extends Sequence const VARS := { &'stick': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Stick', &'lorna': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Lorna', &'blujai': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Blujai', &'gibbo': &'times interacted with entertainment center as Gibbo' } func _run(_args: Dictionary) -> Variant: var whom := Storyboard.get_current_character() as CharacterProfile var n := Storyboard.save_data.misc.get(VARS[whom.id], 0) as int n += 1 Storyboard.save_data.misc[VARS[whom.id]] = n match whom.id: &'stick': match n: 1: await whom.say([ "It's nothing fancy, but I have a couple good games on it." ]) 2: await whom.say([ "Do you think it's weird a jogger plays video games?", "Hey, I gotta unwind somehow." ]) 3: await whom.say([ "I got Table Tennis, Table Tennis on Ice, Table Tennis 2,\n" + "Table Tennis: Attack of the Killer Robot Ninja Pirate\n" + "Tennis Balls from Outer Space feat. Dante\n" + "from the Dante's Inferno series...", "Just kidding!", "Table Tennis on Ice isn't a real game." ]) _: await UI.say(["It's an entertainment center."]) &'lorna': match n: 1: await whom.say([ "What a peculiarly shaped table.\n" + "What's this black monolith atop it?" ]) 2: await whom.say([ "How do you suppose this is used?\n" + "Perhaps it's a box for storing treasured belongings." ]) 3: await whom.say([ "Stick, dear, come here, would you?\n" + "I fear something may be wrong with your funny black box.\n" + "There doesn't seem to be a way to open it." ]) _: await UI.say(["You remain unable to open the funny black box."]) &'blujai': match n: 1: await whom.say([ "Video games? Really? Oh, Stick. Ever the mental child.", "As for MY dignified self, I wouldn't be caught dead\n" + "sullying my feathers playing the dratted things.", "Caw! Huff. Video games indeed. How utterly pedestrian." ]) await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ "Of course it's pedestrian.\n" + "What, you think a fella this fast\n" + "has to take a car anywhere?" ]) var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() as Runner await runner.turn_toward(Vector3.ZERO) runner.animation_player.play(&'caw') runner.audio_player.stream = whom.talk_blip runner.audio_player.play() await Wait.seconds(0.5) runner.animation_player.play(&'stand') await whom.say([ "SQUAWK! S--Stick! You're at home!" ]) await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ "Nah, sorry, I'm out shopping." ]) await whom.say([ "Very funny." ]) await runner.turn_toward(Cursor3D.global_position) await whom.say([ "Anyway, you don't even have very good taste.\n" + "'Table Tennis 6: the Retennising?' Honestly, now.", "If you're going to engage with this sort of swill,\n" + "you should at least balance it out\n" + "with some almost-tolerable titles,\n" + "like 'Last Bird Standing.'", "(do you have last bird standing\n" + "can we play it together if you do\n" + "please say yes please pls)" ]) _: await UI.say(["They don't have Last Bird Standing. Very sad."]) &'gibbo': match n: 1: await whom.say([ "A washing machine?" ]) await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ "Does it look like a washing machine?" ]) var runner := PlayerControl.get_runner() as Runner await runner.turn_toward(Vector3.ZERO) await whom.say([ "Oh, hi, Stick! Yes, it does! Is it one?" ]) await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say([ "Yeah, I use it to wash my brain.\n" + "You know how it is. Gotta keep that sucker clean." ]) await runner.turn_toward(Cursor3D.global_position) await Wait.seconds(0.5) await whom.say([ "Washing your brain... Whoa...", "That's so cool!" ]) _: await UI.say(["This is where Stick washes their brain."]) return