 239, 41, 232, 41, 241, 22, 215, 22, 17, 23, 131, 12, 23, 19, 122, 23, 13, 64, 55, 55, 95, 60, 254, 64, 235, 64, 218, 70, 185, 31, 216, 31, 191, 31, 19, 23, 23, 23, 30, 23, 41, 23, 254, 22, 64, 23, 174, 22, 203, 23, 163, 22, 99, 21, 39, 20, 29, 20, 127, 23, 147, 23, 71, 23, 218, 50, 196, 50, 131, 53, 81, 23, 77, 23, 85, 23, 83, 8, 120, 8, 116, 8, 206, 17, 225, 17, 199, 17, 125, 16, 241, 17, 188, 16, 23, 40, 140, 40, 33, 40, 91, 42, 106, 42, 99, 42, 165, 3, 155, 3, 213, 1, 196, 20, 47, 9, 193, 20, 60, 56, 56, 56, 38, 56, 220, 73, 41, 73, 64, 73, 82, 68, 30, 68, 56, 69, 54, 47, 39, 53, 237, 34, 184, 60, 29, 50, 223, 54, 136, 74, 112, 74, 103, 74, 176, 53, 174, 53, 194, 53, 3, 38, 184, 36, 255, 37, 239, 68, 158, 68, 117, 68, 33, 45, 42, 45, 91, 45, 148, 45, 250, 40, 1, 41, 124, 3, 31, 7, 26, 7, 223, 66, 83, 67, 208, 66, 103, 73, 124, 73, 114, 73, 48, 61, 118, 0, 143, 58, 216, 70, 2, 71, 198, 70, 69, 7, 193, 4, 93, 2, 133, 41, 235, 46, 231, 46, 140, 35, 134, 56, 7, 48, 216, 59, 179, 58, 29, 59, 14, 69, 153, 68, 246, 68, 78, 72, 182, 62, 175, 62, 135, 46, 94, 44, 252, 43, 239, 28, 123, 29, 117, 29, 108, 13, 103, 13, 243, 12, 73, 21, 239, 8, 150, 62, 97, 34, 92, 34, 104, 34, 7, 42, 231, 44, 227, 44, 115, 35, 143, 49, 224, 35, 208, 24, 79, 24, 10, 24, 37, 40, 116, 40, 24, 40, 208, 18, 127, 18, 130, 18, 39, 38, 50, 38, 153, 38, 142, 16, 120, 16, 148, 16, 142, 45, 128, 45, 46, 40, 178, 13, 188, 13, 248, 18, 153, 55, 175, 64, 236, 55, 117, 32, 166, 64, 150, 55, 246, 56, 226, 57, 32, 57, 198, 8, 19, 60, 85, 72, 173, 21, 191, 21, 9, 22, 98, 25, 15, 24, 63, 24, 227, 52, 237, 52, 114, 52, 237, 43, 124, 47, 105, 44, 134, 11, 42, 12, 228, 26, 131, 18, 205, 18, 209, 18, 195, 8, 187, 61, 88, 59, 224, 11, 12, 12, 129, 11, 216, 19, 3, 20, 248, 19, 117, 51, 15, 53, 151, 51, 202, 48, 120, 40, 5, 40, 83, 27, 93, 27, 79, 27, 158, 7, 171, 7, 144, 7, 101, 30, 117, 30, 85, 30, 214, 11, 160, 11, 251, 11, 253, 26, 46, 27, 7, 27, 196, 22, 175, 23, 135, 25, 225, 47, 220, 47, 44, 48, 180, 37, 206, 37, 132, 37, 204, 64, 96, 63, 205, 62, 186, 64, 252, 67, 174, 63, 105, 12, 99, 18, 56, 12, 237, 46, 162, 52, 65, 34, 78, 21, 231, 20, 210, 20, 220, 61, 51, 60, 191, 61, 77, 27, 196, 11, 80, 27, 69, 50, 76, 50, 104, 53, 177, 67, 116, 67, 2, 67, 46, 62, 65, 0, 136, 61, 45, 63, 53, 63, 139, 67, 121, 44, 116, 44, 159, 43, 201, 34, 205, 34, 46, 52, 238, 28, 116, 29, 228, 28, 143, 43, 122, 46, 90, 46, 154, 24, 213, 24, 190, 24, 180, 24, 176, 24, 185, 24, 20, 26, 42, 26, 212, 10, 23, 50, 151, 54, 39, 50, 4, 68, 156, 67, 90, 67, 156, 42, 13, 43, 75, 46, 52, 19, 207, 21, 193, 25, 219, 40, 167, 48, 159, 48, 158, 24, 209, 24, 214, 24, 106, 24, 196, 24, 27, 25, 227, 24, 114, 24, 109, 24, 141, 70, 133, 35, 241, 64, 234, 24, 135, 24, 161, 24, 28, 29, 14, 11, 212, 30, 183, 2, 136, 1, 129, 2, 52, 57, 10, 57, 15, 57, 53, 24, 49, 25, 42, 25, 93, 9, 82, 62, 86, 62, 45, 17, 180, 17, 58, 17, 108, 58, 17, 58, 21, 58, 102, 50, 72, 54, 144, 50, 104, 21, 38, 20, 97, 21, 242, 11, 126, 11, 117, 11, 4, 25, 12, 25, 249, 24, 182, 52, 181, 51, 96, 51, 190, 9, 254, 26, 35, 27, 116, 36, 15, 37, 91, 36, 67, 5, 71, 5, 82, 5, 62, 31, 184, 63, 192, 63, 211, 24, 159, 24, 141, 24, 239, 35, 131, 37, 0, 56, 148, 4, 163, 6, 115, 5, 161, 70, 157, 70, 224, 70, 40, 13, 2, 13, 12, 13, 163, 8, 138, 8, 160, 8, 224, 41, 27, 45, 88, 45, 33, 34, 24, 34, 133, 47, 165, 26, 26, 11, 219, 26, 200, 1, 178, 3, 209, 3, 42, 59, 89, 60, 40, 55, 160, 2, 248, 1, 140, 2, 8, 41, 166, 45, 57, 41, 172, 63, 177, 63, 55, 62, 161, 41, 224, 40, 167, 41, 128, 74, 153, 74, 77, 74, 58, 22, 251, 59, 178, 8, 107, 63, 98, 63, 154, 32, 128, 24, 160, 24, 132, 24, 238, 13, 232, 14, 243, 13, 106, 40, 83, 40, 107, 56, 116, 15, 144, 14, 242, 14, 66, 9, 246, 62, 95, 62, 211, 33, 201, 33, 224, 33, 64, 16, 76, 16, 55, 16, 131, 13, 203, 13, 198, 13, 88, 31, 186, 67, 204, 63, 200, 21, 195, 21, 133, 12, 92, 24, 219, 23, 84, 24, 96, 44, 89, 44, 0, 44, 143, 73, 219, 73, 177, 73, 203, 40, 131, 45, 44, 40, 82, 41, 39, 48, 29, 48, 75, 44, 135, 44, 31, 44, 172, 24, 120, 25, 228, 23, 175, 39, 213, 36, 139, 56, 145, 30, 210, 30, 34, 29, 129, 35, 230, 35, 124, 49, 197, 48, 192, 48, 215, 48, 242, 38, 187, 39, 61, 37, 43, 24, 78, 22, 21, 24, 102, 53, 115, 50, 65, 50, 152, 41, 227, 40, 157, 41, 157, 49, 248, 55, 204, 39, 114, 13, 115, 14, 210, 13, 229, 23, 160, 25, 164, 25, 98, 34, 105, 34, 153, 41, 51, 13, 230, 12, 219, 12, 255, 66, 248, 66, 117, 66, 134, 44, 98, 46, 30, 44, 124, 45, 119, 45, 223, 40, 79, 30, 91, 30, 52, 30, 73, 19, 109, 22, 59, 19, 106, 10, 248, 30, 133, 10, 235, 44, 215, 44, 15, 45, 26, 51, 82, 33, 244, 56, 196, 23, 215, 23, 190, 23, 6, 11, 247, 10, 10, 11, 207, 66, 252, 69, 219, 66, 100, 62, 124, 62, 162, 62, 97, 74, 138, 74, 130, 61, 176, 29, 169, 29, 222, 29, 168, 55, 171, 55, 140, 55, 157, 42, 12, 48, 151, 56, 181, 53, 114, 50, 63, 50, 1, 49, 10, 56, 21, 56, 218, 68, 213, 68, 209, 68, 94, 13, 234, 12, 100, 13, 124, 55, 28, 60, 147, 32, 103, 15, 247, 14, 134, 14, 147, 56, 137, 35, 68, 41, 57, 36, 1, 39, 154, 36, 17, 65, 1, 71, 223, 70, 130, 10, 216, 9, 108, 10, 128, 28, 175, 28, 228, 29, 41, 19, 195, 25, 67, 19, 252, 33, 237, 33, 143, 34, 63, 10, 46, 10, 52, 10, 94, 73, 90, 73, 227, 73, 41, 4, 37, 2, 36, 4, 107, 9, 202, 25, 68, 72, 67, 46, 94, 45, 45, 45, 136, 14, 132, 14, 105, 15, 180, 49, 48, 54, 185, 49, 50, 73, 35, 73, 237, 73, 170, 62, 188, 10, 76, 62, 240, 31, 156, 31, 242, 63, 70, 38, 76, 38, 113, 39, 200, 36, 221, 35, 206, 35, 154, 55, 237, 55, 77, 55, 183, 45, 74, 41, 63, 41, 77, 42, 94, 42, 43, 42, 107, 16, 199, 16, 71, 16, 205, 40, 215, 40, 209, 40, 93, 25, 35, 25, 77, 25, 113, 52, 123, 52, 107, 52, 140, 8, 24, 8, 145, 8, 22, 26, 210, 26, 16, 26, 46, 47, 84, 47, 70, 44, 194, 39, 58, 37, 186, 39, 81, 24, 2, 24, 74, 24, 20, 5, 186, 4, 110, 4, 144, 52, 121, 52, 235, 52, 141, 10, 118, 10, 109, 10, 149, 53, 165, 57, 30, 33, 18, 26, 56, 26, 41, 26, 184, 40, 3, 41, 8, 48, 22, 43, 70, 46, 245, 42, 91, 72, 73, 20, 193, 19, 206, 12, 149, 14, 41, 13, 116, 42, 37, 50, 239, 53, 234, 48, 95, 56, 156, 40, 82, 49, 221, 64, 163, 49, 74, 26, 58, 26, 19, 26, 124, 28, 150, 28, 176, 28, 196, 56, 46, 58, 243, 57, 155, 42, 8, 43, 12, 43, 222, 50, 138, 53, 12, 51, 10, 5, 119, 2, 34, 2, 216, 46, 138, 47, 223, 46, 25, 63, 175, 10, 96, 10, 129, 26, 60, 11, 96, 26, 217, 69, 45, 70, 238, 69, 143, 26, 34, 26, 148, 26, 250, 26, 105, 26, 92, 27, 228, 72, 131, 72, 233, 72, 22, 36, 5, 36, 161, 35, 72, 26, 15, 26, 164, 26, 177, 10, 213, 9, 242, 30, 126, 44, 34, 46, 23, 43, 240, 10, 150, 26, 235, 10, 52, 26, 236, 10, 151, 26, 98, 48, 103, 48, 234, 40, 189, 10, 208, 9, 77, 62, 49, 10, 216, 25, 98, 9, 103, 22, 92, 22, 242, 7, 112, 27, 4, 26, 162, 26, 199, 19, 143, 21, 139, 21, 21, 49, 235, 48, 26, 56, 147, 43, 89, 46, 154, 43, 228, 50, 95, 53, 142, 53, 120, 27, 222, 25, 87, 26, 232, 46, 236, 46, 63, 34, 53, 11, 59, 11, 128, 26, 89, 25, 255, 23, 111, 24, 118, 4, 179, 2, 120, 6, 133, 69, 143, 69, 56, 68, 164, 19, 249, 19, 82, 20, 176, 45, 207, 45, 172, 45, 195, 6, 170, 1, 189, 6, 36, 19, 206, 21, 136, 12, 50, 24, 196, 7, 121, 72, 92, 60, 61, 55, 44, 55, 91, 19, 58, 19, 86, 19, 195, 28, 173, 28, 149, 28, 39, 27, 76, 26, 51, 27, 98, 64, 112, 63, 152, 63, 102, 35, 72, 49, 210, 35, 128, 4, 136, 6, 109, 5, 35, 26, 54, 26, 153, 26, 140, 9, 160, 9, 144, 9, 66, 17, 86, 17, 162, 17, 178, 36, 81, 36, 172, 38, 255, 3, 230, 1, 91, 4, 134, 72, 172, 72, 163, 72, 255, 40, 187, 45, 147, 45, 240, 26, 9, 27, 15, 27, 105, 45, 12, 46, 243, 40, 123, 6, 173, 0, 78, 6, 187, 56, 40, 51, 97, 33, 221, 31, 231, 31, 126, 49, 27, 4, 201, 1, 33, 4, 39, 10, 36, 27, 1, 27, 127, 53, 253, 34, 163, 44, 2, 12, 94, 18, 246, 11, 167, 26, 17, 26, 211, 26, 222, 8, 254, 8, 217, 8, 12, 70, 241, 69, 72, 68, 100, 36, 137, 39, 112, 36, 127, 35, 142, 31, 98, 31, 116, 33, 43, 51, 189, 56, 218, 11, 152, 13, 203, 12, 89, 38, 178, 38, 184, 38, 177, 23, 139, 25, 149, 25, 130, 73, 132, 73, 142, 73, 188, 17, 203, 17, 60, 17, 170, 6, 35, 6, 53, 3, 254, 0, 111, 3, 230, 59, 36, 68, 42, 68, 21, 68, 68, 58, 93, 58, 70, 58, 182, 43, 11, 43, 176, 43, 37, 41, 12, 41, 208, 44, 99, 50, 169, 50, 95, 50, 98, 58, 71, 58, 95, 58, 231, 38, 171, 38, 205, 38, 14, 9, 120, 62, 64, 9, 6, 53, 221, 33, 130, 52, 181, 21, 75, 20, 30, 10, 48, 47, 232, 34, 229, 34, 202, 11, 228, 11, 143, 11, 105, 41, 60, 47, 119, 46, 134, 54, 99, 3, 35, 59, 91, 8, 193, 8, 39, 60, 197, 63, 185, 67, 86, 31, 55, 8, 130, 21, 126, 21, 203, 34, 198, 34, 19, 47, 188, 61, 96, 8, 89, 59, 248, 61, 53, 60, 48, 60, 230, 28, 110, 27, 115, 27, 104, 52, 92, 51, 169, 52, 84, 39, 65, 39, 14, 39, 133, 39, 167, 38, 150, 38, 65, 18, 134, 13, 178, 12, 88, 37, 233, 39, 121, 38, 49, 42, 41, 42, 237, 41, 99, 36, 107, 36, 144, 39, 104, 67, 47, 67, 51, 31, 104, 11, 109, 11, 153, 27, 140, 23, 132, 23, 156, 23, 71, 50, 50, 62, 148, 53, 27, 22, 29, 24, 20, 24, 97, 24, 89, 24, 101, 24, 43, 23, 5, 23, 255, 22, 82, 6, 126, 6, 121, 4, 209, 4, 119, 6, 178, 2, 82, 55, 172, 64, 144, 55, 87, 2, 90, 2, 196, 4, 22, 0, 135, 57, 158, 57, 120, 24, 158, 22, 84, 25, 67, 7, 89, 2, 99, 1, 36, 41, 79, 41, 27, 48, 86, 10, 56, 10, 79, 10, 226, 64, 225, 31, 146, 70, 219, 43, 18, 43, 165, 46, 21, 61, 26, 61, 193, 50, 197, 38, 18, 38, 202, 38, 163, 38, 180, 38, 146, 38, 80, 29, 21, 29, 241, 28, 158, 54, 234, 53, 246, 32, 211, 3, 181, 3, 200, 3, 118, 11, 191, 11, 71, 11, 51, 18, 30, 18, 49, 18, 199, 30, 70, 29, 54, 30, 40, 61, 135, 61, 9, 74, 127, 29, 194, 29, 246, 29, 245, 30, 17, 31, 234, 30, 82, 17, 144, 17, 210, 16, 60, 22, 40, 24, 189, 7, 75, 45, 63, 45, 228, 45, 8, 4, 3, 4, 216, 6, 222, 16, 229, 16, 240, 16, 19, 41, 199, 47, 192, 44, 36, 66, 134, 68, 84, 66, 129, 54, 173, 54, 217, 49, 34, 57, 164, 33, 29, 51, 203, 50, 219, 50, 205, 50, 233, 11, 77, 13, 97, 11, 194, 31, 207, 67, 149, 31, 222, 47, 75, 48, 209, 47, 14, 46, 229, 40, 242, 40, 77, 28, 71, 28, 193, 29, 171, 14, 99, 14, 25, 14, 221, 38, 102, 36, 246, 37, 18, 62, 67, 21, 7, 20, 76, 47, 37, 44, 40, 44, 190, 28, 162, 28, 141, 28, 112, 69, 70, 69, 49, 69, 22, 27, 241, 62, 32, 27, 30, 16, 64, 14, 26, 16, 33, 38, 90, 37, 122, 38, 20, 60, 200, 8, 104, 55, 32, 53, 20, 52, 234, 34, 86, 39, 156, 37, 111, 37, 137, 38, 115, 38, 203, 37, 55, 47, 238, 34, 67, 47, 29, 44, 76, 44, 21, 44, 117, 72, 65, 8, 212, 19, 196, 40, 190, 40, 11, 48, 172, 27, 167, 27, 61, 11, 71, 69, 26, 69, 50, 69, 57, 72, 44, 72, 38, 72, 97, 71, 227, 70, 234, 70, 241, 35, 245, 48, 212, 36, 146, 0, 200, 0, 127, 0, 109, 55, 236, 61, 186, 32, 227, 22, 224, 22, 247, 22, 29, 72, 24, 72, 34, 72, 4, 24, 188, 24, 212, 24, 5, 29, 51, 29, 121, 29, 45, 62, 30, 61, 117, 0, 7, 22, 46, 19, 34, 8, 19, 25, 143, 24, 62, 25, 61, 18, 68, 18, 92, 15, 61, 17, 68, 17, 74, 17, 249, 73, 91, 0, 85, 0, 188, 66, 7, 67, 183, 66, 205, 7, 135, 22, 178, 25, 48, 40, 141, 40, 135, 45, 219, 3, 163, 3, 245, 3, 218, 60, 123, 60, 31, 59, 171, 70, 69, 71, 180, 70, 110, 34, 116, 34, 134, 34, 184, 72, 173, 7, 223, 72, 112, 71, 85, 66, 135, 68, 196, 63, 201, 63, 184, 67, 189, 30, 20, 30, 46, 30, 181, 62, 208, 8, 66, 62, 20, 11, 209, 26, 198, 26, 126, 74, 146, 57, 119, 74, 61, 67, 55, 67, 234, 66, 135, 55, 130, 55, 98, 55, 193, 32, 126, 55, 253, 54, 200, 22, 191, 23, 216, 23, 212, 46, 136, 51, 158, 34, 45, 26, 207, 10, 40, 26, 124, 71, 80, 66, 224, 68, 26, 60, 122, 55, 108, 8, 150, 21, 145, 21, 255, 21, 16, 30, 6, 30, 10, 30, 109, 34, 133, 34, 82, 34, 95, 29, 245, 29, 108, 29, 31, 53, 158, 52, 175, 51, 7, 71, 196, 70, 202, 70, 8, 66, 1, 66, 230, 65, 113, 70, 130, 70, 134, 70, 135, 36, 92, 36, 16, 37, 192, 8, 85, 59, 34, 60, 176, 30, 187, 29, 82, 29, 175, 30, 202, 29, 186, 29, 252, 29, 79, 29, 185, 29, 182, 40, 125, 56, 120, 56, 244, 57, 41, 58, 252, 57, 206, 29, 133, 29, 249, 29, 19, 29, 255, 29, 201, 29, 141, 29, 165, 29, 138, 29, 46, 28, 235, 29, 33, 28, 140, 57, 49, 33, 98, 57, 99, 37, 125, 38, 223, 37, 204, 29, 248, 29, 190, 29, 247, 29, 196, 29, 189, 29, 199, 29, 188, 29, 195, 29, 200, 12, 181, 12, 93, 11, 167, 55, 126, 32, 170, 55, 160, 66, 236, 66, 200, 66, 52, 67, 11, 67, 59, 67, 18, 23, 216, 22, 3, 23, 39, 22, 241, 7, 91, 22, 22, 6, 18, 6, 255, 5, 36, 44, 73, 47, 64, 44, 174, 29, 241, 29, 96, 29, 36, 30, 101, 29, 90, 29, 148, 41, 185, 46, 94, 34, 232, 52, 45, 34, 157, 52, 207, 40, 212, 40, 117, 48, 224, 21, 239, 21, 230, 21, 58, 13, 29, 13, 67, 13, 135, 56, 141, 35, 174, 39, 48, 71, 60, 71, 13, 66, 69, 30, 90, 30, 68, 29, 168, 62, 137, 62, 24, 62, 31, 24, 216, 7, 226, 7, 166, 62, 128, 62, 134, 62, 108, 40, 41, 49, 13, 48, 173, 31, 141, 31, 126, 35, 106, 6, 223, 4, 113, 6, 143, 62, 165, 44, 91, 41, 224, 10, 239, 25, 195, 10, 45, 58, 251, 57, 242, 57, 166, 46, 53, 43, 199, 42, 160, 31, 168, 31, 103, 31, 100, 37, 42, 38, 126, 38, 170, 64, 187, 63, 125, 63, 99, 30, 84, 30, 94, 30, 92, 33, 86, 33, 26, 57, 20, 31, 244, 67, 230, 10, 103, 34, 234, 33, 229, 33, 144, 48, 217, 48, 172, 48, 151, 21, 158, 21, 80, 8, 43, 27, 249, 26, 186, 9, 79, 48, 122, 56, 180, 40, 194, 33, 160, 56, 175, 56, 48, 51, 218, 33, 145, 51, 77, 7, 93, 7, 175, 20, 77, 48, 224, 47, 41, 48, 12, 30, 30, 30, 17, 30, 170, 30, 29, 30, 11, 30, 173, 72, 138, 72, 140, 72, 129, 20, 99, 20, 96, 72, 54, 74, 72, 74, 32, 74, 228, 73, 100, 73, 95, 73, 213, 23, 162, 22, 202, 23, 75, 30, 205, 30, 197, 30, 203, 30, 67, 30, 198, 30, 241, 66, 142, 68, 118, 66, 184, 48, 175, 48, 149, 48, 246, 14, 220, 13, 231, 13, 226, 67, 231, 67, 63, 31, 18, 16, 217, 13, 158, 15, 79, 5, 141, 1, 251, 4, 128, 7, 171, 72, 151, 7, 54, 25, 204, 24, 104, 24, 33, 16, 52, 18, 44, 16, 214, 56, 152, 52, 161, 33, 189, 58, 215, 60, 171, 59, 241, 72, 185, 72, 224, 72, 49, 31, 30, 67, 103, 67, 241, 11, 81, 11, 111, 11, 151, 15, 77, 14, 96, 14, 146, 15, 132, 15, 233, 15, 2, 72, 49, 72, 54, 72, 130, 71, 177, 71, 43, 66, 87, 74, 47, 33, 83, 74, 248, 31, 58, 32, 58, 55, 25, 45, 32, 45, 87, 45, 15, 71, 18, 71, 107, 65, 41, 3, 58, 6, 32, 3, 147, 3, 248, 6, 12, 7, 19, 22, 61, 19, 110, 22, 111, 55, 178, 32, 238, 61, 15, 50, 211, 49, 36, 54, 18, 25, 60, 25, 138, 24, 66, 31, 58, 63, 71, 31, 209, 73, 240, 72, 188, 73, 40, 0, 61, 0, 69, 0, 116, 63, 147, 63, 49, 63, 192, 26, 113, 27, 158, 26, 232, 64, 97, 31, 118, 31, 218, 54, 239, 60, 181, 54, 42, 33, 149, 57, 169, 57, 156, 39, 158, 38, 150, 39, 41, 47, 75, 47, 215, 34, 216, 3, 243, 6, 207, 3, 254, 66, 1, 67, 115, 67, 174, 60, 214, 60, 222, 60, 181, 45, 189, 45, 73, 41, 58, 68, 202, 66, 230, 66, 224, 37, 101, 49, 73, 35, 34, 40, 142, 40, 49, 40, 250, 64, 18, 65, 108, 31, 63, 20, 58, 20, 226, 62, 80, 69, 120, 68, 100, 69, 75, 4, 78, 4, 87, 4, 246, 64, 127, 31, 10, 71, 226, 55, 155, 55, 164, 55, 29, 34, 217, 46, 119, 52, 106, 32, 120, 32, 189, 55, 165, 31, 133, 31, 138, 31, 91, 1, 145, 7, 110, 7, 75, 5, 200, 2, 155, 72, 179, 57, 134, 57, 142, 57, 186, 16, 179, 17, 85, 16, 140, 71, 89, 66, 22, 71, 202, 1, 193, 3, 35, 4, 234, 57, 15, 58, 105, 58, 210, 45, 186, 44, 31, 45, 59, 63, 80, 31, 74, 31, 194, 9, 78, 9, 201, 9, 187, 31, 230, 31, 217, 31, 222, 31, 129, 49, 148, 49, 165, 33, 97, 51, 30, 51, 102, 27, 16, 11, 196, 26, 62, 65, 84, 65, 79, 65, 85, 7, 59, 1, 242, 73, 181, 14, 7, 15, 1, 15, 30, 32, 10, 32, 20, 32, 16, 32, 38, 32, 50, 35, 29, 32, 19, 32, 46, 32, 208, 55, 47, 32, 52, 32, 49, 32, 44, 32, 54, 32, 23, 32, 1, 32, 43, 32, 211, 54, 244, 32, 201, 54, 209, 54, 145, 54, 9, 50, 145, 66, 213, 66, 153, 66, 87, 68, 59, 69, 17, 69, 116, 68, 170, 68, 126, 68, 148, 32, 6, 55, 176, 55, 28, 55, 22, 55, 217, 32, 132, 72, 183, 73, 139, 72, 64, 32, 200, 55, 68, 32, 22, 51, 153, 33, 56, 51, 163, 64, 114, 32, 130, 64, 64, 41, 167, 45, 195, 45, 163, 32, 175, 32, 156, 32, 218, 55, 183, 32, 3, 55, 220, 55, 118, 55, 190, 32, 185, 32, 219, 55, 189, 32, 50, 72, 9, 72, 42, 72, 80, 63, 53, 31, 51, 63, 2, 55, 247, 61, 121, 55, 90, 52, 161, 34, 242, 46, 194, 28, 36, 28, 225, 29, 124, 41, 111, 47, 145, 47, 70, 24, 76, 25, 114, 25, 53, 50, 69, 54, 101, 50, 186, 60, 206, 58, 241, 32, 123, 54, 182, 49, 11, 50, 132, 60, 171, 60, 253, 32, 84, 37, 46, 36, 188, 35, 64, 0, 48, 74, 45, 74, 117, 12, 120, 12, 109, 18, 115, 26, 214, 28, 86, 26, 72, 51, 83, 51, 5, 51, 117, 74, 149, 74, 123, 74, 55, 30, 71, 29, 48, 29, 105, 11, 83, 11, 235, 11, 196, 72, 213, 72, 193, 7, 250, 20, 245, 20, 45, 9, 118, 29, 149, 30, 184, 30, 182, 55, 108, 55, 114, 55, 103, 3, 229, 59, 108, 3, 0, 68, 2, 68, 87, 67, 182, 31, 154, 31, 177, 31, 48, 28, 38, 28, 198, 28, 240, 63, 208, 31, 238, 31, 32, 15, 185, 14, 91, 13, 132, 33, 85, 33, 181, 33, 122, 57, 79, 33, 135, 33, 60, 33, 142, 33, 147, 33, 65, 43, 59, 43, 52, 43, 182, 30, 179, 30, 84, 29, 85, 2, 39, 7, 64, 4, 166, 33, 22, 57, 179, 33, 38, 51, 176, 33, 154, 51, 197, 4, 205, 4, 101, 2, 203, 44, 239, 44, 198, 44, 202, 33, 191, 33, 197, 33, 223, 33, 200, 33, 196, 33, 199, 33, 209, 33, 230, 33, 66, 22, 225, 23, 123, 25, 49, 29, 105, 30, 58, 30, 231, 33, 250, 33, 245, 33, 9, 48, 127, 56, 185, 40, 113, 14, 237, 14, 226, 13, 142, 7, 139, 7, 155, 7, 244, 31, 76, 49, 139, 49, 147, 53, 97, 53, 77, 53, 62, 30, 130, 30, 97, 30, 254, 33, 144, 34, 138, 34, 8, 34, 190, 46, 243, 33, 129, 51, 44, 51, 118, 33, 253, 19, 240, 19, 234, 19, 189, 25, 28, 24, 26, 22, 122, 34, 131, 34, 115, 34, 132, 34, 123, 34, 129, 34, 171, 68, 190, 68, 196, 68, 176, 34, 254, 46, 68, 52, 138, 43, 133, 43, 147, 44, 183, 34, 98, 47, 190, 34, 44, 36, 239, 37, 221, 39, 220, 34, 33, 47, 216, 34, 160, 55, 100, 64, 125, 32, 144, 59, 54, 6, 8, 3, 162, 50, 3, 35, 8, 35, 174, 44, 11, 35, 170, 44, 29, 35, 13, 35, 37, 35, 177, 44, 39, 35, 68, 35, 15, 35, 121, 54, 38, 35, 70, 35, 175, 49, 49, 35, 67, 35, 46, 35, 175, 44, 66, 35, 56, 35, 4, 32, 44, 10, 62, 10, 212, 25, 2, 32, 59, 35, 63, 35, 82, 71, 95, 71, 158, 65, 54, 29, 63, 29, 44, 29, 111, 5, 173, 4, 129, 4, 78, 70, 250, 69, 243, 69, 71, 33, 123, 57, 136, 33, 72, 24, 67, 24, 79, 25, 24, 44, 11, 44, 165, 43, 190, 19, 137, 21, 186, 19, 150, 35, 250, 48, 251, 35, 164, 35, 156, 35, 149, 35, 18, 49, 241, 48, 175, 35, 114, 31, 110, 31, 132, 31, 10, 7, 8, 2, 137, 2, 41, 33, 34, 33, 7, 0, 191, 35, 201, 35, 95, 37, 193, 35, 229, 39, 196, 35, 77, 33, 151, 33, 133, 33, 246, 49, 187, 53, 18, 54, 143, 33, 60, 51, 148, 33, 123, 39, 190, 37, 72, 38, 253, 35, 247, 35, 25, 36, 48, 57, 66, 57, 214, 57, 244, 36, 3, 36, 19, 36, 247, 25, 233, 25, 11, 26, 178, 29, 99, 29, 171, 29, 227, 36, 0, 36, 26, 36, 218, 36, 27, 36, 222, 36, 28, 36, 243, 35, 224, 36, 154, 22, 146, 22, 149, 22, 226, 29, 174, 28, 197, 28, 224, 38, 242, 37, 15, 38, 212, 59, 193, 59, 228, 0, 192, 35, 43, 36, 227, 39, 83, 54, 200, 53, 186, 53, 121, 50, 81, 50, 118, 50, 2, 39, 58, 36, 253, 38, 62, 36, 68, 36, 249, 38, 254, 38, 60, 36, 247, 38, 61, 36, 189, 39, 66, 36, 245, 38, 74, 36, 237, 38, 39, 52, 11, 52, 8, 52, 40, 29, 73, 29, 36, 29, 26, 21, 4, 20, 64, 21, 7, 38, 168, 39, 121, 36, 132, 67, 33, 67, 52, 31, 227, 29, 104, 28, 127, 28, 130, 36, 133, 36, 29, 37, 132, 36, 14, 37, 28, 37, 122, 36, 131, 36, 126, 36, 26, 5, 41, 2, 132, 3, 196, 14, 188, 14, 231, 14, 94, 54, 28, 54, 184, 54, 100, 61, 107, 61, 9, 61, 58, 31, 171, 67, 82, 63, 113, 34, 106, 34, 205, 43, 48, 37, 164, 36, 136, 36, 144, 36, 65, 37, 196, 39, 151, 36, 68, 37, 145, 36, 155, 36, 70, 37, 148, 36, 44, 23, 252, 22, 54, 23, 25, 25, 140, 24, 157, 24, 89, 39, 117, 37, 83, 39, 236, 52, 226, 52, 148, 52, 67, 37, 150, 36, 73, 37, 168, 36, 173, 36, 141, 36, 48, 72, 255, 71, 246, 65, 145, 9, 130, 19, 141, 9, 165, 10, 15, 63, 225, 62, 52, 25, 54, 24, 124, 24, 110, 69, 116, 69, 120, 69, 12, 38, 35, 37, 1, 38, 207, 35, 189, 36, 192, 36, 94, 14, 81, 14, 121, 15, 76, 28, 192, 29, 126, 29, 142, 34, 204, 46, 255, 33, 148, 42, 58, 46, 235, 42, 248, 70, 9, 71, 126, 31, 143, 70, 106, 66, 4, 65, 1, 55, 120, 55, 184, 64, 226, 36, 217, 36, 220, 36, 226, 15, 253, 15, 106, 14, 233, 52, 116, 52, 112, 52, 6, 27, 233, 26, 252, 26, 254, 43, 8, 44, 139, 46, 50, 19, 102, 19, 38, 8, 238, 36, 229, 36, 44, 37, 47, 37, 2, 37, 40, 37, 43, 37, 221, 36, 252, 36, 211, 40, 233, 40, 102, 48, 142, 32, 254, 54, 127, 55, 84, 57, 193, 57, 78, 57, 122, 41, 243, 43, 118, 41, 204, 38, 155, 38, 198, 38, 125, 51, 73, 34, 25, 34, 166, 36, 37, 37, 169, 36, 190, 14, 152, 14, 118, 15, 252, 47, 61, 48, 66, 48, 87, 37, 190, 35, 94, 37, 119, 37, 90, 39, 145, 37, 147, 37, 96, 39, 164, 37, 162, 37, 94, 39, 140, 37, 101, 39, 123, 37, 141, 37, 49, 44, 96, 43, 110, 46, 193, 23, 187, 22, 128, 25, 143, 37, 138, 37, 175, 37, 160, 37, 139, 37, 171, 37, 31, 54, 148, 50, 105, 54, 112, 39, 120, 39, 69, 38, 248, 46, 129, 46, 95, 47, 163, 37, 173, 37, 168, 37, 167, 37, 172, 37, 176, 37, 154, 49, 193, 31, 63, 49, 156, 45, 215, 45, 46, 45, 168, 42, 55, 45, 206, 41, 13, 12, 128, 12, 58, 12, 189, 67, 91, 31, 194, 67, 182, 57, 177, 57, 71, 57, 153, 20, 165, 20, 113, 20, 34, 38, 230, 37, 91, 37, 92, 37, 231, 37, 236, 37, 89, 37, 235, 37, 82, 37, 149, 39, 88, 36, 154, 39, 19, 8, 135, 8, 116, 72, 129, 36, 26, 37, 32, 37, 10, 38, 128, 36, 31, 37, 237, 37, 13, 38, 83, 37, 233, 37, 17, 38, 238, 37, 36, 38, 23, 38, 232, 37, 29, 38, 25, 38, 38, 38, 59, 38, 212, 38, 53, 38, 12, 47, 37, 52, 204, 34, 196, 25, 31, 19, 102, 23, 147, 22, 123, 22, 152, 22, 244, 16, 241, 16, 215, 16, 112, 5, 137, 6, 38, 5, 90, 12, 101, 12, 18, 12, 84, 38, 81, 38, 134, 38, 94, 56, 96, 40, 151, 40, 57, 17, 182, 16, 186, 17, 175, 69, 224, 69, 177, 69, 27, 60, 109, 8, 76, 59, 5, 56, 57, 49, 50, 49, 64, 18, 71, 18, 132, 13, 212, 14, 180, 14, 159, 14, 81, 41, 206, 47, 25, 48, 70, 55, 32, 55, 246, 54, 234, 67, 136, 67, 143, 67, 231, 3, 176, 3, 228, 3, 204, 13, 243, 14, 145, 14, 199, 70, 204, 70, 221, 70, 186, 38, 211, 38, 58, 38, 56, 25, 29, 25, 205, 24, 111, 69, 121, 69, 69, 69, 61, 22, 192, 7, 188, 25, 22, 24, 79, 22, 71, 22, 205, 9, 186, 10, 219, 62, 26, 38, 19, 38, 234, 37, 217, 38, 16, 38, 24, 38, 36, 57, 41, 57, 217, 57, 248, 38, 64, 36, 11, 39, 251, 38, 246, 38, 8, 39, 0, 39, 10, 39, 16, 39, 220, 22, 169, 22, 165, 22, 45, 24, 16, 24, 80, 22, 22, 34, 253, 52, 122, 51, 185, 56, 254, 57, 63, 58, 224, 29, 27, 28, 219, 29, 175, 41, 204, 43, 189, 46, 167, 9, 184, 9, 74, 72, 175, 31, 233, 31, 210, 31, 144, 58, 42, 61, 51, 61, 38, 43, 247, 42, 240, 42, 174, 13, 186, 18, 159, 12, 38, 14, 193, 21, 231, 21, 176, 26, 11, 11, 251, 28, 59, 39, 29, 39, 53, 39, 60, 64, 66, 64, 104, 32, 98, 39, 61, 39, 116, 39, 60, 39, 54, 39, 114, 39, 112, 46, 48, 44, 102, 41, 221, 27, 229, 27, 85, 13, 66, 3, 247, 2, 248, 5, 208, 63, 71, 64, 164, 64, 97, 39, 115, 39, 121, 37, 91, 39, 95, 39, 146, 37, 246, 8, 240, 8, 91, 62, 227, 8, 221, 8, 74, 62, 155, 22, 87, 25, 82, 25, 32, 39, 38, 39, 56, 39, 30, 39, 236, 38, 34, 39, 240, 38, 234, 38, 27, 39, 9, 39, 63, 36, 13, 39, 166, 47, 93, 52, 243, 46, 42, 29, 122, 29, 53, 29, 242, 29, 175, 29, 215, 29, 201, 72, 210, 72, 29, 73, 32, 38, 220, 38, 27, 38, 222, 6, 176, 1, 183, 1, 174, 37, 134, 37, 178, 37, 115, 37, 144, 37, 159, 37, 146, 36, 143, 36, 191, 39, 54, 37, 142, 36, 184, 39, 22, 45, 62, 42, 243, 41, 106, 35, 239, 55, 67, 49, 11, 17, 21, 17, 153, 16, 216, 73, 166, 73, 217, 73, 183, 39, 139, 36, 70, 36, 52, 37, 182, 39, 239, 38, 238, 38, 181, 39, 69, 36, 56, 36, 192, 39, 185, 39, 59, 36, 149, 36, 193, 39, 152, 36, 147, 36, 55, 36, 131, 15, 103, 14, 140, 15, 9, 38, 123, 36, 127, 36, 254, 35, 160, 35, 249, 35, 252, 35, 246, 35, 30, 36, 123, 58, 100, 58, 106, 58, 170, 57, 35, 33, 43, 33, 45, 44, 142, 44, 51, 47, 233, 50, 200, 50, 241, 50, 51, 43, 179, 42, 198, 42, 51, 40, 62, 40, 36, 40, 62, 48, 3, 48, 96, 48, 231, 39, 224, 39, 87, 35, 197, 35, 230, 39, 80, 35, 237, 39, 198, 35, 81, 35, 246, 5, 244, 2, 75, 3, 188, 49, 245, 32, 213, 55, 38, 26, 93, 26, 67, 26, 4, 46, 17, 46, 115, 45, 65, 68, 163, 66, 54, 68, 35, 17, 183, 16, 4, 17, 70, 14, 61, 16, 83, 14, 14, 32, 31, 32, 18, 32, 180, 73, 210, 73, 172, 73, 107, 64, 162, 63, 38, 31, 166, 72, 120, 7, 167, 7, 193, 48, 14, 40, 219, 48, 92, 13, 136, 27, 231, 27, 122, 40, 130, 40, 169, 48, 22, 31, 233, 10, 200, 10, 102, 33, 188, 33, 13, 58, 86, 40, 243, 47, 174, 40, 137, 0, 154, 0, 149, 0, 59, 40, 39, 40, 27, 40, 131, 0, 197, 0, 254, 73, 81, 5, 148, 1, 142, 1, 56, 40, 65, 40, 143, 56, 130, 72, 74, 1, 231, 72, 135, 54, 182, 60, 194, 60, 228, 59, 102, 3, 141, 54, 68, 12, 116, 12, 140, 11, 74, 43, 116, 43, 122, 43, 129, 52, 153, 34, 21, 34, 77, 63, 189, 63, 145, 63, 154, 29, 41, 28, 145, 29, 160, 68, 211, 68, 126, 71, 220, 57, 221, 56, 242, 56, 70, 0, 48, 62, 41, 0, 195, 72, 51, 24, 122, 72, 239, 20, 223, 20, 236, 20, 172, 17, 115, 17, 195, 17, 168, 48, 129, 40, 165, 48, 250, 57, 44, 58, 52, 58, 154, 47, 148, 47, 159, 47, 230, 22, 234, 22, 166, 23, 58, 35, 0, 32, 6, 32, 161, 29, 39, 28, 208, 28, 161, 40, 171, 40, 244, 39, 228, 36, 237, 36, 2, 36, 174, 17, 160, 17, 85, 17, 16, 41, 234, 47, 191, 47, 209, 11, 185, 11, 179, 11, 255, 10, 249, 10, 142, 26, 192, 71, 53, 66, 189, 71, 54, 69, 18, 69, 60, 69, 255, 36, 225, 36, 244, 35, 103, 40, 159, 40, 99, 40, 90, 40, 235, 47, 98, 56, 17, 13, 252, 12, 20, 13, 117, 55, 112, 55, 188, 32, 38, 24, 46, 24, 186, 7, 118, 48, 213, 40, 104, 48, 240, 13, 230, 14, 195, 13, 114, 28, 120, 28, 215, 27, 123, 42, 90, 41, 24, 35, 33, 58, 133, 58, 30, 58, 210, 2, 76, 7, 204, 2, 81, 62, 92, 9, 87, 9, 220, 40, 42, 40, 130, 45, 180, 21, 209, 25, 69, 20, 17, 41, 188, 44, 13, 41, 39, 13, 146, 14, 1, 13, 34, 23, 11, 23, 68, 23, 255, 67, 36, 31, 1, 68, 70, 72, 210, 25, 63, 72, 231, 29, 16, 28, 105, 28, 55, 41, 164, 45, 60, 41, 212, 60, 203, 60, 229, 58, 80, 62, 226, 8, 73, 62, 42, 22, 23, 22, 148, 8, 192, 70, 108, 71, 208, 70, 225, 48, 205, 48, 199, 48, 86, 41, 182, 47, 185, 35, 192, 47, 188, 47, 196, 47, 81, 34, 130, 34, 127, 34, 157, 16, 180, 16, 202, 16, 53, 20, 65, 20, 101, 9, 7, 35, 2, 35, 98, 41, 96, 41, 1, 35, 159, 44, 157, 71, 219, 71, 24, 71, 20, 2, 96, 4, 225, 4, 236, 51, 167, 53, 231, 51, 254, 59, 191, 8, 179, 8, 55, 19, 80, 19, 84, 19, 181, 46, 188, 43, 145, 46, 186, 46, 150, 41, 145, 41, 196, 46, 201, 46, 140, 41, 186, 15, 175, 15, 203, 15, 13, 45, 200, 44, 242, 44, 163, 41, 169, 41, 183, 43, 124, 52, 36, 34, 108, 52, 5, 16, 195, 15, 187, 15, 9, 69, 28, 69, 94, 68, 20, 36, 240, 36, 248, 36, 117, 59, 185, 59, 188, 59, 50, 46, 194, 41, 73, 46, 68, 46, 138, 42, 59, 46, 201, 57, 104, 57, 58, 57, 229, 44, 235, 41, 40, 42, 12, 21, 15, 9, 219, 20, 80, 6, 177, 0, 18, 3, 183, 71, 187, 71, 197, 71, 167, 44, 171, 44, 93, 41, 45, 72, 206, 65, 167, 65, 135, 63, 78, 64, 161, 64, 35, 42, 249, 41, 253, 41, 31, 42, 226, 41, 5, 42, 36, 9, 34, 21, 115, 62, 119, 70, 97, 70, 102, 70, 12, 42, 71, 42, 88, 42, 48, 39, 150, 56, 194, 37, 107, 73, 112, 73, 118, 73, 41, 38, 96, 37, 98, 38, 132, 42, 102, 42, 96, 42, 62, 13, 28, 13, 25, 13, 125, 70, 87, 70, 81, 70, 39, 11, 8, 29, 16, 29, 143, 38, 204, 37, 164, 38, 199, 5, 72, 3, 26, 6, 154, 11, 190, 11, 124, 11, 59, 42, 139, 62, 81, 42, 227, 57, 212, 56, 223, 57, 151, 9, 252, 9, 5, 10, 109, 63, 64, 62, 179, 63, 140, 31, 102, 31, 167, 31, 172, 47, 5, 44, 162, 47, 160, 47, 109, 47, 245, 46, 131, 47, 150, 46, 213, 46, 40, 74, 40, 62, 58, 74, 45, 55, 62, 32, 72, 32, 16, 17, 71, 17, 155, 17, 3, 42, 89, 42, 103, 42, 156, 36, 71, 39, 162, 36, 139, 42, 144, 42, 60, 46, 89, 61, 177, 54, 238, 60, 58, 71, 176, 70, 102, 71, 173, 62, 220, 8, 177, 62, 109, 44, 76, 46, 14, 43, 140, 42, 177, 42, 145, 42, 210, 41, 175, 42, 136, 42, 185, 42, 200, 42, 181, 42, 195, 42, 191, 42, 69, 42, 91, 15, 220, 14, 85, 15, 0, 16, 160, 14, 206, 14, 10, 21, 149, 62, 118, 62, 22, 1, 193, 58, 199, 58, 26, 63, 98, 10, 136, 10, 7, 5, 133, 4, 118, 2, 178, 42, 222, 42, 209, 41, 223, 42, 228, 42, 174, 42, 208, 41, 221, 42, 173, 42, 230, 42, 44, 43, 146, 42, 120, 61, 191, 50, 114, 61, 38, 10, 255, 26, 234, 26, 235, 50, 248, 50, 240, 50, 226, 42, 48, 43, 39, 43, 227, 42, 45, 43, 231, 42, 54, 43, 47, 43, 224, 42, 218, 42, 127, 43, 203, 42, 88, 43, 160, 44, 91, 43, 215, 72, 255, 72, 9, 73, 136, 43, 144, 43, 159, 46, 131, 43, 156, 46, 64, 43, 142, 43, 148, 43, 158, 46, 160, 46, 151, 43, 63, 43, 146, 24, 5, 25, 243, 24, 162, 43, 170, 43, 2, 43, 174, 43, 4, 43, 168, 43, 53, 52, 254, 51, 223, 52, 132, 8, 114, 72, 184, 8, 159, 55, 146, 55, 95, 64, 196, 43, 178, 41, 17, 43, 142, 64, 97, 32, 148, 64, 253, 3, 90, 4, 85, 4, 61, 46, 95, 45, 69, 46, 197, 43, 217, 43, 214, 43, 144, 41, 149, 41, 155, 41, 179, 46, 169, 46, 254, 44, 169, 9, 161, 9, 142, 9, 232, 59, 105, 59, 34, 1, 243, 53, 7, 54, 120, 42, 233, 66, 16, 67, 72, 67, 35, 44, 86, 47, 111, 41, 134, 15, 147, 15, 124, 15, 114, 6, 209, 5, 110, 6, 129, 38, 113, 38, 219, 37, 83, 44, 164, 43, 10, 44, 91, 44, 81, 44, 88, 44, 250, 67, 81, 67, 169, 63, 75, 8, 99, 19, 95, 19, 236, 43, 104, 44, 114, 44, 170, 15, 20, 16, 250, 15, 215, 61, 0, 62, 252, 61, 93, 46, 136, 44, 27, 43, 253, 42, 100, 46, 33, 43, 36, 43, 95, 46, 252, 42, 102, 5, 168, 6, 52, 3, 76, 43, 110, 43, 117, 43, 180, 44, 5, 45, 42, 35, 179, 47, 41, 35, 4, 45, 238, 47, 80, 56, 181, 47, 20, 45, 219, 44, 244, 44, 222, 44, 234, 44, 14, 45, 76, 57, 187, 57, 46, 57, 92, 30, 83, 30, 207, 30, 156, 8, 5, 60, 162, 8, 43, 48, 219, 47, 56, 48, 170, 3, 229, 3, 244, 6, 238, 44, 220, 44, 11, 45, 248, 44, 204, 44, 9, 45, 138, 68, 118, 71, 50, 71, 249, 47, 205, 47, 229, 47, 166, 44, 148, 62, 2, 45, 26, 71, 95, 66, 155, 70, 51, 25, 118, 24, 230, 24, 230, 34, 27, 52, 224, 34, 196, 54, 157, 60, 9, 33, 44, 49, 51, 56, 252, 48, 111, 6, 162, 6, 58, 5, 202, 72, 69, 22, 211, 72, 188, 15, 246, 15, 8, 16, 191, 36, 185, 36, 6, 38, 40, 43, 233, 42, 142, 42, 96, 53, 230, 50, 9, 52, 100, 45, 76, 45, 248, 45, 66, 46, 51, 45, 212, 41, 116, 45, 122, 45, 5, 46, 130, 48, 12, 40, 118, 40, 243, 10, 1, 11, 144, 26, 129, 44, 117, 44, 123, 44, 212, 66, 23, 67, 151, 66, 74, 25, 223, 24, 109, 25, 7, 66, 236, 71, 18, 66, 24, 46, 247, 45, 79, 46, 246, 40, 17, 48, 243, 45, 244, 42, 162, 42, 20, 43, 140, 58, 136, 58, 126, 58, 130, 69, 50, 68, 85, 69, 113, 42, 108, 42, 78, 42, 140, 74, 118, 74, 148, 74, 58, 66, 55, 66, 77, 66, 37, 63, 45, 31, 238, 67, 119, 61, 16, 33, 190, 50, 97, 45, 255, 45, 160, 45, 184, 7, 76, 5, 156, 72, 82, 0, 25, 0, 176, 0, 123, 48, 132, 48, 123, 40, 91, 71, 202, 65, 225, 71, 102, 9, 237, 62, 59, 9, 208, 45, 187, 44, 213, 45, 6, 45, 32, 41, 247, 44, 134, 65, 191, 65, 184, 65, 180, 41, 192, 43, 207, 43, 43, 55, 232, 54, 15, 62, 98, 45, 161, 45, 48, 45, 178, 16, 160, 16, 166, 16, 254, 45, 225, 45, 154, 45, 101, 43, 93, 43, 155, 44, 50, 30, 37, 30, 21, 30, 183, 42, 52, 45, 37, 45, 109, 50, 128, 50, 24, 54, 63, 57, 199, 57, 204, 57, 222, 9, 222, 62, 218, 9, 146, 33, 57, 33, 59, 33, 208, 11, 88, 12, 149, 11, 104, 14, 247, 15, 225, 15, 63, 46, 57, 45, 96, 45, 118, 28, 96, 28, 154, 28, 39, 73, 221, 7, 16, 73, 7, 60, 154, 8, 14, 60, 66, 45, 52, 46, 48, 46, 244, 8, 89, 62, 71, 9, 142, 12, 107, 19, 96, 16, 163, 13, 253, 18, 241, 18, 205, 3, 197, 3, 213, 3, 92, 5, 145, 4, 159, 4, 6, 24, 125, 25, 189, 24, 250, 68, 244, 68, 228, 68, 41, 11, 22, 29, 9, 29, 213, 43, 146, 46, 190, 43, 149, 43, 46, 43, 154, 46, 153, 46, 43, 43, 50, 43, 57, 43, 152, 46, 49, 43, 62, 43, 150, 43, 155, 46, 61, 43, 151, 46, 56, 43, 68, 2, 132, 5, 59, 2, 114, 43, 83, 43, 107, 43, 10, 73, 32, 22, 205, 72, 249, 71, 55, 72, 244, 71, 218, 40, 129, 45, 123, 45, 233, 16, 250, 17, 226, 16, 41, 63, 242, 67, 166, 63, 11, 49, 17, 49, 25, 56, 90, 47, 13, 47, 20, 47, 24, 47, 14, 47, 91, 47, 26, 47, 31, 47, 22, 47, 43, 47, 32, 47, 30, 47, 217, 34, 34, 47, 45, 47, 159, 61, 213, 59, 26, 59, 84, 55, 231, 55, 235, 55, 197, 1, 186, 3, 180, 3, 50, 61, 124, 61, 110, 0, 239, 58, 221, 60, 213, 60, 63, 27, 62, 11, 168, 27, 240, 73, 45, 1, 87, 7, 203, 43, 139, 45, 112, 45, 27, 47, 23, 47, 87, 47, 61, 47, 103, 41, 107, 46, 11, 47, 202, 34, 17, 47, 161, 31, 104, 31, 119, 31, 98, 42, 104, 42, 90, 42, 45, 2, 24, 7, 24, 5, 85, 41, 184, 35, 30, 41, 31, 48, 100, 56, 236, 47, 194, 47, 240, 47, 184, 47, 34, 25, 113, 25, 75, 25, 148, 30, 111, 29, 76, 29, 168, 30, 143, 30, 158, 30, 1, 0, 145, 57, 152, 57, 33, 72, 22, 72, 142, 65, 145, 67, 66, 67, 149, 67, 36, 48, 250, 47, 63, 48, 214, 59, 160, 61, 195, 59, 207, 5, 244, 5, 200, 5, 116, 14, 227, 13, 211, 13, 47, 60, 90, 55, 18, 55, 203, 64, 162, 32, 152, 32, 34, 48, 22, 48, 247, 47, 116, 18, 217, 18, 225, 18, 222, 13, 228, 13, 232, 13, 204, 40, 119, 48, 214, 40, 65, 48, 60, 48, 94, 48, 134, 50, 122, 53, 140, 50, 34, 55, 243, 54, 236, 54, 186, 28, 181, 28, 88, 28, 100, 60, 77, 60, 82, 60, 128, 53, 139, 53, 223, 50, 1, 72, 238, 65, 247, 65, 141, 56, 16, 48, 55, 40, 40, 35, 57, 35, 69, 35, 242, 13, 248, 13, 237, 13, 5, 13, 11, 13, 254, 12, 47, 18, 29, 18, 33, 18, 115, 48, 131, 48, 121, 48, 139, 43, 88, 46, 146, 43, 47, 39, 136, 35, 146, 56, 145, 48, 182, 48, 187, 48, 170, 48, 124, 48, 124, 40, 131, 5, 84, 4, 89, 4, 121, 45, 126, 45, 3, 46, 189, 48, 152, 48, 213, 48, 183, 21, 188, 21, 138, 12, 92, 63, 176, 63, 218, 66, 239, 65, 3, 72, 151, 65, 80, 14, 87, 14, 65, 14, 146, 40, 12, 56, 207, 48, 119, 4, 147, 5, 180, 2, 62, 49, 144, 49, 116, 35, 251, 64, 22, 65, 19, 65, 179, 65, 169, 65, 204, 65, 209, 48, 254, 48, 55, 56, 1, 5, 160, 4, 234, 4, 46, 15, 75, 15, 63, 14, 150, 69, 136, 69, 156, 69, 255, 35, 23, 36, 162, 35, 9, 49, 231, 48, 31, 56, 185, 33, 100, 33, 105, 33, 26, 10, 116, 19, 128, 19, 49, 8, 138, 21, 142, 21, 19, 49, 24, 49, 242, 48, 243, 48, 26, 49, 168, 35, 152, 35, 28, 49, 244, 48, 45, 33, 9, 0, 4, 0, 31, 29, 215, 30, 220, 30, 131, 67, 125, 67, 39, 67, 168, 2, 137, 3, 53, 4, 198, 71, 76, 66, 54, 66, 14, 49, 229, 48, 6, 49, 70, 56, 34, 56, 5, 49, 38, 58, 162, 56, 178, 56, 242, 62, 236, 62, 33, 27, 51, 72, 56, 72, 250, 71, 20, 49, 12, 49, 25, 49, 37, 25, 94, 25, 60, 24, 72, 70, 92, 70, 116, 70, 76, 69, 109, 69, 73, 69, 162, 41, 156, 41, 226, 40, 194, 26, 248, 28, 117, 27, 221, 51, 208, 51, 185, 52, 145, 73, 140, 73, 131, 73, 102, 46, 26, 44, 167, 43, 158, 60, 189, 54, 10, 33, 85, 49, 75, 49, 112, 49, 149, 50, 32, 54, 95, 54, 235, 24, 164, 24, 105, 25, 173, 32, 203, 8, 62, 59, 86, 54, 202, 53, 75, 54, 45, 35, 171, 49, 246, 53, 34, 35, 118, 54, 87, 50, 207, 15, 194, 15, 4, 16, 224, 64, 113, 49, 243, 31, 127, 49, 243, 55, 147, 49, 244, 49, 16, 54, 18, 50, 223, 68, 79, 66, 203, 68, 40, 48, 92, 48, 244, 47, 4, 50, 10, 50, 146, 54, 26, 73, 69, 73, 61, 73, 40, 4, 194, 6, 187, 6, 108, 15, 129, 14, 114, 14, 183, 25, 82, 22, 34, 22, 193, 54, 225, 49, 179, 54, 95, 23, 142, 23, 61, 23, 159, 25, 127, 22, 183, 24, 190, 65, 133, 65, 197, 65, 141, 51, 123, 33, 186, 33, 143, 15, 236, 15, 133, 15, 247, 53, 178, 49, 12, 35, 222, 49, 222, 54, 29, 54, 51, 32, 41, 32, 100, 72, 187, 60, 242, 32, 33, 50, 224, 54, 31, 50, 191, 49, 32, 32, 244, 53, 251, 53, 159, 13, 141, 14, 200, 13, 200, 9, 179, 10, 152, 10, 202, 49, 126, 54, 206, 49, 207, 49, 127, 54, 210, 49, 99, 47, 113, 41, 245, 43, 234, 46, 131, 41, 143, 47, 253, 49, 239, 49, 242, 49, 180, 33, 35, 51, 169, 33, 6, 54, 3, 50, 22, 50, 99, 25, 130, 24, 64, 25, 109, 56, 84, 40, 176, 40, 205, 49, 208, 49, 16, 50, 209, 49, 212, 49, 17, 50, 92, 6, 210, 5, 196, 5, 226, 49, 185, 54, 233, 49, 98, 54, 37, 54, 213, 49, 39, 54, 13, 50, 33, 54, 253, 53, 250, 53, 174, 49, 121, 42, 90, 50, 114, 54, 17, 35, 48, 35, 249, 53, 40, 63, 164, 63, 159, 63, 48, 50, 56, 54, 59, 54, 49, 50, 60, 54, 52, 50, 62, 54, 70, 54, 54, 50, 89, 54, 60, 50, 112, 50, 136, 13, 91, 11, 179, 12, 66, 2, 105, 7, 78, 1, 71, 54, 109, 54, 101, 54, 56, 50, 87, 54, 77, 50, 60, 74, 72, 0, 67, 74, 47, 50, 50, 50, 83, 50, 163, 62, 103, 62, 158, 62, 42, 50, 82, 50, 93, 50, 85, 50, 100, 50, 97, 50, 251, 22, 0, 23, 53, 23, 58, 50, 78, 50, 125, 50, 126, 50, 79, 50, 120, 50, 245, 4, 152, 4, 254, 4, 127, 50, 122, 50, 180, 50, 106, 50, 124, 50, 177, 50, 104, 50, 57, 50, 123, 50, 154, 50, 96, 50, 170, 50, 43, 50, 94, 50, 151, 50, 159, 50, 153, 50, 165, 50, 155, 50, 173, 50, 168, 50, 228, 52, 115, 52, 110, 52, 115, 53, 107, 50, 109, 53, 105, 50, 176, 50, 108, 53, 112, 53, 179, 50, 105, 53, 83, 62, 69, 9, 88, 62, 121, 68, 81, 69, 44, 69, 186, 55, 159, 32, 113, 55, 70, 9, 54, 20, 61, 9, 27, 44, 15, 44, 12, 44, 142, 58, 31, 61, 41, 61, 161, 7, 167, 72, 168, 7, 118, 44, 130, 44, 72, 44, 148, 40, 53, 56, 3, 40, 95, 33, 255, 57, 186, 56, 248, 34, 131, 50, 118, 53, 97, 16, 43, 14, 252, 17, 82, 40, 88, 40, 175, 40, 54, 4, 22, 7, 169, 2, 159, 23, 249, 22, 59, 23, 214, 67, 230, 64, 219, 67, 10, 23, 115, 23, 67, 23, 253, 37, 11, 38, 0, 38, 168, 33, 216, 56, 23, 57, 206, 28, 179, 28, 184, 28, 226, 73, 89, 73, 232, 73, 199, 22, 210, 22, 171, 23, 128, 63, 89, 64, 177, 64, 124, 69, 84, 68, 58, 69, 102, 74, 163, 57, 23, 33, 7, 72, 166, 65, 15, 72, 234, 49, 9, 54, 203, 53, 126, 39, 148, 38, 195, 37, 99, 53, 12, 52, 84, 53, 28, 25, 226, 24, 107, 24, 166, 53, 215, 50, 255, 50, 160, 49, 220, 64, 249, 63, 161, 63, 117, 64, 157, 63, 140, 33, 23, 51, 59, 51, 140, 39, 105, 36, 189, 38, 31, 51, 37, 51, 147, 51, 33, 51, 152, 51, 54, 51, 40, 12, 204, 11, 84, 27, 99, 51, 32, 51, 53, 51, 88, 51, 57, 51, 155, 33, 150, 33, 61, 51, 66, 51, 82, 51, 71, 51, 64, 51, 67, 51, 91, 51, 79, 51, 81, 51, 62, 51, 77, 51, 76, 51, 89, 51, 179, 51, 14, 8, 30, 8, 74, 8, 171, 51, 102, 51, 108, 51, 173, 51, 109, 51, 168, 51, 105, 51, 112, 51, 165, 51, 164, 51, 111, 51, 14, 53, 214, 47, 67, 48, 255, 47, 84, 41, 44, 41, 207, 47, 110, 51, 149, 51, 13, 53, 106, 51, 153, 51, 113, 51, 87, 51, 154, 33, 176, 51, 100, 51, 55, 51, 107, 51, 104, 51, 52, 51, 150, 51, 167, 51, 20, 53, 162, 51, 174, 51, 169, 51, 30, 53, 25, 53, 166, 51, 161, 51, 192, 51, 86, 51, 78, 51, 190, 51, 74, 51, 185, 51, 75, 51, 178, 51, 187, 51, 195, 51, 80, 51, 191, 51, 194, 51, 189, 51, 182, 51, 203, 51, 200, 51, 188, 51, 106, 62, 159, 62, 111, 62, 60, 52, 195, 34, 54, 52, 225, 52, 217, 52, 70, 52, 219, 52, 215, 52, 72, 52, 169, 11, 225, 11, 131, 11, 8, 14, 164, 14, 167, 12, 48, 33, 37, 33, 97, 57, 113, 1, 97, 4, 24, 2, 214, 22, 188, 23, 186, 23, 219, 21, 8, 22, 37, 19, 173, 52, 183, 51, 180, 52, 96, 52, 202, 52, 198, 52, 61, 52, 56, 52, 66, 52, 49, 52, 221, 52, 64, 52, 220, 1, 136, 5, 185, 6, 212, 22, 226, 22, 168, 23, 169, 3, 241, 3, 233, 3, 247, 69, 67, 68, 141, 66, 27, 53, 249, 52, 150, 52, 146, 52, 243, 52, 141, 52, 196, 66, 235, 66, 56, 67, 36, 55, 69, 55, 245, 54, 24, 53, 22, 53, 248, 52, 48, 11, 222, 30, 222, 28, 186, 51, 177, 51, 181, 52, 29, 53, 163, 51, 23, 53, 21, 53, 159, 51, 245, 52, 160, 51, 17, 53, 246, 52, 175, 52, 186, 52, 209, 51, 1, 34, 127, 52, 217, 33, 173, 47, 144, 46, 138, 46, 33, 52, 35, 47, 221, 34, 219, 34, 227, 34, 32, 52, 114, 53, 49, 53, 44, 53, 50, 53, 60, 53, 46, 53, 66, 53, 69, 53, 38, 53, 1, 26, 203, 10, 102, 10, 220, 24, 97, 25, 80, 25, 114, 70, 120, 70, 131, 70, 88, 60, 185, 61, 94, 60, 66, 47, 133, 50, 249, 34, 23, 68, 45, 68, 176, 66, 167, 50, 172, 50, 252, 34, 126, 53, 166, 50, 251, 34, 156, 50, 164, 50, 123, 53, 240, 37, 223, 38, 76, 37, 163, 50, 125, 53, 5, 35, 117, 5, 60, 5, 154, 4, 113, 53, 107, 53, 48, 53, 51, 53, 110, 53, 53, 53, 111, 53, 101, 53, 54, 53, 188, 63, 74, 63, 55, 63, 6, 47, 18, 47, 197, 34, 200, 28, 151, 28, 147, 28, 178, 73, 193, 73, 138, 73, 36, 62, 99, 74, 131, 61, 217, 44, 238, 41, 237, 44, 128, 69, 103, 69, 141, 69, 188, 56, 67, 58, 69, 58, 137, 40, 192, 40, 134, 45, 99, 58, 121, 58, 135, 58, 151, 59, 5, 61, 172, 61, 86, 67, 21, 67, 254, 67, 253, 57, 193, 56, 245, 57, 85, 22, 73, 22, 35, 22, 236, 44, 223, 44, 228, 44, 143, 46, 168, 47, 101, 47, 244, 51, 251, 50, 155, 53, 204, 53, 11, 54, 196, 53, 70, 16, 133, 16, 10, 18, 226, 26, 87, 27, 205, 11, 216, 53, 209, 53, 107, 54, 222, 53, 207, 53, 215, 53, 120, 54, 8, 50, 2, 54, 245, 53, 34, 32, 46, 54, 2, 50, 5, 54, 0, 54, 12, 11, 27, 29, 252, 28, 223, 53, 35, 54, 208, 53, 38, 54, 99, 54, 210, 53, 57, 67, 9, 67, 199, 66, 232, 43, 246, 43, 238, 43, 219, 53, 40, 54, 34, 54, 204, 71, 148, 71, 144, 71, 55, 54, 63, 54, 58, 54, 61, 54, 65, 54, 68, 54, 52, 55, 11, 64, 246, 31, 191, 53, 66, 50, 182, 53, 206, 53, 197, 53, 81, 54, 123, 4, 129, 6, 174, 4, 212, 53, 106, 54, 67, 54, 176, 5, 168, 5, 157, 5, 154, 66, 253, 69, 128, 70, 230, 61, 104, 8, 245, 61, 218, 53, 73, 54, 66, 54, 57, 54, 217, 53, 64, 54, 78, 54, 80, 54, 62, 50, 90, 54, 77, 54, 61, 50, 170, 54, 172, 54, 128, 54, 161, 54, 167, 54, 124, 54, 162, 54, 125, 54, 201, 49, 6, 50, 195, 49, 207, 54, 198, 54, 119, 60, 144, 54, 105, 74, 19, 0, 164, 57, 108, 50, 21, 54, 59, 50, 120, 41, 117, 47, 125, 41, 74, 38, 107, 39, 110, 39, 0, 33, 3, 33, 216, 54, 129, 60, 252, 32, 212, 54, 131, 60, 213, 54, 163, 54, 166, 54, 214, 54, 168, 54, 169, 54, 215, 54, 171, 54, 199, 49, 183, 49, 214, 55, 12, 37, 228, 35, 34, 36, 5, 50, 3, 54, 12, 50, 185, 68, 177, 68, 73, 66, 137, 73, 192, 73, 116, 73, 39, 55, 238, 54, 230, 54, 21, 39, 17, 39, 65, 36, 235, 54, 241, 54, 229, 54, 219, 7, 224, 7, 229, 7, 16, 42, 22, 42, 250, 41, 229, 38, 234, 35, 175, 36, 106, 45, 242, 45, 23, 46, 22, 23, 12, 23, 36, 23, 97, 55, 194, 32, 12, 55, 10, 55, 15, 55, 137, 55, 41, 37, 50, 37, 234, 36, 169, 5, 161, 5, 5, 4, 28, 34, 118, 52, 251, 52, 76, 36, 123, 49, 229, 35, 30, 62, 189, 60, 227, 54, 206, 55, 190, 49, 30, 50, 178, 28, 130, 28, 136, 28, 38, 36, 186, 36, 205, 35, 173, 55, 93, 55, 141, 55, 95, 55, 91, 55, 169, 55, 136, 55, 100, 55, 175, 55, 157, 27, 207, 27, 15, 28, 6, 70, 2, 70, 69, 68, 38, 46, 30, 46, 72, 45, 99, 10, 239, 30, 92, 10, 116, 32, 149, 55, 75, 55, 66, 55, 197, 55, 37, 55, 201, 55, 195, 55, 64, 55, 4, 7, 18, 4, 10, 2, 245, 26, 58, 27, 69, 27, 252, 31, 90, 72, 40, 32, 146, 32, 25, 60, 4, 55, 77, 64, 113, 32, 160, 64, 49, 55, 209, 55, 53, 32, 33, 32, 26, 50, 45, 54, 180, 60, 116, 60, 196, 60, 142, 54, 148, 54, 0, 50, 238, 62, 243, 62, 60, 9, 96, 55, 11, 55, 92, 55, 94, 55, 13, 55, 142, 55, 162, 55, 119, 63, 102, 64, 48, 55, 94, 72, 178, 61, 234, 32, 179, 61, 28, 62, 204, 15, 209, 15, 218, 15, 30, 24, 190, 25, 215, 7, 156, 56, 106, 33, 164, 56, 170, 51, 155, 52, 171, 33, 20, 56, 9, 56, 3, 56, 8, 56, 0, 49, 17, 56, 157, 35, 251, 48, 151, 35, 22, 56, 72, 56, 227, 48, 77, 56, 30, 56, 230, 48, 213, 58, 173, 61, 27, 62, 112, 48, 110, 48, 134, 48, 156, 54, 134, 60, 164, 54, 89, 72, 25, 62, 177, 61, 197, 45, 169, 45, 216, 45, 58, 56, 162, 40, 39, 56, 76, 56, 71, 56, 29, 56, 23, 56, 84, 56, 73, 56, 230, 0, 248, 2, 67, 3, 100, 48, 97, 48, 105, 48, 18, 48, 159, 42, 245, 45, 48, 65, 245, 64, 25, 65, 154, 26, 245, 10, 134, 26, 87, 56, 241, 39, 74, 56, 75, 56, 243, 39, 69, 56, 1, 40, 166, 40, 59, 56, 3, 49, 33, 56, 32, 49, 198, 48, 204, 48, 7, 40, 241, 12, 247, 12, 4, 13, 89, 56, 177, 40, 111, 56, 112, 56, 178, 40, 118, 56, 186, 50, 35, 61, 42, 62, 187, 64, 123, 55, 104, 64, 97, 12, 196, 12, 97, 18, 158, 56, 170, 56, 174, 56, 173, 24, 232, 23, 156, 25, 52, 8, 203, 19, 155, 21, 106, 67, 36, 67, 171, 66, 110, 56, 117, 56, 67, 40, 228, 39, 86, 35, 79, 35, 2, 0, 153, 57, 44, 33, 159, 35, 148, 35, 248, 35, 103, 33, 14, 58, 167, 56, 171, 69, 55, 69, 62, 69, 93, 36, 159, 39, 117, 36, 90, 3, 94, 3, 15, 6, 204, 49, 157, 54, 165, 54, 27, 74, 68, 74, 73, 0, 154, 9, 10, 10, 149, 9, 107, 12, 105, 18, 213, 18, 216, 66, 175, 63, 171, 63, 8, 57, 3, 57, 209, 57, 74, 49, 104, 35, 66, 49, 34, 66, 65, 66, 145, 68, 164, 1, 232, 3, 240, 3, 213, 22, 184, 23, 2, 23, 229, 71, 243, 65, 236, 65, 69, 31, 194, 63, 60, 63, 196, 3, 225, 6, 226, 1, 76, 33, 121, 57, 81, 57, 53, 70, 47, 70, 228, 69, 114, 16, 18, 18, 121, 16, 31, 21, 13, 20, 48, 20, 179, 4, 208, 1, 130, 3, 80, 2, 109, 7, 95, 1, 189, 23, 218, 22, 237, 22, 164, 2, 238, 1, 249, 1, 114, 5, 243, 4, 147, 4, 124, 57, 68, 33, 86, 57, 177, 28, 135, 28, 125, 28, 122, 20, 45, 8, 178, 19, 92, 18, 95, 12, 7, 12, 184, 4, 133, 3, 43, 2, 213, 21, 197, 21, 198, 25, 237, 64, 215, 67, 220, 67, 97, 23, 105, 23, 139, 23, 183, 56, 10, 58, 6, 58, 11, 27, 239, 62, 21, 27, 245, 62, 188, 9, 93, 62, 233, 56, 27, 57, 125, 33, 11, 66, 3, 66, 74, 71, 149, 70, 191, 67, 199, 67, 236, 30, 241, 30, 246, 30, 231, 68, 156, 68, 237, 68, 25, 5, 131, 3, 49, 2, 157, 68, 232, 68, 169, 68, 69, 5, 248, 59, 42, 7, 78, 15, 24, 14, 98, 14, 159, 0, 145, 0, 125, 0, 163, 21, 140, 21, 197, 19, 172, 10, 191, 9, 199, 9, 39, 66, 51, 66, 57, 66, 78, 58, 66, 58, 60, 58, 120, 58, 96, 58, 90, 58, 146, 73, 25, 73, 134, 73, 17, 73, 65, 73, 42, 73, 124, 18, 110, 18, 193, 18, 132, 53, 198, 50, 187, 50, 10, 37, 17, 37, 119, 36, 64, 15, 221, 18, 57, 15, 255, 58, 140, 59, 147, 59, 203, 59, 142, 59, 0, 59, 169, 58, 201, 59, 253, 58, 210, 59, 204, 59, 173, 58, 119, 59, 207, 59, 170, 58, 186, 58, 109, 59, 217, 59, 191, 58, 220, 59, 185, 58, 226, 58, 106, 59, 234, 58, 202, 58, 210, 58, 101, 59, 239, 70, 32, 65, 68, 65, 188, 58, 183, 58, 240, 58, 184, 58, 219, 59, 245, 58, 237, 58, 182, 58, 243, 58, 122, 59, 171, 58, 13, 59, 172, 58, 1, 59, 15, 59, 254, 58, 146, 59, 143, 61, 16, 59, 2, 59, 144, 61, 124, 59, 14, 59, 21, 59, 201, 4, 191, 4, 116, 4, 247, 58, 223, 59, 157, 61, 184, 46, 135, 34, 93, 34, 0, 12, 237, 11, 84, 11, 3, 45, 179, 44, 169, 44, 29, 31, 6, 31, 201, 62, 57, 25, 207, 24, 137, 24, 52, 28, 47, 28, 196, 28, 111, 17, 133, 17, 216, 16, 22, 44, 130, 46, 18, 44, 52, 59, 60, 59, 66, 59, 119, 8, 188, 8, 114, 8, 243, 60, 150, 60, 28, 59, 186, 69, 230, 69, 222, 69, 130, 74, 80, 74, 91, 74, 17, 20, 22, 20, 45, 20, 9, 3, 29, 3, 166, 58, 52, 1, 214, 58, 99, 72, 21, 26, 213, 10, 25, 26, 150, 45, 232, 45, 185, 45, 198, 65, 135, 65, 12, 72, 215, 59, 232, 0, 176, 58, 195, 3, 171, 1, 37, 4, 168, 59, 129, 59, 209, 59, 206, 59, 126, 59, 131, 59, 235, 9, 163, 9, 156, 9, 216, 63, 67, 64, 61, 64, 92, 35, 100, 35, 83, 49, 103, 70, 66, 70, 21, 70, 207, 9, 91, 9, 75, 62, 33, 61, 140, 61, 44, 61, 128, 59, 155, 59, 135, 59, 161, 59, 156, 59, 130, 59, 162, 59, 157, 59, 127, 59, 181, 59, 183, 59, 116, 59, 83, 25, 116, 24, 119, 24, 151, 45, 190, 45, 182, 45, 180, 59, 240, 0, 182, 59, 222, 0, 251, 2, 164, 59, 165, 59, 253, 2, 159, 59, 255, 2, 220, 0, 160, 59, 158, 59, 216, 0, 152, 59, 153, 59, 33, 3, 133, 59, 219, 0, 37, 3, 154, 59, 241, 0, 233, 0, 184, 59, 138, 22, 95, 25, 218, 24, 132, 59, 137, 59, 202, 59, 211, 59, 136, 59, 205, 59, 120, 59, 163, 59, 208, 59, 118, 59, 189, 59, 221, 59, 111, 59, 115, 59, 218, 59, 124, 74, 90, 74, 117, 57, 118, 17, 123, 17, 219, 16, 123, 31, 145, 31, 163, 31, 40, 59, 80, 60, 193, 61, 200, 15, 174, 15, 177, 15, 250, 31, 215, 64, 61, 32, 69, 52, 255, 46, 220, 52, 54, 18, 78, 14, 38, 16, 14, 6, 93, 3, 193, 5, 131, 42, 95, 42, 109, 42, 158, 63, 155, 63, 39, 63, 114, 0, 36, 0, 44, 62, 149, 5, 122, 4, 192, 2, 175, 8, 182, 8, 168, 8, 46, 68, 86, 69, 18, 68, 176, 46, 209, 42, 73, 43, 102, 21, 108, 21, 204, 20, 170, 19, 244, 19, 97, 20, 219, 24, 78, 25, 66, 24, 159, 60, 11, 33, 104, 61, 199, 32, 234, 55, 230, 55, 79, 60, 74, 60, 68, 60, 5, 67, 187, 66, 113, 67, 111, 57, 55, 57, 62, 57, 35, 62, 241, 61, 51, 59, 249, 54, 5, 55, 31, 60, 125, 40, 119, 40, 201, 48, 184, 49, 189, 49, 215, 55, 115, 41, 104, 47, 116, 47, 104, 60, 69, 60, 75, 60, 168, 60, 138, 60, 251, 32, 142, 60, 146, 60, 255, 32, 254, 32, 145, 60, 2, 33, 28, 14, 25, 18, 129, 16, 128, 72, 136, 72, 165, 72, 139, 16, 116, 16, 143, 16, 175, 60, 139, 60, 169, 60, 131, 24, 102, 25, 162, 24, 170, 29, 180, 29, 31, 28, 192, 60, 199, 60, 210, 60, 220, 72, 141, 72, 185, 73, 153, 61, 2, 61, 253, 60, 247, 60, 149, 61, 251, 60, 146, 61, 18, 59, 254, 60, 22, 59, 171, 61, 1, 61, 0, 61, 169, 61, 66, 61, 245, 37, 101, 36, 251, 37, 100, 14, 126, 15, 79, 15, 93, 15, 69, 18, 147, 13, 34, 3, 138, 59, 134, 59, 204, 4, 111, 4, 187, 4, 19, 51, 156, 53, 252, 50, 211, 50, 206, 50, 220, 50, 125, 61, 54, 61, 59, 61, 138, 56, 211, 36, 143, 35, 249, 60, 255, 60, 65, 61, 15, 39, 18, 39, 85, 39, 82, 61, 231, 60, 74, 61, 228, 60, 230, 60, 81, 61, 223, 60, 226, 60, 78, 61, 225, 60, 79, 61, 177, 60, 37, 17, 222, 17, 176, 17, 27, 59, 147, 60, 76, 61, 172, 60, 77, 61, 83, 61, 80, 61, 72, 61, 86, 61, 246, 60, 250, 60, 151, 60, 252, 60, 69, 61, 156, 60, 171, 0, 26, 74, 98, 0, 228, 37, 14, 36, 73, 39, 140, 60, 85, 61, 71, 61, 173, 60, 84, 61, 137, 60, 165, 18, 233, 18, 169, 18, 60, 67, 148, 67, 53, 67, 1, 19, 55, 12, 98, 18, 160, 63, 168, 63, 115, 64, 118, 51, 98, 33, 41, 51, 121, 34, 141, 41, 203, 46, 116, 56, 68, 40, 73, 40, 139, 41, 118, 34, 209, 43, 52, 68, 148, 69, 205, 69, 142, 61, 145, 59, 168, 61, 23, 59, 17, 59, 145, 61, 180, 67, 227, 67, 173, 67, 165, 61, 155, 61, 233, 60, 166, 61, 246, 58, 156, 61, 242, 58, 244, 58, 163, 61, 224, 60, 162, 61, 227, 60, 238, 58, 161, 61, 220, 60, 229, 60, 164, 61, 232, 60, 19, 59, 141, 61, 167, 61, 143, 54, 118, 60, 150, 54, 114, 51, 87, 33, 93, 33, 247, 50, 213, 52, 3, 52, 251, 13, 96, 15, 187, 12, 77, 35, 88, 49, 232, 39, 97, 1, 113, 7, 165, 7, 199, 61, 213, 61, 207, 61, 253, 61, 211, 61, 216, 61, 218, 61, 209, 61, 249, 61, 128, 16, 24, 18, 105, 16, 44, 22, 17, 8, 8, 8, 170, 32, 55, 59, 179, 32, 164, 73, 215, 73, 170, 73, 200, 61, 6, 62, 217, 61, 8, 62, 1, 62, 198, 61, 64, 60, 7, 62, 202, 61, 208, 61, 12, 62, 201, 61, 39, 58, 36, 58, 3, 58, 241, 53, 255, 53, 4, 54, 211, 55, 238, 32, 204, 54, 197, 61, 214, 61, 210, 61, 50, 60, 219, 61, 250, 61, 61, 59, 53, 59, 169, 32, 244, 28, 43, 11, 33, 11, 65, 9, 94, 62, 16, 9, 89, 57, 184, 57, 189, 57, 63, 66, 176, 68, 143, 68, 122, 39, 166, 39, 232, 38, 113, 0, 126, 61, 60, 61, 82, 56, 54, 36, 182, 35, 110, 47, 167, 47, 246, 46, 117, 3, 76, 2, 226, 6, 109, 74, 133, 74, 150, 74, 216, 39, 209, 35, 71, 49, 218, 8, 71, 62, 225, 8, 244, 43, 112, 41, 116, 41, 128, 43, 124, 43, 132, 43, 249, 40, 240, 45, 71, 45, 209, 23, 179, 22, 222, 23, 57, 42, 27, 41, 138, 62, 237, 71, 174, 65, 21, 66, 28, 31, 102, 63, 214, 66, 146, 4, 93, 5, 84, 5, 137, 54, 195, 60, 207, 60, 102, 30, 150, 30, 119, 30, 217, 68, 100, 68, 180, 68, 25, 22, 17, 24, 81, 22, 115, 70, 107, 70, 121, 70, 179, 1, 232, 6, 187, 3, 235, 7, 150, 8, 24, 22, 40, 27, 10, 27, 241, 26, 107, 10, 215, 9, 140, 10, 99, 24, 206, 23, 94, 24, 168, 56, 112, 33, 173, 56, 239, 0, 173, 59, 51, 7, 183, 68, 125, 71, 210, 68, 205, 36, 8, 37, 118, 36, 10, 68, 251, 66, 118, 67, 148, 51, 174, 33, 115, 51, 25, 9, 157, 62, 105, 62, 225, 69, 220, 69, 181, 69, 212, 1, 154, 3, 55, 4, 19, 39, 28, 39, 58, 39, 154, 70, 160, 70, 164, 70, 84, 59, 106, 21, 89, 8, 163, 27, 55, 27, 61, 27, 177, 58, 64, 3, 227, 0, 116, 10, 126, 10, 111, 10, 84, 33, 127, 33, 91, 33, 162, 33, 160, 52, 167, 52, 69, 66, 173, 68, 61, 66, 183, 22, 193, 22, 190, 22, 68, 10, 251, 25, 127, 27, 94, 29, 107, 29, 8, 30, 166, 29, 142, 29, 146, 29, 152, 62, 13, 21, 131, 62, 18, 70, 70, 70, 60, 70, 238, 24, 134, 24, 233, 24, 2, 56, 218, 48, 240, 35, 48, 41, 53, 41, 211, 47, 131, 20, 196, 19, 188, 19, 189, 44, 86, 45, 210, 44, 233, 7, 51, 22, 15, 60, 187, 73, 239, 72, 222, 72, 238, 18, 183, 18, 16, 19, 179, 26, 9, 11, 174, 26, 94, 36, 136, 39, 160, 39, 13, 19, 189, 18, 175, 18, 191, 54, 166, 60, 241, 49, 119, 51, 252, 52, 16, 53, 1, 25, 26, 24, 37, 24, 183, 13, 5, 14, 11, 14, 208, 47, 45, 41, 233, 47, 151, 37, 100, 38, 101, 37, 0, 67, 21, 69, 4, 67, 31, 43, 131, 44, 128, 44, 153, 22, 141, 22, 145, 22, 27, 7, 50, 2, 141, 5, 122, 62, 243, 8, 247, 8, 103, 25, 72, 25, 163, 24, 31, 9, 27, 9, 243, 20, 19, 24, 38, 25, 41, 24, 169, 39, 8, 38, 250, 37, 9, 20, 167, 62, 21, 62, 177, 39, 40, 39, 137, 36, 196, 16, 136, 16, 173, 16, 198, 62, 193, 62, 183, 62, 170, 36, 38, 37, 253, 36, 133, 37, 207, 37, 119, 38, 46, 63, 236, 67, 48, 31, 254, 62, 249, 9, 247, 62, 139, 58, 124, 58, 132, 58, 224, 56, 225, 57, 245, 56, 251, 27, 179, 29, 235, 27, 63, 13, 139, 14, 157, 13, 182, 21, 249, 62, 2, 63, 98, 26, 3, 27, 79, 26, 115, 66, 90, 68, 20, 69, 187, 28, 137, 28, 64, 28, 204, 62, 215, 62, 32, 31, 244, 33, 191, 46, 84, 34, 215, 69, 147, 69, 154, 69, 52, 38, 128, 38, 57, 38, 78, 10, 55, 10, 209, 10, 56, 59, 49, 59, 240, 61, 221, 43, 230, 43, 78, 34, 160, 60, 105, 61, 163, 60, 94, 10, 23, 63, 100, 10, 242, 69, 248, 69, 138, 66, 209, 36, 153, 56, 39, 49, 4, 63, 251, 62, 243, 9, 230, 49, 176, 54, 224, 49, 35, 15, 68, 13, 193, 13, 4, 4, 220, 6, 187, 1, 73, 10, 51, 10, 45, 10, 0, 57, 4, 57, 249, 56, 140, 7, 153, 7, 175, 72, 167, 63, 243, 67, 41, 31, 69, 63, 61, 63, 54, 63, 76, 63, 72, 63, 57, 63, 193, 63, 185, 63, 123, 63, 94, 51, 180, 51, 158, 33, 35, 23, 69, 23, 149, 23, 108, 63, 155, 32, 61, 62, 101, 63, 105, 63, 207, 62, 58, 62, 178, 63, 62, 62, 227, 25, 122, 27, 246, 26, 125, 37, 187, 37, 137, 37, 198, 0, 133, 0, 20, 61, 73, 63, 146, 63, 132, 63, 193, 46, 206, 43, 108, 34, 34, 5, 179, 6, 83, 6, 235, 43, 141, 47, 121, 47, 74, 32, 63, 32, 18, 64, 157, 31, 231, 63, 236, 63, 1, 64, 253, 63, 8, 64, 139, 35, 49, 39, 173, 39, 147, 62, 29, 41, 183, 35, 173, 70, 169, 70, 183, 70, 120, 22, 112, 22, 247, 23, 19, 17, 156, 17, 166, 17, 233, 8, 69, 21, 1, 9, 106, 29, 173, 30, 13, 30, 26, 9, 109, 62, 242, 20, 159, 64, 243, 63, 28, 64, 237, 63, 232, 63, 35, 64, 234, 63, 42, 64, 36, 64, 38, 64, 50, 64, 146, 64, 145, 64, 49, 64, 141, 64, 65, 44, 238, 42, 58, 44, 32, 71, 223, 65, 38, 71, 217, 9, 131, 10, 244, 30, 2, 73, 31, 73, 252, 72, 150, 31, 188, 31, 195, 31, 50, 9, 1, 21, 46, 9, 156, 64, 26, 64, 150, 64, 77, 47, 41, 44, 226, 34, 67, 32, 79, 32, 204, 55, 44, 28, 93, 28, 211, 28, 0, 13, 110, 13, 239, 12, 206, 39, 250, 55, 158, 49, 85, 32, 32, 64, 90, 32, 143, 72, 156, 7, 176, 72, 176, 47, 214, 46, 159, 34, 189, 64, 194, 64, 199, 64, 196, 61, 84, 60, 205, 61, 166, 32, 107, 55, 209, 64, 162, 25, 170, 25, 165, 25, 118, 64, 124, 32, 99, 64, 229, 63, 47, 64, 43, 64, 174, 73, 167, 73, 230, 72, 62, 60, 221, 32, 215, 32, 168, 49, 2, 64, 9, 64, 107, 45, 247, 40, 244, 45, 205, 64, 212, 62, 212, 8, 38, 50, 131, 54, 127, 60, 2, 28, 11, 28, 30, 28, 107, 68, 31, 69, 23, 69, 22, 30, 190, 30, 51, 30, 5, 65, 0, 65, 8, 65, 142, 69, 107, 69, 149, 69, 201, 31, 238, 70, 71, 65, 69, 2, 61, 2, 107, 7, 52, 69, 30, 69, 40, 69, 249, 68, 226, 68, 234, 68, 49, 45, 64, 46, 43, 45, 113, 36, 80, 36, 203, 36, 244, 34, 40, 53, 56, 47, 77, 52, 71, 52, 214, 52, 51, 65, 156, 49, 56, 65, 73, 65, 80, 65, 250, 70, 32, 56, 67, 56, 247, 39, 37, 9, 41, 9, 35, 21, 244, 29, 220, 29, 105, 29, 1, 69, 238, 68, 115, 68, 28, 48, 38, 48, 242, 47, 240, 27, 232, 27, 216, 27, 116, 65, 119, 65, 109, 65, 118, 65, 115, 65, 139, 65, 126, 70, 118, 70, 88, 70, 140, 65, 130, 65, 122, 65, 64, 22, 168, 25, 172, 25, 232, 12, 117, 14, 213, 12, 110, 14, 10, 16, 104, 15, 206, 24, 53, 25, 77, 24, 248, 65, 228, 71, 209, 65, 11, 34, 146, 34, 241, 33, 184, 52, 98, 51, 106, 52, 201, 65, 205, 65, 224, 71, 143, 74, 135, 74, 96, 74, 237, 65, 253, 65, 63, 71, 0, 66, 14, 66, 62, 71, 15, 0, 6, 0, 10, 0, 216, 40, 237, 40, 210, 40, 194, 42, 173, 46, 202, 42, 138, 40, 63, 40, 193, 40, 242, 10, 238, 10, 0, 11, 141, 71, 30, 66, 37, 66, 46, 66, 50, 66, 38, 66, 64, 66, 33, 66, 26, 66, 35, 16, 76, 14, 53, 18, 146, 30, 35, 29, 45, 29, 194, 71, 201, 71, 56, 66, 235, 51, 242, 51, 165, 53, 220, 10, 14, 26, 216, 10, 187, 70, 228, 70, 99, 71, 90, 66, 94, 66, 23, 71, 188, 5, 104, 3, 64, 5, 133, 66, 122, 66, 127, 66, 124, 66, 26, 68, 129, 66, 208, 58, 227, 58, 202, 60, 134, 66, 185, 66, 123, 66, 245, 12, 229, 12, 8, 13, 182, 14, 3, 15, 208, 14, 195, 66, 190, 66, 184, 66, 131, 66, 192, 66, 181, 66, 178, 66, 193, 66, 132, 66, 136, 22, 206, 7, 74, 22, 31, 67, 37, 67, 172, 66, 42, 67, 191, 66, 177, 66, 83, 31, 242, 66, 250, 66, 150, 66, 20, 67, 227, 66, 18, 67, 27, 67, 226, 66, 196, 38, 214, 38, 14, 38, 48, 67, 168, 66, 10, 67, 232, 62, 219, 25, 30, 27, 172, 68, 119, 68, 191, 68, 31, 52, 225, 34, 28, 52, 186, 48, 140, 48, 188, 48, 248, 37, 181, 36, 75, 37, 242, 70, 77, 65, 83, 65, 148, 3, 250, 3, 249, 6, 55, 70, 61, 70, 15, 70, 18, 20, 46, 20, 12, 20, 39, 70, 34, 70, 20, 70, 93, 17, 132, 17, 124, 17, 5, 27, 45, 27, 53, 27, 68, 31, 73, 31, 176, 67, 228, 67, 65, 31, 174, 67, 101, 67, 161, 67, 68, 67, 127, 37, 237, 35, 80, 38, 34, 68, 19, 68, 24, 68, 8, 61, 103, 61, 70, 61, 128, 33, 178, 33, 20, 57, 110, 17, 94, 17, 126, 17, 140, 54, 208, 60, 236, 58, 134, 61, 38, 61, 136, 53, 15, 65, 233, 64, 121, 31, 7, 68, 117, 67, 76, 31, 140, 67, 237, 67, 47, 63, 224, 46, 128, 41, 118, 47, 131, 4, 18, 5, 104, 1, 47, 0, 109, 0, 102, 0, 112, 68, 125, 68, 105, 68, 80, 58, 54, 58, 48, 58, 109, 68, 3, 69, 103, 68, 144, 62, 115, 9, 253, 31, 130, 68, 114, 68, 106, 68, 110, 37, 221, 37, 105, 37, 82, 43, 111, 43, 77, 43, 250, 36, 203, 39, 178, 35, 162, 68, 221, 68, 192, 68, 215, 68, 207, 68, 151, 68, 177, 24, 110, 25, 224, 24, 187, 68, 214, 68, 219, 68, 210, 38, 131, 39, 149, 38, 202, 68, 75, 66, 67, 66, 241, 71, 172, 65, 147, 65, 63, 22, 157, 25, 167, 25, 160, 38, 158, 39, 179, 38, 243, 68, 236, 68, 227, 68, 199, 31, 49, 65, 26, 65, 227, 38, 22, 38, 216, 38, 230, 68, 235, 68, 242, 68, 171, 52, 49, 34, 62, 34, 108, 33, 192, 33, 204, 33, 154, 30, 27, 30, 169, 30, 227, 51, 206, 51, 211, 51, 104, 25, 147, 24, 245, 24, 7, 69, 248, 68, 253, 68, 128, 68, 5, 69, 255, 68, 134, 31, 246, 70, 116, 31, 202, 45, 168, 45, 10, 41, 88, 61, 237, 60, 148, 61, 113, 68, 129, 68, 0, 69, 57, 24, 46, 25, 254, 24, 165, 64, 73, 64, 139, 63, 39, 69, 24, 69, 34, 69, 74, 66, 120, 71, 134, 71, 170, 7, 157, 7, 144, 72, 42, 69, 38, 69, 33, 69, 162, 72, 170, 72, 127, 7, 5, 34, 247, 33, 90, 34, 46, 69, 37, 69, 41, 69, 57, 58, 50, 58, 111, 58, 92, 69, 85, 68, 127, 69, 53, 26, 33, 26, 244, 25, 211, 31, 179, 31, 176, 31, 108, 37, 61, 38, 130, 38, 11, 69, 6, 69, 110, 68, 233, 21, 211, 21, 228, 21, 209, 58, 195, 58, 228, 58, 192, 69, 179, 69, 218, 69, 196, 69, 190, 69, 161, 69, 27, 17, 251, 16, 14, 17, 246, 45, 160, 42, 78, 46, 1, 23, 183, 23, 56, 23, 5, 22, 32, 8, 169, 21, 91, 7, 236, 59, 101, 72, 167, 1, 222, 3, 173, 3, 94, 70, 57, 70, 109, 70, 159, 72, 202, 2, 1, 60, 162, 69, 191, 69, 236, 69, 16, 69, 53, 69, 29, 68, 20, 17, 167, 17, 228, 17, 65, 49, 197, 31, 220, 31, 246, 44, 31, 41, 18, 45, 178, 70, 184, 70, 170, 70, 195, 30, 77, 30, 74, 30, 188, 62, 214, 62, 203, 62, 15, 12, 222, 11, 35, 12, 137, 42, 65, 46, 211, 41, 107, 71, 191, 70, 197, 70, 234, 64, 16, 65, 217, 70, 190, 70, 201, 70, 195, 70, 206, 33, 113, 33, 169, 56, 182, 36, 188, 36, 79, 37, 191, 30, 73, 30, 76, 30, 138, 32, 121, 64, 116, 64, 31, 65, 60, 65, 66, 65, 237, 53, 35, 50, 249, 32, 5, 57, 25, 58, 251, 56, 103, 65, 92, 65, 188, 65, 138, 35, 6, 48, 69, 41, 80, 30, 53, 30, 192, 30, 23, 62, 181, 35, 53, 36, 172, 70, 66, 71, 168, 70, 68, 71, 46, 71, 41, 71, 175, 25, 169, 25, 173, 25, 211, 65, 215, 65, 226, 65, 232, 1, 0, 4, 246, 3, 92, 68, 65, 69, 88, 68, 45, 71, 67, 71, 174, 70, 220, 33, 50, 51, 213, 33, 25, 8, 9, 8, 146, 8, 27, 2, 35, 2, 120, 2, 7, 65, 11, 65, 137, 70, 66, 13, 73, 13, 57, 13, 107, 30, 216, 30, 32, 29, 9, 16, 109, 14, 212, 15, 186, 54, 251, 49, 236, 49, 106, 26, 251, 26, 232, 26, 198, 10, 240, 25, 192, 10, 118, 58, 88, 58, 112, 58, 115, 13, 120, 13, 119, 14, 81, 66, 136, 71, 59, 66, 112, 29, 81, 29, 28, 11, 97, 68, 141, 68, 174, 68, 170, 71, 186, 71, 175, 71, 145, 71, 33, 71, 142, 71, 150, 71, 160, 71, 211, 71, 210, 71, 159, 71, 206, 71, 155, 71, 165, 71, 216, 71, 221, 71, 171, 71, 176, 71, 35, 71, 146, 71, 212, 71, 196, 13, 246, 13, 241, 13, 244, 62, 44, 27, 187, 9, 60, 13, 18, 13, 35, 13, 113, 56, 103, 56, 84, 48, 174, 71, 185, 71, 181, 71, 99, 62, 37, 27, 123, 62, 8, 0, 40, 33, 14, 0, 187, 33, 124, 33, 11, 58, 132, 39, 161, 38, 165, 38, 175, 65, 216, 65, 22, 66, 40, 45, 47, 45, 219, 45, 24, 59, 234, 60, 158, 61, 252, 71, 248, 71, 243, 71, 57, 62, 181, 64, 173, 63, 138, 65, 27, 72, 20, 72, 142, 14, 65, 13, 250, 12, 137, 48, 157, 48, 16, 40, 30, 72, 35, 72, 39, 72, 46, 72, 58, 72, 52, 72, 61, 72, 239, 71, 246, 71, 175, 70, 188, 70, 100, 71, 12, 53, 121, 33, 157, 51, 52, 34, 101, 52, 59, 34, 19, 40, 52, 49, 6, 56, 42, 66, 135, 71, 123, 71, 126, 9, 182, 9, 166, 9, 177, 72, 151, 72, 186, 72, 110, 28, 206, 27, 103, 28, 56, 60, 43, 60, 52, 60, 196, 27, 123, 28, 131, 28, 207, 7, 207, 72, 75, 22, 211, 70, 98, 66, 147, 70, 12, 8, 16, 8, 147, 8, 242, 43, 121, 41, 129, 41, 250, 42, 161, 42, 34, 43, 114, 4, 202, 4, 117, 4, 181, 41, 210, 43, 114, 45, 255, 34, 136, 50, 94, 43, 180, 7, 179, 5, 70, 5, 40, 67, 127, 67, 109, 67, 129, 39, 209, 38, 83, 36, 17, 29, 11, 29, 254, 29, 132, 52, 19, 34, 238, 52, 130, 43, 134, 43, 69, 43, 46, 46, 39, 46, 64, 45, 229, 43, 77, 46, 110, 44, 123, 72, 3, 73, 198, 72, 197, 26, 208, 26, 107, 27, 65, 60, 85, 60, 78, 60, 234, 50, 238, 50, 48, 52, 10, 65, 220, 70, 203, 70, 52, 63, 56, 31, 138, 67, 150, 5, 193, 2, 21, 7, 160, 73, 51, 73, 154, 73, 57, 27, 244, 26, 121, 27, 90, 51, 63, 51, 58, 51, 172, 34, 92, 52, 165, 47, 81, 63, 167, 67, 54, 31, 2, 52, 239, 50, 246, 50, 50, 1, 223, 58, 55, 1, 56, 73, 68, 73, 78, 73, 183, 50, 25, 33, 34, 61, 235, 13, 137, 14, 112, 15, 150, 44, 108, 43, 100, 43, 199, 27, 202, 27, 146, 27, 118, 7, 122, 7, 169, 72, 203, 27, 161, 27, 151, 27, 108, 69, 97, 69, 94, 69, 210, 66, 68, 68, 1, 70, 7, 28, 172, 28, 20, 28, 74, 3, 67, 6, 27, 6, 155, 0, 141, 0, 251, 73, 159, 73, 188, 7, 212, 72, 156, 73, 23, 73, 151, 73, 21, 73, 28, 73, 150, 73, 111, 67, 225, 67, 178, 67, 183, 37, 45, 39, 201, 37, 212, 31, 234, 31, 136, 49, 217, 45, 90, 45, 38, 45, 197, 27, 100, 28, 201, 27, 143, 44, 46, 44, 172, 42, 8, 55, 140, 32, 177, 55, 54, 73, 196, 73, 58, 73, 206, 73, 136, 73, 62, 73, 126, 73, 98, 73, 225, 73, 20, 54, 85, 54, 55, 50, 89, 55, 45, 60, 114, 60, 73, 73, 77, 73, 67, 73, 86, 73, 93, 73, 109, 73, 102, 73, 111, 73, 97, 73, 104, 73, 203, 73, 84, 73, 122, 73, 99, 73, 127, 73, 125, 73, 121, 73, 115, 73, 168, 67, 133, 67, 55, 31, 119, 71, 93, 71, 52, 71, 123, 73, 128, 73, 119, 73, 200, 52, 204, 52, 238, 51, 52, 15, 146, 12, 181, 17, 166, 3, 214, 1, 237, 3, 245, 72, 182, 73, 214, 73, 128, 17, 218, 16, 122, 17, 185, 57, 74, 57, 190, 57, 8, 28, 21, 28, 28, 28, 66, 7, 91, 2, 88, 2, 29, 23, 240, 22, 16, 23, 250, 25, 223, 25, 126, 27, 83, 52, 168, 34, 79, 52, 151, 57, 113, 57, 109, 57, 199, 6, 31, 2, 115, 1, 63, 39, 250, 38, 12, 39, 194, 3, 204, 1, 204, 3, 200, 31, 27, 65, 237, 70, 149, 2, 219, 4, 163, 4, 73, 17, 67, 17, 151, 17, 201, 73, 149, 73, 135, 73, 250, 30, 125, 10, 254, 25, 78, 55, 238, 55, 201, 32, 169, 23, 162, 23, 173, 23, 118, 43, 112, 43, 83, 46, 169, 73, 207, 73, 249, 72, 18, 30, 35, 30, 89, 29, 176, 23, 148, 25, 136, 25, 95, 59, 25, 21, 19, 62, 0, 35, 146, 50, 137, 50, 117, 40, 163, 48, 26, 40, 178, 4, 197, 2, 124, 4, 197, 62, 187, 10, 192, 62, 242, 54, 26, 55, 229, 32, 155, 69, 166, 69, 160, 69, 86, 18, 73, 18, 59, 18, 21, 3, 181, 0, 13, 3, 150, 24, 252, 24, 45, 25, 21, 72, 131, 65, 141, 65, 151, 42, 156, 43, 139, 44, 107, 67, 126, 67, 120, 67, 37, 0, 106, 0, 42, 0, 235, 72, 124, 5, 100, 7, 110, 58, 134, 58, 125, 58, 254, 14, 250, 13, 84, 13, 23, 35, 91, 50, 122, 42, 29, 9, 19, 9, 21, 9, 32, 4, 36, 2, 28, 2, 28, 30, 155, 30, 23, 30, 117, 73, 195, 73, 106, 73, 175, 14, 161, 14, 169, 14, 220, 23, 198, 23, 7, 24, 114, 42, 79, 42, 84, 42, 136, 54, 121, 60, 183, 60, 6, 46, 189, 41, 19, 46, 47, 57, 212, 57, 40, 57, 150, 57, 107, 57, 171, 57, 211, 66, 143, 66, 70, 68, 37, 70, 200, 69, 233, 69, 96, 65, 88, 65, 101, 65, 66, 37, 251, 36, 243, 36, 238, 6, 82, 2, 55, 2, 126, 23, 66, 23, 113, 23, 88, 57, 137, 57, 181, 57, 194, 13, 70, 13, 129, 13, 201, 21, 199, 25, 198, 21, 115, 25, 100, 25, 65, 25, 203, 41, 51, 46, 55, 46, 32, 63, 8, 31, 0, 31, 25, 12, 32, 12, 85, 12, 32, 68, 38, 68, 119, 66, 148, 24, 107, 25, 151, 24, 76, 22, 208, 72, 68, 22, 181, 56, 155, 56, 163, 56, 115, 10, 110, 10, 119, 10, 246, 57, 55, 58, 61, 58, 224, 27, 237, 27, 227, 27, 73, 32, 240, 54, 46, 55, 242, 25, 11, 31, 193, 10, 234, 65, 54, 71, 227, 71, 223, 64, 84, 49, 111, 49, 56, 46, 141, 42, 232, 42, 10, 3, 8, 59, 149, 59, 199, 44, 12, 45, 193, 44, 35, 48, 77, 41, 23, 48, 167, 30, 138, 30, 142, 30, 173, 66, 15, 68, 34, 67, 115, 42, 238, 53, 255, 44, 76, 48, 183, 40, 121, 56, 201, 53, 84, 54, 229, 49, 122, 67, 223, 67, 108, 67, 237, 47, 94, 40, 79, 56, 13, 36, 92, 40, 239, 48, 77, 72, 207, 8, 180, 62, 17, 45, 28, 41, 58, 42, 113, 59, 187, 58, 170, 59, 164, 30, 230, 29, 37, 28, 10, 53, 4, 53, 126, 52, 54, 15, 219, 18, 149, 12, 26, 48, 11, 41, 35, 41, 75, 74, 100, 74, 37, 62, 80, 18, 88, 11, 135, 13, 65, 59, 59, 59, 5, 9, 68, 0, 60, 0, 20, 74, 231, 64, 216, 67, 96, 31, 102, 34, 226, 33, 207, 33, 9, 47, 83, 47, 89, 47, 177, 22, 201, 22, 217, 23, 49, 61, 108, 0, 119, 0, 111, 39, 165, 39, 119, 39, 246, 72, 184, 73, 133, 72, 27, 54, 219, 54, 183, 54, 253, 55, 48, 49, 221, 48, 44, 39, 181, 37, 36, 39, 150, 2, 12, 2, 189, 2, 61, 74, 71, 74, 69, 74, 178, 0, 161, 0, 19, 3, 158, 0, 244, 73, 142, 0, 6, 29, 255, 28, 52, 29, 20, 1, 10, 1, 67, 1, 83, 5, 73, 5, 182, 5, 235, 16, 95, 17, 251, 17, 12, 14, 191, 13, 184, 13, 152, 58, 210, 0, 204, 0, 147, 47, 152, 47, 238, 46, 229, 20, 8, 21, 218, 20, 218, 35, 32, 36, 223, 35, 243, 73, 60, 1, 42, 1, 195, 63, 82, 31, 9, 68, 12, 24, 137, 22, 77, 22, 82, 7, 65, 1, 57, 1, 97, 49, 123, 38, 234, 39, 204, 41, 57, 46, 147, 42, 65, 38, 174, 38, 87, 38, 21, 64, 66, 32, 59, 32, 25, 46, 218, 43, 164, 46, 176, 14, 219, 14, 16, 15, 206, 70, 106, 71, 214, 70, 225, 32, 10, 62, 71, 60, 176, 42, 229, 42, 143, 42, 238, 0, 179, 59, 172, 59, 235, 4, 134, 1, 126, 1, 25, 54, 129, 50, 92, 54, 182, 63, 61, 31, 85, 63, 35, 65, 46, 65, 42, 65, 78, 69, 74, 69, 48, 69, 252, 10, 219, 30, 213, 30, 219, 27, 223, 27, 226, 27, 132, 6, 178, 6, 33, 5, 90, 7, 64, 1, 80, 7, 110, 45, 22, 46, 163, 46, 127, 2, 6, 2, 144, 2, 63, 62, 158, 32, 202, 64, 37, 56, 63, 56, 34, 49, 148, 5, 20, 7, 47, 4, 14, 1, 18, 1, 209, 2, 52, 24, 197, 72, 194, 7, 220, 4, 105, 6, 139, 4, 144, 28, 122, 28, 195, 27, 25, 10, 126, 19, 20, 10, 40, 11, 99, 27, 32, 11, 6, 43, 0, 43, 169, 43, 31, 23, 24, 23, 37, 23, 131, 1, 130, 2, 125, 2, 188, 57, 73, 57, 51, 57, 117, 13, 126, 13, 208, 12, 23, 31, 19, 31, 196, 10, 136, 23, 30, 19, 88, 23, 246, 6, 248, 3, 165, 5, 125, 29, 39, 29, 119, 29, 104, 70, 98, 70, 67, 70, 188, 3, 233, 6, 183, 3, 46, 17, 59, 17, 109, 17, 247, 52, 19, 53, 140, 52, 55, 44, 141, 44, 158, 43, 152, 3, 233, 1, 251, 3, 195, 38, 93, 38, 55, 38, 167, 20, 108, 20, 114, 20, 15, 3, 184, 0, 157, 58, 200, 16, 150, 16, 155, 16, 202, 28, 193, 28, 161, 28, 169, 64, 121, 32, 82, 64, 182, 3, 230, 6, 201, 3, 109, 37, 131, 38, 220, 37, 125, 35, 118, 49, 171, 31, 29, 33, 137, 53, 39, 61, 73, 9, 63, 9, 117, 62, 181, 58, 69, 3, 217, 5, 3, 37, 208, 39, 75, 38, 162, 29, 144, 29, 40, 28, 224, 3, 169, 1, 192, 3, 214, 63, 212, 63, 64, 64, 98, 4, 115, 6, 226, 4, 148, 56, 207, 36, 192, 37, 149, 63, 123, 64, 92, 64, 165, 60, 190, 54, 161, 60, 192, 20, 101, 20, 106, 20, 162, 0, 179, 0, 27, 0, 240, 2, 235, 0, 231, 2, 115, 40, 35, 40, 31, 40, 70, 3, 249, 5, 156, 6, 14, 7, 250, 6, 1, 7, 175, 57, 68, 57, 70, 57, 57, 64, 222, 63, 212, 67, 99, 61, 167, 60, 106, 61, 154, 65, 10, 72, 164, 65, 36, 14, 191, 18, 177, 13, 156, 66, 221, 66, 254, 69, 12, 5, 110, 1, 16, 5, 91, 70, 106, 70, 111, 70, 227, 64, 198, 67, 203, 67, 53, 7, 89, 3, 222, 2, 158, 4, 239, 4, 232, 4, 14, 67, 201, 66, 148, 66, 103, 46, 119, 44, 74, 44, 221, 49, 148, 60, 220, 54, 15, 56, 147, 40, 139, 40, 238, 72, 190, 73, 176, 73, 17, 71, 11, 71, 99, 65, 107, 41, 94, 47, 127, 46, 47, 20, 27, 20, 202, 20, 148, 31, 201, 67, 209, 67, 159, 2, 1, 2, 15, 2, 148, 44, 119, 43, 84, 46, 239, 51, 233, 51, 196, 52, 13, 46, 239, 40, 244, 40, 14, 12, 59, 12, 132, 11, 76, 54, 205, 53, 79, 54, 47, 19, 215, 21, 87, 19, 215, 43, 223, 43, 148, 46, 111, 23, 205, 16, 125, 23, 131, 31, 109, 31, 137, 31, 121, 9, 66, 20, 112, 9, 229, 66, 65, 67, 237, 66, 135, 70, 145, 70, 6, 65, 165, 15, 14, 16, 238, 15, 65, 19, 81, 19, 57, 19, 61, 4, 36, 7, 219, 1, 17, 5, 126, 4, 172, 4, 15, 31, 201, 10, 201, 26, 115, 28, 95, 28, 98, 28, 128, 66, 25, 68, 20, 68, 139, 52, 18, 53, 255, 52, 116, 3, 69, 4, 85, 1, 27, 18, 62, 16, 51, 16, 27, 3, 16, 3, 163, 58, 64, 67, 144, 67, 58, 67, 171, 2, 103, 2, 109, 2, 87, 12, 197, 12, 99, 12, 57, 61, 117, 61, 63, 61, 133, 49, 128, 49, 232, 31, 104, 6, 212, 5, 93, 6, 43, 17, 53, 17, 102, 17, 248, 43, 234, 43, 111, 44, 23, 17, 212, 17, 33, 17, 81, 43, 97, 41, 87, 43, 218, 4, 196, 2, 177, 4, 238, 56, 130, 33, 21, 57, 27, 70, 22, 70, 41, 70, 81, 48, 70, 48, 215, 47, 103, 55, 164, 32, 208, 64, 37, 42, 72, 42, 14, 42, 118, 39, 57, 39, 186, 37, 39, 68, 27, 68, 125, 66, 106, 7, 58, 2, 71, 1, 2, 38, 36, 37, 199, 36, 102, 16, 21, 18, 81, 16, 117, 24, 115, 24, 228, 24, 143, 53, 18, 33, 194, 50, 210, 37, 82, 38, 85, 38, 238, 59, 96, 7, 84, 7, 82, 28, 182, 27, 171, 27, 66, 6, 226, 0, 62, 3, 100, 1, 121, 7, 116, 7, 211, 17, 194, 17, 131, 17, 120, 44, 104, 46, 161, 43, 172, 57, 108, 57, 94, 57, 72, 36, 33, 39, 235, 38, 106, 72, 241, 59, 230, 19, 202, 10, 255, 25, 104, 27, 206, 10, 18, 31, 249, 30, 20, 73, 49, 73, 233, 73, 247, 26, 72, 27, 81, 26, 139, 8, 164, 8, 129, 8, 66, 43, 157, 46, 60, 43, 244, 11, 255, 11, 128, 11, 65, 28, 139, 28, 157, 28, 184, 11, 78, 27, 90, 27, 3, 29, 233, 28, 246, 28, 218, 7, 191, 25, 212, 7, 246, 23, 241, 23, 119, 22, 170, 20, 146, 20, 176, 20, 165, 8, 113, 72, 130, 8, 239, 7, 245, 7, 250, 7, 173, 35, 240, 48, 166, 35, 243, 61, 234, 61, 229, 61, 193, 1, 199, 1, 26, 4, 76, 12, 10, 12, 17, 12, 124, 30, 210, 29, 181, 30, 235, 23, 250, 23, 244, 23, 168, 21, 175, 21, 111, 19, 39, 8, 156, 21, 170, 21, 134, 49, 140, 49, 68, 49, 152, 37, 6, 39, 80, 39, 175, 0, 4, 74, 80, 0, 56, 8, 42, 8, 131, 21, 123, 8, 187, 8, 118, 8, 153, 25, 101, 22, 240, 7, 117, 28, 153, 28, 101, 11, 164, 7, 112, 7, 159, 7, 17, 7, 113, 2, 39, 2, 149, 40, 208, 48, 54, 56, 111, 35, 225, 35, 145, 49, 126, 60, 250, 32, 36, 50, 56, 28, 203, 28, 189, 28, 224, 25, 243, 26, 16, 27, 199, 54, 239, 32, 200, 60, 180, 63, 93, 63, 110, 63, 71, 48, 82, 48, 181, 40, 30, 35, 20, 35, 26, 35, 122, 32, 107, 32, 112, 32, 86, 4, 134, 5, 74, 4, 32, 19, 129, 23, 103, 23, 37, 26, 55, 26, 96, 27, 4, 60, 167, 8, 112, 72, 118, 22, 100, 22, 107, 22, 138, 55, 87, 55, 165, 55, 41, 65, 45, 65, 55, 65, 1, 8, 6, 8, 252, 7, 108, 41, 80, 47, 186, 34, 55, 25, 105, 24, 78, 24, 69, 45, 238, 45, 44, 46, 46, 59, 70, 59, 98, 8, 154, 68, 166, 68, 147, 68, 75, 41, 4, 41, 52, 48, 27, 12, 86, 12, 207, 11, 210, 62, 65, 62, 205, 8, 252, 65, 234, 71, 228, 65, 249, 8, 6, 9, 196, 8, 23, 26, 82, 10, 213, 26, 65, 21, 21, 21, 28, 21, 15, 23, 25, 23, 21, 23, 218, 30, 251, 10, 2, 11, 102, 52, 166, 52, 60, 34, 163, 7, 154, 72, 147, 72, 129, 27, 59, 10, 124, 27, 120, 73, 129, 73, 141, 73, 2, 4, 164, 5, 247, 3, 58, 43, 170, 46, 68, 43, 106, 8, 119, 55, 246, 61, 14, 31, 243, 25, 31, 26, 166, 37, 212, 37, 161, 37, 239, 27, 168, 28, 250, 27, 96, 66, 91, 66, 86, 66, 106, 47, 112, 47, 103, 47, 198, 33, 115, 33, 208, 33, 71, 13, 36, 15, 55, 13, 109, 26, 104, 26, 230, 26, 129, 9, 125, 9, 165, 9, 227, 7, 195, 7, 48, 24, 209, 29, 149, 29, 140, 29, 67, 20, 122, 9, 130, 9, 240, 9, 153, 9, 148, 9, 10, 42, 0, 42, 29, 42, 76, 72, 179, 9, 67, 72, 73, 72, 183, 9, 175, 9, 177, 9, 117, 9, 71, 72, 202, 40, 40, 40, 127, 48, 5, 63, 245, 9, 239, 9, 152, 9, 238, 9, 244, 9, 150, 9, 241, 9, 251, 9, 21, 10, 255, 9, 246, 9, 250, 9, 1, 10, 4, 10, 3, 10, 0, 10, 16, 10, 254, 9, 19, 10, 13, 10, 133, 27, 86, 13, 230, 27, 240, 69, 135, 66, 71, 68, 11, 3, 167, 58, 9, 59, 183, 10, 29, 63, 254, 30, 112, 10, 252, 30, 103, 10, 155, 10, 27, 63, 138, 10, 225, 53, 42, 54, 220, 53, 88, 18, 80, 12, 93, 12, 223, 62, 146, 10, 142, 10, 182, 12, 202, 12, 190, 12, 82, 35, 104, 49, 86, 49, 14, 63, 87, 10, 80, 10, 214, 10, 10, 26, 232, 25, 42, 46, 25, 43, 36, 46, 243, 5, 63, 3, 215, 5, 152, 54, 120, 60, 133, 54, 237, 10, 229, 10, 254, 10, 61, 49, 114, 35, 119, 35, 15, 7, 38, 2, 42, 4, 247, 28, 234, 28, 116, 27, 62, 29, 112, 30, 151, 30, 1, 29, 19, 11, 232, 28, 192, 64, 160, 32, 187, 55, 186, 27, 115, 11, 174, 27, 237, 23, 248, 23, 113, 22, 63, 11, 64, 27, 215, 28, 7, 30, 88, 29, 93, 29, 217, 17, 208, 17, 91, 17, 221, 22, 238, 23, 89, 23, 146, 58, 112, 0, 58, 61, 7, 19, 182, 13, 250, 18, 234, 11, 99, 11, 143, 27, 151, 38, 169, 38, 198, 37, 114, 47, 108, 47, 157, 47, 142, 56, 111, 40, 20, 48, 99, 4, 152, 6, 116, 6, 216, 17, 90, 17, 202, 17, 54, 67, 50, 67, 12, 67, 96, 68, 91, 68, 140, 68, 85, 24, 102, 24, 90, 24, 253, 51, 253, 50, 245, 51, 242, 55, 125, 49, 132, 49, 75, 58, 56, 58, 86, 58, 168, 11, 130, 11, 224, 26, 148, 11, 33, 12, 165, 11, 72, 11, 66, 11, 170, 11, 122, 24, 55, 22, 49, 22, 45, 50, 229, 53, 54, 54, 72, 37, 163, 36, 249, 36, 147, 17, 243, 16, 214, 16, 54, 41, 223, 47, 212, 47, 176, 11, 156, 11, 163, 11, 200, 11, 38, 12, 194, 11, 246, 63, 218, 64, 204, 31, 185, 7, 158, 72, 193, 72, 76, 11, 173, 11, 155, 11, 185, 4, 94, 2, 203, 4, 62, 27, 119, 27, 83, 26, 52, 21, 15, 21, 72, 59, 191, 37, 126, 37, 79, 38, 105, 60, 244, 54, 230, 32, 235, 45, 152, 45, 223, 45, 9, 36, 201, 39, 161, 36, 178, 1, 224, 6, 231, 6, 150, 67, 67, 67, 159, 67, 107, 37, 81, 39, 68, 39, 43, 7, 250, 59, 201, 2, 3, 7, 9, 2, 254, 1, 24, 9, 98, 62, 161, 62, 153, 64, 83, 32, 31, 55, 174, 7, 99, 7, 181, 5, 124, 12, 11, 12, 77, 12, 94, 4, 126, 5, 62, 2, 21, 46, 108, 45, 11, 46, 231, 8, 236, 8, 224, 8, 253, 20, 108, 62, 112, 62, 0, 1, 250, 0, 5, 1, 178, 39, 138, 36, 171, 36, 237, 16, 48, 17, 136, 17, 71, 44, 85, 47, 33, 44, 255, 7, 13, 8, 73, 8, 197, 25, 42, 19, 54, 19, 50, 48, 231, 40, 140, 45, 25, 2, 200, 6, 117, 1, 123, 1, 230, 4, 129, 1, 106, 64, 150, 32, 178, 55, 41, 53, 246, 34, 61, 53, 125, 1, 130, 1, 186, 2, 217, 47, 61, 41, 72, 41, 194, 62, 174, 62, 178, 62, 62, 18, 94, 15, 2, 14, 205, 29, 4, 30, 132, 29, 79, 11, 120, 11, 187, 27, 217, 62, 189, 62, 68, 62, 19, 52, 36, 52, 26, 52, 167, 57, 156, 57, 31, 33, 20, 37, 25, 37, 30, 37, 242, 64, 2, 65, 107, 66, 32, 60, 29, 60, 80, 59, 252, 19, 229, 19, 216, 2, 92, 16, 56, 15, 42, 17, 236, 14, 244, 14, 225, 13, 51, 44, 118, 46, 152, 44, 211, 56, 31, 57, 222, 57, 111, 30, 86, 30, 118, 30, 149, 4, 89, 5, 4, 6, 94, 26, 64, 26, 69, 26, 204, 36, 87, 36, 122, 35, 71, 46, 40, 46, 47, 46, 74, 29, 60, 29, 147, 30, 152, 70, 111, 71, 230, 70, 155, 24, 9, 25, 23, 25, 104, 36, 97, 36, 172, 39, 129, 63, 121, 63, 90, 64, 255, 4, 153, 4, 246, 4, 161, 12, 155, 12, 175, 13, 165, 16, 73, 16, 177, 16, 165, 27, 69, 11, 67, 27, 56, 17, 178, 17, 181, 16, 146, 69, 210, 69, 203, 69, 192, 12, 204, 12, 155, 13, 207, 63, 202, 63, 68, 64, 121, 6, 210, 4, 0, 74, 78, 18, 90, 18, 86, 11, 225, 12, 47, 13, 220, 12, 87, 13, 222, 14, 255, 14, 250, 46, 171, 34, 164, 47, 14, 25, 67, 25, 239, 24, 79, 39, 5, 39, 255, 38, 227, 23, 119, 25, 68, 25, 56, 37, 239, 36, 233, 36, 96, 13, 101, 13, 107, 13, 23, 13, 27, 13, 32, 13, 177, 48, 133, 48, 106, 48, 20, 18, 117, 16, 112, 16, 202, 13, 130, 13, 160, 13, 187, 16, 86, 16, 123, 16, 252, 16, 158, 16, 15, 17, 216, 8, 79, 72, 176, 62, 120, 18, 126, 18, 207, 18, 181, 68, 178, 68, 186, 68, 48, 13, 53, 13, 221, 12, 73, 33, 144, 33, 63, 33, 121, 25, 191, 24, 126, 25, 189, 4, 21, 5, 29, 5, 112, 20, 105, 20, 120, 20, 89, 28, 183, 27, 83, 28, 41, 17, 100, 17, 90, 16, 135, 7, 82, 1, 73, 7, 28, 45, 23, 45, 215, 41, 208, 32, 63, 60, 216, 32, 193, 11, 76, 27, 182, 11, 35, 9, 110, 62, 155, 62, 9, 12, 223, 11, 16, 12, 125, 4, 127, 6, 133, 6, 225, 59, 232, 58, 104, 59, 152, 69, 198, 69, 211, 69, 161, 25, 230, 23, 67, 22, 255, 48, 210, 48, 16, 56, 28, 66, 131, 71, 72, 66, 97, 63, 207, 64, 153, 32, 227, 72, 137, 72, 129, 72, 247, 59, 190, 8, 252, 59, 239, 15, 243, 15, 167, 15, 4, 61, 150, 59, 11, 59, 39, 45, 30, 45, 217, 41, 102, 32, 98, 32, 143, 64, 66, 33, 130, 57, 197, 57, 83, 59, 88, 8, 36, 60, 166, 21, 108, 19, 189, 21, 246, 25, 9, 26, 119, 26, 187, 46, 7, 34, 137, 34, 129, 74, 107, 74, 155, 74, 60, 28, 159, 29, 239, 29, 222, 18, 65, 15, 112, 18, 154, 14, 197, 14, 234, 14, 238, 48, 202, 39, 12, 36, 155, 26, 135, 26, 26, 26, 74, 14, 29, 16, 89, 14, 15, 15, 255, 13, 19, 15, 155, 4, 62, 5, 77, 5, 133, 11, 61, 12, 51, 12, 233, 13, 230, 13, 249, 14, 162, 3, 221, 1, 186, 6, 133, 14, 241, 14, 235, 14, 146, 16, 118, 16, 12, 17, 9, 15, 183, 14, 215, 14, 152, 20, 84, 20, 79, 20, 64, 71, 231, 65, 2, 66, 233, 53, 214, 42, 253, 44, 250, 16, 204, 16, 109, 23, 214, 41, 23, 42, 17, 42, 59, 14, 47, 15, 43, 15, 228, 47, 253, 47, 58, 48, 140, 18, 150, 12, 48, 12, 189, 31, 218, 31, 196, 31, 71, 8, 93, 19, 253, 7, 82, 18, 137, 13, 76, 18, 235, 61, 34, 62, 232, 61, 198, 73, 191, 73, 179, 7, 50, 0, 100, 0, 83, 0, 163, 10, 85, 10, 13, 63, 27, 27, 65, 12, 204, 25, 222, 26, 144, 11, 167, 11, 169, 47, 105, 47, 102, 47, 53, 68, 206, 69, 61, 68, 48, 15, 60, 14, 23, 18, 185, 47, 189, 47, 195, 47, 97, 15, 253, 13, 216, 14, 153, 24, 111, 25, 33, 25, 156, 12, 162, 12, 20, 14, 218, 51, 197, 51, 205, 51, 113, 60, 200, 32, 232, 55, 24, 16, 185, 15, 202, 15, 253, 46, 3, 47, 178, 34, 227, 47, 47, 41, 210, 47, 158, 47, 244, 46, 153, 47, 141, 34, 120, 34, 202, 46, 185, 25, 157, 72, 255, 59, 130, 20, 97, 72, 195, 19, 123, 15, 91, 14, 120, 15, 234, 17, 219, 17, 231, 17, 240, 15, 235, 15, 137, 15, 50, 44, 151, 44, 156, 44, 38, 13, 7, 13, 50, 13, 154, 35, 163, 35, 169, 35, 176, 15, 248, 15, 178, 15, 96, 36, 109, 36, 171, 39, 216, 13, 191, 15, 157, 15, 10, 36, 74, 39, 15, 36, 136, 64, 194, 55, 100, 32, 255, 12, 244, 12, 6, 13, 157, 44, 153, 44, 102, 43, 243, 23, 92, 25, 122, 22, 79, 4, 221, 6, 88, 4, 236, 64, 255, 64, 222, 67, 224, 15, 244, 15, 173, 15, 65, 26, 222, 10, 70, 26, 95, 72, 98, 20, 189, 20, 38, 11, 92, 26, 95, 27, 228, 15, 241, 15, 138, 15, 152, 24, 32, 25, 253, 24, 52, 14, 199, 18, 69, 15, 116, 13, 213, 13, 208, 13, 126, 46, 53, 47, 57, 44, 201, 44, 23, 41, 7, 45, 47, 49, 19, 56, 1, 56, 237, 54, 62, 55, 35, 55, 71, 27, 59, 27, 75, 27, 201, 36, 208, 35, 193, 36, 13, 68, 48, 68, 158, 66, 41, 16, 35, 18, 41, 18, 110, 55, 157, 32, 176, 32, 165, 68, 208, 68, 212, 68, 66, 14, 31, 16, 40, 18, 154, 71, 207, 71, 161, 71, 148, 48, 109, 48, 138, 48, 142, 67, 135, 67, 45, 67, 46, 16, 34, 18, 39, 16, 39, 18, 60, 16, 69, 14, 233, 23, 160, 22, 211, 23, 143, 19, 153, 19, 90, 20, 71, 24, 181, 24, 186, 24, 243, 64, 34, 65, 23, 65, 78, 59, 18, 21, 43, 21, 43, 74, 47, 74, 66, 74, 82, 24, 75, 24, 87, 24, 104, 16, 9, 18, 122, 16, 236, 57, 213, 56, 229, 57, 4, 49, 29, 49, 153, 35, 193, 16, 151, 16, 201, 16, 239, 22, 27, 23, 235, 22, 26, 58, 130, 58, 19, 58, 183, 29, 172, 29, 33, 30, 33, 36, 219, 35, 197, 36, 20, 44, 16, 44, 28, 44, 129, 33, 237, 56, 227, 56, 138, 17, 50, 17, 221, 16, 99, 31, 217, 67, 128, 35, 10, 49, 38, 49, 31, 49, 246, 22, 223, 22, 93, 23, 109, 66, 210, 67, 204, 67, 63, 47, 247, 34, 57, 47, 228, 62, 225, 9, 166, 10, 254, 16, 3, 17, 167, 16, 6, 20, 39, 9, 54, 9, 155, 28, 43, 28, 63, 28, 43, 44, 39, 44, 61, 44, 99, 0, 49, 0, 46, 0, 247, 51, 208, 52, 88, 52, 241, 38, 57, 37, 53, 37, 96, 38, 149, 37, 104, 38, 83, 17, 211, 16, 139, 17, 41, 54, 224, 53, 154, 54, 29, 12, 253, 11, 4, 12, 123, 20, 164, 20, 156, 20, 218, 49, 102, 54, 214, 49, 1, 16, 207, 14, 114, 15, 105, 14, 231, 15, 141, 15, 104, 5, 54, 3, 59, 3, 218, 37, 107, 38, 104, 37, 236, 12, 126, 14, 235, 12, 233, 17, 9, 17, 239, 17, 86, 46, 106, 43, 113, 46, 112, 17, 217, 16, 127, 17, 229, 30, 117, 26, 121, 26, 180, 25, 33, 22, 11, 73, 50, 25, 229, 24, 31, 25, 49, 60, 40, 60, 190, 61, 152, 15, 237, 15, 13, 16, 24, 64, 254, 63, 164, 49, 78, 0, 56, 74, 23, 0, 121, 59, 20, 59, 151, 61, 98, 12, 104, 12, 125, 12, 234, 18, 147, 18, 170, 18, 177, 21, 28, 10, 35, 10, 104, 0, 147, 58, 130, 0, 221, 50, 226, 50, 212, 50, 151, 25, 15, 22, 104, 22, 136, 45, 230, 40, 15, 46, 153, 5, 25, 4, 208, 6, 129, 10, 117, 10, 123, 10, 141, 2, 0, 5, 247, 4, 12, 64, 92, 49, 74, 35, 217, 14, 254, 13, 14, 15, 206, 38, 173, 38, 82, 36, 235, 49, 250, 49, 13, 54, 75, 7, 86, 1, 75, 2, 224, 57, 223, 56, 233, 57, 45, 56, 130, 56, 140, 56, 4, 39, 98, 37, 69, 39, 22, 3, 165, 0, 182, 0, 136, 38, 66, 38, 88, 38, 124, 70, 74, 70, 117, 70, 235, 25, 76, 10, 71, 10, 37, 22, 47, 22, 53, 22, 197, 17, 163, 17, 169, 17, 76, 21, 86, 21, 49, 21, 118, 27, 60, 27, 54, 27, 60, 45, 0, 46, 99, 45, 210, 64, 213, 8, 167, 32, 180, 11, 186, 11, 111, 26, 15, 49, 8, 49, 171, 35, 3, 65, 104, 66, 253, 64, 89, 0, 138, 0, 34, 0, 133, 40, 25, 40, 162, 48, 136, 3, 45, 4, 50, 4, 250, 11, 159, 11, 125, 11, 191, 3, 203, 3, 241, 6, 61, 14, 11, 18, 84, 16, 160, 30, 214, 29, 126, 30, 86, 68, 93, 69, 47, 68, 48, 64, 55, 64, 140, 64, 134, 29, 0, 30, 174, 30, 108, 32, 192, 55, 135, 64, 221, 0, 248, 58, 236, 60, 225, 20, 241, 20, 252, 20, 67, 43, 205, 42, 129, 43, 127, 13, 119, 13, 209, 13, 81, 18, 75, 18, 70, 18, 10, 64, 217, 64, 169, 49, 173, 57, 96, 57, 36, 33, 198, 58, 30, 1, 199, 59, 34, 53, 241, 34, 70, 53, 247, 48, 146, 35, 214, 36, 46, 7, 184, 5, 8, 6, 199, 65, 96, 71, 84, 71, 35, 63, 69, 62, 190, 62, 123, 19, 12, 10, 18, 10, 18, 35, 25, 35, 92, 41, 141, 43, 87, 46, 115, 46, 173, 73, 229, 72, 234, 72, 183, 30, 85, 29, 115, 29, 97, 67, 63, 67, 70, 67, 0, 64, 3, 64, 109, 49, 17, 19, 162, 18, 149, 18, 50, 56, 42, 49, 109, 40, 220, 11, 98, 11, 78, 13, 47, 27, 245, 25, 118, 26, 19, 42, 251, 41, 247, 41, 208, 20, 109, 21, 216, 20, 181, 7, 177, 7, 183, 5, 247, 18, 142, 13, 175, 12, 110, 40, 2, 40, 52, 56, 236, 19, 159, 19, 246, 19, 183, 61, 39, 59, 87, 59, 108, 59, 231, 58, 37, 1, 134, 20, 191, 19, 187, 19, 157, 45, 163, 45, 198, 45, 5, 59, 10, 59, 168, 58, 58, 53, 94, 53, 75, 53, 44, 19, 63, 19, 56, 19, 43, 19, 68, 19, 62, 19, 107, 23, 77, 19, 70, 19, 97, 19, 90, 19, 85, 19, 199, 50, 17, 61, 188, 50, 63, 64, 209, 63, 133, 64, 20, 40, 7, 56, 13, 56, 115, 19, 132, 19, 120, 19, 129, 58, 117, 58, 84, 58, 127, 19, 122, 19, 135, 9, 148, 20, 158, 20, 142, 19, 27, 50, 35, 32, 25, 32, 251, 68, 13, 69, 245, 68, 30, 70, 43, 70, 24, 70, 177, 30, 1, 30, 203, 29, 141, 11, 146, 11, 164, 11, 208, 29, 136, 29, 178, 30, 160, 18, 50, 12, 154, 18, 221, 30, 44, 11, 54, 11, 200, 19, 179, 19, 46, 8, 125, 3, 218, 1, 35, 7, 207, 17, 215, 17, 29, 17, 227, 43, 126, 47, 77, 34, 146, 23, 243, 22, 151, 23, 239, 39, 152, 40, 157, 40, 14, 64, 76, 35, 102, 49, 44, 18, 32, 18, 53, 16, 75, 57, 45, 57, 37, 57, 213, 41, 53, 45, 184, 42, 247, 16, 209, 16, 203, 16, 241, 4, 131, 2, 133, 1, 85, 71, 210, 70, 104, 71, 45, 37, 230, 36, 223, 36, 246, 21, 221, 21, 38, 19, 151, 8, 236, 7, 157, 8, 242, 19, 169, 19, 60, 8, 173, 26, 161, 26, 177, 26, 19, 33, 145, 53, 49, 62, 103, 5, 58, 3, 121, 2, 93, 44, 134, 46, 100, 44, 210, 57, 248, 56, 39, 57, 190, 4, 200, 4, 194, 4, 225, 10, 234, 10, 50, 26, 50, 11, 126, 26, 35, 11, 197, 42, 135, 42, 129, 42, 24, 20, 36, 20, 201, 20, 172, 67, 59, 31, 233, 67, 27, 66, 139, 71, 21, 71, 19, 70, 33, 70, 71, 70, 161, 15, 159, 15, 192, 15, 249, 67, 27, 31, 13, 31, 152, 23, 244, 22, 32, 23, 9, 21, 230, 20, 129, 62, 240, 53, 110, 54, 254, 53, 91, 67, 158, 67, 96, 67, 121, 51, 124, 51, 0, 53, 217, 58, 205, 58, 185, 60, 140, 25, 180, 23, 182, 23, 96, 11, 216, 11, 92, 11, 157, 10, 171, 10, 151, 10, 187, 62, 200, 62, 30, 63, 75, 64, 130, 63, 140, 63, 97, 47, 182, 34, 4, 47, 19, 72, 26, 72, 31, 72, 11, 60, 56, 24, 169, 8, 102, 72, 191, 20, 172, 20, 132, 12, 204, 21, 199, 21, 6, 73, 253, 72, 46, 73, 92, 72, 255, 31, 74, 20, 185, 28, 86, 28, 80, 28, 40, 50, 127, 42, 24, 50, 162, 45, 201, 45, 221, 45, 115, 9, 72, 20, 253, 31, 180, 19, 140, 19, 139, 20, 147, 19, 142, 20, 138, 19, 181, 20, 251, 19, 214, 2, 192, 42, 201, 42, 187, 42, 68, 45, 41, 46, 237, 45, 57, 3, 49, 3, 62, 6, 177, 18, 190, 18, 29, 14, 85, 67, 22, 67, 209, 66, 172, 53, 22, 33, 52, 62, 155, 45, 184, 45, 196, 45, 200, 68, 195, 68, 205, 68, 71, 21, 11, 9, 252, 8, 176, 59, 246, 0, 55, 7, 197, 18, 109, 12, 227, 18, 42, 74, 31, 74, 8, 74, 95, 35, 225, 39, 81, 37, 222, 20, 211, 20, 234, 20, 56, 61, 129, 61, 123, 61, 44, 73, 34, 73, 201, 7, 94, 21, 238, 20, 235, 20, 128, 61, 17, 33, 121, 61, 103, 1, 215, 4, 130, 4, 123, 65, 110, 65, 120, 65, 55, 21, 12, 9, 72, 21, 245, 47, 96, 56, 30, 48, 218, 18, 215, 18, 101, 18, 94, 63, 99, 63, 111, 63, 164, 13, 57, 18, 254, 18, 149, 54, 21, 50, 1, 50, 195, 67, 93, 31, 112, 66, 48, 21, 85, 21, 83, 21, 89, 21, 215, 20, 114, 21, 77, 21, 209, 20, 87, 21, 7, 58, 117, 33, 190, 56, 124, 8, 226, 19, 220, 19, 63, 23, 253, 22, 46, 23, 49, 67, 105, 67, 170, 66, 171, 26, 221, 26, 100, 27, 68, 53, 63, 53, 71, 53, 185, 50, 133, 61, 139, 74, 48, 27, 84, 26, 248, 25, 89, 69, 135, 69, 105, 69, 203, 6, 210, 6, 31, 4, 156, 24, 192, 24, 10, 25, 55, 48, 189, 40, 73, 48, 62, 1, 7, 1, 23, 1, 144, 66, 152, 66, 140, 66, 249, 58, 150, 61, 240, 60, 248, 49, 164, 60, 97, 61, 8, 25, 17, 25, 22, 25, 212, 3, 202, 3, 208, 3, 59, 0, 45, 0, 54, 0, 49, 4, 44, 4, 191, 6, 245, 31, 114, 49, 77, 49, 38, 34, 70, 34, 40, 34, 158, 29, 147, 29, 152, 29, 63, 68, 78, 68, 74, 68, 80, 53, 35, 53, 91, 53, 126, 24, 55, 24, 9, 60, 159, 21, 109, 19, 174, 21, 46, 74, 35, 74, 65, 74, 89, 1, 87, 1, 143, 7, 216, 29, 177, 29, 223, 29, 40, 25, 25, 24, 0, 25, 201, 12, 94, 11, 217, 11, 218, 23, 5, 24, 83, 24, 27, 51, 93, 51, 157, 33, 174, 18, 180, 18, 143, 18, 18, 72, 5, 72, 14, 72, 178, 71, 48, 66, 44, 66, 223, 21, 227, 21, 210, 21, 77, 11, 101, 26, 82, 26, 222, 56, 255, 56, 231, 57, 143, 31, 174, 31, 162, 31, 31, 63, 202, 62, 7, 31, 59, 73, 66, 73, 55, 73, 211, 18, 117, 18, 121, 18, 238, 2, 76, 3, 245, 2, 212, 55, 205, 54, 198, 49, 169, 24, 252, 23, 207, 23, 104, 13, 240, 12, 111, 13, 119, 21, 211, 19, 205, 19, 62, 33, 131, 57, 67, 33, 136, 30, 48, 30, 40, 30, 127, 15, 122, 15, 84, 14, 101, 3, 48, 7, 248, 0, 234, 62, 97, 9, 215, 25, 179, 55, 143, 32, 111, 64, 113, 62, 246, 20, 254, 20, 77, 71, 105, 65, 186, 65, 35, 24, 171, 8, 59, 24, 33, 23, 38, 23, 153, 23, 239, 10, 145, 26, 149, 26, 17, 72, 13, 72, 136, 65, 239, 42, 66, 44, 97, 46, 25, 31, 245, 67, 21, 31, 229, 14, 34, 15, 192, 13, 127, 24, 10, 60, 17, 60, 109, 15, 122, 14, 217, 15, 65, 70, 11, 70, 213, 69, 153, 40, 240, 39, 86, 56, 72, 19, 116, 22, 108, 22, 236, 21, 39, 14, 232, 21, 117, 69, 95, 69, 99, 69, 91, 23, 115, 22, 71, 19, 78, 12, 100, 12, 126, 12, 189, 15, 179, 15, 249, 15, 47, 48, 245, 40, 241, 40, 30, 31, 222, 66, 247, 67, 82, 30, 59, 30, 109, 30, 167, 33, 153, 52, 215, 56, 49, 36, 97, 59, 20, 62, 224, 52, 255, 51, 216, 52, 15, 73, 220, 7, 210, 7, 120, 57, 115, 57, 155, 57, 129, 17, 92, 17, 209, 17, 131, 63, 63, 63, 70, 63, 150, 72, 115, 7, 148, 7, 232, 22, 248, 22, 158, 23, 46, 67, 137, 67, 50, 31, 60, 38, 181, 38, 187, 38, 83, 72, 21, 60, 209, 8, 87, 40, 97, 56, 246, 47, 116, 51, 175, 33, 89, 33, 87, 11, 108, 11, 194, 27, 74, 21, 47, 21, 56, 21, 43, 63, 115, 63, 48, 63, 200, 20, 195, 20, 43, 20, 98, 29, 92, 29, 87, 29, 157, 69, 137, 69, 167, 69, 159, 18, 141, 18, 49, 12, 155, 65, 94, 71, 195, 65, 153, 12, 224, 18, 53, 12, 148, 2, 155, 2, 185, 2, 102, 55, 165, 32, 18, 60, 54, 38, 213, 38, 194, 38, 116, 23, 25, 19, 100, 16, 189, 22, 192, 22, 133, 25, 23, 28, 221, 29, 167, 29, 58, 18, 179, 13, 255, 18, 191, 38, 226, 38, 215, 38, 163, 14, 3, 16, 101, 14, 35, 31, 251, 67, 185, 64, 251, 23, 240, 23, 245, 23, 212, 23, 249, 23, 234, 23, 217, 30, 108, 30, 50, 29, 193, 0, 120, 0, 252, 73, 218, 17, 24, 17, 230, 17, 38, 65, 44, 65, 58, 65, 56, 6, 176, 6, 48, 6, 184, 27, 90, 28, 111, 28, 62, 12, 26, 27, 45, 12, 88, 32, 144, 64, 96, 32, 12, 31, 26, 31, 194, 10, 184, 24, 128, 22, 64, 24, 165, 24, 73, 25, 108, 25, 79, 71, 13, 71, 106, 65, 76, 24, 103, 24, 88, 24, 85, 25, 108, 24, 112, 24, 6, 21, 227, 20, 51, 9, 21, 14, 163, 12, 184, 18, 248, 24, 237, 24, 232, 24, 179, 73, 139, 73, 144, 73, 71, 73, 19, 73, 229, 73, 129, 24, 133, 24, 63, 25, 84, 10, 162, 10, 18, 63, 49, 17, 239, 16, 227, 16, 89, 26, 216, 28, 65, 27, 121, 12, 118, 12, 69, 12, 119, 28, 102, 11, 211, 27, 82, 32, 87, 32, 94, 32, 95, 32, 99, 32, 191, 55, 112, 42, 83, 42, 126, 42, 230, 53, 160, 50, 210, 42, 116, 57, 56, 57, 112, 57, 130, 26, 73, 26, 166, 26, 203, 33, 212, 33, 49, 51, 151, 31, 184, 31, 190, 31, 164, 67, 3, 68, 39, 31, 26, 45, 223, 41, 27, 42, 9, 31, 31, 31, 248, 67, 236, 6, 199, 3, 227, 1, 2, 25, 16, 25, 7, 25, 113, 15, 204, 14, 199, 14, 9, 5, 33, 2, 112, 2, 83, 12, 141, 13, 243, 18, 94, 61, 4, 59, 16, 61, 79, 2, 94, 1, 53, 2, 123, 23, 28, 19, 134, 23, 47, 61, 14, 33, 53, 61, 6, 25, 251, 24, 244, 24, 158, 10, 153, 10, 8, 63, 132, 71, 218, 71, 172, 71, 111, 46, 139, 50, 120, 53, 221, 24, 71, 25, 117, 25, 59, 57, 95, 57, 110, 57, 6, 71, 83, 71, 159, 65, 233, 44, 230, 41, 213, 44, 208, 42, 95, 41, 80, 43, 205, 70, 200, 70, 189, 70, 70, 65, 236, 70, 65, 65, 8, 67, 167, 66, 198, 66, 252, 70, 21, 65, 247, 64, 162, 57, 90, 57, 127, 57, 155, 39, 142, 39, 176, 38, 57, 31, 64, 31, 232, 67, 153, 13, 88, 13, 252, 13, 92, 57, 191, 57, 195, 57, 88, 54, 22, 54, 231, 49, 231, 23, 166, 25, 155, 25, 225, 16, 248, 16, 232, 16, 10, 40, 113, 48, 135, 48, 75, 0, 6, 74, 30, 74, 30, 52, 236, 34, 22, 52, 132, 25, 147, 25, 130, 25, 222, 35, 117, 35, 113, 35, 141, 59, 61, 6, 50, 6, 30, 22, 83, 22, 184, 25, 182, 25, 214, 7, 29, 22, 185, 23, 187, 23, 141, 25, 25, 72, 137, 65, 185, 65, 9, 53, 156, 51, 3, 53, 37, 68, 31, 68, 83, 68, 89, 35, 81, 49, 159, 49, 233, 62, 130, 27, 221, 25, 123, 27, 218, 25, 128, 27, 233, 41, 240, 41, 52, 42, 15, 42, 6, 42, 226, 44, 77, 15, 82, 14, 59, 16, 27, 11, 168, 26, 212, 26, 150, 25, 238, 7, 14, 22, 152, 28, 126, 28, 148, 28, 132, 26, 59, 26, 75, 26, 4, 27, 99, 26, 231, 26, 145, 25, 143, 25, 9, 24, 127, 26, 90, 26, 36, 11, 180, 66, 6, 67, 22, 69, 101, 16, 98, 17, 117, 23, 221, 55, 228, 55, 80, 55, 85, 51, 198, 51, 219, 51, 43, 18, 38, 18, 68, 14, 17, 67, 80, 67, 73, 67, 91, 18, 79, 18, 140, 13, 227, 17, 165, 17, 200, 17, 183, 26, 189, 26, 4, 11, 213, 39, 151, 49, 59, 49, 12, 65, 209, 70, 139, 70, 15, 32, 26, 32, 36, 32, 22, 4, 152, 5, 21, 2, 4, 38, 194, 36, 190, 36, 108, 36, 120, 36, 167, 39, 54, 40, 194, 40, 64, 40, 235, 34, 240, 34, 33, 53, 47, 29, 30, 29, 214, 30, 186, 31, 213, 31, 228, 31, 90, 70, 0, 70, 84, 70, 236, 9, 157, 9, 230, 9, 153, 31, 180, 31, 225, 63, 79, 70, 251, 69, 3, 70, 168, 72, 162, 7, 145, 72, 179, 52, 210, 51, 196, 51, 223, 61, 35, 60, 37, 59, 4, 40, 113, 40, 150, 40, 70, 8, 133, 8, 219, 19, 157, 23, 50, 23, 163, 23, 49, 14, 62, 15, 34, 14, 44, 60, 227, 61, 192, 61, 108, 61, 20, 33, 169, 53, 6, 6, 90, 5, 99, 6, 19, 74, 50, 74, 67, 0, 150, 7, 133, 7, 126, 7, 45, 53, 59, 53, 243, 34, 220, 20, 17, 9, 90, 21, 37, 47, 208, 34, 40, 52, 207, 57, 2, 57, 215, 57, 64, 30, 89, 30, 68, 30, 17, 11, 103, 27, 231, 28, 81, 45, 59, 45, 200, 41, 6, 34, 242, 33, 248, 33, 96, 21, 30, 20, 93, 8, 112, 4, 115, 4, 23, 5, 193, 37, 208, 36, 128, 37, 232, 47, 43, 41, 49, 41, 125, 39, 233, 38, 208, 38, 230, 67, 224, 67, 123, 67, 249, 37, 254, 37, 183, 36, 219, 69, 49, 70, 46, 70, 179, 37, 135, 37, 120, 38, 81, 64, 119, 32, 111, 32, 54, 45, 167, 42, 196, 41, 180, 64, 185, 55, 115, 55, 152, 34, 128, 52, 2, 34, 248, 27, 245, 27, 238, 27, 6, 28, 14, 28, 1, 28, 185, 22, 197, 22, 138, 25, 133, 38, 95, 38, 114, 38, 15, 40, 156, 48, 190, 48, 55, 28, 59, 28, 49, 28, 221, 17, 67, 16, 164, 16, 54, 28, 188, 28, 68, 28, 108, 12, 113, 12, 107, 18, 177, 27, 81, 28, 87, 28, 101, 70, 59, 70, 68, 70, 211, 64, 89, 49, 167, 49, 142, 27, 243, 27, 80, 13, 107, 28, 210, 27, 205, 27, 123, 2, 61, 3, 116, 1, 246, 27, 234, 27, 241, 27, 131, 27, 214, 25, 61, 10, 152, 72, 178, 72, 217, 72, 250, 58, 224, 0, 166, 59, 198, 32, 110, 60, 254, 61, 194, 73, 205, 73, 105, 73, 78, 11, 157, 11, 177, 11, 73, 28, 64, 11, 217, 28, 23, 11, 253, 28, 235, 28, 87, 30, 116, 30, 66, 29, 206, 22, 203, 22, 170, 22, 4, 28, 182, 29, 252, 27, 229, 22, 250, 22, 233, 22, 19, 69, 253, 66, 113, 66, 122, 33, 140, 51, 158, 51, 174, 72, 154, 7, 138, 7, 248, 73, 84, 0, 101, 0, 204, 26, 91, 10, 232, 30, 61, 29, 77, 29, 43, 29, 233, 71, 242, 65, 152, 65, 110, 36, 135, 39, 90, 36, 131, 68, 144, 68, 243, 66, 10, 47, 92, 47, 21, 47, 186, 45, 234, 45, 146, 45, 5, 7, 13, 4, 21, 4, 25, 42, 222, 41, 32, 42, 110, 29, 38, 29, 75, 29, 48, 34, 168, 52, 161, 52, 230, 58, 197, 58, 36, 1, 216, 36, 0, 37, 245, 35, 42, 41, 80, 41, 205, 45, 61, 40, 50, 40, 128, 48, 123, 32, 76, 55, 210, 32, 128, 5, 150, 1, 73, 1, 0, 60, 59, 22, 186, 25, 149, 24, 44, 25, 145, 24, 118, 25, 171, 24, 222, 24, 216, 48, 143, 48, 238, 35, 156, 30, 139, 30, 24, 30, 79, 67, 99, 67, 71, 67, 202, 71, 169, 71, 163, 71, 232, 50, 5, 52, 10, 52, 78, 52, 167, 34, 73, 52, 227, 10, 199, 10, 231, 10, 117, 53, 130, 50, 110, 50, 142, 51, 137, 51, 182, 33, 200, 37, 208, 37, 182, 37, 27, 24, 47, 24, 39, 24, 144, 4, 238, 4, 157, 4, 146, 3, 151, 3, 249, 3, 126, 22, 154, 25, 62, 22, 129, 30, 122, 30, 96, 30, 129, 21, 29, 8, 176, 19, 113, 64, 165, 63, 181, 55, 183, 38, 175, 38, 141, 39, 67, 15, 135, 18, 195, 18, 79, 7, 177, 20, 205, 2, 199, 7, 204, 7, 38, 73, 124, 10, 1, 31, 253, 25, 255, 54, 182, 32, 244, 61, 67, 34, 164, 52, 43, 34, 63, 70, 96, 70, 10, 70, 192, 31, 153, 49, 206, 67, 177, 56, 157, 56, 182, 56, 206, 63, 162, 64, 129, 64, 123, 68, 45, 69, 35, 69, 167, 71, 200, 71, 193, 71, 152, 67, 239, 67, 47, 31, 236, 72, 101, 7, 175, 7, 133, 56, 71, 40, 126, 56, 180, 27, 213, 27, 155, 27, 124, 31, 111, 31, 115, 31, 79, 59, 81, 21, 111, 21, 30, 26, 137, 26, 6, 26, 92, 23, 58, 23, 245, 22, 145, 13, 189, 12, 183, 12, 172, 31, 122, 49, 136, 31, 9, 30, 109, 29, 14, 30, 115, 61, 192, 50, 25, 61, 96, 54, 141, 50, 150, 50, 123, 26, 61, 26, 55, 11, 59, 4, 137, 5, 142, 5, 205, 23, 221, 23, 93, 24, 101, 15, 128, 14, 107, 15, 1, 44, 13, 44, 17, 44, 28, 47, 88, 47, 79, 47, 171, 21, 33, 8, 41, 8, 222, 61, 195, 61, 204, 61, 78, 36, 233, 35, 163, 39, 139, 68, 89, 68, 114, 66, 24, 39, 62, 39, 99, 39, 49, 24, 32, 24, 228, 7, 136, 0, 148, 0, 144, 0, 13, 32, 17, 32, 53, 35, 45, 32, 207, 55, 28, 32, 246, 33, 87, 34, 235, 33, 130, 32, 129, 55, 134, 55, 74, 46, 195, 41, 249, 42, 217, 55, 0, 55, 183, 64, 184, 32, 187, 32, 239, 61, 23, 37, 198, 36, 34, 37, 165, 36, 51, 37, 42, 37, 29, 62, 174, 61, 188, 60, 235, 32, 225, 54, 180, 61, 188, 69, 216, 69, 234, 69, 121, 74, 148, 57, 5, 0, 235, 56, 226, 56, 198, 56, 24, 56, 232, 48, 85, 56, 46, 22, 36, 22, 86, 22, 139, 33, 72, 33, 137, 33, 62, 24, 14, 24, 44, 24, 188, 46, 146, 41, 172, 41, 192, 72, 187, 7, 158, 73, 163, 34, 98, 52, 193, 52, 239, 52, 20, 34, 148, 34, 215, 33, 210, 33, 222, 33, 216, 33, 225, 33, 239, 33, 53, 74, 79, 0, 14, 74, 152, 71, 203, 71, 164, 71, 13, 34, 128, 34, 147, 34, 95, 34, 136, 34, 3, 34, 253, 56, 28, 58, 20, 58, 63, 30, 98, 30, 88, 30, 105, 35, 216, 35, 108, 35, 156, 34, 150, 34, 200, 46, 219, 33, 5, 53, 146, 51, 104, 33, 47, 51, 184, 33, 117, 34, 140, 34, 125, 34, 247, 32, 125, 60, 135, 60, 188, 1, 204, 6, 9, 4, 51, 35, 39, 32, 173, 49, 162, 44, 4, 35, 124, 53, 172, 44, 19, 35, 94, 41, 10, 35, 28, 35, 21, 35, 60, 35, 44, 35, 65, 35, 27, 35, 36, 35, 32, 35, 176, 44, 47, 35, 14, 35, 210, 28, 91, 28, 85, 28, 72, 35, 8, 32, 55, 35, 141, 26, 248, 10, 157, 26, 163, 26, 7, 26, 180, 26, 104, 56, 114, 56, 72, 40, 140, 12, 95, 16, 105, 17, 160, 26, 172, 26, 193, 26, 157, 55, 126, 64, 166, 55, 124, 38, 98, 49, 222, 37, 104, 72, 225, 19, 85, 8, 179, 34, 57, 52, 62, 52, 211, 58, 43, 1, 102, 59, 236, 36, 24, 36, 1, 36, 225, 58, 233, 58, 205, 60, 141, 63, 186, 63, 168, 64, 207, 41, 56, 45, 62, 46, 90, 1, 120, 3, 88, 1, 120, 5, 75, 1, 153, 1, 134, 51, 242, 52, 157, 34, 155, 60, 68, 61, 102, 61, 125, 69, 178, 69, 138, 69, 34, 34, 218, 46, 68, 34, 109, 60, 223, 55, 85, 55, 213, 20, 198, 20, 205, 20, 131, 7, 77, 1, 104, 7, 235, 73, 33, 73, 43, 73, 243, 72, 211, 73, 181, 73, 29, 64, 244, 63, 238, 63, 156, 62, 23, 9, 160, 62, 163, 73, 248, 72, 226, 72, 7, 74, 76, 0, 37, 61, 212, 4, 44, 2, 169, 0, 110, 61, 171, 53, 14, 61, 176, 61, 215, 58, 221, 58, 99, 43, 86, 43, 90, 43, 180, 53, 249, 49, 98, 61, 212, 34, 88, 53, 14, 52, 212, 28, 113, 26, 227, 30, 141, 20, 160, 20, 135, 20, 134, 2, 242, 4, 252, 4, 151, 12, 142, 18, 178, 18, 211, 57, 1, 57, 250, 56, 81, 72, 2, 9, 199, 8, 157, 37, 62, 38, 113, 37, 62, 44, 202, 41, 170, 42, 169, 37, 177, 37, 117, 38, 72, 57, 69, 57, 50, 57, 122, 74, 141, 74, 127, 74, 210, 46, 147, 46, 216, 43, 255, 61, 54, 60, 251, 61, 170, 26, 98, 27, 60, 26, 32, 21, 247, 20, 114, 62, 132, 41, 123, 41, 144, 47, 142, 38, 177, 38, 67, 38, 42, 55, 59, 55, 60, 32, 27, 14, 89, 16, 148, 12, 22, 40, 14, 56, 136, 40, 66, 69, 93, 68, 27, 69, 251, 44, 213, 42, 177, 46, 119, 1, 154, 6, 100, 4, 140, 38, 83, 38, 215, 37, 195, 56, 241, 57, 249, 57, 211, 9, 181, 10, 204, 9, 84, 36, 147, 39, 130, 39, 183, 53, 68, 50, 117, 50, 103, 64, 156, 63, 114, 64, 173, 40, 241, 47, 90, 48, 200, 38, 218, 38, 30, 38, 222, 43, 198, 43, 19, 43, 137, 11, 72, 12, 67, 12, 199, 63, 11, 68, 66, 63, 163, 42, 251, 42, 28, 43, 124, 44, 21, 43, 29, 43, 252, 63, 22, 64, 7, 64, 73, 12, 103, 18, 122, 12, 14, 50, 43, 54, 200, 49, 108, 68, 102, 68, 32, 69, 199, 40, 15, 48, 48, 48, 137, 7, 141, 7, 84, 1, 74, 40, 255, 39, 250, 39, 50, 41, 6, 41, 56, 41, 64, 61, 118, 61, 28, 61, 166, 70, 219, 65, 30, 71, 52, 40, 138, 45, 199, 43, 247, 17, 230, 16, 224, 16, 92, 20, 161, 20, 150, 20, 65, 63, 133, 63, 136, 63, 38, 17, 6, 17, 25, 17, 66, 56, 168, 40, 246, 39, 112, 61, 196, 0, 18, 61, 58, 49, 206, 48, 226, 48, 182, 44, 204, 45, 78, 41, 71, 55, 154, 64, 33, 55, 8, 40, 17, 40, 194, 48, 86, 71, 105, 71, 161, 65, 60, 40, 28, 40, 32, 40, 96, 3, 54, 7, 245, 0, 98, 40, 158, 40, 154, 40, 17, 2, 23, 4, 22, 2, 145, 56, 66, 40, 144, 40, 206, 45, 211, 45, 171, 45, 200, 18, 138, 11, 115, 12, 95, 40, 80, 40, 101, 40, 247, 6, 167, 5, 254, 6, 190, 53, 51, 62, 72, 50, 98, 69, 113, 69, 79, 69, 183, 0, 206, 0, 155, 58, 127, 14, 237, 12, 218, 13, 102, 39, 119, 49, 75, 36, 116, 48, 122, 48, 206, 40, 189, 33, 172, 56, 111, 33, 111, 48, 101, 48, 108, 48, 99, 48, 235, 40, 238, 40, 125, 45, 141, 45, 2, 46, 72, 72, 66, 72, 178, 9, 245, 70, 98, 65, 8, 71, 166, 43, 84, 44, 172, 43, 79, 62, 70, 62, 171, 62, 32, 43, 138, 44, 133, 44, 161, 68, 127, 71, 40, 66, 183, 46, 149, 46, 130, 47, 159, 41, 185, 43, 142, 41, 182, 41, 161, 46, 15, 43, 120, 45, 168, 41, 225, 40, 163, 19, 80, 20, 86, 20, 170, 41, 166, 41, 188, 41, 74, 42, 39, 42, 55, 42, 220, 41, 225, 41, 30, 42, 225, 44, 36, 42, 13, 42, 65, 51, 73, 51, 149, 33, 237, 61, 177, 32, 54, 59, 251, 55, 209, 39, 4, 37, 187, 36, 39, 36, 77, 37, 54, 42, 38, 42, 234, 41, 45, 42, 50, 42, 60, 42, 61, 42, 85, 42, 46, 42, 106, 74, 24, 33, 182, 50, 95, 14, 75, 14, 90, 14, 5, 70, 66, 68, 245, 69, 86, 42, 80, 42, 48, 42, 194, 2, 172, 2, 23, 7, 149, 72, 160, 7, 114, 7, 67, 42, 246, 41, 255, 41, 130, 42, 64, 42, 100, 42, 165, 35, 6, 36, 179, 35, 87, 42, 1, 42, 11, 42, 2, 19, 180, 13, 6, 19, 110, 42, 97, 42, 105, 42, 46, 34, 56, 34, 61, 34, 103, 54, 147, 50, 74, 54, 24, 0, 57, 74, 34, 74, 72, 55, 207, 31, 155, 64, 198, 12, 245, 18, 165, 13, 14, 18, 71, 15, 57, 16, 29, 7, 32, 7, 97, 2, 38, 21, 11, 20, 29, 21, 87, 62, 229, 8, 95, 9, 153, 36, 158, 36, 69, 37, 79, 31, 119, 67, 182, 67, 35, 67, 16, 68, 169, 66, 56, 11, 46, 11, 124, 26, 5, 73, 1, 73, 200, 72, 122, 6, 77, 6, 120, 4, 113, 44, 179, 43, 103, 44, 194, 43, 212, 43, 189, 43, 177, 36, 135, 35, 212, 39, 234, 59, 38, 1, 231, 59, 9, 44, 87, 44, 80, 44, 171, 15, 255, 15, 227, 15, 212, 27, 103, 11, 152, 27, 221, 61, 203, 61, 212, 61, 212, 42, 9, 35, 100, 41, 252, 15, 164, 15, 230, 15, 109, 35, 142, 49, 240, 55, 10, 45, 206, 44, 202, 44, 224, 44, 236, 41, 230, 44, 242, 41, 218, 44, 19, 45, 161, 66, 51, 68, 131, 69, 249, 12, 61, 13, 24, 13, 21, 45, 245, 44, 250, 44, 40, 56, 144, 35, 33, 49, 229, 56, 83, 58, 49, 58, 136, 68, 49, 71, 232, 70, 148, 14, 205, 12, 125, 13, 54, 21, 75, 59, 69, 59, 239, 47, 20, 41, 32, 48, 105, 19, 57, 14, 94, 16, 3, 74, 174, 0, 124, 6, 128, 60, 132, 54, 34, 59, 102, 45, 58, 45, 80, 45, 120, 30, 152, 30, 113, 30, 186, 41, 117, 45, 18, 46, 178, 46, 220, 42, 168, 46, 37, 11, 15, 29, 220, 28, 165, 23, 225, 22, 228, 22, 208, 46, 195, 46, 135, 41, 95, 68, 150, 68, 10, 69, 147, 67, 151, 67, 46, 31, 198, 46, 194, 46, 207, 46, 165, 1, 210, 1, 51, 4, 106, 22, 99, 22, 152, 25, 8, 7, 252, 1, 5, 2, 45, 64, 227, 63, 223, 63, 223, 73, 63, 73, 13, 73, 154, 74, 145, 74, 78, 74, 40, 36, 101, 35, 93, 35, 15, 18, 62, 14, 72, 15, 173, 43, 85, 44, 177, 43, 40, 47, 42, 52, 16, 47, 186, 26, 181, 26, 8, 26, 235, 26, 0, 27, 85, 27, 41, 64, 233, 63, 228, 63, 168, 0, 42, 2, 27, 5, 180, 48, 174, 48, 155, 48, 210, 56, 159, 33, 30, 57, 74, 50, 78, 53, 89, 53, 87, 41, 34, 41, 25, 41, 203, 47, 190, 47, 187, 47, 150, 14, 113, 13, 3, 13, 216, 47, 52, 41, 59, 41, 241, 65, 232, 71, 251, 65, 208, 57, 19, 57, 7, 57, 240, 40, 228, 40, 46, 48, 254, 72, 32, 73, 47, 73, 196, 44, 191, 44, 198, 47, 229, 52, 26, 53, 149, 52, 21, 36, 235, 36, 241, 36, 105, 43, 85, 46, 113, 43, 125, 48, 38, 40, 58, 40, 178, 48, 107, 48, 147, 48, 226, 45, 61, 45, 103, 45, 191, 32, 250, 54, 224, 61, 247, 71, 240, 71, 146, 65, 11, 40, 129, 48, 114, 48, 193, 24, 122, 25, 223, 23, 28, 71, 214, 71, 209, 71, 95, 8, 31, 20, 59, 21, 113, 65, 89, 65, 86, 65, 78, 37, 223, 39, 241, 37, 158, 42, 152, 56, 33, 46, 85, 74, 147, 74, 114, 74, 71, 66, 128, 71, 184, 68, 20, 50, 19, 54, 255, 49, 203, 49, 44, 54, 155, 54, 214, 39, 60, 49, 118, 35, 106, 30, 206, 30, 81, 30, 63, 8, 31, 8, 23, 8, 225, 24, 175, 24, 179, 24, 240, 68, 149, 68, 167, 68, 31, 58, 27, 58, 12, 57, 11, 32, 5, 32, 21, 32, 176, 52, 103, 52, 53, 34, 134, 21, 44, 8, 117, 20, 233, 68, 252, 68, 247, 68, 95, 44, 255, 43, 253, 43, 224, 73, 14, 73, 206, 72, 138, 49, 130, 49, 214, 31, 41, 62, 71, 0, 59, 74, 14, 62, 231, 54, 81, 60, 81, 74, 46, 33, 138, 57, 91, 26, 36, 26, 94, 27, 145, 15, 135, 15, 129, 15, 238, 8, 70, 21, 234, 8, 12, 32, 52, 35, 7, 32, 30, 25, 59, 25, 48, 25, 28, 50, 27, 32, 205, 55, 34, 50, 243, 32, 187, 49, 191, 1, 177, 1, 185, 3, 91, 64, 122, 63, 183, 63, 75, 63, 144, 63, 71, 63, 48, 73, 236, 73, 230, 73, 5, 6, 164, 6, 150, 4, 142, 50, 97, 54, 135, 50, 50, 54, 86, 50, 116, 54, 222, 59, 191, 59, 154, 61, 217, 10, 72, 10, 47, 26, 116, 50, 80, 50, 91, 54, 191, 27, 156, 28, 138, 28, 245, 28, 55, 29, 2, 29, 248, 60, 152, 60, 91, 61, 230, 52, 111, 52, 44, 34, 71, 47, 123, 46, 117, 46, 186, 49, 49, 54, 32, 50, 61, 20, 85, 9, 77, 9, 39, 1, 207, 58, 218, 58, 245, 55, 155, 49, 50, 65, 4, 23, 42, 23, 13, 23, 181, 25, 12, 73, 209, 7, 235, 39, 213, 64, 99, 49, 54, 55, 249, 31, 60, 55, 51, 39, 197, 37, 42, 39, 185, 30, 123, 30, 180, 30, 11, 51, 152, 53, 51, 33, 30, 60, 33, 60, 7, 55, 84, 22, 23, 24, 72, 22, 153, 43, 42, 43, 145, 43, 3, 32, 24, 32, 9, 32, 42, 57, 219, 56, 219, 57, 2, 53, 155, 51, 139, 51, 203, 1, 194, 1, 179, 3, 162, 1, 157, 1, 206, 1, 209, 50, 158, 53, 20, 51, 216, 15, 118, 14, 199, 15, 134, 33, 152, 33, 21, 51, 52, 47, 144, 44, 56, 44, 205, 33, 51, 51, 109, 33, 33, 64, 86, 32, 152, 64, 213, 19, 67, 8, 0, 20, 218, 57, 78, 33, 82, 57, 244, 10, 188, 26, 133, 26, 165, 30, 127, 30, 132, 30, 65, 4, 54, 2, 96, 1, 204, 51, 225, 51, 214, 51, 21, 52, 34, 52, 29, 52, 85, 53, 210, 34, 16, 52, 48, 36, 226, 37, 94, 49, 23, 34, 32, 34, 254, 52, 228, 51, 213, 51, 224, 51, 178, 52, 183, 52, 105, 52, 87, 69, 90, 69, 106, 69, 130, 67, 38, 67, 32, 67, 65, 29, 115, 30, 57, 29, 244, 66, 115, 71, 133, 68, 18, 52, 24, 52, 86, 53, 93, 70, 62, 70, 56, 70, 236, 4, 227, 4, 3, 5, 227, 62, 99, 9, 64, 20, 26, 23, 238, 22, 144, 23, 189, 16, 198, 16, 106, 16, 88, 16, 26, 14, 127, 16, 117, 54, 1, 54, 111, 54, 248, 53, 47, 54, 179, 49, 198, 1, 206, 6, 192, 1, 97, 14, 170, 14, 162, 14, 51, 54, 119, 54, 112, 54, 192, 49, 50, 55, 181, 61, 175, 50, 119, 50, 111, 50, 219, 41, 21, 42, 190, 42, 23, 39, 244, 38, 31, 39, 130, 60, 176, 60, 170, 60, 103, 60, 234, 54, 248, 54, 204, 58, 201, 60, 240, 32, 236, 42, 155, 43, 150, 42, 150, 65, 145, 65, 171, 65, 16, 18, 58, 16, 36, 18, 219, 36, 231, 36, 29, 36, 193, 27, 107, 11, 158, 28, 137, 45, 16, 46, 111, 45, 173, 64, 83, 55, 233, 55, 145, 55, 156, 55, 227, 55, 180, 57, 143, 57, 100, 57, 51, 49, 131, 40, 126, 40, 47, 55, 50, 32, 88, 72, 194, 49, 210, 55, 51, 55, 115, 15, 240, 14, 2, 16, 103, 57, 200, 57, 64, 57, 239, 56, 207, 56, 202, 56, 208, 30, 110, 30, 33, 29, 93, 57, 57, 57, 102, 57, 72, 39, 102, 37, 227, 37, 73, 58, 40, 58, 4, 58, 102, 26, 181, 11, 112, 26, 24, 41, 33, 41, 8, 45, 101, 33, 165, 56, 107, 33, 12, 34, 228, 33, 233, 33, 60, 57, 53, 57, 16, 57, 215, 2, 112, 3, 182, 20, 14, 57, 29, 58, 6, 57, 162, 60, 243, 49, 240, 49, 79, 44, 34, 44, 110, 41, 141, 57, 133, 57, 95, 74, 156, 22, 150, 22, 88, 25, 51, 42, 244, 41, 63, 42, 0, 47, 180, 34, 63, 52, 27, 64, 235, 63, 34, 64, 21, 55, 27, 55, 81, 32, 100, 23, 143, 23, 96, 23, 225, 56, 47, 58, 197, 56, 180, 56, 2, 58, 35, 58, 145, 28, 142, 28, 164, 28, 186, 5, 166, 6, 9, 6, 195, 35, 199, 35, 189, 35, 170, 61, 3, 61, 67, 61, 246, 55, 52, 65, 116, 49, 60, 60, 206, 32, 203, 32, 240, 66, 116, 66, 247, 66, 47, 25, 58, 25, 41, 25, 98, 23, 94, 23, 74, 19, 132, 51, 211, 46, 226, 43, 139, 12, 104, 17, 249, 17, 218, 29, 25, 28, 233, 29, 97, 38, 111, 38, 47, 38, 73, 60, 11, 62, 66, 60, 23, 29, 42, 11, 243, 28, 231, 0, 68, 3, 175, 58, 56, 14, 104, 19, 249, 21, 161, 44, 89, 43, 99, 41, 189, 8, 246, 59, 115, 8, 178, 59, 112, 59, 169, 59, 20, 8, 141, 8, 136, 8, 239, 59, 89, 7, 48, 1, 38, 60, 225, 61, 251, 54, 199, 38, 156, 38, 51, 38, 124, 1, 168, 4, 231, 4, 241, 2, 187, 59, 236, 0, 60, 62, 201, 64, 195, 64, 144, 38, 166, 38, 162, 38, 54, 48, 218, 47, 76, 41, 87, 39, 112, 37, 66, 39, 80, 5, 178, 5, 147, 1, 73, 42, 42, 42, 93, 42, 223, 13, 207, 13, 212, 13, 34, 12, 221, 11, 166, 11, 255, 17, 124, 16, 131, 16, 115, 58, 137, 58, 122, 58, 118, 37, 209, 37, 154, 37, 39, 65, 59, 65, 30, 65, 7, 3, 53, 6, 28, 3, 35, 3, 60, 6, 139, 59, 206, 8, 211, 8, 211, 62, 106, 55, 201, 8, 172, 32, 55, 5, 87, 5, 52, 5, 236, 32, 31, 62, 228, 54, 224, 14, 187, 14, 192, 14, 181, 60, 198, 60, 191, 60, 193, 60, 211, 60, 206, 60, 75, 23, 39, 23, 62, 23, 34, 17, 175, 17, 185, 17, 72, 14, 149, 15, 155, 15, 14, 68, 83, 69, 49, 68, 38, 63, 154, 63, 90, 63, 78, 8, 201, 19, 47, 8, 199, 73, 183, 7, 188, 72, 15, 61, 195, 0, 111, 61, 175, 22, 172, 22, 210, 23, 184, 1, 212, 6, 254, 3, 130, 54, 219, 49, 215, 49, 113, 9, 136, 62, 109, 9, 157, 53, 164, 53, 241, 51, 102, 29, 229, 29, 161, 30, 82, 4, 72, 4, 234, 6, 203, 31, 117, 49, 53, 65, 103, 8, 32, 62, 48, 59, 231, 61, 33, 62, 105, 8, 236, 50, 52, 52, 45, 52, 232, 44, 8, 42, 229, 41, 24, 60, 168, 32, 215, 8, 210, 11, 151, 11, 229, 11, 34, 28, 212, 29, 159, 30, 81, 56, 18, 36, 52, 36, 204, 56, 85, 58, 231, 56, 81, 31, 249, 66, 8, 68, 192, 9, 59, 20, 76, 9, 207, 28, 130, 29, 160, 29, 36, 56, 249, 39, 254, 39, 36, 59, 100, 3, 247, 0, 43, 10, 25, 27, 106, 9, 96, 2, 30, 5, 28, 7, 133, 23, 84, 23, 57, 23, 84, 17, 116, 17, 173, 17, 169, 12, 167, 14, 236, 18, 204, 8, 7, 9, 63, 59, 94, 28, 45, 28, 160, 28, 164, 3, 220, 3, 225, 1, 170, 31, 166, 31, 159, 31, 81, 73, 202, 73, 57, 73, 175, 2, 106, 1, 104, 2, 67, 41, 5, 48, 254, 40, 235, 18, 15, 19, 148, 18, 136, 66, 204, 66, 73, 68, 179, 66, 15, 69, 28, 68, 33, 1, 197, 59, 252, 0, 101, 66, 87, 31, 187, 67, 99, 28, 121, 28, 116, 28, 119, 11, 127, 11, 192, 11, 145, 35, 42, 56, 48, 56, 252, 5, 16, 6, 11, 6, 219, 39, 80, 49, 98, 35, 182, 28, 78, 28, 128, 29, 213, 62, 206, 64, 206, 62, 29, 74, 41, 74, 63, 74, 199, 11, 212, 11, 230, 11, 185, 62, 67, 62, 33, 63, 219, 10, 63, 26, 13, 26, 254, 65, 232, 65, 65, 71, 248, 62, 178, 21, 255, 62, 209, 34, 13, 52, 41, 52, 209, 56, 25, 57, 218, 56, 222, 40, 151, 41, 99, 34, 214, 3, 198, 3, 235, 6, 220, 62, 221, 9, 206, 9, 42, 36, 220, 39, 226, 39, 89, 63, 43, 31, 36, 63, 147, 71, 151, 71, 213, 71, 20, 27, 29, 27, 229, 25, 33, 33, 160, 57, 53, 33, 93, 60, 97, 60, 56, 55, 98, 67, 78, 67, 93, 67, 88, 50, 31, 35, 35, 35, 170, 28, 242, 27, 140, 27, 47, 44, 106, 46, 101, 41, 120, 64, 132, 32, 128, 32, 158, 19, 96, 20, 243, 19, 190, 64, 200, 64, 151, 32, 165, 6, 61, 5, 118, 5, 178, 58, 216, 5, 65, 3, 7, 50, 177, 49, 197, 49, 196, 55, 203, 55, 77, 32, 70, 11, 170, 27, 116, 11, 19, 28, 234, 29, 26, 28, 122, 70, 108, 70, 99, 70, 47, 69, 43, 69, 77, 69, 76, 65, 57, 65, 43, 65, 249, 64, 107, 31, 129, 31, 115, 49, 198, 31, 243, 70, 199, 56, 205, 56, 238, 57, 217, 39, 97, 35, 212, 35, 234, 3, 230, 3, 171, 3, 168, 29, 29, 28, 24, 28, 240, 70, 28, 65, 33, 65, 29, 65, 24, 65, 37, 65, 182, 68, 188, 68, 220, 68, 7, 53, 125, 52, 17, 34, 69, 65, 81, 65, 74, 65, 65, 30, 42, 30, 49, 30, 19, 71, 104, 65, 192, 65, 79, 16, 74, 16, 63, 16, 12, 58, 184, 56, 166, 56, 169, 16, 66, 16, 236, 17, 120, 33, 11, 53, 135, 52, 173, 29, 100, 29, 34, 30, 108, 65, 20, 71, 193, 65, 205, 39, 249, 55, 104, 39, 3, 9, 248, 8, 8, 9, 224, 65, 72, 71, 19, 66, 92, 1, 111, 7, 121, 3, 133, 62, 127, 62, 105, 9, 74, 33, 69, 33, 125, 57, 125, 74, 118, 57, 144, 57, 128, 9, 136, 9, 134, 19, 91, 29, 97, 29, 243, 29, 102, 66, 188, 67, 192, 67, 63, 5, 167, 6, 187, 5, 98, 1, 166, 7, 119, 7, 77, 45, 53, 46, 67, 45, 187, 21, 103, 19, 137, 12, 113, 31, 128, 31, 106, 31, 9, 46, 202, 43, 174, 41, 162, 67, 240, 67, 153, 67, 247, 37, 74, 37, 222, 38, 170, 67, 124, 67, 129, 67, 183, 19, 135, 21, 118, 20, 46, 4, 39, 4, 197, 6, 134, 39, 98, 36, 143, 39, 191, 29, 69, 28, 12, 29, 55, 33, 145, 33, 70, 51, 93, 72, 212, 58, 26, 62, 166, 30, 157, 30, 172, 30, 149, 7, 70, 7, 132, 7, 103, 49, 251, 31, 15, 64, 6, 3, 148, 59, 143, 59, 147, 27, 95, 11, 89, 11, 56, 62, 196, 64, 178, 64, 220, 15, 215, 15, 111, 14, 232, 15, 107, 14, 254, 15, 151, 34, 0, 34, 205, 46, 67, 29, 59, 29, 26, 29, 127, 68, 101, 68, 2, 69, 110, 38, 103, 38, 217, 37, 87, 53, 25, 52, 82, 53, 107, 72, 113, 8, 245, 59, 59, 71, 47, 71, 177, 70, 197, 68, 194, 68, 199, 68, 51, 71, 92, 71, 226, 71, 186, 14, 33, 15, 228, 14, 191, 0, 160, 58, 151, 58, 152, 1, 240, 1, 119, 5, 105, 31, 14, 65, 120, 31, 88, 9, 202, 9, 79, 9, 186, 70, 179, 70, 163, 70, 115, 69, 96, 69, 119, 69, 79, 58, 114, 58, 53, 58, 226, 21, 220, 21, 245, 21, 191, 63, 67, 31, 60, 31, 60, 3, 240, 5, 114, 1, 93, 48, 85, 48, 105, 56, 32, 33, 52, 33, 153, 53, 73, 70, 123, 70, 80, 70, 62, 58, 77, 58, 92, 58, 190, 71, 49, 66, 179, 71, 229, 70, 225, 70, 158, 70, 98, 71, 235, 70, 53, 71, 40, 71, 44, 71, 10, 66, 22, 17, 229, 17, 32, 17, 6, 14, 90, 15, 13, 14, 228, 64, 150, 49, 227, 31, 57, 48, 74, 48, 83, 48, 58, 29, 250, 28, 25, 29, 197, 64, 183, 55, 179, 64, 44, 42, 53, 42, 241, 41, 20, 38, 243, 37, 85, 37, 156, 70, 165, 70, 29, 71, 210, 65, 225, 65, 20, 66, 134, 53, 189, 50, 15, 33, 6, 66, 229, 65, 235, 71, 9, 41, 179, 45, 200, 45, 144, 65, 148, 65, 254, 71, 132, 62, 233, 20, 79, 21, 140, 1, 163, 2, 249, 4, 221, 44, 240, 44, 231, 41, 82, 66, 110, 71, 93, 66, 193, 67, 110, 66, 200, 67, 213, 70, 150, 70, 136, 70, 83, 66, 88, 66, 32, 66, 62, 66, 24, 66, 70, 66, 205, 71, 153, 71, 149, 71, 162, 71, 166, 71, 156, 71, 19, 19, 165, 12, 231, 18, 200, 47, 22, 41, 197, 44, 199, 13, 140, 14, 245, 13, 219, 38, 203, 38, 21, 38, 132, 64, 137, 64, 62, 64, 92, 56, 86, 48, 1, 48, 240, 30, 235, 30, 93, 10, 55, 34, 150, 47, 162, 34, 94, 31, 215, 63, 58, 64, 16, 20, 62, 21, 21, 20, 53, 44, 157, 43, 91, 46, 54, 14, 206, 25, 66, 12, 114, 17, 130, 17, 193, 17, 197, 66, 166, 66, 159, 66, 17, 74, 36, 74, 49, 74, 95, 43, 138, 50, 109, 46, 127, 45, 200, 40, 45, 40, 194, 59, 246, 2, 229, 0, 191, 72, 157, 73, 153, 73, 10, 51, 135, 53, 28, 33, 108, 7, 78, 2, 119, 3, 67, 50, 193, 53, 73, 50, 95, 49, 17, 64, 96, 59, 166, 0, 31, 5, 22, 5, 103, 29, 162, 30, 171, 30, 0, 58, 96, 33, 194, 56, 188, 39, 243, 38, 22, 39, 254, 56, 23, 58, 230, 57, 52, 74, 13, 74, 24, 74, 132, 55, 133, 32, 137, 32, 75, 73, 72, 73, 231, 73, 110, 73, 101, 73, 113, 73, 213, 34, 74, 47, 222, 34, 43, 16, 50, 18, 48, 18, 192, 54, 178, 54, 90, 61, 36, 69, 104, 68, 124, 68, 214, 34, 223, 34, 218, 34, 76, 1, 121, 5, 232, 72, 74, 9, 85, 62, 81, 9, 5, 71, 222, 70, 0, 71, 229, 62, 50, 10, 100, 9, 59, 58, 113, 58, 89, 58, 135, 11, 52, 12, 220, 18, 76, 58, 87, 58, 91, 58, 143, 3, 159, 5, 15, 4, 228, 48, 13, 49, 27, 56, 77, 0, 51, 74, 55, 74, 173, 8, 186, 8, 121, 8, 243, 2, 190, 59, 236, 2, 93, 59, 96, 60, 189, 61, 62, 41, 191, 45, 180, 45, 206, 36, 123, 35, 9, 37, 180, 69, 193, 69, 168, 69, 5, 41, 187, 40, 53, 48, 185, 21, 3, 22, 10, 22, 125, 7, 70, 1, 126, 72, 239, 66, 162, 66, 62, 68, 31, 30, 26, 30, 41, 30, 18, 40, 191, 48, 220, 48, 178, 26, 184, 26, 8, 11, 26, 3, 51, 6, 130, 6, 38, 47, 35, 52, 15, 52, 190, 41, 7, 46, 171, 41, 63, 37, 242, 36, 59, 37, 174, 23, 195, 22, 170, 23, 87, 65, 91, 65, 100, 65, 34, 58, 176, 56, 179, 56, 68, 66, 78, 66, 199, 71, 202, 26, 216, 26, 19, 63, 212, 70, 87, 71, 100, 66, 106, 49, 83, 35, 88, 35, 222, 52, 2, 47, 65, 52, 47, 10, 11, 63, 74, 10, 128, 39, 146, 39, 157, 38, 206, 46, 174, 47, 197, 46, 247, 55, 120, 49, 103, 39, 74, 73, 87, 73, 79, 73, 86, 27, 225, 26, 236, 26, 4, 14, 98, 15, 87, 15, 209, 30, 144, 30, 93, 30, 49, 47, 69, 47, 233, 34, 64, 59, 4, 9, 9, 9, 43, 39, 35, 39, 73, 36, 19, 1, 66, 1, 212, 2, 220, 35, 226, 35, 112, 35, 177, 14, 17, 15, 11, 15, 227, 32, 72, 60, 233, 32, 217, 27, 225, 27, 228, 27, 109, 45, 162, 46, 184, 41, 128, 2, 145, 2, 181, 2, 151, 5, 52, 4, 211, 1, 13, 1, 208, 2, 203, 2, 118, 13, 210, 12, 122, 13, 44, 17, 107, 17, 119, 17, 244, 52, 137, 52, 142, 52, 151, 63, 93, 64, 79, 63, 235, 2, 230, 2, 233, 2, 13, 7, 255, 6, 255, 1, 153, 65, 163, 65, 176, 65, 13, 67, 146, 66, 74, 67, 101, 46, 73, 44, 25, 44, 16, 71, 97, 65, 102, 65, 240, 51, 197, 52, 201, 52, 130, 66, 22, 68, 175, 66, 28, 18, 52, 16, 31, 18, 131, 49, 229, 31, 215, 31, 249, 43, 112, 44, 97, 44, 217, 4, 176, 4, 132, 4, 26, 70, 40, 70, 52, 70, 117, 39, 184, 37, 122, 37, 40, 68, 126, 66, 121, 66, 211, 37, 86, 38, 155, 37, 237, 59, 83, 7, 88, 7, 101, 1, 117, 7, 68, 7, 204, 10, 105, 27, 207, 26, 134, 8, 127, 8, 115, 72, 237, 7, 249, 7, 13, 22, 135, 49, 70, 49, 244, 55, 197, 54, 197, 60, 117, 60, 69, 48, 179, 40, 91, 56, 3, 60, 111, 72, 161, 8, 106, 41, 185, 34, 93, 47, 47, 59, 99, 8, 102, 8, 155, 68, 148, 68, 206, 68, 14, 23, 20, 23, 6, 23, 10, 31, 27, 26, 2, 31, 108, 26, 229, 26, 97, 26, 132, 9, 168, 9, 137, 9, 234, 9, 147, 9, 162, 9, 9, 42, 28, 42, 4, 42, 114, 10, 104, 10, 132, 10, 154, 10, 137, 10, 10, 63, 227, 53, 221, 53, 213, 53, 218, 62, 139, 10, 214, 9, 153, 54, 138, 54, 41, 50, 16, 7, 43, 4, 134, 3, 86, 24, 91, 24, 80, 24, 251, 51, 243, 51, 86, 52, 71, 37, 247, 36, 62, 37, 247, 63, 205, 31, 67, 55, 107, 60, 232, 32, 70, 60, 20, 46, 10, 46, 104, 45, 180, 39, 172, 36, 1, 37, 69, 44, 32, 44, 99, 46, 153, 70, 231, 70, 159, 70, 249, 46, 163, 47, 6, 44, 76, 39, 252, 38, 64, 39, 55, 37, 232, 36, 49, 37, 95, 13, 106, 13, 98, 13, 19, 18, 111, 16, 80, 16, 75, 33, 64, 33, 70, 33, 136, 7, 74, 7, 152, 7, 34, 9, 154, 62, 102, 62, 41, 45, 218, 41, 188, 42, 61, 28, 240, 29, 50, 28, 153, 14, 233, 14, 239, 13, 18, 15, 21, 15, 12, 15, 147, 16, 13, 17, 154, 16, 8, 15, 213, 14, 23, 15, 151, 20, 78, 20, 144, 20, 232, 53, 252, 44, 236, 53, 230, 47, 59, 48, 251, 47, 138, 64, 103, 32, 65, 64, 45, 49, 255, 55, 130, 37, 42, 16, 42, 18, 32, 16, 150, 48, 139, 48, 185, 48, 141, 67, 44, 67, 51, 67, 235, 57, 228, 57, 16, 58, 7, 49, 155, 35, 170, 35, 31, 36, 196, 36, 21, 37, 131, 33, 228, 56, 236, 56, 64, 47, 59, 47, 104, 41, 255, 16, 168, 16, 161, 16, 230, 30, 122, 26, 45, 11, 125, 59, 152, 61, 252, 58, 155, 5, 209, 6, 202, 6, 128, 10, 122, 10, 5, 31, 237, 49, 14, 54, 10, 54, 44, 56, 136, 56, 142, 35, 7, 39, 75, 39, 157, 36, 16, 49, 172, 35, 27, 49, 190, 3, 240, 6, 226, 3, 37, 53, 74, 53, 93, 53, 255, 63, 108, 49, 165, 49, 18, 42, 245, 41, 66, 42, 133, 20, 185, 19, 128, 20, 114, 19, 119, 19, 125, 19, 128, 58, 81, 58, 103, 58, 223, 30, 57, 11, 51, 11, 145, 23, 150, 23, 70, 23, 247, 21, 39, 19, 2, 22, 105, 5, 122, 2, 137, 4, 92, 44, 99, 44, 82, 44, 226, 10, 51, 26, 241, 25, 153, 45, 194, 45, 253, 45, 94, 35, 80, 37, 41, 36, 55, 61, 122, 61, 116, 61, 40, 73, 200, 7, 222, 7, 124, 65, 121, 65, 128, 65, 8, 58, 191, 56, 72, 58, 125, 8, 221, 19, 185, 8, 48, 4, 190, 6, 163, 1, 37, 34, 39, 34, 109, 52, 64, 68, 75, 68, 206, 66, 168, 24, 204, 23, 98, 24, 235, 62, 217, 25, 132, 27, 237, 42, 94, 46, 35, 43, 64, 70, 212, 69, 16, 70, 118, 69, 101, 69, 122, 68, 119, 57, 154, 57, 147, 57, 148, 72, 146, 7, 182, 72, 40, 31, 188, 64, 108, 64, 86, 25, 113, 24, 81, 25, 247, 24, 231, 24, 242, 24, 163, 67, 37, 31, 241, 67, 93, 61, 13, 61, 170, 53, 159, 10, 9, 63, 167, 10, 133, 71, 173, 71, 180, 71, 4, 71, 157, 65, 193, 70, 85, 45, 212, 44, 228, 41, 253, 70, 248, 64, 12, 71, 91, 57, 194, 57, 128, 57, 91, 35, 162, 49, 107, 49, 29, 11, 215, 26, 113, 29, 84, 51, 217, 51, 6, 51, 89, 18, 138, 13, 81, 12, 237, 9, 232, 9, 3, 63, 152, 31, 224, 63, 230, 63, 172, 52, 193, 51, 201, 51, 69, 8, 217, 19, 238, 19, 50, 14, 35, 14, 176, 13, 79, 45, 197, 41, 54, 46, 124, 39, 207, 38, 147, 38, 213, 17, 163, 16, 0, 17, 139, 27, 79, 13, 231, 11, 124, 2, 120, 1, 32, 2, 251, 58, 167, 59, 123, 59, 24, 11, 237, 28, 225, 28, 208, 22, 171, 22, 222, 22, 255, 27, 249, 27, 167, 28, 111, 36, 95, 36, 125, 36, 143, 51, 183, 33, 46, 51, 182, 38, 139, 39, 188, 38, 197, 7, 37, 73, 125, 72, 128, 56, 123, 56, 186, 40, 179, 27, 154, 27, 188, 27, 60, 4, 143, 5, 51, 2, 25, 39, 100, 39, 93, 39, 22, 37, 33, 37, 27, 37, 167, 36, 46, 37, 39, 37, 120, 74, 3, 0, 116, 74, 141, 33, 138, 33, 24, 51, 240, 52, 149, 34, 155, 34, 96, 34, 4, 34, 89, 34, 107, 35, 110, 35, 241, 55, 154, 34, 199, 46, 175, 47, 248, 32, 136, 60, 160, 54, 54, 35, 176, 49, 71, 35, 209, 28, 84, 28, 180, 28, 224, 58, 204, 60, 209, 60, 130, 7, 102, 7, 123, 7, 238, 73, 45, 73, 221, 73, 213, 4, 170, 0, 96, 0, 175, 61, 220, 58, 190, 60, 213, 28, 228, 30, 72, 28, 82, 72, 202, 8, 86, 72, 170, 37, 118, 38, 214, 37, 169, 26, 57, 26, 131, 26, 63, 69, 25, 69, 67, 69, 138, 38, 213, 37, 116, 38, 210, 9, 203, 9, 96, 9, 101, 64, 110, 64, 119, 64, 172, 40, 89, 48, 102, 56, 201, 38, 31, 38, 154, 38, 164, 42, 30, 43, 24, 43, 75, 40, 251, 39, 108, 56, 67, 63, 137, 63, 70, 64, 113, 61, 19, 61, 202, 50, 184, 44, 83, 41, 39, 41, 164, 68, 41, 66, 122, 71, 160, 41, 143, 41, 154, 41, 183, 41, 16, 43, 176, 41, 162, 19, 85, 20, 156, 19, 75, 42, 56, 42, 47, 42, 252, 55, 6, 37, 141, 48, 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204, 166, 171, 212, 155, 218, 67, 169, 146, 170, 131, 214, 177, 216, 91, 168, 115, 36, 35, 187, 255, 222, 167, 237, 162, 64, 24, 157, 153, 170, 141, 238, 64, 35, 119, 198, 249, 193, 174, 231, 17, 75, 22, 158, 190, 175, 49, 239, 111, 99, 0, 167, 206, 202, 34, 217, 62, 141, 247, 236, 178, 17, 148, 198, 162, 64, 24, 157, 153, 170, 141, 238, 111, 99, 0, 167, 206, 202, 34, 217, 21, 127, 139, 165, 194, 205, 91, 227, 134, 170, 109, 201, 107, 213, 18, 166, 222, 170, 147, 199, 177, 212, 162, 165, 162, 64, 24, 157, 153, 170, 141, 238, 17, 75, 22, 158, 190, 175, 49, 239, 119, 167, 180, 204, 81, 216, 216, 167, 1, 168, 214, 205, 59, 216, 199, 167, 134, 170, 109, 201, 107, 213, 18, 166, 64, 35, 119, 198, 249, 193, 174, 231, 17, 75, 22, 158, 190, 175, 49, 239, 180, 165, 163, 212, 121, 219, 155, 169, 204, 166, 171, 212, 155, 218, 67, 169, 1, 168, 214, 205, 59, 216, 199, 167, 98, 167, 232, 230, 131, 228, 61, 174, 14, 158, 91, 228, 122, 229, 159, 174, 231, 169, 116, 230, 150, 227, 120, 172, 159, 170, 181, 228, 227, 225, 183, 172, 27, 161, 41, 216, 169, 223, 218, 171, 180, 165, 163, 212, 121, 219, 155, 169, 204, 166, 171, 212, 155, 218, 67, 169, 146, 170, 131, 214, 177, 216, 91, 168, 148, 172, 35, 249, 17, 242, 226, 178, 174, 163, 200, 246, 72, 242, 248, 178, 159, 163, 124, 246, 93, 242, 5, 180, 177, 173, 113, 246, 213, 238, 196, 176, 86, 168, 76, 241, 115, 236, 200, 176, 125, 172, 46, 241, 30, 235, 77, 176, 56, 143, 38, 207, 1, 237, 231, 180, 207, 143, 149, 207, 40, 237, 60, 180, 120, 143, 17, 200, 169, 235, 10, 180, 19, 144, 168, 198, 123, 233, 211, 179, 21, 145, 51, 198, 145, 233, 205, 178, 176, 149, 98, 200, 228, 229, 15, 176, 21, 127, 139, 165, 194, 205, 91, 227, 35, 132, 25, 164, 115, 212, 58, 224, 103, 168, 149, 194, 0, 213, 215, 165, 222, 170, 147, 199, 177, 212, 162, 165, 1, 164, 204, 203, 177, 218, 38, 169, 119, 167, 180, 204, 81, 216, 216, 167, 177, 165, 210, 197, 35, 216, 110, 167, 134, 170, 109, 201, 107, 213, 18, 166, 103, 168, 149, 194, 0, 213, 215, 165, 222, 170, 147, 199, 177, 212, 162, 165, 31, 171, 103, 198, 44, 212, 91, 165, 82, 138, 213, 199, 157, 237, 155, 183, 36, 139, 166, 198, 33, 237, 16, 183, 217, 143, 67, 201, 31, 234, 85, 180, 246, 144, 215, 193, 236, 232, 92, 178, 253, 147, 214, 192, 164, 229, 66, 176, 111, 99, 0, 167, 206, 202, 34, 217, 21, 127, 139, 165, 194, 205, 91, 227, 35, 132, 25, 164, 115, 212, 58, 224, 62, 141, 247, 236, 178, 17, 148, 198, 179, 143, 210, 235, 24, 20, 194, 199, 177, 152, 229, 155, 2, 244, 248, 213, 94, 171, 82, 155, 178, 238, 214, 226, 115, 36, 35, 187, 255, 222, 167, 237, 98, 62, 126, 166, 188, 200, 83, 251, 20, 148, 12, 246, 40, 16, 103, 197, 62, 141, 247, 236, 178, 17, 148, 198, 58, 150, 251, 240, 91, 20, 204, 199, 179, 143, 210, 235, 24, 20, 194, 199, 183, 145, 250, 235, 226, 21, 167, 200, 228, 148, 142, 237, 194, 22, 27, 201, 39, 40, 3, 165, 113, 209, 85, 247, 98, 62, 126, 166, 188, 200, 83, 251, 242, 31, 25, 204, 248, 228, 182, 146, 216, 43, 67, 236, 165, 204, 245, 143, 211, 149, 0, 247, 158, 15, 21, 197, 20, 148, 12, 246, 40, 16, 103, 197, 20, 172, 164, 197, 160, 211, 179, 164, 218, 223, 86, 214, 67, 189, 222, 167, 189, 174, 56, 197, 189, 209, 154, 163, 151, 224, 216, 211, 117, 191, 37, 178, 131, 222, 216, 198, 25, 177, 188, 173, 138, 98, 62, 186, 117, 202, 0, 193, 137, 128, 197, 167, 140, 197, 190, 171, 213, 148, 131, 224, 191, 176, 82, 183, 147, 165, 235, 151, 162, 170, 191, 151, 82, 169, 242, 152, 171, 176, 45, 152, 177, 152, 229, 155, 2, 244, 248, 213, 105, 175, 173, 197, 36, 209, 147, 163, 94, 171, 82, 155, 178, 238, 214, 226, 248, 178, 151, 196, 87, 206, 57, 162, 126, 199, 123, 147, 228, 222, 39, 147, 192, 35, 132, 216, 221, 166, 58, 227, 75, 36, 88, 217, 169, 216, 144, 222, 246, 35, 24, 228, 73, 212, 22, 218, 177, 165, 210, 197, 35, 216, 110, 167, 77, 166, 69, 198, 177, 215, 72, 167, 31, 171, 103, 198, 44, 212, 91, 165, 83, 171, 57, 198, 51, 212, 36, 165, 132, 69, 83, 181, 1, 181, 99, 217, 192, 35, 132, 216, 221, 166, 58, 227, 75, 36, 88, 217, 169, 216, 144, 222, 138, 98, 62, 186, 117, 202, 0, 193, 213, 148, 131, 224, 191, 176, 82, 183, 129, 149, 188, 225, 61, 177, 201, 183, 75, 36, 88, 217, 169, 216, 144, 222, 246, 35, 24, 228, 73, 212, 22, 218, 129, 149, 188, 225, 61, 177, 201, 183, 198, 154, 172, 223, 199, 176, 96, 183, 151, 224, 216, 211, 117, 191, 37, 178, 131, 222, 216, 198, 25, 177, 188, 173, 246, 35, 24, 228, 73, 212, 22, 218, 83, 171, 57, 198, 51, 212, 36, 165, 189, 174, 56, 197, 189, 209, 154, 163, 131, 222, 216, 198, 25, 177, 188, 173, 132, 69, 83, 181, 1, 181, 99, 217, 138, 98, 62, 186, 117, 202, 0, 193, 137, 128, 197, 167, 140, 197, 190, 171, 97, 151, 6, 205, 42, 228, 34, 176, 74, 155, 136, 199, 91, 224, 238, 172, 6, 156, 253, 199, 89, 224, 103, 172, 162, 162, 92, 198, 35, 218, 23, 169, 132, 162, 196, 197, 95, 218, 239, 168, 163, 148, 242, 182, 52, 231, 88, 174, 217, 158, 221, 190, 255, 224, 123, 168, 54, 130, 191, 196, 19, 236, 135, 186, 4, 143, 169, 198, 70, 234, 153, 180, 217, 143, 67, 201, 31, 234, 85, 180, 253, 147, 214, 192, 164, 229, 66, 176, 217, 158, 221, 190, 255, 224, 123, 168, 187, 139, 48, 208, 21, 236, 115, 183, 140, 142, 190, 205, 221, 235, 226, 181, 19, 144, 168, 198, 123, 233, 211, 179, 176, 149, 98, 200, 228, 229, 15, 176, 96, 151, 26, 205, 35, 228, 43, 176, 97, 151, 6, 205, 42, 228, 34, 176, 74, 155, 136, 199, 91, 224, 238, 172, 137, 128, 197, 167, 140, 197, 190, 171, 2, 158, 167, 203, 238, 221, 166, 172, 132, 162, 196, 197, 95, 218, 239, 168, 100, 164, 219, 200, 176, 217, 141, 168, 65, 166, 0, 201, 232, 217, 245, 166, 147, 165, 235, 151, 162, 170, 191, 151, 198, 154, 172, 223, 199, 176, 96, 183, 218, 223, 86, 214, 67, 189, 222, 167, 151, 224, 216, 211, 117, 191, 37, 178, 195, 206, 19, 152, 57, 148, 73, 148, 177, 208, 20, 152, 34, 148, 88, 148, 255, 170, 139, 198, 32, 212, 131, 165, 48, 171, 106, 198, 84, 213, 191, 164, 20, 172, 164, 197, 160, 211, 179, 164, 218, 223, 86, 214, 67, 189, 222, 167, 35, 175, 219, 197, 180, 209, 137, 163, 214, 175, 33, 199, 158, 209, 123, 163, 105, 175, 173, 197, 36, 209, 147, 163, 248, 178, 151, 196, 87, 206, 57, 162, 195, 206, 19, 152, 57, 148, 73, 148, 213, 148, 131, 224, 191, 176, 82, 183, 129, 149, 188, 225, 61, 177, 201, 183, 198, 154, 172, 223, 199, 176, 96, 183, 82, 169, 242, 152, 171, 176, 45, 152, 8, 195, 161, 147, 51, 150, 237, 143, 177, 208, 20, 152, 34, 148, 88, 148, 100, 164, 219, 200, 176, 217, 141, 168, 147, 165, 235, 151, 162, 170, 191, 151, 6, 170, 17, 199, 57, 213, 218, 165, 82, 169, 242, 152, 171, 176, 45, 152, 8, 195, 161, 147, 51, 150, 237, 143, 238, 136, 72, 219, 148, 144, 96, 178, 166, 141, 118, 99, 121, 203, 5, 153, 227, 160, 22, 223, 175, 147, 148, 188, 203, 155, 143, 99, 46, 209, 146, 150, 194, 166, 211, 189, 225, 141, 117, 171, 13, 134, 207, 202, 126, 131, 217, 167, 227, 160, 22, 223, 175, 147, 148, 188, 203, 155, 143, 99, 46, 209, 146, 150, 166, 157, 39, 100, 142, 209, 63, 150, 10, 198, 167, 202, 137, 153, 85, 194, 199, 192, 214, 254, 192, 158, 62, 216, 66, 166, 40, 232, 28, 152, 110, 196, 245, 191, 17, 222, 11, 150, 238, 204, 140, 181, 127, 216, 170, 151, 255, 194, 206, 169, 122, 195, 78, 141, 82, 176, 0, 184, 225, 209, 219, 154, 19, 190, 117, 183, 106, 200, 76, 145, 74, 185, 139, 148, 208, 217, 153, 146, 61, 181, 182, 148, 191, 210, 184, 143, 164, 177, 234, 164, 249, 194, 22, 142, 17, 174, 18, 169, 233, 176, 36, 124, 196, 165, 51, 172, 84, 177, 25, 129, 156, 165, 72, 86, 122, 197, 228, 161, 7, 191, 126, 60, 234, 218, 156, 143, 252, 213, 249, 173, 244, 239, 117, 148, 232, 204, 150, 153, 217, 198, 149, 154, 12, 173, 243, 16, 211, 69, 24, 201, 193, 145, 126, 10, 207, 70, 63, 205, 156, 145, 239, 7, 114, 63, 122, 200, 235, 146, 157, 72, 162, 181, 35, 160, 186, 191, 72, 86, 122, 197, 228, 161, 7, 191, 126, 60, 234, 218, 156, 143, 252, 213, 224, 64, 72, 206, 29, 27, 152, 133, 71, 58, 182, 221, 94, 48, 75, 129, 78, 69, 197, 219, 126, 33, 52, 135, 217, 68, 252, 221, 225, 34, 107, 131, 230, 138, 159, 250, 20, 4, 127, 137, 199, 140, 231, 249, 234, 4, 13, 138, 70, 31, 118, 158, 145, 51, 94, 136, 235, 37, 94, 156, 236, 51, 9, 139, 58, 22, 59, 171, 113, 76, 213, 132, 178, 19, 179, 172, 237, 190, 88, 129, 32, 141, 105, 243, 158, 0, 166, 250, 96, 141, 92, 242, 135, 1, 142, 250, 0, 19, 166, 167, 253, 197, 146, 129, 235, 37, 94, 156, 236, 51, 9, 139, 32, 141, 105, 243, 158, 0, 166, 250, 8, 141, 76, 243, 193, 0, 7, 251, 70, 31, 118, 158, 145, 51, 94, 136, 0, 19, 166, 167, 253, 197, 146, 129, 235, 37, 94, 156, 236, 51, 9, 139, 71, 9, 190, 173, 189, 195, 12, 136, 144, 83, 102, 179, 123, 186, 111, 201, 160, 16, 144, 231, 189, 142, 69, 241, 196, 133, 142, 249, 225, 214, 213, 189, 1, 140, 56, 247, 152, 56, 100, 195, 0, 19, 166, 167, 253, 197, 146, 129, 71, 9, 190, 173, 189, 195, 12, 136, 29, 65, 239, 158, 192, 27, 17, 150, 76, 71, 21, 158, 16, 15, 20, 154, 220, 142, 238, 243, 191, 1, 58, 133, 8, 141, 76, 243, 193, 0, 7, 251, 71, 9, 190, 173, 189, 195, 12, 136, 76, 71, 21, 158, 16, 15, 20, 154, 88, 137, 232, 247, 201, 55, 185, 194, 1, 140, 56, 247, 152, 56, 100, 195, 238, 25, 215, 176, 117, 149, 95, 234, 31, 36, 98, 192, 241, 183, 57, 233, 144, 83, 102, 179, 123, 186, 111, 201, 45, 106, 167, 188, 183, 201, 239, 187, 160, 16, 144, 231, 189, 142, 69, 241, 114, 132, 146, 252, 101, 215, 242, 190, 178, 133, 155, 248, 168, 213, 181, 189, 238, 25, 215, 176, 117, 149, 95, 234, 160, 16, 144, 231, 189, 142, 69, 241, 147, 133, 157, 249, 242, 214, 225, 189, 196, 133, 142, 249, 225, 214, 213, 189, 58, 22, 59, 171, 113, 76, 213, 132, 178, 19, 179, 172, 237, 190, 88, 129, 33, 53, 30, 149, 214, 70, 142, 143, 72, 134, 59, 251, 217, 215, 130, 190, 143, 134, 28, 251, 209, 215, 124, 190, 83, 138, 117, 246, 41, 213, 170, 188, 194, 240, 4, 27, 218, 107, 131, 143, 142, 130, 173, 254, 145, 217, 182, 191, 185, 129, 10, 254, 13, 217, 90, 191, 13, 130, 241, 253, 240, 216, 69, 191, 82, 214, 185, 166, 13, 161, 103, 154, 163, 212, 25, 158, 96, 145, 31, 158, 245, 214, 145, 160, 245, 144, 146, 162, 185, 129, 7, 254, 12, 217, 89, 191, 185, 129, 10, 254, 13, 217, 90, 191, 13, 130, 241, 253, 240, 216, 69, 191, 90, 209, 113, 137, 0, 105, 168, 228, 108, 219, 67, 133, 147, 116, 4, 242, 108, 248, 23, 125, 83, 129, 152, 241, 178, 128, 95, 255, 4, 0, 68, 133, 185, 128, 88, 255, 4, 0, 67, 133, 108, 219, 67, 133, 147, 116, 4, 242, 185, 246, 26, 127, 103, 127, 197, 245, 108, 248, 23, 125, 83, 129, 152, 241, 45, 106, 167, 188, 183, 201, 239, 187, 160, 129, 101, 187, 11, 180, 137, 171, 114, 132, 146, 252, 101, 215, 242, 190, 68, 197, 58, 161, 35, 159, 155, 152, 82, 214, 185, 166, 13, 161, 103, 154, 245, 214, 145, 160, 245, 144, 146, 162, 144, 83, 102, 179, 123, 186, 111, 201, 45, 106, 167, 188, 183, 201, 239, 187, 144, 128, 41, 171, 211, 31, 202, 215, 160, 129, 101, 187, 11, 180, 137, 171, 88, 137, 232, 247, 201, 55, 185, 194, 1, 140, 56, 247, 152, 56, 100, 195, 109, 164, 103, 160, 223, 62, 44, 217, 230, 27, 37, 203, 106, 81, 75, 134, 29, 4, 80, 57, 107, 141, 129, 133, 77, 27, 179, 210, 205, 84, 212, 131, 160, 41, 61, 236, 81, 74, 36, 133, 216, 60, 181, 247, 141, 61, 163, 129, 155, 77, 216, 254, 72, 44, 31, 135, 62, 166, 160, 250, 48, 31, 2, 133, 97, 181, 108, 245, 95, 38, 29, 137, 250, 43, 138, 49, 153, 164, 91, 160, 113, 46, 23, 44, 140, 165, 240, 161, 106, 14, 29, 208, 70, 118, 150, 237, 137, 41, 223, 218, 201, 132, 107, 226, 194, 24, 124, 225, 17, 120, 139, 235, 98, 84, 250, 243, 32, 146, 230, 207, 254, 97, 39, 250, 62, 155, 156, 202, 176, 94, 32, 251, 99, 150, 162, 204, 101, 126, 180, 241, 191, 148, 190, 186, 130, 172, 61, 248, 215, 145, 66, 208, 80, 139, 120, 228, 195, 140, 95, 183, 185, 154, 247, 232, 109, 149, 125, 191, 80, 139, 120, 228, 195, 140, 95, 183, 185, 154, 247, 232, 109, 149, 125, 191, 62, 155, 61, 208, 94, 136, 176, 178, 223, 160, 219, 218, 39, 145, 140, 186, 156, 145, 120, 238, 77, 140, 16, 191, 5, 155, 188, 232, 52, 147, 206, 191, 216, 169, 178, 234, 26, 151, 202, 199, 82, 153, 162, 218, 194, 138, 203, 183, 92, 191, 207, 220, 228, 152, 238, 202, 250, 197, 2, 208, 24, 152, 13, 199, 219, 183, 47, 196, 83, 135, 218, 185, 30, 199, 171, 189, 129, 137, 101, 191, 114, 205, 119, 193, 52, 148, 160, 194, 119, 186, 20, 90, 165, 223, 248, 137, 120, 186, 20, 90, 188, 213, 37, 134, 169, 189, 113, 97, 103, 218, 180, 138, 70, 206, 251, 119, 110, 221, 20, 143, 58, 201, 90, 155, 109, 224, 107, 145, 220, 224, 28, 122, 237, 218, 129, 136, 170, 225, 249, 110, 54, 219, 164, 130, 247, 58, 121, 219, 214, 126, 77, 214, 73, 126, 140, 228, 155, 144, 194, 180, 70, 206, 251, 119, 110, 221, 20, 143, 220, 224, 28, 122, 237, 218, 129, 136, 31, 141, 47, 195, 0, 135, 123, 166, 44, 144, 35, 211, 239, 135, 6, 176, 0, 145, 140, 195, 228, 134, 196, 167, 86, 147, 213, 205, 236, 137, 94, 174, 191, 151, 172, 185, 215, 135, 67, 164, 69, 155, 150, 189, 156, 127, 66, 167, 130, 155, 177, 190, 141, 136, 93, 168, 163, 159, 46, 205, 165, 141, 97, 178, 138, 153, 108, 239, 86, 156, 230, 193, 156, 158, 22, 206, 24, 138, 186, 178, 63, 166, 78, 191, 249, 133, 192, 172, 110, 169, 131, 193, 59, 138, 59, 175, 230, 175, 20, 187, 245, 134, 9, 174, 220, 49, 243, 225, 63, 143, 3, 222, 71, 59, 76, 244, 253, 141, 165, 220, 83, 122, 218, 241, 196, 146, 166, 188, 63, 166, 78, 191, 249, 133, 192, 172, 230, 175, 20, 187, 245, 134, 9, 174, 200, 20, 94, 58, 94, 155, 58, 145, 57, 6, 152, 61, 119, 174, 144, 141, 163, 16, 167, 48, 169, 155, 222, 143, 220, 49, 243, 225, 63, 143, 3, 222, 71, 59, 76, 244, 253, 141, 165, 220, 216, 64, 191, 246, 108, 154, 20, 216, 146, 81, 221, 255, 255, 44, 220, 129, 122, 184, 113, 253, 26, 52, 61, 131, 77, 157, 216, 247, 16, 21, 31, 131, 58, 180, 103, 247, 23, 45, 237, 129, 74, 178, 186, 243, 253, 39, 95, 130, 230, 159, 69, 240, 156, 17, 118, 129, 39, 156, 36, 249, 12, 21, 35, 131, 77, 157, 216, 247, 16, 21, 31, 131, 175, 166, 123, 244, 221, 26, 130, 132, 193, 165, 40, 244, 95, 26, 92, 131, 15, 160, 15, 241, 186, 17, 235, 130, 230, 159, 69, 240, 156, 17, 118, 129, 93, 165, 229, 236, 43, 19, 90, 131, 216, 60, 181, 247, 141, 61, 163, 129, 3, 208, 185, 254, 250, 76, 5, 130, 4, 166, 132, 251, 171, 32, 99, 131, 62, 166, 160, 250, 48, 31, 2, 133, 46, 219, 14, 232, 79, 79, 240, 129, 254, 93, 5, 135, 63, 210, 181, 185, 100, 119, 73, 166, 193, 226, 159, 185, 203, 119, 28, 175, 164, 225, 33, 186, 247, 119, 80, 174, 43, 230, 125, 187, 39, 121, 79, 175, 167, 228, 129, 186, 64, 127, 60, 139, 121, 237, 223, 183, 100, 119, 73, 166, 193, 226, 159, 185, 203, 119, 28, 175, 164, 225, 33, 186, 209, 146, 224, 95, 239, 230, 42, 165, 96, 154, 162, 112, 82, 239, 124, 169, 195, 155, 17, 148, 211, 227, 176, 167, 193, 192, 206, 127, 17, 242, 31, 156, 204, 89, 156, 217, 216, 129, 66, 192, 84, 89, 126, 243, 168, 137, 236, 205, 147, 121, 44, 194, 182, 148, 25, 168, 174, 96, 161, 255, 101, 136, 130, 206, 29, 142, 180, 181, 244, 134, 150, 159, 94, 159, 19, 199, 134, 122, 176, 176, 182, 92, 178, 224, 164, 150, 213, 197, 85, 71, 78, 236, 183, 143, 151, 212, 147, 85, 165, 239, 224, 145, 42, 206, 91, 153, 87, 254, 236, 146, 27, 202, 116, 168, 205, 243, 50, 147, 67, 204, 4, 168, 51, 227, 179, 142, 70, 196, 205, 193, 199, 225, 110, 149, 19, 208, 91, 12, 51, 222, 109, 114, 69, 239, 89, 11, 139, 223, 59, 112, 196, 238, 182, 92, 178, 224, 164, 150, 213, 197, 91, 153, 87, 254, 236, 146, 27, 202, 5, 39, 77, 34, 54, 151, 45, 157, 91, 12, 51, 222, 109, 114, 69, 239, 89, 11, 139, 223, 59, 112, 196, 238, 237, 50, 226, 11, 144, 153, 239, 161, 74, 78, 20, 233, 226, 144, 0, 208, 85, 71, 78, 236, 183, 143, 151, 212, 197, 138, 247, 230, 162, 142, 110, 184, 116, 168, 205, 243, 50, 147, 67, 204, 115, 148, 179, 224, 76, 143, 220, 184, 143, 114, 57, 223, 34, 141, 19, 183, 198, 131, 72, 254, 23, 144, 205, 192, 177, 129, 117, 224, 12, 140, 56, 178, 197, 138, 247, 230, 162, 142, 110, 184, 207, 142, 132, 226, 38, 140, 178, 183, 115, 148, 179, 224, 76, 143, 220, 184, 143, 114, 57, 223, 34, 141, 19, 183, 179, 116, 21, 245, 40, 144, 239, 192, 29, 120, 245, 210, 225, 138, 61, 174, 223, 128, 219, 210, 145, 139, 175, 171, 198, 131, 72, 254, 23, 144, 205, 192, 129, 129, 146, 210, 235, 139, 198, 171, 177, 134, 144, 213, 45, 136, 30, 174, 203, 119, 28, 175, 164, 225, 33, 186, 247, 119, 80, 174, 43, 230, 125, 187, 55, 122, 85, 198, 26, 230, 234, 188, 46, 123, 103, 200, 36, 234, 145, 189, 195, 155, 17, 148, 211, 227, 176, 167, 44, 157, 106, 152, 83, 227, 13, 167, 201, 80, 168, 129, 103, 197, 149, 183, 184, 82, 119, 129, 144, 199, 222, 183, 223, 93, 147, 134, 227, 209, 113, 185, 254, 93, 5, 135, 63, 210, 181, 185, 202, 121, 133, 99, 109, 237, 224, 183, 64, 127, 60, 139, 121, 237, 223, 183, 121, 98, 51, 250, 40, 146, 23, 203, 149, 123, 208, 247, 30, 142, 131, 190, 161, 90, 159, 255, 228, 145, 251, 207, 124, 166, 83, 253, 165, 141, 49, 208, 61, 139, 120, 213, 168, 133, 85, 175, 146, 184, 210, 238, 116, 147, 201, 209, 181, 163, 35, 190, 51, 131, 254, 170, 119, 179, 110, 206, 145, 143, 67, 188, 91, 102, 198, 255, 82, 147, 210, 202, 211, 145, 89, 239, 128, 145, 66, 191, 123, 177, 238, 239, 78, 147, 214, 206, 1, 163, 138, 226, 227, 145, 108, 192, 235, 13, 166, 36, 36, 143, 33, 141, 143, 7, 206, 217, 100, 139, 58, 128, 191, 9, 119, 34, 225, 141, 84, 138, 144, 65, 250, 255, 247, 60, 126, 