
107 lines
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extends Sequence
func _run(_args: Dictionary) -> Variant:
if not Storyboard.save_data.misc.has(&'bcity_billboards_examined'):
Storyboard.save_data.misc[&'bcity_billboards_examined'] = 0
Storyboard.save_data.misc[&'bcity_billboards_examined'] += 1
match Storyboard.save_data.misc[&'bcity_billboards_examined']:
await UI.say(
"The billboard says 'B.'"
await UI.say(
"This billboard also says 'B.'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say(
"You know, I've never really noticed it before, " +
"but there are a lot of billboards in B City " +
"that say 'B.'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say(
"How did you never notice something like that!?"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say(
"I wonder what it stands for."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say(
"Maybe it's 'Look at our B-U-tiful city!'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
"Rather more like 'I can hardly B-lieve " +
"how choppy these textures look,' " +
"don't you think, caw?"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say(
"Or perhaps it's 'Soon there will B a whole game here.'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say(
await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say(
"Yes. Let us all take a moment to contemplate 'B.'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say(
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
"Is this really necessary?"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say(
"Shush, dear. You're interrupting our meditation."
await UI.say(
"Do you even have to look at the billboard " +
"to know what it says at this point?"
await UI.say(
"The letter 'B' is seared into your mind. " +
"You doubt you'll ever be able to stop thinking about it."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say(
"Hey, buds, can you tell what this billboard says? " +
"I dunno, I'm finding it a little hard to read."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
"For goodness' sake, it says 'B!' " +
"Every billboard in this ridiculous city says 'B!'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
"Why, we've only painstakingly examined " +
"eight or so billboards by now that all say 'B!'\n" +
"What is it with you people and these billboards!?"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
"What in the world does 'B' even MEAN!? " +
"It doesn't mean anything! " +
"It refers to nothing more nor less " +
"than the letter that comes after 'A!'"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say(
"Whoa, friend... Chill."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'gibbo').say(
"Blujai's mad..."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'stick').say(
"Why are you so peeved? It's just a letter."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
"That's precisely WHY I'm incensed!"
await Storyboard.get_character(&'lorna').say(
"Now, now, my child. It's alright. 'B' calm."
await Storyboard.get_character(&'blujai').say(
await UI.say("Blujai regards the billboard with a hostile glare.")