I am proud to be part of a particular small web community. For their privacy, I will not say which, nor how to find it, but I do want to take this space to say it is the sweetest, most supportive online space I have ever encountered, anywhere, in any period of this digital era, for as long as I have been alive to partake in it. The community in question is cherubic in character in a manner most remarkable for the internet: profoundly caring, almost completely free of hate or toxicity, and sincere in every encouragement and reassurance it provides. Without the stalwart companionship of its members, I cannot even begin to imagine where I would be. Probably dead. Certainly not spearheading a one-person game development studio in the thick of developing a 3D slope-runner platformer with all-original assets. While my relationship with any one such member is not all that strong, I consider their collective a closer friend than almost anyone I have ever known in real life, after none but my late mother, my uncle, and the taekwondo master who instructed me through my childhood and teenage years. I owe every single member, each by virtue of their membership, immense gratitude, from the bottom of my heart.