129, 3, 208, 185, 254, 250, 76, 5, 130, 214, 226, 181, 235, 227, 90, 86, 129, 46, 219, 14, 232, 79, 79, 240, 129, 1, 32, 7, 223, 225, 83, 150, 129, 251, 65, 68, 244, 79, 53, 22, 131, 3, 208, 185, 254, 250, 76, 5, 130, 4, 166, 132, 251, 171, 32, 99, 131, 39, 156, 36, 249, 12, 21, 35, 131, 193, 165, 40, 244, 95, 26, 92, 131, 214, 226, 181, 235, 227, 90, 86, 129, 76, 16, 94, 218, 209, 159, 136, 131, 1, 32, 7, 223, 225, 83, 150, 129, 241, 6, 152, 222, 128, 151, 131, 133, 242, 16, 227, 231, 20, 164, 28, 135, 240, 28, 198, 238, 145, 90, 107, 131, 251, 65, 68, 244, 79, 53, 22, 131, 146, 81, 221, 255, 255, 44, 220, 129, 122, 184, 113, 253, 26, 52, 61, 131, 225, 35, 128, 32, 102, 146, 167, 154, 188, 18, 191, 33, 99, 171, 65, 248, 159, 81, 194, 221, 220, 150, 250, 202, 14, 233, 87, 14, 6, 146, 62, 149, 230, 196, 137, 235, 252, 146, 190, 214, 1, 198, 113, 203, 165, 152, 94, 195, 160, 23, 114, 43, 101, 147, 226, 147, 246, 24, 236, 41, 140, 158, 246, 149, 139, 4, 15, 47, 182, 162, 248, 246, 225, 35, 128, 32, 102, 146, 167, 154, 237, 1, 253, 39, 67, 154, 206, 247, 188, 18, 191, 33, 99, 171, 65, 248, 120, 29, 80, 23, 138, 149, 91, 151, 159, 81, 194, 221, 220, 150, 250, 202, 255, 67, 152, 225, 236, 150, 128, 211, 78, 61, 136, 231, 227, 139, 20, 217, 55, 65, 29, 237, 41, 140, 90, 216, 123, 144, 167, 227, 201, 146, 205, 184, 122, 149, 198, 227, 131, 147, 152, 186, 1, 198, 113, 203, 165, 152, 94, 195, 133, 81, 150, 233, 109, 142, 120, 206, 50, 120, 3, 249, 12, 145, 221, 192, 66, 123, 63, 229, 201, 147, 183, 182, 159, 171, 129, 254, 119, 142, 209, 210, 159, 133, 3, 222, 11, 144, 168, 178, 160, 112, 94, 243, 24, 149, 108, 194, 50, 120, 3, 249, 12, 145, 221, 192, 66, 123, 63, 229, 201, 147, 183, 182, 31, 141, 47, 195, 0, 135, 123, 166, 191, 151, 172, 185, 215, 135, 67, 164, 227, 154, 31, 193, 29, 133, 115, 169, 192, 112, 56, 220, 131, 143, 206, 182, 56, 115, 52, 229, 193, 142, 237, 185, 208, 123, 251, 213, 204, 138, 70, 174, 51, 135, 48, 205, 110, 133, 182, 169, 0, 145, 140, 195, 228, 134, 196, 167, 163, 159, 46, 205, 165, 141, 97, 178, 126, 85, 73, 230, 228, 139, 6, 203, 119, 94, 100, 236, 78, 138, 125, 200, 192, 112, 56, 220, 131, 143, 206, 182, 56, 115, 52, 229, 193, 142, 237, 185, 168, 136, 122, 219, 94, 139, 249, 177, 83, 153, 194, 243, 75, 134, 139, 198, 177, 172, 78, 237, 26, 140, 191, 204, 159, 128, 0, 213, 211, 235, 96, 188, 36, 129, 66, 198, 89, 233, 120, 186, 54, 130, 191, 196, 19, 236, 135, 186, 57, 130, 119, 199, 37, 234, 87, 186, 4, 143, 169, 198, 70, 234, 153, 180, 173, 101, 179, 137, 206, 220, 23, 188, 39, 121, 79, 175, 167, 228, 129, 186, 202, 121, 133, 99, 109, 237, 224, 183, 64, 127, 60, 139, 121, 237, 223, 183, 253, 127, 133, 166, 84, 234, 109, 184, 191, 136, 36, 123, 179, 244, 251, 181, 3, 141, 51, 124, 185, 242, 37, 179, 61, 139, 120, 213, 168, 133, 85, 175, 5, 155, 188, 232, 52, 147, 206, 191, 82, 153, 162, 218, 194, 138, 203, 183, 93, 163, 71, 225, 19, 147, 139, 191, 134, 160, 6, 198, 170, 133, 186, 174, 181, 163, 35, 190, 51, 131, 254, 170, 77, 27, 179, 210, 205, 84, 212, 131, 24, 44, 78, 32, 221, 160, 205, 160, 245, 43, 166, 31, 154, 160, 180, 160, 4, 46, 26, 28, 75, 166, 107, 162, 117, 18, 173, 27, 49, 152, 78, 146, 160, 41, 61, 236, 81, 74, 36, 133, 121, 40, 131, 203, 188, 144, 160, 223, 231, 25, 235, 209, 232, 142, 218, 234, 113, 46, 23, 44, 140, 165, 240, 161, 106, 14, 29, 208, 70, 118, 150, 237, 24, 44, 78, 32, 221, 160, 205, 160, 4, 46, 26, 28, 75, 166, 107, 162, 251, 70, 224, 251, 3, 148, 98, 215, 121, 40, 131, 203, 188, 144, 160, 223, 106, 14, 29, 208, 70, 118, 150, 237, 194, 24, 124, 225, 17, 120, 139, 235, 254, 97, 39, 250, 62, 155, 156, 202, 130, 172, 61, 248, 215, 145, 66, 208, 249, 163, 76, 243, 68, 149, 153, 201, 123, 177, 238, 239, 78, 147, 214, 206, 135, 168, 228, 237, 238, 148, 50, 201, 5, 155, 188, 232, 52, 147, 206, 191, 216, 169, 178, 234, 26, 151, 202, 199, 1, 163, 138, 226, 227, 145, 108, 192, 93, 163, 71, 225, 19, 147, 139, 191, 156, 145, 120, 238, 77, 140, 16, 191, 24, 172, 37, 238, 199, 149, 227, 202, 180, 164, 185, 235, 221, 145, 183, 198, 102, 194, 157, 216, 222, 149, 81, 203, 252, 194, 105, 216, 10, 153, 88, 202, 250, 185, 109, 211, 51, 142, 89, 197, 219, 183, 47, 196, 83, 135, 218, 185, 252, 194, 105, 216, 10, 153, 88, 202, 250, 185, 109, 211, 51, 142, 89, 197, 253, 216, 188, 202, 96, 157, 26, 205, 253, 193, 54, 174, 73, 116, 108, 183, 142, 77, 59, 149, 170, 193, 183, 190, 16, 137, 26, 149, 144, 230, 113, 177, 67, 139, 101, 147, 119, 236, 89, 178, 130, 139, 206, 195, 103, 142, 140, 167, 85, 169, 157, 239, 104, 144, 68, 203, 24, 172, 37, 238, 199, 149, 227, 202, 102, 194, 157, 216, 222, 149, 81, 203, 184, 191, 89, 213, 99, 148, 48, 200, 77, 167, 148, 104, 191, 215, 224, 150, 207, 174, 132, 96, 118, 224, 177, 147, 58, 201, 90, 155, 109, 224, 107, 145, 170, 225, 249, 110, 54, 219, 164, 130, 124, 153, 178, 227, 245, 128, 34, 190, 77, 167, 148, 104, 191, 215, 224, 150, 17, 171, 165, 95, 56, 225, 131, 149, 207, 174, 132, 96, 118, 224, 177, 147, 204, 188, 214, 186, 94, 124, 231, 185, 247, 58, 121, 219, 214, 126, 77, 214, 126, 85, 73, 230, 228, 139, 6, 203, 177, 172, 78, 237, 26, 140, 191, 204, 77, 167, 148, 104, 191, 215, 224, 150, 204, 188, 214, 186, 94, 124, 231, 185, 70, 206, 251, 119, 110, 221, 20, 143, 170, 225, 249, 110, 54, 219, 164, 130, 164, 82, 117, 221, 37, 138, 177, 200, 119, 94, 100, 236, 78, 138, 125, 200, 192, 112, 56, 220, 131, 143, 206, 182, 164, 138, 0, 241, 20, 141, 70, 189, 211, 141, 20, 236, 35, 146, 248, 187, 86, 147, 213, 205, 236, 137, 94, 174, 163, 159, 46, 205, 165, 141, 97, 178, 200, 20, 94, 58, 94, 155, 58, 145, 246, 24, 236, 41, 140, 158, 246, 149, 237, 1, 253, 39, 67, 154, 206, 247, 107, 64, 153, 241, 216, 154, 152, 215, 216, 64, 191, 246, 108, 154, 20, 216, 200, 20, 94, 58, 94, 155, 58, 145, 163, 16, 167, 48, 169, 155, 222, 143, 160, 23, 114, 43, 101, 147, 226, 147, 246, 24, 236, 41, 140, 158, 246, 149, 220, 30, 186, 219, 109, 84, 242, 128, 115, 0, 162, 229, 210, 146, 69, 135, 160, 23, 114, 43, 101, 147, 226, 147, 120, 29, 80, 23, 138, 149, 91, 151, 242, 16, 227, 231, 20, 164, 28, 135, 115, 0, 162, 229, 210, 146, 69, 135, 240, 28, 198, 238, 145, 90, 107, 131, 158, 52, 212, 248, 101, 70, 214, 129, 104, 47, 126, 255, 158, 176, 206, 128, 139, 4, 15, 47, 182, 162, 248, 246, 237, 1, 253, 39, 67, 154, 206, 247, 107, 64, 153, 241, 216, 154, 152, 215, 123, 144, 167, 227, 201, 146, 205, 184, 122, 149, 198, 227, 131, 147, 152, 186, 17, 179, 101, 203, 171, 146, 182, 184, 114, 56, 81, 230, 96, 140, 119, 219, 55, 65, 29, 237, 41, 140, 90, 216, 51, 66, 169, 243, 241, 140, 73, 217, 138, 153, 108, 239, 86, 156, 230, 193, 123, 144, 167, 227, 201, 146, 205, 184, 156, 158, 22, 206, 24, 138, 186, 178, 17, 179, 101, 203, 171, 146, 182, 184, 139, 4, 15, 47, 182, 162, 248, 246, 188, 18, 191, 33, 99, 171, 65, 248, 122, 149, 198, 227, 131, 147, 152, 186, 1, 198, 113, 203, 165, 152, 94, 195, 240, 28, 198, 238, 145, 90, 107, 131, 104, 47, 126, 255, 158, 176, 206, 128, 146, 81, 221, 255, 255, 44, 220, 129, 58, 180, 103, 247, 23, 45, 237, 129, 251, 65, 68, 244, 79, 53, 22, 131, 122, 184, 113, 253, 26, 52, 61, 131, 39, 156, 36, 249, 12, 21, 35, 131, 77, 157, 216, 247, 16, 21, 31, 131, 74, 157, 153, 98, 10, 227, 125, 158, 238, 167, 156, 130, 84, 222, 126, 160, 17, 171, 165, 95, 56, 225, 131, 149, 207, 174, 132, 96, 118, 224, 177, 147, 36, 183, 215, 147, 98, 219, 192, 153, 119, 186, 20, 90, 165, 223, 248, 137, 61, 193, 109, 141, 100, 217, 129, 149, 58, 201, 90, 155, 109, 224, 107, 145, 232, 126, 62, 216, 144, 233, 8, 189, 212, 129, 215, 212, 251, 239, 143, 188, 54, 130, 23, 211, 29, 240, 80, 188, 113, 134, 146, 208, 213, 246, 32, 187, 97, 137, 4, 210, 31, 246, 208, 183, 107, 64, 153, 241, 216, 154, 152, 215, 71, 59, 76, 244, 253, 141, 165, 220, 216, 64, 191, 246, 108, 154, 20, 216, 156, 158, 22, 206, 24, 138, 186, 178, 17, 179, 101, 203, 171, 146, 182, 184, 230, 175, 20, 187, 245, 134, 9, 174, 78, 61, 136, 231, 227, 139, 20, 217, 133, 81, 150, 233, 109, 142, 120, 206, 55, 65, 29, 237, 41, 140, 90, 216, 51, 66, 169, 243, 241, 140, 73, 217, 159, 171, 129, 254, 119, 142, 209, 210, 114, 153, 130, 187, 192, 235, 166, 170, 209, 153, 165, 186, 227, 229, 3, 171, 36, 183, 215, 147, 98, 219, 192, 153, 61, 193, 109, 141, 100, 217, 129, 149, 166, 205, 146, 150, 90, 209, 180, 143, 59, 211, 172, 142, 98, 209, 210, 141, 121, 166, 207, 228, 84, 12, 159, 130, 193, 162, 8, 225, 233, 3, 134, 129, 220, 170, 50, 225, 168, 13, 135, 130, 60, 168, 26, 224, 138, 8, 17, 131, 178, 171, 22, 220, 156, 8, 85, 130, 29, 65, 239, 158, 192, 27, 17, 150, 210, 98, 205, 161, 194, 9, 240, 216, 184, 136, 116, 248, 148, 0, 175, 132, 59, 142, 245, 243, 62, 1, 208, 132, 220, 142, 238, 243, 191, 1, 58, 133, 29, 65, 239, 158, 192, 27, 17, 150, 76, 71, 21, 158, 16, 15, 20, 154, 210, 98, 205, 161, 194, 9, 240, 216, 42, 132, 237, 166, 133, 44, 214, 222, 88, 137, 232, 247, 201, 55, 185, 194, 109, 164, 103, 160, 223, 62, 44, 217, 79, 141, 170, 243, 73, 0, 116, 131, 113, 144, 124, 242, 50, 2, 195, 131, 34, 148, 3, 238, 63, 1, 112, 131, 168, 153, 197, 234, 112, 3, 232, 131, 40, 153, 207, 232, 210, 0, 77, 131, 56, 20, 249, 62, 253, 198, 25, 148, 19, 24, 158, 49, 169, 85, 50, 234, 40, 12, 16, 52, 186, 202, 93, 151, 51, 12, 221, 51, 94, 198, 117, 150, 229, 160, 92, 249, 212, 152, 123, 202, 37, 178, 198, 240, 180, 151, 140, 206, 95, 200, 78, 212, 160, 150, 15, 204, 243, 16, 211, 69, 24, 201, 193, 145, 19, 24, 158, 49, 169, 85, 50, 234, 40, 12, 16, 52, 186, 202, 93, 151, 126, 60, 234, 218, 156, 143, 252, 213, 151, 95, 101, 175, 35, 168, 167, 176, 249, 173, 244, 239, 117, 148, 232, 204, 19, 24, 158, 49, 169, 85, 50, 234, 151, 95, 101, 175, 35, 168, 167, 176, 95, 200, 78, 212, 160, 150, 15, 204, 151, 95, 101, 175, 35, 168, 167, 176, 211, 113, 210, 237, 10, 154, 211, 191, 248, 130, 63, 249, 80, 155, 39, 190, 163, 161, 227, 249, 246, 149, 108, 203, 229, 160, 92, 249, 212, 152, 123, 202, 249, 173, 244, 239, 117, 148, 232, 204, 150, 153, 217, 198, 149, 154, 12, 173, 95, 200, 78, 212, 160, 150, 15, 204, 211, 113, 210, 237, 10, 154, 211, 191, 70, 96, 129, 245, 74, 149, 150, 202, 163, 161, 227, 249, 246, 149, 108, 203, 182, 148, 191, 210, 184, 143, 164, 177, 80, 162, 91, 193, 24, 134, 116, 172, 234, 164, 249, 194, 22, 142, 17, 174, 238, 136, 72, 219, 148, 144, 96, 178, 156, 184, 121, 235, 233, 150, 115, 207, 66, 166, 40, 232, 28, 152, 110, 196, 227, 160, 22, 223, 175, 147, 148, 188, 117, 208, 178, 227, 124, 154, 202, 214, 245, 191, 17, 222, 11, 150, 238, 204, 10, 198, 167, 202, 137, 153, 85, 194, 85, 73, 166, 235, 199, 150, 235, 210, 238, 136, 72, 219, 148, 144, 96, 178, 156, 184, 121, 235, 233, 150, 115, 207, 247, 153, 198, 188, 166, 138, 235, 166, 12, 190, 112, 229, 247, 150, 93, 207, 194, 166, 211, 189, 225, 141, 117, 171, 175, 165, 80, 142, 182, 203, 152, 156, 71, 165, 79, 169, 86, 208, 63, 162, 122, 169, 18, 146, 15, 204, 242, 155, 156, 166, 54, 174, 57, 208, 171, 162, 110, 171, 181, 155, 171, 203, 173, 156, 90, 170, 130, 168, 216, 206, 183, 159, 102, 157, 166, 203, 35, 223, 150, 172, 2, 158, 167, 203, 238, 221, 166, 172, 47, 165, 191, 201, 197, 216, 158, 168, 65, 166, 0, 201, 232, 217, 245, 166, 197, 163, 6, 191, 13, 215, 106, 167, 197, 150, 117, 205, 199, 224, 104, 177, 96, 151, 26, 205, 35, 228, 43, 176, 97, 151, 6, 205, 42, 228, 34, 176, 102, 157, 166, 203, 35, 223, 150, 172, 2, 158, 167, 203, 238, 221, 166, 172, 132, 162, 196, 197, 95, 218, 239, 168, 197, 150, 117, 205, 199, 224, 104, 177, 72, 150, 150, 189, 57, 222, 246, 174, 102, 157, 166, 203, 35, 223, 150, 172, 194, 157, 235, 172, 68, 213, 233, 166, 197, 163, 6, 191, 13, 215, 106, 167, 71, 165, 79, 169, 86, 208, 63, 162, 156, 166, 54, 174, 57, 208, 171, 162, 36, 139, 203, 100, 5, 202, 162, 153, 166, 141, 118, 99, 121, 203, 5, 153, 1, 144, 47, 93, 146, 208, 129, 152, 242, 148, 201, 94, 36, 208, 212, 150, 170, 152, 207, 97, 229, 208, 250, 150, 25, 155, 182, 108, 43, 206, 235, 152, 203, 155, 143, 99, 46, 209, 146, 150, 166, 157, 39, 100, 142, 209, 63, 150, 3, 121, 144, 86, 163, 202, 174, 153, 5, 129, 29, 194, 52, 138, 186, 163, 36, 139, 203, 100, 5, 202, 162, 153, 1, 144, 47, 93, 146, 208, 129, 152, 156, 143, 201, 185, 194, 136, 109, 162, 232, 155, 132, 187, 183, 138, 187, 166, 117, 87, 236, 253, 1, 155, 164, 207, 5, 129, 29, 194, 52, 138, 186, 163, 156, 143, 201, 185, 194, 136, 109, 162, 114, 191, 193, 237, 152, 150, 211, 211, 210, 188, 229, 207, 185, 161, 29, 188, 88, 87, 36, 207, 140, 155, 21, 194, 85, 73, 166, 235, 199, 150, 235, 210, 117, 87, 236, 253, 1, 155, 164, 207, 180, 169, 67, 254, 54, 141, 19, 210, 221, 175, 128, 252, 52, 154, 196, 209, 226, 155, 34, 244, 233, 153, 183, 197, 114, 191, 193, 237, 152, 150, 211, 211, 12, 190, 112, 229, 247, 150, 93, 207, 88, 87, 36, 207, 140, 155, 21, 194, 164, 138, 0, 241, 20, 141, 70, 189, 226, 155, 34, 244, 233, 153, 183, 197, 44, 144, 35, 211, 239, 135, 6, 176, 86, 147, 213, 205, 236, 137, 94, 174, 0, 184, 225, 209, 219, 154, 19, 190, 67, 170, 28, 188, 3, 133, 98, 172, 117, 183, 106, 200, 76, 145, 74, 185, 52, 176, 69, 187, 143, 137, 225, 173, 80, 162, 91, 193, 24, 134, 116, 172, 234, 164, 249, 194, 22, 142, 17, 174, 18, 169, 233, 176, 36, 124, 196, 165, 128, 177, 42, 170, 45, 123, 3, 165, 71, 178, 174, 174, 90, 125, 211, 167, 164, 178, 25, 171, 178, 122, 145, 166, 215, 16, 219, 192, 189, 118, 113, 231, 69, 75, 228, 238, 104, 153, 110, 210, 87, 72, 255, 239, 174, 152, 12, 212, 70, 96, 129, 245, 74, 149, 150, 202, 163, 161, 227, 249, 246, 149, 108, 203, 229, 160, 92, 249, 212, 152, 123, 202, 116, 174, 165, 243, 165, 150, 82, 206, 37, 178, 198, 240, 180, 151, 140, 206, 56, 20, 249, 62, 253, 198, 25, 148, 169, 19, 160, 53, 86, 200, 80, 151, 22, 137, 56, 254, 196, 155, 180, 194, 116, 174, 165, 243, 165, 150, 82, 206, 37, 178, 198, 240, 180, 151, 140, 206, 47, 25, 55, 189, 64, 193, 191, 131, 177, 14, 13, 67, 85, 193, 101, 145, 56, 20, 249, 62, 253, 198, 25, 148, 169, 19, 160, 53, 86, 200, 80, 151, 51, 12, 221, 51, 94, 198, 117, 150, 86, 41, 111, 211, 87, 193, 237, 128, 47, 25, 55, 189, 64, 193, 191, 131, 94, 19, 226, 203, 70, 175, 26, 133, 0, 40, 49, 208, 105, 192, 65, 128, 86, 41, 111, 211, 87, 193, 237, 128, 71, 58, 182, 221, 94, 48, 75, 129, 78, 69, 197, 219, 126, 33, 52, 135, 213, 42, 0, 245, 22, 180, 151, 131, 49, 78, 41, 250, 220, 42, 34, 133, 0, 136, 117, 253, 71, 4, 45, 138, 230, 138, 159, 250, 20, 4, 127, 137, 199, 140, 231, 249, 234, 4, 13, 138, 62, 140, 138, 243, 157, 1, 85, 249, 215, 140, 151, 243, 173, 0, 198, 250, 105, 149, 223, 238, 158, 250, 214, 129, 216, 148, 187, 234, 84, 2, 47, 251, 59, 142, 245, 243, 62, 1, 208, 132, 220, 142, 238, 243, 191, 1, 58, 133, 215, 140, 151, 243, 173, 0, 198, 250, 32, 141, 105, 243, 158, 0, 166, 250, 8, 141, 76, 243, 193, 0, 7, 251, 96, 141, 92, 242, 135, 1, 142, 250, 113, 144, 124, 242, 50, 2, 195, 131, 216, 148, 187, 234, 84, 2, 47, 251, 118, 153, 3, 235, 209, 3, 62, 131, 168, 153, 197, 234, 112, 3, 232, 131, 101, 126, 180, 241, 191, 148, 190, 186, 249, 163, 76, 243, 68, 149, 153, 201, 231, 160, 248, 238, 119, 145, 144, 198, 135, 168, 228, 237, 238, 148, 50, 201, 185, 154, 247, 232, 109, 149, 125, 191, 223, 160, 219, 218, 39, 145, 140, 186, 85, 79, 125, 234, 169, 141, 244, 207, 27, 109, 71, 160, 156, 225, 192, 189, 90, 119, 86, 207, 153, 140, 27, 173, 121, 98, 51, 250, 40, 146, 23, 203, 146, 184, 210, 238, 116, 147, 201, 209, 246, 164, 100, 132, 56, 241, 241, 167, 247, 119, 80, 174, 43, 230, 125, 187, 39, 121, 79, 175, 167, 228, 129, 186, 55, 122, 85, 198, 26, 230, 234, 188, 253, 127, 133, 166, 84, 234, 109, 184, 36, 129, 66, 198, 89, 233, 120, 186, 57, 130, 119, 199, 37, 234, 87, 186, 119, 145, 214, 223, 3, 128, 125, 183, 124, 153, 178, 227, 245, 128, 34, 190, 13, 153, 16, 95, 227, 224, 73, 158, 74, 157, 153, 98, 10, 227, 125, 158, 17, 171, 165, 95, 56, 225, 131, 149, 28, 49, 34, 203, 249, 145, 95, 217, 92, 5, 161, 207, 107, 111, 236, 238, 27, 53, 46, 247, 105, 123, 9, 226, 159, 159, 239, 254, 91, 153, 63, 204, 118, 176, 89, 250, 68, 137, 142, 212, 76, 16, 94, 218, 209, 159, 136, 131, 241, 6, 152, 222, 128, 151, 131, 133, 112, 58, 226, 243, 65, 62, 134, 129, 253, 53, 11, 244, 181, 192, 10, 132, 13, 55, 203, 244, 22, 190, 102, 129, 76, 16, 94, 218, 209, 159, 136, 131, 1, 32, 7, 223, 225, 83, 150, 129, 112, 58, 226, 243, 65, 62, 134, 129, 144, 65, 250, 255, 247, 60, 126, 129, 214, 226, 181, 235, 227, 90, 86, 129, 201, 80, 168, 129, 103, 197, 149, 183, 184, 82, 119, 129, 144, 199, 222, 183, 150, 93, 89, 190, 121, 142, 182, 175, 246, 97, 201, 160, 190, 155, 231, 162, 77, 106, 106, 196, 172, 140, 189, 172, 150, 93, 89, 190, 121, 142, 182, 175, 77, 106, 106, 196, 172, 140, 189, 172, 213, 107, 220, 176, 133, 134, 99, 159, 124, 166, 83, 253, 165, 141, 49, 208, 201, 172, 253, 210, 210, 143, 151, 187, 119, 179, 110, 206, 145, 143, 67, 188, 184, 82, 119, 129, 144, 199, 222, 183, 223, 93, 147, 134, 227, 209, 113, 185, 77, 106, 106, 196, 172, 140, 189, 172, 213, 107, 220, 176, 133, 134, 99, 159, 219, 152, 255, 101, 110, 241, 8, 169, 218, 152, 237, 155, 131, 134, 234, 146, 47, 158, 252, 88, 97, 247, 141, 165, 72, 161, 57, 164, 210, 136, 166, 153, 204, 89, 156, 217, 216, 129, 66, 192, 91, 90, 103, 218, 1, 134, 71, 193, 84, 89, 126, 243, 168, 137, 236, 205, 19, 140, 133, 99, 87, 231, 223, 169, 43, 170, 104, 107, 16, 239, 26, 160, 179, 116, 21, 245, 40, 144, 239, 192, 198, 131, 72, 254, 23, 144, 205, 192, 207, 142, 132, 226, 38, 140, 178, 183, 245, 163, 8, 237, 225, 143, 90, 199, 234, 173, 127, 233, 34, 147, 9, 202, 28, 169, 141, 216, 159, 143, 123, 189, 197, 138, 247, 230, 162, 142, 110, 184, 116, 168, 205, 243, 50, 147, 67, 204, 207, 142, 132, 226, 38, 140, 178, 183, 205, 193, 199, 225, 110, 149, 19, 208, 28, 169, 141, 216, 159, 143, 123, 189, 215, 82, 175, 182, 217, 137, 154, 174, 187, 92, 198, 193, 2, 135, 190, 175, 178, 106, 186, 225, 51, 142, 161, 188, 147, 121, 44, 194, 182, 148, 25, 168, 223, 128, 219, 210, 145, 139, 175, 171, 129, 129, 146, 210, 235, 139, 198, 171, 29, 142, 180, 181, 244, 134, 150, 159, 91, 102, 198, 255, 82, 147, 210, 202, 98, 133, 192, 230, 96, 139, 77, 182, 149, 134, 57, 230, 253, 137, 102, 182, 211, 145, 89, 239, 128, 145, 66, 191, 245, 163, 8, 237, 225, 143, 90, 199, 234, 173, 127, 233, 34, 147, 9, 202, 15, 157, 47, 209, 226, 138, 228, 179, 178, 106, 186, 225, 51, 142, 161, 188, 129, 129, 146, 210, 235, 139, 198, 171, 98, 133, 192, 230, 96, 139, 77, 182, 177, 134, 144, 213, 45, 136, 30, 174, 42, 144, 221, 238, 149, 142, 116, 190, 15, 157, 47, 209, 226, 138, 228, 179, 179, 116, 21, 245, 40, 144, 239, 192, 177, 134, 144, 213, 45, 136, 30, 174, 245, 163, 8, 237, 225, 143, 90, 199, 15, 157, 47, 209, 226, 138, 228, 179, 98, 133, 192, 230, 96, 139, 77, 182, 149, 134, 57, 230, 253, 137, 102, 182, 71, 143, 17, 240, 212, 147, 87, 190, 42, 144, 221, 238, 149, 142, 116, 190, 134, 160, 6, 198, 170, 133, 186, 174, 181, 163, 35, 190, 51, 131, 254, 170, 201, 172, 253, 210, 210, 143, 151, 187, 119, 179, 110, 206, 145, 143, 67, 188, 215, 82, 175, 182, 217, 137, 154, 174, 204, 89, 156, 217, 216, 129, 66, 192, 91, 90, 103, 218, 1, 134, 71, 193, 147, 121, 44, 194, 182, 148, 25, 168, 215, 82, 175, 182, 217, 137, 154, 174, 187, 92, 198, 193, 2, 135, 190, 175, 91, 90, 103, 218, 1, 134, 71, 193, 19, 140, 133, 99, 87, 231, 223, 169, 218, 152, 237, 155, 131, 134, 234, 146, 47, 158, 252, 88, 97, 247, 141, 165, 19, 140, 133, 99, 87, 231, 223, 169, 96, 154, 162, 112, 82, 239, 124, 169, 219, 152, 255, 101, 110, 241, 8, 169, 47, 158, 252, 88, 97, 247, 141, 165, 43, 170, 104, 107, 16, 239, 26, 160, 193, 192, 206, 127, 17, 242, 31, 156, 223, 93, 147, 134, 227, 209, 113, 185, 254, 93, 5, 135, 63, 210, 181, 185, 100, 119, 73, 166, 193, 226, 159, 185, 96, 154, 162, 112, 82, 239, 124, 169, 219, 152, 255, 101, 110, 241, 8, 169, 213, 107, 220, 176, 133, 134, 99, 159, 71, 143, 17, 240, 212, 147, 87, 190, 72, 161, 57, 164, 210, 136, 166, 153, 201, 172, 253, 210, 210, 143, 151, 187, 191, 9, 119, 34, 225, 141, 84, 138, 216, 14, 85, 29, 86, 145, 106, 142, 235, 13, 59, 29, 16, 137, 146, 139, 112, 58, 226, 243, 65, 62, 134, 129, 13, 55, 203, 244, 22, 190, 102, 129, 144, 65, 250, 255, 247, 60, 126, 129, 7, 10, 80, 51, 67, 139, 126, 137, 172, 29, 143, 35, 15, 150, 201, 151, 5, 39, 77, 34, 54, 151, 45, 157, 235, 13, 166, 36, 36, 143, 33, 141, 191, 9, 119, 34, 225, 141, 84, 138, 236, 45, 178, 25, 185, 151, 73, 160, 216, 14, 85, 29, 86, 145, 106, 142, 236, 40, 3, 17, 49, 151, 35, 157, 237, 50, 226, 11, 144, 153, 239, 161, 152, 20, 183, 46, 45, 139, 44, 145, 248, 19, 76, 218, 151, 114, 210, 233, 236, 45, 178, 25, 185, 151, 73, 160, 236, 40, 3, 17, 49, 151, 35, 157, 74, 78, 20, 233, 226, 144, 0, 208, 12, 81, 11, 235, 137, 145, 32, 207, 85, 71, 78, 236, 183, 143, 151, 212, 147, 85, 165, 239, 224, 145, 42, 206, 207, 56, 110, 243, 70, 143, 115, 221, 159, 159, 239, 254, 91, 153, 63, 204, 118, 176, 89, 250, 68, 137, 142, 212, 5, 179, 177, 248, 145, 143, 227, 211, 24, 190, 31, 237, 216, 143, 214, 212, 255, 67, 152, 225, 236, 150, 128, 211, 78, 61, 136, 231, 227, 139, 20, 217, 133, 81, 150, 233, 109, 142, 120, 206, 207, 56, 110, 243, 70, 143, 115, 221, 160, 112, 94, 243, 24, 149, 108, 194, 50, 120, 3, 249, 12, 145, 221, 192, 24, 190, 31, 237, 216, 143, 214, 212, 237, 176, 59, 228, 114, 150, 8, 200, 143, 114, 57, 223, 34, 141, 19, 183, 29, 120, 245, 210, 225, 138, 61, 174, 208, 123, 251, 213, 204, 138, 70, 174, 177, 129, 117, 224, 12, 140, 56, 178, 51, 135, 48, 205, 110, 133, 182, 169, 44, 185, 98, 188, 73, 140, 131, 178, 56, 115, 52, 229, 193, 142, 237, 185, 29, 120, 245, 210, 225, 138, 61, 174, 208, 123, 251, 213, 204, 138, 70, 174, 223, 128, 219, 210, 145, 139, 175, 171, 168, 136, 122, 219, 94, 139, 249, 177, 29, 142, 180, 181, 244, 134, 150, 159, 94, 159, 19, 199, 134, 122, 176, 176, 233, 200, 86, 198, 91, 153, 187, 192, 174, 94, 236, 215, 86, 153, 236, 192, 168, 136, 122, 219, 94, 139, 249, 177, 83, 153, 194, 243, 75, 134, 139, 198, 119, 145, 214, 223, 3, 128, 125, 183, 48, 149, 225, 94, 237, 225, 199, 160, 13, 153, 16, 95, 227, 224, 73, 158, 233, 200, 86, 198, 91, 153, 187, 192, 164, 144, 20, 152, 155, 231, 84, 174, 209, 146, 224, 95, 239, 230, 42, 165, 48, 149, 225, 94, 237, 225, 199, 160, 13, 153, 16, 95, 227, 224, 73, 158, 195, 155, 17, 148, 211, 227, 176, 167, 44, 157, 106, 152, 83, 227, 13, 167, 74, 157, 153, 98, 10, 227, 125, 158, 238, 167, 156, 130, 84, 222, 126, 160, 201, 80, 168, 129, 103, 197, 149, 183, 246, 97, 201, 160, 190, 155, 231, 162, 202, 121, 133, 99, 109, 237, 224, 183, 156, 125, 84, 169, 46, 157, 31, 159, 49, 140, 178, 121, 237, 242, 93, 179, 3, 141, 51, 124, 185, 242, 37, 179, 149, 123, 208, 247, 30, 142, 131, 190, 61, 139, 120, 213, 168, 133, 85, 175, 156, 145, 120, 238, 77, 140, 16, 191, 180, 164, 185, 235, 221, 145, 183, 198, 82, 153, 162, 218, 194, 138, 203, 183, 121, 40, 131, 203, 188, 144, 160, 223, 254, 97, 39, 250, 62, 155, 156, 202, 251, 70, 224, 251, 3, 148, 98, 215, 101, 126, 180, 241, 191, 148, 190, 186, 249, 212, 136, 248, 167, 146, 147, 226, 231, 160, 248, 238, 119, 145, 144, 198, 102, 185, 218, 206, 193, 142, 84, 193, 231, 25, 235, 209, 232, 142, 218, 234, 195, 4, 17, 232, 184, 134, 161, 250, 198, 36, 223, 249, 125, 156, 116, 227, 251, 70, 224, 251, 3, 148, 98, 215, 249, 212, 136, 248, 167, 146, 147, 226, 198, 36, 223, 249, 125, 156, 116, 227, 26, 47, 147, 250, 148, 151, 170, 224, 249, 212, 136, 248, 167, 146, 147, 226, 198, 145, 145, 235, 52, 139, 176, 189, 102, 185, 218, 206, 193, 142, 84, 193, 7, 10, 80, 51, 67, 139, 126, 137, 177, 30, 213, 42, 188, 150, 158, 152, 172, 29, 143, 35, 15, 150, 201, 151, 195, 4, 17, 232, 184, 134, 161, 250, 198, 36, 223, 249, 125, 156, 116, 227, 26, 47, 147, 250, 148, 151, 170, 224, 177, 30, 213, 42, 188, 150, 158, 152, 172, 29, 143, 35, 15, 150, 201, 151, 235, 13, 166, 36, 36, 143, 33, 141, 245, 43, 166, 31, 154, 160, 180, 160, 143, 7, 206, 217, 100, 139, 58, 128, 117, 18, 173, 27, 49, 152, 78, 146, 66, 123, 63, 229, 201, 147, 183, 182, 159, 133, 3, 222, 11, 144, 168, 178, 31, 141, 47, 195, 0, 135, 123, 166, 201, 146, 184, 217, 187, 146, 163, 180, 21, 148, 60, 204, 100, 134, 142, 173, 130, 155, 177, 190, 141, 136, 93, 168, 50, 73, 226, 229, 61, 143, 211, 209, 6, 72, 255, 232, 14, 147, 48, 211, 135, 128, 64, 194, 151, 133, 152, 162, 201, 197, 167, 197, 142, 150, 212, 190, 135, 128, 64, 194, 151, 133, 152, 162, 200, 137, 82, 189, 91, 135, 170, 162, 31, 145, 227, 167, 51, 214, 246, 171, 18, 155, 46, 160, 39, 94, 120, 164, 201, 197, 167, 197, 142, 150, 212, 190, 144, 119, 81, 137, 80, 233, 65, 185, 253, 126, 32, 106, 162, 242, 119, 184, 128, 189, 54, 98, 201, 251, 126, 150, 99, 211, 194, 150, 211, 252, 75, 141, 71, 234, 183, 137, 52, 254, 120, 134, 128, 189, 54, 98, 201, 251, 126, 150, 57, 253, 134, 152, 112, 145, 60, 204, 71, 234, 183, 137, 52, 254, 120, 134, 113, 134, 146, 208, 213, 246, 32, 187, 97, 137, 4, 210, 31, 246, 208, 183, 252, 138, 178, 207, 122, 233, 116, 183, 85, 150, 145, 189, 33, 220, 198, 174, 114, 153, 130, 187, 192, 235, 166, 170, 90, 158, 229, 145, 48, 216, 43, 163, 59, 211, 172, 142, 98, 209, 210, 141, 175, 157, 202, 132, 86, 210, 34, 160, 182, 161, 61, 117, 93, 211, 165, 155, 80, 168, 19, 123, 201, 218, 199, 157, 199, 165, 87, 103, 151, 215, 246, 150, 99, 182, 206, 122, 46, 215, 107, 151, 120, 186, 20, 90, 188, 213, 37, 134, 169, 189, 113, 97, 103, 218, 180, 138, 184, 197, 144, 154, 149, 217, 7, 147, 164, 82, 117, 221, 37, 138, 177, 200, 50, 73, 226, 229, 61, 143, 211, 209, 6, 72, 255, 232, 14, 147, 48, 211, 212, 73, 124, 251, 82, 137, 7, 216, 211, 141, 20, 236, 35, 146, 248, 187, 123, 99, 235, 209, 186, 146, 9, 185, 163, 55, 253, 233, 159, 147, 198, 219, 4, 48, 39, 235, 9, 146, 24, 224, 14, 109, 39, 234, 152, 146, 42, 192, 69, 180, 127, 252, 251, 147, 223, 212, 169, 173, 47, 216, 77, 149, 137, 190, 55, 1, 166, 76, 207, 175, 214, 137, 16, 13, 123, 54, 35, 176, 50, 145, 48, 13, 253, 53, 69, 179, 252, 145, 15, 71, 141, 218, 155, 31, 57, 138, 119, 71, 9, 221, 167, 31, 223, 134, 192, 25, 92, 227, 213, 187, 243, 140, 114, 43, 199, 231, 141, 72, 172, 130, 211, 53, 118, 229, 29, 59, 90, 130, 164, 53, 57, 243, 232, 65, 243, 130, 204, 48, 112, 243, 41, 73, 199, 128, 170, 105, 89, 247, 26, 14, 197, 134, 19, 176, 135, 253, 205, 42, 213, 132, 236, 175, 0, 247, 238, 39, 105, 130, 55, 1, 166, 76, 207, 175, 214, 137, 223, 0, 137, 76, 25, 176, 215, 137, 16, 13, 123, 54, 35, 176, 50, 145, 226, 79, 177, 211, 207, 138, 134, 197, 123, 99, 235, 209, 186, 146, 9, 185, 14, 109, 39, 234, 152, 146, 42, 192, 114, 56, 81, 230, 96, 140, 119, 219, 4, 48, 39, 235, 9, 146, 24, 224, 188, 126, 98, 216, 183, 137, 38, 174, 138, 153, 108, 239, 86, 156, 230, 193, 169, 173, 47, 216, 77, 149, 137, 190, 110, 169, 131, 193, 59, 138, 59, 175, 17, 125, 221, 187, 88, 137, 46, 161, 200, 137, 82, 189, 91, 135, 170, 162, 31, 145, 227, 167, 51, 214, 246, 171, 182, 161, 61, 117, 93, 211, 165, 155, 99, 182, 206, 122, 46, 215, 107, 151, 90, 158, 229, 145, 48, 216, 43, 163, 80, 168, 19, 123, 201, 218, 199, 157, 184, 197, 144, 154, 149, 217, 7, 147, 166, 205, 146, 150, 90, 209, 180, 143, 59, 211, 172, 142, 98, 209, 210, 141, 55, 122, 85, 198, 26, 230, 234, 188, 46, 123, 103, 200, 36, 234, 145, 189, 232, 126, 62, 216, 144, 233, 8, 189, 159, 128, 0, 213, 211, 235, 96, 188, 212, 129, 215, 212, 251, 239, 143, 188, 57, 130, 119, 199, 37, 234, 87, 186, 142, 77, 59, 149, 170, 193, 183, 190, 144, 119, 81, 137, 80, 233, 65, 185, 253, 126, 32, 106, 162, 242, 119, 184, 16, 137, 26, 149, 144, 230, 113, 177, 211, 137, 74, 147, 120, 232, 153, 177, 124, 249, 86, 162, 145, 150, 239, 203, 57, 253, 134, 152, 112, 145, 60, 204, 253, 216, 188, 202, 96, 157, 26, 205, 253, 193, 54, 174, 73, 116, 108, 183, 124, 249, 86, 162, 145, 150, 239, 203, 102, 194, 157, 216, 222, 149, 81, 203, 252, 194, 105, 216, 10, 153, 88, 202, 184, 191, 89, 213, 99, 148, 48, 200, 253, 216, 188, 202, 96, 157, 26, 205, 99, 211, 194, 150, 211, 252, 75, 141, 124, 249, 86, 162, 145, 150, 239, 203, 57, 253, 134, 152, 112, 145, 60, 204, 71, 234, 183, 137, 52, 254, 120, 134, 142, 77, 59, 149, 170, 193, 183, 190, 253, 126, 32, 106, 162, 242, 119, 184, 184, 191, 89, 213, 99, 148, 48, 200, 99, 211, 194, 150, 211, 252, 75, 141, 159, 128, 0, 213, 211, 235, 96, 188, 212, 129, 215, 212, 251, 239, 143, 188, 54, 130, 23, 211, 29, 240, 80, 188, 91, 134, 112, 203, 175, 238, 208, 185, 82, 138, 213, 199, 157, 237, 155, 183, 4, 143, 169, 198, 70, 234, 153, 180, 217, 143, 67, 201, 31, 234, 85, 180, 119, 186, 20, 90, 165, 223, 248, 137, 120, 186, 20, 90, 188, 213, 37, 134, 61, 193, 109, 141, 100, 217, 129, 149, 184, 197, 144, 154, 149, 217, 7, 147, 166, 205, 146, 150, 90, 209, 180, 143, 114, 56, 81, 230, 96, 140, 119, 219, 163, 55, 253, 233, 159, 147, 198, 219, 4, 48, 39, 235, 9, 146, 24, 224, 51, 66, 169, 243, 241, 140, 73, 217, 97, 116, 100, 253, 21, 155, 231, 195, 159, 171, 129, 254, 119, 142, 209, 210, 159, 133, 3, 222, 11, 144, 168, 178, 201, 146, 184, 217, 187, 146, 163, 180, 61, 108, 168, 225, 243, 146, 101, 188, 83, 122, 218, 241, 196, 146, 166, 188, 188, 126, 98, 216, 183, 137, 38, 174, 63, 166, 78, 191, 249, 133, 192, 172, 110, 169, 131, 193, 59, 138, 59, 175, 223, 0, 137, 76, 25, 176, 215, 137, 57, 6, 152, 61, 119, 174, 144, 141, 226, 79, 177, 211, 207, 138, 134, 197, 220, 49, 243, 225, 63, 143, 3, 222, 61, 108, 168, 225, 243, 146, 101, 188, 83, 122, 218, 241, 196, 146, 166, 188, 55, 1, 166, 76, 207, 175, 214, 137, 223, 0, 137, 76, 25, 176, 215, 137, 57, 6, 152, 61, 119, 174, 144, 141, 163, 16, 167, 48, 169, 155, 222, 143, 220, 30, 186, 219, 109, 84, 242, 128, 15, 71, 141, 218, 155, 31, 57, 138, 211, 53, 118, 229, 29, 59, 90, 130, 164, 53, 57, 243, 232, 65, 243, 130, 204, 48, 112, 243, 41, 73, 199, 128, 158, 52, 212, 248, 101, 70, 214, 129, 104, 47, 126, 255, 158, 176, 206, 128, 58, 180, 103, 247, 23, 45, 237, 129, 236, 175, 0, 247, 238, 39, 105, 130, 74, 178, 186, 243, 253, 39, 95, 130, 220, 30, 186, 219, 109, 84, 242, 128, 115, 0, 162, 229, 210, 146, 69, 135, 164, 53, 57, 243, 232, 65, 243, 130, 204, 48, 112, 243, 41, 73, 199, 128, 158, 52, 212, 248, 101, 70, 214, 129, 226, 79, 177, 211, 207, 138, 134, 197, 123, 99, 235, 209, 186, 146, 9, 185, 61, 108, 168, 225, 243, 146, 101, 188, 188, 126, 98, 216, 183, 137, 38, 174, 169, 173, 47, 216, 77, 149, 137, 190, 247, 58, 121, 219, 214, 126, 77, 214, 164, 82, 117, 221, 37, 138, 177, 200, 50, 73, 226, 229, 61, 143, 211, 209, 126, 85, 73, 230, 228, 139, 6, 203, 119, 94, 100, 236, 78, 138, 125, 200, 17, 125, 221, 187, 88, 137, 46, 161, 73, 126, 140, 228, 155, 144, 194, 180, 135, 128, 64, 194, 151, 133, 152, 162, 200, 137, 82, 189, 91, 135, 170, 162, 17, 125, 221, 187, 88, 137, 46, 161, 73, 126, 140, 228, 155, 144, 194, 180, 182, 161, 61, 117, 93, 211, 165, 155, 169, 189, 113, 97, 103, 218, 180, 138, 220, 224, 28, 122, 237, 218, 129, 136, 144, 119, 81, 137, 80, 233, 65, 185, 211, 137, 74, 147, 120, 232, 153, 177, 163, 148, 242, 182, 52, 231, 88, 174, 128, 189, 54, 98, 201, 251, 126, 150, 173, 101, 179, 137, 206, 220, 23, 188, 253, 127, 133, 166, 84, 234, 109, 184, 36, 129, 66, 198, 89, 233, 120, 186, 54, 130, 191, 196, 19, 236, 135, 186, 16, 137, 26, 149, 144, 230, 113, 177, 211, 137, 74, 147, 120, 232, 153, 177, 67, 139, 101, 147, 119, 236, 89, 178, 163, 148, 242, 182, 52, 231, 88, 174, 217, 158, 221, 190, 255, 224, 123, 168, 153, 143, 64, 92, 253, 211, 93, 154, 128, 144, 80, 100, 126, 208, 18, 155, 232, 178, 255, 135, 92, 93, 152, 161, 146, 183, 16, 129, 226, 211, 195, 151, 58, 185, 220, 129, 179, 95, 119, 158, 46, 178, 29, 97, 123, 225, 179, 146, 69, 196, 101, 128, 243, 95, 167, 162, 45, 76, 240, 222, 86, 140, 147, 205, 223, 73, 104, 251, 197, 153, 254, 212, 232, 178, 255, 135, 92, 93, 152, 161, 69, 196, 101, 128, 243, 95, 167, 162, 236, 237, 57, 150, 220, 134, 254, 183, 6, 72, 255, 232, 14, 147, 48, 211, 223, 73, 104, 251, 197, 153, 254, 212, 212, 73, 124, 251, 82, 137, 7, 216, 18, 155, 46, 160, 39, 94, 120, 164, 201, 197, 167, 197, 142, 150, 212, 190, 236, 237, 57, 150, 220, 134, 254, 183, 230, 20, 214, 45, 96, 176, 154, 149, 85, 25, 146, 38, 251, 175, 249, 152, 72, 190, 144, 241, 108, 147, 163, 213, 123, 196, 111, 236, 242, 147, 146, 214, 85, 25, 146, 38, 251, 175, 249, 152, 85, 26, 217, 34, 86, 175, 54, 154, 63, 33, 254, 228, 241, 147, 231, 230, 245, 190, 159, 239, 198, 146, 105, 213, 123, 196, 111, 236, 242, 147, 146, 214, 170, 105, 89, 247, 26, 14, 197, 134, 118, 106, 200, 248, 119, 14, 8, 134, 19, 176, 135, 253, 205, 42, 213, 132, 98, 146, 33, 251, 24, 12, 141, 134, 105, 149, 223, 238, 158, 250, 214, 129, 216, 148, 187, 234, 84, 2, 47, 251, 118, 153, 3, 235, 209, 3, 62, 131, 66, 160, 44, 235, 137, 12, 222, 129, 226, 161, 126, 229, 88, 7, 241, 130, 32, 165, 229, 225, 228, 6, 5, 131, 0, 167, 47, 238, 255, 21, 179, 131, 66, 160, 44, 235, 137, 12, 222, 129, 226, 161, 126, 229, 88, 7, 241, 130, 254, 164, 18, 230, 133, 12, 223, 129, 121, 166, 207, 228, 84, 12, 159, 130, 220, 170, 50, 225, 168, 13, 135, 130, 11, 172, 133, 223, 59, 13, 118, 130, 19, 176, 135, 253, 205, 42, 213, 132, 236, 175, 0, 247, 238, 39, 105, 130, 74, 178, 186, 243, 253, 39, 95, 130, 15, 160, 15, 241, 186, 17, 235, 130, 230, 159, 69, 240, 156, 17, 118, 129, 66, 160, 44, 235, 137, 12, 222, 129, 254, 164, 18, 230, 133, 12, 223, 129, 48, 13, 253, 53, 69, 179, 252, 145, 230, 20, 214, 45, 96, 176, 154, 149, 120, 41, 156, 37, 136, 177, 117, 160, 85, 25, 146, 38, 251, 175, 249, 152, 85, 26, 217, 34, 86, 175, 54, 154, 192, 25, 92, 227, 213, 187, 243, 140, 73, 7, 199, 27, 1, 178, 153, 149, 247, 11, 129, 14, 149, 175, 253, 152, 16, 13, 123, 54, 35, 176, 50, 145, 48, 13, 253, 53, 69, 179, 252, 145, 230, 20, 214, 45, 96, 176, 154, 149, 14, 109, 39, 234, 152, 146, 42, 192, 69, 180, 127, 252, 251, 147, 223, 212, 72, 190, 144, 241, 108, 147, 163, 213, 45, 76, 240, 222, 86, 140, 147, 205, 126, 79, 201, 235, 253, 141, 69, 208, 223, 73, 104, 251, 197, 153, 254, 212, 212, 73, 124, 251, 82, 137, 7, 216, 180, 169, 67, 254, 54, 141, 19, 210, 164, 138, 0, 241, 20, 141, 70, 189, 226, 155, 34, 244, 233, 153, 183, 197, 211, 141, 20, 236, 35, 146, 248, 187, 255, 177, 153, 234, 172, 139, 110, 206, 31, 145, 227, 167, 51, 214, 246, 171, 18, 155, 46, 160, 39, 94, 120, 164, 199, 165, 87, 103, 151, 215, 246, 150, 232, 178, 255, 135, 92, 93, 152, 161, 99, 182, 206, 122, 46, 215, 107, 151, 46, 178, 29, 97, 123, 225, 179, 146, 236, 237, 57, 150, 220, 134, 254, 183, 15, 71, 141, 218, 155, 31, 57, 138, 119, 71, 9, 221, 167, 31, 223, 134, 211, 53, 118, 229, 29, 59, 90, 130, 170, 105, 89, 247, 26, 14, 197, 134, 118, 106, 200, 248, 119, 14, 8, 134, 4, 166, 132, 251, 171, 32, 99, 131, 62, 166, 160, 250, 48, 31, 2, 133, 97, 181, 108, 245, 95, 38, 29, 137, 175, 166, 123, 244, 221, 26, 130, 132, 193, 165, 40, 244, 95, 26, 92, 131, 147, 176, 134, 237, 19, 30, 194, 133, 143, 7, 206, 217, 100, 139, 58, 128, 117, 18, 173, 27, 49, 152, 78, 146, 160, 41, 61, 236, 81, 74, 36, 133, 216, 60, 181, 247, 141, 61, 163, 129, 46, 219, 14, 232, 79, 79, 240, 129, 231, 25, 235, 209, 232, 142, 218, 234, 177, 30, 213, 42, 188, 150, 158, 152, 24, 44, 78, 32, 221, 160, 205, 160, 245, 43, 166, 31, 154, 160, 180, 160, 195, 4, 17, 232, 184, 134, 161, 250, 156, 125, 84, 169, 46, 157, 31, 159, 161, 90, 159, 255, 228, 145, 251, 207, 49, 140, 178, 121, 237, 242, 93, 179, 146, 184, 210, 238, 116, 147, 201, 209, 246, 164, 100, 132, 56, 241, 241, 167, 27, 109, 71, 160, 156, 225, 192, 189, 191, 136, 36, 123, 179, 244, 251, 181, 49, 140, 178, 121, 237, 242, 93, 179, 3, 141, 51, 124, 185, 242, 37, 179, 246, 164, 100, 132, 56, 241, 241, 167, 46, 123, 103, 200, 36, 234, 145, 189, 232, 126, 62, 216, 144, 233, 8, 189, 97, 137, 4, 210, 31, 246, 208, 183, 164, 144, 20, 152, 155, 231, 84, 174, 114, 153, 130, 187, 192, 235, 166, 170, 209, 153, 165, 186, 227, 229, 3, 171, 44, 157, 106, 152, 83, 227, 13, 167, 160, 112, 94, 243, 24, 149, 108, 194, 237, 176, 59, 228, 114, 150, 8, 200, 227, 154, 31, 193, 29, 133, 115, 169, 218, 175, 59, 197, 134, 143, 181, 179, 254, 44, 237, 19, 213, 148, 205, 158, 247, 50, 168, 9, 82, 149, 195, 160, 27, 53, 46, 247, 105, 123, 9, 226, 118, 176, 89, 250, 68, 137, 142, 212, 5, 179, 177, 248, 145, 143, 227, 211, 152, 20, 183, 46, 45, 139, 44, 145, 169, 48, 159, 26, 161, 149, 128, 161, 236, 45, 178, 25, 185, 151, 73, 160, 216, 14, 85, 29, 86, 145, 106, 142, 235, 13, 59, 29, 16, 137, 146, 139, 254, 44, 237, 19, 213, 148, 205, 158, 181, 35, 181, 16, 248, 141, 58, 152, 247, 50, 168, 9, 82, 149, 195, 160, 152, 20, 183, 46, 45, 139, 44, 145, 248, 19, 76, 218, 151, 114, 210, 233, 254, 44, 237, 19, 213, 148, 205, 158, 12, 81, 11, 235, 137, 145, 32, 207, 5, 179, 177, 248, 145, 143, 227, 211, 92, 5, 161, 207, 107, 111, 236, 238, 169, 48, 159, 26, 161, 149, 128, 161, 247, 50, 168, 9, 82, 149, 195, 160, 27, 53, 46, 247, 105, 123, 9, 226, 15, 160, 15, 241, 186, 17, 235, 130, 0, 167, 47, 238, 255, 21, 179, 131, 93, 165, 229, 236, 43, 19, 90, 131, 162, 173, 250, 237, 150, 28, 72, 132, 254, 164, 18, 230, 133, 12, 223, 129, 122, 172, 164, 229, 221, 19, 97, 131, 54, 75, 123, 248, 149, 47, 206, 128, 49, 78, 41, 250, 220, 42, 34, 133, 183, 78, 100, 254, 221, 47, 146, 128, 98, 146, 33, 251, 24, 12, 141, 134, 105, 149, 223, 238, 158, 250, 214, 129, 206, 18, 239, 164, 162, 74, 252, 130, 67, 10, 93, 81, 232, 186, 27, 140, 231, 9, 137, 75, 163, 184, 50, 141, 94, 19, 226, 203, 70, 175, 26, 133, 0, 40, 49, 208, 105, 192, 65, 128, 213, 19, 52, 190, 130, 177, 127, 130, 105, 13, 132, 204, 193, 182, 202, 138, 29, 189, 98, 240, 196, 154, 161, 210, 104, 160, 68, 237, 84, 157, 169, 195, 195, 166, 252, 231, 96, 157, 154, 195, 215, 16, 219, 192, 189, 118, 113, 231, 241, 76, 179, 236, 95, 156, 17, 209, 69, 75, 228, 238, 104, 153, 110, 210, 104, 160, 68, 237, 84, 157, 169, 195, 21, 149, 76, 230, 71, 159, 211, 186, 194, 162, 134, 233, 203, 154, 9, 195, 195, 166, 252, 231, 96, 157, 154, 195, 143, 51, 85, 229, 129, 154, 104, 220, 241, 76, 179, 236, 95, 156, 17, 209, 123, 177, 236, 243, 213, 151, 144, 207, 57, 153, 40, 236, 68, 155, 1, 192, 29, 189, 98, 240, 196, 154, 161, 210, 104, 160, 68, 237, 84, 157, 169, 195, 193, 199, 208, 235, 45, 155, 145, 213, 36, 191, 16, 232, 10, 156, 154, 207, 3, 164, 34, 185, 227, 127, 203, 167, 67, 170, 28, 188, 3, 133, 98, 172, 52, 176, 69, 187, 143, 137, 225, 173, 128, 177, 42, 170, 45, 123, 3, 165, 164, 178, 25, 171, 178, 122, 145, 166, 148, 101, 213, 122, 180, 64, 122, 151, 59, 137, 28, 89, 238, 208, 0, 154, 247, 166, 188, 202, 89, 118, 155, 184, 102, 174, 33, 100, 71, 221, 49, 148, 69, 189, 200, 196, 161, 133, 94, 191, 148, 101, 213, 122, 180, 64, 122, 151, 117, 131, 101, 74, 53, 212, 95, 152, 59, 137, 28, 89, 238, 208, 0, 154, 102, 139, 189, 90, 159, 209, 41, 154, 6, 146, 142, 87, 154, 213, 50, 152, 28, 247, 235, 158, 113, 145, 193, 163, 57, 116, 91, 158, 74, 169, 15, 162, 117, 131, 101, 74, 53, 212, 95, 152, 122, 168, 204, 198, 216, 171, 209, 173, 28, 247, 235, 158, 113, 145, 193, 163, 148, 101, 213, 122, 180, 64, 122, 151, 203, 170, 24, 255, 0, 137, 147, 211, 224, 176, 164, 252, 165, 144, 27, 212, 122, 168, 204, 198, 216, 171, 209, 173, 69, 189, 200, 196, 161, 133, 94, 191, 28, 247, 235, 158, 113, 145, 193, 163, 44, 144, 35, 211, 239, 135, 6, 176, 69, 155, 150, 189, 156, 127, 66, 167, 3, 164, 34, 185, 227, 127, 203, 167, 67, 170, 28, 188, 3, 133, 98, 172, 241, 76, 179, 236, 95, 156, 17, 209, 69, 75, 228, 238, 104, 153, 110, 210, 70, 96, 129, 245, 74, 149, 150, 202, 36, 191, 16, 232, 10, 156, 154, 207, 80, 162, 91, 193, 24, 134, 116, 172, 71, 178, 174, 174, 90, 125, 211, 167, 135, 188, 192, 178, 192, 134, 242, 173, 67, 10, 93, 81, 232, 186, 27, 140, 169, 10, 200, 80, 83, 192, 233, 140, 231, 9, 137, 75, 163, 184, 50, 141, 105, 13, 132, 204, 193, 182, 202, 138, 201, 72, 86, 221, 179, 146, 128, 207, 194, 162, 134, 233, 203, 154, 9, 195, 195, 166, 252, 231, 96, 157, 154, 195, 206, 18, 239, 164, 162, 74, 252, 130, 94, 19, 226, 203, 70, 175, 26, 133, 192, 25, 92, 227, 213, 187, 243, 140, 114, 43, 199, 231, 141, 72, 172, 130, 73, 7, 199, 27, 1, 178, 153, 149, 213, 42, 0, 245, 22, 180, 151, 131, 54, 75, 123, 248, 149, 47, 206, 128, 183, 78, 100, 254, 221, 47, 146, 128, 67, 10, 93, 81, 232, 186, 27, 140, 169, 10, 200, 80, 83, 192, 233, 140, 177, 14, 13, 67, 85, 193, 101, 145, 233, 13, 104, 64, 84, 195, 91, 146, 0, 40, 49, 208, 105, 192, 65, 128, 86, 41, 111, 211, 87, 193, 237, 128, 169, 10, 200, 80, 83, 192, 233, 140, 233, 13, 104, 64, 84, 195, 91, 146, 201, 72, 86, 221, 179, 146, 128, 207, 171, 121, 26, 248, 0, 157, 30, 192, 44, 126, 31, 225, 226, 155, 172, 180, 37, 156, 44, 238, 230, 154, 143, 194, 201, 72, 86, 221, 179, 146, 128, 207, 44, 126, 31, 225, 226, 155, 172, 180, 21, 149, 76, 230, 71, 159, 211, 186, 194, 162, 134, 233, 203, 154, 9, 195, 215, 16, 219, 192, 189, 118, 113, 231, 87, 72, 255, 239, 174, 152, 12, 212, 44, 126, 31, 225, 226, 155, 172, 180, 37, 156, 44, 238, 230, 154, 143, 194, 21, 149, 76, 230, 71, 159, 211, 186, 66, 58, 142, 146, 82, 160, 191, 178, 117, 87, 236, 253, 1, 155, 164, 207, 203, 170, 24, 255, 0, 137, 147, 211, 224, 176, 164, 252, 165, 144, 27, 212, 221, 175, 128, 252, 52, 154, 196, 209, 210, 188, 229, 207, 185, 161, 29, 188, 66, 58, 142, 146, 82, 160, 191, 178, 57, 116, 91, 158, 74, 169, 15, 162, 203, 170, 24, 255, 0, 137, 147, 211, 122, 168, 204, 198, 216, 171, 209, 173, 66, 58, 142, 146, 82, 160, 191, 178, 57, 116, 91, 158, 74, 169, 15, 162, 3, 121, 144, 86, 163, 202, 174, 153, 5, 129, 29, 194, 52, 138, 186, 163, 117, 131, 101, 74, 53, 212, 95, 152, 6, 146, 142, 87, 154, 213, 50, 152, 210, 188, 229, 207, 185, 161, 29, 188, 32, 140, 157, 115, 205, 200, 160, 157, 63, 160, 25, 134, 70, 213, 108, 160, 110, 162, 129, 123, 36, 205, 227, 154, 194, 157, 235, 172, 68, 213, 233, 166, 171, 160, 254, 104, 159, 215, 193, 153, 71, 165, 79, 169, 86, 208, 63, 162, 122, 169, 18, 146, 15, 204, 242, 155, 3, 121, 144, 86, 163, 202, 174, 153, 32, 140, 157, 115, 205, 200, 160, 157, 102, 139, 189, 90, 159, 209, 41, 154, 1, 144, 47, 93, 146, 208, 129, 152, 6, 146, 142, 87, 154, 213, 50, 152, 25, 155, 182, 108, 43, 206, 235, 152, 110, 162, 129, 123, 36, 205, 227, 154, 88, 87, 36, 207, 140, 155, 21, 194, 156, 184, 121, 235, 233, 150, 115, 207, 12, 190, 112, 229, 247, 150, 93, 207, 245, 191, 17, 222, 11, 150, 238, 204, 0, 184, 225, 209, 219, 154, 19, 190, 87, 72, 255, 239, 174, 152, 12, 212, 171, 121, 26, 248, 0, 157, 30, 192, 22, 137, 56, 254, 196, 155, 180, 194, 116, 174, 165, 243, 165, 150, 82, 206, 37, 156, 44, 238, 230, 154, 143, 194, 177, 14, 13, 67, 85, 193, 101, 145, 233, 13, 104, 64, 84, 195, 91, 146, 169, 19, 160, 53, 86, 200, 80, 151, 171, 121, 26, 248, 0, 157, 30, 192, 22, 137, 56, 254, 196, 155, 180, 194, 252, 138, 178, 207, 122, 233, 116, 183, 187, 139, 48, 208, 21, 236, 115, 183, 197, 150, 117, 205, 199, 224, 104, 177, 96, 151, 26, 205, 35, 228, 43, 176, 72, 150, 150, 189, 57, 222, 246, 174, 85, 150, 145, 189, 33, 220, 198, 174, 128, 144, 80, 100, 126, 208, 18, 155, 246, 160, 166, 199, 219, 123, 122, 177, 247, 166, 188, 202, 89, 118, 155, 184, 10, 169, 86, 193, 232, 123, 144, 177, 102, 174, 33, 100, 71, 221, 49, 148, 146, 183, 16, 129, 226, 211, 195, 151, 213, 19, 52, 190, 130, 177, 127, 130, 120, 41, 156, 37, 136, 177, 117, 160, 247, 11, 129, 14, 149, 175, 253, 152, 29, 189, 98, 240, 196, 154, 161, 210, 193, 199, 208, 235, 45, 155, 145, 213, 206, 18, 239, 164, 162, 74, 252, 130, 231, 9, 137, 75, 163, 184, 50, 141, 213, 19, 52, 190, 130, 177, 127, 130, 105, 13, 132, 204, 193, 182, 202, 138, 120, 41, 156, 37, 136, 177, 117, 160, 73, 7, 199, 27, 1, 178, 153, 149, 85, 26, 217, 34, 86, 175, 54, 154, 143, 51, 85, 229, 129, 154, 104, 220, 63, 33, 254, 228, 241, 147, 231, 230, 247, 11, 129, 14, 149, 175, 253, 152, 193, 199, 208, 235, 45, 155, 145, 213, 163, 55, 253, 233, 159, 147, 198, 219, 97, 116, 100, 253, 21, 155, 231, 195, 69, 180, 127, 252, 251, 147, 223, 212, 123, 177, 236, 243, 213, 151, 144, 207, 72, 190, 144, 241, 108, 147, 163, 213, 57, 153, 40, 236, 68, 155, 1, 192, 245, 190, 159, 239, 198, 146, 105, 213, 123, 196, 111, 236, 242, 147, 146, 214, 97, 116, 100, 253, 21, 155, 231, 195, 57, 153, 40, 236, 68, 155, 1, 192, 201, 146, 184, 217, 187, 146, 163, 180, 21, 148, 60, 204, 100, 134, 142, 173, 36, 191, 16, 232, 10, 156, 154, 207, 135, 188, 192, 178, 192, 134, 242, 173, 54, 130, 23, 211, 29, 240, 80, 188, 113, 134, 146, 208, 213, 246, 32, 187, 91, 134, 112, 203, 175, 238, 208, 185, 252, 138, 178, 207, 122, 233, 116, 183, 187, 139, 48, 208, 21, 236, 115, 183, 140, 142, 190, 205, 221, 235, 226, 181, 72, 150, 150, 189, 57, 222, 246, 174, 85, 150, 145, 189, 33, 220, 198, 174, 175, 157, 202, 132, 86, 210, 34, 160, 63, 160, 25, 134, 70, 213, 108, 160, 90, 158, 229, 145, 48, 216, 43, 163, 194, 157, 235, 172, 68, 213, 233, 166, 80, 168, 19, 123, 201, 218, 199, 157, 153, 143, 64, 92, 253, 211, 93, 154, 175, 157, 202, 132, 86, 210, 34, 160, 63, 160, 25, 134, 70, 213, 108, 160, 171, 160, 254, 104, 159, 215, 193, 153, 199, 165, 87, 103, 151, 215, 246, 150, 46, 178, 29, 97, 123, 225, 179, 146, 91, 137, 101, 169, 159, 100, 82, 160, 10, 169, 86, 193, 232, 123, 144, 177, 146, 183, 16, 129, 226, 211, 195, 151, 58, 185, 220, 129, 179, 95, 119, 158, 45, 76, 240, 222, 86, 140, 147, 205, 126, 79, 201, 235, 253, 141, 69, 208, 91, 137, 101, 169, 159, 100, 82, 160, 58, 185, 220, 129, 179, 95, 119, 158, 69, 196, 101, 128, 243, 95, 167, 162, 126, 79, 201, 235, 253, 141, 69, 208, 91, 137, 101, 169, 159, 100, 82, 160, 255, 177, 153, 234, 172, 139, 110, 206, 246, 160, 166, 199, 219, 123, 122, 177, 10, 169, 86, 193, 232, 123, 144, 177, 21, 148, 60, 204, 100, 134, 142, 173, 69, 155, 150, 189, 156, 127, 66, 167, 130, 155, 177, 190, 141, 136, 93, 168, 3, 164, 34, 185, 227, 127, 203, 167, 71, 178, 174, 174, 90, 125, 211, 167, 164, 178, 25, 171, 178, 122, 145, 166, 135, 188, 192, 178, 192, 134, 242, 173, 143, 51, 85, 229, 129, 154, 104, 220, 63, 33, 254, 228, 241, 147, 231, 230, 123, 177, 236, 243, 213, 151, 144, 207, 245, 190, 159, 239, 198, 146, 105, 213, 119, 71, 9, 221, 167, 31, 223, 134, 114, 43, 199, 231, 141, 72, 172, 130, 118, 106, 200, 248, 119, 14, 8, 134, 183, 78, 100, 254, 221, 47, 146, 128, 98, 146, 33, 251, 24, 12, 141, 134, 180, 169, 67, 254, 54, 141, 19, 210, 224, 176, 164, 252, 165, 144, 27, 212, 221, 175, 128, 252, 52, 154, 196, 209, 255, 177, 153, 234, 172, 139, 110, 206, 246, 160, 166, 199, 219, 123, 122, 177, 247, 166, 188, 202, 89, 118, 155, 184, 69, 189, 200, 196, 161, 133, 94, 191, 59, 137, 28, 89, 238, 208, 0, 154, 32, 140, 157, 115, 205, 200, 160, 157, 102, 139, 189, 90, 159, 209, 41, 154, 153, 143, 64, 92, 253, 211, 93, 154, 128, 144, 80, 100, 126, 208, 18, 155, 171, 160, 254, 104, 159, 215, 193, 153, 102, 174, 33, 100, 71, 221, 49, 148, 150, 93, 89, 190, 121, 142, 182, 175, 246, 97, 201, 160, 190, 155, 231, 162, 156, 125, 84, 169, 46, 157, 31, 159, 161, 90, 159, 255, 228, 145, 251, 207, 124, 166, 83, 253, 165, 141, 49, 208, 174, 94, 236, 215, 86, 153, 236, 192, 84, 89, 126, 243, 168, 137, 236, 205, 174, 96, 161, 255, 101, 136, 130, 206, 209, 146, 224, 95, 239, 230, 42, 165, 48, 149, 225, 94, 237, 225, 199, 160, 43, 170, 104, 107, 16, 239, 26, 160, 193, 192, 206, 127, 17, 242, 31, 156, 174, 94, 236, 215, 86, 153, 236, 192, 174, 96, 161, 255, 101, 136, 130, 206, 94, 159, 19, 199, 134, 122, 176, 176, 233, 200, 86, 198, 91, 153, 187, 192, 51, 135, 48, 205, 110, 133, 182, 169, 0, 145, 140, 195, 228, 134, 196, 167, 191, 151, 172, 185, 215, 135, 67, 164, 227, 154, 31, 193, 29, 133, 115, 169, 218, 175, 59, 197, 134, 143, 181, 179, 44, 185, 98, 188, 73, 140, 131, 178, 74, 78, 20, 233, 226, 144, 0, 208, 177, 129, 117, 224, 12, 140, 56, 178, 115, 148, 179, 224, 76, 143, 220, 184, 24, 190, 31, 237, 216, 143, 214, 212, 237, 176, 59, 228, 114, 150, 8, 200, 218, 175, 59, 197, 134, 143, 181, 179, 44, 185, 98, 188, 73, 140, 131, 178, 248, 19, 76, 218, 151, 114, 210, 233, 5, 39, 77, 34, 54, 151, 45, 157, 91, 12, 51, 222, 109, 114, 69, 239, 182, 92, 178, 224, 164, 150, 213, 197, 12, 81, 11, 235, 137, 145, 32, 207, 236, 40, 3, 17, 49, 151, 35, 157, 147, 85, 165, 239, 224, 145, 42, 206, 7, 10, 80, 51, 67, 139, 126, 137, 89, 11, 139, 223, 59, 112, 196, 238, 237, 50, 226, 11, 144, 153, 239, 161, 26, 47, 147, 250, 148, 151, 170, 224, 91, 153, 87, 254, 236, 146, 27, 202, 198, 145, 145, 235, 52, 139, 176, 189, 4, 168, 51, 227, 179, 142, 70, 196, 91, 102, 198, 255, 82, 147, 210, 202, 249, 163, 76, 243, 68, 149, 153, 201, 198, 145, 145, 235, 52, 139, 176, 189, 231, 160, 248, 238, 119, 145, 144, 198, 123, 177, 238, 239, 78, 147, 214, 206, 234, 173, 127, 233, 34, 147, 9, 202, 4, 168, 51, 227, 179, 142, 70, 196, 205, 193, 199, 225, 110, 149, 19, 208, 28, 169, 141, 216, 159, 143, 123, 189, 102, 185, 218, 206, 193, 142, 84, 193, 149, 134, 57, 230, 253, 137, 102, 182, 211, 145, 89, 239, 128, 145, 66, 191, 1, 163, 138, 226, 227, 145, 108, 192, 93, 163, 71, 225, 19, 147, 139, 191, 134, 160, 6, 198, 170, 133, 186, 174, 187, 92, 198, 193, 2, 135, 190, 175, 178, 106, 186, 225, 51, 142, 161, 188, 71, 143, 17, 240, 212, 147, 87, 190, 42, 144, 221, 238, 149, 142, 116, 190, 218, 152, 237, 155, 131, 134, 234, 146, 72, 161, 57, 164, 210, 136, 166, 153, 235, 13, 59, 29, 16, 137, 146, 139, 181, 35, 181, 16, 248, 141, 58, 152, 253, 53, 11, 244, 181, 192, 10, 132, 13, 55, 203, 244, 22, 190, 102, 129, 99, 234, 106, 25, 186, 143, 162, 149, 28, 49, 34, 203, 249, 145, 95, 217, 92, 5, 161, 207, 107, 111, 236, 238, 169, 48, 159, 26, 161, 149, 128, 161, 181, 35, 181, 16, 248, 141, 58, 152, 14, 233, 87, 14, 6, 146, 62, 149, 230, 196, 137, 235, 252, 146, 190, 214, 99, 234, 106, 25, 186, 143, 162, 149, 28, 49, 34, 203, 249, 145, 95, 217, 159, 81, 194, 221, 220, 150, 250, 202, 255, 67, 152, 225, 236, 150, 128, 211, 207, 56, 110, 243, 70, 143, 115, 221, 159, 159, 239, 254, 91, 153, 63, 204, 230, 196, 137, 235, 252, 146, 190, 214, 225, 35, 128, 32, 102, 146, 167, 154, 241, 6, 152, 222, 128, 151, 131, 133, 120, 29, 80, 23, 138, 149, 91, 151, 242, 16, 227, 231, 20, 164, 28, 135, 253, 53, 11, 244, 181, 192, 10, 132, 14, 233, 87, 14, 6, 146, 62, 149, 99, 234, 106, 25, 186, 143, 162, 149, 83, 153, 194, 243, 75, 134, 139, 198, 119, 145, 214, 223, 3, 128, 125, 183, 177, 172, 78, 237, 26, 140, 191, 204, 124, 153, 178, 227, 245, 128, 34, 190, 204, 188, 214, 186, 94, 124, 231, 185, 164, 144, 20, 152, 155, 231, 84, 174, 209, 153, 165, 186, 227, 229, 3, 171, 238, 167, 156, 130, 84, 222, 126, 160, 36, 183, 215, 147, 98, 219, 192, 153, 173, 101, 179, 137, 206, 220, 23, 188, 27, 109, 71, 160, 156, 225, 192, 189, 90, 119, 86, 207, 153, 140, 27, 173, 191, 136, 36, 123, 179, 244, 251, 181, 67, 139, 101, 147, 119, 236, 89, 178, 130, 139, 206, 195, 103, 142, 140, 167, 85, 79, 125, 234, 169, 141, 244, 207, 90, 119, 86, 207, 153, 140, 27, 173, 130, 139, 206, 195, 103, 142, 140, 167, 85, 169, 157, 239, 104, 144, 68, 203, 85, 79, 125, 234, 169, 141, 244, 207, 121, 98, 51, 250, 40, 146, 23, 203, 149, 123, 208, 247, 30, 142, 131, 190, 85, 169, 157, 239, 104, 144, 68, 203, 24, 172, 37, 238, 199, 149, 227, 202, 180, 164, 185, 235, 221, 145, 183, 198, 226, 161, 126, 229, 88, 7, 241, 130, 121, 166, 207, 228, 84, 12, 159, 130, 32, 165, 229, 225, 228, 6, 5, 131, 60, 168, 26, 224, 138, 8, 17, 131, 71, 58, 182, 221, 94, 48, 75, 129, 213, 42, 0, 245, 22, 180, 151, 131, 54, 75, 123, 248, 149, 47, 206, 128, 49, 78, 41, 250, 220, 42, 34, 133, 199, 140, 231, 249, 234, 4, 13, 138, 243, 16, 211, 69, 24, 201, 193, 145, 47, 25, 55, 189, 64, 193, 191, 131, 239, 7, 114, 63, 122, 200, 235, 146, 40, 12, 16, 52, 186, 202, 93, 151, 51, 12, 221, 51, 94, 198, 117, 150, 78, 69, 197, 219, 126, 33, 52, 135, 217, 68, 252, 221, 225, 34, 107, 131, 85, 73, 166, 235, 199, 150, 235, 210, 156, 143, 201, 185, 194, 136, 109, 162, 114, 191, 193, 237, 152, 150, 211, 211, 247, 153, 198, 188, 166, 138, 235, 166, 232, 155, 132, 187, 183, 138, 187, 166, 36, 139, 203, 100, 5, 202, 162, 153, 166, 141, 118, 99, 121, 203, 5, 153, 247, 153, 198, 188, 166, 138, 235, 166, 232, 155, 132, 187, 183, 138, 187, 166, 194, 166, 211, 189, 225, 141, 117, 171, 250, 185, 109, 211, 51, 142, 89, 197, 219, 183, 47, 196, 83, 135, 218, 185, 114, 205, 119, 193, 52, 148, 160, 194, 253, 193, 54, 174, 73, 116, 108, 183, 101, 39, 228, 209, 232, 133, 86, 225, 137, 41, 223, 218, 201, 132, 107, 226, 194, 24, 124, 225, 17, 120, 139, 235, 98, 84, 250, 243, 32, 146, 230, 207, 29, 94, 74, 246, 94, 154, 119, 203, 130, 172, 61, 248, 215, 145, 66, 208, 210, 98, 205, 161, 194, 9, 240, 216, 58, 134, 152, 250, 99, 0, 176, 132, 42, 132, 237, 166, 133, 44, 214, 222, 184, 136, 116, 248, 148, 0, 175, 132, 144, 128, 41, 171, 211, 31, 202, 215, 17, 129, 178, 253, 42, 217, 110, 191, 160, 129, 101, 187, 11, 180, 137, 171, 62, 178, 68, 147, 142, 80, 172, 221, 19, 186, 23, 146, 248, 92, 68, 233, 68, 197, 58, 161, 35, 159, 155, 152, 17, 129, 178, 253, 42, 217, 110, 191, 185, 129, 7, 254, 12, 217, 89, 191, 62, 178, 68, 147, 142, 80, 172, 221, 90, 209, 113, 137, 0, 105, 168, 228, 144, 128, 41, 171, 211, 31, 202, 215, 177, 130, 183, 253, 49, 0, 72, 133, 201, 131, 240, 252, 118, 0, 191, 132, 58, 134, 152, 250, 99, 0, 176, 132, 42, 132, 237, 166, 133, 44, 214, 222, 109, 164, 103, 160, 223, 62, 44, 217, 19, 186, 23, 146, 248, 92, 68, 233, 175, 166, 123, 244, 221, 26, 130, 132, 93, 165, 229, 236, 43, 19, 90, 131, 162, 173, 250, 237, 150, 28, 72, 132, 147, 176, 134, 237, 19, 30, 194, 133, 76, 174, 45, 237, 149, 28, 72, 132, 176, 34, 7, 63, 114, 159, 61, 154, 230, 27, 37, 203, 106, 81, 75, 134, 250, 43, 138, 49, 153, 164, 91, 160, 113, 46, 23, 44, 140, 165, 240, 161, 77, 27, 179, 210, 205, 84, 212, 131, 4, 46, 26, 28, 75, 166, 107, 162, 135, 168, 228, 237, 238, 148, 50, 201, 216, 169, 178, 234, 26, 151, 202, 199, 62, 155, 61, 208, 94, 136, 176, 178, 223, 160, 219, 218, 39, 145, 140, 186, 35, 191, 214, 220, 205, 155, 212, 201, 92, 191, 207, 220, 228, 152, 238, 202, 26, 176, 24, 213, 214, 141, 255, 191, 220, 169, 26, 198, 128, 136, 208, 178, 30, 199, 171, 189, 129, 137, 101, 191, 114, 205, 119, 193, 52, 148, 160, 194, 9, 210, 196, 184, 196, 142, 130, 193, 250, 197, 2, 208, 24, 152, 13, 199, 192, 206, 236, 198, 36, 151, 181, 198, 30, 199, 171, 189, 129, 137, 101, 191, 9, 210, 196, 184, 196, 142, 130, 193, 176, 34, 7, 63, 114, 159, 61, 154, 230, 27, 37, 203, 106, 81, 75, 134, 29, 4, 80, 57, 107, 141, 129, 133, 211, 15, 58, 43, 59, 151, 120, 143, 92, 15, 230, 42, 197, 140, 144, 141, 201, 15, 174, 42, 13, 151, 120, 143, 149, 6, 80, 225, 215, 145, 173, 131, 176, 34, 7, 63, 114, 159, 61, 154, 250, 43, 138, 49, 153, 164, 91, 160, 101, 39, 228, 209, 232, 133, 86, 225, 211, 15, 58, 43, 59, 151, 120, 143, 137, 41, 223, 218, 201, 132, 107, 226, 98, 84, 250, 243, 32, 146, 230, 207, 29, 94, 74, 246, 94, 154, 119, 203, 176, 94, 32, 251, 99, 150, 162, 204, 58, 53, 68, 255, 193, 150, 172, 222, 112, 165, 147, 255, 25, 146, 233, 207, 59, 202, 131, 250, 114, 148, 183, 221, 176, 94, 32, 251, 99, 150, 162, 204, 112, 165, 147, 255, 25, 146, 233, 207, 80, 139, 120, 228, 195, 140, 95, 183, 233, 175, 88, 229, 253, 145, 43, 201, 62, 155, 61, 208, 94, 136, 176, 178, 104, 159, 204, 192, 246, 108, 41, 177, 7, 166, 191, 210, 137, 137, 58, 185, 220, 169, 26, 198, 128, 136, 208, 178, 101, 39, 228, 209, 232, 133, 86, 225, 211, 15, 58, 43, 59, 151, 120, 143, 201, 15, 174, 42, 13, 151, 120, 143, 29, 94, 74, 246, 94, 154, 119, 203, 59, 202, 131, 250, 114, 148, 183, 221, 58, 53, 68, 255, 193, 150, 172, 222, 112, 165, 147, 255, 25, 146, 233, 207, 121, 208, 150, 245, 96, 150, 121, 222, 114, 208, 114, 245, 97, 158, 174, 219, 233, 175, 88, 229, 253, 145, 43, 201, 35, 191, 214, 220, 205, 155, 212, 201, 26, 176, 24, 213, 214, 141, 255, 191, 82, 206, 169, 198, 97, 152, 126, 197, 93, 217, 75, 193, 254, 156, 74, 198, 100, 202, 19, 171, 70, 123, 44, 183, 35, 191, 214, 220, 205, 155, 212, 201, 92, 191, 207, 220, 228, 152, 238, 202, 250, 197, 2, 208, 24, 152, 13, 199, 192, 206, 236, 198, 36, 151, 181, 198, 82, 206, 169, 198, 97, 152, 126, 197, 116, 53, 77, 255, 116, 158, 95, 220, 114, 208, 114, 245, 97, 158, 174, 219, 233, 175, 88, 229, 253, 145, 43, 201, 7, 166, 191, 210, 137, 137, 58, 185, 109, 190, 0, 212, 175, 149, 252, 197, 162, 173, 250, 237, 150, 28, 72, 132, 76, 174, 45, 237, 149, 28, 72, 132, 99, 185, 131, 232, 86, 37, 208, 131, 122, 172, 164, 229, 221, 19, 97, 131, 14, 178, 24, 229, 154, 26, 189, 130, 0, 178, 128, 227, 238, 25, 187, 129, 0, 167, 47, 238, 255, 21, 179, 131, 122, 172, 164, 229, 221, 19, 97, 131, 14, 178, 24, 229, 154, 26, 189, 130, 4, 176, 128, 225, 115, 19, 155, 131, 11, 172, 133, 223, 59, 13, 118, 130, 212, 176, 225, 221, 102, 17, 143, 130, 79, 155, 123, 213, 110, 239, 186, 252, 136, 169, 18, 221, 186, 8, 103, 128, 97, 165, 62, 218, 214, 255, 209, 128, 202, 165, 175, 212, 177, 249, 103, 254, 81, 174, 175, 217, 69, 10, 30, 129, 74, 174, 237, 216, 205, 8, 134, 129, 248, 171, 126, 215, 62, 4, 211, 128, 48, 169, 197, 210, 217, 251, 67, 254, 148, 169, 62, 210, 154, 251, 80, 254, 207, 160, 132, 206, 252, 237, 195, 251, 166, 162, 247, 207, 68, 241, 124, 252, 190, 240, 47, 159, 132, 145, 4, 145, 205, 230, 125, 132, 29, 129, 150, 137, 51, 241, 248, 141, 3, 140, 208, 142, 249, 158, 84, 204, 157, 118, 216, 180, 52, 161, 104, 208, 53, 121, 253, 183, 14, 207, 128, 124, 69, 116, 17, 140, 205, 230, 125, 132, 29, 129, 150, 137, 51, 241, 248, 141, 3, 140, 208, 142, 13, 150, 2, 220, 212, 119, 247, 184, 172, 151, 207, 223, 255, 120, 219, 187, 128, 152, 132, 212, 133, 118, 64, 182, 109, 153, 106, 213, 2, 119, 40, 183, 155, 156, 202, 199, 251, 115, 159, 177, 189, 157, 23, 201, 223, 116, 183, 178, 223, 184, 62, 115, 35, 103, 129, 141, 119, 187, 80, 116, 174, 104, 119, 141, 185, 190, 55, 117, 61, 106, 98, 141, 117, 192, 36, 117, 153, 106, 91, 141, 93, 155, 196, 205, 246, 231, 241, 250, 233, 156, 156, 206, 68, 234, 67, 251, 223, 184, 62, 115, 35, 103, 129, 141, 119, 187, 80, 116, 174, 104, 119, 141, 35, 189, 115, 116, 53, 105, 111, 141, 189, 157, 23, 201, 223, 116, 183, 178, 231, 158, 75, 204, 142, 118, 206, 180, 249, 158, 84, 204, 157, 118, 216, 180, 223, 184, 62, 115, 35, 103, 129, 141, 35, 189, 115, 116, 53, 105, 111, 141, 14, 207, 128, 124, 69, 116, 17, 140, 233, 156, 156, 206, 68, 234, 67, 251, 207, 160, 132, 206, 252, 237, 195, 251, 227, 160, 176, 206, 214, 237, 51, 252, 35, 189, 115, 116, 53, 105, 111, 141, 14, 207, 128, 124, 69, 116, 17, 140, 205, 230, 125, 132, 29, 129, 150, 137, 100, 32, 52, 102, 146, 166, 134, 139, 121, 50, 128, 101, 175, 168, 125, 140, 35, 56, 57, 102, 111, 168, 101, 140, 117, 158, 212, 245, 58, 129, 220, 202, 42, 157, 204, 244, 246, 128, 185, 201, 124, 2, 87, 163, 240, 153, 150, 251, 93, 3, 156, 166, 223, 174, 69, 248, 41, 0, 99, 87, 162, 147, 245, 252, 202, 159, 49, 253, 212, 129, 149, 206, 45, 159, 5, 250, 167, 129, 1, 205, 248, 160, 253, 249, 196, 129, 231, 205, 145, 162, 82, 248, 206, 129, 11, 206, 15, 1, 166, 104, 226, 145, 226, 254, 41, 0, 99, 87, 162, 147, 245, 252, 162, 160, 245, 248, 176, 129, 79, 205, 145, 162, 82, 248, 206, 129, 11, 206, 15, 1, 166, 104, 226, 145, 226, 254, 124, 2, 87, 163, 240, 153, 150, 251, 41, 0, 99, 87, 162, 147, 245, 252, 29, 61, 202, 107, 203, 112, 16, 238, 125, 62, 30, 107, 39, 87, 145, 239, 85, 160, 93, 249, 56, 235, 187, 190, 55, 162, 48, 249, 77, 235, 196, 190, 230, 159, 14, 248, 122, 233, 239, 189, 15, 1, 166, 104, 226, 145, 226, 254, 125, 62, 30, 107, 39, 87, 145, 239, 162, 160, 245, 248, 176, 129, 79, 205, 70, 161, 235, 248, 188, 129, 159, 205, 125, 58, 217, 107, 69, 113, 223, 237, 29, 61, 202, 107, 203, 112, 16, 238, 125, 62, 30, 107, 39, 87, 145, 239, 70, 161, 235, 248, 188, 129, 159, 205, 119, 159, 178, 247, 127, 129, 48, 204, 37, 38, 44, 140, 24, 146, 128, 236, 125, 58, 217, 107, 69, 113, 223, 237, 29, 61, 202, 107, 203, 112, 16, 238, 151, 92, 86, 97, 94, 106, 180, 231, 230, 159, 14, 248, 122, 233, 239, 189, 93, 158, 148, 247, 172, 232, 143, 189, 125, 58, 217, 107, 69, 113, 223, 237, 151, 92, 86, 97, 94, 106, 180, 231, 119, 159, 178, 247, 127, 129, 48, 204, 18, 159, 17, 246, 80, 129, 73, 203, 223, 46, 242, 118, 127, 123, 183, 245, 176, 87, 9, 96, 66, 122, 42, 232, 109, 103, 200, 90, 87, 119, 57, 231, 104, 154, 135, 243, 230, 227, 32, 187, 219, 154, 94, 240, 199, 224, 137, 185, 246, 28, 185, 145, 92, 146, 47, 237, 37, 38, 44, 140, 24, 146, 128, 236, 109, 103, 200, 90, 87, 119, 57, 231, 212, 149, 219, 249, 29, 234, 75, 190, 49, 152, 58, 248, 163, 232, 138, 189, 90, 150, 242, 247, 29, 232, 71, 189, 93, 158, 148, 247, 172, 232, 143, 189, 219, 154, 94, 240, 199, 224, 137, 185, 32, 150, 169, 252, 137, 123, 94, 201, 82, 149, 224, 251, 110, 123, 164, 200, 238, 157, 159, 251, 10, 124, 227, 204, 112, 208, 249, 186, 1, 174, 4, 161, 14, 210, 34, 181, 130, 175, 145, 153, 27, 208, 198, 174, 102, 174, 60, 152, 131, 210, 108, 177, 202, 176, 216, 150, 54, 144, 75, 252, 20, 123, 68, 198, 220, 143, 224, 251, 7, 123, 233, 197, 82, 149, 224, 251, 110, 123, 164, 200, 206, 209, 222, 183, 246, 176, 28, 154, 14, 210, 34, 181, 130, 175, 145, 153, 167, 129, 28, 255, 80, 122, 99, 192, 170, 133, 12, 254, 121, 122, 216, 193, 116, 134, 3, 254, 133, 122, 55, 194, 13, 134, 179, 253, 122, 122, 224, 193, 249, 217, 29, 192, 22, 196, 160, 134, 4, 218, 12, 191, 121, 196, 207, 134, 144, 202, 52, 152, 66, 211, 239, 144, 77, 205, 246, 153, 39, 210, 201, 143, 236, 138, 184, 252, 186, 122, 212, 195, 220, 143, 224, 251, 7, 123, 233, 197, 203, 188, 101, 115, 126, 104, 178, 130, 122, 208, 225, 187, 37, 179, 245, 155, 206, 209, 222, 183, 246, 176, 28, 154, 200, 203, 200, 124, 7, 152, 96, 131, 30, 51, 126, 240, 67, 238, 21, 206, 212, 149, 219, 249, 29, 234, 75, 190, 36, 195, 164, 250, 244, 218, 87, 199, 104, 154, 135, 243, 230, 227, 32, 187, 17, 153, 184, 242, 254, 226, 169, 186, 219, 154, 94, 240, 199, 224, 137, 185, 35, 201, 232, 238, 228, 225, 5, 186, 3, 38, 246, 197, 76, 207, 161, 231, 58, 40, 9, 202, 129, 168, 188, 226, 241, 50, 10, 230, 207, 184, 11, 217, 187, 152, 140, 239, 33, 123, 237, 196, 199, 153, 245, 237, 13, 123, 188, 196, 179, 156, 197, 235, 78, 123, 73, 197, 85, 160, 93, 249, 56, 235, 187, 190, 49, 152, 58, 248, 163, 232, 138, 189, 230, 159, 14, 248, 122, 233, 239, 189, 93, 158, 148, 247, 172, 232, 143, 189, 234, 161, 158, 246, 238, 231, 60, 189, 112, 208, 249, 186, 1, 174, 4, 161, 27, 208, 198, 174, 102, 174, 60, 152, 13, 134, 179, 253, 122, 122, 224, 193, 228, 137, 64, 253, 176, 122, 142, 195, 130, 200, 183, 152, 29, 212, 199, 145, 144, 202, 52, 152, 66, 211, 239, 144, 166, 207, 155, 158, 254, 208, 194, 142, 6, 21, 59, 96, 38, 163, 227, 138, 208, 31, 56, 102, 199, 164, 207, 139, 73, 16, 228, 214, 170, 156, 209, 129, 66, 20, 177, 221, 251, 157, 0, 129, 142, 157, 42, 232, 163, 122, 251, 195, 161, 100, 83, 214, 22, 11, 107, 247, 47, 101, 157, 219, 66, 7, 67, 249, 222, 101, 123, 220, 39, 7, 88, 249, 246, 104, 197, 215, 25, 15, 89, 248, 131, 105, 188, 223, 195, 7, 76, 249, 25, 108, 27, 225, 62, 9, 103, 249, 98, 110, 3, 222, 80, 14, 105, 248, 223, 110, 96, 225, 221, 11, 70, 249, 156, 113, 168, 229, 0, 11, 175, 250, 243, 116, 244, 220, 32, 22, 23, 249, 114, 7, 190, 173, 93, 115, 239, 228, 111, 7, 200, 173, 9, 116, 218, 229, 123, 10, 40, 191, 207, 109, 116, 228, 204, 84, 142, 211, 194, 4, 50, 134, 111, 7, 200, 173, 9, 116, 218, 229, 117, 12, 174, 196, 59, 110, 113, 229, 68, 58, 232, 204, 217, 227, 149, 129, 13, 13, 233, 203, 128, 108, 59, 230, 9, 87, 118, 205, 31, 5, 72, 248, 204, 84, 142, 211, 194, 4, 50, 134, 80, 91, 44, 207, 245, 7, 135, 247, 142, 92, 144, 208, 231, 7, 135, 247, 84, 91, 67, 213, 181, 1, 189, 248, 208, 31, 56, 102, 199, 164, 207, 139, 66, 20, 177, 221, 251, 157, 0, 129, 90, 157, 27, 230, 55, 3, 248, 129, 124, 159, 74, 229, 165, 4, 61, 130, 127, 160, 139, 227, 215, 3, 22, 130, 6, 21, 59, 96, 38, 163, 227, 138, 208, 31, 56, 102, 199, 164, 207, 139, 3, 7, 160, 188, 181, 155, 59, 131, 124, 159, 74, 229, 165, 4, 61, 130, 6, 21, 59, 96, 38, 163, 227, 138, 162, 52, 75, 102, 34, 168, 39, 140, 95, 60, 35, 103, 223, 167, 15, 140, 3, 7, 160, 188, 181, 155, 59, 131, 40, 157, 78, 233, 212, 122, 84, 196, 31, 157, 11, 233, 191, 122, 45, 196, 142, 157, 42, 232, 163, 122, 251, 195, 134, 34, 195, 121, 162, 127, 200, 244, 58, 40, 9, 202, 129, 168, 188, 226, 89, 156, 63, 241, 172, 239, 199, 174, 141, 157, 32, 238, 9, 124, 230, 198, 187, 155, 185, 236, 69, 123, 54, 197, 0, 156, 178, 236, 85, 123, 89, 197, 179, 156, 197, 235, 78, 123, 73, 197, 134, 34, 195, 121, 162, 127, 200, 244, 223, 46, 242, 118, 127, 123, 183, 245, 176, 87, 9, 96, 66, 122, 42, 232, 180, 156, 72, 243, 179, 128, 202, 200, 9, 157, 110, 241, 126, 128, 25, 200, 89, 156, 63, 241, 172, 239, 199, 174, 246, 28, 185, 145, 92, 146, 47, 237, 176, 87, 9, 96, 66, 122, 42, 232, 109, 103, 200, 90, 87, 119, 57, 231, 30, 158, 164, 244, 17, 129, 39, 202, 180, 156, 72, 243, 179, 128, 202, 200, 246, 28, 185, 145, 92, 146, 47, 237, 37, 38, 44, 140, 24, 146, 128, 236, 151, 92, 86, 97, 94, 106, 180, 231, 64, 158, 25, 248, 103, 129, 188, 203, 18, 159, 17, 246, 80, 129, 73, 203, 117, 158, 212, 245, 58, 129, 220, 202, 42, 157, 204, 244, 246, 128, 185, 201, 30, 158, 164, 244, 17, 129, 39, 202, 100, 32, 52, 102, 147, 166, 134, 139, 101, 43, 19, 103, 126, 166, 124, 139, 13, 53, 159, 102, 202, 167, 5, 140, 123, 64, 126, 100, 152, 171, 92, 141, 42, 157, 204, 244, 246, 128, 185, 201, 30, 158, 164, 244, 17, 129, 39, 202, 180, 156, 72, 243, 179, 128, 202, 200, 9, 157, 110, 241, 126, 128, 25, 200, 245, 60, 174, 100, 243, 170, 37, 141, 123, 64, 126, 100, 152, 171, 92, 141, 9, 157, 110, 241, 126, 128, 25, 200, 89, 156, 63, 241, 172, 239, 199, 174, 141, 157, 32, 238, 9, 124, 230, 198, 53, 51, 108, 101, 10, 169, 117, 140, 78, 63, 3, 101, 208, 170, 25, 141, 101, 63, 235, 102, 120, 168, 65, 140, 116, 153, 99, 242, 15, 13, 113, 128, 189, 157, 152, 236, 201, 11, 186, 128, 6, 154, 129, 230, 200, 254, 29, 129, 199, 173, 111, 227, 247, 20, 77, 129, 162, 52, 75, 102, 34, 168, 39, 140, 95, 60, 35, 103, 223, 167, 15, 140, 101, 63, 235, 102, 120, 168, 65, 140, 189, 157, 152, 236, 201, 11, 186, 128, 239, 156, 74, 224, 228, 252, 67, 255, 1, 161, 193, 226, 254, 3, 85, 129, 58, 169, 159, 222, 148, 8, 88, 130, 53, 51, 108, 101, 10, 169, 117, 140, 95, 60, 35, 103, 223, 167, 15, 140, 101, 63, 235, 102, 120, 168, 65, 140, 187, 155, 185, 236, 69, 123, 54, 197, 0, 156, 178, 236, 85, 123, 89, 197, 31, 157, 11, 233, 191, 122, 45, 196, 162, 52, 75, 102, 34, 168, 39, 140, 3, 7, 160, 188, 181, 155, 59, 131, 124, 159, 74, 229, 165, 4, 61, 130, 127, 160, 139, 227, 215, 3, 22, 130, 184, 162, 102, 225, 233, 3, 29, 130, 58, 169, 159, 222, 148, 8, 88, 130, 115, 98, 240, 220, 87, 2, 58, 249, 246, 104, 197, 215, 25, 15, 89, 248, 98, 110, 3, 222, 80, 14, 105, 248, 181, 110, 166, 236, 18, 0, 101, 249, 197, 82, 162, 160, 33, 36, 7, 238, 16, 83, 112, 160, 250, 43, 52, 241, 152, 101, 52, 238, 60, 136, 87, 197, 142, 113, 38, 162, 63, 62, 129, 239, 88, 106, 58, 238, 105, 137, 216, 194, 134, 107, 172, 238, 154, 137, 110, 194, 101, 115, 241, 164, 230, 73, 174, 247, 138, 111, 147, 241, 236, 137, 175, 193, 9, 115, 162, 245, 231, 137, 188, 193, 204, 84, 249, 220, 34, 140, 97, 199, 116, 86, 39, 221, 213, 140, 138, 198, 150, 83, 190, 222, 230, 138, 206, 200, 190, 84, 225, 223, 6, 139, 163, 200, 247, 144, 35, 178, 89, 64, 155, 248, 251, 162, 203, 188, 217, 44, 101, 247, 116, 86, 39, 221, 213, 140, 138, 198, 57, 90, 246, 219, 51, 143, 10, 196, 38, 161, 17, 174, 150, 196, 71, 252, 251, 162, 203, 188, 217, 44, 101, 247, 11, 164, 195, 175, 231, 199, 228, 252, 55, 83, 62, 225, 229, 137, 20, 202, 37, 84, 229, 225, 76, 138, 217, 201, 82, 137, 13, 172, 184, 148, 116, 157, 139, 142, 4, 170, 109, 147, 146, 156, 57, 155, 54, 169, 216, 147, 91, 157, 108, 23, 17, 137, 104, 132, 249, 163, 37, 84, 229, 225, 90, 138, 218, 201, 49, 85, 134, 227, 70, 138, 241, 201, 232, 110, 92, 159, 114, 163, 138, 161, 82, 137, 13, 172, 184, 148, 116, 157, 47, 154, 40, 170, 245, 148, 241, 157, 108, 23, 17, 137, 104, 132, 249, 163, 94, 70, 77, 215, 255, 24, 76, 128, 148, 71, 195, 215, 236, 23, 147, 128, 212, 107, 130, 156, 249, 162, 14, 161, 232, 110, 92, 159, 114, 163, 138, 161, 49, 85, 134, 227, 70, 138, 241, 201, 87, 91, 95, 230, 52, 140, 195, 199, 137, 91, 190, 230, 57, 140, 208, 199, 212, 107, 130, 156, 249, 162, 14, 161, 232, 110, 92, 159, 114, 163, 138, 161, 245, 144, 34, 155, 157, 160, 120, 153, 137, 91, 190, 230, 57, 140, 208, 199, 110, 93, 148, 232, 105, 140, 140, 199, 105, 136, 167, 155, 27, 162, 181, 154, 114, 143, 124, 155, 28, 161, 222, 153, 245, 144, 34, 155, 157, 160, 120, 153, 249, 150, 22, 151, 227, 162, 220, 151, 86, 77, 206, 217, 252, 18, 29, 130, 25, 78, 44, 218, 120, 18, 85, 130, 105, 136, 167, 155, 27, 162, 181, 154, 249, 150, 22, 151, 227, 162, 220, 151, 24, 58, 240, 163, 157, 23, 11, 248, 197, 82, 162, 160, 33, 36, 7, 238, 16, 83, 112, 160, 250, 43, 52, 241, 113, 93, 189, 229, 68, 141, 99, 198, 187, 96, 247, 229, 124, 142, 194, 196, 16, 83, 112, 160, 250, 43, 52, 241, 37, 84, 229, 225, 71, 138, 216, 201, 49, 85, 134, 227, 70, 138, 241, 201, 113, 93, 189, 229, 68, 141, 99, 198, 87, 91, 95, 230, 52, 140, 195, 199, 142, 113, 38, 162, 63, 62, 129, 239, 24, 58, 240, 163, 157, 23, 11, 248, 25, 38, 149, 202, 51, 222, 244, 139, 93, 38, 31, 204, 207, 222, 221, 140, 197, 82, 162, 160, 33, 36, 7, 238, 9, 115, 162, 245, 231, 137, 188, 193, 24, 58, 240, 163, 157, 23, 11, 248, 25, 38, 149, 202, 51, 222, 244, 139, 225, 98, 211, 228, 165, 143, 48, 195, 187, 96, 247, 229, 124, 142, 194, 196, 34, 98, 150, 230, 192, 142, 72, 196, 147, 81, 174, 220, 187, 16, 169, 130, 182, 82, 226, 220, 195, 15, 62, 131, 168, 88, 8, 223, 218, 10, 9, 132, 137, 88, 6, 226, 220, 13, 130, 131, 126, 94, 20, 227, 41, 8, 139, 132, 66, 97, 101, 229, 78, 7, 178, 132, 215, 99, 115, 232, 89, 7, 176, 132, 36, 100, 9, 233, 152, 7, 189, 132, 215, 99, 115, 232, 89, 7, 176, 132, 36, 100, 9, 233, 152, 7, 189, 132, 132, 107, 160, 239, 216, 5, 34, 133, 91, 108, 229, 239, 51, 5, 30, 133, 206, 118, 225, 149, 89, 165, 119, 156, 153, 150, 63, 139, 253, 173, 126, 150, 90, 157, 77, 135, 158, 178, 126, 149, 66, 97, 101, 229, 78, 7, 178, 132, 215, 99, 115, 232, 89, 7, 176, 132, 130, 112, 182, 148, 51, 168, 242, 158, 90, 157, 77, 135, 158, 178, 126, 149, 140, 71, 90, 157, 76, 160, 133, 176, 144, 72, 239, 156, 197, 152, 109, 170, 92, 91, 179, 152, 135, 160, 177, 163, 55, 97, 186, 152, 123, 167, 63, 165, 109, 139, 30, 239, 176, 143, 154, 188, 229, 139, 165, 238, 171, 143, 142, 188, 71, 38, 18, 178, 149, 117, 189, 197, 136, 57, 249, 160, 228, 138, 173, 173, 140, 71, 90, 157, 76, 160, 133, 176, 229, 139, 165, 238, 171, 143, 142, 188, 74, 47, 38, 157, 82, 154, 185, 204, 254, 89, 217, 143, 142, 208, 118, 189, 164, 28, 108, 224, 62, 41, 74, 192, 184, 109, 236, 145, 62, 143, 25, 146, 230, 131, 56, 247, 116, 167, 163, 189, 210, 25, 125, 218, 234, 152, 254, 233, 164, 28, 108, 224, 62, 41, 74, 192, 194, 24, 76, 232, 231, 152, 34, 234, 230, 131, 56, 247, 116, 167, 163, 189, 229, 250, 241, 97, 97, 135, 242, 153, 223, 249, 189, 122, 215, 128, 95, 209, 123, 250, 152, 130, 185, 253, 112, 1, 136, 57, 249, 160, 228, 138, 173, 173, 140, 71, 90, 157, 76, 160, 133, 176, 144, 72, 239, 156, 197, 152, 109, 170, 31, 121, 170, 245, 171, 2, 61, 250, 94, 121, 229, 245, 181, 2, 65, 250, 25, 76, 101, 215, 72, 18, 150, 130, 27, 76, 104, 215, 71, 18, 149, 130, 237, 73, 159, 216, 243, 21, 77, 129, 18, 76, 36, 217, 236, 19, 253, 129, 130, 79, 40, 219, 156, 17, 66, 130, 182, 82, 226, 220, 195, 15, 62, 131, 137, 88, 6, 226, 220, 13, 130, 131, 156, 89, 30, 226, 219, 12, 10, 132, 255, 29, 179, 174, 123, 254, 251, 244, 91, 30, 214, 201, 243, 234, 138, 148, 12, 73, 57, 216, 144, 22, 249, 128, 237, 73, 159, 216, 243, 21, 77, 129, 86, 77, 206, 217, 252, 18, 29, 130, 25, 78, 44, 218, 120, 18, 85, 130, 130, 79, 40, 219, 156, 17, 66, 130, 83, 246, 86, 249, 63, 204, 40, 166, 91, 30, 214, 201, 243, 234, 138, 148, 206, 68, 116, 213, 243, 27, 248, 132, 214, 71, 95, 215, 249, 25, 151, 133, 22, 71, 230, 215, 60, 27, 49, 133, 137, 14, 136, 219, 195, 219, 208, 156, 66, 15, 11, 222, 13, 216, 16, 156, 83, 246, 86, 249, 63, 204, 40, 166, 47, 33, 123, 171, 230, 251, 2, 134, 255, 29, 179, 174, 123, 254, 251, 244, 91, 30, 214, 201, 243, 234, 138, 148, 214, 71, 95, 215, 249, 25, 151, 133, 33, 17, 254, 209, 154, 215, 129, 150, 204, 70, 6, 215, 10, 24, 78, 128, 137, 14, 136, 219, 195, 219, 208, 156, 66, 15, 11, 222, 13, 216, 16, 156, 33, 17, 254, 209, 154, 215, 129, 150, 56, 65, 15, 214, 235, 226, 81, 129, 204, 70, 6, 215, 10, 24, 78, 128, 210, 70, 6, 215, 31, 24, 129, 128, 94, 70, 77, 215, 255, 24, 76, 128, 148, 71, 195, 215, 236, 23, 147, 128, 70, 22, 170, 242, 7, 202, 169, 154, 102, 66, 162, 206, 98, 21, 141, 129, 172, 67, 225, 208, 2, 22, 80, 129, 170, 67, 224, 211, 3, 25, 103, 128, 127, 68, 54, 212, 65, 24, 142, 128, 230, 70, 183, 213, 212, 22, 23, 129, 25, 76, 101, 215, 72, 18, 150, 130, 18, 76, 36, 217, 236, 19, 253, 129, 203, 118, 175, 248, 134, 2, 196, 133, 219, 119, 100, 249, 19, 2, 123, 133, 102, 119, 131, 249, 166, 2, 216, 133, 144, 122, 150, 252, 51, 2, 126, 133, 13, 124, 138, 253, 157, 1, 43, 134, 148, 126, 238, 254, 107, 0, 159, 133, 199, 126, 8, 255, 82, 0, 2, 134, 190, 8, 247, 194, 202, 198, 158, 236, 201, 123, 26, 254, 78, 2, 81, 134, 148, 126, 238, 254, 107, 0, 159, 133, 199, 126, 8, 255, 82, 0, 2, 134, 255, 127, 255, 255, 0, 0, 30, 250, 82, 248, 209, 201, 105, 197, 4, 191, 212, 252, 26, 197, 103, 186, 216, 182, 57, 18, 9, 194, 50, 152, 236, 240, 223, 18, 139, 196, 157, 171, 197, 238, 190, 8, 247, 194, 202, 198, 158, 236, 201, 123, 26, 254, 78, 2, 81, 134, 149, 124, 118, 254, 222, 1, 16, 134, 57, 18, 9, 194, 50, 152, 236, 240, 223, 18, 139, 196, 157, 171, 197, 238, 242, 71, 78, 202, 242, 180, 81, 212, 9, 128, 255, 255, 46, 210, 1, 192, 57, 18, 9, 194, 50, 152, 236, 240, 147, 15, 140, 196, 165, 176, 9, 239, 242, 71, 78, 202, 242, 180, 81, 212, 149, 124, 118, 254, 222, 1, 16, 134, 19, 130, 250, 250, 232, 2, 248, 249, 66, 211, 129, 230, 91, 186, 93, 204, 124, 17, 53, 190, 46, 197, 87, 237, 125, 22, 165, 196, 9, 163, 101, 238, 9, 26, 158, 198, 162, 158, 45, 235, 147, 15, 140, 196, 165, 176, 9, 239, 66, 211, 129, 230, 91, 186, 93, 204, 144, 243, 168, 220, 214, 186, 183, 210, 124, 17, 53, 190, 46, 197, 87, 237, 147, 125, 49, 255, 132, 206, 143, 192, 218, 129, 190, 255, 236, 206, 58, 192, 215, 243, 184, 220, 1, 207, 64, 198, 144, 243, 168, 220, 214, 186, 183, 210, 147, 125, 49, 255, 132, 206, 143, 192, 218, 129, 190, 255, 236, 206, 58, 192, 5, 241, 192, 3, 58, 211, 19, 216, 196, 161, 111, 181, 48, 175, 12, 166, 76, 223, 44, 180, 30, 163, 178, 159, 201, 239, 13, 167, 59, 150, 242, 158, 99, 184, 123, 154, 218, 173, 231, 148, 170, 187, 186, 148, 118, 140, 80, 146, 198, 200, 223, 145, 141, 144, 103, 143, 76, 223, 44, 180, 30, 163, 178, 159, 201, 239, 13, 167, 59, 150, 242, 158, 174, 237, 90, 167, 164, 150, 140, 153, 218, 177, 65, 166, 43, 136, 207, 158, 131, 194, 201, 133, 29, 119, 218, 142, 254, 217, 64, 142, 27, 124, 211, 157, 139, 221, 207, 137, 243, 132, 69, 141, 147, 125, 49, 255, 132, 206, 143, 192, 215, 243, 184, 220, 1, 207, 64, 198, 196, 161, 111, 181, 48, 175, 12, 166, 218, 177, 65, 166, 43, 136, 207, 158, 254, 217, 64, 142, 27, 124, 211, 157, 242, 71, 78, 202, 242, 180, 81, 212, 9, 128, 255, 255, 46, 210, 1, 192, 223, 128, 218, 254, 196, 209, 170, 191, 66, 211, 129, 230, 91, 186, 93, 204, 215, 243, 184, 220, 1, 207, 64, 198, 144, 243, 168, 220, 214, 186, 183, 210, 130, 183, 56, 131, 15, 125, 95, 133, 241, 188, 225, 157, 212, 148, 211, 152, 254, 217, 64, 142, 27, 124, 211, 157, 139, 221, 207, 137, 243, 132, 69, 141, 165, 128, 33, 255, 223, 209, 191, 191, 82, 248, 209, 201, 105, 197, 4, 191, 212, 252, 26, 197, 103, 186, 216, 182, 220, 192, 102, 150, 5, 118, 12, 159, 121, 204, 233, 136, 2, 125, 134, 142, 223, 18, 139, 196, 157, 171, 197, 238, 190, 8, 247, 194, 202, 198, 158, 236, 9, 128, 255, 255, 46, 210, 1, 192, 165, 128, 33, 255, 223, 209, 191, 191, 223, 128, 218, 254, 196, 209, 170, 191, 82, 248, 209, 201, 105, 197, 4, 191, 223, 85, 145, 220, 237, 11, 75, 132, 158, 87, 243, 223, 30, 13, 11, 132, 248, 87, 254, 223, 189, 12, 21, 132, 87, 96, 79, 231, 52, 10, 149, 132, 2, 101, 218, 233, 142, 7, 50, 133, 185, 63, 46, 212, 247, 32, 88, 131, 206, 68, 116, 213, 243, 27, 248, 132, 105, 87, 84, 151, 218, 39, 116, 233, 22, 71, 230, 215, 60, 27, 49, 133, 90, 102, 82, 147, 205, 51, 126, 231, 42, 105, 253, 148, 123, 53, 239, 231, 236, 59, 128, 207, 192, 33, 15, 131, 33, 17, 254, 209, 154, 215, 129, 150, 185, 63, 46, 212, 247, 32, 88, 131, 192, 63, 57, 215, 109, 35, 119, 130, 22, 71, 230, 215, 60, 27, 49, 133, 137, 14, 136, 219, 195, 219, 208, 156, 70, 22, 170, 242, 7, 202, 169, 154, 189, 23, 54, 244, 81, 202, 216, 154, 96, 63, 249, 213, 83, 225, 250, 129, 113, 62, 98, 214, 99, 224, 140, 130, 56, 65, 15, 214, 235, 226, 81, 129, 159, 65, 90, 214, 17, 227, 62, 129, 155, 21, 182, 231, 173, 205, 220, 152, 70, 22, 170, 242, 7, 202, 169, 154, 189, 23, 54, 244, 81, 202, 216, 154, 143, 20, 189, 249, 172, 190, 66, 151, 136, 59, 19, 212, 19, 38, 138, 129, 195, 4, 98, 206, 26, 199, 35, 148, 137, 63, 240, 214, 106, 35, 91, 130, 66, 61, 86, 216, 137, 39, 12, 129, 46, 61, 145, 216, 215, 39, 244, 128, 132, 11, 234, 216, 202, 195, 139, 147, 155, 21, 182, 231, 173, 205, 220, 152, 143, 20, 189, 249, 172, 190, 66, 151, 113, 62, 98, 214, 99, 224, 140, 130, 132, 11, 234, 216, 202, 195, 139, 147, 143, 20, 189, 249, 172, 190, 66, 151, 55, 52, 98, 149, 182, 45, 174, 248, 196, 61, 18, 214, 25, 224, 194, 130, 90, 102, 82, 147, 205, 51, 126, 231, 42, 105, 253, 148, 123, 53, 239, 231, 227, 114, 100, 247, 55, 5, 151, 133, 183, 122, 180, 252, 41, 2, 222, 133, 131, 194, 201, 133, 29, 119, 218, 142, 241, 188, 225, 157, 212, 148, 211, 152, 200, 196, 183, 146, 191, 149, 8, 143, 139, 221, 207, 137, 243, 132, 69, 141, 196, 161, 111, 181, 48, 175, 12, 166, 218, 177, 65, 166, 43, 136, 207, 158, 131, 194, 201, 133, 29, 119, 218, 142, 200, 196, 183, 146, 191, 149, 8, 143, 198, 200, 223, 145, 141, 144, 103, 143, 241, 203, 50, 141, 126, 171, 55, 140, 76, 223, 44, 180, 30, 163, 178, 159, 99, 184, 123, 154, 218, 173, 231, 148, 167, 185, 134, 163, 222, 183, 95, 152, 176, 198, 163, 142, 107, 183, 29, 143, 198, 200, 223, 145, 141, 144, 103, 143, 241, 203, 50, 141, 126, 171, 55, 140, 231, 85, 58, 145, 253, 203, 159, 195, 25, 93, 178, 176, 5, 200, 74, 195, 13, 95, 82, 168, 102, 207, 134, 193, 30, 124, 250, 174, 222, 195, 95, 174, 13, 158, 252, 178, 14, 213, 37, 168, 99, 184, 123, 154, 218, 173, 231, 148, 170, 187, 186, 148, 118, 140, 80, 146, 167, 185, 134, 163, 222, 183, 95, 152, 195, 54, 116, 191, 239, 154, 158, 212, 231, 85, 58, 145, 253, 203, 159, 195, 105, 132, 93, 254, 72, 245, 84, 191, 13, 158, 252, 178, 14, 213, 37, 168, 140, 128, 124, 253, 231, 245, 170, 191, 105, 132, 93, 254, 72, 245, 84, 191, 13, 158, 252, 178, 14, 213, 37, 168, 170, 187, 186, 148, 118, 140, 80, 146, 174, 237, 90, 167, 164, 150, 140, 153, 194, 29, 242, 220, 234, 213, 253, 221, 140, 128, 124, 253, 231, 245, 170, 191, 5, 241, 192, 3, 58, 211, 19, 216, 201, 239, 13, 167, 59, 150, 242, 158, 174, 237, 90, 167, 164, 150, 140, 153, 237, 9, 39, 187, 45, 141, 112, 247, 195, 54, 116, 191, 239, 154, 158, 212, 194, 29, 242, 220, 234, 213, 253, 221, 140, 128, 124, 253, 231, 245, 170, 191, 105, 132, 93, 254, 72, 245, 84, 191, 111, 24, 45, 178, 43, 136, 17, 229, 237, 9, 39, 187, 45, 141, 112, 247, 195, 54, 116, 191, 239, 154, 158, 212, 103, 30, 24, 199, 209, 134, 103, 229, 231, 85, 58, 145, 253, 203, 159, 195, 13, 95, 82, 168, 102, 207, 134, 193, 111, 24, 45, 178, 43, 136, 17, 229, 122, 28, 64, 181, 214, 142, 187, 228, 103, 30, 24, 199, 209, 134, 103, 229, 69, 14, 83, 198, 142, 106, 172, 225, 126, 31, 84, 190, 58, 142, 162, 227, 116, 91, 140, 167, 51, 202, 66, 195, 126, 126, 106, 255, 229, 0, 240, 133, 6, 128, 212, 255, 33, 0, 9, 250, 111, 24, 45, 178, 43, 136, 17, 229, 122, 28, 64, 181, 214, 142, 187, 228, 126, 31, 84, 190, 58, 142, 162, 227, 137, 86, 177, 162, 45, 198, 142, 194, 116, 91, 140, 167, 51, 202, 66, 195, 25, 93, 178, 176, 5, 200, 74, 195, 13, 95, 82, 168, 102, 207, 134, 193, 236, 104, 144, 235, 21, 5, 221, 133, 62, 106, 41, 240, 171, 7, 47, 133, 249, 110, 135, 242, 231, 4, 93, 133, 140, 114, 196, 245, 57, 4, 17, 134, 203, 118, 175, 248, 134, 2, 196, 133, 102, 119, 131, 249, 166, 2, 216, 133, 210, 37, 140, 187, 202, 84, 92, 157, 174, 38, 177, 188, 141, 83, 113, 157, 94, 39, 248, 189, 141, 82, 40, 158, 104, 42, 6, 198, 149, 75, 219, 159, 84, 60, 76, 205, 1, 229, 161, 128, 172, 67, 225, 208, 2, 22, 80, 129, 127, 68, 54, 212, 65, 24, 142, 128, 174, 38, 177, 188, 141, 83, 113, 157, 94, 39, 248, 189, 141, 82, 40, 158, 159, 62, 199, 204, 196, 198, 236, 220, 130, 63, 241, 207, 209, 200, 141, 219, 86, 58, 248, 205, 82, 197, 168, 221, 64, 50, 109, 210, 65, 62, 139, 164, 67, 80, 45, 252, 58, 15, 130, 174, 37, 39, 61, 190, 126, 82, 35, 158, 148, 39, 178, 192, 176, 80, 137, 158, 71, 40, 228, 193, 175, 79, 75, 159, 181, 60, 73, 203, 173, 231, 65, 128, 210, 37, 140, 187, 202, 84, 92, 157, 94, 39, 248, 189, 141, 82, 40, 158, 37, 39, 61, 190, 126, 82, 35, 158, 71, 40, 228, 193, 175, 79, 75, 159, 204, 63, 22, 202, 196, 197, 120, 221, 159, 62, 199, 204, 196, 198, 236, 220, 231, 64, 71, 205, 66, 200, 61, 220, 50, 9, 148, 165, 104, 251, 19, 241, 165, 57, 238, 190, 172, 189, 129, 226, 253, 59, 51, 202, 20, 196, 116, 222, 177, 211, 178, 233, 39, 200, 4, 153, 174, 38, 177, 188, 141, 83, 113, 157, 104, 42, 6, 198, 149, 75, 219, 159, 165, 57, 238, 190, 172, 189, 129, 226, 253, 59, 51, 202, 20, 196, 116, 222, 170, 59, 34, 203, 110, 196, 62, 222, 86, 58, 248, 205, 82, 197, 168, 221, 64, 50, 109, 210, 65, 62, 139, 164, 71, 51, 69, 211, 232, 60, 187, 164, 130, 63, 241, 207, 209, 200, 141, 219, 242, 55, 238, 202, 108, 227, 1, 130, 154, 55, 153, 206, 82, 224, 34, 131, 10, 58, 246, 206, 250, 225, 50, 130, 76, 58, 56, 207, 17, 226, 51, 130, 64, 50, 109, 210, 65, 62, 139, 164, 71, 51, 69, 211, 232, 60, 187, 164, 156, 65, 97, 230, 90, 36, 32, 172, 67, 80, 45, 252, 58, 15, 130, 174, 80, 57, 15, 210, 86, 223, 114, 131, 223, 57, 116, 212, 42, 222, 226, 131, 238, 152, 206, 160, 25, 86, 174, 254, 149, 160, 202, 156, 99, 173, 189, 252, 70, 174, 59, 157, 154, 81, 5, 252, 242, 50, 216, 149, 170, 68, 238, 254, 65, 57, 191, 209, 1, 39, 57, 129, 183, 58, 204, 211, 228, 38, 67, 129, 75, 93, 249, 150, 72, 56, 36, 238, 238, 152, 206, 160, 25, 86, 174, 254, 70, 174, 59, 157, 154, 81, 5, 252, 48, 67, 149, 219, 178, 224, 27, 130, 160, 65, 127, 220, 254, 222, 24, 131, 209, 180, 244, 154, 160, 240, 43, 231, 251, 183, 144, 154, 185, 224, 108, 238, 111, 194, 247, 155, 0, 217, 128, 246, 176, 195, 226, 160, 133, 243, 128, 241, 137, 63, 240, 214, 106, 35, 91, 130, 66, 61, 86, 216, 137, 39, 12, 129, 153, 64, 180, 216, 148, 35, 78, 130, 144, 65, 135, 217, 16, 35, 118, 130, 107, 174, 18, 139, 136, 210, 68, 233, 209, 180, 244, 154, 160, 240, 43, 231, 232, 181, 163, 155, 71, 247, 152, 229, 251, 183, 144, 154, 185, 224, 108, 238, 144, 65, 135, 217, 16, 35, 118, 130, 107, 174, 18, 139, 136, 210, 68, 233, 1, 212, 48, 190, 57, 217, 218, 128, 153, 64, 180, 216, 148, 35, 78, 130, 144, 65, 135, 217, 16, 35, 118, 130, 33, 29, 226, 244, 10, 92, 23, 131, 127, 217, 213, 232, 5, 175, 5, 128, 245, 200, 79, 181, 153, 220, 179, 141, 1, 212, 48, 190, 57, 217, 218, 128, 110, 67, 173, 217, 87, 226, 141, 129, 109, 67, 36, 219, 60, 225, 233, 129, 107, 174, 18, 139, 136, 210, 68, 233, 232, 181, 163, 155, 71, 247, 152, 229, 245, 200, 79, 181, 153, 220, 179, 141, 1, 212, 48, 190, 57, 217, 218, 128, 66, 61, 86, 216, 137, 39, 12, 129, 46, 61, 145, 216, 215, 39, 244, 128, 251, 183, 144, 154, 185, 224, 108, 238, 176, 195, 226, 160, 133, 243, 128, 241, 242, 50, 216, 149, 170, 68, 238, 254, 213, 56, 245, 209, 17, 223, 162, 131, 75, 93, 249, 150, 72, 56, 36, 238, 33, 96, 95, 151, 242, 62, 104, 240, 191, 96, 166, 151, 192, 58, 102, 238, 195, 4, 98, 206, 26, 199, 35, 148, 137, 63, 240, 214, 106, 35, 91, 130, 153, 64, 180, 216, 148, 35, 78, 130, 17, 1, 88, 215, 113, 163, 167, 139, 33, 29, 226, 244, 10, 92, 23, 131, 116, 64, 213, 210, 87, 228, 124, 128, 195, 65, 35, 215, 131, 226, 87, 129, 17, 1, 88, 215, 113, 163, 167, 139, 33, 29, 226, 244, 10, 92, 23, 131, 127, 217, 213, 232, 5, 175, 5, 128, 236, 59, 128, 207, 192, 33, 15, 131, 209, 56, 65, 209, 35, 39, 44, 129, 199, 59, 86, 208, 154, 34, 187, 130, 192, 63, 57, 215, 109, 35, 119, 130, 133, 88, 118, 150, 173, 51, 156, 237, 33, 96, 95, 151, 242, 62, 104, 240, 191, 96, 166, 151, 192, 58, 102, 238, 24, 51, 28, 149, 90, 38, 54, 247, 199, 59, 86, 208, 154, 34, 187, 130, 133, 88, 118, 150, 173, 51, 156, 237, 243, 89, 7, 151, 244, 57, 6, 240, 24, 51, 28, 149, 90, 38, 54, 247, 55, 52, 98, 149, 182, 45, 174, 248, 10, 58, 246, 206, 250, 225, 50, 130, 76, 58, 56, 207, 17, 226, 51, 130, 132, 56, 156, 211, 115, 221, 13, 132, 70, 64, 135, 209, 115, 229, 88, 128, 196, 61, 18, 214, 25, 224, 194, 130, 243, 89, 7, 151, 244, 57, 6, 240, 24, 51, 28, 149, 90, 38, 54, 247, 55, 52, 98, 149, 182, 45, 174, 248, 236, 59, 128, 207, 192, 33, 15, 131, 199, 59, 86, 208, 154, 34, 187, 130, 185, 63, 46, 212, 247, 32, 88, 131, 90, 102, 82, 147, 205, 51, 126, 231, 209, 56, 65, 209, 35, 39, 44, 129, 65, 57, 191, 209, 1, 39, 57, 129, 183, 58, 204, 211, 228, 38, 67, 129, 136, 59, 19, 212, 19, 38, 138, 129, 213, 59, 208, 214, 16, 40, 221, 128, 192, 63, 57, 215, 109, 35, 119, 130, 155, 21, 182, 231, 173, 205, 220, 152, 189, 23, 54, 244, 81, 202, 216, 154, 55, 60, 79, 206, 234, 227, 220, 128, 242, 63, 162, 208, 138, 26, 14, 128, 116, 64, 213, 210, 87, 228, 124, 128, 207, 67, 17, 212, 14, 25, 116, 128, 96, 63, 249, 213, 83, 225, 250, 129, 21, 68, 135, 212, 45, 25, 108, 128, 77, 67, 173, 213, 236, 228, 68, 128, 159, 65, 90, 214, 17, 227, 62, 129, 195, 65, 35, 215, 131, 226, 87, 129, 248, 4, 227, 137, 204, 134, 105, 253, 78, 5, 100, 139, 48, 135, 52, 253, 200, 85, 137, 215, 187, 7, 215, 133, 97, 87, 33, 214, 86, 5, 81, 135, 3, 6, 37, 136, 166, 135, 246, 252, 231, 4, 179, 137, 187, 134, 114, 253, 248, 4, 227, 137, 204, 134, 105, 253, 78, 5, 100, 139, 48, 135, 52, 253, 119, 84, 220, 212, 75, 214, 36, 215, 60, 93, 213, 218, 211, 221, 132, 211, 27, 56, 241, 209, 108, 222, 221, 131, 240, 62, 106, 220, 34, 221, 59, 132, 160, 65, 127, 220, 254, 222, 24, 131, 119, 63, 137, 221, 18, 221, 130, 132, 111, 194, 247, 155, 0, 217, 128, 246, 159, 218, 170, 161, 147, 42, 146, 249, 228, 56, 208, 201, 103, 194, 116, 223, 170, 59, 34, 203, 110, 196, 62, 222, 86, 58, 248, 205, 82, 197, 168, 221, 156, 65, 97, 230, 90, 36, 32, 172, 67, 80, 45, 252, 58, 15, 130, 174, 104, 212, 222, 184, 200, 63, 121, 234, 148, 226, 36, 144, 140, 79, 61, 252, 245, 7, 83, 154, 205, 232, 53, 247, 50, 9, 148, 165, 104, 251, 19, 241, 107, 82, 36, 224, 30, 57, 69, 181, 177, 211, 178, 233, 39, 200, 4, 153, 197, 211, 93, 217, 44, 196, 44, 161, 25, 81, 201, 223, 72, 57, 47, 181, 107, 82, 36, 224, 30, 57, 69, 181, 197, 211, 93, 217, 44, 196, 44, 161, 167, 223, 33, 216, 1, 182, 119, 147, 251, 217, 201, 192, 137, 181, 42, 147, 3, 6, 37, 136, 166, 135, 246, 252, 62, 9, 79, 156, 240, 139, 133, 250, 47, 9, 220, 156, 239, 139, 133, 250, 119, 84, 220, 212, 75, 214, 36, 215, 78, 89, 5, 217, 160, 218, 6, 213, 121, 104, 227, 235, 68, 236, 82, 204, 214, 17, 14, 193, 214, 151, 84, 241, 119, 84, 220, 212, 75, 214, 36, 215, 78, 89, 5, 217, 160, 218, 6, 213, 60, 93, 213, 218, 211, 221, 132, 211, 62, 9, 79, 156, 240, 139, 133, 250, 138, 15, 211, 187, 208, 148, 134, 243, 76, 15, 203, 195, 149, 149, 199, 242, 121, 104, 227, 235, 68, 236, 82, 204, 83, 105, 141, 238, 182, 238, 22, 203, 57, 8, 53, 148, 142, 137, 115, 251, 138, 15, 211, 187, 208, 148, 134, 243, 38, 12, 118, 191, 129, 145, 144, 245, 83, 105, 141, 238, 182, 238, 22, 203, 88, 101, 122, 239, 40, 239, 218, 202, 67, 18, 198, 145, 135, 145, 20, 246, 40, 39, 220, 131, 239, 134, 41, 250, 28, 15, 48, 194, 186, 149, 37, 243, 185, 73, 147, 228, 152, 226, 162, 211, 16, 83, 200, 232, 211, 230, 225, 207, 211, 90, 80, 238, 233, 236, 33, 204, 237, 93, 206, 242, 31, 242, 230, 201, 115, 113, 37, 248, 47, 248, 222, 197, 134, 98, 87, 250, 21, 250, 200, 196, 78, 89, 5, 217, 160, 218, 6, 213, 121, 104, 227, 235, 68, 236, 82, 204, 211, 90, 80, 238, 233, 236, 33, 204, 83, 105, 141, 238, 182, 238, 22, 203, 88, 101, 122, 239, 40, 239, 218, 202, 115, 113, 37, 248, 47, 248, 222, 197, 44, 14, 61, 176, 148, 146, 253, 245, 195, 13, 179, 183, 70, 147, 111, 245, 28, 15, 48, 194, 186, 149, 37, 243, 185, 73, 147, 228, 152, 226, 162, 211, 44, 14, 61, 176, 148, 146, 253, 245, 72, 16, 14, 204, 189, 151, 18, 241, 182, 14, 240, 211, 161, 151, 60, 241, 185, 73, 147, 228, 152, 226, 162, 211, 184, 77, 149, 235, 223, 233, 115, 207, 2, 82, 25, 239, 57, 237, 181, 204, 237, 93, 206, 242, 31, 242, 230, 201, 203, 92, 128, 249, 88, 249, 191, 197, 141, 21, 8, 157, 184, 149, 182, 242, 139, 13, 29, 192, 61, 150, 200, 244, 195, 14, 21, 202, 85, 152, 90, 242, 191, 66, 205, 217, 23, 217, 7, 218, 171, 68, 202, 220, 160, 219, 81, 216, 219, 247, 35, 248, 11, 152, 170, 239, 21, 28, 212, 144, 53, 146, 94, 244, 141, 21, 8, 157, 184, 149, 182, 242, 55, 44, 154, 140, 197, 145, 125, 244, 44, 49, 227, 139, 47, 146, 97, 244, 191, 66, 205, 217, 23, 217, 7, 218, 178, 56, 156, 196, 87, 23, 206, 128, 235, 57, 1, 202, 227, 229, 231, 128, 63, 63, 49, 202, 245, 20, 202, 129, 21, 62, 232, 204, 86, 231, 1, 128, 202, 63, 4, 204, 211, 21, 45, 129, 79, 58, 110, 224, 225, 47, 146, 174, 214, 72, 59, 236, 151, 27, 99, 177, 134, 176, 240, 232, 4, 25, 123, 208, 133, 59, 25, 194, 127, 191, 234, 224, 204, 59, 243, 193, 147, 191, 226, 224, 204, 57, 6, 196, 158, 191, 219, 224, 128, 60, 67, 194, 242, 191, 143, 224, 127, 57, 2, 197, 2, 192, 173, 224, 202, 60, 164, 194, 75, 192, 98, 224, 214, 72, 59, 236, 151, 27, 99, 177, 20, 173, 149, 244, 23, 10, 175, 202, 22, 173, 178, 241, 103, 17, 59, 202, 134, 176, 240, 232, 4, 25, 123, 208, 53, 83, 85, 218, 5, 62, 146, 178, 86, 95, 130, 156, 92, 168, 21, 253, 103, 86, 176, 220, 107, 60, 122, 179, 70, 98, 86, 158, 179, 85, 152, 254, 72, 114, 37, 185, 34, 205, 183, 238, 133, 59, 25, 194, 127, 191, 234, 224, 204, 59, 243, 193, 147, 191, 226, 224, 200, 235, 90, 200, 233, 77, 207, 132, 149, 233, 142, 193, 159, 71, 234, 131, 103, 220, 146, 191, 247, 187, 48, 138, 53, 83, 85, 218, 5, 62, 146, 178, 75, 83, 210, 220, 15, 60, 173, 179, 103, 86, 176, 220, 107, 60, 122, 179, 200, 235, 90, 200, 233, 77, 207, 132, 53, 214, 107, 191, 196, 192, 114, 142, 103, 220, 146, 191, 247, 187, 48, 138, 160, 215, 213, 180, 245, 192, 213, 141, 113, 70, 136, 194, 100, 173, 70, 210, 4, 71, 157, 194, 206, 173, 17, 210, 121, 50, 252, 207, 100, 158, 31, 219, 219, 66, 24, 231, 19, 165, 116, 212, 184, 71, 55, 236, 242, 167, 126, 210, 41, 44, 129, 170, 132, 153, 27, 216, 151, 45, 39, 170, 74, 153, 90, 214, 250, 39, 171, 180, 194, 147, 43, 219, 251, 40, 214, 196, 18, 142, 24, 221, 46, 87, 141, 204, 181, 185, 50, 204, 114, 87, 90, 205, 202, 185, 38, 204, 41, 44, 129, 170, 132, 153, 27, 216, 250, 39, 171, 180, 194, 147, 43, 219, 0, 87, 237, 204, 58, 212, 70, 215, 83, 93, 10, 214, 42, 220, 247, 211, 30, 94, 32, 212, 61, 220, 83, 212, 154, 92, 243, 222, 140, 223, 97, 210, 218, 97, 170, 214, 224, 223, 220, 210, 38, 100, 30, 204, 209, 198, 189, 197, 141, 150, 214, 183, 23, 194, 93, 170, 47, 160, 182, 179, 120, 187, 61, 166, 95, 181, 201, 177, 230, 183, 2, 160, 204, 87, 198, 200, 137, 211, 169, 216, 57, 90, 55, 205, 51, 215, 76, 215, 166, 90, 95, 207, 95, 216, 203, 214, 152, 91, 23, 219, 121, 221, 218, 212, 100, 96, 5, 206, 0, 220, 193, 213, 139, 100, 35, 215, 83, 226, 227, 210, 174, 106, 97, 208, 165, 228, 247, 210, 53, 107, 88, 205, 242, 227, 20, 211, 158, 105, 138, 217, 245, 230, 119, 209, 145, 107, 73, 216, 16, 232, 192, 209, 104, 109, 58, 222, 66, 235, 60, 208, 177, 109, 212, 222, 168, 235, 70, 208, 174, 106, 97, 208, 165, 228, 247, 210, 145, 107, 73, 216, 16, 232, 192, 209, 209, 127, 125, 195, 83, 34, 212, 183, 35, 129, 22, 195, 253, 39, 249, 182, 42, 147, 255, 192, 33, 37, 177, 194, 48, 151, 17, 193, 110, 44, 102, 195, 200, 78, 210, 184, 162, 196, 194, 221, 241, 83, 8, 188, 30, 202, 180, 219, 6, 85, 16, 189, 116, 203, 42, 219, 208, 88, 211, 195, 222, 209, 61, 217, 204, 87, 198, 200, 137, 211, 169, 216, 201, 88, 202, 199, 196, 211, 145, 216, 21, 95, 146, 193, 104, 213, 0, 216, 100, 96, 5, 206, 0, 220, 193, 213, 208, 88, 211, 195, 222, 209, 61, 217, 201, 88, 202, 199, 196, 211, 145, 216, 47, 160, 182, 179, 120, 187, 61, 166, 75, 172, 107, 180, 102, 195, 214, 162, 95, 181, 201, 177, 230, 183, 2, 160, 26, 79, 24, 192, 178, 180, 187, 206, 202, 86, 229, 197, 197, 186, 208, 203, 46, 87, 141, 204, 181, 185, 50, 204, 62, 88, 253, 201, 19, 187, 110, 203, 114, 87, 90, 205, 202, 185, 38, 204, 147, 88, 140, 210, 211, 185, 33, 204, 38, 100, 30, 204, 209, 198, 189, 197, 38, 133, 126, 189, 15, 199, 74, 176, 141, 150, 214, 183, 23, 194, 93, 170, 212, 37, 85, 180, 2, 144, 22, 219, 233, 36, 90, 181, 87, 141, 254, 218, 194, 56, 231, 174, 70, 160, 75, 210, 62, 88, 253, 201, 19, 187, 110, 203, 147, 88, 140, 210, 211, 185, 33, 204, 223, 91, 235, 213, 221, 187, 251, 202, 147, 94, 158, 240, 71, 20, 236, 132, 130, 98, 93, 240, 243, 15, 82, 133, 247, 98, 122, 240, 145, 15, 88, 133, 163, 92, 69, 242, 121, 23, 127, 133, 139, 91, 2, 247, 31, 28, 142, 132, 110, 107, 113, 246, 194, 11, 215, 133, 0, 92, 189, 247, 43, 28, 140, 132, 178, 94, 174, 248, 39, 26, 140, 132, 236, 98, 205, 249, 179, 22, 226, 132, 72, 101, 126, 250, 24, 21, 41, 132, 10, 105, 121, 250, 30, 17, 164, 133, 7, 104, 161, 250, 89, 18, 239, 132, 82, 49, 107, 173, 107, 81, 161, 151, 132, 53, 196, 172, 105, 79, 232, 151, 116, 59, 195, 172, 8, 78, 142, 153, 205, 99, 171, 236, 146, 11, 216, 133, 145, 104, 138, 237, 123, 7, 199, 134, 82, 49, 107, 173, 107, 81, 161, 151, 132, 53, 196, 172, 105, 79, 232, 151, 81, 59, 117, 174, 148, 74, 117, 153, 197, 98, 124, 232, 206, 232, 144, 206, 196, 97, 25, 234, 8, 234, 221, 205, 53, 102, 181, 234, 61, 235, 129, 205, 212, 37, 85, 180, 2, 144, 22, 219, 75, 38, 104, 180, 75, 144, 201, 218, 233, 36, 90, 181, 87, 141, 254, 218, 30, 94, 32, 212, 61, 220, 83, 212, 157, 95, 6, 219, 169, 223, 241, 210, 218, 97, 170, 214, 224, 223, 220, 210, 212, 37, 85, 180, 2, 144, 22, 219, 194, 56, 231, 174, 70, 160, 75, 210, 179, 62, 80, 172, 98, 166, 143, 208, 15, 93, 225, 214, 157, 220, 128, 212, 93, 95, 233, 217, 43, 223, 63, 211, 157, 95, 6, 219, 169, 223, 241, 210, 82, 49, 107, 173, 107, 81, 161, 151, 81, 59, 117, 174, 148, 74, 117, 153, 231, 59, 96, 174, 175, 75, 213, 153, 205, 99, 171, 236, 146, 11, 216, 133, 130, 98, 93, 240, 243, 15, 82, 133, 247, 98, 122, 240, 145, 15, 88, 133, 41, 44, 129, 170, 132, 153, 27, 216, 151, 45, 39, 170, 74, 153, 90, 214, 75, 38, 104, 180, 75, 144, 201, 218, 30, 94, 32, 212, 61, 220, 83, 212, 83, 93, 10, 214, 42, 220, 247, 211, 93, 95, 233, 217, 43, 223, 63, 211, 157, 95, 6, 219, 169, 223, 241, 210, 218, 97, 170, 214, 224, 223, 220, 210, 43, 99, 0, 226, 45, 228, 212, 208, 124, 104, 0, 227, 73, 232, 191, 206, 31, 104, 115, 229, 153, 232, 157, 206, 154, 105, 81, 232, 89, 234, 190, 205, 100, 44, 41, 181, 242, 81, 182, 153, 131, 54, 140, 181, 57, 77, 23, 157, 232, 68, 103, 168, 36, 80, 231, 154, 124, 104, 0, 227, 73, 232, 191, 206, 31, 104, 115, 229, 153, 232, 157, 206, 163, 108, 243, 232, 218, 236, 179, 204, 151, 45, 39, 170, 74, 153, 90, 214, 75, 38, 104, 180, 75, 144, 201, 218, 233, 36, 90, 181, 87, 141, 254, 218, 114, 87, 90, 205, 202, 185, 38, 204, 147, 88, 140, 210, 211, 185, 33, 204, 100, 44, 41, 181, 242, 81, 182, 153, 223, 53, 55, 173, 88, 80, 194, 152, 110, 57, 47, 173, 28, 78, 5, 153, 194, 38, 16, 194, 44, 79, 95, 154, 236, 77, 139, 167, 74, 75, 133, 156, 163, 108, 243, 232, 218, 236, 179, 204, 105, 109, 62, 235, 233, 237, 47, 204, 223, 53, 55, 173, 88, 80, 194, 152, 110, 57, 47, 173, 28, 78, 5, 153, 116, 59, 195, 172, 8, 78, 142, 153, 145, 104, 138, 237, 123, 7, 199, 134, 238, 110, 30, 237, 139, 0, 177, 135, 78, 115, 114, 243, 191, 1, 106, 135, 43, 99, 0, 226, 45, 228, 212, 208, 33, 99, 38, 227, 128, 228, 191, 208, 197, 98, 124, 232, 206, 232, 144, 206, 124, 104, 0, 227, 73, 232, 191, 206, 53, 102, 181, 234, 61, 235, 129, 205, 163, 108, 243, 232, 218, 236, 179, 204, 105, 109, 62, 235, 233, 237, 47, 204, 33, 49, 211, 172, 51, 154, 22, 212, 179, 62, 80, 172, 98, 166, 143, 208, 15, 93, 225, 214, 157, 220, 128, 212, 145, 107, 73, 216, 16, 232, 192, 209, 177, 109, 212, 222, 168, 235, 70, 208, 222, 117, 115, 188, 128, 41, 44, 178, 32, 125, 220, 192, 140, 39, 117, 181, 35, 129, 22, 195, 253, 39, 249, 182, 231, 59, 96, 174, 175, 75, 213, 153, 154, 69, 216, 174, 253, 68, 47, 156, 178, 73, 70, 173, 115, 69, 16, 157, 147, 94, 158, 240, 71, 20, 236, 132, 247, 98, 122, 240, 145, 15, 88, 133, 132, 53, 196, 172, 105, 79, 232, 151, 110, 57, 47, 173, 28, 78, 5, 153, 116, 59, 195, 172, 8, 78, 142, 153, 53, 102, 181, 234, 61, 235, 129, 205, 105, 109, 62, 235, 233, 237, 47, 204, 63, 103, 101, 210, 100, 15, 41, 244, 205, 108, 196, 216, 10, 15, 43, 244, 209, 127, 125, 195, 83, 34, 212, 183, 42, 147, 255, 192, 33, 37, 177, 194, 204, 87, 198, 200, 137, 211, 169, 216, 201, 88, 202, 199, 196, 211, 145, 216, 57, 90, 55, 205, 51, 215, 76, 215, 38, 133, 126, 189, 15, 199, 74, 176, 221, 133, 110, 189, 104, 194, 24, 175, 141, 150, 214, 183, 23, 194, 93, 170, 47, 160, 182, 179, 120, 187, 61, 166, 62, 88, 253, 201, 19, 187, 110, 203, 8, 92, 5, 210, 181, 188, 122, 202, 223, 91, 235, 213, 221, 187, 251, 202, 238, 104, 145, 180, 101, 203, 41, 187, 3, 112, 83, 183, 19, 198, 87, 182, 38, 133, 126, 189, 15, 199, 74, 176, 221, 133, 110, 189, 104, 194, 24, 175, 33, 49, 211, 172, 51, 154, 22, 212, 194, 56, 231, 174, 70, 160, 75, 210, 179, 62, 80, 172, 98, 166, 143, 208, 182, 79, 61, 173, 159, 183, 223, 200, 120, 83, 218, 173, 241, 187, 160, 198, 8, 92, 5, 210, 181, 188, 122, 202, 223, 91, 235, 213, 221, 187, 251, 202, 57, 90, 55, 205, 51, 215, 76, 215, 166, 90, 95, 207, 95, 216, 203, 214, 3, 112, 83, 183, 19, 198, 87, 182, 221, 133, 110, 189, 104, 194, 24, 175, 120, 83, 218, 173, 241, 187, 160, 198, 91, 84, 199, 173, 253, 188, 85, 197, 8, 92, 5, 210, 181, 188, 122, 202, 41, 103, 128, 179, 30, 199, 81, 186, 238, 104, 145, 180, 101, 203, 41, 187, 178, 73, 70, 173, 115, 69, 16, 157, 162, 77, 214, 173, 108, 64, 69, 158, 70, 82, 177, 173, 56, 64, 255, 159, 147, 94, 158, 240, 71, 20, 236, 132, 226, 91, 69, 241, 134, 23, 121, 133, 163, 92, 69, 242, 121, 23, 127, 133, 154, 69, 216, 174, 253, 68, 47, 156, 178, 73, 70, 173, 115, 69, 16, 157, 162, 77, 214, 173, 108, 64, 69, 158, 249, 93, 249, 235, 50, 235, 54, 205, 135, 94, 6, 236, 84, 235, 42, 205, 60, 92, 35, 238, 246, 236, 43, 204, 33, 49, 211, 172, 51, 154, 22, 212, 182, 79, 61, 173, 159, 183, 223, 200, 15, 93, 225, 214, 157, 220, 128, 212, 93, 95, 233, 217, 43, 223, 63, 211, 52, 97, 136, 224, 136, 226, 226, 209, 43, 99, 0, 226, 45, 228, 212, 208, 33, 99, 38, 227, 128, 228, 191, 208, 182, 79, 61, 173, 159, 183, 223, 200, 120, 83, 218, 173, 241, 187, 160, 198, 91, 84, 199, 173, 253, 188, 85, 197, 160, 94, 169, 221, 233, 223, 13, 211, 52, 97, 136, 224, 136, 226, 226, 209, 81, 59, 117, 174, 148, 74, 117, 153, 231, 59, 96, 174, 175, 75, 213, 153, 154, 69, 216, 174, 253, 68, 47, 156, 196, 97, 25, 234, 8, 234, 221, 205, 135, 94, 6, 236, 84, 235, 42, 205, 223, 53, 55, 173, 88, 80, 194, 152, 236, 77, 139, 167, 74, 75, 133, 156, 238, 110, 30, 237, 139, 0, 177, 135, 60, 111, 9, 246, 184, 7, 109, 134, 110, 107, 113, 246, 194, 11, 215, 133, 22, 112, 136, 246, 68, 7, 12, 134, 10, 105, 121, 250, 30, 17, 164, 133, 158, 114, 145, 250, 14, 8, 242, 133, 102, 111, 80, 252, 118, 12, 155, 133, 104, 84, 111, 244, 159, 33, 131, 132, 6, 83, 3, 246, 64, 36, 0, 132, 20, 83, 68, 246, 78, 36, 33, 132, 9, 83, 98, 246, 102, 36, 47, 132, 139, 91, 2, 247, 31, 28, 142, 132, 0, 92, 189, 247, 43, 28, 140, 132, 74, 87, 93, 249, 51, 34, 214, 131, 125, 82, 248, 237, 37, 31, 226, 132, 49, 82, 4, 238, 106, 31, 85, 133, 85, 88, 230, 238, 110, 25, 59, 134, 68, 89, 59, 239, 194, 24, 144, 133, 226, 91, 69, 241, 134, 23, 121, 133, 163, 92, 69, 242, 121, 23, 127, 133, 104, 84, 111, 244, 159, 33, 131, 132, 139, 91, 2, 247, 31, 28, 142, 132, 158, 114, 145, 250, 14, 8, 242, 133, 191, 109, 63, 251, 61, 13, 129, 133, 102, 111, 80, 252, 118, 12, 155, 133, 22, 120, 9, 253, 224, 4, 19, 134, 180, 118, 84, 254, 43, 7, 230, 133, 236, 98, 205, 249, 179, 22, 226, 132, 7, 104, 161, 250, 89, 18, 239, 132, 214, 212, 23, 225, 24, 30, 118, 151, 210, 177, 233, 175, 11, 55, 1, 245, 178, 94, 174, 248, 39, 26, 140, 132, 236, 98, 205, 249, 179, 22, 226, 132, 154, 176, 120, 176, 252, 55, 58, 242, 210, 177, 233, 175, 11, 55, 1, 245, 227, 194, 26, 184, 105, 52, 74, 235, 162, 77, 214, 173, 108, 64, 69, 158, 70, 82, 177, 173, 56, 64, 255, 159, 115, 110, 74, 178, 129, 52, 179, 171, 60, 92, 35, 238, 246, 236, 43, 204, 12, 86, 108, 219, 227, 219, 18, 213, 135, 90, 104, 219, 250, 220, 153, 212, 160, 94, 169, 221, 233, 223, 13, 211, 102, 87, 130, 225, 19, 225, 159, 210, 15, 87, 213, 227, 234, 226, 163, 209, 52, 97, 136, 224, 136, 226, 226, 209, 33, 99, 38, 227, 128, 228, 191, 208, 180, 88, 209, 232, 130, 231, 34, 207, 197, 98, 124, 232, 206, 232, 144, 206, 196, 97, 25, 234, 8, 234, 221, 205, 249, 93, 249, 235, 50, 235, 54, 205, 135, 94, 6, 236, 84, 235, 42, 205, 91, 84, 199, 173, 253, 188, 85, 197, 12, 86, 108, 219, 227, 219, 18, 213, 160, 94, 169, 221, 233, 223, 13, 211, 41, 103, 128, 179, 30, 199, 81, 186, 204, 103, 128, 177, 92, 56, 231, 168, 158, 105, 47, 178, 59, 51, 107, 170, 59, 108, 82, 178, 47, 56, 104, 170, 180, 88, 209, 232, 130, 231, 34, 207, 115, 110, 74, 178, 129, 52, 179, 171, 249, 93, 249, 235, 50, 235, 54, 205, 60, 92, 35, 238, 246, 236, 43, 204, 204, 103, 128, 177, 92, 56, 231, 168, 59, 108, 82, 178, 47, 56, 104, 170, 85, 88, 230, 238, 110, 25, 59, 134, 68, 89, 59, 239, 194, 24, 144, 133, 123, 20, 139, 153, 192, 91, 180, 136, 246, 14, 216, 207, 172, 101, 147, 133, 45, 105, 53, 248, 96, 15, 55, 133, 109, 99, 28, 249, 189, 21, 207, 132, 84, 102, 251, 249, 130, 19, 250, 132, 246, 103, 254, 249, 234, 17, 18, 133, 246, 14, 216, 207, 172, 101, 147, 133, 246, 103, 254, 249, 234, 17, 18, 133, 72, 101, 126, 250, 24, 21, 41, 132, 7, 104, 161, 250, 89, 18, 239, 132, 177, 200, 198, 255, 195, 39, 220, 156, 214, 212, 23, 225, 24, 30, 118, 151, 249, 103, 138, 249, 214, 253, 79, 205, 177, 200, 198, 255, 195, 39, 220, 156, 214, 212, 23, 225, 24, 30, 118, 151, 154, 176, 120, 176, 252, 55, 58, 242, 210, 177, 233, 175, 11, 55, 1, 245, 70, 82, 177, 173, 56, 64, 255, 159, 59, 108, 82, 178, 47, 56, 104, 170, 115, 110, 74, 178, 129, 52, 179, 171, 68, 89, 59, 239, 194, 24, 144, 133, 226, 91, 69, 241, 134, 23, 121, 133, 154, 155, 121, 247, 190, 17, 214, 133, 172, 152, 87, 244, 216, 11, 218, 133, 30, 154, 254, 242, 240, 11, 218, 133, 3, 157, 47, 242, 19, 14, 213, 133, 162, 157, 5, 241, 141, 13, 209, 133, 91, 192, 166, 146, 144, 215, 117, 149, 218, 203, 3, 157, 63, 211, 72, 144, 125, 209, 39, 159, 171, 208, 1, 142, 103, 107, 35, 249, 217, 13, 216, 133, 82, 106, 218, 255, 185, 19, 121, 133, 122, 120, 227, 255, 187, 6, 1, 134, 105, 138, 187, 254, 68, 8, 241, 133, 109, 159, 80, 252, 205, 25, 121, 133, 179, 154, 22, 252, 253, 20, 219, 133, 36, 158, 39, 252, 125, 24, 104, 133, 69, 155, 105, 249, 33, 19, 247, 133, 72, 160, 204, 239, 15, 15, 208, 133, 86, 91, 152, 237, 86, 21, 241, 132, 27, 90, 12, 238, 7, 23, 127, 132, 47, 96, 36, 242, 194, 19, 63, 133, 15, 85, 101, 243, 101, 32, 17, 132, 6, 83, 3, 246, 64, 36, 0, 132, 90, 90, 162, 247, 187, 29, 143, 132, 133, 97, 107, 247, 90, 22, 5, 133, 74, 87, 93, 249, 51, 34, 214, 131, 244, 48, 74, 182, 117, 160, 185, 218, 59, 40, 22, 206, 101, 150, 192, 224, 224, 139, 117, 255, 210, 9, 101, 136, 157, 135, 14, 254, 186, 4, 146, 136, 206, 150, 231, 239, 46, 4, 150, 136, 43, 42, 252, 202, 94, 152, 73, 223, 234, 41, 50, 205, 224, 151, 165, 223, 59, 40, 22, 206, 101, 150, 192, 224, 224, 139, 117, 255, 210, 9, 101, 136, 5, 142, 105, 255, 169, 11, 87, 136, 167, 36, 27, 234, 206, 146, 172, 229, 42, 92, 136, 244, 39, 25, 69, 135, 87, 96, 153, 245, 207, 21, 47, 135, 135, 104, 245, 245, 30, 14, 246, 135, 196, 38, 239, 248, 208, 146, 163, 229, 226, 100, 194, 253, 171, 22, 94, 135, 225, 218, 225, 253, 232, 146, 76, 230, 253, 87, 29, 225, 99, 15, 128, 135, 181, 97, 50, 220, 109, 0, 93, 138, 81, 89, 44, 228, 101, 16, 113, 135, 12, 111, 33, 180, 146, 47, 61, 173, 155, 111, 109, 180, 234, 44, 252, 173, 68, 113, 251, 180, 64, 47, 44, 174, 191, 89, 157, 166, 36, 57, 155, 160, 13, 101, 172, 177, 177, 50, 205, 168, 158, 105, 138, 217, 245, 230, 119, 209, 185, 111, 81, 182, 31, 45, 94, 174, 104, 109, 58, 222, 66, 235, 60, 208, 109, 109, 179, 228, 22, 237, 164, 207, 137, 96, 153, 170, 138, 49, 33, 165, 173, 110, 3, 225, 55, 9, 61, 244, 248, 110, 96, 233, 175, 1, 81, 244, 127, 115, 31, 185, 53, 44, 74, 176, 248, 114, 118, 230, 178, 8, 58, 244, 191, 89, 157, 166, 36, 57, 155, 160, 137, 96, 153, 170, 138, 49, 33, 165, 109, 109, 179, 228, 22, 237, 164, 207, 127, 115, 31, 185, 53, 44, 74, 176, 40, 125, 73, 194, 66, 38, 251, 181, 122, 91, 158, 177, 214, 56, 202, 164, 54, 103, 160, 175, 129, 48, 100, 169, 15, 87, 213, 227, 234, 226, 163, 209, 158, 105, 47, 178, 59, 51, 107, 170, 180, 88, 209, 232, 130, 231, 34, 207, 97, 110, 224, 179, 141, 45, 88, 173, 10, 183, 91, 155, 179, 70, 233, 193, 104, 109, 58, 222, 66, 235, 60, 208, 177, 109, 212, 222, 168, 235, 70, 208, 109, 109, 179, 228, 22, 237, 164, 207, 222, 117, 115, 188, 128, 41, 44, 178, 40, 125, 73, 194, 66, 38, 251, 181, 191, 140, 16, 228, 140, 16, 170, 248, 29, 141, 189, 224, 157, 19, 39, 249, 42, 142, 239, 228, 171, 14, 100, 248, 213, 249, 223, 212, 56, 86, 80, 139, 86, 247, 39, 213, 181, 85, 113, 138, 0, 250, 252, 209, 233, 85, 255, 138, 201, 254, 157, 192, 151, 85, 49, 138, 207, 102, 104, 161, 204, 137, 78, 153, 222, 142, 253, 226, 45, 125, 92, 184, 68, 143, 43, 229, 100, 125, 191, 185, 199, 246, 66, 217, 29, 86, 197, 138, 86, 247, 39, 213, 181, 85, 113, 138, 201, 254, 157, 192, 151, 85, 49, 138, 207, 102, 104, 161, 204, 137, 78, 153, 179, 141, 214, 225, 183, 124, 55, 183, 55, 242, 210, 231, 176, 86, 13, 139, 71, 242, 219, 230, 129, 86, 253, 138, 199, 246, 66, 217, 29, 86, 197, 138, 42, 142, 239, 228, 171, 14, 100, 248, 28, 142, 212, 226, 204, 16, 168, 248, 55, 242, 210, 231, 176, 86, 13, 139, 199, 246, 66, 217, 29, 86, 197, 138, 86, 247, 39, 213, 181, 85, 113, 138, 207, 102, 104, 161, 204, 137, 78, 153, 163, 140, 78, 226, 169, 124, 248, 182, 179, 141, 214, 225, 183, 124, 55, 183, 142, 142, 102, 226, 231, 124, 234, 183, 222, 142, 253, 226, 45, 125, 92, 184, 35, 144, 233, 224, 234, 124, 223, 183, 173, 144, 145, 224, 240, 124, 243, 183, 127, 149, 84, 235, 162, 127, 135, 192, 127, 149, 84, 235, 162, 127, 135, 192, 68, 154, 18, 234, 124, 128, 142, 194, 81, 166, 18, 233, 29, 131, 206, 200, 15, 140, 243, 222, 30, 22, 56, 249, 10, 140, 132, 222, 146, 22, 69, 249, 246, 243, 153, 214, 152, 78, 205, 139, 103, 244, 241, 210, 45, 78, 95, 139, 57, 245, 104, 208, 18, 78, 61, 139, 43, 25, 151, 239, 6, 83, 212, 140, 163, 140, 78, 226, 169, 124, 248, 182, 35, 144, 233, 224, 234, 124, 223, 183, 246, 243, 153, 214, 152, 78, 205, 139, 103, 244, 241, 210, 45, 78, 95, 139, 87, 105, 73, 44, 224, 80, 94, 205, 202, 137, 131, 219, 23, 27, 172, 249, 208, 137, 108, 219, 46, 27, 185, 249, 203, 235, 49, 237, 72, 157, 179, 229, 3, 237, 158, 232, 212, 156, 93, 229, 112, 20, 188, 223, 112, 89, 124, 140, 43, 25, 151, 239, 6, 83, 212, 140, 15, 140, 243, 222, 30, 22, 56, 249, 96, 140, 194, 224, 29, 20, 55, 249, 87, 140, 102, 224, 121, 20, 8, 249, 25, 142, 178, 227, 241, 15, 181, 249, 246, 243, 153, 214, 152, 78, 205, 139, 112, 20, 188, 223, 112, 89, 124, 140, 43, 25, 151, 239, 6, 83, 212, 140, 64, 227, 236, 252, 98, 80, 109, 139, 163, 140, 78, 226, 169, 124, 248, 182, 142, 142, 102, 226, 231, 124, 234, 183, 96, 242, 182, 223, 168, 81, 195, 139, 112, 20, 188, 223, 112, 89, 124, 140, 87, 140, 102, 224, 121, 20, 8, 249, 96, 242, 182, 223, 168, 81, 195, 139, 68, 127, 93, 215, 165, 32, 71, 244, 4, 133, 26, 214, 76, 32, 65, 244, 86, 139, 171, 217, 125, 26, 93, 244, 203, 235, 49, 237, 72, 157, 179, 229, 145, 237, 134, 224, 31, 47, 220, 152, 86, 139, 171, 217, 125, 26, 93, 244, 203, 235, 49, 237, 72, 157, 179, 229, 3, 237, 158, 232, 212, 156, 93, 229, 226, 242, 166, 203, 16, 151, 100, 227, 205, 244, 169, 189, 29, 146, 56, 227, 87, 105, 73, 44, 224, 80, 94, 205, 1, 133, 163, 216, 44, 34, 178, 252, 3, 237, 158, 232, 212, 156, 93, 229, 205, 244, 169, 189, 29, 146, 56, 227, 1, 133, 163, 216, 44, 34, 178, 252, 89, 234, 6, 237, 220, 156, 54, 229, 218, 238, 93, 224, 217, 155, 151, 228, 226, 242, 166, 203, 16, 151, 100, 227, 205, 244, 169, 189, 29, 146, 56, 227, 86, 139, 171, 217, 125, 26, 93, 244, 218, 238, 93, 224, 217, 155, 151, 228, 145, 237, 134, 224, 31, 47, 220, 152, 226, 242, 166, 203, 16, 151, 100, 227, 214, 19, 96, 223, 65, 91, 62, 139, 64, 227, 236, 252, 98, 80, 109, 139, 96, 140, 194, 224, 29, 20, 55, 249, 87, 140, 102, 224, 121, 20, 8, 249, 29, 141, 189, 224, 157, 19, 39, 249, 42, 142, 239, 228, 171, 14, 100, 248, 28, 142, 212, 226, 204, 16, 168, 248, 96, 242, 182, 223, 168, 81, 195, 139, 214, 19, 96, 223, 65, 91, 62, 139, 28, 142, 212, 226, 204, 16, 168, 248, 55, 242, 210, 231, 176, 86, 13, 139, 71, 242, 219, 230, 129, 86, 253, 138, 214, 19, 96, 223, 65, 91, 62, 139, 64, 227, 236, 252, 98, 80, 109, 139, 179, 141, 214, 225, 183, 124, 55, 183, 142, 142, 102, 226, 231, 124, 234, 183, 71, 242, 219, 230, 129, 86, 253, 138, 43, 123, 59, 214, 95, 30, 46, 244, 231, 132, 148, 218, 120, 28, 24, 244, 4, 133, 26, 214, 76, 32, 65, 244, 60, 233, 72, 242, 102, 157, 182, 229, 89, 234, 6, 237, 220, 156, 54, 229, 218, 238, 93, 224, 217, 155, 151, 228, 145, 237, 134, 224, 31, 47, 220, 152, 87, 105, 73, 44, 224, 80, 94, 205, 1, 133, 163, 216, 44, 34, 178, 252, 148, 134, 90, 225, 112, 23, 79, 249, 248, 230, 95, 247, 131, 157, 217, 229, 202, 137, 131, 219, 23, 27, 172, 249, 60, 233, 72, 242, 102, 157, 182, 229, 89, 234, 6, 237, 220, 156, 54, 229, 108, 130, 79, 220, 12, 28, 17, 244, 172, 229, 170, 252, 211, 157, 82, 230, 108, 132, 215, 222, 248, 24, 211, 243, 231, 132, 148, 218, 120, 28, 24, 244, 248, 230, 95, 247, 131, 157, 217, 229, 60, 233, 72, 242, 102, 157, 182, 229, 205, 108, 196, 216, 10, 15, 43, 244, 77, 111, 179, 220, 220, 13, 33, 244, 32, 125, 220, 192, 140, 39, 117, 181, 209, 127, 125, 195, 83, 34, 212, 183, 35, 129, 22, 195, 253, 39, 249, 182, 63, 103, 101, 210, 100, 15, 41, 244, 82, 107, 168, 214, 132, 15, 39, 244, 205, 108, 196, 216, 10, 15, 43, 244, 77, 111, 179, 220, 220, 13, 33, 244, 54, 113, 44, 212, 155, 23, 21, 244, 242, 113, 144, 223, 250, 13, 73, 244, 216, 115, 78, 209, 132, 28, 9, 244, 96, 116, 29, 208, 39, 30, 44, 244, 244, 115, 109, 219, 138, 19, 14, 244, 155, 115, 58, 229, 116, 10, 49, 244, 78, 119, 141, 219, 118, 22, 8, 244, 39, 120, 109, 216, 246, 25, 27, 244, 65, 124, 208, 221, 207, 24, 24, 244, 192, 124, 158, 210, 175, 34, 64, 244, 68, 127, 93, 215, 165, 32, 71, 244, 173, 144, 145, 224, 240, 124, 243, 183, 164, 240, 55, 226, 129, 79, 106, 140, 210, 244, 111, 211, 92, 78, 154, 139, 121, 140, 202, 221, 1, 23, 81, 249, 164, 240, 55, 226, 129, 79, 106, 140, 35, 144, 233, 224, 234, 124, 223, 183, 173, 144, 145, 224, 240, 124, 243, 183, 210, 244, 111, 211, 92, 78, 154, 139, 103, 244, 241, 210, 45, 78, 95, 139, 57, 245, 104, 208, 18, 78, 61, 139, 10, 140, 132, 222, 146, 22, 69, 249, 121, 140, 202, 221, 1, 23, 81, 249, 164, 240, 55, 226, 129, 79, 106, 140, 210, 244, 111, 211, 92, 78, 154, 139, 57, 245, 104, 208, 18, 78, 61, 139, 208, 137, 108, 219, 46, 27, 185, 249, 15, 140, 243, 222, 30, 22, 56, 249, 10, 140, 132, 222, 146, 22, 69, 249, 121, 140, 202, 221, 1, 23, 81, 249, 25, 142, 178, 227, 241, 15, 181, 249, 74, 143, 13, 232, 234, 125, 77, 187, 97, 143, 64, 230, 162, 125, 97, 186, 64, 242, 246, 226, 44, 86, 105, 138, 213, 249, 223, 212, 56, 86, 80, 139, 0, 250, 252, 209, 233, 85, 255, 138, 81, 253, 143, 71, 234, 85, 241, 137, 97, 143, 64, 230, 162, 125, 97, 186, 68, 143, 43, 229, 100, 125, 191, 185, 0, 250, 252, 209, 233, 85, 255, 138, 201, 254, 157, 192, 151, 85, 49, 138, 237, 140, 15, 230, 116, 14, 116, 248, 191, 140, 16, 228, 140, 16, 170, 248, 213, 249, 223, 212, 56, 86, 80, 139, 81, 253, 143, 71, 234, 85, 241, 137, 172, 229, 170, 252, 211, 157, 82, 230, 108, 132, 215, 222, 248, 24, 211, 243, 239, 244, 202, 205, 58, 153, 238, 227, 129, 245, 97, 203, 170, 152, 221, 227, 42, 99, 110, 176, 225, 47, 26, 168, 192, 99, 178, 176, 211, 55, 125, 167, 13, 101, 172, 177, 177, 50, 205, 168, 139, 100, 35, 215, 83, 226, 227, 210, 158, 105, 138, 217, 245, 230, 119, 209, 54, 99, 124, 173, 51, 48, 67, 167, 135, 90, 104, 219, 250, 220, 153, 212, 12, 101, 209, 174, 34, 48, 110, 168, 244, 92, 119, 223, 172, 224, 252, 210, 102, 87, 130, 225, 19, 225, 159, 210, 155, 111, 109, 180, 234, 44, 252, 173, 68, 113, 251, 180, 64, 47, 44, 174, 191, 89, 157, 166, 36, 57, 155, 160, 137, 96, 153, 170, 138, 49, 33, 165, 185, 111, 81, 182, 31, 45, 94, 174, 168, 106, 104, 233, 30, 3, 185, 138, 248, 110, 96, 233, 175, 1, 81, 244, 173, 110, 3, 225, 55, 9, 61, 244, 77, 111, 179, 220, 220, 13, 33, 244, 127, 115, 31, 185, 53, 44, 74, 176, 222, 117, 115, 188, 128, 41, 44, 178, 155, 115, 58, 229, 116, 10, 49, 244, 32, 125, 220, 192, 140, 39, 117, 181, 40, 125, 73, 194, 66, 38, 251, 181, 172, 229, 170, 252, 211, 157, 82, 230, 148, 134, 90, 225, 112, 23, 79, 249, 248, 230, 95, 247, 131, 157, 217, 229, 55, 137, 228, 222, 24, 24, 89, 249, 239, 244, 202, 205, 58, 153, 238, 227, 253, 87, 29, 225, 99, 15, 128, 135, 54, 103, 160, 175, 129, 48, 100, 169, 112, 85, 191, 229, 191, 21, 78, 134, 120, 88, 169, 229, 93, 18, 199, 134, 97, 110, 224, 179, 141, 45, 88, 173, 12, 111, 33, 180, 146, 47, 61, 173, 253, 49, 102, 177, 141, 161, 60, 218, 244, 48, 74, 182, 117, 160, 185, 218, 192, 38, 2, 215, 114, 148, 163, 226, 188, 121, 218, 252, 51, 3, 160, 136, 206, 150, 231, 239, 46, 4, 150, 136, 253, 49, 102, 177, 141, 161, 60, 218, 244, 48, 74, 182, 117, 160, 185, 218, 43, 42, 252, 202, 94, 152, 73, 223, 59, 40, 22, 206, 101, 150, 192, 224, 116, 115, 138, 250, 59, 7, 96, 134, 231, 109, 192, 251, 102, 13, 236, 133, 123, 38, 252, 220, 50, 148, 100, 227, 132, 86, 27, 233, 41, 23, 91, 134, 56, 89, 101, 243, 191, 27, 122, 133, 211, 101, 255, 242, 163, 14, 56, 136, 82, 98, 205, 244, 116, 19, 104, 134, 68, 216, 230, 255, 125, 147, 99, 229, 74, 216, 222, 255, 126, 147, 100, 229, 12, 101, 209, 174, 34, 48, 110, 168, 181, 97, 50, 220, 109, 0, 93, 138, 68, 113, 251, 180, 64, 47, 44, 174, 123, 38, 252, 220, 50, 148, 100, 227, 167, 36, 27, 234, 206, 146, 172, 229, 87, 96, 153, 245, 207, 21, 47, 135, 74, 216, 222, 255, 126, 147, 100, 229, 181, 127, 204, 222, 191, 26, 1, 244, 108, 130, 79, 220, 12, 28, 17, 244, 108, 132, 215, 222, 248, 24, 211, 243, 7, 133, 60, 226, 199, 21, 162, 243, 53, 237, 192, 231, 212, 156, 59, 229, 100, 241, 93, 215, 96, 154, 46, 228, 129, 245, 97, 203, 170, 152, 221, 227, 142, 134, 207, 224, 250, 23, 86, 249, 55, 137, 228, 222, 24, 24, 89, 249, 100, 241, 93, 215, 96, 154, 46, 228, 239, 244, 202, 205, 58, 153, 238, 227, 129, 245, 97, 203, 170, 152, 221, 227, 227, 140, 221, 229, 173, 14, 126, 248, 237, 140, 15, 230, 116, 14, 116, 248, 154, 147, 18, 237, 131, 2, 220, 246, 58, 242, 20, 227, 47, 86, 106, 138, 64, 242, 246, 226, 44, 86, 105, 138, 81, 253, 143, 71, 234, 85, 241, 137, 74, 143, 13, 232, 234, 125, 77, 187, 88, 143, 170, 231, 221, 125, 31, 187, 58, 242, 20, 227, 47, 86, 106, 138, 64, 242, 246, 226, 44, 86, 105, 138, 230, 244, 184, 219, 22, 86, 93, 138, 111, 150, 200, 237, 114, 128, 105, 194, 106, 161, 8, 239, 46, 131, 0, 201, 49, 157, 103, 237, 235, 129, 241, 197, 68, 154, 18, 234, 124, 128, 142, 194, 81, 166, 18, 233, 29, 131, 206, 200, 192, 142, 154, 232, 160, 10, 254, 247, 154, 147, 18, 237, 131, 2, 220, 246, 221, 242, 229, 229, 17, 87, 214, 138, 58, 242, 20, 227, 47, 86, 106, 138, 230, 244, 184, 219, 22, 86, 93, 138, 11, 235, 252, 242, 174, 85, 51, 138, 244, 142, 235, 232, 17, 126, 152, 187, 88, 143, 170, 231, 221, 125, 31, 187, 221, 242, 229, 229, 17, 87, 214, 138, 230, 244, 184, 219, 22, 86, 93, 138, 30, 249, 33, 212, 202, 86, 172, 138, 192, 142, 154, 232, 160, 10, 254, 247, 221, 242, 229, 229, 17, 87, 214, 138, 30, 249, 33, 212, 202, 86, 172, 138, 49, 104, 113, 196, 206, 35, 231, 248, 247, 104, 147, 197, 132, 35, 35, 249, 233, 132, 180, 225, 47, 24, 91, 249, 83, 245, 121, 210, 248, 154, 136, 228, 7, 247, 252, 197, 45, 151, 21, 228, 112, 251, 178, 183, 107, 148, 32, 228, 7, 133, 60, 226, 199, 21, 162, 243, 53, 237, 192, 231, 212, 156, 59, 229, 83, 245, 121, 210, 248, 154, 136, 228, 7, 247, 252, 197, 45, 151, 21, 228, 233, 132, 180, 225, 47, 24, 91, 249, 142, 134, 207, 224, 250, 23, 86, 249, 53, 237, 192, 231, 212, 156, 59, 229, 100, 241, 93, 215, 96, 154, 46, 228, 83, 245, 121, 210, 248, 154, 136, 228, 173, 110, 3, 225, 55, 9, 61, 244, 242, 113, 144, 223, 250, 13, 73, 244, 248, 114, 118, 230, 178, 8, 58, 244, 155, 115, 58, 229, 116, 10, 49, 244, 168, 117, 56, 244, 191, 0, 116, 139, 45, 120, 32, 237, 8, 8, 23, 244, 240, 120, 128, 236, 82, 9, 23, 244, 59, 124, 141, 238, 196, 10, 42, 244, 194, 124, 53, 239, 183, 10, 42, 244, 168, 100, 225, 238, 228, 12, 202, 136, 211, 101, 255, 242, 163, 14, 56, 136, 184, 117, 247, 245, 32, 2, 50, 139, 68, 216, 230, 255, 125, 147, 99, 229, 249, 220, 56, 247, 142, 147, 145, 229, 87, 96, 153, 245, 207, 21, 47, 135, 135, 104, 245, 245, 30, 14, 246, 135, 110, 109, 229, 248, 138, 11, 73, 136, 145, 38, 121, 255, 165, 147, 210, 229, 68, 216, 230, 255, 125, 147, 99, 229, 74, 216, 222, 255, 126, 147, 100, 229, 249, 220, 56, 247, 142, 147, 145, 229, 138, 42, 94, 199, 101, 153, 203, 222, 24, 39, 41, 209, 92, 149, 203, 225, 192, 38, 2, 215, 114, 148, 163, 226, 15, 122, 206, 251, 38, 2, 181, 136, 188, 121, 218, 252, 51, 3, 160, 136, 114, 107, 53, 254, 243, 16, 186, 135, 224, 139, 117, 255, 210, 9, 101, 136, 5, 142, 105, 255, 169, 11, 87, 136, 139, 146, 130, 254, 229, 14, 14, 136, 157, 135, 14, 254, 186, 4, 146, 136, 225, 136, 233, 247, 114, 0, 65, 247, 133, 141, 143, 247, 121, 3, 187, 136, 82, 104, 68, 239, 27, 9, 90, 134, 47, 96, 36, 242, 194, 19, 63, 133, 204, 109, 182, 242, 111, 6, 133, 134, 172, 93, 151, 245, 223, 24, 15, 133, 145, 111, 253, 243, 191, 5, 158, 134, 133, 97, 107, 247, 90, 22, 5, 133, 59, 114, 98, 246, 27, 5, 175, 134, 133, 114, 189, 246, 29, 5, 175, 134, 241, 115, 243, 249, 79, 6, 145, 134, 116, 115, 138, 250, 59, 7, 96, 134, 231, 109, 192, 251, 102, 13, 236, 133, 69, 155, 105, 249, 33, 19, 247, 133, 228, 158, 98, 248, 179, 21, 242, 133, 42, 158, 65, 248, 239, 20, 218, 133, 154, 159, 73, 248, 94, 22, 209, 133, 154, 155, 121, 247, 190, 17, 214, 133, 172, 152, 87, 244, 216, 11, 218, 133, 83, 150, 225, 242, 2, 8, 204, 133, 107, 151, 193, 241, 239, 7, 209, 133, 72, 160, 204, 239, 15, 15, 208, 133, 253, 49, 102, 177, 141, 161, 60, 218, 24, 39, 41, 209, 92, 149, 203, 225, 192, 38, 2, 215, 114, 148, 163, 226, 241, 115, 243, 249, 79, 6, 145, 134, 116, 115, 138, 250, 59, 7, 96, 134, 223, 104, 71, 250, 55, 17, 65, 133, 177, 104, 81, 250, 115, 17, 24, 133, 191, 109, 63, 251, 61, 13, 129, 133, 180, 118, 84, 254, 43, 7, 230, 133, 232, 118, 108, 254, 12, 7, 250, 133, 70, 117, 143, 255, 131, 9, 60, 133, 115, 145, 169, 255, 172, 15, 110, 133, 187, 34, 24, 224, 140, 144, 83, 230, 220, 33, 93, 224, 40, 144, 235, 230, 7, 33, 27, 227, 163, 143, 187, 231, 106, 101, 208, 241, 44, 14, 93, 135, 87, 121, 235, 249, 101, 1, 182, 136, 45, 127, 52, 237, 184, 15, 250, 247, 56, 25, 235, 232, 73, 89, 91, 135, 111, 28, 43, 234, 194, 85, 141, 135, 204, 23, 83, 238, 99, 91, 53, 135, 120, 20, 47, 242, 59, 95, 3, 135, 30, 156, 177, 253, 219, 22, 172, 135, 117, 139, 9, 250, 47, 4, 114, 136, 191, 142, 29, 248, 65, 5, 104, 136, 11, 148, 194, 248, 74, 130, 152, 198, 168, 140, 9, 247, 198, 129, 228, 193, 84, 138, 245, 245, 83, 129, 25, 192, 137, 139, 226, 245, 108, 129, 179, 192, 207, 141, 130, 245, 137, 129, 183, 193, 81, 152, 255, 245, 121, 130, 130, 199, 42, 144, 170, 244, 170, 129, 137, 194, 228, 150, 59, 245, 79, 130, 101, 198, 163, 31, 133, 225, 135, 80, 47, 136, 111, 28, 43, 234, 194, 85, 141, 135, 6, 22, 155, 237, 175, 93, 205, 134, 182, 132, 34, 249, 149, 2, 110, 247, 191, 142, 29, 248, 65, 5, 104, 136, 217, 143, 117, 246, 125, 4, 179, 136, 147, 140, 14, 244, 49, 1, 77, 247, 163, 31, 133, 225, 135, 80, 47, 136, 111, 28, 43, 234, 194, 85, 141, 135, 120, 20, 47, 242, 59, 95, 3, 135, 137, 139, 226, 245, 108, 129, 179, 192, 207, 141, 130, 245, 137, 129, 183, 193, 11, 30, 18, 220, 135, 81, 73, 136, 163, 31, 133, 225, 135, 80, 47, 136, 167, 25, 181, 236, 56, 89, 78, 135, 6, 22, 155, 237, 175, 93, 205, 134, 207, 141, 130, 245, 137, 129, 183, 193, 42, 144, 170, 244, 170, 129, 137, 194, 43, 139, 190, 251, 158, 5, 133, 136, 225, 136, 233, 247, 114, 0, 65, 247, 133, 141, 143, 247, 121, 3, 187, 136, 82, 137, 15, 245, 215, 2, 121, 247, 212, 141, 85, 230, 134, 13, 136, 248, 82, 142, 38, 232, 93, 11, 100, 248, 220, 142, 84, 236, 224, 6, 230, 247, 94, 143, 156, 233, 36, 9, 32, 248, 101, 144, 110, 234, 137, 7, 250, 247, 250, 144, 200, 233, 186, 7, 255, 247, 58, 145, 161, 233, 173, 7, 1, 248, 87, 26, 100, 243, 242, 85, 174, 137, 198, 142, 96, 229, 198, 13, 129, 248, 1, 143, 55, 229, 195, 13, 129, 248, 59, 243, 78, 228, 89, 88, 42, 138, 17, 244, 69, 224, 254, 87, 3, 138, 244, 142, 235, 232, 17, 126, 152, 187, 49, 143, 31, 232, 247, 125, 73, 187, 74, 143, 13, 232, 234, 125, 77, 187, 88, 143, 170, 231, 221, 125, 31, 187, 222, 142, 253, 226, 45, 125, 92, 184, 120, 143, 165, 231, 239, 125, 43, 187, 97, 143, 64, 230, 162, 125, 97, 186, 68, 143, 43, 229, 100, 125, 191, 185, 227, 143, 120, 231, 248, 125, 74, 187, 92, 144, 160, 231, 17, 126, 158, 187, 236, 145, 116, 232, 125, 126, 228, 188, 111, 150, 200, 237, 114, 128, 105, 194, 139, 148, 166, 236, 110, 128, 169, 192, 127, 149, 84, 235, 162, 127, 135, 192, 68, 154, 18, 234, 124, 128, 142, 194, 109, 27, 28, 251, 54, 85, 171, 137, 49, 143, 31, 232, 247, 125, 73, 187, 227, 143, 120, 231, 248, 125, 74, 187, 188, 247, 170, 214, 200, 86, 127, 138, 11, 250, 151, 205, 108, 86, 23, 138, 1, 234, 130, 247, 50, 86, 72, 138, 215, 142, 180, 230, 107, 12, 75, 248, 188, 247, 170, 214, 200, 86, 127, 138, 11, 250, 151, 205, 108, 86, 23, 138, 247, 104, 147, 197, 132, 35, 35, 249, 233, 132, 180, 225, 47, 24, 91, 249, 148, 134, 90, 225, 112, 23, 79, 249, 142, 134, 207, 224, 250, 23, 86, 249, 55, 137, 228, 222, 24, 24, 89, 249, 202, 137, 131, 219, 23, 27, 172, 249, 208, 137, 108, 219, 46, 27, 185, 249, 107, 139, 218, 225, 177, 19, 22, 249, 227, 140, 221, 229, 173, 14, 126, 248, 96, 140, 194, 224, 29, 20, 55, 249, 237, 140, 15, 230, 116, 14, 116, 248, 191, 140, 16, 228, 140, 16, 170, 248, 29, 141, 189, 224, 157, 19, 39, 249, 25, 142, 178, 227, 241, 15, 181, 249, 49, 104, 113, 196, 206, 35, 231, 248, 22, 244, 212, 193, 231, 145, 161, 228, 112, 251, 178, 183, 107, 148, 32, 228, 136, 251, 13, 183, 50, 148, 37, 228, 44, 248, 249, 96, 60, 143, 2, 229, 140, 122, 97, 243, 198, 5, 178, 247, 178, 125, 115, 244, 234, 7, 220, 247, 206, 128, 143, 233, 116, 19, 241, 248, 224, 128, 101, 241, 67, 12, 81, 248, 17, 130, 64, 238, 85, 14, 157, 248, 68, 130, 216, 247, 130, 5, 171, 247, 43, 139, 190, 251, 158, 5, 133, 136, 212, 141, 85, 230, 134, 13, 136, 248, 135, 104, 245, 245, 30, 14, 246, 135, 110, 109, 229, 248, 138, 11, 73, 136, 129, 114, 25, 251, 110, 8, 103, 136, 226, 100, 194, 253, 171, 22, 94, 135, 114, 107, 53, 254, 243, 16, 186, 135, 68, 130, 216, 247, 130, 5, 171, 247, 43, 139, 190, 251, 158, 5, 133, 136, 133, 141, 143, 247, 121, 3, 187, 136, 48, 116, 20, 217, 130, 24, 1, 248, 140, 122, 97, 243, 198, 5, 178, 247, 129, 114, 25, 251, 110, 8, 103, 136, 68, 130, 216, 247, 130, 5, 171, 247, 191, 225, 237, 239, 179, 147, 25, 230, 88, 226, 98, 238, 167, 147, 12, 230, 121, 232, 148, 226, 215, 147, 54, 230, 206, 128, 143, 233, 116, 19, 241, 248, 224, 128, 101, 241, 67, 12, 81, 248, 203, 229, 28, 226, 153, 145, 198, 229, 217, 236, 228, 206, 36, 144, 83, 229, 182, 248, 191, 185, 100, 145, 190, 229, 78, 119, 141, 219, 118, 22, 8, 244, 65, 124, 208, 221, 207, 24, 24, 244, 142, 124, 4, 225, 62, 22, 209, 243, 150, 128, 63, 233, 35, 18, 209, 243, 12, 134, 206, 226, 216, 20, 182, 243, 159, 234, 190, 227, 109, 151, 194, 229, 22, 244, 212, 193, 231, 145, 161, 228, 44, 248, 249, 96, 60, 143, 2, 229, 150, 128, 63, 233, 35, 18, 209, 243, 159, 234, 190, 227, 109, 151, 194, 229, 171, 250, 140, 91, 185, 144, 113, 229, 9, 249, 140, 95, 100, 143, 194, 229, 12, 134, 206, 226, 216, 20, 182, 243, 136, 251, 13, 183, 50, 148, 37, 228, 44, 248, 249, 96, 60, 143, 2, 229, 46, 109, 21, 210, 221, 25, 251, 248, 119, 245, 62, 194, 224, 146, 22, 229, 187, 255, 80, 84, 107, 146, 31, 229, 171, 250, 140, 91, 185, 144, 113, 229, 9, 249, 140, 95, 100, 143, 194, 229, 46, 109, 21, 210, 221, 25, 251, 248, 206, 128, 143, 233, 116, 19, 241, 248, 17, 130, 64, 238, 85, 14, 157, 248, 224, 134, 166, 230, 41, 18, 232, 248, 217, 236, 228, 206, 36, 144, 83, 229, 119, 245, 62, 194, 224, 146, 22, 229, 153, 255, 236, 167, 75, 144, 81, 229, 178, 125, 115, 244, 234, 7, 220, 247, 224, 128, 101, 241, 67, 12, 81, 248, 97, 247, 29, 190, 29, 146, 181, 229, 212, 247, 68, 189, 40, 146, 181, 229, 182, 248, 191, 185, 100, 145, 190, 229, 168, 117, 56, 244, 191, 0, 116, 139, 45, 120, 32, 237, 8, 8, 23, 244, 17, 120, 35, 248, 137, 1, 64, 139, 191, 225, 237, 239, 179, 147, 25, 230, 143, 230, 51, 231, 249, 147, 75, 230, 121, 232, 148, 226, 215, 147, 54, 230, 244, 115, 109, 219, 138, 19, 14, 244, 78, 119, 141, 219, 118, 22, 8, 244, 150, 128, 63, 233, 35, 18, 209, 243, 154, 186, 220, 206, 222, 7, 161, 241, 187, 255, 80, 84, 107, 146, 31, 229, 171, 250, 140, 91, 185, 144, 113, 229, 142, 124, 4, 225, 62, 22, 209, 243, 181, 127, 204, 222, 191, 26, 1, 244, 7, 133, 60, 226, 199, 21, 162, 243, 12, 134, 206, 226, 216, 20, 182, 243, 7, 247, 252, 197, 45, 151, 21, 228, 112, 251, 178, 183, 107, 148, 32, 228, 136, 251, 13, 183, 50, 148, 37, 228, 1, 234, 130, 247, 50, 86, 72, 138, 11, 235, 252, 242, 174, 85, 51, 138, 244, 142, 235, 232, 17, 126, 152, 187, 227, 143, 120, 231, 248, 125, 74, 187, 188, 247, 170, 214, 200, 86, 127, 138, 40, 135, 229, 229, 178, 18, 253, 248, 1, 234, 130, 247, 50, 86, 72, 138, 107, 139, 218, 225, 177, 19, 22, 249, 227, 140, 221, 229, 173, 14, 126, 248, 11, 235, 252, 242, 174, 85, 51, 138, 22, 142, 147, 229, 22, 14, 141, 248, 192, 142, 154, 232, 160, 10, 254, 247, 215, 142, 180, 230, 107, 12, 75, 248, 154, 147, 18, 237, 131, 2, 220, 246, 30, 249, 33, 212, 202, 86, 172, 138, 154, 186, 220, 206, 222, 7, 161, 241, 119, 245, 62, 194, 224, 146, 22, 229, 187, 255, 80, 84, 107, 146, 31, 229, 153, 255, 236, 167, 75, 144, 81, 229, 242, 113, 144, 223, 250, 13, 73, 244, 244, 115, 109, 219, 138, 19, 14, 244, 59, 124, 141, 238, 196, 10, 42, 244, 203, 229, 28, 226, 153, 145, 198, 229, 154, 186, 220, 206, 222, 7, 161, 241, 217, 236, 228, 206, 36, 144, 83, 229, 153, 255, 236, 167, 75, 144, 81, 229, 59, 124, 141, 238, 196, 10, 42, 244, 194, 124, 53, 239, 183, 10, 42, 244, 203, 229, 28, 226, 153, 145, 198, 229, 97, 247, 29, 190, 29, 146, 181, 229, 182, 248, 191, 185, 100, 145, 190, 229, 48, 116, 20, 217, 130, 24, 1, 248, 88, 226, 98, 238, 167, 147, 12, 230, 219, 231, 231, 226, 169, 147, 13, 230, 118, 233, 25, 222, 72, 147, 221, 229, 45, 120, 32, 237, 8, 8, 23, 244, 240, 120, 128, 236, 82, 9, 23, 244, 191, 225, 237, 239, 179, 147, 25, 230, 88, 226, 98, 238, 167, 147, 12, 230, 219, 231, 231, 226, 169, 147, 13, 230, 240, 120, 128, 236, 82, 9, 23, 244, 194, 124, 53, 239, 183, 10, 42, 244, 219, 231, 231, 226, 169, 147, 13, 230, 118, 233, 25, 222, 72, 147, 221, 229, 97, 247, 29, 190, 29, 146, 181, 229, 212, 247, 68, 189, 40, 146, 181, 229, 48, 116, 20, 217, 130, 24, 1, 248, 140, 122, 97, 243, 198, 5, 178, 247, 178, 125, 115, 244, 234, 7, 220, 247, 118, 233, 25, 222, 72, 147, 221, 229, 212, 247, 68, 189, 40, 146, 181, 229, 39, 120, 109, 216, 246, 25, 27, 244, 43, 123, 59, 214, 95, 30, 46, 244, 65, 124, 208, 221, 207, 24, 24, 244, 142, 124, 4, 225, 62, 22, 209, 243, 181, 127, 204, 222, 191, 26, 1, 244, 108, 130, 79, 220, 12, 28, 17, 244, 231, 132, 148, 218, 120, 28, 24, 244, 209, 42, 81, 195, 39, 154, 81, 222, 207, 31, 73, 228, 27, 143, 160, 232, 59, 114, 98, 246, 27, 5, 175, 134, 133, 114, 189, 246, 29, 5, 175, 134, 209, 42, 81, 195, 39, 154, 81, 222, 138, 42, 94, 199, 101, 153, 203, 222, 220, 33, 93, 224, 40, 144, 235, 230, 207, 31, 73, 228, 27, 143, 160, 232, 15, 122, 206, 251, 38, 2, 181, 136, 45, 127, 52, 237, 184, 15, 250, 247, 220, 33, 93, 224, 40, 144, 235, 230, 7, 33, 27, 227, 163, 143, 187, 231, 207, 31, 73, 228, 27, 143, 160, 232, 145, 111, 253, 243, 191, 5, 158, 134, 133, 114, 189, 246, 29, 5, 175, 134, 86, 91, 152, 237, 86, 21, 241, 132, 145, 96, 175, 241, 6, 19, 1, 133, 15, 85, 101, 243, 101, 32, 17, 132, 64, 95, 242, 245, 161, 23, 169, 132, 254, 105, 25, 245, 31, 12, 159, 133, 70, 97, 75, 248, 75, 23, 181, 132, 209, 42, 81, 195, 39, 154, 81, 222, 138, 42, 94, 199, 101, 153, 203, 222, 24, 39, 41, 209, 92, 149, 203, 225, 59, 114, 98, 246, 27, 5, 175, 134, 241, 115, 243, 249, 79, 6, 145, 134, 64, 95, 242, 245, 161, 23, 169, 132, 70, 97, 75, 248, 75, 23, 181, 132, 33, 97, 80, 248, 110, 23, 201, 132, 160, 101, 83, 249, 179, 19, 7, 133, 77, 104, 40, 250, 181, 17, 23, 133, 223, 104, 71, 250, 55, 17, 65, 133, 177, 104, 81, 250, 115, 17, 24, 133, 137, 105, 178, 250, 238, 16, 6, 133, 218, 117, 19, 249, 236, 3, 116, 136, 87, 121, 235, 249, 101, 1, 182, 136, 15, 122, 206, 251, 38, 2, 181, 136, 188, 121, 218, 252, 51, 3, 160, 136, 45, 127, 52, 237, 184, 15, 250, 247, 157, 135, 14, 254, 186, 4, 146, 136, 182, 132, 34, 249, 149, 2, 110, 247, 225, 136, 233, 247, 114, 0, 65, 247, 82, 137, 15, 245, 215, 2, 121, 247, 147, 140, 14, 244, 49, 1, 77, 247, 206, 150, 231, 239, 46, 4, 150, 136, 110, 109, 229, 248, 138, 11, 73, 136, 129, 114, 25, 251, 110, 8, 103, 136, 145, 38, 121, 255, 165, 147, 210, 229, 143, 230, 51, 231, 249, 147, 75, 230, 121, 232, 148, 226, 215, 147, 54, 230, 184, 117, 247, 245, 32, 2, 50, 139, 17, 120, 35, 248, 137, 1, 64, 139, 145, 38, 121, 255, 165, 147, 210, 229, 249, 220, 56, 247, 142, 147, 145, 229, 143, 230, 51, 231, 249, 147, 75, 230, 122, 106, 66, 233, 59, 3, 208, 138, 168, 106, 104, 233, 30, 3, 185, 138, 168, 100, 225, 238, 228, 12, 202, 136, 248, 110, 96, 233, 175, 1, 81, 244, 248, 114, 118, 230, 178, 8, 58, 244, 168, 117, 56, 244, 191, 0, 116, 139, 184, 117, 247, 245, 32, 2, 50, 139, 17, 120, 35, 248, 137, 1, 64, 139, 87, 26, 100, 243, 242, 85, 174, 137, 109, 27, 28, 251, 54, 85, 171, 137, 22, 142, 147, 229, 22, 14, 141, 248, 215, 142, 180, 230, 107, 12, 75, 248, 1, 143, 55, 229, 195, 13, 129, 248, 11, 250, 151, 205, 108, 86, 23, 138, 87, 26, 100, 243, 242, 85, 174, 137, 109, 27, 28, 251, 54, 85, 171, 137, 49, 143, 31, 232, 247, 125, 73, 187, 92, 144, 160, 231, 17, 126, 158, 187, 17, 244, 69, 224, 254, 87, 3, 138, 49, 104, 113, 196, 206, 35, 231, 248, 247, 104, 147, 197, 132, 35, 35, 249, 46, 109, 21, 210, 221, 25, 251, 248, 224, 134, 166, 230, 41, 18, 232, 248, 40, 135, 229, 229, 178, 18, 253, 248, 107, 139, 218, 225, 177, 19, 22, 249, 159, 234, 190, 227, 109, 151, 194, 229, 22, 244, 212, 193, 231, 145, 161, 228, 9, 249, 140, 95, 100, 143, 194, 229, 11, 30, 18, 220, 135, 81, 73, 136, 6, 22, 155, 237, 175, 93, 205, 134, 217, 143, 117, 246, 125, 4, 179, 136, 11, 30, 18, 220, 135, 81, 73, 136, 189, 33, 208, 224, 178, 77, 162, 136, 167, 25, 181, 236, 56, 89, 78, 135, 82, 137, 15, 245, 215, 2, 121, 247, 217, 143, 117, 246, 125, 4, 179, 136, 241, 139, 148, 245, 34, 0, 43, 247, 185, 139, 209, 244, 40, 1, 72, 247, 147, 140, 14, 244, 49, 1, 77, 247, 220, 142, 84, 236, 224, 6, 230, 247, 178, 37, 222, 210, 195, 69, 95, 138, 23, 35, 26, 213, 167, 73, 89, 137, 189, 33, 208, 224, 178, 77, 162, 136, 185, 139, 209, 244, 40, 1, 72, 247, 6, 36, 205, 210, 240, 71, 204, 137, 219, 35, 231, 212, 151, 72, 160, 137, 87, 32, 143, 222, 59, 79, 48, 136, 241, 139, 148, 245, 34, 0, 43, 247, 220, 142, 84, 236, 224, 6, 230, 247, 101, 144, 110, 234, 137, 7, 250, 247, 6, 36, 205, 210, 240, 71, 204, 137, 23, 35, 26, 213, 167, 73, 89, 137, 241, 139, 148, 245, 34, 0, 43, 247, 185, 139, 209, 244, 40, 1, 72, 247, 178, 37, 222, 210, 195, 69, 95, 138, 189, 33, 208, 224, 178, 77, 162, 136, 167, 25, 181, 236, 56, 89, 78, 135, 168, 140, 9, 247, 198, 129, 228, 193, 10, 150, 84, 245, 241, 129, 4, 198, 42, 144, 170, 244, 170, 129, 137, 194, 255, 141, 233, 239, 72, 128, 207, 190, 149, 150, 161, 252, 252, 130, 152, 201, 11, 148, 194, 248, 74, 130, 152, 198, 168, 140, 9, 247, 198, 129, 228, 193, 10, 150, 84, 245, 241, 129, 4, 198, 106, 161, 8, 239, 46, 131, 0, 201, 49, 157, 103, 237, 235, 129, 241, 197, 247, 167, 240, 237, 139, 131, 27, 204, 149, 150, 161, 252, 252, 130, 152, 201, 247, 167, 240, 237, 139, 131, 27, 204, 169, 32, 151, 226, 144, 79, 34, 136, 47, 30, 113, 226, 168, 82, 190, 135, 248, 30, 235, 232, 181, 82, 189, 135, 81, 142, 216, 240, 60, 128, 131, 191, 63, 145, 181, 239, 94, 128, 133, 192, 12, 145, 134, 232, 154, 127, 85, 188, 63, 37, 136, 197, 30, 68, 137, 139, 129, 33, 220, 207, 183, 74, 99, 137, 163, 33, 253, 210, 37, 75, 69, 137, 184, 148, 239, 226, 172, 11, 135, 248, 64, 37, 191, 197, 38, 68, 135, 139, 40, 32, 246, 208, 198, 76, 198, 136, 179, 143, 81, 229, 178, 125, 4, 186, 225, 145, 9, 230, 46, 126, 132, 187, 237, 228, 6, 240, 28, 82, 76, 136, 179, 143, 81, 229, 178, 125, 4, 186, 237, 228, 6, 240, 28, 82, 76, 136, 127, 244, 69, 219, 139, 86, 235, 137, 69, 243, 213, 69, 32, 87, 220, 140, 38, 239, 73, 76, 1, 87, 5, 141, 63, 37, 136, 197, 30, 68, 137, 139, 64, 37, 191, 197, 38, 68, 135, 139, 129, 33, 220, 207, 183, 74, 99, 137, 11, 146, 155, 231, 130, 126, 120, 188, 225, 145, 9, 230, 46, 126, 132, 187, 10, 142, 199, 230, 238, 12, 120, 248, 120, 142, 232, 228, 118, 14, 178, 248, 127, 244, 69, 219, 139, 86, 235, 137, 69, 243, 213, 69, 32, 87, 220, 140, 106, 161, 8, 239, 46, 131, 0, 201, 247, 167, 240, 237, 139, 131, 27, 204, 81, 166, 18, 233, 29, 131, 206, 200, 0, 142, 228, 230, 217, 12, 107, 248, 10, 142, 199, 230, 238, 12, 120, 248, 192, 248, 126, 70, 140, 