[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="CharacterProfile" load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://dk68ru7qo1u0d"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bk4enkgrs7hxp" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo_Placeholder.png" id="1_3fkqo"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://characters/CharacterProfile.gd" id="1_dng7k"] [ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://c0c4f5i5bysnm" path="res://audio/gibbo.ogg" id="2_cuhxr"] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dohfjj5cn3tj4" path="res://characters/playable/Gibbo/Gibbo.tscn" id="2_pcm5d"] [resource] script = ExtResource("1_dng7k") runner = ExtResource("2_pcm5d") id = &"gibbo" nickname = "Gibbo" full_name = "Gibbo the Fox" pronouns = "he/him/his" speed_rating = 0 traction_rating = 2 air_rating = 0 combat_rating = 2 ability = "Claws" playstyle = "He may be small, but the psychokinetic influence of his spiritual connection to the earth makes him effectively very heavy. It helps him send foes flying by swiping at them with his claws, but it does make it hard for him to do parkour." story = "This little cutie lives in the woods and sustains himself on fish and berries. He is mostly sweet and innocent, but a hair wily and mischievous. Though inexperienced in most matters, he professes unrivaled prowess in meditation and self-defense." talk_color = Color(0.501961, 0.266667, 0.164706, 1) talk_blip = ExtResource("2_cuhxr") face_normal = ExtResource("1_3fkqo")