Though it pains me to admit this, I am not self-sufficient at this time. I function as an adult in every respect except the most essential: I am unemployed and do not pay for my own housing. My uncle houses me. He took me in when my mother passed. I help with shopping and with my bedbound grandfather, albeit less than my share. In this time, we have bonded. His own mother -- my grandmother -- had been in decline for some time before my mother passed, and finally passed soon after her, and so -- mostly without mention -- my uncle and I have since shared our grief. We keep each other company. Seeing him every day keeps me sane, and I would like to imagine I do the same for him to some extent -- though, being that I am a quiet and reserved person, and have been somewhat irritable these past years, I do wish that extent could be greater. I know there have been rare occasions my aloof attitude has hurt him. I hope the good of having me here has outweighed the bad.