88, 221, 138, 69, 243, 213, 69, 32, 87, 220, 140, 38, 239, 73, 76, 1, 87, 5, 141, 120, 143, 165, 231, 239, 125, 43, 187, 179, 143, 81, 229, 178, 125, 4, 186, 236, 145, 116, 232, 125, 126, 228, 188, 11, 146, 155, 231, 130, 126, 120, 188, 225, 145, 9, 230, 46, 126, 132, 187, 26, 241, 179, 232, 11, 88, 15, 138, 192, 248, 126, 70, 140, 88, 221, 138, 38, 239, 73, 76, 1, 87, 5, 141, 0, 142, 228, 230, 217, 12, 107, 248, 103, 143, 181, 228, 248, 13, 137, 248, 26, 241, 179, 232, 11, 88, 15, 138, 125, 241, 33, 232, 39, 88, 24, 138, 192, 248, 126, 70, 140, 88, 221, 138, 198, 142, 96, 229, 198, 13, 129, 248, 103, 143, 181, 228, 248, 13, 137, 248, 125, 241, 33, 232, 39, 88, 24, 138, 59, 243, 78, 228, 89, 88, 42, 138, 120, 143, 165, 231, 239, 125, 43, 187, 92, 144, 160, 231, 17, 126, 158, 187, 26, 241, 179, 232, 11, 88, 15, 138, 125, 241, 33, 232, 39, 88, 24, 138, 59, 243, 78, 228, 89, 88, 42, 138, 17, 244, 69, 224, 254, 87, 3, 138, 63, 37, 136, 197, 30, 68, 137, 139, 64, 37, 191, 197, 38, 68, 135, 139, 40, 32, 246, 208, 198, 76, 198, 136, 94, 143, 156, 233, 36, 9, 32, 248, 250, 144, 200, 233, 186, 7, 255, 247, 184, 148, 239, 226, 172, 11, 135, 248, 87, 32, 143, 222, 59, 79, 48, 136, 169, 32, 151, 226, 144, 79, 34, 136, 248, 30, 235, 232, 181, 82, 189, 135, 101, 144, 110, 234, 137, 7, 250, 247, 58, 145, 161, 233, 173, 7, 1, 248, 178, 37, 222, 210, 195, 69, 95, 138, 6, 36, 205, 210, 240, 71, 204, 137, 219, 35, 231, 212, 151, 72, 160, 137, 23, 35, 26, 213, 167, 73, 89, 137, 255, 141, 233, 239, 72, 128, 207, 190, 81, 142, 216, 240, 60, 128, 131, 191, 12, 145, 134, 232, 154, 127, 85, 188, 219, 35, 231, 212, 151, 72, 160, 137, 87, 32, 143, 222, 59, 79, 48, 136, 169, 32, 151, 226, 144, 79, 34, 136, 12, 145, 134, 232, 154, 127, 85, 188, 40, 32, 246, 208, 198, 76, 198, 136, 82, 142, 38, 232, 93, 11, 100, 248, 120, 142, 232, 228, 118, 14, 178, 248, 94, 143, 156, 233, 36, 9, 32, 248, 237, 228, 6, 240, 28, 82, 76, 136, 127, 244, 69, 219, 139, 86, 235, 137, 163, 33, 253, 210, 37, 75, 69, 137, 47, 30, 113, 226, 168, 82, 190, 135, 248, 30, 235, 232, 181, 82, 189, 135, 250, 144, 200, 233, 186, 7, 255, 247, 58, 145, 161, 233, 173, 7, 1, 248, 184, 148, 239, 226, 172, 11, 135, 248, 17, 130, 64, 238, 85, 14, 157, 248, 224, 134, 166, 230, 41, 18, 232, 248, 40, 135, 229, 229, 178, 18, 253, 248, 212, 141, 85, 230, 134, 13, 136, 248, 0, 142, 228, 230, 217, 12, 107, 248, 10, 142, 199, 230, 238, 12, 120, 248, 82, 142, 38, 232, 93, 11, 100, 248, 22, 142, 147, 229, 22, 14, 141, 248, 120, 142, 232, 228, 118, 14, 178, 248, 198, 142, 96, 229, 198, 13, 129, 248, 1, 143, 55, 229, 195, 13, 129, 248, 103, 143, 181, 228, 248, 13, 137, 248, 10, 150, 84, 245, 241, 129, 4, 198, 255, 141, 233, 239, 72, 128, 207, 190, 81, 142, 216, 240, 60, 128, 131, 191, 63, 145, 181, 239, 94, 128, 133, 192, 111, 150, 200, 237, 114, 128, 105, 194, 139, 148, 166, 236, 110, 128, 169, 192, 49, 157, 103, 237, 235, 129, 241, 197, 129, 33, 220, 207, 183, 74, 99, 137, 163, 33, 253, 210, 37, 75, 69, 137, 47, 30, 113, 226, 168, 82, 190, 135, 63, 145, 181, 239, 94, 128, 133, 192, 236, 145, 116, 232, 125, 126, 228, 188, 11, 146, 155, 231, 130, 126, 120, 188, 139, 148, 166, 236, 110, 128, 169, 192, 56, 25, 235, 232, 73, 89, 91, 135, 120, 20, 47, 242, 59, 95, 3, 135, 84, 138, 245, 245, 83, 129, 25, 192, 137, 139, 226, 245, 108, 129, 179, 192, 56, 25, 235, 232, 73, 89, 91, 135, 204, 23, 83, 238, 98, 91, 53, 135, 57, 15, 88, 254, 34, 100, 45, 135, 135, 148, 147, 252, 148, 130, 147, 200, 84, 138, 245, 245, 83, 129, 25, 192, 81, 152, 255, 245, 121, 130, 130, 199, 149, 150, 161, 252, 252, 130, 152, 201, 11, 148, 194, 248, 74, 130, 152, 198, 228, 150, 59, 245, 79, 130, 101, 198, 248, 25, 16, 233, 83, 88, 130, 135, 183, 25, 69, 233, 166, 88, 123, 135, 93, 16, 243, 249, 41, 99, 36, 135, 57, 15, 88, 254, 34, 100, 45, 135, 207, 145, 23, 255, 148, 130, 84, 200, 135, 148, 147, 252, 148, 130, 147, 200, 11, 31, 1, 225, 248, 80, 104, 136, 248, 25, 16, 233, 83, 88, 130, 135, 183, 25, 69, 233, 166, 88, 123, 135, 188, 108, 155, 248, 4, 12, 220, 135, 143, 95, 212, 249, 121, 25, 112, 134, 149, 144, 165, 254, 94, 13, 193, 135, 188, 35, 67, 217, 132, 73, 197, 137, 24, 35, 126, 219, 196, 74, 130, 137, 88, 31, 217, 224, 143, 80, 120, 136, 11, 31, 1, 225, 248, 80, 104, 136, 145, 95, 212, 249, 123, 25, 103, 134, 143, 95, 212, 249, 121, 25, 112, 134, 218, 117, 19, 249, 236, 3, 116, 136, 71, 113, 119, 251, 211, 9, 6, 136, 182, 132, 34, 249, 149, 2, 110, 247, 117, 139, 9, 250, 47, 4, 114, 136, 191, 142, 29, 248, 65, 5, 104, 136, 188, 35, 67, 217, 132, 73, 197, 137, 212, 93, 56, 247, 122, 25, 103, 134, 145, 95, 212, 249, 123, 25, 103, 134, 226, 90, 165, 230, 167, 16, 128, 135, 46, 91, 55, 234, 7, 19, 35, 135, 168, 87, 5, 238, 134, 25, 52, 134, 239, 92, 226, 237, 228, 19, 4, 135, 67, 87, 58, 239, 202, 26, 18, 134, 244, 93, 189, 238, 118, 19, 18, 135, 146, 83, 62, 240, 105, 31, 147, 133, 48, 87, 220, 241, 167, 28, 10, 134, 8, 83, 203, 242, 184, 33, 59, 133, 212, 93, 56, 247, 122, 25, 103, 134, 188, 108, 155, 248, 4, 12, 220, 135, 145, 95, 212, 249, 123, 25, 103, 134, 143, 95, 212, 249, 121, 25, 112, 134, 48, 87, 220, 241, 167, 28, 10, 134, 212, 93, 56, 247, 122, 25, 103, 134, 203, 207, 243, 236, 163, 150, 100, 219, 164, 43, 20, 200, 131, 153, 27, 222, 14, 43, 49, 201, 222, 152, 137, 222, 187, 34, 24, 224, 140, 144, 83, 230, 106, 101, 208, 241, 44, 14, 93, 135, 33, 96, 235, 231, 112, 11, 222, 133, 138, 99, 208, 233, 123, 9, 73, 134, 27, 90, 12, 238, 7, 23, 127, 132, 82, 104, 68, 239, 27, 9, 90, 134, 47, 96, 36, 242, 194, 19, 63, 133, 38, 105, 233, 240, 143, 9, 215, 133, 64, 95, 242, 245, 161, 23, 169, 132, 254, 105, 25, 245, 31, 12, 159, 133, 223, 104, 71, 250, 55, 17, 65, 133, 115, 145, 169, 255, 172, 15, 110, 133, 105, 138, 187, 254, 68, 8, 241, 133, 179, 154, 22, 252, 253, 20, 219, 133, 83, 150, 225, 242, 2, 8, 204, 133, 222, 141, 101, 238, 37, 5, 147, 250, 107, 151, 193, 241, 239, 7, 209, 133, 154, 147, 59, 239, 50, 1, 225, 133, 142, 148, 166, 233, 9, 4, 135, 250, 164, 43, 20, 200, 131, 153, 27, 222, 14, 43, 49, 201, 222, 152, 137, 222, 34, 29, 213, 234, 178, 141, 235, 234, 67, 109, 135, 242, 212, 6, 151, 134, 154, 83, 244, 239, 51, 31, 133, 133, 146, 83, 62, 240, 105, 31, 147, 133, 19, 83, 20, 241, 137, 32, 89, 133, 48, 87, 220, 241, 167, 28, 10, 134, 241, 213, 101, 243, 146, 153, 38, 223, 203, 207, 243, 236, 163, 150, 100, 219, 26, 208, 0, 233, 213, 149, 122, 218, 225, 89, 63, 249, 64, 224, 45, 130, 106, 94, 185, 250, 158, 227, 24, 130, 241, 213, 101, 243, 146, 153, 38, 223, 66, 215, 207, 235, 142, 152, 224, 221, 26, 208, 0, 233, 213, 149, 122, 218, 247, 85, 171, 243, 178, 224, 39, 130, 225, 89, 63, 249, 64, 224, 45, 130, 227, 89, 66, 249, 64, 224, 45, 130, 106, 94, 185, 250, 158, 227, 24, 130, 34, 29, 213, 234, 178, 141, 235, 234, 138, 99, 208, 233, 123, 9, 73, 134, 27, 27, 241, 236, 82, 141, 59, 236, 84, 98, 137, 234, 90, 11, 252, 133, 205, 86, 97, 237, 36, 26, 220, 131, 82, 104, 68, 239, 27, 9, 90, 134, 67, 109, 135, 242, 212, 6, 151, 134, 204, 109, 182, 242, 111, 6, 133, 134, 176, 23, 120, 244, 229, 140, 123, 238, 27, 27, 241, 236, 82, 141, 59, 236, 239, 92, 226, 237, 228, 19, 4, 135, 244, 93, 189, 238, 118, 19, 18, 135, 174, 22, 125, 243, 198, 140, 251, 238, 176, 23, 120, 244, 229, 140, 123, 238, 245, 131, 58, 157, 47, 80, 242, 243, 19, 83, 20, 241, 137, 32, 89, 133, 241, 213, 101, 243, 146, 153, 38, 223, 66, 215, 207, 235, 142, 152, 224, 221, 110, 211, 227, 225, 39, 148, 69, 218, 225, 89, 63, 249, 64, 224, 45, 130, 227, 89, 66, 249, 64, 224, 45, 130, 66, 215, 207, 235, 142, 152, 224, 221, 110, 211, 227, 225, 39, 148, 69, 218, 174, 211, 0, 223, 53, 147, 174, 217, 247, 85, 171, 243, 178, 224, 39, 130, 149, 89, 198, 244, 124, 227, 248, 129, 227, 89, 66, 249, 64, 224, 45, 130, 174, 211, 0, 223, 53, 147, 174, 217, 172, 208, 67, 222, 6, 145, 149, 216, 14, 210, 226, 216, 117, 143, 200, 215, 217, 88, 157, 237, 194, 232, 105, 129, 26, 86, 10, 243, 87, 225, 30, 130, 149, 89, 198, 244, 124, 227, 248, 129, 172, 208, 67, 222, 6, 145, 149, 216, 15, 201, 10, 217, 113, 135, 116, 213, 143, 206, 111, 193, 31, 124, 6, 209, 191, 95, 28, 235, 147, 242, 67, 128, 217, 88, 157, 237, 194, 232, 105, 129, 151, 206, 154, 236, 51, 145, 168, 220, 17, 207, 197, 233, 190, 144, 34, 220, 15, 201, 10, 217, 113, 135, 116, 213, 4, 87, 199, 226, 236, 17, 149, 135, 168, 87, 5, 238, 134, 25, 52, 134, 8, 83, 203, 242, 184, 33, 59, 133, 151, 206, 154, 236, 51, 145, 168, 220, 154, 207, 250, 234, 54, 145, 164, 220, 17, 207, 197, 233, 190, 144, 34, 220, 46, 91, 55, 234, 7, 19, 35, 135, 239, 92, 226, 237, 228, 19, 4, 135, 68, 23, 82, 242, 209, 140, 161, 238, 246, 22, 29, 243, 203, 140, 210, 238, 245, 131, 58, 157, 47, 80, 242, 243, 28, 254, 90, 236, 146, 142, 102, 246, 211, 248, 146, 26, 253, 147, 203, 247, 67, 87, 58, 239, 202, 26, 18, 134, 8, 83, 203, 242, 184, 33, 59, 133, 151, 206, 154, 236, 51, 145, 168, 220, 15, 201, 10, 217, 113, 135, 116, 213, 143, 206, 111, 193, 31, 124, 6, 209, 92, 95, 86, 228, 34, 9, 37, 134, 210, 88, 131, 231, 15, 19, 179, 132, 211, 86, 23, 232, 198, 21, 65, 132, 189, 87, 235, 231, 155, 20, 114, 132, 12, 92, 169, 231, 164, 15, 74, 133, 33, 96, 235, 231, 112, 11, 222, 133, 138, 99, 208, 233, 123, 9, 73, 134, 84, 98, 137, 234, 90, 11, 252, 133, 154, 83, 244, 239, 51, 31, 133, 133, 19, 83, 20, 241, 137, 32, 89, 133, 110, 211, 227, 225, 39, 148, 69, 218, 174, 211, 0, 223, 53, 147, 174, 217, 14, 210, 226, 216, 117, 143, 200, 215, 68, 23, 82, 242, 209, 140, 161, 238, 174, 22, 125, 243, 198, 140, 251, 238, 245, 131, 58, 157, 47, 80, 242, 243, 67, 87, 58, 239, 202, 26, 18, 134, 154, 83, 244, 239, 51, 31, 133, 133, 146, 83, 62, 240, 105, 31, 147, 133, 172, 208, 67, 222, 6, 145, 149, 216, 14, 210, 226, 216, 117, 143, 200, 215, 143, 206, 111, 193, 31, 124, 6, 209, 13, 106, 237, 254, 74, 19, 162, 133, 254, 151, 52, 245, 238, 11, 19, 134, 55, 162, 136, 238, 121, 15, 88, 134, 188, 43, 76, 216, 232, 147, 191, 223, 140, 80, 191, 233, 70, 30, 22, 132, 53, 102, 109, 247, 160, 17, 185, 133, 13, 106, 237, 254, 74, 19, 162, 133, 96, 52, 109, 205, 242, 155, 79, 217, 228, 49, 237, 208, 121, 153, 16, 219, 183, 42, 192, 215, 52, 147, 81, 224, 47, 100, 42, 240, 13, 14, 134, 133, 72, 103, 20, 245, 204, 14, 216, 133, 141, 103, 16, 245, 136, 14, 116, 133, 232, 52, 44, 205, 92, 156, 255, 216, 109, 52, 60, 206, 209, 155, 94, 217, 127, 46, 126, 214, 35, 150, 200, 221, 176, 43, 55, 217, 221, 147, 231, 223, 32, 99, 127, 234, 98, 10, 190, 133, 63, 104, 173, 240, 73, 10, 194, 133, 80, 110, 73, 244, 44, 7, 10, 134, 110, 111, 175, 249, 104, 10, 212, 133, 253, 125, 47, 247, 21, 6, 15, 250, 176, 138, 218, 253, 173, 7, 254, 133, 74, 137, 157, 243, 244, 3, 254, 249, 162, 105, 201, 239, 27, 8, 226, 133, 138, 113, 171, 238, 45, 1, 64, 249, 80, 110, 73, 244, 44, 7, 10, 134, 253, 125, 47, 247, 21, 6, 15, 250, 56, 127, 27, 249, 117, 5, 159, 249, 176, 138, 218, 253, 173, 7, 254, 133, 74, 137, 157, 243, 244, 3, 254, 249, 218, 147, 182, 245, 101, 8, 247, 133, 103, 140, 173, 240, 52, 4, 9, 250, 218, 145, 127, 240, 206, 0, 233, 133, 29, 100, 184, 236, 63, 11, 174, 133, 47, 100, 42, 240, 13, 14, 134, 133, 162, 105, 201, 239, 27, 8, 226, 133, 80, 110, 73, 244, 44, 7, 10, 134, 141, 103, 16, 245, 136, 14, 116, 133, 110, 111, 175, 249, 104, 10, 212, 133, 72, 103, 20, 245, 204, 14, 216, 133, 141, 103, 16, 245, 136, 14, 116, 133, 53, 102, 109, 247, 160, 17, 185, 133, 110, 111, 175, 249, 104, 10, 212, 133, 13, 106, 237, 254, 74, 19, 162, 133, 176, 138, 218, 253, 173, 7, 254, 133, 218, 147, 182, 245, 101, 8, 247, 133, 254, 151, 52, 245, 238, 11, 19, 134, 114, 48, 125, 225, 76, 147, 91, 222, 191, 95, 28, 235, 147, 242, 67, 128, 146, 52, 206, 253, 153, 146, 255, 223, 154, 207, 250, 234, 54, 145, 164, 220, 17, 207, 197, 233, 190, 144, 34, 220, 4, 87, 199, 226, 236, 17, 149, 135, 178, 87, 139, 229, 69, 19, 78, 135, 146, 52, 206, 253, 153, 146, 255, 223, 154, 207, 250, 234, 54, 145, 164, 220, 211, 86, 23, 232, 198, 21, 65, 132, 12, 92, 169, 231, 164, 15, 74, 133, 93, 239, 42, 254, 139, 140, 5, 242, 87, 242, 40, 250, 202, 140, 218, 242, 73, 237, 117, 38, 192, 161, 77, 246, 31, 232, 7, 42, 150, 168, 48, 245, 219, 82, 137, 238, 166, 225, 22, 130, 26, 86, 10, 243, 87, 225, 30, 130, 247, 85, 171, 243, 178, 224, 39, 130, 149, 89, 198, 244, 124, 227, 248, 129, 114, 48, 125, 225, 76, 147, 91, 222, 191, 95, 28, 235, 147, 242, 67, 128, 255, 80, 243, 237, 55, 224, 65, 130, 217, 88, 157, 237, 194, 232, 105, 129, 219, 82, 137, 238, 166, 225, 22, 130, 32, 89, 248, 239, 241, 230, 134, 129, 28, 96, 2, 241, 99, 237, 243, 128, 26, 86, 10, 243, 87, 225, 30, 130, 231, 195, 21, 254, 64, 148, 10, 220, 214, 33, 130, 229, 92, 142, 191, 231, 98, 91, 79, 230, 242, 15, 223, 135, 93, 239, 42, 254, 139, 140, 5, 242, 87, 242, 40, 250, 202, 140, 218, 242, 114, 48, 125, 225, 76, 147, 91, 222, 178, 87, 139, 229, 69, 19, 78, 135, 91, 88, 238, 229, 219, 18, 98, 135, 142, 44, 206, 235, 27, 147, 186, 225, 146, 52, 206, 253, 153, 146, 255, 223, 231, 195, 21, 254, 64, 148, 10, 220, 214, 33, 130, 229, 92, 142, 191, 231, 41, 91, 129, 229, 197, 14, 111, 133, 211, 86, 23, 232, 198, 21, 65, 132, 189, 87, 235, 231, 155, 20, 114, 132, 102, 27, 222, 244, 179, 140, 187, 236, 93, 239, 42, 254, 139, 140, 5, 242, 145, 96, 175, 241, 6, 19, 1, 133, 235, 111, 240, 239, 237, 1, 161, 134, 38, 105, 233, 240, 143, 9, 215, 133, 254, 105, 25, 245, 31, 12, 159, 133, 138, 121, 128, 248, 63, 0, 41, 249, 105, 98, 58, 231, 83, 8, 22, 134, 188, 98, 9, 232, 190, 8, 51, 134, 251, 97, 248, 232, 74, 10, 198, 133, 32, 99, 127, 234, 98, 10, 190, 133, 29, 100, 184, 236, 63, 11, 174, 133, 162, 105, 201, 239, 27, 8, 226, 133, 63, 104, 173, 240, 73, 10, 194, 133, 235, 111, 240, 239, 237, 1, 161, 134, 138, 113, 171, 238, 45, 1, 64, 249, 138, 121, 128, 248, 63, 0, 41, 249, 134, 39, 222, 223, 66, 144, 142, 227, 214, 36, 77, 230, 137, 142, 31, 230, 92, 95, 86, 228, 34, 9, 37, 134, 210, 88, 131, 231, 15, 19, 179, 132, 188, 98, 9, 232, 190, 8, 51, 134, 251, 97, 248, 232, 74, 10, 198, 133, 98, 226, 113, 44, 52, 176, 126, 243, 135, 40, 224, 204, 235, 146, 18, 224, 212, 52, 15, 205, 90, 156, 9, 217, 196, 49, 73, 209, 84, 153, 46, 219, 253, 47, 21, 211, 183, 151, 110, 220, 228, 86, 238, 236, 141, 25, 80, 134, 204, 87, 25, 237, 181, 24, 113, 134, 234, 27, 244, 255, 116, 137, 86, 238, 135, 40, 224, 204, 235, 146, 18, 224, 132, 29, 205, 208, 207, 140, 74, 232, 87, 30, 144, 211, 10, 141, 18, 232, 255, 80, 243, 237, 55, 224, 65, 130, 219, 82, 137, 238, 166, 225, 22, 130, 234, 27, 244, 255, 116, 137, 86, 238, 135, 40, 224, 204, 235, 146, 18, 224, 253, 47, 21, 211, 183, 151, 110, 220, 188, 43, 76, 216, 232, 147, 191, 223, 196, 49, 73, 209, 84, 153, 46, 219, 253, 47, 21, 211, 183, 151, 110, 220, 188, 43, 76, 216, 232, 147, 191, 223, 140, 80, 191, 233, 70, 30, 22, 132, 212, 52, 15, 205, 90, 156, 9, 217, 96, 52, 109, 205, 242, 155, 79, 217, 228, 49, 237, 208, 121, 153, 16, 219, 50, 90, 25, 234, 0, 20, 55, 135, 207, 87, 191, 234, 0, 23, 182, 134, 204, 87, 25, 237, 181, 24, 113, 134, 98, 94, 28, 236, 33, 17, 175, 135, 134, 39, 222, 223, 66, 144, 142, 227, 214, 36, 77, 230, 137, 142, 31, 230, 193, 90, 38, 230, 128, 16, 216, 135, 135, 90, 85, 230, 223, 16, 198, 135, 166, 91, 181, 231, 185, 16, 205, 135, 22, 94, 42, 232, 141, 14, 50, 136, 167, 238, 143, 252, 76, 140, 159, 241, 103, 140, 173, 240, 52, 4, 9, 250, 222, 141, 101, 238, 37, 5, 147, 250, 218, 145, 127, 240, 206, 0, 233, 133, 142, 148, 166, 233, 9, 4, 135, 250, 219, 150, 196, 234, 132, 0, 67, 250, 38, 105, 233, 240, 143, 9, 215, 133, 138, 113, 171, 238, 45, 1, 64, 249, 138, 121, 128, 248, 63, 0, 41, 249, 56, 127, 27, 249, 117, 5, 159, 249, 122, 120, 227, 255, 187, 6, 1, 134, 105, 138, 187, 254, 68, 8, 241, 133, 134, 39, 222, 223, 66, 144, 142, 227, 105, 98, 58, 231, 83, 8, 22, 134, 223, 30, 19, 236, 184, 140, 87, 234, 251, 97, 248, 232, 74, 10, 198, 133, 167, 238, 143, 252, 76, 140, 159, 241, 232, 52, 44, 205, 92, 156, 255, 216, 109, 52, 60, 206, 209, 155, 94, 217, 90, 40, 55, 219, 47, 145, 91, 226, 73, 91, 28, 232, 102, 17, 173, 135, 169, 89, 243, 232, 185, 19, 67, 135, 50, 90, 25, 234, 0, 20, 55, 135, 98, 94, 28, 236, 33, 17, 175, 135, 176, 43, 55, 217, 221, 147, 231, 223, 105, 98, 58, 231, 83, 8, 22, 134, 223, 30, 19, 236, 184, 140, 87, 234, 32, 99, 127, 234, 98, 10, 190, 133, 127, 46, 126, 214, 35, 150, 200, 221, 176, 43, 55, 217, 221, 147, 231, 223, 22, 94, 42, 232, 141, 14, 50, 136, 223, 30, 19, 236, 184, 140, 87, 234, 167, 238, 143, 252, 76, 140, 159, 241, 109, 52, 60, 206, 209, 155, 94, 217, 127, 46, 126, 214, 35, 150, 200, 221, 166, 91, 181, 231, 185, 16, 205, 135, 73, 91, 28, 232, 102, 17, 173, 135, 79, 91, 93, 232, 143, 17, 166, 135, 22, 94, 42, 232, 141, 14, 50, 136, 232, 52, 44, 205, 92, 156, 255, 216, 183, 42, 192, 215, 52, 147, 81, 224, 90, 40, 55, 219, 47, 145, 91, 226, 29, 100, 184, 236, 63, 11, 174, 133, 47, 100, 42, 240, 13, 14, 134, 133, 63, 104, 173, 240, 73, 10, 194, 133, 228, 49, 237, 208, 121, 153, 16, 219, 183, 42, 192, 215, 52, 147, 81, 224, 90, 40, 55, 219, 47, 145, 91, 226, 98, 94, 28, 236, 33, 17, 175, 135, 212, 52, 15, 205, 90, 156, 9, 217, 96, 52, 109, 205, 242, 155, 79, 217, 196, 49, 73, 209, 84, 153, 46, 219, 140, 80, 191, 233, 70, 30, 22, 132, 72, 103, 20, 245, 204, 14, 216, 133, 53, 102, 109, 247, 160, 17, 185, 133, 132, 29, 205, 208, 207, 140, 74, 232, 228, 86, 238, 236, 141, 25, 80, 134, 234, 27, 244, 255, 116, 137, 86, 238, 125, 30, 173, 210, 72, 141, 216, 231, 87, 30, 144, 211, 10, 141, 18, 232, 207, 31, 230, 213, 207, 141, 84, 231, 255, 80, 243, 237, 55, 224, 65, 130, 32, 89, 248, 239, 241, 230, 134, 129, 132, 29, 205, 208, 207, 140, 74, 232, 125, 30, 173, 210, 72, 141, 216, 231, 87, 30, 144, 211, 10, 141, 18, 232, 207, 87, 191, 234, 0, 23, 182, 134, 228, 86, 238, 236, 141, 25, 80, 134, 204, 87, 25, 237, 181, 24, 113, 134, 71, 32, 42, 206, 81, 143, 243, 229, 207, 31, 230, 213, 207, 141, 84, 231, 83, 91, 24, 239, 12, 234, 65, 129, 32, 89, 248, 239, 241, 230, 134, 129, 28, 96, 2, 241, 99, 237, 243, 128, 2, 33, 76, 205, 20, 144, 84, 229, 71, 32, 42, 206, 81, 143, 243, 229, 125, 30, 173, 210, 72, 141, 216, 231, 207, 31, 230, 213, 207, 141, 84, 231, 169, 89, 243, 232, 185, 19, 67, 135, 50, 90, 25, 234, 0, 20, 55, 135, 207, 87, 191, 234, 0, 23, 182, 134, 41, 91, 129, 229, 197, 14, 111, 133, 102, 27, 222, 244, 179, 140, 187, 236, 32, 220, 40, 49, 249, 183, 154, 241, 92, 95, 86, 228, 34, 9, 37, 134, 33, 96, 235, 231, 112, 11, 222, 133, 188, 98, 9, 232, 190, 8, 51, 134, 86, 91, 152, 237, 86, 21, 241, 132, 27, 90, 12, 238, 7, 23, 127, 132, 145, 96, 175, 241, 6, 19, 1, 133, 235, 111, 240, 239, 237, 1, 161, 134, 41, 91, 129, 229, 197, 14, 111, 133, 210, 88, 131, 231, 15, 19, 179, 132, 189, 87, 235, 231, 155, 20, 114, 132, 98, 226, 113, 44, 52, 176, 126, 243, 168, 222, 164, 47, 227, 180, 104, 242, 32, 220, 40, 49, 249, 183, 154, 241, 2, 33, 76, 205, 20, 144, 84, 229, 28, 34, 157, 210, 39, 144, 68, 229, 73, 91, 28, 232, 102, 17, 173, 135, 79, 91, 93, 232, 143, 17, 166, 135, 169, 89, 243, 232, 185, 19, 67, 135, 2, 33, 76, 205, 20, 144, 84, 229, 71, 32, 42, 206, 81, 143, 243, 229, 28, 34, 157, 210, 39, 144, 68, 229, 237, 43, 143, 232, 29, 147, 181, 225, 83, 91, 24, 239, 12, 234, 65, 129, 214, 36, 77, 230, 137, 142, 31, 230, 193, 90, 38, 230, 128, 16, 216, 135, 98, 226, 113, 44, 52, 176, 126, 243, 168, 222, 164, 47, 227, 180, 104, 242, 28, 34, 157, 210, 39, 144, 68, 229, 237, 43, 143, 232, 29, 147, 181, 225, 91, 88, 238, 229, 219, 18, 98, 135, 135, 90, 85, 230, 223, 16, 198, 135, 166, 91, 181, 231, 185, 16, 205, 135, 142, 44, 206, 235, 27, 147, 186, 225, 79, 91, 93, 232, 143, 17, 166, 135, 214, 33, 130, 229, 92, 142, 191, 231, 4, 87, 199, 226, 236, 17, 149, 135, 178, 87, 139, 229, 69, 19, 78, 135, 91, 88, 238, 229, 219, 18, 98, 135, 193, 90, 38, 230, 128, 16, 216, 135, 135, 90, 85, 230, 223, 16, 198, 135, 98, 91, 79, 230, 242, 15, 223, 135, 241, 91, 55, 230, 75, 15, 255, 135, 226, 90, 165, 230, 167, 16, 128, 135, 168, 87, 5, 238, 134, 25, 52, 134, 102, 27, 222, 244, 179, 140, 187, 236, 168, 222, 164, 47, 227, 180, 104, 242, 32, 220, 40, 49, 249, 183, 154, 241, 237, 43, 143, 232, 29, 147, 181, 225, 142, 44, 206, 235, 27, 147, 186, 225, 83, 91, 24, 239, 12, 234, 65, 129, 28, 96, 2, 241, 99, 237, 243, 128, 231, 195, 21, 254, 64, 148, 10, 220, 98, 91, 79, 230, 242, 15, 223, 135, 241, 91, 55, 230, 75, 15, 255, 135, 87, 242, 40, 250, 202, 140, 218, 242, 31, 232, 7, 42, 150, 168, 48, 245, 241, 91, 55, 230, 75, 15, 255, 135, 226, 90, 165, 230, 167, 16, 128, 135, 46, 91, 55, 234, 7, 19, 35, 135, 28, 254, 90, 236, 146, 142, 102, 246, 73, 237, 117, 38, 192, 161, 77, 246, 31, 232, 7, 42, 150, 168, 48, 245, 12, 92, 169, 231, 164, 15, 74, 133, 84, 98, 137, 234, 90, 11, 252, 133, 120, 88, 178, 236, 191, 23, 50, 132, 205, 86, 97, 237, 36, 26, 220, 131, 28, 254, 90, 236, 146, 142, 102, 246, 211, 248, 146, 26, 253, 147, 203, 247, 73, 237, 117, 38, 192, 161, 77, 246, 253, 125, 47, 247, 21, 6, 15, 250, 56, 127, 27, 249, 117, 5, 159, 249, 122, 120, 227, 255, 187, 6, 1, 134, 74, 137, 157, 243, 244, 3, 254, 249, 103, 140, 173, 240, 52, 4, 9, 250, 83, 150, 225, 242, 2, 8, 204, 133, 222, 141, 101, 238, 37, 5, 147, 250, 72, 160, 204, 239, 15, 15, 208, 133, 27, 27, 241, 236, 82, 141, 59, 236, 120, 88, 178, 236, 191, 23, 50, 132, 205, 86, 97, 237, 36, 26, 220, 131, 68, 23, 82, 242, 209, 140, 161, 238, 246, 22, 29, 243, 203, 140, 210, 238, 174, 22, 125, 243, 198, 140, 251, 238, 120, 88, 178, 236, 191, 23, 50, 132, 246, 22, 29, 243, 203, 140, 210, 238, 211, 248, 146, 26, 253, 147, 203, 247, 14, 43, 49, 201, 222, 152, 137, 222, 34, 29, 213, 234, 178, 141, 235, 234, 244, 93, 189, 238, 118, 19, 18, 135, 106, 101, 208, 241, 44, 14, 93, 135, 176, 23, 120, 244, 229, 140, 123, 238, 188, 108, 155, 248, 4, 12, 220, 135, 218, 117, 19, 249, 236, 3, 116, 136, 87, 121, 235, 249, 101, 1, 182, 136, 71, 113, 119, 251, 211, 9, 6, 136, 149, 144, 165, 254, 94, 13, 193, 135, 106, 94, 185, 250, 158, 227, 24, 130, 203, 207, 243, 236, 163, 150, 100, 219, 26, 208, 0, 233, 213, 149, 122, 218, 164, 43, 20, 200, 131, 153, 27, 222, 187, 34, 24, 224, 140, 144, 83, 230, 7, 33, 27, 227, 163, 143, 187, 231, 67, 109, 135, 242, 212, 6, 151, 134, 204, 109, 182, 242, 111, 6, 133, 134, 145, 111, 253, 243, 191, 5, 158, 134, 188, 35, 67, 217, 132, 73, 197, 137, 24, 35, 126, 219, 196, 74, 130, 137, 66, 77, 22, 243, 134, 128, 249, 212, 220, 148, 115, 253, 147, 130, 32, 201, 24, 35, 126, 219, 196, 74, 130, 137, 88, 31, 217, 224, 143, 80, 120, 136, 66, 77, 22, 243, 134, 128, 249, 212, 248, 25, 16, 233, 83, 88, 130, 135, 93, 16, 243, 249, 41, 99, 36, 135, 71, 113, 119, 251, 211, 9, 6, 136, 149, 144, 165, 254, 94, 13, 193, 135, 30, 156, 177, 253, 219, 22, 172, 135, 117, 139, 9, 250, 47, 4, 114, 136, 204, 23, 83, 238, 98, 91, 53, 135, 93, 16, 243, 249, 41, 99, 36, 135, 57, 15, 88, 254, 34, 100, 45, 135, 30, 156, 177, 253, 219, 22, 172, 135, 88, 31, 217, 224, 143, 80, 120, 136, 11, 31, 1, 225, 248, 80, 104, 136, 183, 25, 69, 233, 166, 88, 123, 135, 66, 77, 22, 243, 134, 128, 249, 212, 207, 145, 23, 255, 148, 130, 84, 200, 220, 148, 115, 253, 147, 130, 32, 201, 207, 145, 23, 255, 148, 130, 84, 200, 220, 148, 115, 253, 147, 130, 32, 201, 135, 148, 147, 252, 148, 130, 147, 200, 81, 152, 255, 245, 121, 130, 130, 199, 228, 150, 59, 245, 79, 130, 101, 198, 253, 87, 29, 225, 99, 15, 128, 135, 81, 89, 44, 228, 101, 16, 113, 135, 120, 88, 169, 229, 93, 18, 199, 134, 132, 86, 27, 233, 41, 23, 91, 134, 220, 94, 137, 231, 36, 13, 237, 135, 124, 100, 84, 233, 222, 8, 206, 136, 122, 106, 66, 233, 59, 3, 208, 138, 168, 100, 225, 238, 228, 12, 202, 136, 211, 101, 255, 242, 163, 14, 56, 136, 42, 99, 110, 176, 225, 47, 26, 168, 13, 101, 172, 177, 177, 50, 205, 168, 124, 100, 84, 233, 222, 8, 206, 136, 185, 111, 81, 182, 31, 45, 94, 174, 122, 106, 66, 233, 59, 3, 208, 138, 168, 106, 104, 233, 30, 3, 185, 138, 76, 83, 113, 165, 15, 54, 229, 157, 42, 99, 110, 176, 225, 47, 26, 168, 192, 99, 178, 176, 211, 55, 125, 167, 220, 94, 137, 231, 36, 13, 237, 135, 124, 100, 84, 233, 222, 8, 206, 136, 76, 83, 113, 165, 15, 54, 229, 157, 54, 99, 124, 173, 51, 48, 67, 167, 192, 99, 178, 176, 211, 55, 125, 167, 152, 91, 23, 219, 121, 221, 218, 212, 244, 92, 119, 223, 172, 224, 252, 210, 139, 100, 35, 215, 83, 226, 227, 210, 76, 83, 113, 165, 15, 54, 229, 157, 54, 99, 124, 173, 51, 48, 67, 167, 12, 101, 209, 174, 34, 48, 110, 168, 181, 97, 50, 220, 109, 0, 93, 138, 81, 89, 44, 228, 101, 16, 113, 135, 220, 94, 137, 231, 36, 13, 237, 135, 166, 90, 95, 207, 95, 216, 203, 214, 12, 86, 108, 219, 227, 219, 18, 213, 135, 90, 104, 219, 250, 220, 153, 212, 152, 91, 23, 219, 121, 221, 218, 212, 244, 92, 119, 223, 172, 224, 252, 210, 41, 103, 128, 179, 30, 199, 81, 186, 238, 104, 145, 180, 101, 203, 41, 187, 3, 112, 83, 183, 19, 198, 87, 182, 122, 91, 158, 177, 214, 56, 202, 164, 204, 103, 128, 177, 92, 56, 231, 168, 158, 105, 47, 178, 59, 51, 107, 170, 49, 82, 4, 238, 106, 31, 85, 133, 85, 88, 230, 238, 110, 25, 59, 134, 26, 48, 175, 163, 71, 41, 207, 141, 250, 67, 204, 160, 43, 27, 78, 151, 249, 103, 138, 249, 214, 253, 79, 205, 154, 176, 120, 176, 252, 55, 58, 242, 227, 194, 26, 184, 105, 52, 74, 235, 123, 20, 139, 153, 192, 91, 180, 136, 26, 48, 175, 163, 71, 41, 207, 141, 246, 14, 216, 207, 172, 101, 147, 133, 249, 103, 138, 249, 214, 253, 79, 205, 177, 200, 198, 255, 195, 39, 220, 156, 24, 106, 175, 140, 14, 7, 102, 207, 211, 111, 113, 144, 202, 7, 246, 179, 33, 97, 80, 248, 110, 23, 201, 132, 109, 99, 28, 249, 189, 21, 207, 132, 160, 101, 83, 249, 179, 19, 7, 133, 84, 102, 251, 249, 130, 19, 250, 132, 11, 96, 147, 251, 215, 26, 123, 132, 239, 213, 235, 144, 93, 240, 23, 114, 87, 217, 162, 143, 17, 92, 97, 251, 211, 111, 113, 144, 202, 7, 246, 179, 202, 101, 113, 249, 64, 109, 84, 200, 239, 213, 235, 144, 93, 240, 23, 114, 56, 16, 142, 145, 22, 18, 84, 127, 170, 24, 106, 137, 18, 89, 9, 134, 24, 106, 175, 140, 14, 7, 102, 207, 211, 111, 113, 144, 202, 7, 246, 179, 202, 101, 113, 249, 64, 109, 84, 200, 233, 105, 38, 251, 18, 109, 66, 199, 56, 16, 142, 145, 22, 18, 84, 127, 233, 5, 16, 200, 90, 109, 155, 140, 233, 105, 38, 251, 18, 109, 66, 199, 241, 228, 186, 241, 39, 9, 203, 177, 56, 16, 142, 145, 22, 18, 84, 127, 170, 24, 106, 137, 18, 89, 9, 134, 233, 5, 16, 200, 90, 109, 155, 140, 77, 104, 40, 250, 181, 17, 23, 133, 137, 105, 178, 250, 238, 16, 6, 133, 28, 41, 124, 201, 222, 151, 201, 223, 24, 41, 88, 221, 54, 149, 209, 225, 238, 38, 86, 237, 155, 147, 145, 228, 6, 83, 3, 246, 64, 36, 0, 132, 20, 83, 68, 246, 78, 36, 33, 132, 90, 90, 162, 247, 187, 29, 143, 132, 62, 97, 243, 252, 130, 26, 190, 132, 28, 41, 124, 201, 222, 151, 201, 223, 247, 39, 73, 207, 44, 150, 12, 225, 238, 38, 86, 237, 155, 147, 145, 228, 129, 92, 140, 252, 192, 29, 235, 134, 97, 97, 121, 252, 15, 25, 100, 135, 178, 38, 227, 231, 79, 147, 86, 228, 199, 38, 43, 233, 71, 147, 103, 228, 125, 82, 248, 237, 37, 31, 226, 132, 222, 37, 4, 242, 226, 146, 151, 229, 104, 84, 111, 244, 159, 33, 131, 132, 9, 83, 98, 246, 102, 36, 47, 132, 162, 92, 31, 247, 207, 26, 150, 133, 1, 40, 213, 213, 80, 149, 182, 225, 24, 41, 88, 221, 54, 149, 209, 225, 199, 38, 43, 233, 71, 147, 103, 228, 20, 83, 68, 246, 78, 36, 33, 132, 9, 83, 98, 246, 102, 36, 47, 132, 1, 40, 213, 213, 80, 149, 182, 225, 178, 38, 227, 231, 79, 147, 86, 228, 199, 38, 43, 233, 71, 147, 103, 228, 225, 94, 110, 249, 155, 25, 59, 135, 149, 94, 85, 252, 162, 27, 35, 135, 1, 40, 213, 213, 80, 149, 182, 225, 24, 41, 88, 221, 54, 149, 209, 225, 238, 38, 86, 237, 155, 147, 145, 228, 149, 94, 85, 252, 162, 27, 35, 135, 129, 92, 140, 252, 192, 29, 235, 134, 28, 41, 124, 201, 222, 151, 201, 223, 247, 39, 73, 207, 44, 150, 12, 225, 45, 40, 46, 214, 129, 149, 163, 225, 62, 97, 243, 252, 130, 26, 190, 132, 46, 41, 216, 207, 247, 150, 90, 224, 45, 40, 46, 214, 129, 149, 163, 225, 172, 93, 151, 245, 223, 24, 15, 133, 90, 90, 162, 247, 187, 29, 143, 132, 133, 97, 107, 247, 90, 22, 5, 133, 62, 97, 243, 252, 130, 26, 190, 132, 234, 41, 50, 205, 224, 151, 165, 223, 125, 41, 43, 207, 74, 151, 24, 224, 235, 105, 11, 255, 205, 18, 208, 135, 5, 142, 105, 255, 169, 11, 87, 136, 139, 146, 130, 254, 229, 14, 14, 136, 43, 42, 252, 202, 94, 152, 73, 223, 234, 41, 50, 205, 224, 151, 165, 223, 125, 41, 43, 207, 74, 151, 24, 224, 46, 41, 216, 207, 247, 150, 90, 224, 172, 93, 151, 245, 223, 24, 15, 133, 231, 109, 192, 251, 102, 13, 236, 133, 170, 24, 106, 137, 18, 89, 9, 134, 24, 106, 175, 140, 14, 7, 102, 207, 160, 101, 83, 249, 179, 19, 7, 133, 77, 104, 40, 250, 181, 17, 23, 133, 233, 5, 16, 200, 90, 109, 155, 140, 45, 105, 53, 248, 96, 15, 55, 133, 246, 103, 254, 249, 234, 17, 18, 133, 177, 104, 81, 250, 115, 17, 24, 133, 72, 101, 126, 250, 24, 21, 41, 132, 10, 105, 121, 250, 30, 17, 164, 133, 137, 105, 178, 250, 238, 16, 6, 133, 191, 109, 63, 251, 61, 13, 129, 133, 102, 111, 80, 252, 118, 12, 155, 133, 241, 228, 186, 241, 39, 9, 203, 177, 76, 247, 124, 201, 91, 53, 200, 233, 202, 101, 113, 249, 64, 109, 84, 200, 233, 105, 38, 251, 18, 109, 66, 199, 241, 228, 186, 241, 39, 9, 203, 177, 76, 247, 124, 201, 91, 53, 200, 233, 239, 213, 235, 144, 93, 240, 23, 114, 87, 217, 162, 143, 17, 92, 97, 251, 123, 20, 139, 153, 192, 91, 180, 136, 26, 48, 175, 163, 71, 41, 207, 141, 250, 67, 204, 160, 43, 27, 78, 151, 109, 99, 28, 249, 189, 21, 207, 132, 11, 96, 147, 251, 215, 26, 123, 132, 250, 67, 204, 160, 43, 27, 78, 151, 15, 85, 101, 243, 101, 32, 17, 132, 0, 92, 189, 247, 43, 28, 140, 132, 70, 97, 75, 248, 75, 23, 181, 132, 33, 97, 80, 248, 110, 23, 201, 132, 178, 94, 174, 248, 39, 26, 140, 132, 74, 87, 93, 249, 51, 34, 214, 131, 11, 96, 147, 251, 215, 26, 123, 132, 227, 194, 26, 184, 105, 52, 74, 235, 45, 105, 53, 248, 96, 15, 55, 133, 84, 102, 251, 249, 130, 19, 250, 132, 76, 247, 124, 201, 91, 53, 200, 233, 87, 217, 162, 143, 17, 92, 97, 251, 42, 92, 136, 244, 39, 25, 69, 135, 225, 94, 110, 249, 155, 25, 59, 135, 149, 94, 85, 252, 162, 27, 35, 135, 129, 92, 140, 252, 192, 29, 235, 134, 97, 97, 121, 252, 15, 25, 100, 135, 226, 100, 194, 253, 171, 22, 94, 135, 114, 107, 53, 254, 243, 16, 186, 135, 235, 105, 11, 255, 205, 18, 208, 135, 139, 146, 130, 254, 229, 14, 14, 136, 54, 103, 160, 175, 129, 48, 100, 169, 112, 85, 191, 229, 191, 21, 78, 134, 10, 183, 91, 155, 179, 70, 233, 193, 102, 87, 130, 225, 19, 225, 159, 210, 15, 87, 213, 227, 234, 226, 163, 209, 97, 110, 224, 179, 141, 45, 88, 173, 12, 111, 33, 180, 146, 47, 61, 173, 155, 111, 109, 180, 234, 44, 252, 173, 123, 38, 252, 220, 50, 148, 100, 227, 167, 36, 27, 234, 206, 146, 172, 229, 82, 98, 205, 244, 116, 19, 104, 134, 196, 38, 239, 248, 208, 146, 163, 229, 122, 91, 158, 177, 214, 56, 202, 164, 112, 85, 191, 229, 191, 21, 78, 134, 120, 88, 169, 229, 93, 18, 199, 134, 132, 86, 27, 233, 41, 23, 91, 134, 125, 82, 248, 237, 37, 31, 226, 132, 49, 82, 4, 238, 106, 31, 85, 133, 56, 89, 101, 243, 191, 27, 122, 133, 162, 92, 31, 247, 207, 26, 150, 133, 10, 183, 91, 155, 179, 70, 233, 193, 222, 37, 4, 242, 226, 146, 151, 229, 56, 89, 101, 243, 191, 27, 122, 133, 82, 98, 205, 244, 116, 19, 104, 134, 162, 92, 31, 247, 207, 26, 150, 133, 196, 38, 239, 248, 208, 146, 163, 229, 225, 218, 225, 253, 232, 146, 76, 230, 125, 41, 43, 207, 74, 151, 24, 224, 247, 39, 73, 207, 44, 150, 12, 225, 46, 41, 216, 207, 247, 150, 90, 224, 45, 40, 46, 214, 129, 149, 163, 225, 97, 97, 121, 252, 15, 25, 100, 135, 235, 105, 11, 255, 205, 18, 208, 135, 178, 38, 227, 231, 79, 147, 86, 228, 222, 37, 4, 242, 226, 146, 151, 229, 42, 92, 136, 244, 39, 25, 69, 135, 225, 94, 110, 249, 155, 25, 59, 135, 225, 218, 225, 253, 232, 146, 76, 230, 172, 152, 87, 244, 216, 11, 218, 133, 30, 154, 254, 242, 240, 11, 218, 133, 107, 151, 193, 241, 239, 7, 209, 133, 154, 147, 59, 239, 50, 1, 225, 133, 136, 155, 80, 240, 133, 10, 24, 134, 172, 158, 190, 236, 6, 10, 15, 134, 46, 232, 127, 214, 47, 72, 137, 136, 133, 197, 46, 151, 244, 217, 89, 147, 39, 215, 91, 174, 34, 207, 61, 138, 226, 155, 144, 247, 91, 123, 50, 202, 16, 154, 79, 247, 23, 123, 36, 201, 97, 192, 149, 146, 107, 215, 111, 149, 121, 198, 215, 151, 114, 213, 175, 146, 218, 203, 3, 157, 63, 211, 72, 144, 125, 209, 39, 159, 171, 208, 1, 142, 47, 160, 202, 249, 25, 124, 85, 205, 47, 198, 177, 152, 181, 213, 202, 146, 189, 198, 250, 152, 126, 213, 139, 146, 31, 216, 50, 177, 218, 202, 57, 138, 80, 159, 177, 248, 224, 123, 113, 204, 255, 160, 221, 247, 1, 124, 255, 204, 209, 187, 72, 147, 235, 160, 213, 143, 176, 193, 24, 149, 200, 160, 182, 143, 96, 158, 143, 252, 31, 124, 121, 205, 238, 157, 159, 251, 10, 124, 227, 204, 198, 161, 140, 250, 69, 124, 113, 206, 93, 189, 49, 138, 144, 167, 77, 141, 190, 194, 223, 154, 68, 165, 99, 146, 131, 210, 108, 177, 202, 176, 216, 150, 196, 161, 139, 250, 69, 124, 112, 206, 212, 158, 70, 250, 248, 123, 210, 204, 147, 159, 238, 249, 4, 124, 17, 205, 255, 160, 221, 247, 1, 124, 255, 204, 184, 178, 168, 154, 202, 172, 33, 150, 176, 193, 24, 149, 200, 160, 182, 143, 214, 202, 57, 171, 176, 174, 136, 151, 167, 201, 250, 156, 105, 170, 244, 145, 7, 159, 118, 249, 34, 235, 177, 190, 80, 161, 104, 249, 114, 235, 212, 190, 137, 161, 62, 249, 67, 235, 191, 190, 209, 187, 72, 147, 235, 160, 213, 143, 176, 193, 24, 149, 200, 160, 182, 143, 104, 197, 21, 144, 36, 155, 102, 140, 214, 202, 57, 171, 176, 174, 136, 151, 180, 157, 183, 248, 177, 123, 158, 203, 80, 159, 177, 248, 224, 123, 113, 204, 209, 187, 72, 147, 235, 160, 213, 143, 104, 197, 21, 144, 36, 155, 102, 140, 104, 208, 222, 147, 40, 155, 190, 140, 115, 157, 20, 250, 171, 235, 240, 190, 105, 158, 222, 249, 143, 235, 227, 190, 7, 159, 118, 249, 34, 235, 177, 190, 210, 183, 115, 159, 53, 163, 52, 152, 104, 197, 21, 144, 36, 155, 102, 140, 110, 203, 206, 148, 157, 156, 226, 141, 104, 208, 222, 147, 40, 155, 190, 140, 80, 161, 104, 249, 114, 235, 212, 190, 218, 161, 86, 249, 112, 235, 212, 190, 184, 178, 168, 154, 202, 172, 33, 150, 214, 202, 57, 171, 176, 174, 136, 151, 206, 162, 163, 249, 4, 236, 21, 191, 218, 161, 86, 249, 112, 235, 212, 190, 184, 178, 168, 154, 202, 172, 33, 150, 10, 190, 169, 138, 198, 166, 48, 141, 167, 201, 250, 156, 105, 170, 244, 145, 198, 161, 140, 250, 69, 124, 113, 206, 196, 161, 139, 250, 69, 124, 112, 206, 93, 189, 49, 138, 144, 167, 77, 141, 10, 190, 169, 138, 198, 166, 48, 141, 167, 201, 250, 156, 105, 170, 244, 145, 206, 162, 163, 249, 4, 236, 21, 191, 85, 160, 93, 249, 56, 235, 187, 190, 55, 162, 48, 249, 77, 235, 196, 190, 234, 161, 158, 246, 238, 231, 60, 189, 93, 189, 49, 138, 144, 167, 77, 141, 10, 190, 169, 138, 198, 166, 48, 141, 190, 194, 223, 154, 68, 165, 99, 146, 234, 161, 158, 246, 238, 231, 60, 189, 112, 208, 249, 186, 1, 174, 4, 161, 190, 194, 223, 154, 68, 165, 99, 146, 131, 210, 108, 177, 202, 176, 216, 150, 103, 107, 35, 249, 217, 13, 216, 133, 70, 117, 143, 255, 131, 9, 60, 133, 115, 145, 169, 255, 172, 15, 110, 133, 35, 136, 237, 254, 101, 6, 185, 133, 179, 154, 22, 252, 253, 20, 219, 133, 50, 156, 187, 245, 194, 16, 183, 133, 252, 216, 148, 174, 126, 202, 79, 138, 175, 204, 144, 158, 61, 210, 238, 143, 212, 216, 108, 170, 142, 203, 250, 138, 122, 28, 64, 181, 214, 142, 187, 228, 126, 31, 84, 190, 58, 142, 162, 227, 104, 25, 172, 195, 137, 154, 130, 235, 38, 22, 2, 195, 19, 157, 86, 238, 69, 14, 83, 198, 142, 106, 172, 225, 126, 126, 106, 255, 229, 0, 240, 133, 48, 128, 130, 255, 72, 0, 243, 249, 104, 25, 172, 195, 137, 154, 130, 235, 38, 22, 2, 195, 19, 157, 86, 238, 125, 22, 165, 196, 9, 163, 101, 238, 9, 26, 158, 198, 162, 158, 45, 235, 237, 9, 39, 187, 45, 141, 112, 247, 124, 17, 53, 190, 46, 197, 87, 237, 104, 25, 172, 195, 137, 154, 130, 235, 103, 30, 24, 199, 209, 134, 103, 229, 9, 26, 158, 198, 162, 158, 45, 235, 69, 14, 83, 198, 142, 106, 172, 225, 194, 29, 242, 220, 234, 213, 253, 221, 218, 129, 190, 255, 236, 206, 58, 192, 5, 241, 192, 3, 58, 211, 19, 216, 38, 22, 2, 195, 19, 157, 86, 238, 125, 22, 165, 196, 9, 163, 101, 238, 147, 15, 140, 196, 165, 176, 9, 239, 48, 128, 130, 255, 72, 0, 243, 249, 19, 130, 250, 250, 232, 2, 248, 249, 190, 134, 108, 253, 179, 235, 44, 191, 187, 134, 108, 253, 178, 235, 44, 191, 6, 197, 22, 231, 129, 215, 193, 178, 227, 197, 204, 228, 29, 214, 6, 174, 85, 198, 121, 224, 142, 207, 88, 175, 107, 10, 176, 171, 83, 204, 232, 242, 198, 33, 125, 207, 186, 210, 207, 227, 34, 37, 86, 209, 118, 216, 102, 226, 84, 35, 168, 210, 159, 215, 236, 225, 190, 134, 108, 253, 179, 235, 44, 191, 187, 134, 108, 253, 178, 235, 44, 191, 132, 136, 83, 253, 213, 235, 64, 191, 183, 138, 138, 252, 93, 235, 253, 190, 104, 139, 38, 252, 20, 235, 213, 190, 131, 20, 163, 185, 14, 202, 14, 238, 219, 21, 162, 188, 228, 204, 175, 236, 198, 33, 125, 207, 186, 210, 207, 227, 183, 138, 138, 252, 93, 235, 253, 190, 131, 141, 90, 251, 144, 234, 142, 190, 110, 9, 115, 207, 158, 152, 40, 131, 137, 143, 87, 247, 213, 122, 185, 195, 0, 146, 237, 246, 24, 123, 206, 196, 216, 151, 160, 241, 72, 123, 112, 197, 237, 221, 201, 225, 126, 173, 80, 129, 127, 222, 194, 222, 26, 174, 113, 129, 110, 9, 115, 207, 158, 152, 40, 131, 225, 9, 146, 208, 177, 152, 17, 131, 207, 143, 248, 245, 51, 5, 2, 132, 237, 221, 201, 225, 126, 173, 80, 129, 131, 20, 163, 185, 14, 202, 14, 238, 219, 21, 162, 188, 228, 204, 175, 236, 30, 51, 126, 240, 67, 238, 21, 206, 36, 195, 164, 250, 244, 218, 87, 199, 234, 145, 210, 246, 18, 123, 183, 196, 219, 21, 162, 188, 228, 204, 175, 236, 30, 51, 126, 240, 67, 238, 21, 206, 131, 141, 90, 251, 144, 234, 142, 190, 83, 145, 88, 250, 6, 234, 68, 190, 212, 149, 219, 249, 29, 234, 75, 190, 90, 150, 242, 247, 29, 232, 71, 189, 90, 129, 219, 255, 87, 122, 148, 192, 170, 133, 12, 254, 121, 122, 216, 193, 116, 134, 3, 254, 133, 122, 55, 194, 227, 197, 204, 228, 29, 214, 6, 174, 85, 198, 121, 224, 142, 207, 88, 175, 3, 205, 126, 200, 109, 187, 14, 161, 192, 129, 25, 255, 82, 122, 110, 192, 63, 130, 19, 255, 88, 122, 168, 192, 149, 218, 5, 220, 125, 180, 29, 129, 60, 219, 74, 215, 66, 182, 152, 129, 57, 219, 8, 215, 109, 182, 165, 129, 133, 135, 164, 252, 174, 3, 251, 132, 235, 218, 110, 220, 186, 179, 233, 128, 60, 219, 74, 215, 66, 182, 152, 129, 57, 219, 8, 215, 109, 182, 165, 129, 232, 126, 225, 255, 229, 0, 46, 134, 9, 128, 251, 255, 5, 0, 11, 133, 90, 129, 225, 255, 29, 1, 233, 133, 249, 128, 108, 255, 84, 0, 255, 132, 133, 135, 164, 252, 174, 3, 251, 132, 115, 137, 216, 249, 143, 2, 216, 133, 235, 218, 110, 220, 186, 179, 233, 128, 119, 217, 205, 187, 86, 198, 185, 135, 116, 134, 3, 254, 133, 122, 55, 194, 13, 134, 179, 253, 122, 122, 224, 193, 228, 137, 64, 253, 176, 122, 142, 195, 236, 138, 184, 252, 186, 122, 212, 195, 3, 205, 126, 200, 109, 187, 14, 161, 130, 204, 20, 191, 80, 177, 78, 163, 200, 203, 200, 124, 7, 152, 96, 131, 190, 134, 108, 253, 179, 235, 44, 191, 132, 136, 83, 253, 213, 235, 64, 191, 85, 198, 121, 224, 142, 207, 88, 175, 3, 205, 126, 200, 109, 187, 14, 161, 130, 204, 20, 191, 80, 177, 78, 163, 3, 38, 246, 197, 76, 207, 161, 231, 241, 50, 10, 230, 207, 184, 11, 217, 17, 153, 184, 242, 254, 226, 169, 186, 35, 201, 232, 238, 228, 225, 5, 186, 1, 203, 140, 226, 165, 199, 81, 194, 199, 153, 245, 237, 13, 123, 188, 196, 187, 155, 185, 236, 69, 123, 54, 197, 179, 156, 197, 235, 78, 123, 73, 197, 40, 157, 78, 233, 212, 122, 84, 196, 31, 157, 11, 233, 191, 122, 45, 196, 206, 220, 171, 233, 123, 171, 240, 128, 214, 220, 4, 233, 184, 171, 249, 128, 31, 223, 193, 221, 162, 173, 86, 129, 73, 16, 228, 214, 170, 156, 209, 129, 40, 157, 78, 233, 212, 122, 84, 196, 142, 157, 42, 232, 163, 122, 251, 195, 31, 223, 193, 221, 162, 173, 86, 129, 34, 148, 3, 238, 63, 1, 112, 131, 137, 149, 73, 234, 228, 0, 75, 254, 40, 153, 207, 232, 210, 0, 77, 131, 206, 220, 171, 233, 123, 171, 240, 128, 214, 220, 4, 233, 184, 171, 249, 128, 105, 222, 214, 225, 190, 172, 40, 129, 73, 147, 68, 244, 229, 122, 64, 196, 216, 151, 160, 241, 72, 123, 112, 197, 187, 152, 140, 239, 33, 123, 237, 196, 199, 153, 245, 237, 13, 123, 188, 196, 206, 220, 171, 233, 123, 171, 240, 128, 105, 222, 214, 225, 190, 172, 40, 129, 127, 222, 194, 222, 26, 174, 113, 129, 36, 195, 164, 250, 244, 218, 87, 199, 0, 146, 237, 246, 24, 123, 206, 196, 234, 145, 210, 246, 18, 123, 183, 196, 73, 147, 68, 244, 229, 122, 64, 196, 216, 151, 160, 241, 72, 123, 112, 197, 35, 201, 232, 238, 228, 225, 5, 186, 1, 203, 140, 226, 165, 199, 81, 194, 207, 143, 248, 245, 51, 5, 2, 132, 136, 140, 164, 245, 130, 1, 8, 132, 79, 141, 170, 243, 73, 0, 116, 131, 34, 148, 3, 238, 63, 1, 112, 131, 105, 222, 214, 225, 190, 172, 40, 129, 237, 221, 201, 225, 126, 173, 80, 129, 127, 222, 194, 222, 26, 174, 113, 129, 241, 50, 10, 230, 207, 184, 11, 217, 73, 147, 68, 244, 229, 122, 64, 196, 187, 152, 140, 239, 33, 123, 237, 196, 1, 203, 140, 226, 165, 199, 81, 194, 212, 34, 60, 180, 227, 114, 163, 201, 71, 38, 18, 178, 149, 117, 189, 197, 136, 57, 249, 160, 228, 138, 173, 173, 203, 120, 230, 241, 249, 5, 74, 250, 94, 121, 229, 245, 181, 2, 65, 250, 57, 124, 214, 248, 212, 2, 68, 250, 10, 23, 40, 204, 231, 94, 212, 213, 165, 16, 130, 231, 84, 80, 16, 220, 14, 133, 229, 240, 61, 143, 20, 187, 114, 136, 121, 238, 71, 143, 46, 187, 217, 25, 16, 199, 6, 121, 180, 227, 10, 23, 40, 204, 231, 94, 212, 213, 36, 233, 5, 252, 67, 96, 196, 231, 234, 132, 14, 241, 66, 143, 26, 187, 14, 133, 229, 240, 61, 143, 20, 187, 93, 130, 228, 244, 132, 143, 240, 187, 192, 240, 88, 252, 167, 99, 33, 236, 36, 233, 5, 252, 67, 96, 196, 231, 234, 132, 14, 241, 66, 143, 26, 187, 155, 249, 128, 219, 199, 103, 203, 244, 255, 126, 153, 243, 54, 143, 255, 186, 93, 130, 228, 244, 132, 143, 240, 187, 192, 240, 88, 252, 167, 99, 33, 236, 194, 135, 41, 235, 208, 142, 93, 185, 183, 250, 37, 55, 242, 101, 4, 251, 163, 250, 155, 55, 3, 95, 14, 249, 25, 108, 27, 225, 62, 9, 103, 249, 223, 110, 96, 225, 221, 11, 70, 249, 192, 240, 88, 252, 167, 99, 33, 236, 155, 249, 128, 219, 199, 103, 203, 244, 183, 250, 37, 55, 242, 101, 4, 251, 9, 122, 96, 244, 194, 143, 199, 189, 255, 126, 153, 243, 54, 143, 255, 186, 5, 244, 51, 248, 212, 104, 241, 239, 126, 244, 147, 245, 27, 102, 52, 239, 163, 250, 155, 55, 3, 95, 14, 249, 74, 47, 38, 157, 82, 154, 185, 204, 164, 28, 108, 224, 62, 41, 74, 192, 194, 24, 76, 232, 231, 152, 34, 234, 204, 107, 115, 251, 9, 155, 229, 198, 93, 130, 228, 244, 132, 143, 240, 187, 234, 132, 14, 241, 66, 143, 26, 187, 14, 133, 229, 240, 61, 143, 20, 187, 194, 135, 41, 235, 208, 142, 93, 185, 114, 136, 121, 238, 71, 143, 46, 187, 39, 139, 134, 240, 239, 143, 43, 189, 47, 33, 123, 171, 230, 251, 2, 134, 255, 29, 179, 174, 123, 254, 251, 244, 245, 64, 108, 154, 192, 33, 130, 242, 230, 70, 183, 213, 212, 22, 23, 129, 237, 73, 159, 216, 243, 21, 77, 129, 18, 76, 36, 217, 236, 19, 253, 129, 47, 33, 123, 171, 230, 251, 2, 134, 245, 64, 108, 154, 192, 33, 130, 242, 206, 83, 6, 151, 43, 43, 44, 236, 206, 68, 116, 213, 243, 27, 248, 132, 105, 87, 84, 151, 218, 39, 116, 233, 214, 71, 95, 215, 249, 25, 151, 133, 245, 64, 108, 154, 192, 33, 130, 242, 206, 83, 6, 151, 43, 43, 44, 236, 170, 67, 224, 211, 3, 25, 103, 128, 230, 70, 183, 213, 212, 22, 23, 129, 201, 123, 26, 254, 78, 2, 81, 134, 149, 124, 118, 254, 222, 1, 16, 134, 126, 126, 106, 255, 229, 0, 240, 133, 235, 126, 167, 255, 179, 0, 252, 133, 142, 126, 196, 255, 34, 1, 92, 133, 232, 126, 225, 255, 229, 0, 46, 134, 255, 127, 255, 255, 0, 0, 19, 250, 9, 128, 251, 255, 5, 0, 11, 133, 6, 128, 251, 255, 2, 0, 171, 133, 6, 128, 212, 255, 33, 0, 9, 250, 48, 128, 130, 255, 72, 0, 243, 249, 19, 130, 250, 250, 232, 2, 248, 249, 140, 8, 154, 77, 252, 152, 15, 136, 241, 3, 127, 70, 63, 152, 225, 134, 225, 9, 146, 208, 177, 152, 17, 131, 215, 139, 99, 246, 158, 1, 1, 132, 207, 143, 248, 245, 51, 5, 2, 132, 136, 140, 164, 245, 130, 1, 8, 132, 241, 3, 127, 70, 63, 152, 225, 134, 110, 9, 115, 207, 158, 152, 40, 131, 225, 9, 146, 208, 177, 152, 17, 131, 166, 138, 228, 249, 143, 122, 107, 194, 137, 143, 87, 247, 213, 122, 185, 195, 131, 20, 163, 185, 14, 202, 14, 238, 198, 33, 125, 207, 186, 210, 207, 227, 84, 35, 168, 210, 159, 215, 236, 225, 12, 136, 123, 254, 168, 122, 50, 195, 7, 137, 74, 251, 135, 122, 64, 194, 166, 138, 228, 249, 143, 122, 107, 194, 137, 143, 87, 247, 213, 122, 185, 195, 0, 146, 237, 246, 24, 123, 206, 196, 234, 145, 210, 246, 18, 123, 183, 196, 162, 128, 166, 255, 62, 0, 251, 132, 172, 128, 160, 255, 64, 0, 252, 132, 186, 218, 186, 241, 134, 84, 244, 128, 34, 219, 137, 239, 52, 84, 233, 128, 22, 219, 233, 238, 248, 83, 222, 128, 226, 28, 251, 239, 197, 93, 2, 129, 62, 131, 44, 255, 101, 122, 46, 193, 92, 130, 179, 254, 84, 122, 138, 192, 34, 219, 137, 239, 52, 84, 233, 128, 22, 219, 233, 238, 248, 83, 222, 128, 133, 17, 84, 218, 226, 153, 110, 128, 240, 20, 9, 226, 140, 100, 29, 128, 198, 27, 81, 238, 176, 94, 235, 128, 226, 28, 251, 239, 197, 93, 2, 129, 92, 130, 179, 254, 84, 122, 138, 192, 131, 0, 5, 188, 115, 151, 66, 133, 133, 17, 84, 218, 226, 153, 110, 128, 90, 129, 219, 255, 87, 122, 148, 192, 62, 131, 44, 255, 101, 122, 46, 193, 167, 129, 28, 255, 80, 122, 99, 192, 192, 129, 25, 255, 82, 122, 110, 192, 63, 130, 19, 255, 88, 122, 168, 192, 92, 130, 179, 254, 84, 122, 138, 192, 131, 133, 15, 254, 120, 122, 199, 193, 170, 133, 12, 254, 121, 122, 216, 193, 24, 138, 213, 250, 149, 122, 147, 194, 62, 131, 44, 255, 101, 122, 46, 193, 63, 130, 19, 255, 88, 122, 168, 192, 186, 218, 186, 241, 134, 84, 244, 128, 22, 219, 233, 238, 248, 83, 222, 128, 149, 218, 5, 220, 125, 180, 29, 129, 172, 128, 160, 255, 64, 0, 252, 132, 249, 128, 108, 255, 84, 0, 255, 132, 133, 135, 164, 252, 174, 3, 251, 132, 186, 218, 186, 241, 134, 84, 244, 128, 149, 218, 5, 220, 125, 180, 29, 129, 57, 219, 8, 215, 109, 182, 165, 129, 142, 60, 192, 250, 221, 251, 6, 197, 90, 129, 219, 255, 87, 122, 148, 192, 131, 133, 15, 254, 120, 122, 199, 193, 6, 197, 22, 231, 129, 215, 193, 178, 227, 197, 204, 228, 29, 214, 6, 174, 34, 37, 86, 209, 118, 216, 102, 226, 142, 60, 192, 250, 221, 251, 6, 197, 187, 134, 108, 253, 178, 235, 44, 191, 6, 197, 22, 231, 129, 215, 193, 178, 140, 8, 154, 77, 252, 152, 15, 136, 185, 1, 244, 189, 98, 151, 220, 132, 125, 135, 111, 250, 135, 1, 1, 132, 215, 139, 99, 246, 158, 1, 1, 132, 107, 10, 176, 171, 83, 204, 232, 242, 84, 35, 168, 210, 159, 215, 236, 225, 12, 136, 123, 254, 168, 122, 50, 195, 140, 8, 154, 77, 252, 152, 15, 136, 241, 3, 127, 70, 63, 152, 225, 134, 131, 0, 5, 188, 115, 151, 66, 133, 185, 1, 244, 189, 98, 151, 220, 132, 7, 137, 74, 251, 135, 122, 64, 194, 24, 138, 213, 250, 149, 122, 147, 194, 166, 138, 228, 249, 143, 122, 107, 194, 107, 10, 176, 171, 83, 204, 232, 242, 34, 37, 86, 209, 118, 216, 102, 226, 142, 60, 192, 250, 221, 251, 6, 197, 12, 136, 123, 254, 168, 122, 50, 195, 131, 133, 15, 254, 120, 122, 199, 193, 7, 137, 74, 251, 135, 122, 64, 194, 24, 138, 213, 250, 149, 122, 147, 194, 131, 0, 5, 188, 115, 151, 66, 133, 185, 1, 244, 189, 98, 151, 220, 132, 133, 17, 84, 218, 226, 153, 110, 128, 240, 20, 9, 226, 140, 100, 29, 128, 105, 131, 215, 252, 10, 0, 40, 132, 125, 135, 111, 250, 135, 1, 1, 132, 231, 129, 130, 252, 160, 1, 196, 251, 170, 131, 41, 253, 143, 0, 249, 132, 201, 131, 240, 252, 118, 0, 191, 132, 105, 131, 215, 252, 10, 0, 40, 132, 58, 134, 152, 250, 99, 0, 176, 132, 125, 135, 111, 250, 135, 1, 1, 132, 184, 136, 116, 248, 148, 0, 175, 132, 215, 139, 99, 246, 158, 1, 1, 132, 136, 140, 164, 245, 130, 1, 8, 132, 59, 142, 245, 243, 62, 1, 208, 132, 79, 141, 170, 243, 73, 0, 116, 131, 113, 144, 124, 242, 50, 2, 195, 131, 240, 20, 9, 226, 140, 100, 29, 128, 198, 27, 81, 238, 176, 94, 235, 128, 231, 129, 130, 252, 160, 1, 196, 251, 105, 131, 215, 252, 10, 0, 40, 132, 198, 27, 81, 238, 176, 94, 235, 128, 226, 28, 251, 239, 197, 93, 2, 129, 162, 128, 166, 255, 62, 0, 251, 132, 231, 129, 130, 252, 160, 1, 196, 251, 170, 131, 41, 253, 143, 0, 249, 132, 34, 219, 137, 239, 52, 84, 233, 128, 210, 25, 125, 218, 234, 152, 254, 233, 194, 24, 76, 232, 231, 152, 34, 234, 204, 107, 115, 251, 9, 155, 229, 198, 210, 25, 125, 218, 234, 152, 254, 233, 96, 120, 8, 244, 56, 144, 126, 190, 67, 120, 50, 246, 40, 144, 142, 191, 9, 122, 96, 244, 194, 143, 199, 189, 204, 107, 115, 251, 9, 155, 229, 198, 255, 126, 153, 243, 54, 143, 255, 186, 194, 135, 41, 235, 208, 142, 93, 185, 223, 249, 189, 122, 215, 128, 95, 209, 131, 15, 70, 245, 78, 109, 145, 238, 67, 120, 50, 246, 40, 144, 142, 191, 9, 122, 96, 244, 194, 143, 199, 189, 5, 244, 51, 248, 212, 104, 241, 239, 45, 251, 177, 198, 30, 111, 79, 249, 120, 102, 122, 235, 223, 142, 13, 196, 68, 102, 159, 237, 58, 142, 1, 197, 230, 111, 114, 243, 140, 143, 146, 194, 96, 120, 8, 244, 56, 144, 126, 190, 67, 120, 50, 246, 40, 144, 142, 191, 226, 121, 153, 241, 212, 143, 149, 188, 1, 249, 99, 237, 156, 108, 123, 244, 45, 251, 177, 198, 30, 111, 79, 249, 224, 255, 77, 188, 21, 95, 53, 248, 126, 77, 217, 149, 153, 154, 66, 164, 168, 88, 8, 223, 218, 10, 9, 132, 126, 94, 20, 227, 41, 8, 139, 132, 170, 111, 96, 150, 85, 170, 216, 160, 230, 111, 114, 243, 140, 143, 146, 194, 57, 114, 33, 247, 123, 143, 228, 194, 226, 121, 153, 241, 212, 143, 149, 188, 197, 125, 184, 255, 91, 144, 221, 192, 246, 139, 132, 131, 39, 113, 230, 137, 229, 250, 241, 97, 97, 135, 242, 153, 123, 250, 152, 130, 185, 253, 112, 1, 126, 77, 217, 149, 153, 154, 66, 164, 241, 84, 37, 153, 75, 158, 73, 165, 68, 102, 159, 237, 58, 142, 1, 197, 170, 111, 96, 150, 85, 170, 216, 160, 24, 104, 241, 237, 122, 142, 52, 196, 230, 111, 114, 243, 140, 143, 146, 194, 233, 119, 128, 149, 251, 165, 87, 156, 57, 114, 33, 247, 123, 143, 228, 194, 130, 112, 182, 148, 51, 168, 242, 158, 233, 119, 128, 149, 251, 165, 87, 156, 57, 114, 33, 247, 123, 143, 228, 194, 189, 122, 127, 252, 71, 144, 3, 193, 197, 125, 184, 255, 91, 144, 221, 192, 153, 150, 63, 139, 253, 173, 126, 150, 90, 157, 77, 135, 158, 178, 126, 149, 74, 47, 38, 157, 82, 154, 185, 204, 184, 109, 236, 145, 62, 143, 25, 146, 210, 135, 89, 243, 241, 143, 58, 189, 183, 137, 111, 240, 173, 143, 148, 188, 39, 139, 134, 240, 239, 143, 43, 189, 254, 89, 217, 143, 142, 208, 118, 189, 184, 109, 236, 145, 62, 143, 25, 146, 189, 122, 127, 252, 71, 144, 3, 193, 197, 125, 184, 255, 91, 144, 221, 192, 41, 133, 140, 248, 49, 144, 158, 190, 210, 135, 89, 243, 241, 143, 58, 189, 246, 139, 132, 131, 39, 113, 230, 137, 254, 89, 217, 143, 142, 208, 118, 189, 230, 131, 56, 247, 116, 167, 163, 189, 246, 139, 132, 131, 39, 113, 230, 137, 123, 250, 152, 130, 185, 253, 112, 1, 96, 120, 8, 244, 56, 144, 126, 190, 226, 121, 153, 241, 212, 143, 149, 188, 229, 250, 241, 97, 97, 135, 242, 153, 223, 249, 189, 122, 215, 128, 95, 209, 126, 77, 217, 149, 153, 154, 66, 164, 241, 84, 37, 153, 75, 158, 73, 165, 202, 94, 235, 155, 87, 154, 193, 160, 147, 81, 174, 220, 187, 16, 169, 130, 168, 88, 8, 223, 218, 10, 9, 132, 152, 109, 221, 154, 185, 162, 181, 159, 123, 10, 40, 191, 207, 109, 116, 228, 217, 9, 251, 194, 42, 112, 160, 232, 204, 84, 142, 211, 194, 4, 50, 134, 84, 91, 67, 213, 181, 1, 189, 248, 139, 91, 220, 213, 154, 1, 27, 249, 114, 15, 143, 244, 186, 104, 71, 236, 167, 236, 23, 250, 151, 103, 45, 236, 86, 32, 197, 184, 231, 115, 91, 209, 247, 16, 92, 239, 73, 87, 243, 225, 88, 117, 18, 233, 28, 11, 47, 250, 226, 120, 199, 239, 18, 8, 39, 250, 149, 121, 107, 238, 18, 10, 50, 250, 212, 34, 60, 180, 227, 114, 163, 201, 71, 38, 18, 178, 149, 117, 189, 197, 86, 32, 197, 184, 231, 115, 91, 209, 165, 16, 130, 231, 84, 80, 16, 220, 247, 16, 92, 239, 73, 87, 243, 225, 114, 136, 121, 238, 71, 143, 46, 187, 183, 137, 111, 240, 173, 143, 148, 188, 39, 139, 134, 240, 239, 143, 43, 189, 109, 139, 30, 239, 176, 143, 154, 188, 229, 139, 165, 238, 171, 143, 142, 188, 217, 25, 16, 199, 6, 121, 180, 227, 10, 23, 40, 204, 231, 94, 212, 213, 165, 16, 130, 231, 84, 80, 16, 220, 247, 16, 92, 239, 73, 87, 243, 225, 166, 116, 78, 231, 27, 12, 6, 250, 88, 117, 18, 233, 28, 11, 47, 250, 145, 12, 192, 189, 200, 115, 141, 231, 139, 91, 220, 213, 154, 1, 27, 249, 244, 93, 48, 218, 65, 0, 169, 134, 167, 236, 23, 250, 151, 103, 45, 236, 145, 12, 192, 189, 200, 115, 141, 231, 215, 100, 171, 232, 13, 143, 189, 195, 151, 5, 67, 234, 43, 105, 123, 239, 103, 102, 185, 234, 6, 143, 200, 195, 114, 15, 143, 244, 186, 104, 71, 236, 167, 236, 23, 250, 151, 103, 45, 236, 217, 9, 251, 194, 42, 112, 160, 232, 225, 98, 211, 228, 165, 143, 48, 195, 37, 99, 207, 228, 247, 143, 19, 195, 34, 98, 150, 230, 192, 142, 72, 196, 215, 100, 171, 232, 13, 143, 189, 195, 114, 15, 143, 244, 186, 104, 71, 236, 217, 25, 16, 199, 6, 121, 180, 227, 223, 110, 96, 225, 221, 11, 70, 249, 243, 116, 244, 220, 32, 22, 23, 249, 166, 116, 78, 231, 27, 12, 6, 250, 36, 233, 5, 252, 67, 96, 196, 231, 155, 249, 128, 219, 199, 103, 203, 244, 212, 34, 60, 180, 227, 114, 163, 201, 86, 32, 197, 184, 231, 115, 91, 209, 226, 120, 199, 239, 18, 8, 39, 250, 203, 120, 230, 241, 249, 5, 74, 250, 113, 93, 189, 229, 68, 141, 99, 198, 87, 91, 95, 230, 52, 140, 195, 199, 137, 91, 190, 230, 57, 140, 208, 199, 187, 96, 247, 229, 124, 142, 194, 196, 34, 98, 150, 230, 192, 142, 72, 196, 110, 93, 148, 232, 105, 140, 140, 199, 215, 100, 171, 232, 13, 143, 189, 195, 140, 96, 115, 234, 1, 141, 169, 198, 103, 102, 185, 234, 6, 143, 200, 195, 120, 102, 122, 235, 223, 142, 13, 196, 68, 102, 159, 237, 58, 142, 1, 197, 24, 104, 241, 237, 122, 142, 52, 196, 145, 12, 192, 189, 200, 115, 141, 231, 184, 92, 166, 216, 18, 0, 177, 134, 244, 93, 48, 218, 65, 0, 169, 134, 151, 5, 67, 234, 43, 105, 123, 239, 24, 247, 234, 244, 87, 99, 62, 239, 151, 5, 67, 234, 43, 105, 123, 239, 103, 102, 185, 234, 6, 143, 200, 195, 120, 102, 122, 235, 223, 142, 13, 196, 24, 247, 234, 244, 87, 99, 62, 239, 1, 249, 99, 237, 156, 108, 123, 244, 126, 94, 20, 227, 41, 8, 139, 132, 66, 97, 101, 229, 78, 7, 178, 132, 170, 111, 96, 150, 85, 170, 216, 160, 130, 112, 182, 148, 51, 168, 242, 158, 233, 119, 128, 149, 251, 165, 87, 156, 131, 105, 188, 223, 195, 7, 76, 249, 25, 108, 27, 225, 62, 9, 103, 249, 126, 244, 147, 245, 27, 102, 52, 239, 183, 250, 37, 55, 242, 101, 4, 251, 163, 250, 155, 55, 3, 95, 14, 249, 222, 101, 123, 220, 39, 7, 88, 249, 131, 105, 188, 223, 195, 7, 76, 249, 131, 15, 70, 245, 78, 109, 145, 238, 5, 244, 51, 248, 212, 104, 241, 239, 126, 244, 147, 245, 27, 102, 52, 239, 155, 96, 106, 219, 188, 1, 54, 249, 47, 101, 157, 219, 66, 7, 67, 249, 222, 101, 123, 220, 39, 7, 88, 249, 131, 15, 70, 245, 78, 109, 145, 238, 45, 251, 177, 198, 30, 111, 79, 249, 224, 255, 77, 188, 21, 95, 53, 248, 184, 92, 166, 216, 18, 0, 177, 134, 155, 96, 106, 219, 188, 1, 54, 249, 24, 247, 234, 244, 87, 99, 62, 239, 1, 249, 99, 237, 156, 108, 123, 244, 224, 255, 77, 188, 21, 95, 53, 248, 132, 136, 83, 253, 213, 235, 64, 191, 104, 139, 38, 252, 20, 235, 213, 190, 203, 188, 101, 115, 126, 104, 178, 130, 130, 204, 20, 191, 80, 177, 78, 163, 200, 203, 200, 124, 7, 152, 96, 131, 183, 138, 138, 252, 93, 235, 253, 190, 104, 139, 38, 252, 20, 235, 213, 190, 131, 141, 90, 251, 144, 234, 142, 190, 83, 145, 88, 250, 6, 234, 68, 190, 203, 188, 101, 115, 126, 104, 178, 130, 122, 208, 225, 187, 37, 179, 245, 155, 83, 145, 88, 250, 6, 234, 68, 190, 49, 152, 58, 248, 163, 232, 138, 189, 90, 150, 242, 247, 29, 232, 71, 189, 122, 208, 225, 187, 37, 179, 245, 155, 206, 209, 222, 183, 246, 176, 28, 154, 14, 210, 34, 181, 130, 175, 145, 153, 27, 208, 198, 174, 102, 174, 60, 152, 167, 129, 28, 255, 80, 122, 99, 192, 192, 129, 25, 255, 82, 122, 110, 192, 235, 218, 110, 220, 186, 179, 233, 128, 60, 219, 74, 215, 66, 182, 152, 129, 4, 218, 12, 191, 121, 196, 207, 134, 119, 217, 205, 187, 86, 198, 185, 135, 115, 137, 216, 249, 143, 2, 216, 133, 249, 217, 29, 192, 22, 196, 160, 134, 4, 218, 12, 191, 121, 196, 207, 134, 119, 217, 205, 187, 86, 198, 185, 135, 142, 132, 216, 254, 5, 3, 207, 133, 125, 135, 189, 254, 158, 5, 190, 133, 144, 202, 52, 152, 66, 211, 239, 144, 77, 205, 246, 153, 39, 210, 201, 143, 166, 207, 155, 158, 254, 208, 194, 142, 35, 136, 237, 254, 101, 6, 185, 133, 125, 135, 189, 254, 158, 5, 190, 133, 130, 200, 183, 152, 29, 212, 199, 145, 175, 204, 144, 158, 61, 210, 238, 143, 166, 207, 155, 158, 254, 208, 194, 142, 228, 137, 64, 253, 176, 122, 142, 195, 236, 138, 184, 252, 186, 122, 212, 195, 54, 144, 75, 252, 20, 123, 68, 198, 220, 143, 224, 251, 7, 123, 233, 197, 130, 200, 183, 152, 29, 212, 199, 145, 252, 216, 148, 174, 126, 202, 79, 138, 175, 204, 144, 158, 61, 210, 238, 143, 90, 129, 225, 255, 29, 1, 233, 133, 142, 132, 216, 254, 5, 3, 207, 133, 115, 137, 216, 249, 143, 2, 216, 133, 249, 217, 29, 192, 22, 196, 160, 134, 77, 205, 246, 153, 39, 210, 201, 143, 50, 156, 187, 245, 194, 16, 183, 133, 117, 220, 203, 203, 21, 187, 238, 130, 212, 216, 108, 170, 142, 203, 250, 138, 32, 150, 169, 252, 137, 123, 94, 201, 54, 144, 75, 252, 20, 123, 68, 198, 82, 149, 224, 251, 110, 123, 164, 200, 117, 220, 203, 203, 21, 187, 238, 130, 17, 217, 157, 189, 11, 198, 160, 135, 252, 216, 148, 174, 126, 202, 79, 138, 212, 216, 108, 170, 142, 203, 250, 138, 137, 86, 177, 162, 45, 198, 142, 194, 116, 91, 140, 167, 51, 202, 66, 195, 24, 124, 51, 173, 195, 210, 235, 178, 8, 126, 252, 254, 248, 0, 241, 133, 235, 126, 167, 255, 179, 0, 252, 133, 6, 128, 212, 255, 33, 0, 9, 250, 201, 178, 7, 112, 253, 187, 140, 139, 82, 106, 218, 255, 185, 19, 121, 133, 36, 158, 39, 252, 125, 24, 104, 133, 26, 217, 150, 178, 168, 201, 133, 137, 92, 216, 90, 173, 151, 203, 176, 138, 103, 107, 35, 249, 217, 13, 216, 133, 82, 106, 218, 255, 185, 19, 121, 133, 50, 156, 187, 245, 194, 16, 183, 133, 117, 220, 203, 203, 21, 187, 238, 130, 17, 217, 157, 189, 11, 198, 160, 135, 92, 216, 90, 173, 151, 203, 176, 138, 228, 158, 98, 248, 179, 21, 242, 133, 154, 155, 121, 247, 190, 17, 214, 133, 162, 157, 5, 241, 141, 13, 209, 133, 18, 157, 67, 124, 249, 214, 178, 160, 214, 181, 6, 137, 16, 217, 218, 153, 175, 187, 184, 143, 115, 216, 123, 151, 3, 157, 47, 242, 19, 14, 213, 133, 162, 157, 5, 241, 141, 13, 209, 133, 175, 187, 184, 143, 115, 216, 123, 151, 97, 192, 149, 146, 107, 215, 111, 149, 121, 198, 215, 151, 114, 213, 175, 146, 3, 157, 47, 242, 19, 14, 213, 133, 121, 198, 215, 151, 114, 213, 175, 146, 125, 209, 39, 159, 171, 208, 1, 142, 212, 158, 70, 250, 248, 123, 210, 204, 153, 159, 20, 250, 8, 124, 35, 205, 147, 159, 238, 249, 4, 124, 17, 205, 244, 158, 25, 249, 226, 123, 107, 204, 251, 143, 0, 116, 33, 213, 123, 162, 18, 157, 67, 124, 249, 214, 178, 160, 214, 181, 6, 137, 16, 217, 218, 153, 96, 158, 143, 252, 31, 124, 121, 205, 198, 161, 140, 250, 69, 124, 113, 206, 196, 161, 139, 250, 69, 124, 112, 206, 153, 159, 20, 250, 8, 124, 35, 205, 147, 159, 238, 249, 4, 124, 17, 205, 47, 160, 202, 249, 25, 124, 85, 205, 154, 197, 50, 152, 239, 213, 14, 147, 47, 198, 177, 152, 181, 213, 202, 146, 153, 159, 20, 250, 8, 124, 35, 205, 244, 158, 25, 249, 226, 123, 107, 204, 228, 194, 12, 150, 232, 214, 74, 148, 94, 197, 233, 151, 6, 214, 42, 147, 154, 197, 50, 152, 239, 213, 14, 147, 244, 158, 25, 249, 226, 123, 107, 204, 251, 143, 0, 116, 33, 213, 123, 162, 165, 184, 186, 139, 35, 217, 208, 152, 228, 194, 12, 150, 232, 214, 74, 148, 228, 158, 98, 248, 179, 21, 242, 133, 42, 158, 65, 248, 239, 20, 218, 133, 251, 143, 0, 116, 33, 213, 123, 162, 18, 157, 67, 124, 249, 214, 178, 160, 165, 184, 186, 139, 35, 217, 208, 152, 42, 158, 65, 248, 239, 20, 218, 133, 154, 159, 73, 248, 94, 22, 209, 133, 165, 184, 186, 139, 35, 217, 208, 152, 228, 194, 12, 150, 232, 214, 74, 148, 94, 197, 233, 151, 6, 214, 42, 147, 109, 159, 80, 252, 205, 25, 121, 133, 69, 155, 105, 249, 33, 19, 247, 133, 154, 159, 73, 248, 94, 22, 209, 133, 94, 197, 233, 151, 6, 214, 42, 147, 154, 197, 50, 152, 239, 213, 14, 147, 47, 198, 177, 152, 181, 213, 202, 146, 189, 198, 250, 152, 126, 213, 139, 146, 232, 118, 108, 254, 12, 7, 250, 133, 70, 117, 143, 255, 131, 9, 60, 133, 142, 126, 196, 255, 34, 1, 92, 133, 232, 126, 225, 255, 229, 0, 46, 134, 90, 129, 225, 255, 29, 1, 233, 133, 35, 136, 237, 254, 101, 6, 185, 133, 142, 132, 216, 254, 5, 3, 207, 133, 125, 135, 189, 254, 158, 5, 190, 133, 109, 159, 80, 252, 205, 25, 121, 133, 36, 158, 39, 252, 125, 24, 104, 133, 189, 198, 250, 152, 126, 213, 139, 146, 26, 217, 150, 178, 168, 201, 133, 137, 31, 216, 50, 177, 218, 202, 57, 138, 32, 150, 169, 252, 137, 123, 94, 201, 96, 158, 143, 252, 31, 124, 121, 205, 238, 157, 159, 251, 10, 124, 227, 204, 47, 160, 202, 249, 25, 124, 85, 205, 17, 217, 157, 189, 11, 198, 160, 135, 26, 217, 150, 178, 168, 201, 133, 137, 31, 216, 50, 177, 218, 202, 57, 138, 92, 216, 90, 173, 151, 203, 176, 138, 124, 2, 87, 163, 240, 153, 150, 251, 93, 3, 156, 166, 223, 174, 69, 248, 111, 0, 42, 172, 11, 173, 34, 248, 206, 162, 163, 249, 4, 236, 21, 191, 80, 161, 104, 249, 114, 235, 212, 190, 218, 161, 86, 249, 112, 235, 212, 190, 137, 161, 62, 249, 67, 235, 191, 190, 55, 162, 48, 249, 77, 235, 196, 190, 35, 56, 57, 102, 111, 168, 101, 140, 106, 78, 185, 101, 193, 171, 93, 141, 64, 158, 25, 248, 103, 129, 188, 203, 117, 158, 212, 245, 58, 129, 220, 202, 187, 142, 224, 214, 193, 229, 18, 251, 245, 153, 23, 204, 12, 229, 126, 250, 57, 154, 60, 205, 3, 230, 28, 251, 185, 190, 55, 117, 61, 106, 98, 141, 117, 192, 36, 117, 153, 106, 91, 141, 178, 216, 93, 123, 175, 117, 76, 139, 139, 154, 48, 204, 190, 116, 239, 178, 164, 154, 10, 200, 121, 115, 242, 176, 26, 155, 223, 199, 139, 115, 13, 177, 38, 207, 103, 122, 198, 114, 251, 139, 97, 245, 171, 135, 121, 134, 88, 139, 211, 33, 190, 97, 89, 170, 118, 141, 78, 59, 168, 103, 224, 166, 255, 139, 106, 78, 185, 101, 193, 171, 93, 141, 45, 159, 5, 250, 167, 129, 1, 205, 162, 160, 245, 248, 176, 129, 79, 205, 70, 161, 235, 248, 188, 129, 159, 205, 64, 158, 25, 248, 103, 129, 188, 203, 145, 162, 82, 248, 206, 129, 11, 206, 119, 159, 178, 247, 127, 129, 48, 204, 18, 159, 17, 246, 80, 129, 73, 203, 211, 33, 190, 97, 89, 170, 118, 141, 78, 59, 168, 103, 224, 166, 255, 139, 123, 8, 71, 70, 197, 167, 82, 139, 104, 157, 234, 249, 62, 24, 133, 128, 136, 159, 240, 249, 151, 26, 73, 128, 121, 50, 128, 101, 175, 168, 125, 140, 35, 56, 57, 102, 111, 168, 101, 140, 78, 59, 168, 103, 224, 166, 255, 139, 106, 78, 185, 101, 193, 171, 93, 141, 104, 157, 234, 249, 62, 24, 133, 128, 166, 156, 152, 246, 140, 20, 119, 128, 239, 156, 74, 224, 228, 252, 67, 255, 1, 161, 193, 226, 254, 3, 85, 129, 227, 165, 39, 218, 4, 0, 228, 255, 202, 165, 175, 212, 177, 249, 103, 254, 248, 171, 126, 215, 62, 4, 211, 128, 108, 155, 17, 244, 245, 125, 131, 200, 217, 166, 218, 243, 242, 127, 191, 206, 90, 172, 54, 240, 117, 128, 51, 208, 125, 153, 2, 235, 204, 123, 3, 195, 119, 165, 101, 253, 214, 128, 171, 209, 45, 171, 86, 246, 227, 128, 246, 209, 104, 152, 148, 211, 60, 118, 186, 181, 210, 153, 8, 203, 28, 116, 20, 178, 139, 154, 48, 204, 190, 116, 239, 178, 227, 242, 23, 136, 177, 134, 113, 139, 188, 245, 66, 136, 19, 135, 157, 139, 97, 245, 171, 135, 121, 134, 88, 139, 172, 151, 207, 223, 255, 120, 219, 187, 128, 152, 132, 212, 133, 118, 64, 182, 104, 152, 148, 211, 60, 118, 186, 181, 135, 176, 104, 197, 31, 120, 205, 186, 9, 215, 197, 124, 157, 118, 250, 138, 227, 242, 23, 136, 177, 134, 113, 139, 7, 248, 19, 130, 38, 129, 111, 136, 187, 142, 224, 214, 193, 229, 18, 251, 38, 207, 103, 122, 198, 114, 251, 139, 178, 216, 93, 123, 175, 117, 76, 139, 188, 245, 66, 136, 19, 135, 157, 139, 97, 245, 171, 135, 121, 134, 88, 139, 211, 33, 190, 97, 89, 170, 118, 141, 89, 12, 243, 77, 172, 167, 46, 139, 123, 8, 71, 70, 197, 167, 82, 139, 162, 158, 211, 251, 184, 129, 118, 205, 81, 159, 40, 251, 186, 129, 138, 205, 45, 159, 5, 250, 167, 129, 1, 205, 248, 160, 253, 249, 196, 129, 231, 205, 233, 15, 240, 81, 28, 168, 161, 139, 89, 12, 243, 77, 172, 167, 46, 139, 123, 8, 71, 70, 197, 167, 82, 139, 82, 97, 30, 254, 26, 29, 74, 128, 162, 158, 48, 250, 235, 25, 44, 128, 136, 159, 240, 249, 151, 26, 73, 128, 2, 6, 121, 187, 84, 187, 77, 241, 11, 6, 50, 190, 133, 188, 99, 240, 202, 159, 49, 253, 212, 129, 149, 206, 81, 159, 40, 251, 186, 129, 138, 205, 248, 160, 253, 249, 196, 129, 231, 205, 111, 0, 42, 172, 11, 173, 34, 248, 103, 8, 252, 187, 178, 187, 184, 240, 2, 6, 121, 187, 84, 187, 77, 241, 11, 6, 50, 190, 133, 188, 99, 240, 105, 158, 222, 249, 143, 235, 227, 190, 7, 159, 118, 249, 34, 235, 177, 190, 137, 161, 62, 249, 67, 235, 191, 190, 103, 8, 252, 187, 178, 187, 184, 240, 190, 7, 149, 218, 158, 198, 210, 229, 238, 155, 201, 251, 150, 237, 214, 191, 243, 155, 68, 251, 237, 236, 134, 191, 115, 157, 20, 250, 171, 235, 240, 190, 105, 158, 222, 249, 143, 235, 227, 190, 103, 8, 252, 187, 178, 187, 184, 240, 11, 6, 50, 190, 133, 188, 99, 240, 105, 1, 103, 206, 32, 182, 31, 239, 190, 7, 149, 218, 158, 198, 210, 229, 192, 154, 228, 253, 171, 129, 89, 204, 22, 156, 167, 253, 175, 129, 236, 204, 53, 157, 201, 252, 178, 129, 33, 205, 162, 158, 211, 251, 184, 129, 118, 205, 81, 159, 40, 251, 186, 129, 138, 205, 108, 155, 17, 244, 245, 125, 131, 200, 24, 158, 219, 238, 159, 125, 133, 199, 49, 160, 230, 238, 40, 126, 185, 200, 105, 155, 71, 237, 179, 124, 61, 197, 233, 150, 90, 235, 15, 123, 197, 193, 125, 153, 2, 235, 204, 123, 3, 195, 31, 151, 219, 230, 12, 122, 123, 191, 233, 150, 90, 235, 15, 123, 197, 193, 31, 151, 219, 230, 12, 122, 123, 191, 13, 150, 2, 220, 212, 119, 247, 184, 172, 151, 207, 223, 255, 120, 219, 187, 135, 176, 104, 197, 31, 120, 205, 186, 1, 245, 7, 169, 222, 144, 225, 142, 5, 228, 149, 135, 40, 133, 2, 138, 233, 15, 240, 81, 28, 168, 161, 139, 99, 10, 28, 73, 242, 167, 113, 139, 82, 97, 30, 254, 26, 29, 74, 128, 233, 15, 240, 81, 28, 168, 161, 139, 89, 12, 243, 77, 172, 167, 46, 139, 99, 10, 28, 73, 242, 167, 113, 139, 242, 7, 155, 67, 15, 168, 168, 139, 53, 157, 201, 252, 178, 129, 33, 205, 162, 158, 211, 251, 184, 129, 118, 205, 242, 7, 155, 67, 15, 168, 168, 139, 159, 6, 172, 216, 52, 168, 49, 139, 192, 154, 228, 253, 171, 129, 89, 204, 53, 157, 201, 252, 178, 129, 33, 205, 99, 10, 28, 73, 242, 167, 113, 139, 242, 7, 155, 67, 15, 168, 168, 139, 198, 4, 82, 213, 253, 167, 93, 139, 159, 6, 172, 216, 52, 168, 49, 139, 82, 97, 30, 254, 26, 29, 74, 128, 28, 154, 20, 253, 186, 23, 5, 128, 162, 158, 48, 250, 235, 25, 44, 128, 24, 30, 165, 160, 215, 173, 197, 242, 69, 3, 141, 74, 47, 184, 163, 245, 180, 0, 181, 188, 95, 170, 197, 245, 239, 106, 146, 190, 48, 132, 187, 166, 113, 106, 183, 254, 215, 234, 58, 194, 178, 154, 207, 251, 93, 237, 193, 191, 248, 22, 42, 181, 192, 178, 64, 240, 69, 3, 141, 74, 47, 184, 163, 245, 20, 8, 141, 66, 49, 163, 74, 251, 178, 154, 207, 251, 93, 237, 193, 191, 61, 159, 134, 251, 220, 237, 244, 191, 23, 163, 70, 249, 130, 235, 231, 190, 107, 217, 223, 25, 15, 184, 140, 245, 69, 3, 141, 74, 47, 184, 163, 245, 239, 106, 146, 190, 48, 132, 187, 166, 107, 217, 223, 25, 15, 184, 140, 245, 248, 22, 42, 181, 192, 178, 64, 240, 219, 0, 220, 80, 145, 168, 232, 248, 20, 8, 141, 66, 49, 163, 74, 251, 251, 167, 127, 233, 161, 127, 156, 202, 25, 173, 31, 251, 13, 237, 239, 192, 5, 166, 208, 250, 219, 237, 27, 192, 126, 167, 10, 250, 98, 237, 191, 191, 233, 169, 4, 248, 199, 234, 187, 190, 242, 184, 16, 162, 30, 183, 16, 152, 134, 186, 194, 160, 196, 177, 11, 151, 200, 193, 168, 156, 10, 174, 152, 147, 175, 99, 183, 192, 230, 209, 225, 203, 25, 173, 31, 251, 13, 237, 239, 192, 88, 135, 230, 194, 24, 220, 50, 181, 233, 169, 4, 248, 199, 234, 187, 190, 247, 139, 205, 192, 135, 210, 180, 177, 88, 135, 230, 194, 24, 220, 50, 181, 233, 169, 4, 248, 199, 234, 187, 190, 242, 184, 16, 162, 30, 183, 16, 152, 39, 169, 35, 243, 94, 126, 157, 207, 47, 171, 62, 242, 190, 126, 102, 208, 134, 186, 194, 160, 196, 177, 11, 151, 200, 193, 168, 156, 10, 174, 152, 147, 250, 202, 42, 149, 21, 161, 85, 142, 216, 22, 125, 178, 153, 150, 50, 238, 219, 0, 220, 80, 145, 168, 232, 248, 20, 8, 141, 66, 49, 163, 74, 251, 61, 159, 134, 251, 220, 237, 244, 191, 5, 166, 208, 250, 219, 237, 27, 192, 126, 167, 10, 250, 98, 237, 191, 191, 61, 159, 134, 251, 220, 237, 244, 191, 126, 167, 10, 250, 98, 237, 191, 191, 23, 163, 70, 249, 130, 235, 231, 190, 200, 193, 168, 156, 10, 174, 152, 147, 250, 202, 42, 149, 21, 161, 85, 142, 62, 216, 90, 141, 27, 147, 138, 136, 223, 245, 211, 134, 162, 138, 114, 131, 88, 175, 112, 229, 193, 124, 52, 205, 15, 182, 234, 227, 71, 127, 165, 208, 27, 178, 170, 225, 170, 124, 35, 205, 244, 177, 121, 225, 150, 124, 243, 204, 227, 178, 163, 225, 213, 124, 157, 205, 134, 182, 73, 224, 66, 126, 61, 207, 113, 106, 183, 254, 215, 234, 58, 194, 178, 154, 207, 251, 93, 237, 193, 191, 57, 154, 58, 251, 150, 236, 93, 191, 23, 163, 70, 249, 130, 235, 231, 190, 68, 158, 251, 242, 136, 227, 0, 187, 222, 157, 155, 234, 71, 219, 216, 182, 29, 177, 32, 164, 32, 173, 125, 155, 223, 245, 211, 134, 162, 138, 114, 131, 222, 157, 155, 234, 71, 219, 216, 182, 29, 177, 32, 164, 32, 173, 125, 155, 192, 180, 185, 157, 157, 168, 83, 151, 35, 191, 75, 156, 209, 164, 95, 148, 242, 158, 226, 251, 148, 124, 140, 205, 215, 166, 7, 164, 74, 172, 104, 157, 192, 180, 185, 157, 157, 168, 83, 151, 35, 191, 75, 156, 209, 164, 95, 148, 122, 179, 144, 228, 86, 126, 84, 207, 227, 178, 163, 225, 213, 124, 157, 205, 134, 182, 73, 224, 66, 126, 61, 207, 210, 175, 90, 229, 228, 124, 116, 205, 122, 179, 144, 228, 86, 126, 84, 207, 243, 176, 8, 226, 19, 124, 157, 204, 27, 178, 170, 225, 170, 124, 35, 205, 227, 178, 163, 225, 213, 124, 157, 205, 233, 238, 129, 218, 230, 69, 216, 141, 101, 232, 119, 203, 57, 65, 56, 136, 42, 156, 207, 245, 117, 230, 109, 188, 68, 158, 251, 242, 136, 227, 0, 187, 222, 157, 155, 234, 71, 219, 216, 182, 215, 166, 7, 164, 74, 172, 104, 157, 227, 173, 59, 162, 6, 175, 63, 155, 192, 180, 185, 157, 157, 168, 83, 151, 88, 161, 238, 234, 8, 122, 152, 199, 102, 165, 70, 234, 68, 123, 147, 201, 8, 230, 138, 199, 82, 64, 9, 134, 196, 229, 0, 198, 45, 64, 116, 133, 141, 228, 161, 195, 240, 63, 19, 132, 88, 161, 238, 234, 8, 122, 152, 199, 136, 175, 151, 229, 75, 125, 96, 205, 88, 175, 112, 229, 193, 124, 52, 205, 244, 177, 121, 225, 150, 124, 243, 204, 221, 228, 229, 197, 21, 64, 237, 132, 141, 228, 161, 195, 240, 63, 19, 132, 18, 228, 161, 195, 228, 63, 205, 131, 237, 158, 213, 236, 79, 10, 52, 134, 223, 161, 38, 230, 10, 6, 15, 134, 228, 167, 2, 231, 142, 13, 105, 134, 46, 166, 43, 230, 224, 10, 41, 134, 222, 174, 210, 226, 77, 16, 250, 134, 33, 176, 68, 226, 8, 17, 20, 135, 221, 228, 229, 197, 21, 64, 237, 132, 18, 228, 161, 195, 228, 63, 205, 131, 33, 228, 197, 194, 222, 63, 146, 131, 243, 176, 8, 226, 19, 124, 157, 204, 27, 178, 170, 225, 170, 124, 35, 205, 244, 177, 121, 225, 150, 124, 243, 204, 162, 236, 194, 219, 202, 69, 44, 141, 18, 228, 161, 195, 228, 63, 205, 131, 33, 228, 197, 194, 222, 63, 146, 131, 33, 176, 68, 226, 8, 17, 20, 135, 162, 236, 194, 219, 202, 69, 44, 141, 107, 236, 34, 218, 82, 69, 213, 140, 33, 228, 197, 194, 222, 63, 146, 131, 210, 175, 90, 229, 228, 124, 116, 205, 122, 179, 144, 228, 86, 126, 84, 207, 120, 235, 96, 213, 137, 67, 202, 139, 243, 176, 8, 226, 19, 124, 157, 204, 162, 236, 194, 219, 202, 69, 44, 141, 107, 236, 34, 218, 82, 69, 213, 140, 101, 232, 119, 203, 57, 65, 56, 136, 105, 230, 189, 201, 164, 64, 209, 134, 222, 174, 210, 226, 77, 16, 250, 134, 229, 174, 209, 226, 83, 16, 250, 134, 33, 176, 68, 226, 8, 17, 20, 135, 107, 236, 34, 218, 82, 69, 213, 140, 105, 230, 189, 201, 164, 64, 209, 134, 241, 162, 107, 234, 244, 11, 71, 134, 228, 167, 2, 231, 142, 13, 105, 134, 196, 229, 0, 198, 45, 64, 116, 133, 221, 228, 229, 197, 21, 64, 237, 132, 141, 228, 161, 195, 240, 63, 19, 132, 102, 165, 70, 234, 68, 123, 147, 201, 183, 165, 246, 232, 60, 123, 36, 201, 8, 230, 138, 199, 82, 64, 9, 134, 66, 221, 247, 184, 119, 199, 213, 131, 27, 221, 94, 184, 238, 199, 24, 132, 206, 155, 226, 243, 193, 122, 149, 200, 125, 159, 197, 241, 85, 123, 165, 201, 184, 171, 228, 238, 86, 126, 73, 207, 63, 171, 222, 237, 253, 125, 144, 206, 88, 161, 238, 234, 8, 122, 152, 199, 102, 165, 70, 234, 68, 123, 147, 201, 183, 165, 246, 232, 60, 123, 36, 201, 136, 175, 151, 229, 75, 125, 96, 205, 65, 179, 31, 215, 186, 122, 140, 200, 42, 156, 207, 245, 117, 230, 109, 188, 227, 173, 59, 162, 6, 175, 63, 155, 53, 177, 116, 160, 66, 162, 188, 153, 216, 239, 228, 168, 44, 149, 133, 145, 241, 162, 107, 234, 244, 11, 71, 134, 8, 230, 138, 199, 82, 64, 9, 134, 196, 229, 0, 198, 45, 64, 116, 133, 27, 221, 94, 184, 238, 199, 24, 132, 93, 164, 138, 235, 170, 14, 81, 134, 46, 166, 43, 230, 224, 10, 41, 134, 222, 174, 210, 226, 77, 16, 250, 134, 229, 174, 209, 226, 83, 16, 250, 134, 30, 239, 154, 219, 59, 70, 22, 142, 45, 237, 128, 215, 149, 68, 198, 140, 136, 155, 80, 240, 133, 10, 24, 134, 237, 158, 213, 236, 79, 10, 52, 134, 172, 158, 190, 236, 6, 10, 15, 134, 241, 162, 107, 234, 244, 11, 71, 134, 228, 167, 2, 231, 142, 13, 105, 134, 205, 229, 127, 201, 176, 64, 98, 134, 66, 221, 247, 184, 119, 199, 213, 131, 27, 221, 94, 184, 238, 199, 24, 132, 136, 155, 80, 240, 133, 10, 24, 134, 205, 229, 127, 201, 176, 64, 98, 134, 133, 197, 46, 151, 244, 217, 89, 147, 183, 165, 246, 232, 60, 123, 36, 201, 65, 179, 31, 215, 186, 122, 140, 200, 205, 229, 127, 201, 176, 64, 98, 134, 133, 197, 46, 151, 244, 217, 89, 147, 66, 221, 247, 184, 119, 199, 213, 131, 39, 215, 91, 174, 34, 207, 61, 138, 57, 154, 58, 251, 150, 236, 93, 191, 243, 155, 68, 251, 237, 236, 134, 191, 115, 157, 20, 250, 171, 235, 240, 190, 42, 156, 207, 245, 117, 230, 109, 188, 68, 158, 251, 242, 136, 227, 0, 187, 210, 183, 115, 159, 53, 163, 52, 152, 216, 239, 228, 168, 44, 149, 133, 145, 197, 237, 33, 169, 142, 150, 87, 143, 43, 158, 83, 244, 87, 123, 10, 202, 210, 183, 115, 159, 53, 163, 52, 152, 110, 203, 206, 148, 157, 156, 226, 141, 197, 237, 33, 169, 142, 150, 87, 143, 180, 157, 183, 248, 177, 123, 158, 203, 226, 155, 144, 247, 91, 123, 50, 202, 16, 154, 79, 247, 23, 123, 36, 201, 140, 157, 25, 245, 87, 123, 9, 202, 43, 158, 83, 244, 87, 123, 10, 202, 110, 203, 206, 148, 157, 156, 226, 141, 104, 208, 222, 147, 40, 155, 190, 140, 218, 147, 182, 245, 101, 8, 247, 133, 254, 151, 52, 245, 238, 11, 19, 134, 218, 145, 127, 240, 206, 0, 233, 133, 55, 162, 136, 238, 121, 15, 88, 134, 219, 150, 196, 234, 132, 0, 67, 250, 93, 164, 138, 235, 170, 14, 81, 134, 223, 161, 38, 230, 10, 6, 15, 134, 46, 166, 43, 230, 224, 10, 41, 134, 154, 147, 59, 239, 50, 1, 225, 133, 142, 148, 166, 233, 9, 4, 135, 250, 237, 158, 213, 236, 79, 10, 52, 134, 172, 158, 190, 236, 6, 10, 15, 134, 219, 150, 196, 234, 132, 0, 67, 250, 223, 161, 38, 230, 10, 6, 15, 134, 30, 154, 254, 242, 240, 11, 218, 133, 46, 232, 127, 214, 47, 72, 137, 136, 91, 192, 166, 146, 144, 215, 117, 149, 55, 162, 136, 238, 121, 15, 88, 134, 93, 164, 138, 235, 170, 14, 81, 134, 45, 237, 128, 215, 149, 68, 198, 140, 120, 235, 96, 213, 137, 67, 202, 139, 16, 154, 79, 247, 23, 123, 36, 201, 140, 157, 25, 245, 87, 123, 9, 202, 206, 155, 226, 243, 193, 122, 149, 200, 202, 154, 137, 241, 75, 122, 1, 199, 65, 179, 31, 215, 186, 122, 140, 200, 46, 232, 127, 214, 47, 72, 137, 136, 91, 192, 166, 146, 144, 215, 117, 149, 39, 215, 91, 174, 34, 207, 61, 138, 218, 203, 3, 157, 63, 211, 72, 144, 140, 157, 25, 245, 87, 123, 9, 202, 43, 158, 83, 244, 87, 123, 10, 202, 202, 154, 137, 241, 75, 122, 1, 199, 53, 177, 116, 160, 66, 162, 188, 153, 216, 239, 228, 168, 44, 149, 133, 145, 197, 237, 33, 169, 142, 150, 87, 143, 210, 175, 90, 229, 228, 124, 116, 205, 30, 239, 154, 219, 59, 70, 22, 142, 233, 238, 129, 218, 230, 69, 216, 141, 45, 237, 128, 215, 149, 68, 198, 140, 120, 235, 96, 213, 137, 67, 202, 139, 229, 174, 209, 226, 83, 16, 250, 134, 30, 239, 154, 219, 59, 70, 22, 142, 233, 238, 129, 218, 230, 69, 216, 141, 101, 232, 119, 203, 57, 65, 56, 136, 105, 230, 189, 201, 164, 64, 209, 134, 242, 158, 226, 251, 148, 124, 140, 205, 206, 155, 226, 243, 193, 122, 149, 200, 202, 154, 137, 241, 75, 122, 1, 199, 125, 159, 197, 241, 85, 123, 165, 201, 215, 166, 7, 164, 74, 172, 104, 157, 227, 173, 59, 162, 6, 175, 63, 155, 53, 177, 116, 160, 66, 162, 188, 153, 242, 158, 226, 251, 148, 124, 140, 205, 131, 163, 160, 247, 244, 125, 92, 206, 125, 159, 197, 241, 85, 123, 165, 201, 184, 171, 228, 238, 86, 126, 73, 207, 29, 177, 32, 164, 32, 173, 125, 155, 35, 191, 75, 156, 209, 164, 95, 148, 62, 216, 90, 141, 27, 147, 138, 136, 223, 245, 211, 134, 162, 138, 114, 131, 131, 163, 160, 247, 244, 125, 92, 206, 39, 169, 35, 243, 94, 126, 157, 207, 250, 202, 42, 149, 21, 161, 85, 142, 62, 216, 90, 141, 27, 147, 138, 136, 131, 163, 160, 247, 244, 125, 92, 206, 39, 169, 35, 243, 94, 126, 157, 207, 47, 171, 62, 242, 190, 126, 102, 208, 108, 174, 47, 242, 220, 127, 68, 210, 11, 175, 184, 239, 186, 127, 155, 209, 184, 171, 228, 238, 86, 126, 73, 207, 63, 171, 222, 237, 253, 125, 144, 206, 90, 179, 172, 233, 180, 127, 146, 209, 63, 171, 222, 237, 253, 125, 144, 206, 90, 179, 172, 233, 180, 127, 146, 209, 136, 175, 151, 229, 75, 125, 96, 205, 88, 175, 112, 229, 193, 124, 52, 205, 111, 181, 140, 228, 29, 127, 139, 208, 15, 182, 234, 227, 71, 127, 165, 208, 111, 181, 140, 228, 29, 127, 139, 208, 15, 182, 234, 227, 71, 127, 165, 208, 134, 182, 73, 224, 66, 126, 61, 207, 180, 26, 170, 176, 84, 161, 231, 239, 216, 22, 125, 178, 153, 150, 50, 238, 181, 97, 108, 191, 43, 211, 218, 208, 175, 99, 183, 192, 230, 209, 225, 203, 25, 173, 31, 251, 13, 237, 239, 192, 5, 166, 208, 250, 219, 237, 27, 192, 180, 26, 170, 176, 84, 161, 231, 239, 181, 97, 108, 191, 43, 211, 218, 208, 176, 83, 161, 246, 58, 128, 211, 210, 139, 83, 186, 246, 51, 128, 240, 210, 64, 168, 138, 253, 43, 128, 61, 211, 248, 22, 42, 181, 192, 178, 64, 240, 180, 0, 181, 188, 95, 170, 197, 245, 239, 106, 146, 190, 48, 132, 187, 166, 55, 100, 15, 249, 200, 129, 234, 202, 61, 90, 172, 249, 232, 128, 112, 208, 157, 98, 212, 250, 135, 129, 127, 204, 68, 101, 160, 251, 179, 129, 114, 203, 87, 151, 122, 253, 191, 129, 116, 202, 251, 167, 127, 233, 161, 127, 156, 202, 107, 217, 223, 25, 15, 184, 140, 245, 24, 30, 165, 160, 215, 173, 197, 242, 2, 36, 232, 161, 87, 178, 239, 241, 180, 0, 181, 188, 95, 170, 197, 245, 87, 151, 122, 253, 191, 129, 116, 202, 180, 26, 170, 176, 84, 161, 231, 239, 216, 22, 125, 178, 153, 150, 50, 238, 219, 0, 220, 80, 145, 168, 232, 248, 143, 89, 250, 245, 41, 129, 82, 207, 91, 89, 24, 246, 30, 129, 123, 207, 176, 83, 161, 246, 58, 128, 211, 210, 61, 90, 172, 249, 232, 128, 112, 208, 251, 167, 127, 233, 161, 127, 156, 202, 132, 164, 89, 254, 190, 128, 141, 209, 67, 161, 28, 254, 198, 128, 209, 207, 119, 165, 101, 253, 214, 128, 171, 209, 62, 161, 142, 252, 126, 128, 63, 207, 95, 163, 139, 248, 116, 128, 193, 206, 61, 165, 57, 246, 118, 128, 203, 206, 27, 171, 133, 246, 247, 128, 251, 209, 45, 171, 86, 246, 227, 128, 246, 209, 89, 166, 114, 244, 238, 127, 185, 206, 108, 168, 116, 244, 201, 128, 187, 207, 24, 30, 165, 160, 215, 173, 197, 242, 2, 36, 232, 161, 87, 178, 239, 241, 113, 24, 35, 174, 42, 179, 145, 241, 113, 106, 183, 254, 215, 234, 58, 194, 238, 155, 201, 251, 150, 237, 214, 191, 57, 154, 58, 251, 150, 236, 93, 191, 243, 155, 68, 251, 237, 236, 134, 191, 106, 11, 73, 177, 106, 179, 229, 243, 105, 1, 103, 206, 32, 182, 31, 239, 250, 153, 226, 254, 173, 129, 94, 204, 22, 156, 167, 253, 175, 129, 236, 204, 113, 24, 35, 174, 42, 179, 145, 241, 106, 11, 73, 177, 106, 179, 229, 243, 105, 1, 103, 206, 32, 182, 31, 239, 190, 7, 149, 218, 158, 198, 210, 229, 238, 155, 201, 251, 150, 237, 214, 191, 2, 36, 232, 161, 87, 178, 239, 241, 113, 24, 35, 174, 42, 179, 145, 241, 106, 11, 73, 177, 106, 179, 229, 243, 68, 101, 160, 251, 179, 129, 114, 203, 166, 103, 145, 251, 218, 129, 50, 202, 141, 102, 72, 252, 193, 129, 15, 203, 241, 102, 41, 255, 174, 129, 7, 204, 250, 153, 226, 254, 173, 129, 94, 204, 87, 151, 122, 253, 191, 129, 116, 202, 178, 1, 176, 51, 251, 170, 67, 141, 181, 79, 87, 240, 92, 128, 143, 210, 192, 84, 19, 246, 100, 128, 5, 210, 143, 89, 250, 245, 41, 129, 82, 207, 160, 85, 109, 246, 182, 128, 167, 209, 176, 83, 161, 246, 58, 128, 211, 210, 139, 83, 186, 246, 51, 128, 240, 210, 30, 84, 139, 248, 27, 128, 83, 211, 117, 235, 75, 253, 192, 170, 93, 141, 57, 240, 128, 217, 233, 160, 39, 141, 135, 176, 104, 197, 31, 120, 205, 186, 5, 228, 149, 135, 40, 133, 2, 138, 74, 247, 207, 154, 85, 139, 164, 140, 78, 248, 128, 136, 239, 134, 224, 138, 7, 248, 19, 130, 38, 129, 111, 136, 187, 142, 224, 214, 193, 229, 18, 251, 165, 147, 37, 221, 25, 240, 202, 252, 27, 149, 215, 222, 142, 243, 204, 252, 57, 154, 60, 205, 3, 230, 28, 251, 9, 215, 197, 124, 157, 118, 250, 138, 227, 242, 23, 136, 177, 134, 113, 139, 188, 245, 66, 136, 19, 135, 157, 139, 165, 147, 37, 221, 25, 240, 202, 252, 108, 150, 16, 218, 160, 239, 155, 252, 153, 156, 93, 220, 77, 248, 25, 254, 242, 155, 170, 213, 141, 240, 128, 252, 245, 153, 23, 204, 12, 229, 126, 250, 57, 154, 60, 205, 3, 230, 28, 251, 93, 155, 196, 205, 246, 231, 241, 250, 233, 156, 156, 206, 68, 234, 67, 251, 227, 160, 176, 206, 214, 237, 51, 252, 121, 147, 177, 231, 0, 251, 111, 254, 189, 157, 152, 236, 201, 11, 186, 128, 6, 154, 129, 230, 200, 254, 29, 129, 239, 156, 74, 224, 228, 252, 67, 255, 153, 156, 93, 220, 77, 248, 25, 254, 79, 155, 123, 213, 110, 239, 186, 252, 242, 155, 170, 213, 141, 240, 128, 252, 202, 165, 175, 212, 177, 249, 103, 254, 27, 149, 215, 222, 142, 243, 204, 252, 56, 149, 33, 223, 4, 244, 200, 252, 9, 215, 197, 124, 157, 118, 250, 138, 74, 247, 207, 154, 85, 139, 164, 140, 7, 248, 19, 130, 38, 129, 111, 136, 79, 155, 123, 213, 110, 239, 186, 252, 242, 155, 170, 213, 141, 240, 128, 252, 207, 160, 132, 206, 252, 237, 195, 251, 227, 160, 176, 206, 214, 237, 51, 252, 166, 162, 247, 207, 68, 241, 124, 252, 77, 165, 13, 209, 31, 245, 92, 253, 148, 169, 62, 210, 154, 251, 80, 254, 232, 111, 177, 249, 227, 245, 182, 128, 187, 145, 138, 247, 18, 246, 184, 128, 28, 156, 100, 246, 241, 19, 36, 128, 116, 153, 99, 242, 15, 13, 113, 128, 59, 146, 140, 237, 202, 255, 85, 129, 121, 147, 177, 231, 0, 251, 111, 254, 6, 154, 129, 230, 200, 254, 29, 129, 178, 149, 104, 229, 98, 251, 112, 253, 56, 149, 33, 223, 4, 244, 200, 252, 74, 247, 207, 154, 85, 139, 164, 140, 78, 248, 128, 136, 239, 134, 224, 138, 49, 160, 230, 238, 40, 126, 185, 200, 105, 155, 71, 237, 179, 124, 61, 197, 81, 247, 50, 162, 45, 141, 183, 141, 225, 247, 13, 159, 245, 139, 81, 141, 227, 247, 213, 158, 230, 139, 76, 141, 110, 159, 36, 241, 65, 237, 124, 128, 144, 154, 3, 239, 202, 244, 34, 129, 19, 247, 48, 163, 160, 141, 219, 141, 225, 247, 13, 159, 245, 139, 81, 141, 227, 247, 213, 158, 230, 139, 76, 141, 178, 1, 176, 51, 251, 170, 67, 141, 102, 0, 92, 47, 198, 170, 148, 141, 175, 86, 207, 243, 209, 224, 107, 129, 148, 89, 244, 243, 158, 227, 28, 129, 241, 89, 127, 245, 195, 226, 53, 129, 117, 235, 75, 253, 192, 170, 93, 141, 51, 4, 137, 53, 198, 170, 149, 141, 178, 1, 176, 51, 251, 170, 67, 141, 102, 0, 92, 47, 198, 170, 148, 141, 143, 89, 250, 245, 41, 129, 82, 207, 91, 89, 24, 246, 30, 129, 123, 207, 26, 5, 50, 60, 234, 170, 182, 140, 51, 4, 137, 53, 198, 170, 149, 141, 102, 0, 92, 47, 198, 170, 148, 141, 175, 86, 207, 243, 209, 224, 107, 129, 219, 10, 228, 67, 251, 170, 249, 140, 26, 5, 50, 60, 234, 170, 182, 140, 51, 4, 137, 53, 198, 170, 149, 141, 91, 89, 24, 246, 30, 129, 123, 207, 61, 90, 172, 249, 232, 128, 112, 208, 157, 98, 212, 250, 135, 129, 127, 204, 108, 16, 72, 98, 148, 165, 228, 136, 42, 30, 134, 104, 93, 167, 247, 137, 219, 10, 228, 67, 251, 170, 249, 140, 55, 100, 15, 249, 200, 129, 234, 202, 157, 98, 212, 250, 135, 129, 127, 204, 42, 30, 134, 104, 93, 167, 247, 137, 219, 10, 228, 67, 251, 170, 249, 140, 26, 5, 50, 60, 234, 170, 182, 140, 175, 86, 207, 243, 209, 224, 107, 129, 128, 95, 79, 244, 153, 233, 230, 128, 241, 89, 127, 245, 195, 226, 53, 129, 133, 14, 221, 91, 147, 166, 100, 137, 127, 13, 172, 84, 187, 167, 96, 138, 19, 2, 50, 206, 253, 167, 92, 139, 123, 3, 166, 209, 3, 168, 84, 139, 141, 102, 72, 252, 193, 129, 15, 203, 241, 102, 41, 255, 174, 129, 7, 204, 19, 2, 50, 206, 253, 167, 92, 139, 63, 2, 194, 206, 250, 167, 95, 139, 123, 3, 166, 209, 3, 168, 84, 139, 109, 102, 249, 252, 21, 23, 8, 128, 162, 151, 137, 255, 63, 23, 8, 128, 109, 102, 249, 252, 21, 23, 8, 128, 169, 103, 92, 254, 253, 22, 4, 128, 162, 151, 137, 255, 63, 23, 8, 128, 28, 154, 20, 253, 186, 23, 5, 128, 162, 158, 48, 250, 235, 25, 44, 128, 104, 157, 234, 249, 62, 24, 133, 128, 136, 159, 240, 249, 151, 26, 73, 128, 187, 145, 138, 247, 18, 246, 184, 128, 166, 156, 152, 246, 140, 20, 119, 128, 28, 156, 100, 246, 241, 19, 36, 128, 125, 157, 29, 243, 74, 18, 88, 128, 126, 0, 68, 64, 173, 170, 191, 138, 57, 0, 156, 62, 173, 170, 244, 138, 237, 1, 188, 201, 142, 170, 119, 139, 18, 161, 204, 249, 59, 28, 5, 128, 126, 0, 68, 64, 173, 170, 191, 138, 57, 0, 156, 62, 173, 170, 244, 138, 58, 1, 100, 203, 64, 170, 241, 139, 7, 4, 112, 212, 7, 170, 59, 140, 120, 159, 48, 245, 251, 127, 72, 203, 187, 92, 147, 247, 232, 227, 23, 129, 236, 98, 75, 252, 87, 230, 3, 129, 179, 240, 36, 245, 136, 165, 102, 141, 61, 240, 3, 243, 162, 165, 101, 141, 136, 239, 151, 216, 140, 161, 55, 141, 160, 110, 33, 254, 130, 240, 230, 128, 112, 103, 66, 254, 36, 233, 183, 128, 107, 153, 90, 254, 32, 232, 160, 128, 180, 142, 221, 253, 97, 243, 8, 129, 188, 154, 176, 251, 248, 232, 162, 128, 255, 154, 17, 248, 200, 235, 160, 128, 12, 150, 117, 245, 119, 243, 8, 129, 180, 142, 221, 253, 97, 243, 8, 129, 201, 133, 134, 249, 111, 255, 144, 254, 12, 150, 117, 245, 119, 243, 8, 129, 17, 142, 42, 237, 41, 251, 114, 254, 144, 149, 252, 241, 92, 247, 87, 129, 178, 89, 44, 249, 184, 128, 140, 208, 54, 95, 102, 252, 239, 128, 234, 206, 250, 93, 129, 252, 207, 128, 154, 207, 61, 240, 3, 243, 162, 165, 101, 141, 112, 240, 200, 220, 106, 161, 51, 141, 136, 239, 151, 216, 140, 161, 55, 141, 126, 0, 68, 64, 173, 170, 191, 138, 7, 4, 112, 212, 7, 170, 59, 140, 18, 161, 204, 249, 59, 28, 5, 128, 240, 160, 156, 248, 226, 228, 6, 128, 4, 157, 191, 247, 220, 233, 77, 128, 200, 159, 248, 245, 108, 232, 51, 128, 108, 16, 72, 98, 148, 165, 228, 136, 105, 39, 205, 108, 127, 163, 188, 135, 55, 100, 15, 249, 200, 129, 234, 202, 68, 101, 160, 251, 179, 129, 114, 203, 166, 103, 145, 251, 218, 129, 50, 202, 22, 10, 161, 255, 115, 164, 64, 142, 61, 165, 57, 246, 118, 128, 203, 206, 108, 168, 116, 244, 201, 128, 187, 207, 56, 163, 146, 242, 100, 127, 38, 204, 91, 246, 85, 204, 44, 153, 76, 143, 167, 247, 30, 197, 108, 150, 102, 143, 118, 160, 86, 244, 35, 233, 56, 128, 110, 159, 36, 241, 65, 237, 124, 128, 91, 246, 85, 204, 44, 153, 76, 143, 167, 247, 30, 197, 108, 150, 102, 143, 19, 247, 48, 163, 160, 141, 219, 141, 56, 163, 146, 242, 100, 127, 38, 204, 24, 158, 219, 238, 159, 125, 133, 199, 49, 160, 230, 238, 40, 126, 185, 200, 167, 247, 30, 197, 108, 150, 102, 143, 19, 247, 48, 163, 160, 141, 219, 141, 227, 247, 213, 158, 230, 139, 76, 141, 192, 84, 19, 246, 100, 128, 5, 210, 160, 85, 109, 246, 182, 128, 167, 209, 178, 89, 44, 249, 184, 128, 140, 208, 132, 88, 245, 251, 165, 128, 54, 210, 250, 93, 129, 252, 207, 128, 154, 207, 132, 164, 89, 254, 190, 128, 141, 209, 67, 161, 28, 254, 198, 128, 209, 207, 154, 27, 220, 106, 188, 165, 218, 136, 133, 14, 221, 91, 147, 166, 100, 137, 105, 39, 205, 108, 127, 163, 188, 135, 166, 103, 145, 251, 218, 129, 50, 202, 141, 102, 72, 252, 193, 129, 15, 203, 108, 16, 72, 98, 148, 165, 228, 136, 154, 27, 220, 106, 188, 165, 218, 136, 42, 30, 134, 104, 93, 167, 247, 137, 105, 39, 205, 108, 127, 163, 188, 135, 128, 95, 79, 244, 153, 233, 230, 128, 160, 98, 26, 245, 48, 236, 199, 128, 148, 89, 244, 243, 158, 227, 28, 129, 187, 92, 147, 247, 232, 227, 23, 129, 117, 235, 75, 253, 192, 170, 93, 141, 112, 240, 200, 220, 106, 161, 51, 141, 57, 240, 128, 217, 233, 160, 39, 141, 136, 239, 151, 216, 140, 161, 55, 141, 192, 84, 19, 246, 100, 128, 5, 210, 178, 89, 44, 249, 184, 128, 140, 208, 112, 240, 200, 220, 106, 161, 51, 141, 57, 240, 128, 217, 233, 160, 39, 141, 105, 155, 71, 237, 179, 124, 61, 197, 31, 151, 219, 230, 12, 122, 123, 191, 1, 245, 7, 169, 222, 144, 225, 142, 81, 247, 50, 162, 45, 141, 183, 141, 140, 247, 12, 154, 8, 139, 252, 140, 122, 10, 203, 251, 146, 165, 21, 142, 22, 10, 161, 255, 115, 164, 64, 142, 80, 160, 74, 245, 115, 232, 52, 128, 118, 160, 86, 244, 35, 233, 56, 128, 91, 246, 85, 204, 44, 153, 76, 143, 127, 13, 172, 84, 187, 167, 96, 138, 123, 3, 166, 209, 3, 168, 84, 139, 109, 102, 249, 252, 21, 23, 8, 128, 176, 105, 221, 253, 163, 235, 116, 128, 169, 103, 92, 254, 253, 22, 4, 128, 160, 2, 36, 73, 40, 170, 173, 137, 149, 1, 36, 65, 119, 170, 211, 138, 58, 1, 100, 203, 64, 170, 241, 139, 7, 4, 112, 212, 7, 170, 59, 140, 4, 157, 191, 247, 220, 233, 77, 128, 174, 158, 255, 246, 187, 232, 73, 128, 149, 1, 36, 65, 119, 170, 211, 138, 58, 1, 100, 203, 64, 170, 241, 139, 123, 160, 166, 251, 144, 128, 124, 206, 53, 156, 241, 249, 55, 128, 153, 203, 120, 159, 48, 245, 251, 127, 72, 203, 160, 2, 36, 73, 40, 170, 173, 137, 188, 154, 176, 251, 248, 232, 162, 128, 84, 243, 22, 248, 112, 164, 214, 141, 255, 154, 17, 248, 200, 235, 160, 128, 174, 158, 255, 246, 187, 232, 73, 128, 160, 2, 36, 73, 40, 170, 173, 137, 149, 1, 36, 65, 119, 170, 211, 138, 248, 243, 203, 252, 155, 164, 210, 141, 53, 156, 241, 249, 55, 128, 153, 203, 84, 243, 22, 248, 112, 164, 214, 141, 201, 133, 134, 249, 111, 255, 144, 254, 17, 142, 42, 237, 41, 251, 114, 254, 59, 146, 140, 237, 202, 255, 85, 129, 121, 147, 177, 231, 0, 251, 111, 254, 108, 150, 16, 218, 160, 239, 155, 252, 153, 156, 93, 220, 77, 248, 25, 254, 39, 8, 142, 231, 67, 168, 10, 141, 107, 153, 90, 254, 32, 232, 160, 128, 248, 243, 203, 252, 155, 164, 210, 141, 188, 154, 176, 251, 248, 232, 162, 128, 84, 243, 22, 248, 112, 164, 214, 141, 39, 8, 142, 231, 67, 168, 10, 141, 170, 13, 250, 246, 238, 167, 32, 141, 54, 95, 102, 252, 239, 128, 234, 206, 250, 93, 129, 252, 207, 128, 154, 207, 67, 161, 28, 254, 198, 128, 209, 207, 248, 243, 203, 252, 155, 164, 210, 141, 62, 161, 142, 252, 126, 128, 63, 207, 123, 160, 166, 251, 144, 128, 124, 206, 53, 156, 241, 249, 55, 128, 153, 203, 39, 8, 142, 231, 67, 168, 10, 141, 170, 13, 250, 246, 238, 167, 32, 141, 236, 98, 75, 252, 87, 230, 3, 129, 112, 103, 66, 254, 36, 233, 183, 128, 107, 153, 90, 254, 32, 232, 160, 128, 179, 240, 36, 245, 136, 165, 102, 141, 170, 13, 250, 246, 238, 167, 32, 141, 54, 95, 102, 252, 239, 128, 234, 206, 179, 240, 36, 245, 136, 165, 102, 141, 61, 240, 3, 243, 162, 165, 101, 141, 154, 27, 220, 106, 188, 165, 218, 136, 133, 14, 221, 91, 147, 166, 100, 137, 127, 13, 172, 84, 187, 167, 96, 138, 160, 98, 26, 245, 48, 236, 199, 128, 122, 108, 234, 248, 9, 243, 166, 128, 176, 105, 221, 253, 163, 235, 116, 128, 17, 142, 42, 237, 41, 251, 114, 254, 144, 149, 252, 241, 92, 247, 87, 129, 81, 151, 249, 238, 115, 248, 113, 129, 20, 150, 44, 236, 183, 252, 217, 129, 165, 147, 37, 221, 25, 240, 202, 252, 178, 149, 104, 229, 98, 251, 112, 253, 27, 149, 215, 222, 142, 243, 204, 252, 56, 149, 33, 223, 4, 244, 200, 252, 108, 150, 16, 218, 160, 239, 155, 252, 160, 106, 63, 247, 178, 242, 179, 128, 232, 111, 177, 249, 227, 245, 182, 128, 160, 110, 33, 254, 130, 240, 230, 128, 180, 142, 221, 253, 97, 243, 8, 129, 201, 133, 134, 249, 111, 255, 144, 254, 59, 146, 140, 237, 202, 255, 85, 129, 160, 106, 63, 247, 178, 242, 179, 128, 122, 108, 234, 248, 9, 243, 166, 128, 232, 111, 177, 249, 227, 245, 182, 128, 176, 105, 221, 253, 163, 235, 116, 128, 169, 103, 92, 254, 253, 22, 4, 128, 187, 145, 138, 247, 18, 246, 184, 128, 148, 89, 244, 243, 158, 227, 28, 129, 128, 95, 79, 244, 153, 233, 230, 128, 241, 89, 127, 245, 195, 226, 53, 129, 160, 98, 26, 245, 48, 236, 199, 128, 187, 92, 147, 247, 232, 227, 23, 129, 160, 106, 63, 247, 178, 242, 179, 128, 122, 108, 234, 248, 9, 243, 166, 128, 236, 98, 75, 252, 87, 230, 3, 129, 160, 110, 33, 254, 130, 240, 230, 128, 112, 103, 66, 254, 36, 233, 183, 128, 57, 0, 156, 62, 173, 170, 244, 138, 237, 1, 188, 201, 142, 170, 119, 139, 42, 5, 89, 223, 209, 168, 38, 141, 62, 161, 142, 252, 126, 128, 63, 207, 123, 160, 166, 251, 144, 128, 124, 206, 95, 163, 139, 248, 116, 128, 193, 206, 120, 159, 48, 245, 251, 127, 72, 203, 170, 6, 44, 229, 107, 168, 85, 141, 122, 10, 203, 251, 146, 165, 21, 142, 240, 160, 156, 248, 226, 228, 6, 128, 200, 159, 248, 245, 108, 232, 51, 128, 80, 160, 74, 245, 115, 232, 52, 128, 81, 151, 249, 238, 115, 248, 113, 129, 144, 154, 3, 239, 202, 244, 34, 129, 20, 150, 44, 236, 183, 252, 217, 129, 81, 247, 50, 162, 45, 141, 183, 141, 225, 247, 13, 159, 245, 139, 81, 141, 140, 247, 12, 154, 8, 139, 252, 140, 63, 2, 194, 206, 250, 167, 95, 139, 198, 4, 82, 213, 253, 167, 93, 139, 162, 151, 137, 255, 63, 23, 8, 128, 28, 154, 20, 253, 186, 23, 5, 128, 19, 2, 50, 206, 253, 167, 92, 139, 63, 2, 194, 206, 250, 167, 95, 139, 198, 4, 82, 213, 253, 167, 93, 139, 159, 6, 172, 216, 52, 168, 49, 139, 241, 102, 41, 255, 174, 129, 7, 204, 250, 153, 226, 254, 173, 129, 94, 204, 192, 154, 228, 253, 171, 129, 89, 204, 22, 156, 167, 253, 175, 129, 236, 204, 20, 150, 44, 236, 183, 252, 217, 129, 178, 149, 104, 229, 98, 251, 112, 253, 1, 245, 7, 169, 222, 144, 225, 142, 5, 228, 149, 135, 40, 133, 2, 138, 140, 247, 12, 154, 8, 139, 252, 140, 78, 248, 128, 136, 239, 134, 224, 138, 237, 1, 188, 201, 142, 170, 119, 139, 42, 5, 89, 223, 209, 168, 38, 141, 170, 6, 44, 229, 107, 168, 85, 141, 18, 161, 204, 249, 59, 28, 5, 128, 240, 160, 156, 248, 226, 228, 6, 128, 255, 154, 17, 248, 200, 235, 160, 128, 4, 157, 191, 247, 220, 233, 77, 128, 174, 158, 255, 246, 187, 232, 73, 128, 12, 150, 117, 245, 119, 243, 8, 129, 200, 159, 248, 245, 108, 232, 51, 128, 80, 160, 74, 245, 115, 232, 52, 128, 118, 160, 86, 244, 35, 233, 56, 128, 144, 149, 252, 241, 92, 247, 87, 129, 110, 159, 36, 241, 65, 237, 124, 128, 81, 151, 249, 238, 115, 248, 113, 129, 144, 154, 3, 239, 202, 244, 34, 129, 42, 5, 89, 223, 209, 168, 38, 141, 170, 6, 44, 229, 107, 168, 85, 141, 122, 10, 203, 251, 146, 165, 21, 142, 22, 10, 161, 255, 115, 164, 64, 142, 95, 163, 139, 248, 116, 128, 193, 206, 61, 165, 57, 246, 118, 128, 203, 206, 132, 88, 245, 251, 165, 128, 54, 210, 132, 164, 89, 254, 190, 128, 141, 209, 119, 165, 101, 253, 214, 128, 171, 209, 181, 79, 87, 240, 92, 128, 143, 210, 160, 85, 109, 246, 182, 128, 167, 209, 132, 88, 245, 251, 165, 128, 54, 210, 181, 97, 108, 191, 43, 211, 218, 208, 175, 99, 183, 192, 230, 209, 225, 203, 64, 168, 138, 253, 43, 128, 61, 211, 54, 171, 204, 248, 36, 128, 13, 211, 247, 139, 205, 192, 135, 210, 180, 177, 54, 171, 204, 248, 36, 128, 13, 211, 88, 135, 230, 194, 24, 220, 50, 181, 247, 139, 205, 192, 135, 210, 180, 177, 47, 171, 62, 242, 190, 126, 102, 208, 108, 174, 47, 242, 220, 127, 68, 210, 242, 184, 16, 162, 30, 183, 16, 152, 134, 186, 194, 160, 196, 177, 11, 151, 11, 175, 184, 239, 186, 127, 155, 209, 90, 179, 172, 233, 180, 127, 146, 209, 111, 181, 140, 228, 29, 127, 139, 208, 181, 79, 87, 240, 92, 128, 143, 210, 30, 84, 139, 248, 27, 128, 83, 211, 139, 83, 186, 246, 51, 128, 240, 210, 30, 84, 139, 248, 27, 128, 83, 211, 64, 168, 138, 253, 43, 128, 61, 211, 54, 171, 204, 248, 36, 128, 13, 211, 108, 174, 47, 242, 220, 127, 68, 210, 11, 175, 184, 239, 186, 127, 155, 209, 93, 3, 156, 166, 223, 174, 69, 248, 111, 0, 42, 172, 11, 173, 34, 248, 2, 6, 121, 187, 84, 187, 77, 241, 202, 159, 49, 253, 212, 129, 149, 206, 108, 155, 17, 244, 245, 125, 131, 200, 89, 166, 114, 244, 238, 127, 185, 206, 108, 168, 116, 244, 201, 128, 187, 207, 217, 166, 218, 243, 242, 127, 191, 206, 56, 163, 146, 242, 100, 127, 38, 204, 24, 158, 219, 238, 159, 125, 133, 199, 27, 171, 133, 246, 247, 128, 251, 209, 45, 171, 86, 246, 227, 128, 246, 209, 254, 172, 143, 245, 75, 129, 144, 210, 60, 180, 240, 243, 78, 130, 168, 213, 27, 171, 133, 246, 247, 128, 251, 209, 254, 172, 143, 245, 75, 129, 144, 210, 89, 166, 114, 244, 238, 127, 185, 206, 217, 166, 218, 243, 242, 127, 191, 206, 90, 172, 54, 240, 117, 128, 51, 208, 194, 176, 59, 246, 253, 129, 177, 212, 254, 172, 143, 245, 75, 129, 144, 210, 60, 180, 240, 243, 78, 130, 168, 213, 90, 172, 54, 240, 117, 128, 51, 208, 194, 176, 59, 246, 253, 129, 177, 212, 60, 180, 240, 243, 78, 130, 168, 213, 194, 176, 59, 246, 253, 129, 177, 212, 233, 150, 90, 235, 15, 123, 197, 193, 125, 153, 2, 235, 204, 123, 3, 195, 13, 150, 2, 220, 212, 119, 247, 184, 109, 153, 106, 213, 2, 119, 40, 183, 26, 155, 223, 199, 139, 115, 13, 177, 155, 156, 202, 199, 251, 115, 159, 177, 117, 192, 36, 117, 153, 106, 91, 141, 38, 207, 103, 122, 198, 114, 251, 139, 178, 216, 93, 123, 175, 117, 76, 139, 243, 167, 44, 220, 248, 4, 224, 128, 227, 165, 39, 218, 4, 0, 228, 255, 74, 174, 237, 216, 205, 8, 134, 129, 248, 171, 126, 215, 62, 4, 211, 128, 245, 153, 23, 204, 12, 229, 126, 250, 93, 155, 196, 205, 246, 231, 241, 250, 119, 187, 80, 116, 174, 104, 119, 141, 185, 190, 55, 117, 61, 106, 98, 141, 212, 158, 70, 250, 248, 123, 210, 204, 180, 157, 183, 248, 177, 123, 158, 203, 80, 159, 177, 248, 224, 123, 113, 204, 226, 155, 144, 247, 91, 123, 50, 202, 255, 160, 221, 247, 1, 124, 255, 204, 214, 181, 6, 137, 16, 217, 218, 153, 175, 187, 184, 143, 115, 216, 123, 151, 97, 192, 149, 146, 107, 215, 111, 149, 227, 114, 100, 247, 55, 5, 151, 133, 144, 122, 150, 252, 51, 2, 126, 133, 183, 122, 180, 252, 41, 2, 222, 133, 22, 120, 9, 253, 224, 4, 19, 134, 13, 124, 138, 253, 157, 1, 43, 134, 180, 118, 84, 254, 43, 7, 230, 133, 232, 118, 108, 254, 12, 7, 250, 133, 8, 126, 252, 254, 248, 0, 241, 133, 235, 126, 167, 255, 179, 0, 252, 133, 73, 127, 180, 255, 104, 0, 208, 133, 142, 126, 196, 255, 34, 1, 92, 133, 210, 37, 140, 187, 202, 84, 92, 157, 37, 39, 61, 190, 126, 82, 35, 158, 181, 60, 73, 203, 173, 231, 65, 128, 102, 66, 162, 206, 98, 21, 141, 129, 172, 67, 225, 208, 2, 22, 80, 129, 126, 69, 9, 208, 251, 18, 68, 130, 70, 36, 151, 180, 102, 89, 161, 155, 158, 41, 250, 186, 44, 83, 255, 157, 92, 41, 71, 198, 58, 76, 133, 160, 69, 46, 116, 205, 67, 68, 127, 162, 236, 67, 184, 197, 115, 197, 219, 221, 44, 65, 233, 204, 46, 200, 76, 220, 138, 67, 164, 204, 152, 201, 17, 220, 106, 69, 139, 203, 78, 201, 194, 219, 132, 71, 191, 206, 110, 204, 116, 218, 169, 74, 196, 208, 58, 207, 83, 217, 147, 38, 69, 182, 95, 87, 133, 156, 90, 38, 243, 183, 115, 86, 139, 156, 92, 41, 71, 198, 58, 76, 133, 160, 132, 71, 191, 206, 110, 204, 116, 218, 245, 7, 83, 154, 205, 232, 53, 247, 45, 9, 243, 157, 53, 218, 166, 246, 50, 9, 148, 165, 104, 251, 19, 241, 253, 59, 51, 202, 20, 196, 116, 222, 204, 63, 22, 202, 196, 197, 120, 221, 159, 62, 199, 204, 196, 198, 236, 220, 130, 63, 241, 207, 209, 200, 141, 219, 3, 6, 37, 136, 166, 135, 246, 252, 78, 5, 100, 139, 48, 135, 52, 253, 47, 9, 220, 156, 239, 139, 133, 250, 200, 85, 137, 215, 187, 7, 215, 133, 103, 88, 6, 228, 11, 16, 147, 131, 157, 103, 31, 236, 192, 6, 248, 132, 217, 26, 235, 137, 230, 68, 167, 254, 239, 26, 218, 137, 78, 38, 28, 251, 45, 9, 243, 157, 53, 218, 166, 246, 121, 56, 101, 188, 15, 187, 41, 227, 204, 63, 22, 202, 196, 197, 120, 221, 44, 65, 233, 204, 46, 200, 76, 220, 231, 64, 71, 205, 66, 200, 61, 220, 106, 69, 139, 203, 78, 201, 194, 219, 110, 67, 173, 217, 87, 226, 141, 129, 109, 67, 36, 219, 60, 225, 233, 129, 240, 62, 106, 220, 34, 221, 59, 132, 48, 67, 149, 219, 178, 224, 27, 130, 160, 65, 127, 220, 254, 222, 24, 131, 110, 65, 180, 222, 133, 221, 218, 131, 192, 69, 45, 226, 170, 222, 36, 131, 43, 70, 85, 227, 147, 222, 145, 131, 40, 75, 169, 227, 12, 227, 96, 130, 235, 76, 110, 227, 214, 228, 198, 129, 70, 74, 148, 231, 71, 223, 95, 131, 68, 75, 183, 233, 148, 222, 117, 131, 239, 26, 218, 137, 78, 38, 28, 251, 245, 7, 83, 154, 205, 232, 53, 247, 45, 9, 243, 157, 53, 218, 166, 246, 220, 84, 141, 221, 153, 59, 239, 179, 25, 81, 201, 223, 72, 57, 47, 181, 107, 82, 36, 224, 30, 57, 69, 181, 92, 56, 17, 192, 216, 18, 245, 129, 156, 56, 56, 201, 195, 228, 235, 128, 34, 56, 133, 201, 31, 229, 188, 129, 234, 52, 22, 217, 190, 55, 66, 168, 37, 56, 176, 222, 245, 49, 222, 172, 104, 212, 222, 184, 200, 63, 121, 234, 148, 226, 36, 144, 140, 79, 61, 252, 156, 56, 56, 201, 195, 228, 235, 128, 242, 55, 238, 202, 108, 227, 1, 130, 156, 65, 97, 230, 90, 36, 32, 172, 148, 226, 36, 144, 140, 79, 61, 252, 88, 13, 185, 192, 68, 145, 98, 244, 192, 78, 135, 217, 91, 17, 36, 131, 218, 21, 8, 222, 119, 151, 90, 236, 192, 69, 45, 226, 170, 222, 36, 131, 235, 76, 110, 227, 214, 228, 198, 129, 103, 88, 6, 228, 11, 16, 147, 131, 9, 92, 4, 233, 131, 16, 162, 131, 157, 103, 31, 236, 192, 6, 248, 132, 157, 22, 101, 239, 189, 151, 79, 235, 51, 115, 37, 238, 204, 3, 38, 250, 118, 56, 115, 197, 191, 191, 218, 224, 129, 56, 28, 198, 36, 192, 168, 224, 31, 58, 52, 199, 151, 193, 230, 223, 188, 58, 124, 199, 18, 194, 167, 223, 228, 56, 208, 201, 103, 194, 116, 223, 234, 52, 22, 217, 190, 55, 66, 168, 104, 212, 222, 184, 200, 63, 121, 234, 165, 57, 238, 190, 172, 189, 129, 226, 188, 58, 124, 199, 18, 194, 167, 223, 228, 56, 208, 201, 103, 194, 116, 223, 170, 59, 34, 203, 110, 196, 62, 222, 177, 211, 178, 233, 39, 200, 4, 153, 197, 211, 93, 217, 44, 196, 44, 161, 251, 217, 201, 192, 137, 181, 42, 147, 62, 9, 79, 156, 240, 139, 133, 250, 47, 9, 220, 156, 239, 139, 133, 250, 76, 15, 203, 195, 149, 149, 199, 242, 157, 103, 31, 236, 192, 6, 248, 132, 51, 115, 37, 238, 204, 3, 38, 250, 129, 56, 28, 198, 36, 192, 168, 224, 234, 52, 22, 217, 190, 55, 66, 168, 85, 54, 155, 220, 218, 52, 47, 172, 37, 56, 176, 222, 245, 49, 222, 172, 170, 56, 105, 223, 4, 49, 47, 173, 84, 67, 203, 232, 42, 33, 247, 175, 75, 83, 210, 220, 15, 60, 173, 179, 220, 84, 141, 221, 153, 59, 239, 179, 25, 81, 201, 223, 72, 57, 47, 181, 154, 223, 105, 216, 108, 180, 223, 142, 167, 223, 33, 216, 1, 182, 119, 147, 53, 214, 107, 191, 196, 192, 114, 142, 31, 58, 52, 199, 151, 193, 230, 223, 188, 58, 124, 199, 18, 194, 167, 223, 154, 223, 105, 216, 108, 180, 223, 142, 167, 223, 33, 216, 1, 182, 119, 147, 251, 217, 201, 192, 137, 181, 42, 147, 92, 56, 17, 192, 216, 18, 245, 129, 39, 56, 200, 197, 95, 232, 171, 128, 37, 56, 176, 222, 245, 49, 222, 172, 170, 56, 105, 223, 4, 49, 47, 173, 135, 38, 42, 193, 220, 80, 7, 158, 172, 39, 142, 195, 86, 78, 89, 157, 143, 38, 231, 196, 108, 78, 140, 158, 121, 38, 31, 197, 100, 78, 236, 158, 0, 87, 237, 204, 58, 212, 70, 215, 86, 87, 203, 217, 53, 218, 175, 212, 154, 92, 243, 222, 140, 223, 97, 210, 139, 42, 151, 195, 185, 148, 34, 221, 121, 56, 101, 188, 15, 187, 41, 227, 223, 62, 144, 194, 106, 193, 238, 223, 133, 67, 74, 197, 36, 197, 33, 222, 236, 67, 184, 197, 115, 197, 219, 221, 106, 69, 139, 203, 78, 201, 194, 219, 120, 56, 173, 213, 161, 158, 40, 216, 204, 57, 6, 196, 158, 191, 219, 224, 118, 56, 115, 197, 191, 191, 218, 224, 127, 57, 2, 197, 2, 192, 173, 224, 31, 58, 52, 199, 151, 193, 230, 223, 154, 223, 105, 216, 108, 180, 223, 142, 53, 214, 107, 191, 196, 192, 114, 142, 160, 215, 213, 180, 245, 192, 213, 141, 140, 43, 195, 186, 102, 81, 237, 156, 121, 38, 31, 197, 100, 78, 236, 158, 170, 38, 246, 199, 59, 76, 61, 158, 83, 93, 10, 214, 42, 220, 247, 211, 154, 92, 243, 222, 140, 223, 97, 210, 154, 105, 81, 232, 89, 234, 190, 205, 250, 44, 127, 185, 190, 80, 65, 156, 113, 43, 191, 188, 252, 79, 182, 156, 55, 98, 162, 226, 110, 4, 159, 134, 120, 98, 81, 227, 199, 4, 146, 134, 250, 44, 127, 185, 190, 80, 65, 156, 140, 43, 195, 186, 102, 81, 237, 156, 113, 43, 191, 188, 252, 79, 182, 156, 131, 54, 140, 181, 57, 77, 23, 157, 31, 104, 115, 229, 153, 232, 157, 206, 154, 105, 81, 232, 89, 234, 190, 205, 123, 62, 54, 192, 254, 191, 161, 224, 223, 62, 144, 194, 106, 193, 238, 223, 133, 67, 74, 197, 36, 197, 33, 222, 161, 77, 75, 142, 54, 68, 162, 243, 147, 85, 159, 145, 28, 69, 99, 243, 217, 26, 235, 137, 230, 68, 167, 254, 239, 26, 218, 137, 78, 38, 28, 251, 161, 77, 75, 142, 54, 68, 162, 243, 147, 85, 159, 145, 28, 69, 99, 243, 86, 95, 130, 156, 92, 168, 21, 253, 75, 83, 210, 220, 15, 60, 173, 179, 103, 86, 176, 220, 107, 60, 122, 179, 220, 84, 141, 221, 153, 59, 239, 179, 204, 59, 243, 193, 147, 191, 226, 224, 204, 57, 6, 196, 158, 191, 219, 224, 103, 220, 146, 191, 247, 187, 48, 138, 160, 215, 213, 180, 245, 192, 213, 141, 39, 56, 200, 197, 95, 232, 171, 128, 85, 54, 155, 220, 218, 52, 47, 172, 170, 56, 105, 223, 4, 49, 47, 173, 67, 18, 198, 145, 135, 145, 20, 246, 40, 39, 220, 131, 239, 134, 41, 250, 88, 13, 185, 192, 68, 145, 98, 244, 40, 75, 169, 227, 12, 227, 96, 130, 235, 76, 110, 227, 214, 228, 198, 129, 158, 87, 251, 240, 187, 228, 15, 130, 38, 12, 118, 191, 129, 145, 144, 245, 218, 21, 8, 222, 119, 151, 90, 236, 16, 83, 200, 232, 211, 230, 225, 207, 211, 90, 80, 238, 233, 236, 33, 204, 157, 22, 101, 239, 189, 151, 79, 235, 88, 101, 122, 239, 40, 239, 218, 202, 57, 8, 53, 148, 142, 137, 115, 251, 38, 12, 118, 191, 129, 145, 144, 245, 9, 92, 4, 233, 131, 16, 162, 131, 157, 22, 101, 239, 189, 151, 79, 235, 57, 8, 53, 148, 142, 137, 115, 251, 138, 15, 211, 187, 208, 148, 134, 243, 76, 15, 203, 195, 149, 149, 199, 242, 9, 92, 4, 233, 131, 16, 162, 131, 51, 115, 37, 238, 204, 3, 38, 250, 40, 39, 220, 131, 239, 134, 41, 250, 88, 13, 185, 192, 68, 145, 98, 244, 218, 21, 8, 222, 119, 151, 90, 236, 16, 83, 200, 232, 211, 230, 225, 207, 164, 13, 69, 164, 147, 145, 171, 247, 76, 17, 127, 187, 246, 151, 175, 242, 173, 13, 143, 196, 198, 149, 243, 243, 180, 12, 5, 198, 80, 149, 123, 244, 43, 70, 85, 227, 147, 222, 145, 131, 70, 74, 148, 231, 71, 223, 95, 131, 92, 56, 17, 192, 216, 18, 245, 129, 178, 56, 156, 196, 87, 23, 206, 128, 39, 56, 200, 197, 95, 232, 171, 128, 34, 56, 133, 201, 31, 229, 188, 129, 235, 57, 1, 202, 227, 229, 231, 128, 85, 54, 155, 220, 218, 52, 47, 172, 84, 67, 203, 232, 42, 33, 247, 175, 210, 192, 73, 205, 55, 44, 84, 225, 173, 13, 143, 196, 198, 149, 243, 243, 180, 12, 5, 198, 80, 149, 123, 244, 182, 14, 240, 211, 161, 151, 60, 241, 81, 73, 25, 231, 54, 229, 121, 210, 184, 77, 149, 235, 223, 233, 115, 207, 180, 12, 5, 198, 80, 149, 123, 244, 72, 16, 14, 204, 189, 151, 18, 241, 182, 14, 240, 211, 161, 151, 60, 241, 70, 74, 148, 231, 71, 223, 95, 131, 68, 75, 183, 233, 148, 222, 117, 131, 44, 14, 61, 176, 148, 146, 253, 245, 195, 13, 179, 183, 70, 147, 111, 245, 72, 16, 14, 204, 189, 151, 18, 241, 40, 75, 169, 227, 12, 227, 96, 130, 68, 75, 183, 233, 148, 222, 117, 131, 158, 87, 251, 240, 187, 228, 15, 130, 67, 18, 198, 145, 135, 145, 20, 246, 195, 13, 179, 183, 70, 147, 111, 245, 28, 15, 48, 194, 186, 149, 37, 243, 158, 87, 251, 240, 187, 228, 15, 130, 164, 13, 69, 164, 147, 145, 171, 247, 173, 13, 143, 196, 198, 149, 243, 243, 237, 72, 104, 230, 90, 228, 211, 210, 81, 73, 25, 231, 54, 229, 121, 210, 139, 13, 29, 192, 61, 150, 200, 244, 198, 76, 251, 224, 32, 231, 180, 129, 219, 247, 35, 248, 11, 152, 170, 239, 21, 28, 212, 144, 53, 146, 94, 244, 141, 21, 8, 157, 184, 149, 182, 242, 27, 56, 241, 209, 108, 222, 221, 131, 74, 57, 208, 209, 3, 224, 177, 131, 80, 57, 15, 210, 86, 223, 114, 131, 223, 57, 116, 212, 42, 222, 226, 131, 62, 64, 117, 210, 93, 229, 16, 129, 245, 58, 172, 214, 180, 221, 43, 132, 119, 63, 137, 221, 18, 221, 130, 132, 198, 76, 251, 224, 32, 231, 180, 129, 219, 247, 35, 248, 11, 152, 170, 239, 156, 56, 56, 201, 195, 228, 235, 128, 34, 56, 133, 201, 31, 229, 188, 129, 235, 57, 1, 202, 227, 229, 231, 128, 242, 55, 238, 202, 108, 227, 1, 130, 154, 55, 153, 206, 82, 224, 34, 131, 21, 62, 232, 204, 86, 231, 1, 128, 74, 57, 208, 209, 3, 224, 177, 131, 89, 64, 94, 210, 172, 229, 21, 129, 62, 64, 117, 210, 93, 229, 16, 129, 178, 56, 156, 196, 87, 23, 206, 128, 79, 58, 110, 224, 225, 47, 146, 174, 210, 192, 73, 205, 55, 44, 84, 225, 205, 99, 171, 236, 146, 11, 216, 133, 145, 104, 138, 237, 123, 7, 199, 134, 130, 98, 93, 240, 243, 15, 82, 133, 202, 110, 106, 239, 201, 2, 54, 135, 78, 115, 114, 243, 191, 1, 106, 135, 60, 111, 9, 246, 184, 7, 109, 134, 110, 107, 113, 246, 194, 11, 215, 133, 140, 43, 195, 186, 102, 81, 237, 156, 113, 43, 191, 188, 252, 79, 182, 156, 170, 38, 246, 199, 59, 76, 61, 158, 120, 98, 81, 227, 199, 4, 146, 134, 154, 99, 171, 225, 233, 1, 23, 135, 236, 104, 144, 235, 21, 5, 221, 133, 254, 110, 98, 239, 132, 2, 23, 135, 202, 110, 106, 239, 201, 2, 54, 135, 60, 111, 9, 246, 184, 7, 109, 134, 140, 114, 196, 245, 57, 4, 17, 134, 22, 112, 136, 246, 68, 7, 12, 134, 122, 37, 233, 184, 110, 86, 169, 156, 188, 39, 234, 194, 0, 79, 86, 158, 172, 39, 142, 195, 86, 78, 89, 157, 138, 67, 164, 204, 152, 201, 17, 220, 177, 77, 189, 200, 70, 204, 174, 218, 6, 78, 18, 203, 119, 205, 22, 218, 169, 74, 196, 208, 58, 207, 83, 217, 86, 87, 203, 217, 53, 218, 175, 212, 137, 68, 11, 194, 145, 6, 240, 133, 223, 85, 145, 220, 237, 11, 75, 132, 55, 98, 162, 226, 110, 4, 159, 134, 120, 98, 81, 227, 199, 4, 146, 134, 154, 99, 171, 225, 233, 1, 23, 135, 29, 101, 241, 224, 190, 0, 158, 248, 2, 101, 218, 233, 142, 7, 50, 133, 236, 104, 144, 235, 21, 5, 221, 133, 254, 110, 98, 239, 132, 2, 23, 135, 62, 106, 41, 240, 171, 7, 47, 133, 143, 38, 231, 196, 108, 78, 140, 158, 121, 38, 31, 197, 100, 78, 236, 158, 170, 38, 246, 199, 59, 76, 61, 158, 125, 97, 176, 223, 33, 1, 52, 133, 154, 99, 171, 225, 233, 1, 23, 135, 29, 101, 241, 224, 190, 0, 158, 248, 47, 38, 249, 179, 160, 88, 179, 155, 122, 37, 233, 184, 110, 86, 169, 156, 188, 39, 234, 194, 0, 79, 86, 158, 4, 76, 86, 210, 152, 13, 241, 131, 87, 76, 204, 210, 165, 13, 233, 131, 47, 38, 249, 179, 160, 88, 179, 155, 147, 38, 69, 182, 95, 87, 133, 156, 122, 37, 233, 184, 110, 86, 169, 156, 138, 67, 164, 204, 152, 201, 17, 220, 132, 71, 191, 206, 110, 204, 116, 218, 47, 38, 249, 179, 160, 88, 179, 155, 147, 38, 69, 182, 95, 87, 133, 156, 90, 38, 243, 183, 115, 86, 139, 156, 4, 76, 86, 210, 152, 13, 241, 131, 157, 76, 99, 211, 228, 13, 217, 131, 140, 114, 196, 245, 57, 4, 17, 134, 22, 112, 136, 246, 68, 7, 12, 134, 102, 119, 131, 249, 166, 2, 216, 133, 158, 114, 145, 250, 14, 8, 242, 133, 22, 120, 9, 253, 224, 4, 19, 134, 13, 124, 138, 253, 157, 1, 43, 134, 90, 38, 243, 183, 115, 86, 139, 156, 158, 41, 250, 186, 44, 83, 255, 157, 92, 41, 71, 198, 58, 76, 133, 160, 157, 76, 99, 211, 228, 13, 217, 131, 185, 76, 194, 211, 32, 14, 204, 131, 87, 96, 79, 231, 52, 10, 149, 132, 2, 101, 218, 233, 142, 7, 50, 133, 62, 106, 41, 240, 171, 7, 47, 133, 211, 108, 116, 240, 68, 5, 91, 133, 249, 110, 135, 242, 231, 4, 93, 133, 135, 38, 42, 193, 220, 80, 7, 158, 188, 39, 234, 194, 0, 79, 86, 158, 172, 39, 142, 195, 86, 78, 89, 157, 87, 76, 204, 210, 165, 13, 233, 131, 223, 85, 145, 220, 237, 11, 75, 132, 158, 87, 243, 223, 30, 13, 11, 132, 125, 97, 176, 223, 33, 1, 52, 133, 29, 101, 241, 224, 190, 0, 158, 248, 217, 26, 235, 137, 230, 68, 167, 254, 121, 56, 101, 188, 15, 187, 41, 227, 223, 62, 144, 194, 106, 193, 238, 223, 161, 77, 75, 142, 54, 68, 162, 243, 135, 38, 42, 193, 220, 80, 7, 158, 143, 38, 231, 196, 108, 78, 140, 158, 125, 97, 176, 223, 33, 1, 52, 133, 24, 33, 80, 167, 248, 146, 5, 222, 40, 33, 23, 169, 148, 145, 63, 221, 235, 39, 218, 187, 97, 146, 183, 220, 177, 77, 189, 200, 70, 204, 174, 218, 6, 78, 18, 203, 119, 205, 22, 218, 24, 93, 132, 205, 172, 216, 220, 212, 24, 33, 80, 167, 248, 146, 5, 222, 40, 33, 23, 169, 148, 145, 63, 221, 139, 42, 151, 195, 185, 148, 34, 221, 4, 71, 157, 194, 206, 173, 17, 210, 121, 50, 252, 207, 100, 158, 31, 219, 120, 56, 173, 213, 161, 158, 40, 216, 250, 39, 171, 180, 194, 147, 43, 219, 251, 40, 214, 196, 18, 142, 24, 221, 228, 40, 13, 197, 112, 144, 194, 221, 6, 78, 18, 203, 119, 205, 22, 218, 0, 87, 237, 204, 58, 212, 70, 215, 24, 93, 132, 205, 172, 216, 220, 212, 86, 87, 203, 217, 53, 218, 175, 212, 235, 39, 218, 187, 97, 146, 183, 220, 228, 40, 13, 197, 112, 144, 194, 221, 24, 93, 132, 205, 172, 216, 220, 212, 100, 44, 41, 181, 242, 81, 182, 153, 194, 38, 16, 194, 44, 79, 95, 154, 232, 68, 103, 168, 36, 80, 231, 154, 142, 107, 141, 233, 213, 0, 160, 135, 194, 38, 16, 194, 44, 79, 95, 154, 236, 77, 139, 167, 74, 75, 133, 156, 137, 68, 11, 194, 145, 6, 240, 133, 142, 107, 141, 233, 213, 0, 160, 135, 238, 110, 30, 237, 139, 0, 177, 135, 254, 110, 98, 239, 132, 2, 23, 135, 202, 110, 106, 239, 201, 2, 54, 135, 78, 115, 114, 243, 191, 1, 106, 135, 250, 44, 127, 185, 190, 80, 65, 156, 131, 54, 140, 181, 57, 77, 23, 157, 232, 68, 103, 168, 36, 80, 231, 154, 137, 68, 11, 194, 145, 6, 240, 133, 55, 98, 162, 226, 110, 4, 159, 134, 142, 107, 141, 233, 213, 0, 160, 135, 118, 56, 115, 197, 191, 191, 218, 224, 127, 57, 2, 197, 2, 192, 173, 224, 129, 56, 28, 198, 36, 192, 168, 224, 79, 58, 110, 224, 225, 47, 146, 174, 84, 67, 203, 232, 42, 33, 247, 175, 214, 72, 59, 236, 151, 27, 99, 177, 210, 192, 73, 205, 55, 44, 84, 225, 101, 15, 210, 191, 97, 151, 113, 243, 139, 13, 29, 192, 61, 150, 200, 244, 195, 14, 21, 202, 85, 152, 90, 242, 240, 62, 106, 220, 34, 221, 59, 132, 119, 63, 137, 221, 18, 221, 130, 132, 110, 65, 180, 222, 133, 221, 218, 131, 198, 76, 251, 224, 32, 231, 180, 129, 76, 17, 127, 187, 246, 151, 175, 242, 101, 15, 210, 191, 97, 151, 113, 243, 172, 16, 86, 201, 125, 153, 24, 241, 110, 65, 180, 222, 133, 221, 218, 131, 43, 70, 85, 227, 147, 222, 145, 131, 164, 13, 69, 164, 147, 145, 171, 247, 76, 17, 127, 187, 246, 151, 175, 242, 172, 16, 86, 201, 125, 153, 24, 241, 171, 71, 145, 226, 248, 224, 25, 213, 237, 72, 104, 230, 90, 228, 211, 210, 24, 33, 80, 167, 248, 146, 5, 222, 139, 42, 151, 195, 185, 148, 34, 221, 236, 67, 184, 197, 115, 197, 219, 221, 177, 77, 189, 200, 70, 204, 174, 218, 169, 74, 196, 208, 58, 207, 83, 217, 70, 36, 151, 180, 102, 89, 161, 155, 148, 39, 178, 192, 176, 80, 137, 158, 71, 40, 228, 193, 175, 79, 75, 159, 44, 65, 233, 204, 46, 200, 76, 220, 231, 64, 71, 205, 66, 200, 61, 220, 70, 36, 151, 180, 102, 89, 161, 155, 148, 39, 178, 192, 176, 80, 137, 158, 69, 46, 116, 205, 67, 68, 127, 162, 181, 60, 73, 203, 173, 231, 65, 128, 126, 69, 9, 208, 251, 18, 68, 130, 96, 116, 29, 208, 39, 30, 44, 244, 39, 120, 109, 216, 246, 25, 27, 244, 43, 123, 59, 214, 95, 30, 46, 244, 192, 124, 158, 210, 175, 34, 64, 244, 68, 127, 93, 215, 165, 32, 71, 244, 4, 133, 26, 214, 76, 32, 65, 244, 63, 103, 101, 210, 100, 15, 41, 244, 80, 106, 113, 207, 78, 21, 230, 243, 121, 106, 196, 206, 16, 22, 215, 243, 82, 107, 168, 214, 132, 15, 39, 244, 42, 147, 255, 192, 33, 37, 177, 194, 169, 147, 218, 193, 168, 37, 201, 195, 48, 151, 17, 193, 110, 44, 102, 195, 239, 103, 9, 200, 40, 223, 64, 213, 174, 106, 97, 208, 165, 228, 247, 210, 53, 107, 88, 205, 242, 227, 20, 211, 169, 147, 218, 193, 168, 37, 201, 195, 48, 151, 17, 193, 110, 44, 102, 195, 216, 161, 101, 194, 199, 58, 51, 201, 6, 85, 16, 189, 116, 203, 42, 219, 208, 88, 211, 195, 222, 209, 61, 217, 121, 112, 16, 159, 114, 195, 189, 174, 137, 113, 184, 159, 22, 190, 52, 172, 75, 172, 107, 180, 102, 195, 214, 162, 71, 106, 182, 201, 136, 26, 147, 243, 123, 106, 148, 201, 199, 26, 128, 243, 121, 106, 196, 206, 16, 22, 215, 243, 169, 147, 218, 193, 168, 37, 201, 195, 216, 161, 101, 194, 199, 58, 51, 201, 218, 162, 42, 194, 171, 56, 53, 204, 40, 33, 23, 169, 148, 145, 63, 221, 235, 39, 218, 187, 97, 146, 183, 220, 251, 40, 214, 196, 18, 142, 24, 221, 228, 40, 13, 197, 112, 144, 194, 221, 113, 70, 136, 194, 100, 173, 70, 210, 4, 71, 157, 194, 206, 173, 17, 210, 26, 79, 24, 192, 178, 180, 187, 206, 46, 87, 141, 204, 181, 185, 50, 204, 69, 61, 194, 174, 5, 167, 89, 212, 113, 70, 136, 194, 100, 173, 70, 210, 26, 79, 24, 192, 178, 180, 187, 206, 202, 86, 229, 197, 197, 186, 208, 203, 184, 71, 55, 236, 242, 167, 126, 210, 21, 79, 240, 245, 214, 170, 217, 207, 61, 177, 214, 225, 183, 180, 182, 190, 230, 85, 147, 187, 125, 188, 145, 203, 121, 112, 16, 159, 114, 195, 189, 174, 137, 113, 184, 159, 22, 190, 52, 172, 160, 131, 28, 181, 20, 190, 53, 172, 69, 61, 194, 174, 5, 167, 89, 212, 164, 75, 0, 186, 120, 178, 202, 207, 37, 84, 59, 188, 120, 186, 104, 204, 230, 85, 147, 187, 125, 188, 145, 203, 202, 86, 229, 197, 197, 186, 208, 203, 38, 100, 30, 204, 209, 198, 189, 197, 121, 112, 16, 159, 114, 195, 189, 174, 75, 172, 107, 180, 102, 195, 214, 162, 95, 181, 201, 177, 230, 183, 2, 160, 129, 87, 110, 186, 191, 203, 189, 218, 210, 94, 242, 191, 98, 212, 32, 216, 21, 95, 146, 193, 104, 213, 0, 216, 100, 96, 5, 206, 0, 220, 193, 213, 98, 100, 83, 195, 87, 218, 135, 214, 71, 103, 121, 196, 27, 221, 203, 213, 164, 103, 178, 196, 127, 221, 158, 213, 210, 103, 91, 196, 125, 221, 159, 213, 239, 103, 9, 200, 40, 223, 64, 213, 53, 107, 88, 205, 242, 227, 20, 211, 164, 103, 178, 196, 127, 221, 158, 213, 239, 103, 9, 200, 40, 223, 64, 213, 216, 161, 101, 194, 199, 58, 51, 201, 218, 162, 42, 194, 171, 56, 53, 204, 48, 170, 34, 195, 67, 64, 92, 207, 13, 172, 18, 196, 65, 67, 103, 207, 71, 106, 182, 201, 136, 26, 147, 243, 197, 106, 182, 199, 203, 28, 114, 243, 218, 162, 42, 194, 171, 56, 53, 204, 48, 170, 34, 195, 67, 64, 92, 207, 241, 83, 8, 188, 30, 202, 180, 219, 6, 85, 16, 189, 116, 203, 42, 219, 137, 113, 184, 159, 22, 190, 52, 172, 160, 131, 28, 181, 20, 190, 53, 172, 128, 135, 116, 181, 53, 187, 4, 171, 57, 43, 193, 145, 172, 150, 77, 241, 79, 59, 153, 146, 112, 155, 244, 241, 146, 16, 194, 64, 166, 101, 107, 243, 244, 66, 9, 148, 240, 159, 231, 240, 54, 113, 44, 212, 155, 23, 21, 244, 216, 115, 78, 209, 132, 28, 9, 244, 146, 16, 194, 64, 166, 101, 107, 243, 244, 66, 9, 148, 240, 159, 231, 240, 214, 115, 3, 210, 194, 13, 72, 182, 79, 59, 153, 146, 112, 155, 244, 241, 244, 66, 9, 148, 240, 159, 231, 240, 214, 115, 3, 210, 194, 13, 72, 182, 79, 59, 153, 146, 112, 155, 244, 241, 216, 115, 78, 209, 132, 28, 9, 244, 96, 116, 29, 208, 39, 30, 44, 244, 192, 124, 158, 210, 175, 34, 64, 244, 57, 43, 193, 145, 172, 150, 77, 241, 146, 16, 194, 64, 166, 101, 107, 243, 47, 75, 98, 149, 222, 164, 91, 238, 99, 105, 116, 205, 21, 221, 102, 203, 195, 111, 55, 212, 148, 229, 32, 200, 214, 115, 3, 210, 194, 13, 72, 182, 209, 22, 124, 136, 47, 138, 196, 244, 145, 31, 186, 139, 182, 142, 21, 243, 57, 43, 193, 145, 172, 150, 77, 241, 47, 75, 98, 149, 222, 164, 91, 238, 80, 106, 113, 207, 78, 21, 230, 243, 82, 107, 168, 214, 132, 15, 39, 244, 54, 113, 44, 212, 155, 23, 21, 244, 209, 22, 124, 136, 47, 138, 196, 244, 47, 75, 98, 149, 222, 164, 91, 238, 195, 111, 55, 212, 148, 229, 32, 200, 209, 22, 124, 136, 47, 138, 196, 244, 147, 25, 151, 138, 115, 140, 235, 243, 145, 31, 186, 139, 182, 142, 21, 243, 99, 105, 116, 205, 21, 221, 102, 203, 242, 110, 1, 207, 62, 228, 189, 200, 195, 111, 55, 212, 148, 229, 32, 200, 214, 16, 165, 135, 102, 136, 136, 245, 147, 25, 151, 138, 115, 140, 235, 243, 74, 69, 105, 147, 57, 160, 88, 239, 234, 71, 24, 147, 200, 160, 77, 239, 150, 108, 117, 202, 170, 224, 1, 202, 2, 110, 232, 203, 181, 226, 74, 201, 242, 110, 1, 207, 62, 228, 189, 200, 214, 16, 165, 135, 102, 136, 136, 245, 234, 71, 24, 147, 200, 160, 77, 239, 219, 111, 58, 207, 118, 26, 134, 243, 119, 6, 117, 138, 167, 133, 32, 247, 0, 11, 38, 135, 14, 135, 125, 246, 74, 69, 105, 147, 57, 160, 88, 239, 150, 108, 117, 202, 170, 224, 1, 202, 0, 11, 38, 135, 14, 135, 125, 246, 74, 69, 105, 147, 57, 160, 88, 239, 234, 71, 24, 147, 200, 160, 77, 239, 71, 106, 182, 201, 136, 26, 147, 243, 182, 106, 61, 198, 112, 29, 199, 242, 123, 106, 148, 201, 199, 26, 128, 243, 197, 106, 182, 199, 203, 28, 114, 243, 222, 110, 205, 203, 50, 28, 242, 242, 219, 111, 58, 207, 118, 26, 134, 243, 119, 6, 117, 138, 167, 133, 32, 247, 0, 11, 38, 135, 14, 135, 125, 246, 62, 7, 148, 141, 67, 134, 202, 246, 28, 2, 112, 147, 80, 128, 201, 249, 126, 110, 53, 203, 108, 28, 247, 242, 222, 110, 205, 203, 50, 28, 242, 242, 214, 112, 82, 205, 149, 28, 248, 242, 119, 6, 117, 138, 167, 133, 32, 247, 28, 2, 112, 147, 80, 128, 201, 249, 150, 108, 117, 202, 170, 224, 1, 202, 228, 108, 126, 202, 18, 225, 220, 201, 2, 110, 232, 203, 181, 226, 74, 201, 124, 93, 48, 195, 66, 19, 32, 243, 30, 95, 137, 202, 224, 13, 180, 243, 65, 95, 178, 202, 214, 13, 173, 243, 60, 98, 141, 195, 179, 23, 197, 242, 106, 105, 39, 205, 222, 21, 24, 243, 220, 112, 198, 203, 218, 28, 185, 241, 142, 77, 96, 187, 135, 197, 200, 221, 91, 80, 192, 188, 30, 200, 172, 220, 175, 83, 109, 189, 211, 202, 181, 219, 155, 84, 84, 189, 101, 203, 110, 219, 174, 84, 53, 189, 95, 203, 107, 219, 26, 169, 151, 249, 198, 186, 83, 200, 103, 167, 20, 248, 79, 191, 100, 198, 124, 93, 48, 195, 66, 19, 32, 243, 12, 99, 83, 195, 120, 24, 130, 242, 220, 112, 198, 203, 218, 28, 185, 241, 165, 162, 164, 165, 90, 57, 175, 212, 14, 172, 231, 195, 220, 57, 214, 212, 230, 94, 143, 192, 50, 23, 189, 242, 12, 99, 83, 195, 120, 24, 130, 242, 242, 141, 81, 134, 188, 50, 161, 213, 149, 163, 140, 195, 248, 44, 129, 213, 165, 162, 164, 165, 90, 57, 175, 212, 79, 166, 141, 172, 16, 59, 52, 213, 147, 91, 81, 193, 184, 210, 92, 217, 242, 141, 81, 134, 188, 50, 161, 213, 165, 162, 164, 165, 90, 57, 175, 212, 84, 171, 185, 197, 127, 55, 26, 213, 14, 172, 231, 195, 220, 57, 214, 212, 155, 84, 84, 189, 101, 203, 110, 219, 174, 84, 53, 189, 95, 203, 107, 219, 18, 87, 196, 187, 65, 204, 234, 218, 104, 88, 148, 188, 193, 205, 150, 218, 147, 91, 81, 193, 184, 210, 92, 217, 242, 141, 81, 134, 188, 50, 161, 213, 149, 163, 140, 195, 248, 44, 129, 213, 13, 61, 255, 189, 210, 189, 98, 225, 74, 62, 211, 189, 131, 190, 48, 225, 18, 67, 16, 188, 245, 191, 123, 224, 154, 68, 176, 194, 87, 196, 134, 222, 219, 66, 24, 231, 19, 165, 116, 212, 184, 71, 55, 236, 242, 167, 126, 210, 21, 79, 240, 245, 214, 170, 217, 207, 144, 65, 247, 187, 193, 190, 170, 224, 18, 67, 16, 188, 245, 191, 123, 224, 99, 70, 197, 185, 78, 192, 30, 224, 21, 79, 240, 245, 214, 170, 217, 207, 39, 162, 106, 254, 68, 175, 26, 202, 61, 177, 214, 225, 183, 180, 182, 190, 69, 61, 194, 174, 5, 167, 89, 212, 164, 75, 0, 186, 120, 178, 202, 207, 219, 82, 28, 255, 165, 176, 250, 205, 231, 168, 80, 255, 108, 177, 71, 204, 39, 162, 106, 254, 68, 175, 26, 202, 61, 177, 214, 225, 183, 180, 182, 190, 17, 171, 209, 223, 143, 174, 222, 187, 164, 75, 0, 186, 120, 178, 202, 207, 37, 84, 59, 188, 120, 186, 104, 204, 231, 168, 80, 255, 108, 177, 71, 204, 119, 129, 214, 187, 250, 185, 53, 173, 26, 169, 151, 249, 198, 186, 83, 200, 103, 167, 20, 248, 79, 191, 100, 198, 211, 148, 140, 212, 15, 187, 251, 178, 75, 82, 23, 186, 180, 199, 79, 220, 119, 129, 214, 187, 250, 185, 53, 173, 211, 148, 140, 212, 15, 187, 251, 178, 124, 148, 116, 199, 99, 188, 231, 174, 164, 103, 178, 196, 127, 221, 158, 213, 210, 103, 91, 196, 125, 221, 159, 213, 78, 171, 237, 195, 222, 66, 233, 206, 13, 172, 18, 196, 65, 67, 103, 207, 227, 103, 85, 196, 174, 28, 213, 242, 182, 106, 61, 198, 112, 29, 199, 242, 197, 106, 182, 199, 203, 28, 114, 243, 48, 170, 34, 195, 67, 64, 92, 207, 78, 171, 237, 195, 222, 66, 233, 206, 149, 171, 237, 195, 246, 63, 224, 208, 13, 172, 18, 196, 65, 67, 103, 207, 37, 84, 59, 188, 120, 186, 104, 204, 230, 85, 147, 187, 125, 188, 145, 203, 160, 131, 28, 181, 20, 190, 53, 172, 128, 135, 116, 181, 53, 187, 4, 171, 211, 148, 140, 212, 15, 187, 251, 178, 124, 148, 116, 199, 99, 188, 231, 174, 200, 78, 210, 184, 162, 196, 194, 221, 75, 82, 23, 186, 180, 199, 79, 220, 241, 83, 8, 188, 30, 202, 180, 219, 128, 135, 116, 181, 53, 187, 4, 171, 124, 148, 116, 199, 99, 188, 231, 174, 98, 100, 83, 195, 87, 218, 135, 214, 71, 103, 121, 196, 27, 221, 203, 213, 15, 239, 153, 228, 57, 93, 127, 235, 99, 200, 197, 215, 39, 80, 165, 217, 221, 194, 199, 196, 18, 77, 52, 218, 227, 103, 85, 196, 174, 28, 213, 242, 8, 104, 108, 196, 199, 28, 223, 242, 149, 171, 237, 195, 246, 63, 224, 208, 27, 192, 113, 201, 176, 77, 188, 215, 71, 103, 121, 196, 27, 221, 203, 213, 210, 103, 91, 196, 125, 221, 159, 213, 78, 171, 237, 195, 222, 66, 233, 206, 149, 171, 237, 195, 246, 63, 224, 208, 99, 200, 197, 215, 39, 80, 165, 217, 27, 192, 113, 201, 176, 77, 188, 215, 18, 87, 196, 187, 65, 204, 234, 218, 129, 87, 110, 186, 191, 203, 189, 218, 104, 88, 148, 188, 193, 205, 150, 218, 210, 94, 242, 191, 98, 212, 32, 216, 204, 166, 209, 175, 106, 59, 181, 207, 0, 208, 60, 207, 56, 83, 46, 222, 210, 94, 242, 191, 98, 212, 32, 216, 98, 100, 83, 195, 87, 218, 135, 214, 0, 208, 60, 207, 56, 83, 46, 222, 39, 207, 69, 204, 67, 83, 35, 222, 6, 194, 161, 196, 132, 76, 249, 217, 221, 194, 199, 196, 18, 77, 52, 218, 36, 99, 253, 192, 169, 27, 18, 243, 15, 239, 153, 228, 57, 93, 127, 235, 6, 194, 161, 196, 132, 76, 249, 217, 221, 194, 199, 196, 18, 77, 52, 218, 200, 78, 210, 184, 162, 196, 194, 221, 75, 82, 23, 186, 180, 199, 79, 220, 174, 84, 53, 189, 95, 203, 107, 219, 129, 87, 110, 186, 191, 203, 189, 218, 104, 88, 148, 188, 193, 205, 150, 218, 21, 95, 146, 193, 104, 213, 0, 216, 119, 129, 214, 187, 250, 185, 53, 173, 103, 167, 20, 248, 79, 191, 100, 198, 232, 95, 148, 193, 60, 23, 192, 242, 204, 166, 209, 175, 106, 59, 181, 207, 154, 172, 250, 176, 125, 64, 13, 213, 0, 208, 60, 207, 56, 83, 46, 222, 39, 207, 69, 204, 67, 83, 35, 222, 214, 16, 165, 135, 102, 136, 136, 245, 147, 25, 151, 138, 115, 140, 235, 243, 145, 31, 186, 139, 182, 142, 21, 243, 123, 106, 148, 201, 199, 26, 128, 243, 80, 106, 113, 207, 78, 21, 230, 243, 121, 106, 196, 206, 16, 22, 215, 243, 219, 111, 58, 207, 118, 26, 134, 243, 36, 99, 253, 192, 169, 27, 18, 243, 103, 100, 47, 195, 221, 26, 55, 243, 8, 104, 108, 196, 199, 28, 223, 242, 15, 239, 153, 228, 57, 93, 127, 235, 99, 200, 197, 215, 39, 80, 165, 217, 27, 192, 113, 201, 176, 77, 188, 215, 153, 73, 75, 187, 27, 195, 241, 222, 219, 82, 28, 255, 165, 176, 250, 205, 17, 171, 209, 223, 143, 174, 222, 187, 99, 70, 197, 185, 78, 192, 30, 224, 228, 72, 171, 185, 195, 193, 141, 223, 153, 73, 75, 187, 27, 195, 241, 222, 39, 162, 106, 254, 68, 175, 26, 202, 17, 171, 209, 223, 143, 174, 222, 187, 18, 87, 196, 187, 65, 204, 234, 218, 149, 163, 140, 195, 248, 44, 129, 213, 79, 166, 141, 172, 16, 59, 52, 213, 204, 166, 209, 175, 106, 59, 181, 207, 154, 172, 250, 176, 125, 64, 13, 213, 230, 94, 143, 192, 50, 23, 189, 242, 232, 95, 148, 193, 60, 23, 192, 242, 60, 98, 141, 195, 179, 23, 197, 242, 36, 99, 253, 192, 169, 27, 18, 243, 12, 99, 83, 195, 120, 24, 130, 242, 103, 100, 47, 195, 221, 26, 55, 243, 220, 112, 198, 203, 218, 28, 185, 241, 39, 207, 69, 204, 67, 83, 35, 222, 6, 194, 161, 196, 132, 76, 249, 217, 230, 94, 143, 192, 50, 23, 189, 242, 232, 95, 148, 193, 60, 23, 192, 242, 79, 166, 141, 172, 16, 59, 52, 213, 154, 172, 250, 176, 125, 64, 13, 213, 228, 72, 171, 185, 195, 193, 141, 223, 153, 73, 75, 187, 27, 195, 241, 222, 238, 74, 179, 186, 92, 195, 133, 222, 142, 77, 96, 187, 135, 197, 200, 221, 219, 82, 28, 255, 164, 176, 250, 205, 231, 168, 80, 255, 108, 177, 71, 204, 26, 169, 151, 249, 198, 186, 83, 200, 123, 62, 54, 192, 254, 191, 161, 224, 154, 68, 176, 194, 87, 196, 134, 222, 133, 67, 74, 197, 36, 197, 33, 222, 121, 50, 252, 207, 100, 158, 31, 219, 120, 56, 173, 213, 161, 158, 40, 216, 219, 66, 24, 231, 19, 165, 116, 212, 242, 60, 146, 192, 79, 191, 226, 224, 133, 59, 25, 194, 127, 191, 234, 224, 128, 60, 67, 194, 242, 191, 143, 224, 70, 98, 86, 158, 179, 85, 152, 254, 72, 114, 37, 185, 34, 205, 183, 238, 149, 233, 142, 193, 159, 71, 234, 131, 21, 28, 212, 144, 53, 146, 94, 244, 44, 49, 227, 139, 47, 146, 97, 244, 89, 64, 94, 210, 172, 229, 21, 129, 62, 64, 117, 210, 93, 229, 16, 129, 88, 67, 55, 213, 82, 230, 210, 128, 101, 15, 210, 191, 97, 151, 113, 243, 172, 16, 86, 201, 125, 153, 24, 241, 195, 14, 21, 202, 85, 152, 90, 242, 171, 68, 202, 220, 160, 219, 81, 216, 172, 72, 171, 224, 102, 223, 229, 213, 171, 71, 145, 226, 248, 224, 25, 213, 55, 44, 154, 140, 197, 145, 125, 244, 16, 46, 45, 140, 197, 145, 125, 244, 44, 49, 227, 139, 47, 146, 97, 244, 88, 67, 55, 213, 82, 230, 210, 128, 192, 67, 146, 213, 110, 230, 198, 128, 212, 70, 235, 217, 3, 230, 239, 128, 88, 63, 86, 201, 215, 19, 247, 129, 202, 63, 4, 204, 211, 21, 45, 129, 22, 173, 178, 241, 103, 17, 59, 202, 134, 176, 240, 232, 4, 25, 123, 208, 128, 71, 61, 224, 190, 222, 53, 214, 172, 72, 171, 224, 102, 223, 229, 213, 171, 71, 145, 226, 248, 224, 25, 213, 237, 72, 104, 230, 90, 228, 211, 210, 81, 73, 25, 231, 54, 229, 121, 210, 131, 83, 216, 232, 126, 231, 46, 208, 184, 77, 149, 235, 223, 233, 115, 207, 2, 82, 25, 239, 57, 237, 181, 204, 55, 44, 154, 140, 197, 145, 125, 244, 16, 46, 45, 140, 197, 145, 125, 244, 207, 51, 32, 140, 3, 147, 47, 244, 191, 66, 205, 217, 23, 217, 7, 218, 171, 68, 202, 220, 160, 219, 81, 216, 128, 71, 61, 224, 190, 222, 53, 214, 172, 72, 171, 224, 102, 223, 229, 213, 16, 46, 45, 140, 197, 145, 125, 244, 2, 16, 41, 180, 183, 147, 218, 243, 207, 51, 32, 140, 3, 147, 47, 244, 212, 70, 235, 217, 3, 230, 239, 128, 202, 60, 164, 194, 75, 192, 98, 224, 20, 173, 149, 244, 23, 10, 175, 202, 54, 194, 121, 186, 244, 65, 248, 226, 233, 194, 3, 179, 255, 70, 47, 229, 13, 61, 255, 189, 210, 189, 98, 225, 74, 62, 211, 189, 131, 190, 48, 225, 242, 60, 146, 192, 79, 191, 226, 224, 128, 60, 67, 194, 242, 191, 143, 224, 202, 60, 164, 194, 75, 192, 98, 224, 233, 194, 3, 179, 255, 70, 47, 229, 240, 203, 163, 187, 203, 69, 43, 229, 217, 203, 61, 152, 73, 93, 131, 242, 104, 64, 73, 197, 53, 15, 251, 131, 88, 63, 86, 201, 215, 19, 247, 129, 20, 173, 149, 244, 23, 10, 175, 202, 22, 173, 178, 241, 103, 17, 59, 202, 54, 194, 121, 186, 244, 65, 248, 226, 131, 83, 216, 232, 126, 231, 46, 208, 53, 87, 132, 234, 13, 233, 153, 206, 2, 82, 25, 239, 57, 237, 181, 204, 203, 92, 128, 249, 88, 249, 191, 197, 197, 100, 144, 249, 74, 249, 69, 197, 169, 95, 137, 251, 82, 251, 235, 195, 173, 149, 40, 244, 44, 243, 122, 185, 219, 163, 193, 238, 186, 235, 238, 181, 156, 167, 81, 228, 57, 223, 81, 177, 145, 171, 252, 221, 212, 217, 7, 174, 135, 254, 164, 126, 194, 126, 159, 134, 213, 15, 76, 174, 254, 146, 157, 244, 235, 13, 89, 178, 183, 145, 142, 245, 106, 15, 213, 186, 57, 148, 167, 243, 33, 77, 60, 219, 61, 20, 232, 128, 213, 15, 76, 174, 254, 146, 157, 244, 235, 13, 89, 178, 183, 145, 142, 245, 249, 12, 251, 189, 64, 146, 26, 245, 230, 74, 78, 216, 1, 215, 25, 216, 5, 79, 74, 220, 243, 218, 201, 213, 135, 254, 164, 126, 194, 126, 159, 134, 197, 100, 144, 249, 74, 249, 69, 197, 169, 95, 137, 251, 82, 251, 235, 195, 80, 108, 77, 255, 103, 255, 232, 192, 84, 157, 51, 242, 234, 239, 54, 184, 177, 164, 170, 237, 94, 232, 219, 181, 2, 16, 41, 180, 183, 147, 218, 243, 207, 51, 32, 140, 3, 147, 47, 244, 249, 12, 251, 189, 64, 146, 26, 245, 5, 79, 74, 220, 243, 218, 201, 213, 128, 71, 61, 224, 190, 222, 53, 214, 196, 81, 117, 222, 62, 221, 117, 212, 116, 86, 197, 227, 35, 226, 51, 209, 131, 83, 216, 232, 126, 231, 46, 208, 53, 87, 132, 234, 13, 233, 153, 206, 58, 51, 45, 142, 101, 149, 110, 242, 230, 74, 78, 216, 1, 215, 25, 216, 174, 89, 24, 138, 21, 155, 81, 242, 5, 79, 74, 220, 243, 218, 201, 213, 196, 81, 117, 222, 62, 221, 117, 212, 116, 86, 197, 227, 35, 226, 51, 209, 68, 93, 117, 229, 218, 228, 167, 207, 53, 87, 132, 234, 13, 233, 153, 206, 111, 109, 144, 238, 131, 238, 24, 201, 197, 100, 144, 249, 74, 249, 69, 197, 210, 119, 166, 254, 169, 254, 76, 193, 80, 108, 77, 255, 103, 255, 232, 192, 87, 120, 150, 255, 153, 255, 128, 192, 213, 15, 76, 174, 254, 146, 157, 244, 58, 51, 45, 142, 101, 149, 110, 242, 106, 15, 213, 186, 57, 148, 167, 243, 100, 59, 98, 142, 198, 151, 244, 241, 230, 74, 78, 216, 1, 215, 25, 216, 104, 64, 73, 197, 53, 15, 251, 131, 36, 66, 169, 196, 111, 12, 171, 132, 88, 63, 86, 201, 215, 19, 247, 129, 63, 63, 49, 202, 245, 20, 202, 129, 147, 70, 98, 198, 202, 9, 44, 134, 202, 63, 4, 204, 211, 21, 45, 129, 199, 76, 250, 205, 187, 9, 50, 134, 14, 75, 92, 208, 175, 13, 246, 132, 254, 17, 178, 139, 8, 140, 238, 246, 156, 67, 78, 142, 213, 152, 69, 243, 242, 68, 228, 142, 201, 153, 44, 243, 60, 117, 188, 211, 86, 237, 125, 197, 158, 119, 134, 215, 233, 240, 41, 196, 14, 8, 0, 66, 77, 113, 6, 248, 156, 67, 78, 142, 213, 152, 69, 243, 242, 68, 228, 142, 201, 153, 44, 243, 254, 114, 244, 208, 91, 27, 32, 243, 178, 115, 77, 210, 175, 26, 3, 243, 193, 11, 254, 145, 194, 138, 53, 245, 14, 8, 0, 66, 77, 113, 6, 248, 156, 67, 78, 142, 213, 152, 69, 243, 229, 113, 225, 207, 94, 232, 71, 199, 159, 116, 61, 210, 97, 236, 213, 197, 158, 119, 134, 215, 233, 240, 41, 196, 162, 104, 131, 204, 200, 21, 44, 243, 15, 105, 16, 205, 185, 21, 57, 243, 63, 110, 175, 202, 173, 28, 245, 242, 245, 112, 53, 206, 234, 27, 255, 242, 176, 113, 44, 213, 119, 22, 52, 243, 254, 114, 244, 208, 91, 27, 32, 243, 178, 115, 77, 210, 175, 26, 3, 243, 199, 115, 150, 212, 218, 24, 40, 243, 106, 15, 213, 186, 57, 148, 167, 243, 100, 59, 98, 142, 198, 151, 244, 241, 63, 63, 49, 202, 245, 20, 202, 129, 21, 62, 232, 204, 86, 231, 1, 128, 89, 64, 94, 210, 172, 229, 21, 129, 14, 75, 92, 208, 175, 13, 246, 132, 88, 67, 55, 213, 82, 230, 210, 128, 192, 67, 146, 213, 110, 230, 198, 128, 153, 77, 44, 212, 73, 14, 215, 132, 33, 77, 60, 219, 61, 20, 232, 128, 235, 13, 89, 178, 183, 145, 142, 245, 2, 16, 41, 180, 183, 147, 218, 243, 249, 12, 251, 189, 64, 146, 26, 245, 192, 67, 146, 213, 110, 230, 198, 128, 212, 70, 235, 217, 3, 230, 239, 128, 33, 77, 60, 219, 61, 20, 232, 128, 144, 65, 247, 187, 193, 190, 170, 224, 108, 67, 183, 189, 231, 192, 226, 223, 99, 70, 197, 185, 78, 192, 30, 224, 228, 72, 171, 185, 195, 193, 141, 223, 238, 74, 179, 186, 92, 195, 133, 222, 227, 54, 65, 248, 219, 14, 112, 187, 248, 189, 171, 167, 202, 67, 131, 240, 152, 194, 141, 156, 240, 88, 70, 229, 106, 73, 120, 193, 181, 0, 116, 136, 86, 79, 107, 198, 197, 0, 157, 246, 231, 80, 149, 195, 249, 4, 56, 245, 45, 41, 236, 227, 116, 42, 92, 189, 163, 63, 22, 252, 6, 33, 139, 198, 86, 79, 107, 198, 197, 0, 157, 246, 191, 87, 189, 196, 83, 11, 218, 243, 163, 63, 22, 252, 6, 33, 139, 198, 63, 179, 81, 247, 47, 34, 129, 201, 15, 182, 95, 217, 153, 51, 246, 212, 91, 80, 192, 188, 30, 200, 172, 220, 175, 83, 109, 189, 211, 202, 181, 219, 63, 179, 81, 247, 47, 34, 129, 201, 107, 183, 210, 218, 235, 50, 226, 212, 15, 182, 95, 217, 153, 51, 246, 212, 191, 87, 189, 196, 83, 11, 218, 243, 232, 92, 120, 200, 120, 13, 182, 243, 244, 183, 255, 223, 125, 52, 33, 211, 107, 183, 210, 218, 235, 50, 226, 212, 15, 182, 95, 217, 153, 51, 246, 212, 175, 83, 109, 189, 211, 202, 181, 219, 155, 84, 84, 189, 101, 203, 110, 219, 147, 91, 81, 193, 184, 210, 92, 217, 244, 183, 255, 223, 125, 52, 33, 211, 107, 183, 210, 218, 235, 50, 226, 212, 84, 171, 185, 197, 127, 55, 26, 213, 238, 74, 179, 186, 92, 195, 133, 222, 142, 77, 96, 187, 135, 197, 200, 221, 91, 80, 192, 188, 30, 200, 172, 220, 45, 41, 236, 227, 116, 42, 92, 189, 227, 54, 65, 248, 219, 14, 112, 187, 163, 63, 22, 252, 6, 33, 139, 198, 63, 179, 81, 247, 47, 34, 129, 201, 62, 7, 148, 141, 67, 134, 202, 246, 28, 2, 112, 147, 80, 128, 201, 249, 212, 71, 39, 145, 214, 158, 180, 239, 228, 108, 126, 202, 18, 225, 220, 201, 229, 113, 225, 207, 94, 232, 71, 199, 124, 116, 149, 210, 51, 236, 230, 197, 159, 116, 61, 210, 97, 236, 213, 197, 193, 11, 254, 145, 194, 138, 53, 245, 94, 24, 76, 140, 143, 141, 246, 243, 212, 71, 39, 145, 214, 158, 180, 239, 61, 74, 203, 145, 32, 160, 169, 239, 229, 113, 225, 207, 94, 232, 71, 199, 99, 105, 116, 205, 21, 221, 102, 203, 228, 108, 126, 202, 18, 225, 220, 201, 2, 110, 232, 203, 181, 226, 74, 201, 242, 110, 1, 207, 62, 228, 189, 200, 124, 116, 149, 210, 51, 236, 230, 197, 4, 64, 121, 193, 6, 12, 234, 132, 36, 66, 169, 196, 111, 12, 171, 132, 237, 71, 207, 195, 203, 5, 112, 135, 147, 70, 98, 198, 202, 9, 44, 134, 4, 55, 36, 234, 219, 37, 143, 187, 120, 71, 148, 247, 169, 17, 80, 190, 189, 190, 82, 202, 74, 66, 82, 218, 13, 61, 255, 189, 210, 189, 98, 225, 144, 65, 247, 187, 193, 190, 170, 224, 18, 67, 16, 188, 245, 191, 123, 224, 108, 67, 183, 189, 231, 192, 226, 223, 4, 55, 36, 234, 219, 37, 143, 187, 120, 71, 148, 247, 169, 17, 80, 190, 240, 203, 163, 187, 203, 69, 43, 229, 4, 64, 121, 193, 6, 12, 234, 132, 4, 55, 36, 234, 219, 37, 143, 187, 240, 203, 163, 187, 203, 69, 43, 229, 217, 203, 61, 152, 73, 93, 131, 242, 237, 71, 207, 195, 203, 5, 112, 135, 179, 75, 169, 193, 18, 0, 188, 245, 189, 190, 82, 202, 74, 66, 82, 218, 248, 189, 171, 167, 202, 67, 131, 240, 152, 194, 141, 156, 240, 88, 70, 229, 86, 79, 107, 198, 197, 0, 157, 246, 231, 80, 149, 195, 249, 4, 56, 245, 191, 87, 189, 196, 83, 11, 218, 243, 25, 90, 254, 207, 46, 3, 131, 245, 232, 92, 120, 200, 120, 13, 182, 243, 30, 95, 137, 202, 224, 13, 180, 243, 65, 95, 178, 202, 214, 13, 173, 243, 234, 94, 135, 208, 248, 7, 146, 244, 94, 24, 76, 140, 143, 141, 246, 243, 61, 74, 203, 145, 32, 160, 169, 239, 63, 110, 175, 202, 173, 28, 245, 242, 126, 110, 53, 203, 108, 28, 247, 242, 214, 112, 82, 205, 149, 28, 248, 242, 245, 112, 53, 206, 234, 27, 255, 242, 62, 7, 148, 141, 67, 134, 202, 246, 212, 71, 39, 145, 214, 158, 180, 239, 61, 74, 203, 145, 32, 160, 169, 239, 214, 112, 82, 205, 149, 28, 248, 242, 60, 98, 141, 195, 179, 23, 197, 242, 103, 100, 47, 195, 221, 26, 55, 243, 227, 103, 85, 196, 174, 28, 213, 242, 8, 104, 108, 196, 199, 28, 223, 242, 162, 104, 131, 204, 200, 21, 44, 243, 106, 105, 39, 205, 222, 21, 24, 243, 182, 106, 61, 198, 112, 29, 199, 242, 63, 110, 175, 202, 173, 28, 245, 242, 126, 110, 53, 203, 108, 28, 247, 242, 222, 110, 205, 203, 50, 28, 242, 242, 124, 93, 48, 195, 66, 19, 32, 243, 232, 92, 120, 200, 120, 13, 182, 243, 65, 95, 178, 202, 214, 13, 173, 243, 244, 183, 255, 223, 125, 52, 33, 211, 84, 171, 185, 197, 127, 55, 26, 213, 14, 172, 231, 195, 220, 57, 214, 212, 193, 11, 254, 145, 194, 138, 53, 245, 94, 24, 76, 140, 143, 141, 246, 243, 14, 8, 0, 66, 77, 113, 6, 248, 245, 112, 53, 206, 234, 27, 255, 242, 178, 115, 77, 210, 175, 26, 3, 243, 108, 67, 183, 189, 231, 192, 226, 223, 120, 71, 148, 247, 169, 17, 80, 190, 189, 190, 82, 202, 74, 66, 82, 218, 152, 194, 141, 156, 240, 88, 70, 229, 4, 64, 121, 193, 6, 12, 234, 132, 104, 64, 73, 197, 53, 15, 251, 131, 36, 66, 169, 196, 111, 12, 171, 132, 54, 194, 121, 186, 244, 65, 248, 226, 233, 194, 3, 179, 255, 70, 47, 229, 217, 203, 61, 152, 73, 93, 131, 242, 106, 73, 120, 193, 181, 0, 116, 136, 179, 75, 169, 193, 18, 0, 188, 245, 45, 41, 236, 227, 116, 42, 92, 189, 227, 54, 65, 248, 219, 14, 112, 187, 248, 189, 171, 167, 202, 67, 131, 240, 254, 17, 178, 139, 8, 140, 238, 246, 132, 46, 165, 144, 48, 150, 33, 243, 242, 68, 228, 142, 201, 153, 44, 243, 254, 114, 244, 208, 91, 27, 32, 243, 199, 115, 150, 212, 218, 24, 40, 243, 132, 46, 165, 144, 48, 150, 33, 243, 103, 75, 128, 142, 169, 155, 47, 242, 18, 77, 23, 143, 23, 157, 242, 241, 176, 113, 44, 213, 119, 22, 52, 243, 199, 115, 150, 212, 218, 24, 40, 243, 254, 17, 178, 139, 8, 140, 238, 246, 132, 46, 165, 144, 48, 150, 33, 243, 18, 77, 23, 143, 23, 157, 242, 241, 60, 117, 188, 211, 86, 237, 125, 197, 69, 119, 118, 222, 170, 241, 144, 196, 130, 123, 141, 227, 189, 248, 110, 194, 65, 128, 173, 226, 189, 250, 70, 191, 88, 129, 89, 230, 61, 250, 203, 190, 151, 37, 18, 143, 162, 146, 60, 244, 1, 6, 55, 172, 141, 134, 173, 250, 29, 5, 26, 182, 199, 133, 70, 251, 86, 114, 252, 218, 34, 235, 54, 199, 195, 28, 130, 145, 240, 146, 30, 244, 151, 37, 18, 143, 162, 146, 60, 244, 103, 75, 128, 142, 169, 155, 47, 242, 18, 77, 23, 143, 23, 157, 242, 241, 86, 114, 252, 218, 34, 235, 54, 199, 69, 119, 118, 222, 170, 241, 144, 196, 124, 116, 149, 210, 51, 236, 230, 197, 159, 116, 61, 210, 97, 236, 213, 197, 60, 117, 188, 211, 86, 237, 125, 197, 158, 119, 134, 215, 233, 240, 41, 196, 65, 128, 173, 226, 189, 250, 70, 191, 32, 55, 177, 143, 199, 151, 13, 242, 29, 5, 26, 182, 199, 133, 70, 251, 15, 61, 250, 140, 219, 150, 54, 242, 86, 114, 252, 218, 34, 235, 54, 199, 103, 116, 206, 230, 158, 241, 72, 198, 69, 119, 118, 222, 170, 241, 144, 196, 135, 118, 95, 234, 200, 242, 233, 196, 192, 119, 87, 235, 219, 246, 165, 196, 130, 123, 141, 227, 189, 248, 110, 194, 245, 36, 204, 143, 65, 147, 29, 243, 15, 61, 250, 140, 219, 150, 54, 242, 103, 116, 206, 230, 158, 241, 72, 198, 65, 128, 173, 226, 189, 250, 70, 191, 88, 129, 89, 230, 61, 250, 203, 190, 7, 143, 66, 229, 232, 236, 195, 183, 153, 143, 2, 229, 12, 239, 36, 183, 210, 119, 166, 254, 169, 254, 76, 193, 80, 108, 77, 255, 103, 255, 232, 192, 246, 136, 70, 252, 25, 252, 70, 189, 241, 140, 164, 246, 84, 246, 47, 187, 84, 157, 51, 242, 234, 239, 54, 184, 24, 158, 77, 234, 8, 232, 131, 180, 245, 36, 204, 143, 65, 147, 29, 243, 57, 53, 189, 144, 95, 152, 151, 241, 159, 75, 48, 143, 62, 157, 5, 241, 28, 104, 234, 223, 1, 230, 171, 204, 121, 110, 22, 235, 11, 238, 47, 201, 103, 116, 206, 230, 158, 241, 72, 198, 192, 119, 87, 235, 219, 246, 165, 196, 117, 93, 77, 234, 146, 232, 219, 204, 121, 110, 22, 235, 11, 238, 47, 201, 111, 109, 144, 238, 131, 238, 24, 201, 135, 118, 95, 234, 200, 242, 233, 196, 192, 119, 87, 235, 219, 246, 165, 196, 87, 120, 150, 255, 153, 255, 128, 192, 54, 133, 129, 243, 223, 249, 58, 189, 204, 138, 76, 247, 39, 247, 145, 187, 49, 143, 148, 237, 128, 240, 238, 183, 54, 133, 129, 243, 223, 249, 58, 189, 204, 138, 76, 247, 39, 247, 145, 187, 241, 140, 164, 246, 84, 246, 47, 187, 7, 143, 66, 229, 232, 236, 195, 183, 153, 143, 2, 229, 12, 239, 36, 183, 29, 155, 251, 237, 179, 235, 111, 182, 24, 158, 77, 234, 8, 232, 131, 180, 17, 159, 37, 228, 83, 227, 186, 177, 91, 22, 204, 145, 171, 145, 128, 243, 16, 40, 214, 143, 21, 148, 142, 242, 97, 44, 38, 142, 171, 147, 175, 242, 68, 93, 117, 229, 218, 228, 167, 207, 28, 104, 234, 223, 1, 230, 171, 204, 121, 110, 22, 235, 11, 238, 47, 201, 111, 109, 144, 238, 131, 238, 24, 201, 7, 143, 66, 229, 232, 236, 195, 183, 17, 159, 37, 228, 83, 227, 186, 177, 136, 161, 103, 226, 123, 223, 24, 177, 91, 22, 204, 145, 171, 145, 128, 243, 175, 26, 165, 144, 167, 145, 130, 243, 111, 73, 209, 142, 91, 156, 3, 241, 159, 75, 48, 143, 62, 157, 5, 241, 28, 104, 234, 223, 1, 230, 171, 204, 91, 22, 204, 145, 171, 145, 128, 243, 175, 26, 165, 144, 167, 145, 130, 243, 16, 40, 214, 143, 21, 148, 142, 242, 243, 85, 153, 214, 131, 7, 246, 134, 134, 86, 25, 220, 127, 11, 177, 133, 133, 90, 177, 218, 129, 6, 163, 135, 84, 157, 51, 242, 234, 239, 54, 184, 29, 155, 251, 237, 179, 235, 111, 182, 219, 163, 193, 238, 186, 235, 238, 181, 177, 164, 170, 237, 93, 232, 219, 181, 24, 158, 77, 234, 8, 232, 131, 180, 156, 167, 81, 228, 57, 223, 81, 177, 97, 44, 38, 142, 171, 147, 175, 242, 174, 89, 24, 138, 21, 155, 81, 242, 208, 90, 196, 137, 18, 155, 80, 242, 196, 81, 117, 222, 62, 221, 117, 212, 116, 86, 197, 227, 35, 226, 51, 209, 68, 93, 117, 229, 218, 228, 167, 207, 16, 40, 214, 143, 21, 148, 142, 242, 97, 44, 38, 142, 171, 147, 175, 242, 243, 85, 153, 214, 131, 7, 246, 134, 208, 90, 196, 137, 18, 155, 80, 242, 175, 26, 165, 144, 167, 145, 130, 243, 111, 73, 209, 142, 91, 156, 3, 241, 25, 89, 246, 208, 207, 1, 164, 246, 25, 90, 254, 207, 46, 3, 131, 245, 133, 90, 177, 218, 129, 6, 163, 135, 234, 94, 135, 208, 248, 7, 146, 244, 158, 106, 144, 218, 51, 11, 129, 244, 57, 53, 189, 144, 95, 152, 151, 241, 111, 73, 209, 142, 91, 156, 3, 241, 159, 75, 48, 143, 62, 157, 5, 241, 248, 102, 130, 216, 33, 9, 119, 244, 158, 106, 144, 218, 51, 11, 129, 244, 245, 36, 204, 143, 65, 147, 29, 243, 57, 53, 189, 144, 95, 152, 151, 241, 32, 55, 177, 143, 199, 151, 13, 242, 15, 61, 250, 140, 219, 150, 54, 242, 248, 102, 130, 216, 33, 9, 119, 244, 113, 108, 114, 218, 18, 13, 50, 244, 1, 6, 55, 172, 141, 134, 173, 250, 32, 55, 177, 143, 199, 151, 13, 242, 29, 5, 26, 182, 199, 133, 70, 251, 113, 108, 114, 218, 18, 13, 50, 244, 227, 108, 213, 217, 183, 13, 157, 243, 136, 161, 103, 226, 123, 223, 24, 177, 145, 171, 252, 221, 212, 217, 7, 174, 135, 254, 164, 126, 194, 126, 159, 134, 58, 51, 45, 142, 101, 149, 110, 242, 100, 59, 98, 142, 198, 151, 244, 241, 153, 77, 44, 212, 73, 14, 215, 132, 243, 85, 153, 214, 131, 7, 246, 134, 174, 89, 24, 138, 21, 155, 81, 242, 208, 90, 196, 137, 18, 155, 80, 242, 134, 86, 25, 220, 127, 11, 177, 133, 195, 28, 130, 145, 240, 146, 30, 244, 151, 37, 18, 143, 162, 146, 60, 244, 1, 6, 55, 172, 141, 134, 173, 250, 226, 108, 121, 213, 192, 17, 125, 243, 227, 108, 213, 217, 183, 13, 157, 243, 30, 95, 137, 202, 224, 13, 180, 243, 234, 94, 135, 208, 248, 7, 146, 244, 162, 104, 131, 204, 200, 21, 44, 243, 15, 105, 16, 205, 185, 21, 57, 243, 248, 102, 130, 216, 33, 9, 119, 244, 106, 105, 39, 205, 222, 21, 24, 243, 158, 106, 144, 218, 51, 11, 129, 244, 226, 108, 121, 213, 192, 17, 125, 243, 113, 108, 114, 218, 18, 13, 50, 244, 227, 108, 213, 217, 183, 13, 157, 243, 195, 28, 130, 145, 240, 146, 30, 244, 103, 75, 128, 142, 169, 155, 47, 242, 15, 105, 16, 205, 185, 21, 57, 243, 226, 108, 121, 213, 192, 17, 125, 243, 176, 113, 44, 213, 119, 22, 52, 243, 106, 73, 120, 193, 181, 0, 116, 136, 237, 71, 207, 195, 203, 5, 112, 135, 147, 70, 98, 198, 202, 9, 44, 134, 179, 75, 169, 193, 18, 0, 188, 245, 231, 80, 149, 195, 249, 4, 56, 245, 199, 76, 250, 205, 187, 9, 50, 134, 25, 89, 246, 208, 207, 1, 164, 246, 25, 90, 254, 207, 46, 3, 131, 245, 199, 76, 250, 205, 187, 9, 50, 134, 14, 75, 92, 208, 175, 13, 246, 132, 153, 77, 44, 212, 73, 14, 215, 132, 25, 89, 246, 208, 207, 1, 164, 246, 134, 86, 25, 220, 127, 11, 177, 133, 133, 90, 177, 218, 129, 6, 163, 135, 135, 118, 95, 234, 200, 242, 233, 196, 130, 123, 141, 227, 189, 248, 110, 194, 88, 129, 89, 230, 61, 250, 203, 190, 54, 133, 129, 243, 223, 249, 58, 189, 153, 143, 2, 229, 12, 239, 36, 183, 246, 136, 70, 252, 25, 252, 70, 189, 204, 143, 156, 249, 19, 249, 250, 187, 204, 138, 76, 247, 39, 247, 145, 187, 241, 140, 164, 246, 84, 246, 47, 187, 49, 143, 148, 237, 128, 240, 238, 183, 117, 93, 77, 234, 146, 232, 219, 204, 210, 119, 166, 254, 169, 254, 76, 193, 87, 120, 150, 255, 153, 255, 128, 192, 246, 136, 70, 252, 25, 252, 70, 189, 204, 143, 156, 249, 19, 249, 250, 187, 117, 93, 77, 234, 146, 232, 219, 204, 204, 143, 156, 249, 19, 249, 250, 187, 49, 143, 148, 237, 128, 240, 238, 183, 29, 155, 251, 237, 179, 235, 111, 182, 17, 159, 37, 228, 83, 227, 186, 177, 156, 167, 81, 228, 57, 223, 81, 177, 136, 161, 103, 226, 123, 223, 24, 177, 145, 171, 252, 221, 212, 217, 7, 174, 237, 93, 206, 242, 31, 242, 230, 201, 203, 92, 128, 249, 88, 249, 191, 197, 134, 98, 87, 250, 21, 250, 200, 196, 169, 95, 137, 251, 82, 251, 235, 195, 173, 149, 40, 244, 44, 243, 122, 185, 219, 163, 193, 238, 186, 235, 238, 181, 177, 164, 170, 237, 93, 232, 219, 181, 115, 113, 37, 248, 47, 248, 222, 197, 134, 98, 87, 250, 21, 250, 200, 196, 173, 149, 40, 244, 44, 243, 122, 185, 53, 83, 85, 218, 5, 62, 146, 178, 72, 114, 37, 185, 34, 205, 183, 238, 200, 235, 90, 200, 233, 77, 207, 132, 149, 233, 142, 193, 159, 71, 234, 131, 74, 62, 211, 189, 131, 190, 48, 225, 242, 60, 146, 192, 79, 191, 226, 224, 123, 62, 54, 192, 254, 191, 161, 224, 154, 68, 176, 194, 87, 196, 134, 222, 147, 85, 159, 145, 28, 69, 99, 243, 86, 95, 130, 156, 92, 168, 21, 253, 70, 98, 86, 158, 179, 85, 152, 254, 223, 57, 116, 212, 42, 222, 226, 131, 245, 58, 172, 214, 180, 221, 43, 132, 4, 119, 125, 169, 132, 182, 103, 247, 149, 160, 202, 156, 99, 173, 189, 252, 10, 172, 1, 157, 64, 193, 20, 247, 183, 58, 204, 211, 228, 38, 67, 129, 213, 59, 208, 214, 16, 40, 221, 128, 238, 152, 206, 160, 25, 86, 174, 254, 149, 160, 202, 156, 99, 173, 189, 252, 10, 172, 1, 157, 64, 193, 20, 247, 136, 59, 19, 212, 19, 38, 138, 129, 213, 59, 208, 214, 16, 40, 221, 128, 46, 61, 145, 216, 215, 39, 244, 128, 4, 119, 125, 169, 132, 182, 103, 247, 10, 172, 1, 157, 64, 193, 20, 247, 111, 194, 247, 155, 0, 217, 128, 246, 176, 195, 226, 160, 133, 243, 128, 241, 159, 218, 170, 161, 147, 42, 146, 249, 109, 67, 36, 219, 60, 225, 233, 129, 48, 67, 149, 219, 178, 224, 27, 130, 209, 180, 244, 154, 160, 240, 43, 231, 232, 181, 163, 155, 71, 247, 152, 229, 242, 63, 162, 208, 138, 26, 14, 128, 116, 64, 213, 210, 87, 228, 124, 128, 76, 69, 82, 214, 123, 25, 108, 128, 110, 67, 173, 217, 87, 226, 141, 129, 192, 78, 135, 217, 91, 17, 36, 131, 192, 69, 45, 226, 170, 222, 36, 131, 127, 217, 213, 232, 5, 175, 5, 128, 245, 200, 79, 181, 153, 220, 179, 141, 195, 78, 65, 208, 206, 9, 112, 134, 158, 78, 211, 209, 41, 11, 216, 133, 76, 69, 82, 214, 123, 25, 108, 128, 212, 80, 224, 213, 16, 12, 66, 133, 192, 78, 135, 217, 91, 17, 36, 131, 200, 85, 137, 215, 187, 7, 215, 133, 97, 87, 33, 214, 86, 5, 81, 135, 35, 88, 197, 213, 211, 3, 92, 135, 103, 88, 6, 228, 11, 16, 147, 131, 27, 56, 241, 209, 108, 222, 221, 131, 245, 58, 172, 214, 180, 221, 43, 132, 4, 119, 125, 169, 132, 182, 103, 247, 159, 218, 170, 161, 147, 42, 146, 249, 231, 4, 179, 137, 187, 134, 114, 253, 214, 17, 14, 193, 214, 151, 84, 241, 245, 17, 108, 193, 248, 151, 50, 241, 60, 93, 213, 218, 211, 221, 132, 211, 231, 4, 179, 137, 187, 134, 114, 253, 248, 4, 227, 137, 204, 134, 105, 253, 245, 17, 108, 193, 248, 151, 50, 241, 97, 87, 33, 214, 86, 5, 81, 135, 35, 88, 197, 213, 211, 3, 92, 135, 67, 43, 36, 180, 42, 23, 135, 128, 195, 78, 65, 208, 206, 9, 112, 134, 35, 84, 72, 208, 232, 4, 25, 137, 212, 80, 224, 213, 16, 12, 66, 133, 23, 155, 182, 178, 113, 138, 92, 161, 51, 155, 251, 177, 241, 140, 64, 161, 217, 164, 3, 205, 29, 152, 17, 179, 251, 48, 209, 222, 167, 204, 81, 134, 223, 32, 35, 240, 105, 188, 125, 141, 133, 11, 29, 11, 40, 147, 7, 142, 83, 55, 32, 250, 251, 193, 184, 134, 79, 1, 119, 250, 23, 160, 217, 142, 136, 186, 29, 254, 17, 204, 105, 134, 183, 252, 128, 25, 108, 147, 221, 141, 63, 69, 148, 208, 186, 140, 216, 203, 136, 88, 120, 190, 6, 167, 153, 187, 177, 59, 213, 221, 125, 132, 73, 215, 111, 94, 166, 194, 212, 165, 116, 185, 205, 83, 147, 225, 245, 150, 253, 202, 155, 100, 157, 205, 244, 165, 224, 186, 90, 78, 238, 239, 169, 136, 132, 210, 45, 74, 50, 182, 65, 165, 207, 194, 245, 58, 52, 208, 173, 136, 99, 210, 231, 59, 136, 211, 135, 137, 74, 211, 181, 87, 105, 180, 154, 167, 78, 183, 232, 61, 165, 217, 176, 132, 20, 212, 219, 94, 154, 189, 235, 166, 47, 183, 175, 95, 166, 193, 5, 166, 75, 184, 177, 72, 89, 224, 116, 139, 47, 208, 7, 148, 19, 255, 87, 171, 52, 198, 232, 128, 210, 214, 191, 166, 184, 177, 231, 148, 154, 253, 182, 166, 53, 198, 151, 186, 247, 231, 169, 167, 24, 202, 212, 164, 11, 211, 93, 168, 241, 179, 135, 176, 206, 202, 180, 169, 187, 176, 202, 119, 160, 224, 201, 167, 212, 184, 7, 148, 19, 255, 87, 171, 52, 198, 1, 142, 57, 193, 61, 146, 102, 167, 44, 150, 188, 179, 197, 139, 16, 161, 151, 186, 247, 231, 169, 167, 24, 202, 51, 157, 126, 178, 184, 140, 240, 161, 42, 201, 139, 206, 109, 164, 90, 194, 153, 125, 95, 89, 0, 122, 76, 234, 44, 150, 188, 179, 197, 139, 16, 161, 107, 155, 61, 74, 195, 122, 219, 219, 51, 157, 126, 178, 184, 140, 240, 161, 164, 166, 72, 108, 162, 120, 106, 237, 110, 103, 24, 132, 220, 121, 140, 255, 246, 111, 211, 140, 218, 110, 202, 254, 158, 118, 236, 97, 171, 120, 82, 237, 153, 125, 95, 89, 0, 122, 76, 234, 200, 126, 29, 115, 200, 117, 243, 244, 164, 166, 72, 108, 162, 120, 106, 237, 18, 115, 99, 186, 86, 194, 43, 254, 118, 118, 200, 193, 142, 200, 246, 253, 26, 119, 114, 231, 253, 239, 198, 248, 74, 124, 253, 227, 87, 232, 219, 251, 140, 127, 140, 232, 213, 234, 147, 250, 211, 128, 111, 201, 46, 204, 90, 253, 121, 131, 161, 195, 160, 199, 211, 253, 60, 130, 237, 172, 184, 177, 249, 252, 253, 140, 196, 111, 57, 140, 103, 242, 150, 142, 139, 117, 229, 137, 61, 246, 67, 142, 89, 155, 72, 164, 227, 252, 239, 151, 82, 154, 212, 165, 52, 253, 22, 151, 132, 161, 20, 176, 1, 252, 115, 157, 72, 117, 172, 139, 148, 245, 103, 167, 148, 115, 220, 138, 197, 244, 35, 100, 196, 136, 2, 142, 201, 253, 205, 103, 224, 135, 192, 103, 183, 249, 115, 112, 129, 208, 108, 220, 75, 253, 165, 114, 58, 209, 155, 219, 94, 253, 99, 131, 233, 139, 243, 105, 103, 250, 203, 107, 72, 225, 154, 120, 108, 185, 221, 107, 58, 225, 162, 120, 92, 185, 63, 108, 38, 225, 191, 120, 38, 185, 60, 109, 108, 225, 230, 120, 218, 184, 4, 111, 154, 226, 249, 120, 178, 184, 115, 24, 245, 248, 213, 217, 91, 165, 75, 240, 71, 249, 241, 180, 79, 150, 201, 240, 51, 247, 34, 186, 43, 154, 242, 30, 213, 162, 240, 240, 85, 251, 54, 30, 21, 164, 194, 249, 96, 251, 57, 25, 111, 192, 157, 232, 21, 145, 203, 107, 72, 225, 154, 120, 108, 185, 115, 24, 245, 248, 213, 217, 91, 165, 54, 30, 21, 164, 194, 249, 96, 251, 57, 25, 111, 192, 157, 232, 21, 145, 57, 108, 55, 207, 20, 222, 180, 253, 161, 108, 140, 207, 36, 222, 178, 253, 205, 103, 224, 135, 192, 103, 183, 249, 60, 109, 108, 225, 230, 120, 218, 184, 4, 111, 154, 226, 249, 120, 178, 184, 126, 111, 156, 226, 17, 121, 125, 184, 99, 131, 233, 139, 243, 105, 103, 250, 233, 166, 112, 121, 78, 96, 174, 229, 57, 25, 111, 192, 157, 232, 21, 145, 161, 108, 140, 207, 36, 222, 178, 253, 214, 108, 185, 207, 48, 222, 161, 253, 138, 110, 245, 207, 49, 221, 113, 253, 115, 24, 245, 248, 213, 217, 91, 165, 75, 240, 71, 249, 241, 180, 79, 150, 113, 29, 96, 155, 6, 204, 111, 249, 242, 30, 213, 162, 240, 240, 85, 251, 54, 30, 21, 164, 194, 249, 96, 251, 149, 28, 87, 173, 145, 247, 180, 244, 57, 108, 55, 207, 20, 222, 180, 253, 251, 108, 205, 207, 35, 222, 198, 253, 9, 109, 122, 207, 204, 221, 104, 253, 242, 30, 213, 162, 240, 240, 85, 251, 149, 28, 87, 173, 145, 247, 180, 244, 203, 107, 72, 225, 154, 120, 108, 185, 221, 107, 58, 225, 162, 120, 92, 185, 67, 111, 181, 207, 107, 220, 75, 253, 115, 112, 129, 208, 108, 220, 75, 253, 98, 127, 51, 130, 95, 105, 169, 245, 99, 131, 233, 139, 243, 105, 103, 250, 233, 166, 112, 121, 78, 96, 174, 229, 117, 115, 188, 109, 205, 146, 239, 236, 236, 117, 204, 110, 191, 146, 218, 237, 30, 118, 112, 109, 85, 146, 113, 237, 24, 145, 209, 146, 189, 157, 235, 251, 204, 149, 242, 105, 64, 144, 239, 237, 211, 155, 149, 84, 164, 149, 34, 225, 120, 107, 76, 178, 195, 167, 83, 172, 124, 113, 6, 177, 70, 169, 2, 170, 158, 117, 42, 183, 184, 169, 239, 170, 92, 118, 235, 187, 248, 171, 11, 173, 123, 141, 235, 167, 198, 171, 253, 161, 182, 145, 115, 121, 60, 177, 231, 146, 30, 164, 186, 168, 135, 172, 2, 160, 86, 97, 215, 143, 34, 41, 87, 227, 63, 108, 38, 225, 191, 120, 38, 185, 60, 109, 108, 225, 230, 120, 218, 184, 98, 127, 51, 130, 95, 105, 169, 245, 233, 166, 112, 121, 78, 96, 174, 229, 113, 29, 96, 155, 6, 204, 111, 249, 149, 28, 87, 173, 145, 247, 180, 244, 86, 97, 215, 143, 34, 41, 87, 227, 221, 107, 58, 225, 162, 120, 92, 185, 63, 108, 38, 225, 191, 120, 38, 185, 113, 29, 96, 155, 6, 204, 111, 249, 86, 97, 215, 143, 34, 41, 87, 227, 80, 108, 24, 205, 169, 219, 102, 253, 9, 109, 122, 207, 204, 221, 104, 253, 67, 111, 181, 207, 107, 220, 75, 253, 98, 127, 51, 130, 95, 105, 169, 245, 255, 101, 98, 184, 18, 173, 51, 179, 244, 103, 161, 178, 174, 169, 174, 174, 158, 117, 42, 183, 184, 169, 239, 170, 92, 118, 235, 187, 248, 171, 11, 173, 244, 103, 161, 178, 174, 169, 174, 174, 124, 113, 6, 177, 70, 169, 2, 170, 117, 115, 188, 109, 205, 146, 239, 236, 158, 117, 42, 183, 184, 169, 239, 170, 197, 129, 33, 79, 122, 146, 175, 225, 211, 155, 149, 84, 164, 149, 34, 225, 183, 165, 50, 97, 135, 148, 175, 231, 106, 106, 242, 112, 72, 148, 45, 236, 155, 144, 93, 87, 7, 147, 6, 228, 204, 149, 242, 105, 64, 144, 239, 237, 4, 151, 35, 106, 75, 144, 0, 238, 211, 155, 149, 84, 164, 149, 34, 225, 183, 165, 50, 97, 135, 148, 175, 231, 171, 138, 101, 155, 200, 162, 36, 253, 245, 139, 8, 158, 230, 166, 147, 252, 24, 145, 209, 146, 189, 157, 235, 251, 204, 149, 242, 105, 64, 144, 239, 237, 4, 151, 35, 106, 75, 144, 0, 238, 84, 152, 156, 100, 168, 139, 43, 236, 187, 100, 217, 204, 124, 225, 152, 253, 93, 101, 31, 203, 216, 222, 5, 254, 47, 104, 71, 205, 15, 223, 254, 253, 184, 104, 148, 205, 248, 222, 1, 254, 71, 105, 196, 205, 186, 222, 7, 254, 112, 106, 127, 208, 254, 224, 174, 253, 149, 88, 158, 197, 100, 175, 90, 195, 143, 92, 204, 200, 115, 178, 104, 194, 184, 113, 191, 189, 74, 176, 208, 176, 140, 100, 180, 244, 91, 171, 244, 199, 68, 129, 109, 217, 150, 176, 17, 180, 177, 135, 175, 204, 157, 172, 116, 175, 255, 101, 98, 184, 18, 173, 51, 179, 244, 103, 161, 178, 174, 169, 174, 174, 37, 105, 55, 187, 201, 176, 0, 180, 106, 106, 242, 112, 72, 148, 45, 236, 100, 133, 79, 171, 206, 164, 179, 161, 114, 148, 210, 128, 29, 182, 241, 150, 183, 165, 50, 97, 135, 148, 175, 231, 155, 144, 93, 87, 7, 147, 6, 228, 4, 151, 35, 106, 75, 144, 0, 238, 203, 155, 87, 122, 108, 138, 233, 248, 84, 152, 156, 100, 168, 139, 43, 236, 120, 152, 171, 91, 118, 147, 133, 229, 122, 166, 150, 91, 12, 148, 83, 228, 190, 117, 176, 196, 218, 203, 52, 254, 42, 119, 29, 207, 188, 214, 163, 252, 110, 123, 195, 202, 193, 206, 72, 254, 86, 126, 147, 184, 28, 186, 67, 255, 105, 129, 88, 188, 215, 190, 74, 254, 106, 106, 242, 112, 72, 148, 45, 236, 114, 148, 210, 128, 29, 182, 241, 150, 155, 144, 93, 87, 7, 147, 6, 228, 120, 152, 171, 91, 118, 147, 133, 229, 72, 159, 207, 107, 71, 143, 16, 239, 255, 101, 98, 184, 18, 173, 51, 179, 37, 105, 55, 187, 201, 176, 0, 180, 184, 113, 191, 189, 74, 176, 208, 176, 217, 116, 191, 221, 221, 183, 136, 187, 92, 118, 235, 187, 248, 171, 11, 173, 68, 129, 109, 217, 150, 176, 17, 180, 94, 135, 58, 191, 72, 178, 248, 171, 123, 141, 235, 167, 198, 171, 253, 161, 217, 116, 191, 221, 221, 183, 136, 187, 94, 135, 58, 191, 72, 178, 248, 171, 217, 153, 3, 197, 214, 178, 13, 173, 135, 174, 195, 211, 72, 180, 125, 178, 246, 167, 154, 181, 79, 176, 115, 165, 216, 79, 199, 240, 171, 36, 64, 130, 34, 47, 86, 243, 127, 182, 143, 129, 123, 41, 96, 243, 251, 176, 249, 129, 58, 75, 229, 244, 17, 45, 16, 129, 245, 45, 3, 246, 135, 180, 238, 129, 109, 85, 69, 247, 84, 35, 91, 130, 2, 128, 255, 255, 2, 0, 120, 133, 255, 127, 255, 255, 0, 0, 29, 250, 255, 127, 248, 255, 5, 0, 58, 250, 6, 128, 251, 255, 2, 0, 171, 133, 44, 146, 85, 146, 182, 102, 16, 253, 170, 176, 201, 136, 222, 111, 117, 252, 42, 184, 128, 141, 202, 103, 158, 253, 90, 229, 33, 147, 127, 88, 142, 248, 31, 127, 198, 252, 228, 217, 244, 191, 19, 132, 248, 252, 170, 216, 19, 191, 44, 146, 85, 146, 182, 102, 16, 253, 115, 150, 125, 168, 67, 247, 175, 213, 55, 197, 225, 174, 144, 211, 247, 146, 90, 229, 33, 147, 127, 88, 142, 248, 74, 128, 33, 255, 180, 217, 207, 191, 19, 132, 248, 252, 170, 216, 19, 191, 115, 150, 125, 168, 67, 247, 175, 213, 196, 181, 226, 159, 244, 246, 179, 155, 34, 186, 162, 160, 103, 241, 92, 236, 96, 103, 84, 176, 61, 205, 111, 226, 27, 127, 219, 255, 68, 0, 237, 191, 196, 181, 226, 159, 244, 246, 179, 155, 34, 186, 162, 160, 103, 241, 92, 236, 70, 128, 231, 254, 169, 217, 198, 191, 74, 128, 33, 255, 180, 217, 207, 191, 19, 132, 248, 252, 170, 216, 19, 191, 1, 170, 131, 137, 240, 108, 227, 249, 170, 176, 201, 136, 222, 111, 117, 252, 90, 229, 33, 147, 127, 88, 142, 248, 20, 88, 220, 164, 215, 184, 62, 243, 96, 103, 84, 176, 61, 205, 111, 226, 57, 127, 189, 254, 174, 217, 50, 192, 44, 128, 241, 254, 178, 217, 205, 191, 70, 128, 231, 254, 169, 217, 198, 191, 74, 128, 33, 255, 180, 217, 207, 191, 34, 186, 162, 160, 103, 241, 92, 236, 248, 39, 245, 167, 253, 221, 71, 248, 120, 57, 70, 163, 8, 185, 49, 243, 56, 48, 176, 187, 145, 214, 64, 237, 20, 88, 220, 164, 215, 184, 62, 243, 96, 103, 84, 176, 61, 205, 111, 226, 235, 126, 37, 255, 249, 0, 146, 191, 27, 127, 219, 255, 68, 0, 237, 191, 25, 128, 88, 255, 57, 0, 12, 192, 2, 128, 255, 255, 2, 0, 120, 133, 214, 129, 225, 253, 106, 0, 146, 250, 1, 170, 131, 137, 240, 108, 227, 249, 170, 176, 201, 136, 222, 111, 117, 252, 105, 209, 195, 139, 89, 108, 168, 249, 44, 128, 241, 254, 178, 217, 205, 191, 70, 128, 231, 254, 169, 217, 198, 191, 230, 153, 25, 143, 33, 97, 5, 246, 1, 170, 131, 137, 240, 108, 227, 249, 105, 209, 195, 139, 89, 108, 168, 249, 137, 127, 150, 255, 20, 0, 97, 133, 214, 129, 225, 253, 106, 0, 146, 250, 230, 153, 25, 143, 33, 97, 5, 246, 61, 180, 57, 144, 196, 98, 145, 246, 105, 209, 195, 139, 89, 108, 168, 249, 69, 25, 167, 17, 10, 142, 242, 146, 26, 31, 25, 16, 36, 142, 224, 149, 66, 29, 2, 14, 76, 142, 220, 148, 123, 41, 96, 243, 251, 176, 249, 129, 242, 28, 125, 12, 0, 142, 134, 148, 98, 41, 116, 244, 113, 176, 253, 129, 245, 45, 3, 246, 135, 180, 238, 129, 79, 11, 153, 250, 49, 152, 129, 134, 134, 62, 206, 214, 111, 161, 39, 213, 136, 27, 151, 22, 155, 141, 72, 148, 26, 31, 25, 16, 36, 142, 224, 149, 242, 28, 125, 12, 0, 142, 134, 148, 22, 168, 235, 244, 228, 171, 90, 200, 136, 27, 151, 22, 155, 141, 72, 148, 26, 31, 25, 16, 36, 142, 224, 149, 236, 26, 138, 9, 80, 141, 39, 147, 68, 26, 176, 8, 79, 141, 203, 146, 79, 11, 153, 250, 49, 152, 129, 134, 239, 6, 246, 254, 136, 148, 25, 135, 134, 62, 206, 214, 111, 161, 39, 213, 136, 98, 205, 200, 54, 178, 89, 189, 49, 123, 240, 236, 250, 177, 117, 188, 251, 123, 183, 243, 139, 176, 34, 190, 129, 126, 168, 219, 74, 175, 41, 181, 22, 168, 235, 244, 228, 171, 90, 200, 40, 84, 118, 188, 28, 173, 47, 192, 46, 83, 128, 204, 169, 165, 195, 199, 160, 104, 118, 177, 209, 164, 18, 172, 175, 97, 139, 238, 213, 164, 52, 200, 239, 123, 28, 232, 115, 192, 248, 187, 133, 133, 140, 178, 216, 172, 146, 166, 0, 140, 48, 182, 225, 172, 136, 167, 160, 104, 118, 177, 209, 164, 18, 172, 140, 114, 63, 138, 253, 179, 114, 160, 162, 131, 160, 143, 49, 178, 64, 157, 133, 133, 140, 178, 216, 172, 146, 166, 186, 136, 172, 151, 96, 180, 198, 159, 40, 84, 118, 188, 28, 173, 47, 192, 52, 94, 151, 206, 225, 171, 88, 193, 160, 104, 118, 177, 209, 164, 18, 172, 101, 107, 131, 189, 238, 176, 205, 179, 140, 114, 63, 138, 253, 179, 114, 160, 132, 140, 249, 196, 4, 176, 74, 173, 23, 145, 148, 198, 150, 176, 209, 173, 101, 107, 131, 189, 238, 176, 205, 179, 39, 120, 143, 221, 141, 172, 55, 184, 85, 130, 121, 110, 143, 184, 4, 150, 23, 145, 148, 198, 150, 176, 209, 173, 98, 158, 139, 153, 134, 182, 99, 156, 225, 172, 198, 146, 176, 183, 158, 150, 247, 87, 128, 168, 24, 167, 232, 176, 109, 74, 20, 213, 102, 153, 212, 204, 37, 75, 110, 225, 20, 147, 114, 207, 27, 112, 65, 215, 253, 167, 19, 185, 122, 131, 147, 181, 217, 169, 223, 166, 125, 65, 4, 210, 102, 145, 4, 208, 63, 64, 176, 216, 99, 142, 215, 210, 37, 75, 110, 225, 20, 147, 114, 207, 192, 111, 253, 177, 53, 170, 92, 171, 71, 131, 106, 181, 251, 169, 219, 166, 122, 131, 147, 181, 217, 169, 223, 166, 62, 85, 161, 172, 213, 171, 241, 182, 133, 86, 69, 185, 244, 161, 61, 184, 174, 89, 105, 184, 243, 171, 204, 185, 63, 64, 176, 216, 99, 142, 215, 210, 109, 74, 20, 213, 102, 153, 212, 204, 170, 84, 18, 213, 154, 158, 243, 199, 37, 75, 110, 225, 20, 147, 114, 207, 212, 110, 202, 191, 35, 171, 84, 177, 109, 35, 86, 171, 70, 134, 61, 209, 25, 59, 178, 131, 230, 174, 82, 181, 124, 109, 92, 186, 166, 176, 150, 177, 94, 226, 164, 244, 32, 110, 241, 233, 220, 193, 224, 240, 102, 113, 118, 218, 221, 53, 146, 250, 147, 137, 102, 225, 217, 231, 176, 5, 9, 147, 183, 148, 94, 226, 164, 244, 32, 110, 241, 233, 220, 193, 224, 240, 102, 113, 118, 218, 117, 250, 160, 21, 3, 151, 147, 144, 204, 255, 60, 193, 158, 146, 39, 146, 202, 238, 109, 254, 212, 164, 101, 139, 210, 236, 146, 253, 120, 166, 109, 139, 117, 250, 160, 21, 3, 151, 147, 144, 67, 235, 169, 40, 23, 137, 198, 148, 204, 255, 60, 193, 158, 146, 39, 146, 181, 46, 122, 232, 125, 194, 244, 133, 23, 56, 149, 237, 175, 200, 118, 133, 102, 20, 64, 250, 240, 168, 31, 139, 94, 29, 229, 253, 148, 171, 193, 136, 202, 238, 109, 254, 212, 164, 101, 139, 210, 236, 146, 253, 120, 166, 109, 139, 70, 67, 242, 218, 140, 33, 197, 128, 50, 89, 126, 217, 6, 3, 9, 131, 52, 57, 105, 229, 103, 208, 224, 133, 17, 97, 156, 224, 101, 1, 17, 131, 189, 71, 92, 246, 40, 211, 222, 133, 120, 0, 46, 193, 198, 105, 204, 233, 66, 92, 152, 216, 184, 145, 89, 193, 149, 92, 219, 218, 228, 144, 71, 194, 229, 91, 134, 220, 200, 143, 103, 195, 210, 93, 232, 216, 132, 146, 144, 192, 111, 94, 122, 219, 148, 145, 124, 193, 164, 96, 59, 219, 195, 146, 251, 191, 178, 121, 65, 215, 77, 149, 115, 177, 154, 202, 97, 249, 112, 121, 47, 226, 240, 205, 6, 239, 246, 121, 242, 225, 9, 43, 160, 224, 21, 194, 41, 133, 66, 92, 152, 216, 184, 145, 89, 193, 111, 94, 122, 219, 148, 145, 124, 193, 65, 64, 172, 241, 215, 201, 84, 129, 212, 104, 179, 236, 93, 137, 240, 194, 174, 84, 218, 246, 229, 33, 230, 134, 38, 161, 17, 174, 150, 196, 71, 252, 11, 164, 195, 175, 231, 199, 228, 252, 75, 38, 192, 218, 203, 209, 13, 142, 211, 38, 96, 233, 87, 195, 236, 139, 175, 46, 104, 242, 86, 194, 236, 137, 134, 107, 172, 238, 154, 137, 110, 194, 138, 111, 147, 241, 236, 137, 175, 193, 9, 43, 160, 224, 21, 194, 41, 133, 111, 94, 122, 219, 148, 145, 124, 193, 164, 96, 59, 219, 195, 146, 251, 191, 60, 98, 151, 219, 206, 146, 39, 191, 80, 98, 1, 220, 241, 146, 91, 191, 211, 38, 96, 233, 87, 195, 236, 139, 175, 46, 104, 242, 86, 194, 236, 137, 209, 12, 91, 190, 37, 112, 51, 228, 170, 14, 188, 198, 124, 111, 128, 229, 69, 26, 179, 226, 36, 110, 194, 229, 191, 99, 144, 218, 73, 147, 186, 189, 45, 41, 24, 243, 114, 115, 93, 228, 47, 80, 216, 225, 65, 136, 19, 204, 191, 99, 144, 218, 73, 147, 186, 189, 253, 25, 198, 234, 124, 113, 124, 233, 45, 41, 24, 243, 114, 115, 93, 228, 243, 214, 55, 234, 123, 115, 181, 228, 11, 10, 7, 228, 27, 167, 33, 139, 39, 13, 40, 230, 55, 168, 142, 138, 92, 13, 18, 246, 111, 165, 209, 139, 1, 47, 35, 6, 163, 142, 207, 156, 25, 239, 252, 1, 171, 157, 168, 149, 15, 232, 179, 6, 26, 146, 100, 148, 139, 239, 243, 197, 165, 160, 187, 148, 167, 64, 165, 223, 25, 147, 222, 212, 100, 99, 31, 157, 51, 181, 55, 173, 190, 70, 163, 233, 128, 151, 190, 211, 213, 114, 100, 159, 227, 174, 56, 165, 113, 103, 102, 249, 36, 177, 42, 199, 239, 109, 105, 252, 166, 193, 145, 196, 114, 136, 87, 175, 134, 175, 4, 166, 238, 143, 197, 186, 154, 160, 255, 166, 239, 109, 105, 252, 166, 193, 145, 196, 238, 143, 197, 186, 154, 160, 255, 166, 196, 174, 11, 190, 170, 165, 124, 170, 174, 89, 105, 184, 243, 171, 204, 185, 212, 110, 202, 191, 35, 171, 84, 177, 95, 117, 69, 239, 227, 174, 3, 192, 218, 118, 215, 225, 7, 172, 68, 186, 114, 136, 87, 175, 134, 175, 4, 166, 238, 143, 197, 186, 154, 160, 255, 166, 119, 159, 189, 198, 0, 166, 200, 173, 196, 174, 11, 190, 170, 165, 124, 170, 223, 89, 173, 206, 147, 169, 146, 196, 142, 98, 12, 195, 8, 169, 58, 184, 95, 117, 69, 239, 227, 174, 3, 192, 11, 152, 98, 192, 76, 164, 89, 170, 119, 159, 189, 198, 0, 166, 200, 173, 142, 98, 12, 195, 8, 169, 58, 184, 158, 108, 210, 200, 64, 170, 163, 181, 75, 110, 79, 218, 209, 169, 139, 187, 156, 116, 207, 207, 97, 167, 240, 179, 34, 101, 108, 246, 253, 168, 1, 200, 67, 126, 93, 212, 215, 171, 86, 178, 11, 152, 98, 192, 76, 164, 89, 170, 153, 84, 98, 196, 149, 164, 2, 193, 115, 99, 181, 190, 169, 167, 95, 181, 75, 110, 79, 218, 209, 169, 139, 187, 230, 115, 154, 201, 216, 171, 238, 178, 67, 126, 93, 212, 215, 171, 86, 178, 74, 128, 130, 255, 51, 0, 81, 250, 180, 183, 2, 139, 39, 107, 63, 247, 160, 235, 26, 132, 222, 122, 123, 251, 133, 39, 180, 146, 193, 162, 115, 248, 82, 103, 252, 168, 152, 212, 121, 206, 11, 127, 128, 255, 123, 0, 27, 165, 190, 127, 98, 255, 234, 217, 8, 192, 64, 128, 98, 255, 195, 217, 218, 191, 159, 128, 49, 255, 158, 217, 192, 191, 159, 128, 82, 255, 165, 217, 197, 191, 74, 131, 156, 254, 171, 217, 202, 191, 0, 161, 84, 148, 147, 255, 70, 172, 35, 45, 177, 204, 23, 212, 13, 132, 39, 41, 9, 206, 209, 206, 21, 133, 176, 44, 233, 205, 43, 213, 126, 133, 69, 79, 255, 222, 233, 22, 185, 132, 84, 73, 209, 229, 200, 35, 169, 128, 215, 14, 112, 78, 83, 208, 114, 143, 249, 8, 5, 80, 195, 207, 226, 142, 195, 11, 191, 67, 43, 212, 197, 147, 6, 104, 128, 247, 187, 159, 91, 199, 194, 96, 187, 251, 89, 150, 229, 203, 48, 180, 196, 240, 71, 154, 228, 206, 243, 39, 248, 221, 126, 128, 188, 228, 6, 104, 128, 247, 187, 159, 91, 199, 48, 180, 196, 240, 71, 154, 228, 206, 27, 186, 161, 238, 42, 153, 244, 208, 31, 165, 89, 231, 4, 157, 131, 194, 210, 163, 157, 145, 57, 108, 17, 152, 68, 193, 90, 210, 22, 170, 69, 189, 51, 178, 220, 87, 185, 63, 123, 133, 197, 191, 231, 143, 151, 115, 173, 154, 114, 217, 129, 76, 180, 51, 168, 144, 79, 205, 181, 93, 233, 58, 72, 135, 86, 227, 237, 221, 101, 173, 141, 137, 102, 182, 1, 209, 106, 208, 180, 164, 61, 229, 184, 211, 5, 171, 252, 134, 197, 183, 253, 203, 143, 205, 186, 162, 197, 182, 17, 203, 150, 205, 185, 162, 137, 239, 173, 189, 49, 93, 45, 128, 72, 167, 247, 209, 95, 217, 239, 168, 95, 169, 48, 199, 155, 213, 47, 166, 198, 170, 206, 201, 136, 213, 235, 165, 115, 174, 105, 204, 249, 211, 200, 164, 84, 181, 126, 186, 230, 203, 191, 158, 222, 104, 9, 241, 108, 244, 51, 209, 39, 98, 200, 251, 112, 255, 205, 181, 96, 100, 12, 253, 74, 254, 78, 181, 52, 144, 12, 249, 72, 248, 102, 182, 80, 145, 230, 240, 54, 242, 100, 177, 113, 155, 134, 241, 22, 240, 122, 176, 83, 168, 19, 234, 195, 230, 147, 173, 42, 138, 129, 253, 226, 252, 23, 185, 99, 175, 138, 233, 212, 227, 42, 172, 162, 174, 173, 222, 49, 220, 31, 170, 15, 182, 213, 218, 27, 215, 69, 166, 13, 81, 238, 178, 70, 128, 88, 168, 241, 95, 158, 206, 87, 142, 34, 184, 83, 123, 139, 207, 197, 138, 101, 171, 104, 212, 102, 255, 6, 229, 207, 171, 88, 216, 31, 247, 125, 226, 37, 175, 235, 215, 167, 245, 118, 227, 224, 176, 139, 196, 130, 245, 222, 145, 103, 218, 13, 81, 238, 178, 70, 128, 88, 168, 56, 90, 122, 163, 49, 139, 232, 158, 241, 95, 158, 206, 87, 142, 34, 184, 46, 133, 16, 165, 92, 136, 14, 150, 104, 145, 197, 176, 85, 123, 229, 157, 196, 83, 205, 234, 225, 244, 8, 215, 188, 93, 122, 250, 211, 252, 5, 176, 104, 212, 102, 255, 6, 229, 207, 171, 216, 210, 48, 252, 178, 229, 135, 173, 88, 216, 31, 247, 125, 226, 37, 175, 193, 178, 172, 228, 237, 222, 105, 170, 162, 174, 173, 222, 49, 220, 31, 170, 15, 182, 213, 218, 27, 215, 69, 166, 55, 206, 170, 211, 5, 196, 149, 160, 22, 220, 245, 210, 115, 185, 40, 159, 68, 200, 236, 205, 19, 193, 60, 164, 211, 211, 26, 205, 251, 186, 143, 159, 20, 212, 85, 193, 92, 178, 209, 158, 211, 211, 26, 205, 251, 186, 143, 159, 225, 240, 246, 58, 190, 141, 64, 153, 20, 212, 85, 193, 92, 178, 209, 158, 19, 238, 209, 182, 57, 158, 57, 155, 154, 248, 115, 84, 70, 138, 24, 153, 247, 246, 19, 85, 56, 135, 120, 151, 119, 253, 56, 181, 165, 151, 113, 155, 22, 243, 254, 185, 84, 157, 198, 154, 19, 238, 209, 182, 57, 158, 57, 155, 111, 248, 18, 80, 146, 139, 162, 152, 151, 246, 236, 83, 104, 135, 158, 151, 247, 246, 19, 85, 56, 135, 120, 151, 196, 132, 114, 237, 187, 144, 115, 185, 251, 133, 104, 239, 91, 144, 190, 186, 154, 248, 115, 84, 70, 138, 24, 153, 151, 246, 236, 83, 104, 135, 158, 151, 247, 246, 19, 85, 56, 135, 120, 151, 91, 94, 75, 191, 199, 143, 86, 176, 185, 95, 144, 183, 132, 144, 101, 171, 40, 91, 27, 205, 212, 138, 40, 185, 166, 99, 212, 184, 94, 146, 14, 171, 160, 119, 29, 216, 110, 139, 11, 177, 88, 118, 174, 253, 167, 137, 138, 195, 199, 135, 242, 255, 99, 137, 148, 195, 19, 15, 117, 157, 51, 116, 161, 200, 82, 114, 86, 115, 105, 171, 254, 146, 99, 178, 136, 200, 66, 126, 112, 188, 8, 5, 78, 131, 248, 201, 200, 255, 236, 17, 16, 131, 0, 50, 248, 251, 19, 15, 117, 157, 51, 116, 161, 200, 248, 25, 76, 155, 98, 210, 167, 249, 36, 97, 42, 200, 88, 149, 173, 181, 82, 114, 86, 115, 105, 171, 254, 146, 8, 5, 78, 131, 248, 201, 200, 255, 236, 17, 16, 131, 0, 50, 248, 251, 63, 30, 37, 135, 48, 46, 139, 249, 4, 61, 132, 154, 17, 48, 176, 248, 159, 63, 27, 102, 120, 37, 132, 234, 237, 71, 116, 162, 192, 47, 183, 248, 50, 71, 138, 172, 65, 207, 6, 255, 165, 106, 23, 94, 28, 21, 224, 210, 144, 80, 233, 158, 241, 119, 170, 152, 226, 95, 29, 149, 195, 130, 162, 143, 209, 151, 206, 218, 87, 243, 182, 250, 21, 152, 150, 219, 182, 244, 113, 250, 17, 76, 143, 160, 55, 117, 203, 154, 144, 80, 233, 158, 241, 119, 170, 152, 40, 93, 133, 151, 212, 128, 159, 144, 226, 95, 29, 149, 195, 130, 162, 143, 96, 151, 91, 220, 81, 126, 200, 184, 54, 151, 249, 218, 218, 125, 241, 183, 153, 151, 123, 219, 28, 126, 105, 184, 43, 58, 105, 160, 95, 111, 92, 157, 184, 59, 208, 159, 96, 112, 208, 156, 230, 37, 178, 192, 44, 84, 165, 168, 222, 65, 91, 159, 100, 114, 157, 155, 43, 155, 130, 219, 136, 244, 127, 255, 111, 117, 180, 218, 122, 227, 196, 253, 69, 119, 252, 235, 25, 244, 254, 250, 129, 130, 159, 222, 253, 225, 56, 253, 94, 149, 237, 216, 19, 236, 47, 254, 5, 150, 21, 217, 162, 238, 219, 251, 31, 150, 35, 217, 245, 238, 166, 251, 98, 150, 94, 217, 127, 239, 163, 251, 177, 150, 30, 218, 188, 240, 142, 251, 182, 150, 209, 217, 19, 241, 166, 250, 27, 44, 74, 208, 197, 121, 150, 217, 36, 97, 42, 200, 88, 149, 173, 181, 82, 114, 86, 115, 105, 171, 254, 146, 225, 150, 223, 203, 180, 145, 187, 174, 181, 160, 61, 228, 129, 146, 36, 192, 105, 152, 102, 201, 96, 135, 141, 173, 49, 167, 13, 225, 45, 139, 46, 195, 99, 178, 136, 200, 66, 126, 112, 188, 185, 95, 144, 183, 132, 144, 101, 171, 2, 95, 193, 199, 169, 136, 230, 178, 166, 99, 212, 184, 94, 146, 14, 171, 196, 132, 114, 237, 187, 144, 115, 185, 251, 133, 104, 239, 91, 144, 190, 186, 241, 183, 151, 188, 193, 136, 29, 179, 251, 133, 104, 239, 91, 144, 190, 186, 19, 188, 6, 198, 208, 144, 95, 186, 241, 183, 151, 188, 193, 136, 29, 179, 225, 240, 246, 58, 190, 141, 64, 153, 93, 240, 118, 59, 86, 142, 89, 154, 154, 248, 115, 84, 70, 138, 24, 153, 22, 220, 245, 210, 115, 185, 40, 159, 211, 211, 26, 205, 251, 186, 143, 159, 225, 240, 246, 58, 190, 141, 64, 153, 93, 240, 118, 59, 86, 142, 89, 154, 64, 235, 52, 60, 132, 136, 82, 154, 53, 240, 240, 68, 198, 137, 100, 154, 185, 95, 144, 183, 132, 144, 101, 171, 2, 95, 193, 199, 169, 136, 230, 178, 230, 95, 91, 199, 32, 141, 126, 179, 27, 106, 159, 197, 34, 142, 225, 173, 65, 114, 197, 200, 172, 152, 185, 174, 160, 119, 29, 216, 110, 139, 11, 177, 164, 143, 229, 211, 222, 138, 104, 176, 167, 144, 197, 207, 207, 141, 198, 174, 32, 97, 106, 201, 18, 139, 124, 179, 250, 127, 222, 221, 121, 126, 36, 175, 108, 128, 104, 220, 172, 139, 242, 175, 45, 139, 22, 235, 205, 139, 151, 186, 21, 153, 64, 232, 61, 141, 53, 191, 187, 168, 167, 231, 240, 138, 247, 199, 168, 162, 242, 220, 71, 142, 28, 189, 72, 156, 243, 218, 154, 145, 166, 184, 113, 178, 50, 222, 184, 149, 125, 197, 172, 169, 189, 214, 0, 149, 55, 187, 15, 166, 30, 197, 4, 147, 92, 175, 58, 165, 13, 189, 205, 116, 45, 175, 196, 186, 168, 211, 48, 150, 62, 195, 145, 194, 108, 204, 4, 150, 247, 194, 19, 15, 117, 157, 51, 116, 161, 200, 129, 29, 36, 149, 125, 206, 212, 253, 248, 25, 76, 155, 98, 210, 167, 249, 69, 118, 66, 64, 120, 220, 0, 159, 73, 119, 225, 205, 35, 142, 193, 172, 225, 150, 223, 203, 180, 145, 187, 174, 72, 156, 243, 218, 154, 145, 166, 184, 15, 166, 30, 197, 4, 147, 92, 175, 99, 178, 136, 200, 66, 126, 112, 188, 199, 56, 239, 170, 164, 102, 149, 163, 152, 57, 81, 170, 91, 103, 59, 163, 17, 76, 143, 160, 55, 117, 203, 154, 144, 80, 233, 158, 241, 119, 170, 152, 177, 150, 30, 218, 188, 240, 142, 251, 182, 150, 209, 217, 19, 241, 166, 250, 209, 151, 206, 218, 87, 243, 182, 250, 43, 58, 105, 160, 95, 111, 92, 157, 222, 65, 91, 159, 100, 114, 157, 155, 241, 84, 29, 150, 175, 128, 23, 145, 96, 151, 91, 220, 81, 126, 200, 184, 153, 151, 123, 219, 28, 126, 105, 184, 8, 152, 219, 220, 167, 126, 99, 185, 222, 65, 91, 159, 100, 114, 157, 155, 128, 79, 91, 151, 37, 126, 227, 146, 241, 84, 29, 150, 175, 128, 23, 145, 43, 155, 130, 219, 136, 244, 127, 255, 231, 155, 234, 218, 159, 244, 131, 255, 128, 79, 91, 151, 37, 126, 227, 146, 189, 80, 114, 150, 93, 127, 213, 145, 241, 84, 29, 150, 175, 128, 23, 145, 245, 150, 152, 219, 249, 125, 40, 184, 96, 151, 91, 220, 81, 126, 200, 184, 54, 151, 249, 218, 218, 125, 241, 183, 230, 37, 178, 192, 44, 84, 165, 168, 224, 148, 116, 222, 114, 241, 16, 255, 43, 155, 130, 219, 136, 244, 127, 255, 231, 155, 234, 218, 159, 244, 131, 255, 120, 72, 147, 152, 226, 122, 110, 149, 189, 80, 114, 150, 93, 127, 213, 145, 245, 150, 152, 219, 249, 125, 40, 184, 221, 150, 195, 218, 180, 125, 168, 183, 138, 64, 243, 161, 105, 112, 178, 157, 120, 72, 147, 152, 226, 122, 110, 149, 208, 95, 90, 153, 154, 127, 3, 145, 238, 149, 40, 218, 73, 125, 226, 182, 126, 150, 72, 218, 119, 125, 55, 183, 133, 150, 84, 217, 50, 125, 183, 182, 221, 150, 195, 218, 180, 125, 168, 183, 178, 150, 211, 216, 23, 125, 135, 182, 120, 72, 147, 152, 226, 122, 110, 149, 128, 79, 91, 151, 37, 126, 227, 146, 189, 80, 114, 150, 93, 127, 213, 145, 208, 95, 90, 153, 154, 127, 3, 145, 224, 148, 116, 222, 114, 241, 16, 255, 223, 148, 159, 218, 73, 237, 142, 254, 147, 149, 152, 219, 1, 239, 196, 254, 161, 149, 246, 218, 95, 238, 176, 254, 231, 155, 234, 218, 159, 244, 131, 255, 71, 149, 211, 131, 147, 125, 179, 131, 252, 147, 185, 223, 248, 241, 28, 255, 147, 149, 152, 219, 1, 239, 196, 254, 161, 149, 246, 218, 95, 238, 176, 254, 221, 228, 109, 115, 160, 109, 110, 134, 75, 232, 231, 111, 72, 106, 253, 135, 177, 47, 108, 159, 186, 110, 146, 158, 138, 64, 243, 161, 105, 112, 178, 157, 208, 95, 90, 153, 154, 127, 3, 145, 223, 148, 159, 218, 73, 237, 142, 254, 6, 149, 17, 219, 233, 237, 161, 254, 201, 117, 108, 141, 62, 126, 254, 135, 239, 146, 146, 221, 115, 125, 79, 183, 121, 147, 223, 221, 162, 125, 187, 183, 71, 149, 211, 131, 147, 125, 179, 131, 221, 228, 109, 115, 160, 109, 110, 134, 36, 107, 61, 139, 115, 126, 65, 135, 201, 117, 108, 141, 62, 126, 254, 135, 166, 147, 118, 224, 114, 242, 42, 255, 71, 149, 211, 131, 147, 125, 179, 131, 252, 147, 185, 223, 248, 241, 28, 255, 177, 47, 108, 159, 186, 110, 146, 158, 138, 64, 243, 161, 105, 112, 178, 157, 100, 72, 81, 155, 182, 122, 196, 151, 148, 149, 199, 217, 23, 125, 131, 182, 175, 149, 166, 217, 20, 125, 127, 182, 238, 149, 40, 218, 73, 125, 226, 182, 223, 149, 94, 217, 12, 125, 110, 182, 102, 72, 57, 142, 101, 122, 172, 140, 143, 72, 44, 142, 118, 122, 157, 140, 36, 107, 61, 139, 115, 126, 65, 135, 201, 117, 108, 141, 62, 126, 254, 135, 255, 139, 229, 222, 162, 124, 214, 180, 239, 146, 146, 221, 115, 125, 79, 183, 24, 148, 173, 219, 177, 237, 154, 254, 223, 148, 159, 218, 73, 237, 142, 254, 6, 149, 17, 219, 233, 237, 161, 254, 147, 149, 152, 219, 1, 239, 196, 254, 148, 149, 230, 217, 45, 237, 138, 254, 9, 233, 167, 89, 54, 97, 224, 140, 218, 228, 207, 112, 224, 106, 181, 135, 75, 232, 231, 111, 72, 106, 253, 135, 35, 65, 171, 167, 138, 107, 26, 161, 224, 66, 134, 166, 12, 109, 57, 160, 151, 78, 157, 161, 165, 116, 13, 155, 141, 84, 2, 160, 118, 119, 175, 152, 129, 150, 26, 217, 33, 125, 150, 182, 0, 73, 85, 181, 100, 218, 196, 252, 130, 76, 141, 196, 207, 231, 112, 246, 228, 76, 187, 196, 123, 232, 25, 247, 254, 96, 176, 202, 78, 225, 254, 248, 97, 115, 21, 225, 172, 236, 20, 246, 245, 5, 247, 121, 120, 47, 220, 254, 111, 29, 201, 154, 26, 219, 25, 252, 65, 33, 194, 133, 58, 42, 88, 247, 92, 67, 23, 174, 125, 211, 125, 252, 214, 75, 4, 183, 103, 217, 209, 251, 130, 76, 141, 196, 207, 231, 112, 246, 228, 76, 187, 196, 123, 232, 25, 247, 32, 45, 255, 150, 232, 139, 120, 174, 174, 44, 20, 88, 35, 147, 176, 176, 61, 73, 105, 153, 136, 171, 177, 180, 177, 43, 189, 215, 0, 121, 195, 220, 141, 142, 252, 175, 25, 151, 64, 160, 177, 43, 189, 215, 0, 121, 195, 220, 141, 142, 252, 175, 25, 151, 64, 160, 145, 161, 151, 199, 22, 132, 74, 176, 144, 168, 141, 200, 67, 133, 85, 180, 190, 168, 68, 196, 128, 137, 227, 176, 27, 187, 223, 213, 224, 136, 154, 201, 12, 201, 153, 197, 188, 135, 105, 201, 71, 136, 63, 194, 34, 133, 98, 164, 91, 136, 28, 194, 79, 129, 156, 163, 32, 139, 244, 226, 62, 138, 124, 182, 56, 158, 194, 222, 229, 137, 165, 188, 205, 185, 102, 185, 162, 140, 72, 176, 56, 183, 193, 173, 150, 125, 153, 169, 186, 99, 80, 193, 108, 133, 158, 171, 105, 125, 42, 244, 122, 140, 222, 187, 153, 130, 131, 212, 94, 122, 27, 172, 113, 134, 223, 191, 63, 128, 174, 161, 71, 136, 63, 194, 34, 133, 98, 164, 91, 136, 28, 194, 79, 129, 156, 163, 211, 147, 29, 187, 56, 128, 0, 163, 186, 99, 80, 193, 108, 133, 158, 171, 51, 100, 130, 202, 224, 136, 245, 177, 71, 136, 63, 194, 34, 133, 98, 164, 56, 158, 194, 222, 229, 137, 165, 188, 167, 116, 247, 204, 250, 123, 182, 170, 39, 155, 90, 221, 234, 120, 118, 188, 41, 155, 129, 182, 194, 120, 59, 165, 145, 161, 151, 199, 22, 132, 74, 176, 190, 168, 68, 196, 128, 137, 227, 176, 32, 45, 255, 150, 232, 139, 120, 174, 25, 44, 66, 172, 61, 122, 188, 186, 141, 142, 252, 175, 25, 151, 64, 160, 39, 155, 90, 221, 234, 120, 118, 188, 145, 161, 151, 199, 22, 132, 74, 176, 254, 96, 176, 202, 78, 225, 254, 248, 97, 115, 21, 225, 172, 236, 20, 246, 54, 118, 173, 224, 251, 233, 111, 249, 39, 123, 85, 223, 224, 229, 130, 248, 187, 125, 239, 224, 213, 229, 135, 248, 152, 146, 108, 216, 251, 235, 189, 249, 94, 148, 159, 217, 143, 240, 159, 247, 24, 148, 173, 219, 177, 237, 154, 254, 157, 148, 215, 218, 71, 237, 141, 254, 104, 234, 128, 68, 235, 93, 152, 143, 9, 233, 167, 89, 54, 97, 224, 140, 121, 147, 223, 221, 162, 125, 187, 183, 76, 147, 57, 220, 53, 125, 194, 182, 218, 228, 207, 112, 224, 106, 181, 135, 221, 228, 109, 115, 160, 109, 110, 134, 75, 232, 231, 111, 72, 106, 253, 135, 143, 72, 44, 142, 118, 122, 157, 140, 36, 107, 61, 139, 115, 126, 65, 135, 166, 147, 118, 224, 114, 242, 42, 255, 140, 150, 158, 221, 51, 242, 34, 255, 133, 61, 15, 143, 74, 120, 105, 142, 50, 62, 40, 143, 69, 120, 110, 142, 102, 72, 57, 142, 101, 122, 172, 140, 143, 72, 44, 142, 118, 122, 157, 140, 140, 150, 158, 221, 51, 242, 34, 255, 141, 152, 24, 220, 134, 242, 45, 255, 93, 142, 126, 226, 138, 239, 219, 254, 166, 147, 118, 224, 114, 242, 42, 255, 252, 147, 185, 223, 248, 241, 28, 255, 224, 148, 116, 222, 114, 241, 16, 255, 161, 149, 246, 218, 95, 238, 176, 254, 140, 150, 158, 221, 51, 242, 34, 255, 141, 152, 24, 220, 134, 242, 45, 255, 186, 146, 229, 219, 4, 125, 81, 182, 76, 147, 57, 220, 53, 125, 194, 182, 119, 147, 148, 219, 23, 125, 125, 182, 104, 234, 128, 68, 235, 93, 152, 143, 16, 230, 147, 80, 1, 94, 132, 143, 9, 233, 167, 89, 54, 97, 224, 140, 218, 228, 207, 112, 224, 106, 181, 135, 186, 146, 229, 219, 4, 125, 81, 182, 171, 148, 66, 219, 69, 125, 226, 182, 77, 157, 251, 142, 33, 132, 218, 138, 16, 230, 147, 80, 1, 94, 132, 143, 113, 95, 158, 153, 29, 130, 80, 146, 135, 148, 64, 219, 61, 125, 208, 182, 171, 148, 66, 219, 69, 125, 226, 182, 81, 149, 58, 218, 38, 125, 161, 182, 84, 149, 51, 218, 37, 125, 159, 182, 77, 157, 251, 142, 33, 132, 218, 138, 67, 163, 242, 138, 141, 130, 49, 136, 12, 85, 20, 156, 208, 125, 79, 149, 113, 95, 158, 153, 29, 130, 80, 146, 24, 148, 173, 219, 177, 237, 154, 254, 157, 148, 215, 218, 71, 237, 141, 254, 148, 149, 230, 217, 45, 237, 138, 254, 67, 163, 242, 138, 141, 130, 49, 136, 157, 148, 215, 218, 71, 237, 141, 254, 77, 157, 251, 142, 33, 132, 218, 138, 67, 163, 242, 138, 141, 130, 49, 136, 104, 234, 128, 68, 235, 93, 152, 143, 16, 230, 147, 80, 1, 94, 132, 143, 133, 61, 15, 143, 74, 120, 105, 142, 102, 72, 57, 142, 101, 122, 172, 140, 255, 139, 229, 222, 162, 124, 214, 180, 100, 72, 81, 155, 182, 122, 196, 151, 12, 85, 20, 156, 208, 125, 79, 149, 113, 95, 158, 153, 29, 130, 80, 146, 81, 149, 58, 218, 38, 125, 161, 182, 148, 149, 199, 217, 23, 125, 131, 182, 177, 47, 108, 159, 186, 110, 146, 158, 100, 72, 81, 155, 182, 122, 196, 151, 12, 85, 20, 156, 208, 125, 79, 149, 6, 149, 17, 219, 233, 237, 161, 254, 148, 149, 230, 217, 45, 237, 138, 254, 141, 84, 2, 160, 118, 119, 175, 152, 209, 89, 240, 157, 40, 122, 9, 150, 133, 93, 232, 156, 133, 123, 129, 148, 175, 149, 166, 217, 20, 125, 127, 182, 223, 149, 94, 217, 12, 125, 110, 182, 129, 150, 26, 217, 33, 125, 150, 182, 154, 88, 184, 158, 93, 121, 225, 150, 209, 89, 240, 157, 40, 122, 9, 150, 133, 93, 232, 156, 133, 123, 129, 148, 111, 149, 106, 217, 138, 238, 169, 251, 206, 149, 240, 217, 174, 239, 111, 251, 58, 150, 202, 217, 237, 239, 121, 251, 254, 125, 93, 212, 188, 135, 49, 172, 161, 132, 11, 218, 199, 136, 187, 175, 113, 134, 223, 191, 63, 128, 174, 161, 214, 138, 65, 221, 44, 138, 130, 179, 98, 150, 142, 214, 20, 139, 71, 180, 211, 147, 29, 187, 56, 128, 0, 163, 41, 153, 112, 196, 151, 131, 192, 170, 253, 117, 30, 224, 135, 147, 198, 182, 42, 119, 227, 224, 167, 148, 186, 182, 18, 121, 0, 228, 29, 150, 106, 183, 50, 130, 175, 215, 8, 138, 10, 174, 119, 150, 252, 212, 53, 139, 112, 179, 113, 159, 6, 197, 166, 137, 142, 173, 220, 197, 114, 214, 214, 154, 29, 202, 18, 121, 0, 228, 29, 150, 106, 183, 137, 123, 98, 220, 60, 126, 12, 176, 84, 145, 254, 208, 119, 127, 243, 174, 220, 197, 114, 214, 214, 154, 29, 202, 42, 195, 192, 210, 86, 153, 171, 198, 236, 148, 41, 218, 196, 97, 59, 187, 238, 149, 212, 211, 104, 125, 31, 179, 101, 160, 107, 192, 127, 110, 242, 176, 208, 184, 183, 205, 214, 143, 130, 191, 145, 186, 1, 201, 90, 145, 194, 187, 188, 104, 249, 241, 5, 143, 128, 197, 124, 115, 116, 239, 40, 147, 34, 191, 186, 118, 163, 240, 50, 152, 71, 190, 214, 163, 203, 254, 175, 156, 109, 205, 160, 162, 197, 203, 60, 139, 233, 178, 101, 160, 107, 192, 127, 110, 242, 176, 145, 186, 1, 201, 90, 145, 194, 187, 83, 79, 74, 237, 187, 182, 185, 206, 188, 104, 249, 241, 5, 143, 128, 197, 122, 227, 26, 29, 61, 192, 66, 223, 160, 162, 197, 203, 60, 139, 233, 178, 0, 241, 180, 50, 104, 191, 139, 200, 83, 79, 74, 237, 187, 182, 185, 206, 124, 80, 226, 237, 249, 166, 30, 207, 87, 87, 1, 237, 185, 172, 43, 204, 122, 227, 26, 29, 61, 192, 66, 223, 72, 229, 198, 30, 192, 197, 95, 214, 113, 236, 218, 40, 160, 181, 131, 221, 65, 84, 8, 236, 216, 165, 106, 205, 87, 87, 1, 237, 185, 172, 43, 204, 103, 232, 247, 249, 94, 166, 252, 136, 113, 236, 218, 40, 160, 181, 131, 221, 125, 250, 11, 47, 104, 147, 9, 147, 215, 253, 51, 57, 33, 147, 243, 146, 213, 239, 21, 58, 11, 109, 52, 142, 244, 242, 146, 186, 210, 150, 244, 134, 67, 201, 60, 89, 71, 72, 174, 144, 106, 201, 137, 89, 39, 86, 82, 154, 24, 240, 107, 139, 103, 147, 176, 133, 57, 103, 26, 210, 55, 156, 45, 185, 192, 103, 250, 210, 66, 151, 59, 184, 88, 96, 114, 229, 88, 151, 175, 197, 200, 145, 168, 146, 93, 135, 76, 141, 110, 149, 102, 155, 57, 151, 190, 150, 192, 103, 250, 210, 66, 151, 59, 184, 19, 113, 187, 253, 6, 154, 93, 197, 200, 145, 168, 146, 93, 135, 76, 141, 71, 168, 152, 138, 147, 132, 176, 136, 57, 103, 26, 210, 55, 156, 45, 185, 192, 103, 250, 210, 66, 151, 59, 184, 253, 75, 58, 238, 78, 153, 252, 209, 239, 113, 182, 231, 119, 161, 210, 189, 227, 116, 181, 217, 223, 158, 44, 182, 19, 113, 187, 253, 6, 154, 93, 197, 57, 136, 185, 201, 10, 145, 21, 170, 89, 149, 230, 226, 63, 154, 172, 185, 253, 75, 58, 238, 78, 153, 252, 209, 185, 134, 33, 219, 66, 150, 61, 178, 89, 149, 230, 226, 63, 154, 172, 185, 109, 149, 179, 225, 181, 153, 40, 185, 170, 158, 136, 213, 215, 146, 106, 182, 99, 155, 159, 190, 104, 146, 206, 168, 53, 189, 80, 198, 167, 149, 23, 185, 94, 131, 204, 205, 179, 145, 9, 171, 100, 132, 89, 205, 171, 145, 10, 171, 185, 134, 33, 219, 66, 150, 61, 178, 99, 155, 159, 190, 104, 146, 206, 168, 106, 164, 61, 188, 94, 147, 143, 169, 192, 183, 59, 151, 204, 128, 138, 148, 204, 121, 28, 199, 2, 153, 52, 171, 195, 135, 242, 222, 91, 150, 43, 180, 120, 165, 237, 243, 57, 155, 159, 201, 71, 142, 21, 220, 15, 150, 137, 180, 25, 147, 42, 204, 5, 144, 195, 173, 48, 166, 147, 216, 75, 156, 76, 185, 218, 180, 112, 201, 246, 151, 100, 182, 156, 58, 115, 214, 115, 137, 91, 213, 227, 67, 242, 214, 189, 141, 195, 207, 55, 71, 102, 230, 11, 139, 47, 211, 216, 64, 220, 241, 103, 130, 46, 219, 220, 98, 206, 248, 221, 131, 99, 203, 176, 144, 199, 214, 16, 141, 90, 178, 36, 147, 168, 216, 67, 149, 58, 180, 78, 20, 202, 186, 220, 118, 133, 225, 246, 15, 225, 56, 161, 204, 133, 150, 9, 16, 213, 54, 181, 204, 62, 151, 55, 31, 102, 205, 135, 120, 131, 225, 13, 3, 104, 49, 190, 204, 210, 151, 124, 7, 126, 195, 86, 206, 246, 145, 246, 15, 225, 56, 161, 204, 133, 150, 9, 16, 213, 54, 181, 204, 62, 151, 95, 0, 172, 199, 238, 204, 106, 149, 225, 31, 88, 250, 65, 48, 116, 161, 62, 126, 129, 250, 222, 217, 15, 192, 143, 125, 77, 254, 246, 216, 181, 192, 68, 128, 255, 255, 231, 217, 9, 192, 9, 128, 251, 255, 244, 217, 255, 191, 32, 128, 248, 255, 244, 217, 0, 192, 15, 128, 235, 255, 237, 217, 249, 191, 60, 130, 66, 254, 49, 217, 116, 191, 97, 224, 1, 253, 9, 59, 186, 151, 212, 227, 31, 225, 50, 18, 90, 163, 181, 26, 111, 231, 134, 70, 54, 152, 225, 31, 88, 250, 65, 48, 116, 161, 184, 106, 243, 250, 112, 15, 3, 136, 128, 127, 235, 255, 98, 0, 98, 134, 124, 127, 248, 255, 111, 0, 144, 134, 97, 224, 1, 253, 9, 59, 186, 151, 181, 26, 111, 231, 134, 70, 54, 152, 25, 27, 245, 233, 238, 61, 18, 159, 225, 31, 88, 250, 65, 48, 116, 161, 68, 128, 255, 255, 231, 217, 9, 192, 181, 26, 111, 231, 134, 70, 54, 152, 162, 26, 39, 232, 16, 72, 130, 150, 25, 27, 245, 233, 238, 61, 18, 159, 184, 106, 243, 250, 112, 15, 3, 136, 202, 21, 212, 200, 159, 85, 63, 157, 162, 26, 39, 232, 16, 72, 130, 150, 25, 27, 245, 233, 238, 61, 18, 159, 68, 128, 255, 255, 231, 217, 9, 192, 32, 128, 248, 255, 244, 217, 0, 192, 181, 128, 108, 255, 179, 217, 208, 191, 29, 129, 228, 254, 105, 217, 156, 191, 194, 229, 155, 189, 223, 22, 198, 234, 143, 231, 194, 180, 170, 29, 12, 239, 187, 225, 11, 156, 187, 65, 17, 247, 68, 229, 41, 156, 182, 59, 161, 247, 120, 52, 32, 253, 219, 210, 43, 152, 137, 127, 189, 255, 202, 217, 30, 192, 9, 128, 251, 255, 244, 217, 255, 191, 60, 130, 66, 254, 49, 217, 116, 191, 60, 230, 63, 199, 89, 170, 108, 140, 27, 127, 219, 255, 68, 0, 237, 191, 25, 128, 88, 255, 57, 0, 12, 192, 115, 150, 125, 168, 67, 247, 175, 213, 196, 181, 226, 159, 244, 246, 179, 155, 55, 206, 70, 189, 79, 210, 5, 140, 55, 197, 225, 174, 144, 211, 247, 146, 31, 127, 198, 252, 228, 217, 244, 191, 29, 129, 228, 254, 105, 217, 156, 191, 44, 146, 85, 146, 182, 102, 16, 253, 42, 184, 128, 141, 202, 103, 158, 253, 68, 229, 41, 156, 182, 59, 161, 247, 255, 127, 251, 255, 2, 0, 16, 250, 255, 127, 248, 255, 5, 0, 58, 250, 42, 184, 128, 141, 202, 103, 158, 253, 187, 225, 11, 156, 187, 65, 17, 247, 68, 229, 41, 156, 182, 59, 161, 247, 31, 127, 198, 252, 228, 217, 244, 191, 137, 127, 189, 255, 202, 217, 30, 192, 181, 128, 108, 255, 179, 217, 208, 191, 29, 129, 228, 254, 105, 217, 156, 191, 60, 230, 63, 199, 89, 170, 108, 140, 55, 206, 70, 189, 79, 210, 5, 140, 55, 197, 225, 174, 144, 211, 247, 146, 246, 77, 245, 242, 163, 40, 82, 129, 72, 99, 52, 244, 67, 18, 68, 132, 44, 101, 75, 245, 59, 17, 232, 131, 138, 85, 40, 247, 18, 35, 128, 130, 179, 30, 209, 24, 218, 142, 120, 150, 248, 18, 104, 233, 202, 157, 67, 131, 64, 21, 168, 236, 179, 159, 100, 131, 44, 18, 189, 246, 226, 157, 144, 133, 66, 32, 101, 3, 155, 142, 199, 149, 169, 46, 85, 218, 24, 164, 188, 221, 235, 84, 241, 230, 204, 172, 187, 204, 248, 18, 104, 233, 202, 157, 67, 131, 82, 90, 173, 235, 46, 175, 246, 202, 64, 21, 168, 236, 179, 159, 100, 131, 64, 89, 54, 253, 172, 173, 83, 204, 235, 84, 241, 230, 204, 172, 187, 204, 90, 106, 130, 221, 95, 181, 55, 193, 82, 90, 173, 235, 46, 175, 246, 202, 120, 84, 125, 241, 115, 172, 132, 205, 82, 118, 7, 223, 54, 176, 29, 186, 191, 141, 95, 226, 108, 176, 142, 183, 7, 163, 36, 225, 133, 178, 10, 185, 42, 160, 176, 209, 121, 173, 70, 178, 183, 71, 50, 181, 111, 165, 49, 198, 162, 80, 213, 186, 22, 160, 117, 188, 36, 104, 30, 169, 34, 175, 237, 172, 198, 93, 170, 228, 37, 164, 12, 200, 82, 118, 7, 223, 54, 176, 29, 186, 191, 141, 95, 226, 108, 176, 142, 183, 90, 63, 218, 143, 163, 170, 192, 181, 173, 92, 181, 155, 99, 176, 80, 173, 0, 97, 72, 189, 233, 169, 216, 182, 82, 91, 240, 132, 62, 150, 18, 243, 212, 98, 236, 177, 25, 168, 43, 176, 175, 135, 58, 157, 171, 176, 74, 245, 82, 91, 240, 132, 62, 150, 18, 243, 244, 128, 17, 79, 197, 150, 110, 224, 175, 135, 58, 157, 171, 176, 74, 245, 244, 140, 176, 67, 163, 154, 155, 217, 71, 156, 190, 93, 26, 148, 67, 230, 193, 121, 11, 111, 174, 143, 239, 239, 170, 133, 222, 125, 255, 149, 149, 244, 10, 137, 223, 100, 13, 139, 142, 237, 251, 137, 156, 107, 197, 138, 240, 240, 193, 121, 11, 111, 174, 143, 239, 239, 251, 131, 152, 167, 59, 174, 60, 252, 170, 133, 222, 125, 255, 149, 149, 244, 96, 136, 184, 166, 172, 174, 124, 252, 154, 140, 89, 178, 230, 186, 186, 253, 254, 142, 47, 164, 102, 171, 131, 254, 235, 162, 35, 129, 27, 140, 32, 252, 89, 167, 45, 123, 223, 142, 184, 248, 80, 108, 24, 205, 169, 219, 102, 253, 67, 111, 181, 207, 107, 220, 75, 253, 115, 112, 129, 208, 108, 220, 75, 253, 165, 114, 58, 209, 155, 219, 94, 253, 116, 115, 189, 214, 217, 224, 141, 253, 139, 116, 104, 209, 116, 218, 107, 253, 190, 117, 176, 196, 218, 203, 52, 254, 124, 117, 62, 208, 115, 216, 188, 253, 101, 118, 210, 208, 114, 216, 187, 253, 42, 119, 29, 207, 188, 214, 163, 252, 49, 129, 178, 199, 31, 202, 6, 254, 220, 131, 78, 227, 95, 25, 80, 255, 140, 132, 156, 226, 83, 25, 180, 254, 61, 132, 55, 213, 151, 38, 182, 253, 8, 135, 141, 212, 18, 38, 16, 255, 14, 135, 68, 208, 71, 213, 148, 255, 44, 135, 9, 211, 74, 39, 137, 254, 177, 137, 248, 187, 15, 193, 216, 255, 208, 138, 126, 195, 171, 53, 23, 255, 61, 146, 99, 143, 75, 160, 0, 249, 248, 155, 86, 134, 166, 153, 201, 248, 88, 155, 196, 142, 119, 163, 148, 248, 97, 156, 76, 143, 79, 162, 133, 249, 175, 103, 4, 210, 227, 154, 150, 184, 65, 166, 95, 231, 169, 162, 6, 194, 98, 169, 220, 142, 186, 161, 125, 251, 33, 205, 208, 195, 67, 161, 39, 186, 225, 79, 70, 149, 248, 152, 186, 161, 227, 108, 130, 251, 63, 146, 211, 198, 171, 138, 212, 231, 33, 157, 252, 184, 5, 150, 71, 227, 11, 156, 236, 185, 65, 166, 95, 231, 169, 162, 6, 194, 33, 205, 208, 195, 67, 161, 39, 186, 104, 56, 220, 211, 50, 149, 14, 215, 175, 103, 4, 210, 227, 154, 150, 184, 68, 119, 171, 229, 242, 155, 163, 185, 73, 135, 87, 225, 16, 141, 122, 180, 27, 136, 165, 228, 122, 151, 208, 182, 171, 138, 212, 231, 33, 157, 252, 184, 65, 166, 95, 231, 169, 162, 6, 194, 5, 221, 128, 209, 206, 148, 168, 216, 175, 69, 181, 169, 133, 171, 91, 198, 104, 56, 220, 211, 50, 149, 14, 215, 47, 125, 80, 244, 164, 180, 235, 189, 171, 138, 212, 231, 33, 157, 252, 184, 5, 150, 71, 227, 11, 156, 236, 185, 173, 151, 108, 230, 122, 160, 113, 187, 141, 166, 164, 192, 20, 160, 201, 171, 175, 69, 181, 169, 133, 171, 91, 198, 104, 56, 220, 211, 50, 149, 14, 215, 207, 10, 121, 230, 134, 156, 144, 134, 183, 46, 236, 238, 98, 183, 2, 129, 29, 16, 64, 242, 62, 152, 40, 131, 40, 218, 71, 255, 133, 169, 124, 130, 5, 221, 128, 209, 206, 148, 168, 216, 60, 126, 250, 251, 237, 1, 88, 250, 132, 126, 42, 250, 225, 3, 85, 250, 94, 127, 17, 251, 225, 3, 84, 250, 2, 128, 222, 255, 26, 0, 189, 249, 18, 128, 195, 252, 223, 2, 18, 250, 18, 128, 111, 253, 69, 2, 88, 250, 31, 128, 231, 253, 206, 1, 127, 250, 134, 63, 192, 248, 231, 164, 176, 214, 185, 64, 132, 249, 227, 170, 7, 213, 122, 16, 128, 255, 39, 158, 200, 135, 203, 245, 189, 23, 197, 142, 155, 142, 252, 246, 60, 29, 197, 142, 187, 142, 234, 53, 241, 218, 238, 160, 15, 218, 54, 16, 4, 245, 60, 160, 150, 135, 134, 63, 192, 248, 231, 164, 176, 214, 122, 16, 128, 255, 39, 158, 200, 135, 54, 16, 4, 245, 60, 160, 150, 135, 44, 18, 189, 246, 226, 157, 144, 133, 66, 32, 101, 3, 155, 142, 199, 149, 122, 16, 128, 255, 39, 158, 200, 135, 42, 221, 246, 9, 129, 139, 108, 151, 252, 246, 60, 29, 197, 142, 187, 142, 183, 71, 50, 181, 111, 165, 49, 198, 169, 105, 175, 168, 214, 178, 165, 173, 198, 93, 170, 228, 37, 164, 12, 200, 211, 95, 33, 231, 109, 174, 123, 200, 109, 159, 179, 174, 81, 171, 21, 163, 204, 170, 192, 166, 3, 159, 198, 157, 83, 172, 225, 177, 48, 171, 110, 163, 56, 60, 147, 155, 215, 161, 133, 185, 90, 63, 218, 143, 163, 170, 192, 181, 183, 71, 50, 181, 111, 165, 49, 198, 162, 80, 213, 186, 22, 160, 117, 188, 173, 92, 181, 155, 99, 176, 80, 173, 169, 105, 175, 168, 214, 178, 165, 173, 173, 92, 181, 155, 99, 176, 80, 173, 82, 91, 240, 132, 62, 150, 18, 243, 169, 105, 175, 168, 214, 178, 165, 173, 138, 131, 129, 81, 15, 152, 228, 224, 192, 138, 250, 190, 150, 179, 243, 171, 71, 156, 190, 93, 26, 148, 67, 230, 109, 159, 179, 174, 81, 171, 21, 163, 193, 121, 11, 111, 174, 143, 239, 239, 138, 131, 129, 81, 15, 152, 228, 224, 10, 137, 223, 100, 13, 139, 142, 237, 244, 140, 176, 67, 163, 154, 155, 217, 71, 156, 190, 93, 26, 148, 67, 230, 89, 167, 45, 123, 223, 142, 184, 248, 210, 162, 238, 82, 23, 153, 64, 223, 187, 112, 149, 212, 151, 224, 145, 253, 116, 115, 189, 214, 217, 224, 141, 253, 124, 117, 62, 208, 115, 216, 188, 253, 187, 117, 55, 218, 213, 226, 109, 253, 129, 117, 150, 222, 145, 231, 119, 253, 173, 122, 167, 213, 137, 218, 188, 253, 192, 129, 163, 233, 160, 235, 136, 254, 140, 132, 59, 227, 143, 231, 142, 254, 111, 133, 203, 233, 202, 238, 40, 255, 252, 137, 177, 222, 133, 231, 142, 254, 208, 138, 46, 229, 232, 238, 38, 255, 75, 139, 209, 227, 219, 237, 55, 255, 55, 140, 230, 152, 79, 167, 97, 249, 205, 156, 50, 112, 99, 153, 208, 238, 195, 157, 250, 100, 130, 157, 42, 232, 181, 159, 231, 102, 166, 158, 8, 233, 12, 160, 55, 153, 124, 172, 239, 250, 11, 179, 155, 108, 102, 153, 203, 238, 19, 102, 131, 195, 159, 149, 187, 176, 175, 103, 4, 210, 227, 154, 150, 184, 68, 119, 171, 229, 242, 155, 163, 185, 205, 156, 50, 112, 99, 153, 208, 238, 98, 169, 220, 142, 186, 161, 125, 251, 11, 179, 155, 108, 102, 153, 203, 238, 19, 102, 131, 195, 159, 149, 187, 176, 68, 119, 171, 229, 242, 155, 163, 185, 27, 136, 165, 228, 122, 151, 208, 182, 243, 135, 153, 222, 155, 152, 57, 180, 198, 144, 141, 227, 71, 151, 191, 184, 159, 144, 241, 194, 13, 142, 56, 168, 41, 88, 92, 213, 45, 152, 17, 196, 29, 16, 64, 242, 62, 152, 40, 131, 73, 135, 87, 225, 16, 141, 122, 180, 5, 221, 128, 209, 206, 148, 168, 216, 217, 81, 134, 243, 5, 36, 133, 131, 168, 69, 138, 246, 36, 51, 119, 130, 229, 69, 216, 246, 34, 51, 93, 130, 185, 87, 106, 248, 21, 33, 254, 131, 217, 81, 134, 243, 5, 36, 133, 131, 189, 81, 248, 246, 155, 38, 11, 131, 132, 74, 232, 247, 198, 46, 177, 130, 51, 86, 249, 247, 18, 35, 61, 130, 185, 87, 106, 248, 21, 33, 254, 131, 193, 103, 1, 249, 119, 17, 161, 132, 48, 108, 89, 252, 166, 15, 232, 132, 1, 115, 201, 252, 138, 9, 169, 132, 41, 88, 92, 213, 45, 152, 17, 196, 198, 93, 77, 251, 63, 152, 225, 204, 62, 129, 254, 244, 63, 155, 252, 187, 73, 135, 87, 225, 16, 141, 122, 180, 27, 136, 165, 228, 122, 151, 208, 182, 198, 144, 141, 227, 71, 151, 191, 184, 19, 102, 131, 195, 159, 149, 187, 176, 243, 135, 153, 222, 155, 152, 57, 180, 190, 141, 63, 166, 25, 160, 43, 158, 195, 157, 250, 100, 130, 157, 42, 232, 172, 185, 24, 222, 44, 136, 169, 205, 11, 179, 155, 108, 102, 153, 203, 238, 61, 102, 88, 171, 224, 178, 49, 176, 138, 131, 129, 81, 15, 152, 228, 224, 192, 138, 250, 190, 150, 179, 243, 171, 210, 162, 238, 82, 23, 153, 64, 223, 101, 163, 110, 83, 159, 154, 97, 223, 82, 165, 199, 88, 211, 155, 37, 226, 198, 93, 170, 228, 37, 164, 12, 200, 211, 95, 33, 231, 109, 174, 123, 200, 128, 86, 127, 248, 201, 177, 148, 204, 191, 141, 95, 226, 108, 176, 142, 183, 7, 163, 36, 225, 133, 178, 10, 185, 40, 57, 52, 211, 252, 162, 249, 215, 234, 53, 241, 218, 238, 160, 15, 218, 118, 102, 167, 195, 150, 182, 84, 186, 134, 63, 192, 248, 231, 164, 176, 214, 185, 64, 132, 249, 227, 170, 7, 213, 67, 147, 54, 202, 39, 175, 252, 174, 172, 98, 166, 245, 245, 19, 182, 132, 168, 123, 185, 238, 205, 11, 85, 250, 171, 123, 90, 240, 234, 9, 234, 248, 48, 108, 89, 252, 166, 15, 232, 132, 1, 115, 201, 252, 138, 9, 169, 132, 132, 126, 42, 250, 225, 3, 85, 250, 94, 127, 17, 251, 225, 3, 84, 250, 4, 3, 217, 209, 52, 148, 17, 133, 223, 96, 210, 186, 104, 167, 238, 180, 132, 3, 163, 218, 198, 147, 99, 133, 92, 5, 2, 29, 181, 143, 151, 136, 91, 93, 234, 231, 197, 168, 39, 201, 151, 24, 77, 241, 53, 182, 101, 224, 233, 211, 114, 193, 216, 166, 111, 180, 213, 248, 62, 162, 219, 148, 63, 168, 199, 104, 116, 145, 201, 137, 211, 143, 116, 161, 21, 180, 228, 136, 174, 163, 105, 178, 169, 212, 24, 174, 241, 181, 233, 211, 114, 193, 216, 166, 111, 180, 103, 209, 75, 191, 6, 164, 180, 178, 213, 248, 62, 162, 219, 148, 63, 168, 236, 96, 77, 150, 153, 158, 105, 159, 232, 159, 179, 113, 210, 162, 111, 237, 214, 166, 49, 128, 16, 169, 196, 241, 248, 163, 71, 104, 64, 171, 230, 231, 110, 178, 42, 123, 104, 169, 18, 242, 25, 253, 58, 172, 41, 141, 152, 144, 108, 107, 115, 213, 221, 229, 45, 254, 187, 112, 149, 212, 151, 224, 145, 253, 207, 114, 10, 228, 147, 239, 112, 254, 129, 117, 150, 222, 145, 231, 119, 253, 230, 119, 116, 224, 157, 231, 120, 253, 182, 115, 85, 135, 83, 145, 114, 250, 231, 131, 99, 184, 132, 188, 245, 253, 68, 133, 118, 189, 3, 193, 39, 255, 39, 135, 197, 171, 73, 182, 80, 250, 80, 139, 11, 158, 89, 171, 206, 249, 224, 140, 22, 147, 38, 160, 56, 250, 154, 140, 89, 178, 230, 186, 186, 253, 254, 142, 47, 164, 102, 171, 131, 254, 63, 163, 180, 130, 157, 154, 135, 247, 229, 143, 210, 75, 107, 147, 100, 222, 53, 144, 2, 80, 40, 150, 206, 223, 254, 144, 210, 68, 114, 155, 146, 217, 185, 147, 236, 82, 140, 150, 211, 224, 47, 150, 106, 67, 110, 155, 93, 216, 220, 150, 178, 72, 88, 152, 53, 219, 217, 152, 120, 85, 46, 149, 239, 225, 236, 113, 104, 226, 47, 184, 148, 190, 35, 118, 13, 204, 183, 177, 32, 180, 217, 134, 240, 194, 47, 172, 255, 171, 163, 140, 230, 211, 122, 176, 127, 178, 251, 167, 72, 192, 117, 171, 186, 170, 41, 101, 31, 211, 146, 185, 28, 194, 194, 82, 19, 233, 42, 172, 183, 205, 103, 111, 136, 199, 172, 177, 174, 181, 35, 118, 13, 204, 183, 177, 32, 180, 224, 129, 151, 208, 69, 175, 19, 177, 187, 166, 101, 252, 0, 176, 153, 202, 163, 140, 230, 211, 122, 176, 127, 178, 216, 77, 91, 186, 22, 173, 77, 200, 236, 113, 104, 226, 47, 184, 148, 190, 53, 144, 2, 80, 40, 150, 206, 223, 217, 152, 120, 85, 46, 149, 239, 225, 251, 167, 72, 192, 117, 171, 186, 170, 182, 115, 85, 135, 83, 145, 114, 250, 224, 140, 22, 147, 38, 160, 56, 250, 58, 143, 89, 88, 76, 149, 6, 228, 254, 144, 210, 68, 114, 155, 146, 217, 47, 150, 106, 67, 110, 155, 93, 216, 144, 161, 52, 126, 227, 141, 22, 250, 199, 159, 124, 83, 69, 154, 171, 223, 216, 77, 91, 186, 22, 173, 77, 200, 64, 86, 75, 192, 185, 178, 248, 196, 52, 81, 164, 130, 183, 155, 87, 235, 35, 95, 131, 208, 211, 179, 120, 196, 229, 143, 210, 75, 107, 147, 100, 222, 217, 152, 120, 85, 46, 149, 239, 225, 52, 81, 164, 130, 183, 155, 87, 235, 35, 95, 131, 208, 211, 179, 120, 196, 39, 100, 9, 216, 202, 181, 240, 195, 132, 102, 142, 220, 201, 181, 209, 195, 51, 145, 117, 144, 38, 177, 7, 241, 52, 81, 164, 130, 183, 155, 87, 235, 237, 120, 36, 91, 149, 150, 251, 227, 51, 145, 117, 144, 38, 177, 7, 241, 229, 143, 210, 75, 107, 147, 100, 222, 185, 147, 236, 82, 140, 150, 211, 224, 48, 79, 75, 140, 248, 139, 175, 146, 181, 152, 52, 142, 199, 170, 146, 244, 234, 157, 180, 147, 149, 170, 91, 248, 232, 159, 179, 113, 210, 162, 111, 237, 214, 166, 49, 128, 16, 169, 196, 241, 121, 171, 47, 127, 153, 164, 169, 243, 108, 229, 36, 183, 153, 163, 128, 180, 130, 44, 60, 180, 100, 165, 208, 225, 44, 147, 175, 182, 222, 148, 131, 163, 225, 253, 107, 43, 32, 163, 41, 230, 130, 44, 60, 180, 100, 165, 208, 225, 4, 3, 217, 209, 52, 148, 17, 133, 243, 5, 166, 29, 37, 141, 16, 136, 91, 93, 234, 231, 197, 168, 39, 201, 179, 222, 89, 220, 220, 176, 89, 133, 225, 253, 107, 43, 32, 163, 41, 230, 4, 3, 217, 209, 52, 148, 17, 133, 10, 13, 59, 220, 8, 158, 201, 132, 132, 3, 163, 218, 198, 147, 99, 133, 243, 5, 166, 29, 37, 141, 16, 136, 198, 62, 58, 247, 83, 58, 216, 130, 139, 53, 94, 253, 8, 73, 69, 128, 10, 13, 59, 220, 8, 158, 201, 132, 249, 31, 255, 239, 15, 169, 162, 130, 168, 69, 138, 246, 36, 51, 119, 130, 229, 69, 216, 246, 34, 51, 93, 130, 198, 62, 58, 247, 83, 58, 216, 130, 81, 17, 249, 254, 248, 154, 116, 133, 48, 79, 75, 140, 248, 139, 175, 146, 103, 118, 77, 250, 139, 110, 90, 193, 172, 143, 139, 113, 54, 159, 86, 236, 92, 161, 204, 169, 233, 138, 99, 157, 121, 171, 47, 127, 153, 164, 169, 243, 172, 143, 139, 113, 54, 159, 86, 236, 44, 155, 248, 105, 66, 159, 2, 234, 234, 157, 180, 147, 149, 170, 91, 248, 38, 162, 104, 149, 220, 171, 138, 249, 121, 171, 47, 127, 153, 164, 169, 243, 124, 117, 62, 208, 115, 216, 188, 253, 173, 122, 167, 213, 137, 218, 188, 253, 238, 125, 15, 201, 98, 206, 225, 250, 49, 129, 178, 199, 31, 202, 6, 254, 231, 131, 99, 184, 132, 188, 245, 253, 96, 136, 184, 166, 172, 174, 124, 252, 154, 140, 89, 178, 230, 186, 186, 253, 118, 86, 246, 242, 116, 179, 102, 204, 247, 165, 224, 252, 25, 187, 223, 200, 164, 163, 234, 213, 20, 177, 198, 179, 138, 157, 244, 177, 195, 160, 160, 163, 150, 187, 47, 166, 58, 157, 115, 157, 211, 95, 33, 231, 109, 174, 123, 200, 128, 86, 127, 248, 201, 177, 148, 204, 247, 165, 224, 252, 25, 187, 223, 200, 204, 170, 192, 166, 3, 159, 198, 157, 202, 178, 151, 163, 240, 153, 246, 155, 150, 187, 47, 166, 58, 157, 115, 157, 204, 170, 192, 166, 3, 159, 198, 157, 83, 172, 225, 177, 48, 171, 110, 163, 202, 178, 151, 163, 240, 153, 246, 155, 12, 180, 76, 173, 46, 164, 18, 161, 61, 102, 88, 171, 224, 178, 49, 176, 192, 138, 250, 190, 150, 179, 243, 171, 129, 150, 32, 220, 234, 179, 163, 181, 62, 155, 137, 205, 143, 177, 66, 176, 109, 159, 179, 174, 81, 171, 21, 163, 83, 172, 225, 177, 48, 171, 110, 163, 12, 180, 76, 173, 46, 164, 18, 161, 182, 115, 85, 135, 83, 145, 114, 250, 254, 142, 47, 164, 102, 171, 131, 254, 144, 161, 52, 126, 227, 141, 22, 250, 235, 162, 35, 129, 27, 140, 32, 252, 255, 132, 150, 234, 53, 239, 41, 255, 4, 134, 175, 239, 68, 245, 190, 255, 104, 136, 167, 226, 48, 22, 249, 254, 167, 137, 64, 235, 252, 11, 203, 255, 208, 138, 126, 195, 171, 53, 23, 255, 55, 140, 230, 152, 79, 167, 97, 249, 47, 139, 6, 187, 245, 193, 233, 254, 88, 155, 196, 142, 119, 163, 148, 248, 61, 158, 71, 150, 158, 171, 81, 249, 12, 160, 55, 153, 124, 172, 239, 250, 151, 54, 174, 133, 60, 157, 106, 167, 190, 141, 63, 166, 25, 160, 43, 158, 172, 185, 24, 222, 44, 136, 169, 205, 151, 54, 174, 133, 60, 157, 106, 167, 41, 126, 124, 117, 56, 103, 147, 135, 190, 141, 63, 166, 25, 160, 43, 158, 122, 156, 35, 207, 75, 154, 210, 177, 195, 157, 250, 100, 130, 157, 42, 232, 181, 159, 231, 102, 166, 158, 8, 233, 151, 54, 174, 133, 60, 157, 106, 167, 243, 135, 153, 222, 155, 152, 57, 180, 159, 144, 241, 194, 13, 142, 56, 168, 9, 153, 217, 210, 86, 150, 246, 178, 122, 156, 35, 207, 75, 154, 210, 177, 172, 185, 24, 222, 44, 136, 169, 205, 24, 103, 214, 215, 9, 171, 232, 190, 238, 103, 183, 213, 159, 155, 102, 186, 200, 120, 83, 215, 189, 150, 25, 178, 62, 129, 254, 244, 63, 155, 252, 187, 198, 144, 141, 227, 71, 151, 191, 184, 159, 144, 241, 194, 13, 142, 56, 168, 9, 153, 217, 210, 86, 150, 246, 178, 238, 103, 183, 213, 159, 155, 102, 186, 198, 93, 77, 251, 63, 152, 225, 204, 62, 129, 254, 244, 63, 155, 252, 187, 82, 146, 29, 196, 10, 156, 183, 170, 198, 164, 171, 229, 68, 161, 142, 192, 41, 88, 92, 213, 45, 152, 17, 196, 249, 31, 255, 239, 15, 169, 162, 130, 29, 16, 64, 242, 62, 152, 40, 131, 245, 52, 43, 248, 31, 192, 45, 134, 198, 93, 77, 251, 63, 152, 225, 204, 81, 17, 249, 254, 248, 154, 116, 133, 40, 218, 71, 255, 133, 169, 124, 130, 198, 164, 171, 229, 68, 161, 142, 192, 41, 126, 124, 117, 56, 103, 147, 135, 44, 155, 248, 105, 66, 159, 2, 234, 61, 158, 71, 150, 158, 171, 81, 249, 181, 159, 231, 102, 166, 158, 8, 233, 12, 160, 55, 153, 124, 172, 239, 250, 38, 162, 104, 149, 220, 171, 138, 249, 87, 190, 254, 155, 255, 135, 201, 153, 17, 120, 181, 227, 151, 234, 146, 254, 94, 120, 80, 224, 210, 230, 129, 254, 192, 129, 163, 233, 160, 235, 136, 254, 224, 131, 145, 227, 96, 231, 121, 254, 140, 132, 59, 227, 143, 231, 142, 254, 144, 161, 52, 126, 227, 141, 22, 250, 235, 162, 35, 129, 28, 140, 32, 252, 199, 159, 124, 83, 69, 154, 171, 223, 89, 167, 45, 123, 223, 142, 184, 248, 210, 162, 238, 82, 23, 153, 64, 223, 101, 163, 110, 83, 159, 154, 97, 223, 237, 120, 36, 91, 149, 150, 251, 227, 254, 144, 210, 68, 114, 155, 146, 217, 185, 147, 236, 82, 140, 150, 211, 224, 199, 159, 124, 83, 69, 154, 171, 223, 101, 163, 110, 83, 159, 154, 97, 223, 82, 165, 199, 88, 211, 155, 37, 226, 79, 180, 252, 107, 199, 146, 168, 238, 61, 102, 88, 171, 224, 178, 49, 176, 74, 103, 171, 221, 126, 181, 152, 195, 129, 150, 32, 220, 234, 179, 163, 181, 82, 165, 199, 88, 211, 155, 37, 226, 79, 180, 252, 107, 199, 146, 168, 238, 132, 102, 142, 220, 201, 181, 209, 195, 74, 103, 171, 221, 126, 181, 152, 195, 237, 120, 36, 91, 149, 150, 251, 227, 51, 145, 117, 144, 38, 177, 7, 241, 79, 180, 252, 107, 199, 146, 168, 238, 39, 100, 9, 216, 202, 181, 240, 195, 132, 102, 142, 220, 201, 181, 209, 195, 74, 103, 171, 221, 126, 181, 152, 195, 129, 150, 32, 220, 234, 179, 163, 181, 156, 153, 88, 205, 68, 177, 53, 176, 62, 155, 137, 205, 143, 177, 66, 176, 172, 143, 139, 113, 54, 159, 86, 236, 44, 155, 248, 105, 66, 159, 2, 234, 92, 161, 204, 169, 233, 138, 99, 157, 87, 190, 254, 155, 255, 135, 201, 153, 200, 120, 83, 215, 189, 150, 25, 178, 103, 118, 77, 250, 139, 110, 90, 193, 41, 126, 124, 117, 56, 103, 147, 135, 9, 153, 217, 210, 86, 150, 246, 178, 122, 156, 35, 207, 75, 154, 210, 177, 92, 161, 204, 169, 233, 138, 99, 157, 87, 190, 254, 155, 255, 135, 201, 153, 48, 79, 75, 140, 248, 139, 175, 146, 24, 103, 214, 215, 9, 171, 232, 190, 200, 120, 83, 215, 189, 150, 25, 178, 103, 118, 77, 250, 139, 110, 90, 193, 176, 111, 240, 255, 150, 174, 45, 197, 203, 147, 87, 244, 140, 172, 175, 192, 108, 229, 36, 183, 153, 163, 128, 180, 24, 103, 214, 215, 9, 171, 232, 190, 238, 103, 183, 213, 159, 155, 102, 186, 203, 147, 87, 244, 140, 172, 175, 192, 246, 140, 84, 195, 131, 160, 94, 170, 82, 146, 29, 196, 10, 156, 183, 170, 155, 147, 131, 195, 165, 158, 222, 170, 198, 172, 249, 219, 2, 177, 201, 184, 245, 52, 43, 248, 31, 192, 45, 134, 82, 146, 29, 196, 10, 156, 183, 170, 155, 147, 131, 195, 164, 158, 222, 170, 44, 147, 175, 182, 222, 148, 131, 163, 198, 164, 171, 229, 68, 161, 142, 192, 179, 222, 89, 220, 220, 176, 89, 133, 225, 253, 107, 43, 32, 163, 41, 230, 10, 13, 59, 220, 8, 158, 201, 132, 243, 5, 166, 29, 37, 141, 16, 136, 245, 52, 43, 248, 31, 192, 45, 134, 81, 17, 249, 254, 248, 154, 116, 133, 179, 222, 89, 220, 220, 176, 89, 133, 63, 87, 197, 235, 152, 179, 29, 204, 118, 86, 246, 242, 116, 179, 102, 204, 176, 119, 159, 221, 248, 179, 134, 185, 128, 86, 127, 248, 201, 177, 148, 204, 100, 120, 184, 221, 18, 182, 132, 185, 247, 165, 224, 252, 25, 187, 223, 200, 7, 163, 36, 225, 133, 178, 10, 185, 42, 160, 176, 209, 121, 173, 70, 178, 226, 5, 167, 22, 74, 144, 131, 137, 238, 119, 56, 196, 95, 173, 181, 175, 185, 64, 132, 249, 227, 170, 7, 213, 74, 139, 146, 210, 123, 174, 212, 177, 67, 147, 54, 202, 39, 175, 252, 174, 203, 245, 189, 23, 197, 142, 155, 142, 50, 35, 52, 237, 1, 173, 53, 130, 226, 5, 167, 22, 74, 144, 131, 137, 184, 35, 139, 237, 248, 173, 131, 130, 126, 5, 105, 22, 224, 142, 205, 136, 224, 6, 23, 20, 99, 144, 57, 138, 42, 221, 246, 9, 129, 139, 108, 151, 203, 245, 189, 23, 197, 142, 155, 142, 252, 246, 60, 29, 197, 142, 187, 142, 123, 42, 237, 238, 178, 177, 112, 128, 34, 59, 165, 240, 226, 58, 213, 130, 88, 58, 194, 240, 85, 60, 15, 130, 117, 72, 58, 243, 59, 46, 116, 130, 54, 51, 149, 243, 140, 186, 97, 129, 221, 44, 226, 243, 81, 178, 136, 128, 242, 72, 153, 247, 51, 48, 179, 130, 75, 18, 111, 18, 33, 136, 99, 141, 210, 19, 75, 16, 119, 140, 147, 143, 163, 128, 78, 222, 26, 177, 163, 181, 162, 144, 0, 208, 127, 173, 251, 176, 178, 252, 184, 218, 168, 137, 134, 132, 51, 97, 66, 251, 121, 180, 253, 200, 156, 124, 111, 218, 145, 177, 234, 181, 163, 128, 78, 222, 26, 177, 163, 181, 195, 145, 218, 247, 47, 186, 210, 192, 8, 138, 89, 219, 3, 177, 1, 181, 30, 153, 164, 242, 112, 186, 41, 192, 162, 144, 0, 208, 127, 173, 251, 176, 200, 101, 32, 172, 213, 168, 145, 172, 6, 71, 58, 231, 84, 169, 121, 210, 58, 77, 237, 236, 245, 172, 3, 208, 71, 107, 16, 222, 9, 183, 22, 193, 33, 117, 240, 201, 173, 163, 162, 176, 221, 176, 215, 195, 21, 169, 28, 173, 248, 159, 24, 195, 155, 167, 22, 172, 232, 183, 197, 106, 157, 171, 56, 237, 208, 212, 204, 200, 198, 176, 62, 179, 103, 202, 145, 130, 43, 116, 233, 144, 157, 196, 69, 107, 187, 169, 36, 240, 166, 130, 169, 241, 49, 244, 114, 255, 111, 133, 203, 233, 202, 238, 40, 255, 4, 134, 175, 239, 68, 245, 190, 255, 167, 137, 64, 235, 252, 11, 203, 255, 131, 138, 185, 232, 26, 242, 253, 255, 208, 138, 46, 229, 232, 238, 38, 255, 110, 166, 163, 91, 217, 172, 80, 226, 197, 166, 151, 86, 143, 169, 48, 224, 221, 176, 232, 107, 159, 91, 17, 143, 148, 188, 75, 119, 64, 161, 91, 244, 103, 202, 145, 130, 43, 116, 233, 144, 157, 196, 69, 107, 187, 169, 36, 240, 36, 246, 5, 126, 76, 124, 12, 146, 37, 103, 184, 213, 237, 189, 214, 194, 220, 96, 10, 255, 92, 188, 66, 200, 208, 212, 204, 200, 198, 176, 62, 179, 103, 202, 145, 130, 43, 116, 233, 144, 36, 246, 5, 126, 76, 124, 12, 146, 200, 101, 32, 172, 213, 168, 145, 172, 33, 117, 240, 201, 173, 163, 162, 176, 115, 145, 191, 176, 171, 159, 146, 162, 53, 152, 6, 185, 245, 167, 129, 167, 43, 13, 95, 228, 65, 153, 178, 131, 12, 18, 41, 234, 86, 154, 53, 130, 34, 59, 165, 240, 226, 58, 213, 130, 221, 44, 226, 243, 81, 178, 136, 128, 203, 6, 77, 9, 6, 142, 185, 137, 6, 71, 58, 231, 84, 169, 121, 210, 71, 107, 16, 222, 9, 183, 22, 193, 130, 113, 222, 229, 176, 182, 186, 191, 195, 145, 218, 247, 47, 186, 210, 192, 30, 153, 164, 242, 112, 186, 41, 192, 134, 148, 246, 207, 85, 172, 14, 177, 200, 101, 32, 172, 213, 168, 145, 172, 37, 103, 184, 213, 237, 189, 214, 194, 213, 105, 225, 251, 129, 187, 249, 197, 220, 96, 10, 255, 92, 188, 66, 200, 208, 157, 250, 246, 146, 189, 120, 195, 53, 152, 6, 185, 245, 167, 129, 167, 221, 176, 215, 195, 21, 169, 28, 173, 213, 105, 225, 251, 129, 187, 249, 197, 127, 125, 217, 173, 38, 160, 231, 161, 208, 157, 250, 246, 146, 189, 120, 195, 61, 158, 22, 178, 236, 162, 231, 163, 89, 161, 244, 175, 86, 168, 68, 163, 37, 103, 184, 213, 237, 189, 214, 194, 127, 125, 217, 173, 38, 160, 231, 161, 208, 157, 250, 246, 146, 189, 120, 195, 221, 176, 232, 107, 159, 91, 17, 143, 36, 246, 5, 126, 76, 124, 12, 146, 127, 125, 217, 173, 38, 160, 231, 161, 61, 158, 22, 178, 236, 162, 231, 163, 221, 176, 232, 107, 159, 91, 17, 143, 148, 188, 75, 119, 64, 161, 91, 244, 110, 166, 163, 91, 217, 172, 80, 226, 35, 186, 110, 124, 15, 170, 143, 243, 250, 183, 244, 139, 252, 177, 20, 247, 39, 188, 172, 136, 135, 173, 180, 247, 232, 183, 197, 106, 157, 171, 56, 237, 221, 185, 206, 106, 48, 171, 176, 237, 42, 187, 124, 105, 140, 171, 108, 237, 157, 196, 69, 107, 187, 169, 36, 240, 89, 125, 137, 230, 221, 21, 122, 252, 20, 128, 29, 244, 78, 244, 91, 255, 30, 130, 46, 237, 109, 239, 164, 254, 166, 130, 169, 241, 49, 244, 114, 255, 255, 132, 150, 234, 53, 239, 41, 255, 4, 134, 175, 239, 68, 245, 190, 255, 3, 134, 50, 230, 75, 20, 243, 253, 66, 138, 200, 197, 7, 52, 214, 255, 243, 154, 190, 105, 36, 165, 95, 232, 180, 159, 100, 186, 245, 49, 198, 252, 60, 162, 213, 153, 68, 177, 146, 249, 59, 160, 28, 177, 100, 194, 138, 255, 250, 183, 244, 139, 252, 177, 20, 247, 39, 188, 172, 136, 135, 173, 180, 247, 238, 135, 161, 82, 225, 162, 29, 222, 46, 139, 240, 85, 56, 170, 118, 221, 212, 149, 255, 119, 187, 160, 103, 239, 243, 154, 190, 105, 36, 165, 95, 232, 110, 166, 163, 91, 217, 172, 80, 226, 197, 166, 151, 86, 143, 169, 48, 224, 250, 183, 244, 139, 252, 177, 20, 247, 71, 107, 16, 222, 9, 183, 22, 193, 240, 112, 222, 212, 65, 166, 101, 183, 130, 113, 222, 229, 176, 182, 186, 191, 213, 105, 225, 251, 129, 187, 249, 197, 87, 145, 177, 164, 147, 167, 88, 159, 89, 161, 244, 175, 86, 168, 68, 163, 220, 167, 76, 137, 227, 197, 123, 153, 221, 176, 215, 195, 21, 169, 28, 173, 251, 19, 126, 23, 140, 140, 230, 143, 210, 19, 75, 16, 119, 140, 147, 143, 116, 115, 55, 212, 175, 177, 26, 184, 156, 124, 111, 218, 145, 177, 234, 181, 163, 128, 78, 222, 26, 177, 163, 181, 155, 65, 112, 240, 57, 52, 244, 129, 117, 72, 58, 243, 59, 46, 116, 130, 246, 77, 245, 242, 163, 40, 82, 129, 44, 101, 75, 245, 59, 17, 232, 131, 172, 98, 166, 245, 245, 19, 182, 132, 242, 72, 153, 247, 51, 48, 179, 130, 51, 86, 249, 247, 18, 35, 61, 130, 48, 108, 89, 252, 166, 15, 232, 132, 126, 5, 105, 22, 224, 142, 205, 136, 224, 6, 23, 20, 99, 144, 57, 138, 152, 3, 207, 18, 51, 142, 191, 135, 83, 127, 149, 204, 94, 173, 167, 175, 127, 135, 164, 202, 25, 173, 210, 174, 226, 5, 167, 22, 74, 144, 131, 137, 224, 6, 23, 20, 99, 144, 57, 138, 238, 119, 56, 196, 95, 173, 181, 175, 83, 127, 149, 204, 94, 173, 167, 175, 118, 102, 167, 195, 150, 182, 84, 186, 176, 119, 159, 221, 248, 179, 134, 185, 100, 120, 184, 221, 18, 182, 132, 185, 100, 120, 233, 251, 217, 183, 241, 193, 74, 139, 146, 210, 123, 174, 212, 177, 67, 147, 54, 202, 39, 175, 252, 174, 41, 101, 31, 211, 146, 185, 28, 194, 194, 82, 19, 233, 42, 172, 183, 205, 63, 87, 197, 235, 152, 179, 29, 204, 118, 86, 246, 242, 116, 179, 102, 204, 164, 163, 234, 213, 20, 177, 198, 179, 155, 97, 35, 175, 79, 176, 234, 178, 41, 101, 31, 211, 146, 185, 28, 194, 103, 111, 136, 199, 172, 177, 174, 181, 202, 141, 43, 190, 148, 175, 206, 170, 164, 163, 234, 213, 20, 177, 198, 179, 138, 157, 244, 177, 195, 160, 160, 163, 202, 141, 43, 190, 148, 175, 206, 170, 156, 153, 88, 205, 68, 177, 53, 176, 62, 155, 137, 205, 143, 177, 66, 176, 138, 157, 244, 177, 195, 160, 160, 163, 202, 178, 151, 163, 240, 153, 246, 155, 12, 180, 76, 173, 46, 164, 18, 161, 150, 187, 47, 166, 58, 157, 115, 157, 64, 86, 75, 192, 185, 178, 248, 196, 155, 97, 35, 175, 79, 176, 234, 178, 35, 95, 131, 208, 211, 179, 120, 196, 39, 100, 9, 216, 202, 181, 240, 195, 202, 141, 43, 190, 148, 175, 206, 170, 156, 153, 88, 205, 68, 177, 53, 176, 238, 119, 56, 196, 95, 173, 181, 175, 221, 122, 166, 220, 177, 177, 104, 183, 100, 120, 233, 251, 217, 183, 241, 193, 117, 125, 20, 205, 79, 173, 131, 176, 83, 127, 149, 204, 94, 173, 167, 175, 242, 133, 175, 202, 163, 164, 97, 173, 127, 135, 164, 202, 25, 173, 210, 174, 74, 139, 146, 210, 123, 174, 212, 177, 224, 138, 66, 196, 244, 172, 150, 172, 92, 141, 94, 228, 33, 178, 58, 184, 152, 3, 207, 18, 51, 142, 191, 135, 117, 125, 20, 205, 79, 173, 131, 176, 86, 0, 13, 253, 185, 142, 10, 135, 127, 135, 164, 202, 25, 173, 210, 174, 159, 160, 132, 230, 60, 181, 86, 187, 27, 2, 235, 234, 28, 146, 158, 134, 86, 0, 13, 253, 185, 142, 10, 135, 241, 116, 180, 254, 120, 183, 18, 195, 97, 116, 211, 254, 15, 180, 93, 195, 159, 160, 132, 230, 60, 181, 86, 187, 184, 35, 139, 237, 248, 173, 131, 130, 126, 5, 105, 22, 224, 142, 205, 136, 27, 2, 235, 234, 28, 146, 158, 134, 152, 3, 207, 18, 51, 142, 191, 135, 237, 1, 23, 8, 123, 139, 74, 134, 86, 0, 13, 253, 185, 142, 10, 135, 230, 10, 206, 1, 47, 141, 116, 139, 126, 41, 174, 255, 34, 173, 156, 130, 123, 42, 237, 238, 178, 177, 112, 128, 54, 51, 149, 243, 140, 186, 97, 129, 233, 0, 27, 14, 151, 140, 2, 134, 237, 1, 23, 8, 123, 139, 74, 134, 126, 41, 174, 255, 34, 173, 156, 130, 104, 59, 168, 221, 66, 182, 109, 215, 207, 12, 20, 21, 17, 141, 33, 140, 233, 0, 27, 14, 151, 140, 2, 134, 237, 1, 23, 8, 123, 139, 74, 134, 230, 10, 206, 1, 47, 141, 116, 139, 45, 224, 194, 209, 97, 183, 131, 198, 45, 76, 207, 231, 231, 169, 86, 208, 159, 76, 213, 232, 216, 170, 48, 208, 218, 119, 4, 220, 255, 186, 253, 185, 227, 119, 18, 220, 23, 189, 77, 186, 131, 141, 54, 215, 42, 173, 119, 179, 45, 76, 207, 231, 231, 169, 86, 208, 15, 77, 131, 232, 126, 171, 251, 207, 159, 76, 213, 232, 216, 170, 48, 208, 110, 118, 4, 232, 47, 176, 21, 189, 51, 97, 66, 251, 121, 180, 253, 200, 30, 153, 164, 242, 112, 186, 41, 192, 29, 142, 36, 207, 116, 171, 105, 176, 134, 148, 246, 207, 85, 172, 14, 177, 109, 123, 122, 220, 123, 177, 17, 183, 53, 137, 229, 215, 137, 174, 154, 179, 107, 136, 156, 68, 13, 162, 215, 216, 161, 148, 143, 77, 156, 161, 64, 220, 92, 123, 119, 230, 154, 234, 231, 254, 169, 123, 71, 239, 61, 243, 133, 255, 20, 128, 29, 244, 78, 244, 91, 255, 30, 130, 46, 237, 109, 239, 164, 254, 159, 119, 135, 227, 214, 234, 65, 254, 130, 119, 232, 232, 144, 240, 253, 253, 17, 120, 181, 227, 151, 234, 146, 254, 169, 123, 71, 239, 61, 243, 133, 255, 20, 128, 29, 244, 78, 244, 91, 255, 192, 129, 163, 233, 160, 235, 136, 254, 166, 130, 169, 241, 49, 244, 114, 255, 111, 133, 203, 233, 202, 238, 40, 255, 162, 75, 197, 135, 195, 176, 85, 173, 240, 112, 222, 212, 65, 166, 101, 183, 220, 167, 76, 137, 227, 197, 123, 153, 162, 75, 197, 135, 195, 176, 85, 173, 240, 112, 222, 212, 65, 166, 101, 183, 130, 113, 222, 229, 176, 182, 186, 191, 109, 123, 122, 220, 123, 177, 17, 183, 53, 137, 229, 215, 137, 174, 154, 179, 42, 141, 255, 204, 98, 171, 146, 175, 29, 142, 36, 207, 116, 171, 105, 176, 134, 148, 246, 207, 85, 172, 14, 177, 140, 13, 202, 203, 115, 157, 39, 242, 227, 119, 18, 220, 23, 189, 77, 186, 131, 141, 54, 215, 42, 173, 119, 179, 38, 196, 169, 208, 246, 176, 97, 183, 12, 18, 41, 234, 86, 154, 53, 130, 207, 12, 20, 21, 17, 141, 33, 140, 123, 42, 237, 238, 178, 177, 112, 128, 96, 13, 236, 17, 207, 140, 92, 140, 221, 44, 226, 243, 81, 178, 136, 128, 233, 0, 27, 14, 151, 140, 2, 134, 43, 13, 95, 228, 65, 153, 178, 131, 251, 19, 126, 23, 140, 140, 230, 143, 12, 18, 41, 234, 86, 154, 53, 130, 75, 18, 111, 18, 33, 136, 99, 141, 96, 13, 236, 17, 207, 140, 92, 140, 210, 19, 75, 16, 119, 140, 147, 143, 140, 13, 202, 203, 115, 157, 39, 242, 104, 59, 168, 221, 66, 182, 109, 215, 251, 19, 126, 23, 140, 140, 230, 143, 207, 12, 20, 21, 17, 141, 33, 140, 96, 13, 236, 17, 207, 140, 92, 140, 116, 115, 55, 212, 175, 177, 26, 184, 38, 196, 169, 208, 246, 176, 97, 183, 46, 139, 240, 85, 56, 170, 118, 221, 87, 145, 177, 164, 147, 167, 88, 159, 61, 158, 22, 178, 236, 162, 231, 163, 89, 161, 244, 175, 86, 168, 68, 163, 197, 166, 151, 86, 143, 169, 48, 224, 148, 188, 75, 119, 64, 161, 91, 244, 50, 35, 52, 237, 1, 173, 53, 130, 184, 35, 139, 237, 248, 173, 131, 130, 190, 43, 178, 239, 203, 180, 196, 129, 155, 65, 112, 240, 57, 52, 244, 129, 117, 72, 58, 243, 59, 46, 116, 130, 54, 51, 149, 243, 140, 186, 97, 129, 126, 41, 174, 255, 34, 173, 156, 130, 45, 76, 207, 231, 231, 169, 86, 208, 116, 115, 55, 212, 175, 177, 26, 184, 51, 97, 66, 251, 121, 180, 253, 200, 156, 124, 111, 218, 145, 177, 234, 181, 131, 141, 54, 215, 42, 173, 119, 179, 38, 196, 169, 208, 246, 176, 97, 183, 162, 75, 197, 135, 195, 176, 85, 173, 238, 135, 161, 82, 225, 162, 29, 222, 53, 137, 229, 215, 137, 174, 154, 179, 46, 139, 240, 85, 56, 170, 118, 221, 87, 145, 177, 164, 147, 167, 88, 159, 161, 148, 143, 77, 156, 161, 64, 220, 220, 167, 76, 137, 227, 197, 123, 153, 238, 135, 161, 82, 225, 162, 29, 222, 107, 136, 156, 68, 13, 162, 215, 216, 212, 149, 255, 119, 187, 160, 103, 239, 245, 150, 200, 120, 111, 158, 193, 240, 161, 148, 143, 77, 156, 161, 64, 220, 59, 158, 180, 96, 202, 154, 139, 230, 200, 134, 10, 198, 68, 203, 160, 254, 66, 138, 200, 197, 7, 52, 214, 255, 46, 145, 36, 175, 62, 187, 182, 252, 86, 150, 65, 149, 14, 173, 112, 246, 60, 162, 213, 153, 68, 177, 146, 249, 27, 2, 235, 234, 28, 146, 158, 134, 230, 10, 206, 1, 47, 141, 116, 139, 97, 116, 211, 254, 15, 180, 93, 195, 59, 153, 165, 226, 151, 170, 14, 185, 45, 224, 194, 209, 97, 183, 131, 198, 8, 136, 177, 149, 31, 167, 251, 246, 240, 135, 184, 89, 37, 150, 199, 228, 27, 144, 96, 116, 249, 147, 213, 241, 252, 145, 134, 100, 16, 154, 93, 232, 79, 147, 68, 154, 23, 172, 247, 248, 245, 150, 200, 120, 111, 158, 193, 240, 59, 158, 180, 96, 202, 154, 139, 230, 212, 149, 255, 119, 187, 160, 103, 239, 79, 147, 68, 154, 23, 172, 247, 248, 245, 150, 200, 120, 111, 158, 193, 240, 86, 150, 65, 149, 14, 173, 112, 246, 243, 154, 190, 105, 36, 165, 95, 232, 60, 162, 213, 153, 68, 177, 146, 249, 238, 125, 15, 201, 98, 206, 225, 250, 249, 125, 114, 203, 154, 206, 120, 253, 231, 131, 99, 184, 132, 188, 245, 253, 68, 133, 118, 189, 3, 193, 39, 255, 109, 123, 122, 220, 123, 177, 17, 183, 73, 130, 55, 205, 136, 171, 79, 175, 95, 133, 95, 139, 33, 169, 177, 151, 107, 136, 156, 68, 13, 162, 215, 216, 42, 141, 255, 204, 98, 171, 146, 175, 252, 145, 134, 100, 16, 154, 93, 232, 59, 158, 180, 96, 202, 154, 139, 230, 110, 118, 4, 232, 47, 176, 21, 189, 253, 123, 23, 206, 2, 176, 248, 177, 73, 130, 55, 205, 136, 171, 79, 175, 42, 141, 255, 204, 98, 171, 146, 175, 29, 142, 36, 207, 116, 171, 105, 176, 15, 77, 131, 232, 126, 171, 251, 207, 110, 118, 4, 232, 47, 176, 21, 189, 253, 123, 23, 206, 2, 176, 248, 177, 224, 129, 151, 208, 69, 175, 19, 177, 187, 166, 101, 252, 0, 176, 153, 202, 192, 172, 137, 249, 41, 175, 122, 203, 140, 13, 202, 203, 115, 157, 39, 242, 104, 59, 168, 221, 66, 182, 109, 215, 218, 119, 4, 220, 255, 186, 253, 185, 227, 119, 18, 220, 23, 189, 77, 186, 221, 122, 166, 220, 177, 177, 104, 183, 242, 133, 175, 202, 163, 164, 97, 173, 59, 153, 165, 226, 151, 170, 14, 185, 45, 224, 194, 209, 97, 183, 131, 198, 241, 116, 180, 254, 120, 183, 18, 195, 97, 116, 211, 254, 15, 180, 93, 195, 242, 133, 175, 202, 163, 164, 97, 173, 224, 138, 66, 196, 244, 172, 150, 172, 59, 153, 165, 226, 151, 170, 14, 185, 249, 125, 114, 203, 154, 206, 120, 253, 68, 133, 118, 189, 3, 193, 39, 255, 200, 134, 10, 198, 68, 203, 160, 254, 216, 134, 243, 199, 101, 206, 108, 253, 39, 135, 197, 171, 73, 182, 80, 250, 46, 145, 36, 175, 62, 187, 182, 252, 15, 77, 131, 232, 126, 171, 251, 207, 159, 76, 213, 232, 216, 170, 48, 208, 218, 119, 4, 220, 255, 186, 253, 185, 221, 122, 166, 220, 177, 177, 104, 183, 192, 172, 137, 249, 41, 175, 122, 203, 92, 141, 94, 228, 33, 178, 58, 184, 117, 125, 20, 205, 79, 173, 131, 176, 241, 116, 180, 254, 120, 183, 18, 195, 224, 138, 66, 196, 244, 172, 150, 172, 159, 160, 132, 230, 60, 181, 86, 187, 194, 82, 19, 233, 42, 172, 183, 205, 63, 87, 197, 235, 152, 179, 29, 204, 176, 119, 159, 221, 248, 179, 134, 185, 100, 120, 233, 251, 217, 183, 241, 193, 187, 166, 101, 252, 0, 176, 153, 202, 192, 172, 137, 249, 41, 175, 122, 203, 92, 141, 94, 228, 33, 178, 58, 184, 187, 117, 55, 218, 213, 226, 109, 253, 173, 122, 167, 213, 137, 218, 188, 253, 238, 125, 15, 201, 98, 206, 225, 250, 249, 125, 114, 203, 154, 206, 120, 253, 62, 128, 151, 226, 220, 227, 166, 253, 216, 134, 243, 199, 101, 206, 108, 253, 200, 142, 101, 246, 48, 240, 100, 187, 248, 163, 71, 104, 64, 171, 230, 231, 93, 164, 165, 103, 163, 171, 160, 231, 25, 253, 58, 172, 41, 141, 152, 144, 236, 96, 77, 150, 153, 158, 105, 159, 176, 111, 240, 255, 150, 174, 45, 197, 200, 142, 101, 246, 48, 240, 100, 187, 203, 147, 87, 244, 140, 172, 175, 192, 198, 172, 249, 219, 2, 177, 201, 184, 124, 186, 55, 214, 57, 177, 251, 184, 47, 173, 206, 203, 7, 176, 130, 175, 25, 253, 58, 172, 41, 141, 152, 144, 159, 74, 96, 211, 209, 165, 218, 206, 151, 24, 77, 241, 53, 182, 101, 224, 116, 161, 21, 180, 228, 136, 174, 163, 213, 248, 62, 162, 219, 148, 63, 168, 113, 18, 226, 212, 252, 154, 97, 238, 159, 74, 96, 211, 209, 165, 218, 206, 75, 42, 21, 229, 105, 186, 221, 130, 92, 5, 2, 29, 181, 143, 151, 136, 151, 24, 77, 241, 53, 182, 101, 224, 177, 7, 214, 9, 9, 143, 145, 138, 23, 209, 197, 234, 190, 168, 104, 212, 132, 3, 163, 218, 198, 147, 99, 133, 92, 5, 2, 29, 181, 143, 151, 136, 34, 59, 165, 240, 226, 58, 213, 130, 88, 58, 194, 240, 85, 60, 15, 130, 177, 7, 214, 9, 9, 143, 145, 138, 203, 6, 77, 9, 6, 142, 185, 137, 139, 53, 94, 253, 8, 73, 69, 128, 159, 74, 96, 211, 209, 165, 218, 206, 199, 104, 116, 145, 201, 137, 211, 143, 23, 209, 197, 234, 190, 168, 104, 212, 116, 161, 21, 180, 228, 136, 174, 163, 113, 18, 226, 212, 252, 154, 97, 238, 199, 104, 116, 145, 201, 137, 211, 143, 198, 120, 131, 214, 34, 179, 159, 182, 24, 125, 61, 218, 69, 173, 255, 180, 23, 209, 197, 234, 190, 168, 104, 212, 105, 178, 169, 212, 24, 174, 241, 181, 24, 125, 61, 218, 69, 173, 255, 180, 54, 153, 161, 202, 235, 174, 35, 175, 226, 189, 146, 229, 222, 176, 116, 199, 105, 178, 169, 212, 24, 174, 241, 181, 124, 186, 55, 214, 57, 177, 251, 184, 47, 173, 206, 203, 7, 176, 130, 175, 149, 172, 138, 190, 31, 169, 35, 170, 65, 180, 202, 179, 166, 163, 25, 165, 103, 209, 75, 191, 6, 164, 180, 178, 200, 142, 101, 246, 48, 240, 100, 187, 54, 153, 161, 202, 235, 174, 35, 175, 236, 156, 172, 208, 51, 177, 127, 177, 93, 164, 165, 103, 163, 171, 160, 231, 47, 173, 206, 203, 7, 176, 130, 175, 120, 186, 52, 107, 221, 169, 32, 238, 248, 163, 71, 104, 64, 171, 230, 231, 93, 164, 165, 103, 163, 171, 160, 231, 110, 178, 42, 123, 104, 169, 18, 242, 35, 186, 110, 124, 15, 170, 143, 243, 221, 185, 206, 106, 48, 171, 176, 237, 120, 186, 52, 107, 221, 169, 32, 238, 226, 146, 73, 192, 109, 51, 146, 253, 181, 152, 52, 142, 199, 170, 146, 244, 214, 166, 49, 128, 16, 169, 196, 241, 180, 159, 100, 186, 245, 49, 198, 252, 110, 178, 42, 123, 104, 169, 18, 242, 35, 186, 110, 124, 15, 170, 143, 243, 39, 188, 172, 136, 135, 173, 180, 247, 89, 125, 137, 230, 221, 21, 122, 252, 220, 131, 78, 227, 95, 25, 80, 255, 3, 134, 50, 230, 75, 20, 243, 253, 8, 135, 141, 212, 18, 38, 16, 255, 226, 146, 73, 192, 109, 51, 146, 253, 180, 159, 100, 186, 245, 49, 198, 252, 59, 160, 28, 177, 100, 194, 138, 255, 236, 156, 172, 208, 51, 177, 127, 177, 122, 159, 17, 209, 69, 177, 169, 177, 221, 185, 206, 106, 48, 171, 176, 237, 120, 186, 52, 107, 221, 169, 32, 238, 42, 187, 124, 105, 140, 171, 108, 237, 54, 153, 161, 202, 235, 174, 35, 175, 236, 156, 172, 208, 51, 177, 127, 177, 122, 159, 17, 209, 69, 177, 169, 177, 192, 168, 69, 205, 55, 175, 90, 176, 149, 172, 138, 190, 31, 169, 35, 170, 113, 18, 226, 212, 252, 154, 97, 238, 75, 42, 21, 229, 105, 186, 221, 130, 198, 120, 131, 214, 34, 179, 159, 182, 8, 138, 89, 219, 3, 177, 1, 181, 162, 144, 0, 208, 127, 173, 251, 176, 178, 252, 184, 218, 168, 137, 134, 132, 88, 58, 194, 240, 85, 60, 15, 130, 168, 69, 138, 246, 36, 51, 119, 130, 198, 62, 58, 247, 83, 58, 216, 130, 242, 72, 153, 247, 51, 48, 179, 130, 51, 86, 249, 247, 18, 35, 61, 130, 185, 87, 106, 248, 21, 33, 254, 131, 139, 53, 94, 253, 8, 73, 69, 128, 75, 42, 21, 229, 105, 186, 221, 130, 43, 13, 95, 228, 65, 153, 178, 131, 75, 18, 111, 18, 33, 136, 99, 141, 177, 7, 214, 9, 9, 143, 145, 138, 203, 6, 77, 9, 6, 142, 185, 137, 178, 252, 184, 218, 168, 137, 134, 132, 6, 71, 58, 231, 84, 169, 121, 210, 58, 77, 237, 236, 245, 172, 3, 208, 198, 120, 131, 214, 34, 179, 159, 182, 24, 125, 61, 218, 69, 173, 255, 180, 195, 145, 218, 247, 47, 186, 210, 192, 8, 138, 89, 219, 3, 177, 1, 181, 226, 189, 146, 229, 222, 176, 116, 199, 58, 77, 237, 236, 245, 172, 3, 208, 33, 117, 240, 201, 173, 163, 162, 176, 115, 145, 191, 176, 171, 159, 146, 162, 226, 189, 146, 229, 222, 176, 116, 199, 65, 180, 202, 179, 166, 163, 25, 165, 220, 96, 10, 255, 92, 188, 66, 200, 115, 145, 191, 176, 171, 159, 146, 162, 53, 152, 6, 185, 245, 167, 129, 167, 248, 159, 24, 195, 155, 167, 22, 172, 192, 168, 69, 205, 55, 175, 90, 176, 149, 172, 138, 190, 31, 169, 35, 170, 65, 180, 202, 179, 166, 163, 25, 165, 208, 212, 204, 200, 198, 176, 62, 179, 108, 107, 115, 213, 221, 229, 45, 254, 107, 107, 241, 215, 188, 232, 114, 253, 39, 110, 8, 216, 104, 230, 127, 254, 207, 114, 10, 228, 147, 239, 112, 254, 159, 119, 135, 227, 214, 234, 65, 254, 130, 119, 232, 232, 144, 240, 253, 253, 207, 114, 10, 228, 147, 239, 112, 254, 230, 119, 116, 224, 157, 231, 120, 253, 130, 119, 232, 232, 144, 240, 253, 253, 207, 120, 41, 228, 85, 234, 7, 255, 92, 123, 119, 230, 154, 234, 231, 254, 169, 123, 71, 239, 61, 243, 133, 255, 122, 159, 17, 209, 69, 177, 169, 177, 248, 159, 24, 195, 155, 167, 22, 172, 192, 168, 69, 205, 55, 175, 90, 176, 232, 183, 197, 106, 157, 171, 56, 237, 42, 187, 124, 105, 140, 171, 108, 237, 207, 120, 41, 228, 85, 234, 7, 255, 92, 123, 119, 230, 154, 234, 231, 254, 89, 125, 137, 230, 221, 21, 122, 252, 62, 128, 151, 226, 220, 227, 166, 253, 30, 130, 46, 237, 109, 239, 164, 254, 200, 134, 10, 198, 68, 203, 160, 254, 216, 134, 243, 199, 101, 206, 108, 253, 66, 138, 200, 197, 7, 52, 214, 255, 59, 160, 28, 177, 100, 194, 138, 255, 8, 136, 177, 149, 31, 167, 251, 246, 39, 135, 197, 171, 73, 182, 80, 250, 80, 139, 11, 158, 89, 171, 206, 249, 46, 145, 36, 175, 62, 187, 182, 252, 79, 147, 68, 154, 23, 172, 247, 248, 86, 150, 65, 149, 14, 173, 112, 246, 217, 134, 240, 194, 47, 172, 255, 171, 53, 144, 2, 80, 40, 150, 206, 223, 220, 150, 178, 72, 88, 152, 53, 219, 251, 167, 72, 192, 117, 171, 186, 170, 107, 181, 172, 144, 104, 171, 159, 145, 253, 123, 23, 206, 2, 176, 248, 177, 224, 129, 151, 208, 69, 175, 19, 177, 73, 130, 55, 205, 136, 171, 79, 175, 95, 133, 95, 139, 33, 169, 177, 151, 217, 134, 240, 194, 47, 172, 255, 171, 163, 140, 230, 211, 122, 176, 127, 178, 107, 181, 172, 144, 104, 171, 159, 145, 8, 136, 177, 149, 31, 167, 251, 246, 80, 139, 11, 158, 89, 171, 206, 249, 27, 144, 96, 116, 249, 147, 213, 241, 63, 163, 180, 130, 157, 154, 135, 247, 240, 135, 184, 89, 37, 150, 199, 228, 224, 140, 22, 147, 38, 160, 56, 250, 27, 144, 96, 116, 249, 147, 213, 241, 58, 143, 89, 88, 76, 149, 6, 228, 63, 163, 180, 130, 157, 154, 135, 247, 95, 133, 95, 139, 33, 169, 177, 151, 240, 135, 184, 89, 37, 150, 199, 228, 58, 143, 89, 88, 76, 149, 6, 228, 252, 145, 134, 100, 16, 154, 93, 232, 47, 150, 106, 67, 110, 155, 93, 216, 220, 150, 178, 72, 88, 152, 53, 219, 107, 181, 172, 144, 104, 171, 159, 145, 187, 117, 55, 218, 213, 226, 109, 253, 129, 117, 150, 222, 145, 231, 119, 253, 230, 119, 116, 224, 157, 231, 120, 253, 207, 120, 41, 228, 85, 234, 7, 255, 62, 128, 151, 226, 220, 227, 166, 253, 216, 77, 91, 186, 22, 173, 77, 200, 64, 86, 75, 192, 185, 178, 248, 196, 155, 97, 35, 175, 79, 176, 234, 178, 103, 111, 136, 199, 172, 177, 174, 181, 236, 113, 104, 226, 47, 184, 148, 190, 35, 118, 13, 204, 183, 177, 32, 180, 8, 135, 141, 212, 18, 38, 16, 255, 44, 135, 9, 211, 74, 39, 137, 254, 47, 139, 6, 187, 245, 193, 233, 254, 226, 146, 73, 192, 109, 51, 146, 253, 181, 152, 52, 142, 199, 170, 146, 244, 234, 157, 180, 147, 149, 170, 91, 248, 61, 158, 71, 150, 158, 171, 81, 249, 38, 162, 104, 149, 220, 171, 138, 249, 236, 96, 77, 150, 153, 158, 105, 159, 176, 111, 240, 255, 150, 174, 45, 197, 232, 159, 179, 113, 210, 162, 111, 237, 108, 229, 36, 183, 153, 163, 128, 180, 223, 96, 210, 186, 104, 167, 238, 180, 246, 140, 84, 195, 131, 160, 94, 170, 198, 172, 249, 219, 2, 177, 201, 184, 124, 186, 55, 214, 57, 177, 251, 184, 233, 211, 114, 193, 216, 166, 111, 180, 103, 209, 75, 191, 6, 164, 180, 178, 130, 44, 60, 180, 100, 165, 208, 225, 223, 96, 210, 186, 104, 167, 238, 180, 91, 93, 234, 231, 197, 168, 39, 201, 246, 140, 84, 195, 131, 160, 94, 170, 155, 147, 131, 195, 164, 158, 222, 170, 44, 147, 175, 182, 222, 148, 131, 163, 179, 47, 72, 238, 186, 71, 28, 129, 183, 46, 236, 238, 98, 183, 2, 129, 249, 31, 255, 239, 15, 169, 162, 130, 217, 81, 134, 243, 5, 36, 133, 131, 229, 69, 216, 246, 34, 51, 93, 130, 189, 81, 248, 246, 155, 38, 11, 131, 40, 218, 71, 255, 133, 169, 124, 130, 4, 110, 86, 215, 193, 229, 74, 254, 39, 110, 8, 216, 104, 230, 127, 254, 46, 116, 84, 219, 247, 228, 114, 254, 159, 119, 135, 227, 214, 234, 65, 254, 17, 120, 181, 227, 151, 234, 146, 254, 94, 120, 80, 224, 210, 230, 129, 254, 190, 117, 176, 196, 218, 203, 52, 254, 86, 126, 147, 184, 28, 186, 67, 255, 49, 129, 178, 199, 31, 202, 6, 254, 75, 130, 55, 165, 79, 171, 63, 252, 251, 131, 152, 167, 59, 174, 60, 252, 96, 136, 184, 166, 172, 174, 124, 252, 56, 60, 147, 155, 215, 161, 133, 185, 162, 80, 213, 186, 22, 160, 117, 188, 87, 91, 3, 154, 46, 175, 145, 172, 36, 104, 30, 169, 34, 175, 237, 172, 40, 57, 52, 211, 252, 162, 249, 215, 118, 102, 167, 195, 150, 182, 84, 186, 82, 90, 173, 235, 46, 175, 246, 202, 100, 120, 184, 221, 18, 182, 132, 185, 64, 89, 54, 253, 172, 173, 83, 204, 42, 160, 176, 209, 121, 173, 70, 178, 40, 57, 52, 211, 252, 162, 249, 215, 234, 53, 241, 218, 238, 160, 15, 218, 64, 21, 168, 236, 179, 159, 100, 131, 54, 16, 4, 245, 60, 160, 150, 135, 44, 18, 189, 246, 226, 157, 144, 133, 64, 89, 54, 253, 172, 173, 83, 204, 179, 30, 209, 24, 218, 142, 120, 150, 50, 35, 52, 237, 1, 173, 53, 130, 190, 43, 178, 239, 203, 180, 196, 129, 150, 44, 76, 242, 151, 180, 210, 129, 32, 18, 111, 10, 120, 143, 185, 143, 66, 32, 101, 3, 155, 142, 199, 149, 42, 221, 246, 9, 129, 139, 108, 151, 52, 1, 255, 218, 80, 153, 121, 136, 25, 4, 245, 223, 190, 155, 160, 136, 154, 1, 249, 225, 218, 159, 136, 139, 43, 117, 170, 208, 111, 153, 50, 177, 96, 126, 183, 213, 107, 152, 126, 175, 33, 135, 50, 234, 54, 156, 28, 185, 45, 90, 117, 225, 170, 150, 124, 199, 41, 92, 1, 229, 104, 150, 157, 199, 125, 88, 174, 231, 149, 149, 82, 202, 155, 135, 28, 245, 148, 150, 217, 189, 46, 138, 1, 221, 147, 151, 252, 179, 46, 141, 99, 219, 143, 151, 253, 179, 78, 145, 173, 222, 220, 158, 143, 182, 28, 126, 114, 235, 61, 15, 164, 244, 223, 132, 70, 215, 237, 145, 158, 175, 46, 138, 1, 221, 147, 151, 252, 179, 46, 141, 99, 219, 143, 151, 253, 179, 118, 149, 233, 167, 205, 177, 225, 254, 161, 208, 233, 153, 19, 63, 243, 253, 69, 139, 49, 225, 170, 234, 214, 255, 88, 147, 155, 158, 254, 114, 219, 151, 46, 161, 51, 154, 165, 115, 80, 152, 240, 137, 171, 226, 51, 125, 214, 181, 201, 137, 123, 224, 248, 124, 163, 180, 169, 203, 3, 146, 213, 124, 90, 153, 153, 214, 138, 144, 148, 128, 36, 153, 31, 215, 143, 144, 221, 128, 67, 153, 250, 136, 91, 223, 206, 124, 182, 179, 119, 137, 65, 224, 236, 124, 97, 180, 147, 137, 216, 224, 253, 124, 188, 180, 201, 137, 123, 224, 248, 124, 163, 180, 3, 166, 29, 151, 146, 113, 216, 152, 192, 196, 136, 143, 48, 117, 9, 155, 165, 200, 127, 145, 130, 121, 180, 154, 153, 214, 138, 144, 148, 128, 36, 153, 85, 231, 146, 147, 129, 138, 221, 157, 41, 139, 92, 231, 207, 125, 217, 184, 70, 139, 114, 231, 212, 125, 242, 184, 59, 139, 130, 230, 185, 125, 110, 184, 113, 139, 90, 231, 214, 125, 250, 184, 11, 141, 145, 228, 172, 125, 68, 184, 6, 148, 65, 157, 189, 113, 220, 151, 89, 170, 110, 155, 121, 118, 22, 154, 196, 172, 103, 154, 129, 118, 24, 154, 240, 72, 163, 143, 210, 117, 224, 141, 215, 79, 61, 145, 232, 116, 210, 142, 153, 140, 127, 230, 36, 242, 249, 254, 17, 141, 170, 228, 164, 240, 225, 254, 140, 141, 11, 160, 194, 113, 227, 151, 215, 79, 61, 145, 232, 116, 210, 142, 11, 141, 145, 228, 172, 125, 68, 184, 18, 142, 47, 227, 155, 125, 5, 184, 140, 141, 11, 160, 194, 113, 227, 151, 228, 144, 31, 229, 93, 126, 113, 186, 6, 148, 65, 157, 189, 113, 220, 151, 160, 70, 185, 142, 126, 118, 62, 141, 240, 72, 163, 143, 210, 117, 224, 141, 10, 115, 118, 154, 132, 114, 38, 147, 17, 141, 170, 228, 164, 240, 225, 254, 241, 140, 26, 225, 195, 236, 160, 254, 66, 141, 223, 224, 207, 236, 161, 254, 119, 142, 211, 225, 240, 238, 199, 254, 147, 47, 111, 138, 177, 121, 42, 139, 29, 70, 167, 146, 186, 114, 107, 144, 218, 113, 218, 153, 141, 114, 228, 146, 24, 141, 228, 227, 149, 125, 239, 183, 18, 142, 47, 227, 155, 125, 5, 184, 169, 143, 1, 228, 246, 125, 58, 185, 228, 144, 31, 229, 93, 126, 113, 186, 155, 144, 143, 222, 55, 125, 191, 182, 221, 145, 194, 225, 20, 126, 18, 185, 216, 138, 223, 162, 35, 114, 142, 152, 168, 139, 165, 218, 20, 228, 115, 255, 62, 145, 128, 159, 250, 113, 79, 152, 104, 168, 244, 151, 13, 115, 48, 153, 160, 70, 185, 142, 126, 118, 62, 141, 240, 72, 163, 143, 210, 117, 224, 141, 215, 79, 61, 145, 232, 116, 210, 142, 169, 143, 1, 228, 246, 125, 58, 185, 228, 144, 31, 229, 93, 126, 113, 186, 131, 139, 64, 222, 173, 124, 68, 180, 216, 138, 223, 162, 35, 114, 142, 152, 62, 145, 128, 159, 250, 113, 79, 152, 158, 193, 208, 141, 69, 116, 232, 152, 130, 67, 143, 150, 213, 169, 13, 182, 47, 136, 255, 206, 101, 173, 96, 176, 87, 143, 238, 110, 179, 139, 34, 242, 155, 145, 91, 151, 213, 162, 231, 251, 98, 156, 107, 148, 20, 163, 230, 251, 114, 111, 96, 224, 139, 161, 26, 188, 47, 136, 255, 206, 101, 173, 96, 176, 46, 141, 99, 219, 143, 151, 253, 179, 78, 145, 173, 222, 220, 158, 143, 182, 155, 145, 91, 151, 213, 162, 231, 251, 206, 147, 90, 152, 113, 165, 126, 251, 118, 149, 233, 167, 205, 177, 225, 254, 159, 168, 120, 132, 255, 156, 14, 248, 75, 35, 83, 216, 55, 76, 25, 130, 31, 8, 199, 29, 225, 143, 43, 138, 225, 12, 129, 9, 58, 145, 241, 141, 80, 138, 100, 203, 83, 131, 115, 169, 40, 216, 113, 230, 148, 155, 61, 219, 31, 8, 199, 29, 225, 143, 43, 138, 59, 9, 74, 232, 116, 155, 20, 135, 115, 40, 92, 243, 131, 179, 94, 132, 225, 12, 129, 9, 58, 145, 241, 141, 10, 237, 100, 248, 184, 156, 126, 133, 57, 79, 223, 244, 166, 40, 71, 129, 230, 73, 183, 245, 234, 45, 7, 131, 132, 74, 232, 247, 198, 46, 177, 130, 193, 103, 1, 249, 119, 17, 161, 132, 227, 100, 243, 250, 191, 21, 103, 132, 75, 35, 83, 216, 55, 76, 25, 130, 50, 19, 154, 218, 153, 164, 242, 131, 31, 8, 199, 29, 225, 143, 43, 138, 64, 0, 225, 224, 251, 149, 53, 136, 61, 45, 142, 246, 16, 77, 240, 129, 10, 237, 100, 248, 184, 156, 126, 133, 75, 35, 83, 216, 55, 76, 25, 130, 45, 90, 117, 225, 170, 150, 124, 199, 61, 45, 142, 246, 16, 77, 240, 129, 255, 129, 53, 237, 57, 156, 32, 185, 155, 135, 28, 245, 148, 150, 217, 189, 80, 138, 100, 203, 83, 131, 115, 169, 105, 134, 237, 164, 119, 115, 33, 152, 216, 137, 65, 229, 73, 238, 175, 254, 21, 138, 148, 231, 190, 240, 66, 255, 69, 139, 49, 225, 170, 234, 214, 255, 250, 141, 24, 208, 10, 219, 169, 254, 196, 148, 146, 160, 230, 115, 210, 152, 46, 161, 51, 154, 165, 115, 80, 152, 153, 140, 127, 230, 36, 242, 249, 254, 140, 141, 11, 160, 194, 113, 227, 151, 6, 148, 65, 157, 189, 113, 220, 151, 196, 172, 103, 154, 129, 118, 24, 154, 147, 137, 216, 224, 253, 124, 188, 180, 208, 137, 183, 226, 49, 125, 206, 181, 240, 137, 171, 226, 51, 125, 214, 181, 201, 137, 123, 224, 248, 124, 163, 180, 51, 206, 135, 153, 246, 133, 149, 157, 100, 219, 82, 156, 122, 142, 20, 161, 148, 220, 24, 156, 165, 142, 36, 161, 208, 137, 183, 226, 49, 125, 206, 181, 107, 138, 34, 229, 128, 125, 85, 183, 105, 139, 109, 228, 133, 125, 108, 183, 206, 189, 48, 153, 251, 124, 178, 154, 205, 191, 134, 154, 195, 127, 161, 154, 51, 206, 135, 153, 246, 133, 149, 157, 107, 138, 34, 229, 128, 125, 85, 183, 59, 139, 130, 230, 185, 125, 110, 184, 89, 170, 110, 155, 121, 118, 22, 154, 206, 189, 48, 153, 251, 124, 178, 154, 105, 134, 237, 164, 119, 115, 33, 152, 113, 139, 90, 231, 214, 125, 250, 184, 120, 139, 125, 222, 180, 124, 94, 180, 131, 139, 64, 222, 173, 124, 68, 180, 172, 140, 90, 225, 60, 125, 100, 182, 11, 141, 145, 228, 172, 125, 68, 184, 24, 141, 228, 227, 149, 125, 239, 183, 18, 142, 47, 227, 155, 125, 5, 184, 196, 148, 146, 160, 230, 115, 210, 152, 158, 193, 208, 141, 69, 116, 232, 152, 105, 134, 237, 164, 119, 115, 33, 152, 8, 138, 46, 234, 245, 125, 203, 185, 172, 140, 90, 225, 60, 125, 100, 182, 88, 147, 155, 158, 254, 114, 219, 151, 50, 155, 119, 157, 229, 115, 159, 152, 46, 161, 51, 154, 165, 115, 80, 152, 50, 19, 154, 218, 153, 164, 242, 131, 52, 1, 255, 218, 80, 153, 121, 136, 25, 4, 245, 223, 190, 155, 160, 136, 64, 0, 225, 224, 251, 149, 53, 136, 242, 38, 97, 235, 129, 176, 65, 129, 64, 38, 41, 236, 96, 174, 170, 128, 52, 1, 255, 218, 80, 153, 121, 136, 64, 0, 225, 224, 251, 149, 53, 136, 61, 45, 142, 246, 16, 77, 240, 129, 255, 129, 53, 237, 57, 156, 32, 185, 33, 135, 50, 234, 54, 156, 28, 185, 148, 140, 143, 87, 177, 152, 229, 226, 247, 148, 154, 123, 127, 151, 98, 244, 118, 149, 233, 167, 205, 177, 225, 254, 159, 168, 120, 132, 255, 156, 14, 248, 161, 208, 233, 153, 19, 63, 243, 253, 45, 90, 117, 225, 170, 150, 124, 199, 41, 92, 1, 229, 104, 150, 157, 199, 43, 117, 170, 208, 111, 153, 50, 177, 255, 129, 53, 237, 57, 156, 32, 185, 33, 135, 50, 234, 54, 156, 28, 185, 232, 48, 215, 223, 134, 155, 55, 221, 42, 4, 147, 222, 216, 153, 183, 135, 59, 9, 74, 232, 116, 155, 20, 135, 225, 12, 129, 9, 58, 145, 241, 141, 40, 216, 113, 230, 148, 155, 61, 219, 148, 72, 177, 208, 20, 148, 79, 203, 20, 63, 231, 224, 189, 115, 59, 210, 11, 85, 73, 249, 71, 140, 160, 209, 117, 134, 153, 111, 73, 137, 151, 243, 19, 149, 169, 209, 41, 150, 79, 177, 42, 151, 254, 115, 8, 137, 170, 245, 24, 103, 96, 143, 153, 151, 75, 252, 6, 136, 87, 185, 78, 191, 47, 254, 238, 136, 194, 187, 171, 192, 159, 255, 189, 137, 48, 169, 222, 176, 19, 253, 100, 139, 112, 166, 117, 83, 243, 253, 203, 145, 127, 141, 96, 151, 74, 252, 17, 162, 92, 132, 187, 147, 194, 250, 85, 62, 96, 156, 212, 114, 201, 153, 91, 83, 228, 158, 237, 116, 60, 152, 120, 139, 125, 222, 180, 124, 94, 180, 131, 139, 64, 222, 173, 124, 68, 180, 216, 138, 223, 162, 35, 114, 142, 152, 104, 168, 244, 151, 13, 115, 48, 153, 85, 62, 96, 156, 212, 114, 201, 153, 91, 83, 228, 158, 237, 116, 60, 152, 230, 108, 144, 165, 119, 116, 215, 152, 200, 139, 178, 220, 123, 230, 93, 255, 147, 47, 111, 138, 177, 121, 42, 139, 218, 113, 218, 153, 141, 114, 228, 146, 10, 115, 118, 154, 132, 114, 38, 147, 119, 142, 211, 225, 240, 238, 199, 254, 178, 133, 241, 223, 76, 229, 80, 254, 21, 136, 32, 225, 126, 232, 104, 254, 136, 249, 15, 196, 98, 170, 54, 167, 11, 234, 31, 167, 60, 151, 38, 164, 244, 134, 176, 227, 35, 234, 119, 254, 21, 136, 32, 225, 126, 232, 104, 254, 102, 136, 106, 225, 15, 233, 110, 254, 184, 179, 120, 143, 130, 108, 91, 155, 11, 234, 31, 167, 60, 151, 38, 164, 74, 226, 158, 159, 250, 146, 215, 162, 178, 133, 241, 223, 76, 229, 80, 254, 21, 136, 32, 225, 126, 232, 104, 254, 102, 136, 106, 225, 15, 233, 110, 254, 235, 136, 91, 225, 115, 233, 114, 254, 4, 139, 246, 226, 246, 236, 163, 254, 77, 140, 52, 225, 74, 236, 152, 254, 241, 140, 26, 225, 195, 236, 160, 254, 66, 141, 223, 224, 207, 236, 161, 254, 93, 142, 126, 226, 138, 239, 219, 254, 92, 142, 119, 223, 86, 236, 152, 254, 228, 143, 198, 221, 241, 235, 144, 254, 24, 144, 125, 221, 211, 235, 142, 254, 54, 144, 65, 221, 175, 235, 139, 254, 87, 144, 253, 220, 133, 235, 135, 254, 199, 124, 34, 165, 193, 114, 134, 151, 205, 141, 175, 218, 20, 124, 118, 179, 124, 142, 76, 219, 69, 124, 19, 180, 221, 201, 180, 132, 214, 112, 212, 150, 244, 134, 176, 227, 35, 234, 119, 254, 184, 179, 120, 143, 130, 108, 91, 155, 227, 186, 33, 142, 128, 110, 128, 155, 87, 199, 224, 151, 13, 128, 244, 154, 244, 134, 176, 227, 35, 234, 119, 254, 102, 136, 106, 225, 15, 233, 110, 254, 87, 199, 224, 151, 13, 128, 244, 154, 91, 94, 168, 163, 243, 113, 12, 154, 199, 124, 34, 165, 193, 114, 134, 151, 46, 130, 47, 165, 199, 114, 175, 151, 205, 141, 175, 218, 20, 124, 118, 179, 44, 90, 211, 162, 236, 113, 21, 154, 91, 94, 168, 163, 243, 113, 12, 154, 46, 130, 47, 165, 199, 114, 175, 151, 175, 139, 194, 218, 186, 228, 172, 254, 251, 139, 140, 218, 180, 228, 193, 254, 7, 142, 215, 220, 142, 232, 136, 255, 19, 120, 80, 185, 49, 66, 100, 255, 20, 124, 89, 180, 232, 73, 237, 255, 14, 125, 97, 181, 199, 72, 129, 255, 181, 126, 184, 206, 252, 47, 94, 255, 226, 129, 150, 194, 12, 60, 152, 255, 150, 130, 150, 207, 118, 46, 143, 255, 143, 119, 87, 157, 66, 96, 204, 255, 115, 121, 139, 154, 73, 156, 200, 255, 20, 124, 89, 180, 232, 73, 237, 255, 226, 129, 150, 194, 12, 60, 152, 255, 6, 136, 87, 185, 78, 191, 47, 254, 13, 138, 45, 161, 188, 91, 203, 255, 100, 139, 112, 166, 117, 83, 243, 253, 119, 121, 41, 226, 118, 160, 180, 183, 79, 187, 42, 241, 178, 153, 107, 210, 64, 146, 179, 212, 70, 151, 29, 178, 91, 201, 204, 227, 235, 154, 16, 211, 136, 197, 166, 219, 145, 153, 121, 205, 218, 3, 242, 183, 144, 105, 179, 226, 126, 1, 248, 25, 252, 119, 216, 251, 63, 112, 171, 251, 64, 9, 108, 150, 71, 116, 244, 253, 16, 7, 209, 150, 141, 248, 76, 220, 113, 110, 40, 246, 140, 7, 40, 222, 238, 93, 19, 229, 63, 112, 171, 251, 64, 9, 108, 150, 39, 126, 206, 255, 27, 1, 233, 151, 152, 130, 174, 255, 81, 1, 223, 151, 56, 240, 51, 249, 166, 45, 40, 214, 141, 248, 76, 220, 113, 110, 40, 246, 100, 128, 148, 251, 176, 2, 95, 232, 64, 140, 243, 134, 115, 188, 26, 157, 58, 152, 88, 129, 61, 234, 18, 171, 111, 178, 8, 129, 167, 244, 51, 163, 206, 183, 105, 130, 232, 251, 156, 221, 235, 127, 127, 255, 97, 0, 176, 250, 242, 127, 121, 255, 112, 0, 55, 252, 2, 128, 222, 255, 26, 0, 189, 249, 18, 128, 195, 252, 223, 2, 18, 250, 54, 128, 186, 254, 1, 1, 63, 252, 121, 128, 193, 253, 163, 1, 145, 249, 58, 152, 88, 129, 61, 234, 18, 171, 111, 178, 8, 129, 167, 244, 51, 163, 218, 3, 242, 183, 144, 105, 179, 226, 36, 59, 230, 226, 176, 50, 141, 131, 126, 1, 248, 25, 252, 119, 216, 251, 128, 0, 174, 23, 155, 205, 127, 224, 128, 66, 91, 243, 8, 52, 117, 131, 111, 17, 175, 188, 86, 125, 47, 235, 137, 9, 94, 52, 79, 141, 71, 137, 116, 10, 231, 223, 152, 154, 39, 133, 177, 5, 212, 235, 4, 104, 4, 239, 137, 241, 84, 0, 119, 151, 174, 145, 43, 229, 106, 245, 144, 105, 187, 233, 111, 17, 175, 188, 86, 125, 47, 235, 102, 78, 239, 196, 107, 159, 107, 197, 85, 103, 204, 208, 131, 158, 2, 185, 177, 5, 212, 235, 4, 104, 4, 239, 119, 121, 41, 226, 118, 160, 180, 183, 79, 187, 42, 241, 178, 153, 107, 210, 205, 60, 215, 155, 134, 149, 9, 175, 85, 103, 204, 208, 131, 158, 2, 185, 68, 74, 167, 234, 41, 154, 19, 210, 169, 116, 215, 247, 180, 140, 245, 193, 119, 121, 41, 226, 118, 160, 180, 183, 64, 146, 179, 212, 70, 151, 29, 178, 159, 191, 241, 160, 122, 150, 33, 155, 205, 60, 215, 155, 134, 149, 9, 175, 169, 116, 215, 247, 180, 140, 245, 193, 111, 123, 113, 104, 195, 130, 156, 242, 28, 116, 155, 253, 150, 149, 57, 196, 165, 128, 155, 104, 51, 130, 89, 243, 97, 151, 119, 222, 55, 147, 146, 184, 181, 126, 184, 206, 252, 47, 94, 255, 223, 126, 38, 206, 196, 45, 175, 251, 150, 130, 150, 207, 118, 46, 143, 255, 140, 132, 156, 226, 83, 25, 180, 254, 61, 132, 55, 213, 151, 38, 182, 253, 57, 133, 69, 225, 159, 25, 22, 253, 115, 121, 139, 154, 73, 156, 200, 255, 111, 123, 113, 104, 195, 130, 156, 242, 210, 125, 184, 106, 146, 124, 199, 243, 165, 128, 155, 104, 51, 130, 89, 243, 13, 138, 45, 161, 188, 91, 203, 255, 218, 145, 20, 130, 59, 137, 3, 253, 84, 24, 135, 44, 55, 156, 31, 149, 140, 31, 96, 219, 126, 177, 130, 130, 36, 59, 230, 226, 176, 50, 141, 131, 116, 10, 231, 223, 152, 154, 39, 133, 128, 10, 119, 27, 253, 152, 118, 142, 255, 53, 129, 239, 60, 65, 14, 129, 128, 66, 91, 243, 8, 52, 117, 131, 137, 241, 84, 0, 119, 151, 174, 145, 18, 128, 195, 252, 223, 2, 18, 250, 18, 128, 111, 253, 69, 2, 88, 250, 111, 178, 8, 129, 167, 244, 51, 163, 206, 183, 105, 130, 232, 251, 156, 221, 197, 242, 56, 129, 246, 248, 77, 250, 124, 127, 248, 255, 110, 0, 78, 135, 219, 127, 251, 255, 29, 0, 94, 134, 97, 224, 1, 253, 9, 59, 186, 151, 195, 227, 86, 225, 92, 31, 7, 157, 212, 227, 31, 225, 50, 18, 90, 163, 65, 4, 133, 178, 131, 206, 211, 141, 78, 20, 202, 186, 220, 118, 133, 225, 135, 35, 162, 56, 46, 213, 186, 152, 246, 15, 225, 56, 161, 204, 133, 150, 119, 21, 141, 201, 198, 110, 216, 224, 95, 0, 172, 199, 238, 204, 106, 149, 232, 93, 208, 237, 253, 154, 140, 201, 25, 91, 88, 242, 125, 154, 229, 203, 130, 145, 253, 247, 189, 157, 229, 194, 62, 153, 156, 199, 158, 144, 20, 173, 76, 153, 154, 199, 13, 145, 26, 173, 124, 115, 116, 239, 40, 147, 34, 191, 178, 118, 55, 206, 254, 137, 68, 172, 186, 118, 163, 240, 50, 152, 71, 190, 14, 161, 170, 212, 122, 145, 249, 182, 175, 161, 168, 209, 227, 144, 135, 181, 44, 175, 95, 222, 114, 154, 147, 194, 228, 24, 153, 123, 187, 69, 236, 249, 98, 38, 125, 116, 57, 67, 170, 245, 189, 130, 145, 216, 57, 139, 198, 174, 90, 138, 114, 235, 240, 139, 113, 186, 228, 24, 153, 123, 187, 69, 236, 249, 87, 51, 70, 99, 230, 56, 170, 239, 105, 86, 191, 109, 1, 170, 199, 150, 189, 130, 145, 216, 57, 139, 198, 174, 154, 140, 214, 200, 142, 141, 39, 170, 2, 66, 27, 164, 150, 125, 108, 162, 105, 86, 191, 109, 1, 170, 199, 150, 71, 105, 65, 173, 244, 135, 163, 158, 148, 109, 13, 196, 193, 140, 59, 171, 154, 140, 214, 200, 142, 141, 39, 170, 36, 27, 69, 107, 52, 56, 107, 248, 61, 49, 181, 117, 255, 52, 69, 241, 47, 38, 145, 72, 152, 55, 23, 248, 2, 66, 27, 164, 150, 125, 108, 162, 184, 97, 26, 204, 93, 132, 255, 178, 37, 105, 135, 173, 159, 143, 214, 161, 71, 105, 65, 173, 244, 135, 163, 158, 233, 103, 95, 214, 252, 129, 152, 181, 48, 53, 148, 162, 180, 108, 106, 159, 137, 93, 136, 158, 18, 122, 203, 149, 150, 94, 48, 158, 116, 122, 85, 149, 70, 96, 210, 157, 235, 122, 189, 148, 96, 148, 143, 218, 7, 125, 94, 182, 135, 148, 64, 219, 61, 125, 208, 182, 65, 149, 54, 218, 33, 125, 152, 182, 84, 149, 51, 218, 37, 125, 159, 182, 184, 72, 77, 141, 240, 122, 218, 139, 235, 73, 18, 141, 69, 123, 137, 139, 130, 87, 113, 141, 37, 124, 145, 138, 88, 89, 239, 141, 247, 123, 207, 138, 39, 144, 88, 221, 223, 124, 229, 181, 106, 144, 67, 221, 230, 124, 249, 181, 50, 62, 40, 143, 69, 120, 110, 142, 130, 87, 113, 141, 37, 124, 145, 138, 88, 89, 239, 141, 247, 123, 207, 138, 93, 142, 126, 226, 138, 239, 219, 254, 87, 144, 253, 220, 133, 235, 135, 254, 141, 152, 24, 220, 134, 242, 45, 255, 235, 73, 18, 141, 69, 123, 137, 139, 130, 87, 113, 141, 37, 124, 145, 138, 54, 144, 65, 221, 175, 235, 139, 254, 87, 144, 253, 220, 133, 235, 135, 254, 185, 44, 252, 138, 30, 122, 119, 140, 184, 72, 77, 141, 240, 122, 218, 139, 235, 73, 18, 141, 69, 123, 137, 139, 228, 143, 198, 221, 241, 235, 144, 254, 54, 144, 65, 221, 175, 235, 139, 254, 134, 41, 151, 139, 6, 121, 31, 141, 185, 44, 252, 138, 30, 122, 119, 140, 168, 78, 229, 142, 54, 121, 189, 140, 84, 85, 134, 144, 130, 120, 138, 141, 228, 143, 198, 221, 241, 235, 144, 254, 24, 144, 125, 221, 211, 235, 142, 254, 134, 41, 151, 139, 6, 121, 31, 141, 84, 85, 134, 144, 130, 120, 138, 141, 2, 144, 241, 221, 248, 124, 37, 182, 39, 144, 88, 221, 223, 124, 229, 181, 106, 144, 67, 221, 230, 124, 249, 181, 176, 145, 160, 221, 50, 125, 193, 182, 230, 145, 54, 221, 38, 125, 162, 182, 40, 73, 190, 161, 14, 112, 214, 155, 236, 91, 208, 161, 132, 115, 9, 153, 189, 103, 230, 159, 141, 117, 18, 150, 47, 148, 157, 218, 0, 125, 79, 182, 85, 148, 236, 218, 29, 125, 139, 182, 124, 148, 136, 218, 12, 125, 103, 182, 117, 69, 119, 162, 163, 110, 208, 156, 40, 73, 190, 161, 14, 112, 214, 155, 121, 83, 222, 161, 196, 113, 102, 154, 47, 148, 157, 218, 0, 125, 79, 182, 209, 71, 255, 142, 139, 120, 101, 141, 168, 78, 229, 142, 54, 121, 189, 140, 84, 85, 134, 144, 130, 120, 138, 141, 197, 143, 6, 222, 242, 124, 20, 182, 2, 144, 241, 221, 248, 124, 37, 182, 184, 169, 184, 240, 181, 155, 226, 201, 49, 172, 134, 238, 145, 155, 245, 201, 162, 152, 85, 214, 181, 148, 177, 180, 131, 158, 40, 215, 181, 147, 45, 183, 67, 160, 3, 212, 79, 148, 251, 181, 217, 121, 76, 245, 239, 154, 202, 190, 227, 183, 247, 242, 156, 153, 161, 209, 184, 169, 184, 240, 181, 155, 226, 201, 187, 170, 175, 240, 78, 156, 52, 202, 11, 176, 77, 239, 4, 151, 14, 205, 49, 172, 134, 238, 145, 155, 245, 201, 171, 155, 188, 216, 117, 149, 226, 182, 71, 178, 182, 215, 8, 155, 105, 191, 129, 108, 142, 191, 143, 144, 103, 170, 169, 122, 128, 199, 149, 144, 31, 169, 117, 128, 97, 218, 198, 141, 85, 175, 105, 130, 86, 215, 102, 143, 180, 174, 131, 14, 186, 181, 77, 179, 245, 131, 96, 3, 154, 181, 181, 183, 62, 138, 165, 7, 225, 199, 198, 179, 100, 139, 195, 12, 195, 223, 180, 177, 144, 141, 76, 13, 144, 224, 117, 177, 101, 141, 208, 30, 168, 234, 177, 183, 69, 138, 41, 1, 15, 104, 175, 251, 233, 244, 113, 1, 96, 205, 58, 239, 135, 222, 62, 0, 112, 209, 105, 238, 228, 220, 10, 100, 142, 246, 192, 19, 141, 129, 235, 103, 5, 254, 30, 22, 5, 129, 52, 126, 167, 251, 86, 2, 109, 252, 208, 28, 138, 200, 225, 163, 121, 233, 176, 33, 89, 225, 9, 173, 54, 226, 229, 126, 84, 250, 8, 192, 31, 191, 65, 132, 194, 254, 118, 192, 112, 192, 106, 136, 105, 251, 163, 192, 195, 191, 208, 28, 138, 200, 225, 163, 121, 233, 251, 27, 21, 201, 134, 153, 52, 233, 176, 33, 89, 225, 9, 173, 54, 226, 241, 60, 169, 246, 238, 205, 60, 207, 179, 128, 36, 249, 24, 212, 180, 190, 53, 129, 91, 251, 124, 212, 1, 191, 154, 128, 247, 253, 31, 1, 21, 232, 213, 128, 254, 252, 174, 1, 48, 232, 226, 128, 11, 253, 163, 1, 46, 232, 249, 173, 236, 151, 179, 167, 153, 149, 216, 193, 96, 162, 48, 168, 22, 151, 108, 209, 101, 157, 121, 156, 193, 148, 154, 126, 206, 254, 148, 0, 1, 152, 187, 127, 85, 255, 37, 0, 230, 231, 213, 128, 254, 252, 174, 1, 48, 232, 226, 128, 11, 253, 163, 1, 46, 232, 43, 129, 124, 251, 143, 2, 90, 232, 178, 157, 93, 127, 39, 178, 8, 147, 137, 192, 34, 134, 224, 213, 65, 149, 47, 228, 204, 128, 120, 155, 59, 131, 53, 1, 79, 87, 11, 250, 5, 237, 92, 47, 165, 129, 132, 38, 111, 144, 148, 0, 218, 177, 84, 241, 224, 149, 92, 127, 23, 253, 127, 192, 152, 191, 242, 127, 247, 251, 236, 191, 3, 191, 12, 1, 255, 139, 53, 245, 2, 133, 148, 0, 218, 177, 84, 241, 224, 149, 233, 127, 219, 251, 234, 191, 0, 191, 242, 127, 247, 251, 236, 191, 3, 191, 89, 14, 24, 171, 224, 203, 77, 134, 92, 47, 165, 129, 132, 38, 111, 144, 5, 34, 210, 186, 228, 148, 221, 226, 54, 81, 96, 162, 4, 188, 22, 207, 92, 127, 23, 253, 127, 192, 152, 191, 132, 127, 247, 253, 188, 254, 125, 238, 110, 29, 118, 178, 178, 153, 14, 233, 251, 27, 21, 201, 134, 153, 52, 233, 99, 128, 137, 253, 39, 213, 132, 191, 112, 128, 203, 253, 51, 213, 141, 191, 179, 128, 36, 249, 24, 212, 180, 190, 110, 29, 118, 178, 178, 153, 14, 233, 5, 34, 210, 186, 228, 148, 221, 226, 54, 81, 96, 162, 4, 188, 22, 207, 3, 109, 207, 181, 183, 211, 19, 188, 252, 127, 98, 255, 169, 213, 230, 191, 255, 127, 160, 255, 181, 213, 239, 191, 99, 128, 137, 253, 39, 213, 132, 191, 12, 1, 255, 139, 53, 245, 2, 133, 41, 1, 15, 104, 175, 251, 233, 244, 53, 1, 79, 87, 11, 250, 5, 237, 148, 0, 218, 177, 84, 241, 224, 149, 207, 125, 60, 250, 52, 3, 84, 251, 52, 126, 167, 251, 86, 2, 109, 252, 12, 1, 255, 139, 53, 245, 2, 133, 41, 1, 15, 104, 175, 251, 233, 244, 62, 0, 112, 209, 105, 238, 228, 220, 229, 126, 84, 250, 8, 192, 31, 191, 233, 127, 219, 251, 234, 191, 0, 191, 65, 132, 194, 254, 118, 192, 112, 192, 110, 29, 118, 178, 178, 153, 14, 233, 5, 34, 210, 186, 228, 148, 221, 226, 208, 28, 138, 200, 225, 163, 121, 233, 251, 27, 21, 201, 134, 153, 52, 233, 229, 126, 84, 250, 8, 192, 31, 191, 92, 127, 23, 253, 127, 192, 152, 191, 233, 127, 219, 251, 234, 191, 0, 191, 242, 127, 247, 251, 236, 191, 3, 191, 252, 127, 98, 255, 169, 213, 230, 191, 255, 127, 160, 255, 181, 213, 239, 191, 249, 173, 236, 151, 179, 167, 153, 149, 166, 177, 214, 150, 170, 181, 59, 150, 216, 193, 96, 162, 48, 168, 22, 151, 154, 126, 206, 254, 148, 0, 1, 152, 67, 128, 28, 172, 70, 196, 96, 172, 49, 131, 8, 255, 24, 254, 105, 145, 43, 129, 124, 251, 143, 2, 90, 232, 159, 138, 221, 128, 102, 150, 159, 138, 59, 166, 185, 134, 17, 151, 206, 138, 15, 191, 90, 159, 17, 180, 92, 149, 40, 255, 253, 148, 52, 129, 48, 129, 154, 126, 206, 254, 148, 0, 1, 152, 159, 138, 221, 128, 102, 150, 159, 138, 47, 228, 204, 128, 120, 155, 59, 131, 226, 128, 11, 253, 163, 1, 46, 232, 43, 129, 124, 251, 143, 2, 90, 232, 249, 173, 236, 151, 179, 167, 153, 149, 166, 177, 214, 150, 170, 181, 59, 150, 15, 191, 90, 159, 17, 180, 92, 149, 235, 127, 127, 255, 97, 0, 176, 250, 242, 127, 121, 255, 112, 0, 55, 252, 245, 127, 196, 255, 45, 0, 32, 252, 159, 138, 221, 128, 102, 150, 159, 138, 59, 166, 185, 134, 17, 151, 206, 138, 137, 192, 34, 134, 224, 213, 65, 149, 47, 228, 204, 128, 120, 155, 59, 131, 120, 18, 208, 129, 0, 13, 174, 135, 89, 14, 24, 171, 224, 203, 77, 134, 53, 1, 79, 87, 11, 250, 5, 237, 92, 47, 165, 129, 132, 38, 111, 144, 207, 125, 60, 250, 52, 3, 84, 251, 5, 128, 205, 254, 16, 1, 61, 250, 15, 128, 80, 254, 131, 1, 166, 251, 3, 109, 207, 181, 183, 211, 19, 188, 255, 127, 160, 255, 181, 213, 239, 191, 67, 128, 28, 172, 70, 196, 96, 172, 166, 177, 214, 150, 170, 181, 59, 150, 15, 191, 90, 159, 17, 180, 92, 149, 22, 128, 49, 255, 129, 255, 98, 238, 49, 131, 8, 255, 24, 254, 105, 145, 121, 148, 88, 132, 159, 98, 121, 147, 79, 161, 93, 126, 40, 114, 107, 136, 40, 255, 253, 148, 52, 129, 48, 129, 245, 127, 196, 255, 45, 0, 32, 252, 252, 127, 232, 255, 18, 0, 233, 253, 22, 128, 166, 255, 64, 0, 232, 253, 79, 161, 93, 126, 40, 114, 107, 136, 59, 166, 185, 134, 17, 151, 206, 138, 40, 255, 253, 148, 52, 129, 48, 129, 54, 81, 96, 162, 4, 188, 22, 207, 3, 109, 207, 181, 183, 211, 19, 188, 132, 127, 247, 253, 188, 254, 125, 238, 167, 127, 43, 255, 140, 255, 97, 238, 226, 127, 7, 255, 88, 255, 104, 238, 22, 128, 49, 255, 129, 255, 98, 238, 67, 128, 28, 172, 70, 196, 96, 172, 49, 131, 8, 255, 24, 254, 105, 145, 99, 58, 110, 133, 208, 23, 8, 151, 70, 73, 27, 130, 221, 65, 28, 146, 83, 97, 95, 139, 144, 96, 103, 144, 167, 127, 43, 255, 140, 255, 97, 238, 226, 127, 7, 255, 88, 255, 104, 238, 120, 18, 208, 129, 0, 13, 174, 135, 89, 14, 24, 171, 224, 203, 77, 134, 70, 73, 27, 130, 221, 65, 28, 146, 132, 127, 247, 253, 188, 254, 125, 238, 167, 127, 43, 255, 140, 255, 97, 238, 83, 97, 95, 139, 144, 96, 103, 144, 226, 127, 7, 255, 88, 255, 104, 238, 22, 128, 49, 255, 129, 255, 98, 238, 121, 148, 88, 132, 159, 98, 121, 147, 99, 58, 110, 133, 208, 23, 8, 151, 83, 97, 95, 139, 144, 96, 103, 144, 6, 128, 205, 255, 39, 0, 195, 250, 22, 128, 166, 255, 64, 0, 232, 253, 121, 148, 88, 132, 159, 98, 121, 147, 79, 161, 93, 126, 40, 114, 107, 136, 212, 105, 115, 241, 83, 9, 236, 133, 130, 101, 218, 244, 96, 16, 251, 133, 188, 110, 70, 245, 176, 7, 185, 135, 140, 114, 225, 247, 250, 5, 30, 134, 232, 126, 24, 255, 67, 0, 89, 134, 92, 127, 144, 255, 58, 0, 87, 134, 95, 127, 157, 255, 65, 0, 89, 134, 128, 127, 235, 255, 98, 0, 98, 134, 124, 127, 248, 255, 110, 0, 27, 135, 252, 127, 232, 255, 18, 0, 233, 253, 6, 128, 205, 255, 39, 0, 195, 250, 22, 128, 166, 255, 64, 0, 232, 253, 123, 128, 189, 255, 46, 0, 154, 134, 172, 128, 131, 255, 31, 0, 87, 134, 129, 128, 192, 254, 183, 0, 69, 250, 120, 18, 208, 129, 0, 13, 174, 135, 99, 58, 110, 133, 208, 23, 8, 151, 70, 73, 27, 130, 221, 65, 28, 146, 6, 128, 205, 255, 39, 0, 195, 250, 15, 128, 80, 254, 131, 1, 166, 251, 129, 128, 192, 254, 183, 0, 69, 250, 165, 7, 225, 199, 198, 179, 100, 139, 195, 12, 195, 223, 180, 177, 144, 141, 109, 107, 209, 232, 170, 145, 94, 192, 164, 112, 220, 239, 123, 145, 209, 192, 113, 109, 101, 243, 34, 143, 188, 195, 139, 69, 197, 209, 13, 137, 115, 203, 150, 66, 19, 224, 56, 130, 171, 211, 32, 95, 20, 211, 183, 144, 215, 187, 164, 112, 220, 239, 123, 145, 209, 192, 113, 109, 101, 243, 34, 143, 188, 195, 210, 121, 46, 233, 98, 144, 202, 184, 129, 108, 142, 191, 143, 144, 103, 170, 33, 109, 2, 195, 33, 147, 165, 172, 169, 122, 128, 199, 149, 144, 31, 169, 69, 138, 129, 211, 101, 145, 42, 175, 145, 144, 81, 204, 30, 141, 236, 172, 112, 145, 56, 201, 53, 144, 216, 171, 168, 97, 158, 183, 38, 201, 238, 254, 24, 112, 32, 177, 184, 67, 6, 253, 13, 120, 219, 202, 143, 47, 75, 255, 240, 129, 109, 214, 134, 216, 212, 254, 41, 135, 198, 219, 188, 225, 32, 255, 81, 135, 226, 218, 34, 227, 139, 251, 171, 139, 176, 213, 7, 223, 250, 254, 113, 141, 38, 212, 189, 222, 16, 255, 31, 70, 233, 176, 111, 147, 154, 183, 54, 91, 220, 98, 88, 98, 113, 231, 8, 87, 137, 117, 105, 97, 178, 241, 26, 100, 215, 94, 28, 97, 197, 228, 99, 120, 145, 144, 167, 171, 2, 157, 169, 122, 128, 199, 149, 144, 31, 169, 217, 121, 76, 245, 239, 154, 202, 190, 117, 128, 97, 218, 198, 141, 85, 175, 112, 145, 56, 201, 53, 144, 216, 171, 171, 155, 188, 216, 117, 149, 226, 182, 23, 165, 252, 222, 158, 149, 99, 190, 248, 159, 67, 188, 213, 140, 107, 168, 131, 14, 186, 181, 77, 179, 245, 131, 71, 41, 171, 200, 172, 120, 69, 215, 165, 7, 225, 199, 198, 179, 100, 139, 32, 95, 20, 211, 183, 144, 215, 187, 113, 109, 101, 243, 34, 143, 188, 195, 96, 3, 154, 181, 181, 183, 62, 138, 152, 24, 26, 198, 201, 194, 106, 135, 19, 16, 1, 45, 166, 186, 131, 150, 158, 45, 56, 222, 96, 196, 169, 131, 212, 45, 73, 226, 88, 195, 148, 132, 42, 22, 240, 226, 46, 178, 13, 138, 208, 30, 168, 234, 177, 183, 69, 138, 158, 45, 56, 222, 96, 196, 169, 131, 212, 45, 73, 226, 88, 195, 148, 132, 71, 93, 98, 231, 180, 13, 62, 132, 235, 103, 5, 254, 30, 22, 5, 129, 207, 125, 60, 250, 52, 3, 84, 251, 52, 126, 167, 251, 86, 2, 109, 252, 5, 128, 205, 254, 16, 1, 61, 250, 71, 93, 98, 231, 180, 13, 62, 132, 140, 114, 225, 247, 250, 5, 30, 134, 232, 105, 153, 248, 26, 15, 13, 132, 5, 128, 205, 254, 16, 1, 61, 250, 15, 128, 80, 254, 131, 1, 166, 251, 129, 128, 192, 254, 183, 0, 69, 250, 152, 24, 26, 198, 201, 194, 106, 135, 253, 18, 12, 209, 200, 192, 238, 140, 158, 45, 56, 222, 96, 196, 169, 131, 71, 93, 98, 231, 180, 13, 62, 132, 232, 105, 153, 248, 26, 15, 13, 132, 75, 18, 169, 202, 15, 196, 124, 140, 244, 58, 49, 220, 1, 216, 28, 132, 154, 18, 149, 222, 111, 188, 62, 143, 247, 44, 29, 252, 104, 192, 122, 141, 36, 2, 187, 175, 145, 206, 207, 141, 65, 4, 133, 178, 131, 206, 211, 141, 57, 36, 250, 199, 22, 209, 137, 134, 195, 11, 243, 194, 121, 204, 140, 143, 124, 7, 126, 195, 86, 206, 246, 145, 95, 0, 172, 199, 238, 204, 106, 149, 194, 62, 199, 205, 236, 27, 137, 131, 160, 54, 116, 216, 162, 214, 146, 132, 49, 9, 171, 74, 188, 197, 52, 143, 147, 35, 30, 199, 209, 208, 117, 134, 115, 1, 168, 193, 194, 199, 225, 145, 75, 18, 169, 202, 15, 196, 124, 140, 244, 58, 49, 220, 1, 216, 28, 132, 136, 68, 13, 221, 54, 34, 39, 130, 131, 14, 186, 181, 77, 179, 245, 131, 96, 3, 154, 181, 181, 183, 62, 138, 71, 41, 171, 200, 172, 120, 69, 215, 219, 20, 87, 46, 157, 187, 145, 151, 19, 16, 1, 45, 166, 186, 131, 150, 125, 87, 185, 182, 58, 146, 170, 175, 225, 183, 165, 246, 49, 120, 223, 215, 71, 41, 171, 200, 172, 120, 69, 215, 32, 95, 20, 211, 183, 144, 215, 187, 210, 121, 46, 233, 98, 144, 202, 184, 225, 183, 165, 246, 49, 120, 223, 215, 139, 69, 197, 209, 13, 137, 115, 203, 150, 66, 19, 224, 56, 130, 171, 211, 199, 72, 71, 230, 27, 133, 92, 210, 33, 109, 2, 195, 33, 147, 165, 172, 69, 138, 129, 211, 101, 145, 42, 175, 194, 78, 29, 217, 52, 153, 120, 203, 35, 72, 47, 233, 102, 153, 222, 210, 232, 81, 15, 232, 198, 148, 204, 205, 128, 140, 73, 255, 185, 161, 69, 196, 184, 169, 184, 240, 181, 155, 226, 201, 187, 170, 175, 240, 78, 156, 52, 202, 162, 152, 85, 214, 181, 148, 177, 180, 54, 91, 220, 98, 88, 98, 113, 231, 165, 92, 41, 99, 92, 98, 134, 231, 99, 120, 145, 144, 167, 171, 2, 157, 128, 140, 73, 255, 185, 161, 69, 196, 162, 152, 85, 214, 181, 148, 177, 180, 67, 160, 3, 212, 79, 148, 251, 181, 31, 70, 233, 176, 111, 147, 154, 183, 8, 87, 137, 117, 105, 97, 178, 241, 185, 97, 113, 194, 116, 152, 54, 179, 56, 135, 54, 170, 152, 166, 196, 161, 93, 47, 6, 115, 131, 73, 180, 243, 200, 93, 225, 176, 15, 196, 22, 250, 51, 91, 26, 148, 76, 78, 235, 246, 168, 97, 158, 183, 38, 201, 238, 254, 220, 99, 65, 117, 214, 77, 94, 233, 24, 112, 32, 177, 184, 67, 6, 253, 86, 89, 14, 148, 25, 74, 149, 245, 119, 93, 61, 172, 251, 63, 21, 254, 51, 91, 26, 148, 76, 78, 235, 246, 24, 112, 32, 177, 184, 67, 6, 253, 13, 120, 219, 202, 143, 47, 75, 255, 119, 93, 61, 172, 251, 63, 21, 254, 76, 101, 104, 182, 195, 57, 249, 254, 26, 106, 212, 183, 42, 59, 232, 254, 13, 120, 219, 202, 143, 47, 75, 255, 240, 129, 109, 214, 134, 216, 212, 254, 149, 132, 152, 212, 148, 216, 205, 254, 117, 69, 119, 162, 163, 110, 208, 156, 40, 73, 190, 161, 14, 112, 214, 155, 189, 103, 230, 159, 141, 117, 18, 150, 227, 145, 119, 219, 84, 237, 120, 251, 4, 147, 46, 218, 29, 237, 101, 251, 54, 91, 220, 98, 88, 98, 113, 231, 195, 90, 51, 103, 240, 86, 3, 232, 165, 92, 41, 99, 92, 98, 134, 231, 79, 91, 180, 132, 13, 93, 127, 245, 26, 100, 215, 94, 28, 97, 197, 228, 62, 101, 160, 137, 118, 90, 38, 245, 211, 104, 159, 109, 145, 101, 204, 236, 125, 52, 32, 190, 148, 121, 6, 198, 8, 87, 137, 117, 105, 97, 178, 241, 195, 90, 51, 103, 240, 86, 3, 232, 26, 100, 215, 94, 28, 97, 197, 228, 87, 98, 92, 111, 242, 84, 198, 233, 36, 110, 196, 95, 26, 86, 216, 225, 56, 135, 54, 170, 152, 166, 196, 161, 31, 70, 233, 176, 111, 147, 154, 183, 194, 78, 29, 217, 52, 153, 120, 203, 185, 97, 113, 194, 116, 152, 54, 179, 99, 120, 145, 144, 167, 171, 2, 157, 128, 140, 73, 255, 185, 161, 69, 196, 125, 87, 185, 182, 58, 146, 170, 175, 150, 66, 19, 224, 56, 130, 171, 211, 199, 72, 71, 230, 27, 133, 92, 210, 202, 68, 68, 234, 228, 140, 156, 213, 86, 111, 199, 213, 69, 142, 3, 180, 210, 121, 46, 233, 98, 144, 202, 184, 225, 183, 165, 246, 49, 120, 223, 215, 117, 148, 197, 217, 6, 143, 60, 181, 219, 20, 87, 46, 157, 187, 145, 151, 125, 87, 185, 182, 58, 146, 170, 175, 43, 19, 251, 29, 207, 186, 101, 155, 86, 111, 199, 213, 69, 142, 3, 180, 152, 24, 26, 198, 201, 194, 106, 135, 239, 7, 155, 57, 31, 189, 27, 146, 253, 18, 12, 209, 200, 192, 238, 140, 219, 20, 87, 46, 157, 187, 145, 151, 19, 16, 1, 45, 166, 186, 131, 150, 242, 15, 37, 44, 46, 188, 15, 151, 43, 19, 251, 29, 207, 186, 101, 155, 169, 34, 5, 232, 83, 193, 162, 140, 239, 7, 155, 57, 31, 189, 27, 146, 11, 8, 125, 51, 31, 189, 175, 147, 242, 15, 37, 44, 46, 188, 15, 151, 95, 160, 224, 220, 21, 145, 131, 187, 9, 167, 160, 218, 203, 146, 4, 189, 11, 3, 141, 65, 86, 188, 42, 143, 239, 7, 155, 57, 31, 189, 27, 146, 11, 8, 125, 51, 31, 189, 175, 147, 154, 18, 149, 222, 111, 188, 62, 143, 169, 34, 5, 232, 83, 193, 162, 140, 119, 38, 13, 18, 210, 188, 42, 165, 247, 44, 29, 252, 104, 192, 122, 141, 36, 2, 187, 175, 145, 206, 207, 141, 147, 35, 30, 199, 209, 208, 117, 134, 57, 36, 250, 199, 22, 209, 137, 134, 113, 29, 62, 56, 26, 205, 38, 152, 115, 1, 168, 193, 194, 199, 225, 145, 3, 18, 211, 53, 235, 204, 209, 151, 23, 16, 25, 46, 251, 206, 190, 154, 41, 2, 208, 140, 134, 122, 86, 218, 36, 2, 187, 175, 145, 206, 207, 141, 65, 4, 133, 178, 131, 206, 211, 141, 135, 35, 162, 56, 46, 213, 186, 152, 23, 16, 25, 46, 251, 206, 190, 154, 106, 41, 219, 249, 107, 100, 114, 224, 41, 2, 208, 140, 134, 122, 86, 218, 236, 29, 230, 179, 37, 127, 75, 218, 62, 33, 130, 190, 93, 121, 239, 216, 135, 35, 162, 56, 46, 213, 186, 152, 111, 25, 11, 201, 81, 110, 76, 221, 119, 21, 141, 201, 198, 110, 216, 224, 62, 33, 130, 190, 93, 121, 239, 216, 111, 25, 11, 201, 81, 110, 76, 221, 220, 98, 206, 248, 221, 131, 99, 203, 16, 144, 191, 213, 228, 163, 166, 178, 176, 144, 199, 214, 16, 141, 90, 178, 39, 145, 116, 187, 23, 138, 227, 163, 0, 146, 96, 188, 82, 148, 12, 166, 128, 205, 91, 189, 47, 161, 23, 177, 236, 29, 230, 179, 37, 127, 75, 218, 62, 33, 130, 190, 93, 121, 239, 216, 26, 140, 205, 175, 118, 155, 7, 161, 16, 144, 191, 213, 228, 163, 166, 178, 110, 156, 208, 180, 20, 142, 62, 163, 41, 2, 208, 140, 134, 122, 86, 218, 236, 29, 230, 179, 37, 127, 75, 218, 70, 114, 165, 214, 98, 150, 147, 180, 99, 118, 93, 215, 185, 153, 164, 179, 106, 41, 219, 249, 107, 100, 114, 224, 26, 140, 205, 175, 118, 155, 7, 161, 146, 175, 101, 213, 22, 157, 11, 187, 3, 18, 211, 53, 235, 204, 209, 151, 23, 16, 25, 46, 251, 206, 190, 154, 222, 90, 140, 192, 213, 150, 111, 181, 70, 114, 165, 214, 98, 150, 147, 180, 106, 41, 219, 249, 107, 100, 114, 224, 249, 19, 35, 140, 107, 138, 187, 215, 113, 29, 62, 56, 26, 205, 38, 152, 3, 18, 211, 53, 235, 204, 209, 151, 222, 90, 140, 192, 213, 150, 111, 181, 47, 74, 73, 216, 76, 156, 82, 206, 249, 19, 35, 140, 107, 138, 187, 215, 49, 9, 171, 74, 188, 197, 52, 143, 113, 29, 62, 56, 26, 205, 38, 152, 115, 1, 168, 193, 194, 199, 225, 145, 85, 37, 228, 42, 173, 189, 231, 157, 192, 19, 13, 241, 250, 88, 34, 226, 49, 9, 171, 74, 188, 197, 52, 143, 75, 18, 169, 202, 15, 196, 124, 140, 85, 37, 228, 42, 173, 189, 231, 157, 154, 18, 149, 222, 111, 188, 62, 143, 119, 38, 13, 18, 210, 188, 42, 165, 11, 3, 141, 65, 86, 188, 42, 143, 85, 37, 228, 42, 173, 189, 231, 157, 66, 60, 184, 218, 177, 139, 237, 213, 119, 38, 13, 18, 210, 188, 42, 165, 192, 19, 13, 241, 250, 88, 34, 226, 135, 200, 8, 234, 92, 135, 0, 220, 122, 38, 153, 210, 48, 137, 65, 226, 66, 60, 184, 218, 177, 139, 237, 213, 220, 98, 130, 229, 78, 148, 13, 196, 233, 118, 77, 228, 66, 150, 146, 184, 203, 119, 48, 219, 56, 158, 91, 181, 4, 148, 238, 231, 159, 146, 56, 188, 47, 189, 184, 236, 131, 148, 228, 210, 135, 200, 8, 234, 92, 135, 0, 220, 202, 68, 68, 234, 228, 140, 156, 213, 220, 98, 130, 229, 78, 148, 13, 196, 40, 69, 137, 235, 172, 140, 200, 213, 4, 148, 238, 231, 159, 146, 56, 188, 117, 148, 197, 217, 6, 143, 60, 181, 95, 160, 224, 220, 21, 145, 131, 187, 9, 167, 160, 218, 203, 146, 4, 189, 199, 72, 71, 230, 27, 133, 92, 210, 202, 68, 68, 234, 228, 140, 156, 213, 40, 69, 137, 235, 172, 140, 200, 213, 69, 138, 129, 211, 101, 145, 42, 175, 145, 144, 81, 204, 30, 141, 236, 172, 15, 158, 17, 230, 243, 148, 118, 191, 187, 154, 133, 202, 161, 142, 24, 175, 218, 37, 57, 128, 71, 78, 190, 248, 93, 47, 6, 115, 131, 73, 180, 243, 68, 98, 177, 137, 210, 81, 15, 242, 220, 99, 65, 117, 214, 77, 94, 233, 243, 101, 217, 132, 84, 79, 95, 238, 102, 67, 210, 113, 48, 72, 115, 238, 219, 70, 79, 110, 137, 79, 240, 237, 173, 66, 184, 131, 226, 74, 169, 243, 232, 86, 153, 107, 118, 81, 228, 233, 86, 89, 14, 148, 25, 74, 149, 245, 51, 91, 26, 148, 76, 78, 235, 246, 220, 99, 65, 117, 214, 77, 94, 233, 243, 101, 217, 132, 84, 79, 95, 238, 173, 66, 184, 131, 226, 74, 169, 243, 206, 72, 247, 146, 193, 68, 89, 247, 86, 89, 14, 148, 25, 74, 149, 245, 119, 93, 61, 172, 251, 63, 21, 254, 26, 106, 212, 183, 42, 59, 232, 254, 206, 72, 247, 146, 193, 68, 89, 247, 151, 81, 201, 151, 191, 68, 105, 247, 97, 82, 4, 155, 10, 66, 217, 247, 254, 97, 47, 179, 225, 58, 142, 254, 76, 101, 104, 182, 195, 57, 249, 254, 26, 106, 212, 183, 42, 59, 232, 254, 134, 41, 151, 139, 6, 121, 31, 141, 185, 44, 252, 138, 30, 122, 119, 140, 184, 72, 77, 141, 240, 122, 218, 139, 106, 144, 67, 221, 230, 124, 249, 181, 48, 53, 148, 162, 180, 108, 106, 159, 27, 25, 109, 186, 187, 90, 196, 165, 9, 73, 5, 162, 24, 112, 19, 156, 164, 89, 74, 160, 121, 116, 70, 152, 236, 91, 208, 161, 132, 115, 9, 153, 85, 148, 236, 218, 29, 125, 139, 182, 96, 148, 143, 218, 7, 125, 94, 182, 9, 73, 5, 162, 24, 112, 19, 156, 236, 91, 208, 161, 132, 115, 9, 153, 189, 103, 230, 159, 141, 117, 18, 150, 11, 145, 196, 219, 230, 236, 90, 251, 4, 147, 46, 218, 29, 237, 101, 251, 155, 144, 143, 222, 55, 125, 191, 182, 221, 145, 194, 225, 20, 126, 18, 185, 129, 145, 145, 222, 91, 125, 44, 183, 176, 145, 160, 221, 50, 125, 193, 182, 255, 145, 226, 221, 83, 125, 9, 183, 230, 145, 54, 221, 38, 125, 162, 182, 186, 146, 229, 219, 4, 125, 81, 182, 119, 147, 148, 219, 23, 125, 125, 182, 85, 148, 236, 218, 29, 125, 139, 182, 96, 148, 143, 218, 7, 125, 94, 182, 135, 148, 64, 219, 61, 125, 208, 182, 124, 148, 136, 218, 12, 125, 103, 182, 171, 148, 66, 219, 69, 125, 226, 182, 9, 73, 5, 162, 24, 112, 19, 156, 164, 89, 74, 160, 121, 116, 70, 152, 11, 145, 196, 219, 230, 236, 90, 251, 72, 147, 47, 218, 100, 237, 99, 251, 4, 143, 201, 220, 4, 236, 89, 251, 11, 145, 196, 219, 230, 236, 90, 251, 165, 145, 238, 219, 89, 237, 216, 251, 227, 145, 119, 219, 84, 237, 120, 251, 153, 145, 182, 213, 227, 229, 183, 252, 152, 146, 108, 216, 251, 235, 189, 249, 4, 147, 46, 218, 29, 237, 101, 251, 72, 147, 47, 218, 100, 237, 99, 251, 169, 146, 95, 212, 38, 228, 69, 254, 94, 148, 159, 217, 143, 240, 159, 247, 241, 148, 130, 217, 57, 238, 140, 251, 187, 125, 239, 224, 213, 229, 135, 248, 42, 130, 26, 216, 213, 218, 21, 254, 55, 133, 21, 214, 176, 218, 156, 254, 152, 146, 108, 216, 251, 235, 189, 249, 169, 146, 95, 212, 38, 228, 69, 254, 54, 38, 242, 125, 202, 62, 31, 246, 192, 49, 121, 120, 229, 52, 46, 241, 170, 56, 196, 139, 76, 63, 180, 246, 102, 67, 25, 152, 106, 59, 152, 248, 235, 90, 66, 175, 228, 58, 140, 254, 246, 91, 42, 170, 18, 57, 113, 249, 54, 38, 242, 125, 202, 62, 31, 246, 87, 51, 70, 99, 230, 56, 170, 239, 61, 49, 181, 117, 255, 52, 69, 241, 192, 49, 121, 120, 229, 52, 46, 241, 2, 66, 27, 164, 150, 125, 108, 162, 105, 86, 191, 109, 1, 170, 199, 150, 228, 24, 153, 123, 187, 69, 236, 249, 98, 38, 125, 116, 57, 67, 170, 245, 54, 38, 242, 125, 202, 62, 31, 246, 87, 51, 70, 99, 230, 56, 170, 239, 170, 56, 196, 139, 76, 63, 180, 246, 169, 57, 78, 138, 122, 66, 135, 246, 76, 59, 136, 114, 41, 63, 79, 239, 20, 63, 74, 119, 70, 63, 239, 238, 24, 79, 105, 81, 98, 58, 100, 225, 95, 80, 251, 197, 25, 130, 124, 184, 255, 178, 61, 178, 95, 129, 138, 169, 95, 80, 251, 197, 25, 130, 124, 184, 178, 108, 212, 161, 191, 154, 129, 159, 105, 111, 9, 188, 33, 143, 25, 167, 152, 113, 4, 192, 158, 144, 191, 168, 124, 145, 113, 218, 79, 143, 142, 180, 63, 143, 207, 191, 192, 124, 36, 165, 21, 146, 232, 192, 8, 130, 10, 166, 44, 149, 189, 213, 24, 139, 92, 179, 160, 153, 143, 213, 77, 143, 212, 180, 255, 178, 61, 178, 95, 129, 138, 169, 14, 50, 25, 101, 150, 73, 249, 239, 102, 67, 210, 113, 48, 72, 115, 238, 219, 70, 79, 110, 137, 79, 240, 237, 182, 97, 166, 179, 33, 143, 189, 167, 105, 111, 9, 188, 33, 143, 25, 167, 152, 113, 4, 192, 158, 144, 191, 168, 182, 97, 166, 179, 33, 143, 189, 167, 165, 105, 15, 205, 224, 136, 210, 176, 105, 111, 9, 188, 33, 143, 25, 167, 247, 151, 122, 216, 174, 138, 0, 182, 160, 153, 143, 213, 77, 143, 212, 180, 165, 105, 15, 205, 224, 136, 210, 176, 86, 137, 159, 179, 168, 131, 187, 156, 247, 151, 122, 216, 174, 138, 0, 182, 219, 154, 198, 195, 238, 137, 52, 171, 219, 70, 79, 110, 137, 79, 240, 237, 99, 74, 239, 127, 119, 81, 117, 242, 232, 86, 153, 107, 118, 81, 228, 233, 182, 97, 166, 179, 33, 143, 189, 167, 165, 105, 15, 205, 224, 136, 210, 176, 86, 137, 159, 179, 168, 131, 187, 156, 125, 114, 99, 213, 146, 149, 190, 179, 23, 112, 76, 235, 16, 150, 76, 191, 86, 143, 175, 250, 10, 156, 121, 195, 143, 170, 208, 231, 233, 154, 207, 197, 175, 161, 168, 209, 227, 144, 135, 181, 44, 175, 95, 222, 114, 154, 147, 194, 102, 59, 169, 231, 147, 148, 88, 217, 162, 100, 154, 243, 217, 153, 255, 199, 145, 67, 24, 247, 234, 148, 241, 215, 71, 164, 236, 231, 70, 155, 193, 194, 162, 100, 154, 243, 217, 153, 255, 199, 227, 116, 181, 217, 223, 158, 44, 182, 57, 136, 185, 201, 10, 145, 21, 170, 71, 164, 236, 231, 70, 155, 193, 194, 23, 165, 252, 222, 158, 149, 99, 190, 91, 158, 234, 187, 68, 143, 216, 167, 248, 159, 67, 188, 213, 140, 107, 168, 232, 93, 208, 237, 253, 154, 140, 201, 25, 91, 88, 242, 125, 154, 229, 203, 0, 146, 96, 188, 82, 148, 12, 166, 203, 149, 95, 182, 121, 143, 244, 162, 162, 162, 254, 227, 122, 161, 53, 190, 128, 205, 91, 189, 47, 161, 23, 177, 15, 158, 17, 230, 243, 148, 118, 191, 49, 162, 154, 227, 61, 152, 129, 191, 187, 154, 133, 202, 161, 142, 24, 175, 131, 162, 167, 194, 38, 140, 34, 173, 169, 169, 245, 195, 14, 146, 241, 175, 35, 72, 47, 233, 102, 153, 222, 210, 145, 67, 24, 247, 234, 148, 241, 215, 187, 170, 175, 240, 78, 156, 52, 202, 71, 164, 236, 231, 70, 155, 193, 194, 171, 155, 188, 216, 117, 149, 226, 182, 23, 165, 252, 222, 158, 149, 99, 190, 102, 59, 169, 231, 147, 148, 88, 217, 35, 72, 47, 233, 102, 153, 222, 210, 232, 81, 15, 232, 198, 148, 204, 205, 145, 67, 24, 247, 234, 148, 241, 215, 23, 172, 13, 253, 81, 146, 211, 209, 86, 143, 175, 250, 10, 156, 121, 195, 115, 172, 113, 232, 130, 160, 226, 197, 143, 170, 208, 231, 233, 154, 207, 197, 93, 81, 41, 165, 89, 186, 32, 254, 99, 74, 239, 127, 119, 81, 117, 242, 2, 85, 177, 130, 13, 82, 201, 241, 23, 112, 76, 235, 16, 150, 76, 191, 86, 137, 159, 179, 168, 131, 187, 156, 219, 154, 198, 195, 238, 137, 52, 171, 14, 161, 170, 212, 122, 145, 249, 182, 175, 161, 168, 209, 227, 144, 135, 181, 14, 50, 25, 101, 150, 73, 249, 239, 134, 64, 65, 100, 223, 68, 159, 235, 201, 66, 236, 98, 70, 65, 114, 234, 102, 67, 210, 113, 48, 72, 115, 238, 173, 66, 184, 131, 226, 74, 169, 243, 206, 72, 247, 146, 193, 68, 89, 247, 151, 81, 201, 151, 191, 68, 105, 247, 14, 50, 25, 101, 150, 73, 249, 239, 134, 64, 65, 100, 223, 68, 159, 235, 178, 108, 212, 161, 191, 154, 129, 159, 152, 113, 4, 192, 158, 144, 191, 168, 134, 64, 65, 100, 223, 68, 159, 235, 201, 66, 236, 98, 70, 65, 114, 234, 220, 70, 83, 108, 152, 65, 75, 235, 24, 79, 105, 81, 98, 58, 100, 225, 95, 80, 251, 197, 25, 130, 124, 184, 178, 108, 212, 161, 191, 154, 129, 159, 169, 57, 78, 138, 122, 66, 135, 246, 76, 59, 136, 114, 41, 63, 79, 239, 201, 66, 236, 98, 70, 65, 114, 234, 220, 70, 83, 108, 152, 65, 75, 235, 180, 76, 111, 107, 13, 63, 254, 232, 151, 81, 201, 151, 191, 68, 105, 247, 97, 82, 4, 155, 10, 66, 217, 247, 235, 90, 66, 175, 228, 58, 140, 254, 246, 91, 42, 170, 18, 57, 113, 249, 254, 97, 47, 179, 225, 58, 142, 254, 76, 101, 104, 182, 195, 57, 249, 254, 42, 130, 26, 216, 213, 218, 21, 254, 149, 132, 152, 212, 148, 216, 205, 254, 55, 133, 21, 214, 176, 218, 156, 254, 170, 56, 196, 139, 76, 63, 180, 246, 169, 57, 78, 138, 122, 66, 135, 246, 97, 82, 4, 155, 10, 66, 217, 247, 235, 90, 66, 175, 228, 58, 140, 254, 254, 97, 47, 179, 225, 58, 142, 254, 218, 37, 57, 128, 71, 78, 190, 248, 23, 72, 5, 107, 114, 83, 45, 237, 93, 81, 41, 165, 89, 186, 32, 254, 2, 85, 177, 130, 13, 82, 201, 241, 68, 98, 177, 137, 210, 81, 15, 242, 218, 37, 57, 128, 71, 78, 190, 248, 93, 47, 6, 115, 131, 73, 180, 243, 23, 72, 5, 107, 114, 83, 45, 237, 195, 90, 51, 103, 240, 86, 3, 232, 200, 93, 225, 176, 15, 196, 22, 250, 79, 91, 180, 132, 13, 93, 127, 245, 64, 99, 210, 165, 198, 72, 115, 252, 87, 98, 92, 111, 242, 84, 198, 233, 23, 72, 5, 107, 114, 83, 45, 237, 93, 81, 41, 165, 89, 186, 32, 254, 87, 98, 92, 111, 242, 84, 198, 233, 17, 102, 6, 203, 161, 148, 100, 180, 36, 110, 196, 95, 26, 86, 216, 225, 125, 114, 99, 213, 146, 149, 190, 179, 23, 112, 76, 235, 16, 150, 76, 191, 125, 52, 32, 190, 148, 121, 6, 198, 17, 102, 6, 203, 161, 148, 100, 180, 36, 110, 196, 95, 26, 86, 216, 225, 145, 144, 81, 204, 30, 141, 236, 172, 112, 145, 56, 201, 53, 144, 216, 171, 187, 154, 133, 202, 161, 142, 24, 175, 91, 158, 234, 187, 68, 143, 216, 167, 248, 159, 67, 188, 213, 140, 107, 168, 131, 162, 167, 194, 38, 140, 34, 173, 249, 19, 35, 140, 107, 138, 187, 215, 122, 38, 153, 210, 48, 137, 65, 226, 66, 60, 184, 218, 177, 139, 237, 213, 47, 74, 73, 216, 76, 156, 82, 206, 192, 19, 13, 241, 250, 88, 34, 226, 26, 140, 205, 175, 118, 155, 7, 161, 203, 149, 95, 182, 121, 143, 244, 162, 162, 162, 254, 227, 122, 161, 53, 190, 110, 156, 208, 180, 20, 142, 62, 163, 146, 175, 101, 213, 22, 157, 11, 187, 16, 144, 191, 213, 228, 163, 166, 178, 203, 149, 95, 182, 121, 143, 244, 162, 110, 156, 208, 180, 20, 142, 62, 163, 128, 205, 91, 189, 47, 161, 23, 177, 78, 20, 202, 186, 220, 118, 133, 225, 111, 25, 11, 201, 81, 110, 76, 221, 119, 21, 141, 201, 198, 110, 216, 224, 55, 31, 102, 205, 135, 120, 131, 225, 216, 64, 220, 241, 103, 130, 46, 219, 220, 98, 206, 248, 221, 131, 99, 203, 219, 127, 251, 255, 29, 0, 94, 134, 9, 128, 130, 255, 104, 0, 229, 249, 195, 227, 86, 225, 92, 31, 7, 157, 164, 227, 110, 223, 2, 11, 207, 165, 64, 230, 165, 207, 105, 0, 80, 222, 62, 126, 129, 250, 222, 217, 15, 192, 195, 227, 86, 225, 92, 31, 7, 157, 212, 227, 31, 225, 50, 18, 90, 163, 164, 227, 110, 223, 2, 11, 207, 165, 62, 126, 129, 250, 222, 217, 15, 192, 137, 127, 189, 255, 202, 217, 30, 192, 9, 128, 251, 255, 244, 217, 255, 191, 181, 128, 108, 255, 179, 217, 208, 191, 164, 227, 110, 223, 2, 11, 207, 165, 64, 230, 165, 207, 105, 0, 80, 222, 143, 231, 194, 180, 170, 29, 12, 239, 126, 0, 247, 193, 132, 170, 233, 244, 140, 31, 96, 219, 126, 177, 130, 130, 128, 0, 174, 23, 155, 205, 127, 224, 128, 66, 91, 243, 8, 52, 117, 131, 251, 7, 101, 241, 37, 219, 189, 214, 85, 73, 17, 252, 111, 207, 73, 132, 127, 208, 243, 245, 90, 181, 196, 129, 63, 112, 171, 251, 64, 9, 108, 150, 21, 116, 78, 253, 10, 7, 210, 150, 71, 116, 244, 253, 16, 7, 209, 150, 21, 128, 229, 252, 237, 1, 59, 232, 152, 130, 174, 255, 81, 1, 223, 151, 252, 128, 77, 253, 115, 1, 37, 232, 47, 216, 36, 230, 170, 212, 128, 194, 169, 210, 66, 164, 130, 150, 234, 160, 21, 128, 229, 252, 237, 1, 59, 232, 100, 128, 148, 251, 176, 2, 95, 232, 105, 128, 7, 254, 33, 1, 21, 232, 252, 128, 77, 253, 115, 1, 37, 232, 255, 128, 214, 252, 189, 1, 51, 232, 64, 140, 243, 134, 115, 188, 26, 157, 18, 206, 190, 128, 109, 201, 88, 142, 105, 128, 7, 254, 33, 1, 21, 232, 120, 181, 234, 127, 118, 225, 89, 156, 118, 182, 171, 127, 140, 187, 251, 144, 18, 206, 190, 128, 109, 201, 88, 142, 126, 0, 247, 193, 132, 170, 233, 244, 126, 1, 248, 25, 252, 119, 216, 251, 128, 0, 174, 23, 155, 205, 127, 224, 21, 116, 78, 253, 10, 7, 210, 150, 71, 116, 244, 253, 16, 7, 209, 150, 241, 60, 169, 246, 238, 205, 60, 207, 53, 129, 91, 251, 124, 212, 1, 191, 47, 216, 36, 230, 170, 212, 128, 194, 13, 186, 113, 168, 110, 149, 161, 160, 169, 210, 66, 164, 130, 150, 234, 160, 187, 127, 85, 255, 37, 0, 230, 231, 178, 157, 93, 127, 39, 178, 8, 147, 136, 192, 137, 128, 186, 182, 169, 141, 41, 128, 55, 253, 180, 1, 49, 232, 154, 128, 247, 253, 31, 1, 21, 232, 131, 169, 183, 150, 84, 145, 10, 147, 10, 191, 92, 145, 157, 144, 33, 143, 108, 209, 101, 157, 121, 156, 193, 148, 252, 127, 98, 255, 169, 213, 230, 191, 99, 128, 137, 253, 39, 213, 132, 191, 112, 128, 203, 253, 51, 213, 141, 191, 10, 191, 92, 145, 157, 144, 33, 143, 216, 193, 96, 162, 48, 168, 22, 151, 108, 209, 101, 157, 121, 156, 193, 148, 112, 128, 203, 253, 51, 213, 141, 191, 179, 128, 36, 249, 24, 212, 180, 190, 53, 129, 91, 251, 124, 212, 1, 191, 131, 169, 183, 150, 84, 145, 10, 147, 13, 186, 113, 168, 110, 149, 161, 160, 10, 191, 92, 145, 157, 144, 33, 143, 187, 127, 85, 255, 37, 0, 230, 231, 41, 128, 55, 253, 180, 1, 49, 232, 105, 128, 7, 254, 33, 1, 21, 232, 154, 128, 247, 253, 31, 1, 21, 232, 213, 128, 254, 252, 174, 1, 48, 232, 255, 128, 214, 252, 189, 1, 51, 232, 118, 182, 171, 127, 140, 187, 251, 144, 136, 192, 137, 128, 186, 182, 169, 141, 245, 194, 55, 128, 135, 220, 12, 150, 54, 128, 186, 254, 1, 1, 63, 252, 121, 128, 193, 253, 163, 1, 145, 249, 120, 181, 234, 127, 118, 225, 89, 156, 118, 182, 171, 127, 140, 187, 251, 144, 245, 194, 55, 128, 135, 220, 12, 150, 194, 62, 199, 205, 236, 27, 137, 131, 58, 52, 222, 215, 149, 210, 197, 131, 160, 54, 116, 216, 162, 214, 146, 132, 119, 77, 41, 225, 227, 26, 27, 132, 212, 105, 115, 241, 83, 9, 236, 133, 188, 110, 70, 245, 176, 7, 185, 135, 239, 127, 251, 255, 12, 0, 11, 134, 9, 128, 130, 255, 104, 0, 229, 249, 64, 230, 165, 207, 105, 0, 80, 222, 194, 229, 155, 189, 223, 22, 198, 234, 143, 231, 194, 180, 170, 29, 12, 239, 121, 128, 193, 253, 163, 1, 145, 249, 64, 140, 243, 134, 115, 188, 26, 157, 58, 152, 88, 129, 61, 234, 18, 171, 120, 181, 234, 127, 118, 225, 89, 156, 18, 206, 190, 128, 109, 201, 88, 142, 41, 128, 55, 253, 180, 1, 49, 232, 252, 128, 77, 253, 115, 1, 37, 232, 255, 128, 214, 252, 189, 1, 51, 232, 131, 169, 183, 150, 84, 145, 10, 147, 13, 186, 113, 168, 110, 149, 161, 160, 169, 210, 66, 164, 130, 150, 234, 160, 242, 127, 121, 255, 112, 0, 55, 252, 54, 128, 186, 254, 1, 1, 63, 252, 178, 157, 93, 127, 39, 178, 8, 147, 136, 192, 137, 128, 186, 182, 169, 141, 245, 194, 55, 128, 135, 220, 12, 150, 137, 192, 34, 134, 224, 213, 65, 149, 113, 1, 96, 205, 58, 239, 135, 222, 62, 0, 112, 209, 105, 238, 228, 220, 118, 3, 89, 253, 158, 190, 113, 224, 65, 132, 194, 254, 118, 192, 112, 192, 106, 136, 105, 251, 163, 192, 195, 191, 113, 1, 96, 205, 58, 239, 135, 222, 251, 7, 101, 241, 37, 219, 189, 214, 10, 100, 142, 246, 192, 19, 141, 129, 85, 73, 17, 252, 111, 207, 73, 132, 118, 3, 89, 253, 158, 190, 113, 224, 105, 169, 28, 254, 18, 217, 255, 129, 41, 170, 41, 253, 137, 216, 78, 129, 238, 28, 255, 215, 184, 180, 185, 132, 212, 45, 73, 226, 88, 195, 148, 132, 42, 22, 240, 226, 46, 178, 13, 138, 23, 15, 187, 237, 225, 153, 5, 132, 10, 100, 142, 246, 192, 19, 141, 129, 1, 27, 197, 247, 251, 168, 48, 135, 235, 103, 5, 254, 30, 22, 5, 129, 105, 169, 28, 254, 18, 217, 255, 129, 225, 24, 224, 211, 61, 182, 157, 134, 238, 28, 255, 215, 184, 180, 185, 132, 43, 93, 16, 230, 26, 148, 64, 199, 222, 43, 16, 237, 120, 187, 45, 133, 1, 27, 197, 247, 251, 168, 48, 135, 235, 180, 148, 231, 44, 147, 182, 204, 225, 24, 224, 211, 61, 182, 157, 134, 238, 28, 255, 215, 184, 180, 185, 132, 76, 13, 144, 224, 117, 177, 101, 141, 42, 22, 240, 226, 46, 178, 13, 138, 208, 30, 168, 234, 177, 183, 69, 138, 217, 121, 76, 245, 239, 154, 202, 190, 117, 128, 97, 218, 198, 141, 85, 175, 105, 130, 86, 215, 102, 143, 180, 174, 82, 141, 66, 210, 69, 144, 67, 175, 208, 175, 163, 239, 29, 147, 239, 205, 11, 176, 77, 239, 4, 151, 14, 205, 47, 169, 234, 209, 13, 148, 50, 184, 84, 186, 92, 214, 139, 155, 17, 195, 83, 186, 91, 214, 210, 155, 247, 194, 120, 78, 133, 150, 23, 165, 209, 253, 161, 84, 212, 113, 140, 104, 134, 241, 63, 86, 231, 132, 171, 102, 172, 249, 235, 93, 41, 192, 21, 150, 58, 179, 25, 97, 48, 171, 121, 162, 133, 171, 66, 99, 105, 127, 176, 105, 29, 247, 251, 107, 26, 167, 32, 76, 165, 252, 137, 116, 92, 166, 72, 78, 18, 251, 19, 120, 80, 185, 49, 66, 100, 255, 195, 121, 178, 193, 175, 54, 216, 251, 181, 126, 184, 206, 252, 47, 94, 255, 223, 126, 38, 206, 196, 45, 175, 251, 120, 78, 133, 150, 23, 165, 209, 253, 36, 83, 169, 184, 2, 148, 51, 180, 25, 97, 48, 171, 121, 162, 133, 171, 132, 91, 188, 137, 61, 105, 117, 252, 227, 183, 247, 242, 156, 153, 161, 209, 208, 175, 163, 239, 29, 147, 239, 205, 11, 176, 77, 239, 4, 151, 14, 205, 126, 0, 247, 193, 132, 170, 233, 244, 176, 33, 89, 225, 9, 173, 54, 226, 251, 7, 101, 241, 37, 219, 189, 214, 241, 60, 169, 246, 238, 205, 60, 207, 21, 116, 78, 253, 10, 7, 210, 150, 118, 3, 89, 253, 158, 190, 113, 224, 106, 136, 105, 251, 163, 192, 195, 191, 47, 216, 36, 230, 170, 212, 128, 194, 23, 15, 187, 237, 225, 153, 5, 132, 105, 169, 28, 254, 18, 217, 255, 129, 41, 170, 41, 253, 137, 216, 78, 129, 171, 236, 104, 243, 119, 155, 42, 132, 43, 93, 16, 230, 26, 148, 64, 199, 10, 112, 51, 247, 164, 147, 250, 195, 82, 141, 66, 210, 69, 144, 67, 175, 91, 150, 40, 229, 81, 149, 122, 187, 235, 180, 148, 231, 44, 147, 182, 204, 47, 169, 234, 209, 13, 148, 50, 184, 36, 83, 169, 184, 2, 148, 51, 180, 95, 137, 64, 164, 52, 141, 158, 151, 208, 175, 163, 239, 29, 147, 239, 205, 84, 186, 92, 214, 139, 155, 17, 195, 100, 74, 89, 162, 175, 111, 15, 156, 44, 90, 211, 162, 236, 113, 21, 154, 102, 115, 181, 209, 236, 218, 46, 255, 251, 139, 140, 218, 180, 228, 193, 254, 233, 77, 182, 161, 234, 112, 31, 155, 121, 83, 222, 161, 196, 113, 102, 154, 65, 84, 193, 161, 251, 113, 51, 154, 178, 142, 190, 219, 96, 124, 102, 180, 255, 145, 226, 221, 83, 125, 9, 183, 47, 148, 157, 218, 0, 125, 79, 182, 124, 148, 136, 218, 12, 125, 103, 182, 11, 41, 172, 137, 239, 122, 168, 139, 220, 48, 12, 140, 25, 121, 203, 140, 209, 71, 255, 142, 139, 120, 101, 141, 168, 78, 229, 142, 54, 121, 189, 140, 92, 142, 119, 223, 86, 236, 152, 254, 24, 144, 125, 221, 211, 235, 142, 254, 213, 34, 217, 137, 5, 122, 63, 140, 220, 48, 12, 140, 25, 121, 203, 140, 4, 139, 246, 226, 246, 236, 163, 254, 92, 142, 119, 223, 86, 236, 152, 254, 99, 22, 88, 140, 34, 118, 61, 142, 213, 34, 217, 137, 5, 122, 63, 140, 147, 47, 111, 138, 177, 121, 42, 139, 29, 70, 167, 146, 186, 114, 107, 144, 4, 139, 246, 226, 246, 236, 163, 254, 241, 140, 26, 225, 195, 236, 160, 254, 119, 142, 211, 225, 240, 238, 199, 254, 91, 83, 228, 158, 237, 116, 60, 152, 230, 108, 144, 165, 119, 116, 215, 152, 120, 139, 125, 222, 180, 124, 94, 180, 24, 141, 228, 227, 149, 125, 239, 183, 124, 142, 76, 219, 69, 124, 19, 180, 178, 142, 190, 219, 96, 124, 102, 180, 155, 144, 143, 222, 55, 125, 191, 182, 255, 145, 226, 221, 83, 125, 9, 183, 221, 201, 180, 132, 214, 112, 212, 150, 99, 22, 88, 140, 34, 118, 61, 142, 29, 70, 167, 146, 186, 114, 107, 144, 221, 145, 194, 225, 20, 126, 18, 185, 129, 145, 145, 222, 91, 125, 44, 183, 242, 118, 71, 157, 124, 92, 149, 253, 54, 119, 250, 156, 63, 94, 105, 254, 143, 119, 87, 157, 66, 96, 204, 255, 20, 124, 89, 180, 232, 73, 237, 255, 14, 125, 97, 181, 199, 72, 129, 255, 95, 104, 28, 113, 94, 120, 118, 244, 27, 128, 108, 107, 28, 121, 206, 242, 59, 131, 236, 143, 112, 104, 187, 251, 88, 144, 179, 239, 55, 149, 121, 190, 75, 147, 4, 234, 143, 152, 138, 188, 217, 172, 56, 225, 149, 149, 72, 196, 222, 43, 16, 237, 120, 187, 45, 133, 86, 75, 251, 243, 246, 151, 119, 211, 216, 139, 253, 229, 150, 146, 97, 184, 155, 140, 195, 228, 16, 147, 13, 184, 91, 150, 40, 229, 81, 149, 122, 187, 235, 180, 148, 231, 44, 147, 182, 204, 41, 234, 164, 222, 118, 161, 184, 132, 86, 75, 251, 243, 246, 151, 119, 211, 169, 116, 215, 247, 180, 140, 245, 193, 155, 140, 195, 228, 16, 147, 13, 184, 64, 146, 179, 212, 70, 151, 29, 178, 97, 151, 119, 222, 55, 147, 146, 184, 136, 197, 166, 219, 145, 153, 121, 205, 158, 10, 134, 235, 194, 150, 162, 132, 21, 45, 249, 247, 123, 179, 115, 130, 81, 210, 30, 254, 190, 176, 233, 129, 241, 225, 74, 6, 155, 142, 173, 149, 91, 231, 119, 13, 247, 139, 42, 147, 111, 17, 175, 188, 86, 125, 47, 235, 137, 9, 94, 52, 79, 141, 71, 137, 241, 225, 74, 6, 155, 142, 173, 149, 91, 231, 119, 13, 247, 139, 42, 147, 79, 187, 42, 241, 178, 153, 107, 210, 91, 201, 204, 227, 235, 154, 16, 211, 28, 116, 155, 253, 150, 149, 57, 196, 210, 125, 184, 106, 146, 124, 199, 243, 27, 128, 108, 107, 28, 121, 206, 242, 165, 128, 155, 104, 51, 130, 89, 243, 217, 172, 56, 225, 149, 149, 72, 196, 95, 104, 28, 113, 94, 120, 118, 244, 54, 119, 250, 156, 63, 94, 105, 254, 143, 119, 87, 157, 66, 96, 204, 255, 115, 121, 139, 154, 73, 156, 200, 255, 210, 125, 184, 106, 146, 124, 199, 243, 27, 128, 108, 107, 28, 121, 206, 242, 28, 116, 155, 253, 150, 149, 57, 196, 216, 139, 253, 229, 150, 146, 97, 184, 155, 140, 195, 228, 16, 147, 13, 184, 88, 144, 179, 239, 55, 149, 121, 190, 97, 151, 119, 222, 55, 147, 146, 184, 217, 172, 56, 225, 149, 149, 72, 196, 158, 10, 134, 235, 194, 150, 162, 132, 86, 75, 251, 243, 246, 151, 119, 211, 91, 231, 119, 13, 247, 139, 42, 147, 91, 201, 204, 227, 235, 154, 16, 211, 41, 234, 164, 222, 118, 161, 184, 132, 136, 197, 166, 219, 145, 153, 121, 205, 137, 9, 94, 52, 79, 141, 71, 137, 140, 31, 96, 219, 126, 177, 130, 130, 116, 10, 231, 223, 152, 154, 39, 133, 81, 210, 30, 254, 190, 176, 233, 129, 241, 225, 74, 6, 155, 142, 173, 149, 127, 208, 243, 245, 90, 181, 196, 129, 21, 45, 249, 247, 123, 179, 115, 130, 85, 73, 17, 252, 111, 207, 73, 132, 81, 210, 30, 254, 190, 176, 233, 129, 41, 170, 41, 253, 137, 216, 78, 129, 127, 208, 243, 245, 90, 181, 196, 129, 171, 236, 104, 243, 119, 155, 42, 132, 222, 43, 16, 237, 120, 187, 45, 133, 158, 10, 134, 235, 194, 150, 162, 132, 23, 15, 187, 237, 225, 153, 5, 132, 21, 45, 249, 247, 123, 179, 115, 130, 1, 27, 197, 247, 251, 168, 48, 135, 171, 236, 104, 243, 119, 155, 42, 132, 41, 234, 164, 222, 118, 161, 184, 132, 88, 97, 217, 135, 121, 106, 117, 251, 59, 131, 236, 143, 112, 104, 187, 251, 95, 137, 64, 164, 52, 141, 158, 151, 75, 147, 4, 234, 143, 152, 138, 188, 84, 186, 92, 214, 139, 155, 17, 195, 83, 186, 91, 214, 210, 155, 247, 194, 120, 78, 133, 150, 23, 165, 209, 253, 63, 86, 231, 132, 171, 102, 172, 249, 132, 91, 188, 137, 61, 105, 117, 252, 88, 97, 217, 135, 121, 106, 117, 251, 95, 104, 28, 113, 94, 120, 118, 244, 242, 118, 71, 157, 124, 92, 149, 253, 54, 119, 250, 156, 63, 94, 105, 254, 59, 131, 236, 143, 112, 104, 187, 251, 63, 86, 231, 132, 171, 102, 172, 249, 66, 99, 105, 127, 176, 105, 29, 247, 251, 107, 26, 167, 32, 76, 165, 252, 242, 118, 71, 157, 124, 92, 149, 253, 19, 120, 80, 185, 49, 66, 100, 255, 14, 125, 97, 181, 199, 72, 129, 255, 102, 115, 181, 209, 236, 218, 46, 255, 175, 139, 194, 218, 186, 228, 172, 254, 251, 139, 140, 218, 180, 228, 193, 254, 171, 139, 176, 213, 7, 223, 250, 254, 113, 141, 38, 212, 189, 222, 16, 255, 77, 143, 192, 217, 87, 231, 238, 253, 36, 83, 169, 184, 2, 148, 51, 180, 132, 91, 188, 137, 61, 105, 117, 252, 88, 97, 217, 135, 121, 106, 117, 251, 95, 137, 64, 164, 52, 141, 158, 151, 216, 139, 253, 229, 150, 146, 97, 184, 88, 144, 179, 239, 55, 149, 121, 190, 75, 147, 4, 234, 143, 152, 138, 188, 91, 150, 40, 229, 81, 149, 122, 187, 47, 169, 234, 209, 13, 148, 50, 184, 83, 186, 91, 214, 210, 155, 247, 194, 99, 22, 88, 140, 34, 118, 61, 142, 213, 34, 217, 137, 5, 122, 63, 140, 11, 41, 172, 137, 239, 122, 168, 139, 220, 48, 12, 140, 25, 121, 203, 140, 197, 143, 6, 222, 242, 124, 20, 182, 2, 144, 241, 221, 248, 124, 37, 182, 129, 145, 145, 222, 91, 125, 44, 183, 176, 145, 160, 221, 50, 125, 193, 182, 100, 74, 89, 162, 175, 111, 15, 156, 233, 77, 182, 161, 234, 112, 31, 155, 44, 90, 211, 162, 236, 113, 21, 154, 91, 94, 168, 163, 243, 113, 12, 154, 205, 141, 175, 218, 20, 124, 118, 179, 124, 142, 76, 219, 69, 124, 19, 180, 178, 142, 190, 219, 96, 124, 102, 180, 11, 41, 172, 137, 239, 122, 168, 139, 209, 71, 255, 142, 139, 120, 101, 141, 197, 143, 6, 222, 242, 124, 20, 182, 100, 74, 89, 162, 175, 111, 15, 156, 233, 77, 182, 161, 234, 112, 31, 155, 65, 84, 193, 161, 251, 113, 51, 154, 102, 115, 181, 209, 236, 218, 46, 255, 77, 143, 192, 217, 87, 231, 238, 253, 165, 145, 238, 219, 89, 237, 216, 251, 153, 145, 182, 213, 227, 229, 183, 252, 200, 93, 225, 176, 15, 196, 22, 250, 168, 97, 158, 183, 38, 201, 238, 254, 64, 99, 210, 165, 198, 72, 115, 252, 195, 121, 178, 193, 175, 54, 216, 251, 223, 126, 38, 206, 196, 45, 175, 251, 57, 133, 69, 225, 159, 25, 22, 253, 81, 135, 226, 218, 34, 227, 139, 251, 79, 91, 180, 132, 13, 93, 127, 245, 64, 99, 210, 165, 198, 72, 115, 252, 62, 101, 160, 137, 118, 90, 38, 245, 137, 116, 92, 166, 72, 78, 18, 251, 195, 121, 178, 193, 175, 54, 216, 251, 161, 84, 212, 113, 140, 104, 134, 241, 101, 90, 22, 114, 77, 104, 12, 241, 66, 99, 105, 127, 176, 105, 29, 247, 62, 101, 160, 137, 118, 90, 38, 245, 211, 104, 159, 109, 145, 101, 204, 236, 251, 107, 26, 167, 32, 76, 165, 252, 137, 116, 92, 166, 72, 78, 18, 251, 161, 84, 212, 113, 140, 104, 134, 241, 101, 90, 22, 114, 77, 104, 12, 241, 235, 93, 41, 192, 21, 150, 58, 179, 49, 172, 134, 238, 145, 155, 245, 201, 131, 158, 40, 215, 181, 147, 45, 183, 71, 178, 182, 215, 8, 155, 105, 191, 235, 93, 41, 192, 21, 150, 58, 179, 25, 97, 48, 171, 121, 162, 133, 171, 227, 183, 247, 242, 156, 153, 161, 209, 71, 178, 182, 215, 8, 155, 105, 191, 139, 69, 197, 209, 13, 137, 115, 203, 129, 108, 142, 191, 143, 144, 103, 170, 33, 109, 2, 195, 33, 147, 165, 172, 109, 107, 209, 232, 170, 145, 94, 192, 164, 112, 220, 239, 123, 145, 209, 192, 10, 112, 51, 247, 164, 147, 250, 195, 105, 130, 86, 215, 102, 143, 180, 174, 82, 141, 66, 210, 69, 144, 67, 175, 225, 24, 224, 211, 61, 182, 157, 134, 195, 12, 195, 223, 180, 177, 144, 141, 76, 13, 144, 224, 117, 177, 101, 141, 43, 93, 16, 230, 26, 148, 64, 199, 109, 107, 209, 232, 170, 145, 94, 192, 10, 112, 51, 247, 164, 147, 250, 195, 165, 92, 41, 99, 92, 98, 134, 231, 101, 90, 22, 114, 77, 104, 12, 241, 211, 104, 159, 109, 145, 101, 204, 236, 131, 158, 40, 215, 181, 147, 45, 183, 67, 160, 3, 212, 79, 148, 251, 181, 240, 129, 109, 214, 134, 216, 212, 254, 149, 132, 152, 212, 148, 216, 205, 254, 55, 133, 21, 214, 176, 218, 156, 254, 113, 141, 38, 212, 189, 222, 16, 255, 77, 143, 192, 217, 87, 231, 238, 253, 153, 145, 182, 213, 227, 229, 183, 252, 169, 146, 95, 212, 38, 228, 69, 254, 122, 38, 153, 210, 48, 137, 65, 226, 222, 90, 140, 192, 213, 150, 111, 181, 47, 74, 73, 216, 76, 156, 82, 206, 70, 114, 165, 214, 98, 150, 147, 180, 99, 118, 93, 215, 185, 153, 164, 179, 203, 119, 48, 219, 56, 158, 91, 181, 220, 98, 130, 229, 78, 148, 13, 196, 40, 69, 137, 235, 172, 140, 200, 213, 47, 189, 184, 236, 131, 148, 228, 210, 15, 158, 17, 230, 243, 148, 118, 191, 49, 162, 154, 227, 61, 152, 129, 191, 125, 52, 32, 190, 148, 121, 6, 198, 194, 78, 29, 217, 52, 153, 120, 203, 185, 97, 113, 194, 116, 152, 54, 179, 17, 102, 6, 203, 161, 148, 100, 180, 232, 81, 15, 232, 198, 148, 204, 205, 125, 114, 99, 213, 146, 149, 190, 179, 86, 143, 175, 250, 10, 156, 121, 195, 56, 135, 54, 170, 152, 166, 196, 161, 99, 74, 239, 127, 119, 81, 117, 242, 232, 86, 153, 107, 118, 81, 228, 233, 2, 85, 177, 130, 13, 82, 201, 241, 68, 98, 177, 137, 210, 81, 15, 242, 243, 101, 217, 132, 84, 79, 95, 238, 232, 93, 208, 237, 253, 154, 140, 201, 130, 145, 253, 247, 189, 157, 229, 194, 130, 150, 203, 245, 252, 160, 136, 195, 39, 145, 116, 187, 23, 138, 227, 163, 0, 146, 96, 188, 82, 148, 12, 166, 222, 159, 218, 175, 117, 129, 251, 159, 25, 91, 88, 242, 125, 154, 229, 203, 99, 118, 93, 215, 185, 153, 164, 179, 233, 118, 77, 228, 66, 150, 146, 184, 203, 119, 48, 219, 56, 158, 91, 181, 186, 148, 246, 189, 180, 142, 166, 166, 94, 149, 253, 189, 152, 144, 4, 167, 162, 162, 254, 227, 122, 161, 53, 190, 76, 153, 154, 199, 13, 145, 26, 173, 146, 175, 101, 213, 22, 157, 11, 187, 233, 118, 77, 228, 66, 150, 146, 184, 47, 189, 184, 236, 131, 148, 228, 210, 94, 149, 253, 189, 152, 144, 4, 167, 49, 162, 154, 227, 61, 152, 129, 191, 55, 158, 130, 198, 162, 143, 234, 173, 169, 169, 245, 195, 14, 146, 241, 175, 178, 118, 55, 206, 254, 137, 68, 172, 124, 145, 113, 218, 79, 143, 142, 180, 185, 146, 229, 196, 246, 135, 35, 169, 247, 151, 122, 216, 174, 138, 0, 182, 160, 153, 143, 213, 77, 143, 212, 180, 219, 154, 198, 195, 238, 137, 52, 171, 14, 161, 170, 212, 122, 145, 249, 182, 220, 70, 83, 108, 152, 65, 75, 235, 24, 79, 105, 81, 98, 58, 100, 225, 180, 76, 111, 107, 13, 63, 254, 232, 63, 143, 207, 191, 192, 124, 36, 165, 27, 148, 12, 182, 8, 130, 97, 160, 255, 178, 61, 178, 95, 129, 138, 169, 76, 59, 136, 114, 41, 63, 79, 239, 20, 63, 74, 119, 70, 63, 239, 238, 180, 76, 111, 107, 13, 63, 254, 232, 18, 108, 180, 206, 55, 132, 145, 175, 27, 148, 12, 182, 8, 130, 97, 160, 27, 25, 109, 186, 187, 90, 196, 165, 164, 89, 74, 160, 121, 116, 70, 152, 4, 143, 201, 220, 4, 236, 89, 251, 72, 147, 47, 218, 100, 237, 99, 251, 222, 148, 129, 218, 87, 239, 108, 251, 206, 149, 213, 217, 142, 239, 113, 251, 242, 15, 37, 44, 46, 188, 15, 151, 43, 19, 251, 29, 207, 186, 101, 155, 86, 111, 199, 213, 69, 142, 3, 180, 117, 148, 197, 217, 6, 143, 60, 181, 95, 160, 224, 220, 21, 145, 131, 187, 11, 3, 141, 65, 86, 188, 42, 143, 11, 8, 125, 51, 31, 189, 175, 147, 4, 148, 238, 231, 159, 146, 56, 188, 135, 200, 8, 234, 92, 135, 0, 220, 9, 167, 160, 218, 203, 146, 4, 189, 117, 69, 119, 162, 163, 110, 208, 156, 121, 83, 222, 161, 196, 113, 102, 154, 65, 84, 193, 161, 251, 113, 51, 154, 165, 145, 238, 219, 89, 237, 216, 251, 227, 145, 119, 219, 84, 237, 120, 251, 253, 18, 12, 209, 200, 192, 238, 140, 244, 58, 49, 220, 1, 216, 28, 132, 136, 68, 13, 221, 54, 34, 39, 130, 119, 77, 41, 225, 227, 26, 27, 132, 169, 34, 5, 232, 83, 193, 162, 140, 188, 110, 70, 245, 176, 7, 185, 135, 140, 114, 225, 247, 250, 5, 30, 134, 232, 105, 153, 248, 26, 15, 13, 132, 247, 44, 29, 252, 104, 192, 122, 141, 147, 35, 30, 199, 209, 208, 117, 134, 57, 36, 250, 199, 22, 209, 137, 134, 194, 62, 199, 205, 236, 27, 137, 131, 136, 68, 13, 221, 54, 34, 39, 130, 119, 77, 41, 225, 227, 26, 27, 132, 48, 53, 148, 162, 180, 108, 106, 159, 27, 25, 109, 186, 187, 90, 196, 165, 70, 96, 210, 157, 235, 122, 189, 148, 222, 148, 129, 218, 87, 239, 108, 251, 133, 61, 15, 143, 74, 120, 105, 142, 50, 62, 40, 143, 69, 120, 110, 142, 88, 89, 239, 141, 247, 123, 207, 138, 255, 139, 229, 222, 162, 124, 214, 180, 39, 144, 88, 221, 223, 124, 229, 181, 230, 145, 54, 221, 38, 125, 162, 182, 239, 146, 146, 221, 115, 125, 79, 183, 121, 147, 223, 221, 162, 125, 187, 183, 76, 147, 57, 220, 53, 125, 194, 182, 119, 147, 148, 219, 23, 125, 125, 182, 217, 62, 54, 165, 30, 109, 245, 159, 137, 93, 136, 158, 18, 122, 203, 149, 65, 149, 54, 218, 33, 125, 152, 182, 188, 62, 59, 165, 19, 109, 252, 159, 217, 62, 54, 165, 30, 109, 245, 159, 154, 88, 184, 158, 93, 121, 225, 150, 133, 93, 232, 156, 133, 123, 129, 148, 65, 149, 54, 218, 33, 125, 152, 182, 81, 149, 58, 218, 38, 125, 161, 182, 84, 149, 51, 218, 37, 125, 159, 182, 148, 149, 199, 217, 23, 125, 131, 182, 175, 149, 166, 217, 20, 125, 127, 182, 188, 62, 59, 165, 19, 109, 252, 159, 217, 62, 54, 165, 30, 109, 245, 159, 137, 93, 136, 158, 18, 122, 203, 149, 150, 94, 48, 158, 116, 122, 85, 149, 4, 143, 201, 220, 4, 236, 89, 251, 241, 148, 130, 217, 57, 238, 140, 251, 206, 149, 240, 217, 174, 239, 111, 251, 206, 149, 213, 217, 142, 239, 113, 251, 58, 150, 202, 217, 237, 239, 121, 251, 245, 5, 247, 121, 120, 47, 220, 254, 243, 35, 247, 104, 67, 51, 166, 245, 65, 33, 194, 133, 58, 42, 88, 247, 32, 45, 255, 150, 232, 139, 120, 174, 174, 44, 20, 88, 35, 147, 176, 176, 25, 44, 66, 172, 61, 122, 188, 186, 147, 50, 238, 173, 105, 121, 98, 181, 36, 27, 69, 107, 52, 56, 107, 248, 243, 35, 247, 104, 67, 51, 166, 245, 47, 38, 145, 72, 152, 55, 23, 248, 147, 50, 238, 173, 105, 121, 98, 181, 108, 77, 215, 145, 194, 162, 121, 167, 25, 44, 66, 172, 61, 122, 188, 186, 147, 50, 238, 173, 105, 121, 98, 181, 108, 77, 215, 145, 194, 162, 121, 167, 184, 97, 26, 204, 93, 132, 255, 178, 233, 103, 95, 214, 252, 129, 152, 181, 167, 116, 247, 204, 250, 123, 182, 170, 39, 155, 90, 221, 234, 120, 118, 188, 37, 105, 135, 173, 159, 143, 214, 161, 233, 103, 95, 214, 252, 129, 152, 181, 167, 116, 247, 204, 250, 123, 182, 170, 41, 155, 129, 182, 194, 120, 59, 165, 38, 167, 164, 216, 65, 153, 80, 186, 205, 185, 102, 185, 162, 140, 72, 176, 56, 183, 193, 173, 150, 125, 153, 169, 254, 125, 93, 212, 188, 135, 49, 172, 161, 132, 11, 218, 199, 136, 187, 175, 169, 159, 111, 197, 75, 135, 242, 173, 189, 170, 169, 199, 93, 141, 130, 179, 4, 172, 39, 196, 150, 141, 168, 177, 196, 172, 108, 197, 255, 137, 133, 179, 124, 145, 113, 218, 79, 143, 142, 180, 185, 146, 229, 196, 246, 135, 35, 169, 44, 149, 189, 213, 24, 139, 92, 179, 119, 150, 252, 212, 53, 139, 112, 179, 173, 190, 229, 213, 210, 150, 0, 199, 220, 197, 114, 214, 214, 154, 29, 202, 42, 195, 192, 210, 86, 153, 171, 198, 84, 145, 254, 208, 119, 127, 243, 174, 6, 151, 82, 223, 167, 128, 18, 186, 238, 149, 212, 211, 104, 125, 31, 179, 173, 190, 229, 213, 210, 150, 0, 199, 226, 170, 117, 194, 35, 125, 1, 179, 42, 195, 192, 210, 86, 153, 171, 198, 208, 184, 183, 205, 214, 143, 130, 191, 83, 79, 74, 237, 187, 182, 185, 206, 124, 80, 226, 237, 249, 166, 30, 207, 188, 104, 249, 241, 5, 143, 128, 197, 214, 163, 203, 254, 175, 156, 109, 205, 230, 145, 98, 250, 83, 167, 140, 195, 245, 191, 253, 217, 35, 167, 139, 196, 65, 84, 8, 236, 216, 165, 106, 205, 103, 232, 247, 249, 94, 166, 252, 136, 141, 162, 10, 210, 156, 155, 196, 180, 138, 160, 138, 179, 26, 145, 147, 163, 84, 203, 16, 48, 111, 85, 160, 164, 88, 246, 225, 77, 167, 121, 244, 137, 65, 84, 8, 236, 216, 165, 106, 205, 124, 80, 226, 237, 249, 166, 30, 207, 87, 87, 1, 237, 185, 172, 43, 204, 141, 162, 10, 210, 156, 155, 196, 180, 245, 191, 253, 217, 35, 167, 139, 196, 172, 59, 102, 237, 178, 155, 37, 217, 207, 93, 180, 238, 58, 160, 210, 201, 138, 160, 138, 179, 26, 145, 147, 163, 84, 203, 16, 48, 111, 85, 160, 164, 172, 59, 102, 237, 178, 155, 37, 217, 207, 93, 180, 238, 58, 160, 210, 201, 233, 94, 227, 240, 50, 160, 199, 201, 194, 101, 203, 247, 185, 158, 95, 200, 100, 87, 41, 252, 82, 152, 185, 207, 172, 59, 102, 237, 178, 155, 37, 217, 100, 87, 41, 252, 82, 152, 185, 207, 200, 145, 168, 146, 93, 135, 76, 141, 110, 149, 102, 155, 57, 151, 190, 150, 71, 168, 152, 138, 147, 132, 176, 136, 84, 203, 16, 48, 111, 85, 160, 164, 213, 239, 21, 58, 11, 109, 52, 142, 177, 193, 15, 83, 48, 69, 153, 149, 106, 201, 137, 89, 39, 86, 82, 154, 88, 246, 225, 77, 167, 121, 244, 137, 88, 96, 114, 229, 88, 151, 175, 197, 194, 101, 203, 247, 185, 158, 95, 200, 100, 87, 41, 252, 82, 152, 185, 207, 23, 172, 13, 253, 81, 146, 211, 209, 110, 149, 102, 155, 57, 151, 190, 150, 115, 172, 113, 232, 130, 160, 226, 197, 57, 136, 185, 201, 10, 145, 21, 170, 89, 149, 230, 226, 63, 154, 172, 185, 109, 149, 179, 225, 181, 153, 40, 185, 55, 158, 130, 198, 162, 143, 234, 173, 91, 158, 234, 187, 68, 143, 216, 167, 131, 162, 167, 194, 38, 140, 34, 173, 169, 169, 245, 195, 14, 146, 241, 175, 94, 131, 204, 205, 179, 145, 9, 171, 100, 132, 89, 205, 171, 145, 10, 171, 195, 135, 242, 222, 91, 150, 43, 180, 25, 147, 42, 204, 5, 144, 195, 173, 186, 148, 246, 189, 180, 142, 166, 166, 62, 153, 156, 199, 158, 144, 20, 173, 76, 153, 154, 199, 13, 145, 26, 173, 130, 145, 253, 247, 189, 157, 229, 194, 130, 150, 203, 245, 252, 160, 136, 195, 25, 147, 42, 204, 5, 144, 195, 173, 62, 153, 156, 199, 158, 144, 20, 173, 163, 176, 38, 215, 184, 158, 134, 188, 218, 180, 112, 201, 246, 151, 100, 182, 100, 132, 89, 205, 171, 145, 10, 171, 185, 134, 33, 219, 66, 150, 61, 178, 109, 149, 179, 225, 181, 153, 40, 185, 186, 148, 246, 189, 180, 142, 166, 166, 94, 149, 253, 189, 152, 144, 4, 167, 55, 158, 130, 198, 162, 143, 234, 173, 102, 59, 169, 231, 147, 148, 88, 217, 57, 103, 26, 210, 55, 156, 45, 185, 88, 96, 114, 229, 88, 151, 175, 197, 162, 100, 154, 243, 217, 153, 255, 199, 227, 116, 181, 217, 223, 158, 44, 182, 23, 172, 13, 253, 81, 146, 211, 209, 233, 94, 227, 240, 50, 160, 199, 201, 186, 118, 163, 240, 50, 152, 71, 190, 194, 101, 203, 247, 185, 158, 95, 200, 214, 163, 203, 254, 175, 156, 109, 205, 230, 145, 98, 250, 83, 167, 140, 195, 115, 172, 113, 232, 130, 160, 226, 197, 143, 170, 208, 231, 233, 154, 207, 197, 44, 175, 95, 222, 114, 154, 147, 194, 207, 93, 180, 238, 58, 160, 210, 201, 233, 94, 227, 240, 50, 160, 199, 201, 230, 145, 98, 250, 83, 167, 140, 195, 141, 162, 10, 210, 156, 155, 196, 180, 138, 160, 138, 179, 26, 145, 147, 163, 245, 191, 253, 217, 35, 167, 139, 196, 124, 115, 116, 239, 40, 147, 34, 191, 178, 118, 55, 206, 254, 137, 68, 172, 185, 146, 229, 196, 246, 135, 35, 169, 173, 190, 229, 213, 210, 150, 0, 199, 208, 184, 183, 205, 214, 143, 130, 191, 145, 186, 1, 201, 90, 145, 194, 187, 98, 38, 125, 116, 57, 67, 170, 245, 20, 63, 74, 119, 70, 63, 239, 238, 18, 108, 180, 206, 55, 132, 145, 175, 155, 109, 113, 207, 204, 132, 114, 175, 154, 112, 224, 202, 50, 138, 246, 172, 90, 138, 114, 235, 240, 139, 113, 186, 155, 109, 113, 207, 204, 132, 114, 175, 154, 112, 224, 202, 50, 138, 246, 172, 238, 116, 207, 223, 49, 139, 250, 181, 138, 130, 219, 210, 111, 137, 198, 171, 4, 172, 39, 196, 150, 141, 168, 177, 196, 172, 108, 197, 255, 137, 133, 179, 148, 109, 13, 196, 193, 140, 59, 171, 154, 112, 224, 202, 50, 138, 246, 172, 19, 128, 209, 219, 19, 139, 127, 175, 138, 130, 219, 210, 111, 137, 198, 171, 189, 130, 145, 216, 57, 139, 198, 174, 90, 138, 114, 235, 240, 139, 113, 186, 154, 140, 214, 200, 142, 141, 39, 170, 47, 38, 145, 72, 152, 55, 23, 248, 108, 77, 215, 145, 194, 162, 121, 167, 184, 97, 26, 204, 93, 132, 255, 178, 102, 67, 25, 152, 106, 59, 152, 248, 92, 67, 23, 174, 125, 211, 125, 252, 214, 75, 4, 183, 103, 217, 209, 251, 246, 91, 42, 170, 18, 57, 113, 249, 39, 123, 85, 223, 224, 229, 130, 248, 187, 125, 239, 224, 213, 229, 135, 248, 42, 130, 26, 216, 213, 218, 21, 254, 150, 94, 48, 158, 116, 122, 85, 149, 70, 96, 210, 157, 235, 122, 189, 148, 222, 148, 129, 218, 87, 239, 108, 251, 206, 149, 213, 217, 142, 239, 113, 251, 214, 75, 4, 183, 103, 217, 209, 251, 228, 76, 187, 196, 123, 232, 25, 247, 97, 115, 21, 225, 172, 236, 20, 246, 39, 123, 85, 223, 224, 229, 130, 248, 245, 5, 247, 121, 120, 47, 220, 254, 36, 27, 69, 107, 52, 56, 107, 248, 243, 35, 247, 104, 67, 51, 166, 245, 61, 49, 181, 117, 255, 52, 69, 241, 192, 49, 121, 120, 229, 52, 46, 241, 102, 67, 25, 152, 106, 59, 152, 248, 92, 67, 23, 174, 125, 211, 125, 252, 37, 105, 135, 173, 159, 143, 214, 161, 71, 105, 65, 173, 244, 135, 163, 158, 148, 109, 13, 196, 193, 140, 59, 171, 19, 128, 209, 219, 19, 139, 127, 175, 38, 167, 164, 216, 65, 153, 80, 186, 64, 172, 228, 200, 7, 143, 181, 180, 254, 125, 93, 212, 188, 135, 49, 172, 113, 134, 223, 191, 63, 128, 174, 161, 91, 136, 28, 194, 79, 129, 156, 163, 38, 167, 164, 216, 65, 153, 80, 186, 189, 170, 169, 199, 93, 141, 130, 179, 64, 172, 228, 200, 7, 143, 181, 180, 205, 185, 102, 185, 162, 140, 72, 176, 19, 128, 209, 219, 19, 139, 127, 175, 138, 130, 219, 210, 111, 137, 198, 171, 189, 170, 169, 199, 93, 141, 130, 179, 64, 172, 228, 200, 7, 143, 181, 180, 4, 172, 39, 196, 150, 141, 168, 177, 238, 116, 207, 223, 49, 139, 250, 181, 21, 146, 232, 192, 8, 130, 10, 166, 44, 149, 189, 213, 24, 139, 92, 179, 119, 150, 252, 212, 53, 139, 112, 179, 113, 159, 6, 197, 166, 137, 142, 173, 169, 159, 111, 197, 75, 135, 242, 173, 196, 172, 108, 197, 255, 137, 133, 179, 18, 108, 180, 206, 55, 132, 145, 175, 155, 109, 113, 207, 204, 132, 114, 175, 238, 116, 207, 223, 49, 139, 250, 181, 63, 143, 207, 191, 192, 124, 36, 165, 21, 146, 232, 192, 8, 130, 10, 166, 27, 148, 12, 182, 8, 130, 97, 160, 188, 62, 59, 165, 19, 109, 252, 159, 154, 88, 184, 158, 93, 121, 225, 150, 58, 150, 202, 217, 237, 239, 121, 251, 239, 127, 251, 255, 12, 0, 11, 134, 255, 127, 251, 255, 2, 0, 16, 250, 194, 229, 155, 189, 223, 22, 198, 234, 187, 225, 11, 156, 187, 65, 17, 247, 251, 113, 58, 252, 10, 10, 249, 132, 18, 128, 111, 253, 69, 2, 88, 250, 31, 128, 231, 253, 206, 1, 127, 250, 166, 254, 243, 59, 116, 15, 113, 226, 105, 254, 5, 186, 191, 49, 55, 238, 197, 242, 56, 129, 246, 248, 77, 250, 228, 245, 44, 130, 52, 209, 215, 253, 13, 122, 228, 249, 53, 2, 178, 151, 105, 254, 5, 186, 191, 49, 55, 238, 228, 245, 44, 130, 52, 209, 215, 253, 140, 7, 40, 222, 238, 93, 19, 229, 13, 122, 228, 249, 53, 2, 178, 151, 39, 126, 206, 255, 27, 1, 233, 151, 166, 254, 243, 59, 116, 15, 113, 226, 105, 254, 5, 186, 191, 49, 55, 238, 13, 122, 228, 249, 53, 2, 178, 151, 39, 126, 206, 255, 27, 1, 233, 151, 21, 128, 229, 252, 237, 1, 59, 232, 152, 130, 174, 255, 81, 1, 223, 151, 100, 128, 148, 251, 176, 2, 95, 232, 206, 183, 105, 130, 232, 251, 156, 221, 197, 242, 56, 129, 246, 248, 77, 250, 228, 245, 44, 130, 52, 209, 215, 253, 182, 24, 180, 220, 180, 93, 62, 128, 242, 32, 118, 223, 30, 113, 128, 226, 128, 10, 119, 27, 253, 152, 118, 142, 137, 241, 84, 0, 119, 151, 174, 145, 43, 229, 106, 245, 144, 105, 187, 233, 106, 67, 177, 203, 28, 154, 151, 206, 102, 78, 239, 196, 107, 159, 107, 197, 85, 103, 204, 208, 131, 158, 2, 185, 68, 74, 167, 234, 41, 154, 19, 210, 166, 104, 242, 221, 124, 163, 57, 191, 230, 98, 231, 231, 237, 154, 141, 197, 140, 146, 66, 210, 41, 151, 3, 177, 205, 60, 215, 155, 134, 149, 9, 175, 111, 123, 113, 104, 195, 130, 156, 242, 218, 145, 20, 130, 59, 137, 3, 253, 105, 162, 55, 114, 88, 140, 147, 243, 181, 187, 110, 158, 164, 148, 55, 153, 159, 191, 241, 160, 122, 150, 33, 155, 106, 67, 177, 203, 28, 154, 151, 206, 68, 74, 167, 234, 41, 154, 19, 210, 124, 109, 247, 173, 156, 158, 86, 166, 181, 187, 110, 158, 164, 148, 55, 153, 159, 191, 241, 160, 122, 150, 33, 155, 102, 78, 239, 196, 107, 159, 107, 197, 52, 71, 145, 205, 172, 152, 66, 204, 242, 32, 118, 223, 30, 113, 128, 226, 44, 97, 96, 209, 66, 160, 85, 189, 166, 104, 242, 221, 124, 163, 57, 191, 177, 5, 212, 235, 4, 104, 4, 239, 43, 229, 106, 245, 144, 105, 187, 233, 140, 7, 40, 222, 238, 93, 19, 229, 57, 79, 223, 244, 166, 40, 71, 129, 98, 91, 92, 250, 165, 30, 62, 132, 227, 100, 243, 250, 191, 21, 103, 132, 251, 113, 58, 252, 10, 10, 249, 132, 56, 240, 51, 249, 166, 45, 40, 214, 166, 254, 243, 59, 116, 15, 113, 226, 42, 4, 147, 222, 216, 153, 183, 135, 158, 49, 38, 234, 235, 66, 232, 129, 59, 9, 74, 232, 116, 155, 20, 135, 191, 4, 79, 20, 63, 151, 189, 139, 25, 66, 194, 242, 219, 201, 31, 128, 115, 40, 92, 243, 131, 179, 94, 132, 24, 11, 74, 63, 45, 152, 120, 138, 182, 24, 180, 220, 180, 93, 62, 128, 242, 32, 118, 223, 30, 113, 128, 226, 129, 18, 96, 34, 29, 154, 84, 146, 44, 97, 96, 209, 66, 160, 85, 189, 143, 130, 71, 237, 242, 159, 124, 185, 52, 71, 145, 205, 172, 152, 66, 204, 166, 104, 242, 221, 124, 163, 57, 191, 230, 98, 231, 231, 237, 154, 141, 197, 207, 100, 240, 234, 235, 154, 139, 197, 154, 122, 89, 222, 69, 158, 103, 181, 41, 115, 74, 253, 168, 160, 52, 196, 114, 164, 173, 241, 79, 156, 234, 199, 226, 129, 150, 194, 12, 60, 152, 255, 150, 130, 150, 207, 118, 46, 143, 255, 61, 132, 55, 213, 151, 38, 182, 253, 14, 135, 68, 208, 71, 213, 148, 255, 6, 136, 87, 185, 78, 191, 47, 254, 238, 136, 194, 187, 171, 192, 159, 255, 208, 137, 102, 193, 240, 56, 175, 255, 85, 62, 96, 156, 212, 114, 201, 153, 41, 135, 198, 219, 188, 225, 32, 255, 216, 137, 65, 229, 73, 238, 175, 254, 239, 137, 152, 226, 239, 234, 234, 255, 200, 139, 178, 220, 123, 230, 93, 255, 168, 139, 165, 218, 20, 228, 115, 255, 175, 139, 194, 218, 186, 228, 172, 254, 171, 139, 176, 213, 7, 223, 250, 254, 7, 142, 215, 220, 142, 232, 136, 255, 250, 141, 24, 208, 10, 219, 169, 254, 104, 168, 244, 151, 13, 115, 48, 153, 24, 11, 74, 63, 45, 152, 120, 138, 84, 24, 135, 44, 55, 156, 31, 149, 182, 24, 180, 220, 180, 93, 62, 128, 128, 10, 119, 27, 253, 152, 118, 142, 218, 3, 242, 183, 144, 105, 179, 226, 36, 59, 230, 226, 176, 50, 141, 131, 158, 49, 38, 234, 235, 66, 232, 129, 255, 53, 129, 239, 60, 65, 14, 129, 25, 66, 194, 242, 219, 201, 31, 128, 98, 91, 92, 250, 165, 30, 62, 132, 56, 240, 51, 249, 166, 45, 40, 214, 141, 248, 76, 220, 113, 110, 40, 246, 24, 11, 74, 63, 45, 152, 120, 138, 84, 24, 135, 44, 55, 156, 31, 149, 129, 18, 96, 34, 29, 154, 84, 146, 105, 17, 70, 30, 19, 154, 19, 146, 158, 49, 38, 234, 235, 66, 232, 129, 255, 53, 129, 239, 60, 65, 14, 129, 191, 4, 79, 20, 63, 151, 189, 139, 124, 109, 247, 173, 156, 158, 86, 166, 5, 132, 35, 111, 194, 140, 252, 241, 105, 162, 55, 114, 88, 140, 147, 243, 181, 187, 110, 158, 164, 148, 55, 153, 230, 108, 144, 165, 119, 116, 215, 152, 199, 124, 34, 165, 193, 114, 134, 151, 46, 130, 47, 165, 199, 114, 175, 151, 200, 139, 178, 220, 123, 230, 93, 255, 7, 142, 215, 220, 142, 232, 136, 255, 221, 201, 180, 132, 214, 112, 212, 150, 5, 132, 35, 111, 194, 140, 252, 241, 13, 138, 45, 161, 188, 91, 203, 255, 100, 139, 112, 166, 117, 83, 243, 253, 218, 145, 20, 130, 59, 137, 3, 253, 17, 162, 92, 132, 187, 147, 194, 250, 105, 162, 55, 114, 88, 140, 147, 243, 240, 169, 171, 156, 154, 84, 234, 253, 52, 71, 145, 205, 172, 152, 66, 204, 44, 97, 96, 209, 66, 160, 85, 189, 95, 120, 149, 226, 134, 159, 67, 184, 143, 130, 71, 237, 242, 159, 124, 185, 114, 164, 173, 241, 79, 156, 234, 199, 129, 18, 96, 34, 29, 154, 84, 146, 105, 17, 70, 30, 19, 154, 19, 146, 95, 120, 149, 226, 134, 159, 67, 184, 143, 130, 71, 237, 242, 159, 124, 185, 230, 98, 231, 231, 237, 154, 141, 197, 207, 100, 240, 234, 235, 154, 139, 197, 11, 85, 73, 249, 71, 140, 160, 209, 140, 146, 66, 210, 41, 151, 3, 177, 19, 149, 169, 209, 41, 150, 79, 177, 203, 145, 127, 141, 96, 151, 74, 252, 17, 162, 92, 132, 187, 147, 194, 250, 240, 169, 171, 156, 154, 84, 234, 253, 106, 67, 177, 203, 28, 154, 151, 206, 24, 103, 96, 143, 153, 151, 75, 252, 124, 109, 247, 173, 156, 158, 86, 166, 5, 132, 35, 111, 194, 140, 252, 241, 117, 134, 153, 111, 73, 137, 151, 243, 203, 145, 127, 141, 96, 151, 74, 252, 140, 146, 66, 210, 41, 151, 3, 177, 19, 149, 169, 209, 41, 150, 79, 177, 240, 169, 171, 156, 154, 84, 234, 253, 138, 101, 117, 212, 115, 161, 103, 188, 211, 106, 141, 243, 80, 159, 85, 197, 154, 122, 89, 222, 69, 158, 103, 181, 118, 123, 249, 222, 247, 155, 248, 180, 41, 115, 74, 253, 168, 160, 52, 196, 232, 48, 215, 223, 134, 155, 55, 221, 42, 4, 147, 222, 216, 153, 183, 135, 105, 17, 70, 30, 19, 154, 19, 146, 191, 4, 79, 20, 63, 151, 189, 139, 211, 106, 141, 243, 80, 159, 85, 197, 95, 120, 149, 226, 134, 159, 67, 184, 41, 115, 74, 253, 168, 160, 52, 196, 114, 164, 173, 241, 79, 156, 234, 199, 159, 135, 59, 226, 240, 124, 154, 180, 227, 186, 33, 142, 128, 110, 128, 155, 87, 199, 224, 151, 13, 128, 244, 154, 159, 135, 59, 226, 240, 124, 154, 180, 6, 136, 28, 225, 226, 124, 52, 180, 184, 179, 120, 143, 130, 108, 91, 155, 227, 186, 33, 142, 128, 110, 128, 155, 74, 226, 158, 159, 250, 146, 215, 162, 159, 135, 59, 226, 240, 124, 154, 180, 200, 135, 177, 224, 213, 124, 227, 179, 205, 135, 173, 224, 213, 124, 227, 179, 6, 136, 28, 225, 226, 124, 52, 180, 183, 136, 67, 225, 240, 124, 148, 180, 238, 136, 138, 223, 209, 124, 201, 179, 6, 136, 28, 225, 226, 124, 52, 180, 238, 136, 138, 223, 209, 124, 201, 179, 250, 136, 91, 223, 206, 124, 182, 179, 119, 137, 65, 224, 236, 124, 97, 180, 45, 250, 98, 198, 212, 171, 60, 167, 136, 249, 15, 196, 98, 170, 54, 167, 11, 234, 31, 167, 60, 151, 38, 164, 74, 226, 158, 159, 250, 146, 215, 162, 178, 133, 241, 223, 76, 229, 80, 254, 235, 136, 91, 225, 115, 233, 114, 254, 45, 250, 98, 198, 212, 171, 60, 167, 136, 249, 15, 196, 98, 170, 54, 167, 100, 219, 82, 156, 122, 142, 20, 161, 148, 220, 24, 156, 165, 142, 36, 161, 160, 70, 185, 142, 126, 118, 62, 141, 218, 113, 218, 153, 141, 114, 228, 146, 10, 115, 118, 154, 132, 114, 38, 147, 169, 143, 1, 228, 246, 125, 58, 185, 119, 137, 65, 224, 236, 124, 97, 180, 147, 137, 216, 224, 253, 124, 188, 180, 45, 250, 98, 198, 212, 171, 60, 167, 100, 219, 82, 156, 122, 142, 20, 161, 200, 135, 177, 224, 213, 124, 227, 179, 238, 136, 138, 223, 209, 124, 201, 179, 250, 136, 91, 223, 206, 124, 182, 179, 176, 151, 237, 137, 122, 97, 92, 151, 165, 200, 127, 145, 130, 121, 180, 154, 183, 136, 67, 225, 240, 124, 148, 180, 15, 197, 196, 146, 65, 121, 160, 154, 102, 199, 98, 147, 65, 123, 120, 154, 224, 131, 145, 227, 96, 231, 121, 254, 140, 132, 59, 227, 143, 231, 142, 254, 252, 137, 177, 222, 133, 231, 142, 254, 129, 138, 169, 221, 210, 230, 168, 254, 178, 138, 218, 222, 54, 232, 188, 254, 192, 138, 221, 220, 53, 230, 158, 254, 205, 135, 173, 224, 213, 124, 227, 179, 183, 136, 67, 225, 240, 124, 148, 180, 109, 194, 187, 145, 174, 118, 198, 154, 15, 197, 196, 146, 65, 121, 160, 154, 119, 198, 164, 145, 172, 120, 166, 154, 187, 134, 51, 226, 72, 232, 185, 254, 28, 136, 188, 224, 244, 231, 182, 254, 176, 151, 237, 137, 122, 97, 92, 151, 219, 161, 81, 138, 224, 99, 150, 152, 192, 196, 136, 143, 48, 117, 9, 155, 165, 200, 127, 145, 130, 121, 180, 154, 153, 140, 127, 230, 36, 242, 249, 254, 77, 140, 52, 225, 74, 236, 152, 254, 17, 141, 170, 228, 164, 240, 225, 254, 66, 141, 223, 224, 207, 236, 161, 254, 89, 170, 110, 155, 121, 118, 22, 154, 196, 172, 103, 154, 129, 118, 24, 154, 206, 189, 48, 153, 251, 124, 178, 154, 205, 191, 134, 154, 195, 127, 161, 154, 235, 136, 91, 225, 115, 233, 114, 254, 77, 140, 52, 225, 74, 236, 152, 254, 205, 191, 134, 154, 195, 127, 161, 154, 51, 206, 135, 153, 246, 133, 149, 157, 148, 220, 24, 156, 165, 142, 36, 161, 28, 136, 188, 224, 244, 231, 182, 254, 129, 138, 169, 221, 210, 230, 168, 254, 192, 138, 221, 220, 53, 230, 158, 254, 219, 161, 81, 138, 224, 99, 150, 152, 109, 194, 187, 145, 174, 118, 198, 154, 119, 198, 164, 145, 172, 120, 166, 154, 200, 135, 177, 224, 213, 124, 227, 179, 205, 135, 173, 224, 213, 124, 227, 179, 176, 151, 237, 137, 122, 97, 92, 151, 219, 161, 81, 138, 224, 99, 150, 152, 119, 198, 164, 145, 172, 120, 166, 154, 178, 138, 218, 222, 54, 232, 188, 254, 192, 138, 221, 220, 53, 230, 158, 254, 109, 194, 187, 145, 174, 118, 198, 154, 15, 197, 196, 146, 65, 121, 160, 154, 102, 199, 98, 147, 65, 123, 120, 154, 178, 138, 218, 222, 54, 232, 188, 254, 102, 199, 98, 147, 65, 123, 120, 154, 187, 134, 51, 226, 72, 232, 185, 254, 192, 196, 136, 143, 48, 117, 9, 155, 85, 231, 146, 147, 129, 138, 221, 157, 105, 137, 181, 226, 185, 234, 162, 255, 3, 166, 29, 151, 146, 113, 216, 152, 153, 214, 138, 144, 148, 128, 36, 153, 31, 215, 143, 144, 221, 128, 67, 153, 1, 123, 55, 237, 176, 241, 183, 255, 105, 137, 181, 226, 185, 234, 162, 255, 169, 203, 3, 146, 213, 124, 90, 153, 111, 210, 57, 146, 165, 128, 53, 153, 31, 215, 143, 144, 221, 128, 67, 153, 208, 137, 183, 226, 49, 125, 206, 181, 240, 137, 171, 226, 51, 125, 214, 181, 105, 139, 109, 228, 133, 125, 108, 183, 169, 203, 3, 146, 213, 124, 90, 153, 111, 210, 57, 146, 165, 128, 53, 153, 1, 212, 252, 145, 32, 129, 108, 153, 8, 138, 46, 234, 245, 125, 203, 185, 50, 155, 119, 157, 229, 115, 159, 152, 236, 166, 169, 153, 162, 116, 247, 152, 134, 171, 35, 153, 196, 117, 70, 153, 231, 71, 54, 209, 217, 246, 255, 131, 1, 123, 55, 237, 176, 241, 183, 255, 187, 134, 51, 226, 72, 232, 185, 254, 28, 136, 188, 224, 244, 231, 182, 254, 105, 137, 181, 226, 185, 234, 162, 255, 252, 137, 177, 222, 133, 231, 142, 254, 129, 138, 169, 221, 210, 230, 168, 254, 75, 139, 209, 227, 219, 237, 55, 255, 3, 166, 29, 151, 146, 113, 216, 152, 85, 231, 146, 147, 129, 138, 221, 157, 110, 57, 158, 199, 43, 242, 216, 133, 231, 71, 54, 209, 217, 246, 255, 131, 1, 123, 55, 237, 176, 241, 183, 255, 141, 207, 191, 145, 129, 126, 37, 153, 111, 210, 57, 146, 165, 128, 53, 153, 1, 212, 252, 145, 32, 129, 108, 153, 35, 25, 17, 193, 60, 80, 97, 130, 31, 29, 51, 240, 176, 164, 247, 129, 212, 147, 217, 231, 12, 158, 73, 187, 196, 147, 139, 213, 223, 152, 235, 178, 134, 165, 103, 214, 172, 155, 0, 184, 134, 28, 190, 221, 47, 173, 239, 130, 242, 38, 97, 235, 129, 176, 65, 129, 64, 38, 41, 236, 96, 174, 170, 128, 23, 46, 51, 237, 178, 72, 147, 129, 179, 47, 72, 238, 186, 71, 28, 129, 230, 73, 183, 245, 234, 45, 7, 131, 189, 81, 248, 246, 155, 38, 11, 131, 132, 74, 232, 247, 198, 46, 177, 130, 175, 69, 181, 169, 133, 171, 91, 198, 207, 10, 121, 230, 134, 156, 144, 134, 47, 11, 110, 231, 142, 156, 131, 134, 47, 125, 80, 244, 164, 180, 235, 189, 225, 79, 70, 149, 248, 152, 186, 161, 55, 140, 230, 152, 79, 167, 97, 249, 55, 149, 104, 151, 213, 166, 127, 250, 88, 155, 196, 142, 119, 163, 148, 248, 97, 156, 76, 143, 79, 162, 133, 249, 205, 156, 50, 112, 99, 153, 208, 238, 98, 169, 220, 142, 186, 161, 125, 251, 33, 205, 208, 195, 67, 161, 39, 186, 101, 138, 46, 232, 126, 241, 192, 255, 41, 139, 8, 232, 250, 241, 252, 255, 236, 166, 169, 153, 162, 116, 247, 152, 134, 171, 35, 153, 196, 117, 70, 153, 230, 184, 4, 150, 69, 120, 147, 153, 244, 187, 209, 148, 98, 120, 148, 153, 172, 48, 199, 222, 80, 154, 87, 221, 97, 119, 164, 238, 32, 147, 179, 188, 227, 108, 130, 251, 63, 146, 211, 198, 54, 102, 139, 254, 149, 149, 90, 202, 212, 147, 217, 231, 12, 158, 73, 187, 5, 150, 71, 227, 11, 156, 236, 185, 173, 151, 108, 230, 122, 160, 113, 187, 134, 165, 103, 214, 172, 155, 0, 184, 136, 181, 67, 216, 154, 148, 193, 195, 200, 19, 20, 226, 45, 161, 85, 131, 1, 11, 44, 232, 109, 156, 162, 134, 31, 29, 51, 240, 176, 164, 247, 129, 212, 147, 217, 231, 12, 158, 73, 187, 173, 151, 108, 230, 122, 160, 113, 187, 141, 166, 164, 192, 20, 160, 201, 171, 200, 19, 20, 226, 45, 161, 85, 131, 207, 10, 121, 230, 134, 156, 144, 134, 47, 11, 110, 231, 142, 156, 131, 134, 1, 11, 44, 232, 109, 156, 162, 134, 23, 46, 51, 237, 178, 72, 147, 129, 179, 47, 72, 238, 186, 71, 28, 129, 183, 46, 236, 238, 98, 183, 2, 129, 47, 11, 110, 231, 142, 156, 131, 134, 1, 11, 44, 232, 109, 156, 162, 134, 47, 125, 80, 244, 164, 180, 235, 189, 141, 166, 164, 192, 20, 160, 201, 171, 225, 79, 70, 149, 248, 152, 186, 161, 227, 108, 130, 251, 63, 146, 211, 198, 55, 149, 104, 151, 213, 166, 127, 250, 136, 181, 67, 216, 154, 148, 193, 195, 97, 119, 164, 238, 32, 147, 179, 188, 61, 146, 99, 143, 75, 160, 0, 249, 52, 149, 103, 212, 154, 147, 176, 178, 55, 149, 104, 151, 213, 166, 127, 250, 97, 156, 76, 143, 79, 162, 133, 249, 81, 154, 54, 166, 80, 177, 80, 255, 136, 181, 67, 216, 154, 148, 193, 195, 104, 136, 167, 226, 48, 22, 249, 254, 167, 137, 64, 235, 252, 11, 203, 255, 216, 137, 65, 229, 73, 238, 175, 254, 21, 138, 148, 231, 190, 240, 66, 255, 239, 137, 152, 226, 239, 234, 234, 255, 101, 138, 46, 232, 126, 241, 192, 255, 131, 138, 185, 232, 26, 242, 253, 255, 41, 139, 8, 232, 250, 241, 252, 255, 159, 139, 173, 231, 246, 13, 250, 255, 110, 57, 158, 199, 43, 242, 216, 133, 141, 207, 191, 145, 129, 126, 37, 153, 215, 208, 139, 145, 233, 126, 21, 153, 107, 138, 34, 229, 128, 125, 85, 183, 41, 139, 92, 231, 207, 125, 217, 184, 59, 139, 130, 230, 185, 125, 110, 184, 105, 139, 109, 228, 133, 125, 108, 183, 175, 205, 105, 146, 104, 126, 40, 153, 141, 207, 191, 145, 129, 126, 37, 153, 215, 208, 139, 145, 233, 126, 21, 153, 1, 212, 252, 145, 32, 129, 108, 153, 75, 130, 55, 165, 79, 171, 63, 252, 251, 131, 152, 167, 59, 174, 60, 252, 170, 133, 222, 125, 255, 149, 149, 244, 251, 137, 156, 107, 197, 138, 240, 240, 245, 139, 8, 158, 230, 166, 147, 252, 203, 155, 87, 122, 108, 138, 233, 248, 84, 152, 156, 100, 168, 139, 43, 236, 0, 97, 72, 189, 233, 169, 216, 182, 212, 98, 236, 177, 25, 168, 43, 176, 128, 181, 231, 168, 3, 162, 151, 158, 58, 189, 221, 186, 139, 164, 212, 169, 80, 182, 16, 165, 49, 159, 114, 156, 56, 60, 147, 155, 215, 161, 133, 185, 90, 63, 218, 143, 163, 170, 192, 181, 87, 91, 3, 154, 46, 175, 145, 172, 0, 97, 72, 189, 233, 169, 216, 182, 164, 146, 105, 168, 137, 175, 149, 162, 135, 174, 195, 211, 72, 180, 125, 178, 246, 167, 154, 181, 79, 176, 115, 165, 58, 189, 221, 186, 139, 164, 212, 169, 87, 91, 3, 154, 46, 175, 145, 172, 36, 104, 30, 169, 34, 175, 237, 172, 90, 106, 130, 221, 95, 181, 55, 193, 230, 111, 102, 235, 4, 180, 103, 194, 82, 118, 7, 223, 54, 176, 29, 186, 49, 142, 234, 171, 141, 176, 147, 164, 164, 146, 105, 168, 137, 175, 149, 162, 169, 46, 85, 218, 24, 164, 188, 221, 78, 56, 127, 223, 150, 172, 179, 216, 179, 30, 209, 24, 218, 142, 120, 150, 204, 8, 162, 24, 38, 144, 233, 138, 248, 18, 104, 233, 202, 157, 67, 131, 32, 18, 111, 10, 120, 143, 185, 143, 72, 99, 52, 244, 67, 18, 68, 132, 44, 101, 75, 245, 59, 17, 232, 131, 172, 98, 166, 245, 245, 19, 182, 132, 89, 122, 189, 231, 71, 17, 123, 250, 171, 123, 90, 240, 234, 9, 234, 248, 190, 43, 178, 239, 203, 180, 196, 129, 155, 65, 112, 240, 57, 52, 244, 129, 150, 44, 76, 242, 151, 180, 210, 129, 34, 47, 86, 243, 127, 182, 143, 129, 246, 77, 245, 242, 163, 40, 82, 129, 138, 85, 40, 247, 18, 35, 128, 130, 109, 85, 69, 247, 84, 35, 91, 130, 169, 46, 85, 218, 24, 164, 188, 221, 78, 56, 127, 223, 150, 172, 179, 216, 235, 84, 241, 230, 204, 172, 187, 204, 120, 84, 125, 241, 115, 172, 132, 205, 193, 159, 159, 229, 69, 172, 13, 188, 98, 209, 145, 211, 224, 175, 252, 196, 134, 212, 84, 209, 192, 175, 249, 196, 49, 142, 234, 171, 141, 176, 147, 164, 164, 146, 105, 168, 137, 175, 149, 162, 217, 153, 3, 197, 214, 178, 13, 173, 246, 167, 154, 181, 79, 176, 115, 165, 187, 100, 217, 204, 124, 225, 152, 253, 69, 104, 120, 206, 105, 224, 213, 253, 112, 106, 127, 208, 254, 224, 174, 253, 80, 108, 24, 205, 169, 219, 102, 253, 108, 107, 115, 213, 221, 229, 45, 254, 107, 107, 241, 215, 188, 232, 114, 253, 251, 108, 205, 207, 35, 222, 198, 253, 9, 109, 122, 207, 204, 221, 104, 253, 187, 112, 149, 212, 151, 224, 145, 253, 116, 115, 189, 214, 217, 224, 141, 253, 229, 148, 90, 110, 162, 142, 196, 240, 120, 152, 171, 91, 118, 147, 133, 229, 185, 152, 42, 77, 37, 151, 99, 221, 72, 159, 207, 107, 71, 143, 16, 239, 122, 166, 150, 91, 12, 148, 83, 228, 100, 133, 79, 171, 206, 164, 179, 161, 114, 148, 210, 128, 29, 182, 241, 150, 229, 148, 90, 110, 162, 142, 196, 240, 72, 159, 207, 107, 71, 143, 16, 239, 128, 181, 231, 168, 3, 162, 151, 158, 80, 182, 16, 165, 49, 159, 114, 156, 37, 105, 55, 187, 201, 176, 0, 180, 217, 116, 191, 221, 221, 183, 136, 187, 100, 133, 79, 171, 206, 164, 179, 161, 135, 174, 195, 211, 72, 180, 125, 178, 128, 181, 231, 168, 3, 162, 151, 158, 58, 189, 221, 186, 139, 164, 212, 169, 244, 128, 17, 79, 197, 150, 110, 224, 10, 137, 223, 100, 13, 139, 142, 237, 251, 137, 156, 107, 197, 138, 240, 240, 244, 140, 176, 67, 163, 154, 155, 217, 203, 155, 87, 122, 108, 138, 233, 248, 185, 152, 42, 77, 37, 151, 99, 221, 122, 166, 150, 91, 12, 148, 83, 228, 86, 126, 147, 184, 28, 186, 67, 255, 105, 129, 88, 188, 215, 190, 74, 254, 75, 130, 55, 165, 79, 171, 63, 252, 111, 134, 74, 179, 86, 185, 91, 253, 171, 138, 101, 155, 200, 162, 36, 253, 245, 139, 8, 158, 230, 166, 147, 252, 252, 102, 123, 206, 135, 225, 149, 254, 0, 103, 231, 209, 157, 229, 211, 253, 4, 110, 86, 215, 193, 229, 74, 254, 46, 116, 84, 219, 247, 228, 114, 254, 90, 106, 130, 221, 95, 181, 55, 193, 247, 109, 252, 233, 48, 176, 178, 194, 141, 111, 61, 224, 101, 177, 62, 190, 120, 84, 125, 241, 115, 172, 132, 205, 230, 111, 102, 235, 4, 180, 103, 194, 211, 125, 247, 249, 91, 177, 55, 191, 193, 159, 159, 229, 69, 172, 13, 188, 78, 56, 127, 223, 150, 172, 179, 216, 204, 8, 162, 24, 38, 144, 233, 138, 8, 238, 199, 11, 116, 139, 80, 143, 181, 230, 182, 243, 26, 165, 195, 134, 134, 212, 84, 209, 192, 175, 249, 196, 120, 52, 32, 253, 219, 210, 43, 152, 235, 126, 37, 255, 249, 0, 146, 191, 25, 128, 88, 255, 57, 0, 12, 192, 140, 219, 142, 241, 85, 216, 207, 170, 60, 230, 63, 199, 89, 170, 108, 140, 55, 206, 70, 189, 79, 210, 5, 140, 152, 25, 138, 237, 122, 217, 220, 159, 143, 125, 77, 254, 246, 216, 181, 192, 97, 127, 29, 254, 237, 217, 7, 192, 194, 128, 255, 255, 206, 217, 28, 192, 15, 128, 235, 255, 237, 217, 249, 191, 97, 128, 166, 255, 205, 217, 225, 191, 171, 220, 80, 182, 50, 162, 100, 169, 174, 221, 44, 179, 3, 181, 255, 141, 194, 128, 255, 255, 206, 217, 28, 192, 152, 128, 59, 255, 162, 217, 195, 191, 159, 128, 82, 255, 165, 217, 197, 191, 0, 161, 84, 148, 147, 255, 70, 172, 174, 221, 44, 179, 3, 181, 255, 141, 15, 128, 235, 255, 238, 217, 249, 191, 90, 128, 170, 255, 206, 217, 226, 191, 138, 184, 8, 139, 103, 107, 106, 248, 190, 184, 2, 139, 76, 107, 168, 246, 172, 209, 173, 138, 37, 112, 31, 249, 203, 21, 174, 189, 101, 200, 177, 236, 156, 15, 78, 195, 190, 219, 96, 232, 152, 25, 138, 237, 122, 217, 220, 159, 161, 123, 86, 253, 250, 26, 21, 191, 171, 220, 80, 182, 50, 162, 100, 169, 14, 31, 181, 67, 154, 208, 190, 147, 205, 10, 23, 70, 152, 207, 57, 146, 145, 13, 244, 64, 137, 212, 217, 148, 46, 16, 219, 193, 82, 206, 205, 141, 77, 17, 151, 198, 42, 207, 60, 143, 255, 16, 207, 34, 72, 215, 18, 161, 145, 13, 244, 64, 137, 212, 217, 148, 161, 48, 85, 205, 46, 143, 232, 217, 255, 16, 207, 34, 72, 215, 18, 161, 16, 47, 112, 229, 85, 134, 111, 225, 161, 48, 85, 205, 46, 143, 232, 217, 7, 67, 221, 220, 65, 148, 209, 210, 16, 47, 112, 229, 85, 134, 111, 225, 7, 102, 222, 226, 131, 164, 112, 195, 74, 132, 244, 254, 94, 165, 1, 193, 32, 162, 140, 250, 108, 155, 40, 203, 243, 39, 248, 221, 126, 128, 188, 228, 80, 97, 90, 243, 239, 155, 90, 201, 74, 132, 244, 254, 94, 165, 1, 193, 32, 162, 140, 250, 108, 155, 40, 203, 31, 165, 89, 231, 4, 157, 131, 194, 235, 169, 245, 180, 45, 132, 41, 167, 3, 175, 175, 187, 97, 142, 225, 172, 221, 176, 87, 187, 157, 143, 31, 173, 135, 121, 91, 226, 0, 160, 179, 183, 193, 147, 53, 243, 227, 158, 56, 193, 93, 155, 38, 215, 102, 159, 65, 181, 210, 163, 157, 145, 57, 108, 17, 152, 68, 193, 90, 210, 22, 170, 69, 189, 113, 76, 185, 230, 85, 159, 55, 208, 135, 121, 91, 226, 0, 160, 179, 183, 108, 156, 176, 244, 37, 162, 58, 197, 131, 150, 193, 235, 194, 162, 158, 189, 93, 155, 38, 215, 102, 159, 65, 181, 110, 171, 248, 226, 214, 165, 2, 193, 110, 171, 233, 224, 208, 165, 145, 191, 26, 173, 217, 223, 193, 165, 173, 191, 96, 183, 199, 212, 29, 162, 63, 189, 24, 184, 226, 202, 130, 154, 251, 183, 250, 175, 145, 107, 17, 175, 89, 133, 51, 189, 101, 88, 142, 60, 75, 136, 11, 222, 67, 98, 89, 60, 102, 136, 250, 175, 145, 107, 17, 175, 89, 133, 51, 189, 101, 88, 142, 60, 75, 136, 244, 190, 248, 98, 7, 73, 154, 130, 203, 196, 219, 99, 128, 71, 103, 131, 223, 199, 36, 102, 247, 72, 167, 130, 81, 206, 58, 135, 20, 184, 1, 140, 32, 212, 8, 123, 95, 182, 27, 135, 173, 220, 175, 129, 207, 182, 200, 135, 110, 171, 233, 224, 208, 165, 145, 191, 26, 173, 217, 223, 193, 165, 173, 191, 24, 184, 226, 202, 130, 154, 251, 183, 250, 175, 145, 107, 17, 175, 89, 133, 203, 196, 219, 99, 128, 71, 103, 131, 122, 214, 61, 140, 176, 183, 221, 138, 65, 15, 219, 156, 169, 96, 32, 134, 39, 28, 7, 147, 116, 105, 38, 138, 53, 14, 10, 176, 181, 106, 98, 143, 185, 16, 39, 197, 92, 99, 130, 140, 15, 128, 248, 255, 245, 217, 254, 191, 123, 128, 163, 255, 207, 217, 227, 191, 203, 21, 174, 189, 101, 200, 177, 236, 152, 25, 138, 237, 122, 217, 220, 159, 131, 127, 147, 255, 189, 217, 39, 192, 2, 128, 251, 255, 244, 217, 254, 191, 15, 128, 248, 255, 245, 217, 254, 191, 97, 128, 166, 255, 205, 217, 225, 191, 123, 128, 163, 255, 207, 217, 227, 191, 187, 26, 34, 81, 114, 203, 111, 142, 14, 31, 181, 67, 154, 208, 190, 147, 7, 67, 221, 220, 65, 148, 209, 210, 255, 16, 207, 34, 72, 215, 18, 161, 16, 47, 112, 229, 85, 134, 111, 225, 244, 190, 248, 98, 7, 73, 154, 130, 203, 196, 219, 99, 128, 71, 103, 131, 122, 214, 61, 140, 176, 183, 221, 138, 39, 28, 7, 147, 116, 105, 38, 138, 185, 16, 39, 197, 92, 99, 130, 140, 157, 127, 104, 255, 35, 0, 10, 249, 123, 128, 189, 255, 46, 0, 154, 134, 172, 128, 131, 255, 31, 0, 87, 134, 120, 57, 70, 163, 8, 185, 49, 243, 20, 88, 220, 164, 215, 184, 62, 243, 57, 127, 189, 254, 174, 217, 50, 192, 167, 127, 183, 255, 208, 217, 26, 192, 15, 128, 235, 255, 238, 217, 249, 191, 90, 128, 170, 255, 206, 217, 226, 191, 152, 128, 59, 255, 162, 217, 195, 191, 159, 128, 49, 255, 158, 217, 192, 191, 159, 128, 82, 255, 165, 217, 197, 191, 69, 79, 255, 222, 233, 22, 185, 132, 84, 73, 209, 229, 200, 35, 169, 128, 130, 101, 218, 244, 96, 16, 251, 133, 152, 120, 34, 248, 104, 0, 210, 134, 157, 127, 104, 255, 35, 0, 10, 249, 123, 128, 189, 255, 46, 0, 154, 134, 66, 136, 110, 250, 223, 1, 6, 135, 252, 34, 232, 67, 83, 205, 246, 147, 230, 32, 0, 66, 13, 206, 148, 148, 207, 1, 108, 73, 55, 204, 78, 144, 151, 1, 146, 72, 28, 205, 189, 144, 135, 14, 241, 64, 119, 205, 204, 147, 2, 33, 71, 57, 194, 209, 66, 152, 204, 31, 182, 52, 11, 211, 50, 154, 11, 36, 213, 43, 237, 214, 202, 158, 2, 33, 71, 57, 194, 209, 66, 152, 100, 66, 229, 193, 163, 150, 66, 202, 11, 36, 213, 43, 237, 214, 202, 158, 185, 68, 131, 213, 217, 145, 62, 207, 210, 56, 42, 217, 24, 124, 168, 213, 220, 103, 96, 222, 175, 163, 237, 191, 130, 91, 84, 236, 126, 155, 75, 202, 127, 87, 248, 236, 57, 154, 80, 204, 168, 89, 157, 243, 220, 153, 217, 204, 119, 125, 133, 246, 237, 162, 197, 189, 170, 160, 51, 137, 70, 184, 45, 151, 78, 173, 151, 153, 219, 183, 149, 152, 111, 175, 52, 153, 59, 185, 21, 152, 237, 178, 208, 101, 6, 186, 128, 133, 42, 195, 215, 108, 91, 186, 11, 133, 26, 188, 233, 130, 60, 188, 110, 144, 231, 181, 138, 156, 210, 194, 19, 152, 3, 182, 144, 159, 87, 193, 159, 152, 245, 198, 46, 128, 208, 186, 33, 141, 151, 190, 177, 148, 79, 188, 23, 147, 154, 170, 31, 190, 142, 209, 77, 164, 45, 174, 36, 187, 118, 204, 184, 162, 35, 175, 109, 178, 124, 203, 223, 159, 3, 182, 144, 159, 87, 193, 159, 152, 142, 189, 203, 146, 125, 188, 0, 147, 230, 189, 179, 148, 153, 189, 111, 147, 151, 190, 177, 148, 79, 188, 23, 147, 130, 91, 84, 236, 126, 155, 75, 202, 168, 89, 157, 243, 220, 153, 217, 204, 59, 169, 68, 147, 52, 186, 63, 152, 168, 190, 228, 120, 135, 189, 221, 140, 199, 207, 113, 119, 22, 190, 242, 135, 252, 34, 232, 67, 83, 205, 246, 147, 2, 33, 71, 57, 194, 209, 66, 152, 100, 66, 229, 193, 163, 150, 66, 202, 85, 63, 248, 207, 74, 140, 185, 207, 0, 10, 204, 163, 176, 113, 233, 140, 202, 21, 212, 200, 159, 85, 63, 157, 162, 26, 39, 232, 16, 72, 130, 150, 184, 106, 243, 250, 112, 15, 3, 136, 95, 127, 157, 255, 65, 0, 89, 134, 128, 127, 235, 255, 98, 0, 98, 134, 242, 127, 245, 255, 3, 0, 82, 134, 252, 34, 232, 67, 83, 205, 246, 147, 230, 32, 0, 66, 13, 206, 148, 148, 133, 66, 156, 203, 59, 144, 87, 204, 241, 66, 129, 204, 109, 144, 127, 204, 85, 63, 248, 207, 74, 140, 185, 207, 100, 66, 229, 193, 163, 150, 66, 202, 133, 66, 156, 203, 59, 144, 87, 204, 85, 63, 248, 207, 74, 140, 185, 207, 185, 68, 131, 213, 217, 145, 62, 207, 60, 136, 190, 250, 4, 163, 96, 192, 146, 142, 161, 198, 152, 155, 72, 171, 127, 87, 248, 236, 57, 154, 80, 204, 220, 84, 62, 238, 89, 153, 218, 205, 167, 84, 192, 239, 3, 153, 77, 206, 132, 85, 5, 242, 114, 153, 96, 206, 119, 125, 133, 246, 237, 162, 197, 189, 250, 154, 174, 219, 56, 156, 158, 183, 247, 157, 204, 219, 18, 155, 166, 184, 93, 93, 103, 98, 127, 176, 179, 140, 170, 160, 51, 137, 70, 184, 45, 151, 110, 179, 99, 114, 2, 185, 118, 139, 237, 178, 208, 101, 6, 186, 128, 133, 26, 188, 233, 130, 60, 188, 110, 144, 168, 190, 228, 120, 135, 189, 221, 140, 245, 198, 46, 128, 208, 186, 33, 141, 199, 207, 113, 119, 22, 190, 242, 135, 93, 93, 103, 98, 127, 176, 179, 140, 59, 169, 68, 147, 52, 186, 63, 152, 199, 207, 113, 119, 22, 190, 242, 135, 37, 215, 150, 144, 135, 178, 68, 139, 127, 87, 248, 236, 57, 154, 80, 204, 167, 84, 192, 239, 3, 153, 77, 206, 168, 89, 157, 243, 220, 153, 217, 204, 59, 169, 68, 147, 52, 186, 63, 152, 37, 215, 150, 144, 135, 178, 68, 139, 250, 154, 174, 219, 56, 156, 158, 183, 14, 155, 117, 219, 185, 155, 146, 183, 247, 157, 204, 219, 18, 155, 166, 184, 48, 166, 147, 216, 75, 156, 76, 185, 163, 176, 38, 215, 184, 158, 134, 188, 218, 180, 112, 201, 246, 151, 100, 182, 152, 177, 243, 171, 80, 132, 118, 163, 195, 184, 71, 177, 49, 139, 137, 169, 176, 144, 199, 214, 16, 141, 90, 178, 36, 147, 168, 216, 67, 149, 58, 180, 39, 145, 116, 187, 23, 138, 227, 163, 222, 159, 218, 175, 117, 129, 251, 159, 152, 177, 243, 171, 80, 132, 118, 163, 135, 184, 46, 184, 72, 141, 122, 174, 195, 184, 71, 177, 49, 139, 137, 169, 156, 58, 115, 214, 115, 137, 91, 213, 60, 136, 190, 250, 4, 163, 96, 192, 146, 142, 161, 198, 152, 155, 72, 171, 36, 147, 168, 216, 67, 149, 58, 180, 140, 167, 50, 223, 222, 158, 208, 189, 214, 181, 253, 188, 103, 144, 34, 176, 12, 180, 238, 181, 191, 139, 31, 171, 135, 184, 46, 184, 72, 141, 122, 174, 230, 32, 0, 66, 13, 206, 148, 148, 135, 14, 241, 64, 119, 205, 204, 147, 32, 16, 216, 61, 38, 206, 16, 149, 241, 66, 129, 204, 109, 144, 127, 204, 255, 69, 112, 233, 239, 134, 21, 213, 167, 12, 27, 78, 158, 202, 248, 142, 207, 1, 108, 73, 55, 204, 78, 144, 135, 14, 241, 64, 119, 205, 204, 147, 32, 16, 216, 61, 38, 206, 16, 149, 195, 11, 243, 194, 121, 204, 140, 143, 124, 7, 126, 195, 86, 206, 246, 145, 9, 16, 213, 54, 181, 204, 62, 151, 13, 3, 104, 49, 190, 204, 210, 151, 167, 12, 27, 78, 158, 202, 248, 142, 32, 16, 216, 61, 38, 206, 16, 149, 227, 67, 242, 214, 189, 141, 195, 207, 55, 71, 102, 230, 11, 139, 47, 211, 255, 69, 112, 233, 239, 134, 21, 213, 133, 66, 156, 203, 59, 144, 87, 204, 241, 66, 129, 204, 109, 144, 127, 204, 156, 58, 115, 214, 115, 137, 91, 213, 55, 71, 102, 230, 11, 139, 47, 211, 255, 69, 112, 233, 239, 134, 21, 213, 146, 142, 161, 198, 152, 155, 72, 171, 93, 93, 103, 98, 127, 176, 179, 140, 220, 84, 62, 238, 89, 153, 218, 205, 167, 84, 192, 239, 3, 153, 77, 206, 110, 179, 99, 114, 2, 185, 118, 139, 247, 202, 127, 85, 218, 49, 13, 138, 37, 215, 150, 144, 135, 178, 68, 139, 16, 95, 55, 243, 207, 247, 134, 207, 39, 98, 200, 251, 112, 255, 205, 181, 96, 100, 12, 253, 74, 254, 78, 181, 240, 88, 158, 255, 156, 248, 80, 179, 11, 92, 206, 255, 21, 249, 96, 179, 185, 165, 255, 245, 186, 240, 72, 177, 161, 179, 174, 207, 123, 209, 118, 164, 247, 177, 22, 205, 250, 208, 88, 164, 197, 183, 253, 203, 143, 205, 186, 162, 197, 182, 17, 203, 150, 205, 185, 162, 253, 182, 20, 200, 61, 204, 253, 161, 251, 184, 212, 195, 94, 201, 187, 160, 27, 186, 7, 194, 142, 200, 203, 159, 72, 167, 247, 209, 95, 217, 239, 168, 218, 168, 88, 209, 126, 218, 80, 166, 9, 175, 211, 206, 58, 211, 175, 165, 115, 174, 105, 204, 249, 211, 200, 164, 161, 179, 174, 207, 123, 209, 118, 164, 247, 177, 22, 205, 250, 208, 88, 164, 29, 190, 85, 209, 197, 205, 192, 161, 248, 188, 169, 207, 147, 205, 153, 161, 34, 179, 94, 199, 241, 206, 188, 162, 15, 191, 212, 203, 118, 200, 31, 162, 69, 197, 210, 200, 138, 196, 188, 158, 15, 191, 212, 203, 118, 200, 31, 162, 166, 191, 13, 204, 185, 200, 157, 161, 69, 197, 210, 200, 138, 196, 188, 158, 198, 216, 52, 201, 66, 181, 221, 155, 55, 234, 185, 190, 114, 162, 186, 150, 181, 234, 169, 186, 162, 160, 141, 151, 166, 191, 13, 204, 185, 200, 157, 161, 127, 194, 146, 201, 64, 195, 98, 162, 38, 201, 111, 199, 245, 191, 168, 158, 198, 216, 52, 201, 66, 181, 221, 155, 131, 214, 218, 193, 160, 178, 39, 155, 49, 219, 255, 183, 91, 169, 168, 154, 71, 172, 17, 213, 201, 213, 25, 169, 9, 175, 211, 206, 58, 211, 175, 165, 15, 191, 212, 203, 118, 200, 31, 162, 166, 191, 13, 204, 185, 200, 157, 161, 127, 194, 146, 201, 64, 195, 98, 162, 219, 164, 104, 224, 14, 225, 218, 171, 130, 164, 151, 219, 103, 222, 49, 170, 71, 172, 17, 213, 201, 213, 25, 169, 21, 200, 46, 212, 129, 200, 218, 161, 127, 194, 146, 201, 64, 195, 98, 162, 38, 201, 111, 199, 245, 191, 168, 158, 72, 158, 149, 218, 20, 227, 113, 172, 246, 228, 148, 224, 74, 184, 234, 153, 104, 173, 122, 215, 174, 221, 87, 161, 218, 168, 88, 209, 126, 218, 80, 166, 141, 181, 235, 214, 160, 218, 221, 156, 29, 190, 85, 209, 197, 205, 192, 161, 162, 221, 236, 200, 66, 177, 102, 152, 9, 225, 29, 195, 114, 171, 102, 152, 136, 241, 31, 218, 243, 169, 201, 151, 126, 245, 233, 194, 82, 157, 225, 150, 162, 221, 236, 200, 66, 177, 102, 152, 14, 251, 140, 64, 126, 146, 234, 150, 9, 225, 29, 195, 114, 171, 102, 152, 29, 190, 85, 209, 197, 205, 192, 161, 248, 188, 169, 207, 147, 205, 153, 161, 197, 221, 52, 206, 47, 180, 73, 154, 235, 250, 65, 195, 5, 153, 61, 149, 61, 255, 17, 65, 186, 148, 185, 149, 14, 251, 140, 64, 126, 146, 234, 150, 164, 255, 96, 186, 107, 147, 25, 149, 9, 225, 29, 195, 114, 171, 102, 152, 197, 221, 52, 206, 47, 180, 73, 154, 61, 255, 17, 65, 186, 148, 185, 149, 198, 249, 10, 189, 166, 148, 173, 145, 38, 226, 126, 196, 1, 171, 200, 150, 168, 250, 33, 188, 76, 151, 251, 149, 35, 251, 12, 195, 255, 153, 126, 150, 131, 214, 218, 193, 160, 178, 39, 155, 189, 248, 20, 71, 65, 140, 41, 149, 49, 219, 255, 183, 91, 169, 168, 154, 73, 206, 238, 214, 60, 198, 104, 161, 21, 200, 46, 212, 129, 200, 218, 161, 38, 201, 111, 199, 245, 191, 168, 158, 94, 246, 6, 64, 110, 144, 213, 152, 178, 245, 66, 64, 141, 139, 2, 149, 189, 248, 20, 71, 65, 140, 41, 149, 49, 219, 255, 183, 91, 169, 168, 154, 80, 145, 230, 240, 54, 242, 100, 177, 113, 155, 134, 241, 22, 240, 122, 176, 193, 178, 172, 228, 237, 222, 105, 170, 219, 164, 104, 224, 14, 225, 218, 171, 73, 206, 238, 214, 60, 198, 104, 161, 21, 200, 46, 212, 129, 200, 218, 161, 55, 206, 170, 211, 5, 196, 149, 160, 248, 188, 169, 207, 147, 205, 153, 161, 197, 221, 52, 206, 47, 180, 73, 154, 69, 197, 210, 200, 138, 196, 188, 158, 38, 226, 126, 196, 1, 171, 200, 150, 55, 234, 185, 190, 114, 162, 186, 150, 2, 95, 193, 199, 169, 136, 230, 178, 230, 95, 91, 199, 32, 141, 126, 179, 19, 188, 6, 198, 208, 144, 95, 186, 241, 183, 151, 188, 193, 136, 29, 179, 160, 119, 29, 216, 110, 139, 11, 177, 199, 135, 242, 255, 99, 137, 148, 195, 164, 143, 229, 211, 222, 138, 104, 176, 183, 167, 127, 234, 74, 140, 167, 200, 187, 168, 167, 231, 240, 138, 247, 199, 168, 162, 242, 220, 71, 142, 28, 189, 210, 12, 77, 157, 80, 110, 255, 181, 13, 85, 70, 210, 242, 126, 168, 189, 235, 103, 230, 98, 95, 208, 50, 174, 73, 119, 225, 205, 35, 142, 193, 172, 15, 166, 30, 197, 4, 147, 92, 175, 58, 165, 13, 189, 205, 116, 45, 175, 210, 12, 77, 157, 80, 110, 255, 181, 69, 118, 66, 64, 120, 220, 0, 159, 73, 119, 225, 205, 35, 142, 193, 172, 237, 71, 116, 162, 192, 47, 183, 248, 50, 71, 138, 172, 65, 207, 6, 255, 236, 92, 186, 179, 98, 54, 143, 254, 111, 117, 180, 218, 122, 227, 196, 253, 129, 130, 159, 222, 253, 225, 56, 253, 16, 132, 102, 223, 210, 228, 163, 251, 152, 57, 81, 170, 91, 103, 59, 163, 17, 76, 143, 160, 55, 117, 203, 154, 126, 150, 72, 218, 119, 125, 55, 183, 245, 150, 152, 219, 249, 125, 40, 184, 221, 150, 195, 218, 180, 125, 168, 183, 54, 151, 249, 218, 218, 125, 241, 183, 126, 5, 222, 73, 189, 93, 67, 173, 13, 85, 70, 210, 242, 126, 168, 189, 235, 103, 230, 98, 95, 208, 50, 174, 31, 141, 75, 180, 206, 109, 32, 163, 230, 95, 91, 199, 32, 141, 126, 179, 65, 114, 197, 200, 172, 152, 185, 174, 151, 217, 124, 212, 101, 181, 151, 198, 19, 188, 6, 198, 208, 144, 95, 186, 93, 240, 118, 59, 86, 142, 89, 154, 53, 240, 240, 68, 198, 137, 100, 154, 200, 246, 144, 213, 158, 204, 255, 186, 151, 217, 124, 212, 101, 181, 151, 198, 132, 238, 103, 52, 191, 142, 147, 153, 64, 235, 52, 60, 132, 136, 82, 154, 53, 240, 240, 68, 198, 137, 100, 154, 164, 242, 145, 168, 144, 154, 51, 176, 73, 206, 238, 214, 60, 198, 104, 161, 55, 206, 170, 211, 5, 196, 149, 160, 22, 220, 245, 210, 115, 185, 40, 159, 132, 238, 103, 52, 191, 142, 147, 153, 94, 246, 6, 64, 110, 144, 213, 152, 64, 235, 52, 60, 132, 136, 82, 154, 197, 88, 12, 240, 175, 144, 191, 204, 3, 129, 44, 187, 216, 140, 51, 161, 106, 135, 250, 181, 3, 125, 144, 157, 200, 246, 144, 213, 158, 204, 255, 186, 81, 216, 236, 84, 13, 143, 84, 204, 164, 242, 145, 168, 144, 154, 51, 176, 240, 233, 48, 22, 6, 144, 92, 149, 200, 246, 144, 213, 158, 204, 255, 186, 132, 238, 103, 52, 191, 142, 147, 153, 94, 246, 6, 64, 110, 144, 213, 152, 178, 245, 66, 64, 141, 139, 2, 149, 249, 248, 108, 67, 78, 142, 180, 149, 81, 216, 236, 84, 13, 143, 84, 204, 27, 106, 159, 197, 34, 142, 225, 173, 65, 114, 197, 200, 172, 152, 185, 174, 106, 135, 250, 181, 3, 125, 144, 157, 151, 217, 124, 212, 101, 181, 151, 198, 164, 242, 145, 168, 144, 154, 51, 176, 190, 138, 66, 195, 131, 134, 205, 165, 164, 143, 229, 211, 222, 138, 104, 176, 167, 144, 197, 207, 207, 141, 198, 174, 21, 153, 64, 232, 61, 141, 53, 191, 38, 155, 188, 194, 207, 138, 185, 170, 168, 162, 242, 220, 71, 142, 28, 189, 71, 165, 2, 186, 13, 136, 184, 168, 13, 85, 70, 210, 242, 126, 168, 189, 31, 141, 75, 180, 206, 109, 32, 163, 58, 165, 13, 189, 205, 116, 45, 175, 231, 193, 95, 206, 59, 151, 134, 195, 145, 194, 108, 204, 4, 150, 247, 194, 126, 5, 222, 73, 189, 93, 67, 173, 97, 90, 196, 174, 220, 125, 47, 161, 61, 107, 189, 139, 178, 178, 124, 162, 31, 141, 75, 180, 206, 109, 32, 163, 231, 193, 95, 206, 59, 151, 134, 195, 249, 196, 229, 176, 105, 135, 82, 177, 106, 37, 0, 109, 243, 149, 122, 161, 142, 13, 127, 177, 44, 94, 178, 175, 97, 90, 196, 174, 220, 125, 47, 161, 61, 107, 189, 139, 178, 178, 124, 162, 236, 17, 16, 131, 0, 50, 248, 251, 129, 29, 36, 149, 125, 206, 212, 253, 248, 25, 76, 155, 98, 210, 167, 249, 92, 65, 197, 151, 243, 50, 111, 246, 50, 71, 138, 172, 65, 207, 6, 255, 144, 72, 198, 154, 177, 53, 74, 246, 236, 92, 186, 179, 98, 54, 143, 254, 201, 93, 61, 188, 159, 44, 49, 255, 0, 73, 85, 181, 100, 218, 196, 252, 236, 92, 186, 179, 98, 54, 143, 254, 201, 93, 61, 188, 159, 44, 49, 255, 254, 96, 176, 202, 78, 225, 254, 248, 54, 118, 173, 224, 251, 233, 111, 249, 16, 132, 102, 223, 210, 228, 163, 251, 54, 118, 173, 224, 251, 233, 111, 249, 129, 130, 159, 222, 253, 225, 56, 253, 16, 132, 102, 223, 210, 228, 163, 251, 94, 148, 159, 217, 143, 240, 159, 247, 241, 148, 130, 217, 57, 238, 140, 251, 101, 149, 91, 217, 85, 238, 205, 251, 111, 149, 106, 217, 138, 238, 169, 251, 94, 149, 237, 216, 19, 236, 47, 254, 206, 149, 240, 217, 174, 239, 111, 251, 199, 56, 239, 170, 164, 102, 149, 163, 129, 66, 72, 166, 20, 109, 28, 160, 169, 66, 46, 166, 55, 109, 7, 160, 98, 150, 94, 217, 127, 239, 163, 251, 177, 150, 30, 218, 188, 240, 142, 251, 199, 56, 239, 170, 164, 102, 149, 163, 152, 57, 81, 170, 91, 103, 59, 163, 129, 66, 72, 166, 20, 109, 28, 160, 126, 150, 72, 218, 119, 125, 55, 183, 133, 150, 84, 217, 50, 125, 183, 182, 210, 12, 77, 157, 80, 110, 255, 181, 129, 29, 36, 149, 125, 206, 212, 253, 106, 37, 0, 109, 243, 149, 122, 161, 126, 5, 222, 73, 189, 93, 67, 173, 92, 65, 197, 151, 243, 50, 111, 246, 235, 103, 230, 98, 95, 208, 50, 174, 61, 107, 189, 139, 178, 178, 124, 162, 69, 118, 66, 64, 120, 220, 0, 159, 169, 66, 46, 166, 55, 109, 7, 160, 107, 72, 187, 163, 3, 113, 159, 157, 31, 150, 35, 217, 245, 238, 166, 251, 98, 150, 94, 217, 127, 239, 163, 251, 84, 64, 92, 168, 241, 126, 212, 167, 45, 74, 126, 109, 26, 178, 239, 169, 127, 69, 92, 229, 35, 148, 152, 211, 32, 119, 51, 116, 10, 215, 8, 173, 145, 183, 3, 159, 169, 135, 167, 154, 142, 13, 127, 177, 44, 94, 178, 175, 97, 90, 196, 174, 220, 125, 47, 161, 127, 69, 92, 229, 35, 148, 152, 211, 32, 119, 51, 116, 10, 215, 8, 173, 249, 196, 229, 176, 105, 135, 82, 177, 246, 196, 223, 176, 152, 114, 247, 189, 196, 186, 168, 211, 48, 150, 62, 195, 231, 193, 95, 206, 59, 151, 134, 195, 145, 194, 108, 204, 4, 150, 247, 194, 249, 196, 229, 176, 105, 135, 82, 177, 246, 196, 223, 176, 152, 114, 247, 189, 52, 201, 227, 177, 28, 129, 149, 185, 27, 106, 159, 197, 34, 142, 225, 173, 198, 122, 49, 185, 35, 139, 6, 161, 3, 129, 44, 187, 216, 140, 51, 161, 106, 135, 250, 181, 3, 125, 144, 157, 167, 144, 197, 207, 207, 141, 198, 174, 38, 155, 188, 194, 207, 138, 185, 170, 148, 66, 136, 223, 209, 138, 151, 211, 195, 101, 91, 185, 130, 136, 6, 167, 218, 103, 49, 197, 174, 112, 106, 171, 197, 88, 12, 240, 175, 144, 191, 204, 198, 122, 49, 185, 35, 139, 6, 161, 3, 129, 44, 187, 216, 140, 51, 161, 60, 254, 247, 101, 79, 143, 14, 218, 148, 66, 136, 223, 209, 138, 151, 211, 197, 88, 12, 240, 175, 144, 191, 204, 240, 233, 48, 22, 6, 144, 92, 149, 81, 216, 236, 84, 13, 143, 84, 204, 45, 23, 115, 219, 145, 155, 254, 234, 148, 66, 136, 223, 209, 138, 151, 211, 240, 233, 48, 22, 6, 144, 92, 149, 52, 178, 221, 146, 15, 98, 133, 164, 234, 229, 58, 59, 182, 124, 224, 151, 249, 248, 108, 67, 78, 142, 180, 149, 79, 246, 40, 169, 80, 159, 145, 184, 60, 254, 247, 101, 79, 143, 14, 218, 45, 23, 115, 219, 145, 155, 254, 234, 218, 103, 49, 197, 174, 112, 106, 171, 60, 254, 247, 101, 79, 143, 14, 218, 123, 250, 151, 57, 244, 146, 127, 149, 234, 229, 58, 59, 182, 124, 224, 151, 153, 241, 37, 185, 11, 167, 17, 201, 79, 246, 40, 169, 80, 159, 145, 184, 80, 108, 117, 217, 73, 151, 0, 185, 100, 119, 240, 196, 185, 103, 52, 169, 52, 178, 221, 146, 15, 98, 133, 164, 153, 241, 37, 185, 11, 167, 17, 201, 79, 246, 40, 169, 80, 159, 145, 184, 223, 250, 138, 45, 105, 151, 107, 149, 123, 250, 151, 57, 244, 146, 127, 149, 210, 241, 112, 199, 221, 159, 9, 149, 35, 251, 12, 195, 255, 153, 126, 150, 178, 245, 66, 64, 141, 139, 2, 149, 234, 229, 58, 59, 182, 124, 224, 151, 249, 248, 108, 67, 78, 142, 180, 149, 189, 248, 20, 71, 65, 140, 41, 149, 80, 108, 117, 217, 73, 151, 0, 185, 76, 134, 206, 208, 204, 131, 8, 171, 25, 154, 10, 238, 216, 141, 23, 195, 223, 250, 138, 45, 105, 151, 107, 149, 123, 250, 151, 57, 244, 146, 127, 149, 214, 231, 7, 53, 213, 129, 228, 149, 153, 241, 37, 185, 11, 167, 17, 201, 223, 250, 138, 45, 105, 151, 107, 149, 214, 231, 7, 53, 213, 129, 228, 149, 210, 241, 112, 199, 221, 159, 9, 149, 162, 235, 80, 65, 83, 129, 236, 149, 25, 154, 10, 238, 216, 141, 23, 195, 23, 161, 119, 212, 216, 136, 231, 183, 214, 231, 7, 53, 213, 129, 228, 149, 51, 239, 110, 63, 186, 133, 147, 149, 162, 235, 80, 65, 83, 129, 236, 149, 162, 203, 161, 235, 0, 209, 225, 156, 249, 220, 184, 231, 96, 155, 29, 222, 23, 161, 119, 212, 216, 136, 231, 183, 121, 171, 23, 205, 184, 136, 131, 184, 28, 239, 217, 62, 70, 133, 21, 149, 51, 239, 110, 63, 186, 133, 147, 149, 216, 238, 174, 58, 187, 135, 4, 150, 198, 249, 10, 189, 166, 148, 173, 145, 168, 250, 33, 188, 76, 151, 251, 149, 126, 231, 251, 174, 141, 157, 34, 147, 222, 253, 243, 161, 30, 153, 164, 176, 29, 232, 234, 41, 70, 136, 194, 150, 235, 250, 65, 195, 5, 153, 61, 149, 61, 255, 17, 65, 186, 148, 185, 149, 216, 238, 174, 58, 187, 135, 4, 150, 12, 230, 57, 60, 165, 126, 80, 152, 168, 250, 33, 188, 76, 151, 251, 149, 204, 246, 245, 47, 225, 147, 28, 150, 176, 246, 21, 52, 82, 146, 43, 150, 43, 228, 107, 55, 117, 125, 89, 152, 126, 245, 233, 194, 82, 157, 225, 150, 14, 251, 140, 64, 126, 146, 234, 150, 164, 255, 96, 186, 107, 147, 25, 149, 246, 228, 148, 224, 74, 184, 234, 153, 141, 181, 235, 214, 160, 218, 221, 156, 125, 250, 11, 47, 104, 147, 9, 147, 215, 253, 51, 57, 33, 147, 243, 146, 155, 223, 217, 202, 75, 178, 212, 145, 104, 173, 122, 215, 174, 221, 87, 161, 141, 181, 235, 214, 160, 218, 221, 156, 155, 223, 217, 202, 75, 178, 212, 145, 99, 199, 90, 177, 222, 188, 222, 151, 244, 242, 146, 186, 210, 150, 244, 134, 24, 240, 107, 139, 103, 147, 176, 133, 177, 193, 15, 83, 48, 69, 153, 149, 67, 201, 60, 89, 71, 72, 174, 144, 106, 201, 137, 89, 39, 86, 82, 154, 249, 226, 239, 76, 46, 72, 203, 144, 212, 237, 56, 97, 11, 89, 153, 137, 170, 158, 136, 213, 215, 146, 106, 182, 45, 197, 104, 216, 234, 160, 138, 200, 53, 189, 80, 198, 167, 149, 23, 185, 162, 198, 140, 101, 242, 76, 192, 133, 249, 226, 239, 76, 46, 72, 203, 144, 83, 206, 119, 105, 30, 83, 101, 134, 212, 237, 56, 97, 11, 89, 153, 137, 253, 75, 58, 238, 78, 153, 252, 209, 239, 113, 182, 231, 119, 161, 210, 189, 45, 197, 104, 216, 234, 160, 138, 200, 53, 189, 80, 198, 167, 149, 23, 185, 239, 113, 182, 231, 119, 161, 210, 189, 19, 113, 187, 253, 6, 154, 93, 197, 71, 168, 152, 138, 147, 132, 176, 136, 45, 197, 104, 216, 234, 160, 138, 200, 177, 193, 15, 83, 48, 69, 153, 149, 212, 237, 56, 97, 11, 89, 153, 137, 103, 232, 247, 249, 94, 166, 252, 136, 125, 250, 11, 47, 104, 147, 9, 147, 155, 223, 217, 202, 75, 178, 212, 145, 213, 239, 21, 58, 11, 109, 52, 142, 244, 242, 146, 186, 210, 150, 244, 134, 88, 246, 225, 77, 167, 121, 244, 137, 72, 229, 198, 30, 192, 197, 95, 214, 246, 228, 148, 224, 74, 184, 234, 153, 136, 241, 31, 218, 243, 169, 201, 151, 113, 236, 218, 40, 160, 181, 131, 221, 215, 253, 51, 57, 33, 147, 243, 146, 162, 221, 236, 200, 66, 177, 102, 152, 9, 225, 66, 229, 121, 180, 72, 211, 122, 227, 26, 29, 61, 192, 66, 223, 72, 229, 198, 30, 192, 197, 95, 214, 136, 241, 31, 218, 243, 169, 201, 151, 204, 246, 245, 47, 225, 147, 28, 150, 0, 241, 180, 50, 104, 191, 139, 200, 126, 245, 233, 194, 82, 157, 225, 150, 135, 224, 220, 84, 153, 149, 239, 206, 236, 148, 41, 218, 196, 97, 59, 187, 160, 162, 197, 203, 60, 139, 233, 178, 101, 160, 107, 192, 127, 110, 242, 176, 0, 241, 180, 50, 104, 191, 139, 200, 135, 224, 220, 84, 153, 149, 239, 206, 236, 148, 41, 218, 196, 97, 59, 187, 238, 149, 212, 211, 104, 125, 31, 179, 9, 225, 66, 229, 121, 180, 72, 211, 226, 170, 117, 194, 35, 125, 1, 179, 135, 224, 220, 84, 153, 149, 239, 206, 137, 123, 98, 220, 60, 126, 12, 176, 84, 145, 254, 208, 119, 127, 243, 174, 6, 151, 82, 223, 167, 128, 18, 186, 220, 200, 162, 203, 33, 141, 4, 203, 234, 243, 42, 184, 219, 160, 82, 208, 217, 225, 180, 178, 72, 143, 51, 203, 253, 117, 30, 224, 135, 147, 198, 182, 18, 121, 0, 228, 29, 150, 106, 183, 137, 123, 98, 220, 60, 126, 12, 176, 160, 233, 67, 236, 57, 175, 188, 219, 234, 243, 42, 184, 219, 160, 82, 208, 253, 117, 30, 224, 135, 147, 198, 182, 42, 119, 227, 224, 167, 148, 186, 182, 160, 233, 67, 236, 57, 175, 188, 219, 29, 232, 234, 41, 70, 136, 194, 150, 12, 230, 57, 60, 165, 126, 80, 152, 42, 119, 227, 224, 167, 148, 186, 182, 50, 130, 175, 215, 8, 138, 10, 174, 162, 159, 242, 188, 224, 133, 152, 168, 216, 238, 174, 58, 187, 135, 4, 150, 12, 230, 57, 60, 165, 126, 80, 152, 222, 253, 243, 161, 30, 153, 164, 176, 50, 130, 175, 215, 8, 138, 10, 174, 161, 132, 11, 218, 199, 136, 187, 175, 98, 150, 142, 214, 20, 139, 71, 180, 113, 159, 6, 197, 166, 137, 142, 173, 169, 159, 111, 197, 75, 135, 242, 173, 143, 174, 114, 220, 19, 153, 78, 193, 162, 159, 242, 188, 224, 133, 152, 168, 203, 91, 218, 230, 243, 155, 202, 200, 41, 132, 150, 218, 163, 133, 122, 175, 214, 138, 65, 221, 44, 138, 130, 179, 98, 150, 142, 214, 20, 139, 71, 180, 143, 174, 114, 220, 19, 153, 78, 193, 186, 99, 80, 193, 108, 133, 158, 171, 51, 100, 130, 202, 224, 136, 245, 177, 105, 125, 42, 244, 122, 140, 222, 187, 190, 138, 66, 195, 131, 134, 205, 165, 139, 160, 105, 210, 184, 138, 40, 182, 71, 165, 2, 186, 13, 136, 184, 168, 76, 13, 193, 196, 187, 88, 221, 210, 61, 73, 105, 153, 136, 171, 177, 180, 177, 43, 189, 215, 0, 121, 195, 220, 129, 164, 152, 225, 154, 103, 9, 199, 27, 187, 223, 213, 224, 136, 154, 201, 118, 25, 134, 114, 252, 141, 85, 169, 76, 13, 193, 196, 187, 88, 221, 210, 139, 136, 209, 169, 184, 167, 228, 161, 129, 164, 152, 225, 154, 103, 9, 199, 118, 25, 134, 114, 252, 141, 85, 169, 90, 29, 193, 154, 147, 216, 179, 251, 111, 29, 201, 154, 26, 219, 25, 252, 65, 33, 194, 133, 58, 42, 88, 247, 174, 44, 20, 88, 35, 147, 176, 176, 215, 51, 107, 97, 164, 156, 76, 188, 53, 52, 6, 177, 14, 221, 61, 246, 76, 13, 193, 196, 187, 88, 221, 210, 61, 73, 105, 153, 136, 171, 177, 180, 35, 65, 171, 167, 138, 107, 26, 161, 45, 80, 112, 161, 20, 117, 158, 154, 238, 149, 40, 218, 73, 125, 226, 182, 223, 149, 94, 217, 12, 125, 110, 182, 129, 150, 26, 217, 33, 125, 150, 182, 178, 150, 211, 216, 23, 125, 135, 182, 224, 66, 134, 166, 12, 109, 57, 160, 151, 78, 157, 161, 165, 116, 13, 155, 101, 149, 91, 217, 85, 238, 205, 251, 94, 149, 237, 216, 19, 236, 47, 254, 5, 150, 21, 217, 162, 238, 219, 251, 90, 29, 193, 154, 147, 216, 179, 251, 42, 35, 140, 173, 125, 223, 127, 244, 53, 52, 6, 177, 14, 221, 61, 246, 253, 84, 1, 123, 245, 46, 176, 228, 227, 83, 107, 126, 95, 51, 187, 230, 154, 39, 118, 112, 144, 150, 49, 160, 42, 35, 140, 173, 125, 223, 127, 244, 38, 51, 115, 109, 199, 159, 201, 198, 215, 51, 107, 97, 164, 156, 76, 188, 53, 52, 6, 177, 14, 221, 61, 246, 154, 39, 118, 112, 144, 150, 49, 160, 38, 51, 115, 109, 199, 159, 201, 198, 249, 44, 54, 210, 165, 104, 50, 209, 127, 163, 125, 216, 7, 115, 254, 191, 135, 159, 174, 156, 129, 167, 115, 154, 250, 127, 222, 221, 121, 126, 36, 175, 108, 128, 104, 220, 172, 139, 242, 175, 113, 178, 50, 222, 184, 149, 125, 197, 144, 168, 141, 200, 67, 133, 85, 180, 196, 186, 168, 211, 48, 150, 62, 195, 248, 205, 190, 201, 40, 155, 57, 198, 12, 201, 153, 197, 188, 135, 105, 201, 52, 201, 227, 177, 28, 129, 149, 185, 250, 127, 222, 221, 121, 126, 36, 175, 45, 139, 22, 235, 205, 139, 151, 186, 32, 139, 244, 226, 62, 138, 124, 182, 41, 155, 129, 182, 194, 120, 59, 165, 144, 168, 141, 200, 67, 133, 85, 180, 190, 168, 68, 196, 128, 137, 227, 176, 56, 183, 193, 173, 150, 125, 153, 169, 51, 100, 130, 202, 224, 136, 245, 177, 45, 139, 22, 235, 205, 139, 151, 186, 32, 139, 244, 226, 62, 138, 124, 182, 190, 138, 66, 195, 131, 134, 205, 165, 21, 153, 64, 232, 61, 141, 53, 191, 56, 158, 194, 222, 229, 137, 165, 188, 45, 23, 115, 219, 145, 155, 254, 234, 195, 101, 91, 185, 130, 136, 6, 167, 218, 103, 49, 197, 174, 112, 106, 171, 100, 119, 240, 196, 185, 103, 52, 169, 105, 125, 42, 244, 122, 140, 222, 187, 153, 130, 131, 212, 94, 122, 27, 172, 139, 160, 105, 210, 184, 138, 40, 182, 52, 178, 221, 146, 15, 98, 133, 164, 195, 101, 91, 185, 130, 136, 6, 167, 198, 122, 49, 185, 35, 139, 6, 161, 38, 155, 188, 194, 207, 138, 185, 170, 139, 160, 105, 210, 184, 138, 40, 182, 71, 165, 2, 186, 13, 136, 184, 168, 80, 108, 117, 217, 73, 151, 0, 185, 100, 119, 240, 196, 185, 103, 52, 169, 153, 130, 131, 212, 94, 122, 27, 172, 76, 134, 206, 208, 204, 131, 8, 171, 211, 147, 29, 187, 56, 128, 0, 163, 41, 153, 112, 196, 151, 131, 192, 170, 41, 132, 150, 218, 163, 133, 122, 175, 76, 134, 206, 208, 204, 131, 8, 171, 214, 138, 65, 221, 44, 138, 130, 179, 25, 154, 10, 238, 216, 141, 23, 195, 41, 153, 112, 196, 151, 131, 192, 170, 23, 161, 119, 212, 216, 136, 231, 183, 121, 171, 23, 205, 184, 136, 131, 184, 203, 91, 218, 230, 243, 155, 202, 200, 41, 132, 150, 218, 163, 133, 122, 175, 249, 220, 184, 231, 96, 155, 29, 222, 121, 171, 23, 205, 184, 136, 131, 184, 203, 91, 218, 230, 243, 155, 202, 200, 162, 203, 161, 235, 0, 209, 225, 156, 249, 220, 184, 231, 96, 155, 29, 222, 143, 174, 114, 220, 19, 153, 78, 193, 162, 159, 242, 188, 224, 133, 152, 168, 126, 231, 251, 174, 141, 157, 34, 147, 222, 253, 243, 161, 30, 153, 164, 176, 160, 233, 67, 236, 57, 175, 188, 219, 29, 232, 234, 41, 70, 136, 194, 150, 235, 250, 65, 195, 5, 153, 61, 149, 43, 228, 107, 55, 117, 125, 89, 152, 164, 255, 96, 186, 107, 147, 25, 149, 234, 243, 42, 184, 219, 160, 82, 208, 217, 225, 180, 178, 72, 143, 51, 203, 176, 246, 21, 52, 82, 146, 43, 150, 220, 200, 162, 203, 33, 141, 4, 203, 43, 228, 107, 55, 117, 125, 89, 152, 217, 225, 180, 178, 72, 143, 51, 203, 6, 151, 82, 223, 167, 128, 18, 186, 9, 225, 66, 229, 121, 180, 72, 211, 226, 170, 117, 194, 35, 125, 1, 179, 204, 246, 245, 47, 225, 147, 28, 150, 176, 246, 21, 52, 82, 146, 43, 150, 220, 200, 162, 203, 33, 141, 4, 203, 249, 44, 54, 210, 165, 104, 50, 209, 139, 136, 209, 169, 184, 167, 228, 161, 129, 164, 152, 225, 154, 103, 9, 199, 127, 163, 125, 216, 7, 115, 254, 191, 27, 187, 223, 213, 224, 136, 154, 201, 248, 205, 190, 201, 40, 155, 57, 198, 12, 201, 153, 197, 188, 135, 105, 201, 118, 25, 134, 114, 252, 141, 85, 169, 38, 51, 115, 109, 199, 159, 201, 198, 215, 51, 107, 97, 164, 156, 76, 188, 249, 44, 54, 210, 165, 104, 50, 209, 139, 136, 209, 169, 184, 167, 228, 161, 151, 78, 157, 161, 165, 116, 13, 155, 141, 84, 2, 160, 118, 119, 175, 152, 209, 89, 240, 157, 40, 122, 9, 150, 101, 149, 91, 217, 85, 238, 205, 251, 111, 149, 106, 217, 138, 238, 169, 251, 154, 39, 118, 112, 144, 150, 49, 160, 42, 35, 140, 173, 125, 223, 127, 244, 84, 64, 92, 168, 241, 126, 212, 167, 45, 74, 126, 109, 26, 178, 239, 169, 227, 83, 107, 126, 95, 51, 187, 230, 196, 20, 8, 218, 62, 110, 169, 230, 135, 159, 174, 156, 129, 167, 115, 154, 90, 29, 193, 154, 147, 216, 179, 251, 111, 29, 201, 154, 26, 219, 25, 252, 144, 72, 198, 154, 177, 53, 74, 246, 0, 73, 85, 181, 100, 218, 196, 252, 130, 76, 141, 196, 207, 231, 112, 246, 253, 84, 1, 123, 245, 46, 176, 228, 201, 93, 61, 188, 159, 44, 49, 255, 129, 66, 72, 166, 20, 109, 28, 160, 169, 66, 46, 166, 55, 109, 7, 160, 107, 72, 187, 163, 3, 113, 159, 157, 45, 80, 112, 161, 20, 117, 158, 154, 133, 150, 84, 217, 50, 125, 183, 182, 178, 150, 211, 216, 23, 125, 135, 182, 35, 65, 171, 167, 138, 107, 26, 161, 224, 66, 134, 166, 12, 109, 57, 160, 107, 72, 187, 163, 3, 113, 159, 157, 45, 80, 112, 161, 20, 117, 158, 154, 5, 150, 21, 217, 162, 238, 219, 251, 31, 150, 35, 217, 245, 238, 166, 251, 106, 37, 0, 109, 243, 149, 122, 161, 142, 13, 127, 177, 44, 94, 178, 175, 92, 65, 197, 151, 243, 50, 111, 246, 144, 72, 198, 154, 177, 53, 74, 246, 45, 74, 126, 109, 26, 178, 239, 169, 253, 84, 1, 123, 245, 46, 176, 228, 227, 83, 107, 126, 95, 51, 187, 230, 32, 119, 51, 116, 10, 215, 8, 173, 84, 64, 92, 168, 241, 126, 212, 167, 196, 20, 8, 218, 62, 110, 169, 230, 145, 183, 3, 159, 169, 135, 167, 154, 196, 20, 8, 218, 62, 110, 169, 230, 127, 69, 92, 229, 35, 148, 152, 211, 127, 163, 125, 216, 7, 115, 254, 191, 135, 159, 174, 156, 129, 167, 115, 154, 248, 205, 190, 201, 40, 155, 57, 198, 145, 183, 3, 159, 169, 135, 167, 154, 246, 196, 223, 176, 152, 114, 247, 189, 52, 201, 227, 177, 28, 129, 149, 185, 170, 158, 136, 213, 215, 146, 106, 182, 99, 155, 159, 190, 104, 146, 206, 168, 106, 164, 61, 188, 94, 147, 143, 169, 172, 191, 93, 102, 1, 79, 151, 130, 162, 198, 140, 101, 242, 76, 192, 133, 24, 206, 229, 120, 136, 183, 179, 135, 31, 125, 65, 154, 142, 121, 230, 143, 94, 131, 204, 205, 179, 145, 9, 171, 195, 135, 242, 222, 91, 150, 43, 180, 71, 142, 21, 220, 15, 150, 137, 180, 153, 152, 210, 179, 148, 133, 205, 160, 192, 183, 59, 151, 204, 128, 138, 148, 197, 88, 126, 236, 18, 155, 154, 203, 204, 121, 28, 199, 2, 153, 52, 171, 126, 123, 218, 200, 120, 151, 254, 170, 120, 165, 237, 243, 57, 155, 159, 201, 149, 88, 181, 233, 219, 154, 5, 203, 197, 88, 126, 236, 18, 155, 154, 203, 126, 123, 218, 200, 120, 151, 254, 170, 40, 162, 73, 114, 60, 174, 77, 139, 165, 199, 35, 93, 197, 60, 182, 134, 40, 162, 73, 114, 60, 174, 77, 139, 218, 177, 208, 95, 80, 184, 119, 129, 255, 188, 78, 90, 220, 61, 53, 134, 165, 199, 35, 93, 197, 60, 182, 134, 196, 208, 64, 129, 66, 185, 187, 138, 200, 210, 216, 123, 164, 183, 2, 136, 204, 121, 28, 199, 2, 153, 52, 171, 126, 123, 218, 200, 120, 151, 254, 170, 71, 142, 21, 220, 15, 150, 137, 180, 153, 152, 210, 179, 148, 133, 205, 160, 10, 192, 170, 64, 238, 36, 254, 145, 255, 188, 78, 90, 220, 61, 53, 134, 165, 199, 35, 93, 197, 60, 182, 134, 31, 125, 65, 154, 142, 121, 230, 143, 153, 152, 210, 179, 148, 133, 205, 160, 10, 192, 170, 64, 238, 36, 254, 145, 31, 125, 65, 154, 142, 121, 230, 143, 106, 164, 61, 188, 94, 147, 143, 169, 10, 192, 170, 64, 238, 36, 254, 145, 192, 183, 59, 151, 204, 128, 138, 148, 255, 188, 78, 90, 220, 61, 53, 134, 24, 206, 229, 120, 136, 183, 179, 135, 200, 210, 216, 123, 164, 183, 2, 136, 154, 170, 31, 190, 142, 209, 77, 164, 62, 171, 53, 183, 154, 202, 99, 163, 142, 189, 203, 146, 125, 188, 0, 147, 151, 190, 224, 167, 247, 188, 254, 151, 172, 191, 93, 102, 1, 79, 151, 130, 162, 198, 140, 101, 242, 76, 192, 133, 83, 206, 119, 105, 30, 83, 101, 134, 151, 190, 224, 167, 247, 188, 254, 151, 99, 199, 90, 177, 222, 188, 222, 151, 67, 201, 60, 89, 71, 72, 174, 144, 249, 226, 239, 76, 46, 72, 203, 144, 83, 206, 119, 105, 30, 83, 101, 134, 24, 240, 107, 139, 103, 147, 176, 133, 142, 189, 203, 146, 125, 188, 0, 147, 230, 189, 179, 148, 153, 189, 111, 147, 172, 191, 93, 102, 1, 79, 151, 130, 196, 208, 64, 129, 66, 185, 187, 138, 24, 206, 229, 120, 136, 183, 179, 135, 200, 210, 216, 123, 164, 183, 2, 136, 72, 158, 149, 218, 20, 227, 113, 172, 104, 173, 122, 215, 174, 221, 87, 161, 62, 171, 53, 183, 154, 202, 99, 163, 151, 190, 224, 167, 247, 188, 254, 151, 99, 199, 90, 177, 222, 188, 222, 151, 110, 179, 99, 114, 2, 185, 118, 139, 218, 177, 208, 95, 80, 184, 119, 129, 26, 188, 233, 130, 60, 188, 110, 144, 230, 189, 179, 148, 153, 189, 111, 147, 151, 190, 177, 148, 79, 188, 23, 147, 247, 202, 127, 85, 218, 49, 13, 138, 196, 208, 64, 129, 66, 185, 187, 138, 149, 88, 181, 233, 219, 154, 5, 203, 220, 84, 62, 238, 89, 153, 218, 205, 132, 85, 5, 242, 114, 153, 96, 206, 40, 162, 73, 114, 60, 174, 77, 139, 218, 177, 208, 95, 80, 184, 119, 129, 247, 202, 127, 85, 218, 49, 13, 138, 149, 88, 181, 233, 219, 154, 5, 203, 197, 88, 126, 236, 18, 155, 154, 203, 132, 85, 5, 242, 114, 153, 96, 206, 120, 165, 237, 243, 57, 155, 159, 201, 247, 157, 204, 219, 18, 155, 166, 184, 48, 166, 147, 216, 75, 156, 76, 185, 130, 150, 203, 245, 252, 160, 136, 195, 222, 159, 218, 175, 117, 129, 251, 159, 163, 176, 38, 215, 184, 158, 134, 188, 152, 177, 243, 171, 80, 132, 118, 163, 167, 12, 27, 78, 158, 202, 248, 142, 55, 31, 102, 205, 135, 120, 131, 225, 13, 3, 104, 49, 190, 204, 210, 151, 227, 67, 242, 214, 189, 141, 195, 207, 216, 64, 220, 241, 103, 130, 46, 219, 130, 164, 151, 219, 103, 222, 49, 170, 71, 172, 17, 213, 201, 213, 25, 169, 64, 182, 97, 214, 198, 211, 254, 165, 9, 175, 211, 206, 58, 211, 175, 165, 161, 179, 174, 207, 123, 209, 118, 164, 102, 182, 1, 209, 106, 208, 180, 164, 197, 183, 253, 203, 143, 205, 186, 162, 113, 155, 134, 241, 22, 240, 122, 176, 116, 171, 26, 237, 246, 231, 2, 174, 83, 168, 19, 234, 195, 230, 147, 173, 219, 164, 104, 224, 14, 225, 218, 171, 130, 164, 151, 219, 103, 222, 49, 170, 147, 179, 222, 217, 204, 214, 32, 168, 64, 182, 97, 214, 198, 211, 254, 165, 72, 158, 149, 218, 20, 227, 113, 172, 72, 167, 247, 209, 95, 217, 239, 168, 218, 168, 88, 209, 126, 218, 80, 166, 95, 169, 48, 199, 155, 213, 47, 166, 154, 170, 31, 190, 142, 209, 77, 164, 62, 171, 53, 183, 154, 202, 99, 163, 45, 174, 36, 187, 118, 204, 184, 162, 42, 138, 129, 253, 226, 252, 23, 185, 52, 144, 12, 249, 72, 248, 102, 182, 80, 145, 230, 240, 54, 242, 100, 177, 193, 178, 172, 228, 237, 222, 105, 170, 162, 174, 173, 222, 49, 220, 31, 170, 162, 203, 161, 235, 0, 209, 225, 156, 198, 249, 10, 189, 166, 148, 173, 145, 38, 226, 126, 196, 1, 171, 200, 150, 28, 239, 217, 62, 70, 133, 21, 149, 55, 234, 185, 190, 114, 162, 186, 150, 181, 234, 169, 186, 162, 160, 141, 151, 126, 231, 251, 174, 141, 157, 34, 147, 210, 241, 112, 199, 221, 159, 9, 149, 35, 251, 12, 195, 255, 153, 126, 150, 198, 216, 52, 201, 66, 181, 221, 155, 28, 239, 217, 62, 70, 133, 21, 149, 51, 239, 110, 63, 186, 133, 147, 149, 131, 214, 218, 193, 160, 178, 39, 155, 162, 235, 80, 65, 83, 129, 236, 149, 181, 234, 169, 186, 162, 160, 141, 151, 198, 170, 206, 201, 136, 213, 235, 165, 129, 171, 61, 197, 28, 215, 100, 163, 201, 173, 204, 199, 80, 213, 42, 163, 84, 181, 126, 186, 230, 203, 191, 158, 161, 184, 118, 180, 220, 199, 124, 156, 105, 186, 85, 170, 74, 197, 134, 153, 76, 198, 45, 175, 139, 195, 9, 150, 105, 186, 85, 170, 74, 197, 134, 153, 76, 198, 45, 175, 139, 195, 9, 150, 81, 206, 58, 135, 20, 184, 1, 140, 180, 205, 177, 145, 140, 186, 56, 142, 173, 220, 175, 129, 207, 182, 200, 135, 237, 178, 208, 101, 6, 186, 128, 133, 231, 181, 138, 156, 210, 194, 19, 152, 245, 198, 46, 128, 208, 186, 33, 141, 42, 195, 215, 108, 91, 186, 11, 133, 126, 195, 61, 109, 21, 185, 209, 132, 186, 196, 253, 108, 60, 185, 102, 132, 223, 199, 36, 102, 247, 72, 167, 130, 81, 206, 58, 135, 20, 184, 1, 140, 180, 205, 177, 145, 140, 186, 56, 142, 35, 175, 109, 178, 124, 203, 223, 159, 231, 181, 138, 156, 210, 194, 19, 152, 161, 184, 118, 180, 220, 199, 124, 156, 3, 182, 144, 159, 87, 193, 159, 152, 105, 186, 85, 170, 74, 197, 134, 153, 180, 205, 177, 145, 140, 186, 56, 142, 129, 168, 43, 178, 140, 129, 171, 164, 117, 187, 233, 195, 203, 153, 87, 180, 94, 189, 249, 100, 5, 182, 177, 128, 126, 195, 61, 109, 21, 185, 209, 132, 186, 196, 253, 108, 60, 185, 102, 132, 113, 76, 185, 230, 85, 159, 55, 208, 75, 83, 63, 235, 84, 160, 207, 205, 110, 171, 248, 226, 214, 165, 2, 193, 129, 168, 43, 178, 140, 129, 171, 164, 73, 176, 238, 200, 59, 153, 252, 179, 117, 187, 233, 195, 203, 153, 87, 180, 229, 31, 236, 58, 121, 211, 136, 151, 202, 31, 87, 57, 68, 212, 62, 152, 159, 35, 31, 53, 57, 214, 95, 154, 164, 99, 94, 239, 228, 161, 123, 199, 146, 94, 53, 242, 86, 160, 44, 202, 244, 28, 12, 123, 147, 134, 21, 231, 246, 0, 181, 73, 255, 206, 195, 144, 69, 1, 70, 73, 119, 205, 150, 144, 229, 31, 236, 58, 121, 211, 136, 151, 159, 35, 31, 53, 57, 214, 95, 154, 51, 35, 93, 49, 196, 212, 8, 156, 173, 230, 132, 228, 26, 116, 13, 237, 128, 25, 102, 72, 128, 207, 179, 145, 181, 7, 173, 181, 107, 204, 242, 140, 246, 0, 181, 73, 255, 206, 195, 144, 229, 31, 236, 58, 121, 211, 136, 151, 202, 31, 87, 57, 68, 212, 62, 152, 159, 9, 27, 182, 13, 207, 220, 140, 181, 7, 173, 181, 107, 204, 242, 140, 207, 1, 108, 73, 55, 204, 78, 144, 246, 0, 181, 73, 255, 206, 195, 144, 69, 1, 70, 73, 119, 205, 150, 144, 151, 1, 146, 72, 28, 205, 189, 144, 195, 11, 243, 194, 121, 204, 140, 143, 84, 45, 195, 204, 10, 211, 118, 131, 58, 52, 222, 215, 149, 210, 197, 131, 160, 54, 116, 216, 162, 214, 146, 132, 35, 45, 177, 204, 23, 212, 13, 132, 84, 45, 195, 204, 10, 211, 118, 131, 58, 52, 222, 215, 149, 210, 197, 131, 69, 79, 255, 222, 233, 22, 185, 132, 212, 105, 115, 241, 83, 9, 236, 133, 130, 101, 218, 244, 96, 16, 251, 133, 228, 12, 129, 160, 92, 112, 31, 139, 71, 14, 177, 171, 157, 108, 112, 140, 232, 126, 24, 255, 67, 0, 89, 134, 92, 127, 144, 255, 58, 0, 87, 134, 248, 39, 245, 167, 253, 221, 71, 248, 56, 48, 176, 187, 145, 214, 64, 237, 120, 52, 32, 253, 219, 210, 43, 152, 143, 125, 77, 254, 246, 216, 181, 192, 97, 127, 29, 254, 237, 217, 7, 192, 60, 130, 66, 254, 49, 217, 116, 191, 140, 219, 142, 241, 85, 216, 207, 170, 248, 39, 245, 167, 253, 221, 71, 248, 235, 126, 37, 255, 249, 0, 146, 191, 140, 219, 142, 241, 85, 216, 207, 170, 228, 12, 129, 160, 92, 112, 31, 139, 71, 14, 177, 171, 157, 108, 112, 140, 53, 14, 10, 176, 181, 106, 98, 143, 234, 16, 234, 177, 93, 102, 50, 149, 131, 127, 147, 255, 189, 217, 39, 192, 123, 128, 163, 255, 207, 217, 227, 191, 71, 14, 177, 171, 157, 108, 112, 140, 53, 14, 10, 176, 181, 106, 98, 143, 185, 16, 39, 197, 92, 99, 130, 140, 92, 127, 144, 255, 58, 0, 87, 134, 172, 128, 131, 255, 31, 0, 87, 134, 110, 171, 248, 226, 214, 165, 2, 193, 96, 183, 199, 212, 29, 162, 63, 189, 129, 168, 43, 178, 140, 129, 171, 164, 94, 189, 249, 100, 5, 182, 177, 128, 110, 171, 233, 224, 208, 165, 145, 191, 96, 183, 199, 212, 29, 162, 63, 189, 94, 189, 249, 100, 5, 182, 177, 128, 244, 190, 248, 98, 7, 73, 154, 130, 126, 195, 61, 109, 21, 185, 209, 132, 223, 199, 36, 102, 247, 72, 167, 130, 122, 214, 61, 140, 176, 183, 221, 138, 220, 103, 96, 222, 175, 163, 237, 191, 119, 125, 133, 246, 237, 162, 197, 189, 108, 156, 176, 244, 37, 162, 58, 197, 131, 150, 193, 235, 194, 162, 158, 189, 250, 154, 174, 219, 56, 156, 158, 183, 14, 155, 117, 219, 185, 155, 146, 183, 10, 158, 9, 221, 118, 158, 224, 184, 214, 159, 31, 223, 211, 158, 94, 186, 177, 160, 137, 213, 53, 153, 104, 182, 3, 175, 175, 187, 97, 142, 225, 172, 221, 176, 87, 187, 157, 143, 31, 173, 214, 181, 253, 188, 103, 144, 34, 176, 12, 180, 238, 181, 191, 139, 31, 171, 187, 26, 34, 81, 114, 203, 111, 142, 128, 25, 102, 72, 128, 207, 179, 145, 202, 31, 87, 57, 68, 212, 62, 152, 7, 67, 221, 220, 65, 148, 209, 210, 7, 102, 222, 226, 131, 164, 112, 195, 164, 99, 94, 239, 228, 161, 123, 199, 187, 26, 34, 81, 114, 203, 111, 142, 128, 25, 102, 72, 128, 207, 179, 145, 159, 9, 27, 182, 13, 207, 220, 140, 181, 7, 173, 181, 107, 204, 242, 140, 14, 31, 181, 67, 154, 208, 190, 147, 46, 16, 219, 193, 82, 206, 205, 141, 120, 57, 70, 163, 8, 185, 49, 243, 56, 48, 176, 187, 145, 214, 64, 237, 97, 127, 29, 254, 237, 217, 7, 192, 194, 128, 255, 255, 206, 217, 28, 192, 152, 128, 59, 255, 162, 217, 195, 191, 0, 10, 204, 163, 176, 113, 233, 140, 236, 20, 55, 214, 233, 86, 94, 146, 242, 127, 245, 255, 3, 0, 82, 134, 69, 1, 70, 73, 119, 205, 150, 144, 151, 1, 146, 72, 28, 205, 189, 144, 131, 33, 40, 57, 159, 209, 88, 152, 204, 31, 182, 52, 11, 211, 50, 154, 51, 35, 93, 49, 196, 212, 8, 156, 131, 33, 40, 57, 159, 209, 88, 152, 204, 31, 182, 52, 11, 211, 50, 154, 11, 36, 213, 43, 237, 214, 202, 158, 124, 62, 253, 212, 249, 130, 77, 209, 210, 56, 42, 217, 24, 124, 168, 213, 131, 33, 40, 57, 159, 209, 88, 152, 51, 35, 93, 49, 196, 212, 8, 156, 124, 62, 253, 212, 249, 130, 77, 209, 173, 230, 132, 228, 26, 116, 13, 237, 244, 28, 12, 123, 147, 134, 21, 231, 124, 62, 253, 212, 249, 130, 77, 209, 185, 68, 131, 213, 217, 145, 62, 207, 210, 56, 42, 217, 24, 124, 168, 213, 141, 64, 136, 245, 107, 161, 204, 214, 60, 136, 190, 250, 4, 163, 96, 192, 173, 230, 132, 228, 26, 116, 13, 237, 140, 167, 50, 223, 222, 158, 208, 189, 75, 83, 63, 235, 84, 160, 207, 205, 73, 176, 238, 200, 59, 153, 252, 179, 78, 173, 151, 153, 219, 183, 149, 152, 111, 175, 52, 153, 59, 185, 21, 152, 73, 176, 238, 200, 59, 153, 252, 179, 111, 175, 52, 153, 59, 185, 21, 152, 117, 187, 233, 195, 203, 153, 87, 180, 42, 195, 215, 108, 91, 186, 11, 133, 186, 196, 253, 108, 60, 185, 102, 132, 113, 76, 185, 230, 85, 159, 55, 208, 220, 103, 96, 222, 175, 163, 237, 191, 75, 83, 63, 235, 84, 160, 207, 205, 130, 91, 84, 236, 126, 155, 75, 202, 108, 156, 176, 244, 37, 162, 58, 197, 170, 160, 51, 137, 70, 184, 45, 151, 78, 173, 151, 153, 219, 183, 149, 152, 168, 190, 228, 120, 135, 189, 221, 140, 14, 155, 117, 219, 185, 155, 146, 183, 10, 158, 9, 221, 118, 158, 224, 184, 177, 160, 137, 213, 53, 153, 104, 182, 12, 180, 238, 181, 191, 139, 31, 171, 135, 184, 46, 184, 72, 141, 122, 174, 195, 184, 71, 177, 49, 139, 137, 169, 7, 102, 222, 226, 131, 164, 112, 195, 164, 99, 94, 239, 228, 161, 123, 199, 146, 94, 53, 242, 86, 160, 44, 202, 141, 64, 136, 245, 107, 161, 204, 214, 74, 132, 244, 254, 94, 165, 1, 193, 140, 167, 50, 223, 222, 158, 208, 189, 221, 176, 87, 187, 157, 143, 31, 173, 214, 181, 253, 188, 103, 144, 34, 176, 244, 28, 12, 123, 147, 134, 21, 231, 159, 35, 31, 53, 57, 214, 95, 154, 146, 94, 53, 242, 86, 160, 44, 202, 141, 64, 136, 245, 107, 161, 204, 214, 228, 12, 129, 160, 92, 112, 31, 139, 234, 16, 234, 177, 93, 102, 50, 149, 236, 20, 55, 214, 233, 86, 94, 146, 232, 126, 24, 255, 67, 0, 89, 134, 95, 127, 157, 255, 65, 0, 89, 134, 242, 127, 245, 255, 3, 0, 82, 134, 0, 10, 204, 163, 176, 113, 233, 140, 234, 16, 234, 177, 93, 102, 50, 149, 202, 21, 212, 200, 159, 85, 63, 157, 236, 20, 55, 214, 233, 86, 94, 146, 131, 127, 147, 255, 189, 217, 39, 192, 32, 128, 248, 255, 244, 217, 0, 192, 15, 128, 235, 255, 237, 217, 249, 191, 97, 128, 166, 255, 205, 217, 225, 191, 119, 11, 200, 75, 43, 208, 94, 144, 205, 10, 23, 70, 152, 207, 57, 146, 145, 13, 244, 64, 137, 212, 217, 148, 161, 48, 85, 205, 46, 143, 232, 217, 153, 72, 137, 240, 1, 151, 52, 212, 80, 97, 90, 243, 239, 155, 90, 201, 32, 162, 140, 250, 108, 155, 40, 203, 152, 120, 34, 248, 104, 0, 210, 134, 184, 106, 138, 251, 165, 15, 231, 136, 91, 129, 231, 253, 207, 0, 224, 248, 0, 136, 117, 253, 71, 4, 45, 138, 161, 131, 169, 252, 30, 0, 186, 248, 84, 132, 25, 252, 14, 0, 195, 248, 251, 132, 116, 251, 32, 0, 186, 248, 66, 136, 110, 250, 223, 1, 6, 135, 117, 134, 21, 250, 47, 0, 213, 248, 32, 135, 95, 249, 80, 0, 197, 248, 62, 140, 138, 243, 157, 1, 85, 249, 65, 15, 219, 156, 169, 96, 32, 134, 21, 15, 64, 170, 96, 99, 39, 134, 214, 13, 119, 175, 246, 97, 174, 131, 2, 128, 251, 255, 244, 217, 254, 191, 15, 128, 248, 255, 245, 217, 254, 191, 6, 129, 63, 255, 165, 217, 198, 191, 65, 15, 219, 156, 169, 96, 32, 134, 39, 28, 7, 147, 116, 105, 38, 138, 21, 15, 64, 170, 96, 99, 39, 134, 157, 127, 104, 255, 35, 0, 10, 249, 91, 129, 231, 253, 207, 0, 224, 248, 66, 136, 110, 250, 223, 1, 6, 135, 159, 9, 27, 182, 13, 207, 220, 140, 46, 16, 219, 193, 82, 206, 205, 141, 169, 17, 116, 198, 143, 207, 39, 143, 77, 17, 151, 198, 42, 207, 60, 143, 35, 45, 177, 204, 23, 212, 13, 132, 84, 45, 195, 204, 10, 211, 118, 131, 176, 44, 233, 205, 43, 213, 126, 133, 119, 11, 200, 75, 43, 208, 94, 144, 205, 10, 23, 70, 152, 207, 57, 146, 80, 9, 186, 69, 126, 207, 75, 146, 169, 17, 116, 198, 143, 207, 39, 143, 77, 17, 151, 198, 42, 207, 60, 143, 106, 16, 24, 56, 201, 211, 20, 152, 119, 11, 200, 75, 43, 208, 94, 144, 106, 16, 24, 56, 201, 211, 20, 152, 222, 72, 97, 239, 90, 152, 187, 211, 153, 72, 137, 240, 1, 151, 52, 212, 222, 72, 97, 239, 90, 152, 187, 211, 153, 72, 137, 240, 1, 151, 52, 212, 80, 97, 90, 243, 239, 155, 90, 201, 27, 186, 161, 238, 42, 153, 244, 208, 31, 165, 89, 231, 4, 157, 131, 194, 135, 121, 91, 226, 0, 160, 179, 183, 251, 137, 199, 243, 203, 162, 164, 189, 79, 138, 68, 241, 77, 168, 149, 188, 193, 147, 53, 243, 227, 158, 56, 193, 131, 150, 193, 235, 194, 162, 158, 189, 205, 147, 24, 230, 215, 158, 112, 186, 10, 158, 9, 221, 118, 158, 224, 184, 214, 159, 31, 223, 211, 158, 94, 186, 177, 160, 137, 213, 53, 153, 104, 182, 93, 155, 38, 215, 102, 159, 65, 181, 26, 173, 217, 223, 193, 165, 173, 191, 68, 193, 90, 210, 22, 170, 69, 189, 24, 184, 226, 202, 130, 154, 251, 183, 114, 217, 129, 76, 180, 51, 168, 144, 85, 237, 99, 80, 108, 54, 97, 142, 11, 222, 67, 98, 89, 60, 102, 136, 79, 138, 68, 241, 77, 168, 149, 188, 193, 147, 53, 243, 227, 158, 56, 193, 210, 163, 157, 145, 57, 108, 17, 152, 119, 181, 221, 197, 92, 161, 17, 177, 197, 191, 231, 143, 151, 115, 173, 154, 234, 14, 190, 159, 131, 94, 82, 133, 214, 13, 119, 175, 246, 97, 174, 131, 11, 127, 128, 255, 123, 0, 27, 165, 6, 129, 63, 255, 165, 217, 198, 191, 74, 131, 156, 254, 171, 217, 202, 191, 133, 39, 180, 146, 193, 162, 115, 248, 156, 15, 78, 195, 190, 219, 96, 232, 82, 103, 252, 168, 152, 212, 121, 206, 161, 123, 86, 253, 250, 26, 21, 191, 133, 39, 180, 146, 193, 162, 115, 248, 203, 21, 174, 189, 101, 200, 177, 236, 156, 15, 78, 195, 190, 219, 96, 232, 2, 128, 251, 255, 244, 217, 254, 191, 6, 129, 63, 255, 165, 217, 198, 191, 74, 131, 156, 254, 171, 217, 202, 191, 249, 8, 5, 80, 195, 207, 226, 142, 80, 9, 186, 69, 126, 207, 75, 146, 106, 16, 24, 56, 201, 211, 20, 152, 222, 72, 97, 239, 90, 152, 187, 211, 48, 180, 196, 240, 71, 154, 228, 206, 27, 186, 161, 238, 42, 153, 244, 208, 205, 147, 24, 230, 215, 158, 112, 186, 214, 159, 31, 223, 211, 158, 94, 186, 235, 169, 245, 180, 45, 132, 41, 167, 25, 172, 199, 180, 103, 136, 156, 167, 3, 175, 175, 187, 97, 142, 225, 172, 167, 127, 183, 255, 208, 217, 26, 192, 90, 128, 170, 255, 206, 217, 226, 191, 180, 183, 2, 139, 39, 107, 63, 247, 190, 184, 2, 139, 76, 107, 168, 246, 179, 184, 62, 143, 221, 100, 31, 243, 160, 235, 26, 132, 222, 122, 123, 251, 16, 0, 134, 197, 47, 146, 8, 251, 251, 6, 152, 27, 41, 144, 191, 137, 129, 15, 126, 243, 188, 158, 244, 134, 187, 13, 90, 246, 92, 155, 122, 134, 190, 225, 242, 11, 176, 142, 222, 150, 142, 219, 6, 224, 200, 149, 82, 221, 16, 0, 134, 197, 47, 146, 8, 251, 146, 51, 234, 223, 68, 163, 84, 219, 253, 49, 42, 226, 234, 156, 180, 220, 251, 6, 152, 27, 41, 144, 191, 137, 236, 26, 138, 9, 80, 141, 39, 147, 239, 6, 246, 254, 136, 148, 25, 135, 16, 0, 134, 197, 47, 146, 8, 251, 153, 84, 98, 196, 149, 164, 2, 193, 146, 51, 234, 223, 68, 163, 84, 219, 115, 99, 181, 190, 169, 167, 95, 181, 2, 113, 42, 202, 108, 176, 136, 181, 162, 114, 15, 205, 211, 176, 222, 181, 137, 195, 128, 244, 204, 144, 234, 217, 142, 219, 6, 224, 200, 149, 82, 221, 42, 61, 160, 227, 165, 207, 202, 128, 11, 10, 7, 228, 27, 167, 33, 139, 182, 75, 93, 232, 221, 34, 227, 130, 23, 56, 149, 237, 175, 200, 118, 133, 92, 13, 18, 246, 111, 165, 209, 139, 102, 20, 64, 250, 240, 168, 31, 139, 170, 14, 188, 198, 124, 111, 128, 229, 123, 86, 171, 206, 96, 1, 16, 247, 59, 88, 55, 206, 26, 6, 135, 248, 110, 88, 99, 206, 210, 5, 59, 248, 69, 26, 179, 226, 36, 110, 194, 229, 70, 67, 242, 218, 140, 33, 197, 128, 42, 61, 160, 227, 165, 207, 202, 128, 52, 57, 105, 229, 103, 208, 224, 133, 188, 77, 116, 227, 24, 28, 12, 129, 181, 46, 122, 232, 125, 194, 244, 133, 23, 56, 149, 237, 175, 200, 118, 133, 10, 32, 127, 199, 159, 120, 94, 222, 7, 35, 74, 18, 7, 83, 1, 252, 1, 47, 35, 6, 163, 142, 207, 156, 230, 173, 233, 202, 230, 155, 209, 179, 139, 239, 243, 197, 165, 160, 187, 148, 10, 32, 127, 199, 159, 120, 94, 222, 30, 105, 180, 193, 151, 170, 159, 180, 25, 239, 252, 1, 171, 157, 168, 149, 62, 135, 236, 215, 110, 170, 24, 179, 139, 239, 243, 197, 165, 160, 187, 148, 40, 84, 118, 188, 28, 173, 47, 192, 46, 83, 128, 204, 169, 165, 195, 199, 223, 89, 173, 206, 147, 169, 146, 196, 52, 94, 151, 206, 225, 171, 88, 193, 95, 117, 69, 239, 227, 174, 3, 192, 218, 118, 215, 225, 7, 172, 68, 186, 153, 84, 98, 196, 149, 164, 2, 193, 46, 83, 128, 204, 169, 165, 195, 199, 223, 89, 173, 206, 147, 169, 146, 196, 142, 98, 12, 195, 8, 169, 58, 184, 75, 110, 79, 218, 209, 169, 139, 187, 175, 97, 139, 238, 213, 164, 52, 200, 162, 114, 15, 205, 211, 176, 222, 181, 42, 96, 161, 241, 26, 169, 69, 201, 146, 51, 234, 223, 68, 163, 84, 219, 253, 49, 42, 226, 234, 156, 180, 220, 2, 113, 42, 202, 108, 176, 136, 181, 154, 114, 30, 252, 24, 176, 207, 195, 171, 129, 37, 220, 73, 176, 228, 180, 251, 6, 152, 27, 41, 144, 191, 137, 73, 54, 83, 242, 222, 191, 101, 130, 67, 50, 115, 244, 152, 191, 64, 134, 98, 41, 116, 244, 113, 176, 253, 129, 187, 13, 90, 246, 92, 155, 122, 134, 50, 59, 70, 248, 221, 192, 161, 129, 79, 11, 153, 250, 49, 152, 129, 134, 239, 6, 246, 254, 136, 148, 25, 135, 137, 127, 150, 255, 20, 0, 97, 133, 28, 128, 228, 255, 0, 0, 89, 133, 61, 180, 57, 144, 196, 98, 145, 246, 138, 184, 8, 139, 103, 107, 106, 248, 172, 209, 173, 138, 37, 112, 31, 249, 216, 79, 199, 240, 171, 36, 64, 130, 201, 73, 224, 242, 77, 45, 254, 128, 58, 75, 229, 244, 17, 45, 16, 129, 37, 107, 143, 245, 87, 11, 148, 131, 94, 95, 70, 248, 179, 25, 206, 130, 201, 73, 224, 242, 77, 45, 254, 128, 123, 41, 96, 243, 251, 176, 249, 129, 98, 41, 116, 244, 113, 176, 253, 129, 58, 75, 229, 244, 17, 45, 16, 129, 50, 59, 70, 248, 221, 192, 161, 129, 253, 49, 42, 226, 234, 156, 180, 220, 236, 26, 138, 9, 80, 141, 39, 147, 130, 117, 177, 241, 122, 179, 32, 193, 68, 26, 176, 8, 79, 141, 203, 146, 154, 114, 30, 252, 24, 176, 207, 195, 143, 92, 204, 200, 115, 178, 104, 194, 136, 98, 205, 200, 54, 178, 89, 189, 2, 113, 42, 202, 108, 176, 136, 181, 162, 114, 15, 205, 211, 176, 222, 181, 42, 96, 161, 241, 26, 169, 69, 201, 140, 100, 180, 244, 91, 171, 244, 199, 129, 126, 168, 219, 74, 175, 41, 181, 171, 129, 37, 220, 73, 176, 228, 180, 62, 85, 161, 172, 213, 171, 241, 182, 212, 110, 202, 191, 35, 171, 84, 177, 191, 111, 242, 133, 194, 185, 242, 162, 213, 114, 100, 159, 227, 174, 56, 165, 114, 136, 87, 175, 134, 175, 4, 166, 231, 65, 209, 187, 96, 147, 11, 197, 77, 70, 139, 194, 22, 148, 0, 198, 174, 87, 100, 148, 13, 171, 76, 169, 126, 97, 87, 147, 113, 184, 38, 172, 157, 100, 226, 157, 84, 177, 15, 171, 249, 92, 63, 197, 68, 172, 166, 189, 0, 98, 29, 198, 54, 162, 228, 183, 60, 103, 215, 189, 186, 173, 252, 180, 30, 105, 180, 193, 151, 170, 159, 180, 52, 105, 181, 230, 234, 167, 112, 195, 62, 135, 236, 215, 110, 170, 24, 179, 135, 30, 0, 49, 155, 78, 150, 250, 7, 35, 74, 18, 7, 83, 1, 252, 217, 122, 113, 218, 217, 155, 95, 179, 230, 173, 233, 202, 230, 155, 209, 179, 135, 30, 0, 49, 155, 78, 150, 250, 7, 35, 74, 18, 7, 83, 1, 252, 1, 47, 35, 6, 163, 142, 207, 156, 4, 232, 10, 6, 22, 147, 185, 148, 15, 232, 179, 6, 26, 146, 100, 148, 196, 214, 245, 229, 178, 137, 253, 225, 9, 43, 160, 224, 21, 194, 41, 133, 212, 104, 179, 236, 93, 137, 240, 194, 65, 64, 172, 241, 215, 201, 84, 129, 88, 106, 58, 238, 105, 137, 216, 194, 175, 46, 104, 242, 86, 194, 236, 137, 134, 107, 172, 238, 154, 137, 110, 194, 174, 84, 218, 246, 229, 33, 230, 134, 138, 15, 192, 206, 211, 113, 63, 233, 47, 80, 216, 225, 65, 136, 19, 204, 164, 96, 59, 219, 195, 146, 251, 191, 80, 98, 1, 220, 241, 146, 91, 191, 253, 25, 198, 234, 124, 113, 124, 233, 154, 202, 97, 249, 112, 121, 47, 226, 138, 15, 192, 206, 211, 113, 63, 233, 166, 83, 191, 205, 162, 0, 247, 135, 120, 85, 161, 206, 186, 0, 193, 247, 253, 25, 198, 234, 124, 113, 124, 233, 243, 214, 55, 234, 123, 115, 181, 228, 9, 87, 118, 205, 31, 5, 72, 248, 59, 88, 55, 206, 26, 6, 135, 248, 110, 88, 99, 206, 210, 5, 59, 248, 80, 91, 44, 207, 245, 7, 135, 247, 136, 69, 170, 223, 116, 227, 65, 133, 50, 89, 126, 217, 6, 3, 9, 131, 17, 97, 156, 224, 101, 1, 17, 131, 92, 13, 18, 246, 111, 165, 209, 139, 102, 20, 64, 250, 240, 168, 31, 139, 210, 236, 146, 253, 120, 166, 109, 139, 217, 231, 176, 5, 9, 147, 183, 148, 4, 232, 10, 6, 22, 147, 185, 148, 15, 232, 179, 6, 26, 146, 100, 148, 117, 250, 160, 21, 3, 151, 147, 144, 221, 53, 146, 250, 147, 137, 102, 225, 217, 231, 176, 5, 9, 147, 183, 148, 4, 232, 10, 6, 22, 147, 185, 148, 196, 214, 245, 229, 178, 137, 253, 225, 10, 32, 127, 199, 159, 120, 94, 222, 60, 103, 215, 189, 186, 173, 252, 180, 30, 105, 180, 193, 151, 170, 159, 180, 255, 116, 139, 187, 11, 171, 41, 173, 217, 122, 113, 218, 217, 155, 95, 179, 230, 173, 233, 202, 230, 155, 209, 179, 77, 70, 139, 194, 22, 148, 0, 198, 174, 87, 100, 148, 13, 171, 76, 169, 247, 100, 188, 207, 166, 160, 88, 186, 35, 118, 164, 240, 56, 161, 46, 191, 118, 127, 163, 199, 32, 162, 131, 171, 255, 144, 39, 177, 18, 173, 113, 165, 62, 85, 161, 172, 213, 171, 241, 182, 133, 86, 69, 185, 244, 161, 61, 184, 231, 87, 129, 185, 119, 171, 75, 187, 171, 98, 120, 128, 151, 172, 31, 157, 16, 101, 30, 134, 131, 182, 190, 164, 191, 111, 242, 133, 194, 185, 242, 162, 177, 99, 215, 209, 96, 161, 67, 188, 247, 100, 188, 207, 166, 160, 88, 186, 72, 101, 35, 213, 222, 160, 192, 188, 157, 91, 145, 231, 58, 154, 246, 200, 35, 118, 164, 240, 56, 161, 46, 191, 25, 59, 178, 131, 230, 174, 82, 181, 228, 81, 213, 205, 233, 156, 78, 198, 90, 89, 223, 190, 136, 170, 136, 188, 0, 98, 29, 198, 54, 162, 228, 183, 177, 99, 215, 209, 96, 161, 67, 188, 60, 103, 215, 189, 186, 173, 252, 180, 72, 101, 35, 213, 222, 160, 192, 188, 124, 109, 92, 186, 166, 176, 150, 177, 255, 116, 139, 187, 11, 171, 41, 173, 135, 30, 0, 49, 155, 78, 150, 250, 124, 109, 92, 186, 166, 176, 150, 177, 255, 116, 139, 187, 11, 171, 41, 173, 221, 53, 146, 250, 147, 137, 102, 225, 217, 122, 113, 218, 217, 155, 95, 179, 94, 226, 164, 244, 32, 110, 241, 233, 196, 214, 245, 229, 178, 137, 253, 225, 52, 57, 105, 229, 103, 208, 224, 133, 181, 46, 122, 232, 125, 194, 244, 133, 189, 71, 92, 246, 40, 211, 222, 133, 94, 29, 229, 253, 148, 171, 193, 136, 63, 204, 53, 243, 15, 192, 119, 135, 158, 225, 87, 237, 62, 173, 199, 136, 138, 15, 192, 206, 211, 113, 63, 233, 193, 82, 227, 204, 200, 0, 227, 135, 178, 82, 18, 205, 34, 1, 221, 135, 166, 83, 191, 205, 162, 0, 247, 135, 154, 202, 97, 249, 112, 121, 47, 226, 240, 205, 6, 239, 246, 121, 242, 225, 174, 89, 105, 184, 243, 171, 204, 185, 109, 74, 20, 213, 102, 153, 212, 204, 52, 94, 151, 206, 225, 171, 88, 193, 101, 107, 131, 189, 238, 176, 205, 179, 27, 112, 65, 215, 253, 167, 19, 185, 218, 118, 215, 225, 7, 172, 68, 186, 39, 120, 143, 221, 141, 172, 55, 184, 130, 117, 177, 241, 122, 179, 32, 193, 251, 123, 183, 243, 139, 176, 34, 190, 154, 114, 30, 252, 24, 176, 207, 195, 129, 126, 168, 219, 74, 175, 41, 181, 171, 129, 37, 220, 73, 176, 228, 180, 136, 27, 151, 22, 155, 141, 72, 148, 130, 117, 177, 241, 122, 179, 32, 193, 68, 26, 176, 8, 79, 141, 203, 146, 251, 123, 183, 243, 139, 176, 34, 190, 22, 168, 235, 244, 228, 171, 90, 200, 57, 127, 189, 254, 174, 217, 50, 192, 15, 128, 235, 255, 238, 217, 249, 191, 44, 128, 241, 254, 178, 217, 205, 191, 230, 153, 25, 143, 33, 97, 5, 246, 61, 180, 57, 144, 196, 98, 145, 246, 172, 209, 173, 138, 37, 112, 31, 249, 82, 103, 252, 168, 152, 212, 121, 206, 161, 123, 86, 253, 250, 26, 21, 191, 0, 161, 84, 148, 147, 255, 70, 172, 171, 220, 80, 182, 50, 162, 100, 169, 174, 221, 44, 179, 3, 181, 255, 141, 120, 85, 161, 206, 186, 0, 193, 247, 123, 86, 171, 206, 96, 1, 16, 247, 69, 26, 179, 226, 36, 110, 194, 229, 45, 41, 24, 243, 114, 115, 93, 228, 243, 214, 55, 234, 123, 115, 181, 228, 231, 65, 209, 187, 96, 147, 11, 197, 77, 70, 139, 194, 22, 148, 0, 198, 249, 92, 63, 197, 68, 172, 166, 189, 41, 60, 224, 224, 125, 132, 31, 216, 0, 98, 29, 198, 54, 162, 228, 183, 177, 99, 215, 209, 96, 161, 67, 188, 247, 100, 188, 207, 166, 160, 88, 186, 231, 65, 209, 187, 96, 147, 11, 197, 41, 60, 224, 224, 125, 132, 31, 216, 100, 99, 31, 157, 51, 181, 55, 173, 157, 100, 226, 157, 84, 177, 15, 171, 190, 70, 163, 233, 128, 151, 190, 211, 126, 97, 87, 147, 113, 184, 38, 172, 100, 99, 31, 157, 51, 181, 55, 173, 157, 100, 226, 157, 84, 177, 15, 171, 16, 101, 30, 134, 131, 182, 190, 164, 191, 111, 242, 133, 194, 185, 242, 162, 213, 114, 100, 159, 227, 174, 56, 165, 212, 98, 236, 177, 25, 168, 43, 176, 244, 128, 17, 79, 197, 150, 110, 224, 175, 135, 58, 157, 171, 176, 74, 245, 229, 148, 90, 110, 162, 142, 196, 240, 185, 152, 42, 77, 37, 151, 99, 221, 80, 182, 16, 165, 49, 159, 114, 156, 252, 102, 123, 206, 135, 225, 149, 254, 69, 104, 120, 206, 105, 224, 213, 253, 107, 107, 241, 215, 188, 232, 114, 253, 4, 110, 86, 215, 193, 229, 74, 254, 39, 110, 8, 216, 104, 230, 127, 254, 46, 116, 84, 219, 247, 228, 114, 254, 94, 120, 80, 224, 210, 230, 129, 254, 224, 131, 145, 227, 96, 231, 121, 254, 110, 57, 158, 199, 43, 242, 216, 133, 231, 71, 54, 209, 217, 246, 255, 131, 131, 138, 185, 232, 26, 242, 253, 255, 208, 138, 46, 229, 232, 238, 38, 255, 159, 139, 173, 231, 246, 13, 250, 255, 75, 139, 209, 227, 219, 237, 55, 255, 123, 187, 238, 148, 73, 120, 148, 153, 175, 205, 105, 146, 104, 126, 40, 153, 215, 208, 139, 145, 233, 126, 21, 153, 41, 139, 92, 231, 207, 125, 217, 184, 70, 139, 114, 231, 212, 125, 242, 184, 230, 184, 4, 150, 69, 120, 147, 153, 123, 187, 238, 148, 73, 120, 148, 153, 244, 187, 209, 148, 98, 120, 148, 153, 175, 205, 105, 146, 104, 126, 40, 153, 8, 138, 46, 234, 245, 125, 203, 185, 70, 139, 114, 231, 212, 125, 242, 184, 113, 139, 90, 231, 214, 125, 250, 184, 172, 140, 90, 225, 60, 125, 100, 182, 134, 171, 35, 153, 196, 117, 70, 153, 230, 184, 4, 150, 69, 120, 147, 153, 41, 139, 8, 232, 250, 241, 252, 255, 159, 139, 173, 231, 246, 13, 250, 255, 123, 187, 238, 148, 73, 120, 148, 153, 244, 187, 209, 148, 98, 120, 148, 153, 35, 25, 17, 193, 60, 80, 97, 130, 160, 0, 94, 45, 58, 160, 156, 138, 134, 28, 190, 221, 47, 173, 239, 130, 200, 19, 20, 226, 45, 161, 85, 131, 23, 46, 51, 237, 178, 72, 147, 129, 31, 29, 51, 240, 176, 164, 247, 129, 172, 48, 199, 222, 80, 154, 87, 221, 52, 145, 39, 215, 98, 153, 20, 179, 196, 147, 139, 213, 223, 152, 235, 178, 134, 165, 103, 214, 172, 155, 0, 184, 125, 88, 174, 231, 149, 149, 82, 202, 97, 119, 164, 238, 32, 147, 179, 188, 54, 102, 139, 254, 149, 149, 90, 202, 223, 132, 70, 215, 237, 145, 158, 175, 46, 138, 1, 221, 147, 151, 252, 179, 52, 149, 103, 212, 154, 147, 176, 178, 140, 92, 176, 151, 78, 165, 179, 249, 148, 140, 143, 87, 177, 152, 229, 226, 61, 146, 99, 143, 75, 160, 0, 249, 247, 148, 154, 123, 127, 151, 98, 244, 248, 155, 86, 134, 166, 153, 201, 248, 81, 154, 54, 166, 80, 177, 80, 255, 177, 137, 248, 187, 15, 193, 216, 255, 147, 141, 164, 188, 241, 195, 232, 255, 247, 148, 154, 123, 127, 151, 98, 244, 206, 147, 90, 152, 113, 165, 126, 251, 248, 155, 86, 134, 166, 153, 201, 248, 159, 168, 120, 132, 255, 156, 14, 248, 21, 138, 148, 231, 190, 240, 66, 255, 101, 138, 46, 232, 126, 241, 192, 255, 69, 139, 49, 225, 170, 234, 214, 255, 88, 147, 155, 158, 254, 114, 219, 151, 50, 155, 119, 157, 229, 115, 159, 152, 236, 166, 169, 153, 162, 116, 247, 152, 140, 92, 176, 151, 78, 165, 179, 249, 28, 126, 114, 235, 61, 15, 164, 244, 148, 140, 143, 87, 177, 152, 229, 226, 161, 208, 233, 153, 19, 63, 243, 253, 140, 92, 176, 151, 78, 165, 179, 249, 28, 126, 114, 235, 61, 15, 164, 244, 223, 132, 70, 215, 237, 145, 158, 175, 52, 149, 103, 212, 154, 147, 176, 178, 81, 154, 54, 166, 80, 177, 80, 255, 172, 48, 199, 222, 80, 154, 87, 221, 41, 92, 1, 229, 104, 150, 157, 199, 125, 88, 174, 231, 149, 149, 82, 202, 43, 117, 170, 208, 111, 153, 50, 177, 96, 126, 183, 213, 107, 152, 126, 175, 54, 102, 139, 254, 149, 149, 90, 202, 52, 145, 39, 215, 98, 153, 20, 179, 35, 25, 17, 193, 60, 80, 97, 130, 160, 0, 94, 45, 58, 160, 156, 138, 154, 1, 249, 225, 218, 159, 136, 139, 96, 126, 183, 213, 107, 152, 126, 175, 52, 145, 39, 215, 98, 153, 20, 179, 196, 147, 139, 213, 223, 152, 235, 178, 193, 103, 1, 249, 119, 17, 161, 132, 227, 100, 243, 250, 191, 21, 103, 132, 251, 113, 58, 252, 10, 10, 249, 132, 1, 115, 201, 252, 138, 9, 169, 132, 94, 127, 17, 251, 225, 3, 84, 250, 31, 128, 231, 253, 206, 1, 127, 250, 160, 0, 94, 45, 58, 160, 156, 138, 134, 28, 190, 221, 47, 173, 239, 130, 25, 4, 245, 223, 190, 155, 160, 136, 154, 1, 249, 225, 218, 159, 136, 139, 242, 38, 97, 235, 129, 176, 65, 129, 148, 72, 177, 208, 20, 148, 79, 203, 207, 100, 240, 234, 235, 154, 139, 197, 11, 85, 73, 249, 71, 140, 160, 209, 154, 122, 89, 222, 69, 158, 103, 181, 118, 123, 249, 222, 247, 155, 248, 180, 50, 19, 154, 218, 153, 164, 242, 131, 64, 38, 41, 236, 96, 174, 170, 128, 25, 66, 194, 242, 219, 201, 31, 128, 115, 40, 92, 243, 131, 179, 94, 132, 57, 79, 223, 244, 166, 40, 71, 129, 230, 73, 183, 245, 234, 45, 7, 131, 98, 91, 92, 250, 165, 30, 62, 132, 10, 237, 100, 248, 184, 156, 126, 133, 232, 48, 215, 223, 134, 155, 55, 221, 138, 101, 117, 212, 115, 161, 103, 188, 114, 111, 96, 224, 139, 161, 26, 188, 211, 106, 141, 243, 80, 159, 85, 197, 155, 135, 28, 245, 148, 150, 217, 189, 80, 138, 100, 203, 83, 131, 115, 169, 78, 145, 173, 222, 220, 158, 143, 182, 40, 216, 113, 230, 148, 155, 61, 219, 130, 67, 143, 150, 213, 169, 13, 182, 148, 72, 177, 208, 20, 148, 79, 203, 20, 63, 231, 224, 189, 115, 59, 210, 138, 101, 117, 212, 115, 161, 103, 188, 114, 111, 96, 224, 139, 161, 26, 188, 118, 123, 249, 222, 247, 155, 248, 180, 47, 136, 255, 206, 101, 173, 96, 176, 130, 67, 143, 150, 213, 169, 13, 182, 20, 63, 231, 224, 189, 115, 59, 210, 87, 143, 238, 110, 179, 139, 34, 242, 42, 151, 254, 115, 8, 137, 170, 245, 24, 103, 96, 143, 153, 151, 75, 252, 117, 134, 153, 111, 73, 137, 151, 243, 189, 137, 48, 169, 222, 176, 19, 253, 87, 143, 238, 110, 179, 139, 34, 242, 42, 151, 254, 115, 8, 137, 170, 245, 98, 156, 107, 148, 20, 163, 230, 251, 238, 136, 194, 187, 171, 192, 159, 255, 189, 137, 48, 169, 222, 176, 19, 253, 208, 137, 102, 193, 240, 56, 175, 255, 147, 141, 164, 188, 241, 195, 232, 255, 155, 145, 91, 151, 213, 162, 231, 251, 206, 147, 90, 152, 113, 165, 126, 251, 98, 156, 107, 148, 20, 163, 230, 251, 14, 135, 68, 208, 71, 213, 148, 255, 44, 135, 9, 211, 74, 39, 137, 254, 177, 137, 248, 187, 15, 193, 216, 255, 208, 137, 102, 193, 240, 56, 175, 255, 208, 138, 126, 195, 171, 53, 23, 255, 47, 139, 6, 187, 245, 193, 233, 254, 147, 141, 164, 188, 241, 195, 232, 255, 168, 139, 165, 218, 20, 228, 115, 255, 250, 141, 24, 208, 10, 219, 169, 254, 62, 145, 128, 159, 250, 113, 79, 152, 196, 148, 146, 160, 230, 115, 210, 152, 158, 193, 208, 141, 69, 116, 232, 152, 220, 131, 78, 227, 95, 25, 80, 255, 140, 132, 156, 226, 83, 25, 180, 254, 255, 132, 150, 234, 53, 239, 41, 255, 57, 133, 69, 225, 159, 25, 22, 253, 3, 134, 50, 230, 75, 20, 243, 253, 41, 135, 198, 219, 188, 225, 32, 255, 81, 135, 226, 218, 34, 227, 139, 251, 104, 136, 167, 226, 48, 22, 249, 254, 239, 137, 152, 226, 239, 234, 234, 255, 126, 91, 139, 152, 206, 127, 51, 145, 40, 93, 133, 151, 212, 128, 159, 144, 38, 98, 124, 146, 136, 132, 149, 142, 203, 151, 235, 222, 57, 127, 107, 186, 153, 151, 123, 219, 28, 126, 105, 184, 8, 152, 219, 220, 167, 126, 99, 185, 135, 152, 37, 221, 225, 126, 205, 185, 18, 153, 4, 221, 255, 126, 1, 186, 126, 91, 139, 152, 206, 127, 51, 145, 40, 93, 133, 151, 212, 128, 159, 144, 226, 95, 29, 149, 195, 130, 162, 143, 12, 152, 51, 220, 155, 245, 21, 250, 21, 152, 150, 219, 182, 244, 113, 250, 184, 59, 208, 159, 96, 112, 208, 156, 230, 37, 178, 192, 44, 84, 165, 168, 203, 151, 235, 222, 57, 127, 107, 186, 135, 152, 37, 221, 225, 126, 205, 185, 43, 58, 105, 160, 95, 111, 92, 157, 184, 59, 208, 159, 96, 112, 208, 156, 203, 151, 235, 222, 57, 127, 107, 186, 8, 152, 219, 220, 167, 126, 99, 185, 245, 65, 53, 170, 182, 105, 124, 162, 38, 98, 124, 146, 136, 132, 149, 142, 18, 153, 4, 221, 255, 126, 1, 186, 245, 65, 53, 170, 182, 105, 124, 162, 60, 67, 148, 169, 147, 106, 252, 161, 126, 91, 139, 152, 206, 127, 51, 145, 38, 98, 124, 146, 136, 132, 149, 142, 50, 150, 82, 222, 216, 245, 34, 250, 12, 152, 51, 220, 155, 245, 21, 250, 30, 59, 145, 162, 59, 50, 18, 255, 4, 61, 132, 154, 17, 48, 176, 248, 237, 71, 116, 162, 192, 47, 183, 248, 187, 82, 91, 197, 217, 230, 55, 250, 111, 117, 180, 218, 122, 227, 196, 253, 69, 119, 252, 235, 25, 244, 254, 250, 249, 129, 22, 231, 92, 235, 69, 249, 63, 30, 37, 135, 48, 46, 139, 249, 61, 26, 198, 102, 228, 47, 184, 249, 159, 63, 27, 102, 120, 37, 132, 234, 124, 76, 107, 152, 34, 137, 158, 154, 4, 142, 208, 202, 92, 133, 153, 170, 99, 146, 228, 205, 43, 127, 171, 173, 133, 148, 145, 201, 242, 124, 148, 172, 100, 154, 222, 201, 76, 131, 140, 174, 161, 154, 54, 200, 15, 134, 170, 173, 68, 173, 178, 200, 22, 140, 170, 181, 223, 174, 41, 194, 6, 136, 158, 178, 189, 185, 102, 199, 142, 142, 250, 186, 127, 186, 185, 187, 87, 137, 184, 179, 100, 154, 222, 201, 76, 131, 140, 174, 119, 167, 113, 207, 114, 137, 206, 183, 223, 174, 41, 194, 6, 136, 158, 178, 242, 176, 70, 191, 71, 137, 72, 177, 172, 174, 150, 182, 223, 125, 235, 171, 32, 97, 106, 201, 18, 139, 124, 179, 17, 105, 186, 203, 173, 138, 200, 176, 35, 105, 150, 203, 126, 136, 32, 176, 130, 112, 189, 221, 251, 136, 176, 182, 108, 128, 104, 220, 172, 139, 242, 175, 113, 178, 50, 222, 184, 149, 125, 197, 172, 169, 189, 214, 0, 149, 55, 187, 119, 167, 113, 207, 114, 137, 206, 183, 172, 174, 150, 182, 223, 125, 235, 171, 224, 89, 10, 214, 36, 128, 76, 189, 202, 102, 243, 199, 59, 141, 103, 176, 20, 115, 28, 225, 193, 135, 11, 183, 225, 122, 244, 229, 160, 137, 30, 182, 156, 137, 33, 215, 127, 136, 225, 175, 112, 144, 180, 232, 225, 136, 175, 187, 99, 146, 228, 205, 43, 127, 171, 173, 133, 148, 145, 201, 242, 124, 148, 172, 181, 160, 61, 228, 129, 146, 36, 192, 49, 167, 13, 225, 45, 139, 46, 195, 47, 169, 24, 189, 217, 126, 123, 173, 189, 185, 102, 199, 142, 142, 250, 186, 127, 186, 185, 187, 87, 137, 184, 179, 63, 30, 37, 135, 48, 46, 139, 249, 27, 44, 74, 208, 197, 121, 150, 217, 165, 106, 23, 94, 28, 21, 224, 210, 133, 148, 145, 201, 242, 124, 148, 172, 49, 167, 13, 225, 45, 139, 46, 195, 181, 160, 61, 228, 129, 146, 36, 192, 105, 152, 102, 201, 96, 135, 141, 173, 223, 174, 41, 194, 6, 136, 158, 178, 242, 176, 70, 191, 71, 137, 72, 177, 189, 185, 102, 199, 142, 142, 250, 186, 20, 115, 28, 225, 193, 135, 11, 183, 88, 118, 174, 253, 167, 137, 138, 195, 199, 135, 242, 255, 99, 137, 148, 195, 112, 144, 180, 232, 225, 136, 175, 187, 252, 145, 161, 229, 99, 138, 171, 186, 183, 167, 127, 234, 74, 140, 167, 200, 204, 69, 91, 177, 35, 140, 24, 180, 192, 83, 3, 178, 84, 141, 108, 172, 7, 84, 211, 177, 197, 137, 126, 170, 223, 85, 74, 187, 106, 136, 142, 175, 202, 102, 243, 199, 59, 141, 103, 176, 1, 109, 198, 216, 220, 131, 208, 180, 177, 120, 95, 217, 132, 134, 110, 176, 225, 122, 244, 229, 160, 137, 30, 182, 192, 83, 3, 178, 84, 141, 108, 172, 7, 84, 211, 177, 197, 137, 126, 170, 132, 127, 128, 205, 233, 138, 14, 169, 22, 150, 213, 210, 64, 139, 27, 178, 192, 83, 3, 178, 84, 141, 108, 172, 223, 85, 74, 187, 106, 136, 142, 175, 9, 112, 166, 205, 121, 137, 124, 174, 212, 149, 131, 221, 162, 138, 233, 183, 22, 150, 213, 210, 64, 139, 27, 178, 148, 111, 95, 187, 4, 140, 192, 165, 132, 113, 90, 190, 74, 137, 215, 165, 52, 127, 25, 192, 50, 136, 78, 162, 133, 108, 125, 186, 183, 139, 63, 166, 148, 111, 95, 187, 4, 140, 192, 165, 9, 112, 166, 205, 121, 137, 124, 174, 132, 113, 90, 190, 74, 137, 215, 165, 227, 112, 75, 226, 247, 139, 76, 185, 5, 118, 57, 224, 18, 138, 136, 181, 28, 120, 59, 225, 220, 137, 18, 181, 212, 149, 131, 221, 162, 138, 233, 183, 225, 150, 223, 203, 180, 145, 187, 174, 105, 152, 102, 201, 96, 135, 141, 173, 72, 156, 243, 218, 154, 145, 166, 184, 172, 169, 189, 214, 0, 149, 55, 187, 242, 176, 70, 191, 71, 137, 72, 177, 172, 174, 150, 182, 223, 125, 235, 171, 8, 5, 78, 131, 248, 201, 200, 255, 27, 44, 74, 208, 197, 121, 150, 217, 36, 97, 42, 200, 88, 149, 173, 181, 165, 106, 23, 94, 28, 21, 224, 210, 32, 97, 106, 201, 18, 139, 124, 179, 17, 105, 186, 203, 173, 138, 200, 176, 252, 145, 161, 229, 99, 138, 171, 186, 183, 167, 127, 234, 74, 140, 167, 200, 187, 168, 167, 231, 240, 138, 247, 199, 91, 82, 33, 199, 161, 138, 241, 186, 166, 89, 165, 200, 237, 130, 195, 180, 127, 146, 173, 229, 159, 126, 152, 187, 148, 197, 12, 224, 57, 133, 46, 215, 204, 69, 91, 177, 35, 140, 24, 180, 22, 80, 3, 196, 131, 131, 170, 183, 166, 89, 165, 200, 237, 130, 195, 180, 224, 89, 10, 214, 36, 128, 76, 189, 202, 102, 243, 199, 59, 141, 103, 176, 246, 80, 172, 254, 197, 131, 110, 214, 127, 146, 173, 229, 159, 126, 152, 187, 219, 154, 50, 221, 214, 125, 88, 187, 22, 80, 3, 196, 131, 131, 170, 183, 28, 125, 114, 226, 153, 131, 200, 178, 246, 80, 172, 254, 197, 131, 110, 214, 138, 199, 180, 213, 238, 133, 93, 211, 68, 208, 7, 214, 31, 131, 8, 219, 132, 113, 90, 190, 74, 137, 215, 165, 227, 112, 75, 226, 247, 139, 76, 185, 52, 127, 25, 192, 50, 136, 78, 162, 116, 128, 240, 240, 248, 139, 85, 185, 113, 155, 158, 199, 128, 137, 167, 173, 15, 104, 251, 176, 101, 142, 151, 163, 138, 113, 1, 185, 24, 142, 137, 164, 73, 115, 43, 180, 243, 142, 224, 161, 227, 112, 75, 226, 247, 139, 76, 185, 5, 118, 57, 224, 18, 138, 136, 181, 116, 128, 240, 240, 248, 139, 85, 185, 224, 103, 133, 183, 6, 142, 25, 167, 189, 104, 102, 184, 151, 141, 27, 167, 167, 107, 10, 184, 38, 140, 96, 165, 28, 125, 114, 226, 153, 131, 200, 178, 147, 183, 81, 250, 135, 139, 124, 215, 132, 163, 125, 241, 57, 135, 183, 202, 138, 199, 180, 213, 238, 133, 93, 211, 132, 163, 125, 241, 57, 135, 183, 202, 114, 242, 179, 213, 233, 180, 222, 164, 138, 199, 180, 213, 238, 133, 93, 211, 68, 208, 7, 214, 31, 131, 8, 219, 209, 220, 37, 207, 141, 183, 45, 165, 127, 146, 173, 229, 159, 126, 152, 187, 219, 154, 50, 221, 214, 125, 88, 187, 148, 197, 12, 224, 57, 133, 46, 215, 223, 246, 228, 59, 172, 149, 125, 155, 128, 233, 26, 72, 132, 129, 49, 155, 91, 82, 33, 199, 161, 138, 241, 186, 91, 94, 75, 191, 199, 143, 86, 176, 40, 91, 27, 205, 212, 138, 40, 185, 148, 197, 12, 224, 57, 133, 46, 215, 223, 246, 228, 59, 172, 149, 125, 155, 119, 253, 56, 181, 165, 151, 113, 155, 111, 248, 18, 80, 146, 139, 162, 152, 173, 197, 74, 225, 130, 211, 239, 167, 255, 207, 87, 224, 34, 205, 76, 167, 148, 255, 28, 58, 174, 164, 220, 161, 194, 217, 136, 207, 199, 184, 23, 161, 181, 234, 55, 196, 198, 168, 183, 159, 206, 240, 39, 193, 89, 166, 63, 162, 15, 104, 251, 176, 101, 142, 151, 163, 75, 110, 147, 175, 55, 143, 39, 161, 73, 115, 43, 180, 243, 142, 224, 161, 83, 123, 139, 207, 197, 138, 101, 171, 104, 212, 102, 255, 6, 229, 207, 171, 216, 210, 48, 252, 178, 229, 135, 173, 152, 204, 28, 233, 95, 137, 72, 221, 73, 216, 137, 231, 217, 208, 155, 170, 171, 245, 230, 209, 23, 178, 83, 165, 15, 104, 251, 176, 101, 142, 151, 163, 189, 104, 102, 184, 151, 141, 27, 167, 138, 113, 1, 185, 24, 142, 137, 164, 147, 183, 81, 250, 135, 139, 124, 215, 152, 204, 28, 233, 95, 137, 72, 221, 104, 101, 172, 173, 51, 142, 150, 162, 75, 110, 147, 175, 55, 143, 39, 161, 168, 113, 91, 205, 128, 137, 173, 173, 73, 115, 43, 180, 243, 142, 224, 161, 116, 128, 240, 240, 248, 139, 85, 185, 113, 155, 158, 199, 128, 137, 167, 173, 168, 113, 91, 205, 128, 137, 173, 173, 52, 127, 25, 192, 50, 136, 78, 162, 234, 149, 114, 189, 46, 137, 14, 166, 113, 155, 158, 199, 128, 137, 167, 173, 80, 109, 144, 203, 68, 136, 56, 174, 39, 117, 242, 201, 57, 137, 133, 170, 72, 142, 198, 191, 232, 136, 74, 165, 234, 149, 114, 189, 46, 137, 14, 166, 91, 94, 75, 191, 199, 143, 86, 176, 166, 99, 212, 184, 94, 146, 14, 171, 196, 132, 114, 237, 187, 144, 115, 185, 111, 248, 18, 80, 146, 139, 162, 152, 151, 246, 236, 83, 104, 135, 158, 151, 68, 200, 236, 205, 19, 193, 60, 164, 194, 217, 136, 207, 199, 184, 23, 161, 181, 234, 55, 196, 198, 168, 183, 159, 20, 212, 85, 193, 92, 178, 209, 158, 22, 243, 254, 185, 84, 157, 198, 154, 19, 238, 209, 182, 57, 158, 57, 155, 225, 173, 241, 248, 110, 238, 198, 172, 136, 170, 146, 248, 110, 239, 24, 173, 59, 201, 71, 234, 83, 217, 173, 169, 77, 187, 208, 231, 134, 221, 234, 169, 173, 197, 74, 225, 130, 211, 239, 167, 255, 207, 87, 224, 34, 205, 76, 167, 196, 83, 205, 234, 225, 244, 8, 215, 79, 90, 89, 238, 63, 246, 224, 212, 216, 210, 48, 252, 178, 229, 135, 173, 136, 170, 146, 248, 110, 239, 24, 173, 59, 201, 71, 234, 83, 217, 173, 169, 73, 216, 137, 231, 217, 208, 155, 170, 39, 117, 242, 201, 57, 137, 133, 170, 165, 127, 121, 170, 111, 137, 116, 152, 131, 136, 243, 176, 183, 137, 189, 156, 72, 142, 198, 191, 232, 136, 74, 165, 78, 147, 112, 166, 103, 137, 214, 152, 56, 90, 122, 163, 49, 139, 232, 158, 104, 101, 172, 173, 51, 142, 150, 162, 168, 113, 91, 205, 128, 137, 173, 173, 165, 127, 121, 170, 111, 137, 116, 152, 46, 133, 16, 165, 92, 136, 14, 150, 72, 142, 198, 191, 232, 136, 74, 165, 234, 149, 114, 189, 46, 137, 14, 166, 99, 175, 138, 233, 212, 227, 42, 172, 234, 181, 47, 234, 204, 225, 218, 171, 77, 187, 208, 231, 134, 221, 234, 169, 173, 197, 74, 225, 130, 211, 239, 167, 15, 182, 213, 218, 27, 215, 69, 166, 68, 200, 236, 205, 19, 193, 60, 164, 194, 217, 136, 207, 199, 184, 23, 161, 222, 104, 9, 241, 108, 244, 51, 209, 187, 108, 139, 242, 59, 245, 238, 207, 42, 138, 129, 253, 226, 252, 23, 185, 52, 144, 12, 249, 72, 248, 102, 182, 99, 175, 138, 233, 212, 227, 42, 172, 234, 181, 47, 234, 204, 225, 218, 171, 56, 90, 122, 163, 49, 139, 232, 158, 241, 95, 158, 206, 87, 142, 34, 184, 104, 101, 172, 173, 51, 142, 150, 162, 75, 110, 147, 175, 55, 143, 39, 161, 83, 123, 139, 207, 197, 138, 101, 171, 147, 183, 81, 250, 135, 139, 124, 215, 132, 163, 125, 241, 57, 135, 183, 202, 152, 204, 28, 233, 95, 137, 72, 221, 114, 242, 179, 213, 233, 180, 222, 164, 171, 245, 230, 209, 23, 178, 83, 165, 59, 201, 71, 234, 83, 217, 173, 169, 73, 216, 137, 231, 217, 208, 155, 170, 255, 207, 87, 224, 34, 205, 76, 167, 114, 242, 179, 213, 233, 180, 222, 164, 171, 245, 230, 209, 23, 178, 83, 165, 148, 255, 28, 58, 174, 164, 220, 161, 209, 220, 37, 207, 141, 183, 45, 165, 246, 80, 172, 254, 197, 131, 110, 214, 219, 154, 50, 221, 214, 125, 88, 187, 68, 208, 7, 214, 31, 131, 8, 219, 148, 255, 28, 58, 174, 164, 220, 161, 209, 220, 37, 207, 141, 183, 45, 165, 206, 240, 39, 193, 89, 166, 63, 162, 128, 233, 26, 72, 132, 129, 49, 155, 223, 246, 228, 59, 172, 149, 125, 155, 181, 234, 55, 196, 198, 168, 183, 159, 206, 240, 39, 193, 89, 166, 63, 162, 119, 253, 56, 181, 165, 151, 113, 155, 22, 243, 254, 185, 84, 157, 198, 154, 128, 233, 26, 72, 132, 129, 49, 155, 224, 103, 133, 183, 6, 142, 25, 167, 189, 104, 102, 184, 151, 141, 27, 167, 138, 113, 1, 185, 24, 142, 137, 164, 5, 118, 57, 224, 18, 138, 136, 181, 28, 120, 59, 225, 220, 137, 18, 181, 224, 103, 133, 183, 6, 142, 25, 167, 167, 107, 10, 184, 38, 140, 96, 165, 28, 120, 59, 225, 220, 137, 18, 181, 132, 127, 128, 205, 233, 138, 14, 169, 212, 149, 131, 221, 162, 138, 233, 183, 22, 150, 213, 210, 64, 139, 27, 178, 204, 69, 91, 177, 35, 140, 24, 180, 7, 84, 211, 177, 197, 137, 126, 170, 22, 80, 3, 196, 131, 131, 170, 183, 167, 107, 10, 184, 38, 140, 96, 165, 28, 125, 114, 226, 153, 131, 200, 178, 132, 127, 128, 205, 233, 138, 14, 169, 91, 82, 33, 199, 161, 138, 241, 186, 166, 89, 165, 200, 237, 130, 195, 180, 40, 91, 27, 205, 212, 138, 40, 185, 224, 89, 10, 214, 36, 128, 76, 189, 20, 115, 28, 225, 193, 135, 11, 183, 88, 118, 174, 253, 167, 137, 138, 195, 17, 105, 186, 203, 173, 138, 200, 176, 35, 105, 150, 203, 126, 136, 32, 176, 156, 137, 33, 215, 127, 136, 225, 175, 112, 144, 180, 232, 225, 136, 175, 187, 252, 145, 161, 229, 99, 138, 171, 186, 35, 105, 150, 203, 126, 136, 32, 176, 200, 111, 131, 222, 11, 134, 4, 183, 130, 112, 189, 221, 251, 136, 176, 182, 177, 120, 95, 217, 132, 134, 110, 176, 225, 122, 244, 229, 160, 137, 30, 182, 88, 129, 45, 226, 81, 135, 100, 178, 156, 137, 33, 215, 127, 136, 225, 175, 33, 111, 57, 201, 109, 136, 62, 172, 200, 111, 131, 222, 11, 134, 4, 183, 130, 112, 189, 221, 251, 136, 176, 182, 164, 115, 31, 208, 7, 134, 150, 173, 100, 154, 222, 201, 76, 131, 140, 174, 161, 154, 54, 200, 15, 134, 170, 173, 119, 167, 113, 207, 114, 137, 206, 183, 124, 76, 107, 152, 34, 137, 158, 154, 222, 142, 101, 128, 11, 143, 210, 134, 4, 142, 208, 202, 92, 133, 153, 170, 254, 22, 20, 104, 140, 49, 211, 250, 61, 26, 198, 102, 228, 47, 184, 249, 47, 31, 54, 124, 165, 43, 7, 246, 98, 4, 141, 75, 118, 225, 150, 237, 133, 74, 59, 166, 224, 142, 202, 169, 124, 76, 107, 152, 34, 137, 158, 154, 197, 89, 254, 219, 63, 122, 89, 192, 222, 142, 101, 128, 11, 143, 210, 134, 254, 22, 20, 104, 140, 49, 211, 250, 61, 26, 198, 102, 228, 47, 184, 249, 30, 59, 145, 162, 59, 50, 18, 255, 4, 61, 132, 154, 17, 48, 176, 248, 159, 63, 27, 102, 120, 37, 132, 234, 165, 68, 44, 167, 69, 51, 147, 254, 60, 67, 148, 169, 147, 106, 252, 161, 128, 80, 220, 159, 241, 118, 100, 153, 242, 138, 133, 221, 34, 234, 110, 249, 230, 142, 142, 228, 166, 244, 36, 250, 50, 150, 82, 222, 216, 245, 34, 250, 69, 119, 252, 235, 25, 244, 254, 250, 249, 129, 22, 231, 92, 235, 69, 249, 230, 142, 142, 228, 166, 244, 36, 250, 50, 150, 82, 222, 216, 245, 34, 250, 182, 150, 209, 217, 19, 241, 166, 250, 12, 152, 51, 220, 155, 245, 21, 250, 209, 151, 206, 218, 87, 243, 182, 250, 21, 152, 150, 219, 182, 244, 113, 250, 33, 111, 57, 201, 109, 136, 62, 172, 200, 111, 131, 222, 11, 134, 4, 183, 131, 116, 159, 204, 141, 136, 249, 171, 88, 129, 45, 226, 81, 135, 100, 178, 166, 105, 66, 202, 67, 134, 147, 174, 1, 109, 198, 216, 220, 131, 208, 180, 131, 116, 159, 204, 141, 136, 249, 171, 21, 117, 186, 211, 44, 134, 238, 174, 177, 120, 95, 217, 132, 134, 110, 176, 88, 129, 45, 226, 81, 135, 100, 178, 223, 85, 74, 187, 106, 136, 142, 175, 166, 105, 66, 202, 67, 134, 147, 174, 133, 108, 125, 186, 183, 139, 63, 166, 1, 109, 198, 216, 220, 131, 208, 180, 9, 112, 166, 205, 121, 137, 124, 174, 69, 125, 129, 201, 249, 138, 240, 167, 133, 108, 125, 186, 183, 139, 63, 166, 148, 111, 95, 187, 4, 140, 192, 165, 69, 125, 129, 201, 249, 138, 240, 167, 245, 65, 53, 170, 182, 105, 124, 162, 60, 67, 148, 169, 147, 106, 252, 161, 128, 80, 220, 159, 241, 118, 100, 153, 135, 152, 37, 221, 225, 126, 205, 185, 18, 153, 4, 221, 255, 126, 1, 186, 128, 80, 220, 159, 241, 118, 100, 153, 242, 138, 133, 221, 34, 234, 110, 249, 254, 22, 20, 104, 140, 49, 211, 250, 98, 4, 141, 75, 118, 225, 150, 237, 165, 68, 44, 167, 69, 51, 147, 254, 197, 89, 254, 219, 63, 122, 89, 192, 222, 142, 101, 128, 11, 143, 210, 134, 4, 142, 208, 202, 92, 133, 153, 170, 99, 146, 228, 205, 43, 127, 171, 173, 42, 169, 76, 200, 77, 121, 111, 183, 47, 169, 24, 189, 217, 126, 123, 173, 65, 73, 107, 167, 30, 143, 149, 171, 133, 74, 59, 166, 224, 142, 202, 169, 197, 89, 254, 219, 63, 122, 89, 192, 226, 159, 30, 224, 69, 137, 119, 190, 42, 169, 76, 200, 77, 121, 111, 183, 47, 31, 54, 124, 165, 43, 7, 246, 151, 19, 11, 89, 14, 64, 223, 255, 65, 73, 107, 167, 30, 143, 149, 171, 133, 74, 59, 166, 224, 142, 202, 169, 223, 73, 33, 175, 31, 123, 236, 167, 62, 82, 103, 103, 143, 37, 81, 226, 47, 31, 54, 124, 165, 43, 7, 246, 70, 44, 138, 149, 173, 54, 179, 253, 30, 59, 145, 162, 59, 50, 18, 255, 98, 4, 141, 75, 118, 225, 150, 237, 165, 68, 44, 167, 69, 51, 147, 254, 62, 82, 103, 103, 143, 37, 81, 226, 187, 82, 91, 197, 217, 230, 55, 250, 230, 83, 160, 197, 123, 228, 235, 247, 187, 82, 91, 197, 217, 230, 55, 250, 230, 83, 160, 197, 123, 228, 235, 247, 76, 97, 51, 175, 164, 45, 203, 243, 249, 129, 22, 231, 92, 235, 69, 249, 242, 138, 133, 221, 34, 234, 110, 249, 230, 142, 142, 228, 166, 244, 36, 250, 151, 19, 11, 89, 14, 64, 223, 255, 16, 24, 195, 85, 136, 56, 138, 255, 70, 44, 138, 149, 173, 54, 179, 253, 62, 82, 103, 103, 143, 37, 81, 226, 226, 159, 30, 224, 69, 137, 119, 190, 42, 169, 76, 200, 77, 121, 111, 183, 63, 173, 45, 201, 219, 138, 65, 182, 68, 173, 178, 200, 22, 140, 170, 181, 47, 169, 24, 189, 217, 126, 123, 173, 242, 173, 78, 201, 63, 132, 55, 184, 127, 186, 185, 187, 87, 137, 184, 179, 151, 19, 11, 89, 14, 64, 223, 255, 16, 24, 195, 85, 136, 56, 138, 255, 117, 73, 95, 175, 130, 112, 69, 166, 223, 73, 33, 175, 31, 123, 236, 167, 255, 95, 13, 99, 8, 25, 124, 217, 16, 24, 195, 85, 136, 56, 138, 255, 70, 44, 138, 149, 173, 54, 179, 253, 230, 83, 160, 197, 123, 228, 235, 247, 206, 90, 100, 101, 126, 56, 242, 225, 76, 97, 51, 175, 164, 45, 203, 243, 255, 95, 13, 99, 8, 25, 124, 217, 206, 90, 100, 101, 126, 56, 242, 225, 76, 97, 51, 175, 164, 45, 203, 243, 61, 120, 203, 107, 24, 48, 149, 214, 254, 110, 225, 214, 146, 137, 221, 179, 164, 115, 31, 208, 7, 134, 150, 173, 161, 154, 54, 200, 15, 134, 170, 173, 63, 173, 45, 201, 219, 138, 65, 182, 68, 173, 178, 200, 22, 140, 170, 181, 33, 111, 57, 201, 109, 136, 62, 172, 254, 110, 225, 214, 146, 137, 221, 179, 164, 115, 31, 208, 7, 134, 150, 173, 131, 116, 159, 204, 141, 136, 249, 171, 21, 117, 186, 211, 44, 134, 238, 174, 49, 125, 6, 222, 135, 135, 22, 177, 65, 73, 107, 167, 30, 143, 149, 171, 117, 73, 95, 175, 130, 112, 69, 166, 223, 73, 33, 175, 31, 123, 236, 167, 226, 159, 30, 224, 69, 137, 119, 190, 196, 156, 44, 157, 186, 119, 238, 150, 221, 162, 247, 158, 24, 122, 90, 152, 242, 173, 78, 201, 63, 132, 55, 184, 117, 73, 95, 175, 130, 112, 69, 166, 206, 90, 100, 101, 126, 56, 242, 225, 255, 95, 13, 99, 8, 25, 124, 217, 61, 120, 203, 107, 24, 48, 149, 214, 196, 156, 44, 157, 186, 119, 238, 150, 254, 110, 225, 214, 146, 137, 221, 179, 163, 118, 55, 204, 129, 128, 57, 169, 49, 125, 6, 222, 135, 135, 22, 177, 15, 140, 161, 194, 236, 128, 237, 164, 221, 162, 247, 158, 24, 122, 90, 152, 63, 173, 45, 201, 219, 138, 65, 182, 242, 173, 78, 201, 63, 132, 55, 184, 166, 105, 66, 202, 67, 134, 147, 174, 21, 117, 186, 211, 44, 134, 238, 174, 163, 118, 55, 204, 129, 128, 57, 169, 69, 125, 129, 201, 249, 138, 240, 167, 49, 125, 6, 222, 135, 135, 22, 177, 61, 120, 203, 107, 24, 48, 149, 214, 15, 140, 161, 194, 236, 128, 237, 164, 196, 156, 44, 157, 186, 119, 238, 150, 221, 162, 247, 158, 24, 122, 90, 152, 163, 118, 55, 204, 129, 128, 57, 169, 15, 140, 161, 194, 236, 128, 237, 164, 242, 31, 25, 204, 248, 228, 182, 146, 104, 43, 104, 255, 32, 190, 241, 141, 211, 149, 0, 247, 158, 15, 21, 197, 58, 218, 194, 235, 207, 191, 133, 148, 179, 143, 210, 235, 24, 20, 194, 199, 183, 145, 250, 235, 226, 21, 167, 200, 177, 152, 229, 155, 2, 244, 248, 213, 126, 199, 123, 147, 228, 222, 39, 147, 255, 204, 72, 149, 125, 231, 217, 144, 6, 170, 17, 199, 57, 213, 218, 165, 255, 170, 139, 198, 32, 212, 131, 165, 8, 195, 161, 147, 51, 150, 237, 143, 195, 206, 19, 152, 57, 148, 73, 148, 177, 208, 20, 152, 34, 148, 88, 148, 100, 164, 219, 200, 176, 217, 141, 168, 47, 165, 191, 201, 197, 216, 158, 168, 65, 166, 0, 201, 232, 217, 245, 166, 6, 170, 17, 199, 57, 213, 218, 165, 243, 170, 199, 200, 69, 213, 159, 165, 255, 170, 139, 198, 32, 212, 131, 165, 48, 171, 106, 198, 84, 213, 191, 164, 47, 165, 191, 201, 197, 216, 158, 168, 197, 163, 6, 191, 13, 215, 106, 167, 243, 170, 199, 200, 69, 213, 159, 165, 93, 171, 116, 200, 217, 215, 208, 163, 156, 166, 54, 174, 57, 208, 171, 162, 90, 170, 130, 168, 216, 206, 183, 159, 237, 174, 188, 172, 111, 206, 109, 158, 43, 130, 142, 170, 61, 79, 50, 166, 238, 155, 73, 239, 83, 156, 229, 194, 8, 190, 103, 222, 4, 159, 22, 201, 66, 182, 242, 139, 33, 90, 43, 168, 100, 195, 148, 192, 125, 146, 124, 185, 206, 169, 122, 195, 78, 141, 82, 176, 18, 169, 233, 176, 36, 124, 196, 165, 51, 172, 84, 177, 25, 129, 156, 165, 117, 183, 106, 200, 76, 145, 74, 185, 52, 176, 69, 187, 143, 137, 225, 173, 250, 180, 94, 187, 214, 138, 243, 175, 140, 179, 75, 182, 158, 135, 252, 171, 128, 177, 42, 170, 45, 123, 3, 165, 224, 9, 31, 120, 12, 124, 48, 228, 34, 30, 80, 77, 25, 209, 187, 143, 42, 35, 245, 214, 96, 124, 46, 228, 244, 7, 191, 238, 75, 83, 44, 227, 254, 2, 173, 112, 190, 119, 65, 221, 212, 15, 49, 81, 47, 202, 9, 142, 34, 30, 80, 77, 25, 209, 187, 143, 144, 20, 194, 187, 24, 199, 133, 135, 81, 18, 205, 187, 78, 206, 168, 138, 244, 7, 191, 238, 75, 83, 44, 227, 238, 25, 215, 176, 117, 149, 95, 234, 31, 36, 98, 192, 241, 183, 57, 233, 143, 48, 73, 246, 172, 185, 23, 215, 221, 132, 92, 252, 98, 216, 225, 190, 72, 134, 59, 251, 217, 215, 130, 190, 143, 134, 28, 251, 209, 215, 124, 190, 147, 133, 157, 249, 242, 214, 225, 189, 31, 36, 98, 192, 241, 183, 57, 233, 143, 48, 73, 246, 172, 185, 23, 215, 178, 133, 155, 248, 168, 213, 181, 189, 127, 199, 240, 214, 79, 188, 4, 184, 143, 48, 73, 246, 172, 185, 23, 215, 190, 127, 98, 255, 234, 217, 8, 192, 48, 128, 166, 255, 214, 217, 232, 191, 64, 128, 98, 255, 195, 217, 218, 191, 142, 130, 173, 254, 145, 217, 182, 191, 176, 131, 236, 252, 141, 216, 255, 190, 221, 132, 92, 252, 98, 216, 225, 190, 127, 199, 240, 214, 79, 188, 4, 184, 163, 212, 25, 158, 96, 145, 31, 158, 15, 128, 241, 255, 1, 0, 68, 133, 19, 128, 235, 255, 1, 0, 73, 250, 185, 128, 88, 255, 4, 0, 67, 133, 187, 190, 228, 139, 159, 104, 161, 241, 185, 246, 26, 127, 103, 127, 197, 245, 48, 128, 166, 255, 214, 217, 232, 191, 142, 130, 173, 254, 145, 217, 182, 191, 13, 130, 241, 253, 240, 216, 69, 191, 107, 186, 41, 139, 220, 102, 9, 240, 187, 190, 228, 139, 159, 104, 161, 241, 185, 246, 26, 127, 103, 127, 197, 245, 108, 248, 23, 125, 83, 129, 152, 241, 150, 14, 149, 174, 143, 88, 77, 128, 128, 14, 232, 178, 246, 93, 131, 129, 73, 13, 23, 182, 11, 175, 173, 131, 176, 131, 236, 252, 141, 216, 255, 190, 221, 132, 92, 252, 98, 216, 225, 190, 156, 132, 249, 250, 140, 215, 75, 190, 143, 134, 28, 251, 209, 215, 124, 190, 83, 138, 117, 246, 41, 213, 170, 188, 27, 14, 229, 175, 61, 92, 0, 129, 128, 14, 232, 178, 246, 93, 131, 129, 73, 13, 23, 182, 11, 175, 173, 131, 117, 134, 21, 250, 47, 0, 213, 248, 32, 135, 95, 249, 80, 0, 197, 248, 224, 9, 31, 120, 12, 124, 48, 228, 100, 31, 252, 84, 201, 213, 3, 140, 98, 35, 144, 171, 197, 43, 163, 133, 34, 30, 80, 77, 25, 209, 187, 143, 81, 18, 205, 187, 78, 206, 168, 138, 158, 14, 136, 53, 15, 87, 95, 225, 224, 9, 31, 120, 12, 124, 48, 228, 158, 14, 136, 53, 15, 87, 95, 225, 42, 35, 245, 214, 96, 124, 46, 228, 195, 93, 114, 250, 216, 138, 247, 205, 165, 168, 26, 254, 18, 147, 151, 208, 199, 192, 214, 254, 192, 158, 62, 216, 53, 170, 152, 235, 231, 159, 182, 198, 140, 181, 127, 216, 170, 151, 255, 194, 206, 180, 0, 216, 145, 152, 241, 193, 214, 193, 50, 216, 7, 160, 239, 198, 43, 130, 142, 170, 61, 79, 50, 166, 153, 150, 210, 100, 85, 199, 8, 148, 49, 156, 16, 98, 249, 207, 40, 149, 93, 162, 158, 100, 31, 206, 238, 146, 66, 182, 242, 139, 33, 90, 43, 168, 76, 228, 235, 133, 168, 110, 229, 179, 93, 171, 116, 200, 217, 215, 208, 163, 29, 182, 123, 195, 113, 210, 192, 157, 237, 174, 188, 172, 111, 206, 109, 158, 160, 186, 31, 166, 23, 202, 79, 152, 37, 192, 221, 167, 123, 198, 152, 150, 110, 171, 181, 155, 171, 203, 173, 156, 90, 170, 130, 168, 216, 206, 183, 159, 237, 174, 188, 172, 111, 206, 109, 158, 58, 183, 78, 150, 58, 201, 66, 151, 160, 186, 31, 166, 23, 202, 79, 152, 8, 190, 103, 222, 4, 159, 22, 201, 71, 195, 107, 218, 11, 159, 120, 201, 66, 182, 242, 139, 33, 90, 43, 168, 76, 228, 235, 133, 168, 110, 229, 179, 218, 230, 217, 120, 28, 111, 229, 179, 247, 113, 191, 193, 63, 126, 46, 165, 68, 146, 160, 102, 115, 192, 162, 146, 21, 191, 161, 222, 193, 158, 215, 201, 71, 195, 107, 218, 11, 159, 120, 201, 56, 183, 179, 78, 118, 42, 87, 129, 218, 230, 217, 120, 28, 111, 229, 179, 228, 141, 27, 231, 206, 155, 122, 185, 30, 166, 154, 241, 166, 152, 58, 201, 114, 170, 39, 224, 149, 161, 138, 191, 238, 162, 102, 201, 47, 149, 188, 176, 204, 172, 49, 182, 126, 131, 90, 169, 250, 180, 94, 187, 214, 138, 243, 175, 140, 179, 75, 182, 158, 135, 252, 171, 98, 41, 250, 191, 159, 45, 82, 128, 185, 50, 122, 203, 205, 42, 29, 129, 224, 64, 72, 206, 29, 27, 152, 133, 184, 106, 138, 251, 165, 15, 231, 136, 0, 136, 117, 253, 71, 4, 45, 138, 230, 138, 159, 250, 20, 4, 127, 137, 150, 73, 226, 230, 106, 36, 108, 128, 57, 72, 218, 231, 13, 217, 9, 128, 61, 73, 51, 238, 219, 213, 203, 128, 55, 40, 30, 241, 33, 182, 142, 133, 130, 10, 60, 238, 60, 162, 86, 138, 73, 54, 83, 242, 222, 191, 101, 130, 192, 83, 214, 241, 4, 33, 231, 130, 67, 50, 115, 244, 152, 191, 64, 134, 130, 217, 78, 251, 236, 176, 231, 134, 114, 7, 190, 173, 93, 115, 239, 228, 111, 7, 200, 173, 9, 116, 218, 229, 117, 12, 174, 196, 59, 110, 113, 229, 95, 100, 56, 222, 203, 146, 61, 191, 191, 100, 168, 223, 143, 146, 190, 191, 92, 103, 220, 220, 58, 147, 196, 188, 125, 36, 252, 213, 196, 208, 108, 140, 75, 38, 192, 218, 203, 209, 13, 142, 60, 98, 151, 219, 206, 146, 39, 191, 211, 38, 96, 233, 87, 195, 236, 139, 95, 100, 56, 222, 203, 146, 61, 191, 162, 99, 204, 225, 30, 145, 119, 193, 191, 100, 168, 223, 143, 146, 190, 191, 93, 38, 31, 204, 207, 222, 221, 140, 125, 36, 252, 213, 196, 208, 108, 140, 75, 38, 192, 218, 203, 209, 13, 142, 138, 111, 147, 241, 236, 137, 175, 193, 9, 115, 162, 245, 231, 137, 188, 193, 25, 38, 149, 202, 51, 222, 244, 139, 93, 38, 31, 204, 207, 222, 221, 140, 125, 36, 252, 213, 196, 208, 108, 140, 162, 99, 204, 225, 30, 145, 119, 193, 225, 98, 211, 228, 165, 143, 48, 195, 37, 99, 207, 228, 247, 143, 19, 195, 114, 7, 190, 173, 93, 115, 239, 228, 123, 10, 40, 191, 207, 109, 116, 228, 217, 9, 251, 194, 42, 112, 160, 232, 162, 99, 204, 225, 30, 145, 119, 193, 191, 100, 168, 223, 143, 146, 190, 191, 37, 99, 207, 228, 247, 143, 19, 195, 142, 92, 144, 208, 231, 7, 135, 247, 84, 91, 67, 213, 181, 1, 189, 248, 139, 91, 220, 213, 154, 1, 27, 249, 184, 92, 166, 216, 18, 0, 177, 134, 205, 95, 46, 209, 38, 11, 107, 247, 244, 93, 48, 218, 65, 0, 169, 134, 155, 96, 106, 219, 188, 1, 54, 249, 161, 100, 83, 214, 22, 11, 107, 247, 47, 101, 157, 219, 66, 7, 67, 249, 115, 98, 240, 220, 87, 2, 58, 249, 57, 72, 218, 231, 13, 217, 9, 128, 61, 73, 51, 238, 219, 213, 203, 128, 181, 110, 166, 236, 18, 0, 101, 249, 156, 113, 168, 229, 0, 11, 175, 250, 243, 116, 244, 220, 32, 22, 23, 249, 166, 116, 78, 231, 27, 12, 6, 250, 88, 117, 18, 233, 28, 11, 47, 250, 44, 119, 100, 229, 228, 16, 14, 251, 235, 121, 213, 230, 203, 17, 143, 250, 149, 121, 107, 238, 18, 10, 50, 250, 89, 122, 189, 231, 71, 17, 123, 250, 168, 123, 185, 238, 205, 11, 85, 250, 171, 123, 90, 240, 234, 9, 234, 248, 114, 132, 146, 252, 101, 215, 242, 190, 178, 133, 155, 248, 168, 213, 181, 189, 127, 199, 240, 214, 79, 188, 4, 184, 163, 212, 25, 158, 96, 145, 31, 158, 245, 214, 145, 160, 245, 144, 146, 162, 27, 14, 229, 175, 61, 92, 0, 129, 33, 53, 30, 149, 214, 70, 142, 143, 73, 13, 23, 182, 11, 175, 173, 131, 105, 102, 103, 148, 33, 162, 41, 248, 83, 138, 117, 246, 41, 213, 170, 188, 254, 2, 173, 112, 190, 119, 65, 221, 21, 17, 162, 140, 8, 136, 219, 213, 213, 16, 7, 171, 81, 120, 11, 221, 153, 27, 74, 81, 148, 202, 112, 142, 212, 15, 49, 81, 47, 202, 9, 142, 21, 17, 162, 140, 8, 136, 219, 213, 213, 16, 7, 171, 81, 120, 11, 221, 180, 65, 252, 202, 155, 150, 130, 206, 163, 106, 202, 205, 29, 161, 122, 182, 193, 112, 173, 238, 181, 165, 199, 193, 238, 155, 73, 239, 83, 156, 229, 194, 190, 177, 169, 236, 160, 156, 91, 203, 21, 191, 161, 222, 193, 158, 215, 201, 8, 190, 103, 222, 4, 159, 22, 201, 206, 180, 0, 216, 145, 152, 241, 193, 71, 195, 107, 218, 11, 159, 120, 201, 214, 193, 50, 216, 7, 160, 239, 198, 208, 110, 194, 181, 196, 116, 17, 161, 89, 114, 184, 226, 9, 148, 209, 185, 214, 156, 212, 172, 31, 117, 125, 161, 41, 214, 211, 207, 96, 158, 16, 206, 30, 191, 183, 181, 161, 139, 85, 176, 208, 110, 194, 181, 196, 116, 17, 161, 237, 137, 206, 100, 113, 198, 253, 151, 242, 148, 201, 94, 36, 208, 212, 150, 170, 152, 207, 97, 229, 208, 250, 150, 214, 156, 212, 172, 31, 117, 125, 161, 217, 212, 4, 184, 137, 149, 5, 189, 237, 137, 206, 100, 113, 198, 253, 151, 170, 152, 207, 97, 229, 208, 250, 150, 25, 155, 182, 108, 43, 206, 235, 152, 49, 156, 16, 98, 249, 207, 40, 149, 110, 162, 129, 123, 36, 205, 227, 154, 93, 162, 158, 100, 31, 206, 238, 146, 175, 165, 80, 142, 182, 203, 152, 156, 122, 169, 18, 146, 15, 204, 242, 155, 85, 147, 34, 101, 248, 192, 231, 145, 153, 150, 210, 100, 85, 199, 8, 148, 49, 156, 16, 98, 249, 207, 40, 149, 175, 165, 80, 142, 182, 203, 152, 156, 110, 171, 181, 155, 171, 203, 173, 156, 58, 183, 78, 150, 58, 201, 66, 151, 65, 194, 199, 124, 181, 197, 151, 143, 13, 134, 207, 202, 126, 131, 217, 167, 242, 148, 201, 94, 36, 208, 212, 150, 166, 157, 39, 100, 142, 209, 63, 150, 214, 156, 212, 172, 31, 117, 125, 161, 30, 191, 183, 181, 161, 139, 85, 176, 89, 114, 184, 226, 9, 148, 209, 185, 13, 134, 207, 202, 126, 131, 217, 167, 117, 208, 178, 227, 124, 154, 202, 214, 10, 198, 167, 202, 137, 153, 85, 194, 30, 191, 183, 181, 161, 139, 85, 176, 89, 114, 184, 226, 9, 148, 209, 185, 190, 177, 169, 236, 160, 156, 91, 203, 66, 166, 40, 232, 28, 152, 110, 196, 117, 208, 178, 227, 124, 154, 202, 214, 140, 181, 127, 216, 170, 151, 255, 194, 206, 180, 0, 216, 145, 152, 241, 193, 41, 214, 211, 207, 96, 158, 16, 206, 153, 27, 74, 81, 148, 202, 112, 142, 212, 15, 49, 81, 47, 202, 9, 142, 144, 20, 194, 187, 24, 199, 133, 135, 126, 10, 207, 70, 63, 205, 156, 145, 239, 7, 114, 63, 122, 200, 235, 146, 185, 50, 122, 203, 205, 42, 29, 129, 224, 64, 72, 206, 29, 27, 152, 133, 217, 68, 252, 221, 225, 34, 107, 131, 21, 17, 162, 140, 8, 136, 219, 213, 153, 27, 74, 81, 148, 202, 112, 142, 126, 10, 207, 70, 63, 205, 156, 145, 157, 72, 162, 181, 35, 160, 186, 191, 180, 65, 252, 202, 155, 150, 130, 206, 157, 72, 162, 181, 35, 160, 186, 191, 180, 65, 252, 202, 155, 150, 130, 206, 72, 86, 122, 197, 228, 161, 7, 191, 163, 106, 202, 205, 29, 161, 122, 182, 248, 130, 63, 249, 80, 155, 39, 190, 150, 153, 217, 198, 149, 154, 12, 173, 163, 106, 202, 205, 29, 161, 122, 182, 193, 112, 173, 238, 181, 165, 199, 193, 211, 113, 210, 237, 10, 154, 211, 191, 79, 89, 173, 248, 14, 149, 136, 206, 248, 130, 63, 249, 80, 155, 39, 190, 139, 148, 208, 217, 153, 146, 61, 181, 182, 148, 191, 210, 184, 143, 164, 177, 234, 165, 205, 209, 195, 147, 221, 182, 70, 31, 118, 158, 145, 51, 94, 136, 178, 19, 179, 172, 237, 190, 88, 129, 72, 134, 59, 251, 217, 215, 130, 190, 147, 133, 157, 249, 242, 214, 225, 189, 196, 133, 142, 249, 225, 214, 213, 189, 43, 130, 142, 170, 61, 79, 50, 166, 237, 137, 206, 100, 113, 198, 253, 151, 93, 162, 158, 100, 31, 206, 238, 146, 100, 195, 148, 192, 125, 146, 124, 185, 217, 212, 4, 184, 137, 149, 5, 189, 208, 110, 194, 181, 196, 116, 17, 161, 238, 155, 73, 239, 83, 156, 229, 194, 190, 177, 169, 236, 160, 156, 91, 203, 41, 214, 211, 207, 96, 158, 16, 206, 100, 195, 148, 192, 125, 146, 124, 185, 217, 212, 4, 184, 137, 149, 5, 189, 139, 148, 208, 217, 153, 146, 61, 181, 114, 170, 39, 224, 149, 161, 138, 191, 234, 165, 205, 209, 195, 147, 221, 182, 51, 172, 84, 177, 25, 129, 156, 165, 250, 180, 94, 187, 214, 138, 243, 175, 254, 2, 173, 112, 190, 119, 65, 221, 213, 16, 7, 171, 81, 120, 11, 221, 42, 35, 245, 214, 96, 124, 46, 228, 244, 7, 191, 238, 75, 83, 44, 227, 193, 112, 173, 238, 181, 165, 199, 193, 79, 89, 173, 248, 14, 149, 136, 206, 165, 168, 26, 254, 18, 147, 151, 208, 58, 22, 59, 171, 113, 76, 213, 132, 27, 14, 229, 175, 61, 92, 0, 129, 105, 102, 103, 148, 33, 162, 41, 248, 117, 134, 21, 250, 47, 0, 213, 248, 62, 140, 138, 243, 157, 1, 85, 249, 215, 140, 151, 243, 173, 0, 198, 250, 96, 141, 92, 242, 135, 1, 142, 250, 194, 240, 4, 27, 218, 107, 131, 143, 33, 53, 30, 149, 214, 70, 142, 143, 105, 102, 103, 148, 33, 162, 41, 248, 194, 240, 4, 27, 218, 107, 131, 143, 178, 128, 95, 255, 4, 0, 68, 133, 177, 130, 183, 253, 49, 0, 72, 133, 62, 178, 68, 147, 142, 80, 172, 221, 19, 186, 23, 146, 248, 92, 68, 233, 90, 209, 113, 137, 0, 105, 168, 228, 108, 219, 67, 133, 147, 116, 4, 242, 137, 149, 73, 234, 228, 0, 75, 254, 118, 153, 3, 235, 209, 3, 62, 131, 168, 153, 197, 234, 112, 3, 232, 131, 40, 153, 207, 232, 210, 0, 77, 131, 90, 157, 27, 230, 55, 3, 248, 129, 127, 160, 139, 227, 215, 3, 22, 130, 184, 162, 102, 225, 233, 3, 29, 130, 32, 165, 229, 225, 228, 6, 5, 131, 193, 162, 8, 225, 233, 3, 134, 129, 60, 168, 26, 224, 138, 8, 17, 131, 1, 161, 193, 226, 254, 3, 85, 129, 184, 162, 102, 225, 233, 3, 29, 130, 193, 162, 8, 225, 233, 3, 134, 129, 58, 169, 159, 222, 148, 8, 88, 130, 243, 167, 44, 220, 248, 4, 224, 128, 227, 165, 39, 218, 4, 0, 228, 255, 178, 171, 22, 220, 156, 8, 85, 130, 13, 53, 159, 102, 202, 167, 5, 140, 245, 60, 174, 100, 243, 170, 37, 141, 78, 63, 3, 101, 208, 170, 25, 141, 123, 64, 126, 100, 152, 171, 92, 141, 199, 173, 111, 227, 247, 20, 77, 129, 101, 43, 19, 103, 126, 166, 124, 139, 13, 53, 159, 102, 202, 167, 5, 140, 28, 156, 100, 246, 241, 19, 36, 128, 125, 157, 29, 243, 74, 18, 88, 128, 116, 153, 99, 242, 15, 13, 113, 128, 199, 173, 111, 227, 247, 20, 77, 129, 100, 32, 52, 102, 146, 166, 134, 139, 101, 43, 19, 103, 126, 166, 124, 139, 121, 50, 128, 101, 175, 168, 125, 140, 166, 156, 152, 246, 140, 20, 119, 128, 125, 157, 29, 243, 74, 18, 88, 128, 212, 104, 179, 236, 93, 137, 240, 194, 152, 101, 52, 238, 60, 136, 87, 197, 88, 106, 58, 238, 105, 137, 216, 194, 247, 144, 35, 178, 89, 64, 155, 248, 183, 154, 85, 173, 72, 65, 156, 246, 251, 162, 203, 188, 217, 44, 101, 247, 11, 164, 195, 175, 231, 199, 228, 252, 70, 67, 242, 218, 140, 33, 197, 128, 80, 91, 44, 207, 245, 7, 135, 247, 142, 92, 144, 208, 231, 7, 135, 247, 50, 89, 126, 217, 6, 3, 9, 131, 205, 95, 46, 209, 38, 11, 107, 247, 188, 77, 116, 227, 24, 28, 12, 129, 42, 61, 160, 227, 165, 207, 202, 128, 205, 95, 46, 209, 38, 11, 107, 247, 188, 77, 116, 227, 24, 28, 12, 129, 115, 98, 240, 220, 87, 2, 58, 249, 150, 73, 226, 230, 106, 36, 108, 128, 161, 100, 83, 214, 22, 11, 107, 247, 57, 72, 218, 231, 13, 217, 9, 128, 182, 75, 93, 232, 221, 34, 227, 130, 246, 104, 197, 215, 25, 15, 89, 248, 234, 16, 220, 44, 245, 156, 189, 144, 201, 96, 236, 222, 40, 166, 127, 197, 39, 13, 40, 230, 55, 168, 142, 138, 142, 79, 177, 232, 129, 153, 35, 207, 253, 14, 12, 235, 53, 168, 142, 138, 52, 105, 181, 230, 234, 167, 112, 195, 25, 239, 252, 1, 171, 157, 168, 149, 62, 135, 236, 215, 110, 170, 24, 179, 56, 49, 130, 204, 182, 141, 254, 216, 234, 16, 220, 44, 245, 156, 189, 144, 117, 37, 187, 229, 60, 122, 222, 229, 250, 4, 1, 28, 59, 157, 73, 141, 142, 79, 177, 232, 129, 153, 35, 207, 56, 49, 130, 204, 182, 141, 254, 216, 212, 102, 163, 188, 43, 173, 136, 180, 201, 96, 236, 222, 40, 166, 127, 197, 142, 79, 177, 232, 129, 153, 35, 207, 181, 118, 177, 237, 178, 174, 188, 190, 34, 101, 108, 246, 253, 168, 1, 200, 113, 103, 102, 249, 36, 177, 42, 199, 239, 109, 105, 252, 166, 193, 145, 196, 11, 152, 98, 192, 76, 164, 89, 170, 119, 159, 189, 198, 0, 166, 200, 173, 196, 174, 11, 190, 170, 165, 124, 170, 209, 6, 71, 51, 148, 146, 111, 136, 33, 234, 39, 9, 190, 144, 64, 147, 129, 180, 170, 247, 164, 148, 23, 211, 164, 234, 168, 9, 217, 146, 10, 148, 114, 201, 202, 235, 86, 148, 174, 216, 87, 36, 80, 208, 9, 140, 80, 227, 230, 115, 154, 201, 216, 171, 238, 178, 156, 116, 207, 207, 97, 167, 240, 179, 67, 126, 93, 212, 215, 171, 86, 178, 129, 180, 170, 247, 164, 148, 23, 211, 114, 201, 202, 235, 86, 148, 174, 216, 87, 36, 80, 208, 9, 140, 80, 227, 69, 14, 178, 239, 96, 157, 100, 134, 88, 28, 226, 2, 237, 143, 121, 148, 33, 234, 39, 9, 190, 144, 64, 147, 114, 201, 202, 235, 86, 148, 174, 216, 55, 40, 30, 241, 33, 182, 142, 133, 129, 15, 126, 243, 188, 158, 244, 134, 88, 28, 226, 2, 237, 143, 121, 148, 130, 217, 78, 251, 236, 176, 231, 134, 207, 253, 27, 10, 89, 153, 182, 142, 33, 234, 39, 9, 190, 144, 64, 147, 164, 234, 168, 9, 217, 146, 10, 148, 190, 225, 242, 11, 176, 142, 222, 150, 34, 85, 221, 240, 19, 31, 173, 129, 73, 54, 83, 242, 222, 191, 101, 130, 192, 83, 214, 241, 4, 33, 231, 130, 201, 73, 224, 242, 77, 45, 254, 128, 50, 59, 70, 248, 221, 192, 161, 129, 94, 95, 70, 248, 179, 25, 206, 130, 34, 85, 221, 240, 19, 31, 173, 129, 37, 107, 143, 245, 87, 11, 148, 131, 44, 119, 100, 229, 228, 16, 14, 251, 94, 95, 70, 248, 179, 25, 206, 130, 235, 121, 213, 230, 203, 17, 143, 250, 69, 14, 178, 239, 96, 157, 100, 134, 88, 28, 226, 2, 237, 143, 121, 148, 190, 225, 242, 11, 176, 142, 222, 150, 137, 195, 128, 244, 204, 144, 234, 217, 142, 219, 6, 224, 200, 149, 82, 221, 87, 36, 80, 208, 9, 140, 80, 227, 115, 99, 181, 190, 169, 167, 95, 181, 69, 14, 178, 239, 96, 157, 100, 134, 230, 115, 154, 201, 216, 171, 238, 178, 137, 195, 128, 244, 204, 144, 234, 217, 249, 92, 63, 197, 68, 172, 166, 189, 167, 64, 165, 223, 25, 147, 222, 212, 41, 60, 224, 224, 125, 132, 31, 216, 201, 96, 236, 222, 40, 166, 127, 197, 190, 70, 163, 233, 128, 151, 190, 211, 52, 105, 181, 230, 234, 167, 112, 195, 181, 118, 177, 237, 178, 174, 188, 190, 153, 14, 168, 157, 170, 93, 26, 133, 234, 14, 190, 159, 131, 94, 82, 133, 21, 15, 64, 170, 96, 99, 39, 134, 214, 13, 119, 175, 246, 97, 174, 131, 91, 129, 231, 253, 207, 0, 224, 248, 84, 132, 25, 252, 14, 0, 195, 248, 101, 40, 101, 191, 190, 47, 254, 128, 98, 41, 250, 191, 159, 45, 82, 128, 37, 37, 56, 197, 159, 208, 139, 132, 39, 41, 9, 206, 209, 206, 21, 133, 84, 73, 209, 229, 200, 35, 169, 128, 152, 120, 34, 248, 104, 0, 210, 134, 184, 106, 138, 251, 165, 15, 231, 136, 249, 8, 5, 80, 195, 207, 226, 142, 6, 5, 172, 77, 36, 210, 16, 144, 80, 9, 186, 69, 126, 207, 75, 146, 195, 11, 191, 67, 43, 212, 197, 147, 37, 37, 56, 197, 159, 208, 139, 132, 169, 17, 116, 198, 143, 207, 39, 143, 39, 41, 9, 206, 209, 206, 21, 133, 176, 44, 233, 205, 43, 213, 126, 133, 184, 22, 242, 82, 42, 208, 169, 141, 215, 14, 112, 78, 83, 208, 114, 143, 200, 15, 94, 75, 175, 210, 194, 144, 161, 94, 41, 222, 101, 155, 159, 196, 245, 98, 88, 213, 220, 155, 50, 189, 194, 96, 187, 251, 89, 150, 229, 203, 243, 39, 248, 221, 126, 128, 188, 228, 245, 98, 88, 213, 220, 155, 50, 189, 6, 104, 128, 247, 187, 159, 91, 199, 194, 96, 187, 251, 89, 150, 229, 203, 238, 162, 102, 201, 47, 149, 188, 176, 235, 169, 245, 180, 45, 132, 41, 167, 25, 172, 199, 180, 103, 136, 156, 167, 204, 172, 49, 182, 126, 131, 90, 169, 76, 128, 103, 186, 58, 155, 160, 164, 53, 144, 10, 179, 240, 151, 253, 161, 119, 181, 221, 197, 92, 161, 17, 177, 51, 178, 220, 87, 185, 63, 123, 133, 145, 181, 103, 80, 160, 49, 214, 132, 142, 187, 93, 81, 59, 48, 192, 134, 197, 191, 231, 143, 151, 115, 173, 154, 114, 217, 129, 76, 180, 51, 168, 144, 79, 205, 181, 93, 233, 58, 72, 135, 184, 221, 89, 177, 146, 198, 28, 135, 85, 237, 99, 80, 108, 54, 97, 142, 51, 189, 101, 88, 142, 60, 75, 136, 184, 221, 89, 177, 146, 198, 28, 135, 32, 212, 8, 123, 95, 182, 27, 135, 85, 237, 99, 80, 108, 54, 97, 142, 11, 222, 67, 98, 89, 60, 102, 136, 4, 242, 203, 158, 114, 178, 118, 129, 215, 14, 112, 78, 83, 208, 114, 143, 200, 15, 94, 75, 175, 210, 194, 144, 6, 5, 172, 77, 36, 210, 16, 144, 195, 11, 191, 67, 43, 212, 197, 147, 235, 36, 60, 103, 241, 196, 243, 131, 184, 22, 242, 82, 42, 208, 169, 141, 35, 35, 85, 173, 96, 42, 63, 132, 200, 15, 94, 75, 175, 210, 194, 144, 6, 5, 172, 77, 36, 210, 16, 144, 86, 32, 130, 67, 6, 220, 158, 147, 101, 40, 101, 191, 190, 47, 254, 128, 37, 37, 56, 197, 159, 208, 139, 132, 153, 14, 168, 157, 170, 93, 26, 133, 159, 9, 76, 192, 184, 155, 82, 130, 161, 131, 169, 252, 30, 0, 186, 248, 84, 132, 25, 252, 14, 0, 195, 248, 167, 127, 183, 255, 208, 217, 26, 192, 48, 128, 166, 255, 214, 217, 232, 191, 64, 128, 98, 255, 195, 217, 218, 191, 159, 128, 49, 255, 158, 217, 192, 191, 85, 151, 253, 143, 61, 92, 5, 243, 179, 184, 62, 143, 221, 100, 31, 243, 107, 186, 41, 139, 220, 102, 9, 240, 159, 9, 76, 192, 184, 155, 82, 130, 231, 6, 90, 200, 228, 161, 121, 134, 154, 6, 227, 202, 154, 153, 106, 132, 161, 131, 169, 252, 30, 0, 186, 248, 251, 132, 116, 251, 32, 0, 186, 248, 153, 14, 168, 157, 170, 93, 26, 133, 234, 14, 190, 159, 131, 94, 82, 133, 159, 9, 76, 192, 184, 155, 82, 130, 231, 6, 90, 200, 228, 161, 121, 134, 11, 127, 128, 255, 123, 0, 27, 165, 190, 127, 98, 255, 234, 217, 8, 192, 176, 131, 236, 252, 141, 216, 255, 190, 156, 132, 249, 250, 140, 215, 75, 190, 150, 14, 149, 174, 143, 88, 77, 128, 128, 14, 232, 178, 246, 93, 131, 129, 154, 6, 227, 202, 154, 153, 106, 132, 251, 132, 116, 251, 32, 0, 186, 248, 32, 135, 95, 249, 80, 0, 197, 248, 150, 14, 149, 174, 143, 88, 77, 128, 231, 6, 90, 200, 228, 161, 121, 134, 154, 6, 227, 202, 154, 153, 106, 132, 156, 132, 249, 250, 140, 215, 75, 190, 98, 35, 144, 171, 197, 43, 163, 133, 35, 35, 85, 173, 96, 42, 63, 132, 144, 20, 194, 187, 24, 199, 133, 135, 81, 18, 205, 187, 78, 206, 168, 138, 101, 40, 101, 191, 190, 47, 254, 128, 98, 41, 250, 191, 159, 45, 82, 128, 185, 50, 122, 203, 205, 42, 29, 129, 100, 31, 252, 84, 201, 213, 3, 140, 98, 35, 144, 171, 197, 43, 163, 133, 35, 35, 85, 173, 96, 42, 63, 132, 129, 34, 235, 69, 16, 217, 105, 146, 119, 34, 180, 69, 238, 217, 119, 146, 86, 32, 130, 67, 6, 220, 158, 147, 129, 34, 235, 69, 16, 217, 105, 146, 119, 34, 180, 69, 238, 217, 119, 146, 107, 106, 45, 235, 195, 153, 220, 194, 201, 95, 210, 244, 182, 148, 165, 202, 107, 106, 45, 235, 195, 153, 220, 194, 239, 85, 227, 239, 86, 151, 209, 205, 201, 95, 210, 244, 182, 148, 165, 202, 240, 94, 161, 249, 168, 151, 16, 204, 228, 141, 27, 231, 206, 155, 122, 185, 30, 166, 154, 241, 166, 152, 58, 201, 199, 192, 214, 254, 192, 158, 62, 216, 25, 133, 111, 246, 241, 162, 149, 189, 251, 137, 199, 243, 203, 162, 164, 189, 205, 147, 24, 230, 215, 158, 112, 186, 53, 170, 152, 235, 231, 159, 182, 198, 206, 169, 122, 195, 78, 141, 82, 176, 25, 172, 199, 180, 103, 136, 156, 167, 204, 172, 49, 182, 126, 131, 90, 169, 140, 179, 75, 182, 158, 135, 252, 171, 148, 113, 54, 247, 207, 171, 153, 195, 76, 128, 103, 186, 58, 155, 160, 164, 166, 137, 148, 249, 25, 177, 189, 191, 53, 144, 10, 179, 240, 151, 253, 161, 194, 127, 180, 113, 4, 170, 159, 143, 76, 128, 103, 186, 58, 155, 160, 164, 166, 137, 148, 249, 25, 177, 189, 191, 142, 187, 93, 81, 59, 48, 192, 134, 123, 251, 99, 85, 197, 162, 41, 185, 247, 113, 191, 193, 63, 126, 46, 165, 194, 127, 180, 113, 4, 170, 159, 143, 100, 164, 191, 78, 189, 208, 239, 134, 56, 183, 179, 78, 118, 42, 87, 129, 123, 251, 99, 85, 197, 162, 41, 185, 223, 189, 101, 130, 202, 192, 9, 145, 58, 183, 78, 150, 58, 201, 66, 151, 65, 194, 199, 124, 181, 197, 151, 143, 160, 186, 31, 166, 23, 202, 79, 152, 37, 192, 221, 167, 123, 198, 152, 150, 205, 206, 233, 121, 137, 189, 56, 137, 199, 230, 132, 149, 75, 188, 226, 135, 243, 170, 199, 200, 69, 213, 159, 165, 93, 171, 116, 200, 217, 215, 208, 163, 48, 171, 106, 198, 84, 213, 191, 164, 129, 171, 61, 197, 28, 215, 100, 163, 201, 173, 204, 199, 80, 213, 42, 163, 35, 175, 219, 197, 180, 209, 137, 163, 29, 182, 123, 195, 113, 210, 192, 157, 247, 177, 22, 205, 250, 208, 88, 164, 214, 175, 33, 199, 158, 209, 123, 163, 34, 179, 94, 199, 241, 206, 188, 162, 248, 178, 151, 196, 87, 206, 57, 162, 27, 186, 7, 194, 142, 200, 203, 159, 126, 199, 123, 147, 228, 222, 39, 147, 255, 204, 72, 149, 125, 231, 217, 144, 251, 238, 154, 162, 134, 188, 139, 128, 251, 184, 212, 195, 94, 201, 187, 160, 27, 186, 7, 194, 142, 200, 203, 159, 251, 238, 154, 162, 134, 188, 139, 128, 81, 236, 97, 150, 24, 191, 95, 133, 242, 31, 25, 204, 248, 228, 182, 146, 216, 43, 67, 236, 165, 204, 245, 143, 104, 43, 104, 255, 32, 190, 241, 141, 87, 178, 103, 219, 166, 216, 49, 168, 158, 181, 61, 217, 183, 213, 36, 167, 96, 100, 12, 253, 74, 254, 78, 181, 185, 165, 255, 245, 186, 240, 72, 177, 177, 173, 113, 246, 213, 238, 196, 176, 125, 172, 46, 241, 30, 235, 77, 176, 116, 171, 26, 237, 246, 231, 2, 174, 83, 168, 19, 234, 195, 230, 147, 173, 71, 175, 131, 233, 228, 227, 33, 173, 104, 43, 104, 255, 32, 190, 241, 141, 58, 218, 194, 235, 207, 191, 133, 148, 147, 179, 222, 217, 204, 214, 32, 168, 158, 181, 61, 217, 183, 213, 36, 167, 64, 182, 97, 214, 198, 211, 254, 165, 102, 182, 1, 209, 106, 208, 180, 164, 61, 229, 184, 211, 5, 171, 252, 134, 211, 149, 0, 247, 158, 15, 21, 197, 20, 148, 12, 246, 40, 16, 103, 197, 58, 150, 251, 240, 91, 20, 204, 199, 58, 218, 194, 235, 207, 191, 133, 148, 86, 227, 237, 221, 101, 173, 141, 137, 61, 229, 184, 211, 5, 171, 252, 134, 185, 148, 175, 237, 161, 22, 10, 201, 230, 238, 87, 182, 214, 76, 170, 130, 246, 238, 230, 181, 130, 55, 199, 135, 71, 236, 227, 152, 219, 203, 62, 131, 183, 145, 250, 235, 226, 21, 167, 200, 185, 148, 175, 237, 161, 22, 10, 201, 228, 148, 142, 237, 194, 22, 27, 201, 255, 204, 72, 149, 125, 231, 217, 144, 251, 238, 154, 162, 134, 188, 139, 128, 71, 236, 227, 152, 219, 203, 62, 131, 81, 236, 97, 150, 24, 191, 95, 133, 194, 127, 180, 113, 4, 170, 159, 143, 100, 164, 191, 78, 189, 208, 239, 134, 223, 189, 101, 130, 202, 192, 9, 145, 145, 181, 103, 80, 160, 49, 214, 132, 142, 187, 93, 81, 59, 48, 192, 134, 205, 206, 233, 121, 137, 189, 56, 137, 161, 94, 41, 222, 101, 155, 159, 196, 97, 93, 113, 223, 181, 154, 166, 197, 245, 98, 88, 213, 220, 155, 50, 189, 239, 85, 227, 239, 86, 151, 209, 205, 30, 166, 154, 241, 166, 152, 58, 201, 238, 162, 102, 201, 47, 149, 188, 176, 235, 36, 60, 103, 241, 196, 243, 131, 129, 34, 235, 69, 16, 217, 105, 146, 86, 32, 130, 67, 6, 220, 158, 147, 97, 93, 113, 223, 181, 154, 166, 197, 107, 106, 45, 235, 195, 153, 220, 194, 239, 85, 227, 239, 86, 151, 209, 205, 235, 36, 60, 103, 241, 196, 243, 131, 184, 22, 242, 82, 42, 208, 169, 141, 161, 94, 41, 222, 101, 155, 159, 196, 97, 93, 113, 223, 181, 154, 166, 197, 148, 113, 54, 247, 207, 171, 153, 195, 25, 133, 111, 246, 241, 162, 149, 189, 251, 137, 199, 243, 203, 162, 164, 189, 79, 138, 68, 241, 77, 168, 149, 188, 53, 144, 10, 179, 240, 151, 253, 161, 119, 181, 221, 197, 92, 161, 17, 177, 129, 171, 61, 197, 28, 215, 100, 163, 29, 182, 123, 195, 113, 210, 192, 157, 37, 192, 221, 167, 123, 198, 152, 150, 76, 198, 45, 175, 139, 195, 9, 150, 32, 212, 8, 123, 95, 182, 27, 135, 173, 220, 175, 129, 207, 182, 200, 135, 4, 242, 203, 158, 114, 178, 118, 129, 199, 230, 132, 149, 75, 188, 226, 135, 51, 178, 220, 87, 185, 63, 123, 133, 145, 181, 103, 80, 160, 49, 214, 132, 205, 206, 233, 121, 137, 189, 56, 137, 79, 205, 181, 93, 233, 58, 72, 135, 184, 221, 89, 177, 146, 198, 28, 135, 4, 242, 203, 158, 114, 178, 118, 129, 199, 230, 132, 149, 75, 188, 226, 135, 198, 170, 206, 201, 136, 213, 235, 165, 115, 174, 105, 204, 249, 211, 200, 164, 201, 173, 204, 199, 80, 213, 42, 163, 35, 175, 219, 197, 180, 209, 137, 163, 214, 175, 33, 199, 158, 209, 123, 163, 34, 179, 94, 199, 241, 206, 188, 162, 253, 182, 20, 200, 61, 204, 253, 161, 251, 184, 212, 195, 94, 201, 187, 160, 230, 238, 87, 182, 214, 76, 170, 130, 71, 236, 227, 152, 219, 203, 62, 131, 81, 236, 97, 150, 24, 191, 95, 133, 197, 182, 17, 203, 150, 205, 185, 162, 253, 182, 20, 200, 61, 204, 253, 161, 137, 239, 173, 189, 49, 93, 45, 128, 230, 238, 87, 182, 214, 76, 170, 130, 246, 238, 230, 181, 130, 55, 199, 135, 58, 150, 251, 240, 91, 20, 204, 199, 185, 148, 175, 237, 161, 22, 10, 201, 228, 148, 142, 237, 194, 22, 27, 201, 86, 227, 237, 221, 101, 173, 141, 137, 137, 239, 173, 189, 49, 93, 45, 128, 246, 238, 230, 181, 130, 55, 199, 135, 25, 87, 242, 245, 169, 252, 109, 205, 6, 84, 239, 248, 56, 255, 167, 180, 240, 88, 158, 255, 156, 248, 80, 179, 11, 92, 206, 255, 21, 249, 96, 179, 116, 171, 26, 237, 246, 231, 2, 174, 71, 175, 131, 233, 228, 227, 33, 173, 231, 169, 116, 230, 150, 227, 120, 172, 159, 170, 181, 228, 227, 225, 183, 172, 87, 178, 103, 219, 166, 216, 49, 168, 147, 179, 222, 217, 204, 214, 32, 168, 158, 181, 61, 217, 183, 213, 36, 167, 68, 146, 160, 102, 115, 192, 162, 146, 85, 147, 34, 101, 248, 192, 231, 145, 153, 150, 210, 100, 85, 199, 8, 148, 76, 228, 235, 133, 168, 110, 229, 179, 218, 230, 217, 120, 28, 111, 229, 179, 247, 113, 191, 193, 63, 126, 46, 165, 148, 113, 54, 247, 207, 171, 153, 195, 25, 133, 111, 246, 241, 162, 149, 189, 166, 137, 148, 249, 25, 177, 189, 191, 53, 170, 152, 235, 231, 159, 182, 198, 21, 191, 161, 222, 193, 158, 215, 201, 214, 193, 50, 216, 7, 160, 239, 198, 123, 251, 99, 85, 197, 162, 41, 185, 79, 89, 173, 248, 14, 149, 136, 206, 240, 94, 161, 249, 168, 151, 16, 204, 195, 93, 114, 250, 216, 138, 247, 205, 165, 168, 26, 254, 18, 147, 151, 208, 228, 141, 27, 231, 206, 155, 122, 185, 114, 170, 39, 224, 149, 161, 138, 191, 234, 165, 205, 209, 195, 147, 221, 182, 100, 31, 252, 84, 201, 213, 3, 140, 119, 34, 180, 69, 238, 217, 119, 146, 158, 14, 136, 53, 15, 87, 95, 225, 201, 95, 210, 244, 182, 148, 165, 202, 240, 94, 161, 249, 168, 151, 16, 204, 195, 93, 114, 250, 216, 138, 247, 205, 68, 146, 160, 102, 115, 192, 162, 146, 85, 147, 34, 101, 248, 192, 231, 145, 100, 164, 191, 78, 189, 208, 239, 134, 223, 189, 101, 130, 202, 192, 9, 145, 56, 183, 179, 78, 118, 42, 87, 129, 65, 194, 199, 124, 181, 197, 151, 143, 19, 128, 235, 255, 1, 0, 73, 250, 85, 151, 253, 143, 61, 92, 5, 243, 107, 186, 41, 139, 220, 102, 9, 240, 187, 190, 228, 139, 159, 104, 161, 241, 226, 127, 232, 255, 7, 0, 79, 133, 28, 128, 228, 255, 0, 0, 89, 133, 74, 128, 130, 255, 51, 0, 81, 250, 180, 183, 2, 139, 39, 107, 63, 247, 138, 184, 8, 139, 103, 107, 106, 248, 190, 184, 2, 139, 76, 107, 168, 246, 61, 73, 51, 238, 219, 213, 203, 128, 98, 110, 3, 222, 80, 14, 105, 248, 34, 85, 221, 240, 19, 31, 173, 129, 192, 83, 214, 241, 4, 33, 231, 130, 181, 110, 166, 236, 18, 0, 101, 249, 156, 113, 168, 229, 0, 11, 175, 250, 44, 119, 100, 229, 228, 16, 14, 251, 234, 16, 220, 44, 245, 156, 189, 144, 250, 4, 1, 28, 59, 157, 73, 141, 253, 14, 12, 235, 53, 168, 142, 138, 55, 40, 30, 241, 33, 182, 142, 133, 130, 10, 60, 238, 60, 162, 86, 138, 32, 254, 217, 9, 32, 154, 244, 142, 207, 253, 27, 10, 89, 153, 182, 142, 13, 84, 66, 210, 161, 162, 106, 200, 161, 105, 105, 200, 158, 172, 156, 183, 4, 245, 21, 14, 24, 144, 111, 142, 43, 143, 131, 196, 250, 170, 105, 172, 94, 253, 138, 29, 148, 145, 230, 140, 209, 6, 71, 51, 148, 146, 111, 136, 232, 232, 134, 3, 16, 143, 55, 146, 32, 254, 217, 9, 32, 154, 244, 142, 207, 253, 27, 10, 89, 153, 182, 142, 164, 234, 168, 9, 217, 146, 10, 148, 4, 245, 21, 14, 24, 144, 111, 142, 94, 253, 138, 29, 148, 145, 230, 140, 125, 25, 235, 211, 127, 119, 93, 231, 13, 84, 66, 210, 161, 162, 106, 200, 208, 110, 99, 238, 127, 170, 39, 195, 232, 232, 134, 3, 16, 143, 55, 146, 4, 245, 21, 14, 24, 144, 111, 142, 13, 84, 66, 210, 161, 162, 106, 200, 195, 105, 35, 192, 62, 173, 120, 180, 208, 110, 99, 238, 127, 170, 39, 195, 43, 143, 131, 196, 250, 170, 105, 172, 125, 25, 235, 211, 127, 119, 93, 231, 117, 37, 187, 229, 60, 122, 222, 229, 250, 4, 1, 28, 59, 157, 73, 141, 232, 232, 134, 3, 16, 143, 55, 146, 32, 254, 217, 9, 32, 154, 244, 142, 150, 73, 226, 230, 106, 36, 108, 128, 11, 10, 7, 228, 27, 167, 33, 139, 182, 75, 93, 232, 221, 34, 227, 130, 39, 13, 40, 230, 55, 168, 142, 138, 253, 14, 12, 235, 53, 168, 142, 138, 130, 10, 60, 238, 60, 162, 86, 138, 212, 15, 199, 198, 232, 110, 36, 228, 68, 58, 232, 204, 217, 227, 149, 129, 13, 13, 233, 203, 128, 108, 59, 230, 129, 18, 107, 222, 40, 106, 201, 230, 209, 12, 91, 190, 37, 112, 51, 228, 212, 15, 199, 198, 232, 110, 36, 228, 129, 18, 107, 222, 40, 106, 201, 230, 47, 80, 216, 225, 65, 136, 19, 204, 60, 98, 151, 219, 206, 146, 39, 191, 80, 98, 1, 220, 241, 146, 91, 191, 191, 99, 144, 218, 73, 147, 186, 189, 95, 100, 56, 222, 203, 146, 61, 191, 92, 103, 220, 220, 58, 147, 196, 188, 209, 12, 91, 190, 37, 112, 51, 228, 212, 15, 199, 198, 232, 110, 36, 228, 170, 14, 188, 198, 124, 111, 128, 229, 68, 58, 232, 204, 217, 227, 149, 129, 9, 87, 118, 205, 31, 5, 72, 248, 110, 88, 99, 206, 210, 5, 59, 248, 56, 49, 130, 204, 182, 141, 254, 216, 125, 25, 235, 211, 127, 119, 93, 231, 117, 37, 187, 229, 60, 122, 222, 229, 212, 102, 163, 188, 43, 173, 136, 180, 195, 105, 35, 192, 62, 173, 120, 180, 208, 110, 99, 238, 127, 170, 39, 195, 167, 64, 165, 223, 25, 147, 222, 212, 212, 102, 163, 188, 43, 173, 136, 180, 195, 105, 35, 192, 62, 173, 120, 180, 161, 105, 105, 200, 158, 172, 156, 183, 158, 108, 210, 200, 64, 170, 163, 181, 34, 101, 108, 246, 253, 168, 1, 200, 181, 118, 177, 237, 178, 174, 188, 190, 113, 103, 102, 249, 36, 177, 42, 199, 43, 143, 131, 196, 250, 170, 105, 172, 209, 6, 71, 51, 148, 146, 111, 136, 161, 105, 105, 200, 158, 172, 156, 183, 158, 108, 210, 200, 64, 170, 163, 181, 156, 116, 207, 207, 97, 167, 240, 179, 129, 180, 170, 247, 164, 148, 23, 211, 94, 253, 138, 29, 148, 145, 230, 140, 67, 50, 115, 244, 152, 191, 64, 134, 129, 15, 126, 243, 188, 158, 244, 134, 187, 13, 90, 246, 92, 155, 122, 134, 130, 217, 78, 251, 236, 176, 231, 134, 226, 120, 199, 239, 18, 8, 39, 250, 203, 120, 230, 241, 249, 5, 74, 250, 149, 121, 107, 238, 18, 10, 50, 250, 168, 123, 185, 238, 205, 11, 85, 250, 57, 124, 214, 248, 212, 2, 68, 250, 60, 126, 250, 251, 237, 1, 88, 250, 132, 126, 42, 250, 225, 3, 85, 250, 53, 127, 239, 252, 3, 2, 80, 250, 226, 127, 232, 255, 7, 0, 79, 133, 15, 128, 241, 255, 1, 0, 68, 133, 19, 128, 235, 255, 1, 0, 73, 250, 74, 128, 130, 255, 51, 0, 81, 250, 85, 151, 253, 143, 61, 92, 5, 243, 179, 184, 62, 143, 221, 100, 31, 243, 160, 235, 26, 132, 222, 122, 123, 251, 117, 12, 174, 196, 59, 110, 113, 229, 13, 13, 233, 203, 128, 108, 59, 230, 129, 18, 107, 222, 40, 106, 201, 230, 92, 103, 220, 220, 58, 147, 196, 188, 6, 84, 239, 248, 56, 255, 167, 180, 59, 84, 126, 251, 37, 252, 251, 179, 240, 88, 158, 255, 156, 248, 80, 179, 128, 177, 108, 255, 125, 245, 233, 178, 227, 172, 167, 251, 172, 243, 161, 178, 148, 172, 35, 249, 17, 242, 226, 178, 185, 165, 255, 245, 186, 240, 72, 177, 177, 173, 113, 246, 213, 238, 196, 176, 39, 40, 3, 165, 113, 209, 85, 247, 216, 43, 67, 236, 165, 204, 245, 143, 231, 169, 116, 230, 150, 227, 120, 172, 87, 178, 103, 219, 166, 216, 49, 168, 146, 170, 131, 214, 177, 216, 91, 168, 95, 169, 48, 199, 155, 213, 47, 166, 45, 174, 36, 187, 118, 204, 184, 162, 35, 175, 109, 178, 124, 203, 223, 159, 84, 181, 126, 186, 230, 203, 191, 158, 161, 184, 118, 180, 220, 199, 124, 156, 214, 0, 51, 66, 172, 105, 71, 233, 237, 79, 67, 206, 244, 7, 67, 136, 145, 82, 124, 204, 180, 0, 9, 136, 81, 83, 19, 207, 99, 3, 34, 136, 107, 33, 188, 229, 243, 117, 77, 230, 214, 0, 51, 66, 172, 105, 71, 233, 188, 4, 110, 197, 245, 108, 186, 234, 210, 93, 232, 216, 132, 146, 144, 192, 107, 33, 188, 229, 243, 117, 77, 230, 178, 121, 65, 215, 77, 149, 115, 177, 254, 64, 179, 251, 78, 141, 113, 219, 204, 84, 249, 220, 34, 140, 97, 199, 190, 84, 225, 223, 6, 139, 163, 200, 214, 162, 84, 166, 80, 140, 167, 155, 61, 168, 55, 163, 63, 138, 102, 154, 52, 169, 160, 169, 140, 147, 35, 159, 71, 74, 81, 214, 69, 19, 14, 130, 82, 137, 13, 172, 184, 148, 116, 157, 139, 142, 4, 170, 109, 147, 146, 156, 47, 154, 40, 170, 245, 148, 241, 157, 108, 23, 17, 137, 104, 132, 249, 163, 56, 65, 15, 214, 235, 226, 81, 129, 77, 67, 173, 213, 236, 228, 68, 128, 159, 65, 90, 214, 17, 227, 62, 129, 94, 70, 77, 215, 255, 24, 76, 128, 71, 74, 81, 214, 69, 19, 14, 130, 47, 154, 40, 170, 245, 148, 241, 157, 204, 70, 6, 215, 10, 24, 78, 128, 210, 70, 6, 215, 31, 24, 129, 128, 12, 73, 57, 216, 144, 22, 249, 128, 66, 15, 11, 222, 13, 216, 16, 156, 83, 246, 86, 249, 63, 204, 40, 166, 210, 70, 6, 215, 31, 24, 129, 128, 148, 71, 195, 215, 236, 23, 147, 128, 12, 73, 57, 216, 144, 22, 249, 128, 86, 77, 206, 217, 252, 18, 29, 130, 212, 107, 130, 156, 249, 162, 14, 161, 105, 136, 167, 155, 27, 162, 181, 154, 245, 144, 34, 155, 157, 160, 120, 153, 248, 87, 254, 223, 189, 12, 21, 132, 137, 88, 6, 226, 220, 13, 130, 131, 156, 89, 30, 226, 219, 12, 10, 132, 87, 96, 79, 231, 52, 10, 149, 132, 36, 100, 9, 233, 152, 7, 189, 132, 91, 108, 229, 239, 51, 5, 30, 133, 211, 108, 116, 240, 68, 5, 91, 133, 226, 108, 123, 240, 45, 5, 27, 133, 144, 72, 239, 156, 197, 152, 109, 170, 92, 91, 179, 152, 135, 160, 177, 163, 200, 118, 246, 243, 220, 1, 51, 250, 31, 121, 170, 245, 171, 2, 61, 250, 206, 118, 225, 149, 89, 165, 119, 156, 71, 123, 155, 148, 234, 168, 132, 156, 189, 122, 127, 252, 71, 144, 3, 193, 41, 133, 140, 248, 49, 144, 158, 190, 153, 150, 63, 139, 253, 173, 126, 150, 55, 97, 186, 152, 123, 167, 63, 165, 71, 123, 155, 148, 234, 168, 132, 156, 41, 133, 140, 248, 49, 144, 158, 190, 210, 135, 89, 243, 241, 143, 58, 189, 183, 137, 111, 240, 173, 143, 148, 188, 109, 139, 30, 239, 176, 143, 154, 188, 25, 78, 44, 218, 120, 18, 85, 130, 130, 79, 40, 219, 156, 17, 66, 130, 202, 94, 235, 155, 87, 154, 193, 160, 147, 81, 174, 220, 187, 16, 169, 130, 182, 82, 226, 220, 195, 15, 62, 131, 114, 143, 124, 155, 28, 161, 222, 153, 249, 150, 22, 151, 227, 162, 220, 151, 211, 108, 116, 240, 68, 5, 91, 133, 226, 108, 123, 240, 45, 5, 27, 133, 249, 110, 135, 242, 231, 4, 93, 133, 203, 118, 175, 248, 134, 2, 196, 133, 219, 119, 100, 249, 19, 2, 123, 133, 43, 121, 178, 250, 239, 1, 139, 133, 241, 84, 37, 153, 75, 158, 73, 165, 140, 96, 115, 234, 1, 141, 169, 198, 152, 109, 221, 154, 185, 162, 181, 159, 24, 104, 241, 237, 122, 142, 52, 196, 219, 119, 100, 249, 19, 2, 123, 133, 43, 121, 178, 250, 239, 1, 139, 133, 60, 126, 250, 251, 237, 1, 88, 250, 148, 126, 238, 254, 107, 0, 159, 133, 53, 127, 239, 252, 3, 2, 80, 250, 235, 127, 127, 255, 97, 0, 176, 250, 245, 127, 196, 255, 45, 0, 32, 252, 124, 127, 248, 255, 110, 0, 100, 135, 239, 127, 251, 255, 12, 0, 11, 134, 252, 127, 232, 255, 18, 0, 233, 253, 219, 127, 251, 255, 29, 0, 94, 134, 255, 127, 255, 255, 0, 0, 38, 250, 255, 127, 251, 255, 2, 0, 16, 250, 255, 127, 248, 255, 5, 0, 58, 250, 2, 128, 222, 255, 26, 0, 189, 249, 9, 128, 130, 255, 104, 0, 229, 249, 202, 94, 235, 155, 87, 154, 193, 160, 110, 93, 148, 232, 105, 140, 140, 199, 140, 96, 115, 234, 1, 141, 169, 198, 152, 109, 221, 154, 185, 162, 181, 159, 114, 143, 124, 155, 28, 161, 222, 153, 92, 91, 179, 152, 135, 160, 177, 163, 55, 97, 186, 152, 123, 167, 63, 165, 132, 107, 160, 239, 216, 5, 34, 133, 206, 118, 225, 149, 89, 165, 119, 156, 200, 118, 246, 243, 220, 1, 51, 250, 71, 123, 155, 148, 234, 168, 132, 156, 132, 107, 160, 239, 216, 5, 34, 133, 91, 108, 229, 239, 51, 5, 30, 133, 226, 108, 123, 240, 45, 5, 27, 133, 200, 118, 246, 243, 220, 1, 51, 250, 31, 121, 170, 245, 171, 2, 61, 250, 94, 121, 229, 245, 181, 2, 65, 250, 43, 121, 178, 250, 239, 1, 139, 133, 57, 124, 214, 248, 212, 2, 68, 250, 53, 127, 239, 252, 3, 2, 80, 250, 207, 67, 17, 212, 14, 25, 116, 128, 77, 67, 173, 213, 236, 228, 68, 128, 71, 74, 81, 214, 69, 19, 14, 130, 139, 142, 4, 170, 109, 147, 146, 156, 57, 155, 54, 169, 216, 147, 91, 157, 105, 160, 18, 167, 248, 146, 141, 156, 180, 82, 129, 224, 234, 137, 15, 202, 55, 83, 62, 225, 229, 137, 20, 202, 57, 155, 54, 169, 216, 147, 91, 157, 105, 160, 18, 167, 248, 146, 141, 156, 175, 162, 24, 167, 70, 147, 212, 156, 150, 83, 190, 222, 230, 138, 206, 200, 190, 84, 225, 223, 6, 139, 163, 200, 180, 82, 129, 224, 234, 137, 15, 202, 203, 145, 120, 173, 44, 148, 179, 158, 175, 162, 24, 167, 70, 147, 212, 156, 214, 162, 84, 166, 80, 140, 167, 155, 9, 167, 104, 174, 238, 150, 215, 161, 174, 67, 178, 207, 31, 21, 0, 130, 195, 150, 223, 167, 45, 138, 79, 154, 61, 168, 55, 163, 63, 138, 102, 154, 52, 169, 160, 169, 140, 147, 35, 159, 207, 67, 17, 212, 14, 25, 116, 128, 21, 68, 135, 212, 45, 25, 108, 128, 203, 145, 120, 173, 44, 148, 179, 158, 105, 160, 18, 167, 248, 146, 141, 156, 175, 162, 24, 167, 70, 147, 212, 156, 55, 60, 79, 206, 234, 227, 220, 128, 21, 68, 135, 212, 45, 25, 108, 128, 203, 145, 120, 173, 44, 148, 179, 158, 9, 167, 104, 174, 238, 150, 215, 161, 174, 67, 178, 207, 31, 21, 0, 130, 195, 78, 65, 208, 206, 9, 112, 134, 158, 78, 211, 209, 41, 11, 216, 133, 195, 150, 223, 167, 45, 138, 79, 154, 23, 155, 182, 178, 113, 138, 92, 161, 148, 91, 22, 219, 58, 144, 244, 194, 139, 90, 125, 220, 42, 143, 24, 196, 203, 163, 93, 235, 215, 151, 16, 197, 51, 155, 251, 177, 241, 140, 64, 161, 217, 164, 3, 205, 29, 152, 17, 179, 204, 84, 249, 220, 34, 140, 97, 199, 116, 86, 39, 221, 213, 140, 138, 198, 57, 90, 246, 219, 51, 143, 10, 196, 139, 90, 125, 220, 42, 143, 24, 196, 195, 150, 223, 167, 45, 138, 79, 154, 23, 155, 182, 178, 113, 138, 92, 161, 51, 155, 251, 177, 241, 140, 64, 161, 61, 168, 55, 163, 63, 138, 102, 154, 195, 4, 98, 206, 26, 199, 35, 148, 96, 63, 249, 213, 83, 225, 250, 129, 113, 62, 98, 214, 99, 224, 140, 130, 195, 65, 35, 215, 131, 226, 87, 129, 132, 11, 234, 216, 202, 195, 139, 147, 17, 1, 88, 215, 113, 163, 167, 139, 84, 60, 76, 205, 1, 229, 161, 128, 70, 64, 135, 209, 115, 229, 88, 128, 206, 83, 6, 151, 43, 43, 44, 236, 170, 67, 224, 211, 3, 25, 103, 128, 196, 61, 18, 214, 25, 224, 194, 130, 127, 68, 54, 212, 65, 24, 142, 128, 105, 87, 84, 151, 218, 39, 116, 233, 42, 105, 253, 148, 123, 53, 239, 231, 158, 41, 250, 186, 44, 83, 255, 157, 69, 46, 116, 205, 67, 68, 127, 162, 102, 66, 162, 206, 98, 21, 141, 129, 126, 69, 9, 208, 251, 18, 68, 130, 185, 76, 194, 211, 32, 14, 204, 131, 25, 76, 101, 215, 72, 18, 150, 130, 27, 76, 104, 215, 71, 18, 149, 130, 4, 76, 86, 210, 152, 13, 241, 131, 87, 76, 204, 210, 165, 13, 233, 131, 157, 76, 99, 211, 228, 13, 217, 131, 185, 76, 194, 211, 32, 14, 204, 131, 27, 76, 104, 215, 71, 18, 149, 130, 158, 87, 243, 223, 30, 13, 11, 132, 248, 87, 254, 223, 189, 12, 21, 132, 156, 89, 30, 226, 219, 12, 10, 132, 30, 124, 250, 174, 222, 195, 95, 174, 24, 124, 51, 173, 195, 210, 235, 178, 201, 178, 7, 112, 253, 187, 140, 139, 167, 185, 134, 163, 222, 183, 95, 152, 176, 198, 163, 142, 107, 183, 29, 143, 137, 86, 177, 162, 45, 198, 142, 194, 25, 93, 178, 176, 5, 200, 74, 195, 30, 124, 250, 174, 222, 195, 95, 174, 24, 124, 51, 173, 195, 210, 235, 178, 183, 122, 180, 252, 41, 2, 222, 133, 8, 126, 252, 254, 248, 0, 241, 133, 201, 178, 7, 112, 253, 187, 140, 139, 200, 196, 183, 146, 191, 149, 8, 143, 176, 198, 163, 142, 107, 183, 29, 143, 241, 203, 50, 141, 126, 171, 55, 140, 213, 56, 245, 209, 17, 223, 162, 131, 132, 56, 156, 211, 115, 221, 13, 132, 133, 88, 118, 150, 173, 51, 156, 237, 243, 89, 7, 151, 244, 57, 6, 240, 33, 96, 95, 151, 242, 62, 104, 240, 104, 42, 6, 198, 149, 75, 219, 159, 84, 60, 76, 205, 1, 229, 161, 128, 76, 58, 56, 207, 17, 226, 51, 130, 71, 51, 69, 211, 232, 60, 187, 164, 70, 64, 135, 209, 115, 229, 88, 128, 242, 50, 216, 149, 170, 68, 238, 254, 154, 55, 153, 206, 82, 224, 34, 131, 10, 58, 246, 206, 250, 225, 50, 130, 74, 57, 208, 209, 3, 224, 177, 131, 213, 56, 245, 209, 17, 223, 162, 131, 80, 57, 15, 210, 86, 223, 114, 131, 132, 56, 156, 211, 115, 221, 13, 132, 70, 174, 59, 157, 154, 81, 5, 252, 209, 56, 65, 209, 35, 39, 44, 129, 65, 57, 191, 209, 1, 39, 57, 129, 75, 93, 249, 150, 72, 56, 36, 238, 191, 96, 166, 151, 192, 58, 102, 238, 55, 60, 79, 206, 234, 227, 220, 128, 242, 63, 162, 208, 138, 26, 14, 128, 174, 67, 178, 207, 31, 21, 0, 130, 158, 78, 211, 209, 41, 11, 216, 133, 76, 69, 82, 214, 123, 25, 108, 128, 214, 162, 84, 166, 80, 140, 167, 155, 9, 167, 104, 174, 238, 150, 215, 161, 52, 169, 160, 169, 140, 147, 35, 159, 136, 88, 120, 190, 6, 167, 153, 187, 111, 94, 166, 194, 212, 165, 116, 185, 218, 94, 236, 200, 99, 167, 163, 188, 159, 208, 33, 242, 4, 194, 231, 141, 173, 248, 240, 17, 164, 135, 113, 136, 248, 250, 89, 24, 71, 137, 155, 136, 248, 42, 208, 179, 180, 132, 250, 205, 99, 58, 199, 166, 249, 156, 243, 193, 63, 69, 148, 208, 186, 140, 216, 203, 153, 98, 17, 208, 43, 164, 194, 188, 90, 78, 238, 239, 169, 136, 132, 210, 238, 115, 237, 206, 135, 165, 131, 179, 99, 58, 199, 166, 249, 156, 243, 193, 198, 59, 24, 167, 30, 160, 172, 197, 205, 53, 125, 182, 163, 145, 152, 204, 232, 61, 165, 217, 176, 132, 20, 212, 177, 72, 89, 224, 116, 139, 47, 208, 153, 98, 17, 208, 43, 164, 194, 188, 174, 97, 202, 68, 182, 116, 187, 216, 175, 84, 247, 244, 188, 162, 129, 206, 158, 118, 236, 97, 171, 120, 82, 237, 247, 119, 208, 216, 138, 172, 166, 182, 44, 150, 188, 179, 197, 139, 16, 161, 164, 166, 72, 108, 162, 120, 106, 237, 42, 201, 139, 206, 109, 164, 90, 194, 174, 97, 202, 68, 182, 116, 187, 216, 110, 103, 24, 132, 220, 121, 140, 255, 136, 117, 199, 80, 176, 126, 243, 229, 158, 118, 236, 97, 171, 120, 82, 237, 231, 129, 199, 78, 42, 126, 113, 230, 47, 132, 57, 120, 171, 127, 209, 251, 132, 132, 221, 71, 32, 137, 148, 224, 212, 146, 152, 142, 206, 148, 56, 254, 174, 97, 202, 68, 182, 116, 187, 216, 136, 117, 199, 80, 176, 126, 243, 229, 117, 119, 40, 216, 86, 172, 159, 182, 247, 119, 208, 216, 138, 172, 166, 182, 162, 129, 135, 193, 133, 174, 21, 172, 175, 84, 247, 244, 188, 162, 129, 206, 117, 119, 40, 216, 86, 172, 159, 182, 247, 119, 208, 216, 138, 172, 166, 182, 6, 89, 20, 252, 182, 161, 217, 205, 205, 53, 125, 182, 163, 145, 152, 204, 119, 67, 223, 210, 67, 142, 115, 206, 232, 61, 165, 217, 176, 132, 20, 212, 219, 94, 154, 189, 235, 166, 47, 183, 232, 128, 210, 214, 191, 166, 184, 177, 132, 130, 78, 195, 51, 161, 177, 169, 89, 131, 111, 200, 243, 160, 166, 171, 212, 164, 11, 211, 93, 168, 241, 179, 43, 36, 96, 150, 225, 145, 48, 199, 248, 42, 208, 179, 180, 132, 250, 205, 63, 69, 148, 208, 186, 140, 216, 203, 136, 88, 120, 190, 6, 167, 153, 187, 218, 94, 236, 200, 99, 167, 163, 188, 85, 79, 60, 204, 15, 6, 27, 136, 110, 79, 62, 204, 179, 5, 245, 135, 15, 67, 139, 254, 117, 136, 35, 220, 92, 186, 3, 253, 100, 146, 14, 216, 149, 188, 81, 245, 209, 143, 35, 215, 148, 91, 22, 219, 58, 144, 244, 194, 149, 92, 219, 218, 228, 144, 71, 194, 229, 91, 134, 220, 200, 143, 103, 195, 92, 186, 3, 253, 100, 146, 14, 216, 149, 188, 81, 245, 209, 143, 35, 215, 203, 163, 93, 235, 215, 151, 16, 197, 67, 43, 36, 180, 42, 23, 135, 128, 85, 79, 60, 204, 15, 6, 27, 136, 149, 188, 81, 245, 209, 143, 35, 215, 203, 163, 93, 235, 215, 151, 16, 197, 217, 164, 3, 205, 29, 152, 17, 179, 229, 91, 134, 220, 200, 143, 103, 195, 210, 93, 232, 216, 132, 146, 144, 192, 254, 64, 179, 251, 78, 141, 113, 219, 15, 67, 139, 254, 117, 136, 35, 220, 92, 186, 3, 253, 100, 146, 14, 216, 108, 28, 253, 133, 207, 149, 96, 198, 43, 36, 96, 150, 225, 145, 48, 199, 248, 42, 208, 179, 180, 132, 250, 205, 99, 58, 199, 166, 249, 156, 243, 193, 198, 59, 24, 167, 30, 160, 172, 197, 188, 77, 232, 186, 200, 165, 129, 194, 228, 81, 213, 205, 233, 156, 78, 198, 90, 89, 223, 190, 136, 170, 136, 188, 128, 128, 2, 220, 109, 171, 36, 180, 108, 157, 15, 168, 171, 143, 82, 156, 181, 167, 168, 174, 99, 160, 44, 162, 223, 177, 66, 204, 50, 168, 30, 178, 231, 87, 129, 185, 119, 171, 75, 187, 73, 90, 196, 202, 29, 163, 89, 191, 171, 98, 120, 128, 151, 172, 31, 157, 128, 128, 2, 220, 109, 171, 36, 180, 110, 149, 19, 152, 84, 171, 223, 154, 108, 157, 15, 168, 171, 143, 82, 156, 225, 90, 148, 168, 123, 172, 248, 177, 136, 117, 199, 80, 176, 126, 243, 229, 162, 129, 135, 193, 133, 174, 21, 172, 231, 129, 199, 78, 42, 126, 113, 230, 248, 141, 147, 117, 71, 129, 164, 249, 228, 120, 178, 101, 66, 130, 30, 241, 231, 129, 199, 78, 42, 126, 113, 230, 132, 132, 221, 71, 32, 137, 148, 224, 248, 141, 147, 117, 71, 129, 164, 249, 28, 168, 106, 99, 78, 133, 154, 234, 225, 90, 148, 168, 123, 172, 248, 177, 89, 76, 147, 212, 220, 161, 68, 205, 49, 72, 174, 218, 83, 145, 216, 206, 250, 93, 201, 229, 214, 158, 177, 199, 117, 119, 40, 216, 86, 172, 159, 182, 6, 89, 20, 252, 182, 161, 217, 205, 162, 129, 135, 193, 133, 174, 21, 172, 198, 59, 24, 167, 30, 160, 172, 197, 205, 53, 125, 182, 163, 145, 152, 204, 15, 69, 164, 190, 254, 154, 97, 200, 188, 77, 232, 186, 200, 165, 129, 194, 119, 67, 223, 210, 67, 142, 115, 206, 108, 28, 253, 133, 207, 149, 96, 198, 43, 36, 96, 150, 225, 145, 48, 199, 218, 94, 236, 200, 99, 167, 163, 188, 159, 208, 33, 242, 4, 194, 231, 141, 24, 249, 237, 34, 146, 127, 219, 132, 141, 206, 19, 212, 1, 200, 198, 142, 159, 208, 33, 242, 4, 194, 231, 141, 173, 248, 240, 17, 164, 135, 113, 136, 230, 240, 219, 40, 195, 127, 32, 139, 141, 206, 19, 212, 1, 200, 198, 142, 83, 55, 32, 250, 251, 193, 184, 134, 63, 204, 53, 243, 15, 192, 119, 135, 173, 248, 240, 17, 164, 135, 113, 136, 158, 225, 87, 237, 62, 173, 199, 136, 248, 250, 89, 24, 71, 137, 155, 136, 183, 252, 128, 25, 108, 147, 221, 141, 230, 240, 219, 40, 195, 127, 32, 139, 108, 46, 178, 208, 189, 209, 2, 132, 19, 59, 162, 211, 31, 38, 32, 129, 62, 78, 148, 204, 127, 8, 66, 136, 237, 79, 67, 206, 244, 7, 67, 136, 81, 83, 19, 207, 99, 3, 34, 136, 12, 61, 121, 223, 210, 213, 214, 130, 62, 78, 148, 204, 127, 8, 66, 136, 110, 79, 62, 204, 179, 5, 245, 135, 237, 79, 67, 206, 244, 7, 67, 136, 107, 33, 188, 229, 243, 117, 77, 230, 254, 64, 179, 251, 78, 141, 113, 219, 15, 67, 139, 254, 117, 136, 35, 220, 132, 130, 78, 195, 51, 161, 177, 169, 212, 164, 11, 211, 93, 168, 241, 179, 181, 167, 168, 174, 99, 160, 44, 162, 135, 176, 206, 202, 180, 169, 187, 176, 223, 177, 66, 204, 50, 168, 30, 178, 89, 76, 147, 212, 220, 161, 68, 205, 73, 90, 196, 202, 29, 163, 89, 191, 175, 84, 247, 244, 188, 162, 129, 206, 6, 89, 20, 252, 182, 161, 217, 205, 128, 128, 2, 220, 109, 171, 36, 180, 151, 186, 247, 231, 169, 167, 24, 202, 135, 176, 206, 202, 180, 169, 187, 176, 223, 177, 66, 204, 50, 168, 30, 178, 42, 201, 139, 206, 109, 164, 90, 194, 118, 118, 200, 193, 142, 200, 246, 253, 22, 125, 255, 170, 165, 175, 29, 253, 211, 128, 111, 201, 46, 204, 90, 253, 82, 130, 136, 155, 243, 157, 205, 254, 47, 132, 57, 120, 171, 127, 209, 251, 212, 146, 152, 142, 206, 148, 56, 254, 22, 125, 255, 170, 165, 175, 29, 253, 96, 128, 25, 122, 251, 137, 74, 248, 82, 130, 136, 155, 243, 157, 205, 254, 60, 130, 237, 172, 184, 177, 249, 252, 150, 142, 139, 117, 229, 137, 61, 246, 155, 126, 5, 73, 34, 142, 33, 224, 96, 128, 25, 122, 251, 137, 74, 248, 92, 138, 225, 89, 204, 133, 141, 233, 179, 138, 45, 81, 197, 142, 175, 226, 253, 140, 196, 111, 57, 140, 103, 242, 150, 142, 139, 117, 229, 137, 61, 246, 175, 149, 203, 74, 11, 150, 181, 220, 253, 140, 196, 111, 57, 140, 103, 242, 175, 149, 203, 74, 11, 150, 181, 220, 115, 157, 72, 117, 172, 139, 148, 245, 1, 177, 180, 98, 31, 146, 47, 232, 117, 115, 188, 109, 205, 146, 239, 236, 236, 117, 204, 110, 191, 146, 218, 237, 197, 129, 33, 79, 122, 146, 175, 225, 182, 147, 169, 77, 227, 149, 97, 222, 44, 149, 175, 79, 22, 150, 48, 223, 186, 151, 188, 92, 246, 145, 115, 230, 89, 159, 76, 89, 252, 145, 228, 227, 120, 107, 76, 178, 195, 167, 83, 172, 124, 113, 6, 177, 70, 169, 2, 170, 197, 129, 33, 79, 122, 146, 175, 225, 89, 159, 76, 89, 252, 145, 228, 227, 168, 160, 172, 174, 207, 169, 215, 162, 1, 164, 76, 178, 177, 172, 95, 164, 120, 107, 76, 178, 195, 167, 83, 172, 182, 145, 115, 121, 60, 177, 231, 146, 157, 153, 80, 121, 2, 180, 107, 146, 168, 160, 172, 174, 207, 169, 215, 162, 148, 167, 93, 135, 134, 179, 164, 147, 136, 140, 10, 174, 179, 170, 9, 164, 182, 145, 115, 121, 60, 177, 231, 146, 157, 153, 80, 121, 2, 180, 107, 146, 239, 154, 59, 174, 16, 170, 20, 163, 30, 164, 186, 168, 135, 172, 2, 160, 68, 129, 109, 217, 150, 176, 17, 180, 177, 135, 175, 204, 157, 172, 116, 175, 123, 141, 235, 167, 198, 171, 253, 161, 22, 153, 4, 204, 147, 172, 170, 175, 239, 154, 59, 174, 16, 170, 20, 163, 30, 164, 186, 168, 135, 172, 2, 160, 149, 88, 158, 197, 100, 175, 90, 195, 143, 92, 204, 200, 115, 178, 104, 194, 136, 98, 205, 200, 54, 178, 89, 189, 247, 109, 252, 233, 48, 176, 178, 194, 141, 111, 61, 224, 101, 177, 62, 190, 49, 123, 240, 236, 250, 177, 117, 188, 34, 21, 178, 8, 221, 139, 201, 143, 0, 19, 98, 2, 17, 140, 175, 142, 211, 125, 247, 249, 91, 177, 55, 191, 193, 159, 159, 229, 69, 172, 13, 188, 98, 209, 145, 211, 224, 175, 252, 196, 0, 19, 98, 2, 17, 140, 175, 142, 8, 238, 199, 11, 116, 139, 80, 143, 98, 209, 145, 211, 224, 175, 252, 196, 134, 212, 84, 209, 192, 175, 249, 196, 69, 25, 167, 17, 10, 142, 242, 146, 66, 29, 2, 14, 76, 142, 220, 148, 34, 21, 178, 8, 221, 139, 201, 143, 0, 19, 98, 2, 17, 140, 175, 142, 8, 238, 199, 11, 116, 139, 80, 143, 181, 230, 182, 243, 26, 165, 195, 134, 216, 79, 199, 240, 171, 36, 64, 130, 72, 99, 52, 244, 67, 18, 68, 132, 37, 107, 143, 245, 87, 11, 148, 131, 138, 85, 40, 247, 18, 35, 128, 130, 109, 85, 69, 247, 84, 35, 91, 130, 235, 121, 213, 230, 203, 17, 143, 250, 89, 122, 189, 231, 71, 17, 123, 250, 134, 62, 206, 214, 111, 161, 39, 213, 141, 111, 61, 224, 101, 177, 62, 190, 66, 29, 2, 14, 76, 142, 220, 148, 242, 28, 125, 12, 0, 142, 134, 148, 34, 21, 178, 8, 221, 139, 201, 143, 49, 123, 240, 236, 250, 177, 117, 188, 211, 125, 247, 249, 91, 177, 55, 191, 103, 112, 206, 175, 166, 172, 37, 171, 172, 121, 39, 233, 143, 178, 13, 188, 136, 140, 10, 174, 179, 170, 9, 164, 22, 153, 4, 204, 147, 172, 170, 175, 239, 154, 59, 174, 16, 170, 20, 163, 103, 112, 206, 175, 166, 172, 37, 171, 162, 131, 160, 143, 49, 178, 64, 157, 133, 133, 140, 178, 216, 172, 146, 166, 0, 140, 48, 182, 225, 172, 136, 167, 136, 140, 10, 174, 179, 170, 9, 164, 157, 153, 80, 121, 2, 180, 107, 146, 148, 167, 93, 135, 134, 179, 164, 147, 162, 131, 160, 143, 49, 178, 64, 157, 19, 133, 198, 202, 55, 176, 96, 175, 186, 136, 172, 151, 96, 180, 198, 159, 30, 160, 91, 178, 225, 172, 192, 164, 168, 160, 172, 174, 207, 169, 215, 162, 148, 167, 93, 135, 134, 179, 164, 147, 1, 164, 76, 178, 177, 172, 95, 164, 182, 147, 169, 77, 227, 149, 97, 222, 89, 159, 76, 89, 252, 145, 228, 227, 30, 160, 91, 178, 225, 172, 192, 164, 1, 164, 76, 178, 177, 172, 95, 164, 243, 132, 244, 108, 48, 189, 93, 151, 208, 132, 193, 202, 63, 176, 96, 175, 19, 133, 198, 202, 55, 176, 96, 175, 182, 147, 169, 77, 227, 149, 97, 222, 44, 149, 175, 79, 22, 150, 48, 223, 30, 160, 91, 178, 225, 172, 192, 164, 85, 130, 121, 110, 143, 184, 4, 150, 243, 132, 244, 108, 48, 189, 93, 151, 44, 149, 175, 79, 22, 150, 48, 223, 186, 151, 188, 92, 246, 145, 115, 230, 115, 157, 72, 117, 172, 139, 148, 245, 103, 167, 148, 115, 220, 138, 197, 244, 225, 172, 198, 146, 176, 183, 158, 150, 1, 177, 180, 98, 31, 146, 47, 232, 164, 141, 105, 128, 188, 183, 0, 153, 179, 138, 45, 81, 197, 142, 175, 226, 175, 149, 203, 74, 11, 150, 181, 220, 98, 158, 139, 153, 134, 182, 99, 156, 225, 172, 198, 146, 176, 183, 158, 150, 1, 177, 180, 98, 31, 146, 47, 232, 96, 128, 25, 122, 251, 137, 74, 248, 82, 130, 136, 155, 243, 157, 205, 254, 132, 132, 221, 71, 32, 137, 148, 224, 92, 138, 225, 89, 204, 133, 141, 233, 212, 146, 152, 142, 206, 148, 56, 254, 28, 168, 106, 99, 78, 133, 154, 234, 125, 65, 4, 210, 102, 145, 4, 208, 225, 90, 148, 168, 123, 172, 248, 177, 49, 72, 174, 218, 83, 145, 216, 206, 192, 111, 253, 177, 53, 170, 92, 171, 228, 120, 178, 101, 66, 130, 30, 241, 248, 141, 147, 117, 71, 129, 164, 249, 125, 65, 4, 210, 102, 145, 4, 208, 63, 64, 176, 216, 99, 142, 215, 210, 170, 84, 18, 213, 154, 158, 243, 199, 49, 72, 174, 218, 83, 145, 216, 206, 250, 93, 201, 229, 214, 158, 177, 199, 118, 127, 163, 199, 32, 162, 131, 171, 132, 130, 78, 195, 51, 161, 177, 169, 89, 131, 111, 200, 243, 160, 166, 171, 255, 144, 39, 177, 18, 173, 113, 165, 110, 149, 19, 152, 84, 171, 223, 154, 108, 157, 15, 168, 171, 143, 82, 156, 181, 167, 168, 174, 99, 160, 44, 162, 15, 69, 164, 190, 254, 154, 97, 200, 119, 67, 223, 210, 67, 142, 115, 206, 157, 91, 145, 231, 58, 154, 246, 200, 35, 118, 164, 240, 56, 161, 46, 191, 118, 127, 163, 199, 32, 162, 131, 171, 89, 131, 111, 200, 243, 160, 166, 171, 108, 28, 253, 133, 207, 149, 96, 198, 109, 35, 86, 171, 70, 134, 61, 209, 25, 59, 178, 131, 230, 174, 82, 181, 140, 38, 77, 55, 181, 139, 58, 160, 90, 89, 223, 190, 136, 170, 136, 188, 24, 249, 237, 34, 146, 127, 219, 132, 136, 69, 170, 223, 116, 227, 65, 133, 17, 97, 156, 224, 101, 1, 17, 131, 189, 71, 92, 246, 40, 211, 222, 133, 83, 55, 32, 250, 251, 193, 184, 134, 136, 186, 29, 254, 17, 204, 105, 134, 63, 204, 53, 243, 15, 192, 119, 135, 140, 38, 77, 55, 181, 139, 58, 160, 94, 29, 229, 253, 148, 171, 193, 136, 202, 238, 109, 254, 212, 164, 101, 139, 158, 225, 87, 237, 62, 173, 199, 136, 24, 249, 237, 34, 146, 127, 219, 132, 230, 240, 219, 40, 195, 127, 32, 139, 67, 235, 169, 40, 23, 137, 198, 148, 141, 206, 19, 212, 1, 200, 198, 142, 109, 35, 86, 171, 70, 134, 61, 209, 140, 38, 77, 55, 181, 139, 58, 160, 220, 193, 224, 240, 102, 113, 118, 218, 67, 235, 169, 40, 23, 137, 198, 148, 204, 255, 60, 193, 158, 146, 39, 146, 15, 69, 164, 190, 254, 154, 97, 200, 188, 77, 232, 186, 200, 165, 129, 194, 228, 81, 213, 205, 233, 156, 78, 198, 72, 101, 35, 213, 222, 160, 192, 188, 157, 91, 145, 231, 58, 154, 246, 200, 247, 87, 128, 168, 24, 167, 232, 176, 155, 126, 5, 73, 34, 142, 33, 224, 71, 131, 106, 181, 251, 169, 219, 166, 122, 131, 147, 181, 217, 169, 223, 166, 164, 141, 105, 128, 188, 183, 0, 153, 179, 138, 45, 81, 197, 142, 175, 226, 247, 87, 128, 168, 24, 167, 232, 176, 27, 112, 65, 215, 253, 167, 19, 185, 39, 120, 143, 221, 141, 172, 55, 184, 164, 141, 105, 128, 188, 183, 0, 153, 98, 158, 139, 153, 134, 182, 99, 156, 85, 130, 121, 110, 143, 184, 4, 150, 243, 132, 244, 108, 48, 189, 93, 151, 208, 132, 193, 202, 63, 176, 96, 175, 132, 140, 249, 196, 4, 176, 74, 173, 23, 145, 148, 198, 150, 176, 209, 173, 140, 114, 63, 138, 253, 179, 114, 160, 208, 132, 193, 202, 63, 176, 96, 175, 19, 133, 198, 202, 55, 176, 96, 175, 186, 136, 172, 151, 96, 180, 198, 159, 132, 140, 249, 196, 4, 176, 74, 173, 103, 112, 206, 175, 166, 172, 37, 171, 172, 121, 39, 233, 143, 178, 13, 188, 239, 123, 28, 232, 115, 192, 248, 187, 0, 140, 48, 182, 225, 172, 136, 167, 175, 97, 139, 238, 213, 164, 52, 200, 42, 96, 161, 241, 26, 169, 69, 201, 140, 100, 180, 244, 91, 171, 244, 199, 172, 121, 39, 233, 143, 178, 13, 188, 239, 123, 28, 232, 115, 192, 248, 187, 177, 135, 175, 204, 157, 172, 116, 175, 22, 153, 4, 204, 147, 172, 170, 175, 192, 111, 253, 177, 53, 170, 92, 171, 228, 120, 178, 101, 66, 130, 30, 241, 155, 126, 5, 73, 34, 142, 33, 224, 71, 131, 106, 181, 251, 169, 219, 166, 92, 138, 225, 89, 204, 133, 141, 233, 28, 168, 106, 99, 78, 133, 154, 234, 133, 86, 69, 185, 244, 161, 61, 184, 231, 87, 129, 185, 119, 171, 75, 187, 89, 76, 147, 212, 220, 161, 68, 205, 170, 84, 18, 213, 154, 158, 243, 199, 73, 90, 196, 202, 29, 163, 89, 191, 250, 93, 201, 229, 214, 158, 177, 199, 174, 87, 100, 148, 13, 171, 76, 169, 126, 97, 87, 147, 113, 184, 38, 172, 171, 98, 120, 128, 151, 172, 31, 157, 16, 101, 30, 134, 131, 182, 190, 164, 255, 144, 39, 177, 18, 173, 113, 165, 110, 149, 19, 152, 84, 171, 223, 154, 145, 82, 124, 204, 180, 0, 9, 136, 193, 82, 227, 204, 200, 0, 227, 135, 166, 83, 191, 205, 162, 0, 247, 135, 81, 83, 19, 207, 99, 3, 34, 136, 120, 85, 161, 206, 186, 0, 193, 247, 123, 86, 171, 206, 96, 1, 16, 247, 59, 88, 55, 206, 26, 6, 135, 248, 251, 48, 209, 222, 167, 204, 81, 134, 12, 61, 121, 223, 210, 213, 214, 130, 136, 69, 170, 223, 116, 227, 65, 133, 136, 186, 29, 254, 17, 204, 105, 134, 26, 2, 211, 64, 56, 105, 246, 233, 120, 0, 46, 193, 198, 105, 204, 233, 178, 82, 18, 205, 34, 1, 221, 135, 240, 205, 6, 239, 246, 121, 242, 225, 214, 0, 51, 66, 172, 105, 71, 233, 26, 2, 211, 64, 56, 105, 246, 233, 188, 4, 110, 197, 245, 108, 186, 234, 145, 82, 124, 204, 180, 0, 9, 136, 193, 82, 227, 204, 200, 0, 227, 135, 178, 82, 18, 205, 34, 1, 221, 135, 26, 2, 211, 64, 56, 105, 246, 233, 120, 0, 46, 193, 198, 105, 204, 233, 188, 4, 110, 197, 245, 108, 186, 234, 178, 121, 65, 215, 77, 149, 115, 177, 66, 92, 152, 216, 184, 145, 89, 193, 148, 91, 22, 219, 58, 144, 244, 194, 57, 90, 246, 219, 51, 143, 10, 196, 139, 90, 125, 220, 42, 143, 24, 196, 149, 92, 219, 218, 228, 144, 71, 194, 65, 64, 172, 241, 215, 201, 84, 129, 174, 84, 218, 246, 229, 33, 230, 134, 38, 161, 17, 174, 150, 196, 71, 252, 204, 8, 162, 24, 38, 144, 233, 138, 69, 25, 167, 17, 10, 142, 242, 146, 150, 44, 76, 242, 151, 180, 210, 129, 34, 47, 86, 243, 127, 182, 143, 129, 245, 45, 3, 246, 135, 180, 238, 129, 32, 18, 111, 10, 120, 143, 185, 143, 181, 230, 182, 243, 26, 165, 195, 134, 149, 88, 158, 197, 100, 175, 90, 195, 184, 113, 191, 189, 74, 176, 208, 176, 247, 109, 252, 233, 48, 176, 178, 194, 230, 111, 102, 235, 4, 180, 103, 194, 94, 135, 58, 191, 72, 178, 248, 171, 49, 142, 234, 171, 141, 176, 147, 164, 217, 153, 3, 197, 214, 178, 13, 173, 223, 121, 252, 202, 231, 207, 71, 254, 110, 123, 195, 202, 193, 206, 72, 254, 196, 125, 255, 175, 106, 180, 7, 253, 105, 129, 88, 188, 215, 190, 74, 254, 111, 134, 74, 179, 86, 185, 91, 253, 237, 65, 60, 131, 187, 137, 69, 249, 35, 100, 196, 136, 2, 142, 201, 253, 205, 103, 224, 135, 192, 103, 183, 249, 126, 111, 156, 226, 17, 121, 125, 184, 17, 113, 245, 227, 14, 121, 133, 184, 77, 115, 153, 228, 76, 121, 229, 183, 243, 115, 136, 230, 9, 121, 161, 184, 61, 70, 143, 130, 140, 138, 90, 248, 137, 103, 254, 141, 180, 174, 156, 232, 139, 116, 104, 209, 116, 218, 107, 253, 223, 117, 194, 207, 215, 215, 103, 253, 101, 118, 210, 208, 114, 216, 187, 253, 192, 123, 143, 144, 249, 171, 220, 239, 41, 58, 136, 125, 242, 135, 103, 134, 83, 63, 58, 126, 218, 135, 102, 134, 187, 94, 251, 190, 111, 42, 169, 255, 138, 110, 245, 207, 49, 221, 113, 253, 54, 113, 109, 211, 33, 223, 242, 252, 185, 113, 89, 210, 120, 221, 101, 253, 75, 240, 71, 249, 241, 180, 79, 150, 201, 240, 51, 247, 34, 186, 43, 154, 96, 245, 75, 238, 37, 167, 11, 146, 137, 103, 254, 141, 180, 174, 156, 232, 180, 109, 132, 140, 152, 163, 103, 241, 77, 115, 153, 228, 76, 121, 229, 183, 243, 115, 136, 230, 9, 121, 161, 184, 235, 118, 211, 145, 31, 205, 142, 218, 188, 118, 42, 232, 42, 121, 75, 184, 192, 123, 143, 144, 249, 171, 220, 239, 180, 109, 132, 140, 152, 163, 103, 241, 127, 119, 114, 210, 170, 217, 40, 253, 235, 118, 211, 145, 31, 205, 142, 218, 17, 122, 84, 213, 246, 218, 12, 253, 246, 165, 185, 145, 75, 202, 244, 235, 235, 118, 211, 145, 31, 205, 142, 218, 188, 118, 42, 232, 42, 121, 75, 184, 244, 118, 132, 232, 36, 121, 99, 184, 246, 165, 185, 145, 75, 202, 244, 235, 87, 216, 93, 158, 100, 247, 168, 251, 144, 12, 124, 205, 65, 182, 62, 139, 4, 111, 154, 226, 249, 120, 178, 184, 126, 111, 156, 226, 17, 121, 125, 184, 17, 113, 245, 227, 14, 121, 133, 184, 188, 225, 77, 251, 132, 181, 109, 143, 201, 240, 51, 247, 34, 186, 43, 154, 96, 245, 75, 238, 37, 167, 11, 146, 144, 12, 124, 205, 65, 182, 62, 139, 54, 113, 109, 211, 33, 223, 242, 252, 96, 245, 75, 238, 37, 167, 11, 146, 41, 58, 136, 125, 242, 135, 103, 134, 220, 65, 222, 128, 170, 133, 80, 134, 187, 94, 251, 190, 111, 42, 169, 255, 93, 101, 31, 203, 216, 222, 5, 254, 47, 104, 71, 205, 15, 223, 254, 253, 98, 111, 251, 128, 35, 136, 52, 133, 220, 65, 222, 128, 170, 133, 80, 134, 220, 103, 88, 206, 159, 224, 72, 253, 107, 104, 164, 206, 132, 224, 76, 253, 224, 103, 106, 127, 97, 136, 213, 132, 98, 111, 251, 128, 35, 136, 52, 133, 41, 58, 136, 125, 242, 135, 103, 134, 232, 59, 29, 127, 178, 134, 89, 134, 83, 63, 58, 126, 218, 135, 102, 134, 220, 65, 222, 128, 170, 133, 80, 134, 168, 102, 35, 206, 97, 225, 36, 253, 220, 103, 88, 206, 159, 224, 72, 253, 200, 48, 165, 127, 234, 132, 15, 134, 104, 52, 82, 126, 159, 134, 87, 134, 232, 59, 29, 127, 178, 134, 89, 134, 102, 101, 182, 206, 29, 227, 208, 252, 168, 102, 35, 206, 97, 225, 36, 253, 104, 52, 82, 126, 159, 134, 87, 134, 232, 59, 29, 127, 178, 134, 89, 134, 83, 63, 58, 126, 218, 135, 102, 134, 187, 94, 251, 190, 111, 42, 169, 255, 93, 101, 31, 203, 216, 222, 5, 254, 252, 102, 123, 206, 135, 225, 149, 254, 0, 103, 231, 209, 157, 229, 211, 253, 69, 104, 120, 206, 105, 224, 213, 253, 112, 106, 127, 208, 254, 224, 174, 253, 200, 48, 165, 127, 234, 132, 15, 134, 104, 52, 82, 126, 159, 134, 87, 134, 0, 103, 231, 209, 157, 229, 211, 253, 102, 101, 182, 206, 29, 227, 208, 252, 168, 102, 35, 206, 97, 225, 36, 253, 220, 103, 88, 206, 159, 224, 72, 253, 107, 104, 164, 206, 132, 224, 76, 253, 43, 105, 61, 207, 154, 224, 72, 253, 176, 106, 202, 208, 43, 225, 49, 253, 108, 107, 174, 209, 154, 225, 32, 253, 115, 107, 111, 210, 115, 226, 255, 252, 76, 97, 211, 127, 10, 136, 47, 133, 107, 104, 164, 206, 132, 224, 76, 253, 43, 105, 61, 207, 154, 224, 72, 253, 224, 103, 106, 127, 97, 136, 213, 132, 177, 130, 162, 132, 167, 135, 248, 133, 76, 97, 211, 127, 10, 136, 47, 133, 184, 104, 148, 205, 248, 222, 1, 254, 71, 105, 196, 205, 186, 222, 7, 254, 108, 129, 192, 132, 165, 135, 10, 134, 177, 130, 162, 132, 167, 135, 248, 133, 200, 48, 165, 127, 234, 132, 15, 134, 102, 101, 182, 206, 29, 227, 208, 252, 41, 93, 113, 128, 219, 135, 175, 133, 43, 105, 61, 207, 154, 224, 72, 253, 176, 106, 202, 208, 43, 225, 49, 253, 108, 129, 192, 132, 165, 135, 10, 134, 177, 130, 162, 132, 167, 135, 248, 133, 160, 92, 128, 128, 206, 135, 184, 133, 41, 93, 113, 128, 219, 135, 175, 133, 176, 106, 202, 208, 43, 225, 49, 253, 108, 107, 174, 209, 154, 225, 32, 253, 91, 108, 66, 210, 131, 225, 35, 253, 238, 108, 72, 133, 173, 134, 221, 134, 172, 94, 123, 133, 254, 133, 149, 135, 91, 108, 66, 210, 131, 225, 35, 253, 158, 109, 122, 211, 227, 225, 22, 253, 238, 108, 72, 133, 173, 134, 221, 134, 202, 113, 178, 213, 21, 225, 45, 253, 207, 113, 41, 214, 149, 225, 31, 253, 236, 113, 45, 214, 131, 225, 33, 253, 160, 92, 128, 128, 206, 135, 184, 133, 172, 94, 123, 133, 254, 133, 149, 135, 1, 102, 194, 131, 14, 135, 168, 134, 65, 108, 126, 206, 63, 221, 160, 253, 40, 111, 176, 210, 205, 223, 55, 253, 238, 108, 72, 133, 173, 134, 221, 134, 172, 94, 123, 133, 254, 133, 149, 135, 1, 102, 194, 131, 14, 135, 168, 134, 202, 113, 178, 213, 21, 225, 45, 253, 25, 122, 83, 134, 251, 134, 203, 134, 84, 67, 96, 127, 93, 135, 126, 134, 13, 114, 161, 212, 193, 223, 34, 253, 200, 114, 80, 212, 210, 222, 83, 253, 215, 122, 55, 134, 0, 135, 181, 134, 232, 79, 75, 159, 227, 118, 24, 153, 90, 85, 16, 157, 29, 122, 66, 150, 108, 107, 174, 209, 154, 225, 32, 253, 115, 107, 111, 210, 115, 226, 255, 252, 91, 108, 66, 210, 131, 225, 35, 253, 158, 109, 122, 211, 227, 225, 22, 253, 243, 71, 208, 166, 241, 109, 166, 159, 232, 79, 75, 159, 227, 118, 24, 153, 115, 107, 111, 210, 115, 226, 255, 252, 243, 71, 208, 166, 241, 109, 166, 159, 232, 79, 75, 159, 227, 118, 24, 153, 90, 85, 16, 157, 29, 122, 66, 150, 123, 90, 67, 158, 63, 122, 32, 150, 151, 106, 135, 202, 100, 132, 217, 173, 90, 85, 16, 157, 29, 122, 66, 150, 123, 90, 67, 158, 63, 122, 32, 150, 204, 99, 63, 155, 133, 125, 5, 146, 158, 109, 122, 211, 227, 225, 22, 253, 236, 113, 45, 214, 131, 225, 33, 253, 123, 90, 67, 158, 63, 122, 32, 150, 204, 99, 63, 155, 133, 125, 5, 146, 151, 106, 135, 202, 100, 132, 217, 173, 89, 117, 72, 224, 99, 129, 178, 180, 87, 118, 130, 158, 231, 125, 48, 145, 149, 118, 148, 218, 179, 226, 5, 253, 156, 118, 151, 218, 178, 226, 5, 253, 141, 121, 53, 221, 60, 227, 252, 252, 68, 124, 147, 224, 169, 228, 234, 252, 98, 136, 250, 149, 226, 125, 178, 140, 91, 149, 5, 145, 90, 125, 151, 139, 243, 71, 208, 166, 241, 109, 166, 159, 151, 106, 135, 202, 100, 132, 217, 173, 89, 117, 72, 224, 99, 129, 178, 180, 93, 117, 88, 224, 97, 129, 185, 180, 152, 102, 46, 148, 96, 113, 166, 144, 203, 121, 167, 150, 60, 113, 137, 145, 215, 133, 163, 152, 143, 113, 4, 147, 245, 142, 49, 222, 131, 129, 91, 181, 74, 149, 10, 215, 250, 128, 50, 180, 203, 121, 167, 150, 60, 113, 137, 145, 165, 129, 250, 154, 172, 113, 99, 147, 215, 133, 163, 152, 143, 113, 4, 147, 9, 143, 61, 220, 93, 234, 21, 253, 138, 148, 179, 217, 197, 236, 77, 253, 93, 102, 165, 130, 144, 129, 156, 130, 184, 104, 39, 130, 188, 129, 92, 130, 243, 113, 176, 130, 174, 129, 111, 130, 9, 115, 27, 131, 159, 129, 156, 130, 163, 120, 188, 216, 130, 223, 165, 252, 48, 121, 71, 219, 176, 225, 162, 252, 160, 121, 35, 217, 44, 223, 209, 252, 223, 122, 93, 218, 161, 223, 164, 252, 163, 126, 105, 221, 22, 224, 170, 252, 25, 130, 25, 223, 186, 226, 22, 252, 93, 102, 165, 130, 144, 129, 156, 130, 184, 104, 39, 130, 188, 129, 92, 130, 186, 127, 103, 227, 249, 228, 230, 252, 237, 128, 67, 227, 100, 229, 228, 252, 123, 134, 121, 223, 58, 230, 230, 252, 171, 143, 63, 128, 167, 128, 107, 128, 246, 155, 246, 131, 145, 129, 17, 131, 165, 129, 250, 154, 172, 113, 99, 147, 215, 133, 163, 152, 143, 113, 4, 147, 74, 149, 10, 215, 250, 128, 50, 180, 243, 157, 225, 215, 27, 132, 242, 184, 206, 160, 230, 154, 125, 117, 170, 151, 59, 170, 148, 159, 230, 123, 222, 153, 93, 102, 165, 130, 144, 129, 156, 130, 25, 130, 25, 223, 186, 226, 22, 252, 75, 133, 16, 222, 84, 228, 2, 252, 246, 155, 246, 131, 145, 129, 17, 131, 204, 99, 63, 155, 133, 125, 5, 146, 207, 113, 41, 214, 149, 225, 31, 253, 236, 113, 45, 214, 131, 225, 33, 253, 87, 118, 130, 158, 231, 125, 48, 145, 156, 118, 151, 218, 178, 226, 5, 253, 98, 136, 250, 149, 226, 125, 178, 140, 84, 67, 96, 127, 93, 135, 126, 134, 193, 108, 169, 138, 123, 131, 39, 136, 202, 113, 178, 213, 21, 225, 45, 253, 207, 113, 41, 214, 149, 225, 31, 253, 149, 118, 148, 218, 179, 226, 5, 253, 156, 118, 151, 218, 178, 226, 5, 253, 25, 122, 83, 134, 251, 134, 203, 134, 215, 122, 55, 134, 0, 135, 181, 134, 193, 108, 169, 138, 123, 131, 39, 136, 243, 113, 176, 130, 174, 129, 111, 130, 9, 115, 27, 131, 159, 129, 156, 130, 149, 118, 148, 218, 179, 226, 5, 253, 141, 121, 53, 221, 60, 227, 252, 252, 193, 175, 156, 132, 64, 130, 17, 132, 75, 133, 16, 222, 84, 228, 2, 252, 195, 134, 46, 128, 166, 128, 102, 128, 203, 137, 7, 219, 15, 229, 5, 252, 171, 143, 63, 128, 167, 128, 107, 128, 246, 155, 246, 131, 145, 129, 17, 131, 195, 134, 46, 128, 166, 128, 102, 128, 123, 134, 121, 223, 58, 230, 230, 252, 205, 137, 37, 222, 181, 231, 240, 252, 171, 143, 63, 128, 167, 128, 107, 128, 162, 153, 121, 132, 105, 129, 75, 131, 219, 158, 171, 210, 87, 239, 105, 253, 65, 157, 226, 155, 16, 117, 158, 151, 208, 175, 9, 158, 170, 124, 2, 154, 144, 131, 105, 135, 13, 108, 121, 141, 243, 157, 225, 215, 27, 132, 242, 184, 65, 157, 226, 155, 16, 117, 158, 151, 59, 170, 148, 159, 230, 123, 222, 153, 208, 175, 9, 158, 170, 124, 2, 154, 144, 131, 105, 135, 13, 108, 121, 141, 253, 141, 70, 233, 162, 246, 230, 254, 133, 144, 162, 231, 121, 247, 229, 254, 181, 151, 122, 225, 61, 248, 249, 254, 202, 160, 48, 228, 42, 6, 78, 128, 47, 164, 52, 228, 51, 10, 184, 128, 12, 158, 96, 218, 7, 247, 204, 254, 219, 158, 171, 210, 87, 239, 105, 253, 65, 157, 226, 155, 16, 117, 158, 151, 144, 131, 105, 135, 13, 108, 121, 141, 202, 151, 201, 215, 208, 237, 109, 253, 113, 154, 139, 214, 8, 239, 154, 253, 39, 172, 35, 132, 100, 134, 131, 132, 73, 198, 57, 135, 70, 136, 151, 134, 238, 225, 188, 132, 234, 132, 37, 132, 112, 145, 34, 135, 197, 131, 152, 133, 247, 143, 239, 216, 4, 233, 28, 251, 196, 151, 2, 214, 57, 237, 135, 251, 5, 168, 199, 136, 164, 132, 107, 135, 126, 177, 235, 128, 63, 129, 248, 128, 135, 141, 157, 220, 103, 233, 5, 253, 9, 143, 61, 220, 93, 234, 21, 253, 112, 145, 34, 135, 197, 131, 152, 133, 38, 148, 36, 218, 223, 236, 80, 253, 138, 148, 179, 217, 197, 236, 77, 253, 5, 168, 199, 136, 164, 132, 107, 135, 2, 185, 13, 133, 104, 130, 180, 132, 205, 137, 37, 222, 181, 231, 240, 252, 63, 139, 211, 221, 162, 232, 250, 252, 135, 141, 157, 220, 103, 233, 5, 253, 162, 153, 121, 132, 105, 129, 75, 131, 2, 185, 13, 133, 104, 130, 180, 132, 112, 145, 34, 135, 197, 131, 152, 133, 38, 148, 36, 218, 223, 236, 80, 253, 202, 151, 201, 215, 208, 237, 109, 253, 126, 177, 235, 128, 63, 129, 248, 128, 238, 225, 188, 132, 234, 132, 37, 132, 131, 149, 101, 137, 101, 136, 160, 136, 34, 153, 102, 211, 72, 236, 205, 250, 39, 172, 35, 132, 100, 134, 131, 132, 73, 198, 57, 135, 70, 136, 151, 134, 245, 82, 111, 126, 156, 137, 91, 134, 131, 149, 101, 137, 101, 136, 160, 136, 250, 152, 121, 217, 191, 240, 228, 253, 113, 154, 139, 214, 8, 239, 154, 253, 170, 156, 165, 215, 111, 242, 39, 254, 39, 172, 35, 132, 100, 134, 131, 132, 195, 57, 214, 125, 184, 135, 128, 134, 39, 59, 182, 125, 255, 135, 135, 134, 245, 82, 111, 126, 156, 137, 91, 134, 131, 149, 101, 137, 101, 136, 160, 136, 149, 151, 9, 219, 191, 242, 140, 251, 34, 153, 102, 211, 72, 236, 205, 250, 197, 139, 233, 220, 24, 232, 16, 253, 37, 147, 31, 219, 229, 236, 108, 253, 250, 152, 121, 217, 191, 240, 228, 253, 170, 156, 165, 215, 111, 242, 39, 254, 12, 158, 96, 218, 7, 247, 204, 254, 219, 158, 171, 210, 87, 239, 105, 253, 206, 160, 230, 154, 125, 117, 170, 151, 59, 170, 148, 159, 230, 123, 222, 153, 208, 175, 9, 158, 170, 124, 2, 154, 197, 77, 18, 129, 200, 139, 127, 138, 79, 105, 97, 248, 2, 16, 31, 128, 143, 120, 2, 134, 227, 140, 181, 137, 199, 119, 58, 249, 121, 254, 24, 128, 72, 121, 122, 254, 58, 5, 130, 128, 156, 144, 104, 249, 138, 10, 25, 128, 148, 136, 40, 131, 82, 141, 178, 135, 138, 70, 68, 127, 6, 139, 122, 137, 101, 97, 42, 133, 30, 138, 198, 137, 143, 120, 2, 134, 227, 140, 181, 137, 89, 121, 226, 249, 118, 255, 253, 245, 75, 124, 47, 253, 164, 255, 117, 137, 112, 127, 59, 252, 18, 253, 216, 248, 148, 136, 40, 131, 82, 141, 178, 135, 140, 60, 137, 137, 32, 126, 211, 137, 253, 85, 219, 147, 124, 119, 248, 143, 44, 93, 7, 244, 242, 230, 68, 128, 105, 95, 149, 248, 123, 229, 97, 128, 62, 92, 241, 248, 240, 225, 136, 128, 94, 105, 55, 253, 180, 235, 1, 128, 30, 101, 129, 254, 88, 230, 22, 128, 247, 158, 234, 147, 81, 119, 248, 145, 140, 60, 137, 137, 32, 126, 211, 137, 232, 88, 182, 142, 167, 124, 63, 139, 30, 101, 129, 254, 88, 230, 22, 128, 116, 105, 161, 255, 200, 233, 18, 128, 140, 60, 137, 137, 32, 126, 211, 137, 253, 85, 219, 147, 124, 119, 248, 143, 232, 88, 182, 142, 167, 124, 63, 139, 135, 100, 234, 141, 196, 125, 131, 137, 242, 101, 117, 251, 224, 21, 142, 129, 51, 100, 134, 251, 182, 23, 126, 129, 64, 154, 223, 254, 187, 24, 127, 129, 253, 85, 219, 147, 124, 119, 248, 143, 51, 100, 134, 251, 182, 23, 126, 129, 22, 156, 139, 147, 179, 118, 144, 145, 247, 158, 234, 147, 81, 119, 248, 145, 227, 69, 1, 129, 180, 138, 166, 138, 197, 77, 18, 129, 200, 139, 127, 138, 48, 110, 164, 242, 43, 254, 31, 138, 143, 120, 2, 134, 227, 140, 181, 137, 89, 121, 226, 249, 118, 255, 253, 245, 225, 86, 42, 245, 187, 32, 15, 129, 230, 86, 86, 245, 217, 32, 13, 129, 170, 100, 37, 253, 135, 24, 121, 129, 227, 69, 1, 129, 180, 138, 166, 138, 197, 77, 18, 129, 200, 139, 127, 138, 137, 98, 31, 244, 98, 19, 1, 128, 72, 121, 122, 254, 58, 5, 130, 128, 162, 128, 149, 144, 152, 136, 13, 140, 57, 92, 160, 148, 182, 118, 30, 144, 230, 86, 86, 245, 217, 32, 13, 129, 242, 101, 117, 251, 224, 21, 142, 129, 51, 100, 134, 251, 182, 23, 126, 129, 170, 100, 37, 253, 135, 24, 121, 129, 161, 138, 49, 160, 177, 114, 251, 150, 98, 150, 34, 165, 184, 117, 236, 154, 22, 156, 139, 147, 179, 118, 144, 145, 11, 84, 151, 127, 189, 138, 235, 135, 101, 97, 42, 133, 30, 138, 198, 137, 112, 127, 59, 252, 18, 253, 216, 248, 186, 131, 204, 245, 129, 250, 220, 248, 246, 136, 247, 130, 154, 139, 208, 134, 138, 70, 68, 127, 6, 139, 122, 137, 101, 97, 42, 133, 30, 138, 198, 137, 170, 131, 9, 255, 68, 253, 27, 128, 49, 133, 93, 253, 95, 253, 27, 128, 246, 136, 247, 130, 154, 139, 208, 134, 31, 69, 225, 128, 66, 136, 105, 136, 11, 84, 151, 127, 189, 138, 235, 135, 49, 133, 93, 253, 95, 253, 27, 128, 252, 136, 5, 247, 243, 255, 51, 128, 246, 136, 247, 130, 154, 139, 208, 134, 74, 124, 253, 227, 87, 232, 219, 251, 243, 125, 89, 216, 108, 219, 23, 253, 73, 127, 31, 206, 110, 48, 183, 254, 115, 129, 223, 219, 240, 222, 120, 252, 121, 131, 161, 195, 160, 199, 211, 253, 170, 132, 114, 198, 141, 203, 97, 253, 47, 135, 167, 217, 174, 224, 84, 253, 180, 109, 132, 140, 152, 163, 103, 241, 223, 117, 194, 207, 215, 215, 103, 253, 127, 119, 114, 210, 170, 217, 40, 253, 192, 123, 143, 144, 249, 171, 220, 239, 234, 124, 99, 176, 55, 179, 155, 254, 101, 131, 49, 159, 202, 164, 241, 252, 39, 134, 73, 186, 97, 189, 221, 255, 239, 151, 82, 154, 212, 165, 52, 253, 22, 151, 132, 161, 20, 176, 1, 252, 7, 102, 189, 194, 20, 212, 17, 254, 162, 97, 6, 220, 34, 244, 28, 247, 113, 98, 114, 219, 61, 242, 212, 245, 28, 102, 146, 210, 160, 230, 234, 248, 27, 106, 106, 199, 213, 214, 41, 253, 116, 113, 214, 237, 21, 250, 119, 246, 177, 115, 108, 117, 135, 106, 137, 241, 221, 150, 169, 115, 57, 112, 207, 239, 98, 147, 148, 78, 149, 112, 77, 221, 37, 154, 16, 180, 170, 51, 131, 232, 184, 193, 7, 189, 98, 51, 106, 232, 142, 95, 20, 189, 78, 184, 159, 188, 137, 144, 152, 79, 224, 111, 114, 222, 98, 147, 148, 78, 149, 112, 77, 221, 37, 154, 16, 180, 170, 51, 131, 232, 112, 75, 239, 200, 80, 160, 91, 202, 142, 95, 20, 189, 78, 184, 159, 188, 136, 64, 35, 223, 193, 156, 237, 212, 152, 149, 177, 142, 210, 93, 121, 243, 243, 176, 89, 234, 239, 175, 101, 197, 37, 154, 16, 180, 170, 51, 131, 232, 184, 193, 7, 189, 98, 51, 106, 232, 212, 69, 243, 206, 175, 148, 159, 204, 163, 86, 144, 221, 161, 152, 91, 200, 173, 86, 132, 222, 27, 152, 147, 200, 219, 101, 240, 188, 42, 170, 43, 180, 126, 102, 73, 207, 30, 160, 35, 185, 50, 140, 61, 231, 26, 160, 27, 185, 74, 48, 122, 225, 43, 123, 81, 222, 126, 102, 73, 207, 30, 160, 35, 185, 80, 5, 23, 9, 102, 168, 156, 148, 50, 140, 61, 231, 26, 160, 27, 185, 251, 251, 180, 37, 165, 160, 66, 153, 103, 51, 199, 160, 236, 154, 94, 198, 202, 56, 72, 159, 36, 163, 152, 203, 84, 54, 88, 172, 225, 150, 65, 201, 173, 86, 132, 222, 27, 152, 147, 200, 33, 25, 114, 25, 43, 166, 90, 153, 222, 15, 147, 248, 15, 178, 219, 145, 50, 140, 61, 231, 26, 160, 27, 185, 251, 251, 180, 37, 165, 160, 66, 153, 173, 59, 227, 216, 144, 42, 61, 130, 84, 83, 192, 206, 169, 4, 117, 137, 247, 59, 87, 218, 80, 43, 176, 129, 116, 55, 207, 173, 240, 152, 69, 203, 26, 56, 141, 176, 170, 151, 36, 203, 139, 43, 208, 203, 153, 127, 3, 219, 148, 62, 160, 203, 137, 146, 219, 207, 5, 99, 22, 193, 84, 175, 26, 185, 6, 80, 167, 226, 184, 151, 94, 205, 36, 83, 13, 239, 121, 150, 249, 206, 207, 112, 253, 190, 77, 168, 88, 175, 116, 55, 207, 173, 240, 152, 69, 203, 139, 43, 208, 203, 153, 127, 3, 219, 190, 43, 215, 204, 62, 126, 154, 218, 141, 52, 14, 214, 228, 128, 244, 216, 221, 92, 150, 179, 170, 173, 86, 182, 157, 73, 48, 231, 193, 139, 17, 210, 9, 108, 160, 206, 90, 173, 240, 184, 47, 80, 6, 193, 28, 163, 182, 194, 110, 85, 223, 198, 249, 165, 183, 194, 41, 86, 198, 208, 103, 161, 227, 197, 136, 64, 35, 223, 193, 156, 237, 212, 77, 64, 52, 223, 48, 160, 23, 213, 166, 101, 26, 180, 48, 179, 234, 179, 243, 176, 89, 234, 239, 175, 101, 197, 186, 90, 88, 166, 16, 67, 138, 252, 155, 144, 242, 158, 241, 81, 216, 246, 152, 149, 177, 142, 210, 93, 121, 243, 221, 150, 169, 115, 57, 112, 207, 239, 24, 149, 135, 152, 120, 82, 230, 241, 105, 170, 237, 145, 203, 93, 120, 243, 184, 193, 7, 189, 98, 51, 106, 232, 36, 95, 98, 143, 72, 176, 236, 166, 202, 137, 18, 87, 202, 116, 181, 229, 24, 149, 135, 152, 120, 82, 230, 241, 192, 169, 34, 207, 92, 178, 155, 176, 105, 170, 237, 145, 203, 93, 120, 243, 166, 101, 26, 180, 48, 179, 234, 179, 152, 149, 177, 142, 210, 93, 121, 243, 243, 176, 89, 234, 239, 175, 101, 197, 192, 169, 34, 207, 92, 178, 155, 176, 105, 170, 237, 145, 203, 93, 120, 243, 96, 61, 88, 175, 151, 157, 221, 200, 139, 43, 208, 203, 153, 127, 3, 219, 190, 43, 215, 204, 62, 126, 154, 218, 149, 74, 234, 187, 50, 163, 188, 197, 148, 62, 160, 203, 137, 146, 219, 207, 84, 54, 88, 172, 225, 150, 65, 201, 3, 84, 135, 191, 234, 167, 181, 191, 235, 89, 191, 165, 44, 181, 140, 181, 163, 86, 144, 221, 161, 152, 91, 200, 173, 86, 132, 222, 27, 152, 147, 200, 254, 103, 177, 221, 147, 167, 59, 192, 241, 44, 144, 217, 185, 205, 70, 135, 66, 51, 156, 227, 133, 205, 145, 135, 81, 25, 129, 238, 150, 186, 190, 143, 155, 11, 168, 12, 117, 172, 254, 151, 80, 5, 23, 9, 102, 168, 156, 148, 222, 15, 147, 248, 15, 178, 219, 145, 251, 251, 180, 37, 165, 160, 66, 153, 67, 43, 36, 180, 42, 23, 135, 128, 19, 59, 162, 211, 31, 38, 32, 129, 62, 78, 148, 204, 127, 8, 66, 136, 85, 79, 60, 204, 15, 6, 27, 136, 110, 79, 62, 204, 179, 5, 245, 135, 241, 44, 144, 217, 185, 205, 70, 135, 84, 83, 192, 206, 169, 4, 117, 137, 247, 59, 87, 218, 80, 43, 176, 129, 35, 84, 72, 208, 232, 4, 25, 137, 66, 51, 156, 227, 133, 205, 145, 135, 202, 56, 72, 159, 36, 163, 152, 203, 240, 29, 35, 186, 77, 115, 85, 212, 203, 34, 189, 36, 45, 167, 161, 156, 33, 25, 114, 25, 43, 166, 90, 153, 80, 68, 12, 187, 180, 156, 247, 199, 226, 84, 113, 185, 107, 171, 90, 189, 3, 84, 135, 191, 234, 167, 181, 191, 235, 89, 191, 165, 44, 181, 140, 181, 234, 91, 149, 192, 157, 172, 91, 188, 229, 100, 115, 207, 24, 174, 124, 189, 88, 61, 91, 175, 207, 155, 199, 198, 96, 61, 88, 175, 151, 157, 221, 200, 148, 62, 160, 203, 137, 146, 219, 207, 226, 84, 113, 185, 107, 171, 90, 189, 234, 91, 149, 192, 157, 172, 91, 188, 6, 80, 167, 226, 184, 151, 94, 205, 28, 102, 146, 210, 160, 230, 234, 248, 116, 113, 214, 237, 21, 250, 119, 246, 26, 119, 114, 231, 253, 239, 198, 248, 31, 121, 138, 235, 100, 242, 64, 249, 248, 125, 189, 239, 208, 242, 104, 249, 140, 127, 140, 232, 213, 234, 147, 250, 222, 101, 236, 166, 171, 177, 241, 254, 28, 102, 146, 210, 160, 230, 234, 248, 27, 106, 106, 199, 213, 214, 41, 253, 18, 115, 99, 186, 86, 194, 43, 254, 26, 119, 114, 231, 253, 239, 198, 248, 108, 122, 113, 180, 188, 183, 35, 255, 222, 101, 236, 166, 171, 177, 241, 254, 7, 102, 189, 194, 20, 212, 17, 254, 226, 104, 95, 159, 105, 78, 221, 249, 27, 106, 106, 199, 213, 214, 41, 253, 21, 120, 170, 175, 102, 69, 44, 250, 226, 104, 95, 159, 105, 78, 221, 249, 10, 113, 51, 101, 93, 123, 93, 239, 230, 117, 72, 93, 243, 121, 71, 235, 21, 120, 170, 175, 102, 69, 44, 250, 202, 137, 18, 87, 202, 116, 181, 229, 155, 144, 242, 158, 241, 81, 216, 246, 24, 149, 135, 152, 120, 82, 230, 241, 190, 43, 215, 204, 62, 126, 154, 218, 149, 74, 234, 187, 50, 163, 188, 197, 141, 52, 14, 214, 228, 128, 244, 216, 200, 76, 246, 220, 48, 149, 73, 205, 7, 96, 224, 236, 18, 152, 62, 200, 103, 51, 199, 160, 236, 154, 94, 198, 84, 54, 88, 172, 225, 150, 65, 201, 235, 89, 191, 165, 44, 181, 140, 181, 229, 100, 115, 207, 24, 174, 124, 189, 163, 108, 76, 196, 83, 176, 131, 181, 203, 34, 189, 36, 45, 167, 161, 156, 246, 18, 11, 226, 234, 186, 91, 143, 33, 25, 114, 25, 43, 166, 90, 153, 181, 2, 57, 227, 211, 176, 242, 145, 81, 25, 129, 238, 150, 186, 190, 143, 222, 15, 147, 248, 15, 178, 219, 145, 195, 229, 137, 2, 3, 167, 51, 157, 240, 29, 35, 186, 77, 115, 85, 212, 34, 29, 175, 193, 112, 107, 36, 212, 203, 34, 189, 36, 45, 167, 161, 156, 195, 229, 137, 2, 3, 167, 51, 157, 181, 235, 192, 3, 121, 161, 245, 152, 45, 74, 50, 182, 65, 165, 207, 194, 47, 80, 6, 193, 28, 163, 182, 194, 148, 80, 0, 194, 245, 161, 84, 194, 181, 87, 105, 180, 154, 167, 78, 183, 110, 85, 223, 198, 249, 165, 183, 194, 221, 92, 150, 179, 170, 173, 86, 182, 9, 108, 160, 206, 90, 173, 240, 184, 47, 80, 6, 193, 28, 163, 182, 194, 148, 80, 0, 194, 245, 161, 84, 194, 47, 81, 175, 193, 48, 162, 117, 193, 66, 95, 115, 147, 221, 183, 229, 172, 36, 95, 98, 143, 72, 176, 236, 166, 166, 101, 26, 180, 48, 179, 234, 179, 192, 169, 34, 207, 92, 178, 155, 176, 221, 66, 138, 168, 208, 164, 224, 190, 150, 78, 84, 176, 36, 168, 180, 187, 245, 58, 52, 208, 173, 136, 99, 210, 231, 59, 136, 211, 135, 137, 74, 211, 141, 52, 14, 214, 228, 128, 244, 216, 157, 73, 48, 231, 193, 139, 17, 210, 7, 96, 224, 236, 18, 152, 62, 200, 221, 66, 138, 168, 208, 164, 224, 190, 200, 76, 246, 220, 48, 149, 73, 205, 105, 110, 168, 181, 6, 177, 155, 175, 7, 96, 224, 236, 18, 152, 62, 200, 88, 61, 91, 175, 207, 155, 199, 198, 96, 61, 88, 175, 151, 157, 221, 200, 149, 74, 234, 187, 50, 163, 188, 197, 200, 80, 15, 194, 83, 163, 244, 194, 200, 76, 246, 220, 48, 149, 73, 205, 105, 110, 168, 181, 6, 177, 155, 175, 88, 61, 91, 175, 207, 155, 199, 198, 80, 68, 12, 187, 180, 156, 247, 199, 231, 80, 152, 171, 58, 171, 8, 185, 200, 80, 15, 194, 83, 163, 244, 194, 226, 84, 113, 185, 107, 171, 90, 189, 94, 74, 168, 213, 249, 148, 59, 204, 160, 95, 86, 191, 114, 168, 16, 184, 205, 104, 163, 193, 104, 173, 151, 181, 80, 68, 12, 187, 180, 156, 247, 199, 231, 80, 152, 171, 58, 171, 8, 185, 191, 92, 94, 176, 44, 176, 14, 182, 229, 100, 115, 207, 24, 174, 124, 189, 163, 108, 76, 196, 83, 176, 131, 181, 103, 51, 199, 160, 236, 154, 94, 198, 202, 56, 72, 159, 36, 163, 152, 203, 240, 29, 35, 186, 77, 115, 85, 212, 34, 29, 175, 193, 112, 107, 36, 212, 173, 81, 47, 199, 86, 157, 170, 194, 191, 92, 94, 176, 44, 176, 14, 182, 163, 108, 76, 196, 83, 176, 131, 181, 108, 46, 178, 208, 189, 209, 2, 132, 19, 59, 162, 211, 31, 38, 32, 129, 66, 51, 156, 227, 133, 205, 145, 135, 246, 18, 11, 226, 234, 186, 91, 143, 81, 25, 129, 238, 150, 186, 190, 143, 181, 2, 57, 227, 211, 176, 242, 145, 138, 32, 187, 243, 224, 187, 122, 142, 195, 229, 137, 2, 3, 167, 51, 157, 181, 235, 192, 3, 121, 161, 245, 152, 203, 252, 53, 19, 26, 162, 113, 149, 96, 248, 71, 38, 55, 159, 96, 154, 34, 29, 175, 193, 112, 107, 36, 212, 173, 81, 47, 199, 86, 157, 170, 194, 7, 82, 126, 244, 5, 146, 40, 209, 181, 235, 192, 3, 121, 161, 245, 152, 96, 248, 71, 38, 55, 159, 96, 154, 231, 80, 152, 171, 58, 171, 8, 185, 173, 81, 47, 199, 86, 157, 170, 194, 191, 92, 94, 176, 44, 176, 14, 182, 146, 63, 211, 228, 25, 144, 214, 214, 205, 104, 163, 193, 104, 173, 151, 181, 7, 82, 126, 244, 5, 146, 40, 209, 45, 74, 50, 182, 65, 165, 207, 194, 231, 59, 136, 211, 135, 137, 74, 211, 157, 73, 48, 231, 193, 139, 17, 210, 9, 108, 160, 206, 90, 173, 240, 184, 51, 87, 201, 135, 67, 184, 126, 172, 70, 89, 174, 132, 248, 187, 198, 172, 66, 95, 115, 147, 221, 183, 229, 172, 36, 95, 98, 143, 72, 176, 236, 166, 215, 116, 136, 82, 117, 118, 162, 228, 230, 117, 72, 93, 243, 121, 71, 235, 202, 137, 18, 87, 202, 116, 181, 229, 222, 101, 236, 166, 171, 177, 241, 254, 226, 104, 95, 159, 105, 78, 221, 249, 10, 113, 51, 101, 93, 123, 93, 239, 246, 111, 211, 140, 218, 110, 202, 254, 108, 122, 113, 180, 188, 183, 35, 255, 200, 126, 29, 115, 200, 117, 243, 244, 51, 87, 201, 135, 67, 184, 126, 172, 180, 92, 132, 198, 64, 172, 102, 190, 70, 89, 174, 132, 248, 187, 198, 172, 169, 97, 88, 191, 171, 168, 248, 182, 36, 107, 209, 207, 102, 171, 111, 185, 47, 81, 175, 193, 48, 162, 117, 193, 51, 87, 201, 135, 67, 184, 126, 172, 66, 95, 115, 147, 221, 183, 229, 172, 150, 93, 114, 218, 223, 156, 232, 195, 36, 107, 209, 207, 102, 171, 111, 185, 148, 80, 0, 194, 245, 161, 84, 194, 47, 81, 175, 193, 48, 162, 117, 193, 181, 87, 105, 180, 154, 167, 78, 183, 175, 95, 166, 193, 5, 166, 75, 184, 150, 93, 114, 218, 223, 156, 232, 195, 150, 78, 84, 176, 36, 168, 180, 187, 200, 78, 0, 177, 98, 165, 140, 186, 245, 58, 52, 208, 173, 136, 99, 210, 177, 72, 89, 224, 116, 139, 47, 208, 153, 98, 17, 208, 43, 164, 194, 188, 238, 115, 237, 206, 135, 165, 131, 179, 221, 66, 138, 168, 208, 164, 224, 190, 150, 78, 84, 176, 35, 168, 180, 187, 200, 78, 0, 177, 98, 165, 140, 186, 200, 80, 15, 194, 83, 163, 244, 194, 94, 74, 168, 213, 249, 148, 59, 204, 177, 59, 213, 221, 125, 132, 73, 215, 205, 83, 147, 225, 245, 150, 253, 202, 105, 110, 168, 181, 6, 177, 155, 175, 94, 74, 168, 213, 249, 148, 59, 204, 160, 95, 86, 191, 114, 168, 16, 184, 205, 83, 147, 225, 245, 150, 253, 202, 155, 100, 157, 205, 244, 165, 224, 186, 204, 106, 56, 208, 215, 167, 251, 184, 146, 63, 211, 228, 25, 144, 214, 214, 7, 82, 126, 244, 5, 146, 40, 209, 203, 252, 53, 19, 26, 162, 113, 149, 112, 253, 253, 19, 81, 160, 72, 148, 96, 248, 71, 38, 55, 159, 96, 154, 160, 95, 86, 191, 114, 168, 16, 184, 146, 63, 211, 228, 25, 144, 214, 214, 205, 104, 163, 193, 104, 173, 151, 181, 204, 106, 56, 208, 215, 167, 251, 184, 133, 11, 29, 11, 40, 147, 7, 142, 79, 1, 119, 250, 23, 160, 217, 142, 112, 253, 253, 19, 81, 160, 72, 148, 180, 92, 132, 198, 64, 172, 102, 190, 219, 94, 154, 189, 235, 166, 47, 183, 175, 95, 166, 193, 5, 166, 75, 184, 150, 93, 114, 218, 223, 156, 232, 195, 36, 107, 209, 207, 102, 171, 111, 185, 232, 128, 210, 214, 191, 166, 184, 177, 231, 148, 154, 253, 182, 166, 53, 198, 121, 124, 130, 78, 242, 117, 170, 227, 1, 142, 57, 193, 61, 146, 102, 167, 107, 155, 61, 74, 195, 122, 219, 219, 51, 157, 126, 178, 184, 140, 240, 161, 10, 113, 51, 101, 93, 123, 93, 239, 215, 116, 136, 82, 117, 118, 162, 228, 230, 117, 72, 93, 243, 121, 71, 235, 121, 124, 130, 78, 242, 117, 170, 227, 153, 125, 95, 89, 0, 122, 76, 234, 200, 126, 29, 115, 200, 117, 243, 244, 107, 155, 61, 74, 195, 122, 219, 219, 22, 125, 255, 170, 165, 175, 29, 253, 211, 128, 111, 201, 46, 204, 90, 253, 60, 130, 237, 172, 184, 177, 249, 252, 121, 131, 161, 195, 160, 199, 211, 253, 170, 132, 114, 198, 141, 203, 97, 253, 67, 142, 89, 155, 72, 164, 227, 252, 73, 127, 31, 206, 110, 48, 183, 254, 95, 128, 150, 210, 56, 212, 11, 254, 170, 132, 114, 198, 141, 203, 97, 253, 39, 134, 73, 186, 97, 189, 221, 255, 67, 142, 89, 155, 72, 164, 227, 252, 22, 151, 132, 161, 20, 176, 1, 252, 223, 121, 252, 202, 231, 207, 71, 254, 234, 124, 99, 176, 55, 179, 155, 254, 196, 125, 255, 175, 106, 180, 7, 253, 95, 128, 150, 210, 56, 212, 11, 254, 39, 134, 73, 186, 97, 189, 221, 255, 30, 118, 112, 109, 85, 146, 113, 237, 234, 124, 99, 176, 55, 179, 155, 254, 196, 125, 255, 175, 106, 180, 7, 253, 101, 131, 49, 159, 202, 164, 241, 252, 111, 134, 74, 179, 86, 185, 91, 253, 171, 138, 101, 155, 200, 162, 36, 253, 24, 145, 209, 146, 189, 157, 235, 251, 236, 117, 204, 110, 191, 146, 218, 237, 30, 118, 112, 109, 85, 146, 113, 237, 101, 131, 49, 159, 202, 164, 241, 252, 239, 151, 82, 154, 212, 165, 52, 253, 186, 151, 188, 92, 246, 145, 115, 230, 103, 167, 148, 115, 220, 138, 197, 244, 237, 65, 60, 131, 187, 137, 69, 249, 61, 70, 143, 130, 140, 138, 90, 248, 35, 100, 196, 136, 2, 142, 201, 253, 165, 114, 58, 209, 155, 219, 94, 253, 139, 116, 104, 209, 116, 218, 107, 253, 237, 65, 60, 131, 187, 137, 69, 249, 61, 70, 143, 130, 140, 138, 90, 248, 137, 103, 254, 141, 180, 174, 156, 232, 243, 115, 136, 230, 9, 121, 161, 184, 70, 89, 174, 132, 248, 187, 198, 172, 169, 97, 88, 191, 171, 168, 248, 182, 215, 116, 136, 82, 117, 118, 162, 228, 202, 119, 160, 224, 201, 167, 212, 184, 121, 124, 130, 78, 242, 117, 170, 227, 1, 142, 57, 193, 61, 146, 102, 167, 180, 92, 132, 198, 64, 172, 102, 190, 169, 97, 88, 191, 171, 168, 248, 182, 202, 119, 160, 224, 201, 167, 212, 184, 7, 148, 19, 255, 87, 171, 52, 198, 231, 148, 154, 253, 182, 166, 53, 198, 200, 78, 0, 177, 98, 165, 140, 186, 177, 59, 213, 221, 125, 132, 73, 215, 90, 78, 238, 239, 169, 136, 132, 210, 238, 115, 237, 206, 135, 165, 131, 179, 111, 94, 166, 194, 212, 165, 116, 185, 155, 100, 157, 205, 244, 165, 224, 186, 204, 106, 56, 208, 215, 167, 251, 184, 133, 11, 29, 11, 40, 147, 7, 142, 248, 250, 89, 24, 71, 137, 155, 136, 183, 252, 128, 25, 108, 147, 221, 141, 214, 17, 14, 193, 214, 151, 84, 241, 245, 17, 108, 193, 248, 151, 50, 241, 84, 83, 192, 206, 169, 4, 117, 137, 35, 84, 72, 208, 232, 4, 25, 137, 212, 80, 224, 213, 16, 12, 66, 133, 35, 88, 197, 213, 211, 3, 92, 135, 108, 46, 178, 208, 189, 209, 2, 132, 251, 48, 209, 222, 167, 204, 81, 134, 12, 61, 121, 223, 210, 213, 214, 130, 246, 18, 11, 226, 234, 186, 91, 143, 181, 2, 57, 227, 211, 176, 242, 145, 223, 32, 35, 240, 105, 188, 125, 141, 138, 32, 187, 243, 224, 187, 122, 142, 223, 32, 35, 240, 105, 188, 125, 141, 138, 32, 187, 243, 224, 187, 122, 142, 79, 1, 119, 250, 23, 160, 217, 142, 203, 252, 53, 19, 26, 162, 113, 149, 112, 253, 253, 19, 81, 160, 72, 148, 110, 103, 24, 132, 220, 121, 140, 255, 246, 111, 211, 140, 218, 110, 202, 254, 18, 115, 99, 186, 86, 194, 43, 254, 118, 118, 200, 193, 142, 200, 246, 253, 108, 122, 113, 180, 188, 183, 35, 255, 47, 132, 57, 120, 171, 127, 209, 251, 116, 55, 207, 173, 240, 152, 69, 203, 26, 56, 141, 176, 170, 151, 36, 203, 27, 52, 140, 212, 159, 131, 202, 216, 110, 85, 223, 198, 249, 165, 183, 194, 221, 92, 150, 179, 170, 173, 86, 182, 41, 86, 198, 208, 103, 161, 227, 197, 87, 93, 194, 210, 248, 169, 196, 195, 108, 34, 77, 152, 199, 144, 175, 207, 112, 75, 239, 200, 80, 160, 91, 202, 145, 90, 157, 169, 128, 190, 55, 187, 136, 64, 35, 223, 193, 156, 237, 212, 77, 64, 52, 223, 48, 160, 23, 213, 108, 34, 77, 152, 199, 144, 175, 207, 112, 75, 239, 200, 80, 160, 91, 202, 142, 95, 20, 189, 78, 184, 159, 188, 137, 144, 152, 79, 224, 111, 114, 222, 186, 90, 88, 166, 16, 67, 138, 252, 187, 93, 240, 171, 92, 188, 232, 254, 157, 98, 73, 160, 184, 76, 43, 251, 237, 102, 161, 93, 47, 101, 246, 228, 177, 115, 108, 117, 135, 106, 137, 241, 221, 150, 169, 115, 57, 112, 207, 239, 108, 34, 77, 152, 199, 144, 175, 207, 55, 80, 157, 103, 191, 103, 83, 235, 145, 90, 157, 169, 128, 190, 55, 187, 237, 102, 161, 93, 47, 101, 246, 228, 177, 115, 108, 117, 135, 106, 137, 241, 137, 144, 152, 79, 224, 111, 114, 222, 98, 147, 148, 78, 149, 112, 77, 221, 55, 80, 157, 103, 191, 103, 83, 235, 145, 90, 157, 169, 128, 190, 55, 187, 186, 90, 21, 191, 252, 171, 59, 188, 41, 86, 198, 208, 103, 161, 227, 197, 77, 64, 52, 223, 48, 160, 23, 213, 87, 93, 194, 210, 248, 169, 196, 195, 237, 150, 65, 145, 92, 95, 151, 246, 26, 56, 141, 176, 170, 151, 36, 203, 27, 52, 140, 212, 159, 131, 202, 216, 5, 63, 141, 225, 13, 137, 118, 214, 5, 99, 22, 193, 84, 175, 26, 185, 200, 94, 16, 198, 170, 169, 10, 188, 255, 69, 127, 225, 149, 147, 89, 210, 36, 83, 13, 239, 121, 150, 249, 206, 207, 112, 253, 190, 77, 168, 88, 175, 2, 117, 141, 196, 69, 167, 120, 175, 113, 120, 2, 199, 140, 165, 157, 174, 3, 84, 135, 191, 234, 167, 181, 191, 234, 91, 149, 192, 157, 172, 91, 188, 129, 59, 37, 223, 193, 136, 215, 215, 255, 69, 127, 225, 149, 147, 89, 210, 6, 80, 167, 226, 184, 151, 94, 205, 187, 102, 111, 203, 246, 163, 49, 184, 254, 103, 177, 221, 147, 167, 59, 192, 36, 83, 13, 239, 121, 150, 249, 206, 171, 38, 169, 214, 6, 120, 84, 223, 74, 48, 122, 225, 43, 123, 81, 222, 155, 11, 168, 12, 117, 172, 254, 151, 204, 12, 67, 9, 49, 179, 189, 155, 80, 5, 23, 9, 102, 168, 156, 148, 212, 69, 243, 206, 175, 148, 159, 204, 67, 67, 105, 219, 7, 141, 202, 209, 163, 86, 144, 221, 161, 152, 91, 200, 187, 102, 111, 203, 246, 163, 49, 184, 254, 103, 177, 221, 147, 167, 59, 192, 68, 112, 24, 214, 244, 163, 201, 183, 129, 59, 37, 223, 193, 136, 215, 215, 187, 102, 111, 203, 246, 163, 49, 184, 81, 89, 226, 236, 146, 150, 115, 203, 68, 112, 24, 214, 244, 163, 201, 183, 55, 80, 157, 103, 191, 103, 83, 235, 157, 98, 73, 160, 184, 76, 43, 251, 237, 102, 161, 93, 47, 101, 246, 228, 97, 120, 92, 169, 231, 76, 14, 251, 184, 146, 247, 118, 86, 117, 231, 244, 237, 150, 65, 145, 92, 95, 151, 246, 197, 90, 36, 207, 0, 234, 17, 246, 113, 83, 49, 222, 180, 253, 5, 141, 162, 97, 6, 220, 34, 244, 28, 247, 113, 98, 114, 219, 61, 242, 212, 245, 237, 103, 113, 235, 114, 254, 104, 243, 113, 83, 49, 222, 180, 253, 5, 141, 222, 85, 23, 229, 138, 248, 45, 142, 21, 79, 28, 231, 179, 238, 54, 141, 72, 85, 77, 232, 253, 242, 158, 140, 237, 103, 113, 235, 114, 254, 104, 243, 158, 96, 141, 237, 6, 247, 185, 138, 188, 93, 121, 238, 109, 244, 157, 140, 156, 95, 215, 239, 152, 244, 99, 140, 243, 95, 27, 241, 173, 243, 134, 140, 246, 42, 247, 125, 119, 135, 191, 136, 25, 51, 103, 125, 81, 137, 29, 137, 188, 51, 121, 125, 92, 137, 31, 137, 67, 78, 238, 230, 177, 225, 98, 128, 146, 77, 51, 231, 208, 224, 158, 128, 242, 79, 109, 234, 184, 224, 162, 128, 186, 39, 82, 127, 184, 133, 93, 136, 25, 51, 103, 125, 81, 137, 29, 137, 188, 51, 121, 125, 92, 137, 31, 137, 215, 79, 106, 235, 138, 235, 213, 141, 210, 79, 4, 236, 241, 234, 218, 141, 146, 77, 51, 231, 208, 224, 158, 128, 217, 79, 80, 234, 181, 224, 162, 128, 242, 79, 109, 234, 184, 224, 162, 128, 224, 81, 4, 236, 119, 225, 135, 128, 242, 76, 201, 236, 218, 219, 104, 129, 5, 85, 231, 237, 62, 227, 74, 128, 16, 81, 156, 238, 171, 222, 4, 129, 9, 84, 51, 242, 241, 222, 250, 128, 56, 75, 234, 229, 96, 223, 223, 128, 230, 75, 112, 230, 168, 223, 207, 128, 238, 75, 175, 230, 129, 223, 216, 128, 252, 76, 212, 230, 118, 224, 163, 128, 67, 78, 238, 230, 177, 225, 98, 128, 146, 77, 51, 231, 208, 224, 158, 128, 242, 76, 201, 236, 218, 219, 104, 129, 246, 42, 247, 125, 119, 135, 191, 136, 34, 91, 30, 131, 128, 137, 179, 136, 217, 79, 80, 234, 181, 224, 162, 128, 242, 79, 109, 234, 184, 224, 162, 128, 31, 121, 138, 235, 100, 242, 64, 249, 75, 124, 47, 253, 164, 255, 117, 137, 248, 125, 189, 239, 208, 242, 104, 249, 112, 127, 59, 252, 18, 253, 216, 248, 186, 131, 204, 245, 129, 250, 220, 248, 121, 133, 216, 241, 119, 248, 92, 249, 5, 137, 144, 238, 255, 248, 255, 248, 126, 137, 66, 222, 144, 232, 41, 251, 162, 97, 6, 220, 34, 244, 28, 247, 237, 103, 113, 235, 114, 254, 104, 243, 158, 96, 141, 237, 6, 247, 185, 138, 116, 113, 214, 237, 21, 250, 119, 246, 48, 110, 164, 242, 43, 254, 31, 138, 31, 121, 138, 235, 100, 242, 64, 249, 89, 121, 226, 249, 118, 255, 253, 245, 75, 124, 47, 253, 164, 255, 117, 137, 185, 32, 172, 126, 197, 132, 60, 135, 46, 58, 153, 131, 165, 130, 202, 134, 157, 91, 242, 128, 173, 137, 94, 135, 72, 85, 77, 232, 253, 242, 158, 140, 192, 88, 9, 239, 52, 239, 152, 140, 188, 93, 121, 238, 109, 244, 157, 140, 61, 79, 139, 245, 105, 225, 106, 141, 185, 32, 172, 126, 197, 132, 60, 135, 46, 58, 153, 131, 165, 130, 202, 134, 60, 87, 71, 232, 4, 21, 185, 128, 178, 86, 150, 236, 206, 25, 15, 128, 5, 85, 231, 237, 62, 227, 74, 128, 16, 81, 156, 238, 171, 222, 4, 129, 242, 96, 204, 241, 243, 18, 10, 128, 44, 93, 7, 244, 242, 230, 68, 128, 17, 92, 136, 245, 135, 228, 111, 128, 27, 93, 79, 246, 247, 228, 104, 128, 105, 95, 149, 248, 123, 229, 97, 128, 251, 160, 224, 130, 153, 133, 174, 131, 185, 32, 172, 126, 197, 132, 60, 135, 157, 91, 242, 128, 173, 137, 94, 135, 113, 93, 130, 129, 131, 137, 121, 135, 178, 86, 150, 236, 206, 25, 15, 128, 242, 76, 201, 236, 218, 219, 104, 129, 43, 79, 193, 240, 23, 219, 105, 129, 9, 84, 51, 242, 241, 222, 250, 128, 227, 69, 1, 129, 180, 138, 166, 138, 158, 96, 141, 237, 6, 247, 185, 138, 156, 95, 215, 239, 152, 244, 99, 140, 48, 110, 164, 242, 43, 254, 31, 138, 162, 128, 149, 144, 152, 136, 13, 140, 148, 142, 154, 138, 137, 136, 77, 137, 156, 95, 215, 239, 152, 244, 99, 140, 243, 95, 27, 241, 173, 243, 134, 140, 148, 142, 154, 138, 137, 136, 77, 137, 62, 177, 67, 133, 137, 134, 72, 133, 1, 97, 180, 241, 203, 18, 13, 128, 137, 98, 31, 244, 98, 19, 1, 128, 162, 128, 149, 144, 152, 136, 13, 140, 148, 142, 154, 138, 137, 136, 77, 137, 184, 175, 222, 132, 77, 134, 247, 132, 62, 177, 67, 133, 137, 134, 72, 133, 16, 81, 156, 238, 171, 222, 4, 129, 43, 79, 193, 240, 23, 219, 105, 129, 9, 84, 51, 242, 241, 222, 250, 128, 17, 92, 136, 245, 135, 228, 111, 128, 122, 155, 175, 155, 129, 115, 219, 151, 24, 173, 59, 161, 52, 125, 64, 155, 213, 174, 204, 160, 136, 125, 78, 155, 43, 79, 193, 240, 23, 219, 105, 129, 24, 173, 59, 161, 52, 125, 64, 155, 225, 86, 42, 245, 187, 32, 15, 129, 24, 173, 59, 161, 52, 125, 64, 155, 213, 174, 204, 160, 136, 125, 78, 155, 225, 86, 42, 245, 187, 32, 15, 129, 230, 86, 86, 245, 217, 32, 13, 129, 161, 138, 49, 160, 177, 114, 251, 150, 122, 155, 175, 155, 129, 115, 219, 151, 213, 174, 204, 160, 136, 125, 78, 155, 46, 58, 153, 131, 165, 130, 202, 134, 192, 88, 9, 239, 52, 239, 152, 140, 251, 160, 224, 130, 153, 133, 174, 131, 230, 172, 52, 133, 139, 134, 78, 133, 1, 97, 180, 241, 203, 18, 13, 128, 242, 96, 204, 241, 243, 18, 10, 128, 251, 160, 224, 130, 153, 133, 174, 131, 230, 172, 52, 133, 139, 134, 78, 133, 184, 175, 222, 132, 77, 134, 247, 132, 192, 88, 9, 239, 52, 239, 152, 140, 188, 93, 121, 238, 109, 244, 157, 140, 243, 95, 27, 241, 173, 243, 134, 140, 230, 172, 52, 133, 139, 134, 78, 133, 184, 175, 222, 132, 77, 134, 247, 132, 62, 177, 67, 133, 137, 134, 72, 133, 17, 92, 136, 245, 135, 228, 111, 128, 27, 93, 79, 246, 247, 228, 104, 128, 161, 138, 49, 160, 177, 114, 251, 150, 98, 150, 34, 165, 184, 117, 236, 154, 122, 155, 175, 155, 129, 115, 219, 151, 130, 63, 76, 129, 213, 134, 31, 136, 178, 100, 218, 129, 190, 137, 72, 135, 224, 81, 146, 236, 203, 235, 68, 141, 113, 93, 130, 129, 131, 137, 121, 135, 32, 100, 237, 129, 176, 137, 85, 135, 60, 87, 71, 232, 4, 21, 185, 128, 178, 86, 150, 236, 206, 25, 15, 128, 22, 44, 98, 125, 199, 135, 63, 136, 130, 63, 76, 129, 213, 134, 31, 136, 32, 100, 237, 129, 176, 137, 85, 135, 178, 100, 218, 129, 190, 137, 72, 135, 60, 87, 71, 232, 4, 21, 185, 128, 224, 81, 4, 236, 119, 225, 135, 128, 5, 85, 231, 237, 62, 227, 74, 128, 157, 91, 242, 128, 173, 137, 94, 135, 113, 93, 130, 129, 131, 137, 121, 135, 32, 100, 237, 129, 176, 137, 85, 135, 178, 100, 218, 129, 190, 137, 72, 135, 224, 81, 146, 236, 203, 235, 68, 141, 250, 80, 181, 238, 244, 232, 86, 141, 61, 79, 139, 245, 105, 225, 106, 141, 22, 44, 98, 125, 199, 135, 63, 136, 111, 49, 125, 125, 128, 136, 101, 136, 130, 63, 76, 129, 213, 134, 31, 136, 224, 81, 146, 236, 203, 235, 68, 141, 250, 80, 181, 238, 244, 232, 86, 141, 22, 44, 98, 125, 199, 135, 63, 136, 111, 49, 125, 125, 128, 136, 101, 136, 9, 80, 68, 128, 66, 138, 103, 136, 34, 91, 30, 131, 128, 137, 179, 136, 217, 79, 80, 234, 181, 224, 162, 128, 224, 81, 4, 236, 119, 225, 135, 128, 246, 42, 247, 125, 119, 135, 191, 136, 188, 51, 121, 125, 92, 137, 31, 137, 9, 80, 68, 128, 66, 138, 103, 136, 34, 91, 30, 131, 128, 137, 179, 136, 215, 79, 106, 235, 138, 235, 213, 141, 111, 49, 125, 125, 128, 136, 101, 136, 9, 80, 68, 128, 66, 138, 103, 136, 21, 79, 28, 231, 179, 238, 54, 141, 72, 85, 77, 232, 253, 242, 158, 140, 215, 79, 106, 235, 138, 235, 213, 141, 210, 79, 4, 236, 241, 234, 218, 141, 250, 80, 181, 238, 244, 232, 86, 141, 61, 79, 139, 245, 105, 225, 106, 141, 186, 90, 88, 166, 16, 67, 138, 252, 187, 93, 240, 171, 92, 188, 232, 254, 197, 90, 36, 207, 0, 234, 17, 246, 3, 91, 199, 206, 179, 232, 204, 244, 7, 102, 189, 194, 20, 212, 17, 254, 113, 98, 114, 219, 61, 242, 212, 245, 21, 120, 170, 175, 102, 69, 44, 250, 155, 144, 242, 158, 241, 81, 216, 246, 186, 39, 82, 127, 184, 133, 93, 136, 35, 76, 44, 127, 26, 139, 197, 136, 112, 76, 134, 222, 210, 246, 9, 142, 183, 77, 82, 228, 110, 241, 62, 142, 222, 85, 23, 229, 138, 248, 45, 142, 21, 79, 28, 231, 179, 238, 54, 141, 210, 79, 4, 236, 241, 234, 218, 141, 183, 74, 144, 244, 178, 223, 239, 142, 186, 39, 82, 127, 184, 133, 93, 136, 25, 51, 103, 125, 81, 137, 29, 137, 123, 75, 15, 127, 27, 139, 197, 136, 35, 76, 44, 127, 26, 139, 197, 136, 252, 76, 212, 230, 118, 224, 163, 128, 67, 78, 238, 230, 177, 225, 98, 128, 0, 71, 88, 127, 93, 138, 222, 136, 123, 75, 15, 127, 27, 139, 197, 136, 35, 76, 44, 127, 26, 139, 197, 136, 183, 74, 144, 244, 178, 223, 239, 142, 0, 71, 88, 127, 93, 138, 222, 136, 123, 75, 15, 127, 27, 139, 197, 136, 70, 82, 167, 128, 182, 138, 204, 136, 230, 75, 112, 230, 168, 223, 207, 128, 252, 76, 212, 230, 118, 224, 163, 128, 0, 71, 88, 127, 93, 138, 222, 136, 70, 82, 167, 128, 182, 138, 204, 136, 127, 84, 65, 128, 44, 139, 164, 136, 177, 76, 54, 225, 209, 243, 15, 142, 183, 77, 82, 228, 110, 241, 62, 142, 40, 76, 135, 229, 195, 238, 114, 142, 183, 74, 144, 244, 178, 223, 239, 142, 187, 93, 240, 171, 92, 188, 232, 254, 3, 91, 199, 206, 179, 232, 204, 244, 189, 93, 54, 206, 189, 231, 89, 248, 157, 98, 73, 160, 184, 76, 43, 251, 113, 117, 219, 154, 157, 91, 221, 251, 97, 120, 92, 169, 231, 76, 14, 251, 197, 90, 36, 207, 0, 234, 17, 246, 3, 91, 199, 206, 179, 232, 204, 244, 150, 93, 14, 204, 171, 229, 122, 249, 189, 93, 54, 206, 189, 231, 89, 248, 112, 76, 134, 222, 210, 246, 9, 142, 101, 85, 25, 220, 76, 254, 60, 136, 113, 83, 49, 222, 180, 253, 5, 141, 222, 85, 23, 229, 138, 248, 45, 142, 112, 76, 134, 222, 210, 246, 9, 142, 101, 85, 25, 220, 76, 254, 60, 136, 154, 75, 133, 223, 165, 244, 251, 141, 177, 76, 54, 225, 209, 243, 15, 142, 183, 77, 82, 228, 110, 241, 62, 142, 196, 107, 91, 210, 111, 226, 147, 249, 178, 58, 129, 126, 73, 137, 212, 136, 127, 84, 65, 128, 44, 139, 164, 136, 40, 76, 135, 229, 195, 238, 114, 142, 178, 58, 129, 126, 73, 137, 212, 136, 70, 82, 167, 128, 182, 138, 204, 136, 127, 84, 65, 128, 44, 139, 164, 136, 16, 95, 113, 138, 66, 132, 170, 137, 56, 75, 234, 229, 96, 223, 223, 128, 230, 75, 112, 230, 168, 223, 207, 128, 217, 55, 238, 210, 166, 137, 241, 213, 27, 52, 140, 212, 159, 131, 202, 216, 186, 90, 21, 191, 252, 171, 59, 188, 5, 63, 141, 225, 13, 137, 118, 214, 87, 93, 194, 210, 248, 169, 196, 195, 90, 100, 146, 193, 209, 176, 0, 185, 186, 90, 21, 191, 252, 171, 59, 188, 49, 93, 165, 171, 128, 179, 71, 181, 90, 100, 146, 193, 209, 176, 0, 185, 232, 131, 248, 116, 72, 117, 66, 245, 184, 146, 247, 118, 86, 117, 231, 244, 237, 150, 65, 145, 92, 95, 151, 246, 104, 18, 66, 124, 146, 133, 200, 137, 207, 74, 243, 226, 61, 225, 112, 128, 246, 106, 222, 127, 251, 144, 24, 138, 104, 18, 66, 124, 146, 133, 200, 137, 16, 95, 113, 138, 66, 132, 170, 137, 207, 74, 243, 226, 61, 225, 112, 128, 56, 75, 234, 229, 96, 223, 223, 128, 238, 75, 175, 230, 129, 223, 216, 128, 11, 67, 205, 184, 131, 155, 244, 198, 139, 44, 151, 201, 109, 132, 5, 218, 217, 55, 238, 210, 166, 137, 241, 213, 49, 93, 165, 171, 128, 179, 71, 181, 90, 100, 146, 193, 209, 176, 0, 185, 27, 75, 169, 238, 192, 138, 172, 211, 104, 18, 66, 124, 146, 133, 200, 137, 178, 58, 129, 126, 73, 137, 212, 136, 87, 70, 15, 129, 63, 140, 4, 140, 154, 75, 133, 223, 165, 244, 251, 141, 177, 76, 54, 225, 209, 243, 15, 142, 16, 95, 113, 138, 66, 132, 170, 137, 40, 76, 135, 229, 195, 238, 114, 142, 246, 106, 222, 127, 251, 144, 24, 138, 87, 70, 15, 129, 63, 140, 4, 140, 207, 74, 243, 226, 61, 225, 112, 128, 238, 75, 175, 230, 129, 223, 216, 128, 246, 106, 222, 127, 251, 144, 24, 138, 87, 70, 15, 129, 63, 140, 4, 140, 154, 75, 133, 223, 165, 244, 251, 141, 113, 117, 219, 154, 157, 91, 221, 251, 251, 118, 143, 153, 205, 93, 27, 252, 97, 120, 92, 169, 231, 76, 14, 251, 190, 131, 76, 132, 106, 117, 180, 252, 232, 131, 248, 116, 72, 117, 66, 245, 184, 146, 247, 118, 86, 117, 231, 244, 139, 44, 151, 201, 109, 132, 5, 218, 217, 55, 238, 210, 166, 137, 241, 213, 5, 63, 141, 225, 13, 137, 118, 214, 5, 99, 22, 193, 84, 175, 26, 185, 207, 112, 253, 190, 77, 168, 88, 175, 2, 117, 141, 196, 69, 167, 120, 175, 11, 67, 205, 184, 131, 155, 244, 198, 49, 93, 165, 171, 128, 179, 71, 181, 149, 109, 215, 218, 143, 163, 20, 187, 225, 129, 110, 249, 28, 163, 2, 190, 190, 131, 76, 132, 106, 117, 180, 252, 232, 131, 248, 116, 72, 117, 66, 245, 87, 162, 253, 108, 108, 129, 179, 242, 139, 44, 151, 201, 109, 132, 5, 218, 27, 75, 169, 238, 192, 138, 172, 211, 2, 117, 141, 196, 69, 167, 120, 175, 113, 120, 2, 199, 140, 165, 157, 174, 11, 67, 205, 184, 131, 155, 244, 198, 31, 84, 9, 175, 47, 173, 135, 185, 1, 76, 76, 217, 187, 149, 157, 204, 200, 94, 16, 198, 170, 169, 10, 188, 27, 75, 169, 238, 192, 138, 172, 211, 149, 109, 215, 218, 143, 163, 20, 187, 113, 120, 2, 199, 140, 165, 157, 174, 5, 72, 121, 207, 138, 150, 210, 203, 234, 56, 207, 219, 219, 134, 94, 216, 1, 76, 76, 217, 187, 149, 157, 204, 152, 98, 128, 226, 52, 158, 118, 196, 149, 109, 215, 218, 143, 163, 20, 187, 225, 129, 110, 249, 28, 163, 2, 190, 234, 56, 207, 219, 219, 134, 94, 216, 177, 94, 64, 207, 193, 159, 188, 189, 152, 98, 128, 226, 52, 158, 118, 196, 150, 101, 6, 216, 195, 159, 179, 189, 251, 104, 26, 219, 192, 159, 29, 189, 80, 78, 119, 237, 178, 144, 63, 209, 177, 94, 64, 207, 193, 159, 188, 189, 53, 94, 9, 213, 115, 158, 226, 192, 152, 98, 128, 226, 52, 158, 118, 196, 225, 129, 110, 249, 28, 163, 2, 190, 55, 138, 121, 104, 107, 129, 181, 242, 87, 162, 253, 108, 108, 129, 179, 242, 150, 93, 14, 204, 171, 229, 122, 249, 189, 93, 54, 206, 189, 231, 89, 248, 113, 117, 219, 154, 157, 91, 221, 251, 251, 118, 143, 153, 205, 93, 27, 252, 152, 125, 51, 197, 58, 200, 4, 254, 168, 130, 89, 165, 253, 86, 228, 253, 251, 118, 143, 153, 205, 93, 27, 252, 168, 130, 89, 165, 253, 86, 228, 253, 190, 131, 76, 132, 106, 117, 180, 252, 61, 135, 62, 101, 240, 131, 102, 240, 55, 138, 121, 104, 107, 129, 181, 242, 70, 151, 40, 128, 163, 134, 91, 253, 87, 162, 253, 108, 108, 129, 179, 242, 150, 93, 14, 204, 171, 229, 122, 249, 101, 85, 25, 220, 76, 254, 60, 136, 196, 107, 91, 210, 111, 226, 147, 249, 183, 116, 191, 184, 188, 64, 40, 255, 152, 125, 51, 197, 58, 200, 4, 254, 174, 95, 135, 197, 216, 160, 138, 184, 53, 94, 9, 213, 115, 158, 226, 192, 150, 101, 6, 216, 195, 159, 179, 189, 251, 104, 26, 219, 192, 159, 29, 189, 61, 135, 62, 101, 240, 131, 102, 240, 55, 138, 121, 104, 107, 129, 181, 242, 177, 94, 64, 207, 193, 159, 188, 189, 53, 94, 9, 213, 115, 158, 226, 192, 150, 101, 6, 216, 195, 159, 179, 189, 246, 42, 218, 186, 63, 139, 93, 214, 5, 72, 121, 207, 138, 150, 210, 203, 234, 56, 207, 219, 219, 134, 94, 216, 54, 41, 124, 222, 71, 122, 116, 225, 80, 78, 119, 237, 178, 144, 63, 209, 142, 62, 13, 166, 237, 163, 135, 195, 31, 84, 9, 175, 47, 173, 135, 185, 129, 59, 37, 223, 193, 136, 215, 215, 200, 94, 16, 198, 170, 169, 10, 188, 255, 69, 127, 225, 149, 147, 89, 210, 81, 89, 226, 236, 146, 150, 115, 203, 246, 42, 218, 186, 63, 139, 93, 214, 142, 62, 13, 166, 237, 163, 135, 195, 31, 84, 9, 175, 47, 173, 135, 185, 5, 72, 121, 207, 138, 150, 210, 203, 199, 85, 78, 188, 55, 175, 159, 191, 32, 86, 44, 192, 54, 172, 35, 192, 104, 93, 44, 175, 71, 168, 191, 177, 1, 76, 76, 217, 187, 149, 157, 204, 174, 95, 135, 197, 216, 160, 138, 184, 34, 112, 160, 218, 165, 160, 41, 185, 61, 135, 62, 101, 240, 131, 102, 240, 160, 147, 83, 139, 167, 112, 159, 254, 70, 151, 40, 128, 163, 134, 91, 253, 12, 160, 86, 129, 141, 134, 48, 254, 183, 116, 191, 184, 188, 64, 40, 255, 152, 125, 51, 197, 58, 200, 4, 254, 168, 130, 89, 165, 253, 86, 228, 253, 70, 151, 40, 128, 163, 134, 91, 253, 253, 149, 232, 152, 166, 166, 150, 251, 12, 160, 86, 129, 141, 134, 48, 254, 45, 74, 37, 150, 1, 166, 163, 251, 196, 107, 91, 210, 111, 226, 147, 249, 183, 116, 191, 184, 188, 64, 40, 255, 253, 149, 232, 152, 166, 166, 150, 251, 132, 46, 198, 212, 89, 132, 1, 221, 54, 41, 124, 222, 71, 122, 116, 225, 174, 95, 135, 197, 216, 160, 138, 184, 36, 46, 85, 229, 224, 124, 152, 225, 251, 104, 26, 219, 192, 159, 29, 189, 80, 78, 119, 237, 178, 144, 63, 209, 34, 112, 160, 218, 165, 160, 41, 185, 73, 54, 234, 204, 55, 137, 135, 212, 212, 69, 243, 206, 175, 148, 159, 204, 67, 67, 105, 219, 7, 141, 202, 209, 219, 101, 240, 188, 42, 170, 43, 180, 209, 110, 113, 199, 56, 170, 8, 180, 233, 42, 170, 209, 174, 124, 163, 220, 171, 38, 169, 214, 6, 120, 84, 223, 89, 86, 86, 187, 105, 174, 110, 190, 74, 48, 122, 225, 43, 123, 81, 222, 219, 101, 240, 188, 42, 170, 43, 180, 126, 102, 73, 207, 30, 160, 35, 185, 209, 110, 113, 199, 56, 170, 8, 180, 61, 24, 30, 73, 22, 179, 134, 144, 241, 44, 144, 217, 185, 205, 70, 135, 173, 59, 227, 216, 144, 42, 61, 130, 247, 59, 87, 218, 80, 43, 176, 129, 210, 27, 250, 36, 196, 178, 223, 154, 94, 1, 47, 33, 125, 179, 105, 147, 155, 11, 168, 12, 117, 172, 254, 151, 204, 12, 67, 9, 49, 179, 189, 155, 61, 24, 30, 73, 22, 179, 134, 144, 233, 42, 170, 209, 174, 124, 163, 220, 171, 38, 169, 214, 6, 120, 84, 223, 204, 12, 67, 9, 49, 179, 189, 155, 142, 62, 13, 166, 237, 163, 135, 195, 73, 54, 234, 204, 55, 137, 135, 212, 71, 54, 145, 207, 21, 133, 20, 213, 16, 75, 2, 195, 63, 161, 115, 200, 32, 86, 44, 192, 54, 172, 35, 192, 67, 67, 105, 219, 7, 141, 202, 209, 81, 89, 226, 236, 146, 150, 115, 203, 68, 112, 24, 214, 244, 163, 201, 183, 15, 62, 176, 161, 242, 166, 239, 195, 199, 85, 78, 188, 55, 175, 159, 191, 104, 93, 44, 175, 71, 168, 191, 177, 149, 67, 220, 230, 47, 135, 151, 213, 204, 116, 21, 224, 34, 168, 33, 186, 71, 142, 109, 209, 96, 168, 5, 177, 45, 24, 91, 159, 96, 130, 10, 210, 200, 22, 106, 178, 61, 122, 17, 221, 148, 27, 151, 178, 139, 121, 180, 214, 36, 54, 213, 219, 130, 131, 60, 218, 202, 96, 139, 199, 165, 167, 222, 186, 99, 34, 85, 116, 173, 136, 155, 219, 200, 22, 106, 178, 61, 122, 17, 221, 148, 27, 151, 178, 139, 121, 180, 214, 132, 46, 198, 212, 89, 132, 1, 221, 36, 54, 213, 219, 130, 131, 60, 218, 202, 96, 139, 199, 165, 167, 222, 186, 36, 46, 85, 229, 224, 124, 152, 225, 204, 116, 21, 224, 34, 168, 33, 186, 71, 142, 109, 209, 96, 168, 5, 177, 246, 42, 218, 186, 63, 139, 93, 214, 104, 93, 44, 175, 71, 168, 191, 177, 54, 41, 124, 222, 71, 122, 116, 225, 36, 46, 85, 229, 224, 124, 152, 225, 71, 142, 109, 209, 96, 168, 5, 177, 99, 34, 85, 116, 173, 136, 155, 219, 200, 22, 106, 178, 61, 122, 17, 221, 132, 46, 198, 212, 89, 132, 1, 221, 36, 54, 213, 219, 130, 131, 60, 218, 194, 90, 2, 108, 168, 116, 206, 239, 34, 112, 160, 218, 165, 160, 41, 185, 160, 147, 83, 139, 167, 112, 159, 254, 45, 74, 37, 150, 1, 166, 163, 251, 194, 90, 2, 108, 168, 116, 206, 239, 160, 147, 83, 139, 167, 112, 159, 254, 253, 149, 232, 152, 166, 166, 150, 251, 12, 160, 86, 129, 141, 134, 48, 254, 99, 34, 85, 116, 173, 136, 155, 219, 45, 74, 37, 150, 1, 166, 163, 251, 194, 90, 2, 108, 168, 116, 206, 239, 15, 62, 176, 161, 242, 166, 239, 195, 164, 73, 100, 164, 239, 179, 238, 191, 62, 74, 24, 165, 107, 179, 116, 191, 177, 73, 197, 204, 75, 153, 127, 202, 221, 49, 77, 218, 139, 128, 166, 220, 149, 67, 220, 230, 47, 135, 151, 213, 15, 62, 176, 161, 242, 166, 239, 195, 164, 73, 100, 164, 239, 179, 238, 191, 16, 75, 2, 195, 63, 161, 115, 200, 199, 85, 78, 188, 55, 175, 159, 191, 32, 86, 44, 192, 54, 172, 35, 192, 45, 24, 91, 159, 96, 130, 10, 210, 107, 46, 202, 158, 166, 153, 67, 208, 221, 49, 77, 218, 139, 128, 166, 220, 202, 96, 139, 199, 165, 167, 222, 186, 149, 67, 220, 230, 47, 135, 151, 213, 204, 116, 21, 224, 34, 168, 33, 186, 34, 40, 140, 199, 159, 118, 87, 214, 173, 73, 198, 169, 109, 173, 222, 190, 226, 72, 22, 185, 169, 162, 71, 197, 73, 54, 234, 204, 55, 137, 135, 212, 71, 54, 145, 207, 21, 133, 20, 213, 89, 86, 86, 187, 105, 174, 110, 190, 209, 110, 113, 199, 56, 170, 8, 180, 61, 24, 30, 73, 22, 179, 134, 144, 173, 73, 198, 169, 109, 173, 222, 190, 10, 78, 215, 172, 152, 176, 169, 190, 233, 42, 170, 209, 174, 124, 163, 220, 89, 86, 86, 187, 105, 174, 110, 190, 94, 1, 47, 33, 125, 179, 105, 147, 195, 23, 246, 80, 73, 173, 123, 142, 101, 47, 101, 146, 160, 160, 101, 198, 10, 78, 215, 172, 152, 176, 169, 190, 246, 82, 74, 189, 56, 172, 55, 194, 210, 27, 250, 36, 196, 178, 223, 154, 94, 1, 47, 33, 125, 179, 105, 147, 201, 32, 45, 173, 147, 130, 143, 211, 34, 40, 140, 199, 159, 118, 87, 214, 164, 73, 100, 164, 239, 179, 238, 191, 62, 74, 24, 165, 107, 179, 116, 191, 71, 54, 145, 207, 21, 133, 20, 213, 16, 75, 2, 195, 63, 161, 115, 200, 88, 22, 115, 133, 45, 142, 140, 210, 107, 46, 202, 158, 166, 153, 67, 208, 38, 31, 142, 193, 57, 113, 173, 214, 177, 73, 197, 204, 75, 153, 127, 202, 221, 49, 77, 218, 139, 128, 166, 220, 88, 22, 115, 133, 45, 142, 140, 210, 45, 24, 91, 159, 96, 130, 10, 210, 107, 46, 202, 158, 166, 153, 67, 208, 148, 27, 151, 178, 139, 121, 180, 214, 201, 32, 45, 173, 147, 130, 143, 211, 17, 43, 110, 185, 60, 133, 144, 210, 38, 31, 142, 193, 57, 113, 173, 214, 62, 74, 24, 165, 107, 179, 116, 191, 177, 73, 197, 204, 75, 153, 127, 202, 201, 32, 45, 173, 147, 130, 143, 211, 101, 47, 101, 146, 160, 160, 101, 198, 15, 47, 6, 163, 108, 149, 208, 201, 197, 32, 168, 181, 83, 121, 253, 210, 17, 43, 110, 185, 60, 133, 144, 210, 34, 40, 140, 199, 159, 118, 87, 214, 226, 72, 22, 185, 169, 162, 71, 197, 246, 82, 74, 189, 56, 172, 55, 194, 88, 22, 115, 133, 45, 142, 140, 210, 197, 32, 168, 181, 83, 121, 253, 210, 17, 43, 110, 185, 60, 133, 144, 210, 38, 31, 142, 193, 57, 113, 173, 214, 173, 73, 198, 169, 109, 173, 222, 190, 226, 72, 22, 185, 169, 162, 71, 197, 10, 78, 215, 172, 152, 176, 169, 190, 246, 82, 74, 189, 56, 172, 55, 194, 195, 23, 246, 80, 73, 173, 123, 142, 173, 59, 227, 216, 144, 42, 61, 130, 210, 27, 250, 36, 196, 178, 223, 154, 15, 47, 6, 163, 108, 149, 208, 201, 197, 32, 168, 181, 83, 121, 253, 210, 195, 23, 246, 80, 73, 173, 123, 142, 101, 47, 101, 146, 160, 160, 101, 198, 15, 47, 6, 163, 108, 149, 208, 201, 17, 122, 84, 213, 246, 218, 12, 253, 125, 138, 78, 210, 241, 219, 14, 253, 246, 165, 185, 145, 75, 202, 244, 235, 209, 207, 145, 159, 160, 237, 114, 140, 87, 216, 93, 158, 100, 247, 168, 251, 223, 117, 194, 207, 215, 215, 103, 253, 101, 118, 210, 208, 114, 216, 187, 253, 42, 119, 29, 207, 188, 214, 163, 252, 127, 119, 114, 210, 170, 217, 40, 253, 223, 121, 252, 202, 231, 207, 71, 254, 17, 122, 84, 213, 246, 218, 12, 253, 110, 123, 195, 202, 193, 206, 72, 254, 243, 125, 89, 216, 108, 219, 23, 253, 73, 127, 31, 206, 110, 48, 183, 254, 95, 128, 150, 210, 56, 212, 11, 254, 125, 138, 78, 210, 241, 219, 14, 253, 31, 69, 225, 128, 66, 136, 105, 136, 70, 93, 45, 131, 255, 136, 51, 136, 237, 106, 90, 129, 93, 138, 242, 134, 212, 134, 46, 233, 138, 239, 219, 254, 252, 136, 5, 247, 243, 255, 51, 128, 187, 140, 186, 239, 46, 252, 155, 255, 161, 75, 27, 129, 52, 136, 210, 135, 217, 84, 6, 128, 195, 137, 98, 135, 237, 106, 90, 129, 93, 138, 242, 134, 212, 134, 46, 233, 138, 239, 219, 254, 161, 75, 27, 129, 52, 136, 210, 135, 201, 98, 211, 130, 241, 136, 127, 135, 108, 108, 242, 128, 237, 137, 96, 134, 212, 134, 46, 233, 138, 239, 219, 254, 187, 140, 186, 239, 46, 252, 155, 255, 253, 141, 70, 233, 162, 246, 230, 254, 133, 144, 162, 231, 121, 247, 229, 254, 42, 57, 123, 125, 46, 136, 194, 134, 19, 71, 72, 125, 227, 137, 202, 134, 12, 79, 101, 127, 17, 137, 236, 134, 219, 140, 245, 223, 225, 235, 214, 253, 42, 57, 123, 125, 46, 136, 194, 134, 19, 71, 72, 125, 227, 137, 202, 134, 211, 83, 206, 128, 26, 136, 195, 134, 28, 145, 109, 225, 30, 243, 44, 251, 209, 150, 100, 219, 151, 242, 39, 251, 169, 151, 135, 222, 147, 246, 237, 251, 12, 79, 101, 127, 17, 137, 236, 134, 108, 108, 242, 128, 237, 137, 96, 134, 219, 140, 245, 223, 225, 235, 214, 253, 133, 144, 162, 231, 121, 247, 229, 254, 181, 151, 122, 225, 61, 248, 249, 254, 19, 71, 72, 125, 227, 137, 202, 134, 12, 79, 101, 127, 17, 137, 236, 134, 201, 98, 211, 130, 241, 136, 127, 135, 108, 108, 242, 128, 237, 137, 96, 134, 250, 142, 213, 229, 149, 245, 33, 251, 28, 145, 109, 225, 30, 243, 44, 251, 250, 119, 37, 235, 228, 120, 75, 185, 219, 240, 139, 233, 118, 65, 167, 148, 114, 236, 212, 182, 63, 80, 136, 128, 191, 230, 60, 173, 113, 21, 186, 135, 163, 120, 188, 216, 130, 223, 165, 252, 223, 122, 93, 218, 161, 223, 164, 252, 219, 240, 139, 233, 118, 65, 167, 148, 174, 237, 49, 227, 53, 153, 128, 129, 114, 236, 212, 182, 63, 80, 136, 128, 209, 14, 105, 216, 128, 153, 148, 129, 75, 119, 212, 233, 254, 120, 233, 184, 250, 119, 37, 235, 228, 120, 75, 185, 219, 240, 139, 233, 118, 65, 167, 148, 174, 237, 49, 227, 53, 153, 128, 129, 244, 118, 132, 232, 36, 121, 99, 184, 75, 119, 212, 233, 254, 120, 233, 184, 250, 119, 37, 235, 228, 120, 75, 185, 178, 233, 163, 199, 62, 53, 212, 139, 209, 207, 145, 159, 160, 237, 114, 140, 191, 230, 60, 173, 113, 21, 186, 135, 87, 216, 93, 158, 100, 247, 168, 251, 80, 125, 230, 221, 109, 225, 176, 252, 243, 125, 89, 216, 108, 219, 23, 253, 115, 129, 223, 219, 240, 222, 120, 252, 125, 138, 78, 210, 241, 219, 14, 253, 178, 233, 163, 199, 62, 53, 212, 139, 209, 207, 145, 159, 160, 237, 114, 140, 209, 14, 105, 216, 128, 153, 148, 129, 17, 113, 245, 227, 14, 121, 133, 184, 77, 115, 153, 228, 76, 121, 229, 183, 188, 118, 42, 232, 42, 121, 75, 184, 244, 118, 132, 232, 36, 121, 99, 184, 75, 119, 212, 233, 254, 120, 233, 184, 112, 31, 80, 249, 80, 172, 255, 134, 188, 225, 77, 251, 132, 181, 109, 143, 161, 75, 27, 129, 52, 136, 210, 135, 217, 84, 6, 128, 195, 137, 98, 135, 201, 98, 211, 130, 241, 136, 127, 135, 68, 141, 131, 239, 200, 253, 57, 251, 250, 142, 213, 229, 149, 245, 33, 251, 217, 84, 6, 128, 195, 137, 98, 135, 70, 93, 45, 131, 255, 136, 51, 136, 237, 106, 90, 129, 93, 138, 242, 134, 121, 133, 216, 241, 119, 248, 92, 249, 5, 137, 144, 238, 255, 248, 255, 248, 68, 141, 131, 239, 200, 253, 57, 251, 218, 141, 122, 223, 183, 237, 89, 251, 76, 97, 211, 127, 10, 136, 47, 133, 47, 104, 71, 205, 15, 223, 254, 253, 184, 104, 148, 205, 248, 222, 1, 254, 224, 103, 106, 127, 97, 136, 213, 132, 98, 111, 251, 128, 35, 136, 52, 133, 160, 92, 128, 128, 206, 135, 184, 133, 41, 93, 113, 128, 219, 135, 175, 133, 187, 100, 217, 204, 124, 225, 152, 253, 71, 105, 196, 205, 186, 222, 7, 254, 65, 108, 126, 206, 63, 221, 160, 253, 57, 108, 55, 207, 20, 222, 180, 253, 161, 108, 140, 207, 36, 222, 178, 253, 214, 108, 185, 207, 48, 222, 161, 253, 251, 108, 205, 207, 35, 222, 198, 253, 108, 129, 192, 132, 165, 135, 10, 134, 144, 12, 124, 205, 65, 182, 62, 139, 54, 113, 109, 211, 33, 223, 242, 252, 185, 113, 89, 210, 120, 221, 101, 253, 184, 114, 179, 211, 77, 222, 10, 253, 42, 117, 23, 213, 9, 222, 7, 253, 112, 31, 80, 249, 80, 172, 255, 134, 188, 225, 77, 251, 132, 181, 109, 143, 209, 14, 105, 216, 128, 153, 148, 129, 42, 117, 23, 213, 9, 222, 7, 253, 163, 120, 188, 216, 130, 223, 165, 252, 112, 31, 80, 249, 80, 172, 255, 134, 160, 121, 35, 217, 44, 223, 209, 252, 174, 237, 49, 227, 53, 153, 128, 129, 65, 108, 126, 206, 63, 221, 160, 253, 214, 108, 185, 207, 48, 222, 161, 253, 138, 110, 245, 207, 49, 221, 113, 253, 40, 111, 176, 210, 205, 223, 55, 253, 185, 113, 89, 210, 120, 221, 101, 253, 13, 114, 161, 212, 193, 223, 34, 253, 184, 114, 179, 211, 77, 222, 10, 253, 200, 114, 80, 212, 210, 222, 83, 253, 1, 102, 194, 131, 14, 135, 168, 134, 40, 111, 176, 210, 205, 223, 55, 253, 200, 114, 80, 212, 210, 222, 83, 253, 25, 122, 83, 134, 251, 134, 203, 134, 215, 122, 55, 134, 0, 135, 181, 134, 199, 119, 58, 249, 121, 254, 24, 128, 170, 131, 9, 255, 68, 253, 27, 128, 49, 133, 93, 253, 95, 253, 27, 128, 161, 147, 147, 252, 121, 16, 148, 128, 156, 144, 104, 249, 138, 10, 25, 128, 252, 136, 5, 247, 243, 255, 51, 128, 224, 145, 140, 247, 248, 9, 108, 128, 39, 147, 127, 244, 76, 8, 89, 128, 187, 140, 186, 239, 46, 252, 155, 255, 253, 141, 70, 233, 162, 246, 230, 254, 227, 152, 54, 236, 243, 5, 49, 128, 47, 164, 52, 228, 51, 10, 184, 128, 214, 75, 81, 164, 132, 117, 198, 157, 148, 76, 62, 164, 214, 117, 141, 157, 85, 120, 141, 145, 140, 136, 66, 141, 227, 152, 54, 236, 243, 5, 49, 128, 202, 160, 48, 228, 42, 6, 78, 128, 47, 164, 52, 228, 51, 10, 184, 128, 195, 57, 214, 125, 184, 135, 128, 134, 39, 59, 182, 125, 255, 135, 135, 134, 175, 88, 238, 127, 237, 136, 102, 134, 197, 139, 233, 220, 24, 232, 16, 253, 37, 147, 31, 219, 229, 236, 108, 253, 39, 59, 182, 125, 255, 135, 135, 134, 211, 83, 206, 128, 26, 136, 195, 134, 175, 88, 238, 127, 237, 136, 102, 134, 169, 151, 135, 222, 147, 246, 237, 251, 149, 151, 9, 219, 191, 242, 140, 251, 121, 133, 216, 241, 119, 248, 92, 249, 126, 137, 66, 222, 144, 232, 41, 251, 147, 139, 78, 217, 247, 228, 208, 251, 214, 140, 158, 220, 237, 233, 37, 251, 218, 141, 122, 223, 183, 237, 89, 251, 247, 143, 239, 216, 4, 233, 28, 251, 94, 146, 39, 217, 123, 235, 55, 251, 196, 151, 2, 214, 57, 237, 135, 251, 94, 146, 39, 217, 123, 235, 55, 251, 209, 150, 100, 219, 151, 242, 39, 251, 169, 151, 135, 222, 147, 246, 237, 251, 149, 151, 9, 219, 191, 242, 140, 251, 196, 151, 2, 214, 57, 237, 135, 251, 34, 153, 102, 211, 72, 236, 205, 250, 126, 177, 235, 128, 63, 129, 248, 128, 73, 198, 57, 135, 70, 136, 151, 134, 238, 225, 188, 132, 234, 132, 37, 132, 42, 57, 123, 125, 46, 136, 194, 134, 211, 83, 206, 128, 26, 136, 195, 134, 175, 88, 238, 127, 237, 136, 102, 134, 219, 140, 245, 223, 225, 235, 214, 253, 37, 147, 31, 219, 229, 236, 108, 253, 181, 151, 122, 225, 61, 248, 249, 254, 12, 158, 96, 218, 7, 247, 204, 254, 195, 57, 214, 125, 184, 135, 128, 134, 245, 82, 111, 126, 156, 137, 91, 134, 197, 139, 233, 220, 24, 232, 16, 253, 250, 152, 121, 217, 191, 240, 228, 253, 84, 67, 96, 127, 93, 135, 126, 134, 193, 108, 169, 138, 123, 131, 39, 136, 13, 114, 161, 212, 193, 223, 34, 253, 184, 114, 179, 211, 77, 222, 10, 253, 42, 117, 23, 213, 9, 222, 7, 253, 48, 121, 71, 219, 176, 225, 162, 252, 160, 121, 35, 217, 44, 223, 209, 252, 193, 175, 156, 132, 64, 130, 17, 132, 80, 125, 230, 221, 109, 225, 176, 252, 163, 126, 105, 221, 22, 224, 170, 252, 115, 129, 223, 219, 240, 222, 120, 252, 25, 130, 25, 223, 186, 226, 22, 252, 75, 133, 16, 222, 84, 228, 2, 252, 47, 135, 167, 217, 174, 224, 84, 253, 203, 137, 7, 219, 15, 229, 5, 252, 147, 139, 78, 217, 247, 228, 208, 251, 214, 140, 158, 220, 237, 233, 37, 251, 243, 113, 176, 130, 174, 129, 111, 130, 48, 121, 71, 219, 176, 225, 162, 252, 193, 175, 156, 132, 64, 130, 17, 132, 68, 141, 131, 239, 200, 253, 57, 251, 218, 141, 122, 223, 183, 237, 89, 251, 250, 142, 213, 229, 149, 245, 33, 251, 28, 145, 109, 225, 30, 243, 44, 251, 94, 146, 39, 217, 123, 235, 55, 251, 209, 150, 100, 219, 151, 242, 39, 251, 223, 122, 93, 218, 161, 223, 164, 252, 80, 125, 230, 221, 109, 225, 176, 252, 163, 126, 105, 221, 22, 224, 170, 252, 178, 233, 163, 199, 62, 53, 212, 139, 114, 236, 212, 182, 63, 80, 136, 128, 191, 230, 60, 173, 113, 21, 186, 135, 31, 69, 225, 128, 66, 136, 105, 136, 11, 84, 151, 127, 189, 138, 235, 135, 70, 93, 45, 131, 255, 136, 51, 136, 186, 131, 204, 245, 129, 250, 220, 248, 5, 137, 144, 238, 255, 248, 255, 248, 74, 124, 253, 227, 87, 232, 219, 251, 248, 125, 189, 239, 208, 242, 104, 249, 140, 127, 140, 232, 213, 234, 147, 250, 47, 135, 167, 217, 174, 224, 84, 253, 126, 137, 66, 222, 144, 232, 41, 251, 214, 140, 158, 220, 237, 233, 37, 251, 57, 92, 160, 148, 182, 118, 30, 144, 27, 93, 79, 246, 247, 228, 104, 128, 105, 95, 149, 248, 123, 229, 97, 128, 62, 92, 241, 248, 240, 225, 136, 128, 98, 150, 34, 165, 184, 117, 236, 154, 1, 97, 180, 241, 203, 18, 13, 128, 242, 96, 204, 241, 243, 18, 10, 128, 44, 93, 7, 244, 242, 230, 68, 128, 137, 98, 31, 244, 98, 19, 1, 128, 79, 105, 97, 248, 2, 16, 31, 128, 94, 105, 55, 253, 180, 235, 1, 128, 72, 121, 122, 254, 58, 5, 130, 128, 116, 149, 152, 254, 183, 235, 0, 128, 137, 149, 133, 254, 178, 235, 1, 128, 57, 92, 160, 148, 182, 118, 30, 144, 62, 92, 241, 248, 240, 225, 136, 128, 22, 156, 139, 147, 179, 118, 144, 145, 247, 158, 234, 147, 81, 119, 248, 145, 138, 70, 68, 127, 6, 139, 122, 137, 199, 119, 58, 249, 121, 254, 24, 128, 170, 131, 9, 255, 68, 253, 27, 128, 148, 136, 40, 131, 82, 141, 178, 135, 214, 75, 81, 164, 132, 117, 198, 157, 148, 76, 62, 164, 214, 117, 141, 157, 193, 147, 230, 235, 155, 255, 247, 255, 214, 75, 81, 164, 132, 117, 198, 157, 85, 120, 141, 145, 140, 136, 66, 141, 210, 125, 195, 146, 140, 136, 65, 141, 193, 147, 230, 235, 155, 255, 247, 255, 132, 147, 171, 228, 51, 247, 44, 255, 82, 78, 199, 152, 233, 126, 70, 148, 210, 125, 195, 146, 140, 136, 65, 141, 85, 154, 187, 240, 29, 12, 249, 128, 132, 147, 171, 228, 51, 247, 44, 255, 238, 93, 2, 153, 178, 129, 248, 145, 142, 95, 71, 156, 24, 128, 253, 146, 184, 101, 11, 155, 204, 129, 232, 145, 161, 147, 147, 252, 121, 16, 148, 128, 224, 145, 140, 247, 248, 9, 108, 128, 201, 70, 85, 158, 167, 118, 81, 154, 82, 78, 199, 152, 233, 126, 70, 148, 238, 93, 2, 153, 178, 129, 248, 145, 184, 101, 11, 155, 204, 129, 232, 145, 138, 156, 59, 248, 105, 21, 123, 129, 85, 154, 187, 240, 29, 12, 249, 128, 142, 95, 71, 156, 24, 128, 253, 146, 184, 101, 11, 155, 204, 129, 232, 145, 221, 101, 89, 254, 66, 24, 129, 129, 23, 151, 254, 253, 221, 20, 138, 129, 138, 156, 59, 248, 105, 21, 123, 129, 204, 171, 215, 139, 117, 126, 16, 138, 167, 172, 173, 139, 111, 126, 14, 138, 116, 149, 152, 254, 183, 235, 0, 128, 137, 149, 133, 254, 178, 235, 1, 128, 177, 167, 166, 141, 75, 127, 89, 138, 204, 171, 215, 139, 117, 126, 16, 138, 167, 172, 173, 139, 111, 126, 14, 138, 94, 105, 55, 253, 180, 235, 1, 128, 30, 101, 129, 254, 88, 230, 22, 128, 116, 105, 161, 255, 200, 233, 18, 128, 137, 149, 133, 254, 178, 235, 1, 128, 177, 167, 166, 141, 75, 127, 89, 138, 206, 199, 122, 135, 131, 126, 28, 138, 117, 204, 194, 133, 92, 125, 71, 138, 23, 151, 254, 253, 221, 20, 138, 129, 177, 167, 166, 141, 75, 127, 89, 138, 204, 171, 215, 139, 117, 126, 16, 138, 117, 204, 194, 133, 92, 125, 71, 138, 232, 88, 182, 142, 167, 124, 63, 139, 135, 100, 234, 141, 196, 125, 131, 137, 116, 105, 161, 255, 200, 233, 18, 128, 206, 199, 122, 135, 131, 126, 28, 138, 135, 100, 234, 141, 196, 125, 131, 137, 221, 101, 89, 254, 66, 24, 129, 129, 64, 154, 223, 254, 187, 24, 127, 129, 23, 151, 254, 253, 221, 20, 138, 129, 206, 199, 122, 135, 131, 126, 28, 138, 117, 204, 194, 133, 92, 125, 71, 138, 242, 101, 117, 251, 224, 21, 142, 129, 170, 100, 37, 253, 135, 24, 121, 129, 221, 101, 89, 254, 66, 24, 129, 129, 64, 154, 223, 254, 187, 24, 127, 129, 138, 156, 59, 248, 105, 21, 123, 129, 85, 154, 187, 240, 29, 12, 249, 128, 193, 147, 230, 235, 155, 255, 247, 255, 132, 147, 171, 228, 51, 247, 44, 255, 201, 70, 85, 158, 167, 118, 81, 154, 238, 93, 2, 153, 178, 129, 248, 145, 224, 145, 140, 247, 248, 9, 108, 128, 39, 147, 127, 244, 76, 8, 89, 128, 201, 70, 85, 158, 167, 118, 81, 154, 82, 78, 199, 152, 233, 126, 70, 148, 85, 120, 141, 145, 140, 136, 66, 141, 210, 125, 195, 146, 140, 136, 65, 141, 39, 147, 127, 244, 76, 8, 89, 128, 227, 152, 54, 236, 243, 5, 49, 128, 142, 95, 71, 156, 24, 128, 253, 146, 79, 105, 97, 248, 2, 16, 31, 128, 116, 149, 152, 254, 183, 235, 0, 128, 161, 147, 147, 252, 121, 16, 148, 128, 156, 144, 104, 249, 138, 10, 25, 128, 167, 172, 173, 139, 111, 126, 14, 138, 148, 76, 62, 164, 214, 117, 141, 157, 202, 160, 48, 228, 42, 6, 78, 128, 195, 134, 46, 128, 166, 128, 102, 128, 203, 137, 7, 219, 15, 229, 5, 252, 147, 139, 78, 217, 247, 228, 208, 251, 247, 143, 239, 216, 4, 233, 28, 251, 162, 153, 121, 132, 105, 129, 75, 131, 5, 168, 199, 136, 164, 132, 107, 135, 2, 185, 13, 133, 104, 130, 180, 132, 165, 129, 250, 154, 172, 113, 99, 147, 38, 148, 36, 218, 223, 236, 80, 253, 138, 148, 179, 217, 197, 236, 77, 253, 202, 151, 201, 215, 208, 237, 109, 253, 113, 154, 139, 214, 8, 239, 154, 253, 170, 156, 165, 215, 111, 242, 39, 254, 206, 160, 230, 154, 125, 117, 170, 151, 126, 139, 142, 233, 245, 130, 250, 185, 67, 141, 195, 225, 239, 129, 144, 182, 245, 142, 49, 222, 131, 129, 91, 181, 74, 149, 10, 215, 250, 128, 50, 180, 243, 157, 225, 215, 27, 132, 242, 184, 115, 35, 211, 120, 18, 139, 21, 132, 209, 82, 11, 132, 50, 126, 125, 131, 152, 102, 46, 148, 96, 113, 166, 144, 67, 141, 195, 225, 239, 129, 144, 182, 245, 142, 49, 222, 131, 129, 91, 181, 115, 35, 211, 120, 18, 139, 21, 132, 209, 82, 11, 132, 50, 126, 125, 131, 248, 110, 169, 143, 30, 122, 26, 139, 56, 140, 246, 224, 179, 236, 50, 253, 115, 35, 211, 120, 18, 139, 21, 132, 152, 102, 46, 148, 96, 113, 166, 144, 203, 121, 167, 150, 60, 113, 137, 145, 63, 139, 211, 221, 162, 232, 250, 252, 56, 140, 246, 224, 179, 236, 50, 253, 135, 141, 157, 220, 103, 233, 5, 253, 65, 142, 80, 225, 245, 238, 81, 253, 9, 143, 61, 220, 93, 234, 21, 253, 162, 122, 66, 149, 51, 125, 48, 140, 203, 125, 21, 226, 14, 229, 230, 252, 186, 127, 103, 227, 249, 228, 230, 252, 237, 128, 67, 227, 100, 229, 228, 252, 6, 169, 172, 144, 43, 126, 112, 141, 165, 185, 20, 136, 181, 121, 181, 140, 184, 104, 39, 130, 188, 129, 92, 130, 9, 115, 27, 131, 159, 129, 156, 130, 141, 121, 53, 221, 60, 227, 252, 252, 68, 124, 147, 224, 169, 228, 234, 252, 203, 125, 21, 226, 14, 229, 230, 252, 237, 128, 67, 227, 100, 229, 228, 252, 162, 122, 66, 149, 51, 125, 48, 140, 68, 124, 147, 224, 169, 228, 234, 252, 203, 125, 21, 226, 14, 229, 230, 252, 241, 139, 129, 145, 15, 125, 13, 139, 91, 149, 5, 145, 90, 125, 151, 139, 89, 117, 72, 224, 99, 129, 178, 180, 93, 117, 88, 224, 97, 129, 185, 180, 87, 118, 130, 158, 231, 125, 48, 145, 195, 123, 145, 226, 161, 129, 41, 179, 98, 136, 250, 149, 226, 125, 178, 140, 241, 139, 129, 145, 15, 125, 13, 139, 91, 149, 5, 145, 90, 125, 151, 139, 162, 122, 66, 149, 51, 125, 48, 140, 195, 123, 145, 226, 161, 129, 41, 179, 137, 131, 117, 227, 161, 129, 72, 179, 241, 139, 129, 145, 15, 125, 13, 139, 6, 169, 172, 144, 43, 126, 112, 141, 93, 117, 88, 224, 97, 129, 185, 180, 195, 123, 145, 226, 161, 129, 41, 179, 137, 131, 117, 227, 161, 129, 72, 179, 39, 138, 209, 231, 140, 130, 108, 184, 126, 139, 142, 233, 245, 130, 250, 185, 92, 130, 176, 148, 54, 122, 2, 141, 137, 131, 117, 227, 161, 129, 72, 179, 39, 138, 209, 231, 140, 130, 108, 184, 6, 169, 172, 144, 43, 126, 112, 141, 165, 185, 20, 136, 181, 121, 181, 140, 186, 127, 103, 227, 249, 228, 230, 252, 92, 130, 176, 148, 54, 122, 2, 141, 123, 134, 121, 223, 58, 230, 230, 252, 69, 136, 71, 146, 24, 122, 121, 140, 205, 137, 37, 222, 181, 231, 240, 252, 63, 139, 211, 221, 162, 232, 250, 252, 65, 142, 80, 225, 245, 238, 81, 253, 165, 185, 20, 136, 181, 121, 181, 140, 248, 110, 169, 143, 30, 122, 26, 139, 69, 136, 71, 146, 24, 122, 121, 140, 56, 140, 246, 224, 179, 236, 50, 253, 65, 142, 80, 225, 245, 238, 81, 253, 209, 82, 11, 132, 50, 126, 125, 131, 248, 110, 169, 143, 30, 122, 26, 139, 92, 130, 176, 148, 54, 122, 2, 141, 69, 136, 71, 146, 24, 122, 121, 140, 39, 138, 209, 231, 140, 130, 108, 184, 126, 139, 142, 233, 245, 130, 250, 185, 67, 141, 195, 225, 239, 129, 144, 182, 227, 114, 100, 247, 55, 5, 151, 133, 73, 127, 180, 255, 104, 0, 208, 133, 130, 183, 56, 131, 15, 125, 95, 133, 241, 188, 225, 157, 212, 148, 211, 152, 220, 192, 102, 150, 5, 118, 12, 159, 121, 204, 233, 136, 2, 125, 134, 142, 144, 122, 150, 252, 51, 2, 126, 133, 199, 126, 8, 255, 82, 0, 2, 134, 73, 127, 180, 255, 104, 0, 208, 133, 212, 252, 26, 197, 103, 186, 216, 182, 220, 192, 102, 150, 5, 118, 12, 159, 165, 128, 33, 255, 223, 209, 191, 191, 223, 128, 218, 254, 196, 209, 170, 191, 130, 183, 56, 131, 15, 125, 95, 133, 121, 204, 233, 136, 2, 125, 134, 142, 150, 83, 190, 222, 230, 138, 206, 200, 180, 82, 129, 224, 234, 137, 15, 202, 55, 83, 62, 225, 229, 137, 20, 202, 37, 84, 229, 225, 61, 138, 215, 201, 142, 113, 38, 162, 63, 62, 129, 239, 101, 115, 241, 164, 230, 73, 174, 247, 247, 144, 35, 178, 89, 64, 155, 248, 183, 154, 85, 173, 72, 65, 156, 246, 152, 101, 52, 238, 60, 136, 87, 197, 101, 115, 241, 164, 230, 73, 174, 247, 183, 154, 85, 173, 72, 65, 156, 246, 137, 127, 150, 255, 20, 0, 97, 133, 226, 127, 232, 255, 7, 0, 79, 133, 2, 128, 255, 255, 2, 0, 120, 133, 9, 128, 251, 255, 5, 0, 11, 133, 6, 128, 251, 255, 2, 0, 171, 133, 15, 128, 241, 255, 1, 0, 68, 133, 28, 128, 228, 255, 0, 0, 89, 133, 162, 128, 166, 255, 62, 0, 251, 132, 172, 128, 160, 255, 64, 0, 252, 132, 249, 128, 108, 255, 84, 0, 255, 132, 178, 128, 95, 255, 4, 0, 68, 133, 185, 128, 88, 255, 4, 0, 67, 133, 214, 129, 225, 253, 106, 0, 146, 250, 177, 130, 183, 253, 49, 0, 72, 133, 170, 131, 41, 253, 143, 0, 249, 132, 201, 131, 240, 252, 118, 0, 191, 132, 73, 16, 228, 214, 170, 156, 209, 129, 66, 20, 177, 221, 251, 157, 0, 129, 137, 149, 73, 234, 228, 0, 75, 254, 90, 157, 27, 230, 55, 3, 248, 129, 214, 220, 4, 233, 184, 171, 249, 128, 31, 223, 193, 221, 162, 173, 86, 129, 53, 51, 108, 101, 10, 169, 117, 140, 245, 60, 174, 100, 243, 170, 37, 141, 78, 63, 3, 101, 208, 170, 25, 141, 141, 157, 32, 238, 9, 124, 230, 198, 0, 156, 178, 236, 85, 123, 89, 197, 134, 34, 195, 121, 162, 127, 200, 244, 223, 46, 242, 118, 127, 123, 183, 245, 3, 38, 246, 197, 76, 207, 161, 231, 58, 40, 9, 202, 129, 168, 188, 226, 104, 154, 135, 243, 230, 227, 32, 187, 17, 153, 184, 242, 254, 226, 169, 186, 166, 162, 247, 207, 68, 241, 124, 252, 77, 165, 13, 209, 31, 245, 92, 253, 12, 237, 82, 180, 142, 155, 24, 148, 42, 237, 12, 179, 248, 154, 242, 147, 190, 240, 47, 159, 132, 145, 4, 145, 29, 4, 80, 57, 107, 141, 129, 133, 149, 6, 80, 225, 215, 145, 173, 131, 88, 3, 25, 20, 228, 138, 62, 134, 31, 40, 169, 242, 82, 77, 130, 133, 155, 77, 216, 254, 72, 44, 31, 135, 133, 195, 197, 242, 76, 53, 42, 134, 139, 21, 170, 212, 129, 93, 26, 132, 183, 8, 176, 210, 206, 112, 113, 130, 158, 27, 162, 27, 169, 142, 231, 148, 197, 40, 44, 236, 242, 74, 119, 133, 88, 3, 25, 20, 228, 138, 62, 134, 31, 40, 169, 242, 82, 77, 130, 133, 13, 27, 37, 7, 246, 140, 249, 146, 139, 21, 170, 212, 129, 93, 26, 132, 13, 27, 37, 7, 246, 140, 249, 146, 232, 81, 103, 252, 255, 167, 154, 207, 116, 53, 77, 255, 116, 158, 95, 220, 121, 208, 150, 245, 96, 150, 121, 222, 114, 208, 114, 245, 97, 158, 174, 219, 93, 217, 75, 193, 254, 156, 74, 198, 139, 200, 44, 171, 88, 121, 234, 182, 100, 202, 19, 171, 70, 123, 44, 183, 104, 159, 204, 192, 246, 108, 41, 177, 26, 176, 24, 213, 214, 141, 255, 191, 220, 169, 26, 198, 128, 136, 208, 178, 148, 185, 166, 169, 73, 109, 83, 177, 3, 191, 188, 154, 168, 96, 191, 178, 139, 200, 44, 171, 88, 121, 234, 182, 100, 202, 19, 171, 70, 123, 44, 183, 220, 170, 50, 225, 168, 13, 135, 130, 11, 172, 133, 223, 59, 13, 118, 130, 243, 167, 44, 220, 248, 4, 224, 128, 212, 176, 225, 221, 102, 17, 143, 130, 178, 171, 22, 220, 156, 8, 85, 130, 81, 174, 175, 217, 69, 10, 30, 129, 74, 174, 237, 216, 205, 8, 134, 129, 92, 15, 230, 42, 197, 140, 144, 141, 158, 27, 162, 27, 169, 142, 231, 148, 149, 6, 80, 225, 215, 145, 173, 131, 88, 3, 25, 20, 228, 138, 62, 134, 192, 206, 236, 198, 36, 151, 181, 198, 82, 206, 169, 198, 97, 152, 126, 197, 93, 217, 75, 193, 254, 156, 74, 198, 9, 210, 196, 184, 196, 142, 130, 193, 92, 15, 230, 42, 197, 140, 144, 141, 201, 15, 174, 42, 13, 151, 120, 143, 158, 27, 162, 27, 169, 142, 231, 148, 13, 27, 37, 7, 246, 140, 249, 146, 58, 53, 68, 255, 193, 150, 172, 222, 59, 202, 131, 250, 114, 148, 183, 221, 121, 208, 150, 245, 96, 150, 121, 222, 148, 185, 166, 169, 73, 109, 83, 177, 3, 191, 188, 154, 168, 96, 191, 178, 93, 202, 53, 178, 186, 127, 28, 188, 52, 217, 170, 141, 80, 107, 7, 181, 144, 226, 142, 147, 178, 118, 168, 187, 104, 159, 204, 192, 246, 108, 41, 177, 7, 166, 191, 210, 137, 137, 58, 185, 109, 190, 0, 212, 175, 149, 252, 197, 106, 197, 155, 199, 67, 147, 77, 194, 148, 185, 166, 169, 73, 109, 83, 177, 93, 202, 53, 178, 186, 127, 28, 188, 4, 176, 128, 225, 115, 19, 155, 131, 13, 171, 177, 223, 122, 13, 0, 129, 141, 169, 92, 222, 60, 10, 147, 128, 116, 169, 230, 221, 155, 9, 122, 128, 136, 169, 18, 221, 186, 8, 103, 128, 212, 176, 225, 221, 102, 17, 143, 130, 81, 174, 175, 217, 69, 10, 30, 129, 77, 165, 13, 209, 31, 245, 92, 253, 48, 169, 197, 210, 217, 251, 67, 254, 148, 169, 62, 210, 154, 251, 80, 254, 12, 237, 82, 180, 142, 155, 24, 148, 189, 237, 123, 178, 83, 154, 199, 147, 49, 238, 131, 174, 126, 152, 73, 147, 67, 152, 68, 205, 96, 116, 130, 178, 210, 153, 8, 203, 28, 116, 20, 178, 26, 153, 206, 197, 66, 114, 77, 175, 139, 154, 48, 204, 190, 116, 239, 178, 164, 154, 10, 200, 121, 115, 242, 176, 119, 156, 39, 197, 251, 114, 80, 176, 128, 152, 132, 212, 133, 118, 64, 182, 104, 152, 148, 211, 60, 118, 186, 181, 109, 153, 106, 213, 2, 119, 40, 183, 67, 152, 68, 205, 96, 116, 130, 178, 210, 153, 8, 203, 28, 116, 20, 178, 97, 165, 62, 218, 214, 255, 209, 128, 48, 169, 197, 210, 217, 251, 67, 254, 68, 234, 138, 194, 149, 163, 171, 149, 87, 234, 109, 193, 10, 163, 150, 149, 189, 237, 123, 178, 83, 154, 199, 147, 3, 191, 188, 154, 168, 96, 191, 178, 139, 200, 44, 171, 88, 121, 234, 182, 52, 217, 170, 141, 80, 107, 7, 181, 232, 81, 103, 252, 255, 167, 154, 207, 116, 53, 77, 255, 116, 158, 95, 220, 3, 206, 111, 217, 160, 169, 18, 202, 109, 190, 0, 212, 175, 149, 252, 197, 106, 197, 155, 199, 67, 147, 77, 194, 197, 40, 44, 236, 242, 74, 119, 133, 64, 41, 71, 236, 175, 75, 14, 132, 31, 40, 169, 242, 82, 77, 130, 133, 133, 195, 197, 242, 76, 53, 42, 134, 103, 190, 254, 241, 146, 49, 92, 132, 74, 191, 231, 239, 37, 49, 70, 132, 155, 77, 216, 254, 72, 44, 31, 135, 97, 181, 108, 245, 95, 38, 29, 137, 133, 195, 197, 242, 76, 53, 42, 134, 103, 190, 254, 241, 146, 49, 92, 132, 147, 176, 134, 237, 19, 30, 194, 133, 76, 174, 45, 237, 149, 28, 72, 132, 99, 185, 131, 232, 86, 37, 208, 131, 155, 186, 183, 229, 56, 37, 255, 130, 3, 206, 111, 217, 160, 169, 18, 202, 254, 235, 36, 204, 253, 178, 6, 203, 106, 197, 155, 199, 67, 147, 77, 194, 93, 202, 53, 178, 186, 127, 28, 188, 193, 250, 217, 84, 151, 163, 98, 199, 144, 226, 142, 147, 178, 118, 168, 187, 141, 250, 122, 135, 65, 130, 179, 189, 183, 8, 176, 210, 206, 112, 113, 130, 197, 40, 44, 236, 242, 74, 119, 133, 64, 41, 71, 236, 175, 75, 14, 132, 67, 18, 68, 9, 16, 126, 188, 138, 23, 32, 93, 2, 98, 137, 192, 147, 127, 228, 131, 247, 189, 94, 67, 130, 27, 74, 245, 56, 104, 178, 195, 173, 223, 144, 160, 218, 18, 121, 91, 181, 78, 146, 150, 218, 72, 121, 255, 181, 87, 234, 109, 193, 10, 163, 150, 149, 189, 237, 123, 178, 83, 154, 199, 147, 49, 238, 131, 174, 126, 152, 73, 147, 27, 74, 245, 56, 104, 178, 195, 173, 12, 237, 82, 180, 142, 155, 24, 148, 42, 237, 12, 179, 248, 154, 242, 147, 49, 238, 131, 174, 126, 152, 73, 147, 223, 144, 160, 218, 18, 121, 91, 181, 110, 231, 118, 202, 88, 169, 90, 150, 68, 234, 138, 194, 149, 163, 171, 149, 87, 234, 109, 193, 10, 163, 150, 149, 164, 154, 10, 200, 121, 115, 242, 176, 26, 155, 223, 199, 139, 115, 13, 177, 155, 156, 202, 199, 251, 115, 159, 177, 23, 157, 236, 200, 148, 116, 93, 178, 119, 156, 39, 197, 251, 114, 80, 176, 189, 157, 23, 201, 223, 116, 183, 178, 231, 158, 75, 204, 142, 118, 206, 180, 171, 159, 196, 203, 159, 118, 225, 180, 25, 176, 92, 222, 213, 134, 16, 200, 224, 177, 162, 222, 188, 135, 33, 201, 89, 173, 148, 220, 201, 132, 176, 197, 209, 228, 254, 212, 9, 177, 66, 151, 209, 233, 192, 200, 209, 166, 89, 150, 186, 234, 169, 194, 110, 163, 245, 149, 57, 225, 209, 229, 198, 187, 238, 151, 244, 225, 12, 228, 138, 186, 233, 151, 10, 177, 173, 222, 97, 135, 183, 200, 25, 176, 92, 222, 213, 134, 16, 200, 209, 228, 254, 212, 9, 177, 66, 151, 67, 152, 68, 205, 96, 116, 130, 178, 26, 153, 206, 197, 66, 114, 77, 175, 27, 74, 245, 56, 104, 178, 195, 173, 78, 146, 150, 218, 72, 121, 255, 181, 86, 161, 126, 209, 190, 121, 162, 184, 52, 161, 104, 208, 53, 121, 253, 183, 94, 165, 252, 214, 31, 126, 218, 189, 42, 237, 12, 179, 248, 154, 242, 147, 190, 240, 47, 159, 132, 145, 4, 145, 51, 241, 248, 141, 3, 140, 208, 142, 231, 158, 75, 204, 142, 118, 206, 180, 249, 158, 84, 204, 157, 118, 216, 180, 46, 160, 203, 205, 165, 119, 38, 182, 171, 159, 196, 203, 159, 118, 225, 180, 86, 161, 126, 209, 190, 121, 162, 184, 52, 161, 104, 208, 53, 121, 253, 183, 143, 164, 21, 211, 233, 123, 40, 187, 223, 144, 160, 218, 18, 121, 91, 181, 78, 146, 150, 218, 72, 121, 255, 181, 3, 168, 247, 218, 117, 129, 199, 193, 89, 173, 148, 220, 201, 132, 176, 197, 94, 165, 252, 214, 31, 126, 218, 189, 68, 227, 33, 221, 107, 182, 139, 151, 110, 231, 118, 202, 88, 169, 90, 150, 209, 233, 192, 200, 209, 166, 89, 150, 152, 33, 118, 232, 181, 208, 224, 149, 81, 37, 91, 249, 143, 202, 141, 151, 17, 219, 74, 248, 206, 197, 65, 152, 253, 178, 229, 222, 160, 231, 185, 128, 152, 33, 118, 232, 181, 208, 224, 149, 81, 37, 91, 249, 143, 202, 141, 151, 57, 225, 209, 229, 198, 187, 238, 151, 10, 177, 173, 222, 97, 135, 183, 200, 130, 229, 12, 209, 31, 174, 220, 150, 23, 157, 236, 200, 148, 116, 93, 178, 46, 160, 203, 205, 165, 119, 38, 182, 171, 159, 196, 203, 159, 118, 225, 180, 81, 37, 91, 249, 143, 202, 141, 151, 35, 218, 84, 250, 187, 198, 39, 152, 17, 219, 74, 248, 206, 197, 65, 152, 10, 177, 173, 222, 97, 135, 183, 200, 25, 176, 92, 222, 213, 134, 16, 200, 224, 177, 162, 222, 188, 135, 33, 201, 74, 177, 50, 222, 67, 135, 159, 200, 35, 218, 84, 250, 187, 198, 39, 152, 74, 222, 51, 238, 83, 193, 146, 152, 74, 177, 50, 222, 67, 135, 159, 200, 147, 173, 63, 219, 59, 132, 34, 197, 35, 218, 84, 250, 187, 198, 39, 152, 17, 219, 74, 248, 206, 197, 65, 152, 74, 222, 51, 238, 83, 193, 146, 152, 1, 224, 113, 230, 144, 189, 162, 152, 253, 178, 229, 222, 160, 231, 185, 128, 2, 177, 145, 220, 87, 236, 216, 129, 1, 224, 113, 230, 144, 189, 162, 152, 80, 178, 125, 221, 217, 233, 61, 129, 2, 177, 145, 220, 87, 236, 216, 129, 133, 237, 2, 193, 81, 161, 226, 150, 74, 222, 51, 238, 83, 193, 146, 152, 1, 224, 113, 230, 144, 189, 162, 152, 200, 175, 142, 221, 81, 134, 130, 199, 52, 177, 77, 221, 222, 134, 35, 200, 147, 173, 63, 219, 59, 132, 34, 197, 164, 235, 124, 196, 51, 164, 64, 151, 133, 237, 2, 193, 81, 161, 226, 150, 52, 177, 77, 221, 222, 134, 35, 200, 141, 181, 198, 221, 26, 137, 151, 202, 164, 235, 124, 196, 51, 164, 64, 151, 179, 238, 114, 188, 121, 158, 111, 150, 223, 181, 121, 224, 78, 138, 242, 203, 118, 183, 45, 223, 127, 138, 42, 204, 141, 181, 198, 221, 26, 137, 151, 202, 215, 237, 249, 191, 159, 160, 196, 150, 179, 238, 114, 188, 121, 158, 111, 150, 70, 252, 125, 153, 215, 136, 64, 145, 80, 178, 125, 221, 217, 233, 61, 129, 2, 184, 94, 222, 232, 28, 57, 129, 5, 184, 45, 222, 228, 29, 60, 128, 127, 187, 59, 219, 112, 31, 89, 128, 164, 235, 124, 196, 51, 164, 64, 151, 133, 237, 2, 193, 81, 161, 226, 150, 215, 237, 249, 191, 159, 160, 196, 150, 179, 238, 114, 188, 121, 158, 111, 150, 127, 187, 59, 219, 112, 31, 89, 128, 215, 237, 249, 191, 159, 160, 196, 150, 70, 252, 125, 153, 215, 136, 64, 145, 81, 255, 171, 116, 251, 129, 251, 142, 216, 186, 67, 225, 191, 35, 8, 129, 5, 184, 45, 222, 228, 29, 60, 128, 127, 187, 59, 219, 112, 31, 89, 128, 167, 237, 163, 188, 114, 159, 249, 150, 87, 246, 178, 155, 7, 141, 63, 146, 81, 255, 171, 116, 251, 129, 251, 142, 118, 183, 45, 223, 127, 138, 42, 204, 167, 237, 163, 188, 114, 159, 249, 150, 70, 252, 125, 153, 215, 136, 64, 145, 81, 255, 171, 116, 251, 129, 251, 142, 223, 181, 121, 224, 78, 138, 242, 203, 118, 183, 45, 223, 127, 138, 42, 204, 167, 237, 163, 188, 114, 159, 249, 150, 87, 246, 178, 155, 7, 141, 63, 146, 4, 254, 229, 125, 117, 126, 43, 142, 42, 238, 159, 186, 18, 158, 113, 150, 4, 254, 229, 125, 117, 126, 43, 142, 57, 225, 209, 229, 198, 187, 238, 151, 244, 225, 12, 228, 138, 186, 233, 151, 222, 176, 119, 223, 119, 19, 97, 130, 130, 229, 12, 209, 31, 174, 220, 150, 216, 186, 67, 225, 191, 35, 8, 129, 142, 191, 119, 225, 188, 40, 5, 130, 114, 191, 157, 224, 147, 41, 175, 128, 42, 238, 159, 186, 18, 158, 113, 150, 87, 246, 178, 155, 7, 141, 63, 146, 4, 254, 229, 125, 117, 126, 43, 142, 131, 194, 233, 229, 123, 48, 194, 129, 114, 191, 157, 224, 147, 41, 175, 128, 42, 238, 159, 186, 18, 158, 113, 150, 244, 225, 12, 228, 138, 186, 233, 151, 13, 171, 177, 223, 122, 13, 0, 129, 141, 169, 92, 222, 60, 10, 147, 128, 222, 176, 119, 223, 119, 19, 97, 130, 209, 228, 254, 212, 9, 177, 66, 151, 186, 234, 169, 194, 110, 163, 245, 149, 141, 169, 92, 222, 60, 10, 147, 128, 116, 169, 230, 221, 155, 9, 122, 128, 68, 227, 33, 221, 107, 182, 139, 151, 209, 233, 192, 200, 209, 166, 89, 150, 186, 234, 169, 194, 110, 163, 245, 149, 116, 169, 230, 221, 155, 9, 122, 128, 136, 169, 18, 221, 186, 8, 103, 128, 97, 165, 62, 218, 214, 255, 209, 128, 68, 227, 33, 221, 107, 182, 139, 151, 110, 231, 118, 202, 88, 169, 90, 150, 68, 234, 138, 194, 149, 163, 171, 149, 64, 41, 71, 236, 175, 75, 14, 132, 29, 226, 238, 247, 120, 87, 70, 133, 127, 228, 131, 247, 189, 94, 67, 130, 37, 207, 84, 244, 60, 68, 106, 132, 74, 191, 231, 239, 37, 49, 70, 132, 182, 200, 74, 232, 25, 55, 159, 131, 67, 18, 68, 9, 16, 126, 188, 138, 29, 226, 238, 247, 120, 87, 70, 133, 127, 228, 131, 247, 189, 94, 67, 130, 113, 241, 153, 73, 235, 122, 138, 143, 103, 190, 254, 241, 146, 49, 92, 132, 74, 191, 231, 239, 37, 49, 70, 132, 182, 200, 74, 232, 25, 55, 159, 131, 155, 186, 183, 229, 56, 37, 255, 130, 131, 194, 233, 229, 123, 48, 194, 129, 142, 191, 119, 225, 188, 40, 5, 130, 114, 191, 157, 224, 147, 41, 175, 128, 113, 241, 153, 73, 235, 122, 138, 143, 193, 250, 217, 84, 151, 163, 98, 199, 141, 250, 122, 135, 65, 130, 179, 189, 139, 21, 170, 212, 129, 93, 26, 132, 183, 8, 176, 210, 206, 112, 113, 130, 232, 81, 103, 252, 255, 167, 154, 207, 23, 32, 93, 2, 98, 137, 192, 147, 3, 206, 111, 217, 160, 169, 18, 202, 254, 235, 36, 204, 253, 178, 6, 203, 99, 185, 131, 232, 86, 37, 208, 131, 155, 186, 183, 229, 56, 37, 255, 130, 0, 178, 128, 227, 238, 25, 187, 129, 216, 186, 67, 225, 191, 35, 8, 129, 142, 191, 119, 225, 188, 40, 5, 130, 2, 184, 94, 222, 232, 28, 57, 129, 5, 184, 45, 222, 228, 29, 60, 128, 152, 33, 118, 232, 181, 208, 224, 149, 14, 178, 24, 229, 154, 26, 189, 130, 0, 178, 128, 227, 238, 25, 187, 129, 4, 176, 128, 225, 115, 19, 155, 131, 13, 171, 177, 223, 122, 13, 0, 129, 222, 176, 119, 223, 119, 19, 97, 130, 253, 178, 229, 222, 160, 231, 185, 128, 80, 178, 125, 221, 217, 233, 61, 129, 2, 177, 145, 220, 87, 236, 216, 129, 2, 184, 94, 222, 232, 28, 57, 129, 130, 229, 12, 209, 31, 174, 220, 150, 67, 18, 68, 9, 16, 126, 188, 138, 23, 32, 93, 2, 98, 137, 192, 147, 254, 235, 36, 204, 253, 178, 6, 203, 113, 241, 153, 73, 235, 122, 138, 143, 193, 250, 217, 84, 151, 163, 98, 199, 52, 217, 170, 141, 80, 107, 7, 181, 144, 226, 142, 147, 178, 118, 168, 187, 141, 250, 122, 135, 65, 130, 179, 189, 29, 226, 238, 247, 120, 87, 70, 133, 37, 207, 84, 244, 60, 68, 106, 132, 37, 207, 84, 244, 60, 68, 106, 132, 182, 200, 74, 232, 25, 55, 159, 131, 131, 194, 233, 229, 123, 48, 194, 129, 46, 160, 203, 205, 165, 119, 38, 182, 143, 164, 21, 211, 233, 123, 40, 187, 26, 153, 206, 197, 66, 114, 77, 175, 23, 157, 236, 200, 148, 116, 93, 178, 119, 156, 39, 197, 251, 114, 80, 176, 223, 181, 121, 224, 78, 138, 242, 203, 200, 175, 142, 221, 81, 134, 130, 199, 52, 177, 77, 221, 222, 134, 35, 200, 141, 181, 198, 221, 26, 137, 151, 202, 224, 177, 162, 222, 188, 135, 33, 201, 3, 168, 247, 218, 117, 129, 199, 193, 74, 177, 50, 222, 67, 135, 159, 200, 200, 175, 142, 221, 81, 134, 130, 199, 89, 173, 148, 220, 201, 132, 176, 197, 147, 173, 63, 219, 59, 132, 34, 197, 86, 161, 126, 209, 190, 121, 162, 184, 3, 168, 247, 218, 117, 129, 199, 193, 94, 165, 252, 214, 31, 126, 218, 189, 143, 164, 21, 211, 233, 123, 40, 187, 17, 129, 178, 253, 42, 217, 110, 191, 185, 129, 7, 254, 12, 217, 89, 191, 185, 129, 10, 254, 13, 217, 90, 191, 68, 197, 58, 161, 35, 159, 155, 152, 82, 214, 185, 166, 13, 161, 103, 154, 132, 69, 83, 181, 1, 181, 99, 217, 192, 35, 132, 216, 221, 166, 58, 227, 162, 162, 92, 198, 35, 218, 23, 169, 77, 166, 69, 198, 177, 215, 72, 167, 35, 132, 25, 164, 115, 212, 58, 224, 103, 168, 149, 194, 0, 213, 215, 165, 31, 171, 103, 198, 44, 212, 91, 165, 83, 171, 57, 198, 51, 212, 36, 165, 20, 172, 164, 197, 160, 211, 179, 164, 189, 174, 56, 197, 189, 209, 154, 163, 105, 175, 173, 197, 36, 209, 147, 163, 94, 171, 82, 155, 178, 238, 214, 226, 91, 134, 112, 203, 175, 238, 208, 185, 82, 138, 213, 199, 157, 237, 155, 183, 36, 139, 166, 198, 33, 237, 16, 183, 140, 142, 190, 205, 221, 235, 226, 181, 19, 144, 168, 198, 123, 233, 211, 179, 21, 145, 51, 198, 145, 233, 205, 178, 86, 168, 76, 241, 115, 236, 200, 176, 125, 172, 46, 241, 30, 235, 77, 176, 181, 165, 70, 235, 102, 232, 204, 175, 71, 175, 131, 233, 228, 227, 33, 173, 98, 167, 232, 230, 131, 228, 61, 174, 159, 170, 181, 228, 227, 225, 183, 172, 36, 139, 166, 198, 33, 237, 16, 183, 184, 142, 35, 199, 220, 235, 143, 180, 120, 143, 17, 200, 169, 235, 10, 180, 21, 145, 51, 198, 145, 233, 205, 178, 246, 144, 215, 193, 236, 232, 92, 178, 252, 156, 168, 211, 10, 226, 58, 173, 63, 157, 92, 207, 253, 224, 159, 172, 27, 161, 41, 216, 169, 223, 218, 171, 180, 165, 163, 212, 121, 219, 155, 169, 1, 164, 204, 203, 177, 218, 38, 169, 119, 167, 180, 204, 81, 216, 216, 167, 1, 168, 214, 205, 59, 216, 199, 167, 184, 142, 35, 199, 220, 235, 143, 180, 246, 144, 215, 193, 236, 232, 92, 178, 253, 147, 214, 192, 164, 229, 66, 176, 159, 163, 124, 246, 93, 242, 5, 180, 171, 150, 96, 241, 239, 240, 132, 179, 161, 151, 63, 240, 212, 239, 55, 179, 86, 168, 76, 241, 115, 236, 200, 176, 181, 165, 70, 235, 102, 232, 204, 175, 153, 143, 131, 221, 105, 239, 252, 180, 18, 144, 122, 222, 91, 239, 109, 180, 232, 144, 228, 212, 205, 236, 245, 179, 93, 149, 134, 222, 156, 234, 119, 177, 252, 156, 168, 211, 10, 226, 58, 173, 219, 155, 134, 205, 160, 225, 49, 173, 63, 157, 92, 207, 253, 224, 159, 172, 128, 177, 108, 255, 125, 245, 233, 178, 227, 172, 167, 251, 172, 243, 161, 178, 161, 151, 63, 240, 212, 239, 55, 179, 181, 165, 70, 235, 102, 232, 204, 175, 202, 151, 27, 232, 161, 233, 242, 176, 98, 167, 232, 230, 131, 228, 61, 174, 14, 158, 91, 228, 122, 229, 159, 174, 93, 149, 134, 222, 156, 234, 119, 177, 202, 151, 27, 232, 161, 233, 242, 176, 14, 158, 91, 228, 122, 229, 159, 174, 252, 156, 168, 211, 10, 226, 58, 173, 27, 161, 41, 216, 169, 223, 218, 171, 56, 143, 38, 207, 1, 237, 231, 180, 184, 142, 35, 199, 220, 235, 143, 180, 120, 143, 17, 200, 169, 235, 10, 180, 153, 143, 131, 221, 105, 239, 252, 180, 56, 143, 38, 207, 1, 237, 231, 180, 207, 143, 149, 207, 40, 237, 60, 180, 232, 144, 228, 212, 205, 236, 245, 179, 227, 172, 167, 251, 172, 243, 161, 178, 148, 172, 35, 249, 17, 242, 226, 178, 174, 163, 200, 246, 72, 242, 248, 178, 195, 147, 55, 242, 253, 241, 122, 181, 171, 150, 96, 241, 239, 240, 132, 179, 161, 151, 63, 240, 212, 239, 55, 179, 18, 144, 122, 222, 91, 239, 109, 180, 93, 149, 134, 222, 156, 234, 119, 177, 202, 151, 27, 232, 161, 233, 242, 176, 174, 163, 200, 246, 72, 242, 248, 178, 159, 163, 124, 246, 93, 242, 5, 180, 195, 147, 55, 242, 253, 241, 122, 181, 171, 150, 96, 241, 239, 240, 132, 179, 195, 147, 55, 242, 253, 241, 122, 181, 153, 143, 131, 221, 105, 239, 252, 180, 18, 144, 122, 222, 91, 239, 109, 180, 210, 75, 50, 247, 120, 255, 155, 180, 59, 84, 126, 251, 37, 252, 251, 179, 128, 177, 108, 255, 125, 245, 233, 178, 231, 96, 149, 219, 147, 229, 136, 219, 23, 98, 109, 218, 110, 229, 120, 219, 60, 92, 62, 231, 49, 239, 54, 217, 146, 101, 205, 227, 185, 234, 197, 216, 196, 83, 205, 234, 225, 244, 8, 215, 79, 90, 89, 238, 63, 246, 224, 212, 188, 93, 122, 250, 211, 252, 5, 176, 60, 92, 62, 231, 49, 239, 54, 217, 69, 51, 65, 237, 163, 252, 198, 207, 173, 45, 175, 246, 23, 245, 229, 176, 188, 93, 122, 250, 211, 252, 5, 176, 88, 216, 31, 247, 125, 226, 37, 175, 235, 215, 167, 245, 118, 227, 224, 176, 80, 109, 144, 203, 68, 136, 56, 174, 146, 101, 205, 227, 185, 234, 197, 216, 216, 104, 101, 229, 82, 236, 217, 214, 79, 90, 89, 238, 63, 246, 224, 212, 225, 173, 241, 248, 110, 238, 198, 172, 136, 170, 146, 248, 110, 239, 24, 173, 158, 77, 179, 241, 123, 249, 120, 207, 25, 87, 242, 245, 169, 252, 109, 205, 210, 75, 50, 247, 120, 255, 155, 180, 6, 84, 239, 248, 56, 255, 167, 180, 59, 84, 126, 251, 37, 252, 251, 179, 150, 90, 73, 229, 27, 235, 97, 215, 222, 104, 9, 241, 108, 244, 51, 209, 59, 94, 240, 242, 135, 247, 135, 207, 16, 95, 55, 243, 207, 247, 134, 207, 187, 108, 139, 242, 59, 245, 238, 207, 39, 98, 200, 251, 112, 255, 205, 181, 35, 92, 22, 227, 179, 233, 27, 217, 150, 90, 73, 229, 27, 235, 97, 215, 247, 84, 110, 232, 208, 238, 248, 213, 242, 89, 111, 231, 99, 237, 156, 214, 179, 97, 128, 231, 193, 236, 143, 214, 59, 94, 240, 242, 135, 247, 135, 207, 61, 104, 247, 215, 159, 142, 208, 184, 69, 51, 65, 237, 163, 252, 198, 207, 173, 45, 175, 246, 23, 245, 229, 176, 60, 138, 188, 196, 205, 144, 31, 168, 15, 178, 27, 197, 255, 153, 222, 177, 198, 149, 171, 248, 234, 169, 224, 195, 131, 136, 243, 176, 183, 137, 189, 156, 60, 138, 188, 196, 205, 144, 31, 168, 78, 147, 112, 166, 103, 137, 214, 152, 241, 169, 173, 177, 208, 142, 119, 164, 15, 178, 27, 197, 255, 153, 222, 177, 80, 109, 144, 203, 68, 136, 56, 174, 39, 117, 242, 201, 57, 137, 133, 170, 131, 136, 243, 176, 183, 137, 189, 156, 241, 169, 173, 177, 208, 142, 119, 164, 231, 96, 149, 219, 147, 229, 136, 219, 35, 92, 22, 227, 179, 233, 27, 217, 146, 101, 205, 227, 185, 234, 197, 216, 179, 97, 128, 231, 193, 236, 143, 214, 216, 104, 101, 229, 82, 236, 217, 214, 247, 84, 110, 232, 208, 238, 248, 213, 28, 81, 7, 241, 38, 248, 78, 208, 158, 77, 179, 241, 123, 249, 120, 207, 59, 94, 240, 242, 135, 247, 135, 207, 16, 95, 55, 243, 207, 247, 134, 207, 25, 87, 242, 245, 169, 252, 109, 205, 11, 92, 206, 255, 21, 249, 96, 179, 198, 149, 171, 248, 234, 169, 224, 195, 241, 169, 173, 177, 208, 142, 119, 164, 28, 81, 7, 241, 38, 248, 78, 208, 158, 77, 179, 241, 123, 249, 120, 207, 210, 75, 50, 247, 120, 255, 155, 180, 23, 98, 109, 218, 110, 229, 120, 219, 60, 92, 62, 231, 49, 239, 54, 217, 69, 51, 65, 237, 163, 252, 198, 207, 198, 149, 171, 248, 234, 169, 224, 195, 15, 178, 27, 197, 255, 153, 222, 177, 247, 84, 110, 232, 208, 238, 248, 213, 242, 89, 111, 231, 99, 237, 156, 214, 28, 81, 7, 241, 38, 248, 78, 208, 231, 96, 149, 219, 147, 229, 136, 219, 23, 98, 109, 218, 110, 229, 120, 219, 35, 92, 22, 227, 179, 233, 27, 217, 242, 89, 111, 231, 99, 237, 156, 214, 183, 139, 52, 172, 159, 142, 208, 184, 106, 115, 134, 183, 70, 128, 88, 168, 139, 196, 130, 245, 159, 142, 208, 184, 139, 58, 229, 163, 255, 222, 167, 237, 136, 159, 62, 182, 206, 202, 34, 217, 0, 148, 230, 162, 153, 170, 141, 238, 226, 233, 63, 162, 194, 205, 91, 227, 143, 41, 190, 226, 113, 209, 85, 247, 200, 111, 61, 178, 117, 202, 0, 193, 22, 36, 7, 217, 1, 181, 99, 217, 46, 198, 119, 150, 171, 176, 45, 152, 202, 162, 135, 210, 126, 131, 217, 167, 173, 182, 214, 223, 192, 158, 62, 216, 21, 155, 55, 226, 228, 161, 7, 191, 189, 82, 180, 229, 29, 27, 152, 133, 53, 71, 230, 195, 158, 0, 166, 250, 78, 70, 174, 158, 253, 197, 146, 129, 160, 16, 144, 231, 117, 149, 95, 234, 144, 83, 102, 179, 117, 149, 95, 234, 160, 16, 144, 231, 117, 149, 95, 234, 244, 104, 102, 185, 123, 186, 111, 201, 23, 9, 127, 53, 106, 81, 75, 134, 73, 68, 229, 250, 106, 81, 75, 134, 251, 213, 183, 121, 165, 223, 248, 137, 102, 92, 198, 229, 214, 126, 77, 214, 205, 164, 208, 201, 86, 156, 230, 193, 184, 43, 171, 239, 36, 143, 33, 141, 89, 230, 213, 11, 102, 146, 167, 154, 18, 39, 201, 247, 220, 150, 250, 202, 22, 150, 210, 248, 220, 150, 250, 202, 209, 201, 29, 245, 220, 150, 250, 202, 232, 197, 176, 114, 191, 215, 224, 150, 13, 93, 22, 240, 214, 126, 77, 214, 102, 198, 135, 112, 191, 215, 224, 150, 161, 64, 34, 244, 67, 154, 206, 247, 144, 25, 207, 236, 101, 147, 226, 147, 107, 64, 153, 241, 182, 162, 248, 246, 221, 92, 123, 251, 96, 140, 119, 219, 46, 176, 96, 110, 10, 227, 125, 158, 140, 168, 199, 204, 216, 154, 152, 215, 207, 193, 19, 139, 192, 235, 166, 170, 42, 132, 237, 166, 192, 27, 17, 150, 249, 173, 244, 239, 156, 143, 252, 213, 196, 122, 29, 214, 35, 168, 167, 176, 7, 176, 180, 223, 148, 144, 96, 178, 50, 157, 210, 246, 140, 155, 21, 194, 204, 73, 114, 239, 189, 118, 113, 231, 164, 88, 118, 253, 196, 155, 180, 194, 27, 57, 92, 228, 64, 193, 191, 131, 226, 146, 160, 248, 220, 42, 34, 133, 146, 184, 210, 238, 169, 141, 244, 207, 219, 145, 122, 194, 169, 141, 244, 207, 205, 133, 166, 139, 156, 225, 192, 189, 241, 168, 100, 105, 227, 224, 73, 158, 139, 45, 109, 238, 209, 159, 136, 131, 193, 42, 6, 240, 209, 159, 136, 131, 6, 178, 15, 230, 209, 159, 136, 131, 124, 166, 83, 253, 121, 142, 182, 175, 220, 113, 37, 116, 144, 199, 222, 183, 44, 142, 80, 170, 172, 140, 189, 172, 234, 102, 3, 206, 217, 137, 154, 174, 61, 142, 193, 113, 87, 231, 223, 169, 71, 143, 17, 240, 133, 134, 99, 159, 82, 136, 50, 178, 133, 134, 99, 159, 134, 59, 0, 248, 225, 141, 84, 138, 93, 138, 209, 206, 34, 141, 19, 183, 233, 200, 86, 198, 193, 142, 237, 185, 169, 141, 168, 224, 86, 153, 236, 192, 104, 106, 140, 124, 103, 197, 149, 183, 62, 86, 178, 251, 188, 144, 160, 223, 2, 225, 162, 126, 201, 251, 126, 150, 190, 213, 225, 113, 201, 251, 126, 150, 21, 171, 106, 242, 186, 146, 9, 185, 63, 164, 15, 227, 96, 140, 119, 219, 76, 160, 229, 145, 51, 214, 246, 171, 207, 151, 105, 199, 48, 216, 43, 163, 234, 208, 244, 133, 48, 216, 43, 163, 124, 249, 86, 162, 96, 157, 26, 205, 231, 152, 89, 192, 222, 149, 81, 203, 72, 251, 158, 157, 222, 149, 81, 203, 76, 110, 155, 134, 170, 193, 183, 190, 206, 152, 128, 192, 99, 148, 48, 200, 155, 145, 27, 218, 96, 140, 119, 219, 254, 155, 207, 199, 243, 146, 101, 188, 40, 59, 191, 224, 207, 175, 214, 137, 210, 46, 44, 248, 109, 84, 242, 128, 152, 119, 14, 247, 207, 138, 134, 197, 190, 98, 157, 235, 214, 126, 77, 214, 209, 187, 225, 112, 93, 211, 165, 155, 83, 134, 180, 154, 80, 233, 65, 185, 151, 130, 253, 173, 206, 220, 23, 188, 220, 127, 145, 212, 206, 220, 23, 188, 76, 202, 118, 136, 92, 93, 152, 161, 68, 0, 229, 62, 251, 175, 249, 152, 248, 74, 45, 245, 241, 147, 231, 230, 60, 53, 97, 227, 69, 179, 252, 145, 86, 169, 85, 138, 51, 214, 246, 171, 217, 153, 115, 240, 155, 31, 57, 138, 154, 38, 59, 245, 155, 31, 57, 138, 67, 70, 69, 245, 107, 111, 236, 238, 244, 38, 112, 15, 161, 149, 128, 161, 105, 174, 172, 249, 129, 154, 104, 220, 28, 247, 235, 158, 216, 171, 209, 173, 43, 173, 26, 222, 0, 137, 147, 211, 80, 162, 91, 193, 95, 156, 17, 209, 3, 161, 167, 252, 179, 146, 128, 207, 151, 38, 37, 219, 162, 74, 252, 130, 87, 72, 255, 239, 189, 118, 113, 231, 57, 116, 91, 158, 82, 160, 191, 178, 123, 168, 118, 234, 0, 137, 147, 211, 42, 68, 58, 160, 0, 137, 147, 211, 57, 116, 91, 158, 82, 160, 191, 178, 83, 72, 231, 164, 185, 161, 29, 188, 32, 162, 55, 205, 21, 155, 231, 195, 179, 167, 98, 111, 253, 211, 93, 154, 209, 153, 76, 194, 253, 211, 93, 154, 238, 163, 82, 165, 159, 100, 82, 160, 22, 94, 123, 255, 86, 140, 147, 205, 174, 172, 190, 142, 159, 100, 82, 160, 112, 162, 119, 227, 253, 141, 69, 208, 156, 125, 84, 169, 121, 142, 182, 175, 171, 165, 212, 254, 121, 142, 182, 175, 193, 108, 35, 232, 86, 153, 236, 192, 66, 83, 212, 237, 151, 114, 210, 233, 60, 32, 236, 24, 67, 139, 126, 137, 46, 167, 123, 253, 59, 112, 196, 238, 172, 110, 253, 213, 2, 135, 190, 175, 224, 32, 243, 1, 16, 137, 146, 139, 133, 54, 106, 244, 16, 137, 146, 139, 10, 9, 231, 11, 102, 146, 167, 154, 243, 70, 46, 242, 94, 48, 75, 129, 100, 0, 89, 192, 24, 201, 193, 145, 172, 84, 108, 182, 199, 150, 235, 210, 19, 171, 214, 239, 199, 150, 235, 210, 130, 167, 143, 153, 211, 31, 202, 215, 68, 197, 58, 161, 11, 180, 137, 171, 192, 154, 127, 160, 211, 31, 202, 215, 165, 204, 153, 250, 99, 150, 162, 204, 234, 80, 239, 253, 232, 133, 86, 225, 195, 14, 51, 41, 59, 151, 120, 143, 185, 80, 42, 101, 127, 123, 183, 245, 186, 212, 32, 170, 22, 196, 160, 134, 22, 198, 196, 243, 22, 196, 160, 134, 73, 16, 228, 214, 38, 163, 227, 138, 107, 6, 214, 85, 38, 163, 227, 138, 58, 40, 9, 202, 162, 127, 200, 244, 176, 87, 9, 96, 92, 146, 47, 237, 36, 69, 160, 165, 90, 138, 218, 201, 214, 142, 111, 166, 114, 163, 138, 161, 225, 130, 223, 164, 149, 117, 189, 197, 0, 69, 99, 150, 82, 154, 185, 204, 200, 20, 185, 224, 243, 234, 138, 148, 2, 35, 117, 197, 50, 152, 236, 240, 114, 34, 112, 197, 50, 152, 236, 240, 164, 222, 214, 173, 48, 175, 12, 166, 164, 222, 60, 155, 218, 173, 231, 148, 54, 204, 243, 146, 48, 175, 12, 166, 220, 219, 234, 139, 15, 125, 95, 133, 194, 12, 106, 234, 234, 213, 253, 221, 92, 32, 78, 189, 45, 141, 112, 247, 144, 72, 108, 150, 170, 68, 238, 254, 127, 217, 213, 232, 10, 92, 23, 131, 56, 2, 140, 212, 10, 92, 23, 131, 123, 190, 73, 167, 136, 210, 68, 233, 99, 79, 171, 150, 170, 68, 238, 254, 187, 145, 41, 187, 87, 228, 124, 128, 103, 220, 118, 253, 113, 163, 167, 139, 131, 72, 171, 221, 100, 158, 31, 219, 240, 37, 167, 180, 222, 209, 61, 217, 232, 140, 9, 194, 120, 187, 61, 166, 123, 78, 201, 201, 218, 236, 179, 204, 143, 95, 202, 192, 51, 154, 22, 212, 37, 75, 183, 192, 51, 215, 76, 215, 246, 14, 216, 207, 192, 91, 180, 136, 36, 34, 187, 230, 172, 101, 147, 133, 129, 118, 200, 198, 36, 57, 155, 160, 124, 86, 241, 178, 214, 56, 202, 164, 179, 141, 214, 225, 204, 137, 78, 153, 43, 141, 18, 226, 204, 137, 78, 153, 22, 237, 165, 233, 6, 83, 212, 140, 14, 241, 82, 210, 212, 156, 93, 229, 56, 236, 246, 237, 65, 91, 62, 139, 108, 147, 173, 225, 1, 23, 81, 249, 155, 54, 119, 216, 50, 148, 100, 227, 133, 134, 233, 230, 206, 35, 231, 248, 88, 64, 153, 247, 231, 145, 161, 228, 253, 43, 136, 253, 107, 146, 31, 229, 229, 40, 51, 218, 39, 154, 81, 222, 19, 80, 27, 234, 27, 5, 175, 134, 63, 136, 37, 253, 178, 125, 4, 186, 254, 254, 216, 58, 28, 82, 76, 136, 254, 254, 216, 58, 139, 86, 235, 137, 173, 247, 216, 214, 11, 88, 15, 138, 38, 239, 73, 76, 11, 88, 15, 138, 134, 252, 197, 203, 11, 88, 15, 138, 237, 228, 6, 240, 198, 76, 198, 136, 159, 241, 149, 244, 131, 153, 27, 222, 56, 199, 204, 237, 146, 153, 38, 223, 205, 42, 52, 202, 82, 141, 59, 236, 113, 72, 207, 241, 69, 19, 78, 135, 30, 147, 197, 249, 83, 8, 22, 134, 143, 40, 248, 224, 185, 19, 67, 135, 14, 50, 30, 242, 197, 14, 111, 133, 14, 237, 135, 251, 179, 140, 187, 236, 68, 20, 173, 253, 92, 142, 191, 231, 54, 58, 228, 238, 29, 147, 181, 225, 17, 150, 54, 248, 134, 128, 249, 212, 143, 114, 251, 184, 15, 54, 229, 157, 203, 75, 82, 231, 36, 13, 237, 135, 213, 117, 122, 187, 36, 13, 237, 135, 246, 14, 216, 207, 192, 91, 180, 136, 108, 10, 55, 176, 22, 18, 84, 127, 233, 5, 16, 200, 22, 18, 84, 127, 241, 228, 186, 241, 90, 109, 155, 140, 1, 74, 103, 219, 191, 21, 78, 134, 75, 224, 233, 195, 47, 72, 137, 136, 98, 166, 51, 127, 107, 215, 111, 149, 159, 208, 249, 177, 144, 167, 77, 141, 159, 198, 43, 194, 202, 172, 33, 150, 194, 12, 106, 234, 234, 213, 253, 221, 106, 221, 68, 230, 170, 156, 209, 129, 228, 190, 158, 253, 207, 184, 11, 217, 36, 233, 5, 252, 6, 121, 180, 227, 41, 247, 158, 229, 167, 99, 33, 236, 203, 54, 232, 158, 230, 251, 2, 134, 224, 193, 227, 244, 118, 216, 102, 226, 250, 98, 207, 245, 168, 122, 50, 195, 180, 54, 30, 247, 252, 152, 15, 136, 213, 216, 9, 180, 115, 151, 66, 133, 183, 37, 130, 250, 115, 151, 66, 133, 194, 202, 47, 203, 10, 0, 40, 132, 137, 118, 218, 160, 153, 154, 66, 164, 63, 79, 252, 157, 231, 115, 91, 209, 247, 16, 92, 239, 231, 115, 91, 209, 160, 43, 87, 183, 28, 11, 47, 250, 107, 75, 41, 159, 227, 114, 163, 201, 236, 21, 226, 216, 6, 121, 180, 227, 162, 32, 134, 217, 42, 112, 160, 232, 36, 233, 5, 252, 6, 121, 180, 227, 158, 248, 114, 225, 200, 115, 141, 231, 166, 179, 70, 137, 232, 214, 74, 148, 39, 203, 93, 171, 232, 214, 74, 148, 223, 210, 254, 164, 35, 217, 208, 152, 155, 8, 20, 176, 215, 173, 197, 242, 62, 193, 137, 156, 230, 209, 225, 203, 24, 205, 155, 148, 74, 172, 104, 157, 156, 220, 63, 184, 176, 64, 98, 134, 75, 224, 233, 195, 47, 72, 137, 136, 122, 158, 180, 248, 66, 162, 188, 153, 143, 165, 136, 231, 244, 125, 92, 206, 136, 132, 241, 198, 21, 161, 85, 142, 61, 126, 221, 201, 43, 211, 218, 208, 224, 14, 66, 177, 215, 173, 197, 242, 27, 91, 148, 243, 191, 129, 116, 202, 191, 11, 77, 84, 251, 170, 67, 141, 245, 191, 13, 208, 142, 243, 204, 252, 93, 236, 123, 177, 157, 118, 250, 138, 126, 225, 57, 226, 157, 118, 250, 138, 4, 10, 119, 241, 173, 170, 191, 138, 117, 242, 89, 250, 59, 28, 5, 128, 95, 8, 49, 76, 253, 167, 92, 139, 35, 19, 54, 217, 68, 145, 98, 244, 194, 91, 61, 160, 230, 68, 167, 254, 183, 13, 42, 193, 135, 145, 20, 246, 54, 22, 51, 230, 129, 145, 144, 245, 194, 13, 64, 193, 147, 145, 171, 247, 219, 247, 35, 248, 61, 150, 200, 244, 128, 58, 199, 222, 87, 23, 206, 128, 15, 83, 220, 144, 230, 68, 167, 254, 248, 60, 108, 182, 15, 187, 41, 227, 138, 84, 232, 148, 15, 187, 41, 227, 59, 124, 38, 173, 116, 203, 42, 219, 255, 139, 50, 176, 114, 195, 189, 174, 75, 172, 107, 180, 114, 195, 189, 174, 209, 99, 2, 202, 230, 183, 2, 160, 146, 16, 194, 64, 172, 150, 77, 241, 146, 16, 194, 64, 172, 150, 77, 241, 89, 43, 152, 142, 167, 133, 32, 247, 37, 167, 29, 180, 90, 57, 175, 212, 102, 156, 19, 243, 108, 177, 71, 204, 223, 136, 13, 192, 20, 190, 53, 172, 113, 104, 126, 184, 162, 196, 194, 221, 26, 218, 166, 221, 57, 93, 127, 235, 14, 167, 77, 215, 222, 66, 233, 206, 70, 197, 113, 198, 106, 59, 181, 207, 26, 218, 166, 221, 57, 93, 127, 235, 138, 53, 155, 192, 100, 158, 31, 219, 84, 89, 237, 252, 100, 158, 31, 219, 249, 72, 47, 179, 79, 191, 226, 224, 191, 189, 253, 196, 103, 17, 59, 202, 133, 67, 86, 182, 210, 189, 98, 225, 101, 193, 213, 196, 255, 70, 47, 229, 98, 55, 72, 142, 254, 146, 157, 244, 105, 48, 55, 142, 194, 138, 53, 245, 14, 8, 0, 66, 194, 138, 53, 245, 97, 180, 41, 235, 47, 34, 129, 201, 251, 167, 11, 249, 6, 12, 234, 132, 196, 191, 21, 174, 74, 66, 82, 218, 114, 99, 229, 213, 66, 19, 32, 243, 214, 36, 247, 141, 194, 138, 53, 245, 14, 8, 0, 66, 194, 138, 53, 245, 189, 190, 82, 202, 169, 17, 80, 190, 196, 78, 43, 227, 181, 0, 116, 136, 149, 68, 114, 254, 116, 42, 92, 189, 80, 9, 234, 165, 162, 146, 60, 244, 90, 62, 191, 142, 162, 146, 60, 244, 1, 38, 189, 149, 141, 134, 173, 250, 127, 47, 101, 143, 240, 146, 30, 244, 175, 96, 149, 185, 34, 205, 183, 238, 80, 153, 175, 161, 132, 182, 103, 247, 218, 148, 51, 165, 132, 182, 103, 247, 245, 200, 79, 181, 5, 175, 5, 128, 229, 17, 61, 193, 187, 134, 114, 253, 245, 17, 108, 193, 187, 134, 114, 253, 166, 16, 26, 255, 167, 204, 81, 134, 135, 151, 39, 233, 87, 171, 52, 198, 1, 139, 147, 212, 201, 167, 212, 184, 11, 194, 247, 218, 201, 167, 212, 184, 248, 123, 49, 100, 220, 121, 140, 255, 115, 24, 245, 248, 157, 232, 21, 145, 92, 175, 224, 141, 182, 102, 16, 253, 55, 197, 225, 174, 67, 247, 175, 213, 37, 173, 232, 162, 67, 247, 175, 213, 128, 206, 62, 142, 240, 108, 227, 249, 103, 69, 61, 171, 253, 221, 71, 248, 229, 132, 97, 163, 209, 164, 18, 172, 245, 100, 66, 217, 209, 164, 18, 172, 68, 111, 111, 205, 28, 173, 47, 192, 202, 99, 233, 196, 24, 167, 232, 176, 112, 46, 123, 148, 70, 134, 61, 209, 28, 55, 65, 242, 198, 105, 204, 233, 207, 120, 63, 178, 51, 181, 55, 173, 232, 151, 146, 207, 166, 193, 145, 196, 108, 113, 161, 208, 243, 171, 204, 185, 82, 103, 252, 168, 193, 162, 115, 248, 144, 74, 216, 246, 126, 128, 188, 228, 197, 191, 231, 143, 57, 108, 17, 152, 165, 104, 239, 200, 70, 128, 88, 168, 165, 46, 119, 143, 248, 201, 200, 255, 230, 37, 178, 192, 95, 111, 92, 157, 36, 97, 42, 200, 197, 121, 150, 217, 197, 171, 23, 208, 91, 144, 190, 186, 218, 156, 129, 204, 35, 142, 193, 172, 163, 94, 160, 185, 186, 110, 146, 158, 28, 73, 185, 156, 186, 110, 146, 158, 177, 43, 189, 215, 232, 139, 120, 174, 84, 160, 16, 193, 25, 151, 64, 160, 7, 154, 117, 198, 250, 123, 182, 170, 228, 83, 18, 198, 232, 139, 120, 174, 94, 138, 110, 221, 232, 139, 120, 174, 17, 152, 205, 187, 25, 151, 64, 160, 125, 149, 24, 212, 74, 120, 105, 142, 65, 132, 244, 154, 29, 130, 80, 146, 195, 71, 94, 156, 29, 130, 80, 146, 225, 118, 115, 179, 33, 132, 218, 138, 63, 251, 81, 216, 94, 166, 252, 136, 50, 160, 146, 206, 78, 153, 252, 209, 118, 154, 71, 187, 179, 145, 9, 171, 203, 117, 205, 248, 115, 137, 91, 213, 59, 226, 125, 233, 134, 70, 54, 152, 136, 21, 122, 203, 134, 70, 54, 152, 151, 215, 72, 182, 134, 70, 54, 152, 18, 217, 52, 226, 219, 210, 43, 152, 52, 176, 120, 167, 67, 247, 175, 213, 126, 205, 147, 179, 2, 0, 16, 250, 51, 228, 114, 214, 202, 103, 158, 253, 47, 204, 137, 148, 202, 103, 158, 253, 14, 213, 232, 187, 89, 170, 108, 140, 129, 129, 14, 254, 204, 172, 187, 204, 237, 97, 138, 183, 163, 170, 192, 181, 30, 127, 173, 248, 227, 154, 150, 184, 14, 161, 25, 229, 63, 146, 211, 198, 36, 115, 60, 241, 50, 149, 14, 215, 62, 103, 20, 237, 133, 171, 91, 198, 197, 62, 127, 190, 133, 171, 91, 198, 29, 95, 165, 204, 111, 165, 49, 198, 251, 135, 96, 184, 99, 176, 80, 173, 91, 108, 24, 124, 62, 150, 18, 243, 148, 132, 145, 193, 159, 149, 187, 176, 188, 139, 102, 207, 224, 178, 49, 176, 154, 149, 192, 87, 15, 152, 228, 224, 200, 78, 51, 215, 252, 162, 249, 215, 199, 97, 227, 207, 104, 167, 238, 180, 116, 161, 21, 180, 201, 137, 211, 143, 71, 211, 165, 190, 24, 174, 241, 181, 253, 138, 149, 206, 47, 184, 148, 190, 148, 162, 121, 84, 83, 145, 114, 250, 21, 171, 80, 95, 183, 155, 87, 235, 198, 67, 217, 204, 100, 165, 208, 225, 92, 161, 204, 169, 139, 110, 90, 193, 129, 157, 213, 180, 224, 178, 49, 176, 41, 126, 124, 117, 60, 157, 106, 167, 24, 149, 166, 186, 25, 160, 43, 158, 162, 150, 22, 205, 189, 150, 25, 178, 134, 149, 214, 212, 9, 171, 232, 190, 36, 33, 214, 238, 8, 158, 201, 132, 179, 222, 89, 220, 8, 158, 201, 132, 216, 136, 54, 238, 152, 179, 29, 204, 131, 108, 203, 196, 213, 168, 145, 172, 103, 202, 145, 130, 155, 167, 22, 172, 143, 188, 205, 201, 155, 167, 22, 172, 238, 204, 94, 120, 159, 91, 17, 143, 215, 228, 15, 171, 198, 176, 62, 179, 121, 129, 10, 193, 213, 168, 145, 172, 230, 115, 112, 240, 84, 169, 121, 210, 148, 118, 94, 198, 213, 168, 145, 172, 205, 159, 4, 177, 129, 187, 249, 197, 127, 125, 217, 173, 237, 189, 214, 194, 162, 204, 42, 115, 159, 91, 17, 143, 221, 176, 232, 107, 38, 160, 231, 161, 46, 177, 64, 135, 7, 52, 214, 255, 94, 160, 136, 99, 225, 162, 29, 222, 162, 136, 42, 226, 9, 183, 22, 193, 196, 98, 93, 186, 146, 185, 28, 194, 241, 173, 72, 171, 79, 176, 234, 178, 185, 153, 70, 250, 20, 177, 198, 179, 228, 168, 141, 186, 148, 175, 206, 170, 216, 97, 227, 198, 148, 175, 206, 170, 199, 79, 207, 246, 17, 141, 33, 140, 75, 37, 11, 213, 115, 157, 39, 242, 135, 137, 206, 227, 175, 177, 26, 184, 23, 165, 219, 96, 56, 170, 118, 221, 87, 145, 177, 164, 195, 176, 85, 173, 75, 37, 11, 213, 115, 157, 39, 242, 114, 34, 177, 242, 252, 154, 97, 238, 159, 74, 96, 211, 252, 154, 97, 238, 1, 3, 94, 34, 105, 186, 221, 130, 116, 161, 21, 180, 201, 137, 211, 143, 23, 209, 197, 234, 252, 154, 97, 238, 245, 123, 67, 217, 201, 137, 211, 143, 19, 167, 18, 209, 69, 173, 255, 180, 89, 16, 26, 227, 105, 186, 221, 130, 8, 98, 242, 253, 245, 172, 3, 208, 33, 117, 240, 201, 245, 172, 3, 208, 54, 163, 77, 178, 171, 159, 146, 162, 111, 166, 153, 190, 92, 188, 66, 200, 98, 189, 169, 224, 92, 188, 66, 200, 16, 162, 247, 176, 47, 172, 255, 171, 3, 152, 231, 160, 2, 176, 248, 177, 11, 100, 125, 237, 2, 176, 248, 177, 81, 161, 116, 142, 33, 169, 177, 151, 37, 80, 169, 198, 100, 165, 208, 225, 87, 98, 46, 214, 252, 162, 249, 215, 118, 149, 233, 167, 61, 15, 164, 244, 235, 151, 191, 192, 51, 125, 214, 181, 35, 169, 110, 198, 51, 125, 214, 181, 92, 194, 116, 155, 213, 124, 90, 153, 207, 143, 134, 143, 179, 139, 34, 242, 88, 84, 152, 246, 148, 155, 61, 219, 178, 23, 246, 236, 55, 76, 25, 130, 30, 124, 192, 233, 170, 150, 124, 199, 145, 148, 231, 163, 177, 152, 229, 226, 225, 148, 185, 206, 180, 124, 94, 180, 117, 159, 138, 161, 35, 114, 142, 152, 124, 84, 45, 160, 212, 114, 201, 153, 221, 201, 180, 132, 193, 114, 134, 151, 80, 168, 90, 178, 13, 128, 244, 154, 102, 1, 168, 204, 144, 105, 179, 226, 191, 243, 136, 252, 238, 93, 19, 229, 206, 0, 51, 213, 144, 105, 179, 226, 68, 12, 108, 209, 86, 125, 47, 235, 101, 5, 238, 23, 79, 141, 71, 137, 68, 12, 108, 209, 86, 125, 47, 235, 102, 78, 239, 196, 86, 125, 47, 235, 138, 197, 33, 237, 131, 158, 2, 185, 26, 81, 30, 181, 134, 149, 9, 175, 224, 74, 79, 250, 41, 154, 19, 210, 91, 7, 251, 229, 55, 156, 31, 149, 140, 66, 86, 117, 187, 69, 236, 249, 228, 63, 245, 144, 1, 170, 199, 150, 149, 94, 241, 174, 150, 125, 108, 162, 98, 144, 58, 221, 6, 121, 31, 141, 47, 161, 16, 236, 239, 154, 202, 190, 203, 2, 111, 220, 175, 251, 233, 244, 249, 54, 62, 239, 192, 19, 141, 129, 97, 40, 234, 222, 225, 163, 121, 233, 208, 194, 102, 130, 39, 178, 8, 147, 105, 9, 196, 130, 224, 203, 77, 134, 54, 81, 96, 162, 228, 148, 221, 226, 188, 105, 156, 237, 127, 192, 152, 191, 54, 81, 96, 162, 178, 153, 14, 233, 225, 0, 34, 213, 53, 245, 2, 133, 15, 191, 90, 159, 70, 196, 96, 172, 108, 168, 227, 132, 102, 150, 159, 138, 166, 177, 214, 150, 183, 211, 19, 188, 93, 104, 239, 171, 4, 188, 22, 207, 236, 12, 82, 136, 0, 13, 174, 135, 178, 91, 131, 138, 0, 13, 174, 135, 162, 34, 179, 131, 208, 23, 8, 151, 77, 95, 16, 139, 208, 23, 8, 151, 125, 29, 189, 225, 198, 179, 100, 139, 135, 136, 39, 232, 170, 145, 94, 192, 42, 60, 252, 254, 170, 145, 94, 192, 84, 25, 137, 193, 170, 145, 94, 192, 179, 105, 170, 239, 201, 194, 106, 135, 97, 5, 29, 191, 188, 197, 52, 143, 171, 3, 220, 196, 77, 179, 245, 131, 225, 183, 165, 246, 172, 120, 69, 215, 111, 65, 85, 207, 172, 120, 69, 215, 225, 183, 165, 246, 172, 120, 69, 215, 33, 66, 64, 127, 131, 73, 180, 243, 66, 134, 72, 216, 38, 201, 238, 254, 86, 122, 11, 206, 25, 74, 149, 245, 85, 79, 1, 136, 148, 121, 6, 198, 248, 89, 34, 201, 111, 147, 154, 183, 169, 132, 36, 220, 58, 146, 170, 175, 220, 98, 206, 248, 93, 121, 239, 216, 215, 158, 10, 201, 228, 163, 166, 178, 64, 151, 189, 190, 118, 155, 7, 161, 129, 136, 168, 229, 98, 150, 147, 180, 140, 144, 231, 177, 98, 150, 147, 180, 21, 85, 96, 205, 107, 138, 187, 215, 232, 211, 234, 249, 177, 139, 237, 213, 135, 200, 8, 234, 48, 137, 65, 226, 127, 157, 109, 225, 228, 140, 156, 213, 170, 99, 13, 171, 25, 130, 124, 184, 3, 133, 132, 202, 25, 130, 124, 184, 9, 151, 27, 191, 253, 154, 140, 201, 18, 70, 135, 127, 89, 186, 32, 254, 73, 137, 97, 238, 16, 150, 76, 191, 154, 99, 62, 157, 16, 150, 76, 191, 195, 65, 88, 142, 228, 58, 140, 254, 42, 129, 189, 215, 228, 58, 140, 254, 213, 56, 26, 215, 107, 138, 187, 215, 214, 165, 69, 194, 228, 163, 166, 178, 88, 2, 163, 220, 132, 170, 233, 244, 230, 46, 237, 243, 126, 177, 130, 130, 6, 76, 152, 225, 236, 27, 137, 131, 14, 196, 15, 164, 84, 145, 10, 147, 97, 140, 101, 235, 112, 0, 55, 252, 150, 189, 89, 130, 39, 178, 8, 147, 165, 2, 92, 216, 132, 170, 233, 244, 132, 51, 168, 250, 9, 173, 54, 226, 95, 137, 64, 164, 2, 148, 51, 180, 208, 147, 226, 233, 29, 147, 239, 205, 109, 15, 96, 232, 79, 141, 71, 137, 65, 206, 223, 232, 178, 153, 107, 210, 95, 137, 64, 164, 2, 148, 51, 180, 73, 106, 109, 164, 175, 111, 15, 156, 118, 128, 236, 206, 15, 196, 22, 250, 173, 96, 231, 139, 15, 196, 22, 250, 222, 90, 140, 192, 48, 137, 65, 226, 132, 109, 152, 232, 148, 121, 6, 198, 148, 145, 234, 187, 253, 154, 140, 201, 198, 149, 133, 192, 66, 150, 146, 184, 66, 41, 80, 133, 55, 132, 145, 175, 69, 150, 218, 226, 55, 132, 145, 175, 230, 72, 62, 164, 187, 90, 196, 165, 88, 174, 53, 229, 159, 146, 56, 188, 222, 72, 11, 223, 200, 192, 238, 140, 30, 28, 49, 198, 209, 208, 117, 134, 119, 77, 41, 225, 209, 208, 117, 134, 56, 140, 52, 202, 159, 143, 214, 161, 116, 100, 68, 210, 159, 143, 214, 161, 36, 168, 146, 191, 65, 153, 80, 186, 70, 223, 227, 61, 111, 85, 160, 164, 209, 217, 197, 70, 111, 85, 160, 164, 119, 144, 68, 246, 88, 151, 175, 197, 45, 153, 101, 202, 193, 140, 59, 171, 53, 43, 2, 129, 152, 55, 23, 248, 177, 16, 76, 124, 152, 55, 23, 248, 106, 50, 163, 152, 194, 162, 121, 167, 34, 91, 252, 180, 194, 162, 121, 167, 243, 134, 67, 221, 103, 217, 209, 251, 11, 38, 175, 150, 103, 217, 209, 251, 124, 156, 39, 204, 19, 139, 127, 175, 49, 204, 250, 129, 116, 15, 113, 226, 71, 254, 92, 136, 116, 15, 113, 226, 115, 251, 188, 129, 232, 251, 156, 221, 137, 241, 84, 0, 180, 93, 62, 128, 124, 109, 247, 173, 28, 154, 151, 206, 138, 210, 136, 129, 116, 15, 113, 226, 49, 18, 53, 33, 45, 152, 120, 138, 56, 240, 51, 249, 144, 105, 179, 226, 212, 50, 213, 236, 45, 152, 120, 138, 124, 109, 247, 173, 28, 154, 151, 206, 141, 136, 255, 111, 153, 151, 75, 252, 233, 103, 54, 238, 134, 155, 55, 221, 57, 47, 42, 235, 216, 153, 183, 135, 103, 170, 76, 175, 240, 124, 154, 180, 120, 152, 46, 209, 128, 110, 128, 155, 99, 177, 64, 167, 128, 110, 128, 155, 104, 157, 248, 209, 240, 124, 154, 180, 119, 173, 133, 180, 240, 124, 154, 180, 26, 23, 178, 229, 60, 80, 97, 130, 47, 125, 80, 244, 133, 171, 91, 198, 212, 144, 247, 241, 80, 154, 87, 221, 53, 154, 199, 216, 32, 147, 179, 188, 180, 84, 137, 175, 215, 161, 133, 185, 19, 179, 140, 193, 137, 175, 149, 162, 0, 110, 247, 196, 46, 175, 145, 172, 42, 8, 59, 2, 218, 142, 120, 150, 112, 73, 22, 243, 218, 142, 120, 150, 193, 159, 159, 229, 24, 164, 188, 221, 232, 181, 251, 166, 206, 164, 179, 161, 187, 132, 130, 200, 201, 176, 0, 180, 56, 100, 41, 243, 38, 144, 233, 138, 227, 217, 64, 231, 219, 210, 43, 152, 151, 23, 77, 212, 101, 200, 177, 236, 6, 169, 45, 198, 4, 157, 131, 194, 39, 196, 0, 106, 17, 175, 89, 133, 152, 25, 138, 237, 101, 200, 177, 236, 187, 45, 68, 200, 163, 150, 66, 202, 170, 160, 51, 137, 127, 176, 179, 140, 238, 176, 108, 179, 2, 185, 118, 139, 37, 215, 150, 144, 52, 186, 63, 152, 37, 215, 150, 144, 52, 186, 63, 152, 86, 155, 112, 221, 115, 137, 91, 213, 116, 180, 144, 186, 152, 155, 72, 171, 56, 199, 239, 115, 2, 185, 118, 139, 225, 238, 107, 195, 20, 227, 113, 172, 152, 119, 146, 219, 169, 136, 230, 178, 13, 85, 70, 210, 80, 110, 255, 181, 31, 141, 75, 180, 242, 126, 168, 189, 53, 204, 238, 205, 101, 181, 151, 198, 125, 234, 135, 199, 158, 204, 255, 186, 196, 244, 166, 191, 158, 204, 255, 186, 250, 195, 91, 210, 6, 144, 92, 149, 239, 108, 69, 252, 6, 144, 92, 149, 187, 228, 244, 192, 101, 181, 151, 198, 31, 141, 75, 180, 242, 126, 168, 189, 49, 111, 146, 169, 220, 125, 47, 161, 201, 2, 42, 112, 243, 149, 122, 161, 160, 97, 182, 159, 220, 125, 47, 161, 127, 69, 92, 229, 241, 126, 212, 167, 45, 74, 126, 109, 241, 126, 212, 167, 127, 69, 92, 229, 44, 94, 178, 175, 32, 119, 51, 116, 220, 125, 47, 161, 204, 96, 209, 214, 209, 138, 151, 211, 13, 45, 130, 221, 145, 155, 254, 234, 136, 245, 2, 185, 187, 135, 4, 150, 140, 182, 162, 214, 74, 184, 234, 153, 36, 196, 13, 214, 119, 161, 210, 189, 167, 177, 144, 213, 94, 166, 252, 136, 103, 229, 97, 84, 94, 166, 252, 136, 74, 253, 169, 219, 121, 180, 72, 211, 135, 224, 220, 84, 104, 191, 139, 200, 102, 218, 95, 193, 135, 147, 198, 182, 179, 236, 177, 208, 57, 175, 188, 219, 76, 13, 193, 196, 252, 141, 85, 169, 249, 37, 137, 117, 252, 141, 85, 169, 76, 13, 193, 196, 252, 141, 85, 169, 135, 159, 174, 156, 7, 115, 254, 191, 12, 165, 18, 212, 121, 126, 36, 175, 27, 153, 106, 204, 121, 126, 36, 175, 8, 125, 32, 211, 130, 136, 6, 167, 47, 120, 169, 211, 130, 136, 6, 167, 123, 170, 204, 205, 243, 155, 202, 200, 126, 231, 251, 174, 0, 209, 225, 156, 222, 253, 243, 161, 96, 155, 29, 222, 165, 232, 194, 180, 57, 175, 188, 219, 147, 180, 170, 210, 167, 128, 18, 186, 127, 163, 125, 216, 184, 167, 228, 161, 41, 46, 184, 131, 144, 150, 49, 160, 109, 95, 37, 188, 147, 216, 179, 251, 201, 2, 42, 112, 243, 149, 122, 161, 45, 74, 126, 109, 243, 149, 122, 161, 61, 45, 184, 223, 62, 110, 169, 230, 89, 190, 237, 184, 7, 115, 254, 191, 135, 159, 174, 156, 7, 115, 254, 191, 22, 154, 59, 178, 142, 121, 230, 143, 201, 161, 68, 193, 2, 153, 52, 171, 211, 151, 226, 239, 2, 153, 52, 171, 47, 192, 76, 93, 238, 36, 254, 145, 116, 167, 182, 167, 142, 121, 230, 143, 14, 198, 180, 114, 238, 36, 254, 145, 105, 173, 224, 207, 247, 188, 254, 151, 14, 207, 237, 99, 247, 188, 254, 151, 230, 194, 215, 107, 125, 188, 0, 147, 174, 172, 84, 185, 125, 188, 0, 147, 130, 111, 139, 254, 219, 154, 5, 203, 173, 186, 162, 97, 60, 174, 77, 139, 165, 161, 230, 213, 252, 160, 136, 195, 223, 223, 115, 214, 0, 209, 225, 156, 126, 231, 251, 174, 0, 209, 225, 156, 213, 159, 8, 240, 85, 159, 55, 208, 53, 18, 222, 194, 255, 206, 195, 144, 79, 33, 131, 54, 255, 206, 195, 144, 81, 66, 23, 220, 255, 206, 195, 144, 170, 225, 21, 237, 157, 108, 112, 140, 15, 100, 226, 244, 58, 0, 87, 134, 235, 183, 254, 208, 58, 0, 87, 134, 3, 173, 38, 245, 249, 130, 77, 209, 73, 176, 238, 200, 84, 160, 207, 205, 7, 160, 189, 253, 131, 164, 112, 195, 231, 176, 226, 187, 131, 164, 112, 195, 86, 176, 61, 235, 90, 152, 187, 211, 134, 159, 116, 225, 77, 168, 149, 188, 197, 191, 231, 143, 57, 108, 17, 152, 16, 22, 201, 160, 193, 162, 115, 248, 82, 103, 252, 168, 193, 162, 115, 248, 138, 43, 95, 208, 195, 207, 226, 142, 164, 95, 228, 245, 90, 152, 187, 211, 56, 170, 209, 193, 215, 158, 112, 186, 140, 116, 211, 232, 41, 144, 191, 137, 79, 51, 73, 224, 47, 146, 8, 251, 139, 239, 243, 197, 171, 157, 168, 149, 243, 75, 231, 235, 68, 163, 84, 219, 61, 122, 59, 238, 234, 156, 180, 220, 33, 94, 31, 153, 96, 147, 11, 197, 89, 150, 161, 213, 217, 155, 95, 179, 63, 17, 212, 2, 163, 142, 207, 156, 118, 223, 183, 237, 147, 137, 102, 225, 191, 244, 237, 30, 9, 147, 183, 148, 230, 173, 233, 202, 186, 173, 252, 180, 36, 102, 240, 208, 22, 148, 0, 198, 174, 87, 100, 148, 22, 148, 0, 198, 178, 103, 12, 190, 230, 174, 82, 181, 15, 50, 226, 253, 211, 113, 63, 233, 135, 202, 180, 138, 33, 97, 5, 246, 248, 131, 187, 166, 152, 212, 121, 206, 126, 81, 253, 216, 96, 147, 11, 197, 0, 100, 128, 157, 96, 147, 11, 197, 34, 136, 59, 147, 197, 150, 110, 224, 4, 153, 53, 89, 197, 150, 110, 224, 60, 153, 112, 157, 78, 165, 179, 249, 41, 92, 1, 229, 80, 154, 87, 221, 160, 131, 48, 231, 111, 153, 50, 177, 18, 26, 218, 213, 60, 80, 97, 130, 78, 104, 151, 224, 20, 148, 79, 203, 252, 107, 150, 239, 134, 155, 55, 221, 96, 88, 210, 211, 213, 169, 13, 182, 174, 104, 117, 232, 189, 115, 59, 210, 245, 75, 75, 162, 206, 127, 51, 145, 230, 37, 178, 192, 96, 112, 208, 156, 218, 102, 158, 206, 59, 50, 18, 255, 36, 97, 42, 200, 197, 121, 150, 217, 156, 120, 144, 232, 161, 138, 241, 186, 253, 124, 139, 236, 35, 140, 24, 180, 100, 162, 151, 242, 197, 131, 110, 214, 246, 80, 172, 254, 131, 131, 170, 183, 132, 163, 125, 241, 6, 142, 25, 167, 146, 192, 166, 221, 57, 135, 183, 202, 92, 133, 103, 238, 161, 138, 241, 186, 35, 123, 250, 194, 68, 136, 56, 174, 147, 136, 116, 235, 199, 143, 86, 176, 93, 223, 136, 218, 233, 180, 222, 164, 138, 101, 216, 249, 233, 180, 222, 164, 31, 181, 238, 230, 197, 131, 110, 214, 222, 142, 101, 128, 34, 137, 158, 154, 173, 79, 95, 176, 224, 142, 202, 169, 128, 136, 234, 226, 63, 122, 89, 192, 71, 45, 92, 109, 165, 43, 7, 246, 234, 56, 71, 166, 165, 43, 7, 246, 62, 82, 103, 103, 165, 43, 7, 246, 7, 108, 66, 211, 217, 230, 55, 250, 26, 5, 115, 126, 136, 56, 138, 255, 76, 97, 51, 175, 126, 56, 242, 225, 61, 162, 242, 159, 69, 137, 119, 190, 46, 158, 183, 160, 236, 128, 237, 164, 21, 149, 114, 183, 129, 128, 57, 169, 192, 157, 88, 154, 61, 79, 50, 166, 42, 35, 245, 214, 12, 124, 48, 228, 18, 42, 43, 218, 241, 183, 57, 233, 45, 199, 137, 237, 172, 185, 23, 215, 4, 12, 235, 80, 12, 124, 48, 228, 190, 12, 54, 203, 12, 124, 48, 228, 26, 184, 71, 227, 192, 158, 62, 216, 192, 157, 88, 154, 61, 79, 50, 166, 83, 214, 101, 132, 33, 90, 43, 168, 56, 183, 179, 78, 115, 192, 162, 146, 140, 92, 206, 232, 159, 45, 82, 128, 82, 24, 164, 246, 106, 36, 108, 128, 254, 106, 37, 230, 106, 36, 108, 128, 93, 63, 251, 231, 207, 222, 221, 140, 48, 90, 244, 160, 207, 222, 221, 140, 200, 83, 69, 161, 51, 222, 244, 139, 219, 62, 239, 166, 30, 145, 119, 193, 77, 56, 18, 231, 30, 145, 119, 193, 43, 207, 5, 191, 79, 188, 4, 184, 33, 53, 30, 149, 61, 92, 0, 129, 250, 128, 115, 202, 196, 116, 17, 161, 86, 204, 221, 195, 96, 158, 16, 206, 9, 161, 12, 185, 126, 131, 217, 167, 228, 194, 107, 192, 9, 148, 209, 185, 247, 165, 19, 231, 9, 148, 209, 185, 107, 113, 243, 221, 35, 160, 186, 191, 238, 155, 73, 239, 196, 116, 17, 161, 165, 200, 90, 205, 160, 156, 91, 203, 42, 35, 245, 214, 190, 119, 65, 221, 202, 40, 51, 174, 47, 0, 213, 248, 44, 77, 197, 148, 214, 70, 142, 143, 231, 99, 109, 161, 89, 64, 155, 248, 27, 102, 36, 225, 182, 141, 254, 216, 252, 36, 7, 229, 182, 141, 254, 216, 92, 1, 221, 225, 245, 156, 189, 144, 92, 149, 4, 237, 253, 168, 1, 200, 105, 187, 192, 243, 9, 140, 80, 227, 86, 115, 73, 230, 96, 157, 100, 134, 35, 52, 103, 234, 9, 140, 80, 227, 159, 66, 172, 232, 126, 128, 188, 228, 186, 103, 3, 230, 126, 128, 188, 228, 130, 172, 101, 164, 58, 155, 160, 164, 184, 221, 89, 177, 180, 51, 168, 144, 243, 237, 151, 131, 142, 60, 75, 136, 104, 26, 178, 184, 197, 43, 163, 133, 244, 99, 62, 245, 197, 43, 163, 133, 163, 161, 152, 245, 192, 158, 62, 216, 176, 155, 196, 181, 58, 155, 160, 164, 250, 149, 123, 92, 4, 170, 159, 143, 127, 194, 89, 139, 202, 192, 9, 145, 77, 42, 241, 236, 248, 228, 182, 146, 52, 234, 137, 194, 248, 228, 182, 146, 42, 52, 6, 254, 207, 191, 133, 148, 219, 234, 135, 191, 207, 191, 133, 148, 17, 129, 78, 165, 207, 191, 133, 148, 118, 189, 122, 173, 207, 191, 133, 148, 224, 163, 247, 104, 4, 170, 159, 143, 236, 170, 41, 186, 101, 155, 159, 196, 4, 240, 131, 129, 28, 215, 100, 163, 199, 230, 132, 149, 185, 63, 123, 133, 243, 141, 0, 223, 63, 126, 46, 165, 59, 169, 38, 100, 115, 192, 162, 146, 240, 11, 208, 242, 245, 156, 189, 144, 138, 110, 180, 208, 161, 162, 106, 200, 13, 84, 66, 210, 127, 119, 93, 231, 125, 7, 27, 244, 16, 143, 55, 146, 149, 110, 132, 212, 161, 162, 106, 200, 130, 20, 4, 233, 106, 36, 108, 128, 30, 91, 14, 218, 106, 36, 108, 128, 221, 107, 98, 211, 182, 141, 254, 216, 200, 35, 60, 227, 182, 141, 254, 216, 31, 104, 97, 219, 25, 147, 222, 212, 206, 252, 118, 24, 148, 146, 111, 136, 103, 181, 40, 247, 158, 172, 156, 183, 38, 18, 217, 211, 172, 105, 71, 233, 135, 139, 103, 189, 235, 226, 81, 129, 104, 73, 114, 206, 120, 18, 85, 130, 183, 111, 168, 155, 87, 154, 193, 160, 109, 130, 190, 222, 234, 137, 15, 202, 237, 134, 217, 254, 58, 144, 244, 194, 239, 78, 109, 254, 215, 151, 16, 197, 41, 162, 101, 177, 215, 151, 16, 197, 203, 189, 13, 140, 222, 195, 95, 174, 248, 250, 89, 24, 4, 194, 231, 141, 158, 118, 236, 97, 182, 116, 187, 216, 143, 181, 117, 232, 188, 162, 129, 206, 5, 124, 77, 95, 182, 116, 187, 216, 188, 115, 109, 245, 188, 162, 129, 206, 110, 78, 213, 204, 163, 145, 152, 204, 232, 128, 210, 214, 163, 145, 152, 204, 15, 79, 176, 215, 225, 145, 48, 199, 132, 132, 149, 205, 42, 23, 135, 128, 90, 82, 147, 207, 42, 23, 135, 128, 78, 159, 140, 174, 209, 143, 35, 215, 97, 65, 124, 184, 207, 149, 96, 198, 25, 154, 1, 189, 109, 171, 36, 180, 212, 94, 65, 219, 119, 171, 75, 187, 46, 93, 145, 150, 119, 171, 75, 187, 170, 79, 12, 216, 123, 172, 248, 177, 24, 249, 237, 34, 4, 194, 231, 141, 7, 63, 86, 240, 251, 193, 184, 134, 215, 251, 236, 24, 251, 193, 184, 134, 115, 57, 22, 246, 243, 117, 77, 230, 3, 101, 48, 248, 220, 161, 68, 205, 120, 139, 4, 141, 142, 200, 246, 253, 23, 119, 221, 227, 142, 200, 246, 253, 29, 122, 220, 171, 195, 167, 83, 172, 146, 139, 192, 167, 122, 146, 175, 225, 98, 209, 145, 211, 91, 177, 55, 191, 91, 149, 232, 156, 22, 150, 48, 223, 248, 169, 200, 143, 188, 183, 0, 153, 207, 137, 59, 157, 197, 142, 175, 226, 192, 136, 221, 98, 251, 137, 74, 248, 225, 90, 148, 168, 102, 145, 4, 208, 74, 150, 164, 183, 32, 162, 131, 171, 248, 104, 217, 208, 254, 154, 97, 200, 90, 89, 223, 190, 207, 149, 96, 198, 23, 249, 175, 233, 148, 171, 193, 136, 147, 220, 45, 225, 102, 113, 118, 218, 122, 131, 147, 181, 24, 167, 232, 176, 99, 149, 68, 181, 63, 176, 96, 175, 232, 131, 201, 178, 253, 179, 114, 160, 145, 114, 141, 155, 13, 171, 76, 169, 5, 67, 140, 229, 184, 145, 89, 193, 198, 123, 78, 216, 100, 175, 90, 195, 175, 118, 218, 143, 140, 138, 90, 248, 36, 24, 39, 243, 65, 182, 62, 139, 50, 84, 158, 129, 170, 133, 80, 134, 132, 92, 93, 190, 157, 229, 211, 253, 65, 96, 67, 158, 241, 109, 166, 159, 230, 92, 203, 172, 115, 226, 255, 252, 102, 98, 187, 170, 241, 109, 166, 159, 138, 158, 163, 157, 172, 113, 99, 147, 164, 134, 214, 133, 123, 131, 39, 136, 72, 156, 19, 152, 13, 108, 121, 141, 222, 197, 107, 133, 100, 134, 131, 132, 112, 174, 218, 134, 101, 136, 160, 136, 88, 161, 166, 134, 156, 137, 91, 134, 143, 99, 78, 131, 6, 139, 122, 137, 66, 144, 92, 155, 124, 119, 248, 143, 245, 139, 53, 100, 135, 106, 137, 241, 37, 154, 16, 180, 135, 106, 137, 241, 44, 85, 201, 247, 80, 160, 91, 202, 30, 152, 105, 163, 210, 93, 121, 243, 127, 98, 23, 204, 175, 148, 159, 204, 191, 118, 159, 226, 43, 123, 81, 222, 168, 252, 115, 14, 43, 166, 90, 153, 52, 76, 236, 199, 240, 152, 69, 203, 37, 77, 85, 238, 28, 163, 182, 194, 166, 101, 26, 180, 28, 163, 182, 194, 254, 129, 133, 148, 16, 67, 138, 252, 46, 162, 191, 137, 202, 116, 181, 229, 243, 5, 129, 8, 185, 205, 70, 135, 97, 70, 246, 210, 42, 23, 135, 128, 217, 96, 89, 166, 28, 163, 182, 194, 209, 61, 76, 216, 28, 163, 182, 194, 7, 82, 126, 244, 112, 107, 36, 212, 66, 95, 115, 147, 48, 162, 117, 193, 14, 101, 210, 194, 67, 184, 126, 172, 136, 97, 167, 220, 114, 168, 16, 184, 142, 118, 19, 201, 248, 187, 198, 172, 10, 92, 253, 148, 248, 187, 198, 172, 225, 110, 208, 227, 64, 172, 102, 190, 145, 90, 157, 169, 199, 144, 175, 207, 106, 64, 44, 223, 199, 144, 175, 207, 151, 99, 195, 123, 16, 67, 138, 252, 145, 90, 157, 169, 199, 144, 175, 207, 154, 109, 96, 94, 191, 103, 83, 235, 107, 53, 143, 195, 128, 190, 55, 187, 56, 95, 142, 122, 191, 103, 83, 235, 75, 59, 212, 129, 197, 132, 60, 135, 247, 68, 53, 128, 131, 137, 121, 135, 8, 68, 72, 127, 184, 133, 93, 136, 251, 114, 46, 158, 92, 188, 232, 254, 232, 69, 242, 206, 252, 171, 59, 188, 70, 46, 229, 126, 146, 133, 200, 137, 60, 83, 211, 221, 109, 132, 5, 218, 17, 96, 234, 198, 131, 155, 244, 198, 244, 42, 91, 210, 131, 155, 244, 198, 168, 130, 89, 165, 171, 229, 122, 249, 123, 103, 22, 227, 216, 160, 138, 184, 209, 147, 187, 144, 188, 64, 40, 255, 253, 149, 232, 152, 1, 166, 163, 251, 28, 92, 96, 173, 1, 166, 163, 251, 197, 98, 109, 192, 55, 137, 135, 212, 115, 89, 30, 196, 174, 124, 163, 220, 109, 15, 220, 29, 22, 179, 134, 144, 241, 44, 144, 217, 22, 179, 134, 144, 183, 4, 8, 39, 22, 179, 134, 144, 194, 19, 74, 65, 174, 124, 163, 220, 198, 102, 116, 196, 242, 166, 239, 195, 71, 142, 109, 209, 47, 135, 151, 213, 52, 33, 40, 186, 96, 130, 10, 210, 202, 96, 139, 199, 96, 130, 10, 210, 168, 16, 99, 157, 173, 136, 155, 219, 231, 92, 82, 220, 89, 132, 1, 221, 197, 84, 172, 176, 63, 139, 93, 214, 79, 43, 103, 225, 63, 139, 93, 214, 227, 8, 77, 142, 173, 136, 155, 219, 72, 113, 143, 120, 168, 116, 206, 239, 226, 148, 141, 146, 1, 166, 163, 251, 170, 60, 43, 212, 242, 166, 239, 195, 166, 71, 239, 219, 96, 130, 10, 210, 202, 18, 182, 50, 73, 173, 123, 142, 100, 9, 50, 47, 160, 160, 101, 198, 96, 52, 74, 185, 45, 142, 140, 210, 227, 23, 52, 160, 45, 142, 140, 210, 231, 25, 192, 57, 73, 173, 123, 142, 237, 211, 252, 158, 75, 202, 244, 235, 197, 141, 95, 146, 75, 202, 244, 235, 114, 236, 212, 182, 118, 65, 167, 148, 114, 236, 212, 182, 118, 65, 167, 148, 222, 225, 193, 171, 62, 53, 212, 139, 209, 207, 145, 159, 62, 53, 212, 139, 115, 89, 46, 157, 132, 117, 198, 157, 190, 199, 86, 132, 63, 129, 248, 128, 28, 104, 71, 133, 93, 135, 126, 134, 99, 147, 200, 157, 182, 118, 30, 144, 6, 148, 229, 253, 240, 225, 136, 128, 227, 87, 195, 159, 132, 117, 198, 157, 45, 167, 185, 142, 178, 129, 248, 145, 25, 136, 90, 249, 121, 16, 148, 128, 126, 96, 135, 156, 75, 127, 89, 138, 188, 72, 79, 134, 18, 139, 21, 132, 156, 57, 146, 126, 18, 139, 21, 132, 152, 102, 46, 148, 18, 139, 21, 132, 227, 120, 156, 162, 54, 122, 2, 141, 150, 114, 119, 194, 249, 228, 230, 252, 107, 27, 207, 236, 170, 156, 209, 129, 33, 39, 3, 200, 162, 127, 200, 244, 64, 4, 146, 218, 107, 141, 129, 133, 103, 184, 2, 232, 72, 44, 31, 135, 250, 195, 153, 217, 242, 74, 119, 133, 158, 236, 29, 137, 10, 163, 150, 149, 83, 238, 151, 138, 142, 155, 24, 148, 93, 228, 194, 132, 248, 154, 242, 147, 67, 227, 62, 220, 181, 208, 224, 149, 152, 231, 63, 206, 114, 159, 249, 150, 11, 233, 204, 193, 18, 158, 113, 150, 3, 221, 79, 195, 18, 158, 113, 150, 65, 59, 78, 255, 255, 167, 154, 207, 66, 201, 203, 215, 60, 68, 106, 132, 231, 35, 85, 217, 1, 181, 99, 217, 15, 178, 27, 197, 159, 142, 208, 184, 80, 158, 57, 202, 234, 169, 224, 195, 88, 137, 210, 199, 68, 136, 56, 174, 241, 169, 173, 177, 234, 169, 224, 195, 186, 69, 41, 245, 110, 229, 120, 219) +}] +blend_shape_mode = 0 +shadow_mesh = SubResource("ArrayMesh_wc8ji") diff --git a/test/ConversationTest.gd b/test/ConversationTest.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08e02c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/ConversationTest.gd @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +extends Control + +@onready var stick := ( + load('res://characters/playable/Stick/StickProfile.tres') +) as CharacterProfile +@onready var lorna := ( + load('res://characters/playable/Lorna/LornaProfile.tres') +) as CharacterProfile +@onready var blujai := ( + load('res://characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiProfile.tres') +) as CharacterProfile +@onready var gibbo := ( + load('res://characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboProfile.tres') +) as CharacterProfile + +func _ready() -> void: + await stick.say( + "What the... What happened?" + ) + await gibbo.say( + "I was out picking berries, and now I'm here. But why? How?" + ) + await blujai.say( + "Caw! I must say, this dreadful gray does my plumage no favors." + ) + match await blujai.say( + "You there. The lively one with the headband. " + + "Have you any idea where we are?", + { + &'choices': [ + "No", + "Wait, isn't this...?" + ], + &'default_choice': "No", + &'cancel_choice': "No" + } + ): + "No": + await stick.say("No, not a clue.") + await blujai.say("Harumpf. How troubling.") + "Wait, isn't this...?": + await stick.say("Wait, I feel like I've seen this place before...") + await stick.say("... No, never mind, the feeling's gone.") + await blujai.say("Wow. Thank you. Very helpful.") + await gibbo.say( + "Hey! Don't be mean to them. They tried." + ) + await lorna.say( + "I cannot feel the call of the Tachyohedra here.\n" + + "I can only conclude this is some place beyond time..." + ) + await lorna.say( + "... or, perhaps, before it." + ) + await gibbo.say( + "What do you mean by that?" + ) + await lorna.say( + "This gray void remembers me of my homeland, the World of Forms.\n" + + "If my intuition is correct, we have found the birthplace " + + "of this world." + ) + await stick.say( + "This world... was born here?" + ) + await lorna.say( + "No. It [color=yellow]will[/color] be." + ) + await stick.say( + "Huh?" + ) + await gibbo.say( + "But isn't the world already here?" + ) + await lorna.say( + "No, I do not believe so... If it were, we would see it there, " + + "in the distance.\nWithin these winding halls of ideals " + + "wait all realizations thereof\nwhich have come to pass thus far." + ) + await blujai.say( + "Caw! I beg your pardon, little... rabbit, um... creature.\n" + + "But if the world has yet to be born, then why do we remember it?" + ) + await lorna.say( + "I assume this is because the fabric of time has been rent asunder." + ) + await gibbo.say( + "Sorry..." + ) + await lorna.say( + "There, there, my child. You are forgiven. " + + "I know you knew not what forces you trifled with." + ) + await stick.say( + "Wait, your \"child?\"" + ) + await blujai.say( + "And the forces he trifled with, was it?" + ) + await lorna.say( + "Yes. All three of you are my darling children, for I am Lorna, " + + "the Platonic ideal of motherhood.\nYou might know me by the name " + + "\"mother nature.\"" + ) + await lorna.say( + "Gibbo here... well, why don't you tell them, Gibbo?" + ) + await gibbo.say( + "I... don't really want to..." + ) + await lorna.say( + "Very well. Gibbo was out on a picnic and found a rift " + + "leading to the Outer Ring of the Great Tesseract -- " + + "that manifold in which dwells the Universe. " + + "He tossed a stone through to see what would happen, but, well... " + + "He is very strong, you see. Unnaturally strong. So strong " + + "that his throw shattered the Tesseract on impact." + ) + await gibbo.say( + "I said I was sorry!" + ) + await lorna.say( + "And I said you are forgiven. It does not change " + + "what you have done, nor that something must be done about it." + ) + await stick.say( + "What has to be done about it?" + ) + await lorna.say( + "You will know soon enough. I am going to need help " + + "from all three of you." + ) + await lorna.say( + "In the meantime, though we [color=yellow]cannot see them[/color], " + + "I believe [color=yellow]someone[/color] needs to get back to work " + + "incubating this world. Come with me, children. I know the way home." + ) + await blujai.say( + "But we have no home, do we? That is, if indeed it has yet to be born." + ) + await lorna.say( + "Until then, we will wait in the abyss of non-being. " + + "We will have to wait a long time, but you need not fret, " + + "my children, for to us, it will seem to take no time at all." + ) + await blujai.say( + "Alright... If you say so." + ) + await blujai.say( + "And as for [color=yellow]you[/color]... I don't know " + + "who's out there that she was talking about, but whoever you are, " + + "I expect you'll create a fine world for us, yes? " + + "Do take your time and do it properly, now. " + ) + await gibbo.say( + "But not [color=yellow]too[/color] \"properly,\" woof. " + + "Don't tire yourself out! Just make it however feels right!" + ) + await stick.say( + "Yeah, I think so, too. If you do that, " + + "I think it'll all turn out alright." + ) + await gibbo.say( + "I guess we're going for now! Bye-bye!" + ) + await blujai.say( + "Farewell. When next we meet, I'm given to understand " + + "it will be in a brand new, vibrant world!" + ) + await stick.say( + "That time will roll around before you know it!" + ) + match await UI.say( + "The dialogue UI works already! Now go do something else!", + { + &'choices': [ + "OK", + "I don't feel like it" + ] + } + ): + "OK": pass + "I don't feel like it": + await UI.say( + "Alright, alright. Take a break, then." + ) + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + UI.Return(self, true) diff --git a/test/ConversationTest.tscn b/test/ConversationTest.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..262436d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/ConversationTest.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://kswfkg88nmp8"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://test/ConversationTest.gd" id="1_ur5jl"] + +[node name="ConversationTest" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_ur5jl") diff --git a/test/DefaultEnvironment.tres b/test/DefaultEnvironment.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d13b939 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/DefaultEnvironment.tres @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[gd_resource type="Environment" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dpbir23nnt4dt"] + +[sub_resource type="ProceduralSkyMaterial" id="ProceduralSkyMaterial_tnlqf"] +sky_horizon_color = Color(0.64625, 0.65575, 0.67075, 1) +ground_horizon_color = Color(0.64625, 0.65575, 0.67075, 1) + +[sub_resource type="Sky" id="Sky_qiac4"] +sky_material = SubResource("ProceduralSkyMaterial_tnlqf") + +[resource] +background_mode = 2 +sky = SubResource("Sky_qiac4") +tonemap_mode = 2 +glow_enabled = true diff --git a/test/SceneTestCamera.gd b/test/SceneTestCamera.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5a636a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/SceneTestCamera.gd @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class_name SceneTestCamera extends Camera3D + +@export var test_mode := false + +func _ready() -> void: + if test_mode: + make_current() + else: + queue_free() diff --git a/test/SceneTestCamera.tscn b/test/SceneTestCamera.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bef5de --- /dev/null +++ b/test/SceneTestCamera.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dan7q1pv5fhla"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://test/SceneTestCamera.gd" id="1_i5xfw"] +[ext_resource type="Environment" uid="uid://dgy8ovtotble7" path="res://vfx/Environment.tres" id="1_imw14"] + +[node name="SceneTestCamera" type="Camera3D"] +top_level = true +environment = ExtResource("1_imw14") +script = ExtResource("1_i5xfw") + +[node name="DirectionalLight3D" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="."] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.707107, -0.707107, 0, 0.707107, 0.707107, 0, 0, 0) +light_energy = 0.25 diff --git a/test/ShaderTest.tscn b/test/ShaderTest.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3c0e8e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/ShaderTest.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=12 format=3 uid="uid://c1ob5e7y18n6w"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/sky.gdshader" id="2_gxda6"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://test/SkyTestEnvironment.gd" id="3_au6p5"] + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_2iptm"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0.263889, 0.722222) + +[sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_1e4yu"] +noise_type = 3 +seed = 1960 +frequency = 0.03 + +[sub_resource type="NoiseTexture2D" id="NoiseTexture2D_vrhqe"] +seamless = true +color_ramp = SubResource("Gradient_2iptm") +noise = SubResource("FastNoiseLite_1e4yu") + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_jb7bk"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0.772059, 1) + +[sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_seiiq"] +seed = 2018 +frequency = 0.5 + +[sub_resource type="NoiseTexture2D" id="NoiseTexture2D_yjvec"] +width = 2048 +in_3d_space = true +seamless = true +color_ramp = SubResource("Gradient_jb7bk") +noise = SubResource("FastNoiseLite_seiiq") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_j87jo"] +shader = ExtResource("2_gxda6") +shader_parameter/night = 0.75 +shader_parameter/overcast = 0.25 +shader_parameter/windy = 0.25 +shader_parameter/bright = 0.25 +shader_parameter/twist = 0.5 +shader_parameter/psychedelic = 0.75 +shader_parameter/cloud_map = SubResource("NoiseTexture2D_vrhqe") +shader_parameter/star_map = SubResource("NoiseTexture2D_yjvec") + +[sub_resource type="Sky" id="Sky_jp68g"] +sky_material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_j87jo") +process_mode = 3 + +[sub_resource type="Environment" id="Environment_d0vcu"] +background_mode = 2 +sky = SubResource("Sky_jp68g") +tonemap_mode = 2 +ssao_radius = 0.5 +ssao_intensity = 4.0 +ssao_light_affect = 0.25 +sdfgi_bounce_feedback = 0.0 +sdfgi_cascades = 1 +sdfgi_min_cell_size = 1.0 +sdfgi_cascade0_distance = 64.0 +sdfgi_max_distance = 128.0 +glow_blend_mode = 4 +fog_enabled = true +fog_density = 0.0 +volumetric_fog_density = 0.0 +volumetric_fog_emission = Color(0.552941, 0.588235, 0.921569, 1) + +[node name="ShaderTest" type="Node3D"] + +[node name="Camera3D" type="Camera3D" parent="."] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.11236, 2.34247) + +[node name="DirectionalLight3D" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="."] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, 1, 0, -1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0, 0) + +[node name="WorldEnvironment" type="WorldEnvironment" parent="."] +environment = SubResource("Environment_d0vcu") +script = ExtResource("3_au6p5") +night = 0.75 +overcast = 0.25 +windy = 0.25 +bright = 0.25 +twist = 0.5 +psychedelic = 0.75 diff --git a/test/SkipMainMenu.gd b/test/SkipMainMenu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dceecbc --- /dev/null +++ b/test/SkipMainMenu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +class_name SkipMainMenu extends Node + +@export var level_entrance_parameters: LevelEntranceParameters + +func _ready() -> void: + _run.call_deferred() + +func _run() -> void: + await Storyboard.switch_character(&'stick') + Storyboard.go_to_map(level_entrance_parameters) diff --git a/test/SkipMainMenu.tscn b/test/SkipMainMenu.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69a44a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/SkipMainMenu.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dyv5tobc26fnw"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://test/SkipMainMenu.gd" id="1_mpvdl"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://autoload/Storyboard/LevelEntranceParameters.gd" id="2_j2wt0"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_xcyjg"] +script = ExtResource("2_j2wt0") +level = &"testlevel_houseinterior" +mission = &"" +loading_zone = &"" +origin_loading_zone = &"" +game_mode = 1 +show_level_card = false + +[node name="SkipMainMenu" type="Node"] +script = ExtResource("1_mpvdl") +level_entrance_parameters = SubResource("Resource_xcyjg") diff --git a/test/SkyTestEnvironment.gd b/test/SkyTestEnvironment.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75bce1a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/SkyTestEnvironment.gd @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +@tool class_name SkyTestEnvironment extends WorldEnvironment + +const REAL_ENVIRONMENT := preload("res://vfx/Environment.tres") as Environment + +var _night: float = 0.0 +var _overcast: float = 0.25 +var _windy: float = 0.25 +var _bright: float = 0.25 +var _twist: float = 0.0 +var _psychedelic: float = 0.0 + +@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var night: float: + get: return _night + set(value): + _night = value + _rebuild_environment() + +@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var overcast: float: + get: return _overcast + set(value): + _overcast = value + _rebuild_environment() + +@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var windy: float: + get: return _windy + set(value): + _windy = value + _rebuild_environment() + +@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var bright: float: + get: return _bright + set(value): + _bright = value + _rebuild_environment() + +@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var twist: float: + get: return _twist + set(value): + _twist = value + _rebuild_environment() + +@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var psychedelic: float: + get: return _psychedelic + set(value): + _psychedelic = value + _rebuild_environment() + +func _rebuild_environment() -> void: + environment = REAL_ENVIRONMENT.duplicate(true) + var mat := environment.sky.sky_material as ShaderMaterial + mat.shader = REAL_ENVIRONMENT.sky.sky_material.shader + mat.set_shader_parameter(&'night', _night) + mat.set_shader_parameter(&'overcast', _overcast) + mat.set_shader_parameter(&'windy', _windy) + mat.set_shader_parameter(&'bright', _bright) + mat.set_shader_parameter(&'twist', _twist) + mat.set_shader_parameter(&'psychedelic', _psychedelic) diff --git a/test/UIInsideBackdrop.gd b/test/UIInsideBackdrop.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65ee55d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/UIInsideBackdrop.gd @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +extends Node3D + +func _ready() -> void: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/OptionsMenu.tscn")) diff --git a/test/UIInsideBackdrop.tscn b/test/UIInsideBackdrop.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f583704 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/UIInsideBackdrop.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=3 uid="uid://dgb0tgqsh1bxw"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://test/UIInsideBackdrop.gd" id="1_jjfhv"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/Backdrop3D.gd" id="1_ovtvp"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/identity.gdshader" id="1_yybha"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/SameSizedSubViewport.gd" id="3_rjyio"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/UIAutoloadGrabber.gd" id="5_sxgdv"] + +[sub_resource type="ViewportTexture" id="ViewportTexture_y77lv"] +viewport_path = NodePath("Backdrop3D/SubViewport") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_c75jn"] +resource_local_to_scene = true +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("1_yybha") +shader_parameter/wet = 0.0 +shader_parameter/image = SubResource("ViewportTexture_y77lv") + +[sub_resource type="PlaneMesh" id="PlaneMesh_aqykr"] +resource_local_to_scene = true +material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_c75jn") + +[node name="UIInsideBackdrop" type="Node3D"] +process_mode = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_jjfhv") + +[node name="Backdrop3D" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="."] +mesh = SubResource("PlaneMesh_aqykr") +script = ExtResource("1_ovtvp") +interactive = true + +[node name="SubViewport" type="SubViewport" parent="Backdrop3D"] +script = ExtResource("3_rjyio") + +[node name="UIAutoloadGrabber" type="Control" parent="Backdrop3D/SubViewport"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("5_sxgdv") diff --git a/ui/AbstractConfigMenu.gd b/ui/AbstractConfigMenu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68eca28 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/AbstractConfigMenu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +class_name AbstractConfigMenu extends Control + +@onready var _button_ok := ( + $'OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/Nav/OK' as Button +) +@onready var _button_apply := ( + $'OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/Nav/Apply' as Button +) +@onready var _button_cancel := ( + $'OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/Nav/Cancel' as Button +) +@onready var _button_restore_defaults := ( + $'OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/Nav/RestoreDefaults' as Button +) + +func _ready() -> void: + _button_ok.pressed.connect(_on_ok) + _button_apply.pressed.connect(_on_apply) + _button_cancel.pressed.connect(_on_cancel) + _button_restore_defaults.pressed.connect(_on_restore_defaults) + _connect_signals() + _pull_settings() + _button_apply.disabled = true + var args := UI.Args(self) + args[&'on_confirm'] = _push_settings + args[&'on_cancel'] = _revert_changes + +func _on_ok() -> void: + _push_settings() + UI.Return(self, true) + +func _on_apply() -> void: + _push_settings() + _button_apply.disabled = true + +func _on_cancel() -> void: + _revert_changes() + UI.Return(self, false) + +func _on_restore_defaults() -> void: + _restore_defaults() + +func _connect_signals() -> void: + push_warning("Abstract method called") + +func _pull_settings() -> void: + push_warning("Abstract method called") + +func _push_settings() -> void: + push_warning("Abstract method called") + +func _revert_changes() -> void: + push_warning("Abstract method called") + +func _restore_defaults() -> void: + push_warning("Abstract method called") diff --git a/ui/BaseConfigMenuLayout.tscn b/ui/BaseConfigMenuLayout.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89e68e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/BaseConfigMenuLayout.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://mjdk8q1emaek"] + +[node name="BaseConfigMenuLayout" type="VBoxContainer"] +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 32 + +[node name="Header" type="Label" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"HeaderSmall" +horizontal_alignment = 1 + +[node name="ContentScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +follow_focus = true +horizontal_scroll_mode = 0 + +[node name="ContentInnerMargin" type="MarginContainer" parent="ContentScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 32 +theme_override_constants/margin_top = 16 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 32 +theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 16 + +[node name="Content" type="GridContainer" parent="ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +size_flags_vertical = 0 +columns = 2 + +[node name="Nav" type="HFlowContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/h_separation = 32 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="OK" type="Button" parent="Nav"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "OK" + +[node name="Apply" type="Button" parent="Nav"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Apply" + +[node name="Cancel" type="Button" parent="Nav"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Cancel" + +[node name="RestoreDefaults" type="Button" parent="Nav"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Restore defaults" diff --git a/ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn b/ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a83d70e --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n"] + +[node name="BasePauseMenuLayout" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="OuterMargin" type="MarginContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 64 +theme_override_constants/margin_top = 64 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 64 +theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 64 + +[node name="Content" type="PanelContainer" parent="OuterMargin"] +layout_mode = 2 diff --git a/ui/Blockies.otf b/ui/Blockies.otf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..108d3ed --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Blockies.otf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:d05122b5e2aa89103b5572ac62229c005864cf1065d73b35dbc957bdea8b8290 +size 7424 diff --git a/ui/Blockies.otf.import b/ui/Blockies.otf.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb283b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Blockies.otf.import @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[remap] + +importer="font_data_dynamic" +type="FontFile" +uid="uid://epy1i2syesvl" +path="res://.godot/imported/Blockies.otf-ef855be1340bbd787fbd687054c3a5fc.fontdata" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://ui/Blockies.otf" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Blockies.otf-ef855be1340bbd787fbd687054c3a5fc.fontdata"] + +[params] + +Rendering=null +antialiasing=1 +generate_mipmaps=false +multichannel_signed_distance_field=false +msdf_pixel_range=8 +msdf_size=48 +allow_system_fallback=true +force_autohinter=false +hinting=1 +subpixel_positioning=1 +oversampling=0.0 +Fallbacks=null +fallbacks=[] +Compress=null +compress=true +preload=[] +language_support={} +script_support={} +opentype_features={} diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.gd b/ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0370429 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.gd @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +class_name ConversationChoice extends Control + +@onready var _button := $'HBoxContainer/Button' as Button +@onready var _choice_arrow := $'HBoxContainer/ArrowMargin/ChoiceArrow' +var text: String + +signal selected(what: String) +signal chosen(what: String) + +func _ready() -> void: + _button.text = text + _button.pressed.connect(_on_pressed) + _button.focus_entered.connect(_on_focus_entered) + _button.focus_exited.connect(_on_focus_exited) + +func _on_pressed() -> void: + chosen.emit(text) + +func _on_focus_entered() -> void: + selected.emit(text) + _choice_arrow.visible = true + +func _on_focus_exited() -> void: + _choice_arrow.visible = false diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.tscn b/ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8df69bb --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://hpnlvq2n3sk6"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.gd" id="1_g3xcr"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bfs846c4ajjba" path="res://ui/Conversation/choice_arrow.tres" id="2_lv0se"] + +[node name="ConversationChoice" type="Control"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(0, 50) +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_g3xcr") + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(0, 50) +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="Button" type="Button" parent="HBoxContainer"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(0, 50) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +theme_type_variation = &"ConversationChoice" +text = "test" +alignment = 0 + +[node name="ArrowMargin" type="MarginContainer" parent="HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 12 + +[node name="ChoiceArrow" type="TextureRect" parent="HBoxContainer/ArrowMargin"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 8 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +texture = ExtResource("2_lv0se") diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationImageWidgetStyleBox.tres b/ui/Conversation/ConversationImageWidgetStyleBox.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fc11db --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationImageWidgetStyleBox.tres @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://dtvn8ls2lgccj"] + +[resource] +bg_color = Color(0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.878431) +draw_center = false +border_width_left = 4 +border_width_top = 4 +border_width_right = 4 +border_width_bottom = 4 +border_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres b/ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b8eca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://c7djeaqknx7sx"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 32.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 32.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.878431) +border_width_left = 4 +border_width_top = 8 +border_width_right = 4 +border_width_bottom = 8 +border_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1) +corner_radius_bottom_right = 32 diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.gd b/ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2c2d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.gd @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +class_name ConversationUI extends Control + +const STD_BG_COLOR := Color(0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.875) +const CHARS_PER_SEC: float = 56.0 +const PUNCT := { + ',': { + &'duration': 4.0, + &'pitch': 1.05 + }, + ';': { + &'duration': 8.0, + &'pitch': 0.95 + }, + ':': { + &'duration': 8.0, + &'pitch': 0.95 + }, + '!': { + &'duration': 12.0, + &'pitch': 1.3 + }, + '?': { + &'duration': 12.0, + &'pitch': 1.2 + }, + '.': { + &'duration': 12.0, + &'pitch': 0.9 + }, + '-': { + &'duration': 2.0, + &'pitch': 1.1 + }, + '"': { + &'duration': 1.0, + &'pitch': 1.0 + }, + "'": { + &'duration': 1.0, + &'pitch': 1.0 + } +} +const SILENT := { + ' ': true, + "\r": true, + "\n": true, + "\t": true +} + +@onready var _message_stylebox := ( + load('res://ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres') +) as StyleBoxFlat +@onready var _widget_stylebox := ( + load('res://ui/Conversation/ConversationWidgetStyleBox.tres') +) as StyleBoxFlat + +@onready var _message_label := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/MessageBox/Message' +) as RichTextLabel +@onready var _continuation_arrow := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/MessageBox/ContinuationArrow' +) +@onready var _face_box := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/FaceBox' +) +@onready var _face_widget := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/FaceBox/Face' +) as TextureRect +@onready var _name_box := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/NameBox' +) +@onready var _name_widget := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/NameBox/Name' +) as Label +@onready var _choice_box := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/ChoiceBox' +) +@onready var _choices_widget := ( + $'OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/ChoiceBox/Choices' +) as VBoxContainer +@onready var _audio_player := ( + $'AudioStreamPlayer' +) as AudioStreamPlayer + +var _blip: AudioStream +var _speed: float = 1.0 +var _timer: float = -1.0 +var _timeout: float = 1.0/CHARS_PER_SEC +var _any_choices := false +var _default_choice := "OK" +var _cancel_choice := "Cancel" +var _message_finished := false +var _skipped_to_end := false + +var message: String +var options: Dictionary + +func _ready() -> void: + options = UI.Args(self) + message = options.get(&'message', "[Message missing]") + _message_stylebox.bg_color = options.get(&'color', STD_BG_COLOR) + _widget_stylebox.bg_color = options.get(&'color', STD_BG_COLOR) + _message_stylebox.bg_color.a = options.get(&'alpha', STD_BG_COLOR.a) + _widget_stylebox.bg_color.a = options.get(&'alpha', STD_BG_COLOR.a) + if options.has(&'face'): + _face_widget.texture = options.face + _face_box.visible = true + else: + _face_box.visible = false + if options.has(&'name'): + _name_widget.text = options.name + _name_box.visible = true + else: + _name_box.visible = false + if options.has(&'choices'): + var choices := options.choices as Array + if not choices.is_empty(): + _any_choices = true + _default_choice = ( + options.get(&'default_choice', choices[0]) + ) + _cancel_choice = ( + options.get(&'cancel_choice', choices[choices.size() - 1]) + ) + for choice in choices: + var elem := ( + preload( + 'res://ui/Conversation/ConversationChoice.tscn' + ).instantiate() + ) as ConversationChoice + elem.text = choice + _choices_widget.add_child(elem) + elem.chosen.connect(_on_choice_chosen) + _blip = options.get(&'blip', preload('res://audio/default_blip.ogg')) + _audio_player.stream = _blip + _speed = options.get(&'speed', 1.0) + _continuation_arrow.visible = false + _choice_box.visible = false + _timeout /= _speed + _message_label.text = message + message = _message_label.get_parsed_text() + _message_label.visible_characters = 0 + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + if not _message_finished: + if _timer <= 0.0: + var ch := message[_message_label.visible_characters] + var ch2 := '' + if _message_label.visible_characters < message.length() - 1: + ch2 = message[_message_label.visible_characters + 1] + if not SILENT.has(ch): + _audio_player.stop() + _audio_player.pitch_scale = ( + PUNCT[ch].pitch if ( + PUNCT.has(ch) and not PUNCT.has(ch2) + ) else ( + 1.0 + randf()/10.0 - 1.0/5.0 + ) + ) + _audio_player.play() + _timer = _timeout*( + PUNCT[ch].duration if ( + PUNCT.has(ch) and not PUNCT.has(ch2) + ) else 1.0 + ) + _message_label.visible_characters += 1 + if message.length() <= _message_label.visible_characters: + _finish_message() + _timer -= delta + +func _finish_message() -> void: + _message_label.visible_characters = -1 + _message_finished = true + if _any_choices: + _choice_box.visible = true + for choice in _choices_widget.get_children(): + if choice.text == _default_choice: + choice._button.grab_focus() + choice.selected.connect(_on_choice_selected) + elif message[message.length() - 1] == '-' and not _skipped_to_end: + UI.Return(self, true) + else: + _continuation_arrow.visible = true + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if not _choice_box: + return + elif ( + event.is_action_released(&'confirm') or + event.is_action_released(&'interact') + ): + if _message_finished: + if _any_choices: + var button := get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner() + var parent := button.get_parent() if button else null + var grandparent := parent.get_parent() if parent else null + var choice: String + if grandparent and (grandparent is ConversationChoice): + choice = grandparent.text + else: + choice = _default_choice + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + await _on_choice_chosen(choice) + else: + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + UI.Return(self, true) + else: + _skipped_to_end = true + _finish_message() + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + elif event.is_action_released(&'cancel'): + if _message_finished: + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + if _any_choices: + _choice_box = null + UI.Return(self, _cancel_choice) + else: + UI.Return(self, false) + else: + _skipped_to_end = true + _finish_message() + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + +func _on_choice_chosen(which: String) -> void: + _choice_box.queue_free() + _choice_box = null + _audio_player.stop() + _audio_player.pitch_scale = 1.0 + _audio_player.stream = preload('res://audio/choice.ogg') + _audio_player.play() + await _audio_player.finished + UI.Return(self, which) + +func _on_choice_selected(_dont_care: String) -> void: + _audio_player.stop() + _audio_player.stream = preload('res://audio/menu_select.ogg') + _audio_player.play() diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.tscn b/ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..118de08 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationUI.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://c4a03lxlkwiso"] + +[ext_resource 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+theme_override_constants/margin_left = 128 +theme_override_constants/margin_top = 0 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 128 +theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 32 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = -4 + +[node name="Spacer" type="Control" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +size_flags_stretch_ratio = 2.0 + +[node name="Widgets" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = -4 + +[node name="FaceBox" type="PanelContainer" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 8 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("2_myqn2") + +[node name="Face" type="TextureRect" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/FaceBox"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="NameBox" type="PanelContainer" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 8 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("3_88qkc") + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/NameBox"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"ConversationWidget" + +[node name="Spacer" type="Control" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(0, 128) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_stretch_ratio = 2.0 + +[node name="ChoiceBox" type="PanelContainer" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 8 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("3_88qkc") + +[node name="Choices" type="VBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/Widgets/ChoiceBox"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 8 +alignment = 2 + +[node name="MessageBox" type="PanelContainer" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("4_r1tto") + +[node name="Message" type="RichTextLabel" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/MessageBox"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(-1, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 0 +theme_type_variation = &"Conversation" +bbcode_enabled = true +fit_content = true +scroll_active = false +scroll_following = true + +[node name="ContinuationArrow" type="TextureRect" parent="OuterMargin/VBoxContainer/MessageBox"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 8 +size_flags_vertical = 8 +texture = ExtResource("5_fwt8t") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/ui/Conversation/ConversationWidgetStyleBox.tres b/ui/Conversation/ConversationWidgetStyleBox.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc4cc32 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Conversation/ConversationWidgetStyleBox.tres @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://cf03pvspk20xj"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 32.0 +content_margin_top = 16.0 +content_margin_right = 32.0 +content_margin_bottom 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index 0000000..baefd3a --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/ChangeCharacter.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://b1b6w0uxuoydg"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n" path="res://ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_vsqym"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/DebugMenu/ChangeCharacter.gd" id="2_h0lfl"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://opjpliwjpjht" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick_Placeholder.png" id="2_j0t4h"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://eo124gtt1t3p" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna_Placeholder.png" id="3_yjt4m"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://d4ko0jdv85fjl" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai_Placeholder.png" id="4_rcqpn"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bk4enkgrs7hxp" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png" id="5_wxqmt"] + +[node name="ChangeCharacter" instance=ExtResource("1_vsqym")] +script = ExtResource("2_h0lfl") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 64 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Play as whom?" + +[node name="OptionButton" type="OptionButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +item_count = 4 +popup/item_0/text = "Stick" +popup/item_0/icon = ExtResource("2_j0t4h") +popup/item_0/id = 0 +popup/item_1/text = "Lorna" +popup/item_1/icon = ExtResource("3_yjt4m") +popup/item_1/id = 1 +popup/item_2/text = "Blujai" +popup/item_2/icon = ExtResource("4_rcqpn") +popup/item_2/id = 2 +popup/item_3/text = "Gibbo" +popup/item_3/icon = ExtResource("5_wxqmt") +popup/item_3/id = 3 + +[node name="OK" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "OK" diff --git a/ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.gd b/ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8039c77 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +class_name DebugMenu extends Control + +@onready var _button_conversation_test := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/ConversationTest +) as Button +@onready var _button_screen_effects_test := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/ScreenEffectsTest +) as Button +@onready var _button_sound_test := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/SoundTest +) as Button +@onready var _button_change_character := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/ChangeCharacter +) as Button +@onready var _button_back := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/Back +) as Button + +func _ready() -> void: + _button_conversation_test.pressed.connect(_conversation_test) + _button_screen_effects_test.pressed.connect(_screen_effects_test) + _button_sound_test.pressed.connect(_sound_test) + _button_change_character.pressed.connect(_change_character) + _button_back.pressed.connect(_back) + +func _conversation_test() -> void: + await UI.Call(load('res://ui/DebugMenu/ConversationTest.tscn')) + +func _screen_effects_test() -> void: + await UI.Call(load('res://ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.tscn')) + +func _sound_test() -> void: + await UI.Call(load('res://ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.tscn')) + +func _change_character() -> void: + await UI.Call(load('res://ui/DebugMenu/ChangeCharacter.tscn')) + +func _back() -> void: + UI.Return(self, true) diff --git a/ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.tscn b/ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08aa5c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bsfacu8r2dki1"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n" path="res://ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_4weif"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.gd" id="1_8f4v8"] + +[node name="DebugMenu" instance=ExtResource("1_4weif")] +script = ExtResource("1_8f4v8") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="ConversationTest" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Conversation test" + +[node name="ScreenEffectsTest" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Screen effects test" + +[node name="SoundTest" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="2"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Sound test" + +[node name="ChangeCharacter" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="3"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Change character" + +[node name="Back" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="4"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Back" diff --git a/ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.gd b/ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13f552b --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.gd @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +class_name ScreenEffectsTest extends Control + +@onready var _tint_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TintHBoxContainer/TintCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _tint_color := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TintHBoxContainer/TintColorPickerButton +) as ColorPickerButton +@onready var _fade_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FadeHBoxContainer/FadeCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _fade_color := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FadeHBoxContainer/FadeColorPickerButton +) as ColorPickerButton +@onready var _flash_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FlashHBoxContainer/FlashCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _flash_color := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FlashHBoxContainer\ + /FlashColorPickerButton +) as ColorPickerButton +@onready var _rain_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/RainHBoxContainer/RainCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _rain_magnitude := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/RainHBoxContainer/RainSpinBox +) as SpinBox +@onready var _snow_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/SnowHBoxContainer/SnowCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _snow_magnitude := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/SnowHBoxContainer/SnowSpinBox +) as SpinBox +@onready var _stop_weather_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/StopWeatherHBoxContainer\ + /StopWeatherCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _time_of_day_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TimeOfDayHBoxContainer\ + /TimeOfDayCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _time_of_day := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TimeOfDayHBoxContainer\ + /TimeOfDayOptionButton +) as OptionButton +@onready var _overcast_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/OvercastHBoxContainer\ + /OvercastCheckButton +) as CheckButton +@onready var _overcast_magnitude := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/OvercastHBoxContainer/OvercastSlider +) as HSlider +@onready var _do_it_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/DoIt +) as Button + +func _ready() -> void: + _do_it_button.pressed.connect(_do_it) + +func _do_it() -> void: + if _tint_button.button_pressed: + FX.tint(_tint_color.color) + elif _fade_button.button_pressed: + FX.fade(_fade_color.color) + elif _flash_button.button_pressed: + FX.flash(_flash_color.color) + elif _rain_button.button_pressed: + FX.rain(int(_rain_magnitude.value)) + elif _snow_button.button_pressed: + FX.snow(int(_snow_magnitude.value)) + elif _stop_weather_button.button_pressed: + FX.stop_weather() + elif _time_of_day_button.button_pressed: + match _time_of_day.selected: + 0: FX.morning() + 1: FX.day() + 2: FX.afternoon() + 3: FX.evening() + 4: FX.night() + _: pass + elif _overcast_button.button_pressed: + FX.overcast(_overcast_magnitude.value) + UI.Return(self, true) diff --git a/ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.tscn b/ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ce585e --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://l6flxh2sev5m"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n" path="res://ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_dkv26"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/DebugMenu/ScreenEffectsTest.gd" id="2_m3l23"] + +[sub_resource type="ButtonGroup" id="ButtonGroup_0yu3l"] + +[node name="ScreenEffectsTest" instance=ExtResource("1_dkv26")] +script = ExtResource("2_m3l23") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="TintHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="TintCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TintHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Tint" + +[node name="TintColorPickerButton" type="ColorPickerButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TintHBoxContainer" index="1"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(64, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1) +edit_alpha = false + +[node name="FadeHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="FadeCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FadeHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Fade" + +[node name="FadeColorPickerButton" type="ColorPickerButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FadeHBoxContainer" index="1"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(64, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) + +[node name="FlashHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="2"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="FlashCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FlashHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Flash" + +[node name="FlashColorPickerButton" type="ColorPickerButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/FlashHBoxContainer" index="1"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(64, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) + +[node name="TimeOfDayHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="3"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="TimeOfDayCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TimeOfDayHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Time of day" + +[node name="TimeOfDayOptionButton" type="OptionButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/TimeOfDayHBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +item_count = 5 +selected = 1 +popup/item_0/text = "Morning" +popup/item_0/id = 0 +popup/item_1/text = "Day" +popup/item_1/id = 1 +popup/item_2/text = "Afternoon" +popup/item_2/id = 2 +popup/item_3/text = "Evening" +popup/item_3/id = 3 +popup/item_4/text = "Night" +popup/item_4/id = 4 + +[node name="OvercastHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="4"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="OvercastCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/OvercastHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Overcast" + +[node name="OvercastSlider" type="HSlider" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/OvercastHBoxContainer" index="1"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(128, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +max_value = 1.0 +step = 0.01 +value = 0.25 + +[node name="RainHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="5"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="RainCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/RainHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Rain" + +[node name="RainSpinBox" type="SpinBox" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/RainHBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +min_value = 1.0 +max_value = 5.0 +value = 1.0 + +[node name="SnowHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="6"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="SnowCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/SnowHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Snow" + +[node name="SnowSpinBox" type="SpinBox" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/SnowHBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +min_value = 1.0 +max_value = 2.0 +value = 1.0 + +[node name="StopWeatherHBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="7"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="StopWeatherCheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/StopWeatherHBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +button_group = SubResource("ButtonGroup_0yu3l") +text = "Stop weather" + +[node name="DoIt" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="8"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Do it" diff --git a/ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.gd b/ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a916b34 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.gd @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +class_name SoundTest extends Control + +const MUSIC := { + "calm_before_the_storm.ogg": true, + "chill.ogg": true, + "dramatic_level_music.ogg": true, + "dream1.ogg": true, + "dream2.ogg": true, + "dream3.ogg": true, + "little_lost_doll.ogg": true, + "menu.ogg": true, + "pair_of_three.ogg": true, + "title.ogg": true +} + +@onready var _drop_down := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/OptionButton +) as OptionButton +@onready var _play_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/Play +) as Button +@onready var _stop_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/Stop +) as Button +@onready var _back_button := ( + $OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/Back +) as Button +@onready var _sound_effect_player := ( + $AudioStreamPlayer +) as AudioStreamPlayer +@onready var _tracks := {} + +func _ready() -> void: + _play_button.pressed.connect(_on_play) + _stop_button.pressed.connect(_on_stop) + _back_button.pressed.connect(_on_back) + for fname in DirAccess.get_files_at("res://audio/"): + if fname.ends_with(".ogg"): + var file := load("res://audio/" + fname) as AudioStream + if file: + _tracks[fname] = file + _drop_down.add_item(fname) + +func _on_play() -> void: + var fname := _drop_down.get_item_text(_drop_down.selected) + if MUSIC.get(fname, false): + FX.play_bgm(_tracks[fname]) + else: + _sound_effect_player.stream = _tracks[fname] + _sound_effect_player.play() + +func _on_stop() -> void: + FX.stop_bgm() + _sound_effect_player.stop() + +func _on_back() -> void: + UI.Return(self, true) diff --git a/ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.tscn b/ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5eb55cf --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bogd1tu40v7ng"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n" path="res://ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_vsae8"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/DebugMenu/SoundTest.gd" id="2_ye1xc"] + +[node name="SoundTest" instance=ExtResource("1_vsae8")] +script = ExtResource("2_ye1xc") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 64 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="OptionButton" type="OptionButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Play" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Play" + +[node name="Stop" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer" index="2"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Stop" + +[node name="Back" type="Button" parent="OuterMargin/Content/VBoxContainer" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Back" + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="." index="1"] +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/ui/EditableHorizontalList.gd b/ui/EditableHorizontalList.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c302fa --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/EditableHorizontalList.gd @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +class_name EditableHorizontalList extends HBoxContainer + +@onready var item_array: Array[EditableHorizontalListItem] = [] +@onready var item_container := ( + $'ItemsScrollContainer/Items' as HBoxContainer +) +@onready var button_push_item := ( + $'PushItemMargin/PushItem' as Button +) +@onready var button_pop_item := ( + $'PopItemMargin/PopItem' as Button +) +@onready var button_clear_list := ( + $'ClearListMargin/ClearList' as Button +) + +signal new_item_needs_content(item: EditableHorizontalListItem) + +func _ready() -> void: + button_push_item.pressed.connect(_on_push_item_clicked) + button_pop_item.pressed.connect(_on_pop_item_clicked) + button_clear_list.pressed.connect(_on_clear_list_clicked) + for descendant in item_container.get_children(): + if descendant is EditableHorizontalListItem: + item_array.push_back(descendant) + descendant.insert_before_clicked.connect(_fulfill_insert_before) + descendant.shift_back_clicked.connect(_fulfill_shift_back) + descendant.remove_clicked.connect(_fulfill_remove) + descendant.shift_forward_clicked.connect(_fulfill_shift_forward) + descendant.insert_after_clicked.connect(_fulfill_insert_after) + else: + push_warning(( + "Non-EditableHorizontalListItem child of Items container " + + "will be deleted: %s" + ) % descendant) + item_container.remove_child(descendant) + descendant.queue_free() + reorganize() + +func reorganize() -> void: + for item in item_array: + if item.get_parent() == item_container: + item_container.remove_child(item) + for descendant in item_container.get_children(): + push_warning( + "Unexpected child of Items container will be deleted: %s" % + descendant + ) + item_container.remove_child(descendant) + descendant.queue_free() + for item in item_array: + item_container.add_child(item) + item.button_shift_back.disabled = false + item.button_shift_forward.disabled = false + if item_array.is_empty(): + button_pop_item.disabled = true + button_clear_list.disabled = true + else: + var first := item_array[0] + var last := item_array[item_array.size() - 1] + first.button_shift_back.disabled = true + last.button_shift_forward.disabled = true + button_pop_item.disabled = false + button_clear_list.disabled = false + +func insert(index: int = -1) -> EditableHorizontalListItem: + var item := ( + preload('res://ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.tscn').instantiate() + ) as EditableHorizontalListItem + if index >= 0 and index < item_array.size(): + item_array.insert(index, item) + else: + item_array.push_back(item) + item.insert_before_clicked.connect(_fulfill_insert_before) + item.shift_back_clicked.connect(_fulfill_shift_back) + item.remove_clicked.connect(_fulfill_remove) + item.shift_forward_clicked.connect(_fulfill_shift_forward) + item.insert_after_clicked.connect(_fulfill_insert_after) + reorganize() + new_item_needs_content.emit(item) + return item + +func remove(index: int = -1) -> bool: + var item: EditableHorizontalListItem = null + if index >= 0 and index < item_array.size(): + item = item_array[index] + item_array.remove_at(index) + elif item_array.is_empty(): + return false + else: + item = item_array[item_array.size() - 1] + item_array.pop_back() + item.insert_before_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_insert_before) + item.shift_back_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_shift_back) + item.remove_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_remove) + item.shift_forward_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_shift_forward) + item.insert_after_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_insert_after) + if item.get_parent() == item_container: + item_container.remove_child(item) + item.queue_free() + reorganize() + return true + +func shift_back(index: int) -> bool: + if index > 0 and index < item_array.size(): + var a := item_array[index - 1] + var b := item_array[index] + item_array[index] = a + item_array[index - 1] = b + reorganize() + return true + else: + return false + +func shift_forward(index: int) -> bool: + if index >= 0 and index < item_array.size() - 1: + var a := item_array[index] + var b := item_array[index + 1] + item_array[index + 1] = a + item_array[index] = b + reorganize() + return true + else: + return false + +func clear() -> void: + for item in item_array: + item.insert_before_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_insert_before) + item.shift_back_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_shift_back) + item.remove_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_remove) + item.shift_forward_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_shift_forward) + item.insert_after_clicked.disconnect(_fulfill_insert_after) + if item.get_parent() == item_container: + item_container.remove_child(item) + item.queue_free() + for descendant in item_container.get_children(): + push_warning( + "Unexpected child of Items container will be deleted: %s" % + descendant + ) + item_container.remove_child(descendant) + descendant.queue_free() + item_array.clear() + +func size() -> int: + return item_array.size() + +func _fulfill_insert_before(item: EditableHorizontalListItem) -> void: + var index := item_array.find(item) + if index >= 0: insert(index) + +func _fulfill_shift_back(item: EditableHorizontalListItem) -> void: + var index := item_array.find(item) + if index >= 0: shift_back(index) + +func _fulfill_remove(item: EditableHorizontalListItem) -> void: + var index := item_array.find(item) + if index >= 0: remove(index) + +func _fulfill_shift_forward(item: EditableHorizontalListItem) -> void: + var index := item_array.find(item) + if index >= 0: shift_forward(index) + +func _fulfill_insert_after(item: EditableHorizontalListItem) -> void: + var index := item_array.find(item) + if index >= 0: insert(index + 1) + +func _on_push_item_clicked() -> void: + insert() + +func _on_pop_item_clicked() -> void: + remove() + +func _on_clear_list_clicked() -> void: + clear() diff --git a/ui/EditableHorizontalList.tscn b/ui/EditableHorizontalList.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d5f13d --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/EditableHorizontalList.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bacpejtnutq4k"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/EditableHorizontalList.gd" id="1_nx4wq"] + +[node name="EditableHorizontalList" type="HBoxContainer"] +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_nx4wq") + +[node name="ItemsScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +vertical_scroll_mode = 0 + +[node name="Items" type="HBoxContainer" parent="ItemsScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme_override_constants/separation = 32 + +[node name="PushItemMargin" type="MarginContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 4 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 4 + +[node name="PushItem" type="Button" parent="PushItemMargin"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "+" + +[node name="PopItemMargin" type="MarginContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 4 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 4 + +[node name="PopItem" type="Button" parent="PopItemMargin"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "-" + +[node name="ClearListMargin" type="MarginContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 4 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 4 + +[node name="ClearList" type="Button" parent="ClearListMargin"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Clear" diff --git a/ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.gd b/ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c20962 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.gd @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +class_name EditableHorizontalListItem extends VBoxContainer + +@onready var content := ( + $'Content' as CenterContainer +) +@onready var button_insert_before := ( + $'PositioningButtons/InsertBefore' as Button +) +@onready var button_shift_back := ( + $'PositioningButtons/ShiftBack' as Button +) +@onready var button_remove := ( + $'PositioningButtons/Remove' as Button +) +@onready var button_shift_forward := ( + $'PositioningButtons/ShiftForward' as Button +) +@onready var button_insert_after := ( + $'PositioningButtons/InsertAfter' as Button +) + +signal insert_before_clicked(what: EditableHorizontalListItem) +signal shift_back_clicked(what: EditableHorizontalListItem) +signal remove_clicked(what: EditableHorizontalListItem) +signal shift_forward_clicked(what: EditableHorizontalListItem) +signal insert_after_clicked(what: EditableHorizontalListItem) + +func _emit_insert_before() -> void: + insert_before_clicked.emit(self) + +func _emit_shift_back() -> void: + shift_back_clicked.emit(self) + +func _emit_remove() -> void: + remove_clicked.emit(self) + +func _emit_shift_forward() -> void: + shift_forward_clicked.emit(self) + +func _emit_insert_after() -> void: + insert_after_clicked.emit(self) + +func _ready() -> void: + button_insert_before.pressed.connect(_emit_insert_before) + button_shift_back.pressed.connect(_emit_shift_back) + button_remove.pressed.connect(_emit_remove) + button_shift_forward.pressed.connect(_emit_shift_forward) + button_insert_after.pressed.connect(_emit_insert_after) diff --git a/ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.tscn b/ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2ec662 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://o1bkegag8dom"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/EditableHorizontalListItem.gd" id="1_5rahj"] + +[node name="EditableHorizontalListItem" type="VBoxContainer"] +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +script = ExtResource("1_5rahj") + +[node name="Content" type="CenterContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 + +[node name="PositioningButtons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="InsertBefore" type="Button" parent="PositioningButtons"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "+" + +[node name="ShiftBack" type="Button" parent="PositioningButtons"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "<" + +[node name="Remove" type="Button" parent="PositioningButtons"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "-" + +[node name="ShiftForward" type="Button" parent="PositioningButtons"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = ">" + +[node name="InsertAfter" type="Button" parent="PositioningButtons"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "+" diff --git a/ui/Enquiry.gd b/ui/Enquiry.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7649df3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Enquiry.gd @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +class_name Enquiry extends Notice + +@onready var _button_cancel := ( + $'CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Nav/Cancel' +) as Button + +func _ready() -> void: + super() + _button_cancel.pressed.connect(_on_cancel) + +func _on_cancel() -> void: + UI.Return(self, false) diff --git a/ui/Enquiry.tscn b/ui/Enquiry.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15f2fd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Enquiry.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://cljdfi6h4et0x"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b533ymw1tepfd" path="res://ui/Notice.tscn" id="1_73h5j"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/Enquiry.gd" id="2_vnh3m"] + +[node name="Enquiry" instance=ExtResource("1_73h5j")] +script = ExtResource("2_vnh3m") + +[node name="Nav" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer" index="1"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(192, 0) + +[node name="Cancel" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Nav" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Cancel" diff --git a/ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.gd b/ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22212e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.gd @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +class_name FadingSlideshowSlideUI extends Control + +@export var next: PackedScene +@export var countdown: float = 6.0 + +var closing := false + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if ( + event.is_action_released(&'confirm') or + event.is_action_released(&'cancel') or + event.is_action_released(&'interact') or + event.is_action_released(&'pause') or + event.is_action_released(&'alt_pause') + ) and not closing: + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + closing = true + await Storyboard.go_to_non_level_scene(next) + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + if not closing: + countdown -= delta + if countdown <= 0.0: + closing = true + await Storyboard.go_to_non_level_scene(next) diff --git a/ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.tscn b/ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c404406 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bb5tasa3qs4ri"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/FadingSlideshowSlideUI.gd" id="1_hdcul"] + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id="StyleBoxFlat_pt281"] + +[node name="FadingSlideshowSlideUI" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_hdcul") + +[node name="PanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] +self_modulate = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_styles/panel = SubResource("StyleBoxFlat_pt281") + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 40 +horizontal_alignment = 1 diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/DisabledN.tres b/ui/FancyButton/DisabledN.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73cf86c --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/DisabledN.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://cx6kl6ar10uy7"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +skew = Vector2(-0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.12549, 0.12549, 0.12549, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/DisabledP.tres b/ui/FancyButton/DisabledP.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e4046a --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/DisabledP.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://g7q4wqaqrvxd"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +skew = Vector2(0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.12549, 0.12549, 0.12549, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/FocusN.tres b/ui/FancyButton/FocusN.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f500bf --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/FocusN.tres @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://bw2d7tiqv134p"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 0) +skew = Vector2(-0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/FocusP.tres b/ui/FancyButton/FocusP.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93cfc16 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/FocusP.tres @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://cou4wl1h8xa84"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 0) +skew = Vector2(0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/HoverN.tres b/ui/FancyButton/HoverN.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c26095b --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/HoverN.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://ebu173hxw3nr"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 1) +skew = Vector2(-0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.376471, 0.376471, 0.376471, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/HoverP.tres b/ui/FancyButton/HoverP.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6385fa --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/HoverP.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://yjek5otetrf5"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 1) +skew = Vector2(0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.376471, 0.376471, 0.376471, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/NormalN.tres b/ui/FancyButton/NormalN.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f8987 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/NormalN.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://cx16vgay7khhl"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.12549, 0.12549, 0.12549, 1) +skew = Vector2(-0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.376471, 0.376471, 0.376471, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/NormalP.tres b/ui/FancyButton/NormalP.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d5f4a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/NormalP.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://d2sj5mwdcohl3"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.12549, 0.12549, 0.12549, 1) +skew = Vector2(0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.376471, 0.376471, 0.376471, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/PressedN.tres b/ui/FancyButton/PressedN.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da2477c --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/PressedN.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://c0sjumrk67asr"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.376471, 0.376471, 0.376471, 1) +skew = Vector2(-0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/FancyButton/PressedP.tres b/ui/FancyButton/PressedP.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8a26a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/FancyButton/PressedP.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" format=3 uid="uid://dku14j07055r"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +bg_color = Color(0.376471, 0.376471, 0.376471, 1) +skew = Vector2(0.5, 0) +border_width_left = 32 +border_width_top = 16 +border_width_right = 8 +border_width_bottom = 16 +border_color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 1) +corner_radius_top_left = 8 +corner_radius_top_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_right = 8 +corner_radius_bottom_left = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.501961) +shadow_size = 1 +shadow_offset = Vector2(16, 16) diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.gd b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2304dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.gd @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +class_name LevelCardCutIn extends Control + +enum Phase {COMING, STAYING, GOING} + +signal storyboard_should_start_loading_level + +@export var test_mode := false + +@onready var level_label := ( + $PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Level as Label +) +@onready var mission_label := ( + $PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Mission as Label +) +@onready var best_time_label := ( + $PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/BestTime as Label +) +@onready var audio_player := $AudioStreamPlayer as AudioStreamPlayer + +var viewport_rect: Rect2 +var phase := Phase.COMING +var time_came_usecs: int = -1 +var level_descriptor: LevelDescriptor +var mission_descriptor: MissionDescriptor +var game_mode: LevelDescriptor.GameMode +var save_data: MapCompletionMark + +func _ready() -> void: + viewport_rect = get_viewport().get_visible_rect() + get_viewport().size_changed.connect(_on_viewport_size_changed) + position = viewport_rect.position + position.x += viewport_rect.size.x + if not test_mode: + var args := UI.Args(self) + level_descriptor = args[&'level_descriptor'] + mission_descriptor = args.get(&'mission_descriptor') + game_mode = args.get( + &'game_mode', + LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION if mission_descriptor + else LevelDescriptor.GameMode.FREERUN + ) + save_data = args.get(&'save_data') + modulate = level_descriptor.color + level_label.text = level_descriptor.name + match game_mode: + LevelDescriptor.GameMode.MISSION: + mission_label.text = mission_descriptor.name + if save_data: + best_time_label.text = ( + TimeIntervalFormatting.format_realtime_interval( + save_data.best_time + ) + ) + pass + else: + best_time_label.visible = false + LevelDescriptor.GameMode.FREERUN: + mission_label.text = "Show your stuff!" + best_time_label.visible = false + _: + mission_label.visible = false + best_time_label.visible = false + +func _on_viewport_size_changed() -> void: + viewport_rect = get_viewport().get_visible_rect() + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + match phase: + Phase.COMING: + if abs(position.x - viewport_rect.position.x) < 1.0: + time_came_usecs = Time.get_ticks_usec() + phase = Phase.STAYING + if not test_mode: + storyboard_should_start_loading_level.emit() + else: + position.x = lerpf( + position.x, viewport_rect.position.x, 0.03125 + ) + Phase.STAYING: + pass + Phase.GOING: + if position.x < -viewport_rect.size.x: + UI.Return(self, true) + else: + position.x -= ( + abs(viewport_rect.position.x - position.x) + 1.0 + ) + +func on_loading_finished() -> void: + phase = Phase.GOING diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..764509b --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:87e215d03c7a3e7d5ce3fbdfcd639dfd85d491e060700f5f0a2a387db4d35649 +size 1435756 diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png.import b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35693c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://cvdvlbfnerrqo" +path="res://.godot/imported/LevelCardCutIn.png-cb2c68d43e441aed471f82b1782e5217.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/LevelCardCutIn.png-cb2c68d43e441aed471f82b1782e5217.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.tscn b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9c069c --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://bmmfykbgc7fua"] + +[ext_resource type="StyleBox" uid="uid://bfbhypdlfde13" path="res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutInStyleBox.tres" id="1_o0xed"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.gd" id="1_twwux"] +[ext_resource type="LabelSettings" uid="uid://ciwo61hdo2o0x" path="res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardHeadingLabelSettings.tres" id="2_n7ls3"] +[ext_resource type="LabelSettings" uid="uid://b7yl7jfl247vw" path="res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardLabelSettings.tres" id="3_4rtrn"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://70njibtnu05m" path="res://audio/level_card.ogg" id="5_ldq8o"] + +[node name="LevelCardCutIn" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_twwux") + +[node name="PanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("1_o0xed") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 16 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="Level" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"HeaderLarge" +text = "Level Name" +label_settings = ExtResource("2_n7ls3") + +[node name="Mission" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Reach the goal!" +label_settings = ExtResource("3_4rtrn") + +[node name="BestTime" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Best time: 0:00:00:00" +label_settings = ExtResource("3_4rtrn") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("5_ldq8o") +autoplay = true +bus = &"Sound" diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutInStyleBox.tres b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutInStyleBox.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9914a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutInStyleBox.tres @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bfbhypdlfde13"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cvdvlbfnerrqo" path="res://ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardCutIn.png" id="1_oysq4"] + +[resource] +content_margin_top = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 64.0 +texture = ExtResource("1_oysq4") +texture_margin_left = 128.0 +texture_margin_right = 128.0 diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardHeadingLabelSettings.tres b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardHeadingLabelSettings.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d65d6a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardHeadingLabelSettings.tres @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[gd_resource type="LabelSettings" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://ciwo61hdo2o0x"] + +[sub_resource type="FontVariation" id="FontVariation_avxn1"] +variation_embolden = 0.45 +variation_transform = Transform2D(1, 0.375, 0.063, 1, 0, 0) + +[resource] +font = SubResource("FontVariation_avxn1") +font_size = 64 +outline_size = 24 +outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.247059) +shadow_size = 16 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.196078) +shadow_offset = Vector2(4, 8) diff --git a/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardLabelSettings.tres b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardLabelSettings.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b282232 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/LevelCardCutIn/LevelCardLabelSettings.tres @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[gd_resource type="LabelSettings" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://b7yl7jfl247vw"] + +[sub_resource type="FontVariation" id="FontVariation_avxn1"] +variation_transform = Transform2D(1, 0.375, 0.063, 1, 0, 0) + +[resource] +font = SubResource("FontVariation_avxn1") +font_size = 32 +outline_size = 16 +outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.247059) +shadow_size = 8 +shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.196078) +shadow_offset = Vector2(2, 4) diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.gd b/ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3cca03 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.gd @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +class_name About_Acknowledgements extends Control + +@onready var _inspirations_button := ( + $'CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/InspirationsButton' +) as Button +@onready var _tools_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ToolsButton +) as Button +@onready var _anti_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/AntiButton +) as Button +@onready var _discord_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/DiscordButton +) as Button +@onready var _friends_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/FriendsButton +) as Button +@onready var _uncle_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/UncleButton +) as Button +@onready var _you_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/YouButton +) as Button +@onready var _mom_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MomButton +) as Button +@onready var _back_button := ( + $CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/BackButton +) as Button + +func _ready() -> void: + _inspirations_button.pressed.connect(_inspirations) + _tools_button.pressed.connect(_tools) + _anti_button.pressed.connect(_anti) + _discord_button.pressed.connect(_discord) + _friends_button.pressed.connect(_friends) + _uncle_button.pressed.connect(_uncle) + _you_button.pressed.connect(_you) + _mom_button.pressed.connect(_mom) + _back_button.pressed.connect(_back) + +func _notice(which: String) -> void: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/Notice.tscn")) + var notice := UI.context() + notice.get_node( + ^"CenterContainer/PanelContainer" + ).add_theme_stylebox_override(&'panel', load( + "res://ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres" + )) + notice.add_message(FileAccess.get_file_as_string( + "res://acknowledgements/%s.txt" % which + )) + +func _inspirations() -> void: + _notice("anonymous-inspirations") + +func _tools() -> void: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/Notice.tscn")) + var notice := UI.context() + notice.get_node( + ^"CenterContainer/PanelContainer" + ).add_theme_stylebox_override(&'panel', load( + "res://ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres" + )) + var paragraphs := FileAccess.get_file_as_string( + "res://acknowledgements/tools.txt" + ).split("\n\n") + var links_paragraph := paragraphs[2] + var links := links_paragraph.split("\t") + links.remove_at(0) + notice.add_message(paragraphs[0] + "\n\n" + paragraphs[1] + "\n\nLinks:\n") + for link in links: + var parts := link.split(' ', true, 1) + notice.add_link(parts[0]) + if parts.size() > 1: + notice.add_message(parts[1]) + notice.add_message(paragraphs[3]) + +func _anti() -> void: + _notice("anti") + +func _discord() -> void: + _notice("ltf") + +func _friends() -> void: + _notice("cd") + +func _uncle() -> void: + _notice("uncle") + +func _you() -> void: + _notice("you") + +func _mom() -> void: + _notice("mom") + +func _back() -> void: + UI.Return(self) diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.tscn b/ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2734b85 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://bbosp40r6bmvm"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bylv28ggyd7pq" path="res://ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png" id="1_e4occ"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://xgfoj5ru6bg8" path="res://ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png" id="1_gh31r"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.gd" id="1_ls0yn"] + +[node name="About_Acknowledgements" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_ls0yn") + +[node name="ColorRect" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) + +[node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 32 + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Special thanks to the following parties, +without whom this project would not be possible:" +horizontal_alignment = 1 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="InspirationsButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Other games drawn upon for inspiration" + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="ToolsButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +text = "Tools and resources" + +[node name="AntiButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 16 +text = "(Anti- +acknowledgements)" + +[node name="DiscordButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "A really wonderful Discord server" + +[node name="FriendsButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "My childhood friends" + +[node name="UncleButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "My uncle" + +[node name="YouButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "You!" +icon = ExtResource("1_e4occ") +icon_alignment = 2 +expand_icon = true + +[node name="MomButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Mom..." +icon = ExtResource("1_gh31r") +icon_alignment = 2 +expand_icon = true + +[node name="BackButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Back" diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.gd b/ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03a24fb --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.gd @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +class_name MainMenu_About extends Control + +@onready var _license_button := ( + $'PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/LicenseButton' +) as Button +@onready var _acknowledgements_button := ( + $'PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/AcknowledgementsButton' +) as Button +@onready var _back_button := ( + $'PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/BackButton' +) as Button + +func _ready() -> void: + _license_button.pressed.connect(_license) + _acknowledgements_button.pressed.connect(_acknowledgements) + _back_button.pressed.connect(_back) + +func _license() -> void: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/Notice.tscn")) + var notice := UI.context() as Control + notice.get_node( + ^"CenterContainer/PanelContainer" + ).add_theme_stylebox_override(&'panel', load( + "res://ui/Conversation/ConversationStyleBox.tres" + )) + notice.add_selectable(FileAccess.get_file_as_string("res://LICENSE.txt")) + +func _acknowledgements() -> void: + var old_process_mode := process_mode + var old_music := FX.get_bgm() as AudioStream + process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED + var fade_task := func() -> void: + await FX.fade(Color.BLACK) + var music_task := func() -> void: + await FX.stop_bgm() + await Promise.new([fade_task, music_task]).join() + var menu_task := func() -> void: + await UI.Call(load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/About/About_Acknowledgements.tscn" + )) + var p := Promise.new(menu_task) + await FX.fade() + await p.join() + process_mode = old_process_mode + if old_music: + FX.play_bgm(old_music) + +func _back() -> void: + UI.Return(self) diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.tscn b/ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c65899e --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dlp0kiw0ir3x6"] + +[ext_resource type="StyleBox" uid="uid://cixomfcqh3o41" path="res://ui/MenuStyleBoxWithWideMargins.tres" id="1_a0hbm"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.gd" id="1_iuuu6"] + +[node name="MainMenu_About" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_iuuu6") + +[node name="PanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("1_a0hbm") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 32 + +[node name="LicenseButton" type="Button" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"FancyButtonP" +text = "License" + +[node name="AcknowledgementsButton" type="Button" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"FancyButtonN" +text = "Acknowledgements" + +[node name="BackButton" type="Button" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +text = "Back" + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme_override_constants/separation = 0 +alignment = 2 + +[node name="LinkButton2" type="LinkButton" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 8 +text = "Source code" +uri = "https://github.com/blujai831/stick-the-quick" + +[node name="LinkButton3" type="LinkButton" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 8 +text = "Report a bug" +uri = "https://github.com/blujai831/stick-the-quick/issues" + +[node name="LinkButton" type="LinkButton" parent="PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 8 +text = "My website" +uri = "https://blujai831.dev" diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png b/ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff3d611 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:aacf00eb1c5b891e952c6682ece76896bddf6d7ae683e19cd04a318c0f14a1d7 +size 891 diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png.import b/ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..771dbe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://xgfoj5ru6bg8" +path="res://.godot/imported/broken_heart.png-6629b79ca0ced103faba9acf9455cfb7.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://ui/MainMenu/About/broken_heart.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/broken_heart.png-6629b79ca0ced103faba9acf9455cfb7.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png b/ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c5b6e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:149a92a52a9030cd75e674ea75a9ac68b9031cf6c6708974c882c60fa44fa92b +size 802 diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png.import b/ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..005f0cc --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://bylv28ggyd7pq" +path="res://.godot/imported/heart.png-ecdd2bf6d76fe353c55218fc7c2fa2b9.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://ui/MainMenu/About/heart.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/heart.png-ecdd2bf6d76fe353c55218fc7c2fa2b9.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=true +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.gd b/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27b1e4a --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.gd @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +class_name MainMenu_CharacterSelect extends Control + +const IDLE_ANIMS: Array[StringName] = [ + &'run', + &'run', + &'walk', + &'walk' +] +const CHOICE_ANIMS_1: Array[StringName] = [ + &'spin', + &'binky', + &'run', + &'attack' +] +const CHOICE_ANIMS_2: Array[StringName] = [ + &'wave', + &'swim', + &'caw', + &'bow' +] +const CHOICE_AUDIO_1: Array[StringName] = [ + "spin", + "hop", + "low_whoosh", + "violent_whoosh" +] + +@onready var models: Array[Node3D] = [ + $Node3D/Stick, $Node3D/Lorna, $Node3D/Blujai, $Node3D/Gibbo +] +@onready var animplayers: Array[AnimationPlayer] = [ + $Node3D/Stick/AnimationPlayer, + $Node3D/Lorna/AnimationPlayer, + $Node3D/Blujai/AnimationPlayer, + $Node3D/Gibbo/AnimationPlayer +] +@onready var profiles: Array[CharacterProfile] = [ + load("res://characters/playable/Stick/StickProfile.tres"), + load("res://characters/playable/Lorna/LornaProfile.tres"), + load("res://characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiProfile.tres"), + load("res://characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboProfile.tres") +] +@onready var pivot := $Node3D/Pivot as Node3D +@onready var prev_button := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control/PrevButton +) as BaseButton +@onready var next_button := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control/NextButton +) as BaseButton +@onready var name_label := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Name +) as Label +@onready var description_label := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/Description +) as Label +@onready var back_button := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control/HBoxContainer/BackButton +) as Button +@onready var go_button := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control/HBoxContainer/GoButton +) as Button +@onready var audio_player := $AudioStreamPlayer as AudioStreamPlayer +@onready var panelcontainer := $PanelContainer as PanelContainer + +var selected: int = 0 +var mode: StringName + +func _ready() -> void: + mode = UI.Args(self).get(&'mode', &'story') + for i in animplayers.size(): + animplayers[i].play(IDLE_ANIMS[i]) + _update_info() + _adjust_description_width.call_deferred() + prev_button.pressed.connect(_select_prev) + next_button.pressed.connect(_select_next) + back_button.pressed.connect(_back) + go_button.pressed.connect(_go) + match mode: + &'story': panelcontainer.add_theme_stylebox_override(&'panel', load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/StoryMenuStyleBox.tres" + )) + &'mission': panelcontainer.add_theme_stylebox_override(&'panel', load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/MissionMenuStyleBox.tres" + )) + &'freerun': panelcontainer.add_theme_stylebox_override(&'panel', load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/FreerunMenuStyleBox.tres" + )) + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + for model in models: + model.rotation.y += delta + pivot.basis = pivot.basis.slerp( + Basis.looking_at(( + models[selected].global_position - pivot.global_position + ).slide(Vector3.UP)), + 3.0*delta + ) + +func _select_next() -> void: + selected = (selected + 1)%profiles.size() + _update_info() + +func _select_prev() -> void: + selected = (selected + profiles.size() - 1)%profiles.size() + _update_info() + +func _update_info() -> void: + var profile := profiles[selected] + name_label.text = profile.nickname + name_label.modulate = profile.talk_color.lerp(Color.WHITE, 0.125) + var pronouns := profile.pronouns.split("/") + if Storyboard.character_unlocked(profile.id): + go_button.disabled = false + go_button.text = "Go!" + description_label.text = (( + "%s (%s)\n" + + "\n" + + "SPEED: %s\n" + + "TRACTION: %s\n" + + "AIR: %s\n" + + "COMBAT: %s\n" + + "ABILITY: %s\n" + + "\n" + + "%s\n" + + "\n" + + "BIO: %s\n" + ) % [ + profile.full_name, profile.pronouns, + _rating_string(profile.speed_rating), + _rating_string(profile.traction_rating), + _rating_string(profile.air_rating), + _rating_string(profile.combat_rating), + profile.ability, + profile.playstyle, + profile.story + ]) + else: + go_button.disabled = true + go_button.text = "Not unlocked" + description_label.text = (( + "This character is not unlocked yet. " + + "Meet %s in another character's story to unlock %s." + ) % [pronouns[1], pronouns[1]]) + +func _rating_string(rating: CharacterProfile.StatRating) -> String: + match rating: + CharacterProfile.StatRating.LOW: return "Low" + CharacterProfile.StatRating.MEDIUM: return "Medium" + CharacterProfile.StatRating.HIGH: return "High" + CharacterProfile.StatRating.STELLAR: return "STELLAR!" + _: return "I don't know" + +func _adjust_description_width() -> void: + description_label.custom_minimum_size.x = ( + description_label.get_parent().size.x + ) + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if ( + event.is_action_pressed(&'move_left') or + event.is_action_pressed(&'look_left') or + event.is_action_pressed(&'ui_left') + ): + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + UI._play_sound_confirm() + _select_prev() + elif ( + event.is_action_pressed(&'move_right') or + event.is_action_pressed(&'look_right') or + event.is_action_pressed(&'ui_right') + ): + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + UI._play_sound_confirm() + _select_next() + elif event.is_action_pressed(&'confirm'): + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + if not go_button.disabled: + _go() + +func _back() -> void: + UI.Return(self) + +func _go() -> void: + process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED + UI._audio_player.stop() + audio_player.stream = load("res://audio/choice.ogg") + audio_player.play() + var model := models[selected] + var animplayer := animplayers[selected] + var profile := profiles[selected] + var snd1 := load("res://audio/%s.ogg" % CHOICE_AUDIO_1[selected]) + var snd2 := profile.talk_blip + var anim1 := CHOICE_ANIMS_1[selected] + var anim2 := CHOICE_ANIMS_2[selected] + var target_basis := Basis.looking_at(( + FX.get_camera().global_position - model.global_position + ).slide(Vector3.UP), Vector3.UP, true) + var target_pivot_basis := Basis.looking_at(( + models[selected].global_position - pivot.global_position + ).slide(Vector3.UP)) + while ( + (pivot.basis.z - target_pivot_basis.z).length() > 0.02 or + (model.basis.z - target_basis.z).length() > 0.02 + ): + var tick := await Wait.tick() + pivot.basis = pivot.basis.slerp(target_pivot_basis, 10.0*tick) + model.basis = model.basis.slerp(target_basis, 10.0*tick) + audio_player.stream = snd1 + audio_player.play() + animplayer.play(anim1, Runner.ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME) + await Wait.seconds(0.5*(3.0 - profile.speed_rating)) + audio_player.stream = snd2 + audio_player.play() + animplayer.play(anim2, Runner.ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME) + await Wait.seconds(1.0) + FX.stop_bgm() + await FX.fade(Color.BLACK) + process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS + match mode: + &'story': + UI.Return(self, _prepare_game_start_params()) + _: + var params = await UI.Call(load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/MapSelect/MainMenu_MapSelect.tscn" + ), { + &'mode': mode, + &'character': profile.id + }) + UI.Return(self, params) + +func _prepare_game_start_params() -> GameStartParameters: + var params := GameStartParameters.new() + params.character = profiles[selected].id + var story_state := Storyboard.save_data.find_character_story_state( + params.character + ) as CharacterStoryState + params.game_mode = story_state.checkpoint.game_mode + params.level = story_state.checkpoint.location.map.level + params.mission = story_state.checkpoint.location.map.mission + params.loading_zone = story_state.checkpoint.location.loading_zone + params.show_level_card = bool( + params.game_mode != LevelDescriptor.GameMode.HUB + ) + return params diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.tscn b/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b353910 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=13 format=3 uid="uid://ocfa8eqjw3c6"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b4aslmx0gfk2" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/Stick.glb" id="1_q1mtv"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.gd" id="1_sgoy7"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ch1uyprg11ohb" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/Lorna.glb" id="2_q4fbc"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ch0ev4tb6sb7d" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/Blujai.glb" id="3_ad8e2"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://bjxlmbxma887w" path="res://characters/playable/Stick/StickMaterial.tres" id="3_gwbl5"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bwem5uu0n1ad3" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.glb" id="4_o1wac"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://vfx/CameraGrabber.gd" id="5_mh3r7"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://dofx7rb15e3rq" path="res://characters/playable/Lorna/LornaMaterial.tres" id="5_npr6r"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://xvbwcehphpo8" path="res://characters/playable/Blujai/BlujaiMaterial.tres" id="7_r2xs5"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://8itob7wgbnlb" path="res://ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/select_previous.png" id="7_wbgon"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dn8mh0j0ahuqb" path="res://ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/select_next.png" id="8_eqh8n"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://bbcvtbydjb6u7" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/GibboMaterial.tres" id="9_xsmnh"] + +[node name="MainMenu_CharacterSelect" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_sgoy7") + +[node name="Node3D" type="Node3D" parent="."] +process_mode = 3 + +[node name="Stick" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("1_q1mtv")] +transform = Transform3D(0.866025, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, -0.5, 0, 0.866025, 0, 0, -3) +freeze = true + +[node name="Skeleton3D" parent="Node3D/Stick/Figure" index="0"] +bones/0/position = Vector3(0, 0.352519, 0) +bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(0.258292, -2.1318e-11, 3.90806e-08, 0.966067) +bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(0.00108951, 8.88178e-15, 8.80438e-16, 0.999999) +bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0010895, -1.43388e-11, -1.63885e-10, 0.999999) +bones/6/rotation = Quaternion(-0.456909, -0.0870814, -0.173234, 0.868125) +bones/7/rotation = Quaternion(-0.171361, 0.0610917, 0.683964, 0.706468) +bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(-0.456909, 0.0870814, 0.173234, 0.868125) +bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(-0.171361, -0.0610918, -0.683964, 0.706468) +bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-0.601197, 0.778679, 0.144516, 0.106471) +bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(0.923235, -0.0179777, -0.0402177, 0.381702) +bones/15/rotation = Quaternion(-0.601197, -0.778679, -0.144516, 0.106471) +bones/16/rotation = Quaternion(0.923235, 0.0179777, 0.0402176, 0.381702) + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Stick/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("3_gwbl5") + +[node name="Lorna" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("2_q4fbc")] +transform = Transform3D(0.5, 0, -0.866025, 0, 1, 0, 0.866025, 0, 0.5, 3, 0, 0) +freeze = true + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Lorna/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("5_npr6r") + +[node name="Blujai" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("3_ad8e2")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.866025, 0, -0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.866025, 0, 0, 3) +freeze = true + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Blujai/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("7_r2xs5") + +[node name="Gibbo" parent="Node3D" instance=ExtResource("4_o1wac")] +transform = Transform3D(-0.5, 0, 0.866025, 0, 1, 0, -0.866025, 0, -0.5, -3, 0, 0) +freeze = true + +[node name="Mesh" parent="Node3D/Gibbo/Figure/Skeleton3D" index="0"] +surface_material_override/0 = ExtResource("9_xsmnh") + +[node name="Pivot" type="Node3D" parent="Node3D"] + +[node name="CameraGrabber" type="Node3D" parent="Node3D/Pivot"] +transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.996195, 0.0871557, 0, -0.0871557, 0.996195, 1.5, 1.25, 0) +script = ExtResource("5_mh3r7") + +[node name="PanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 64 + +[node name="Control" type="Control" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_stretch_ratio = 2.0 + +[node name="PrevButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 4 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +offset_top = -20.0 +offset_right = 40.0 +offset_bottom = 20.0 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_mode = 1 +texture_normal = ExtResource("7_wbgon") + +[node name="NextButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 6 +anchor_left = 1.0 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +offset_left = -40.0 +offset_top = -20.0 +offset_bottom = 20.0 +grow_horizontal = 0 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_mode = 1 +texture_normal = ExtResource("8_eqh8n") + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 7 +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 1.0 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = -20.0 +offset_top = -40.0 +offset_right = 20.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 0 +theme_override_constants/separation = 64 + +[node name="BackButton" type="Button" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +focus_mode = 1 +text = "Back" + +[node name="GoButton" type="Button" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Control/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +focus_mode = 1 +text = "Go!" + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"HeaderLarge" +horizontal_alignment = 1 + +[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +horizontal_scroll_mode = 0 + +[node name="Description" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +autowrap_mode = 3 + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +bus = &"Sound" + +[editable path="Node3D/Stick"] +[editable path="Node3D/Lorna"] +[editable path="Node3D/Blujai"] +[editable path="Node3D/Gibbo"] diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/select_next.png b/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/select_next.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c20bda --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/select_next.png @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:e0443847f6f0c5d081dfa6c4818e1e846ef47e7759ba9f9e55f1092482dac5f6 +size 1223 diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/select_next.png.import 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+process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.gd b/ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b7ee1b --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.gd @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +class_name MainMenu_TopLevel extends Control + +@onready var buttons := $'PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons' +@onready var story_button := ( + buttons.get_node(^'StoryButton') +) as TextureButton +@onready var options_button := ( + buttons.get_node(^'OptionsButton') +) as TextureButton +@onready var mission_button := ( + buttons.get_node(^'MissionButton') +) as TextureButton +@onready var freerun_button := ( + buttons.get_node(^'FreerunButton') +) as TextureButton +@onready var about_button := ( + buttons.get_node(^'AboutButton') +) as TextureButton +@onready var quit_button := ( + buttons.get_node(^'QuitButton') +) as TextureButton +@onready var hour_hand := ( + buttons.get_node(^'HourHand') +) as Control +@onready var minute_hand := ( + buttons.get_node(^'MinuteHand') +) as Control +@onready var info_mode_name := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/ModeName +) as Label +@onready var info_screenshot := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/Screenshot +) as TextureRect +@onready var info_mode_description := ( + $PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer\ + /Description +) as Label + +func _ready() -> void: + var args := UI.Args(self) + args.on_cancel = _on_cancel + story_button.pressed.connect(_on_story_button) + options_button.pressed.connect(_on_options_button) + mission_button.pressed.connect(_on_mission_button) + freerun_button.pressed.connect(_on_freerun_button) + about_button.pressed.connect(_on_about_button) + quit_button.pressed.connect(_on_quit_button) + buttons.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_generic) + story_button.mouse_entered.connect(_show_info_story) + story_button.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_story) + options_button.mouse_entered.connect(_show_info_options) + options_button.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_options) + mission_button.mouse_entered.connect(_show_info_mission) + mission_button.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_mission) + freerun_button.mouse_entered.connect(_show_info_freerun) + freerun_button.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_freerun) + about_button.mouse_entered.connect(_show_info_about) + about_button.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_about) + quit_button.mouse_entered.connect(_show_info_quit) + quit_button.focus_entered.connect(_show_info_quit) + _show_info_generic() + _initialize_clock_hands.call_deferred() + +func _initialize_clock_hands() -> void: + minute_hand.pivot_offset.x = minute_hand.size.x*0.375 + hour_hand.pivot_offset.x = hour_hand.size.x*0.375 + minute_hand.pivot_offset.y = minute_hand.size.y*0.5 + hour_hand.pivot_offset.y = hour_hand.size.y*0.5 + +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + var focused := get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner() + match focused: + story_button: + minute_hand.rotation = lerp(minute_hand.rotation, TAU*0.4, delta) + hour_hand.rotation = lerp(hour_hand.rotation, TAU*0.6, delta) + options_button: + minute_hand.rotation = lerp(minute_hand.rotation, TAU*0.9, delta) + hour_hand.rotation = lerp(hour_hand.rotation, TAU*0.7, delta) + mission_button: + minute_hand.rotation = lerp(minute_hand.rotation, TAU*0.1, delta) + hour_hand.rotation = lerp(hour_hand.rotation, TAU*0.9, delta) + freerun_button: + minute_hand.rotation = lerp(minute_hand.rotation, TAU*0.3, delta) + hour_hand.rotation = lerp(hour_hand.rotation, TAU*0.1, delta) + _: + minute_hand.rotation = fposmod( + minute_hand.rotation - delta*PI, TAU + ) + hour_hand.rotation = fposmod( + hour_hand.rotation + delta*PI/60.0, TAU + ) + +func _on_story_button() -> void: + var params = await UI.Call(load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.tscn" + ), { + &'mode': &'story' + }) + if params: + print(params) + UI.Return(self, params) + +func _on_options_button() -> void: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/MainMenu/Options/MainMenu_Options.tscn")) + +func _on_mission_button() -> void: + var params = await UI.Call(load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.tscn" + ), { + &'mode': &'mission' + }) + if params: + UI.Return(self, params) + +func _on_freerun_button() -> void: + var params = await UI.Call(load( + "res://ui/MainMenu/CharacterSelect/MainMenu_CharacterSelect.tscn" + ), { + &'mode': &'freerun' + }) + if params: + UI.Return(self, params) + +func _on_about_button() -> void: + UI.Call(load("res://ui/MainMenu/About/MainMenu_About.tscn")) + +func _on_quit_button() -> void: + await FX.fade(Color.BLACK) + get_tree().quit() + +func _on_cancel() -> void: + buttons.grab_focus() + +func _show_info_generic() -> void: + if Storyboard.save_data_exists(): + info_mode_name.text = "Save data" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = (( + "Play time: %s\n" + + "Ico'z snagged: %d\n" + ) % [ + TimeIntervalFormatting.format_systime_interval( + Storyboard.get_play_time() + ), + Storyboard.count_cleared_missions() + ]) + else: + info_mode_name.text = "Welcome!" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = "" + +func _show_info_story() -> void: + info_mode_name.text = "Story mode" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = ( + "Play through the game's story in sequential order." + ) + +func _show_info_options() -> void: + info_mode_name.text = "Options" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = ( + "Configure the game's behavior as an application." + ) + +func _show_info_mission() -> void: + info_mode_name.text = "Mission mode" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = ( + "Return to missions you've cleared in story mode " + + "and replay them for a better clear time." + ) + +func _show_info_freerun() -> void: + info_mode_name.text = "Freerun" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = ( + "If you've cleared at least one mission in a level, " + + "you can return to that level and play it " + + "as a sandbox with no objective." + ) + +func _show_info_about() -> void: + info_mode_name.text = "About" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = ( + "View license agreement and/or credits." + ) + +func _show_info_quit() -> void: + info_mode_name.text = "Quit" + info_screenshot.texture = null # TODO + info_mode_description.text = ( + "Exit the game." + ) diff --git a/ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.tscn b/ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72cf307 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=36 format=3 uid="uid://b3cj7o2ep6rrs"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_TopLevel.gd" id="1_ua8po"] +[ext_resource type="StyleBox" uid="uid://c8x8xqw7fatx6" path="res://ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNoMargins.tres" id="2_hr8g5"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b5b20wd8fjwdk" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_ClockBG.png" id="3_4tut7"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://badpadwjtau8s" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Story_Dim.png" id="4_kj8io"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://d2ne15khybixe" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Story_ExtraBright.png" id="5_1xeb2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bbjw7df2d2m3n" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Story_Bright.png" id="6_1fqj8"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://crba8a7ok8li7" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Story_Outline.png" id="7_q22yf"] +[ext_resource type="BitMap" uid="uid://c3jybjb8bmrd5" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Story_Mask.png" id="8_3y7uw"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dbcvidfdym5pb" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Options_Dim.png" id="9_wiumy"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dj8dau53issm4" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Options_ExtraBright.png" id="10_tjtc2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b4e4urtbdi288" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Options_Bright.png" id="11_0v56m"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c664gdeduhay" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Options_Outline.png" id="12_8q1fe"] +[ext_resource type="BitMap" uid="uid://dqhtfpeqyqnlv" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Options_Mask.png" id="13_fcpux"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dfj8qr0nrc64m" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Mission_Dim.png" id="14_4vde8"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://gf3ijd5voejq" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Mission_ExtraBright.png" id="15_adpo5"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://btxrw1b5f3qug" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Mission_Bright.png" id="16_wdtxt"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://e367ki321ger" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Mission_Outline.png" id="17_rjt6g"] +[ext_resource type="BitMap" uid="uid://cgkg8f7c1ux2b" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Mission_Mask.png" id="18_n3qta"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b7yi2prqoputy" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Freerun_Dim.png" id="19_cgawi"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dld5o2wn85fga" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Freerun_ExtraBright.png" id="20_4iib4"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b0tv2qbvqv70x" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Freerun_Bright.png" id="21_wrj0e"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://wk7mkgivq34a" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Freerun_Outline.png" id="22_5srk6"] +[ext_resource type="BitMap" uid="uid://b2mk7iemnphm5" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Freerun_Mask.png" id="23_56rxs"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bcsxvqvwrlkaf" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_About_Dim.png" id="24_0gijb"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c8aqvxwusx2f7" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_About_ExtraBright.png" id="25_yrdjg"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://buyeh5be2x0qg" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_About_Bright.png" id="26_17cjo"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cadkh60a1uiaw" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_About_Outline.png" id="27_nbnk1"] +[ext_resource type="BitMap" uid="uid://cjfc12yxopv5e" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_About_Mask.png" id="28_dfv5y"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://jrpdevwjcuq7" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Quit_Dim.png" id="29_33kxj"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://crnjot55ahpnb" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Quit_ExtraBright.png" id="30_qyemd"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cdiviigdr5hnd" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Quit_Bright.png" id="31_b62e1"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cji3tw4bggvnq" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Quit_Outline.png" id="32_3dnyq"] +[ext_resource type="BitMap" uid="uid://cihy567mnaogs" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_Quit_Mask.png" id="33_uvt0g"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://mfuofjqnbr0n" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_HourHand.png" id="34_uftm5"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ygpni86icdfo" path="res://ui/MainMenu/TopLevel/MainMenu_MinuteHand.png" id="35_kr73f"] + +[node name="MainMenu_TopLevel" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_ua8po") + +[node name="PanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("2_hr8g5") + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 0 + +[node name="Buttons" type="Control" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_stretch_ratio = 3.0 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("StoryButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("OptionsButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("MissionButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("FreerunButton") +focus_mode = 2 + +[node name="ClockBG" type="TextureRect" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +texture = ExtResource("3_4tut7") +expand_mode = 3 + +[node name="StoryButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../AboutButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("../OptionsButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../MissionButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("../FreerunButton") +texture_normal = ExtResource("4_kj8io") +texture_pressed = ExtResource("5_1xeb2") +texture_hover = ExtResource("6_1fqj8") +texture_focused = ExtResource("7_q22yf") +texture_click_mask = ExtResource("8_3y7uw") +ignore_texture_size = true +stretch_mode = 0 + +[node name="OptionsButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../StoryButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("../FreerunButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../AboutButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("../MissionButton") +texture_normal = ExtResource("9_wiumy") +texture_pressed = ExtResource("10_tjtc2") +texture_hover = ExtResource("11_0v56m") +texture_focused = ExtResource("12_8q1fe") +texture_click_mask = ExtResource("13_fcpux") +ignore_texture_size = true +stretch_mode = 0 + +[node name="MissionButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../StoryButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("../OptionsButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../AboutButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("../FreerunButton") +texture_normal = ExtResource("14_4vde8") +texture_pressed = ExtResource("15_adpo5") +texture_hover = ExtResource("16_wdtxt") +texture_focused = ExtResource("17_rjt6g") +texture_click_mask = ExtResource("18_n3qta") +ignore_texture_size = true +stretch_mode = 0 + +[node name="FreerunButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../StoryButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("../MissionButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../QuitButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("../OptionsButton") +texture_normal = ExtResource("19_cgawi") +texture_pressed = ExtResource("20_4iib4") +texture_hover = ExtResource("21_wrj0e") +texture_focused = ExtResource("22_5srk6") +texture_click_mask = ExtResource("23_56rxs") +ignore_texture_size = true +stretch_mode = 0 + +[node name="AboutButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../OptionsButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("../QuitButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../StoryButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("../QuitButton") +texture_normal = ExtResource("24_0gijb") +texture_pressed = ExtResource("25_yrdjg") +texture_hover = ExtResource("26_17cjo") +texture_focused = ExtResource("27_nbnk1") +texture_click_mask = ExtResource("28_dfv5y") +ignore_texture_size = true +stretch_mode = 0 + +[node name="QuitButton" type="TextureButton" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../FreerunButton") +focus_neighbor_top = NodePath("../AboutButton") +focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../StoryButton") +focus_neighbor_bottom = NodePath("../AboutButton") +texture_normal = ExtResource("29_33kxj") +texture_pressed = ExtResource("30_qyemd") +texture_hover = ExtResource("31_b62e1") +texture_focused = ExtResource("32_3dnyq") +texture_click_mask = ExtResource("33_uvt0g") +ignore_texture_size = true +stretch_mode = 0 + +[node name="HourHand" type="TextureRect" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.501961) +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +mouse_filter = 2 +texture = ExtResource("34_uftm5") +expand_mode = 3 + +[node name="MinuteHand" type="TextureRect" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Buttons"] +modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.501961) +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +mouse_filter = 2 +texture = ExtResource("35_kr73f") +expand_mode = 3 + +[node name="Info" type="Control" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 + +[node name="BG" type="ColorRect" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info"] +modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.501961) +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +color = Color(0.25098, 0.25098, 0.25098, 1) + +[node name="MarginContainer" type="MarginContainer" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info"] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_constants/margin_left = 32 +theme_override_constants/margin_top = 32 +theme_override_constants/margin_right = 32 +theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 32 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="ModeName" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_type_variation = &"HeaderSmall" +horizontal_alignment = 1 + +[node name="Screenshot" type="TextureRect" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +expand_mode = 1 +stretch_mode = 4 + +[node name="Description" type="Label" parent="PanelContainer/HBoxContainer/Info/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(224, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +autowrap_mode = 3 diff --git a/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNarrowMargins.tres b/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNarrowMargins.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4261f3e --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNarrowMargins.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bgjkis3i2sv5u"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://2xflo6lkumll" path="res://ui/bg.tres" id="1_gsv4u"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 32.0 +content_margin_top = 32.0 +content_margin_right = 32.0 +content_margin_bottom = 32.0 +texture = ExtResource("1_gsv4u") +texture_margin_left = 10.0 +texture_margin_top = 10.0 +texture_margin_right = 10.0 +texture_margin_bottom = 10.0 +expand_margin_left = 8.0 +expand_margin_top = 8.0 +expand_margin_right = 8.0 +expand_margin_bottom = 8.0 +axis_stretch_horizontal = 2 +axis_stretch_vertical = 2 +modulate_color = Color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.752941) diff --git a/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNoMargins.tres b/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNoMargins.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d9a479 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNoMargins.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://c8x8xqw7fatx6"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://2xflo6lkumll" path="res://ui/bg.tres" id="1_6l38h"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 0.0 +content_margin_top = 0.0 +content_margin_right = 0.0 +content_margin_bottom = 0.0 +texture = ExtResource("1_6l38h") +texture_margin_left = 10.0 +texture_margin_top = 10.0 +texture_margin_right = 10.0 +texture_margin_bottom = 10.0 +expand_margin_left = 8.0 +expand_margin_top = 8.0 +expand_margin_right = 8.0 +expand_margin_bottom = 8.0 +axis_stretch_horizontal = 2 +axis_stretch_vertical = 2 +modulate_color = Color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.752941) diff --git a/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithWideMargins.tres b/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithWideMargins.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a1a012 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/MenuStyleBoxWithWideMargins.tres @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[gd_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://cixomfcqh3o41"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://2xflo6lkumll" path="res://ui/bg.tres" id="1_xwna5"] + +[resource] +content_margin_left = 64.0 +content_margin_top = 64.0 +content_margin_right = 64.0 +content_margin_bottom = 64.0 +texture = ExtResource("1_xwna5") +texture_margin_left = 10.0 +texture_margin_top = 10.0 +texture_margin_right = 10.0 +texture_margin_bottom = 10.0 +expand_margin_left = 8.0 +expand_margin_top = 8.0 +expand_margin_right = 8.0 +expand_margin_bottom = 8.0 +axis_stretch_horizontal = 2 +axis_stretch_vertical = 2 +modulate_color = Color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.752941) diff --git a/ui/Notice.gd b/ui/Notice.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bcd4cf --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Notice.gd @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +class_name Notice extends Control + +@onready var _messages := ( + $'CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer/Messages' +) as VBoxContainer +@onready var _button_ok := ( + $'CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Nav/OK' +) as Button + +func _ready() -> void: + _button_ok.pressed.connect(_on_ok) + +func _on_ok() -> void: + UI.Return(self, true) + +func add_message(text: String) -> Label: + var label := Label.new() + label.horizontal_alignment = HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER + label.text = text + _messages.add_child(label) + return label + +func add_selectable(text: String) -> TextEdit: + var textedit := TextEdit.new() + textedit.text = text + textedit.selecting_enabled = true + textedit.editable = false + textedit.scroll_fit_content_height = true + _messages.add_child(textedit) + return textedit + +func add_link(text: String) -> LinkButton: + var linkbutton := LinkButton.new() + linkbutton.text = text + linkbutton.uri = text + linkbutton.size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER + _messages.add_child(linkbutton) + return linkbutton diff --git a/ui/Notice.tscn b/ui/Notice.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9edf331 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/Notice.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://b533ymw1tepfd"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/Notice.gd" id="1_ri03b"] +[ext_resource type="StyleBox" uid="uid://bgjkis3i2sv5u" path="res://ui/MenuStyleBoxWithNarrowMargins.tres" id="2_k68ne"] + +[node name="Notice" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_ri03b") + +[node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="PanelContainer" type="PanelContainer" parent="CenterContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_styles/panel = ExtResource("2_k68ne") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 32 + +[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(800, 400) +layout_mode = 2 +horizontal_scroll_mode = 0 + +[node name="Messages" type="VBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/ScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 + +[node name="Nav" type="HFlowContainer" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 0 +theme_override_constants/h_separation = 32 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="OK" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Nav"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "OK" diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.gd b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d914d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.gd @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +class_name InputEventEnquiry extends Enquiry + +const DEADZONE: float = 0.5 + +func _ready() -> void: + super() + var args := UI.Args(self) + args[&'no_dismiss'] = true + args[&'no_autofocus'] = true + add_message( + "Waiting for input..." + ).theme_type_variation = &'HeaderMedium' + add_message( + "Press any key, any mouse button, " + + "or anything on a connected controller." + ) + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if ( + (event is InputEventKey and not event.pressed) or + (event is InputEventJoypadMotion and + abs(event.axis_value) > DEADZONE) or + (event is InputEventJoypadButton and not event.pressed) or ( + event is InputEventMouseButton and (not event.pressed) + and not ( + event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and + get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner() == _button_cancel + ) + ) + ): + if event is InputEventJoypadMotion: + event.axis_value = signf(event.axis_value) + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() + UI.Return(self, event) diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.tscn b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e14d661 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://0iqgsnq5dc1p"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cljdfi6h4et0x" path="res://ui/Enquiry.tscn" id="1_icu0x"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.gd" id="2_vx3v0"] + +[node name="InputEventEnquiry" instance=ExtResource("1_icu0x")] +script = ExtResource("2_vx3v0") + +[node name="OK" parent="CenterContainer/PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Nav" index="0"] +visible = false diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.gd b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..434c30c --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.gd @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +class_name InputEventPicker extends Control + +@onready var _label := $'VBoxContainer/Label' as Label +@onready var _button_reassign := $'VBoxContainer/Reassign' as Button +var event: InputEvent = null + +func _ready() -> void: + update_label() + _button_reassign.pressed.connect(_reassign) + +func update_label() -> void: + if not event: + _label.text = "None" + elif event is InputEventKey: + _label.text = event.as_text_physical_keycode() + elif event is InputEventJoypadMotion: + match event.axis: + JOY_AXIS_INVALID: + event = null + _label.text = "Unknown" + JOY_AXIS_LEFT_X: + if event.axis_value < 0.0: + _label.text = "Lstick left" + else: + _label.text = "Lstick right" + JOY_AXIS_LEFT_Y: + if event.axis_value < 0.0: + _label.text = "Lstick up" + else: + _label.text = "Lstick down" + JOY_AXIS_RIGHT_X: + if event.axis_value < 0.0: + _label.text = "Rstick left" + else: + _label.text = "Rstick right" + JOY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y: + if event.axis_value < 0.0: + _label.text = "Rstick up" + else: + _label.text = "Rstick down" + JOY_AXIS_TRIGGER_LEFT: + _label.text = "L2" + JOY_AXIS_TRIGGER_RIGHT: + _label.text = "R2" + _: _label.text = event.as_text() + elif event is InputEventJoypadButton: + match event.button_index: + JOY_BUTTON_INVALID: + event = null + _label.text = "Unknown" + JOY_BUTTON_A: + _label.text = "Bottom face" + JOY_BUTTON_B: + _label.text = "Right face" + JOY_BUTTON_X: + _label.text = "Left face" + JOY_BUTTON_Y: + _label.text = "Top face" + JOY_BUTTON_BACK: + _label.text = "Select/Back" + JOY_BUTTON_START: + _label.text = "Start" + JOY_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK: + _label.text = "L3" + JOY_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK: + _label.text = "R3" + JOY_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER: + _label.text = "L1" + JOY_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER: + _label.text = "R1" + JOY_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN: + _label.text = "Dpad down" + JOY_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT: + _label.text = "Dpad left" + JOY_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT: + _label.text = "Dpad right" + JOY_BUTTON_DPAD_UP: + _label.text = "Dpad up" + _: _label.text = event.as_text() + elif event is InputEventMouseButton: + match event.button_index: + MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: + _label.text = "Left click" + MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE: + _label.text = "Middle click" + MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: + _label.text = "Right click" + _: _label.text = event.as_text() + else: + _label.text = event.as_text() + +func _reassign() -> void: + var maybe_event = await UI.Call( + preload("res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventEnquiry.tscn") + ) + if maybe_event is InputEvent: + event = maybe_event + update_label() diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.tscn b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43530b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://ca3ukdut42nwh"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.gd" id="2_oi4by"] + +[node name="InputEventPicker" type="Control"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(160, 96) +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +script = ExtResource("2_oi4by") + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +theme_override_constants/separation = 0 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 1 +horizontal_alignment = 1 + +[node name="Reassign" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 4 +size_flags_vertical = 0 +text = "Reassign" diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.gd b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e0b23d --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +class_name InputMapMenu extends AbstractConfigMenu + +@onready var _actual_menu := ( + $'OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu' +) +@onready var _content := _actual_menu.get_node( + ^'./ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content' +) +var _hlists := {} +var _originals := {} + +func _connect_signals() -> void: + _button_apply.visible = false + for action in InputMap.get_actions(): + if not action.begins_with('ui_'): + var label := Label.new() + var hlist := ( + preload('res://ui/EditableHorizontalList.tscn').instantiate() + ) as EditableHorizontalList + _hlists[action] = hlist + _content.add_child(label) + _content.add_child(hlist) + label.text = action.capitalize() + +func _pull_settings() -> void: + for action in _hlists: + var hlist := _hlists[action] as EditableHorizontalList + hlist.clear() + _originals[action] = [] + for event in InputMap.action_get_events(action): + var item := hlist.insert() + var picker := (preload( + 'res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.tscn' + ).instantiate()) as InputEventPicker + item.content.add_child(picker) + picker.event = event + picker.update_label() + _originals[action].push_back(event) + +func _push_settings() -> void: + for action in _hlists: + InputMap.action_erase_events(action) + var hlist := _hlists[action] as EditableHorizontalList + for item in hlist.item_array: + var picker := item.content.get_child(0) as InputEventPicker + if picker.event: + InputMap.action_add_event(action, picker.event) + +func _revert_changes() -> void: + for action in _hlists: + var hlist := _hlists[action] as EditableHorizontalList + hlist.clear() + for event in _originals[action]: + var item := hlist.insert() + var picker := (preload( + 'res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputEventPicker.tscn' + ).instantiate()) as InputEventPicker + item.content.add_child(picker) + picker.event = event + picker.update_label() + +func _restore_defaults() -> void: + InputMap.load_from_project_settings() + _pull_settings() diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.tscn b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0022b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://b14xgmmls2sl"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://mjdk8q1emaek" path="res://ui/BaseConfigMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_47s4s"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n" path="res://ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_qbd8l"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.gd" id="2_1p204"] + +[node name="InputMapMenu" instance=ExtResource("1_qbd8l")] +script = ExtResource("2_1p204") + +[node name="ActualMenu" parent="OuterMargin/Content" index="0" instance=ExtResource("1_47s4s")] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Header" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu" index="0"] +text = "Input bindings" + +[node name="ContentInnerMargin" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer" index="0"] +theme_override_constants/margin_top = 64 + +[node name="Content" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin" index="0"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(1200, 0) +theme_override_constants/v_separation = 64 + +[editable path="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu"] diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.gd b/ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95d24be --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +class_name OptionsMenu extends AbstractConfigMenu + +@onready var _actual_menu := ( + $'OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu' +) +@onready var _content := _actual_menu.get_node( + ^'ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content' +) +@onready var fullscreen := _content.get_node( + ^'FullscreenToggle' +) as CheckButton +@onready var master_volume := _content.get_node( + ^'MasterVolumeSlider' +) as HSlider +@onready var music_volume := _content.get_node( + ^'MusicVolumeSlider' +) as HSlider +@onready var sound_volume := _content.get_node( + ^'SoundVolumeSlider' +) as HSlider +@onready var mouselook := _content.get_node( + ^'MouselookToggle' +) as CheckButton +@onready var mouse_sensitivity := _content.get_node( + ^'MouseSensitivitySlider' +) as HSlider +@onready var mouse_wheel_sensitivity := _content.get_node( + ^'MouseWheelSensitivitySlider' +) as HSlider +@onready var invert_mouselook := _content.get_node( + ^'InvertMouselookToggle' +) as CheckButton +@onready var invert_mouse_wheel := _content.get_node( + ^'InvertMouseWheelToggle' +) as CheckButton +@onready var right_stick_sensitivity := _content.get_node( + ^'RightStickSensitivitySlider' +) as HSlider +@onready var invert_right_stick := _content.get_node( + ^'InvertRightStickToggle' +) as CheckButton +@onready var _button_input_bindings := _actual_menu.get_node( + ^'Nav/InputBindings' +) as Button +@onready var _button_debug_menu := _actual_menu.get_node( + ^'Nav/DebugMenu' +) + +func _connect_signals() -> void: + fullscreen.toggled.connect(_hot_update_options) + master_volume.value_changed.connect(_hot_update_options) + music_volume.value_changed.connect(_hot_update_options) + sound_volume.value_changed.connect(_hot_update_options) + mouselook.toggled.connect(_hot_update_options) + mouse_sensitivity.value_changed.connect(_hot_update_options) + mouse_wheel_sensitivity.value_changed.connect(_hot_update_options) + invert_mouselook.toggled.connect(_hot_update_options) + invert_mouse_wheel.toggled.connect(_hot_update_options) + right_stick_sensitivity.value_changed.connect(_hot_update_options) + invert_right_stick.toggled.connect(_hot_update_options) + _button_input_bindings.pressed.connect(_input_bindings) + if OS.is_debug_build(): + _button_debug_menu.pressed.connect(_debug_menu) + else: + _button_debug_menu.queue_free() + +func _pull_settings() -> void: + fullscreen.set_pressed_no_signal(Options.fullscreen) + master_volume.set_value_no_signal(Options.master_volume) + music_volume.set_value_no_signal(Options.music_volume) + sound_volume.set_value_no_signal(Options.sound_volume) + mouselook.set_pressed_no_signal(Options.mouselook) + mouse_sensitivity.set_value_no_signal(Options.mouse_sensitivity) + mouse_wheel_sensitivity.set_value_no_signal( + Options.mouse_wheel_sensitivity + ) + invert_mouselook.set_pressed_no_signal(Options.invert_mouselook) + invert_mouse_wheel.set_pressed_no_signal(Options.invert_mouse_wheel) + right_stick_sensitivity.set_value_no_signal( + Options.right_stick_sensitivity + ) + invert_right_stick.set_pressed_no_signal(Options.invert_right_stick) + _hot_update_options() + _button_apply.disabled = true + +func _push_settings() -> void: + Options.save_file() + +func _restore_defaults() -> void: + Options.reset_non_input_map_options() + _pull_settings() + _button_apply.disabled = false + +func _revert_changes() -> void: + Options.load_file() + _pull_settings() + +func _hot_update_options(_dont_care = null) -> void: + Options.fullscreen = fullscreen.button_pressed + Options.master_volume = master_volume.value + Options.music_volume = music_volume.value + Options.sound_volume = sound_volume.value + Options.mouselook = mouselook.button_pressed + Options.mouse_sensitivity = mouse_sensitivity.value + Options.mouse_wheel_sensitivity = mouse_wheel_sensitivity.value + Options.invert_mouselook = invert_mouselook.button_pressed + Options.invert_mouse_wheel = invert_mouse_wheel.button_pressed + Options.right_stick_sensitivity = right_stick_sensitivity.value + Options.invert_right_stick = invert_right_stick.button_pressed + mouse_sensitivity.editable = mouselook.button_pressed + mouse_wheel_sensitivity.editable = mouselook.button_pressed + invert_mouselook.disabled = not mouselook.button_pressed + invert_mouse_wheel.disabled = not mouselook.button_pressed + _button_apply.disabled = false + +func _input_bindings() -> void: + await UI.Call(load('res://ui/OptionsMenu/InputMapMenu.tscn')) + +func _debug_menu() -> void: + await UI.Call(load('res://ui/DebugMenu/DebugMenu.tscn')) diff --git a/ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.tscn b/ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..207b798 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://b0gpweu12321l"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cfnvafnmgsg5n" path="res://ui/BasePauseMenuLayout.tscn" id="1_b1u0w"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ui/OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu.gd" id="2_3v13k"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://mjdk8q1emaek" path="res://ui/BaseConfigMenuLayout.tscn" id="2_ppmf5"] + +[node name="OptionsMenu" instance=ExtResource("1_b1u0w")] +script = ExtResource("2_3v13k") + +[node name="ActualMenu" parent="OuterMargin/Content" index="0" instance=ExtResource("2_ppmf5")] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Header" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu" index="0"] +text = "Options" + +[node name="FullscreenLabel" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="0"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Fullscreen" + +[node name="FullscreenToggle" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="1"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 0 + +[node name="MasterVolumeLabel" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="2"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Master volume" + +[node name="MasterVolumeSlider" type="HSlider" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="3"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(128, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 0 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +min_value = -20.0 +max_value = 0.0 + +[node name="MusicVolumeLabel" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="4"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Music volume" + +[node name="MusicVolumeSlider" type="HSlider" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="5"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(128, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 0 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +min_value = -20.0 +max_value = 0.0 + +[node name="SoundVolumeLabel" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="6"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Sound volume" + +[node name="SoundVolumeSlider" type="HSlider" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="7"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(128, 0) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 0 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +min_value = -20.0 +max_value = 0.0 + +[node name="MouselookLabel" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="8"] +layout_mode = 2 +text = "Mouselook" + +[node name="MouselookToggle" type="CheckButton" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="9"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 0 + +[node name="MouseSensitivityLabel" type="Label" parent="OuterMargin/Content/ActualMenu/ContentScrollContainer/ContentInnerMargin/Content" index="10"] +layout_mode = 2 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+ id) + ib/(c + id) + # = a*(c - id)/(c^2 + d^2) + ib*(c - id)/(c^2 + d^2) + # = (ac - iad + ibc + bd)/(c^2 + d^2) + return Vector2( + z.x*w.x + z.y*w.y, + z.y*w.x - z.x*w.y + )/(w.x*w.x + w.y*w.y) + +static func abs(z: Vector2) -> float: + return z.length() + +static func arg(z: Vector2) -> float: + return atan2(z.y, z.x) + +static func exp(z: Vector2) -> Vector2: + # e^(i*theta) = cos(theta) + i*sin(theta) + # ergo e^(a + ib) = (e^a)(e^(ib)) = (e^a)(cos(b) + i*sin(b)) + return exp(z.x)*Vector2(cos(z.y), sin(z.y)) + +static func pow(z: Vector2, w: Vector2) -> Vector2: + # Credit to StackExchange user Shobhit for this formula + # . + var r: float = z.length() + var theta: float = ComplexMath.arg(z) + return ComplexMath.exp(ComplexMath.mul(Vector2(log(r), theta), w)) diff --git a/util/NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.gd b/util/NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3ca065 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.gd @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +class_name NonReentrantCoroutineMutex extends RefCounted + +signal relinquished + +var _thread_mutex: Mutex +var _busy := false + +func _init() -> void: + _thread_mutex = Mutex.new() + +func acquire() -> void: + _thread_mutex.lock() + while _busy: + await relinquished + _busy = true + +func relinquish() -> void: + if _busy: + _busy = false + relinquished.emit() + _thread_mutex.unlock() + +func guard(thunk: Callable) -> Variant: + await acquire() + var result: Variant = await thunk.call() + relinquish() + return result diff --git a/util/PlaneConvexDecompose.gd b/util/PlaneConvexDecompose.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b081426 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/PlaneConvexDecompose.gd @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +@tool class_name PlaneConvexDecompose + +static func from(plane: Mesh, depth: float) -> Array[CollisionShape3D]: + var vertices: Array[Vector3] = [Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.ZERO] + var colliders: Array[CollisionShape3D] = [] + var i: int = 0 + for vertex in plane.get_faces(): + vertices[i] = vertex + i += 1 + if i >= 3: + i = 0 + var shape := ConvexPolygonShape3D.new() + shape.points = [ + vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], + vertices[0] - Vector3.UP*depth, + vertices[1] - Vector3.UP*depth, + vertices[2] - Vector3.UP*depth + ] + var collider := CollisionShape3D.new() + collider.shape = shape + colliders.push_back(collider) + return colliders diff --git a/util/Promise.gd b/util/Promise.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c28b7b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/Promise.gd @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +class_name Promise extends Object + +signal _sig_finished(result: Variant) + +var _finished := false +var _result: Variant = null + +func is_finished() -> bool: + return _finished + +func get_result() -> Variant: + return _result + +func join() -> Variant: + if not _finished: + await _sig_finished + return _result + +func _init(arg: Variant) -> void: + var thunk: Callable + if arg is Callable: + thunk = arg + elif arg is Array: + thunk = func(): + var subtasks: Array[Promise] = [] + var subtask_results: Array = [] + for subthunk in arg: + subtasks.push_back(Promise.new(subthunk)) + while not subtasks.is_empty(): + subtask_results.push_front(await subtasks.pop_back().join()) + return subtask_results + elif arg is Promise: + thunk = func(): return await arg.join() + elif arg is Signal: + thunk = func(): return await arg + else: + thunk = func(): return arg + var wrapper := func(): + _result = await thunk.call() + _finished = true + _sig_finished.emit(_result) + wrapper.call() + +static func dummy() -> Promise: + return Promise.new(null) diff --git a/util/StateReentrometer.gd b/util/StateReentrometer.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4d8029 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/StateReentrometer.gd @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +class_name StateReentrometer extends RefCounted + +signal entered +signal descended +signal ascended +signal exited + +var _depth: int = 0 + +func descend() -> void: + assert(_depth >= 0) + if _depth <= 0: + entered.emit() + descended.emit() + _depth += 1 + +func ascend() -> void: + assert(_depth > 0) + _depth -= 1 + ascended.emit() + if _depth <= 0: + exited.emit() + +func active() -> bool: + return _depth > 0 + +func depth() -> int: + return _depth + +func valid() -> bool: + return _depth >= 0 diff --git a/util/TimeIntervalFormatting.gd b/util/TimeIntervalFormatting.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e871b1e --- /dev/null +++ b/util/TimeIntervalFormatting.gd @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +class_name TimeIntervalFormatting + +func _init() -> void: + push_error("Not instantiable") + free() + +static func format_systime_interval(seconds: int) -> String: + var neg := seconds < 0 + seconds = abs(seconds) + if seconds < 60: + return "%s%d seconds" % [ + 'minus ' if neg else '', + seconds + ] + elif seconds < 3600: + return "%s%d minutes %d seconds" % [ + 'minus ' if neg else '', + int(seconds/60.0), seconds%60 + ] + elif seconds < 86400: + return "%s%d hours %02d minutes" % [ + 'minus ' if neg else '', + int(seconds/3600.0), + int(seconds/60.0)%60 + ] + else: + return "%s%d days" % [ + 'minus ' if neg else '', + int(seconds/86400.0) + ] + +static func format_realtime_interval(seconds: float) -> String: + var negative := false + if seconds < 0.0: + negative = true + seconds = -seconds + var ithirds: int = int(seconds*60.0)%60 + var iseconds: int = int(seconds)%60 + var iminutes: int = int(seconds/60.0)%60 + var ihours: int = int(seconds/3600.0) + return "%s%d:%02d:%02d:%02d" % [ + "-" if negative else "", + ihours, iminutes, iseconds, ithirds + ] diff --git a/vfx/Backdrop3D.gd b/vfx/Backdrop3D.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3af9572 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/Backdrop3D.gd @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +class_name Backdrop3D extends MeshInstance3D + +const DISTANCE = 655.0 + +@export var interactive := false + +func _ready() -> void: + get_viewport().size_changed.connect(_adjust_size) + _adjust_size() + _follow_camera() + +func _adjust_size() -> void: + mesh.size = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + _follow_camera() + +func _follow_camera() -> void: + global_transform = FX.get_camera().global_transform + transform = transform.rotated( + basis.x, PI/2.0 + ).translated( + -DISTANCE*basis.z + ) + +func _get_embedded_viewport() -> Viewport: + var mat := mesh.surface_get_material(0) + var texture: Texture2D = null + if mat is ShaderMaterial: + texture = mat.get_shader_parameter(&'image') + elif mat is BaseMaterial3D: + texture = mat.albedo_texture + if texture is ViewportTexture: + return get_tree().current_scene.get_node(texture.viewport_path) + else: + return null + +func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: + if interactive: + var viewport := _get_embedded_viewport() + if viewport: + viewport.push_input(event) + get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() diff --git a/vfx/CameraGrabber.gd b/vfx/CameraGrabber.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07214ad --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/CameraGrabber.gd @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +class_name CameraGrabber extends Node3D + +static var _lock: NonReentrantCoroutineMutex +static func _static_init() -> void: + _lock = NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() + +@export var acquire_on_ready := true + +var acquired := false + +func _ready() -> void: + if acquire_on_ready: + acquire() + +func acquire() -> void: + if not acquired: + await _lock.acquire() + var camera := FX.get_camera() as Camera3D + camera.global_transform = global_transform + acquired = true + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + if acquired: + var camera := FX.get_camera() as Camera3D + camera.global_transform = global_transform + +func relinquish() -> void: + if acquired: + acquired = false + _lock.relinquish() + +func _exit_tree() -> void: + relinquish() diff --git a/vfx/DirtCheapGlobalIlluminationSubstitute.gd b/vfx/DirtCheapGlobalIlluminationSubstitute.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fdebb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/DirtCheapGlobalIlluminationSubstitute.gd @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +class_name DirtCheapGlobalIlluminationSubstitute extends DirectionalLight3D + +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + var camera := FX.get_camera() as RunnerObserver + look_at(-camera.basis.z.slide(camera.up_normal) - 2.0*camera.up_normal) diff --git a/vfx/Environment.tres b/vfx/Environment.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9ca2dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/Environment.tres @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +[gd_resource type="Environment" load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://dgy8ovtotble7"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://vfx/sky.gdshader" id="1_jkobt"] + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_p6rt5"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0.263889, 0.722222) + +[sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_2o8v6"] +noise_type = 3 +seed = 1960 +frequency = 0.03 + +[sub_resource type="NoiseTexture2D" id="NoiseTexture2D_jck7k"] +seamless = true +color_ramp = SubResource("Gradient_p6rt5") +noise = SubResource("FastNoiseLite_2o8v6") + +[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_8dw3d"] +offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0.772059, 1) + +[sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_63uqp"] +seed = 2018 +frequency = 0.5 + +[sub_resource type="NoiseTexture2D" id="NoiseTexture2D_2t1hi"] +width = 2048 +in_3d_space = true +seamless = true +color_ramp = SubResource("Gradient_8dw3d") +noise = SubResource("FastNoiseLite_63uqp") + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_h32qi"] +shader = ExtResource("1_jkobt") +shader_parameter/night = 0.0 +shader_parameter/overcast = 0.25 +shader_parameter/windy = 0.25 +shader_parameter/bright = 0.25 +shader_parameter/twist = 0.0 +shader_parameter/psychedelic = 0.0 +shader_parameter/cloud_map = SubResource("NoiseTexture2D_jck7k") +shader_parameter/star_map = SubResource("NoiseTexture2D_2t1hi") + +[sub_resource type="Sky" id="Sky_ku11v"] +sky_material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_h32qi") +process_mode = 3 + +[resource] +background_mode = 2 +sky = SubResource("Sky_ku11v") +tonemap_mode = 2 +tonemap_exposure = 0.63 +tonemap_white = 1.5 +ssao_radius = 0.5 +ssao_intensity = 4.0 +ssao_light_affect = 0.25 +sdfgi_bounce_feedback = 0.0 +sdfgi_cascades = 1 +sdfgi_min_cell_size = 1.0 +sdfgi_cascade0_distance = 64.0 +sdfgi_max_distance = 128.0 +glow_blend_mode = 4 +fog_enabled = true +fog_density = 0.0 +volumetric_fog_density = 0.0 +volumetric_fog_emission = Color(0.552941, 0.588235, 0.921569, 1) diff --git a/vfx/SameSizedSubViewport.gd b/vfx/SameSizedSubViewport.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f73cd2d --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/SameSizedSubViewport.gd @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +class_name SameSizedSubViewport extends SubViewport + +@onready var parent_viewport := get_parent().get_viewport() + +func _ready() -> void: + parent_viewport.size_changed.connect(_resize) + _resize() + +func _resize() -> void: + size = parent_viewport.get_visible_rect().size diff --git a/vfx/ScreenEffectsConfiguration.gd b/vfx/ScreenEffectsConfiguration.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2b4ca6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/ScreenEffectsConfiguration.gd @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +class_name ScreenEffectsConfiguration extends Resource + +enum Weather { + CLEAR, + SPRINKLE, + DRIZZLE, + RAIN, + DOWNPOUR, + STORM, + SNOW, + SNOWSTORM +} + +enum TimeOfDay { + MORNING, + DAY, + AFTERNOON, + EVENING, + NIGHT +} + +@export var transition: float = ScreenEffects.LONGEST_DEFAULT_TRANSITION +@export var set_light_source := false +@export var light_source := Vector3.UP - Vector3.BACK +@export var set_tint := false +@export var tint := Color.WHITE +@export var set_fade := false +@export var fade := Color.TRANSPARENT +@export var set_weather := false +@export var weather := Weather.CLEAR +@export var set_time_of_day := false +@export var time_of_day := TimeOfDay.DAY +@export var override_overcast := false +@export var overcast_override: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_OVERCAST +@export var override_brightness := false +@export var brightness_override: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_BRIGHTNESS +@export var override_wind := false +@export var wind_override: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_WIND +@export var set_twist := false +@export var twist: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_TWIST +@export var set_psychedelic := false +@export var psychedelic: float = ScreenEffects.NORMAL_PSYCHEDELIC + +func apply( + transition_override: float = -1.0 +) -> void: + var jobs: Array[Callable] = [] + var job: Callable + if transition_override < 0.0: + transition_override = transition + if set_light_source: + job = func(): + await FX.light_source(light_source, transition_override) + jobs.push_back(job) + if set_tint: + job = func(): + await FX.tint(tint, transition_override) + jobs.push_back(job) + if set_fade: + job = func(): + await FX.fade(fade, transition_override) + jobs.push_back(job) + if set_weather: + match weather: + Weather.CLEAR: + job = func(): + await FX.stop_weather( + transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.SPRINKLE: + job = func(): + await FX.rain( + 1, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.DRIZZLE: + job = func(): + await FX.rain( + 2, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.RAIN: + job = func(): + await FX.rain( + 3, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.DOWNPOUR: + job = func(): + await FX.rain( + 4, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.STORM: + job = func(): + await FX.rain( + 5, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.SNOW: + job = func(): + await FX.snow( + 1, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + Weather.SNOWSTORM: + job = func(): + await FX.snow( + 2, transition_override, + bool(override_overcast), + bool(override_brightness), + bool(override_wind) + ) + _: job = func(): + push_warning("Invalid weather %d" % weather) + jobs.push_back(job) + if override_overcast: + job = func(): + await FX.overcast( + overcast_override, + transition_override, + bool(override_brightness) + ) + jobs.push_back(job) + if override_brightness: + job = func(): + await FX.brightness(brightness_override, transition_override) + jobs.push_back(job) + if override_wind: + job = func(): + FX.wind(wind_override, transition_override) + jobs.push_back(job) + if set_twist: + job = func(): + FX.twist(twist, transition_override) + if set_psychedelic: + job = func(): + FX.psychedelic(psychedelic, transition_override) + if set_time_of_day: + match time_of_day: + TimeOfDay.MORNING: + job = func(): + await FX.morning(transition_override) + TimeOfDay.DAY: + job = func(): + await FX.day(transition_override) + TimeOfDay.AFTERNOON: + job = func(): + await FX.afternoon(transition_override) + TimeOfDay.EVENING: + job = func(): + await FX.evening(transition_override) + TimeOfDay.NIGHT: + job = func(): + await FX.night(transition_override) + _: job = func(): + push_warning("Invalid time of day %d" % time_of_day) + jobs.push_back(job) + await Promise.new(jobs).join() diff --git a/vfx/UIAutoloadGrabber.gd b/vfx/UIAutoloadGrabber.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc0c439 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/UIAutoloadGrabber.gd @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +class_name UIAutoloadGrabber extends Control + +static var _lock: NonReentrantCoroutineMutex +static func _static_init() -> void: + _lock = NonReentrantCoroutineMutex.new() + +var acquired := false +@onready var _root := get_tree().root + +func acquire() -> void: + if not acquired: + await _lock.acquire() + _root.remove_child(UI) + add_child(UI) + acquired = true + +func relinquish() -> void: + if acquired: + if UI.get_parent() == self: + child_exiting_tree.disconnect(relinquish) + remove_child(UI) + child_exiting_tree.connect(relinquish) + _root.add_child(UI) + acquired = false + _lock.relinquish() diff --git a/vfx/UnderlayViewport.gd b/vfx/UnderlayViewport.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..256d88d --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/UnderlayViewport.gd @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +class_name UnderlayViewport extends SubViewport + +@export var apply_on_ready := false + +func _ready() -> void: + get_viewport().size_changed.connect(_update_size) + _update_size() + if apply_on_ready: + apply() + +func _exit_tree() -> void: + dispose() + +func apply() -> void: + FX.set_underlay_viewport(self) + +func dispose() -> void: + FX.clear_underlay(self) + +func _update_size() -> void: + size = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size diff --git a/vfx/basic.gdshader b/vfx/basic.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88bc93a --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/basic.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: GROUND_TEXTURE_HINTS, hint_default_white; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/chrome.gdshader b/vfx/chrome.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b245be --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/chrome.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float reflectivity = 0.9; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + METALLIC = reflectivity; + CLEARCOAT = reflectivity; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 1.0 - reflectivity; + ROUGHNESS = 1.0 - reflectivity; + SPECULAR = reflectivity; + RIM = reflectivity; + RIM_TINT = 1.0 - reflectivity; + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} diff --git a/vfx/gemstone.gdshader b/vfx/gemstone.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb185ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/gemstone.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float reflectivity = 0.9; +uniform float radiance = 0.03; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + SPECULAR = reflectivity; + CLEARCOAT = reflectivity; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 1.0 - reflectivity; + ROUGHNESS = 1.0 - reflectivity; + METALLIC = reflectivity; + RIM = reflectivity; + RIM_TINT = 1.0 - reflectivity; + EMISSION = ALBEDO*radiance; + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} diff --git a/vfx/glass.gdshader b/vfx/glass.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6a59bf --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/glass.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform vec4 color: source_color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); +uniform float coarseness = 0.125; +uniform vec3 glow: source_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = color.rgb; + ALPHA = mix(color.a, 1.0, coarseness); + SPECULAR = 1.0; + METALLIC = 1.0 - coarseness; + CLEARCOAT = 1.0 - coarseness; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = coarseness; + ROUGHNESS = coarseness; + EMISSION = glow; + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} diff --git a/vfx/identity.gdshader b/vfx/identity.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1504e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/identity.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +shader_type spatial; +render_mode unshaded; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; + +void fragment() { + vec4 color = texture(image, UV); + ALBEDO = color.rgb; + ALPHA = color.a; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/luminous.gdshader b/vfx/luminous.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6edb4ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/luminous.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float multiplier = 1.0; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + EMISSION = ALBEDO*multiplier; + METALLIC = mix(METALLIC, 0.25, wet); + SPECULAR = mix(SPECULAR, 1.0, wet); + ROUGHNESS = mix(ROUGHNESS, 0.0, wet); + CLEARCOAT = mix(CLEARCOAT, 1.0, wet); + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = mix(CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS, 0.0, wet); + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/multimat.gdshader b/vfx/multimat.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b80671 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/multimat.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float hue_precision = 0.075; +uniform float saturation_threshold = 0.25; +uniform float glass_hue = -1.0; +uniform float chrome_hue = -1.0; +uniform float glow_hue = -1.0; +uniform float neon_hue = -1.0; +uniform float wax_hue = -1.0; +uniform float gloss_hue = -1.0; + +void fragment() { + vec3 rgb = texture(image, UV).rgb; + ALBEDO = rgb; + vec3 hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb); + if (hsv.y >= saturation_threshold) { + if (abs(hsv.x - glass_hue) <= hue_precision) { + CLEARCOAT = 1.0; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 0.05; + ROUGHNESS = 0.05; + SPECULAR = 1.0; + METALLIC = 1.0; + } + if (abs(hsv.x - chrome_hue) <= hue_precision) { + CLEARCOAT = 1.0; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 0.05; + ROUGHNESS = 0.05; + SPECULAR = 1.0; + METALLIC = 1.0; + } + if (abs(hsv.x - glow_hue) <= hue_precision) { + EMISSION = ALBEDO/4.0; + } + if (abs(hsv.x - neon_hue) <= hue_precision) { + EMISSION = ALBEDO; + } + if (abs(hsv.x - wax_hue) <= hue_precision) { + CLEARCOAT = 0.05; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 0.95; + } + if (abs(hsv.x - gloss_hue) <= hue_precision) { + CLEARCOAT = 0.25; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 0.25; + } + } + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/neon.gdshader b/vfx/neon.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..673f111 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/neon.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float exponent = 1.0; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + EMISSION = ALBEDO*pow(rgb2hsv(ALBEDO).z, exponent); + METALLIC = mix(METALLIC, 0.25, wet); + SPECULAR = mix(SPECULAR, 1.0, wet); + ROUGHNESS = mix(ROUGHNESS, 0.0, wet); + CLEARCOAT = mix(CLEARCOAT, 1.0, wet); + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = mix(CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS, 0.0, wet); + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} diff --git a/vfx/neon_and_chrome.gdshader b/vfx/neon_and_chrome.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c236f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/neon_and_chrome.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float exponent = 1.0; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + vec3 hsv = rgb2hsv(ALBEDO); + float neon = pow(hsv.z, exponent); + float chrome = 1.0 - neon; + EMISSION = ALBEDO*neon; + METALLIC = chrome; + CLEARCOAT = chrome; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = neon; + ROUGHNESS = neon; + SPECULAR = chrome; + RIM = chrome; + RIM_TINT = neon; + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} diff --git a/vfx/prime_wave_test.gdshader b/vfx/prime_wave_test.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f87b004 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/prime_wave_test.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +varying float displacement; + +void vertex() { + displacement = vec2_optimal_prime_noise(VERTEX.xz, TIME); + VERTEX.y += displacement; +} + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = vec3(1.0)*(displacement + 1.0)/2.0; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/sky.gdshader b/vfx/sky.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..824ec3d --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/sky.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +shader_type sky; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +const vec3 COLOR_DAY = vec3(0.0, 0.41, 0.8); +const vec3 COLOR_TWILIGHT = vec3(1.0, 0.29, 0.0); +const vec3 COLOR_NIGHT = vec3(0.01, 0.0, 0.03); +const vec3 COLOR_CLOUDS_LIGHT = vec3(2.0); +const vec3 COLOR_CLOUDS_HEAVY = vec3(0.25); +const vec3 COLOR_STARS = vec3(1.0); +const vec3 RADIANCE_DAY = vec3(0.625); +const vec3 RADIANCE_TWILIGHT = COLOR_TWILIGHT/2.0; +const vec3 RADIANCE_NIGHT = 3.0*COLOR_NIGHT; +const float RADIANCE_OVERCAST = 0.875; + +uniform sampler2D cloud_map: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform sampler2D star_map: TEXTURE_HINTS; +uniform float night = 0.0; +uniform float overcast = 0.25; +uniform float windy = 0.25; +uniform float bright = 0.25; +uniform float twist = 0.0; +uniform float psychedelic = 0.0; + +float index_cloud_map(vec2 uv) { + return mix(texture(cloud_map, uv).r, 0.0, 2.0*abs(0.5 - uv.y))*overcast; +} + +float index_star_map(vec2 uv) { + return mix(texture(star_map, uv).r, 0.0, 2.0*abs(0.5 - uv.y)); +} + +vec4 clouds(vec2 uv) { + float m = index_cloud_map(uv); + return vec4( + vec3(mix( + COLOR_CLOUDS_LIGHT, + COLOR_CLOUDS_HEAVY, + overcast + ))*mix(1.0, 0.125, night)*(m + 3.0)/4.0, + mix(m, 1.0, + mix(overcast, + overcast*overcast*overcast*overcast*overcast, + night)) + ); +} + +vec4 stars(vec2 uv) { + return vec4(COLOR_STARS, mix(0.0, index_star_map(uv), night))*bright*4.0; +} + +vec4 psychedelic_overlay(vec2 uv) { + return vec4( + hsv2rgb(vec3( + fract(uv.x), + mix(0.5, 0.0, 2.0*(0.5 - uv.y)*(0.5 - uv.y)), + 2.0*abs(0.5 - uv.y) + )).rgb, + psychedelic + ); +} + +vec3 bgcolor(float y) { + vec3 top = mix(COLOR_DAY, COLOR_NIGHT, night); + vec3 bottom = mix(top, COLOR_TWILIGHT, 1.0 - abs(0.5 - night)*2.0); + return mix(top, bottom, y); +} + +vec3 radiance() { + return mix( + mix(RADIANCE_DAY, RADIANCE_NIGHT, night), + RADIANCE_TWILIGHT, + 0.5 - abs(0.5 - night) + )*mix(1.0, RADIANCE_OVERCAST, overcast)*bright*4.0; +} + +vec3 composite(vec2 uv) { + float wind_factor = TIME*windy*windy*0.25; + vec2 uv_after_twist = vec2( + fract(uv.x + sin(TIME*uv.y*twist/180.0)), + uv.y + ); + vec2 uv_after_wind = vec2(fract(uv.x + wind_factor), uv.y); + vec2 uv_after_both = vec2( + fract(uv.x + sin(TIME*uv.y*twist/180.0) + wind_factor), + uv.y + ); + vec4 color = vec4(bgcolor(uv.y), 1.0); + color = alpha_blend(stars( + mix(mix(uv, uv_after_wind, psychedelic), uv_after_both, twist) + ), color); + color = alpha_blend(clouds(uv_after_wind), color); + //color = alpha_blend(psychedelic_overlay(uv_after_both), color); + vec4 psych = psychedelic_overlay(uv_after_both); + color = vec4(mix(color.rgb, mix( + color.rgb*psych.rgb, + color.rgb + psych.rgb, + night + ), psych.a), 1.0); + return color.rgb; +} + +void sky() { + vec2 uv = SKY_COORDS; + if (AT_CUBEMAP_PASS) { + COLOR = radiance(); + } else { + COLOR = composite(uv); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/solid_color.gdshader b/vfx/solid_color.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35c69fe --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/solid_color.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform vec3 color: source_color; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = color; + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/solid_color_identity.gdshader b/vfx/solid_color_identity.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bb635b --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/solid_color_identity.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform vec3 color: source_color; + +void fragment() { + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} + +void light() { + DIFFUSE_LIGHT = color; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/technicolor.gdshader b/vfx/technicolor.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1793598 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/technicolor.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +shader_type spatial; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS +uniform sampler2D image: TEXTURE_HINTS; +instance uniform float hue_shift = 0.0; +uniform float hue_range = 1.0; +uniform float reflectivity = 0.0; +uniform float radiance = 0.0; + +void fragment() { + ALBEDO = texture(image, UV).rgb; + SPECULAR = reflectivity; + CLEARCOAT = reflectivity; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 1.0 - reflectivity; + ROUGHNESS = 1.0 - reflectivity; + METALLIC = reflectivity; + RIM = reflectivity; + RIM_TINT = 1.0 - reflectivity; + EMISSION = ALBEDO*radiance; + vec3 albedo_hsv = rgb2hsv(ALBEDO); + vec3 emission_hsv = rgb2hsv(EMISSION); + float real_hue_shift = -hue_range*atan(hue_shift)/PI; + albedo_hsv.x = fract(albedo_hsv.x + real_hue_shift); + emission_hsv.x = fract(emission_hsv.x + real_hue_shift); + ALBEDO = hsv2rgb(albedo_hsv); + EMISSION = hsv2rgb(emission_hsv); + UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING +} diff --git a/vfx/underlay.gdshader b/vfx/underlay.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66dfa12 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/underlay.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +shader_type spatial; +render_mode unshaded; + +#include "res://vfx/util.gdshaderinc" + +uniform sampler2D viewport_texture: source_color, hint_screen_texture; +uniform sampler2D viewport_depth_texture: source_color, hint_depth_texture; +uniform sampler2D image: source_color, hint_default_transparent; +uniform float far = 4000.0; + +void vertex() { + POSITION = vec4(VERTEX.xyz, 1.0); +} + +void fragment() { + DEPTH = texture(viewport_depth_texture, SCREEN_UV).x; + float linear_depth = linearize_depth( + DEPTH, SCREEN_UV, INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX + ); + if (linear_depth > far) { + ALBEDO = alpha_blend( + texture(image, SCREEN_UV), + texture(viewport_texture, SCREEN_UV) + ).rgb; + } else { + ALBEDO = texture(viewport_texture, SCREEN_UV).rgb; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vfx/util.gdshaderinc b/vfx/util.gdshaderinc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f855e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vfx/util.gdshaderinc @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +#define TEXTURE_HINTS source_color, filter_linear, repeat_enable +#define GROUND_TEXTURE_HINTS source_color, filter_linear, repeat_disable +#define UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PARAMS \ + uniform float wet = 0.0; +#define UNIVERSAL_SOLID_PROCESSING \ + METALLIC = mix(METALLIC, 1.0, wet); \ + SPECULAR = mix(SPECULAR, 1.0, wet); \ + ROUGHNESS = mix(ROUGHNESS, 0.0, wet); \ + CLEARCOAT = mix(CLEARCOAT, 1.0, wet); \ + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = mix(CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS, 0.0, wet); + +float fs2u(float f) { + return (f + 1.0)/2.0; +} + +float fu2s(float f) { + return 2.0*f - 1.0; +} + +vec2 v2s2u(vec2 v) { + return (v + vec2(1.0, 1.0))/2.0; +} + +vec2 v2u2s(vec2 v) { + return 2.0*v - vec2(1.0, 1.0); +} + +vec3 v3s2u(vec3 v) { + return (v + vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))/2.0; +} + +vec3 v3u2s(vec3 v) { + return 2.0*v - vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); +} + +vec4 v4s2u(vec4 v) { + return (v + vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))/2.0; +} + +vec4 v4u2s(vec4 v) { + return 2.0*v - vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); +} + +vec3 project(vec3 a, vec3 b) { + float lb = length(b); + return dot(a, b)*b/(lb*lb); +} + +vec3 resolute(vec3 a, vec3 b) { + return a - project(a, b); +} + +ivec3 sortv3(vec3 v) { + if (v.x <= v.y) { + if (v.x <= v.z) { + if (v.y <= v.z) { + return ivec3(0, 1, 2); + } else { + return ivec3(0, 2, 1); + } + } else { + return ivec3(2, 0, 1); + } + } else if (v.x <= v.z) { + return ivec3(1, 0, 2); + } else if (v.y <= v.z) { + return ivec3(1, 2, 0); + } else { + return ivec3(2, 1, 0); + } +} + +vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 rgb) { + vec3 hsv = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + ivec3 sorti = sortv3(rgb); + vec3 sortf = vec3(rgb[sorti.x], rgb[sorti.y], rgb[sorti.z]); + sortf.y = sortf.z - sortf.x; + if (sortf.y >= 0.001) { + switch (sorti.z) { + case 0: { + hsv.x = fract((rgb.g - rgb.b)/(6.0*sortf.y)); + } break; + case 1: { + hsv.x = ((rgb.b - rgb.r)/sortf.y + 2.0)/6.0; + } break; + case 2: default: { + hsv.x = ((rgb.r - rgb.g)/sortf.y + 4.0)/6.0; + } break; + } + hsv.y = sortf.y/sortf.z; + } + hsv.z = sortf.z; + return hsv; +} + +vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 hsv) { + float c = hsv.y*hsv.z; + float h6 = mod(6.0*hsv.x, 6.0); + float x = c*(1.0 - abs(mod(h6, 2.0) - 1.0)); + float m = hsv.z - c; + switch (int(h6)) { + case 0: return vec3(c + m, x + m, m); + case 1: return vec3(x + m, c + m, m); + case 2: return vec3(m, c + m, x + m); + case 3: return vec3(m, x + m, c + m); + case 4: return vec3(x + m, m, c + m); + case 5: default: return vec3(c + m, m, x + m); + } +} + +float prime_noise(float theta) { + return ( + sin(2.0*theta + 131.0) + + cos(3.0*theta + 127.0) - + sin(5.0*theta + 113.0) - + cos(7.0*theta + 109.0) + + sin(11.0*theta + 107.0) + + cos(13.0*theta + 103.0) - + sin(17.0*theta + 101.0) - + cos(19.0*theta + 97.0) + + sin(23.0*theta + 89.0) + + cos(29.0*theta + 83.0) - + sin(31.0*theta + 79.0) - + cos(37.0*theta + 73.0) + + sin(41.0*theta + 71.0) + + cos(43.0*theta + 67.0) - + sin(47.0*theta + 61.0) - + cos(53.0*theta + 59.0) + + sin(59.0*theta + 53.0) + + cos(61.0*theta + 47.0) - + sin(67.0*theta + 43.0) - + cos(71.0*theta + 41.0) + + sin(73.0*theta + 37.0) + + cos(79.0*theta + 31.0) - + sin(83.0*theta + 29.0) - + cos(89.0*theta + 23.0) + + sin(97.0*theta + 19.0) + + cos(101.0*theta + 17.0) - + sin(103.0*theta + 13.0) - + cos(107.0*theta + 11.0) + + sin(109.0*theta + 7.0) + + cos(113.0*theta + 5.0) - + sin(127.0*theta + 3.0) - + cos(131.0*theta + 2.0) + )/32.0; +} + +float recursive_prime_noise(float seed, int iterations) { + for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { + seed = PI*prime_noise(seed); + } + return seed/PI; +} + +float vec2_prime_noise(vec2 v, float seed, int iterations) { + return recursive_prime_noise( + PI*recursive_prime_noise(v.x, iterations) + + PI*recursive_prime_noise(v.y, iterations) + + seed, + iterations + ); +} + +float vec2_optimal_prime_noise(vec2 v, float seed) { + return vec2_prime_noise(v, seed, 3); +} + +float power_of_2_wave_noise(float theta, int depth) { + float sum = 0.0; + float factor = 1.0; + float divisor = 0.0; + for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { + factor *= 2.0; + sum += sin(factor*theta)/factor; + divisor += 1.0/factor; + } + return sum/divisor; +} + +vec4 alpha_blend(vec4 above, vec4 below) { + return vec4( + above.rgb*above.a + below.rgb*(1.0 - above.a), + above.a + below.a*(1.0 - above.a) + ); +} + +float linearize_depth( + float depth, + vec2 screen_uv, + mat4 inv_projection_matrix +) { + /* Code taken, with gratitude, from official Godot tutorial: + https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials\ + /shaders/advanced_postprocessing.html#depth-texture */ + vec3 ndc = vec3(screen_uv * 2.0 - 1.0, depth); + vec4 view = inv_projection_matrix * vec4(ndc, 1.0); + view.xyz /= view.w; + return -view.z; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/zones/Liquid/Liquid.gd b/zones/Liquid/Liquid.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01beed2 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/Liquid.gd @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +class_name Liquid extends Area3D + +const VERY_FAST_TRANSITION: float = 0.03125 +const DROPLET_WAVELENGTH: float = 2.0 +const DROPLET_AMPLITUDE: float = 0.125 + +@export var descriptor: LiquidDescriptor = ( + preload("res://zones/Liquid/descriptors/Water.tres") +) +@export var frequency: float = 1.0 +@export var wavelength: float = 1.0 +@export var amplitude: float = 1.0 + +@onready var audio_player := $'AudioStreamPlayer3D' as AudioStreamPlayer3D +@onready var particles := $'GPUParticles3D' as GPUParticles3D +@onready var mesh := $'..' as MeshInstance3D + +func _ready() -> void: + body_entered.connect(splash) + body_exited.connect(splash) + FX.get_camera().area_entered.connect(_on_camera_entered) + FX.get_camera().area_exited.connect(_on_camera_exited) + mesh.set_surface_override_material( + 0, preload("res://zones/Liquid/LiquidMaterial.tres") + ) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'color', descriptor.color) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'frequency', frequency) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'wavelength', wavelength) + mesh.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'amplitude', amplitude) + particles.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'color', descriptor.color) + particles.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'frequency', frequency) + particles.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'wavelength', DROPLET_WAVELENGTH) + particles.set_instance_shader_parameter(&'amplitude', DROPLET_AMPLITUDE) + gravity = descriptor.buoyancy + gravity_direction = Vector3.UP + gravity_space_override = Area3D.SPACE_OVERRIDE_COMBINE + linear_damp = descriptor.viscosity + linear_damp_space_override = Area3D.SPACE_OVERRIDE_COMBINE + +func splash(body: PhysicsBody3D) -> void: + if body is RigidBody3D: + audio_player.global_position = body.global_position + particles.global_position = body.global_position + audio_player.play() + particles.restart() + particles.emitting = true + +func _on_camera_entered(where: Area3D) -> void: + if where == self: + var level := Storyboard.get_current_level() as LevelDescriptor + if level: + var vfx := level.fx as ScreenEffectsConfiguration + if vfx and vfx.set_tint: + FX.tint(vfx.tint*descriptor.color, 0.0) + else: + FX.tint(descriptor.color, 0.0) + else: + FX.tint(descriptor.color, 0.0) + FX.hide_weather_particles() + +func _on_camera_exited(where: Area3D) -> void: + if where == self: + var level := Storyboard.get_current_level() as LevelDescriptor + if level: + var vfx := level.fx as ScreenEffectsConfiguration + if vfx and vfx.set_tint: + FX.tint(vfx.tint, VERY_FAST_TRANSITION) + else: + FX.tint(Color.WHITE, VERY_FAST_TRANSITION) + else: + FX.tint(Color.WHITE, VERY_FAST_TRANSITION) + FX.unhide_weather_particles() diff --git a/zones/Liquid/Liquid.tscn b/zones/Liquid/Liquid.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cc0183 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/Liquid.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://de5vceraxwf3r"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://zones/Liquid/Liquid.gd" id="1_k8sce"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://y3vjxxj2t8fk" path="res://audio/splash.ogg" id="2_0sot2"] +[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://ye5317xkoggh" path="res://zones/Liquid/LiquidSplashProcessMaterial.tres" id="3_usf4l"] +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://zones/Liquid/liquid.gdshader" id="4_moout"] + +[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_ludyc"] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("4_moout") + +[sub_resource type="SphereMesh" id="SphereMesh_pnr2x"] +material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_ludyc") + +[node name="Liquid" type="Area3D"] +script = ExtResource("1_k8sce") + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer3D" type="AudioStreamPlayer3D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("2_0sot2") +bus = &"Sound" + +[node name="GPUParticles3D" type="GPUParticles3D" parent="."] +emitting = false +amount = 64 +one_shot = true +explosiveness = 1.0 +process_material = ExtResource("3_usf4l") +draw_pass_1 = SubResource("SphereMesh_pnr2x") diff --git a/zones/Liquid/LiquidDescriptor.gd b/zones/Liquid/LiquidDescriptor.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2a7512 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/LiquidDescriptor.gd @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +class_name LiquidDescriptor extends Resource + +@export var color := Color(0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0) +@export var buoyancy: float = 11.0 +@export var viscosity: float = 1.0 diff --git a/zones/Liquid/LiquidMaterial.tres b/zones/Liquid/LiquidMaterial.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dc5ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/LiquidMaterial.tres @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[gd_resource type="ShaderMaterial" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dupf1cbmopvk1"] + +[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://zones/Liquid/liquid.gdshader" id="1_6gh2e"] + +[resource] +render_priority = 0 +shader = ExtResource("1_6gh2e") diff --git a/zones/Liquid/LiquidSplashProcessMaterial.tres b/zones/Liquid/LiquidSplashProcessMaterial.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fc6c57 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/LiquidSplashProcessMaterial.tres @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[gd_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://ye5317xkoggh"] + +[sub_resource type="Curve" id="Curve_ehyxt"] +_data = [Vector2(0, 0), 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, Vector2(0.402597, 1), 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, Vector2(1, 0), 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0] +point_count = 3 + +[sub_resource type="CurveTexture" id="CurveTexture_d3p0b"] +curve = SubResource("Curve_ehyxt") + +[resource] +particle_flag_align_y = true +particle_flag_rotate_y = true +direction = Vector3(0, 1, 0) +spread = 75.0 +initial_velocity_min = 15.0 +initial_velocity_max = 15.0 +scale_min = 0.0 +scale_curve = SubResource("CurveTexture_d3p0b") diff --git a/zones/Liquid/VisualLiquid.gd b/zones/Liquid/VisualLiquid.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a281af --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/VisualLiquid.gd @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +extends MeshInstance3D + +@export var descriptor: LiquidDescriptor = ( + preload("res://zones/Liquid/descriptors/Water.tres") +) +@export var frequency: float = 1.0 +@export var wavelength: float = 1.0 +@export var amplitude: float = 1.0 + +func _ready() -> void: + set_instance_shader_parameter(&'color', descriptor.color) + set_instance_shader_parameter(&'frequency', frequency) + set_instance_shader_parameter(&'wavelength', wavelength) + set_instance_shader_parameter(&'amplitude', amplitude) diff --git a/zones/Liquid/descriptors/Water.tres b/zones/Liquid/descriptors/Water.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6af945 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/descriptors/Water.tres @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="LiquidDescriptor" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bshc52wltwpgf"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://zones/Liquid/LiquidDescriptor.gd" id="1_d1s70"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1_d1s70") +color = Color(0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1) +buoyancy = 11.0 +viscosity = 1.0 diff --git a/zones/Liquid/liquid.gdshader b/zones/Liquid/liquid.gdshader new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17ce292 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/Liquid/liquid.gdshader @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +shader_type spatial; +render_mode cull_disabled; + +instance uniform vec4 color: source_color = vec4(0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75); +instance uniform float frequency = 1.0; +instance uniform float wavelength = 1.0; +instance uniform float amplitude = 1.0; + +varying float displacement; + +vec3 project(vec3 a, vec3 b) { + float m = length(b); + return dot(a, b)*b/(m*m); +} + +void vertex() { + displacement = ( + sin((frequency*TIME + VERTEX.x/wavelength)*TAU) + + cos((frequency*TIME + VERTEX.z/wavelength)*TAU) + )/2.0; + VERTEX.y += displacement*amplitude; +} + +void fragment() { + float df = (1.0 - displacement)/2.0; + ALBEDO = color.rgb; + ALPHA = color.a; + CLEARCOAT = df; + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = df; + ROUGHNESS = df; + RIM = df; + RIM_TINT = df; + METALLIC = df; + SPECULAR = 1.0; +} diff --git a/zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZone.gd b/zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZone.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d78465 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZone.gd @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +class_name LoadingZone extends Area3D + +const FLOOR_CHECK_DISTANCE: float = 100.0 +const FLOOR_ANTICLIP: float = 0.25 +const RAYCAST_ANTICLIP: float = 5.0 +const AREA_ANTICLIP: float = 1.0 +const SCENE_START_TIMEOUT: float = 1.0 + +enum ActiveState { + DISABLED, + ENABLED, + DROPOFF_ONLY +} + +@export var active_state := ActiveState.ENABLED + +@onready var bounds := ( + $'CollisionShape3D' as CollisionShape3D +).shape as BoxShape3D + +func dropoff_site() -> Transform3D: + var raycast := PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.new() + raycast.from = ( + global_position + basis.z*(bounds.size.z/2.0 + AREA_ANTICLIP) + + basis.y*RAYCAST_ANTICLIP + ) + raycast.to = raycast.from - basis.y*FLOOR_CHECK_DISTANCE + var chk := get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(raycast) + return Transform3D(basis.orthonormalized(), ( + global_position if chk.is_empty() + else chk.position + basis.y*FLOOR_ANTICLIP + )) + +func dropoff(what: Node3D, use_model_front: bool = true) -> void: + what.transform = dropoff_site() + if use_model_front: + what.basis = what.basis.rotated(what.basis.y, PI) + +func pickup(node: Node) -> void: + if ( + active_state == ActiveState.ENABLED and + PlayerControl.enabled() and + node == PlayerControl.get_runner() + ): + Storyboard.try_follow_map_connection(name) + +func enable() -> void: + if active_state != ActiveState.DROPOFF_ONLY: + active_state = ActiveState.ENABLED + +func disable() -> void: + if active_state != ActiveState.DROPOFF_ONLY: + active_state = ActiveState.DISABLED + +func enabled() -> bool: + return bool(active_state == ActiveState.ENABLED) + +func _ready() -> void: + _connect_pickup_after_timeout.call_deferred() + +func _connect_pickup_after_timeout() -> void: + await Wait.seconds(SCENE_START_TIMEOUT) + body_entered.connect(pickup) diff --git a/zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZoneGlobalID.gd b/zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZoneGlobalID.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..316f81b --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/LoadingZone/LoadingZoneGlobalID.gd @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class_name LoadingZoneGlobalID extends Resource + +@export var map: MapID +@export var loading_zone: StringName diff --git a/zones/SequenceTrigger/SequenceTrigger.gd b/zones/SequenceTrigger/SequenceTrigger.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dbc9a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/zones/SequenceTrigger/SequenceTrigger.gd @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +class_name SequenceTrigger extends Area3D + +signal returned(value: Variant) + +enum Condition {ENTER, EXIT, INTERACT} + +@export var condition := Condition.ENTER +@export var sequence := &'' +@export var args := {} +@export var cursor_color := Color.WHITE +@export var cursor_offset := Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) +@export var camera_distance: float = -1.0 + +var _busy := false +var value_last_returned: Variant + +func _ready() -> void: + if camera_distance < 0.0: camera_distance = FX.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DISTANCE/1.5 + match condition: + Condition.ENTER: body_entered.connect(_run_if_node_is_player) + Condition.EXIT: body_exited.connect(_run_if_node_is_player) + Condition.INTERACT: + Cursor3D.clicked.connect(_run_if_node_is_self) + body_entered.connect(_select_if_node_is_player) + body_exited.connect(_deselect_if_node_is_player) + +func _run_if_node_is_player(whom: Node) -> void: + if whom == PlayerControl.get_runner(): + _run() + +func _run_if_node_is_self(whom: Node) -> void: + if whom == self: + _run() + +func _run() -> void: + if not _busy: + _busy = true + PlayerControl.borrow() + var real_args = args.duplicate() + real_args[&'trigger'] = self + value_last_returned = await Sequence.Call(sequence, real_args) + returned.emit(value_last_returned) + PlayerControl.restore() + _busy = false + +func _select_if_node_is_player(whom: Node) -> void: + if PlayerControl.enabled() and whom == PlayerControl.get_runner(): + Cursor3D.select(self, cursor_color, cursor_offset, camera_distance) + +func _deselect_if_node_is_player(whom: Node) -> void: + if whom == PlayerControl.get_runner(): + Cursor3D.deselect(self) + +func _exit_tree() -> void: + Cursor3D.deselect(self)